Hi All, - Archidox

Hi All,


Perhaps the greatest challenge for Thelema, is to produce the proper apologia for what seems on the surface to be its adoption and accepting of evil as the holiest mark in its symbolism.  Our two most sacred archetypes are modelled on what seems to be the most hideous evil in Christian culture; the Beast of Revelation and the Scarlet Whore, which we name, Babalon.  From Revelation 17, we read:


1: And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


 It should be noted that most Protestant churches interpret the many waters that "the great whore" sits upon to be the many tentacles of the Roman Catholic Church.  The Romans Chatholics interpret these waters in light of the Beast, who is a synthesis of the four beasts of the Book of Daniel and the destruction of various Pagan empires.  But Thelemic doctrine continues the vision; especially in Liber Cheth and Liber CDXVIII.

The waters are in Occult science, the electromagnetic effluvlium or Aethyr that is the field from which all things are made manifest.  With the involution of spirit, the various Dhyan Chohans of HPB, into matter, these "kings" of course, will have drunk from this pool in order to take on corporeal bodies.  The "wine of her fornication" is then the copulation of these "kings" or 'Sons of God' with the 'Daughters of Men'; an important part of Enochian lore.  The following passages from Liber Cheth properly echo this thought:


1. This is the secret of the Holy Graal, that is the sacred vessel of our Lady the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, the bride of Chaos, that rideth upon our Lord the Beast.

9. Thou hast health; slay thyself in the fervor of thine abandonment unto Our Lady. Let thy flesh hang loose upon thy bones, and thine eyes glare with the quenchless lust unto the Infinite, with thy passion for the Unknown, for Her that is beyond Knowledge the accursed one.

11. For if thou dost not this with thy will, then shall We do this despite thy will. So that thou attain to the Sacrament of the Graal in the Chapel of Abominations.

21. And the end thereof is known not even unto Our Lady or to the Beast whereon She rideth; nor unto the Virgin her daughter nor unto Chaos her lawful Lord; but unto the Crowned Child is it known? It is not known if it be known.

Babalon as the "bride of Chaos" is significant.  Chaos is the Aethyr as Babalon is Gaia; the Earth Mother.  Being "beyond Knowledge" and "Knowledge" containing the initial cap, is significant as Knowledge then, is the Sefirot, Da'ath.  The nightside of the Tree-of-Life, wherein Babalon is said to dwell (as she is "beyond" the gate of Da'ath and in the realm of the nightside) is the fragmentary region where manifestation is composed and from which it draws its substance; the realm of the Aethyr or Chaos.

It is important to note that in classical science, Chaos was and is an equivalent term to Aethyr and does not have the socio-political connotation that is commonly given to it in the modern world.  Thus the nightside of the Tree is the realm of the infinite where the space/time continuum reaches unto all quarters.  Contrast this with the non-existent or negative realm that is the abode above the Abyss. 


From HPB's Isis Unveiled (Vol. II, pg. 462) we find:

"When the ternary is taken in the beginning of the Tetragram, it expresses the divine creation spiritually, without any carnal sin; taken at its opposite end it expresses the latter: it is feminine. The name of Eva is composed of three letters, that of the primitive or heavenly Adam, is written with one letter, Jod or Yodh; therefore it must not be read Jehovah but Ieva, or Eve. The Adam of the first chapter is the spiritual, therefore pure, androgyne Adam Kadmon. When woman issues from the rib of the second Adam (of dust), the pure Virgo is separated, and falling "into generation," or the downward cycle, becomes Scorpio, emblem of sin and matter. While the ascending cycle points to the purely spiritual races, or the ten prediluvian patriarchs, the Prajapatis and Sephiroth are led on by the creative Deity itself, who is Adam Kadmon or Yod-cheva. Spiritually, the lower one (Jehovah) is that of the terrestrial races, led on by Enoch or Libra, the seventh; who, because he is half-divine, half-terrestrial, is said to have been taken by God alive. Enoch, Hermes, and Libra, are one."

The spiritual Adam of Genesis is in actuality without a material body; only when symbolically, taking from his rib is the second Adam (called Eve) formed.  This is the material body, the daughter ("Virgo") coming into manifestation; as women are deemed of the material body and men of the spiritual body in classical nomenclature.  And the daughter is virginal (Virgo), which according to Blavatsky, means this is humanity without yet, the manus or intelligence, which itself is the generator of 'Knowledge' or Da'ath.  Thus the essential "sin" as alluded to in the text, is simply the involution into matter; the true "original sin".


In HPB's Secret Doctrine, the essage entitled: What the Gnostics Say, we find:

In the Bible the only "Angels" spoken of are the "Sons of God" mentioned in Genesis vi. (who are now regarded as the Nephilim, the Fallen Angels), and several angels in human form, the "Messengers" of the Jewish God, whose own rank needs a closer analysis than heretofore given. (Vide Supra, Stanza I., sub-sections 2, 3, et seq., where it is shown that the early Akkadians called Ea, Wisdom, that which was disfigured by the later Chaldees and Semites into Tismat, Tisalat and the Thallath of Berosus, the female Sea Dragon, now Satan.) Truly -- "How art thou fallen (by the hand of man), O bright star and son of the morning"!

Now what do the Babylonian accounts of "Creation," as found on the Assyrian fragments of tiles, tell us; those very accounts upon which the Pharisees built their angelology? But compare Mr. G. Smith's "Assyrian Discoveries," p. 398, and his "Chaldean Account of Genesis," p. 107. The "Tablet with the story of the Seven Wicked Gods or Spirits," has the following account -- we print the important passages in italics: --

1. In the first days the evil Gods,

2. the angels, who were in rebellion, who in the lower part of heaven

3. had been created,

4. they caused their evil work

5. devising with wicked heads . . . . etc.

Thus we are shown, as plainly as can be, on a fragment which remained unbroken, so that there can be no dubious reading, that the "rebellious angels" had been created in the lower part of heaven, i.e., that they belonged and do belong to a material plane of evolution, although as it is not the plane of which we are made cognizant through our senses, it remains generally invisible to us, and is thus regarded as subjective. Were the Gnostics so wrong, after this, in affirming that this our visible world, and especially the Earth, had been created by lower angels, the inferior Elohim, of which, as they taught, the God of Israel was one. These Gnostics were nearer in time to the records of the Archaic Secret Doctrine, and therefore ought to be allowed to have known better than non-initiated Christians, who took upon themselves, hundreds of years later, to remodel and correct what was said. But let us see what the same Tablet says further on: --

7. There were seven of them (the wicked gods) . . . . (then follows the description of these, the fourth being a "serpent," the phallic symbol of the fourth Race in human Evolution).

15. The seven of them, messengers of the God Anu, their king.

Now Anu belongs to the Chaldean trinity, and is identical with Sin, the "Moon," in one aspect. And the Moon in the Hebrew Kabala is the Argha of the seed of all material life, and is still more closely connected, kabalistically, with Jehovah, who is double-sexed as Anu is. They are both represented in Esotericism and viewed from a dual aspect: male or spiritual, female or material, or Spirit and Matter, the two antagonistic principles. Hence the "Messengers of Anu," (who is Sin, the "Moon,") are shown, in verses 28 to 41, as being finally overpowered by the same Sin with the help of Bel (the Sun) and Ishtar (Venus). This is regarded as a contradiction by the Assyriologists, but is simply metaphysics in the esoteric teaching.

The Moon in Astrology is the body and "Sin" as its name gives us a strong etymological inference that suggests that sin in Christist nomenclature is merely an indulgence in the sensual nature of the body.  Indeed, the whole philosophical perspective of the Christist doctrine is that the phenomenal world is evil and anything that is composed of it (the body) or anyone that takes satisfaction in it is of the nature of "Sin".  The Moon being also identified with women, shows why in the patriarchal era of the Christist paradigm, women have been traditionally viewed as unclean or evil; only spirit being clean or good.  HPB continues:

There is more than one interpretation, for there are seven keys to the mystery of the Fall. Moreover there are two "Falls" in Theology: the rebellion of the Archangels and their "Fall," and the "Fall" of Adam and Eve. Thus the lower as well as the higher Hierarchies are charged with a supposed crime. The word "supposed" is the true and correct term, for in both cases it is founded on misconception. Both are considered in Occultism as Karmic effects, and both belong to the law of Evolution: intellectual and spiritual on the one hand, physical and psychic on the other. The "Fall" is a universal allegory. It sets forth at one end of the ladder of Evolution the "rebellion," i.e., the action of differentiating intellection or consciousness on its various planes, seeking union with matter; and at the other, the lower end, the rebellion of matter against Spirit, or of action against spiritual inertia. And here lies the germ of an error which has had such disastrous effects on the intelligence of civilized societies for over 1,800 years. In the original allegory it is matter -- hence the more material angels -- which was regarded as the conqueror of Spirit, or the Archangels who "fell" on this plane. "They of the flaming sword (or animal passions) had put to flight the Spirits of Darkness." Yet it is the latter who fought for the supremacy of the conscious and divine spirituality on Earth and failed, succumbing to the power of matter. But in theological dogma we see the reverse. It is Michael, "who is like unto God," the representative of Jehovah, who is the leader of the celestial hosts -- as Lucifer, in Milton's fancy, is of the infernal hosts -- who has the best of Satan. It is true that the nature of Michael depends upon that of his Creator and Master. Who the latter is, one may find out by carefully studying the allegory of the "War in Heaven" with the astronomical key. As shown by Bentley, the "War of the Titans against the gods" in Hesiod, and also the war of the Asuras (or the Tarakamaya) against the devas in Puranic legend, are identical in all save the names. The aspects of the stars show (Bentley taking the year 945 B.C. as the nearest date for such conjunction) that "all the planets, except Saturn, were on the same side of the heavens as the Sun and Moon," and hence were his opponents. And yet it is Saturn, or the Jewish "Moon-god," who is shown as prevailing, both by Hesiod and Moses, neither of whom was understood. Thus it was that the real meaning became distorted.

The rebellion is then, as noted in the text, one in which humanity develops its intellect, its "Knowledge"; having eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; so that we would become like the Elohim.  We are aided by the Nephilim, when we have properly prepared ourselves, who are the most material-like of the spiritual realm (beings of the lower astral) that can infuse themselves with our bodies (the true mystery of trans-substantiation); we being the Daughters (body) of Men.  This trans-substantiation is eloquently described in the first chapter of Liber LXV:


12. Then was there silence. Speech had done with us awhile. There is a light so strenuous that it is not perceived as light.

13. Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly.

14. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man.

15. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.

16. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the spirit of man.

17. I shall not rest until I have dissolved it all.

18. So also the light that is absorbed. One absorbs little, and is called white and glistening; one absorbs all and is called black.

19. Therefore, O my darling, art thou black.

20. O my beautiful, I have likened thee to a jet Nubian slave, a boy of melancholy eyes.

21. O the filthy one! the dog! they cry against thee. Because thou art my beloved.


In the 25th Aethyr of Liber CDXVIII, Crowley further elucidates the nature of Babalon and the Beast; readily understood in light of the above: 

The Cry of he 25th Aethyr, Which is Called VTI {VTI = {Capricorn}{Leo}{Sagittarius} = Caput Draconis, the head of the Lion-Serpent, the Beast 666. His father is {Capricorn} Set or Pan; his mother, the woman clothed with the Sun as in Atu XIV. See 27th Aethyr. He is the burden of the Moon, sanctified by 418. Atu XI (a partial form) with Atu XX (XI + XX = XXXI) gives the Key of the New Aeon.}

The Beast is the "burden of the [physical body]" incorporated or "sanctified" into the Great Work ("418"), clearly suggesting the sexual nature of the work as suggested below.  His father being Pan (the Aethyr) is symbolized by the Goat (a beast); the symbol of Capricorn (the great height or nobility) with his mother being Isis (the "woman clothed withthe Sun").

There is nothing in the stone but the pale gold of the Rosy Cross.

Now there comes an Angel with bright wings, that is the Angel of the 25th Aire. And all the aire is a dark olive about him, like an alexandrite {The stone of Gemini, the twins, composing Heru-Ra-Ha, his Lord. Also the house of {Mercury}; that is, his form is Oracular} stone. He bears a pitcher{The angel is an avatar of BABALON} or amphora{Alpha, Mu, Phi, Omicron = 719. This Angel is a veil for 156, the Woman who closes the mouth of the lion in the old Atu XI, and is the Scarlet Woman who rides upon him in the new form} And now there comes another Angel upon a white horse{The sorrow of Death}, and yet again another Angel upon a black bull{This represents Jehovah and Jesus. The Pain of Toil. (Sin is Restriction)}. And now there comes a lion{Symbol of the Beast, 666} and swallows the two latter angels up. The first angel goes to the lion and closes his mouth{See Atu XI. Babalon and the Beast conjoined}. And behind them are arrayed a great company of Angels with silver spears, like a forest. And the Angel says: Blow, all ye trumpets, for I will loose my hands from the mouth of the lion, and his roaring shall enkindle the worlds{BABALON prepared 666 (in a certain very secret manner) to utter the word Theta-Epsilon-Lambda-Eta-Mu-Alpha}.

The Beast is here, symbolized as a lion (as in Atu XI); one of the four Cherubs and we are taken back to the book of Daniel as discussed above; with the others also being alluded to in this paragraph.  In uttering Thelema as prepared by Babalon, the evolutionary principle of "pure will" is put into play.  Further on in the vision, Crowley writes:

I am he that swalloweth up death{Scorpio} and victory{Netzach}. I have slain the crowned goat{Capricornus}, and drunk up the great sea{Hod (the mercurial water): in all the Sephiroth below Tiphereth, out of balance, and the paths leading from them}. Like the ash of dried leaves the worlds are blown before me. Thou hast passed by me, and thou hast not known me. Woe unto thee, that I have not devoured thee altogether!


The drinking of the "great sea" or "mercurial water" is the imbibition of the Aethyr; the wine of fornication that is the involution of matter into spirit; again, the original sin that brings "Woe."  But this is a necessary function of our nature; remembering that sin is not a moral dysfunction but a material creation. 

On my head is the crown, 419 rays (Leo = {Leo} = Teth = Tav-Yod-Teth = 419). t ={Leo}. Teth = snake by meaning. {Leo} = Horus} far-darting. And my body is the body of the Snake {The magical image of the 1st Decan of Leo, rising at the birth of 666, is a lion-headed serpent}, and my soul is the soul of the Crowned Child {Horus, the Lord of 666}. Though an Angel in white robes leadeth me {The Avatar of Binah, in the opening of this Aethyr}, who shall ride upon me but the Woman of Abominations {BABALON. See Atu XI}? Who is the Beast {and 3. 419-418=1. Or 667-666=1. 667 = Eta-Kappa-Omicron-Kappa-Kappa-Iota-Sigma-Eta-Gamma-Upsilon-Nu-Eta, the Scarlet Woman}? Am not I one more than he {ibid}? In his hand is a sword that is a book {Liber AL, his weapon}. In his hand is a spear that is a cup of fornication {This allusion must remain secret}. Upon his mouth is set the great and terrible seal {This seal is that of BBABALON. The Seal of the A.'. A.'. See the Book of Lies: Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Mu-Theta (Cap. 49)}. And he hath the secret of V {His motto as a Master of the Temple is this V.V.V.V.V. (Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici; a Latin phrase meaning: "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."). His ten horns spring from five points {V.V.V.V.V. Has 10 horns that spring from 5 points}, and his eight heads {See the Book of Lies, Cap. Mu-Theta, 49. But there is One Eighth Head too Sacredly terrible to mention} are as the charioteer of the West {Refers to Atu VII. Cheth} = The Chariot = 8; the Bearer of the Sangraal}. Thus doth the fire of the sun temper the spear of Mars {The Mystery 5x = 6{square x} and 6x = 5{square x}, Heru-Ra-Ha is the Martial aspect of Sol}, and thus shall he be worshipped, as the warrior lord of the sun {See AL, Cap. III, v. 74}. Yet in him is the woman that devoureth with her water all the fire of God {Again a secret allusion.}.

Leo is ruled by the Sun with its first decan being the lion-headed serpent and its opposing sign being Aquarius. The serpent (beast) has always been associated with God and the Sun; and as we know, there is no God but Man. And so Crowley asks: “Am I not more than he?” (the beast); but a spear is equivocated with the Cup of Fornication. The ‘secret’ allusion is in a tantric rite where the Lingham re-absorbs the seminal fluid from the Yoni. And no answer is given, but the inference can be drawn from the silence, Crowley is the Beast (as are we all) who in attaining Tiphareth, took the motto, the Master Therion; Therion being translated as Beast and is also a constellation in the Starry Gnosis. The second “secret allusion” is the woman who devours “with her water” (the vaginal fluids) “all the fire of God” (the seminal fluid). Further on in the Aethyr, Crowley writes:

When shall the day come that men shall flock to this my gate, and fall into my furious throat, a whirlpool of fire? This is hell unquenchable, and all they shall be utterly consumed therein. Therefore is that asbestos

unconsumable made pure {This paragraph prophesies the purging of the worldly Fire in the Aeon of Horus. "Hell" is the pure Inmost Self of Man, that suffereth not extinction, but consumeth all the experiences of Life, coming thereby to know its own Perfection.}.

Life as taught in Thelemic doctrine, is a sacrament; to be consumed; and Hell is the lower or material realm. The worldly fire is the spirit into matter, the very nature of the Eucharist (and again so eloquently described in Liber LXV). The “whirlpool of fire” is the Aethyr or Chaos, which is given a much more scientific description (in terms of Occult Science or Alchemy) in the Golden Chain of Homer.

Each of my teeth{32 teeth; hence the Name is Heh-Vau-Heh-Yod-Heh-Aleph = 32. Macroprosophus interfused with Microprosophus} is a letter of the reverberating name. My tongue is a pillar of fire {The tongue is the instrument of the Logos and so a Phallic or creative organ. Chokmah the logos, is the Root of Fire, and the Masculine Energy}, and from the glands of my mouth arise four pillars of water {These are the "Four Rivers of Eden". It is the fourfold understanding of the Logos. These reflect Him so perfectly that they reproduce His Form}. TAOTZEM {Mem-Tzaddi-Ayin-Tav} = 600. A "great number" of Sol, normally 6. 600 = Kosmos. The blasphemy is in taking the material for the Spiritual Sun} is the name by which I am blasphemed. My name thou shalt not know, lest thou pronounce it and pass by.

We then see more plainly, the Alchemical process “Macroprosopus interfused with Microprosopus” echoed in Liber LXV. And we have a more overt allusion to the four Cherubs of Daniel; each being its own Logos or Beast. Further on in the Aethyr, Crowley gets the answer to his question:

And the voice comes: Why art thou there who art here {i.e. "Why art Thou not consciously identical with 666?"}? Hast thou not the sign of the number {The Qabalistic Proofs (of the truth of Aiwass) given by the virtues of 93}, and the seal of the name {666}, and the ring of the eye{The ring of V.V.V.V.V., mentioned in LXV, v. 16}? Thou wilt not {My resistance to the Great Work}.

Crowley is plainly told that he is identical with 666 (the Beast); and again, as are we all. And as you will see below, in the Abuldiz working, the Ox (Cherub) is another identification for the Beast and the Crown and Cross is also attributed with the Beast also being identified with the “Spirit of the Sun.”

From the Abuldiz Working

[Monday] December 11th [1911 - X.]


Seer being excited by a half bottle of Pommery 1904, and by Eros, opened T[emple] by "[Liber]

671." Toward end S. cried ``The Beast!'' amid her groans. It is now 9:49.


S: The Beast has come in here. He opens his mouth. Many characters come therefrom. --- J or I and

then Uranus. He says, ``You shall go on till the end''.

P: Describe the Beast.

S: Great God!. .. .. . He's tremendous. Like an oxen "(!!!)" and between his two horns lies another

curled horn. "(Groans)" It comes down over his face. The half of his right foot is white.. .. .

It's an arrow, and below the arrow is letter V. I. only want The Truth, The Truth, The Truth.

P: What is his name?

S: I think it's Uranus. --- (. .. .. .. ) Eros maybe. "(S. becomes quite unintelligible)." He

has a gilded hoof. (Old man and all brethren in white are here.) They've all their hands on same

bar in shape of U. Their hands are mailed.


You may ask what you like tonight.. .. . 47 or 477.

P: What is your real name?

S: Ura, and then flashing in a flame 207. .. .. . I see Surt (Ora). .. .. . I always see Crown and





Some of my notes regarding the waters under the earth:


SUMERIAN:  Enki, the helper of mankind, was said to live in Abzu (the fresh waters).


NATIVE AMERICAN: In Native American belief, the universe is a sphere having the sky world above and the watery underworld below, with the terrestrial disk of the earth dividing them. The earth is divided into four quadrants by the cardinal directions north, south, east, and west. The human task on earth is to keep the upper world and the underworld in balance.                                                

EGYPT: In Egypt, the waters were also thought to be peopled by some kind of ghosts or spiritual beings, and we see them represented among the sculptures on the sarcophagus of Oimenepthah I.. They are in the form of men, but whether they were thought at any time to come out of the water and walk the earth does not appear. That they were natives of the water, and not new comers, we learn from the Book of job, which is full of Egyptian opinions. We there read in the Hebrew, ch. xxvi. 5, that these "Ghosts are born beneath the waters, and are the inhabitants thereof."                                                                                     

GRIGORI:  The Brethren Of The Grigori Are Under Earth

Secrets Of Enoch 18:5 And I said to the Grigori: I saw your brethren and their works, and their great torments, and I prayed for them, but the Lord has condemned them to be under Earth until the existing heaven till the existing heaven and earth shall end forever.

BIBLICAL: The concept of a subcrustal water layer is supported in several passages of scripture. For example, in the account of the great flood in Genesis, the breaking up of the "fountains of the great deep" released some of the subterranean waters, which initiated the flood.  Exodus 20:4

You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth; Genesis 1:6-7, "Let there be a dome to divide the water and to keep it in two separate places... and it was done. So God made a dome, and it separated the water under it from the water above it."


Catholic Encyclopedia on CD-ROM(Greek abyssos).

Abyss is primarily and classically an adjective, meaning deep, very deep (Wisdom 10:19; Job 38:16). Elsewhere in the Bible, and once in Diog. Laert., it is a substantive. Some thirty times in the Septuagint it is the equivalent of the Hebrew tehom, Assyrian tihamtu, and once each of the Hebrew meculah, "sea-deep", culah, "deep flood", and rachabh, "spacious place". Hence the meanings: (1) primeval waters; (2) the waters beneath the earth; (3) the upper seas and rivers; (4) the abode of the dead, limbo; (5) the abode of the evil spirits, hell. The last two meanings are the only ones found in the New Testament.



Hi Ann,


This is significant enough; if the Fallen Angels are said to have been imprisoned beneath the Earth, where there are waters or the lower Astral Plane, and these angels are the Augoeiades that are those beings we call the Holy Guardian Angels (Nephilim), then it becomes easy to view what you present as connecting myths.  The lower Astral Plane is the Aethyric effluviam; the sub-particles of matter, both material and non-material, or quasi-material (cf. my articles: Testing the Night of Pan & Scientific Proof of Levi's Aethyr), from which we derive our physical bodies and from which the Earth and material Universe is generated.



Hi Paul


And my study of Quimbanda reveals that they also believe that the Exus (sometimes considered elementals, but primarily spirits of the dead) also reside in the waters within the earth.  So it seems that the Nephilim have company ϑ




Hi Ann,


One of the things that Blavatsky articulates in large quantity, is not only the common origins of all myths, but the great similarities between them after accounting for the cultural differences in the expression of these myths.  If we note also, the great similarities in ancient cultures regarding rituals for the dead; pyramids on several continents and so many other things, we immediately learn the shallow nature of these cultural differences; with the real substance of these myths being essentially identical.  What makes us as Occultists so very different is that we don't buy into the shallow substance of exoteric religion and we are not fooled by the delusionary opinions that exotericism offers.  Thus we don't end up with all the contradictions and hypocricies that accompany the superstitious mindset.



I find it interesting that Babylon as it turns out was the actual place that Peter

the apostle went( According to most scholars) Not Rome

 How long he was there is unknown and whether maybe he made a few trips to rome( Outskirts)But technically he wasnt in Rome.

It sorta modifies what is said in Revelation. TO know that in many ways



Hi JohnMoon,


This is interesting, as Babylon is said to be the place where Astrology originated.  And the more I read Gnostic scripture, I come to see the profound knowledge of Astrology that lies at its heart.  In HPB's lecture on the Gnostics, partially included in the message that started this thread, she asserts:

These Gnostics were nearer in time to the records of the Archaic Secret Doctrine, and therefore ought to be allowed to have known better than non-initiated Christians, who took upon themselves, hundreds of years later, to remodel and correct what was said.

So I'm not surprised at all by this; it only more firmly asserts that the Christianity of Peter was far superior than anything the Roman church was capable of later envisioning.





If the Enochian angels are also associated with the Nephilim, does Enochian magick have any reference to these waters?




Hi Ann,


Most certainly...the Book of Enoch is regularly published with the Enochian material as it was clearly known to John Dee.  The 'Secret Doctrine' as Blavatsky calls it, is a complete science that is carefully encoded into Genesis, from which the Book of Enoch extrapolates.  This is why Liber AL teaches us that the Jews have the half.  And it is these waters in Genesis that are of paramount Alchemical importance.  Their separation is the key to manifestation.  The Angels of the waters above are involutionary and the Angels of the waters below are evolutionary.  We as humans, find ourselves in the middle.



which of course technically is PAuline christianity.( Not Petrine) The Interesting thing is That According to history.JohnMark( MArk) recorded Peters Words and he also started the Schools in Alexandria.

 Which of course opens up an entire line of thought.and differences


Hi JohnMoon,


And as I recall, Paul was left by these Jewish Gnostics, to preach to the Gentiles, of which they had no concern.  The Apostles themselves were really only concerned with the Jews; their own culture.  So it seems quite natural that the Roman church would take to Pauline doctrine as it would eventually move as far as it could from the Jewish culture that was essential in the birth of Christianity.




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