Write down the page number

Postal Code Lookup

| |Method: |

|CLB Level: PH1 |1. Solicit information from students regarding Postal Codes. Compare with back home. What is the|

| |purpose? Have students share their address + Postal Codes. |

| |2. Step outside or go on a field trip to a residential neighbourhood. |

|Essential Skills Focus: |3. Ask students to predict the address of a house based on geographic location. (e.g. That home |

|Document Use (looking for information in a |is 114 Roseberry St. What’s the address of the house beside it? How about the one across the |

|phonebook), Numeracy ( count by 2s) |street? |

| |4. Walk up and down the block to confirm/discuss the info. |

| |5. Draw out the fact that streets are organized based on odd and even numbers. Practice counting|

|Task: Copy relevant information from the |by 2s. |

|yellow pages. |6. To pairs of students, hand out a worksheet for that particular street. (e.g. Roseberry) and a|

| |copy of the yellow pages. |

| |7. Explain that there are 12 Postal Codes for this one street. |

|Purpose: Students will |8. Students then walk the block (s) and then determine the Postal Code for each of the 12 homes.|

| |9. Gather together to discuss the results (possibly over a drink, lunch or snack.) |

|Find postal codes. |10. Students use the phone book to find the postal codes. |

|Copy these onto an appropriate list. | |

| |Follow Up: |

| | |

| |On subsequent days students could do a “Counting by 2s |

|Materials: |worksheet”. They could also look for more Postal Codes on |

|Yellow pages, teacher-made material, access |the internet. Students could address a letter or note to |

|to a residential neighbourhood (e.g. |another student, speaker, volunteer. |

|field-trip, Google world) | |

| |Debrief/Transfer: |

| |Ask students where else they might come across |

|Learning Style: |information that is arranged alphabetically. (e.g. street |

|Visual, kinaesthetic, auditory |guide, index, building directory) Discuss the real life |

| |application/importance of being able to find information in |

|Time: 60 minutes |a manual/book.) |

Write the Address for each House

Each is an even number.

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|10 | | | | |20 |

|510 | | | | |520 |

|180 | | | | |190 |

|284 | | | | |294 |

|11 | | | | |21 |

|511 | | | | |521 |

|181 | | | | |191 |

|285 | | | | |295 |

|R3J 1S9 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |

|1. | | | |

|2. | | | |

|3. | | | |

|4. | | | |

|5. | | | |

|6. | | | |

|7. | | | |

|8. | | | |

|9. | | | |

|10. | | | |

|11. | | | |

|12. | | | |

|13. | | | |

|14. | | | |

|e.g. Ali |114 Roseberry St. |? |R3J1S9 |


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