The lady’s coat fell on the floor. Patrick’s speech went ...

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Possessive Apostrophes

show that something belongs to someone or is for someone A Look at these examples.

Discuss why each apostrophe is used.


The lady's coat fell on the floor. Patrick's speech went really well.

The dog's lead was too long.

Dogs' leads sold here.

The children's party starts at 6pm.

Ws/L2.4 Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (e.g. commas, apostrophes and inverted commas).


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Decide if there is one `owner' or more than one `owner'.

1. I f there is one ow ner the apostrophe goes before the s. ? The m an's coat got soaking wet in t he rain. ? Pat rick's alarm clock did not go off so he was lat e for work. ? The dog's lead snapped and he ran away. ? The book's cover was dam aged so it was on sale at a reduced price. ? Today's weat her will be warm and sunny.

2. I f there is m ore t han one ow ner the apostrophe goes after the s ( unless the plural noun does not end in an s ? see rule 3 below) ? The girls' coat s got soaked when t hey got caught in t he st orm . ? I n the final com petition, all the dancers' routines were fantastic. ? Battersea Dogs' Hom e was established in 1860. ? Ten years' hard work was at st ake.

3. I f the owner has an irregular plural that does not end in s the apostrophe goes aft er the com plete plural noun but before the s. ? The wom en's cloakroom is down t he corridor on t he right . ? He really deserved t o win t he People's Choice Award. ? The sheep's coat s were heavy and m at t ed by springt im e.

Ws/L2.4 Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (e.g. commas, apostrophes and inverted commas).

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B Missing apostrophes! Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

Exam ple: My daught ers coat was ruined when she fell in a puddle. My daught er's coat was ruined when she fell in a puddle.

1. The babys nam e was very unusual. 2. The childrens com pet it ion was won by a five year old boy from Oxford. 3. The babies cries could not be ignored. 4. The em ployees Christ m as part y was a great success. 5. Last m ont hs profit s were disappoint ing. 6. Mart ins hom ework was excellent . 7. The books pages were dog- eared because she had read it six t im es. 8. Her sisters new car was very expensive. 9. The cashiers t ill would not open and she had t o call a supervisor. 10. The post m ens m ailbags were ext rem ely heavy j ust before Christ m as. 11. Two weeks holiday was over in a flash. 12. The st udent s at t it ude t o t heir work was sim ply not good enough. 13. The wom ans son was ill so she could not go t o college. 14. Do you know where Mikes car keys are?

Ws/L2.4 Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (e.g. commas, apostrophes and inverted commas).

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C Use possessive apostrophes to shorten these sentences.

Exam ple: The eyes of t he t iger glowed in t he dark. The t iger's eyes glowed in t he dark.

1. The profit s of last week were not t oo good. 2. The hat t hat belonged t o m y daught er was pink and fluffy. 3. The part y for t he salesm en was cancelled. 4. The bookshop for children closes at 5.00pm . 5. The biscuit s for dogs were on special offer in t he pet shop. 6. The special offer for t his m ont h is `t hree bot t les of wine for t he price of t wo'. 7. The rainfall for Sept em ber was lower t han expect ed. 8. Hats for wom en are in our other store across the road. 9. The t wo t ract ors, bot h belonging t o t he farm er, were dest royed in t he fire. 10. The news on Tuesday was rat her depressing. 11. The m ot hers of t he babies were upset when t he `Bonnie Baby' com pet it ion

was cancelled. 12. The capit al cit y of England is London. 13. The new car, belonging t o Helen, had t o go back t o t he fact ory. 14. The boat owned by t he m illionaire had gold plat ed t aps.

Ws/L2.4 Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (e.g. commas, apostrophes and inverted commas).

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B Missing apostrophes! Rewrite each sentence using the correct punctuation.

1. The baby's nam e was very unusual. 2. The children's com pet it ion was won by a five year old boy from Oxford. 3. The babies' cries could not be ignored. 4. The em ployees' Christ m as part y was a great success. 5. Last m ont h's profit s were disappoint ing. 6. Mart in's hom ework was excellent . 7. The book's pages were dog- eared because she had read it six t im es. 8. Her sister's new car was very expensive. 9. The cashier's t ill would not open and she had t o call a supervisor. 10. The post m en's m ailbags were ext rem ely heavy j ust before Christ m as. 11. Two weeks' holiday was over in a flash. 12. The st udent s' at t it ude t o t heir work was sim ply not good enough. 13. The wom an's son was ill so she could not go t o college. 14. Do you know where Mike's car keys are?

C Use possessive apostrophes to shorten these sentences.

1. Last week's profit s were not t oo good. 2. My daught er's hat was pink and fluffy. 3. The salesm en's part y was cancelled. 4. The children's bookshop closes at 5.00pm . 5. The dogs' biscuit s were on special offer in t he pet shop. 6. This m ont h's special offer is `t hree bot t les of wine for t he price of t wo'. 7. Septem ber's rainfall was lower than expected. 8. Wom en's hats are in our other store across the road. 9. The farm er's t wo t ract ors were dest royed in t he fire. 10. Tuesday's news was rat her depressing. 11. The babies' m ot hers were upset when t he `Bonnie Baby' com pet it ion was

cancelled. 12. England's capit al cit y is London. 13. Helen's new car had to go back to the factory. 14. The m illionaire's boat had gold plat ed t aps.

Ws/L2.4 Punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (e.g. commas, apostrophes and inverted commas).


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