Annual Report - Joy Lutheran Church

425196010541000 -91440838200042367201079500page JOY LUTHERAN CHURCH47th ANNUAL MEETINGJanuary 27, 201912:00-NoonAGENDA CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING PRAYERPRESIDENT'S REMARKSGENERAL BUSINESS: Approval of Congregational Meeting Minutes: January 28th, 2018 Annual MeetingCELEBRATE THE 2018 MINISTRY: 1. Pastor's Report2. Director of Education and Youth Report3. Auditor's Report4. Treasurer's Report5. Introduction of Current Council Members6. Team ReportsOLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS:1. 2019 Council Goals2. Election of Council Members Introduction of Nominees From the Nominating CommitteeFrom the Floor3. Election of Luther Park Delegates (2)4. Election of Members of the 2019 Nominating Committee5. Election of Joy Delegates for the Northwest Wisconsin Synod Assembly6. Mission Plan Review 2019 BudgetApproval7. Adjournment Benediction and Lord's Prayer (all join hands)Table of Contents PageAverage Attendance and Membership Information………………………………………………………..2Mission Statement and Core Values.............................................................................................…...3Joy Lutheran Flow Chart……………………………………………………………………………………..4President’s Report…………………………………………………………………………………………….5Minutes from January 28, 2018 Joy Lutheran Church Annual Meeting..……………………………... .6 TOC \t "Level1,1" Pastor's Report………………………………………………………………………………………………..8Goals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...9Faith Education & Director of Education and Youth Ministry Report…………………………………. 10Auditor's Report.................................................................................................................................11Treasurer's Report…………………………………………………………………………………………. 132018 Income Comparison…………………………………………………………………………………..142018 Actuals vs. Budget…………………………………………………………………………………….152018 Spending by Category Pie Chart..........................................................................................….16Statement of Financial Position.……………………………………………………………………………17Dedicated and Restricted Fund Balances……………………………………………….........................18Mortgage Statement…..……………………………………………………………………………………..192019 Spending Budget………………………………………………………………………………………20Endowment Report............................................................................................................................22JWELCA Report……………………………………………………………………………………………. 23JWELCA Treasurer's Report……………………………………………………………………………….25Property & Grounds Committee Report26Giving Committee Report…………………………………………………………………………………...27Outreach Committee Report28Service Team Report29Worship & Music Committee Report30Fellowship Committee Report31Thrivent Financial Report……………………………………………………………………………………32Synod Report…………………………………………………………………………………………………33Luther Park Bible Camp Report…………………………………………………………………………….34Northwest Synod of WI – Bishop’s Annual Report352018 Church Council Members: Steve MeyerPastor Joan NorthousePresident Chris StankeVice President Kristin Tibayan Treasurer (Non-Voting) Bobbie FlatzSecretary/Communications Josh PenderFaith Education Wayne LundgaardGiving Hope OlsonJWELCA Phyllis HoffmannWorship & Music Peter GrayService Renee BraunOutreach Krista MitzukFellowship The 2018 Nominating Committee: Kristen Gray, Ron Stanke, Ed Glaubitz, Donna Boatman, and Stephanie BrantnerAverage Attendance and Membership Information201620172018Average Weekly Worship Attendance(Includes Christian Holidays)152154142Average Weekly Worship Attendance(Per ELCA Congregational Report)135136123Average Yearly Sunday School383324Average Fall Sunday School 513929End of Year Baptized Membership627647659End of Year Confirmed Membership474494505-76200622302018 Membership ReportNew MembersConfirmation: 5/6/18Macy CleasbyBy Baptism:Michael Jacob DosdellWilliam Eric Scott DeCampJohn GrayEaston Dunning BlanchardBreanna HudakEvelyn Alice LinderRyan JohnsonHowie Frederick WateskiMegan JohnsonFreya Helaina KerrRebecca JohnsonRory Carter FoxConnor LubichChristopher MaaskeEmily NelsonBy Transfer:Brandon PedersonKrista MitzukKylee SchommerTim Booth9/16/18Connie BoothJack TruttmanCaitlyn Sparer9/23/18Riley WilsonSophie TibayanAmanda WilsonMaddie TibayanHenry WilsonFirst Communion: 11/18/18Lane AmidonBrayden DodgeDylan FrancisJosie GaunitzKassidy HansonFuneralsKinser HansonMary Anderson*Chase KinneyAndrea Barstad*Layla SalayStacy ErlandsonMartin Satchell Bill MostAndrew Schiller(* Joy member)Jerusalem ShelstadReese StantonEmmett StoeckelIsabel Thoen002018 Membership ReportNew MembersConfirmation: 5/6/18Macy CleasbyBy Baptism:Michael Jacob DosdellWilliam Eric Scott DeCampJohn GrayEaston Dunning BlanchardBreanna HudakEvelyn Alice LinderRyan JohnsonHowie Frederick WateskiMegan JohnsonFreya Helaina KerrRebecca JohnsonRory Carter FoxConnor LubichChristopher MaaskeEmily NelsonBy Transfer:Brandon PedersonKrista MitzukKylee SchommerTim Booth9/16/18Connie BoothJack TruttmanCaitlyn Sparer9/23/18Riley WilsonSophie TibayanAmanda WilsonMaddie TibayanHenry WilsonFirst Communion: 11/18/18Lane AmidonBrayden DodgeDylan FrancisJosie GaunitzKassidy HansonFuneralsKinser HansonMary Anderson*Chase KinneyAndrea Barstad*Layla SalayStacy ErlandsonMartin Satchell Bill MostAndrew Schiller(* Joy member)Jerusalem ShelstadReese StantonEmmett StoeckelIsabel ThoenNew MembersRon StankeChristel StankeConfirmation: 4/24/2016Ed GlaubitzJacob Boatman Smaida`Mary GlaubitzNatalie CanfieldJim LawtonOlivia DolanJana LawtonAlex EwingJenna LawtonJackson Hundt*Skye Marie HammondZachary Maaske*Arnold Joseph Kettner LerumKyra Miller*Kayson James Robert HelgesonEmily Pederson*Leo Robert HaenChloe Rohl*Kolton John KelloggCarson Schroeder(*Baptisms in 2016) Andrew ShelstadCalihan SterudChristian TimminsKyla TruttmanOur Vision A growing, generous, and hopeful Christian community, working together to connect in a spiritually relevant way with God and our neighbor.Our MissionWe gather to be renewed in the joy and love of God through inspiring worship and caring community. We seek to understand and live by God’s Word.We serve those in need of God’s healing through Christ, reaching out to our community and world.OUR CORE VALUESGENEROUS We believe in God’s abundance, not scarcity. Therefore, we week to grow our generosity in all aspects of our lives to further God’s goodness and impact in life.HOPEFUL We are grounded in in the gifts of mercy, love and grace. Therefore, we seek to be uplifting and compassionate, seeking to share the healing gift of Christ with others.SUPPORTING We build, connect and help all to experience and live in God’s mercy and grace.OPEN & SAFE We are a welcoming, inclusive and caring place of sanctuary, providing freedom, openness and a non-judging environment. We seek to be genuine and transparent in who we are and what we do.CONNECTED We see the relevance of Christ to our daily lives, and we seek to equip and involve one another in connecting God’s Word to our relationships and our acts of service to other.LIFE-LONG LEARNING We are committed to continual Biblical learning about Christ in our lives -from the young to the experienced.Adopted by Church Council May 2013 created from research from Kairos Vision Project/Member Survey4842510-21907500Presidents Report4957445128270PRESIDENT00PRESIDENTDear Joy Congregation,It has been an honor serving as Vision Council President again for the past year. As a member of Joy I have seen so much commitment physically, financially, and faith based toward our members and our facility.Our decision in 2017 to replace the old furnaces and air conditioning has been a major contributor to our gas bill being reduced by 50% this past year. The youth area downstairs has received complements from the various groups that have used it as a meeting place from both the synod and locally.We raised monies for the plane fare for Diane and Steve’s trip to Malawi, supported our youth to attend the youth gathering in Houston, assisted Prescott schools by supplying “Feel Good Kits” (hygiene kits) for local youth, hosted TEC.We have an active seniors group, around three dozen people, that meet monthly for games, talk, field trips and, of course, food.Thank you to all our volunteers who work to keep our facility clean and operational and those who support our worship services; AV operation, ushers, pianists, communion helpers, and music groups. Joy is constantly trying to adapt to current needs to maintain an active and thriving presence in the Prescott community. Ownership in our faith. You can’t experience the full potential of belonging to our congregation without becoming involved. What ideas do you have to offer to the Joy Vision Council for our congregation and how are you willing to assist in it becoming a reality….. Game nights, snow party, pot lucks, book club, parent support, debt reduction?We are our future. I’m envisioning great results!Joan NorthouseJoy Vision Council PresidentMINUTES FROM JANUARY 28, 2018 JOY LUTHERAN CHURCH ANNUAL MEETINGJOY LUTHERAN CHURCH46TH ANNUAL MEETINGPresident Joan Northouse calls the meeting to order at 11:55 am.Pastor Steven Meyer opens with prayers.Joan delivers her report to the congregation and thanks the many members of Joy who step up and volunteer their efforts when they can.Minutes of 2017 Annual MeetingThe minutes of the last annual meeting are presented. Bobbie Flatz moves their adoption; Craig Orf seconds the motion. Motion carries without objection.Pastor’s ReportPastor Steve begins with a video projection of the activities inside Joy while balloons are launched and kept aloft by the members of Joy. “We are celebrating our growth in tough times.” The capital fund raiser for the basement worship space was successful. Confirmation classes are being held in the updated space. Pastor Steve offers a prayer of dedication. He thanks Craig Orf for the crafting of the new Welcome Center in the narthex. Reflecting on his thirty years of ministry, Pastor Steve finds that the most interesting times are when our culture challenges the values Jesus teaches all his disciples, and how the faithful respond to the challenge. Pastor Steve reminds us of his and Diane’s journey to Malawi to teach in their Pastors’ Academy and visit our sister congregation in Mikolongwe. He thanks the congregation for their generous support.Other BusinessAuditors’ Report is presented and accepted without discussion.Treasurer’s Report – Kristin Tibayan recognizes the sizable effort put forward by Tom Gujer in managing the business of this congregation and working with staff so effectively. Joy is installing a new accounting system. In order to better comply with good accounting practices these staff changes are implemented:Sue Hood is now the Financial Secretary tracking all revenue to Joy, and Shannon Clarke is the now the bookkeeper.This is the Income & Expense summary for 2017:2017 Income: $334,3862018 Expense: $335,615Net:$ (1,229) (Loss)On a cash basis, Joy has a bank balance of $30,026, and no commercial indebtedness other than our mortgage. Concluding her report, Kristin tells us “Year over year income has increased 6%; this congregation can feel good about generosity.”President Northouse recognizes the 2017 Council member and joins the congregation in thanking them for their work. Joan asks the congregation if they have any questions of any of the team reports as published in the Annual Report, and no questions are tendered.New BusinessThe 2018 Goals on page 3 of the annual report are brought before the assembly. Kitchen improvements and development of an outdoor space to enhance our hospitality and community outreach are high on that list. Members are encouraged to bring their ideas forward.Nominations & Elections Members of the Nominating Committee, Kristen Gray, Ron Stanke, Ed Glaubitz, Donna Boatman, and Stephanie Brantner introduce the nominees for election to the Council for 2018: Renee Braun, Krista Mitzuk, Josh Pender, and Peter Gray. Nominations from the floor were invited and none were offered. Ed Glaubitz moves that nominations close; Kristen Gray seconds; motion carries. Bobbie Flatz moves that the assembly elect the slate of nominees by voice vote; Karen Lehmann seconds; motion carries. Marcia Lindseth moves the congregation elect the candidates by unanimous ballot; Kathy Martin seconds; motion carries without objection.Georgia Freidel provides her report of the annual meeting of the Luther Park Camp Council on January 27th 2018. Dennis and Georgia Freidel accepted nomination to represent Joy again in 2018, and are elected by a voice vote with no objection.Nominations for Nominating Committee for the 2019 Annual Meeting are Tom Gujer, Tom Peterson, Hope Olson, Tammy Orf, Mandy Bernick, Karen Lehman. These are elected on a voice vote with no objection.Marvin and Marcia Lindseth are nominated as Joy’s delegates to the 2018 Assembly of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, and elected by voice vote with no objection.The 2018 Mission Plan for Joy Lutheran Church is presented. In 2018 we are not estimating revenue from giving as we have insufficient data from which to project. The Plan shows a 9.5% expense increase for some capital improvement, increases in wages and benefits, Synodical Benevolence increase to 4% of giving, and the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Tom Gujer moves to adopt the Mission Plan; Kristen Gray seconds; we have some further discussion. The 2018 Mission Plan is adopted on a voice vote without objection.Ed Glaubitz moves for adjournment; Wayne Lundgaard seconds; motion carries. The congregation rises, joins hands, and prays the Lord’s Prayer together.Meeting is adjourned at 1:05 PMRespectfully Submitted,Tom PetersonSecretary4525010-635002018 Pastor’s ReportIt is hard to believe that has been over 3 years since you called me to be your pastor. The time has flown past. 2018 has been a busy year. Certainly, a highlight for me was the opportunity to travel to Malawi with Diane, thanks to your generous support. It was good to be able to teach at the pastor’s academy and have an opportunity make a connection with our sister congregation and synod. As a result, I will be joining some of the synod staff at ELCA office to strategize on Southern Africa ministry partnerships. I look forward way in which our relationship with Malawi continues to grow.We have a great staff here at Joy, with whom it is a pleasure to work with. I count my blessings every day that have such a positive work environment. I also give thanks for the many, many volunteers, who are the heart of our ministry together. Let me highlight just a couple (at the risk knowing there is not space to thank everyone): We have added two important volunteers who have taken on the role of Financial Secretary, Ed Glaubitz and Jim Flatz, who are here every week recording your giving. Jim also coordinates our Thrivent Action Teams (so effectively he got national recognition for his work in 2018) We have great music ministry folks here and I want to give a special shout out to Karen Lundgaard, who for many years had directed two of our groups Sing4Joy and Joy Unlimited. What a blessing those ministries have been for us at Joy. There is a lot of work at goes on behind the scenes that doesn’t always get recognized but it there is something happening it’s a good bet that Hope Olson was there. Likewise, Dick Horken and the cleaning crews to exceptional work. Lee Northouse’s work with the “tech” of worship is nothing short of amazing.Looking forward, I am looking forward to seeing the Memorial Garden take shape this spring (a special word of thanks to the congregation for remembering our family at the death of Diane’s mom, with the memorial gifts going to the garden). We are still getting used to the new data software that we are using at Joy but think it will be a very useful tool to support our ministry together.I am not sure what the future holds…there are some big culture shifts that will impact us for sure. I was a little disheartened to see the average attendance at worship was down from the year before (that is the first time I have experienced that in 30 years of being a pastor). I think we continue to offer high quality worship that is well received, but I think we are experiencing what many congregations do in the “regular” worship doesn’t necessarily mean every week in our culture…So part of our challenge is how we “are Church” when we are not in the building.Thanks again for the privilege to serve you. Pastor SteveGoals for 2019Our goals for how to be relevant, hopeful and generous in 2019 are similar to our goals for 2017Relevant1. Continue to offer high quality, creative and imaginative worship and education - Explore streaming or creating higher quality production for sharing our worship 2. Be more present in the community -Evaluate and develop plans for kitchen upgrades to keep us in compliance for public mealsHopeful 3. Be more intentional about our hospitality, follow up and integration of new members -Develop a plan for using and staffing the welcome desk4. Develop a longer range plan to help prioritize projects prepare us for our future -including debt reduction, replacing leaking skylight and kitchen upgradeGenerous 5. Continue to build financial stability and a spirit of generosity - increase benevolence, electronic giving and deferred gifts, and Synod appeal 6. Create a plan for developing our outdoor space -memorial garden, campfire, playground, access to lower level, etc.24765118745Setting up a Joy Member PortalThe portal is your access to our church database so you have access to an up to date picture directory, the ability to edit your profile, and view your giving record at the touch of your fingertips 24/7.Simple go to to create your account.If you want you also link it to an icon on your phone to work as an app 00Setting up a Joy Member PortalThe portal is your access to our church database so you have access to an up to date picture directory, the ability to edit your profile, and view your giving record at the touch of your fingertips 24/7.Simple go to to create your account.If you want you also link it to an icon on your phone to work as an app 5067300-129540002018 Director of Education and Youth MinistryFaith Education ReportThe Vision of the Joy Faith Education Team is to provide quality Faith Formation marked by the characteristics of presence, partnership, and community to equip families and individuals for Christ centered ministry.Faith Education 2018 projects, events, and learning activities including the following:Sunday School (3 years-5th grade)All age Christmas ProgramWorship, Service, Learning, and FunBibles1st CommunionConfirmationService ProjectsSHIFT 67Vacation Bible School9th Grade RetreatHis Arms Youth 2018 projects, events, and learning activities including the following:ELCA National Youth GatheringTEC (Teens Encounter Christ)Vespers WorshipCamping TripsHigh School and Middle School Games NightsYouth card making events for victims, shut-ins, and life situationsYouth Guitar CampShanty TownCaring for those who are homeless and those affected by povertyMiddle School Lock inEaster BreakfastMission a thon walkingLuther Park Bible CampSummer mission trip to CanadaService ProjectsLooking forward to 2019Fundraising events for National Youth GatheringContinue to increase youth music opportunitiesChristy Canfield Director of Education and Youth Ministry 2018 Auditors ReportWith this report, the Auditor(s)/Audit Committee present its audit of the financial books and records of the church and all its related organizations to the Congregation Council.Church: Joy Lutheran Church, ELCASynod: Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, ELCAFor the period beginning January 2018 and ending December 2018Audit Objectives:The audit objectives relate to the internal audit of Joy Lutheran Church financial books, records and operation include determination that:Appropriate procedures are in place governing key financial transactions and are not being circumvented;Controls governing the congregation’s investments and bank accounts are in place and operating as intended;All assets and liabilities recorded in the congregation’s books and records are supported by independent documentation (i.e.: bank statements and vendor invoices);All general ledgers balances are appropriately reconciled to their underlying assets (i.e.: bank statements) and liabilities (i.e.: accounts payable) in a timely manner;All assets are properly classified in line with the donor’s intent;The Sunday (or special) offering is handled and counted in dual custody with two separate groups;Expenses are appropriately approved and supported by the appropriate documentation;Based on audit work performed to achieve the objectives listed above, the books and records of Joy Lutheran Church appear to be materially accurate in all respect. Testing performed also found, with any exceptions as noted in this report, that controls governing the financial operations process appear to be in place and operating as intended. Although control over financial operations appear to be adequate, additional work is needed in the following areas:No findings, exceptions or need for additional work found in 2018. 5140325266700TREASURER00TREASURER5175885-202565002018 Treasurer’s Report2018 proved to be another year of continued generosity by the membersand friends of Joy. As a result of this generosity, Joy was able to meet its expenditures for the year without borrowing from our line of credit, or from Joy’s dedicated funds. Thank you!A few things specific to how Joy prepares its financial statements: The church prepares its financial statements on the cash basis of accounting. The cash basis is a method of recording accounting transactions for income and expense only when the corresponding cash is received, or payments are made. Dedicated funds are for monies given to the church for a specific purpose, but may be re-appropriated by Joy’s council based on the Church’s needs. Restricted funds are funds established for monies given to Joy with the specific intent of being passed through to the designated organization; restricted funds may not be re-appropriated by Council.Joy’s accounting and reporting processes continue to evolve and improve. 2018 was our first full year on Quickbooks. All financial reporting is generated from Quickbooks and all balance sheet accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis. We continue to focus on improving internal controls and controlling costs by increasing online payments and reducing the number of checks printed and mailed.2018 was a positive financial year for Joy with total giving up over last year by $2,000, and $7,400 if $5,400 for an insurance refund is excluded from 2017. Total expenses came in lower than last year and budget. Total giving exceeded expenses this year by $5,588.As we look forward to 2019, we should be optimistic about what we as a Church have accomplished and look forward to what yet remains to be done. Financial reporting and internal controls will continue to be refined and improved, including the creation of work instructions and standard operating procedures. We will continue to provide transparency through quarterly updates and monthly financial summaries. I am excited for 2019 as we continue to improve Joy’s financial discipline and we realize what is possible in the spirit of generosity.Respectfully Submitted,Kristin Tibayan, Treasurer5429250-9906000Joy Lutheran Endowment Report 2018 525462560325ENDOWMENT00ENDOWMENTDuring your lifetime, donating appreciated assets to charity can make sense.I If you have held those assets for more than one year, you’ll get a deduction for the assets’ current value. The paper gain will avoid income tax.Example: Joy Member XYZ wants to donate $10,000.00 to Joy Lutheran Endowment Fund this year. Instead of writing a check, Member XYZ donates $10,000.00 of stock that was purchased a year ago, for $4,000.00. Member XYZ receives a $10,000.00 tax deduction for the donation and the $6,000.00 gain is never taxed.Check with your financial advisor for additional ways to make charitable donations and avoid taxes. Endowment Balance as of December 31st, 2017Thrivent$22,134.92Edward Jones$ 7,152.70Savings$ 2,079.23_____TOTAL $31,366.85Endowment Balance as of December 31st, 2018Thrivent$20,095.27Edward Jones$ 7,243.60Savings$ 2,380.35_____TOTAL $29,719.22right-16891000JWELCA Annual Report for 2018 As a community of womenCreated in the image of GodCalled to discipleship in Jesus ChristAnd empowered by the Holy SpiritWe commit ourselves toGrow in FaithAffirm our GiftsSupport one another in our callingsEngage in Ministry and Action, andPromote Healing and Wholeness in the Church, The Society, and the World.The words above are the Purpose Statement for the Women of the ELCA, an organization to which all the women of Joy Lutheran Church belong. This is the purpose of the Joy Women of the ELCA and this is what guides all our actions and activities. In 2018 we were involved in many activities that helped us grow in faith, engage in ministry and action, affirm our gifts as women, and promote healing and wholeness in our church, the society, and the world. Some of these activities were as follows:+ Offered monthly Bible Studies – one called “Multiple Meanings: Learning from other Interpretations” which helped us explore what Biblical stories mean to people around the world, another study called “Repentance” where we studied what repentance means to us as individuals, and in our relationships, and in the church as a whole. In addition, an Advent study, “Fear Not,” was held in December and a spring Bible Study was held in May called “All Are Welcome,” where we studied hospitality as a spiritual matter. An ecumenical summer Bible Study called “Prayer” was held in July and attended by women from Joy, Prescott UCC, St. John’s UCC, and St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. We studied the paradoxes, practices, and products of prayer. Special thanks to our Bible Study leaders in 2018: Marcia Lindseth, Emilie Horken, Diane Meyer, Cathy Martin, Kristen Gray, Carol Peterson and Pastor Steve Meyer.+ Continued our Joyful Quilters group that made approximately sixty-five quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Over 50 Hospice Kits were assembled in February and given to Global Health Ministries for distribution around the world. In November we encouraged people to fill 55 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, an outreach of Samaritan’s Purse. “Feel Good Kits” were made with hygiene items in them and given to the local schools for students who needed them. An Alternative Gift Fair was held for the seventh time this year, giving church members the opportunity to purchase a meaningful gift at Christmas to benefit the ELCA Good Gifts program. $4285 was collected from the 2018 Alternative Gift Fair. This was an increase of $700 from the 2017 Gift Fair. Thanks to all the members of Joy Lutheran who contributed to the JWELCA Mission Outreach Projects in 2018! + The women in our JWELCA Card Ministry made several hundred cards and other items to sell at church and to use in the Card Ministry that sends cards to people who are ill, in grief, or who are celebrating a special occasion.+ Sponsored a child in Kenya through the “His Arms” orphan ministry. A total of $300 was sent in 2018 for the support of our child, Sarah. This ministry was established by Nancy Rowe, a former member of Joy Lutheran Church. + Conducted our annual Treats and Treasures sale which helped us raise $2370 in funds which will help our JWELCA support camperships for our congregational youth, purchase needed items for our own church, including purchase of Bibles for our third graders, books and other materials for our Joy Library, and materials for our quilting ministry and for our card ministry, give donations to places such as Luther Park Bible Camp, Turning Point Shelter and Our Neighbor’s Place, Global Health Ministries, Lutheran Social Services and, His Arms Kenya Orphan Project, provide money for shipping costs for Lutheran World Relief, and give special offerings to the Churchwide Women of the ELCA and our Northwest Wisconsin Synod Women’s Organization. JWELCA continues to give several thousand dollars in donations each year.+ Conducted the annual Thank Offering/Bold Women’s Sunday on February 25. Our own Emilie Horken was the special speaker and she talked about “The Woman at the Well.” Special litanies, scripture, and hymns were part of the worship service as were musical offerings from our Joy Bell Choir. A special Thank Offering was taken to support the total outreach of the churchwide Women of the ELCA. $600 was collected for the Thank Offering. + Participated in the ecumenical World Day of Prayer on March 2, enjoying the fellowship of other Christian women in our community, as we joined together with women around the world to present a service written by women of Suriname. The Women of World Day of Prayer Suriname, through their exploration of the 2018 theme “All God’s Creation Is Very Good” and Genesis 1, called us to take action to protect and care for the environment. Women of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church hosted the 2018 World Day of Prayer service.+ Organized our church library with the help of several volunteers who encourage reading and check-out of books and DVD’s offered in our church library. Thanks to those who donated library materials in 2018.+ Offered special inter-generational programs such as our Spring Banquet where we enjoyed fellowship with one another and were entertained by special programs and shared delicious dinners. + Arranged for serving at funerals in our church, helping bereaved families with food and kitchen service.+ Provided an Altar Guild that prepares the elements for Holy Communion each Sunday and changes the altar linens and banners at appropriate times of the liturgical year.+ Initiated a Care Committee which is responsible for providing care to people or families who are experiencing hardship, need, family emergencies, and/or times of trouble.+ Joined with women from our St. Croix Conference and Northwest Wisconsin Synod for special programs, conventions, and retreats where we enjoyed fellowship, learned new things, and were inspired by special programs. Marcia Lindseth continued her work as one of five trained Racial Justice Advocates for our Synod Women’s Organization, offering presentations throughout our synod on anti-racism/white privilege. Cathy Martin serves on the St. Croix Conference Board.Special thanks to Hope Olson who served in 2018 as JWELCA’s Representative on the Joy Church Council. The Women of Joy Lutheran Church are busy, dedicated, and committed to living out our purpose. We are blessed to be a community of women growing in faith, affirming our gifts, and supporting one another in our callings as we engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness. We invite ALL women of our church to join us in fulfilling our purpose!Submitted by JWELCA Steering Committee: Emilie Horken, Marcia Lindseth, Deanna Roen, Charlotte Burgeson, Kathy Sommer, Phyllis Hoffmann, Sue Hood, Hope Olson, Cathy Martin, Wilma Timm, Diane Meyer, Chris Stanke,and Mandy Bernick. JWELCA ANNUAL TREASURER’S REPORT – 2018 right381000Beginning Balance$ 2833.87Income$ 9164.45Disbursements$ 8929.61Balance as of December 31,2018$ 3068.71HIGHLIGHTED DONATIONS AND PURCHASES FOR 2018$ 100.00Alternative Gift Fair (Purchase of Good Gifts)$ 600.00 Thankoffering$ 300.00 His Arms – sponsorship and gifts for Sarah our child $ 150.00Shipping costs of quilts for Lutheran World Relief$ 100.00Woman’s Synod Convention Offering$ 270.00Women of the ELCA -10% of Treats and Treasurers 2017$ 195.86Third Grade Bibles$1200.00Luther Park Camperships$ 100.00Youth Houston Trip$ 60.00Synod Convention Expense 2018 and 2019$ 50.00Global Health Ministries (Shipping hospice kits)$ 50.00Katie’s Fund$ 240.00 Women of the ELCA – 10% Treats and Treasurers 2018$4185.00ELCA Good Gifts (Alternative Gift Fair)$ 100.00Prescott Food Shelf (Alternative Gift Fair)FUND RAISERS:Treats and Treasures 2018$2,369.65 Alternative Gift Fair$4,285.00 ($4,185.00 ELCA Good Gifts -$100.00 Prescott Food Shelf)Emile Horken,Treasurer4701540-258445002175510-410210002018 Property & Grounds Report: 2018 Committee Members: Jeff Doyle, Dick Hoffmann, Alan Klein, Marvin Lindseth, Bill Satchel, Larry Schaack, Ernie SchultzProperty and Grounds has a focus: Get Things Done. Commercial buildings always need attention and our church is no different. It’s hard to believe, but our building is no longer new! Furnaces, air conditioners, carpeting, skylights, roofs, and parking lots all wear out. Each year it gets more expensive to maintain. Our member volunteers use their God given talents to maintain and improve our building, while saving cost. Examples of maintenance completed in 2018 include: replacing lights and ballasts, converting to LED where practical, repair leaky faucets & toilets, repair leaky skylight, roofing repairs, maintain sidewalks, maintain furnaces and air conditioners, repaint walls, windows and siding, kitchen stove and refrigerator repairs, spray for insects, prepare building for inspections, mow lawns and spray weeds.In 2018 we converted the original Fellowship Hall fluorescent ceiling lights to modern flat panel LED lighting. This will drastically reduce maintenance and energy usage. Two of the flat panels use less energy than a single 100-watt incandescent light bulb. Have you ever wondered how the church stays so clean? Dick Horken and Bill Satchell coordinate two member volunteer cleaning crews. The crews are: Tag & Linda Johnson, Norm & Shirley Johnson, Dick & Phyllis Hoffman, Larry & Joan Schaack, John & Rosie Culhane, Gloria Sebion, Julie Fiedler, Carroll & Karen Lehman, Marv Lindseth, Jerry & Betty Pederson, Ken Roen, Russ Jenson, Ken Knight, Peter Gray, Lee and Joan Northouse, Barney Voelker, Darrell & Rosemary Alexander, and Ron & Chris Stanke. We thank these volunteers who work hard to keep the building clean.We also want to thank our Joyful Gardeners. Dick and Phyllis Hoffmann along with Darrell & Rosemary Alexander, Georgia Freidel and Ron Stanke work in the gardens and plantings, keeping them attractive throughout the year. Thank you to Alan Klein and Bill Satchell who donate their time, money and equipment to keep the lawn looking great. A big thank you to Pat Swanson at Concrete by Design for donating part of his services each year (snow plowing). Thank you to Ken Wilson, Ron Stanke and Lee Northouse who often see something that needs fixing and get it done before anyone asks (we notice). Thanks to Larry Schaack and John Culhane for their fine painting. Thank you to all the unnamed members who always volunteer their time when called for certain projects. We can’t do it without you!Finally, thank you to Jeff Doyle, Marv Lindseth, Alan Klein, Larry Schaak and Bill Satchel who each bring specialized knowledge to the Property and Grounds Committee. Without you, this committee would not function.Respectfully Submitted, Ernie Schultz5318760-146050002018 Giving Committee Report Thank you to the congregation for your generous gifts that make the ministry of Joy Lutheran possible. Of course, stewardship is more than just financial gifts, as seen in the countless volunteers who give of their time and talents here at Joy. But in many ways, it is your financial gifts that make it all possible. Thanks to all who participated in our “Reflecting Joy” events this fall. We held 4 events where were gathered for food, talked about hopes and dreams and invited you to make an estimate of your giving for the coming year. It is a good practice to pause at least once a year to reflect on how we have been blessed and consider how to return a portion of our blessing to God for the work God has called us to do in his name.We had some speakers (John Levi and Tim Knutson) join us this year to help us think about other creative ways to give that have tax advantages like using your RMD (required minimum distribution) from an IRA for your giving as well as insurance policies, stocks, annuities, etc. If you want more info check with the office.Electronic giving continues to rise. This year 60% of the giving to Joy was electronic. There are a number of options for ways to give electronically whether you are making your regular gift, a memorial, buying an apple pie or making a donation for a Wednesday dinner. Some people use the giving kiosk and swipe a credit card to make their gift. It is handy for folks who don’t carry cash (but like any business will tell you, there are service fees involved in processing the transactions). To avoid those fees it is easy to set up electronic transfer from your bank, which you can set up on our webpage (click online giving) or with a free app called Give+. Our accounting is all integrated so regardless of how you give it will show up on your year-end giving statement. If you don’t like trying to figure it out the church office can assist you or do it for you. See details in the box below. 5407025194945OUTREACH00OUTREACH5346700-327660002018 Outreach Team Report The Outreach Team’s purpose is to reach out to members, non-members or inactive members, and visitors to spread the hopeful and generous spirit of Christ in the Prescott area. We are very excited to have the new “Information Center” up and running! This will provide a central location for members and visitors to connect with all the options of Joy’s ministries. The Information Center is staffed Sundays between the first and second service as well as after the second service. Visitors who stop at the Center are welcomed with a loaf of fresh baked bread.Additional 2018 activities included:Kick off to Summer – Prescott event – gaga pit and popcorn machinePrescott Daze parade – Joy Lutheran float – handing out t-shirts, pencils and braceletsParticipation in Wednesday night suppersContinued participation in Prescott Community Guide and Pierce County Herald ads55 operation Christmas Child boxes in coordination with JWELCAFeel Good Kits – 32 hygiene kits provided to Prescott schools for students in needEncourage people to update information for church data systemThrivent Action Team participation in coordination with other Joy TeamsParticipation in PACA activitiesThank you for all your support and involvement in these activities. Please feel free to contact Renee Braun with additional ideas and if interested in participating. A special thank you to Hope Olson for her continued leadership within the Outreach Team.Respectfully Submitted, Renee BraunOutreach Team Leader5597525164465SERVICE 00SERVICE 5397500-41148000Service Team 2018 Webster dictionary defines service as the action of helping or doing work for someone. Galatians tells us “by love serve one another”. As a caring and loving community of believers we are called to serve. When I look back on the year and begin thinking about all our activities that fall under this definition, the list goes on and on. We as a church are blessed to have so many loving, passionate and caring members acting in service. I will only try to highlight some of those activities that take place within our walls as well as those that reach out to the greater community and to the world.VOLUNTEERS- serving all activitiesVolunteer StaffPastor Steve & Christy- serving the Lord, the Church and the communitySunday School TeachersBuilding & GroundsCleaning CrewsNursery supportWednesday Night Suppers- cooks and dishwashersFeeding the poor and less fortunate- Feed My Starving Children, Sharing & Caring HandsSunday Muffin Ministry- cook and cup washersProviding Personal Care KitsSupporting Community Day of ServiceCanada Mission Trip of Service…….to list a fewHere are some of the activities where we provide the service of volunteers and a clean safe building.Worship- at all levelsRecitalsTECLock-InsVacation bible schoolShanty TownJoy QuiltersCard MinistryPlant MarketJoyful SeniorMen’s Bible StudyFunerals/weddings…….. the list goes onBy the mere act of helping we are all fulfilling our call to service and I would like to extend a sincere Thank-You to the entire congregation.Respectfully Submitted, Your Service Team MemberPeter Gray5570220-335280002018 Worship & Music Committee Report Psalm 95:1-21 O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Worship & Music Team?Members: Pastor Steve Meyer, Bobbie Flatz, Phyllis Hoffmann, Marcia Lindseth, Karen Lundgaard, Joan Northouse, Lee Northouse, Carol Peterson, Deanna?Roen, and Joan Schaack. Activities this year: ?Led worship with songs and provide musical messages throughout the year.?Traditional Worship: Joy Choir, Joy Unlimited (mixed octet), Joyful Bells (hand bells), Sing 4 Joy (men’s quartet).?Contemporary Worship: Spirit of Joy (Praise Band).Enlisted lay people to assist with services as worship leaders, greeters,?readers, communion assistants, ushers, altar guild, and A/V technicians.? Communion assistants now volunteer just before service and are identified by wearing a wooden cross. Hung liturgical paraments and banners and prepare for communion. Decorated the sanctuary for each season.? Large initiative at Advent/Christmas and Easter. Recorded and distributed copies of services. The traditional service is replayed?on the Prescott cable channel and DVD copies of baptisms are provided to parents.?Sermons are available on YouTube () .Some videos are on Joy’s website (joy-). Lenten services used Holden Evening Prayer Service. ?Theme was “Faces of Jesus” Easter season included a cantata entitled “Upon This Rock” – a favorite among the singers and the audience. Participated in Community Easter Sunrise Service at Freedom Park?and hosted the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at Joy. Continued one Sunday worship service at 9:30 am and Wednesday evening outdoor worship at 6:30 pm between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Wednesday Campfire Worship centered on the various areas of the Bible. Outdoor worship included campfire, hotdogs, and S’mores. Our final Wednesday of the summer season included Blessing of Pets.While Pastor Steve travelled to Malawi and at other times during the year, Pastor Tim and Pastor Carol provided worship leadership. Now in our third year of using narrative lectionary for weekly scripture readings. A timeline banner in the sanctuary helps us understand the timing of events, prophets, and leaders in the Bible. Short videos near the beginning of the contemporary worship service explain the scripture readings to younger members before they leave for Sunday School. Changed Traditional Service liturgy from Setting 6 to Setting 8 in September. Moving and memorable All Saints Sunday with members lighting hundreds of candles to honor loved ones. Advent season included "All Ages Christmas Program". The entire congregation was encouraged to put on costumes (robes, hats, halos, or ears) and participate in sharing the story of our Savior’s birth. A new Welcome Center was added to the narthex thanks to Craig Orf. Improved video capabilities allow us to share notifications of Joy activities or worship info at a variety of locations throughout the church facility. Video capability and a sound system were added to the downstairs area to enhance youth worship. Joy Unlimited and Sing-4-Joy “retired”. Big thanks to Karen Lundgaard for her many years of leadership and to all the singers who participated in these musical groups throughout the years. Joy continues to grow under the leadership of Pastor Steve Meyer. The educational classes he teaches between Sunday morning worship services provides great insights into Biblical and Lutheran understanding. His knowledge, musical talent, and technology integration are a wonderful asset to our congregation. We continue to look for ways to improve and enhance our sharing God’s word. I would like to thank all who participated in enhancing the worship services at?Joy. It is a blessing to have you share your talents with the congregation. A special “Thank?You” to Pastor Steve, Pastor Carol Peterson, Pastor Tim Booth, along with members of Spirit of Joy, pianist Joan Schaack, and the two leaders of our musical groups:?Karen Lundgaard and Deanna Roen, for their dedication to?worship and music at Joy.? Respectfully submitted,?Lee NorthousePhyllis HoffmannWorship and Music Team LeaderJoy Vision Team – Worship531114053975002018 Fellowship Committee Report Building Relationships at JoyFellowship is the heartbeat of our congregation. It is the life of a church family. Joy has a desire to form a sense of community with others, creating warm support and friendship. We treasure Joy’s people and enjoy being with them.Some of the Fellowship opportunities in 2018 included:*Wednesday Night suppers and early and late shift helpers*Spring Potluck Sunday*Apple Pie Missions*Joyful Seniors*Treats & Treasures Event*Men’s Saturday Breakfast*Women’s Bible Study*Musical Groups*Card Ministry*Joyful Quilters*Plant Market*Lefse Making*Joy Women’s Spring Banquet*Sharing & Caring Hands*Youth Activities*Malawi Fund Raiser Event*Cleaning Crews*Greeters at each Service*Fellowship coffee and muffins between ServicesA BIG thank you to all Team members and Joy congregation members who make it work!Respectfully Submitted,Krista Mitzuk, Fellowship Teamright000Thrivent Financial Recap of Joy Activities for 2018 Thrivent Action Teams: Benefit and Associate members of Thrivent are eligible to request funding ($250 of seed money) for qualifying events that serve the church, local community, national & world organizations and benefit those who are in need. The guidelines require that the project be a fundraiser, service or educational event sponsored by a Thrivent member. During the first 5 years of Action Team availability, Joy members applied for 6-10 total projects each year. Two years ago, I introduced a campaign that would create awareness and make the process of application & approval easier for any Thrivent member to take advantage of this generous Thrivent program. The results have been amazing with 60 projects completed, providing $15,000 during 2017 and 65 projects and $16,250 during 2018. Some of that money was used to offset budget expenditures and the rest used for outreach activities that were not included in the budget. The awareness and request process will continue during 2019. With continued involvement and support from our Joy members, we should be able complete another 60 – 65 projects and receive $15,000 - $16,000 of Thrivent funding for outreach activities. This past year we formed a Thrivent committee (Jim & Bobbie Flatz, Pastor Steve, Christy Canfield, Hope Olson and Marcia Lindseth) to work on new ideas to make the process smoother, easier and more proactive. We are currently working on a plan to sign-up for projects at the Information Center and on-line. Updates will be provided on a regular basis throughout the year. If you would like more information about Thrivent Action Teams, check on-line at Joy’s web page, see information in the church narthex wall racks and at the Information Center where you will find a listing of 2019 events and a sign-up sheet. You are encouraged to sign-up and lead any of these projects or submit your own project that would qualify for funds. You can also see a listing of all the events we completed during 2017 & 2018 on a bulletin board down the hallway. Contact Jim & Bobbie Flatz with any questions or comments.Thrivent Choice Dollars: This is another Thrivent program available to eligible benefit members where they can direct Thrivent dollars to one or more non-profit organizations (including Joy Lutheran Church). Choice dollars are accrued based on qualifying Thrivent insurance policies and investment contract values. These dollars become available throughout the year and you simply indicate where you would like the money to be sent. The process is easy and quick – either by phone or on-line. Remember, this is Thrivent’s money (not yours) and they are giving it to a non-profit organization of your choice. Choice dollars accumulated in any calendar year must be directed by March 31st of the following year or you will lose the dollars (e.g. money earned in 2018 must be used by 3/31/2019). Joy members directed $3,093 during 2017 and $4,018 during 2018 to Joy Lutheran Church. Unlike Action Team seed money, these funds can be used for any purpose at Joy. This was a huge increase of Choice Dollars from previous years and indicates a very high percentage of Joy Thrivent members participating in this very generous program.Living Generously Award: This past November, I and Joy Lutheran Church were recognized as 1 of 3 organizations in the eastern MN and western WI area for outstanding participation and accomplishments with Thrivent activities. I was honored to accept this award on behalf of our Thrivent committee and Joy Lutheran Church. Most importantly, I say thank you to all the Thrivent and Joy members who have participated in these programs and made this award possible. Let’s make 2019 another great year with your continued involvement.Respectfully submitted, Jim Flatz, Lead Advocate for Thrivent Financial, and Bobbie Flatz, Joy Council member and Thrivent AdvocateNorthwest Synod of Wisconsin’s Synod Assembly of 2018 ReportThe Synod Assembly was held on June 2-3, 2018 at UW-Davies Center in Eau Claire. Almost 500 people – ordained pastors, lay male and female delegates from each of the 198 churches in our Synod, and visitors -- gathered for this annual Synod Assembly. Reflecting on the theme “Growing Young” throughout the weekend, our time was filled with inspiring worship, conversations and messages about how our congregations can “grow younger,” updates from our partner ministries, a time of laughter as we said “thank you” and “farewell” to Bishop Hoyme as he retired after five years of service as our Synod’s Bishop, and the election of a new Bishop.The main item of business was the election of our new Synod Bishop. On the fifth ballot, the Rev. Laurie Skow- Anderson was elected to serve a six year term as our Synod’s Bishop. Before her election, Bishop Skow-Anderson served as the Synod’s Director for Evangelical Mission and prior to that had served as a pastor in several churches in Minnesota. Bishop Skow-Anderson was installed on August 25 at Bethel Lutheran Church in Hudson, a service that several Joy members attended and many sang in the Installation Choir.In addition to electing a new Bishop, other elections were held. Marcia Lindseth, a member of Joy, was elected to the Synod Council, representing the St. Croix Valley Conference as Lay Female member. The Synod Council meets several times during the year to carry on the business of the Synod. Other elections included electing delegates to the Discipline Committee, delegates to the Consultation Committee, and delegates to attend the Churchwide Assembly in Milwaukee in July of 2019.Two resolutions were approved. These were the Synod’s Operating Mission Plan (Budget) for 2018-20 and the 2019 Minimum Standards for Compensation and Benefits which provide a guideline for pastors’ and church workers’ salaries and benefits.We celebrated with pastors who had been ordained for 25 and 50 years and thanked retiring pastors for their years of service in the church. We listened to four speakers who gave very interesting short talks on how they help their congregations to “grow younger.” We worshipped together several times. Our own Pastor Steve helped to lead worship with his guitar which was blessed, along with Pastor Steve, as he prepared to take his guitar and go to Malawi, our Companion Synod, in the summer of 2018 to teach at the Malawi Pastors’ Academy.Two offerings were held. The Service of Worship, which was held on Sunday morning, had an offering which netted $9,063.83 and was designated to the 2018 Malawi Pastors’ Academy. The Quarter Offering for World Hunger was collected prior to the Assembly in the amount of $9,603.78.We thank the congregation for providing us the opportunity to be your delegates to represent Joy Lutheran Church at the Synod Assembly of 2018. We would encourage other members of Joy to volunteer to attend the annual Synod Assembly of our Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. It’s an important opportunity to participate in the “wider church,” and see how the important ministry of the church is being carried out in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin! Respectfully Submitted By Marvin and Marcia Lindsethright0002018 Luther Park Bible Camp Annual Report The numbers show that we had over 1,900 campers last summer. ?1,074 campers came to experience camp on site, and 850 attended vacation bible school out in surrounding communities.? Our numbers are growing, which is a good thing.? A capital campaign begins this year to build a new ministry center on site, which will help the camp as we continue to grow, and provide an indoor meeting space that accommodates off season programming as well as much needed summer staff housing; allowing more adult guests to visit during the summer.??You will see in the summer brochure that programs from last year are making a return this year, though programming will be refreshed to keep things new for returning campers.? Areas for growth appear with our farm center and with Luther Woods in Birchwood. The summer theme in 2019 is “Where all are Blessed: The Kingdom of God” The theme verse comes from Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 10. ?"Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done, On earth as it is in heaven"Opportunities for year round programs are increasing in 2019.? Recharge retreats are most well known to kids, and we have 4 scheduled in 2019: ?The first was January 4-5, the next will be March 1-2. Two will be offered in the fall, one on Oct 11-12, and the other Nov 1-2.? An adult ministry retreat is scheduled on April 6-7 with the topic of the weekend covering Basic Digital Photography. Due to the popularity year in and year out of family camp, we are going to try a new retreat this year, a family advent retreat on December 6-8.??The Annual Report will be sent out following the Annual Meeting at Luther Park Saturday,January 26.Blessings,Ross HardieProgram DirectorLuther Park Bible Camp(715) 859-2215 ext 15944 24 1/4 StChetek, WI 54728 ................

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