Toronto Electro-Dermal Screening Facility | Red Paw Data ...

CANDIDA SCREEN 1 & 2This test will show you if you have a higher level of Candida Albicans (a.k.a. Yeast) than normal. Candida can be a contributing factor to your health problems, which you or your health care professional may have overlooked. Candida can contribute to such symptoms as fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, mood changes, allergies etc. Once it is ascertained that you have a moderate or high level of Candida, various antifungal remedies are tested to see which ones would be best tolerated by you. We do not offer Candida lifestyle counselling, however we encourage you to see a health care professional regarding this matter. If you desire we can recommend a number of health care professionals.Candida Screen 1?is the initial test. If a moderate or high level of Candida is found, various antifungal remedies will be tested.Candida Screen 2?is the follow up test. Preferably 2-3 months after Candida Screen 1. The level of Candida will be checked to see if it has decreased. If a remedy is still needed we will check for the remedy that was best tolerated during the Candida screen 1 and if this one is not good anymore (tolerance level is too high, or it is not effective anymore), we will check for a different remedy.What is Candidiasis?Candida Albicans?is a type of parasitic yeast like fungus that inhabits the intestines, genital tract, mouth, esophagus, and throat. Normally this fungus lives in healthy balance with other bacteria and yeasts in the body; however, certain conditions can cause it to multiply, weakening the immune system and?causing an infection known as?Candidiasis.?The fungus can travel through the bloodstream to many part of the body.??Because?candidiasis?can affect various parts of the body the most common being the mouth, ears, nose, gastrointestinal tract and the vagina - it can be characterized by many symptoms. These?include??constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, rectal itching, impotence, memory loss, mood swings, prostatitis, canker sores, persistent heartburn, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, congestion, nagging cough, numbness in face or extremities, tingling sensations, acne night sweats, severe itching, clogged sinuses, PMS, burning tongue, white spots on the tongue and in the mouth,extreme fatigue, kidney and bladder infections, vaginitis, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, hypothyroidism, adrenal problems, and even diabetes. Symptoms often worsen in damp and/ or moldy places, and after consumption of foods containing sugar or/ and yeast. Because of its many and varied symptoms, this?????disorder is often misdiagnosed.When?candida?infects the vagina, it results in vaginitis characterized by a large amount of white, cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning. When the fungus infects the oral cavity it is called thrush. White sores may form on the tongue, gums, and inside the cheeks. In a baby, the white spots of oral thrush may resemble milk spots. Oral thrush in an infant can spread to a mothers nipples by???????breast-feeding, and can lead to a situation in which mother and baby continually re-infect each other. Thrush may also infect a babys buttocks, appearing as a diaper rash.?Candida?infection may also take the form of athletes foot or jock itch.??Systemic Candidiasis???is an over growth of?candida?everywhere,??throughout the body. In most severe cases,?candida?can travel through the bloodstream to invade every??organ system in the body causing a type of blood poisoning called?Candida Septicemia. This condition?????almost always occurs in persons with serious underlying illnesses, such as advanced cancer or AIDS.Candidiasis?may affect both men and women; however it is rarely transmitted sexually. It is most common in babies (an infected mother may pass the fungal infection to her newborn.) and in persons with compromised immune systems. Virtually all people with AIDS have some type of fungal infection. Anyone who has been on long-term antibiotics therapy, or has taken antibiotics often, probably has an overgrowth of?candida?somewhere in his or her body. Antibiotics weaken the immune system and also destroy the friendly bacteria that normally keep?candidaunder control. As it proliferates, the fungus releases toxins that weaken the immune system further. Other factors that increase the chances of contracting a yeast???infection include pregnancy and the use of corticosteroid drugs.Very often, allergies to foods are present?in?people with?candida?infections. Oral thrush, athletes foot, ringworm, jock itch, fingernail or toenail fungus, and even diaper rash can develop as a result of the combination of food allergies and?Candidiasis Albicans.??The symptoms of a food allergy can also mimic those of?candidiasis. To further complicate matters, some people with?candidiasis?go on to develop??environmental sensitivities as well. Many cannot tolerate contact with rubber, petroleum product, tobacco, exhaust fumes, and chemical odors.Candida Level TestedWe can test the following:CANDIDA (MONILA) ALBICANSCANDIDA BORDINIICANDIDA CHALMERSIICANDIDA CIFERRIICANDIDA CRUZIICANDIDA CYLINDRACEACANDIDA DUBLINIENSISCANDIDA FAMATACANDIDA GLABRATACANDIDA GUILLIRTMONDIICANDIDA HUMICOLACANDIDA INCONSPICUACANDIDA INTERMEDIACANDIDA KEFIR CANDIDA KRUSEICANDIDA LACTISCONDENSICANDIDA LAMIBICACANDIDA LIPOLYTICACANDIDA LUSITANIECANDIDA MEMBRANAEFACIENSCANDIDA MESENTERICACANDIDA MIXCANDIDA MULTIGEMMISCANDIDA NORVEGENSISCANDIDA PARAPSILOSISCANDIDA PEOOICULOSACANDIDA PSEUDOTROPICALISCANDIDA ROBUSTACANDIDA RUGOSACANDIDA STELLATOIDEACANDIDA TROPICALISCANDIDA UTILISCANDIDA VERSATILISCANDIDA VISWANATHIICANDIDA ZEYLANOIDES ................

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