Listing of Land Deed Records – Paul McCormick

Listing of Land Deed Records – Paul McCormick

Yellowstone County Court House

|Reference |Grantor[1] |Origination |Filing |Book-Page |Property Description |Deed Type |

|1 |Francis Cousins |[2] |7-9-1895 |E-216 |Lot 5-6 Block 6 |QC |

|2 |AW Littlepage |4-13-1885 |8-15-1895 |J-315 |S1/2,NW1/4 S7, T1S R26E |WD |

|3 |WA Evans |4-17-1895 |8-20-1895 |J-316 |Lot 15-16 Block 6[3] |WD |

|4 |James Kelly |10-2-1895 |10-19-1895 |E-229 |Lot --- |QC |

|5 |MMLIC |12-23-1896 |2-13-1897 |B-538 |Lot 23-24 Block 169[4] |Deed |

|6 |BB Brownwell |9-5-1895 |10-1-1895 |J-321 |Lot 18-19 Block 6 |WD |

|7 |Harry M Allen |8-24-1898 |8-25-1898 | |North 20’ Lot 12 Block 108 |WD |

|8 |MMLIC | |11-4-1898 | |N1/2 & NW1/4 S11 T12 R25S-48 |WD |

| | | | | |Acres | |

|9 |James D McCormick | |9-11-1899 | |Lot 9-10 Block 96 |WD |

|10 |Austin North | |10-5-1899 |M-167 |S1/2 S244 T1S R24E 320 acres | |

|11 |Chris Yegen |1-26-1901 |2-2-1901 |M-420 |S1/2 SE1/4 S8 T1S R26E 80 |WD |

| | | | | |acres | |

|12 |US Government |10-12-1900 |12-17-1901 |H-123 |Lot 1-2 & SE1/4 NW1/w S18 T1N |Patent |

| | | | | |R26E | |

|13 |Eugene Wilson |4-8-1901 |9-9-1901 |N-479 |SE1/4 S6 T1S R26E |Deed |

|14 |Alphonse Ftely |5-2-1894 |1-24-1903 |R-344 |SW1/4 S32 T1N R26E 160 acres |WD |

| | | | | |(Pioneer Park)[5] | |

|15 |John McIntyre |7-30-1903 |7-31-1903 |P-103 |S1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 S10 T1S R26E |QCD |

|16 |MMLIC |12-7-1894 |4-10-1905 |U-88 |Lot 11-12 Block 6 |WD |

|17 |Alfred Myers[6] |11-26-1894 |4-15-1905 |U-93 |Lot 20-24 Block 6 |WD |

|17 |James R Goss |5-10-1906 |5-12-1906 |U-93 |Lot 20-22 Block 6 |QC |

|18 |Margaret Ross |5-4-1906 |5-16-1904 |P-348 |Lot 20-22 block 6 |QC |

|19 |Frederick Fillings, |8-31-1905 |8-2-1906 |X-12 |S1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 & 2 acres of |Deed |

| |Estate | | | |N11/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 S10 T1S R26E| |

|20 |LW Harriman |5-10-1906 |8-4-1906 |Y-123 |Lot 18-19 Block 6 |QC |

|21 |Jacob Ellis | |7-6-1885 |A-559 |Lot 15-16 Block 85 Junction |WD |

| | | | | |City | |

|22 |Alfred Myers[7] |1-21-1893 |4-12-1893 |F-527 |Lots 1-6 Block 6 |WD |

|23 |Yellowstone County | |10-4-1893 |E-137 |Lots 7-8, 13-14 Block 6 |QC |

|24 |1st Nat’l Bank | | |F-608 |SE1/4 S1/4 T1S R25E | |

|25 |Mrs. Mary Griffin | |10-29-1894 |K-66 |¼ of Bridger & ½ each of |Deed |

| | | | | |Wilsey and Badger, Rockvale | |

| | | | |B-86 |and Anchor Mining Claims – | |

| | | | | |Lots 14-22 Junction City | |

|26 |Mary McCormick sold |11-19-1913 |12-16-1819 |49-470 |Lots 5-6, Block 6 |WD |

| |to Lee Warren | | | | | |

|27 |Mary McCormick sold |1-14-1926 |4-5-1927 |130-354 |Lot 9, Block 6 |CD |

| |to Fred S. Elliott | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

There was no evidence of any sale of the Junction City property or mining leases after 1895 recorded in the county deed books. It appears that he simply abandoned the land. The mining claims may have been separately handled, but no record located identifying their fate.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003 Kimmel


[1] On July 28 1906 Paul transferred WD to wife Mary, all of Block 6 property (lots 7-24). [Book W298]; also transferred Lots 9 &10 in Block 96.

[2] A “blank” entry indicates that the information was not readily apparent.

[3] Sold WD to Joseph McCabe, Lot 15, Block 6 (Y142) 6-25-1906 (Filed 8-25-1906)

[4] On December 16, 1897, Paul sold WD on Lots 23 & 24, Block 169, to G. G. Cothron. [Book J542]

[5] Henry C. McKinsey filed for a 160-acre homestead on SW1/4 Sec 32-1N-26E before the Billings’ town site was known. He received his Homestead Patent on October June 2, 1893. He and his wife Sarah J McKinsey resided there until October 7, 1886 when they sold the land under a Warrant Deed to Alphonse Ftely for $2,150. There is very little information about them, but is does appear that they had a small homestead log cabin in the parcel of land, a portion of which later became Pioneer Park. Ftely held the property for eight years, selling to Paul McCormick under a Warranty Deed on May 2, 1894. Paul paid $2,900[6]. Paul sold it almost immediately to Austin North. (Yellowstone County Deeds)

[7] Alfred Myers received QC from TM Morgan title to Lots 1, 2, 3, and 23-24 from MMLIC in Block 6 Billings on 4-7-1887. Ref B-421.

[8] The Myers’ resided in Park County, MT. The six lots were sold to Paul for $4,000; including “all appurtenances.”


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