Imperialism Debate Questions

Imperialism Debate Questions

Imperialism: Did imperialism ultimately leave a more positive or more negative impact on the world as we know it today?


1. African nations and leaders were purposely left out of the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885. Should leaders of African nations been included in the conference? Yes or No? Why or why not?

(How could the inclusion of African leaders made a difference in European Imperialist history?

2. Was colonial rule a benefit or a detriment to the growth of Africa in world affairs, or did Africa gain more than it lost due to European imperialism?

3. Africa would not have entered the modern, technological world without the experiences and influences of European colonialism? True or False?

4. African resistance to European colonization was ineffective and doomed to failure. Agree or Disagree?


1. Was the British takeover of India actually blessing in disguise considering it improved the overall life of the Indian citizen?

2. Is Social Darwinism a justifiable reason to colonize other areas of the world and exploit the people and resources of that region? Yes or no? Justify your answer.

3. The British rule in India caused the Indians to unite and create a more nationalistic pride and self reliance, thus the rule of the British was, in a sense, necessary.

4. Colonizers would have a more productive and beneficial relationship with the conquered people if the local customs were respected and assimilation was not forced. Agree or Disagree?


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