EXERCISE 1-3 Building Math Skills: Computing Pay

EXERCISE 1-3 ■ Building Math Skills: Computing Pay

Sample Problems

1. Sam’s rate of pay is $6.75 per hour. He worked 32 hours last week. Compute his weekly pay.

Solution: $6.75 X 32 = $216.00

2. Jim makes $800 per month. Compute his yearly salary.

Solution: $800 X 12 = $9,600 per year

3. Max earns $750 per month. His monthly job hours are 80. Compute his hourly pay.

Solution: $750/80 = $9.375 or $9.38 per hour

Directions: Complete the problems below. Refer to the sample problems above if needed.

1. Maureen worked 28 hours last week. Her hourly rate is $7.12. What did she earn last week?

2. Carlos worked 40 hours last week. His hourly rate is $9.14. What did he earn last week?

3. Suki’s salary is $1,200 per month. What is her yearly salary?

4. Mark’s salary is $900 per month. What is his yearly salary?

5. Janet’s monthly salary is $1,600. Her monthly job hours are 160. What is her hourly rate of pay?

6. Jim’s monthly salary is $1,079.40. His monthly job hours are 140. What is his hourly rate of pay?


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