Beth Bjerregaard

Beth Bjerregaard

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Department of Criminal Justice

5075 Colvard Bldg.

Charlotte, NC 28223


Tel: (704) 687-2510; Fax: (704) 687-3349


1991 Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, State University of New York at Albany

1986 M. S. in Corrections, Kent State University

1985 B.S. in Criminal Justice, Kent State University




Department of Criminal Justice &

Public Policy Program

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Department of Criminal Justice

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Department of Criminal Justice

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

1991-1992 INSTRUCTOR

Department of Criminal Justice

Kent State University




Department of Criminal Justice

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


2009 Jennifer L. Hartman, David Spano, Theresa Rhodes, Beth Bjerregaard and Shanti Kulkarni.  “UNC Charlotte Safe Campus Initiative.”  Submitted to Office of Violence Against Women.  $189,826. Status: Denied

2009 Bjerregaard, Beth. COAS Small Grant. Funded at $1000.

2008                Turner, Michael G., Beth Bjerregaard and Jennifer L. Hartman. “Gang of One Program Assessment and Analysis and Mecklenburg County Gang Assessment and Analysis.” Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Funded at $100,000.

2008 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Using Regional Community Policing Institute Network to Promote PTO Field Training.” $250,000. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Not Funded.

2007 Turner, Michael G., Beth Bjerregaard and Jennifer L. Hartman. “Evaluation of the Dangers Involved with Gangs Project.” CMPD - Gang of One Program. Funded at $3,000.

2007 Bjerregaard, Beth, Lord Vivian and Joseph Kuhns. Program Evaluation of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s Dust to Dawn Curfew Program. $110,000. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Discretionary Grants Program. Not Funded.

2007 Bjerregaard, Beth, Lord, Vivian and Joseph Kuhns. Comparing the Effectiveness of the PTO (Reno Model) and FTO (San Jose Model) Field Training Programs. $116,000. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Not Funded.

2006 Bjerregaard, Beth, Blevins, Kristie, Lord, Vivian and Paul C. Friday in conjunction with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. “The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s Situational Crime Prevention Initiative: Crime in Apartment Communities.” $200,000. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Not Funded.

1998 Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard and Sondra Fogel. “Compiling a Database of Capital Murder Cases in North Carolina.” University of North Carolina at Charlotte Faculty Research Support Program. Funded at $8,880

1998 Bjerregaard, Beth “An In-Depth Analysis of Stalking Victims.” Junior Faculty Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Funded at $3,500.

1996 Smith, M. Dwayne and Beth Bjerregaard. “Predictors for Sentencing Among Convictions for First Degree Murder: North Carolina, 1979-1994.” Center for Death Penalty Litigation. Funded at $10,000.

1996 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Prevalence and Characteristics of Stalking Offenses.” University of North Carolina Faculty Grant. Funded at $4,088.

1996 Elrod, Preston and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Violence Impact Program Proposal: Grant Pre-Applications.” $30,598. Submitted to the Governor’s Crime Commission. Not funded.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita N. Blowers. “Factors Influencing Jurors' Perceptions of Child Witnesses.” University of North Carolina Faculty Grant. Funded at $8,173.

1995 Elrod, Preston and Beth Bjerregaard. “Violence Impact Program Proposal: Resubmission.” Submitted to the National Institute of Justice, $50,000. Not funded.

1994 Elrod, Preston and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Violence Impact Program Proposal: State PreApplication.” $30,219. Submitted to the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Policy. Not funded.

1994 Elrod, Preston and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Violence Impact Program Evaluation Proposal.” $35,553. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Not funded.



2004 Bjerregaard, Beth. Criminal Law in North Carolina. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

1997 Bjerregaard, Beth. Study Guide to Accompany Introduction to Criminal Justice. Westerville, OH: Glencoe/McGraw Hill.


Forthcoming Bjerregaard, Beth, Sondra J. Fogel, M. Dwayne Smith and Wilson R. Palacios. “Alcohol and Drug Mitigation in Capital Murder Trials: What are the Implications for Sentencing Decisions?” Justice Quarterly.

2010 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Family Violence.” Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2010 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Gang Membership and Drug Involvement: Untangling the Complex Relationship.” Crime and Delinquency 56 (1): 3-34.

2009 Hartman, Jennifer, Bjerregaard, Beth and Vivian Lord. “Identifying Factors that Influence the Successful Transition of Criminal Justice Transfer Students.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 20 (2): 173-193.

2008 Bjerregaard, Beth and John Cochran. “Want Amid Plenty:

Developing and Testing a Cross-National Measure of Anomie.” International Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (2): 182-193.

2008 Bjerregaard, Beth and John Cochran. “A Cross-National Test of Institutional Anomie Theory: Do the Strength of Other Social Institutions Mediate or Moderate the Effects of the Economy on the Rate of Crime?” Western Criminology Review 9 (1): 31-48.

2007 Kremling, Janine, Smith, M. Dwayne, Cochran, John, Bjerregaard, Beth, and Sondra Fogel. “The Role of Mitigating Factors in Capital Sentencing Before and After McKoy v. North Carolina.” Justice Quarterly 24 (3): 357-381.

2006 Stauffer, Amy R., Smith, M. Dwayne, Cochran, John K., Fogel,

Sondra J. and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Interaction Between

Victim Race and Gender on Sentencing Outcomes in Capital

Murder Trials: A Further Exploration.” Homicide Studies 10 (2):

98 - 117.

2004 Bjerregaard, Beth and Vivian Lord. “An Examination of the Ethical and Value Orientations of Criminal Justice Students.” Police Quarterly 7 (2): 262-284.

2003 Bjerregaard, Beth.“Book Review: Mara Taub’s Juries: Conscience of the Community.” Contemporary Justice Review 6 (1): 94-95

2003 Lord, Vivian and Beth Bjerregaard. “Ethics Courses: Their Impact on the Values and Ethical Decisions of Criminal Justice Students.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 14 (2): 191-211.

Won the MacNamara Award for Outstanding Published Paper

2003 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Anti-gang Legislation and its Potential Impact: The Promises and Potential Pitfalls.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 14 (2): 171-192.

2002 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Self-Definitions of Gang Membership and Involvement in Delinquent Activities.” Youth and Society 34 (1): 31-54.

2002 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Operationalizing Gang Membership: The Impact of Measurement on Gender Differences in Gang Self-Identification and Delinquent Involvement.” Women and Criminal Justice 13 (2/3): 79-100.

2000 Bjerregaard, Beth. “An Empirical Study of Stalking Victimization.” Violence and Victims 15 (4): 389-406.

1999 Bjerregaard, Beth. “The Supreme Court and Anti-Gang Legislation: The Potential Impact of the Morales Case.” Criminal Law Bulletin 35 (Jan/Feb): 27-41.

1998 Bjerregaard, Beth. “The Constitutionality of Anti-Gang Legislation.” Campbell Law Review 21 (1): 31-47.

1998 Bjerregaard, Beth. “The Juvenile Justice System.” Law Studies 22: 11-16.

1997 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita N. Blowers. “The Appropriateness of the Frye Test in Determining the Admissibility of the Battered Woman Syndrome in the Courtroom,” Journal of Family Law 35 (1): 1-23.

1996 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Stalking and the First Amendment: A Constitutional Analysis of State Stalking Laws.” Criminal Law Bulletin 32 (4): 307-341.

1996 Bjerregaard, Beth. “A Review of Maxfield and Babbie, Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology.” Social Science Quarterly 77 (1): 240-242.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita Neuberger Blowers. “Chartering a New Frontier for Self-Defense Claims: The Applicability of the Battered Person Syndrome as a Defense for Parricide Offenders.” Journal of Family Law 33 (4): 843-873.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth and Alan Lizotte. “Gun Ownership and Gang Membership.” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 86 (1): 37-58.

1994 Blowers, Anita N. and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Admissibility of Expert Testimony on the Battered Woman Syndrome in Homicide Cases.” Journal of Psychiatry and Law 22 (Winter): 527-560.

1993 Bjerregaard, Beth and Carolyn Smith. “Gender Differences in Gang Participation, Delinquency and Substance Use.” Journal of

Quantitative Criminology. 9 (4):329-355.

1993 Terence Thornberry, Beth Bjerregaard and William Miles. “The Consequences of Respondent Attrition in Panel Studies: A Simulation Based on the Rochester Youth Development Study.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 9 (2): 127-158.

1989 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Televised Testimony as an Alternative in Child Sexual Abuse Cases.” Criminal Law Bulletin. 25 (2):164-175.

Reviewed by Stephen Neely in the Prosecutor’s Perspective. Winter, 1993.

Book Chapters

2010 Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith and Sondra J. Fogel. “The

Case for Life or Death: Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances

in Capital Murder Trials.” Pp. 285-310 in Roslyn Muraskin (Ed.)

Key Correctional Issues (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice


2008 Kavanaugh-Earl, Judith, John Cochran, M. Dwayne Smith, Sondra J. Fogel and Beth Bjerregaard. “Racial Bias and the Death Penalty.” Pp. 147-195 in Michael J. Lynch, E. Britt Patterson and Kristina K. Childs (Eds.) Racial Divide: Racial Bias and Criminal Justice. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.

2006 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Anti-gang Legislation and its Potential Impact: The Promises and Potential Pitfalls.” Pp. 381-393 in Arlen Egley Jr., Cheryl Maxson, Jodi Miller and MalcolmW. Klein (Eds.) The Modern Gang Reader (3rd ed.), Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

2005 Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith and Sondra Fogel. “Benefits and Risks of Using ‘Diminished Capacity’ Mitigation in Death Penalty Proceedings.” Pp. 111-134 in Stephanie W. Hartwell (Ed.), Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Vol 12. Boston: Elsevier.

2005 Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith and Sondra Fogel. “Issues in the Use of Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances During the Sentencing Phase of Capital Murder Trials.” Pp. 285-310 in Roslyn Muraskin (Ed.), Key Correctional Issues. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

2002 Bjerregaard, Beth. “An Empirical Study of Stalking Victimization.” Pp. 112-137 in K. E. Davis, I. H. Frieze and R. D. Maiuro (Eds.), Stalking: Perspectives on Victims and Perpetrators. New York: Springer Publishing.

2000 Bjerregaard, Beth and Alan Lizotte. “Gun Ownership and Gang Membership.” Pp. 213-227 in Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth and Carolyn Smith. “Gender Differences in Gang Participation, Delinquency and Substance Use." Pp. 93-105 in Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson (Eds.), The Modern Gang Reader. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.


2009 Fogel, Sondra J., Smith, M. Dwayne and Beth Bjerregaard. “When Domestic Goes Capital: Predictors of Death Sentencing in Domestic Murder Cases Tried Capitally.” American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.

2009 Lord, Vivian, Jennifer L. Hartman and Beth Bjerregaard. “Use of multiple factors that influence upper level student retention and graduation.” Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, SC.

2009 Bjerregaard, Beth. “The Impact of Gang Legislation: Lessons Learned from Other States & in the Courts.” Annual Conference of the North Carolina Juvenile Justice Institute.

2008 Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith and Sondra J. Fogel. “A Test of the Liberation Hypothesis in North Carolina.” American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, MO.

2007 Smith, M. Dwayne, Sondra J. Fogel and Beth Bjerregaard. “Overview of a Population of Capital Sentencing Decisions: North Carolina 1977-2004.” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

2006 Fogel, Sondra, M. Dwayne Smith and Bjerregaard, Beth.

“The Post-Woodson Era in North Carolina’s Use of Capital Punishment: 1,100+ Trials Later.” American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

2005 Smith, M. Dwayne, Sondra J. Fogel, Beth Bjerregaard and Wilson R. Palacios. “I was Drunk, Stoned and High: Drug/Alcohol Use as a Mitigating Factor in Capital Sentencing.” American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

2004 Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard and Sondra J. Fogel. “The

Effects of Jury Racial Composition on Capital Sentencing.” American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN.

2003 Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard and Sondra J. Fogel. “Revisiting the Influence of Jury Gender Composition on Capital Sentencing.” American Society of Criminology, Denver, CO.

2003 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Gender Differences in Gang Self-Identification and Delinquency Risk.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA.

2002 Smith, M. Dwayne, Beth Bjerregaard and Sondra J. Fogel .“Patterns of Murder in Death Penalty Cases: Not Necessarily What You Think.” American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

2001 Bjerregaard, Beth and Vivian Lord. “Ethical Courses: Do the Values and Ethical Decisions of Criminal Justice Students Change?” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

2001 Bjerregaard, Beth, M. Dwayne Smith and Sondra J. Fogel. “The Influence of Mental Health Mitigators on Jury Decisions in Capital Sentencing Proceedings.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, DC.

2000 Lord, Vivian B. and Beth Bjerregaard. “An Examination of the Ethical and Value Orientation of Criminal Justice Students.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

1999 Elrod, Preston, Beth Bjerregaard and Michael Brooks. “Understanding Jail Inmates: Social and Criminal Justice Policy Implications.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.

1999 Bjerregaard, Beth and M. Dwayne Smith. “Jury Composition and Death Sentencing: The Influence of Gender.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.

1999 Bjerregaard, Beth. “The Application of Anti-Gang Legislation.” American Bar Association, Los Angeles, CA.

1998 Brooks, Michael, Bjerregaard Beth and Preston Elrod . “Responding to the Needs of Adolescent Jail Inmates: Examining the Differences Between Adolescent and Adult Inmates.” American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.

1998 Brooks, Michael, Bjerregaard Beth and Preston Elrod. “Responding to the Needs of Youthful Jail Inmates: Preliminary Analysis of the Mecklenburg County, N.C. Jail Youthful Inmate Study.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, NM.

1997 Smith, M. Dwayne, Bjerregaard, Beth and Philip Monte. “A Post-McClesky Analysis of Capital Murder Sentencing in North Carolina” Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA.

1997 Bjerregaard, Beth. “An Analysis of Current Gang Legislation.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, KY.

1996 Smith, M. Dwayne and Beth Bjerregaard. “Variations in the Use of the Death Penalty Among North Carolina Counties: A Preliminary Analysis.” American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

1996 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita N. Blowers. “Jurors’ Perceptions of Child Witnesses.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth. “An Analysis of Current State Stalking Laws.” American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA.

1995 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita N. Blowers. “The ‘Science’ of the Battered Woman Syndrome: An Analysis of the State of the Art.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, MA.

1994 Blowers, Anita N. and Beth Bjerregaard. “The Admissibility of Expert Testimony on the Battered Woman Syndrome in Homicide Cases.” American Society of Criminology, Miami, FL.

1994 Bjerregaard, Beth and Anita N. Blowers. “Chartering a New Frontier: The Applicability of the Battered Persons Syndrome in Self-Defense Cases.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, IL.

1993 Bjerregaard, Beth and Alan Lizotte. “Gangs and Guns.” American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, AZ.

1992 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Gender Differences in Gang Participation.” Invited Presentation to the Women's Studies Program, Kent State

University, Kent, OH.

1992 Walker, Donald and Beth Bjerregaard. “Gender Differences in the Working Personality of the English ‘Bobby.’” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA.

1991 Bjerregaard, Beth. “Gender Differences in Gang Participation.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

1991 Tesoriero, James, Deborah Chard-Wierschem and Beth Bjerregaard. “Differential Understanding of Self-Report Delinquency Measures: An Analysis of Over-Reporting Due to Trivial and Inappropriate Responses.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

1989 Bjerregaard, Beth and Peter C. Kratcoski. “Intrafamily Violence: The Case of Parents Who Kill Their Children.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, DC.

1988 Walker, Donald B. and Beth Bjerregaard. “Police Values and Community Attitudes: Does Gender Make a Difference?” Midwestern Criminal Justice Conference, Chicago, IL.

1988 Bjerregaard, Beth, Peter C. Kratcoski and Donald B. Walker. “An Analysis of Cases of Domestic Violence Involving Older Offenders.” North Central Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

1987 Bjerregaard, Beth and Peter C. Kratcoski. “A Comparison of Felony Connected and Non-Felony Connected Adolescent Homicides.” American Society of Criminology, Montreal, Canada.

1987 Bjerregaard, Beth and Bojan Klima. “The Relationship between Victims and Offenders in Homicide Offenses.” Midwestern Criminal Justice Conference, Chicago, IL.

1986 Kratcoski, Peter C. and Beth Bjerregaard. “A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Homicide Offenders.” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

1986 Erez, Edna and Beth Bjerregaard. “Respectable Women and the Law: Parole Decisions.” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.



Ph.D. Master’s Undergraduate

Quantitative Analysis I Death Penalty in North Carolina Introduction to C.J.

Law and Social Control Research Methods I Juvenile Justice

Death Penalty Research Methods II Criminal Theory

Criminal Justice and Social Control Research Methods

Legal Issues in Law Enforcement Criminal Law

Legal Issues in Corrections Criminal Procedure

Applied Research Project Death Penalty in NC



2009 Reassignment of Duties (Research Leave) (Spring 2009)

2006 Finalist for Bank of America Teaching Award

2004 Awarded MacNamara Award for Outstanding Journal Publication - Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

2003-2005 Nominated Bank of American Teaching Award

2002 Nominated Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award

2001 Nominated Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award.

1998 Awarded Outstanding Mentor Award Ronald E. McNair Program


Student Degree Faculty Role Topic Status

Tammatha Clodfelter Ph.D. Member Intimate Partner Violence In Progress

Hao, Huili Ph.D. Member Impacts of Brownfields 2008

John, Barbara Ph.D. Member Zoning Patterns in Charlotte 2008

Kaetterhenry, Rachel M.S. Member Robbery Based Homicides 2008

Kimble, Gina M.S. Member Drug Purchase Patterns 2006

Hendrix, Nicole Ph.D. Chair Accessible Storage of Firearms 2006

Lawry, Angeline M.S. Chair Serial Murderers 2006

Allen, Meagan M.S. Member Stalking 2005

Biggers, Jacquelyne* M.S. Chair Battered Woman Syndrome 2004

Bullock, Jennifer** M.S. Chair Mental Illness as Mitigator 2002

Scruggs, Leigh M.S. Member Juvenile Court Sanctions 2002

Sykes, Amy M.S. Chair A.D.D. and Delinquency 2002

Free, Kenisha M.S. Chair Broken Windows Theory 2001

Schultz, Tara* HNR Chair Criminal Justice Coursework 2001

Aylor, Rachel M.S. Chair Battered Women and Alcohol 2000

Guerette, Rob* M.S. Member Substantial Assistance Departures 2000

Wall, Amanda** M.S. Chair Parental Crime & Delinquency 2000

Redmond, Barry Ph.D. Member School Improvement Teams 2000

Brooks, Michael M.S. Member Jail Inmate Adjustment 1999

Houston, Ellen* M.S. Member Sexual Victimization 1999

Fenwick, Melissa * M.S. Chair Coping and Women in Jail 1998

Hendrix, Nicole* M.S. Chair Strain Theory and Females 1998

Smith, Matthew M.S. Member Anabolic Steroids 1998

Eudy, Steven M.S. Member Fear of Victimization 1997

Adamo, Deborah M.S. Member Oleoresin Capsicum 1996

Wagers, Michael* M.S. Chair Fear of Crime 1996

Wallace, Randall M.S. Member Social Disorganization 1996

Fortos, Martha M.S. Member Juvenile Recidivism 1994

* Currently attending or have graduated from Ph.D. program or law school ** Applied but decided not to attend



2009 Invited Presentation to NC Juvenile Justice Institute on anti-gang legislation.

2008 Division of Women and Crime Student Paper Competition Committee – American Society of Criminology

2008 Founder’s Award Committee – Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

2007-2008 Program Committee – American Society of Criminology

2001 Book Awards Committee – Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

2000 Chair Student Affairs Committee – Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

1999 Invited Presentation to the American Bar Association on “The Application of Anti-Gang Legislation”

1998-1999 Deputy Chair Student Affairs Committee – Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

1998-1999 Designed and analyzed the Correctional Environmental improvement Study for the Mecklenburg County Jail.

1997-1998 Collected and Analyzed data for the Mecklenburg Country Youthful Inmate Study

1996-1997 Student Paper Committee – Southern Criminal Justice Association

1996-1997 Student Affairs Committee – Northeastern Criminal Justice Association

1996-1997 Center for Death Penalty Litigation. Collected and analyzed data concerning capital offenders for the State v. Harvey Lee Green case.

1996 Program Committee. Area coordinator for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency section of the annual Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meetings.

1994-1996 Mothers of Murdered Offspring. Helped to design an evaluation of their violence impact program.


2009- Reassignment of Duties

2008-2009 College Workload Committee

2007 Lecturer Teaching Award Selection Committee

2005-2009 Faculty Council

2003-2005 Library Representative

2001 Faculty Council

2000 Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee for Transfer Students

1997-1999 Arts and Science Council

1996 - 2000 Human Subjects Committee

1993 Alternate Faculty Council

Public Policy Program

2008 – Present Public Policy Advisory Committee

2006-2007 Review Committee for Public Policy Director

2003-Present Public Policy Qualifying Exam Committee

2003-2005 Search Committee for Public Policy Director

2002-2005 Public Policy Advisory Committee

2001-Present Public Policy Admissions Committee

2000 Search Committee for Public Policy Director

1999-2002 Public Policy Planning Committee


2008 Department Workload Committee

2007 Strategic Planning Committee

2006-Present Justice Concentration Committee

2006 Chair Review Committee

2004-2006 Instructor Search Committee

1998- Present Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure

1998-2006 Assessment Committee

1997-Present Annual Review Committee

1996-2006 Graduate Committee

1994-2005 Comprehensive Exam Committee

1998-2001 Undergraduate Coordinator

1992-1995 Teaching Peer Review Committee

1992-Present Research Methods Committee

1992-2003 Undergraduate Committee



American Journal of Criminal Justice Review

Crime and Delinquency

Criminal Justice and Behavior

Criminal Justice Series: Critical Journal of Crime, Law & Society

Criminal Justice Studies


Criminology and Public Policy

Homicide Studies

International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice

Journal of Crime and Delinquency

Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture

Journal of Criminal Justice Education

Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice

Journal of Juvenile Justice and Detention Services

Journal of Quantitative Criminology

Justice Professional

Justice Quarterly

Police Practices and Research: An International Journal

Police Quarterly

The Sociological Quarterly

Women and Criminal Justice


Allyn and Bacon

Pearson Publishers

Prentice Hall

Roxbury Publishers

Sage Publications

Wadsworth Publishers



American Society of Criminology

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

REFERENCES: Available Upon Request


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