The Ringing World


Index 2009


acronyms & abbreviations: .. BR Bell Ringers; .. CR Change Ringers; Ad advert; AGM Annual General Meeting; A Alliance; anniv anniversary; ANZAB Australian & New Zealand Association of Bellringers; Assoc/s Association/s; augm augmentation; B Bob; C century; CA County Association; cent centenary; ch church; contrib contributor; corr corrections; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; DG Diocesan Guild; ed edition; Ed Editorial; Edn Editor's note; Est Established; Exec Executive; fest festival/s; fnt fortnight; Hon Honorary; illus illustration; LB Little Bob; let letter/s; LS Little Surprise; Membs Members; Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun; MS manuscript; obit obituary; P p peal; photo photograph; Pl Plain Hunt; QP qp quarter peal; quarter/s quarter peal/s; Revd Reverend; S Surprise; Socs Societies; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place; w/e weekend

filing orders: Mc filed as Mac; St filed as Saint

page numbers: bold for major items; italics for photographs, and other illustrations marked with a suffix; suffix for adverts (ad), corrections (corr), Editorial (Ed), letters (let), illustrations (illus) (drawing) etc., tables (table)


A-Z of ringing 704 (let), 822 (let); Flying Circus 31; Grab 85; Hacker 127; Institute 191; Jack 224; Knock-Knock 277; Lockout 327; Mouseholing 459, 511 (let); No 531; Open Days 608; Peal Week 685; Quex 751; Rocking Horse **** 814, 822 (let); Score 898, 946 (let); Tick 945; Ungettable 1055; Variable 1092; Worst 1162; Xanadu 1228; Yorkshire 'n' score 1299; Z-course 1299

'Aarau Bell Foundry - A Swiss role' 73–74

Abel, John (17C carpenter), Holme Lacy bellframe 745

Abel ringing simulator software (see also dumbbells): Alderney training 120; motion controller utility 1112

Abingdon, Oxon, St Helen, nylon clapper shank 120

Abson, Glos, recast treble rededication 144

accidents: fall in tower 744; foundry blast 816

Accounts (CCCBR): 2007 426; 2008 431–433, 629, 679

accounts, charity 581 (let)

Ackland-Troyte, Revds JE and RHD (19C authors), Change Ringers' Guide to the Steeples of England 800, 843 (corr)

acoustics: acoustic louvres 7–8 (let); Sound Control Seminar 1132

acrimo-clavicular joint dislocations 1302

Adams, David (contrib) 1179

Adams, Kathrine (obit) 888

Administrative Committee: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 434–435, 680; appointment of 429

advertising (see also posters): Bromyard District, Hereford DG 1216; handbell practices 1111 (Ed), 1114–1115 (let)

Africa see Harare Cathedral; South Africa; South African Guild

after-school clubs 1239

age profiles, ringers 269 (graph), 445

Ahmad, Toseef (contrib) 717, 719

Aisthorpe, Lincs, bells now ringing at Boothby Pagnell 296

'AITCH' ('H') see cartoons

Alan Buswell's analyses & reports see Buswell, Alan

Aldenham, Herts, WWI ringers remembered 1109

Alderney, Channel Islands (see also Winchester & Portsmouth Guild): Hong Kong ringers visit 841; QP day on Guernsey 576; quarter peals 470; serious training 120

Aldingbourne, West Susx, neighbours visit 55 (let)

Aldingham, Henry see Allingham, Henry

ale see beer; 'Beer Matters'

Aley, Bill, 90th birthday 1221

Allen, Bob & Sylvia, 35th Wedding 1132

Allestree, Derbys, first peal on the bells 81, 85

Allingham, Henry (Great War, a last UK survivor) 819 (Ed), 868, 878, 1023 [Aldingham]; peals rung 826

alphabet of ringing see 'A-Z of ringing'; individual entries 'A is for ..'

Alresford see New Alresford

aluminium clapper shank 120

America, South 1162 (let)

Ancient Order of Foresters, 175th anniv 372

Ancient Society of College Youths (ASCY) see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Andrew, Ron (obit) 612, 997, 1008

angle, golden 1285

Anglia S Royal, long peal 590

Angrave, Richard J (composer) 380, 512, 729

ankle ligament operations 1303

anti-clockwise rings: London, Smithfield 1229; North Ockendon, Essex 887

ANZAB (see also Australia): AGM 2009, Brisbane 695; ANZAC Day peals 539; Australian Special Ringing Events in 2009 32; Brisbane Cathedral consecrated 1233–1234; e-list activity 23, 127, 187, 204, 291, 509, 551, 599, 632, 651, 987, 996, 1043, 1087; international report 415; Mandurah, WA, 'Second chance at...' 539, 669; Perth, WA see main entry; quarter peals 1148–1150; Ringing Festival 695; Ringing Towers 632

appeals (see also fund raising; grants & loans): Ashover, Derbys 143; Churchstanton, Somerset, new clappers 180; Elmsett, Suff 237; Herne, Kent 1203; High Wycombe, Bucks 823 (let); Hutton, Som 844; Kirby Underwood, Lincs, Wyer bell 924 (let); Lyme Regis, Dorset 176 (let); Merton, Gtr London 933; Olney, Bucks 1139–1140; Pillaton, Cornwall 815; Queenstown, South Africa 1237; Ringing Foundation Ltd 872; RW sponsorships 1211 (Ed); Shapwick, Dorset 1083; Stedham, West Susx 875; Streatham, Gr Lon 1058; Truro Cathedral 147 (Ed), 150 (let), 166 (ad); Walton-on-Thames, Surrey 24, 1043 (let)

April 16th, ringers born on 637

archaeologists, belfry 1273

Archer, Thomas (18C architect) 393

architects: Archer, Thomas (18C) 393; Ingall, George (19C) 393; Johnston, Francis (18/19C) 553–558

archives: BBC West 360; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounder) 54, 1033, 1062; Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd 54

Ariel Surprise Maximus compositions 729

arm injuries 1302, 1303

Armagh, N Ireland 553–558

Armed Forces Day (27th June) 675 (Ed), 681–682, 754

Armistice, 90th anniv peals 12, 58, 254

Armitage, Geoff D (contrib) 249–250

Armstrong, Revd Margaret, 'A quarter for Margaret' 873

Armstrong, Robert Henry (Edenham, Lincs), WWI 1110

Army Guild 23

Around Ringers, annual tour 903

art, performing 403 (let), 727; 'Strictly Come Ringing' 186 (cartoon)

art form, the quarter peal as an 911

ASCY see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Ashby St Ledgers, Nhants, rare tower report 895

Ashcroft, Dawn (contrib) 792

Ashes: 1902 874 (let), 924 (let); 2009 950, 952

Ashover, Derbys, bellringing suspended 143

Asperger's syndrome (AS) 946 (let), 970 (let), 996 (let)

Atcham, Shrops: eggs thrown 340

Atkins, David J (Pontefract) (obit) 46, 61

Atkinson, David (cartoonist) 8, 93, 265

Atkinson, Robert, JP (19C merchant) 966

atmosphere, effect of sound of bells on 403 (let)

augmentations (see also de-augmentations): Abbots Ripton, Cambs 171; Avebury, Wilts 1221; Avington, Hants 170; Brompton (Northallerton), N Yorks 170; Charwelton, Nhants 171; Chelsfield, Kent 540, 1059; Clifton, Notts, St Francis 170; Elmsett, Suff 170, 237; Farleigh Hungerford, Som 171; Herriard, Hants 170, 384; Horton, Glos 171; Hutton, Som 844; Ixworth, Suffolk 121–123, 124; Leicester, Leics, St Mary de Castro 893–894, 896; Moseley, W Mids, St Anne 170; Newnham, Kent 171; Nunney, Som 171; Olney, Bucks 1133–1135, 1139–1140; Pillaton, Cornwall 815; Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints 769–773; South Stoneham, Hants 171; Stanion, Nhants 170; Stone-by-Dartford, Kent 171; Thoroton, Notts 170; Truro Cathedral 147 (Ed), 150 (let); Waresley, Cambs, St James 170

Austin, Oliver M (composer) 729

Australia (see also ANZAB; Perth, WA): 19C Australian ringing certificate 924 (plaque); Ashes, 1902 Australian Cricket team 874 (let), 924 (let); Bathurst Cath, NSW, refurbished bells 647, 1069; Bendigo, VIC, St Paul, ringing suspended 143; bush fire quarters 147 (Ed), 365; Melbourne Arts Festival 2009 1090 (let); 'Melbourne ringers' outing', 1908 re-enactment 676; Queensland (and Lismore) in a day 1031; Sluter family celebrations 933; tours to 274–275

Avebury, Wilts, augmentation: last peal before 1221

Avery, Ian W, 1000 peals 997

Avington, Hants, augmentation 170

Awbridge, Hants, Clock House Bells 820–821

Ayres, Raymond M (Ray) (obit): Johannesburg, All Saints 26, 27 (Ed); memorial bells 894; memorial peals 36; memorial plaque 894; Obituary 44; York Minster carillon project 249


'Bach and Bells' evening 403 (let)

back operations 1303

Bacon, Francis 1151

Bade, Benjamin, first quarter peal 248

Bagley, David (contrib) 987

Bagley, Henry I (17C bellfounder) 1135

Bagnall, Jack (obit) 911

Bailey brothers (Leiston) 534 (let); Bailey, George Reader (19/20C) 559 (let), 607 (let)

Bainham, Christopher (obit) 266

Baker, Herbert (19C architect) 1237

Baldock, Alan R, 1000 peals 60, 131, 148

Baldwin, John (contrib): Book Review 328, 435, 1250

Baldwin, John (Steward) see 'Dove's Guide ...'

Ballymakenny, Co Louth, Ireland, description 582

Banana Doubles 1289

Bangor, Gwynedd, airgun fired 1043

Bangor, N. Ireland 965–968

Banks, John W (obit) 1228

Barclay, Roy, 1000 quarter peals 339

Barking Abbey, Essx, 1812 Overture 647

Barnes, John (contrib) 1163

Barnes, London SW13: 21st summer tour 1103, 1155 (corr); end of an era 597

Barnes, Timothy J (composer) 239, 240

Barnsley & District Soc, Centenary celebrations 975

Barraclough, Owen, ordination 136

Barrick, George Henry (Great Dunmow, Essex), WWI 1109

Barrow & District Soc see Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre

Barrow-upon-Humber Ringing Centre, Lincs 899–900

Bartlett, Jane (obit) 214

Barton, K Joan, birthday 499

Barton-Upon-Humber, Lincs: outing 537; Victorian Day 841

Basingstoke, Hants, All Saints, quarter peal w/e 738–739

Bates, Jeremy C (contrib) 193–195, 197–200, 212

Bath & Wells DA (BWDACR)

Association: 1100th anniv of Diocese 263, 405, 707, 753; competitions, 8 bell 228, 1036; Honorary Life Members gather 892; quarter peals 469

Bridgwater Branch, QP fortnight 498

Chew Branch: mini walking outing 898; QP fortnight 470; striking competition 560

Taunton Branch, annual outing 560

Bathurst Cath, NSW, Aus, refurbished bells 647, 1069

Battle, E Susx, Christmas Tree Festival 1260

'Battle of Witton', Ches 876

BATTY see Bristol Association of Thirteenth..

Battye, Matthew (obit) 474

BBC broadcasts see broadcasts 219 (ad)

Beacham, David (contrib) 633–634

Beckett, Sir Edmund (19C) see Grimthorpe, Lord

Beddington, Surrey, 8 ringers celebrate 60 years of ringing 1296

Bedford, Stephen J (composer) 380

Bedfordshire Association

Association: QP day 18

Bedford District: QP week 498–499

Biggleswade District: Training Day 1161

beer mats, Bells Whisky 7 (let)

'Beer Matters': 'The Innkeeper' 1297; 'Jolly Good Ale..' 29

beers, Peal Ales 1180

Beijing, China, Great Bell Temple 823 (let)

Belapaise, Cyprus, Abbey Bell Tower Restaurant 275

Belbroughton, Worcs, Annual Dinner 247

belfry archaeologists 1273

Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292

Belfry Recycling Centre 1281

Bell, Maxine (contrib) 215

Bell Boys on BBC Radio 4 1060, 1090 (let)

Bell Club Awards 24, 240, 320, 504, 844, 1256; 'An Evaluation of the Sherbourne Bell Club' 293–295, 297

The Bell Foundry.. (jigsaw puzzle) 1009, 1058

'bell historians' e-list activity 23, 31, 55, 95, 103, 127, 187, 204, 223, 267, 291, 301, 328, 349, 509, 551, 562, 599, 608, 632, 651, 682, 743, 767, 799, 823, 875, 897, 935, 963, 987, 996, 1018, 1043, 1067, 1087; '.. - do you remember?' 1265, 1266; Great Malvern Priory judgment 397, 402

bell hunting 865, 1273

Bell News [and Ringers' Record] 747, 796, 797, 800, 958, 1087, 1157, 1158; DVD 436, 1206 (ad); Reeves, Harvey (founder) 1159 (Ed)

bell profiles: golden ratios 1285–1286; oriental 727 (let), 823 (let), 852 (let); Ruetschi 74; Taylor church bell 1285 (diag)

Bell Rescue Fund, Keltek Trust 170, 172

Bell Restoration Committee: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 448–449, 681; role 1107

Bell Restoration Fund (CCBRF): applications invited 1152; jigsaw puzzle 2009 1009, 1058; Johannesburg, All Saints 27; and Keltek Trust 172

bell ringing see ringing

'bell tower', Australia see Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower

bellfounders: B; Bagley, Henry I (17C) 1135; Bagley, Henry II (17C) 1253; Bagleys of Chacombe (19C) 987; Bilbie, Edward (18C) 217; Bowell, Alfred (19/20C) 1133, 1134; Brend II, John (17C) 374; Briant, John (18C) 1253; D; Dawe, William (14C) 1083; E; Eayre, Joseph of St Neots see main entry; G; Giles, Edmund (17C) 478; Gillett & Bland 393; Gillett & Johnston see main entry; Grouzet Hildebrand (19C Paris) 923 (let), 1018 let); H; Hemmony 1286 (table); Hendley, Robert (15C) 1033; L; Langhorne, John (14C) 1083; M; Manoušek, Petr 250; Mears, Charles & George 267, 721, 1280 (table); Mears, Thomas (19C) 217; Mears & Stainbank see main entry; O; Paccard Foundry of Annecy (21C France) 1020; Petit & Fritzen 1286 (table); R; Royal Eij[s]bouts 1286 (table); Rudhall, Abraham of Gloucester 794–795; Rudhall, John of Gloucester 747; Rudhall, Thomas of Gloucester 28; Ruetschi, H 73–74; S; Saunders, John (16C) 165; T; Taylor, John & Co see John Taylor & Co; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd see main entry; W; W & J Taylor, Oxford (19C) 1253; Warner, John & Sons see main entry; Wasbrough Hale & Co, Bristol (19C) 350 (let), 460 (let), 535 (let); Wells, Robert (18C) 1083; White, John (16C) 165; Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd see main entry

bellfoundries, accident at French foundry 816

bellfoundry museums, John Taylor 449, 1062

bellframe, demonstration bell and frame 1160

bellframe conservation 822 (let), 849 (let), 995–996 (let), 1066 (let) (see also English Heritage; Great Malvern Priory); Conservation and Repair of Bells and Bellframes 849 (let); costing options 482 (let); death watch beetle 1135; design evolution 482 (let); iron frames (1909) 1162 (let); museum proposal 1043 (let); recording 850 (let), 1211; Roberts, Ian 1083; surveys of existing bellframes 656

bellframe surveyors, Ward Cole Associates 218

bellframes: Abel, John (17C carpenter) 745; Charlton Adam, Somerset 217–219; Charwelton, Nhants 171; Grahamstown Engineering, South Africa 27; Holme Lacy, Herefs 745–746; Morville, Shrops 721–722; Olney, Bucks, replacement 1133–1135, 1139–1140; radial frame, 12 bells 1234; Rugeley, Staffs, 1850 wood 1033; Sandiacre, Derbys, concerns 1211; Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints 771; Shapwick, Dorset (17C oak) 1083; St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge 1066 (let)

bellhangers: Day and Son of Eye, Suffolk 747; Hayward Mills Associates see main entry; Mallaby of Masham see main entry; Nicholson Engineering see main entry; Whites of Appleton see main entry

'Bellnav', e-list, activity 291, 651

Bellringers (hymn) 653

bellringing see ringing

bells (see also Big Ben; inscriptions): list of the largest 702–703 (tab); Bells of Old Bailey see London, City of, St Sepulchre; Collings' Collection (small bells) 265; Flying Dragon bell (Japan) 852 (let); Great George, Bristol 700–701; Great Paul 696; Great Peter, Glos 200; in hymns see hymns; "Jean" 896; largest in the world 645, 701–703; 'Maria', Pamplona Cath, Barcelona 645; Portland 326 (let); small 265; in worship, prayer, and reunion of spirit 510 (let)

oldest, Wolverton, Warwickshire 28–29

Bells (composition) 525

Bells and Bell Frames: guidelines for consultation 849 (let), 1042 (let)

Bells and Bellringers of York Minster 1180, 1186 (let)

'Bells and Music - Are my bells any good?' 473

Bells in Schools project 630, 871 (see also schools)

Bell's Life in London 793, 947, 959

Bells of Exeter Cathedral 799 (let)

Bells of Truro Cathedral and Cornwall (CD) 868

Bells on Sunday (BBC Radio 4) 27 (Ed), 102 (let), 201 (let), 219 (ad), 629, 963 (see also broadcasts); and CCCBR Public Relations Committee 27 (Ed), 629

Bells Whisky: beer mats 7 (let); tags 103 (let), 126 (let)

Bendigo, Australia, St Paul, ringing suspended 143

benefactors see bequests; donors

Bennet, David J (obit) 612

Bennet, William (19C), great-great-granddaughter 672

Bennett, James A (Tony) (obit) 166, 368

bequesting before you die 762

bequests, Draper, Jean (Leics) 893–894, 896

Berkshire: lost rings 164; QPs 1005; tours 366

Beverley & District Ringing Society, Albert Sellers Award 221

Big Ben: another anniversary 697–699; Cambridge Chimes 501; cleaning 698; Enthusiasts' Weekend, comp 213, 299 (let); 150th anniv 213, 744; '.. and the 'Pips' 786; Westminster Chimes 319, 697–699

bikers group see motorcyclists

Bilbie, Edward (18C bellfounder) 217

Bill, Heritage Protection 656, 1211 (see also legislation)

Billinge, Ian (obit) 238

Biodiversity Day 326 (let)

Biographies Committee: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 435, 680; 2009 Motion C 628, 679; 2009 update 629; 'The impossible takes a bit longer' 1187–1189

Birmingham, W Mids (see also St Martin's Guild): Kids.Ring.Out 843; St Martin, 250th anniv of 1st true peal 62, 72

births: Boulton, Alexander Telemachus 306; Cumming, Ethan James 141; Vernon, Adam James 306

Bishop, Tony (contrib) 289

Bishop Gilpin School, Wimbledon, 250th anniv 655 (let)

Bishop's Castle, Shrops, Welsh Colleges revisit 1096

Bishopstone, Wilts, new sanctus bell 240

Björvang, Hanna (new ringer) 1054

black bands 988

Blagden, Thomas James (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1110, 1110

'blagging' 5

Blair, Alan (contrib): 'The twelve tonne bell 'Maria' in Pamplona Cathedral' 645; 'The World's Largest Bells' 701–702, 852 (let)

Blandy brothers (Redenhall, Norfolk) 48

Blatchly, Dr John MBE 1257, 1258, 1259 (Ed)

blind ringers, Retinitis Pigmentosa 717, 719

Blitz see World War II

Blitz, London 1259 (Ed)

blogs see Davies, Peter G

Bloom, Wendy (contrib) 1057, 1059

blue line: following 788–789; jumpers 215, 244 (cartoon)

Boatright, Meg (obit) 1178

Bob Singles see Singles

Boer War, Declaration of Peace 968

Bollington, Ches, bells still ringable 127 (let)

Bone, Fred (RW IT systems) 6, 125

Bone family (21C Donhead, Wilts) 981

bone fractures 1302

Boniface, Doug (contrib) 1078–1079, 1091 (let)

'Book Review': The Bells and Bellringers of York Minster 1180, 1186 (let); Carry on Counting 728, 1131 (ad); Church Clocks 317, 319; Del fondere campane (The Founding of Bells) 532–533; How to Learn Methods 1131 (ad); Living Heritage 1205, 1206 (ad); The Pilgrim's Guide to Devon's Churches' 1295; Prose, Poems and Puzzles for a Modern Christmas 1250, 1301; Teaching Unravelled: an evidence-based approach to teaching bell handling 328, 435

Booth, Roger (contrib) 871–872, 940 (let)

Boothby Pagnell, Lincs: 'Aisthorpe bells are now ringing ...' 296; dedication 648; first peal on the bells 1167

Borlase, Kevin (St Dominic, Corn), birthday 909

Boston, Lincs, St Botolph 700th anniv 972

Boston, Massachusetts, Old North Church 1041

Bosworth, Philip (obit) 499

bottle tags 103 (let), 126 (let)

Boulton, Alexander Telemachus (birth) 306

Bourne, Lincs, silent unconducted spliced QP 323

Bow Bells see London, City of, St Mary-Le-Bow, Cheapside

Bowden, Richard (contrib): Book Review 1295; 'Hymns that got me into trouble' 163

Bowell, Alfred (19/20C bellfounder, Ipswich) 1133, 1134

Bowley, Jim (obit) 92

Boyack, Aidan (obit) 866

Bradbury, Herbert A (obit) 1228

Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts, plinth ringers 1160

Bradshaw, Graham M (composer) 512, 729

Brain, John (contrib) 167

Braithwaite, J (contrib) 1302–1303

Branch, Angela and David, Silver Wedding 981, 1174

Brannell see St Stephen in Brannell

Brawn, Joseph H (19c band leader) 796–797

breast cancer 923 (let)

Brecon see Swansea and Brecon Guild

Brecon Cathedral, first pealers 600

Bredon Hill, Worcs, outing to 4

Brend II, John (17C bellfounder) 374

Brereton, Ches, St Oswald, first peal on aug bells 928

Brereton, William, 2nd Lord of Laghlin (17C) 928

Brereton family (17C+ Brereton, Ches) 928

bridge (card game) 270

Bridge, Tina Matilda (obit) 914, 1204

Bridle, Peter, 4000 peals 10

Brigstock Doubles 1186 (let)

Bring Back the Bells (poem) 728

Brisbane, Queensland, Aus (see also ANZAB): ANZAB AGM 695; Cathedral consecrated 1233–1234

Bristol Association of Thirteenth Tintinabulary Youth (BATTY) 933, 1043

Bristol Cathedral bells, 50th anniv 360

Bristol Surprise Major: compositions 512; Stedman Triples 302, 306

Bristol Surprise Maximus: compositions 729; pioneers 1214 (let), 1238 (let), 1266 (let)

Bristol University, 100th anniv 228, 563, 700–701, 710, 853

Britain, largest bell, mould 696

British Carillon Society 249, 250

British Heart Foundation 821

British Horological Institute 215

broadcasts (see also Bells on Sunday (BBC Radio 4)): advance notice of 27 (Ed); BBC and Big Ben 786; BBC East 533; BBC London 471; BBC news 216, 552; BBC Radio 3 744; BBC Radio 4, Bell Boys 1060, 1090 (let); BBC Radio Nottingham, St George's Day 276; BBC Radio Suffolk 109, 533; BBC South Today's Going Out series 96; BBC2 12 min ringing film (20C) 1084; BBC2 An Island Parish 1183; BBC2 Eggheads team 1180, 1216; "Christmas Day Morning Bells" 201 (let); internet, live on the 728; oldest ring in the world 943 (Ed); TV, Netherlands 1144

Brock, Denis (veteran ringer) 1087 (Ed), 1090

Brockworth, Glos, old tenor bell 1035

Brompton (Northallerton), N Yorks, augmentation 170

bronze bells 823 (let)

Brooke, Dorothy, Ambitious Apprentice Badge 916

brothers, bands of 484 (see also family networks); Bailey (Leiston, Suff) 534 (let), 559 (let), 607 (let); Blandy (Redenhall, Norf) 48; Head (19C Wye, Kent) 372; Jackson (Stockport, St George) 534 (let); Troyte 800, 843 (corr); White (1939 Moorlynch, Som) 581 (let)

Brown, Harry Wyatt (obit) 94, 180, 188–189

Brown, Helen, 1st QP and off to Nott Univ 1103

Brown, Richard (contrib) 1185

Brown, Robert DS (composer) 104, 512, 729

Bryars, Gavin (composer) 538

Bullock, George (19C millwright), bellframe 121

bunion operations 1303

Burdett-Coutts, Angela (19C bell donor) 1237

bursaries 939

Buswell, Alan (contrib)

2008 QP report and analysis 483, 535 (let), 850 (let); Bell Tower, Perth 631 (let), 677 (let); mini-rings 558 (let), 631 (let); secular ringing 725 (let), 774 (let)

thank you 850 (let)

Butcher, Malcolm (obit) 879, 888

BWDACR see Bath & Wells DA

Byrd, William (16C composer) The Bells 525


Cabinet Office, national survey on giving 271

call changes 1138 (let), 1162 (let def), 1214 (let); Cornwall 469, 738, 1126; music and mathematics 350 (let); Whiting Society see main entry; 'You don't have to call it from the tenor' 69, 71, 549, 550–551

call to worship see Church, calling people to

Cambridge Chimes 501, 865, 990

Cambridge Chronicle and Journal 947, 959

Cambridge Handbell Band, long length attempt 624

Cambridge Minor course 100

Cambridge Surprise Maximus compositions 729

Cambridge Surprise Minor, ringer's story 788–789, 791

Cambridge Surprised! (poem) 1213

Cambridge University

800th anniv: celebrations 103, 127 (let), 990; peals rung 105, 282, 513, 707, 803, 994

Gt St Mary's: last peal on the bells 405; news bells cast 501; 'Thirteen Taylors of Great St Mary's..' 989–994

Cambridge University Guild (CUGCR), Guild week 2009 1168–1169

Cambridgeshire: 5 QPs in a day 263; Histon & Friends quarter peal weekend 863

Camden, South Carolina (USA) 1007

Camp, John (contrib) 1213 see 'From the E-Lists' (FTEL)

Campanalogia (1677) (Stedman, Fabian) 1288

Campanalogia Improved (1702) 948

campaniles (see also mini-rings): Bishopstoke 1284; Fenton 900; Hungerford Ringers 1205; Louvaine 391; websites 1232

Campbell, Neil (Bearsden, Glasgow), convicted 508

Camping, Caravanning, Rambling and Hostelling Ringing Society, meetings 272

Campling, Pauline, 1000 peals 148

Campsea Ashe, Suff, Ringing Festival 652

Campton, Beds: two first quarters 761

Canada (see also North American Guild): visit to London, St Giles 369

canoes and coaching 1239

canon retaining headstocks 102–103 (let)

Canterbury, Archbishop of (Williams, Rowan) 228

Canterbury Cathedral (poem) 68

Cardinal Wolsey see Wolsey, Cardinal

Carillon Society, British 249, 250

carillon-grabbing excursion, France 1020

carillonneurs: Lesecq, Alfred 1020; Lombaert, Aimé (obit) 249–250; Zwart, Boudewijn 249, 1144, 1284

carillons: Bourneville, Birmingham 744; British founders 473; Carillon Instituut Nederland, 't Klockhuis 249; Eurocarillon 250; Loughborough War Memorial 249; Perth, WA, Swan Tower 249, 378 (let); reflections on 249–250, 378 (let); Swiss Centre, Leicester Square 74; Umberslade, Warw, Baptist Church 393; Westminster, Gr London 78 (let); York Minster 249

Carless, Paul (contrib) 845–848

Carlisle Cathedral, Bells 10th anniv 1019, 1031

Carlisle DG: striking competition 652; Young Ringers Award 552

Carlisle News & Star 1138

Carpenter, John (obit) 288

Carr, Derek J (contrib) 786

Carry on Counting (Grave, Karl) 728, 1131 (ad)

cars 1138 (let)

Carter Ringing Machine Coll: 2007 Report 429; 2008 Report 449, 681

cartoons: 'AITCH AT HOME' 900; 'And now for something completely different (P.538)' 580; blue line jumpers 244; 'Editorial P771!' 795; 'not every tower can boast a 10 cwt. tenor' 8; 'Oh no, not Whittingtons - again' 1286; 'ooooh, I see she's still ringing peals...' 450; 'said his last tower was Babel' 265; 'Strictly Come Ringing' 186; 'we like to to think of ourselves as firm but fair' 93

casting new bells 772, 896

Castle Morpeth, Nhmbld, Morpeth S Minor QP 391

Cater, Bob (contrib) 100

Cater, John, 6,000 towers rung 297

Caters (9 bell ringing) see methods named

Cathedral Grants (English Heritage), withdrawn 1018 (let)

"Catholic bell, old" 1033

Catholic Church bells, history 1033–1034

Cattell, Alan (ringer & craftsman) 769–772, 771 (Ed), 874 (let)

Cattermole, Paul (obit) 819 (Ed), 842, 940, 941, 1128, 1151 (corr); 'Paul Cattermole 1941 - 2009' 941–943; peals rung 953; photographs, 1968 1273; photographs, 2002 1276; quarter peals 957, 1005; reminiscence 1252; tribute 1273–1277

Cawley, David (contrib), 'Three lost seaside towers ...' 30 (let); Eastbourne 51, 53–54, 103 (let) (corr)

CCC see Council for the Care of Churches

CCCBR see Central Council (CCCBR)

CDG see Chester DG

CDs: The Bells and Bellringers of York Minster 1180, 1186 (let); Bells of Truro Cathedral & Cornwall 150 (let), 166 (ad), 868; Lost and Found 3: The Bells of Worcester Cathedral 277; Tales from the Crypt (Uphill, Michael) 1266 (let)

Cemetery Junction (film) 1062

Central Council (CCCBR)

AGM 2009 (see also Central Council Committees): Supplement 421–452; Accounts for 2007 426; Accounts for 2008 431–433, 629, 679; Agenda 2009 423–424; Annual Report 2007 426; Annual Report 2008 430–431, 679; Minutes 2007 426; Minutes 2008 678–679; Minutes 2008, 1st Session 425–430; Minutes 2009, 2nd session 678–682; Motions 2009 628–629, 679–680; peals rung for 638; RW reports 555 (Ed), 625–630; Welcome to Worcester 531

Bell Restoration Fund (CCBRF) see main entry

Carter Ringing Machine Collection: 2007 Report 429; 2008 Report 449, 681

Central Council Committees see main entry

external meetings: Church Buildings Council (CBC) 507, 1211; Ecclesiastical Insurance Group 1183; English Heritage 434, 656, 849–850 (let), 923 (let), 970 (let), 995 (let), 1066 (let); English Heritage and Church Buildings Council 1211

founding of 559 (let)

future meeting locations 682

Guidelines website 654

Honorary Members 534 (let), 555 (Ed), 606 (let), 628–629, 631 (let), 632, 679–680

image 531 (Ed)

Librarian 347 (Ed), 349, 434, 436, 629

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells: 2007 Report 429; 2008 Report 451, 682; 2009 meeting 1044, 1090 (let)

Ringing Foundation Ltd see Ringing Foundation Ltd

Stewards' Reports (see also Rolls of Honour): Carter Ringing Machine Collection 2007 429; Carter Ringing Machine Collection 2008 449, 681; Dove Database 2007 429; Dove Database 2008 450–451, 682; Rolls of Honour 2007 429; Rolls of Honour 2008 449–450, 681–682

Venerable Groups, Safeguarding 460 (let)

views on 534 (let); object of CCCBR 559 (let); and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) 682

Central Council Committees

Administrative 429; 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 434–435, 680; appointment of 429

Bell Restoration: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 448–449, 681; Johannesburg, All Saints 27

Biographies: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 435, 680; 2009 Motion C 628, 679; 2009 update 629; 'The impossible takes a bit longer' 1187–1189

Compositions Committee, remit 437, 679

conflicts of interest 399 (Ed), 402; Guidance 434–435

Education see main entry

elections 2009 350–351 (let)

Information & Communications Technology: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 629, 680–681

Library 347 (Ed), 349, 629; 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 434, 436, 681; Sanderson, Jean (obit) 1251–1252; website, new look 962

Methods: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; 2009 Report 629; methods in the RW Diary 175 (let), 289

Peal Compositions Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; renamed Compositions Committee 679; Stedman collection 2009 629

Peal Records: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; 2009 meeting 629; Decision (D) D 463

Peals Analysis: 2007 Report 428; merged with Records 427

Public Relations see main entry

Publications: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 443, 681; list 443, 1191

Records renamed Peal Records Committee

Redundant Bells: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 444, 681; 2009 Meeting 629

Ringing Centres: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 444, 681

Ringing Trends see main entry

Tower Stewardship: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 435, 629, 680; CRB checks 1017 (let) (see also main entry); Venerable Groups 460 (let) (corr)

Towers and Belfries: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 448, 681; 2009 Meeting 629–630; Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment 402, 481–482 (let), 510 (let); Sound Control Seminar 1132

Central Council Memorial Book for Ringers (1914-18) 449–450

Central Council Memorial Book for Ringers (1939-45) 341, 449–450

Central European Association of Change Ringers (CEACR): bell and ring information 750 (let); Dordrecht, Netherlands, firsts 1144; 'First peal in Continental Europe by a resident band' 675; 'Foundation of the..' 673–675; international report 415

Chacombe, Nhants, ' A band of Bagleys at..' 987

Champion, Colin, remembered 1048

Champion, Myrtle A (obit) 1048, 1055

Champion, Walter (obit) 864, 1008

Change Ringers' Guide to the Steeples of England 800, 843 (corr)

Change Ringing (1965) 269

change ringing, reflections on 249–250

Change4Life poster 344

'change-ringers' e-list, activity 55, 95, 103, 127, 187, 204, 223, 267, 291, 301, 328, 349, 509, 551, 562, 599, 608, 632, 651, 682, 743, 799, 823, 851, 875, 897, 935, 963, 987, 996, 1018, 1043, 1067, 1087

Changeringing on Handbells (CD) 1255 (ad)

Channel Islands District (CID) see Alderney; Guernsey; Winchester & Portsmouth Guild: annual striking comp 120; quarter peals 470; summer meeting 749

Chapman, Vicki (contrib) 180 (see also Ringing Around the Olympics)

Charitable Heritage Trust, John Taylor & Co archives 1062

charity accounts 581 (let)

Charity Commission 581 (let)

Charity Gift Aid scheme see Gift Aid

Charlton Adam, Somerset, restoration project 217–219

Charmborough Ring (see also mobile towers): London Marathon 344; Lord Mayor of Westminster's New Year's Day Parade 220; success 147 (Ed)

Chatham, Kent, transferable ring 850–851 (let)

Chawton, Hants, new ring of 6 bells 823 (let)

Chediston, Suff, bells restored 373–374, 376, 383, 460 (let)

Cheesman, John H (19C ringer) 353

Chelmsford Cathedral, outing 1006

Chelsfield, Kent: 1st peal on augm bells 540; augmentation 1059

Cheltenham, Glos, St Mark, first peal on augmented bells 540

Cheltenham, Glos (Warden Hill), first hundred QPs 313

Cheltenham Journal 948

Cheshire, outings to 653

Chester DG (CDG)

Guild: 6-bell striking competition 768; 8-bell striking competition 1177, 1179; e-list activity 127, 328, 823, 1018, 1067, 1087

Chester Branch, quarter peal days 933

East Branch, QP festival 2009 570

Mid Cheshire Branch, QP fortnight 2008 90

Chilcompton, Som, first peal on augmented bells 513

child abuse, 'Publishing the unthinkable' 455–456

Child Protection, 2006 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (see also sex offenders): 2008 Annual Report 434; 2009 Oct implementation 919 (Ed), 921–923, 1017 (let), 1039, 1067 (let); false records 1138 (let); local policy 725 (let); 'Mumbo Jumbo' 1186 (let), 1214 (let); 'Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults...' 457–459, 503 (corr); website 1039

Child Protection Officers 459, 921–923

children, 'Thought ...' 599

Children in Need peals 1241

Chiltern Mid-Week Group, QPs 91, 498, 761, 1005

chimes: Cambridge Chimes 501, 865, 990; Guildford Chimes 319; Merton Chimes 319; Morley Town Hall, Yks 865; Scilly Isles, St Mary 669; Westminster Chimes 78 (let), 501, 865, 1134

China (see also Hong Kong): Great Bell Temple, Beijing 823 (let); Pingdingshan (large bell) 852 (let)

Christmas 2008: "Christmas Day Morning Bells" 201 (let); Christmas in Devon 263; Puzzles & competitions 186 (ans)

Christmas 2009: greetings 1298; messages 1260; Puzzles & competitions 1300–1301

'Christmas Eve' (story) 1268, 1280, 1286

Christmas Morning Mattins (poem) 1277

Christmas Story, 'An alternative approach to the..' 1301

chromatic rings, Southampton, Hants 228

Church, calling people to 510 (let) (see also Mothering Sunday peals; 'Thought for the Week'); Bellringers (hymn) 653; it's a beautiful sound 891

Church Bells 795, 796, 947, 948

Church Bells of Northamptonshire (1879) 1253

Church Bells of Warwickshire (Tilley, Henry T) 1273

Church Bells of Worcestershire 1153

Church Buildings Council (CBC) 401; aim no 3 967 (Ed); Conservation and Repair of Bells and Bellframes 849 (let); Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment 398; meetings with CCCBR 434, 507; meetings with CCCBR and English Heritage 1211; St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge, bellframe 1066 (let)

Church Clocks (Rock, Hugh) 317, 319

Church Converts (property developers) 1262

Church Stowe, Nhants, rare tower report 895

Church Times 507 (Ed), 996, 1018

Churcham, Glos, Gough, Joseph (19C) 795–797

Churchdown, Glos, day out 763, 766

Churches Conservation Trust, 40th anniv: announcement 152; BBC news 216, 273 (let); peals rung 251, 329, 330; public relations 271 (Ed); Westminster Abbey service 939, 1060

Churchstanton, Som, new clappers needed 180

CID see Channel Islands District

Cinques (11 bells) see Erin Cinques, in 2 years; Stedman Cinques; Stedman:'Quick or Slow?'

Cistercians 1268

City of London see London, City of

Civil Partnerships: Butler/Harper 85, 93; QP w/e 538, 551

Clapham, N Yorks, restoration project 1105

Clapham Park, Gr Lon, St Stephen 464, 510 (let)

Clapper (NAGCR) 919 (Ed), 935

clappers: adjusters 175 (let); aluminium shank 120; problem at Cottenham 655 (let), 704 (let), 727 (let); and tonal quality 277, 534 (let); wooden shaft 534 (let)

Clare, Co Armagh, N Ireland, description 582

Clark, Leslie B, 90th birthday 1296

Clarke, Mary (Gee) (obit) 574

Clarke, Stephen (contrib) 748

Clavis Campanalogia or a Key to the Art of Ringing (1788) 377

Clements, William Shapley (19C ringer, Australia) 924 (let)

Clent, Worcs, Annual Dinner 2009 247

clergy, relations with ringers see relations between ringers and clergy

clerical titles in peal reports, RW copy policy 3 (Ed)

Clifton, Notts, St Francis, augmentation 170

climate change: Cop15 conference 940, 1066 (let), 1090 (let), 1255

Clist, Rodney & Sally, Golden Wedding 738

clock bells 73 (see also Big Ben; chimes; Turret clock forum); Cambridge University, Gt St Mary's 994; Morley Town Hall, Yorkshire 865, 867; Olney, Bucks 1134; Umberslade, Warw, Baptist Church 393

'Clock House Bells - open for business' 820–821

clockmakers: Cumbria Clock Company 1135, 1281; Grimthorpe, Lord 319, 727, 1134, 1275; John Moore & Sons, Clerkenwell (19C ) 1153

Clocks, Church (Rock, Hugh) 317

Clonmore, Co Armagh, N Ireland, description 582

clothes: evening wear 580 (cartoon); hot pants 378 (let); RingingLocker 1009

coaching techniques 654

Codicote, Herts, 100th anniv of 1st peal 54, 56

Cole, Betty, 80th birthday 185, 192

Coleman, Murray (composer) 380

Coleman, Steve (contrib) (see also 'Ringing & Money'): 'Betty Cole at 80' 192; 'Drumming and Ringing' 72; 'Looking back on the 2008 Roadshow' 1281–1284; 'The Sight of Gentle Maiden Deftly Handling of a Rope' 1267–1268

Coles, Emma (16), York Minster tenor bell 144

Colgate, Miss Doris, 75 years of ringing 964

Collection of Doubles Methods 437, 629

Collection of Popular Major Methods (2001) 437, 729 (corr)

collections, small bells 265

Colleen (French instrumentalist) 538

College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY): Annual Dinner 1135 (Ed), 1211 (Ed), 1212–1213, 1220, 1239 (let); Country Meeting 917–919, 920, 927; Election of Officers & Officials 1180; e-list activity 767; Name Book 928; returns to its roots 928; Somerset peal weekend 1143; tours 61, 903, 1192; Whitechapel Trophy 1136–1137

Collings, Howard (tower collector) 379

Collings' Collection (small bells) 265

Collis, WM David (obit) 787

Columbia, S America 1162 (let)

'Comment' (see also debates): 'Publishing the unthinkable' 455–456

commercial in confidence 245 (let)

committee name changes (CCCBR) 679

competitions (see also Christmas; 'Puzzle Corner'): parsnips 292

competitions, striking (see also London 12-bell Striking Contest; National 12-Bell Striking Contest): Bath & Wells DA, 8 bell 1036; Carlisle DG 652; Chester DG, 6-bell 768; Chester DG, 8-bell 1177, 1179; Chew Branch, Bath & Wells DA 560; Crawford Cup, Southwell & Nott.. 672; Essex Trophy 1039; Hutchins, John, Memorial 652; C Edward Jeffries Memorial Trophy 168; John Hutchins Memorial 652; London 12-bell see main entry; National 12-bell see main entry; Oswy Street Memorial Cup 1132; Ridgman Trophy 693; Salisbury DG 1089; Tewkesbury Shield 2008 405, 504 (tab); Tewkesbury Shield 2009 579; White Rose Shield, inaugural comp 1056; Whitechapel Trophy see London 12-bell Striking Contest; Winchester District 607; Wooding, Harry, Memorial Trophy 1012; WW Worthington Memorial Trophy 1236; YACR Western Branch 824

competitive ringing debate 743

composers: Angrave, Richard J 380, 512, 729; Austin, Oliver M 729; Barnes, Timothy J 239; Bedford, Stephen J 380; Bradshaw, Graham M 512, 729; Brown, Robert DS 104, 512, 729; Coleman, Murray A 380; Cornock, John 729; Davies, Mark B 729; Dodds, Geoffrey 104; Fielden, John H 512, 729; Finch, David R 729; Griffiths, Thomas W 380; Grimmett, Richard B 104; Hinks, Thomas J 729; Ivin, Stephen J 104; Lindoff, Gabriel (19C) 353; Martin, Edward W 104; Morrison, Donald F 380, 510 (let); Pomeroy, Mike J 104; Pullin, Richard B 512; Saddleton, Philip AB 512; Sheppard, Peter WJ 380, 512, 729

composing, The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292

compositions: Bristol Surprise Maximus 512; Cambridge Surprise Royal 380; Erin Triples 104; Grandsire Triples 104; Maximus 729; Plain Bob Triples 104; Reverse Bob Triples 104; Spliced, website 1162 (let); Stedman collection 2009 629; Stedman Triples 104; Yorkshire Surprise Royal 380

Compositions Committee formerly Peal Compositions Committee; 2009 Stedman collection 629; remit 437, 679

concentration 482 (let)

conducting: The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; 'You don't have to call it from the tenor' 8 (cartoon), 69, 71, 549, 550–551

conductor responsibilities 1207

conductors: Pye, William (19C) 353; Southerington, Emma 968–969; Thurstans, Thomas (19C), Stedman Cinques 148; Truman, James (19C), Stedman Cinques 148

400 peals as conductor: Southerington, Emma 732

conductors' milestones (peals as conductor)

1st peal: Archibald, JE 901; Atkinson, KD 1168; Barnicott-White, M 81; Brook, P 84; Butler, SL 1070; Crockett, MR 1045; Davies, JE (handbells) 307; Dawson, PKD 1166; Dodd, AJ 1168; Dunnett, BL (Becky) 803; Forster, HM 564; Galloway, JE 178; Hansen, EM 1242; Harpole, JG 1193; Hockenhull, B 753; Jasper, LDE 489; Jasper, PM 84; Joiner, R 1118; Knott, JC 1190; Matthews, DAC 461; McCulloch, I 1233; Mellon, M 514; Mills, CV 406; Parker, DC 461; Pym, EL 357; Ricketts, BF 1118; Roberts, DJ 853; Rook, CW 777; Ross, MH 803; Smith, AL 59; Smith, MJ 36; Spreadbury, J 1072; Turner, CP 514; Walker S 1118; Warner, K 1119

50 peals: Ogden, AC 731; Waterson, TJ 1045

100 peals: Constant, BD 878; Cresshull, J 902; Lee, CM 710; Purday, MG 973; Sheppard, PWJ 856

150 peals: Duke, GA 82

200 peals: Clay, MJ 731; Lee, RW 1095; Mainwaring, AL 587

300 peals: Hutchieson, SCW 304; Reading, AG 84

400 peals: Hunt, DJ 1241; Mountjoy, BV 753; Southerington, EJ 732; Waterfield, PJ 901

500 peals: Chester, M 563; Halls, PAM 381; Hull, DG 879

550 peals: Smith, IVJ 730

600 peals: Haseldine, A 878

650 peals: Carter, DB 563; Peachey, BF 225

700 peals: Crocker, RJ 731

800 peals: Jenner, S 226

1250 peals: Ainsworth, JA 541

1300 peals: Butters, I 254

1400 peals: Maughan, M 330

1600 peals: Salter, DG 660

1950 peals: Morton, FR 1045

2100 peals: Dove, CB 130

2150 peals: Dove, CB 1095

2200 peals: Mears, MEC 154

confidentiality, commercial 245 (let), 273 (let)

conflicts of interest: Guidance for CCCBR members 399 (Ed), 434–435; Towers & Belfries Committee 402

Congresbury, Som, 'Don't forget the pine logs!' 167

Connection (charity) 132, 330, 471

Conservation and Repair of Bells and Bellframes 849 (let)

Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance 402

Consistory Court 398 def; Great Malvern Priory see main entry; Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 575

contests see competitions

Cook, Eric, (contrib) 769–773

Cooper, Christopher J, St James' Society, London 201 (let), 378–379 (let), 459 (let)

Copson, Pam (Bell Club Awards) 293

Corbett, Sue, Country Life article 93

Cornock, John (composer) 729

Corns, Cathryn (contrib) 705

Cornwall (see also East Cornwall Bellringers' Association): call change peal afternoon 1126; call changes 469, 738; first 12 bell tower in the county? 147 (Ed), 150 (let); QPs 263, 760; St Columb Major, Annual Dinner 570; tours 982

'Corrections & Clarifications' (see also 'Peal Corrections & Amendments'): RW 2008 291; RW 2009 191, 201 (let), 267, 291, 319, 371, 389, 419, 503, 575, 655 (Ed), 655 (let), 671, 742, 776, 843, 1035, 1155, 1179, 1231, 1250

Cotswolds, outings to 763, 766, 1083

Cottenham, Cambs, clappers 655 (let), 704 (let), 727 (let)

Council for the Care of Churches (CCC) see Church Buildings Council

Council of Paris (Middle Ages) 1267

counties, name changes 450

Country Life, ringing articles 93, 1162 (let)

courses (see also Ringing Around the Olympics): The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; Bell-Handling 1216; Cambridge Minor 100

Court of Arches 243 (Ed), 399 (Ed), 402

Covey-Crump, Janet (contrib) 476

Cowper, William, The Task (1784) 1133

Craddock, Drew (author), Up the Spiral Staircase (DVD) 867

Crambo Doubles 1288

Cranfield, Beds, young ringers make history 476

Crawford, Allen (contrib) 237

Crawley, John (obit) 190

CRB (Criminal Records Bureau), certification 457, 503 (corr), 775 (let), 776 (let), 851 (let), 1017 (let), 1138 (let)

Cresswell, Tony, accident 744

cricketers: Ashes, 1902 Australian Cricket team 874 (let)

crime allegations, Southampton 174, 201 (let) (Ed), 216

crimes committed by ringers: RW copy policy 201 (Edn), 201 (let), 630, 747 (Ed), 897 (let), 1266 (let); sex offences see main entry

Criminal Records Bureau see CRB

Crocker, Adam R (student), handbell progress 156

croquet 269, 269 (graph), 270–271

Cross, Marie ("Miss Cross"), remembering 904, 946 (let)

cross-posting on e-lists 875

crownpin staple with twiddlepin 102–103 (let)

Croydon, Hoist & Plant Hire 818

'Croydon foundry' see Gillett & Johnston; Johnston, Cyril

Cub Scouts 320, 511 (let)

Cumberland, Duke of, banned ringing 1019

Cumberland, West, Archdeacon Richard Pratt, Collation 265

Cumbria: 'Two Headed Sheep' (Morris dancers) 1009

Cumbria Clock Company 1135, 1281

Cumming, Ethan James (birth) 141

Cundy, Rt Revd Ian, Bishop of Peterborough (obit) 643, 648, 662

cycling and ringing tours 856, 1115–1116

Cyprus, Belapaise, Abbey Bell Tower Restaurant 275

Czech Republic, Prague: bells and ringers 1240; Eurocarillon 250


DAC see Diocesan Advisory Committee

Daily Mail, St George's Day 323 (Ed), 349

Daily Telegraph 1067, 1087; mentions Ringing World 644

Dale, Jean (obit) 472

Dale, Peter (contrib) 1007

Dalton, Christopher, remembered 12, 204, 216, 1167; bell-adjective guru 277; Dorset Bells and Belfries 460 (let); Tales from the London County crypt 1266 (let)

Dangan Castle Chapel, Co Meath, description of 582

Daniels, L Martin, 1000 peals 638

Darmon, Jean A (obit) 164

Darwin, Charles Robert, 200th anniv 253

Davey, Andrew (contrib) 788–789, 789, 791

Davies, Barbara, 1000 peals 515

Davies, CDP (author) 146

Davies, Gareth (contrib) 989–994

Davies, Iolo D (obit) 418, 811–812

Davies, Jane E, first peal as conductor (handbells) 307

Davies, Mark B (composer) 729

Davies, Peter (contrib) 597

Davies, Peter G (RW Director): Christmas card design 396, 531 (Ed), 1000 (pullout); Diary 2010 420; diary design 6, 245 (let), 1186 (let); 'New Director's Blog...' 5–7, 123, 125, 324–325; tribute 3 (Ed)

Davies, Rebecca (contrib) 889

Dawe, William (14C bellfounder) 1083

Day and Son (bellhangers), Holme Lacy, Herefs 747

de Kok (Dutch) see Kok

Deadman, Hugo (contrib) 153, 156

deafness, old ringers? 103

death, and Gift Aid 762

death watch beetle 1135

'Deaths' see obituaries

de-augmentations: Macclesfield, Ches 511 (let); Upper Beeding, W Susx 51 (Ed), 477–479, 660

debates in 2009 see clerical titles in peal reports; 'Comment'; e-mails debate; Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment; Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre; music debate; sex offenders; Singles (3 bell ringing)

Decision (D) D: non-compliant performances 463

decline of ringing?: coaching techniques 654; what puts people off? 55

Deeping St Nicholas, Lincs, 100 peals on the bells 129, 332

Del fondere campane (The Founding of Bells) 532–533

demonstrations 608, 1160

Denison, Edmund Beckett (19C) see Grimthorpe, Lord

Deptford, Gr London, project abandoned 171

Derby DA: Central District QP week 91; e-list activity 562

Derbyshire: first mini-ring peal 81; peal week 1193; QP week 1201; tours 313, 619

Devon: 6-bell day 314–315; 'A Heavy Day!' 67; call change peal afternoon 1126; Christmas in 263; Lenten Quarters 570; outings 934; peal week 2008 108; QP week 1201; summer QPs 910; tours 211, 469–470, 760, 934, 982, 1164, 1192

Devon Young Ringers', outing to Teign Valley 490

'DevonRinging', e-list activity 23, 95, 103, 187, 328, 509, 632, 897, 963

Devonshire Ringers Guild: handbell event 765, 766; Quarter Peal Week 2008 138

Dewbys Bells, Hooe, E Susx 558 (let), 1284

Diagrams (Snowdon, Jasper) 945

'Diary of a South African adventure' 913, 915, 937, 939, 961, 963

Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC): conference 2010 1211; 'DAC Bell Advisor's log 17.6.2009' 657–658

direct debits for subscriptions 991 (Ed), 1012, 1015 (Ed)

disabled ringers: Asperger's syndrome (AS) 946 (let), 970 (let), 996 (let); deaf 103; lymphoedema of the arm 923 (let); mini-rings 719; Retinitis Pigmentosa (blindness) 717, 719

discipline see standards in ringing

dislocations 1302–1303

divine proportion 1285–1286

Dixonoid Doubles 1290

"D.J.L" (contrib) 292

Dobby, Phil (contrib) 676

Docklands Ringing Centre, London Marathon 344

Dodd, Geoffrey K (Geoff) (contrib): 60th anniv of 1st peal 109; 'Lost rings of bells in Berkshire' 164

Dodds, Geoffrey (composer) 104

Dodford, Nhants, rare tower report 895

dogs: Pedro (guide dog) 717; Taz (Hearing Dog) 970 (let)

Domesday survey 28

donations (see also bequests): Shawcross, Joan 1151

donors, bell (see also FunderFinder program): Burdett-Coutts, Angela (19C) 1237; Collings, Alan (small bells) 265; Faulkes, Martin ('Dill') 991 (Ed); Francis, George (small bells) 265; Reynolds, Laith (21C) 1237; Saddleton, Philip & Anthea 1043 (let); Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounder) 26

Donovan, Pam (contrib) 293–295, 297

Dordrecht, Netherlands (see also Central European Association of Change Ringers): Central European firsts 1144; 't Klockhuis bells 249

Dorothy L Sayers Society, award 244, 528

Dorset, tours 19, 497, 1006, 1102

Dorset, Wimborne Minster see Wimborne Minster, Dorset

Dorset Bells and Belfries 460 (let)

Dorset County Association, in peril 623

Double Grandsire Triples 375, 377

Double Norwich Court Bob Major peal (1899) 672

double three-legged gravity escapement 1134

Doubles (5 bell ringing) 1287 def (see also methods named); Brigstock 1186 (let); discovery 326 (let); Doubles Peals 2008 326 (let); 'Doubles Vision' 1287–1290; Erin 289; Eurydice 726 (let)

Doubles Methods, Collection of 437, 629

Dove, Ron, tower collecting 1116

Dove's Guide (Book) 630

Dove's Guide (Dove Database): proto-National Bell Register (pNBR) 450; Stewards Report 2007 429; Stewards Report 2008 450–451, 682; and tower collectors 322, 527; work flow 630

Dove's Guide (policy): checking entries 630; include simulators? 450, 774 (let); rationalizing counties 450; weights in metric? 450

Downham, Jean, 50 years at Calne 996

Downing, Graham (contrib) 373–374, 376, 383, 460 (let)

Draper, Alf, 60 years a ringer 1060, 1096

Draper, Jean, bequest 893–894, 896

'drawing boards' 899 def

Drewett, Leonard (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1110, 1111

drinking: and belfry reform 126 (let)

Driver, Albert, 80 years of bell ringing 509

Drogheda, Ireland, St Peter's, description 582

'dropage' 1090 (let)

drumming & ringing 72

du Boulay, George Houssemayne (obit) 984

Dublin, Ireland, Johnston, Francis (18C architect) 553–558, 582–584

Duchess of Cornwall 228

ducks 1174

Duke of Cumberland, banned ringing 1019

Dukes, Fred E see Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund

dumb bells (see also simulators): mini 1177 (ad); Worcester Cathedral 530

dummy handbells 682, 748, 1112–1113

Dunedin, New Zealand, ringer convicted of rape 455, 456

Durham & Newcastle DA, Central District QPs 136–137

Durham University Society (DUSCR): 50th anniv 4, 329, 755, 851 (corr), 877, 1141, 1269; Life Members' tour 752; raising funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care 576

duty 535 (let)

DVD reviews: Bell News 436, 1206 (ad); Bells in the City 1206 (ad), 1208; Up the Spiral Staircase 867


EACR see Essex Association ...

Eagleside House, RW leaving 3 (Ed), 5–6

Earis, Philip (contrib) 1287–1290

Earl, Rosemary, 50 years a ringer 1125

Earle, Harry (obit) 767

earthquake, Ashover, Derbys 143

East, Anne & Ron, Ruby Wedding 1174

East, Anne (contrib) 265

East Cornwall Bellringers' Association, Evening League 562

East meets West: 40th anniv tour 542; holiday peals 1120

East Pennard, Som , wooden clapper shaft 534 (let)

Easter ringing: eggs for ringers 378 (let); Good Friday, half muffled 513; peals rung 461–462, 487, 488, 514

Eastry, Kent, first peal on the bells since aug 461

Eayre, Joseph of St Neots (bellfounder): Mereworth, Kent 818, 897 (let)

Eayre & Lewis 26

Eayres, Thomas (bellfounder), Loughborough, Leics 355

Ecclesiastical Exemption 849 (let), 995 (let), 1043

Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, meetings with CCCBR 1183

Eccleston, Lancs, flower festival 792

'economic downturn' 55 (let), 171 (Ed)

Edmonton, Gr Lon, All Saints, peal board 590

Edna Grabham Memorial Education Trust (EGMET) 939

education see courses; learning to ring; 'NRT'

Education Committee: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 435–436, 680; The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; Integrated Teacher Training Scheme 872

Education Committee articles: 'A short touch of Plain Bob Major' 367; 'Quick or Slow?' in Stedman 101, 108, 126 (let), 176 (let), 298 (let), 327 (let), 351 (let); Retention of Ringers: Recent Developments in Coaching 654; 'You don't have to call it from the tenor' 8 (cartoon), 69, 71, 549, 550–551

Edwards, Anthea S, 1000 peals (tower bells) 57, 85

Edwards, Tudor P, 3000 peals 998

e-forums, The Belfry Forums 292

EFTA see European Free Trade Association; Every Fourth Tuesday Association

Eggheads team (BBC2 programme) 1180, 1216

EGMET see Edna Grabham Memorial Education Trust

8 bell ringing see Major

1812 Overture, bells section 647

Eire see Ireland

Eisel, John C (contrib) 349; 'Double Grandsire Triples' 375, 377; 'Down in the forest ...' 793–798; 'Edward Roberts' (18C/19C ringers) 300–301; Holme Lacy - tercentenary of the bells 745–747, 749; Loughborough ... 18,027 Stedman Caters cent 353; 'Nutcrackers' 71; 'Peals of Grandsire Doubles' 947–947, 958; retiring as CCCBR Librarian 347 (Ed), 349, 434, 436, 629; 'Stephen Wood' 1085–1086, 1089, 1092, 1114 (let); Troyte brothers 843 (corr)

elbow injuries 1302

electronic Ringing World see Ringing World on-line

11 bells see Cinques entries

Eliot, TS The Waste Land 1136

e-lists see e-forums; e-mails debate; 'From the E-lists'; individual Guilds/Assocs/Socs

Ellacombe apparatus 900

Ellie (guide dog) 717, 719

Ellis & Pritchard's Ropes 1281

Elmbridge, Surrey, ringer becomes mayor 1107

Elmsett, Suff, augmentation 170, 237

Eloie, Yvonne L (obit) 214

Elstow, Beds, 100 peals on the bells 224

Elvin House, RW move to 3 (Ed), 5–6, 99 (Ed), 123 (Ed), 324–325

Ely DA: 900th anniv of Diocese 540, 707, 801, 901; AGM 319

e-mails debate 558 (let), 606 (let), 655 (let)

Empire Service, BBC 786

engineers, church bell see Matthew Higby & Company Ltd

English, Tim (obit) 928

English Bicknor, Glos, aluminium clapper shank 120

English Heritage: accountability 995 (let), 1042 (let); bellfoundry industry, effects on 995–996 (let); bellframe conservation 849 (let), 970 (let), 1042 (let); bellframe recording 1211; Bells and Bell Frames: guidelines ... 849 (let); Cathedral Grants withdrawn 1018 (let); Charlton Adam, Somerset 218; Daily Telegraph 644; Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment 397–403, 481 (let), 510 (let), 631 (let), 644, 651 (Ed), 656; 'living heritage' 967 (Ed); Loughborough foundry site 1065, 1211; meetings with CCCBR 434, 656, 849–850 (let), 923 (let), 970 (let), 995 (let), 1066 (let); meetings with CCCBR and Church Buildings Council 1211; Mereworth, Kent 818; Morville, Shrops 721; Olney, Bucks, bellframe condemned 1134; St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge, bellframe 1066 (let)

'Englishness' and church bells 403 (let), 727

The Era 947

Erin Cinques, in 2 years 193–195, 197–200, 212, 223 (let), 239, 240, 245 (let)

Erin Doubles 289

Esperanto, 150th anniv 1162 (let)

ESRCY see Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, Eastern

Essex, 7 QPs on New Year's Eve 263

Essex, West, 4th Wednesday Band Anniv 715

Essex Association (EACR)

Association: 1970 peals, Towler, JL 405; on Lundy Island 390; 'Some memories of north Essex in the 1950s' 945

NE District, London outings 586

Northern District, quarter peal month 233–234

NW District, QP month 1198–1199

SE District, quarter peal fnt 739

Essex Trophy 1039 (see also Lufkin, Frank)

Eurocarillon 250

Europe, Central see Central European Association

European Free Trade Association (EFTA), not the 1020

Eurydice Doubles 726 (let)

Evans, Barry (contrib) 817–819

Every Fourth Tuesday Assoc (EFTA), Nor-Pas de Calais 1020

Evesham Journal 649–650

Exeter Cathedral, Talley bell 799 (let), 850 (let)

Exeter Diocese, 1100th anniv 461, 587, 683, 1241

Exonian Society, summer tour 2009 1200

Eyers, Dorothy & Geoff, Diamond Wedding 132


'F is for Flying Circus' 31

Facebook groups 655 (let), 1068

Fairhead, Bernard W (obit) 290, 342, 542, 547, 548, 550

Fairtrade 1009

false peals: Drewe Arms S Minor 420; Zonza S Major 291

family networks: Bone family (21C Donhead, Wilts) 981; Brereton family (17C+ Brereton, Ches) 928; brothers see brothers, bands of; Head family, (19C Wye, Kent) 372; Hinton family (19C Worcester) 1157; Munnings family (21C Worcs) 320, 1271; Taylor family (Loughborough), 1900s glass slides 844; White family (1939 Moorlynch, Som) 581 (let); Wyer family (19C+ Kirby Underwood, Lincs) 924 (let)

Fannin, Anne (contrib) 1040–1041

Faraday Guild, Chew Valley outing 671

Farthingstone, Nhants, rare tower report 895

Faulkes, Martin ('Dill') (bell donor) 991 (Ed)

Faull, Sue (contrib) 49–50, 52

Feirn, George E (obit) 890

Felixstowe, Suff, first peal on the bells 1047

Fellows, Martin D, remembering 62

Fellows, Michael J, remembering 62

The Fellowship of Narnia Youths, misc performance 463

Felstead records 947, 959

Fenton Campanile 900

festivals: ANZAB Ringing Festival 695; Battle, E Susx, Christmas Tree Festival 1260; Campsea Ashe, Suff, Ringing Festival 652; Chester DG, East Branch QP 570; Eccleston, Lancs, flower festival 792; FUSE Leeds 2009 (cultural music festival) 538, 580 (cartoon); Gloucester & Bristol DA, QP and P 42; Grappenhall, Ches, flower festival 1256; Measham, Leics, flower festival 624; Melbourne Arts Festival 2009 1090 (let); Peterborough DG 560, 1012; Swansea & Brecon Guild QP 1200; W&PDG, Isle of Wight District QP 910

festivals versus competitions 743

Field, Chris, North East England tour 662

Fielden, John H (composer) 512, 729

50 plus years of ringing 1200

films: Bells in the City 1206 (ad), 1208; Cemetary Junction (20C) 1062

Finch, David R (composer) 729

fines and forfeits 721 (manuscript)

finger and thumb dislocations 1302

fire escapes 750 (let), 774 (let)

Fire Service Guild: 20th anniv dinner & AGM w/e 47; Autumn Fixtures 1229, 1231; The London Ringing 47; QP day 752

Firefighters, Annual Service of Remembrance 1229

fires: Leamington Hastings, Warw 1216; Victoria, Australia 147 (Ed), 365

'First Peal Congratulations': A; Ager, M 1143; Allen, J 587, 627; Arbuthnot, A 915; Atkinson, MR 1094; B; Bain, AFR 901; Baker, I 1190; Bannister, R 1270; Barclay, RJ 11; Bartlett, H 1233; Bartram, B 1272; Bates, JC 193; Bates, LM 1022; Beaumont, H 660; Beaumont, HM 1219; Beltham, J 926; Betham, J 926; Blazey, M 279; Bower, J 203; Brady, AA 707; Brady, DW 707; Brooks, KJ 9; Brown, ND 539; Bullough, LM 659; Burt, M 382; Burton, JS 461; C; Callander, I 926; Carey-Smith, R 1193; Charnley, PW 589; Charnley, SM 359; Chester, JR 81; Clark, T (Ted) 661; Clark, VI 129; Collings, MA 34; Collisson, SJ 1024; Cotton, P 1221; Cousins, A 973; Creveul, S 1165; Crichton, J 877; Crighton, J 877; Crockford, D 803; D; Daniels, JP 489; Dann, SJD 280; Davies, LM (aged 14) 1093; Davies, M 382, 600; Dawson, G 85; Day, SJ 84; Dell, Tony 34; Delves, A 1070; Dicken, F 755; Dicks, AJ 854; Dietz, RC 204; Dodd, GK (1948) 109; Dodds, IW 251; Downing, G 383; Drake, J 1143; Drew, M 1165; Duguid, T 514; DuPuy, F 1270; Durrant, K 587; E; Ellis, CM 565; Enzor, AG 683; Enzor, GC 683; Evans, GL 488; Evans, THO 178; F; Fawcett, SMC 359; Feeney, GP 252; Felton, A 491; Fiddy, EG 488; Flanagan, R 755; Forster, TR 178; Foster, T (Tony) 252; Furnivall, AC 193; G; Gardiner, M 854; Gaspar, H 877; Geach, J 877; George, RAV 34; Godber, D 10; Goldrick, S 303; Gorick, SD 462; H; Harris, J 382, 600; Harris, RJ 178; Haseldine, KR 155; Herriott, HM 708; Hinton, MG 661; Hollands, DJ 588; Holloway, R 10; Houchin, RM 57; Houghton, TW 251; Houston, J 1166; Howells, EJ 382, 600; Humbey, IA 155; J; Jackson, SE 997; Jameson, D 1118; Joce, G 36; Jones, EA 1118; Jones, TJ 754, 847; K; Kefford, PM 60; Kempe, J 915; Kent, M 279; Kitchener, SJ 1269; Kivilo, M 636; Kok, Harm-Jan de (aged 13) 1144; L; Lander, WJ 754; Lee, AD 684; Leese, MF 1219; LeFevre, V 57; Lewis, M 382, 600; Lindsay, GJ 636; Littlejohn, SLC 62; Lockett, S 514; Luxford, TFM 1168; Lynes, A 1190; M; Mann, NM 975; Meader, CGE 489; Mew, SV 683; Micocci, AP 193; Mills, CP (no 6) 84; Moody, RS 359; Morgan, K 382, 600; Morrant, C 35; Mortimer, JD 359; Moyse, PD 359; Munday, LC 382; Murray, FJ (aged 11) 779; N; Nicholls, R 610; Nye, KM (St Chad's) 997; O; Ogunyinka, WO 951; Ostins, WT 686; Overton, I 280; P; Palmer, SD (aged 14) 129; Parker, J 1143; Pasmore, NM (aged 13) 997; Paxford, RT 1242; Pelham, TJ 999; Pell, JM 801; Percival, SE 731; Perrins, JW (aged 12) 381, 396; Powell, HA 1269; Press, S 178; Pygott, APL (aged 11) 951; R; Ramsbottom, JP 281; Rapior, JJ 541; Reading, RE 999; Redgers, B 755; Reid, JR 62; Roe, JM 589; Routh, CH 60; Rowse, VL 56; Ruszczyk, D 84; S; Safford, A 777; Sanderson, WJ 777; Saunders, AG 252; Savage, J 754, 847; Scanlan, JP 60; Scott, S 1118; Sharpe, AP 1241; Shead, S 202; Shepherd, CC 251; Sims, RC 10; Sloman, AL (aged 13) 177; Smith, CF 1021; Smith, JH 109; Smith, NI 131; Spencer, JA 731; Spink, KL 610; Stewart, LC 305; Stimpson, SR 9; Stokoe, PCM 1272; Sweeney, SH 1241; T; Telford, SJ 462; Thompson, OHJ 754; Thorley, HE 754, 847; Tittley, ME 461; Townsend, A 1046; Toze, Mike 1233; V; Vaughan, GC 384; Vellender, A 10; W; Wantoch, L von 660; Wardley, MS 59; Wareing, TGA 659; Waterston, S 1021; Watson, S 489; Webster, FJC 487; Webster, H 1219; Welbourne, J 731; Welch, J 731; West, SKA 303; Westman, RS 825; Westman, SJ 227; White, IG 381; Whitwood, M 803; Wilde, CM 280; Wilde, JC 280; Williams, VEJ 754; Woolley, MPRH 565, 648; Wright, KL 589; Y; Young, JH 463

First Peal in the Method see methods named

The First Peal ('Oddstruck') 79–80

first peal on the bells see peals, first peal on the bells

5 bell ringing see Doubles

'Flapping boards' 899 def

Flitcroft, Timothy (Thursby, Cumb), convicted 1138

flowerpots, ring of three 900

Flying Circus, 'F is for..' 31

'FODS' (Friends of Dorothy Society): Civil Partners' QP weekend 538, 551; e-list activity 103, 204, 223, 291, 509, 599, 651, 743, 799, 1018, 1087; '.. - do you remember?' 1266

folk art 403 (let), 911

footnotes: 'From the footnotes ...' 723; puzzle 824; RW copy policy 1135 (Ed)

Forester, Graham (obit) 644

Foresters Friendly Society (AOF), 175th anniv 372

43ers reunion 920, 1035 (corr)

Foulds, Michael (author), How to Learn Methods 653

found: blue Lundy T-shirt 816; green jacket 599

founders see bellfounders

Founders' Company: Encouragement of Young People 2008 49–50, 52; Grant Fund 444; Prizes suspended 444

The Founding of Bells (Del fondere campane) 532–533

Four Shires Guild of Bellringers: Centenary celebrations 649–651, 671 (ad), 752; Centenary peal 1244

'4000 pealers' peal' 171 (Ed), 180, 192, 222 (let)

4000 peals, first person to reach 180

4 bell ringing (Minimus) 899–900

Fourways Gardens see Johannesburg, All Saints

Fox, Catherine & David, Golden Wedding 1244

fractures, bone 1302

frames see bellframes

France: carillon-grabbing excursion 1020; foundry accident 816

Francis, George (small bells) 265

Franklin, Vanessa (obit) 266

Freckingham, 'Nance' (supporter), remembered 571

Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund: 2008 Report 449; 2010 grant applications 1255; Johannesburg, All Saints 26, 27

Freehold Street site see Loughborough foundry

French, Clare (obit) 574, 983

Friends of the Library 436, 1111 (Ed)

'From across the pond' (NAGCR round-up): new column 919 (Ed); Boston, Massachusetts, Old North Church 1041; Hawaii 1140; round-up of reports 935

'From the E-lists' (FTEL) (see also 'bell historians'; 'change-ringers'; 'DevonRinging'; 'FODS'; individual Guilds/Assocs/Socs; 'Merseybells'; 'nabbers'; 'nag-talk'; Network for Ringing Training; 'ringing-chat'; 'ringing-theory'; Three & Four Bell Society): final column 1087, 1087 (Ed), 1207; '.. - do you remember?' 1265–1266; cross-posting 875; quality of mails vs letters to RW 1043

'From the footnotes ...' see footnotes

FSGBR see Fire Service Guild

FTEL see 'From the E-Lists'

Full-Circle tune ringing, Italy 606 (let)

fund raising (see also appeals; FunderFinder; Gift Aid; grants & loans; Heritage Lottery Fund; Keltek Trust; open days): BATTY 933; 'blagging' 5; Connection (charity) 132, 471; FunderFinder 448; Inspire mark (Olympics 2012) 187; leaflets 24; London, City of, St Magnus-the-Martyr 1278; Lord Mayor of Westminster's New Year's Day Parade 220; Ringing Roadshow 2008 448; sponsored peals 330, 421–422, 471, 491, 576, 1272; sponsored walks 648; wedding gifts 1043 (let), search service 448

FUSE Leeds 2009 (cultural music festival) 538, 580 (cartoon)


'G is for Grab' 85 (def)

G&BDA see Gloucester & Bristol DA

G&J see Gillett & Johnston

Gambling, David (contrib) 1181–1182

Gamlingay Christmas Tree ringers 48

Gant, Frank, remembered 12

garage rings see private rings

Gardiner, Maureen (contrib) 941–942

Garton, Linda (contrib): 'All aboard for the SRCY Dinner!' 1013–1016, 1025; SRCY Past Masters' Peal 1183 (Ed), 1184 (let), 1184–1185, 1214 (let), 1232, 1238 (let)

Gates, Leonard G (obit) 938

Gay, Phil & Rowena: mini-ring, Keele, Staffs, Woodlands 889

Gay, Rowena (contrib) 75–77

Gaywood, Norf, outing 1962 1163

Gaze, Isaac (19C ringer) 958–959

geometry, sacred 1285–1286

Gift Aid: bequeath before you die 762; give freely 149; rule changes 744, 750 (let); subscriptions 798–799 (let); Toolkit (HMRC) 1066–1067 (let), 1113

Gilbert, Marion D (obit) 316

Giles, Edmund (17C bellfounder) 478

Gillett & Bland (bellfounder): Umberslade, Warw 393

Gillett & Johnston (bellfounder) 1253, 1262, 1279 (table); golden ratios 1286 (table)

Girl Guide Movement, centenary 1018 (let), 1021, 1045

Glasgow: handbell ringer convicted 508; St Mary's Cath Soc, founder 1085

Glasgow Surprise Major 485–486; long length peal attempt 1091

Glenton, Ian, 80th birthday 525

Gloucester & Bristol DA (G&BDA)

Association: QP and peal festival 42

Gloucester Branch: secretary 80th b/day 185

Gloucester Cathedral, ringer's scrapbook 200

Gloucester Journal 796, 947, 958, 959

Gloucestershire: 19C peals of Grandsire Doubles 958; holiday, warm welcome 874 (let); quarter peals 523

Gloucestershire, isolated towers see Four Shires Guild of Bellringers

Golby-Kirk, Emma (DVD), Up the Spiral Staircase 867

golden ratio 1285

Gough, Joseph (19C band leader) 793–798

Gould, Arthur J (obit) 70, 316

GPTR see Post and Telecom Ringers Guild

Grab, 'G is for..' 85 (def)

grabbing see carillon-grabbing; Nabbers; tower collecting

Grabham, Edna, Memorial Education Trust (EGMET) 939

Graham, Wendy (contrib): 'Archdeacon of West Cumberland..' 265; 'For one day only! Cathedral bells on view' (Carlisle) 1019; 'Tenth anniversary of Wigton's bells' 604

Grahamstown Engineering, South Africa (bellframes) 27

Grandsire (Snowdon, Jasper 1888) 948, 958

Grandsire Doubles, 'Peals of ...' 947–947, 958

Grandsire Pig: learning 1108 (graphic)

Grandsire Singles, 'free' 222 (let)

Grandsire Triples, Double 375, 377

Grandsire Triples, Psalm 150 in (choral work) 988

grants & loans (see also fund raising; Gift Aid; Heritage Lottery Fund; Keltek Trust; Ringing Foundation Ltd): All Churches trust 1140; applications invited, CCBRF 1152; ASCY Bell Fund 1278; Awards for All 176 (let); Bell Restoration Fund, CCCBR 27; Bucks Historic Churches Trust 1140; Cathedral Grants withdrawn 1018 (let); City of London 1278; English Heritage 721, 1018 (let); Founders' Company Grant Fund 444; Fred Dukes' International Bell Fund, The 26, 27, 449, 1255; FunderFinder 448; Ipswich Historic Churches Trust 1257; Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme 150; Livery Companies 1278; Manifold Trust, The 448; Middlesex Bell Fund 1278; Sharpe Trust 1140; Worshipful Company of Girdlers 1259 (Ed); for young people 871–872 (see also The Ringing Foundation Ltd)

Grappenhall, Ches, flower festival 1256

Grave, Karl (author), Carry on Counting 728, 1131 (ad)

Great Bell Temple, Beijing, China 823 (let)

Great Dunmow, Essex, WWI ringers remembered 1109–1110

Great Malvern Priory, Worcs: bellframe description 534 (let), 633–634; bells 631 (let); Church Times 507 (Ed); Consistory Court judgment 243 (Ed), 397–403, 399 (Ed), 434, 481–482 (let), 510 (let); Daily Telegraph 644; and English Heritage 273 (let), 651 (Ed), 656

Great Paul (bell): mould 696

Great War see World War I

Green, Philip N (contrib) 93

Greenwich Time Signal 786

Gressenhall, Norfolk, Anglia S Royal, long peal 590

Griffiths, Harry (obit) 1128, 1298

Griffiths, Thomas W (composer) 380

Griffiths, Timothy W (obit) 502, 526, 590, 710, 715, 716, 718–719, 742 (corr)

Grimmett, Richard B (composer) 104

Grimthorpe, Lord (19C clockmaker): double three-legged gravity escapement 1134; Great Clock at Westminster 319; 'The Grimthorpe twelve..' 1175; Winchester Cathedral 727

Grosmont, Monmths, Hand-bell ringers reunion 573, 575

Grouzet Hildebrand (19C bellfounder) 923 (let), 1018 (let)

Guardian readers 911

Guernsey, Channel Islands: QP day for Alderney 576; QPs 470

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association 717, 719

guidelines website (all topics), CCCBR 654

Guild of... see Clerical Ringers Guild; Devonshire Ringers Guild; Fire Service Guild; Ladies Guild; Medical Ringers Guild; North American Guild; Police Ringers Guild; Post and Telecom Ringers Guild; Railway Guild

Guildford Chimes 319

Guinness, 250 years in production 1117

Guthrie, Chloe (aged 13), Dorothy L Sayers award 244

Gypps, Arthur (Great Dunmow, Essex), WWI 1110


'H' (cartoonist) 186, 244, 580, 795, 900, 1286 (see also cartoons)

'H is for Hacker' 127

Hackford, Alan (contrib) 276

Hackney, Gr London, 50th anniv 153, 156

Hackney and Friends in the North, 6th annual trip 261

Hale, Mary & Stuart, private 6-ring 1205

Hall, Emily (aged 12) 1179 (corr)

Hall, Hazel and Michael, Silver Wedding 981, 1174

Hall, Robin (contrib) 869–870

Hall, Rosemary, first QP (aged 9): (reported as Emily Hall aged 8) 1126, 1179 (corr)

Halls, Pat (contrib) 728

Hampshire Handbell Week 1095

Hancock, Bob and Rose (ringers), leave Glasgow 963

hand and wrist injuries 1303

Handbell Collection 437

handbells: Devonshire Ringers Guild, event 765, 766; dummy 682, 748, 1112–1113; earliest change-ringing 267; Hampshire Handbell Week 1095; Hexham Abbey weekend 665; history 603; Lesotho, South Africa 913; Lincolnshire, 100 anniv 1st peal 1219; Long Buckby, Nhants 3 Leys Close, handbell QP day 1126; long length ringing attempt 624; 'Motion controllers as dummy...' 1112–1113; Oxford DG Handbell Day 571; practice advertising 1111 (Ed), 1114–1115 (let); 'The reunion of 'Four-In-Hand' Grosmont Hand-bell Ringers ...' 573, 575; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1283; Washington DC, Monday Night handbell group 1108

Handbells, Changeringing on (CD) 1255 (ad)

Handel, GF (composer), 250th anniv of death 540

handling: Teaching Unravelled: an evidence-based approach to teaching bell handling 328, 435

Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, St John, ring transfer to Stone 216, 575, 1063 (Ed), 1259 (Ed); 'The Saga of St John's..' 1262

Hannington, Wilts, teenage QP 339

Hanoi Cathedral, Vietnam 417, 420, 558 (let), 923 (let), 1018 (let)

Hansford, Jill M, 1000 peals 973

Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe, news & appeal 222–223 (let), 798 (let)

Harborne, Birmingham, new ringers 1054

Harbottle, Lizbeth (contrib) 45, 47

Hardwick, Carol A (obit) 943 (Ed), 962, 1072, 1080

harmonic tuning 473

Harris, Caroline (obit) 622

Harris, Ernest Edward (Great Dunmow, Essex), WWI 1110

Harris, Susan (contrib) 719

Harrison, John (contrib): 'The impossible...' 1187–1189; Living Heritage 1205, 1206 (ad); tuning method 1067

Harrison, Peter (contrib) 577–578, 631 (let), 701

Harrisson, Patrick A (obit) 214, 572

Hart, Henry Horace (Aldenham, Herts), WWI 1109

Hartley, Eddie, 25 yrs as Tower Captain 597

Harvey, Rob, 91st birthday 895

Hawaii 1140

Hawkins, Gertrude E (obit) 644

Hayward, Peter LR, 2000 peals 998

Hayward Mills Associates (bellhangers) merged with John Taylor & Co (2009); John Taylor & Co (21C) absorbs trading entity 1065, 1108; Charlton Adam, Somerset 218–219; Leicester, Leics, St Mary de Castro 894; Long Preston, N Yks 724; Queenstown, South Africa 1237; Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints 770, 771

HCACR see Hertford CA

Head brothers (19C Wye, Kent) 372

headstocks, canon retaining 102–103 (let)

health and safety (see also accidents; child protection in towers; fire safety in towers): Cub Scouts 511 (let)

Hearne, Thomas (18C diarist) 2

Heart Foundation, British 821

Heath, Pauline (contrib) 605

Helmdon, Nhants, 'What's up that tower?' 1253

Hemmony (bellfounder), golden ratios 1286 (table)

Hemyock Ringers, Devon, at Culm Davy Chapel 624

Hendley, Robert (15C bellfounder) 1033

Hendry, Barrie, 2000 peals 82

Henry VIII, 500th anniv of accession 514

Heppenstall, A Robin (contrib) 453–455

Heptonstall, W Yorks, long length peal attempt 1091

Herbert, AP, Bring Back the Bells (poem) 728

Hereford DG: Bromyard District, bell-handling course 1216; Hereford District outing 1083; Young Ringers, get-together 504

Hereford Journal 300, 746, 797, 947

Hereford Times 794, 948, 959

heritage, living: bellfounding 967 (Ed); Worcester Cathedral 727

Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF): Charlton Adam, Somerset 219; Chediston, Suffolk 374; Clapham, N Yorks 1105; Ixworth, Suffolk 122; Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre 7 (let), 78 (let), 147 (Ed), 151–152, 176 (let), 245 (let), 273 (let), 677 (let); Olney, Bucks 1139; Umberslade, Warw, Baptist Church 393

Heritage Protection Bill 656, 1211

Herne, Kent: Church 700th anniv 1203

Herne Bellringers' Hymn (poem) 1203

Herriard, Hants: augmentation 170; first peal on the bells 384

Herriott, Nigel (contrib) 1212–1213

Hertford CA (HCACR)

Association: 125th anniv of Assoc 1181–1182; on Lundy Island 384, 390; meetings 471

Watford District: QP w/end 1126

Western District: Annual District Meeting 264; December meeting 187; Improvers' Outing and Oct meeting 1207; November meeting 32; outing to Loughborough foundry 632; QP day 261

Hexham, Nhmbld, Isle of Wight tour 1129, 1131

Hexham Abbey Handbell Ringers & Friends, weekend 665

Hibbert, Bill (RW IT systems) 6, 125; 'Bells and Music - Are my bells any good?' talk 473

Hibbert, Elizabeth (contrib) 234–235

High Wycombe, Bucks, appeal 823 (let)

Higson, Jennie (contrib) 355

Hillfarance, Som, quarter peals 497

Hilling, David (contrib) 192, 1209–1210, 1211 (Ed), 1227

Hinks, Thomas J (composer) 729

Hinton, John G (obit) 670, 764, 983–984

Hinton, William James (19C ringer) 1157, 1157–1159, 1161, 1169

hip replacements 1303

Histon & Friends, Cambs, quarter peal w/e 863

History and Art of Change Ringing 224, 301, 377, 484, 948

Hitchins, Laurence E (contrib) 200

HLF see Heritage Lottery Fund

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Gift Aid Toolkit 1066–1067 (let), 1113

Hobbs, Mick (contrib) 1157–1159, 1161

hobbyists 727

Hodge, Alison (contrib) 269–271, 272, 298 (let), 299 (let)

Hodgson, Cllr Lucy, Mayor of Worcester 531

Hoffnung, Gerard (1950s humorist) 1207

Hoist & Plant Hire, Croydon 818

Holborn, London WC2, St-Giles-in-the-Fields: Canadians visit 369; welcomes visitors 351 (let)

Holden, Simon (contrib) 476

holidays: Ireland 276

holidays, ringing: Camden, South Carolina (USA) 1007; Dorset 1006; Gloucestershire 874 (let); narrowboat 760; 'P is for Peal Week' 685; Somerset 876; Vale of Evesham 874 (let); Yorkshire Dales, apartment 420

Holland see Netherlands

Holland, Ian M, 70th birthday 144, 282

Holliday, Colin (contrib) 965–968, 1125

Hollobone, Phillip (MP ringer) 24

Holme Lacy, Herefs: peal board 749; tercentenary of the bells 745–747, 749

Holroyd, Ander (composer & mathematician): Banana Doubles 1289; Jump Stedman 1288

Holybourne, Hants, first peal on the bells 1243

Home Counties, trip to Lundy Island, Devon 390

Home Office, Child Protection site 1039

Hong King Wu, ringer from Singapore 1108

Hong Kong: Po Lin Monastery 727 (let), 823 (let); ringers in Alderney 841

Honorary Members (CCCBR): election & function of 534 (let), 555 (Ed), 606 (let), 628–629, 631 (let), 632, 679–680

Hooe, E Susx, Dewbys bells 558 (let), 1284

Hornchurch, Essex, remembers two Ringing Masters 12

Horne, Douglas R (Ray) (obit) 644

Horological Institute, British 215

Horrell, Anne and Brian, Golden Wedding 659, 887

Horseman, Michael (contrib) 892

Horsington, Revd Timothy, retires 804

Horton, Roderick R, Spliced compositions website 1162 (let)

hospitals, quarter peals for 943

Houghton, BIll (obit) 166

House of Lords, legal precedents 402

Houses of Parliament, clock chimes 990

Houssemayne du Boulay, George (obit) 984

How to Learn Methods (Whiting Society) 653, 1131 (ad)

Howard, Andrew (EGMET) 939

Howland, Stanley Percy (Great Dunmow, Essex), WWI 1110

HRGB see Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

HSBC Bellringers, 40th anniv outing, Bredon Hill, Worcs 4

Hughes, Gill (contrib) 653

Hughes, Lynne P (contrib): Bells Whisky tags 103 (let), 126 (let); birthday quarters 498

Hughes family, and Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 1114 (let)

Hughes-D'Aeth, Cathy, get well peal 54

Hughes-D'Aeth, Edward, 18th birthday 409

Hull, Ewan (aged 7), 12 bells 1012

Hungerford Ringers, weekend 1205

Hunt, John (obit) 740

Hursley, Hants QP day 739

Hutchins, John, Memorial competition 652

Hutchinson, Chris (contrib) 275

Hutchinson, Ruth see Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe

Hutton St Mary's, Som: augmentation 844; QP 1249

Hyden, Myrtle (obit) 842

hymns: 'Bellringers' 653; Bells in Hymns 1185; Derbyshire & West Notts booklet 1250; Herne Bellringers' Hymn 1203; 'Hymns that got me into trouble' 163


'I is for Institute' 191

illustrations (see also cartoons): 19C Australian ringing certificate 924 (plaque); Bangor, N. Ireland, Roll of Honour (1914) 968; Bath & Wells DA, Honorary Life Members gather 892; bell profile, far eastern monastery 727; Bells Whisky tags 103; Beverley Town Handbell Ringers 1283; Big Ben, cleaning 697–698; casting new bells 772, 896; Del fondere campane (The Founding of Bells) 532–533; fines and forfeits 721 (manuscript); golden ratio in bells 1285 (diag); Grandsire Pig 1108 (graphic); Great George 700; handbell ringing in Lesotho, South Africa 913; Hanoi, Vietnam, cathedral bells 923 (let); Hinton, William James (19C ringer) 1157; Ipswich outing 1924 601, 651 (Ed), 655 (let); John Taylor & Co (21C) first advert 1065 (ad); 'John Taylor Bellfounders', inside 600; Loughborough foundry 1061; Malvern Priory - frame foundation 633 fig 1 (drawing); Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre bus 151, 245 (let); mould for largest bell in Britain 696 ; new bells 896, 991, 1037, 1277; Queen visits Whitechapel.. 345–348; radial bellframe 1234; Ranmoor bells, Sheffield, 1944 605; ringers 1256 (painting); ringers, small 48; ringers in the 1950s 677, 726 (let); Ringing Roadshow 2008 1281–1284; Stedman Caters, 18,027 changes, 1909 353; tuning a bell 772; turret clock 215; Whitechapel Trophy 1136

Imber bells see Edington, Wiltshire, Imber bells


Index, Obituary (CCCBR Library) 436

Obituary Index (CCCBR Library) 962

ringers names on peal boards 603 (Ed)

Ringing World Index 75

Information & Communications Technology Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 629, 680–681

Ingall, George (19C architect) 393

Inglesant, William Hyde (19C ringer) 353

Inheritance Tax 762

inscriptions: Ayres, Raymond M, in memory of 44; Bangor, N. Ireland 966; Boothby Pagnell, Lincs 296; Cambridge University, Gt St Mary's 994; Charlton Adam, Somerset 217; Eastbourne, Susx, All Souls 53; Frome Mill, Som, bell 350 (let); Holme Lacy, Herefs 746; Ipswich, Suffolk, St Lawrence 1258; London, City of, St Magnus-the-Martyr 1279; Loughborough, Leics 355; Mereworth, Kent 897 (let); Olney, Bucks 1139; Painswick, Glos 369; Poole, Dorset 984; Rugeley, Staffs 1033; Scilly Isles, St Mary 273 (let); Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints 773; Tardebigge, Worcs 1153; Upper Beeding, W Susx 478; Upton Grey, Hants, tenor bell 165; used in 'Bell Hunting' 1273

Institute, 'I is for..' 191

insurance, travel 916

Integrated Teacher Training Scheme 872

An Integrated Teacher Training Scheme 1240

international reports 415, 526

internet broadcasts see webcasts

Inventory of the Church Bells of the Diocese of Peterborough 1253

Inwood, Walter Samuel (Aldenham, Herts), WWI 1109

Ipswich, Suffolk, St Lawrence 1259 (Ed); and Cardinal Wolsey 1257–1259; first peal since restoration 1220; oldest ring in the world 943 (Ed); 'Recreating the sound Cardinal Wolsey heard...' 1260

Ipswich Historic Churches Trust 1257, 1258, 1259 (Ed)

Ireland: Armagh 553–558; Bangor, N. Ireland 965–968; Johnston, Francis (18/19C architect), churches, towers & bells 553–558, 582–586; St Comgall, Bangor, N Ireland, bells 110th anniv 965–968, 1125

Irish Association: international report 415; ringing outings, holidays and tours 276

Irwing, Miss (1920s ringer) 967

An Island Parish (BBC2 series) 1183

Isle of Wight (IoW) (see also Winchester & Portsmouth Guild): first person to peal all the bells on the island 1144; tours 1129, 1131

Isleham, Cambs, 'cubs have a go' 320, 511 (let)

Isles of Scilly see Scilly Isles

Italy: Del fondere campane (The Founding of Bells) 532–533; Full-Circle tune ringing 606 (let); Liguria, protest 852; San Giobbe, Cannaregio, Venice 813

Ivin, Stephen J (composer) 104; 60th anniv 1st peal 1096

Ivings, Henry (obit) 1104

Ixworth, Suffolk, restoration & augmentation 121–123


'J is for Jack' 224

Jackson, Frederick (obit) 524, 677 (let)

Jackson, William H (Bill) (obit) 394, 661, 665, 666–668, 686

Jackson brothers (Stockport, St George) 534 (let)

James, Revd H Law 1086

Japan, Flying Dragon bell (large) 852 (let)

Jeffries, C Edward, Memorial Trophy: first presentation 168

Jennings, Kate (contrib) 1261

jigsaw puzzles: "The Bell Foundry ..." 1009, 1058, 1230 (ad)

Johannesburg, All Saints, Fourways Gardens, dedication 25–27, 29

John, Graham (contrib) 1112–1113

John Hutchins Memorial competition 652

John Moore & Sons, Clerkenwell (19C clockmaker) 1153

John Taylor & Co (19C bellfounder): Brereton, Ches, St Oswald aug 928; Defynnog, Brecon 409; Eastbourne, Susx 53; Helmdon, Nhants 1253; Loughborough, Leics 355; Morville, Shrops 721; Rugeley, Staffs 1033; Worcester Cathedral 727

John Taylor & Co (21C bellfounder) (see also UK Bellfoundries Ltd): new company formed 1061–1062, 1065; management team 1108, 1138 (let); adverts, first 1065 (ad), 1304 (ad); relaunch peals 1119; 'Thought for the Week' 1131

John Taylor & Son (19C bellfounder): Helmdon, Nhants 1253

John Taylor Bellfoundry Museum 449, 1062

John Taylor Shield, 1981 winners 120

Johnson, Andrew (composer), 'In-course 120' 1289

Johnson, Lynda (contrib) 870

Johnston, Francis (18/19C architect), 'The churches, towers and bells of' 553–558, 582–586

Joiner, Tim (contrib) 220

Jones, Eric, 40 years as Tower Captain 486

Jones, Janet (contrib) 486

Jones, Revd Timothy (Tim) (contrib) see 'Belfry reform today?'

Jones, Richard (contrib), Lost and Found 3: The Bells of Worcester Cathedral (CD) 277, 299 (let)

Jordan, Douglas (obit) 840

Joyce, Peter, August Bank Holiday tour 1019

Judd, Harold P, 90th birthday 8


'K is for Knock-Knock' 277

KAFFRIN (contrib) see Tester, Katherine

Kahil Gibran (author), The Prophet 599

Kalamazoo College, 25th anniv of the bells 636, 672

Karaoki (sic), handbell 1283 (bottom left)

KCACR see Kent CA

Keech, Thomas, C Edward Jeffries Memorial Trophy 168

Keele, Staffs

S John: first peal on the Lichfield Mobile Belfry bells 514

Woodlands 889

Keele Ringing Centre: 2008 75–77; Wirral Young Ringers' outing 889, 891

Keeley, Revd Roger, quotation 1107

Keltek Trust (bell rescue): activities 2008 169–172; Clapham, N Yorks 1105; Elmsett, Suff 237; grants offered in 2008 172; Herriard, Hants 384; Johannesburg, All Saints 27; Queenstown, South Africa 1237; and Redundant Bells Committee 444, 1044; and Rescue Fund..., CCCBR 451; Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints 770; Upper Beeding, W Susx 51 (Ed)

Kenealy, Peter (contrib) 649–651

Kensington, Gr Lon, St Mary Abbots Guild, Ringing Week 32 - Lincoln 1000

Kent CA: Ashford District, walk/ring/walk 1064; Canterbury District, True Triples 276; Maidstone District, walk/ring/walk 1064; Tonbridge District, QP week 139

Kettering, Nhants, MP ringing for Christmas 24

Ketteringham, John R (contrib): 80th birthday 1232; 'Aisthorpe bells are now ringing at Boothby Pagnell' 296; 'Dedication of Boothby Pagnell Bells' 648; Lincolnshire Bells and Bellfounders 278; 'William Byrd's composition The Bells' 525

K.H. (contrib) 345–348

Kidlington, Oxon (1899), peal board 672

Kids.Ring.Out: 5th anniv 100; Birmingham 843; presentations 1239

Kimberley, South Africa, new ring 171

Kineton, Warw: 1st peal on augm bells 730; Young Ringers 339

King Edward VI school, Stratford-upon-Avon 272

'King's Lynn and Gaywood Outing...1962' 934

King's Lynn, Norf, outing 1962 1163

King's School, Worcester, 'Three little boys..' 1273–1277

Kingsbridge, Devon, first peal on the bells 108

Kintbury, Berks, ringer convicted 119, 455

Kippin, Jessie, remembering 384

Kippin, Robert C, 2000 peals 409

Kirkby Malham: apartment 420; ringers' gallery 1012

Kirkby Malzeard, N Yorks, casting of the bells cent 407

knee injuries 1303

Knight, Walter (contrib) see 'Tail Ends'

Knighton, Leics, St Mary Magdalen, tour 2009 813

Knights, Benjamin A (19C ringer) 353

Knights, Don, remembering 360

Knipe, Francis AP (19C ringer) 1274–1275

knitting, blue line jumpers 215, 244 (cartoon)

Knock-Knock, 'K is for..' 277

Knox, Ian R (obit) 764–765

Knutsford, Ches, outing to rural Cheshire 653

Kok, Harm-Jan de (aged 13): first person to ring first peal in Central Europe 1135 (Ed)

Kok, Paul de (contrib): Central European Association of Change Ringers, inaugural meeting 675; 'First peal in Continental Europe by a resident band' 675; first person to circle a tower in Central Europe 1144

Kunonga, Nolbert (Harare, Zimbabwe) 223 (let); good news 798 (let)

Kuranlu, Soraya, first QP 1174


'L is for Lockout' 327

ladies (see also ladies' bands; Ladies Guild; Womens Institute): Bangor, N. Ireland (1920s) 967; calling and conducting 69; Coles, Emma (16), rings 25cwt tenor bell 144; Colgate, Miss Doris, 75 years of ringing 964; first woman to ring 1267 (MS); nuns, ringing 1267, 1268; Parker, Edith K (1909) 590; Roosevelt, Eleanor, quote 1059; 'The Sight of Gentle Maiden Deftly Handling of a Rope' 1267–1268; Southerington, EJ (conductor) 968–969; Surprise, first peal cent 590

ladies' bands: Burnham, Lancs (1949) 597; first peal by a Peak District ladies band 901; Leeds Lasses 1057, 1059; Sevenoaks, Kent (1977) 964

Ladies' Guild

Guild: AGM 2009 768, 887; award from the Dorothy L Sayers Society 244, 528; Colgate, Miss Doris, 75 years of ringing 964; website address 768

Eastern District: 70th anniv QP week 19

Kent District: Annual District Meeting 315

The Marches (new district) 221

Laing, Richard, moving to Birmingham 471

Laming, Janet (obit) 68

Lancashire Association

Association: 'Ticking along nicely', sponsored peal 491

Blackburn Branch, 6-bell comp 706

Liverpool Branch, QP week 260–261

Wigan Branch, QP week 739

Lance, Brigadier Martin J (obit) 960

Langhorne, John (14C bellfounder) 1083

Lantao Island, nr Hong Kong, Po Lin Monastery 727 (let), 823 (let)

largest bells in the world 701–703, 852 (let); Britain, Great Paul 696; Russia 852 (let); Vietnam, Hanoi 558 (let), 923 (let), 1018 (let)

Laughton, William (19C tower collector) 800

law see legislation

Lawes, John Frederick Pike (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1110, 1111

Lawn, Herbert (obit) 1082

Lawson, Roger (photographs), Whitehaven, Cumbria 97–98

Leading quarter peal ringers 2008 246–247, 248

Leamington Hastings, Warw, fire 1216

The Learning and Skills Council 533

learning to ring (see also A-Z of ringing; Education Committee, CCCBR): 'An arithmetic approach to touches of Spliced' 1078–1079, 1091 (let); BBC East Big Skill Award 533; The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; blue-line ringer 167; Cambridge Surprise Minor 788–789, 791; canoeing 1239; Carry on Counting (Grave, Karl) 728, 1131 (ad); concentration 482 (let); Erin Cinques in 2 years 223 (let), 245 (let) (see also Erin Cinques, New York City); Grandsire Pig 1108 (graphic); Harborne, Birmingham, new ringers story 1054; Hereford DG, Bromyard District, bell-handling course 1216; hot pants and beer bellies 378 (let); "Learners' Helpline" 292; How to Learn Methods 653, 1131 (ad); in the 1950s 945; practice nights 93 (cartoon); Ringing World diary 167; 'Teaching Ringing IX - The Local Resources' 899–900; Up the Spiral Staircase (DVD) 867; Whiting Society of Ringers 1127

Leckhampton, Glos, QP day 1296

Lee, Wendy & George, Silver Wedding 1116

Leeds, W Yorks, St Peter: Leeds Lasses Recipe for Success 1057, 1059; longest length on the bells 999; National 12-Bell eliminator round 344

Leeds Intelligencer 377, 947

Leeds Lasses band see Leeds, W Yorks, St Peter

Leeds Mercury 377

Leek, Staffs, ringers in the 1950s 677 (let), 726 (let)

Leeson, William (19C clockmaker) 1134

Leeves, Anthony (contrib), 'Puzzle corner': Christmas crossword 1300; crossword 24 1035, 1058 (ans)

left-handed ringers: anti-clockwise ring in Essex 887; anti-clockwise ring in London 1229

leg fractures 1302

legal precedents 402–403

legislation (see also guidelines, CCCBR): Ecclesiastical Exemption 849 (let), 995 (let), 1043; Gift Aid see main entry; Heritage Protection Bill 656, 1211; noise pollution, new EU law 8 (let); Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 see Child Protection; Town & Country Planning 403

Leicester, Leics, St Mary de Castro, augmentation 893–894, 896

Leicester Guild, Rising Ringers 1068

Leicester Mercury 991

Leicestershire, south west, tour 813

Leighton Buzzard, Beds, All Saints Church 910

LeMarechal, Roy (contrib): 'Clock House Bells - open for business' 820–821; 'Diary of a South African adventure' 913, 915, 937, 939, 961, 963

Lesecq, Alfred (carillonneur, France) 1020

Lester, Ray, remembered, memorial plaques 894

Letterpress and Surprise Methods (Snowdon, Jasper) 945

Letters (see also pages suffixed (let)): carefully considered 1043; "name and address supplied" 102 (let), 201 (let)

Leukemia Research, sponsored walk 648

Levy, Lee (NLC Ltd), explains louvres 7–8 (let), 77 (let)

Lewis, Colin A (contrib): 'Dedication of Jo'burg's new ring' 25–27, 29; 'Jimmy Riadore: organ-builder ... Cape Town' 971–972, 1090 (let corr), 1155 (corr)

Lewis, Robert (Editor) 1061–1062, 1065

Leyton, Gr London, Ringing Around the Olympics 91

Librarian, CCCBR, retiring 347 (Ed), 349, 434, 436, 629

Library, Friends of 436

Library Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 434, 436, 681; history 349; Librarian successor 629; Sanderson, Jean (obit) 1251–1252; website new look 962

Lichfield, Bishop of 216

Lichfield & Walsall Archdeaconries Society, '118th Handbook and Report for 20007/8' 126 (let)

Lichfield Mobile Belfry 1281; 10th anniv 603 (Ed), 612; first peal on the bells 514; success 147 (Ed)

Liddell, Roger (obit) 1204

life boats 372

light rings (see also mini-rings): Ludlow, Shropshire 171; North Woott[o]n, Som 137; South Ockendon, Essex 171; 'toy bells' 629

lighting tower steps 245–246 (let)

Liguria, Italy, protest 852

Limehouse, Gr London, Ringing Around the Olympics 91

Lincoln Cathedral, Byrd, William (16C composer) 525

Lincoln DG (see also Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre)

unsigned letter 375 (Ed)

West Lindsey Branch: Founders' Prize, Encouragement of Young People.. 49–50, 52; QP month 761

Lincolnshire: 100 anniv 1st handbell peal 1219; tours 1000

Lincolnshire Bells and Bellfounders 278

Lincolnshire Council, North, Press Office 299 (let)

Lincolnshire Day 1174, 1180 (flag)

Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus compositions 729

Lindoff, Gabriel (19C) (composer) 353

Linford, Simon (contrib) (see also A-Z of ringing): 'A short touch of Plain Bob Major' 367; 'Prolific Peal ringers 2008' 968–969, 996 (let); 'Quick or Slow?' in Stedman 101, 108, 126 (let), 176 (let), 298 (let), 327 (let), 351 (let); 'You don't have to call it from the tenor' 69, 71, 549, 550–551

Linford-Bridgeman (21C building restorers) 1084

Lipscomb, Elizabeth ('Betty') (obit) 116–117

Lismore, and Queensland, Aus, 1 day QP tour 1031

listed buildings 850 (let); Charlton Adam, Somerset (Grade I) 217

Little Eversden, Cambs, dedication 1215

Little Missenden, Bucks, rededicated 572

Littleport Little Surprise Maximus compositions 729

live ringing events 27 (Ed), 102 (let)

Liverpool University Society (LUSCR), Golden Jubilee 791

Living Heritage (Harrison, John) 1205, 1206 (ad)

Livingston, David (obit) 83, 92

Llandaff & Monmouth DACBR: Kids.Ring.Out 100, 1239

Llandaff Cathedral, legend 827

Llanfair ym Muallt see Builth Wells

Lockout, 'L is for..' 327

Lombaert, Aimé (obit) 249–250

London, City of

Cathedral Church of St Paul: Easter 2008 (see also St Paul's Cathedral Guild); Memorial Book of Church Bell Ringers (1914-18) 449–450; Memorial Book of Church Bell Ringers (1939-45) 341, 449–450

St Bride, Fleet St, new ring project 1259 (Ed)

St Bartholomew Gt, Smithfield: anti-clockwise ring 1229

St Katharine Cree, restoration project 816

St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge 1277–1280; first peal on the bells 1277; Harold Rogers visits 744; impression, passable 1156; London 12-Bell contest, host 1037–1038, 1039 (Ed), 1087 (Ed), 1108, 1179; new bells cast 171 (Ed), 192; new ring consecrated 243 (Ed), 268

London 12-Bell Striking Contest 1136

inaugural comp 1037–1038, 1039 (Ed), 1087 (Ed), 1108, 1156; recordings 1179; results tables 1108, 1137 (final)

Whitechapel Trophy 1136

London Blitz 1259 (Ed)

London County Assoc (LCA) 191, 378–379 (let) (see also St James' Society); past masters 720

London Marathon 344

London Olympics see Ringing Around the Olympics 2012

London Ringers', Advent Carol Service 2008 163

Long Buckby, Nhants 3 Leys Close, handbell QP day 1126

Long Preston, N Yks, restoration project 724

Longridge, Revd Richard N (obit) 1010

Lord Mayor of Westminster's New Year's Day Parade 220

Lost and Found 3: The Bells of Worcester Cathedral (CD) 277, 299 (let)

lost property: blue Lundy T-shirt 816; ladies green jacket 599

lost rings of bells: Berkshire 164

Loughborough, Leics, All Saints: history of the bells 355; Stedman Caters 18,027 changes cent 352–354, 389 (corr), 396, 404 (let), 565

Loughborough foundry (see also John Taylor & Co; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd): English Heritage views 1211; inside the main building 600; rescued 1061–1062, 1065; Victorian premises 1061

Loughborough University, Physics Dept 1285–1286

Loughborough War Memorial Carillon 249

Louvaine Campanile 391

louvres 7–8 (let), 77 (let)

Love, Dickon (contrib) 1277–1280

Lower Basildon, Berks, BBC news 216

loyalty 460 (let), 510 (let)

Lubbock, Roger (contrib) 539, 669

Lucy, Charles, tuning method 1067, 1087

Ludlow, Shrops: first peal on augmented bells 659; lighter rings 171

Lufkin, Frank 1041; Essex Trophy donor 1039 (Ed); tribute 1039 (Ed), 1040–1041

Lundy (poem) 390

Lundy Island, Devon, trips to 384, 390, 490, 613, 732

Luton and Dunstable Hospital, 70th anniv 943

Lyme Regis, Dorset, appeal for heavy overhaul 176 (let)

Lymington, Hants, visit Big Ben 699

lymphoedema of the arm 923 (let)

Lyndhurst, Hants, visit Big Ben 699

Lynn, William Stanley (Edenham, Lincs), WWI 1110


'M is for Mouseholing' 459, 511 (let)

Macclesfield, Ches, de-augmentation 511 (let)

McCluggage, Lynell, moving to Birmingham 471

McBride, Miss (1920s ringer) 967

McCullough, Miss (1920s ringer) 967

McMillan, Ian (poet) 1060

McTear, Jack (contrib) 97–98

Maguire, Dean Edward (19C N Ireland) 965–966

Major (8 bell ringing) see methods named

Major Methods, A Collection of Popular (2001) 437, 729 (corr)

Mallaby of Masham (bellhangers): Long Preston, N Yks 724

Malton, Adrian Charles (Dunmow, Essex), convicted 579 (Ed), 586, 635, 704 (let), 723, 725 (let), 747 (Ed), 748, 750 (let), 751 (let), 776 (corr), 851 (let), 874 (let)

Malvern Link, Worcs, Tower Meeting 536–537

Malvern Priory see Great Malvern Priory

Manchester Chronicle, Wheeler's 947

Manchester Mercury 794

Mandurah, WA, 'Second chance at...' 539, 669

Mann, Colin D (obit) 132, 140–141

Mann, Tony, 70th birthday peal 34

Manoušek, Petr (bellfounder, Prague), Eurocarillon 250

Mantyjarvi, Jaakko (composer, Finland) 988

Marie Curie Cancer Care 576

Market Deeping, Lincs, sponsored peal 1272

Market Harborough, Leics, Psalm 150 in Grandsire Triples 988

marriages ladies first, last names only (see also Civil Partnerships)

Baker/Bumstead 1072, 1081

Bateman/Jeffery 604

Bedden/Baxter 420

Court/Tuck 724

Edwards/Saddleton 1024, 1036; wedding gifts 1043 (let)

Ellins/Hughes 307, 317

Franklin/Preston 108, 117

George/Gorman 732, 741

Hodgkin/Greenhalgh 341

Littlejohn/Morgan 587, 690, 741, 743

Matson/Preston 569

Norman/Smith 686

Oliver/Armitage 686

Platt/Darvill 566, 576

Thompson/Spiller 904

Trapnell/Martin 1121

Williams/Powell 1018

Marske-by-the-Sea, N Yorks, open night 1084

Martin, Alexander J (obit) 94, 281, 287, 384, 389, 392, 419 (corr)

Martin, Edward W (composer) 104

Martin, Robert (obit) 692

"Martini" ringers, ringing holiday 876

Mason, Philip R (obit) 288

Mason, R Kingsley (contrib) 893–894, 896

mastectomy, ringing after 923 (let)

mathematical algorithms and music 350 (let)

Matthew Higby & Company Ltd (Church Bell Engineers): Shire Hall, Monmouth 1084; Suffolk Guild, mini ring 506; wooden clapper shaft 534 (let)

Matthews, Hubert (obit) 619

Mawby, Eileen (supporter), remembered 571

Mawhinney, Miss (1920s ringer) 967

Maximus (12 bell ringing), compositions 729 (see also methods named)

May, Bobbie (contrib) 1205, 1206 (ad)

May, Fred (20C South Africa), headstone 1011

Maybrey, John (contrib) 456

Mayle, Peter, hon life member 528

Mayne, John R, 4000 peals, 1st to reach 180

Mazars (accountants), Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd administration: press release 988; sale announcement 1062

Mc filed as Mac

Mears, Charles & George (C&G) of Whitechapel (bellfounder): Morville, Shrops 721; St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge 1280 (table)

Mears, Thomas (19C bellfounder) 217

Mears & Stainbank Founders, London (bellfounder) 10 (see also bellfounders: Mears...; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd); Boothby Pagnell, Lincs 296; Eastbourne, Susx 53, 54; Shapwick, Dorset 1083; Upper Beeding, W Susx 478

Measham, Leics, S Lawrence: flower festival 624

Measham, Leics, 'The Garage Ring' 1205

Medd, George (contrib) 480

mediaeval bells: Catholic Churches 1033–1034; Morville, Shrops 721; Rugeley, Staffs, c1480 1033–1034; Upper Beeding, W Susx 478

Medical Ringers Guild, summer meeting 2009 580

Medieval ringing 1267–1268

Medley, Patricia (obit) 318, 342

Melbourne Arts Festival 2009 1090 (let)

'Melbourne ringers' outing', 1908 re-enactment 676

MEMO (Mass Extinction Memorial Observatory) 326 (let)

Memorial Books 341, 449–450 (see also Rolls of Honour)

mentors 322

Mereworth, Kent, refurbishment 817–819, 897 (let)

'Merseybells' e-list, activity 31, 103, 328, 509, 632, 851, 987

Merton, Gtr London, appeal 933

Merton, Thomas (20C monk), thoughts on bells 603

Merton Chimes 319

'Methcom sketch', 'special', Glasgow Surprise Major 485–486

method names 174

methods: Doubles, Erin 289; 'Doubles vision' 1287–1290; How to Learn Methods 653, 1131 (ad); methods/bells analysis 2008 447; Ringing World diary 102 (let), 150 (let), 175 (let); Surprise Major, discussion 301; Triples, the eleven regular true 276

Methods Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; RW diary 175 (let)

methods named in 2008

Minor (6 bells): Bulphan S (QP) 133; Cortyton S (QP) 174 (corr); Coryton S (QP) 174; Dunton S 174 (corr); Tattingstone White Horse (QP) 37; Ullingswick S 12; Wayletts S 174

Triples (7 bells): Saint Bernadette B (QP) 63, 86; St David's (QP) 283

Major (8 bells): Bedale D 11; Chipping Campden A 56; Clenchwarton S 57; Crystal Palace S 34; Cymru S 106; Firbeck S 61; Frithelstock S 59; Gadolinium A 33; Half-Century S 254; Handsworth D (QP) 37; Highclere Red House S 109; Isenfluh S 130; Middlethorpe Hall D 11; Mullins Court S 131; Old Dilton S 33; Oxfordshire D 59; Peak District (QP) 37; Peckleton S 35; Radcliffeborough S 131; Remember Me S 58; Ringmer D 35; Stoneville S 33; Superlambanana S 105; Titusville S 33; Unionville S 105; Wales S 255; Washingborough TP (QP) 86

Royal (10 bells): Cytringan S 254; Du Migit LS 57; Luffburra D 9; Plymouth D 34; Pointon S 59; Rain-in-the-Face B (QP) 37; Ridiculous D 61

Maximus (12 bells): Quartzite S 59; Trojan A 35

methods named in 2009

Minimus (4 bells): Boatman's Differential (QP) 157; Buzbury (QP) 1097; Rural (QP) 756; Rustic (QP) 543

Doubles (5 bells): A; Apache Group 997; Arapaho Group 997; Atironta (QP) 906, 929; B; Banana 710; Beacon Hill (QP) 567; Big Turtle (QP) 906, 929; Bigby (QP) 1145; Black Hoof (QP) 906; Black Kettle (QP) 929; Blackfoot Group 997; Blue Jacket (QP) 906; Brigg (QP) 1145; Brocklesby Hunt (QP) 1097; Burton Hunt (QP) 1097; Butser Hill (QP) 567; C; Caistor (QP) 1145; Charioquois (QP) 906, 929; Cherokee Group 997; Cheyanne Group 997; Choctaw Group 997; Clipston Pl 1167; Commanche Group 997; Copper Dragon Place (QP) 157; Corley B 382; Cornstalk (QP) 906; Crosspool (QP) 1222; Crow Group 1241; Cucumber 710; D; Danebury Hill (QP) 567; Denford B 462; Dibley B 754; Dull Knife (QP) 929; E; Elsham (QP) 1145; F; Fourthectomy (QP) 1001; Freedom House (QP) 1194; G; Grasby (QP) 1145; H; Healing (QP) 1145; Huron Group 997; Hurstbourne Hill (QP) 567; I; Immingham (QP) 1145; J; Joan Barton 587; John Grey Eyes (QP) 906, 929; Jolly Good Wood (QP) 880; K; Kiowa Group 997; L; Little Horse (QP) 929; Little Wolf (QP) 929; M; Musket (QP) 857; N; New Forest Hunt (QP) 1097; Nez Perce Group 1241; North Killingholme (QP) 1145; O; Old Winchester Hill (QP) 567; Oughtibridge (QP) 1170; P; Paiute Group 1241; Parsnip 710; Pawnee Group 997; Peter Hinton (QP) 1170; Pilot Hill (QP) 567; Pitsford Pl 1167; Pontiac (QP) 906, 929; Portsdown Hill (QP) 567; R; Roman Nose (QP) 929; S; Scawby (QP) 1145; Selborne Hill (QP) 567; Shawnee Group 997; Shoshone Group 1241; Stallingborough (QP) 1145; T; Tahunrenche (QP) 906, 929; Tecumsah (QP) 906; Tenskwatawa (QP) 906; Thornton Curtis (QP) 1145; Thruxton (QP) 1121; W; Walkley (QP) 1170; Warwick Hunt (QP) 1097; Wild Hog (QP) 929; Wollaton Place variations 906; Woodwell B 462; Wootton (QP) 1145

Minor (6 bells): A; Amanda & Callum D (QP) 1001; Ashford D (QP) 86; B; Battlesbridge S (QP) 780; Beached Az D (QP) 1145; Bozeat A 178; Brafield-on-the-Green TP 588; Buttsbury S (QP) 614; C; Catania TP (QP) 205; Cattawade S (QP) 256; Catterwade S (QP) 229; Chadwell S (QP) 780; Childerditch S (QP) 614; Claremont B (QP) 1291; Claremont TB (QP) 86; Coalhouse S (QP) 361; Crays Hill S (QP) 543; D; Dalwallinu D (QP) 567; Double Norwich S 179; Drewe Arms S 356; Dry Street S (QP) 953; Dylan Thomas S 179; E; Eastwoodbury S (QP) 953; F; Farnbridge S (QP) 953; Fidlers Hamlet S (QP) 1245; Foulness S (QP) 229; Furtho TP 878; G; Garswood B (QP) 591; H; Hawkwell S (QP) 953; Herongate S (QP) 780; Holmesdale Road S Minor 926; Hullbridge S (QP) 953; I; Illston-on-the-Hill TP 878; Indooroopilly D (QP) 205; Ivy Heath S (QP) 953; J; Jury Hill S (QP) 953; K; Kent Hill S (QP) 953; KT S (QP) 733; L; Lancelin D (QP) 157; Laugharne Castle 179; Lecras D (QP) 543; Liquorice Allsorts D (QP) 929; Lower Holbrook S (QP) 110; M; Martlesham S (QP) 1222; Maxey TP 331; Messing S (QP) 361, 614 (corr); Mikes New Shed D (QP) 1049; Mt Nameless D (QP) 1245; Mucking S (QP) 229; N; Nanny Piggins S (QP) 308; Nevendon S (QP) 543; Newbourne S (QP) 543; Nocton TP (QP) 953; Noseley TP 878; O; Oozedam S (QP) 361; P; Peak District TB (QP) 1145; Pigstye Green S (QP) 614; Potterhanworth TP (QP) 953; Pride of High Halden TP (QP) 805; Q; Queenslea Drive D (QP) 229; Quire Green S (QP) 614; R; Rawreth S (QP) 544; Roconbello Place (QP) 780; Roncobello Place 1143; Rundlestone Tor D (QP) 182; S; St Mary S (QP) 1222; SDG D 826; Sheeps Tor D (QP) 333; Shotgate S (QP) 1245; Stereo D (QP) 313; T; Tambree D (QP) 157; Thornworthy Tor D (QP) 516; Thurrock S (QP) 229, 371 (corr); Tilbury S (QP) 614; TK S (QP) 1222; U; Ulles Tor D 687; Ulting S (QP) 1245; Useless Loop D (QP) 780; V; Vellow B (QP) 229; Vixen Tor D (QP) 880; W; Watern Tor D (QP) 1026; Watery Lane S (QP) 953; Westcliff S (QP) 1245; Woolloongabba D (QP) 687; Y; Yenworthy B (QP) 361; Z; Zener TB 1119

Triples (7 bells): Artistic 709

Major (8 bells): A; Abbott S 1022; Adbaston S 357; Addenburgh S 84; Adenine D 179; Aldbury S 999; Allingham S 826; Ankh-Morpork S 177; Aubergine S 926; Aughton S 730; B; Baddeley Green D (QP) 1073; Bathurst S 1069; Bengeo S 331; Birnbeck S 542; Bovey Castle S 925; Bovey Tracey D 1093; Bratislava S 1189; Braughing S 226; Broughty Ferry D 106; Bruxelles S 303; C; Calcutt S 925; Campton S 826; Caveman S 179; Chedburgh TP (QP) 205; Cheesecake D 179; Chunky Monkey S 853; Clairedom A 659; Clayhanger D 225; Clifton B 565; Clifton D 81; Conisbrough Castle S 1047; Copernicum S 1166; Creag MacRanaich D 381; Cree D 564; D; Dame Vera D 1021; Darwin S 253; Daw's Green D (QP) 1145; Derwenthaugh S 753; Destructor S 975; Dilithium S 405; Dinton S 707; Diptonmill S 331; Djelibeybi S 926; Donhead S 563; Dorcestre S 854; Dordrecht D 659; Dore S 565; E; East Belfast D 179; East Coast A 1169; East Hoathly S 407; Eggplant S 1070; Ellenwood S 997; Eucalyptus S 926; Exeter Diocesan D 329; F; Fifty TB 803; Fixture Secretary D 83; Four Shires D 1244; Francesca S 1118; Frosterley S 155; G; Gillett S 611; Greville Smyth D 1186 (let), 1189; Guinness D 1117; H; Handsworth D 130; Hawkswick S 1218; High Spen S 1118; Hobgoblin S 406; Holywoood S 1165; Hope D 879; Horseferry Road S 179; Horsington S 804; Hukeley Bridge S 853; I; Ideal D (QP) 805; Iron Horse D 462; Isenthal S 106; J; Jackbury S 82; Jarvis Brook S 1094; Jennycliff S 154; Jersey D 611; Johnston S 803; K; Kimberlow Hill D 1190; Knockdown S 129; L; Lake Garda D 802; Landford S 609; Layerthorpe S 305; Lund's Court S 203; M; Madrid S 997; Magnum D 129; Midhopestones S 1023; Monaco S 683; Morebath D 635; Moretonhampstead S 81; Morville D 723, 730; Muttaburrasaurus Langdoni D 1069; N; Nettleton S 1217; New Buckenham S 83; New Romney D 951; O; Odo D 777; Orwell D 405; P; Panamera S 1070; Peak District, 997; Peak District S 84; Penhill S 540; Petton D 877; Pinner D 360; Play School D 406; Poet's Walk S 1168; Q; Quail Green D (QP) 1222; Quirm S 709; Quorn D 280; R; The Reverend Geoffrey and Mrs Ruth Stickland A 854; Riga S 105; Rosemary S 405; Rothamsted S 684; Rudgate Ruby Mild D 879; S; Sagarmatha S 685; St Marie's B 879; St Saviourgate D 407; Salehurst S 636; Sandy Lane S 683; Second Chance D 539, 669; Septuagenarian D 1168; 70th Birthday D 1071; Shepton Beauchamp S 635; Silverdale B 610; Siward's How S 1168; Sjambok D 179; Spliced S 587; Stanmore S 1218; Sto Helit S 541; SUGCR D (QP) 639; T; Tactical S 1241; Tallinn S 563; Teffont S 1142; Teign Valley S 707; Thea D 660; Threekingham S 878; Timothy D 997; Totley D 1271; Traditional Cumberland Sausage D 753; Tripleport S 252; U; Unnamed D 1021; V; Vacaville S 330; Valentine D 226; Vendredi Treize S 226; Venn Ottery S 155; Victoria Garesfield S 825; Vilnius S 202; Viney Hill S 303; Vitznau S 731; Vth November S (QP) 1194; W; Whirlow S 778; Whittington D (QP) 110, 1286 (cartoon); Whorlton Old Church D 754; William Penny Brookes S 949; Windmill Hill S 330; Woodside TP (QP) 157; Woodville S 330; Xceat S 331; Xeniaville S 330; Xupu S 358; Y; Yarhampton S 178; Yarpole D 280; Yatford S 303; Yelford D 406; Yorkshire Day D 854; Yorkville S 405; Ytterbium A 636; Z; Zigzag Path D 1095; Zionville S 405; Zonda S 1070; Zopf S 950

Caters (9 bells): He Dog Place (QP) 182; They-Fear-Even-His-Horses B (QP) 361

Royal (10 bells): A; A'Chailleach D 1269; Acomb D 331; Am Bodach D 539; B; Belgravegate S 1270; Benenden S 1142; Biscay D 129; Bovey Bob D 1117; C; Champion Dragon D 801; Circle Master Diff S 709; Copmanthorpe D 331; D; Deppers Bridge S 251; Despina D 611; Dingleden S 802; Dunsby S 1023; E; East Farleigh Lock A 304; Eastby S 358; F; Fastnet D 926; Fitzroy D 488; Fryerning A 1045; Fulford D 331; G; The Green A 540; Greene King IPA S Royal 1271; H; Houndsditch S 565; I; Independence Day S 755; Irish Sea D 998; J; Johnby S 1143; K; Kingerby S 179; L; Landmark D 732; Leatherhead A 973; Lundy D 901; M; Masham S 778; Mulberry Hall LA 331; N; Nidderdale S 587; O; Otreburne S 683; P; Pero's Bridge S 683; Pride of Romsey S 1118; R; Rockall D 1142; S; Sgor Gaoith D 202; Sgurr Diff S 331; Shannon D 1093; Shepton Beauchamp D 1241; Shepton Beauchamp S 777; Skeldergate Bridge LA 331; Soave D 709; Sole D 684; St George and the Dragon S 564; Stob Ghabhar S 1069; Stoneycroft S 1218; Superlative A 407; T; Temple Meads Diff S 709; Trafalgar D 203; U; Ufton S 684; W; Washington D 973; Wigan A 637; Woodgate S 1241; X; Xenolith S 999

Cinques (11 bells): American Horse B (QP) 1026; Conquering Bear B (QP) 711; Red Bull B (QP) 385; Sitting Bull B (QP) 1145; Spotted Tail B (QP) 567

Maximus (12 bells): Adrastea LA 461; Alma LTP 461; Hudderzfield LS 461; Hussar LTP 1120; Kirkgate S Maximus 1069; Klink LP 303; Micklebring S 565; New Cut A 540; Shepton Beauchamp S 1093; Wolsey S 1259; Xylophone S 926

metric bell weights 301

Mew, Chris (contrib): 'Aarau Bell Foundry - A Swiss role' 73–74; 'Child Protection - Towards October 2009 ...' 921–923; 'Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults...' 457–459, 503 (corr); 'Publishing the unthinkable' 455–456

Meyer, Gwendoline G (Gee) (obit) 598, 720, 811

Meyer, Paul Richard (Well, Lincs), convicted 456, 747 (Ed), 776 (corr)

Middlesex and Surrey, three QPs in a morning 933

Middlesex County Assoc & London DG: Middlesex misapprehension 459 (let); North and East District, QP day 619; Southern & Western Districts QP week 1249

Midland Counties Association: 56th report (1941) 1235; Stedman Caters, 18,027 changes cent 352–354, 389 (corr), 396, 404 (let)

Miller, Miss (1920s ringer) 967

Miller, Mrs (1920s ringer) 967

Minimus (4 bells), definition 899

mini-ring directory 1232

mini-rings (see also campaniles; light rings; mobile towers): annual QP analysis 535 (let); Clock House Bells, Awbridge, Hants 820–821; demonstration bell and frame 1160; Derbyshire, first peal in 81; Dewbys Bells 558 (let), 1284; disabled ringers using 719; Fenton Campanile 900; Keele, Staffs, Woodlands 889; Louvaine Campanile 391; Measham, Leics, 'The Garage Ring' 1205; North Woott[o]n, Som 137; and secular ringing 725 (let), 798 (let); Suffolk Guild, new ring 506, 864, 1006; Trafford 1284

Minor (6 bell ringing) see methods named

Minsterworth, Glos, peal board 796

Mitchell, Victor James, awarded MVO 627 (Ed)

mnemonics, taapaataapaa 1138 (let)

Mobile Belfry, Lichfield see Lichfield Mobile Belfry

mobile phone antennae, in bellchambers? 31 (let)

Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre 726 (let); bus 151, 245 (let); Heritage Lottery Fund application 7 (let), 78 (let), 147 (Ed), 151–152, 176 (let), 245 (let), 273 (let), 677 (let); North Lincolnshire Council, Press Office statement 299 (let); rejected 677 (let)

mobile towers: Charmborough Ring see main entry; Lichfield Mobile Belfry see main entry; Lincoln Guild 176 (let)

monarchs, foundry visits 328, 347 (Ed)

monasteries, Po Lin, Lantao Island 727 (let), 823 (let)

money (see also 'Ringing & Money'): quotation 1151

Monk, Claire (contrib) 505–506

Monmouth Museum, returns bell 1084

Moore, Claire (obit) 166

Moore, Ron (obit) 357, 472–473

Moorlynch, Som, quarter peal first timers 498

Morley Town Hall, Yks, 'What's up that tower?' 865, 867

Morris, Ernest (author): History and Art of Change Ringing 224, 301, 377, 484; Towers & Bells of Britain 1115

Morris, Lesley WG (20C ringer) 1275–1276

Morris, Meredith (contrib) 250

Morris dancers 1009

Morrison, Donald F (composer) 380, 510 (let)

Morton, Chris (poems): Cambridge Surprised! 1213; A Dodgy Practice 163

Morville, Shrops, bells ring again 721–723; Morville D Major 730

Moseley, W Mids, St Anne, augmentation 170

Moss, Roy (obit) 936

Mothering Sunday peals 357, 382, 406, 489

'Motion controllers as dummy handbells' 1112–1113

motorcyclists: bikers group 1114 (let); outings 460

Moulding, Peter (contrib) 217–219

Mouseholing, 'M is for..' 459, 511 (let)

MPs who ring: Hollobone, Phillip 24

muffles (tyre silencers) 511 (let)

Munday, David C (Chris) (obit) 281, 288–289

Munnings family (21C Worcs) 320, 1271

Muntz, George F (19C industrialist) 393

Murray, Fraser J (aged 11) rings his first peal 779

museums: bellframe museum proposal 1043 (let); John Taylor Bellfoundry Museum 449, 1062; Monmouth, returns bell 1084

music, 'Bells and...' 473

music debate 298 (let), 350 (let), 403 (let), 460 (let), 511 (let), 911

music which includes bells 580 (cartoon), 606 (let)

music written for bells 538, 580 (cartoon)

musical instruments, bells as 298 (let), 403–404 (let), 459 (let), 511 (let), 538, 580 (cartoon); Puritan era 559 (let); rhythm in ringing 1107; "soul music on heavy metal" 727

Myanmar, largest bells 852 (let)


'N is for No' 531

Nabb, Graham (contrib) see 'The tower collectors tale...'

Nabbers (tower collectors), e-list: origin 323; activity 23, 31, 55, 95, 103, 127, 187, 204, 267, 291, 328, 509, 551, 562, 682, 799, 851, 875, 897, 935, 987, 1018, 1087; activity, '.. - do you remember?' 1265

NAGCR see North American Guild

'nag-talk' see North American Guild

Nailsea, Som, tower outing 934

Nash, Bill (contrib) 450 (cartoon), 745–747, 749

National 12-Bell Striking Contest 2009 and visit .uk; editorial 726 (let), 751 (let); eliminators 219 (Ed), 223 (ad), 344; final 371 (corr), 696, 698 (Ed), 726–727 (Let), 743, 845–848; results table 720; winners 845

National 12-Bell Striking Contest 2011, eliminators date 1063 (Ed)

National Bell Registers 657 see also 'Dove's Guide ...'; prototype 2008 Report 450

National Guild of Police Ringers, 5 QPs in a day 595

Naval Aviation, 100 years 1119

Navy Guild see Royal Navy Guild

Naylor, Eric, 80th birthday 109

neck operations 1303

negotiating 1066 (let)

nerve releases 1303

Neston High School, 50th anniv 62

Netherlands visit also; Central European Association of Change Ringers, 'Foundation of the..' 673–675; Dordrecht, firsts 1144; Dordrecht, 't Klockhuis bells 249

Network for Ringing Training (NRT) 436; The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292, 436; e-list activity 267, 823, 851, 875, 897, 935

New Alresford, Hants, anecdotes 1068

new builds see planning applications near bells

new ring projects: Cambridge University, Gt St Mary's see main entry; Chawton, Hants 823 (let); Johannesburg, All Saints 25–27, 29; Kimberley, South Africa 171; London, St Bride, Fleet St 1259 (Ed); St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge see London, City of

New Ringers Handbook 435

New Work in Historic Places of Worship 849–850 (let)

New York City, Trinity Church, Erin Cinques in 2 years 193–195, 197–200, 212, 223 (let), 239, 240, 245 (let)

The New York Times 943 (Ed)

New Zealand visit also .au (see also ANZAB); Dunedin, ringer convicted of rape 455, 456; tours to 274–275

New-Born Society of Ringers 141 (see also births)

Newburn on Tyne, Tyne & Wear, first peal on the bells 1166

Newing, Angela (contrib): Christmas Morning Mattins (poem) 1277; Prose, Poems and Puzzles for a Modern Christmas 1250, 1301; 'Puzzle Corner' 623, 1300

Newton Abbot, Devon, surprise gift 1151

Nicholson Engineering (bellhangers): Chediston, Suffolk 374, 460 (let); Morville, Shrops 721; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1281; Scilly Isles, St Mary 273 (let)

The Nine Tailors 244, 528; ringing questions 631 (let)

9 bell ringing see Caters entries

NLC Ltd (louvres) 7–8 (let), 77 (let)

No, 'N is for..' 531

noise (see also sound control): abatement 103; ducks 1174; Kensington, Gr Lon, St Mary Abbots 476; Liguria, Italy, protest 852; pollution 7–8 (let)

nominal note 473

non-ringers: veteran ringing supporters 571

Norfolk, 5 quarters in 43

Norman & Underwood (church building restorers) 1065

Nor-Pas de Calais, France, carillon-grabbing 1020

North, Thomas (19C author) 1273

North American Guild (NAGCR) (see also Canada; 'From across the pond'; Philadelphia Guild; United States of America (USA); Washington Ringing Society)

Guild: 2,500 peals rung in North America 777; report 526

e-list activity 127, 682, 767, 799, 963; NAGCR e-list activity 95, 187, 223, 267, 608, 743, 897, 935, 963; 'nag-talk' 95, 187, 204, 223, 509, 651, 743, 851, 963, 996

Boston, Massachusetts, Old North Church 1041

New York City, Trinity Church (Wall Sreet): Erin Cinques in 2 years 193–195, 197–200, 212, 223 (let), 239, 240, 245 (let); New York Times 943 (Ed

North Ockendon, Essex, anti-clockwise ring 887

North Staffs Assoc (NSACR), quarter peal week 911

North Woott[o]n, Som, Avon Amateurs 137

Northallerton, N Yks, Tornado steam engine 180, 344


All Saints: PCC debt 1039 (Ed), 1044

St Matthew: 'What's up that tower?' 621, 623

Northamptonshire, The Church Bells of 1253

Northfleet, Kent, tower accident 744

Northwich, Ches, Witton 876

Norwich DA, quarter peal week 737–738

Norwood Green, Middx, 100th anniv recast bells 975

Nottingham University Society (NUSCR): 50th anniv 19; go to Newcastle 491; reunion 501

Nottinghamshire, QP days 934

NRT see Network for Ringing Training

NSACR see North Staffordshire Assoc of Change Ringers

Nudds, William J (19C ringer) 353, 404 (let)

nuns, ringing 1267, 1268

NUSCR see Nottingham University Society

'Nutcrackers', cracks in towers 71


'O is for Open Day' 608 (see also 'G is for GRAB')

Oadby, Leics, Oadby Surprise Major 48

Obama, President Barack of the USA, Inauguration 75 (Ed), 95, 103, 127, 156, 250, 282



Adams, Kathrine 888

Andrew, Ron 997, 1008

Atkins, David J (Pontefract) 46, 61

Ayres, Raymond M (Ray) 44; Johannesburg dedication 26, 27 (Ed); memorial bells 44, 894; memorial peals 36; memorial plaque 894; York Minster carillon project 249


Bagnall, Jack 911

Bainham, Christopher 266

Banks, John W 1228

Bartlett, Jane 214

Battye, Matthew 474

Bennet, David J 612

Bennett, James A (Tony) 166, 368

Billinge, Ian 238

Boatright, Meg 1178

Bosworth, Philip 499

Bowley, Jim 92

Boyack, Aidan 866

Bradbury, Herbert A 1228

Bridge, Tina Matilda 914, 1204

Brown, Harry Wyatt 94, 180, 188–189

Butcher, Malcolm 879, 888


Carpenter, John 288

Cattermole, Paul 819 (Ed), 842, 940; Obituary 1128, 1151 (corr); 'Paul Cattermole 1941 - 2009' 941–943; peals rung 953; quarter peals 957, 1005, 1128, 1151 (corr); reminiscence 1252; tribute 1273–1277

Champion, Myrtle A 1048, 1055

Champion, Walter 864, 1008

Clarke, Mary (Gee) 574

Collis, WM David 787

Crawley, John 190

Cundy, Rt Revd Ian, Bishop of Peterborough 643, 648, 662


Dale, Jean 472

Darmon, Jean A 164

Davies, Iolo D 418, 811–812

du Boulay, George Houssemayne 984


Earle, Harry 767

Eloie, Yvonne L 214

English, Tim 928


Fairhead, Bernard W 290, 342, 542, 547, 548, 550

Feirn, George E 890

Forester, Graham 644

Franklin, Vanessa 266

French, Clare 574, 983


Gates, Leonard G 938

Gilbert, Marion D 316

Gould, Arthur J 70, 316

Griffiths, Harry 1128, 1298

Griffiths, Timothy W 502, 526, 710, 715, 716, 718–719, 742 (corr); long length peal 590


Hardwick, Carol A 943 (Ed), 962, 1072, 1080

Harris, Caroline 622

Harrisson, Patrick A 214, 572

Hawkins, Gertrude E 644

Hinton, John G 670, 764, 983–984

Horne, Douglas R (Ray) 644

Houghton, Bill 166

Houssemayne du Boulay, George 984

Hunt, John 740

Hyden, Myrtle 842


Ivings, Henry 1104


Jackson, Frederick 524, 677 (let)

Jackson, William H (Bill) 394, 661, 665, 666–668, 686

Jordan, Douglas 840


Knox, Ian R 764–765


Laming, Janet 68

Lance, Brigadier Martin J 960

Lawn, Herbert 1082

Liddell, Roger 1204

Lipscomb, Elizabeth ('Betty') 116–117

Livingston, David 83, 92

Lombaert, Aimé 249–250

Longridge, Revd Richard N 1010


McNutt, Alan 416

Mann, Colin D 132, 140–141

Martin, Alexander J 94, 281, 287, 384, 389, 392, 395, 419 (corr), 489

Martin, Robert 692

Mason, Philip R 288

Matthews, Hubert 619

Medley, Patricia 318, 342

Meyer, Gwendoline G (Gee) 598, 720, 811

Moore, Claire 166

Moore, Ron 357, 472–473

Moss, Roy 936

Munday, David C (Chris) 281, 288–289


Orchard, Jennifer A (Jenny) 62, 67, 68


Page, Jack 166

Palmer, Brian 20

Payne, Valerie M 603 (Ed), 620

Poole, W. C. (Cecil) 238, 340

Porter, T Brian 94, 490, 500

Powell, Laura M 524, 579 (Ed), 596

Pye, Reginald W 620


Reynolds, Joan 766

Rider, Kenneth J 46, 236, 239, 267 (corr), 638

Roberts, Sydney 20

Rogers, A. H. (Tony) 692

Ross, Canon Frederick 1034, 1114 (let), 1169, 1175–1176, 1207


Salter, Donald 1080

Sanderson, Jean 1111 (Ed), 1130, 1244, 1251–1252

Schofield, S Barry 238, 252

Smith, Florence L 960

Stott, Elizabeth M (Mair) 766

Stubbs, James A 416

Sturgeon, Reginald J ('Jack') 92


Taylor, Colin 986

Taylor, Revd Gordon C 718, 720, 904, 912

Thompsett, William E ('Bill') 255, 264

Thompson, Ronald J 938

Thornton, Eleanor, M ("Peggy") 646, 840

Thornton, John B 318, 572

Tocock, Philip H 1230

Treseder, Jane 1032

Turner, Robin G 238


Vardy, Raymond ("John") 764


Walton, Harry 742

White, Basil 1034

Willard, Valerie 1254

Willcox, Ernest F 212

Wilson, John 1152

Wood, Linda 70

Woodgyer, Peter (Widge) 766, 936–937, 1046

obituaries (18C/19C) 300–301

Obituary Index (CCCBR Library) 436, 962

Octavian Delight Royal 776 (let)

"Oddstruck" (contrib), The First Peal 79–80

Ode to a Flowery Quarter (poem) 1043 (let)

ODG see Oxford DG

Offen, Richard (contrib), 'A Kentish reminiscence' 1263–1264

Old Bailey, Bells of see London, City of, St Sepulchre

oldest bells: Wolverton, Warwickshire 28–29

oldest ring of bells in the world 943 (Ed)

oldest ringers see Rogers, Harold; veteran ringers

Ollerton, Steve (contrib): 'And now for something ... twice!' 538, 580 (cartoon); 'Stedman Triples and Bristol Surprise Major spliced' 302, 306

Olney, Bucks, 'The Olney Bells Project' 1133–1135, 1139–1140

onion contest, Notts 292

open days: Bourton-on-the-Water, near 608; Marske-by-the-Sea, N Yorks 1084; Pillaton, Cornwall 815; Salisbury Guild, West Dorset Branch 1088–1089

Open Days, 'O is for..' 608

Open University Society of Change Ringers: AGM day 2008 139; Autumn meeting in Essex 1250; Michaelmas Term 2008 470; spring meeting & mini-ring day 391; 30th anniv 391, 804

Operation Noah 940 (see also climate change)

operations, orthopaedic 1303

Opportunity Knocks 983

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) 682

Oram, Ian H (RW Company Secretary) 6

Oranges and Lemons quarter peal day 168

Orchard, Jennifer A (Jenny) (obit) 62, 67, 68

Organising a Bell Restoration Project 449

Orpheus Doubles 1288

'Orthopaedic conditions and church bell ringing' 1302–1303

OUS see Oxford University Society of Change Ringers

outings 1116; motorcyclists 460; tower collecting 800, 934; walking 898

outings to (see also holidays; tours): Bredon Hill, Worcs 4; Cambridgeshire 1006; Cheltenham, Glos 739; Cheshire 653; Chew Valley, Som 671; Cotswolds, Glos 763, 766, 1083; Devon 1164, 1188; Devonshire 934; East Mendip 560; East Susx 898; Essex 21, 1006; Guernsey 576; Holborn, London WC2, St-Giles-in-the-Fields, welcomes visitors 351 (let); Ireland 276; Keele, Staffs 889, 891; Kent 898; Leics, Melbourne ringers 1908 re-enactment 676; Nailsea, Som 934; Norfolk 119; North East Essex 586; North Ferriby, E Yorks 537; Northamptonshire (1962) 1163; Oxford 1113; Penistone, N Yorks, ringers 503; Pershore Abbey (poem) 289; Salisbury Guild 934; Scilly Isles 1202; Shropshire 1044; Suffolk 119; Taylors Eayre & Smith 632; Teign Valley 561

Overseas Service, BBC 786

Oxford, outings to 1113

Oxford DG (ODG)

Guild: Handbell Day 571; outings 1164; peal and QP tour 566; peal board (1946) 196

Banbury Branch, 'Firsts' Week 366

Newbury Branch, QP week 287

Oxford City Branch 672, 720

Oxford Society

275th anniv: peals rung 83, 107, 902, 998, 1218; Ringing Day 869–870; '...'twas excellent Ringing ...' 1–4

peal board (1946) 196

Oxford University Society (OUS/OUSCR): Oxford Brookes University ringing policy 632; QPs for the summer vacation 2008 18; quarter peals, Jan-Jun 2009 982

Oxfordshire: quarter peals 1005; tours 366

Oxfordshire, isolated towers see Four Shires Guild of Bellringers


'P is for Peal Week' 685

Paccard Foundry of Annecy (21C bellfounder, France) 1020

Page, Jack (obit) 166

Page, Muriel, 55th anniv of 1st peal 163

Pagesuite experiment see Ringing World on-line

Painswick, Glos: 19C peal song 222 (let); Prose, Poems and Puzzles for a Modern Christmas 1250; Ringers' 19C Silver Cup 369, 404 (let) (corr); Ringer's scrapbook (20C) 200

Palmer, Brian (obit) 20

Pargeter, Robert 1950s ringer 677

Parham, Suff, first peal on the bells 1243

Parker, Edith K, cent of 1st peal 590

Parkinson, Harold, 100th birthday 1107

Parry, Sheila EM (contrib) 573, 575

parsnip contest, Notts 292

partial frequencies 473

Pascoe, Paul J (prolific ringer) 969

Patch, Harry (last Great War survivor, UK) 819 (Ed), 878, 1023

Patmore, Iris & Brian, Golden Wedding 1193

Pawley, Peter, 80th birthday 525

Payne, Tim (contrib) 241–243, 244

Payne, Valerie M (obit) 603 (Ed), 620

PC see political correctness

PCCs, transferring funds to 149

PDF files: coaching techniques PDF 654

peace declarations: South Africa 1902 968

Peachey, Barry F (contrib) (see also Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre): 'Teaching Ringing IX - The Local Resources' 899–900

Peak District,: first peal by a Peak District ladies band 901; QP day 313; tours 1019

peal boards: Castle Morpeth, Nhmbld 391; Edmonton, Gr Lon, All Saints 590; Holme Lacy, Herefs 749; index of ringers names 603 (Ed); Kidlington, Oxon (1899) 672; London, City of, St Magnus-the-Martyr 1277; Minsterworth, Glos 796; Oxford Society 196; Radcliffe on Trent, St Mary 141; Romsey Abbey, Hamps 1203; Stedman Cinques, record peals 145–147, 148, 172–174, 196, 197 (corr); Whiting Society of Ringers 1127; Worcester band (1983) 145; Yatton, N Som 508

Peal Compositions Committee (see also Compositions Committee): 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; renamed Compositions Committee 679

'Peal Corrections & Amendments': RW 1983 767; RW 1984 767; RW 1985 743, 767; RW 1986 767; RW 1987 767; RW 1988 767; RW 1990 957; RW 1994 767; RW 1997 767; RW 1999 957; RW 2004 767; RW 2005 607, 743, 767; RW 2006 607, 743, 767, 827; RW 2007 607, 743, 776, 957; RW 2008 607, 743, 767, 776, 785, 827; RW 2009 201 (let), 291, 607, 743, 785, 827, 957

Peal Records Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 437, 681; 2009 Meeting 629; Decision (D) D 463; new name & absorbs Peals Analysis Committee 427

'Peal Reports' (see also clerical titles, RW copy policy 3 (Ed); footnotes, RW copy policy 1135 (Ed)

peal ringers (see also 'First Peal Congratulations')

prolific (2008) 968–969, 996 (let)

50 peals: Atkinson, KD 1219; Austin, OM 406; Bartholomew, K 803; Cole, SJ 803; Dodd, AJ 61; Fawbert, AM 975; Forster, HM 1072; Henfrey, TJ 330; Hutchieson, E 802; Mitchell, RJ 731; Murch, JA 11; Potter, JH 487; Pym, EL 1024; Rogers, H 904; Scase, JE 1190; Shanks, GW 489; Young, B 803

100 peals: Beckingham, SJ 331; Bond, SA 998; Brook, P 1168; Brown, Carol 83; Edwards, MJ 853; Frye, JS 878; Gill, MER 356; Hajok, AJ 1189; Hardy, MD 179; Harvey, AM 710; Hodge, R 407; Holdsworth, JW 11; Jones, D 1022; Jones, DTG 589; Lane, J 1269; Loveday, MS 707; Maddocks, RA 224; Marchbank, JC 357; Mitchell, S 731; Mumby, MH 106; Pagdin, JR 975; Parker, CM 803; Ross, MH 803; Scase, TG 154; Sheasby, CN 1117; Smith, AJE 11; Smith, DJ 1117; Wilkinson, GL 203; Wood, RP 132

150 peals: Carey, SA 61; Cowcill, GL 36; Griffith-Jones, L (Liz) 487; Griffiths, CJ 1217; Hetherington, MD 878; McCoy, PW 11; Rogers, PV 1117; Scase, TG 1143; Trumpler, ER 1141; Waters, J 997; Wignell, AR 491; Wilson, AB 1093

200 peals: Bickerton, RK 686; Butler, JE 252; Freebody, MJ 406; Galloway, JE 974; Hine, TC 255; Hinks, TJ 1047; Hitchins, P 1022; Holdsworth, JW 826; Hughes-D'Aeth, EN 1144; Hutchinson, SE 1047; Jones, MJ (Cheshire) 106; Phillips, AJ 34; Sales, R 57; Seagrave, MJ 1143; Trebble, L 58; Webb, SDG 854; Wiltshire, I 878; Woodcock, CCP 926

250 peals: Austin, SM 827; Down, PR 253; Holdsworth, JW 1271; King, R 1269; Maddison, T 564; Marchbank, CA 357; Shelbourn, AM 1119; Stone, VJ 1045; Wake, MJ 636; Warboys, FE 926

300 peals: Angrave, M 710; Angrave, RJ 710; Anthony, AM 803; Colliss, EPD 36; Garner, MS 951; Maude, C 1219; Maynard, DG 204, 282; Moore, CB 154; Penney, SW 1120; Thorley, KM 754

350 peals: Cross, C 1021; Ledger, TC 36; Moore, DR 331

400 peals: Carpenter, A 566; Colliss, EPD 999; Crocker, AR 710; Davey, AJ 1025; Lee, CM 730; Marshall, RL 154; Mills, IG 540; Morris, JL 1243; Phillips, H 462; Purday, MG 1269

450 peals: Chapman, CF 1021; Constant, BD 778; Greenley, AS 778; John, AC 588; Peachey, HLE 280

500 peals: Alldrick, AF 1189; Cater, G 1219; Fellows, MJ (1968) 62; Hall, DG 105; Higby, MRT 1072; Hill, PW 462; Johns, MT 463; Lebon, JRN 540; Palmer, MJ 1242; Roberts, J 1070; Spencer, MR 683; Trebble, AM 106; Walker, DG 202; Wilshaw, M 1118

550 peals: Ellender, M 382; Horton, JD 280

600 peals: Armitage, PQ 34; Brewin, GM 84; Croft, JS 179; Fortey, AC 1166; Knipe, J 563; Knipe, LA 1141; Mainwaring, AL 34; Marsden, SE 330; Pick, SG 155; Reading, AG 60; Stokes, R 951; Whiting, BE 826; Wright, GJ 1047

650 peals: Cheshire, CP 661; Saunders, PM 407

700 peals: Ballard, RJ 1070; Braben, AS 84; Carey, IJ 659; Cooper, JP 203; Dodd, JA 1071; Eccleston, MR 1072; Foster, CM 57; Haseldine, JA 1218; Hutchieson, SCW (QP) 156; Jones, DL 1046; Jordan, RH 661; Reading, AG 1117; Woodruff, R 901; Young, PT 489

750 peals: Forster, GR 1117; Gay, PW 974; Hardy, RE 383; Hilling, MJ 405; Seaman, PS 359; Woof, SD 381

800 peals: Andrew, C 662; Brown, RA 81; Churchill, RR 1046; Croft, WS 1144; Cross, OD 564; Diserens, RF 489; Field, CR 662; Matthews, SC 563; Stokes, CC 280; Wells, JD 1022; Whiteley, M 356

850 peals: Jenner, A 226; Sherriff, RW 129

900 peals: Bedford, SJ 107; Bill, PL 1093; England, PJ 358; Ladd, JP 755; Reading, SJ 60; Sanderson, PJ 331

950 peals: Hyden, J 303; Tibbetts, AJW 827

1000 peals: Avery, Ian W 997; Baldock, Alan R 60, 131, 148; Campling, Pauline 148; Daniels, L Martin 638; Davies, Barbara 515; Edwards, Anthea S (tower bells) 57, 85; Hansford, Jill M 973; Waterfield, Peter J 952; Wells, E John 1167

1100 peals: Campling, P 1189; Dunbavin, ME 1046; Fiander, MD 489; Llewellyn, DJ 777; Mason, PM 755; Pettifor, DR 1189; Randall, GL 462; Smith, A 1189; Stone, BJ 59

1200 peals: Duke, GA 228, 235; Hill, IP 10; Howell, CE 1220; Love, DR 82; Moore, DF 542; Towler, YA 1021; Yeo, LJ 1217

1250 peals: Lane, ND 1046; Pascoe, PJ 56; Poole, SJ 777

1350 peals: Pascoe, PJ 539; Sibson, AD 730; Smith, I 203

1400 peals: Daw, RH 1217; Furniss, PL 357; Jenner, S 253; Pascoe, PJ 753

1450 peals: Mayle, AP 129

1500 peals: Allton, RI 565; Champion, P 57; Malton, AC 154; Norris, BR 356; Pascoe, PJ 1217

1550 peals: Rothera, DE 901

1600 peals: Ridley, JR 82; Thoday, GE 331

1650 peals: Ridley, JR 1217

1700 peals: Rogers, RH 1241

1750 peals: Warboys, SJ 1143

1800 peals: Shallcross, F 730

1900 peals: Hudson, PJH 683; Hunt, DJ 1189

2000 peals: Hayward, Peter LR 998; Hendry, Barrie 82; Kippin, Robert C 409; Randall, Geoffrey W 405; Towler, James L 1166

2100 peals: Price, KM 638

2350 peals: Halls, PAM 251

2500 peals: Edwards, MF 1143; Salter, DG 660

2600 peals: Hird, D 513

2650 peals: Dove, CB 854

2800 peals: Campling, GH 998

3000 peals: Edwards, Tudor P 998

3500 peals: Mears, MEC 279

3800 peals: Ainsworth, JA 997; Baldwin, R 974

3900 peals: Bowden, EAG 659

4000 peals: 4000 pealers' peal 171 (Ed), 180, 192, 222 (let); Bridle, P 10; Mayne, John R 180; Sibson, Derek 148

4100 peals: Bridle, P 1070

4500 peals: Bladon, Brian (on tower bells) 462

Peal Week, 'P is for..' 685

peals: 1st by 4000 pealers band 171 (Ed), 180, 192, 222 (let); 1st by Continental Europe resident band 675; 1st on chromatic ring ... 228; are peals too long? 1239 (let); arranging 1138 (let); Children in Need 1241; not complying with the Decisions on Peal Ringing 437

peals, analysis 2008: 2008 Report 437; Doubles 326 (let)

peals, commemorative (see also Armistice; Cambridge University, 800th anniv; Durham University Society 50th anniv; Oxford University Society, 275 years; Remembrance peals): Armistice, 90th anniv 12, 58, 254; Bath & Wells Diocese 1100th anniv 228, 263, 405, 707, 753; Bristol Cathedral bells, 50th anniv 360; Bristol Univ 100th anniv 228, 563, 700–701, 710, 853; Churches Conservation Trust, 40th anniv 251; Darwin, Charles Robert, 200th anniv 253; Deeping St Nicholas, Cent of bells 129, 332; Ely, 900th anniv of Diocese 540, 707, 801, 901; Exeter Diocese, 1100th anniv 461, 587, 683, 1241; Four Shires Guild of Bellringers Centenary 1244; Girl Guide Movement, Centenary 1021, 1045; Guinness, 250 years in production 1117; Henry VIII, 500th anniv of accession 514; Hertford CA, 125th anniv see Hertford CA; John Taylor & Co relaunch 1119; Kirkby Malzeard, casting cent 407; Naval Aviation, Cent 1119; North America, 2,500 peals rung 777; Oxford Society, 275th anniv 83, 107, 902, 998, 1218; Postgate, Oliver (creator of Bagpuss ...) 33, 35; Sheff, S Yorks, Dore Centenary of the bells 278, 1271; Sheffield, Ranmoor, 75th anniv of bells 605; Sheffield University Guild, 50th anniv 280; St Edmund's Day 109; Tornado steam engine 180, 344; Welsh Colleges' Society, 50th anniv 255; Woolworths, RIP 35

peals, Easter 461–462, 487, 488, 514

peals, false: Drewe Arms S Minor 420; Zonza S Major 291

peals, first on the bells/new bells 1166; Allestree, Derbys 81, 85; Boothby Pagnell, Lincs 1167; City of London, EC3, St Magnus-the-Martyr 1277; Felixstowe, Suff 1047; Herriard, Hants 384; Holybourne, Hants 1243; Keele, Staffs 514; Kingsbridge, Devon 108; Lichfield Mobile Belfry 514; Parham, Suff 1243; Stanton in Peak, Derbys 85

peals, first since augmentation: Brereton, Ches, St Oswald 928; Chelsfield, Kent 540; Cheltenham, Glos, S Mark 540; Chilcompton, Som 513; Eastry, Kent 461; Kineton, Warw 730; Ludlow, Shrops 659; Wendover, Bucks, St Mary 35; Youlgreave, Derbys 487

peals, first since de-augmentation: Upper Beeding, W Sussx 660

peals, 100 peals on the bells: Deeping St Nicholas, Lincs 129, 332; Elstow, Beds 224; Warwick, Coll Ch S Mary 332

peals, last peal on the bells: Cambridge Univ 405; Shiplake, Oxon 779

peals, long length: Anglia S Royal 590; Glasgow Surprise Major attempt 1091

peals, Mothering Sunday 357, 382, 406, 489

peals, record (10,000 or more changes), 2008 Report 437

peals, Stedman Caters, 18,027 changes cent 352–354, 389 (corr), 396, 404 (let), 565

Peals Analysis Committee: 2007 Report 428; merged with Peals Records Committee 427

'peals of Grandsire Doubles' (Eisel, John C) 947–948, 958

peals of Singles (3 bells) see Singles coverage 632

Pedro (guide dog) 717

Peking see Beijing

Penistone, N Yorks, ringers outing 503

Penney, Pip (contrib): DVD review, Bells in the City (Worcester) 1208; Retention of Ringers: Recent Developments in Coaching 654; Teaching Unravelled: an evidence-based approach to teaching bell handling 328, 435

Penney, Stephen (contrib) 241–243, 244

Pennington, John (17C bellhanger, Monmouth) 1084

performers 8 (cartoon), 186 (cartoon), 580 (cartoon), 727

Perrin, R (contrib) 1285–1286

Perrins, James (aged 12), 1st peal 381, 396

Pershore, 'The day we went to ..' (poem) 289

Perspectives Conference 2007: evaluation of restoration proposals 402

Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower: 600th quarter peal 607; carillon 249; Collings' Collection (small bells) 265; QP report and analysis 631 (let), 677 (let); Scilly Isles, tubular bells 273 (let); Upton Grey tenor bell 165; West Australian Tourism Award, Silver 24

Peterborough, Inventory of the Church Bells of 1253

Peterborough DG

Guild: summer fest and striking comp 1012

Daventry Branch: four towers restored 895

Peterborough Branch: Spring Festival 560

Rutland Branch, QP week 2008 19

Wellingborough Branch: QP day 715

Petit & Fritzen (bellfounder), golden ratios 1286 (table)

petitions, 'stop bells' in West London 476

Philadelphia Guild, QP weekend 314

Phillipson, David (contrib) 1133–1135, 1139–1140

photographs see illustrations; italic page numbers in main index

Pickford, Chris (contrib) 1276; 'The Great Malvern judgment: an analysis and explanation' 397–403, 481–482 (let), 510 (let) (see also 'What's up that Tower?'); 'Three little boys from school' 1273–1277

Pig-le-Tower, Som, 10 peals in a day 855–856

The Pilgrim's Guide to Devon's Churches 1295

Pillaton, Cornwall, open day for anniv bell project 815

Pimlico, Gr Lon, St Barnabas, restoration work 31

Pipe, George (contrib) 484 (see also brothers, bands of)

pitch see tuning methods

Plain Bob Major, a short touch of 367

Plain Minor Methods, 3rd ed 437

poems: Go Stedman 705, 822 (let), 1043 (let); Lundy 390; Ode to a Flowery Quarter 1043 (let)

'Poet's Corner' (see also hymns)

Herbert, AP, Bring Back the Bells 728

Morton, Chris: Cambridge Surprised! 1213; A Dodgy Practice 163

Newing, Angela, Christmas Morning Mattins 1277

Sirett, Sam (Yvonne): Go Stedman 705, 822 (let), 1043 (let); Ode to a Flowery Quarter 1043 (let)

Towner, Becky: Herne Bellringers' Hymn 1203, 1250 (corr); Reflections on Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral 68

Vessey, Rachel, The day we went to Pershore 289

Police Ringers Guild, 5 QPs in a day 595

policemen remembered, Barker, PC Bill, Cumbria 1269

political correctness (PC), St George's Day 323 (Ed)

Polyfilla ringing 511 (let)

Pomeroy, Mike J (composer) 104

Poole, Dorset, refurbishment 984

Poole, W.C. (Cecil) (obit) 238, 340

Porter, T Brian (obit) 94, 500

Portsmouth see Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Post and Telecom Ringers Guild (GPTR), Autumn Meeting 32

postal strikes 943 (Ed), 1015 (Ed)

posters: 'Bellringers' Open Night' 1084; 'Ring the Changes' 271 (Ed), 479, 558 (let)

Postgate, Oliver (creator of Bagpuss ...) 33, 35

Potter, David (author) 1180, 1186 (let)

Powell, Christopher (contrib) 603

Powell, Laura M (obit) 524, 579 (Ed), 596

Powell-Williams, Bob (contrib) 1020

Powys, High Sherriff's (sic) peal 409

"P.R" (contrib) 282

Prague, Czech Republic: bells and ringers 1240; Eurocarillon 250

Pratt, Archdeacon Richard of West Cumberland, Collation 265

prayers for ringers 559 (let) (see also hymns)

precedents, legal 402–403

Preston, David (contrib) 169–172

Prewett, Bertram (19C ringer) 353

Prince of Wales: 60th birthday 58, 211, 254–255; St Martin-in-the-Fields renewal 228

principles 1288 def; new 710; Stedman Doubles 1288

private rings see mini-rings

Probell research project 74

promotional material, Bells in the City (film) 1208

property developers see Church Converts consortium

The Prophet (Gibran, Kahil) 599

proposals: bellframe museum proposal 1043 (let)

Prose, Poems and Puzzles for a Modern Christmas 1250

Protecting Young Ringers, CCCBR guidelines 457

Psalm 150 in Grandsire Triples (choral work) 988

'Public Benefit' 581 (let)

Public Relations Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 441–442, 681; 2009 AGM 629; BBC Radio 4 Bells on Sunday 27 (Ed), 629; 'internal' public relations 531 (Ed); National 12-Bell Striking Contest 698 (Ed); peals, analysis 2008 441–442; Ringing Around the Olympics 2012 187, 629

Publications Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 443, 681; publications list 443, 1191, visit also .uk/pubs

Pullin, Richard B (composer) 512

Puritan era 559 (let)

Pusey, John (contrib) 532–533

'Puzzle Corner' (see also Christmas Puzzle solutions): Christmas crossword 1300; Christmas puzzles 1300–1301; crossword 24 (Leeves, Anthony) 1035; Holy Week (Taylor, Phil) 343, 372 (ans); Homework (Newing, Angela) 623

Pye, George R (19C ringer) 353

Pye, Reginald W (obit) 620

Pye, William (19C conductor) 353


'Q is for Quex' 751

quarter peal as an art form 911

quarter peal day, 'Oranges and Lemons..' 168

quarter peal milestones

1000 QPs: Barclay, Roy 339; Strong, David 693

'Quarter Peal Reports': backlog 723 (Ed), 771 (Ed), 795 (cartoon), 819 (Ed), 828–839; corrections 1231 (corr); footnotes, RW copy policy 1135 (Ed)

quarter peals: 1000 quarters in 12,556 days, ringers story 784; Alan Buswell's analyses & reports see main entry Buswell, Alan; Bristol Univ 100th anniv 710; Cheltenham, Glos (Warden Hill), first 100 313; Compositions Committee remit 437; Kuranlu, Soraya, first QP 1174; Leading QP Ringers List 1256 (ad); leading ringers in 2008 246–247, 248; Luton and Dunstable Hospital, 70th anniv 943; mini-rings 535 (let); RAF, 63 Squadron return from Afghanistan 940; Remembrance 2009 1225–1227; silent unconducted spliced QP 323; teenage band 339

Queen Elizabeth II: birthday 513; Birthday Honours 627 (Ed); Whitechapel Bell Foundry visit 345–348

Queensland (and Lismore), Aus, 1 day QP tour 1031

Queenstown, South Africa, new Diocese 1237

Quex, 'Q is for..' 751


'R is for Rocking Horse ****' 814, 822 (let)

Radcliffe on Trent, St Mary, peal board 141

radial frame, 12 bells 1234

RAF see Royal Air Force

Raggett, Stuart & Rita, Ruby Wedding 656

Railway Ringers Guild, Tornado steam engine 180, 344

Rambling Ringers 1115

Randall, Geoffrey W, 2000 peals 405

Raving Ringers 1115–1116

Rayne, Essx, All Saints reunion 1032

Reading, Rosie, 1st peal and off to Camb Univ 951, 999

real tennis 270

record peals (10,000 changes or more): 2008 Report 437; Double Norwich Court Bob Major (1899) 672

Records Committee, CCCBR see Peal Records Committee

recruiting: 2008 Report 434; Hereford DG, Bromyard District 1216; mobile belfries 7 (let), 176 (let); neighbours enjoy practice night 55 (let); posters 271 (Ed), 558 (let), 1084; 'Ring the Changes' poster 479; Ringing Around the Olympics 93; trends in ringing 269–271

rectangle, golden 1285

recycling, Belfry Recycling Centre 1281

Red Square Hybrid Doubles 1289

Redenhall, Norfolk, Blandy brothers 48

redundancies, Taylors Eayre and Smith Ltd 996

Redundant Bells Committee see also Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 444, 681; 2009 Meeting 629

Redundant Bells Fund see Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells

redundant churches: Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 1262; Ipswich 1257

Reeves, Harvey (founder Bell News & Ringers..) 1159 (Ed)

'Reflections on change-ringing and carillons' 249–250

Reflections on Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral (poem) 68

reform see Belfry Reform; belfry reform today?

Regan, Mark (contrib) 657 (see also Verdi's Requiem); conservation and repair of bells and bellframes 849 (let); 'DAC Bell Advisor's log 17.6.2009' 657–658; Lost and Found 3: The Bells of Worcester Cathedral (CD) 277, 299 (let); ''Reflections on the record peals of Stedman Cinques' 145–147, 148, 172–174, 196–197, 197 (corr), 222 (let), 298–299 (let); Worcester Cathedral, bells on the internet 48; Worcester Cathedral Volunteers' talk 727–728; Worcestershire bells cast 1600-2000 1042 (let tab graph), 1066 (let)

Regin, Alan (contrib): CC Memorial Book for Church Bell Ringers killed.. (1939-45) 341; 50th birthday 1165; Loughborough Parish Church ... 18,027 Stedman Caters cent 352–354, 389 (corr), 396, 404 (let); Memorial Book for Church Bell Ringers (1914-18) 449–450; 'Ringers killed in the Great War' 1109–1112

relations between ringers & clergy (see also 'Belfry Reform today?'; clerical titles in peal reports; 'Thought for the Week'): CCCBR founding 559 (let)

Remembrance 2009 (see also Armistice; Rolls of Honour; World War I (WWI); World War II (WWII)): Firefighters Annual Service 1229; peals 12, 18, 33, 34, 58, 1220, 1242; quarter peals 1225–1227

rentals, bell 165

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (see also Keltek Trust): 2007 Report 429; 2008 Report 451, 682; 2009 Meeting 1044, 1090 (let)

resources, ringing: The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292, 436

restaurants, Cyprus, Abbey Bell Tower 275

restoration projects (see also appeals; augmentations; Bell Restoration Committee, CCCBR): Charlton Adam, Somerset 217–219; Chediston, Suffolk 373–374, 376, 383, 460 (let); Clapham, N Yorks 1105; Herriard, Hants 384; Ixworth, Suffolk 121–123, 124; Leicester, Leics, St Mary de Castro 893–894, 896; London, City of, St Katharine Cree 816; Long Preston, N Yks 724; Morville, Shrops 721–723; Olney, Bucks 1133–1135, 1139–1140; Shapwick, Dorset, bell restoration 1083; Upper Beeding, W Susx 51 (Ed)

Retention of Ringers: Recent Developments in Coaching 654

Retinitis Pigmentosa (blindness) 717, 719

retirements: Ellie (guide dog) 717, 719; Horsington, Revd Timothy 804

reunions: Beddington, Surrey, 60 years of ringing 1296; 43ers 920, 1035 (corr); 'Four-In-Hand' Grosmont Hand-bell Ringers ...' 573, 575; NUSCR 501; Rayne, Essx, All Saints 1032; 'Reunion of the Ladykillers!' 597; USSCR 463

Revere, Paul (18C Boston) 1041

reviews see 'Book Review'; CD reviews; DVD reviews

Reynolds, Joan (obit) 766

Reynolds, Laith (21C bell donor) 1237

RHP see 'R is for Rocking Horse ****'

rhythm in ringing 1107

Riadore, Jimmy (Capetown, St Georges's Cath) 971–972, 1090 (let corr), 1155 (corr)

Richmond, Amanda, climbs Mnt Everest 821

Richmond, Gr Lon, rare peal 1156

Rider, Kenneth J (obit) 46, 236, 239, 267 (corr), 638

Ridley, Chris (contrib): 'ASCY return to its roots' 928; 'The Welsh Colleges' Society...' 241–243, 244

Ridley, Simon (contrib) 317, 319

"right-place" methods 175 (let)

ringer milestones see conductor milestones; 'First Peal Congratulations'; peal boards; peal ringers; quarter peal ringers; tower collector milestones

ringer profiles 445

ringers, disabled see disabled ringers

ringers, general: cricketers 874 (let); cyclists 856, 1115–1116; Harborne, Birmingham, new ringers 1054; hymns see main entry; Memorial Books 341, 449–450; Morris sides 1009; motorcyclists 460, 1114 (let); 'muscular Christians' 1162 (let); musician debate 298 (let), 350 (let), 403 (let), 460 (let), 511 (let), 911; paintings of 1256; peal ringing song 222 (let); prayers for 559 (let); small 48

ringers, left-handed 887, 1229

ringers, suspended see sex offenders, convictions

ringers, veteran: Aley, Bill, 90th birthday 1221; Beddington, Surrey, 8 ringers celebrate 60 years of ringing 1296; Brock, Denis 1087 (Ed), 1090; Clark, Leslie B, 90th birthday 1296; Colgate, Miss Doris, 75 years of ringing 964; Draper, Alf, 60 years a ringer 1060, 1096; Earl, Rosemary, 50 years a ringer 1125; Glenton, Ian, 80th birthday 525; Harvey, Rob, aged 91 895; Ketteringham, John, 80th b/day 1232; Parkinson, Harold, aged 100 1107; Pascoe, Herbert ('Pickles'), 93rd b/day 1217; Pawley, Peter, 80th b/day 525; Rogers, Harold, 90s see Rogers, Harold; Smeaton, Frederick Nelson (Fred), 100th birthday 577–578, 579 (Ed); Yeo, Norman, aged 102 320

ringers, young (see also after-school clubs; Dorothy L Sayers Society; The Ringing Foundation Ltd): Ambitious Apprentice Badge 916; Birmingham, 'Kids in ... Ring Out' 843; Carlisle Young Ringer's Award 552; Cub Scouts 320, 511 (let); Cycling Tour 1116; Devon, Hallowe'en outing 1188; Devon, Teign Valley outing 561; EGMET bursaries 939; 'Facebook' group 655 (let); Founders' Prize, Encouragement of Young People.. 49–50, 52; Hereford, get-together 504; in the 1950s 945; outing to Keele 889, 891; Rising Ringers (Leics Guild) 1068; teenage QP 339; Up the Spiral Staircase (DVD) 867; Warwickshire Young Ringers' Event 372; Wirral Young Ringers' outing 889, 891; Wolborough Young Ringers' day 1151; young bands 871 (Ed); 'Young bellringers in the UK' 655 (let)

'Ringers killed in the Great War' 1109–1112 (see also World War I)

ringing: boosts wellbeing 141; declining? 55; and drumming 72; after orthopaedic operations 1303; saves money 55 (let); standards 30–31 (let), 93 (cartoon), 102 (let), 201 (let); in US schools 743

'Ringing & Money' (Coleman, Steve): 'A 50% Return' 149–150; 'Enjoying the Thought' (how to bequeath donations) 762–763

Ringing Around the Olympics 2012 91, 706

advertising: ideas 93; Public Relations Committee 187, 629

applications 93

courses & ringing schools: five year plan 706, 1240; course outline 91; Leyton pilot 187, 706

Ringing Centres: appreciated 740; Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs 899–900; The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; Founders' Prize suspended 444; Keele 75–77; Worcester Cathedral Teaching Centre for Bellringing see main entry; Yorkshire Dales 100

Ringing Centres Committee: 2007 Report 428; 2008 Report 444, 681

Ringing Foundation Ltd: Central Council 2009 626–627, 630; '..first public appearance..' 453–455; mission 535 (let); 'Moving Forward' seminars 1216, 1239; school curriculum links 535 (let); sponsored peal 421–422; 'Supporting work with young people' 871–872, 940

The Ringing Practice Toolkit 435, 1239–1240

Ringing Roadshow 2008 967 (Ed); 2008 Report 434, 629; 2009 CCCBR AGM 629; Bell Restoration Fund 448; biggest & best ever 55 (let); Clock photo 'mystery man' 239; 'Looking back on the 2008 Roadshow' 1281–1284; Network for Ringing Training (NRT) 436; Ringing Foundation Ltd 453; Ringing World 5; sponsored peal 421–422

Ringing Roadshow 2011: financial commitment 434; Sundays? 295 (Ed), 326 (let), 351 (let), 404 (let)

ringing simulators see simulators

Ringing Towers (ANZAB) 632

Ringing Trends Committee (see also decline of ringing): 2007 Report 428–429; 2008 Report 445–447, 681; Trends in ringing, other voluntary activities 269–271, 272, 298 (let), 299 (let), 447

Ringing World (see also 'Corrections & Clarifications'): 1911 gift subscriptions 579 (Ed); AGM and new officers 630, 671 (corr); apology to Alan Taylor 191; Appointment of Directors 371 (ad); article submission guidelines 1235; backlog of QP Reports 723 (Ed), 771 (Ed), 795 (cartoon), 819 (Ed), 828–839; bell ringers or church bell ringers? 725 (let), 726 (let); blogs see Davies, Peter G; Board 5–6, 125; Calendar 2010 5, 991 (Ed), 1000 (pullout); Centenary celebrations see Ringing World Centenary; Christmas card 2009 375 (Ed), 396, 531 (Ed), 624, 630, 1000 (pullout); Christmas double issue 30 (let); circulation 6, 123 (Ed), 126–127 (let); in Daily Telegraph 644; direct debits for subs 991 (Ed), 1012, 1015 (Ed), 1235; 'dropage' 1090 (let); Editor 1212; finances 99, 125, 126–127 (let), 630, 1235; Index 75; issues 6; Letters page 102 (let); move to Elvin House 3 (Ed), 6–7, 99 (Ed), 123 (Ed), 324–325; mug 1000 (pullout); plans for future 1235; policy see Ringing World copy policy; postal strikes 943 (Ed), 1015 (Ed); poster, ringer recruitment 271 (Ed), 479, 558 (let); remembers Valerie Payne 603 (Ed); Roadshow 2008 5; sales & marketing 125; sponsoring pages 1087 (Ed); sponsorship agreement (corporate) 630, 1015 (Ed), 1210, 1211 (Ed); sponsorship scheme 1211 (Ed); submission guidelines 790; subscriptions 450 (cartoon), 991 (Ed), 1012, 1015 (Ed), 1235; team photograph 1282; youngest reader (aged 2) 916

Ringing World Centenary: dates 1063 (Ed), 1235; events outline 967 (Ed) (see also Ringing Roadshow 2011); ideas 125, 630; National 12-Bell eliminator date 1063 (Ed), 1235; organiser (lead director) 5

Ringing World columns

added: 'From across the pond' 919 (Ed)

ended: 'A-Z of ringing', (Linford, Simon) 1299; 'From the E-Lists', (John Camp) 1087, 1087 (Ed)

Ringing World copy policy: clerical titles 3 (Ed); endorsement of articles 191; footnotes 1135 (Ed); 'Publishing the unthinkable' 455–456; sex offences 201 (Edn), 201 (let), 630, 747 (Ed), 897 (let), 1266 (let)

Ringing World Diary

2009 6

2010 5, 6, 123, 295 (Ed), 319, 420, 991 (Ed), 1000 (pullout), 1183 (Ed), 1186 (let); design 245 (let); methods 102 (let), 150 (let), 175 (let), 289

Ringing World on-line 1235; Breaking News viewings 1062; Pagesuite experiment 1015 (Ed), 1018, 1043; PDF file 943 (Ed); readers' views 1090 (let); subscription numbers 1067; website, new look 6

'ringing-chat', e-list activity 23, 31, 55, 95, 103, 127, 187, 204, 223, 267, 291, 301, 328, 349, 509, 551, 562, 599, 608, 632, 651, 682, 743, 767, 799, 823, 851, 875, 897, 935, 963, 987, 996, 1018, 1043, 1067, 1087; '.. - do you remember?' 1265

RingingLocker (clothing), Fairtrade 1009

'ringing-theory', e-list activity 23, 55, 95, 127, 204, 223, 267, 301, 328, 509, 551, 562, 651, 767, 799, 823, 851, 875, 935, 963, 987, 1018, 1043, 1067, 1087; '.. - do you remember?' 1265

rings see anti-clockwise rings; campaniles; chromatic rings; light rings; mini-rings; mobile towers

Rix, GC (contrib) 477–479

roadshow see Ringing Roadshow

Roast, Joe & Mary, Golden Wedding 856

Roberts, Alan, welcomes CCCBR 531

Roberts, Edward (19C) 300–301

Roberts, Ian (21C bellframe restoration) 1083

Roberts, Jackie (RW Chairman) 5, 6

Roberts, Sydney (obit) 20

Robertson, Ross, 50th anniv of 1st QP 366

Robinson, John, 50 years of ringing 662

Rock, Hugh (author), Church Clocks 317

Rocking Horse ****, 'R is for..' 814, 822 (let)

Rodliffe, Alan, 70th birthday 377

Rogers, A.H. (Tony) (obit) 692

Rogers, Chris (RW Finance Director) 5, 6; 50th anniv 1st peal 1022; 'The Ringing World finances' 99, 125

Rogers, Harold (contrib) 420, 917–919; Chediston, Suff 375 (Ed), 376; with Denis Brock 1090; 93rd birthday 1190, 1213; 'Peal stopped at gun point' 78; at St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge 744, 1060, 1087 (Ed), 1090 (let); unwell 420, 514; wearing shorts 916, 924 (let)

Rogers, Olive, Girl Guide Movement 1021

Rogers, Reginald Charles (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1111

Rolls of Honour (see also Memorial Books; World War I; World War II): 2007 Report 429; 2008 Report 449–450, 681–682; 2009 Meeting 630; Armed Forces Day (27th June) 675 (Ed); Bangor, N. Ireland (1914) 968; remit, expansion suggestions 675 (Ed)

Romney Marsh & District Guild, AGM 327, 340

Romsey Abbey, Hamps, peal board 1203

Rooke, Philippa, sponsored walk 648

Roosevelt, Eleanor, quote 1059

rope drier 126 (let)

rope lights 245–246 (let)

rope making 1282

rope splicing toolkit, emergency 476

ropes, broken 1205

ropes, Ellis & Pritchard's Ropes 1281

Ropesight (Snowdon, Jasper) 945, 1161

Ross, Canon Frederick (obit) 1034, 1114 (let), 1169, 1175–1176, 1193, 1207

Ross Gazette 795, 958, 959

Rossiter, Peter, 70th birthday 91

Rothera, Sue (contrib) 920

Rothera Dowson (law firm) 1236

Rotherham, S Yorks, All Saints, National 12-Bell eliminator round 344

Roving Ringers 1115

Rowe, Ian (contrib) 721–723, 730

Rowland, Adrian (contrib): 'Tinkling the Ivories' 1113

Royal (10 bell ringing) see methods named

Royal Air Force Guild (RAFG) 23

Royal Air Force (RAF), 63 Squadron return from Afghanistan 940

Royal Cumberland Youths see Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Royal Eij[s]bouts (bellfounder), golden ratios 1286 (table)

Royal National Association for the Blind (RNAB) 648

Royal Navy Guild 23; 100 years of aviation 552, 1119

royal titles 671 (corr)

RR see Ringing Roadshow

Rudhall, Abraham of Gloucester (bellfounder) 794–795

Rudhall, John of Gloucester (bellfounder), Holme Lacy, Herefs 747

Ruetschi, H (bellfounder) 73–74

Rufforth, N Yorks, first quarter peal 497

Rugeley, Staffs, 'What's up that tower?' 1033, 1035

Rung Surprise, Delight, Treble Bob and Alliance Methods, 3rd ed 437

Russ, Ron (tower collector) 379

Russia, largest bells 852 (let)

Rutland, tours 613


'S is for SCORE' 898, 946 (let)

SACR see Scottish Assoc of Change Ringers

'Sacred geometry and the western bell' 1285–1286

Saddleton, Philip & Anthea, bell donors 1043 (let)

Saddleton, Philip AB (composer) 512

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 see Child Protection

SAGCBR see South African Guild


St Bees Priory, Cumbria, 150 years of ringing, Anniversary Dinner 96

St Clement Danes see Westminster, St Clement Danes, Strand

St Comgall, Bangor, N Ireland, bells 110th anniv 965–968, 1125

St Edmund's Day ringing 109

St George's Day 276, 323 (Ed), 515; peals rung 349, 513, 514, 540, 638; St George and the Dragon S Royal 564

St James' Society, London 201 (let), 378–379 (let)

Saint Magnus-the-Martyr 1156 (see also City of London, St Magnus-the-Martyr)

St Martin's Guild (see also Birmingham, W Mids): Open Day, 1.1.11 608; peal board (1966) 196; Southern Area, QP w/e 339

St Martin's Society of Bellringers, Perth WA 24

St Mary Bourne, Hants, ringers on TV 96

St Paul's Cathedral Guild: National 12-Bell Striking Contest 2009 845–848; Peal Weekend 204, 282

St Stephen in Brannell, Cornwall, cent of recast bells 779, 868

St Stephen's Ringing Guild (1895 Bristol): rules 1158

Saint Therese of Lisieux 1161

Salisbury, outing to towers 934

Salisbury DG: AGM 536; Open Day 1088–1089; QP week 137; sponsored RW page 1088

Salter, Donald (obit) 1080

San Giobbe, Cannaregio, Venice, Italy 813

Sanders, Ken, remembering 360

Sanderson, Doreen, 80th birthday 1156

Sanderson, Jean (obit) 1111 (Ed), 1130, 1244, 1251–1252

Sandiacre, Derbys, bellframe concerns 1211

Saunders, John (16C bellfounder) 165

Saxilby Simulator, Salisbury Guild 1088–1089

Sayers, Dorothy L (author) (see also Dorothy L Sayers Society): Nine Taylors and the Nebuly Coat 631 (let)

Schofield, S Barry (obit) 238, 252

school curriculum links 535 (let)

schools, ringing in 630, 743, 871; after-school clubs 1239; USA schools 743; York, Bootham School 964

Schools Ringing Society 941

Scilly Isles, St Mary, new ring of 8: BBC2 An Island Parish 1183; dedication of new bells, clock & chimes 669; Hallowing the bells 456; thank you 273 (let); Truro DG visit 1202

Score, 'S is for ...' 898, 946 (let)

Scott, Ernest (Aldenham, Herts), WWI 1109

Scott, Stan (contrib) 920, 1035 (corr)

Scotter, Sue (contrib) 274–275

Scottish Association (SACR), Keltek Trust bell projects 171

The Scout Association 270–271

Scraptoft, Leics, All Saints: augmentation 769–773

Scrivens, Hubert (20C Painswick), scrap book 200

seaside towers lost: Eastbourne 51, 53–54, 103 (let) (corr)

'The Secret Seven Visit Worcester' 529–531

secular ringing 559 (let), 725 (let), 798 (let), 915; societies 774 (let)

security, bell codes 559 (let), 581 (let)

Selborne, Hants, first QP on the 'new' bells 665

7 bell ringing see Triples entries

sex offenders (see also Child Protection): adult victims of child abuse 751 (let), 822 (let); expulsion discussion 579 (Ed), 704 (let), 723 (Ed), 747 (Ed), 774–776 (let), 799 (let); 'Publishing the unthinkable' 455–456; RW copy policy 201 (Edn), 201 (let), 630, 747 (Ed), 774 (let), 897 (let), 1266 (let)

sex offenders, convictions: Dunedin, New Zealand 455, 456; Dunmow, Essex 579 (Ed), 586, 723, 748; Glasgow 508; Thursby, Cumb 1138; Well, Lincs 456; 'Were you affected?' 751 (let)

Shackleton, Brynley A, 70th birthday 307

Shade, Isaac George (19C ringer) 353

shape and tone see bell profiles

Shapwick, Dorset, bell restoration 1083

Sharpe, Lenny, bequeathed funds 121

Shawcross, Joan (donor) 1151

Shedden, Mandy (contrib) 529–531

Sheffield, S Yks

Christ Church, Dore, bells centenary 278, 1271

St John, Ranmoor, 75th anniv of bells 605

Sheffield Cathedral, National 12-Bell eliminator round 344

Sheffield Universities' Guild: 50th anniv 280, 505–506, 1221; 100 peals for the Guild 1221

Shelford, Notts, trophy 504

Shepherd James (20C tower collector) 1115

Sheppard, Peter WJ (composer) 380, 512, 729; 'Ten (and a re-hang) in 24 hours..' 855–856

Sherbourne Teaching-aids Bell Club scheme see Bell Club Awards

Shilvock, Ivor, Go Stedman (poem) question 705, 822 (let), 1043 (let)

Shiplake, Oxon, last peal on the bells 779

Shire Hall, Monmouth, bell returned 1084

A Short History of the Chester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, 1887-1912 127

shoulder injuries 1302, 1303

Shrawley, Worcs, quarter peals 1005

Shrewsbury, Union Society of (19C) 300–301

Shrewsbury Chronicle 301

Shropshire: outings to 1044; tours 944, 1103, 1200

Sibson, Derek: 4,000 peals 148; prolific peal ringer 2008 969; speedy recovery 877

silent towers 1067; Speen, Berks, revived 1208

simulators (see also Abel ringing simulator software; dumb bells): Bagley 435; Dove's Guide? 450, 774 (let); Lincoln Guild 972; Saxilby 1088–1089; Sixbell Simulator 176 (let)

Singapore: Hong King Wu 1108

Singles (3 bell ringing) 899–900, 899 def, 946 (let), 970 (let)

Sirret, Sam (Yvonne) (poems), Ode to a Flowery Quarter 1043 (let)

6 bell ringing see Minor

Sluter family (Australia) celebrations 933

Small, Peter & Jean, Diamond Wedding 575

small bells 265

Smeaton, Frederick Nelson (Fred), 100th birthday 577–578, 579 (Ed), 701; thank you 631 (let)

Smith, Alec & Anne, Golden Wedding 738

Smith, Elisabeth (contrib) 417, 420, 558 (let), 923 (let), 1018 (let)

Smith, Florence L (obit) 960

Smith, Frederick Thomas (Edenham, Lincs), WWI 1110

Smith, Pauline and Alan (Glos), Silver Wedding 981

Smith, Richard (composer) 1289

Smyth, Greville (19C benefactor) 1186 (let), 1189

Snowdon, Jasper (19C ringing author): Grandsire 948, 958; series of 19C ringing books 945, 1161

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 218, 849 (let)

Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (SRCY): Country Meeting, Lincs 1025; Dinner on the SS Great Britain 1013–1016, 1025; Eastern, picnic afternoon 1006; January meeting 148; March meeting 408; May meeting 524; October Meeting & AGM 1063, 1072; orange juice evidence 1232, 1266 (let); Past Masters' Peal 1183 (Ed), 1184 (let), 1184–1185, 1214 (let), 1232, 1238 (let); Pitman's Day 1048

soldier, unknown 1209–1210

solicitors 763

Somerset: 6 QPs in a day 569; North Somerset ringers go North 313; Somerset 2009 1127; tours 876, 981

song about ringing a peal 222 (let)

Sonic Mappings, music for bells 538

sound control 7–8 (let), 1132

sound quality: clappers 277; talk 473; wooden clapper shaft 534 (let); Worcester Cathedral, 'wow' 403 (let)

Soundweld (welders), Olney, Bucks 1135, 1140

South Africa: black band, first 988; 'Diary of a South African adventure' 913, 915, 937, 939, 961, 963; 'Jimmy Riadore: organ-builder ... Cape Town' 971–972, 1090 (let corr), 1155 (corr); Queenstown, Ukhahlamba 1237

South African Guild (SAGCBR): AGM 1164; international report 415; Johannesburg, All Saints, Fourways Gardens, dedication 25–27, 29; Kimberley, new ring 171

The South African Ringing Circle 415

South African War, declaration of peace (1902) 968

South America, Colombia 1162 (let)

South Stoke, Oxon, tenor bell 400th anniv 824, 1091

Southampton, Hants, Bitterne Park, 1st peal on chromatic ring... 228

Southampton Echo 174

Southampton University Guild (SUGCR), Dinner Day 1024; peals 803

Southerington, Emma (conductor) 732, 968–969

Southwell & Nottingham Guild

Guild: AGM 652; Crawford Cup 672; Oswy Street Memorial Cup 1132; St George's Day, BBC Radio Nottingham 276; vegetable contests, onions 292; vegetable contests, parsnip 292

Bingham District, annual striking comp 504

Newark District QP week 19

Spain, Barcelona, Pamplona Cath, 10 tonne bell 645

Speen, Berks, revived 1208

spinal fractures 1302

Spliced, 'An arithmetic approach to touches of..' 1078–1079, 1091 (let)

Spliced compositions, website 1162 (let)

sponsoring The Ringing World see Ringing World

sport, ringing as 403 (let), 559 (let)

St filed as Saint

Standard Methods (Snowdon, Jasper) 167, 1161

standards in ringing 30–31 (let), 93 (cartoon), 102 (let), 201 (let)

Stanford-on-Soar, Notts, remembering past bellringers 12

Stanion, Nhants, augmentation 170

Stanton in Peak, Derbys, first peal on the bells 85

statistics, Worcestershire bells 1042 (let), 1066 (let)

stay-lock, Winchester Cathedral 480

Stedham, West Susx, appeal 875

Stedman: 'Quick or Slow?' 101, 108, 126 (let), 176 (let), 298 (let), 327 (let), 351 (let)

Stedman (Davies, CDP) 146

Go Stedman (poem) 705, 822 (let), 1043 (let)

Stedman, Fabian, Campanalogia (1677) 1288

Stedman Caters, 18,027 changes cent 352–354, 389 (corr), 396, 404 (let), 565

Stedman Cinques, reflections on record peals 145–147, 148, 172–174, 196–197, 197 (corr), 298–299 (let)

Stedman compositions collection 437

Stedman Doubles 1288

Stedman Triples: and Bristol Surprise Major spliced 302, 306

Go Stedman'(poem) 705, 822 (let), 1043 (let)

Steeple Langford, Wilts, ducks 1174

Stephens, Mary (contrib) 276

Stevenson, Janet (Ladies' Guild) 244, 528

Steward's Reports (CCCBR) see Carter Ringing Machine Collection; Dove Database; Rolls of Honour

Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey, ringer becomes mayor 1107

Stone, Staffs

Hanley ring of 10: accepted 216, 575; saga 1259 (Ed), 1262; set-back 1063 (Ed)

Story, William (contrib) see 'From the Archives'

A Story of a Soul (Saint Theresa of Lisieux) 1161

Stott, Elizabeth M (Mair) (obit) 766

Stradishall, Suff, first peal on bells since re-hanging 684

'Strange things to do..', Queensland (and Lismore) in a day 1031

Stratford-upon-Avon, King Edward VI school 272

'Straw Ben' 1169

Streatham, Gr Lon, tower closed 1058

strike note 473

strikes, postal 943 (Ed), 1015 (Ed)

striking see clappers; headstocks; oddstruck

striking competitions see competitions; National 12-Bell Striking Contest

Strong, David, 1000 quarter peals 693

Stuart, Revd Chris, transfers 1006

Sturgeon, Reginald J ('Jack') (obit) 92

subscriptions: and Gift Aid 798–799 (let)

Suffolk Guild

Guild: AGM 632; mini-ring, new 506, 864, 1006; peal week 359; St Edmund's Day ringing 109; Sharpe, Lenny, bequest 121; .uk 124

North East District, QP fnt 570–571

North West District quarter peal week 664–665

SUGCR see Southampton University Guild

suggestions see proposals

Suggett, Ruth (contrib) 121–123, 124

Summer Schools, Keele (see also courses)

Sunday ringing, priority in tours 175 (let)

The Sunday Telegraph 141

Superlative Surprise major, first lady 590

Supplements, 2009 Central Council 375 (Ed), 421–452

Surprise Major methods, discussion 301

Surprise Maximus compositions 729

Surrey Association: 5-bell QP day 1125; Eggheads team (BBC2 programme) 1180, 1216; quarter peal week 809–810

Surrey University Society (USSCR), reunion dinner 2009 463

Surrey/Middlesex, three QPs in a morning 933

surveys (see also Ringing Trends Committee)

Sussex County Association

Association: 3 QPs in a day 315; quarter peal week 262–263

East Division, QP weekend 499

Sussex Weekly Advertiser 377

Swalloe, GM (contrib), 'Sacred geometry and the western bell' 1285–1286

Swan Tower see Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower

Swansea & Brecon Guild: annual striking competition 940; Centenary & High Sherriff's (sic) peal at Defynnog 409; Summer QP festival 1200

Swift Owners Club 608

Swindon Advertiser 23

Switzerland, 'Aarau Bell Foundry - A Swiss role' 73–74


'T is for TICK' 945

'taapaataapaa' 1138 (let)

'Tail Ends': blue line jumpers 215, 244 (cartoon); blue-line ringer 167; branding the flock 143; hospital, being in 95; 'Single' 191; before TV... 119

Tales from the Crypt (Uphill, Michael): book and CD 1266 (let); thank you 1261

Talley, Carmarth, great bell in Exeter 799 (let), 850 (let)

Tardebigge, Worcs, 'What's up that tower?' 1153, 1155

The Task (1784 Cowper, William) 1133

Taylor, Alan, RW apology to 191

Taylor, Caroline (tower secretary), MBE 48

Taylor, Colin (obit) 986

Taylor, John & Co see John Taylor & Co

Taylor, John & Denison (bellfounders): Eastbourne 54

Taylor, John & Son see John Taylor & Son

Taylor, Merle (John Taylor & Co Ltd, President) 1062

Taylor, Peter (Darley Dale), 70th birthday 1272

Taylor, Phil (contrib), 'Puzzle Corner': colouring block 1301; Holy Week 343, 372 (ans)

Taylor, Revd Gordon C (obit) 718, 720, 904, 912

Taylor, Sarah (contrib) 168

Taylor Bell Foundry site see Loughborough foundry site

Taylor Bells see John Taylor & Co

Taylor church bell, geometry 1285

Taylor family (Loughborough), 1900s glass slides 844

Taylor Trophy see National 12-Bell Striking Contest

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounder): new company formed see John Taylor & Co (21C bellfounder); archives 54, 1033, 1034, 1062; Boothby Pagnell, Lincs 296; Brockworth, Glos, 1849 1035; Cambridge, Gt St Mary's 501; Cambridge University, Gt St Mary's 993; carillons 249; Carlisle Cathedral 1019; Chawton, Hants 823 (let); Chelsfield, Kent 1059; clapper adjusters 175 (let); Elmsett, Suff 237; English Heritage 995–996 (let); foundry visits 600, 600, 632; Great Paul mould 696; jigsaw puzzle 2009 1009, 1058; Johannesburg, All Saints 25–27; last tour party 1205; Leicester, Leics, St Mary de Castro 894; Lester, Ray, remembered 894; Mereworth, Kent 897 (let); new crownpin staple with twiddlepins 102–103 (let); open day 600; Rugeley, Staffs 1033; RW calendar & diary 991 (Ed); RW sponsorship agreement 630, 1015 (Ed); St Stephen in Brannell, Cornwall 868; Taylor family, 1900s glass slides 844

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounder), administration: administration date 967 (Ed); Church Times 996, 1018; Daily Telegraph 1043; English Heritage 1211; Leicester Mercury 991 (Ed); Mazars press release 988; redundancies 991 (Ed), 996; RW sponsorship 1015 (Ed); sold 1061–1062, 1065; Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd 1114 (let)

Taylors of Loughborough see John Taylor

Taz (Hearing Dog) 970 (let)

TCCT see Churches Conservation Trust

Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture 647

teaching (see also courses; learning to ring; Worcester Cathedral Teaching Centre): coaching techniques 654; Integrated Teacher Training Scheme 872, 1240; projects 630; Ringing Around the Olympics 2012 91, 93

'Teaching Ringing IX - The Local Resources' 899–900

Teaching Unravelled: an evidence-based approach to teaching bell handling (Penney, Pip) 328, 435

teamwork 1155, 1281–1284

television see broadcasts

10 bell ringing see Royal entries

Tennyson, Alfred Lord (Poet Laureate): 200th anniv birth 974; Locksley Hall 867

'The Tenor Man' 705

Tenterden, Kent, 'A Kentish reminiscence' 1263–1264

Tewkesbury Shield: 2008 results 504 (tab); 2008 Winners peal 405; 2009 report 579

Thompsett, William E ('Bill') (obit) 255, 264

Thompson, George, first QP 537

Thompson, Leon (contrib) 168

Thompson, Ronald J (obit) 938

Thornton, Eleanor, M ("Peggy") (obit) 646, 840

Thornton, John B (obit) 318, 572

Thoroton, Notts, augmentation 170

'Thought for the Week': "A fat man wearing funny clothes ..." 371; ageing 623; 'An alternative approach to the Christmas Story' 1301; annual trip 191; AUDI VIDE TACE 267; badges and symbols 1179; 'bearing gifts' ... 671; blame culture 291; changing the points 867; 'Characters' 1299; 'Checking out' 647; children 599; conductors 1207; Faith 419; Holy Spirit 575; Holy Week 343; 'Humility' 719; it's a beautiful sound 891; 'Keeping alert' 475; Lent 239; 'Light in the gloom' 119; lights going out 1255; Listen; Look; Keep Silent 267; 'Make a joyful noise' 791, 823 (let); Oranges and lemons.. 503; past generations 1131; remembering teachers 167; rhythm 1107; ringing today 695; sacred and secular bells 915; spires 143; 'Sponsored Slim through Lent' 319; teamwork 1155; "This is all." No way! 395; 'value for money' 843; 'We not me' 215; winners and losers? 743; world peace 551

Thoughts on Solitude 603

Three & Four Bell Society 900; '3&4bell' e-list, activity 851, 987, 1018, 1265

3 bell ringing see Singles

940 see climate change

thumb and finger dislocations 1302

Thurcaston, Leics, celebrations 887

Thursby, Cumb, ringer convicted 1138

Thurstans, Thomas (19C), Stedman Cinques 148

Thurstans' QP tip 281

Tick, 'T is for..' 945

The Ticker Club (heart charity) 491

tied bells see dumb bells

Tilley, Revd Henry Timothy (19C ringer) 1273–1274

The Times 675, 1018

'Tinkling the Ivories' 1113

Tintinnalogia (website) 1290

titles, royal 671 (corr)

Tocock, Philip H (obit) 1230

toe straightening operations 1303

Tompsett, Roger (contrib) 473

tonal quality of bells see sound quality

tone see tuning methods

Toolkit, Ringing Practice (website) 435, 1239–1240

Tosh, Matthew (contrib) 700–701

touches: 'An arithmetic approach to touches of Spliced' 1078–1079, 1091 (let); Compositions Comm remit 437

tourism awards, Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower 24

tours (see also festivals; holidays, ringing; outings; walks): Alderney 841; Australia 274–275, 1031; Berkshire 366; Cheltenham, Glos 739; Chilterns 45, 47; College Youths, Ancient Society of 61; Cornwall 982; cycling and ringing 856; Derbyshire 313, 619, 1205; Devon 211, 469–470, 760, 934, 982, 1192; Dorset 497, 1006, 1102; East meets West 40th anniv 542; Field, Chris 662; Hampshire 1095; Ireland 276; Isle of Wight (IoW) 1129, 1131; Leicestershire 1205; Leicestershire, south west 813; Lincolnshire 1000; Lismore, NSW, Aus 1031; London, Big Ben 699; London, west 752; Lundy Island, Devon 390, 490, 613, 732; New Zealand 274–275; Norfolk 566, 903; North East England 662; North Wales 1200; Oxfordshire 1005; Oxon 366; Peak District, 1019; Queensland, Aus 1031; Rutland 613; Shropshire 944, 1103, 1200; Somerset 876, 981; South Africa 913, 915; Staffordshire 1205; Suffolk 566; Sunday ringing 175 (let); tower collecting 322–323, 1116; Wales 944; Wales, North 1200; Worcestershire 625; Yorkshire 261, 313

Tower Captaincy: loyalty to ringers 460 (let); The Ringing Practice Toolkit 435

tower collecting (grabbing) 85 (def)

'The tower collector's tale ...' (Nabb, Graham): Why do you do it? 321–323; Why do we do it? 379; The budding tower collector - difficult decisions! 527; Notable grabs' 601–602, 655 (let); Early development years 800; 'The 20th Century' 1115–1116

tower collector milestones

5,000 rung: Turner, Martin 297

6,000 rung: Cater, John 297

Tower Fund, transfer to PCC account 149

Tower Stewardship Committee 921–923 (see also Child Protection in towers); 2007 Annual Report 427; 2008 Annual Report 435, 629, 680; CRB checks 1017 (let) (see also main entry); Venerable Groups 460 (let) (corr)

towers, mobile phone antennae 31 (let)

towers, seaside, lost 30 (let); Eastbourne 51, 53–54, 103 (let) (corr)

Towers & Bells of Britain (Morris, Ernest) 1115

Towers and Belfries Committee: 2007 Report 427; 2008 Report 448, 681; 2009 Meeting 629–630; Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment 402, 481 (let), 510 (let); Sound Control Seminar 1132

Towler, James L, 2000 peals 1166

Town, Jennie (contrib) 180, 344

Towner, Becky (poems): Herne Bellringers' Hymn 1203, 1250 (corr); Reflections on Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral 68

Toze, Mike (contrib) 1233–1234

training see courses; learning to ring

transferable rings, Chatham, Kent 850–851 (let)

translations, Türmer (German) 632

travel insurance 916

Treble Dodging Minor Methods, 3rd ed 437

Treseder, Jane (obit) 1032

triangle, golden 1285

Triples (7 bell ringing), 'The eleven regular true..' 276 def

Troyte brothers 800, 843 (corr)

Truman, James (19C conductor), Stedman Cinques 148

Trumpler, Donald & Elisabeth, Golden Wedding 58, 189

Truro Cathedral, 1st 12 bell tower in Cornwall? 147 (Ed), 150 (let)

Truro DG (see also Scilly Isles): AGM 315, 316; day trip to the Isles of Scilly 1202; e-list activity 23, 187, 267, 328, 987; young ringers sought 103

Trustees Annual Reports 581 (let)

Tucker, Kathryn (contrib) see 'From across the pond'

tuning 772

tuning methods: harmonic tuning 473; Harrison, John 1067; Lucy, Charles 1067, 1087

Türmer (German), ringing translation 632

Turner, Martin, 5,000 towers rung 297

Turner, Robin G (obit) 238

Turret Clock Forum 215

12 bell ringing see London 12-Bell Striking Contest; Maximus; National 12-Bell Striking Contest

'twenty-four doubles and singles' see Singles

'Two Headed Sheep' (Morris dancers) 1009

tyre silencers (muffles) 511 (let)


'U is for Ungettable' 1055

UA see Universities Association

UBSCR see University of Bristol Society

UK Bellfoundries Ltd: consortium described 1065; John Taylor & Co (21C) management team 1108; Taylors Eayre & Smith purchase 1062

Ukhahlamba, Queenstown, SA, new diocese 1237

ULSCR see University of London Society of Change Ringers

Umberslade, Warw, Baptist Church, 'What's up..?' 393

Ungettable, 'U is for..' 1055

United States of America (USA) (see also North American Guild; Obama, President Barack of the USA): Camden, South Carolina 1007; Philadelphia Guild, QP weekend 314; Washington Cathedral, carillon 249; Washington DC, Monday Night handbell group 1108

Universities Association (UA), summer tour 45, 47

University of Bristol Society (UBSCR), Univ 100th anniv 228, 563, 700–701, 710, 853

University of London Society (ULSCR): peal w/e 491

University of Surrey Society (USSCR), reunion dinner 463

University of Washington, Red Square Hybrid doubles 1290

university ringing trends 446

unknown warrior 1209–1210

unringable towers: list of 450; tower collecting 602

Uphill, Michael (contrib), Tales from the Crypt 1261, 1261; book & CD 1266 (let)

Upper Beeding, W Susx, restoration 51 (Ed), 477–479, 660

Upton Grey, Hants, new home for tenor bell 165

USA see United States of America

UWSCR see University of Wales Society


'V is for Variable' 1092

vandalism: airgun fired, Bangor, Gwynedd 1043; eggs thrown at Atcham, Shrops 340; fire, Leamington Hastings, Warw 1216

Vardy, Raymond ("John") (obit) 764

Variable, 'V is for..' 1092

Venice, bells and towers 813

Verdi's Requiem 119, 940, 1080

Vernon, Adam James (birth) 306

Vessey, Rachel (poem), The day we went to Pershore 289

veteran ringers see ringers, veteran; Rogers, Harold

Vickers, James (Mayor of Elmbridge) 1107

Vickers, Ray, 75th birthday 1272

Victorian Society: conservation role 849 (let); Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment 398

Vietnam, Hanoi Cathedral 417, 420, 558 (let), 923, 923 (let), 1018 (let)

'virger' 480

Voluntary Code of Practice for Surplus Church Bells in Yorkshire 170

voluntary organisations, recruitment trends 269–271

voluntary work, four towers restored 895

Vulnerable Groups, Safeguarding see Child Protection


'W is for Worst' 1162

W&P Guild see Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Waite, William (Great Dunmow, Essex), WWI 1110

Wakefield, Bruce (contrib) 533

Wales (see also Swansea & Brecon Guild; University of Wales Society; Welsh Colleges' Society): Powys, High Sherriff's (sic) peal 409; Talley, Carmarth, great bell in Exeter 799 (let), 850 (let); tours 1200

Walker, Elizabeth (contrib): 'Christmas Eve' 1268, 1280, 1286

Walker, Simon (contrib) 553–558, 582–586

walking and ringing 898, 1064

Wallingford, Oxon, Easter Day gift 378 (let)

Wallis, Richard J (contrib) 246–247, 248

Walters, HB (bell historian) 267

Walton, Harry (obit) 742

Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, appeal 24, 1043 (let)

Ward Cole Associates (bellframe surveys) 218

Waresley, Cambs, St James, augmentation 170

Warner, John & Sons (bellfounder): Chatham, Kent 850–851 (let); Chesham, Glos 796; Morley Town Hall, Yks 865

Warren, Jeremy (contrib) 941–943 (see also Cattermole, Paul)

warrior, unknown 1209–1210

wars see World War I; World War II

Warwick, Coll Ch S Mary, 100 peals on the bells 332

Warwick, Richard (contrib) 815

Warwickshire, isolated towers see Four Shires Guild of Bellringers

Warwickshire bells, county books 1273

Warwickshire Young Ringers' event 372

Wasbrough Hale & Co, Bristol (19C bellfounder) 350 (let), 460 (let), 535 (let)

Washington Cathedral, carillon 249

Washington DC, Monday Night handbell group 1108

Washington Ringing Society 250

Washington University, Red Square Hybrid Doubles 1290

The Waste Land (Eliot, TS) 1136

Waterfall, Joan & Charles, Diamond Wedding 476

Waterfield, Peter J, 1000 peals 952

Watt, Tim & Rosemary, Golden Wedding 132

Watts, Phil (RW Sales & Marketing Director) 6, 125, 1235

webcasts: Winchester Cathedral 728

websites: 3 bell ringing (Singles) decision 946 (let); Abel ringing simulator software 1113; BBCR4 Bells on Sunday 219 (ad); The Belfry Forums (e-forums) 292; The Bells (Byrd) recording 525; campaniles 1232; CCCBR guidelines information 654; CCCBR library, new look 962; Central European Association of Change Ringers 675; Child Protection, Home Office site 1039; coaching techniques PDF 654; Doubles links 1290–1291; English Heritage Consultation guidelines 1211; Great Malvern Priory Consistory Court judgment: full text 398; HM Revenue & Customs, Gift Aid Toolkit 1066–1067 (let), 1113; London 12-bell recordings 1179; Melbourne Arts Festival 2009 1090 (let); mini-ring directory 1232; motion controllers 1113; Obituaries Index (CCCBR Library) 962; oldest ring of bells in the world, publicity 943 (Ed); 632, 969; Premier Christian Radio 985 (ad); Ringing Foundation Ltd 872; The Ringing World 6, 630; RingingLocker (clothing) 1009; Rolls of Honour, CCCBR 341; Spliced compositions 1162 (let); teaching 872; Tintinnalogia 1290; 'Young bellringers in the UK' 655 (let)

Wednesday Group, visits Cheltenham 739

Weir, David, first to peal all IoW bells 1144

Welch, Gordon and Jean, Ruby Wedding 887

Well, Lincs, ringer jailed for sex attacks 456

Wells, E John, 1000 peals 1167

Wells, Robert (18C bellfounder) 1083

Welsh Colleges' Society: 50th anniv 241–243, 244, 255, 944; Bishop's Castle revisited 1096; Master's Tour 1214

Wendover, Bucks, St Mary, first peal on augm bells 35

Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company: "The Bell Foundry ..." 1009

West, Sarah (contrib) 241–243, 244

Westbury-on-Severn, Glos, Gough, Joseph (19C) 793–795, 797

Westminster, Gr London

St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square 132 (see also Connection); first peal of Stedman 1788 146–147; reopens 228, 234–235

Westminster, Palace of, Big Ben competition 213

Westminster Abbey, services: Churches Conservation Trust, 40th anniv 1060; Remembrance 2009 1209–1210, 1211 (Ed)

Westminster Chimes 78 (let), 501, 865, 1134

'What's up that tower?' (Pickford, Chris): Helmdon, Nhants 1253; Morley Town Hall, Yks 865, 867; Rugeley Roman Catholic Church, Staffs 1033, 1035; St Matthews, Northampton 621, 623; Tardebigge, Worcs 1153, 1155; Umberslade Baptist Church, Warwickshire 393; Wolverton, Warwickshire 28

Wheeler, William John (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1110, 1111

Wheeler's Manchester Chronicle 947

Whitbread, Samuel (brewer) 224

Whitby, N Yorks, 100 years of peal ringing 1072

White, Basil (obit) 1034

White, Brian (bellfounder) 1283 (see also Whites of Appleton)

White, Harold & Hazel, Diamond Wedding 589

White, John (16C bellfounder) 165

White brothers (1939 Moorlynch, Som) 581 (let)

White Rose Shield, inaugural comp 1056

Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd (see also Mears ...): archives 54; BBC Radio 4, Bell Boys 1060, 1090 (let); Chediston, Suffolk 374, 460 (let); Gloucester Cathedral 200; golden ratios 1286 (table); Ipswich, Suffolk, St Lawrence 943 (Ed), 1258; London, City of, St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge 192, 1037–1038, 1060, 1286 (table); Long Preston, N Yks 724; MD's office (replica) 1282; Morville, Shrops 721; Olney, Bucks 1135, 1140; Pillaton, Cornwall 815; Queen visits 345–348; 'Recreating the sound that Cardinal Wolsey heard - a very special job for Whitechapel Bell Foundry' 1260; Ringing World calendar & diary 991 (Ed); RW sponsorship agreement 630, 1015 (Ed), 1210, 1211 (Ed); Shapwick, Dorset 1083; and Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 1114 (let); 'Thought for the Week' 1131; tours 892; Upper Beeding, W Susx 51 (Ed); Whitechapel Trophy inaugural comp 1037–1038

Whitechapel Trophy see London 12-Bell Striking Contest

Whitehaven, Cumbria, rededication 97–98

Whites of Appleton (bellhangers): Cambridge University, Gt St Mary's 993; error correction 191 (corr); Ixworth, Suffolk 124; Mereworth, Kent 819, 897 (let); Olney, Bucks 1134, 1139, 1140; Pillaton, Cornwall 815; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1282

Whiting, Arthur (20C ringer) 1127

Whiting Society of Ringers: 40th anniv 1127; booklets 1131 (ad), 1214 (let); website 1214 (let)

WI see Women's Institute

Wicken, Nhants, number puzzle 1114 (let)

Wigorn, John, welcomes CCCBR 531

Wigton, Cumbr, tenth anniv of bells 604

Wikipedia 150 (let)

Wilby, Andrew (John Taylor & Co (21C), Chief Exec): heads new John Taylor company 1061–1062, 1065; management team 1108, 1138 (let)

Willard, Valerie (obit) 1254

Willcox, Ernest F (obit) 212

William, TR (19C photographer) 313

Williams, Michael (contrib) 1–4

Willingham by Stow, Lincs, 1st peal on rehung bells 1022

Wills 762–763

Willson, William (19C ringer) 352, 353

Wilson, John (obit) 1152

Wilson, Wilfrid (author), Change Ringing (1965) 269

Wiltshire, 6-bell quarter peal days 910

Wimborne Ringers, outing to Oxford 1113

Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Guild: e-list activity 551, 767, 1067; Hampshire Handbell Week 1095; QP week 1201

Alton & Peterborough District, QP fortnight 139

Andover District: outing 21; QP fortnight 1199

Channel Islands District (CID): annual striking comp 120; quarter peals 470; summer meeting 749

Christchurch & Southampton District: Prince of Wales, 60th birthday 211

Isle of Wight District, QP festival 910

Winchester District, Striking Competition 607

Winchester Cathedral: bells on BBC Radio 3 744; 'The Winchester Stay-Lock' 480

Winter, Marjorie (contrib) 1215

Wirral Young Ringers' outing: Wirral Young Ringers' outing 889, 891

Witton, Ches, 'Battle of Witton' 876

Wizened of Oz (contrib) 341

Wokingham, Berks, All Saints, Living Heritage 1205, 1206 (ad)

Wolborough, Devon, Young Ringers' day 1151

Wolsey, Cardinal: Ipswich, Suffolk, St Lawrence 1257–1259; 'Recreating the sound Cardinal Wolsey heard...' 1260; Wolsey S Maximus 1258

Wolverton, Warwickshire, 'What's up that tower? 28

Wood, Anthony (17C diarist) 1

Wood, Linda (obit) 70

Wood, Peter (contrib) 945

Wood, Stephen H (1906-1940) remembered 704, 750 (let), 850 (let), 1085–1086, 1089, 1092, 1138 (let); Wood's Notebook Peal 1114 (let)

Woodbridge, Suffolk, Army Freedom Parade 1011

wooden clapper shaft 534 (let)

Woodgyer, Peter (Widge) (obit) 766, 936–937, 1046

Wooding, Harry, Memorial Trophy 1012

Woolley, Robin (contrib) (see also 'Methcom Sketch Special'): 1,000 quarters in 12,556 days 784

Woolworths, RIP 35

Wootton see North Woott[o]n, Som

Wootton Bassett, Wilts, 'Armed Forces thank...' 23

Worcester, All Saints, 1983 band, peal board 197

Worcester, King's School, 'Three little boys from school' 1273–1277

Worcester & Districts Change Ringing Association: Annual Dinner 1159 (Ed); DAC Advisor, new 476; welcomes CCCBR 531; Worcester Dinner 96

Worcester band (1983), peal board 145

Worcester Cathedral: bellringing history 727–728; bells on the internet 48; 'The Secret Seven Visit Worcester' 529–531; Verdi's Requiem 119, 940, 1080; the 'wow' experience 403 (let)

Worcester Cathedral Teaching Centre for Bellringing: Bells in the City (film) 1206 (ad), 1208; Central Council 2009 AGM 625–626; Hull, Ewan (aged 7) 1012; Volunteers' Talk 727–728

Worcestershire: bells, county books 1273; bells cast, 1600-2000 1042 (let tab graph), 1066 (let); isolated towers see Four Shires Guild of Bellringers; tours 625

Worcestershire, The Church Bells of 1153

Wordley, Reginald Cecil (Edington, Wilts), WWI 1111, 1111

World Service, BBC 786

World War I: unknown warrior 1209–1210; 'A Service to Mark the Passing of the World War One Generation' 1209–1210, 1211 (Ed), 1227; Armistice, 90th Anniversary see main entry; Remembrance peals see main entry; Rolls of Honour see main entry

World War I, ringers remembered

survived the conflict: Allingham, Henry 819 (Ed), 826, 868, 878, 1023 [as Aldingham]; Patch, Harry (last UK survivor) 819 (Ed), 878, 1023

died during the conflict: CC Memorial Book for Church Bell Ringers killed.. 449–450; 'Ringers killed in the Great War' 1109–1112; Armstrong, Robert Henry (Edenham, Lincs) 1110; Barrick, George Henry (Great Dunmow, Essex) 1109; Blagden, Thomas James (Edington, Wilts) 1110; Drewett, Leonard (Edington, Wilts) 1110; Gypps, Arthur (Great Dunmow, Essex) 1110; Harris, Ernest Edward (Great Dunmow, Essex) 1110; Hart, Henry Horace (Aldenham, Herts) 1109; Howland, Stanley Percy (Great Dunmow, Essex) 1110; Inwood, Walter Samuel (Aldenham, Herts) 1109; Lawes, John Frederick Pike (Edington, Wilts) 1110; Lynn, William Stanley (Edenham, Lincs) 1110; Rogers, Reginald Charles (Edington, Wilts) 1111; Scott, Ernest (Aldenham, Herts) 1109; Smith, Frederick Thomas (Edenham, Lincs) 1110; Waite, William (Great Dunmow, Essex) 1110; Wheeler, William John (Edington, Wilts) 1110, 1111; Wordley, Reginald Cecil (Edington, Wilts) 1111

World War II, ringers remembered: CC Memorial Book of ringers killed 341, 449–450; Wood, Stephen H 704, 750 (let), 850 (let), 1085–1086, 1114 (let), 1138 (let)

world's largest bells 701–702, 852 (let); Britain 696

worship, bellringing as 510 (let), 559 (let)

Worshipful Company of Founders see Founders' Company

Worshipful Company of Girdlers 1259 (Ed)

Worst, 'W is for..' 1162

Worthington, W. W., Memorial Trophy 1236

Wratten, Cyril, collection of ringing books 797, 959

Wright, Colin E, remembered 12

Wrington, Som, Outing 2009 934

wrist and hand injuries 1302, 1303

"wrong-place" methods 175 (let)

Wu, Hong King, ringer from Singapore 1108

Wye, Kent, Victorian band of brothers 372

Wyer, Frank, fifth bell appeal 924 (let)

Wyer family (Kirby Underwood, Lincs) 924 (let)


'X is for Xanadu' 1228


'Y is for Yorkshire 'n' score' 1299

YACR see Yorkshire Association

Yatton, N Som, cent of first peal 508

YBRCT see Young Bell Ringers Cycling Tour

YCG see York Colleges Guild

Yeates, Rodney (contrib) 673–675

Yeo, Norman, aged 102 320

York Colleges Guild (YCG): learners w/e 497; quarter peals 911; teach school pupils 964

York Courant 377

York Minster: The Bells and Bellringers of York Minster 1180, 1186 (let); carillon, new 249; youngest female to ring tenor bell 144

Yorkshire, tours 313

Yorkshire Association (YACR)

Association: AGM 552; e-list activity 95, 223, 267, 562, 599, 743, 767, 799, 851, 996, 1018, 1043, 1087; four peals in a day 637; September General Meeting 1081–1082; Snowdon Dinner 1160–1161

Leeds & District Branch, QP week 18

Western Branch: QP week 136; striking comp 136, 824

Yorkshire Dales Ringing Centre, course 100

Yorkshire Post 1087

Yorkshire Surprise Maximus compositions 729

Youlgreave, Derbys, first peal on augm bells 487

young ringers see ringers, young

Youtube videos: Little Missenden, Bucks, rededicated 572; Melbourne Arts Festival 2009 1090 (let)


'Z is for Z-course' 1299

Zamenhof, Ludwig (Esperanto) 1162 (let)

Zennor Ringers, Cornwall, QPs 137

Zimbabwe Guild see Harare Cathedral

Zwart, Boudewijn (carilloneur) 249, 1144, 1284

The Ringing World 2009

Indexed by Barbara Salmon, Society of Indexers (Student Member) BarbaraSalmonUK@


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