EcoPower4 by EcoQuest

EcoPower4 by EcoQuest

Notes from Jeffrey Kline’s morning training call,

Wed, May 27, 2009, by Michele Jones



1- Reduces kilowatt hour consumption (capacitors)


2- Surge protection for the entire home (metal oxide varistors)  (MOV’s) (any above 140v) (acts like a pressure release valve)

• can absorb up to 150,000 joules before fuses blow

•  will be replaced free of charge during 10 yr warranty IF this occurs

• also includes $25K financial guarantee if damage is done if unit does not “clamp down” on the surge (i.e. a LC or plasma TV is damaged – $250 deductible, up to $25K limit per incident

Note:  Homeowners insurance may or may not cover such appliances.


3- Filters out all of the noise and static current from without or within the home (i.e. fluorescent lights, fax, copy machine – any machine that creates energy on a pulse basis) – harmonic filters eliminate that


4- RoHS (“ro – hass” - Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant, “green”



• single families, esp. with school age children with $200+ electric bill

•  any combination of people that live in a home greater than 2500 sq ft, esp. where a/c must run frequently

Poor Prospects

• single people who live in apartments



15% electric bill savings  x $200  (avg monthly bill) = $15 monthly savings x 12 = $360 savings per year


Installed cost of ecoPower4 (unit plus licensed electrician) =  $800


360/800 = 45% return VS money market, etc. of 2-3%… Also saves $1,000 deductible on their household insurance, if there is a catastrophic event that damages a $1,200 refrigerator, etc.


Inexpensive Marketing

-          Church bulletins:  “Do you want to reduce your electric bill?  Call xxx-xxxx.”

-          Word of mouth from family, friends, existing customers – Ask for referrals.

-          Networking groups, building relationships and meeting others beyond those groups


Closing Question:  “Can you think of a good reason you wouldn’t want to go ahead and start saving money on your electric bill today?”  (Then WAIT for their response.)

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #1  |

|How does EcoPower 4 save on electricity? |

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|One of the three components of the EcoPower 4 is a pair of Harmonic Resistant Capacitors. These components “capture” waste electricity, then recycle it back to the |

|things in the home or office space that are operating by using an electric motor, such as an air conditioner, washer or dryer, dishwasher or ceiling fan. |

|  |

|As this motor continues to operate using “recycled” electricity, the home is not “purchasing” and using “new” electricity from the power company, which decreases the |

|amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity used in the home, thereby decreasing the amount due on the electric bill each month. |

|  |

|Tell your customer to look at their electric bill each month, under the “Energy Usage” section, and compare the kWh per day figure from last year, to this year; the |

|difference between these two numbers represents the savings being created by the EcoPower 4. |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #2 |

|What if EcoPower 4 doesn’t work? |

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|EcoPower 4 always works, the same way everywhere, all of the time. |

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|I actually developed the example below, to illustrate this very point to a Condo Board member, during a Commercial EcoPower 4 presentation that I did in January 2009. |

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|Midge (not her real name), if you went out to Seattle to visit your son and daughter-in-law for Christmas, and while there your Con Air Mini electric hair dryer “died,”|

|would you have any worry about going to the local K-Mart store to purchase an identical hair dryer, because it might not work back home, here in Delray Beach, |

|Florida? |

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|She answered with a “quizzical look” & said “...of course not!”  Then, she got it! |

|  |

|EcoPower 4 is a metal box, with three different sets of “classic technology” that have no moving parts, which has been in use, around the world, for between 60 and 100 |

|years; but, generally in the industrial segment of the market, such as big factories, on very large motor driven machinery. These technologies are recognized and |

|affirmed to operate as claimed by the United States Department of Energy. |

|Finally, there may be something up in a particular instance, where a customer is “not witnessing” a savings, which could stem from any one, or a combination, of: |

|  |

|Not comparing kWh usage for the same month, YEAR to YEAR; this is the ONLY way to properly do it. This is as opposed to comparing last month to this month (which may |

|work to the positive going from summer to fall, but will not work going from winter to spring). |

|Comparing the dollar amount of the bills, instead of the kWh used.  In the case of Florida where our cost per kWh rose by 16%, plus the addition of a 4% fuel surcharge,|

|would neutralize a 20% savings in kWh usage; but, the good news is, if your customer did not have a EcoPower 4, their $300 electric bill this year would have been a |

|$375, based on this years price per kWh multiplied by the kWh used last year! |

|The electricity “use profile” of the home differed substantially, from last year to this year, where, for example the family was gone last year on a 2 week vacation in |

|June 2007, but was home for the entire month in June 2008, obviously using 2 weeks more of electricity this year than last year. As in Bob Giddens’ case, he was in |

|China for 2 weeks in March 2007, but home all month in March 2008, but, his electric bill, with the EcoPower 4 installed, was just 2.3% higher...that’s a significant |

|savings, think about it! |

|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #3  |

|Federal Energy Tax Credits or State Cash Rebates? |

|  |

|NO... and even if they became available, I would not recommend using them as an incentive for selling the EcoPower 4, for several reasons: |

|  |

|Most importantly, the EcoPower 4 has such impressive financial savings dynamics that it doesn’t need them to be sold. |

|These programs may not be renewed by the legislatures year after year. |

|These programs may (will) run out of money before your customer gets theirs, as happened in Florida on July 1, 2008, where although the state legislature renewed the |

|program, and even funded it, the stack of applications exhausted the funds by 5:00 pm ET. That means that everyone who had properly filed an application would now have |

|to wait until July 1, 2009, to see if the program would be renewed and funded, and wonder how many other applications were ahead of theirs, determining whether [or not]|

|they would receive their rebate. |

|In short, there is no good reason to even want such credits or rebates, as they can only create customer angst by having to wait to get them, and provide customer |

|disgruntlement with you, the dealer, if they don’t get theirs on time...and you all know how that goes! |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #4  |

| Jeff, I am a dealer. We have been working with EcoPower 4 and sending out emails using your letter. We received a response that we don't really know how to respond to |

|or what to think about what we have read. He sent us a link to a site for electricians and they are arguing about the impossibility of saving on your electric bill by |

|correcting the power factor. Thanks for any thoughts or comments you can share with me on this. |

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|Answer: |

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|Two South Florida dealers have encountered "presumed experts" in the field of electricity, one a self-described "retired FPL Electrical Engineer," who were compelled to|

|share their opinion that EcoPower 4 (which, admittedly, none of them had ever laid eyes on) technology would not reduce any electric bill, and even said it was |

|equivalent to "snake oil." |

| |

|Don't fear, this is not true. There are those people in the world who practice their legal right to an opinion, without any consideration for their having a total lack |

|of a moral right to that same opinion, because there is no fact available to support it.  |

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|The purpose of this document is to provide you with an appropriate answer, and factual, credible, knowledgeable and experienced third-party proof so you can give a |

|terminal response to any similar challenger. |

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|A good friend of mine, who held a high level operating position before he retired from FPL and whom I otherwise considered to be fair and balanced, told me that our |

|EcoPower 4 technology wouldn't work in cutting anyone's electric bill, with his main argument being that FPL did not charge customers for having poor power factor. So, |

|I bet him $100 and after having met him at a function recently, I gave him the bad news (and emailed John Panchookian's 3-months of FPL statements). I have not heard |

|from him ever since! Although this will not ruin our relationship, he won't traffic in this again! |

| |

|From a business standpoint, our objective is not to get these people to change their mind right then and there, but to quickly, effectively and professionally |

|neutralize their opinion, especially if this sort of engagement occurs in a public setting with prospective customers or new dealers in attendance.  Too, realize that |

|they are simply repeating a statement that they have been "provided," and are currently totally ignorant of the facts that render it entirely baseless. |

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|Bottom line: |

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|If a particular jurisdiction in the United States charges for "poor power factor," this is a really good thing, as by the EcoPower 4 technology increasing their power |

|factor to 97%, it would eliminate this high dollar penalty, thereby greatly decreasing their power bill.  And that is in addition to the primary function of the |

|EcoPower 4, which is the reduction in kilowatt hour consumption. |

| |

|1. EcoPower 4 reduces the consumption of electricity, measured in kilowatt hours. |

| |

|2. Kilowatt hours is the same measurement used by the electric utility, multiplied by the cost per kilowatt hour, in determining the underlying charge for electricity |

|consumption; and remember, there are also taxes and other surcharges on the electric bill, which are not necessarily related to electricity consumption! |

| |

|3. In view of #1 above, what is going to happen to the dollar amount of the electric bill charged to the customer? |

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|It is going to decrease, by the same percentage as did the kilowatt hours! |

| |

|There is one exception. If there was any increase in the per kilowatt hour price to the customer since last year, then the effect of that price change would still be |

|reflected in a lower power bill than would have been, if the EcoPower 4 had not been in operation! |

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|Please review this document and make certain that YOU clearly understand these concepts, as it will be you alone who will either have people believing you...or him. |

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|The preceding is supported totally by the several documents that I have attached hereto, which I recommend that you download to your hard drive, so that you may either |

|forward them to others, or print them out for distribution, to buttress your statements, if necessary. |

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|EcoPower Xpress |

|Q & A #5 |

|How is the EcoPower4 electricity savings affected by an |

|Analog versus Digital Electric Meter? |

|  |

|Digital electric meters are far more accurate at measuring electric consumption to the advantage of the electric utilities, which is why they are systematically |

|replacing the old “revolving disc” meters, with which we are all familiar; and from what we are told, the difference can be pretty substantial. |

|  |

|Therefore, the savings rate from installing a PowerwoRx e3 in a home, which then has its old analog meter switched out for a new digital meter, will experience an even |

|greater decrease in the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) used, in any given month, which would be detectible in a year-on-year examination of their electric bills. |

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|EcoPower Xpress |

|Q & A #6 |

|  |

|Is it okay to install a EcoPower4 in a home that has |

|a permanent Emergency Generator installed too? |

|  |

|Absolutely YES! |

|  |

|Emergency generators that are direct wired to the circuit breaker panel of a home, such that in the event of a power outage they are turned on and supply an amount of |

|electricity to the home (for AC, refrigerators, some lights and TV...seeing a pattern here?), produce very irregular, “dirty” power, causing surges and spikes, |

|especially at the moment of start up! |

|  |

|During such operation of the generator, the EcoPower4 suppresses the surges and spikes, and “cleans” the power coming into the home from the generator, before it is |

|used, thereby protecting the customer’s valuable appliances and electronics that are being “fed” by the generator. |

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|EcoPower Xpress |

|Q & A #7 |

|What do you do when you encounter multiple electrical panels in home? |

|  |

|If you encounter more than one electrical panel, there are several things to look for. |

|  |

|If simply two panels, side-by-side, such as in a garage, then open the panel door, and read the manufacturers label, to verify that the panel is indeed single-phase, |

|and that “Max Amps” is 200 or less.  Then the application is 1 EcoPower 4 unit per panel. |

|If there are two different sized panels, especially if a much smaller one is located away from the other, the larger panel could simply be “feeding” the small one.  |

|This would normally be indicated by a separate, large breaker  switch (40 amp?) in the big panel, which may be labeled something like “Sub-Panel” or “Addition” (as it |

|may be providing power to the addition of a master bedroom suite or family room).  In this case, just 1 EcoPower 4 would be connected to the “big” panel, and would |

|cover the small panel as it gets its electricity from the “big” panel.  |

|  |

|If the power distribution configuration in a prospective home is neither of these, then, again, let the electrician make the determination, because the variables beyond|

|these two points are potentially complicated and perhaps even dangerous for anyone but an electrician to handle. |

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|EcoPower Xpress |

|Q & A #8 |

| What do I look for when prospecting small strip centers, door-to-door? |

|  |

|This question came from Marlo in California, who along with his new dealer, the electrician, and outfitted with their new EcoPower 4 Biz Starter Pack Demo units, 25 |

|brochures, 10 DVDs and 4 new EcoPower 4 units to sell, wanted to know how to approach “cold-call” prospecting strip centers where they live in San Diego, and here were |

|several of my tips to them: |

|  |

|Start in your own town, and approach businesses that you patronize already, as a customer, especially those you know on a first name basis, as they will be most likely |

|to give you the “face time” to make a short presentation-including the demo kit routine!  If this one is in a strip center, ask him if he knows the owner of the next |

|most likely prospect in the center (see #2 below), and see if he will make a call to refer you! |

|When looking at a strip center, where you may have a variety of different businesses located in the store fronts, pick out the ones that you know will have a lot of |

|electric motors running in their business.  For example, you know that a sub shop or pizzeria is going to have heat exhaust fans, |

|refrigerators, freezers, ice makers and cold drink cases and a few lights...this is a GREAT PROSPECT!  But visit him between 2:30 pm and 4:00 pm which is their off peak|

|time! |

|Pretty much ignore the little business offices and dress shops, as all they are going to have are lights and a cash register of some type, and a very small electric |

|bill; unless you are in a state where air conditioning in the summer, or heating in the winter, or if you are lucky...both, are used, then go ahead and hit them all! |

|  |

|Don’t forget to use the process and script for the EcoPower 4 Demo Kit, included in our EcoPower 4 Express Q & A Archive in the EcoPower 4 section of Bob Giddens Chippy|

|News website! |

|  |

|Once you have made a EcoPower 4 sale to the business, then ask the owner if he would like to cut his electric bill at home too; or ask for referrals to anyone that he |

|knows who would like a break on their electric bill! |

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|Then, repeat this process until you are making too much money to carry! |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #9 |

| How do you tell a Single-Phase from a 3-Phase Electric Panel? |

|  |

|This question came from Jim in New York, and was one of my first important questions to my electrician! |

|  |

|First, open the circuit breaker cabinet door and on the inside there should be a manufacturer’s plate or label, which will clearly indicate whether the “box” is |

|single-phase or 3-phase, and the maximum amp capacity (100, 125, 150 or 200 are typical). |

|  |

|In lieu of there being such a plate or label, examine the circuit breakers, if you can find at least one circuit breaker that has what looks like 3 individual |

|“switches” with a solid “bar” connecting them altogether, then the box is 3-phase power.  A switch like this would probably be labeled Air Conditioner or Heat Pump, or |

|some other substantial electrical load.  If you can only find a circuit breaker having 2 switches, then it is most certainly a single-phase panel. |

|  |

|You may “confirm” this with the owner, depending upon how confident they feel that they know for certain; some do...and, some don’t, but say they do.  Check it out. |

|  |

|As always, if you are in doubt, let your electrician make the determination for you! |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #10 |

|How do you approach a Commercial EcoPower 4 Prospect? |

|  |

|This is very simple, but very important for everyone. |

|  |

|If you have not taken the ActivTek Commercial EcoPower 4 Online Training Course and passed the test with at least a score of 70, then |

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|  |

|There is only one exception, and that is if you already have a dealer in your downline, who is EcoPower 4 Commercial certified by ActivTek, then you may simply broach |

|the subject, just as if it were a EcoPower 4 prospect, but make it clear to the prospect that you are making the appointment for your certified dealer. |

|  |

|If you have already taken the course, and passed the test, there are ActivTek Commercial EcoPower 4 Training calls available, the schedule for which ActivTek can |

|provide. |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #11 |

| EcoPower 4 is the best investment! |

|  |

|Initial questions for your prospective customer: |

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|“Do you have a money market account paying interest on your money every month?” |

|  |

|Answer: Yes. |

|  |

|“What is the interest rate you are receiving?” |

|  |

|Answer:  Almost doesn’t matter as it will be between 1% and 2% (if they know). |

|  |

|“If I told you that I had a 'hard asset' investment that would pay you a return every month, in cash, equal to 45% per year, would you invest $800 in it?” |

|  |

|Answer:  Yes. |

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|  |

|Here are the financial dynamics of a EcoPower 4: |

|  |

|Investment in EcoPower 4 unit-with tax and delivered |

|$ 647.94 |

| |

|  |

|Electrician’s installation charge |

|$ 150.00 |

| |

|  |

|Total Investment |

|$ 797.94 |

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|  |

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|Electricity Savings Figurations: |

|  |

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|  |

|Prospects average monthly electric bill |

|$ 200.00 |

| |

|  |

|Monthly electricity savings (%) (Range 15% to 30%) |

|     15% |

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|  |

|Monthly electricity savings ($) |

|    30.00 |

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|  |

|Annual electric savings amount (x 12 months) |

|$ 360.00 |

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|  |

|Annual Return on Investment ROI or “interest rate” |

|  |

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|  |

|$360.00 divided by $797.94 |

|      45% |

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|From an Investment Standpoint, |

|Would a Client be Better Off at 2% of 45%? |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #12 |

| Multiple Power Panels |

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|This is a great breakthrough. Occasionally we encounter a sub-panel in a 3-Phase environment that has been "stepped-down" to single phase electric, generally to |

|accommodate single phase appliances such as a smaller air conditioning "condenser farm." |

|  |

|As to the need to install multiple EcoPower4, in the residential context, the maximum panel size is 200 amp, and where more amps are needed to provide the load for the |

|home, they use multiple panels, but still, none being greater than 200 amps. For example, in Mike Jackson's 26,000 square foot home, he has 11 panels, consequently 11 |

|EcoPower 4 units.  In the case of one of my retail customers, she had 2 x 200 amp panels, set side-by-side in the corner of the garage (large home!) and it required her|

|getting 2 EcoPower 4 units installed, one for each panel, wired independently.  |

| |

|In the 3-Phase commercial electric context, there are single panel sizes of 400, 600 and 800 amps, and beyond that, at 1,200 amps, instead of a panel they look like a |

|very large metal cabinet having a single large (12"+ long) breaker switch handle.  |

|  |

|In this case in point, we encountered a single-phase 400 amp panel, located in a 20,000 square foot Community Clubhouse with Theater, where we now may install 2 x Pe3 |

|units, wired "in parallel," as the solution.  |

|  |

|As to the warranties in the commercial environment, it seems that for all of our EcoPower4 units, residential and commercial, the 10-year warranty still exists and |

|applies, but the financial guaranty ($25,000), against harm to electronics and appliances, does not. |

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|EcoPower Express |

|Q & A #13 |

|Does the EP4 create or eliminate EMF? |

|  |

|Regarding EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies), the teaching has been that the EcoPower4 reduces or in some cases eliminated conducted EMF. A Stetzer meter (see at |

|) can be plugged into an outlet in a home and reports have shown that the conducted EMF's are reduced. |

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|Answer provided by John Eicher, Chief Training Officer for EcoQuest International |

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|Also, our dealers have requested that I post the explanation of the "Kill Shot Against Nay Sayers of EcoPower 4." See below. |

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|The Kill Shot: |

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|How to Disarm a Dissenting Electrical Engineer |

|  |

|This was broadcast on my "EcoPower4 Express" weekly dealer training conference call on July 15, 2009, and is so pivotal for our dealers to be able to effectively |

|deliver the math to a dissenting utility company employee, or worse, an Electrical Engineer who wishes to share a negative opinion. |

|  |

|I must credit Daniel Loo, Chief Electrical Engineer at PowerGy, for conveying to this knowledge during the advanced training class that he hosted on July 1st and 2nd, |

|for 68 attendees, in Warwick, Rhode Island. |

|  |

|The greatest source of waste electricity in any environment (residential or commercial), is Line Loss. As electric current moves through a wire, it meets resistance |

|from the metal of the wire while trying to pass through. The result is radiant heat, which is the manifestation of wasted electricity. Line Loss translates into a |

|reduction of the voltage of the current, meaning there is less "available power" to draw from. |

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|  |

|When Voltage is lowered, then more Amps than usual are required to run any electric motor. |

|  |

|Put simply.....LOWER VOLTAGE requires MORE AMPS to do the same job; and where there is HIGHER VOLTAGE then LESS AMPS are required to do the same job! |

|  |

|For example, the following power combinations will operate a single-phase 2 horsepower electric motor: |

|  |

|If Voltage is           Then Amps required are |

|  |

|      460                                  3.4 |

|  |

|      230                                  6.8 |

|  |

|      115                                13.6 |

| |

|Now, here comes the Math... |

|  |

|According to Ohm's Law (an underlayment to the "Power Factor Triangle"), there is a linear relationship between Amps and Watts, such that when a facility uses more |

|Amps, it consumes more Watts. 1,000 Watts are called one Kilowatt, and the number of those consumed in a 60-minute period are known as Kilowatt Hours. This is what the |

|utility company meters and then charges you for consuming! |

|  |

|In a home or business, where reduced Voltage causes an increase in the amount of Amps used, more Kilowatt Hours (kWh) of power are consumed! |

|  |

|The EcoPower4, using Harmonic Resistant Capacitors, restores the lost voltage ["lost" by the electric lines connecting to the home], making it available for use. |

|  |

|Consequently: |

|  |

|Less Amps are required to operate all of the electric motors in the home, |

|  |

|which directly reduces the number of Watts used, |

|  |

|which reduces the Kilowatt Hours of electricity consumed [purchased] by the home, |

|  |

|which reduces the dollar amount of the electric bill! |

|  |

|Remember this, and you are invincible! Let's Rock! |

|  |

|Jeffrey |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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