Energy Mug | Positive Energy | Health | Longevity | …

EnergyMugs Distributor Kit


Email: support@

Phone: 720-772-8942 ; cell: 720-755-0836

Fax: 1-419-517-0893

Dear Health Seeker;

Thanks very much for your interest in “Energized Water”.

Your Distributor Kit allows you to purchase the energy products at the distributor, wholesale cost, for your own use or to sell at retail. For every Energy Product you sell, you make around 20%, and you make more on the higher priced items. You would usually charge MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price), shown on the products web page, and retail order form (that you can download from your back office), but you can charge any price that you want.

For promoting, the one thing I used to do exclusively (when I had good mailing lists) was to make copies of the “4-Page Sales Letter” called “How do They Live to be 120 Years Old”, found starting on the 3rd page of this report. You can mail them out to a good mailing list, or to others who send you offers in the mail (this is called the ‘Bounce-back’ method). And I found that including the 3-page testimonials really helps sell the Mug. You can also place classified ads. There are some samples on the next page of this report. For those of you who want to market via the Internet, there is information on that also.

Before making copies of the Sales Letter, be sure to put your Distributor Number in the text box on the last (4th) page, in the Order Form section. If orders are faxed or phoned to us this way, you would receive commission because your Distributor ID# is given in the box. (And you should put your name and address where it says “Distributor Name Here”, in the case orders are mailed back to you.)

Receiving Commissions:

There are basically only 2 ways to consider for how you would receive commissions on orders you receive:

1. Your customer pays you directly at retail for product, and you either order this product from us at wholesale, or buy it at wholesale beforehand to add to your inventory, and you immediately make the difference of retail and wholesale.

2. Your customer pays us directly at retail for product, and we later pay you a commission of the difference between that retail and your wholesale.

Example 1: You or your customer places the order on your website (?xxxxx) ordering page using their credit card information, and we drop-ship the order to your customer. You get the commission because your Distributor ID# (xxxx) comes from your web page and is on the order. We keep track of all orders that we receive involving you as the referrer, who will get commission, in two ways: 1. by retail customers with your Distributor ID# on them, and 2., by those orders coming from distributors under you. Then we add them up at the end of the month and usually pay your commissions via PayPal, or we can send you a commission check.

Example 2: Your customer calls in an order to you or mails a Sales Letter Order Form order back to you with their credit card information. You phone, email, or fax in the order to us, and we fill the order and drop-ship it using their credit card information, and you get paid commission later that month, or the next month.

Example 3: You buy your own inventory at wholesale and sell it at your retail price, or any price you wish to.

So, the usual way ordering is done is by Example 1 above, where we ship product directly to your customer. Also, whenever we get an order, we immediately email the customer a catalogue of all the Energy products, usage tips (FAQS), Bovis energy, and a CD by the inventor. We’ve found that almost 50% of customers order again when this is done, and of course, you get commission on any future orders that they make, lifetime.

For first-time customers under you, the 1st commission rule is: commission = total retail cost – total wholesale cost. This is usually, right around 20%. The 2nd commission rule is, if your customers themselves become distributors under you, your commission is: 6% of wholesale of anything they (the distributor under you) sells (excluding literature, audio CDs and soap). Also, distributors purchasing $1500 in any month become level 2 Distributors, which enable them an addition 4% in commissions, lifetime (making a total of about 25% in commissions).

This can turn into a very nice income. That’s it. It's not MLM. This program goes only 1 level deep, so it is mostly a retail operation. But you can make good money using our letter and then getting some distributors under you.

1 Promotional Materials

Starting on the next page are the 4-Page Sales Letter, plus the 3-page testimonials. If you ever need clean copies of either, or other promotional materials, you can always download them from the web - just log in to your Distributor Tools page, ( / click ‘Distributor login’ and login) and download the files, and print them.

Once a few people experience the energy products, they will likely order more. Then, news will spread by word-of-mouth, and you can be making sales almost effortlessly. Some distributors have set up mug displays in health food stores. You can also mail the letter to a good list of opportunity seekers or health seekers, or really just about anybody, since most people either have health problems themselves or know someone who does. Another way is to place small classified ads. A few are given below. You can have the people write to you for free information, and you send them the sales letter. Or, you can have a voice mail set up where they leave their name and address, and you send them the Sales Letter. The voice mail way usually works better.

* Sample Classified Ads…

1) How Do They Live To be 120 Years Old? – And in good health? Find out the secret to the longest living peoples on earth! Not food, not mineral!!! Amazing discovery! Write for FREE details. (Your name and address or voice mail number)

2) My ‘Secret Fluid’ can make you healthy and live longer! New Amazing Discovery – NEVER before seen! An inexpensive way to live better. FREE details tell all. (Your name, address or voice mail number)

3) Live To Be 120 And In Good Health? Amazing ‘Energy Products’ can help you. Never before seen invention that’s cheap, easy and fast. Free Details. (Your name/address or voice mail)

4) NEW Discovery. Power Glass that can make healthy and live longer... 20 years of scientific research produces new starling facts that could actually reverse aging!! Get the facts now! Go to: ?xxxxx Or one stamp get this info: Your name and address.

* You can also promote the products on the Internet. Don’t forget this extremely flexible and cost-effective method. All distributors immediately get their own webpage, which is set up automatically, and maintained free, when you join. Just send friends or customers to: where ‘xxxxx’ is your distributor number. Your home page will say “Your Independent Distributor, YOUR NAME” at the top-left. When clients go to the order page, your ID# is automatically inserted, so when they order, you get commission for the order. You don’t have to do a thing. Just send them to your webpage. You can make web classified ads or email, etc. (but please don’t spam – email only to those people who have opted in for, i.e. are health opportunity seekers, or people you know are interested). This will insure the integrity of the website, . You can put links in the email or ad to YOUR webpage, i.e. to ?xxxxx. And many distributors have their own web sites, where they put links to their energymugs website (links like ) They visit the webpage, order, and bam, you get the commission, lifetime, when they order. If they themselves become distributors, you still get 6% of anything they order – that’s as deep as it goes, in terms of levels of downline and receiving commissions.

The Internet is your vehicle to promote the products. If you have any ideas you want implemented that will enhance or make it easier for you to promote online, please let us know! We now have a distributor link on the top of the home page, where you can log in with your password. There, you can access numerous tools: order product securely at your wholesale prices, view and download documents like distributor price information, camera-ready Word documents of the 4-Page Sales Letter and Testimonials, Envelopes, etc., view reports like your previous orders and Downline orders, commissions paid and pending, and more.


Rick Auman,

P.S. I heartily encourage you to try other energy products. I have personally experienced great health benefits by using these. They’re all guaranteed for 30 days.

How Do They Live To Be

120 Years Old ???

(WITHOUT Disease!!!)

Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Alexis Carrell, says...

"The cell is immortal. ...As far as we know,

the pulsation of life can go on forever." 

Introducing The 'Secret Fluid' That Can Make You Healthy and Live Longer...

Dear Friend,

     Let's take a look at the longest-lived, and some of the healthiest people on earth...  The Hunza's in the mountains of Northern Pakistan and the Vilcabamba's in Ecuador. Both cultures have documented cases of men fathering children after the age of 100!!!  Their AVERAGE life span is close to 120 years of age!

Anthropologists have studied these people, their cultures, and diets for years trying to determine why and how they live so long.

Yes, they do eat simple diets of fresh wholesome foods.  Yes, they do live stress-free lives.  And most researchers looked at these things for the key to their longevity. Those life styles most definitely help, but...

What the researchers found beyond a shadow of doubt, was that the KEY to their health and vitality is a 'Secret Fluid' they drink on a regular basis.  I'll share with you what this 'Secret Fluid' is in a moment, but first, let's look at more research...

What Makes Us Age???

Dr. Patrick Flanagan, a world famous health researcher says... 

"All the symptoms of aging are in one way or another accompanied by a slow dehydration of our vital tissues associated with free radical oxidative damage.  No matter how much tap water we drink we cannot seem to slow down the inevitable starvation of vital tissues for the fluid that is everywhere.  There is much more to tissue hydration than simply drinking ordinary water.  Tissue water is as different from spring water as milk is from apple juice."

     You see, as we age, the cells in our body cannot take up water as easily as they used to.  So they become dehydrated, stiff and old.  And degenerative diseases soon follow.

The 'Secret Fluid' that these long-lived peoples drink does one very important thing...        It allows the cells to stay HYDRATED (full of water), and not get 'puckered up' and old.  That's one very important thing.  But it does more!   Let's look at what else it does...

This 'Secret Fluid'...

Enhances the Cellular Hydration in your body.

Enhances the nutrient transport throughout the body.

Helps maintain normal electrical properties of cells and cellular systems in the body.

Enhances toxin and waste removal from cells and body.

Most researchers didn't really give this 'Secret Fluid' much thought.   They were so obsessed with looking at these people's diets, they took this fluid for granted.  But one very special researcher did not take this fluid for granted.  He was an expert in chemistry and his name was Dr. Coanda.

Dr. Coanda, who has been called the "Father of Fluid Dynamics" (1885-1972), was fascinated with these peoples and the fluids they drank.  So much so that he ended up studying this for over 60 years!  He was determined to find the true "Fountain of Youth". What he documented was that the secret to longevity is in fact in the fluid these people were and still are drinking, and this 'Secret Fluid' is actually a very special kind of water!!!

1 copyright 2000 energymugs,

Not just any old kind of water, now. A very special water with such different characteristics from regular water it can hardly be called water at all.  The Hunza’s and Vilcabamba’s drink this water daily. This water was different than any other water found anywhere on earth!  This special water is the 'Secret Fluid' that keeps them young!

The work Dr. Coanda did during his lifetime was a breakthrough.  And although he discovered why the water was different, he could not duplicate it in the laboratory!!!

The Next Amazing Breakthrough...

Could It Make You Healthy and Actually REVERSE Aging???

Enter a researcher by the name of Manfred Bauer.  Diagnosed with cancer, he set out to find out exactly WHY cancer cells start and then replicate.  Through a strange sequence of unlikely events, Mr. Bauer made quite an amazing discovery.  It has to do with what is called 'electrical spin' of atoms and molecules.  Let me explain...

It turns out that everything - all matter - has either a right turning or left turning 'electrical spin'.  Mr. Bauer learned that cancer cells had a right spin.  Healthy cells have a left spin.  He also discovered that polluted water, tap water and most well water all have a right spin.  Good healthy, life-promoting waters from pure springs all have left spins. 

The noted healing waters such as those found at the famous Lourdes Shrine in France sometimes have a very serious left spin.  Mr. Bauer theorizes that the Hunza & Vilacabamba water also have a left spin.  This is one of the reasons that these waters keep these people so healthy...   well past the age of 100!!!

This left spinning water has a tremendous amount of energy in it.  This energy is then transferred to the person who drinks the water.  Simply put, if a water has a right spin, it will drain you of energy.  If it has a left spin, it will GIVE YOU ENERGY.  I'd say that 99% of the drinking water, regardless of its source, is right turning (the unhealthy spin).

Water Memory!

And here's something very important to realize...  Even if you take out all the contaminants with water purification systems (filtration, reverse osmosis, distillation etc.) the right spin of the water is not corrected!

You can take out every heavy metal, every organic pollutant, every piece of sediment, bacteria and virus - but the water will still have a right (bad) spin!

This is because (as research has proven) that water has what we can best call a sort of memory!  Once the right turning spin of the pollutants are in the water, even when the pollutants are removed, the water retains the memory of the pollutants in its subtle electrical make-up.

Is It Hard To Get Healthy??? No Matter How Hard You Try???

So you can drink all the water you want.  All 8 glasses like the experts tell you.  But if you're drinking right spinning water, you're not getting the energy you need to get healthy.  In fact, right spinning water actually robs you of energy! 

And this water can be the purest, treated with the most advanced water treatment systems available that cost many thousands of dollars.  It could even be treated with different 'surfactant' products such as Willard

Water, Cluster Water and other homeopathic solutions. None of them change the spin on the water. They're good, don't get me wrong – and all these treatments make undrinkable water better.  But they all lack a very important thing.  The ability to correct the spin of the water from right turning to left turning.

That's why it's been so hard for you to get healthy.  You've been spinning the wrong way!  Almost everything we drink these days is right spinning, and that robs us of energy and makes it virtually impossible to stay well hydrated!

Is it any wonder that we're all getting sicker as we get older?  It's not supposed to be that way!  And the incidences of degenerative diseases are so high you can say it's an epidemic!!!

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Mr. Bauer's Amazing Invention

Here's where it gets really interesting.  Mr. Bauer not only learned about electrical spin and how it can make us healthy, but he also discovered a way to bring these benefits right into our homes!  Or just about anywhere else for that matter – at an affordable price!

He has developed water energy systems that will change the spin of right turning, unhealthy water into left spinning HEALTHY water.  

It doesn't matter if it's been 'purified' by traditional treatment methods or not.  His systems will take the water and give it the left spin, and therefore the ENERGY that you need to get healthy.

And it does another amazing thing.  It can take the pollutants that may still be present in the water, and essentially neutralize them and make them less harmful, if not totally harmless! 

Again, it all has to do with the spin and the energy levels.  If something drains you of energy (right spinning), it's bad for you.  If it GIVES YOU ENERGY (left spinning), it's good for you.  Simple.

The 'Secret Fluid' Can Now Be Yours!

You can bet that the water the Hunza and Vilacambaba peoples drink is loaded with energy.  It's the 'secret fluid' that has helped keep them healthy, well hydrated and long lived.  Even past the age of 120!

And now you can have the same, energized water for yourself - in less than 2 minutes!   Here's how...

One of Mr. Bauer's inventions is what he calls the 'Energy Mug'.  This is an attractive mug that will change the spin of its contents from right spinning (bad) to left spinning (good & healthy).  It does this in less than 2 minutes!

That's right.  One 'Energy Mug' will treat thousands and thousands of gallons of water!!!  It will change it all from right spinning to left spinning and this water WILL GIVE YOU ENERGY.

And once the body has energy, it can heal itself!  Nutrient transport is enhanced so your supplements will work better!  Cellular waste disposal is accelerated.  And this allows the body to heal itself.  Without drugs, without surgery, without other fancy, expensive treatments!

A Permanent Solution

As I said, the energy in the 'Energy Mug' never wears out.  There are no filters to replace.  No expensive electricity to run your distiller.  You can easily take it with you on trips to be sure you're getting the right kind of Energized Water.  It's a permanent solution to your drinking water problems that will last you a lifetime.   Now, listen to some amazing and true accounts of what 'Energized Water' can do...

One gentleman was sent home from the hospital to die.  His liver was shot.  The doctors gave up hope.  After drinking 'Energized Water' for 2 months, all his liver tests came back NORMAL!

The Energy Mug has had great success with diabetes. A severely diabetic man, going blind and diagnosed with the amputation of both feet, after just ONE MONTH of drinking 'Energized Water', AND energizing all his food, cut back and then was able to eliminate his diabetes medicine.  He's totally off of insulin now, and fully cured of diabetes. (More testimonies: energy/h2o/testimonials)

'Energized Water' has shown to help many people handle and stop suffering from their allergies.

One customer,  76 years old with snow white hair suddenly, after 4 months of drinking 'Energized Water' has started to get his black hair back!

Plants and PETS benefit from 'Energized Water' too!  Algae growth is stopped in fish tanks!

Many customers report their ARTHRITIS is greatly improved when using 'Energized Water'.

3 copyright 2000 energymugs,

There is also an income opportunity available (NOT MLM).  This is an excellent way to earn extra money (make or save from 20-5% yourself on all subsequent orders) while getting younger at the same time! To receive a complete marketing kit, which includes this letter for you to use, and your own EnergyMugs website set up and maintained for free, where you can sell product and earn commission, just add $15 to your no-risk Mug order below. We'll get you out complete information right away.

Don't delay. Join the tens of thousands and turn back the hands of time by drinking ENERGIZED WATER for the rest of your life!!! You'll see the difference or your money back!


---- cut here -------------- cut here ------------------ cut here ---------------------


No Risk Order Form for a Health Investment That Will Last Virtually a Lifetime! The Energy Mug / Pitcher comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Use it for 30 days. If you don’t feel better, return it (only via UPS) for a full and prompt refund of your purchase price (less shipping & upline commissions, and distributor kit fee is not refundable).

Quantity Item Price S&H Total

___ Energy Mug (double-wall frosted) $61.00 ea + $14.00 + $3 ea. additional = ___________

___ New Glass Mug (call if in stock) $65.00 ea + $14.00 + $4 ea. additional = ___________


Name: ___________________________________________________________ Distributor Kit,

Billing Street Address: _______________________________________________ add $15.00,

City: _____________________________State: _____ Zip: _________ New Total = __________

Credit Card: MC ___ Visa ___ AMEX___ Card No._____________________________________

Expiration Date: _______________ Three Digit Security Code (on back of card):________________


Phone: ______________________ Email: _____________________________________________

Ship To: (if different than above billing, OR if above is a PO Box – we only ship UPS who won’t ship to a PO Box)

Street: _____________________________ City: _________________________ St: ____ Zip:________

* Order this Order Form by Fax: 1-419-517-0893 (faxed orders goes to Rick Auman of EnergyMugs) (be sure to give the Distributor Number, if known)

* Order this Order Form by Mail: Send cash, check, money order or credit card info to:

Your Distributor Name Here

Distributor Address Here

Distributor City, State, Zip Here

Please make check or money order out to: Your Distributor Name here (or make out to 'energymugs')

* Other Ways to Order ( and be sure to give Distributor Number) :

4 copyright 2000 energymugs,


"I used to have a terrible taste in my mouth. I was told it came from liver problems. Since drinking energized water I have very little problems and I can eat almost anything at bedtime and don't have much problems with a terrible taste in my mouth anymore. It's just great not to have problems and a terrible mouth taste anymore. Thanks so very much for a super great product. " Sincerely,  Salome Fisher, CA

"Dear Sir, Some time in February 2000, I ordered a mug that spins electron molecules in water counter clock-wise. I did not want to start to be your sales person before I know anything about it. I wanted to be a guinea pig myself to know what I was talking about. Now that almost four months is passing, I have some experience on what it did for me. It not only makes you younger looking, it also eliminates some sickness that we did not know we had. My breathing was not up to par, but when I started to drink from the 'mug' in 3-4 nights, my breathing was much easier. Somewhere in my early 80's, I had a hip replacement that caused quite some damage because they cut my nerves, and I had no control and feeling in that leg. Pain was increasingly getting stronger and stronger. I was waking up through the nights from the pain. But when I started drinking from that mug I started to see a gradual difference. The pain started to diminish slowly. Also my digestive system feels better. Also I have, like so many people have, what they call liver spots or old age spots on my hands and face. That does not harm you, only looks bad. The doctors say that once we have them on our hands we also have them on our brain. The difference is that on the brain they are not small, they are in size of a silver dollar. I also have an itchy scalp with scabs, they are so bad that even doctors could not find a cure for it. And now that I am drinking from the mug, I see a big difference on my scalp. Also my teeth were sore on one side, on the lower jaw I had a bump and it was sore. I could not put any pressure on my teeth, and now the pain is gradually disappearing. Thanks to the 'mug'. Thank You!"  Stefan Kurylo, NY

"I am so excited about my 'energy mug'. I have used it and the water tastes so fresh and clean, I even did a taste test with my mother and a friend, and they also tasted a difference in the water. I was injured on my job in 1994 when milk crates fell on my right leg and had to have knee surgery to remove a cyst there. And I was diagnosed with a mild form of rheumatoid arthritis about 3 years ago. I tell you your letter about the energy mug and other products came just in time as I decided to get in shape. Now I don't need more leg surgery. I'm praying that I will be reinstated on my job as a NYC Corrections Officer before the end of the year. Can you just see me running past those new recruits if I have to attend the academy as I grow stronger drinking my super energy water! Thank you." Battisheba, NY

"Dear Sir; I want to tell you how pleased I am with your Energy Wand. I have iron water and it leaves rusty stains in my toilet and sink. Now since I strapped the wand to my water line, the water is clear and no more stains! I know it works! Thanks again."  Virgil Holman, GA

"Most all my life I had a lung problem where I would spit up phlegm a few times a day. To my surprise and delight, after just about 2 or 3 months of using the Energy Mug, one day I went to spit up and nothing came out! That was in 1999 and to this day, this clearing and healing has remained permanent. " John Pulfer, Phoenix, AZ

"I ordered from you about a month ago. I'm a 76 year old diabetic (Type II). I try to control by diet & exercise. My Blood Sugar was 160-190. After a couple weeks, my sugar was 115-135. Nothing changed except I drank only out of the mug. I also quite putting on shaving cream. Just water out of the mug. My wrinkles seem to be getting less. Hope my white hair changes! Thanks." Don Flowers

"I am very happy with my mug. I had ordered one just to try it out and I love it. I drink all my water from my filtered tap water. Now my water tastes great. I have more energy, feel better and I'm 53 years old. I really enjoy the benefits you said I'd get, so I want another one, so I'll have one for my water and one for my soups and other drinks. Thanks so much for such a great product. Now I can show all my friends with proof that it works! I sleep lots better and I find I need less sleep and my memory is getting better also. Thank you for that." Wilbert Abshire

"My husband and I each got an Energy Mug, and we're so happy we did. Our water tastes better by far and other drinks like tea and coffee taste much smoother with less bite. My husband smokes, so he puts his cigarettes in the mug when it's dry and he says they taste smoother too. And I know that it's not as bad for him because I understand that when the spin changes, the things become healthier. I still want him to quit smoking, but at least it's not so bad for him now. We both have more energy and are feeling better and can work the whole day without fatigue. On days when we don't use it, we can really feel the difference - we're getting spoiled with feeling better! Thanks for telling us about it!" Lorraine Fittery

"I got two Energy Mugs from you about a month and a half ago. That mug is really helping my pain go away. I've had extreme pain for 28 years. It's nice to finally get rid of the hurt from my body. Thank you!" Stephen A. Bayless

"I am very pleased with the mug you sent to me. Every one I give a drink to says the same as you do... I am very impressed with your research. I was a chemistry major in college so I know a little about the ionization of water. I would like to get all the info you have... Also, can I sell these mugs out of my office???"  LeRoy I. Nelson, DDS

"I just wanted to say thank you. We just love it. It is so easy. Now we all have peace of mind. We think it is the simplest and best way to get healthy water without spending a fortune."  Joseph E., Cambridge, OH

"This is just to let you know that we greatly appreciate the water filter that we got from you. You can use my testimony anytime you like. My wife and I have bought the odd bottled water while away from home, but it does not compare to the water that we get from our tap using your water filter." Rudy G., BC, Canada

"I bought my water filter 3 months ago. Now I’m ordering one for my sister. Everything is great, including the price." Lynette M., Atlanta, GA

"I had XXXXXXX water filter before. I had to buy replacement cartridges almost every week. Now with your water filter system I am very comfortable. It is also very easy to use." Michael B., Raleigh, NC

"I love that Energy Egg. It prolongs the life of my fruits and veggies like you wouldn't believe. I tested a head of lettuce and it last six weeks. Just a tiny bit of brown on the outside and the inside was nice and crisp. And yes, the Mug changes the taste of your drinks. Wine, OJ and so forth. Takes the acid taste away." Patricia

"I had sugar diabetes for 40 years. It was at what they call the last stage where my Diabetic Count (DC) was very volatile and every day it alternated from very high to very low. My doctors told me I had less than a year to live, and that both my feet had to be amputated. And because of the diabetes, I was going blind. At the end of this period, there were occasions when I would go into coma. At that point, I told myself to let go of all my skepticisms of alternative remedies. I was receiving various cures in the mail, and I decided to try the first one that came along – one that was supposed to normalize insulin levels produced by the liver. The only problem was this was supposed to take 6 months or more. Fortunately, only days after, I got your ad in the mail about the Energy Mug, and ordered one that day. I've got equipment that measures the DC. Even after just the first day of using the mug, my DC was down the next day. And after only a few weeks of using the mug to put all my water and food in, incredibly, my diabetes was very nearly normalized. My sight has recovered, and both my feet were saved.

I love sweets but because of the diabetes, I had to give them up. But now because of the mug (I own 6 mugs), I can still indulge. I did an experiment and filled up the mug with ice cream, another mug with strawberries, and another with my dinner roll, all for 10 minutes. I first checked my DC, then ate all the ice cream, strawberries and roll. I then immediately checked my DC - it actually went down 1 point! I don't know what the mug does, but it seems to render the sugar content totally harmless. But it must do more, because before using the mug, I didn't eat anything with sugar, but still had diabetes. Like you say, it must energize the water and food to allow the body to heal. You people don't really know what you have with this mug! I can't thank you enough. Like me, my friends were all skeptical of miracle cure promises, but I'm now ordering mug after mug for friends who know of the diabetes I used to have, but now don't. I recently went on vacation to Costa Rico for 6 weeks. Of course I took a couple of my Mugs with me. However, I had to take them on the airplane with me, without getting them x-rayed, as you tell people not to x-ray them or they will be discharged.

I showed the airline officials the Mugs and asked them not to put them through the conveyor belt at the security check-in as it would ruin them. At first they looked at them and said OK, but while my back was turned, my son, who was behind me, saw the officials quickly put them on the conveyor belt and through the x-ray. When I got to Costa Rico, I had completely forgot about this incident, and for the beginning of my vacation, I went about my normal activities, without noticing anything adverse in my health. But after about 4 weeks, I suddenly started to get very sick and my diabetes was back. I felt whose than ever before and so devastated I could barely move and get on the airplane when returning. All my son’s doubts about the validity of the Mugs vanished when he met me at the airport and saw my pitiful condition, since he had seen that the Mug’s were x-rayed and ruined at the airport. I was so sick when I returned, that I went into coma again. Thankfully, I'm using good Mugs again and my health has returned. "  Everett Ulrich,  Monroe, WI

"I lost 20 pounds drinking 8 mugfuls of water a day. I love the mug and just couldn't live without it." Mary Kontis,  San Francisco, CA

"I am really enjoying my water filter, very convenient and looks really good in my kitchen. Thanks for your efficiency." Jim H., Arlington, TX

"I'm a farmer and before using the refrigerator egg, my goat's milk usually lasted only 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Now, with the Egg it lasts for over a month!" S. Hubor, Thompkinsville, KY

"The expiration date on my carton of milk is 4/24 and I just had some tonight (5/4/01). Before I put the energy egg in my frig, my milk would be sour within 2 days after expiration date." L.H. Nako

"As well as joint pain being relieved in one of our friend's elbow and shoulder in ten minutes or so, another friend had stress buildup on her neck giving her a lot of pain. After 5 minutes with the egg directly on her neck it was completely gone. She bought it on the spot. One more thing also, with a blood pressure machine you can take you heart rate before and after holding the egg or the hand in the mug and it will be about ten beats higher without the egg or mug. My wife also sleeps with it and keeps her from tossing and turning. It is great." Scott & Helen Christie

"I am really happy with your water filter system. I definitely recommend it to all of my friends. Very pleasant experience!! Thank you!"

Jane F., S Palm Beach, FL

"I use the energy mug for water all the time. Water tastes smoother and seems more refreshing. I also filter all our water. My 15-year-old son notices and likes the taste of water from the mug. The egg is very good at keeping food fresh longer." Bill

"WOW! Our Energy Egg has paid for itself many times over. Not only does our milk last from 10-14 days longer...BUT.....The boys went to eat some yogurt last night before bed. The date on the container was DECEMBER 14, 2000! We couldn't believe it!" Tim & Julie Brown

"After receiving the mug I decided to try it that night. I drank from the mug 3 separate times within an hour and a half. This took place after 9:00 PM, by 1:00 AM I was not tired as usual and I had the energy to stay up longer than that, but I decided it was a good idea to go to bed so I would get up and go to work the next morning. I also noticed that my filtered water had a sweeter taste to it. Wow this mug is incredible!!!" Jesse

"The water tastes absolutely delicious! When I drink from my Energy Mug, I am tasting something very clean, refreshing, and HEALTHY. As a reverse aging researcher I can, with qualification, assure you that cellular rehydration is the first essential step in the age reversal process. The taste of left spin water is unlike anything else!" W. Dennis

"After about 2 months using the mug, I started noticing my hair turning darker, my skin color is better, my hands are smoother, I abound with energy, a chronic stiffness on the left shoulder and back area is subsiding, and I have a much better outlook on life, the way it should be. A health practitioner said everyone should have one of these, I wholeheartedly agree! Thanks, Jack Payne." Jack Payne

"I used to wake up in the morning, still tired with the joints in my arms and legs aching. After using the energy mug for about four weeks the aching has disappeared and I awaken rested and ready to go." Glen J.

"Energized Water, also called Energy Water, is like the water God makes in a thunder storm and it seems to be helpful in detoxifying the body. I know it helps me. I have also used it on my organic vegetable garden with astonishingly wonderful results. I notice that my laundry is cleaner too." Francis Goode

"I just received my energy mug and I'm happy with it. I can really feel the energy from the mug. Thank you very much."

"The Lifeforce Aloe Vera Gel which I used on my sore ankle continues to improve and heal. Thank You for your concern and caring, I appreciate it!" Ray G. Port Charlotte, Fl

"My wife & I were the recipients of an Essential Energy Pyramid on August 5th of this year. I must say, I was somewhat skeptical as to what to expect from having the Pyramid in our home. Within a matter of three or four days, we noticed an increase in our energy levels. We added two more evening hours a day. At the same time, my wife noticed that she was sleeping much better. As time progresses other things became apparent. Our skin became softer, lotions were no longer necessary to improve our skin condition. Our hair texture also improved. " Vern T.

"Hardly ever could I get myself to drink one gallon a day that the health experts recommend. With the Mug I heartily enjoy easily drinking 1.5 gallons of water everyday. Profoundly simple and invaluable tool. " Aaron W.

"This was the first time I’ve written a testimonial for a nutritional or a health product. I’ve never experienced such dramatic results as I did with this High Energy Water. " Fred V.

"The group of people I went through radiation with did not do as well as I. For thirty days of radiation I drank ½ liter of Super Energy Water before treatment and ½ ltr. immediately after treatment. I couldn’t believe how well I felt compared to the other women. " Ms. M.W.

"I am a truck driver. For the last four years I have been using my mug to take energy water. I drive nights and am fresher than any of the other driver friends. They think I am fooling them but I don’t care if it works for me. " Macon, GA.

"I have been using Essential Energy products for two years in my practice. These products are not a “CURE” for any disease but support the body’s energy needs and correct the energy drain that normally accompanies the intake of processed water, refined foods, and chemicals, or sleeping or working in an area that is below that which is required for support of human life. People consistently report greater levels of energy when consuming High Energy Water. I have observed this benefit in individuals with conditions as varied from chronic fatigue, fibromylagia, chronic viral illness, and cancer. " D.H.P., MD, Edmond, OK

"My experience with the EnerGel Water Wand. After the simple installation of the wand, I would notice our water does not smell of strong chorine, it’s also soft and clean looking coming out of the faucets." Suzanne H., New Port Fichey, FL.

“I have cancer, and I slept with a target pain eraser over a tumor that had grown back in my breast where it was originally removed, and the very next morning it had reduced in size by over 1 half! And the lymph node lumps that are under my arm continue to shrink also! God Bless You.” L. Lavoie, Coconut Creek FL.

“I’ve had kidney problems for a long time and my urine always smells terrible. After just 24 hours of using the mug (4 mugfuls), my urine no longer smells!” N. Ali, Charlott NC.

New Glass Energy Products Results

“Rick, The large pendant is the best health product I have ever used. It has only been a week but I have seen tremendous results. I have been into health since I was 13 years old and I am now 53. You mentioned that they will not be making the large pendant any more. That is unfortunate. I wanted to get another one and even start marketing it.

Thanks, Russel” (note: large pendants are now back in stock!)

“Hi Rick! Are we some of the first people to have the beads? If so I'll recommend they come with a warning...'Super powerful! May cause wild cleansing reactions in a matter of minutes! Prepare yourself accordingly!!' I'm seeing a very mixed gamut of reactions with all of us. Wow do we respect that little glass glob! I'm excited to see the end result after we get through all the rough spots! So here's the break down... 1.Catherine-friend- has a very long standing nerve injury in her tail bone area and foot. Also had a kundalini experience years ago that shattered her aura and she's super sensitive to all frequency. She held the bead for 3 minutes and her nerves began throbbing and a bunch of emotional stuff comes up with it. She's not going to touch it again for a while. 2. Shelly- friend- First felt great then it began to feel a little too strong so she put it in water to charge that instead. 6 hours for one glass, then overnight for another. Well, it charges water like crazy too because she went into a flu like cleanse after that. Doing better after the next day. It helps her back pain when she puts it on trouble spots, but has learned she has to take it off when she feels queasiness coming on. She's pretty toxic, tho., she is on a lot of pain meds. for years. 3.Pete-husband- It's been all good for him! So far, no side effects. Might be delayed, we'll see, but he's liking it! 4. Linda-sister- not very sensitive to energy. Couldn't even feel it! Now a week later she's feeling some cleansing symptoms. She's on the water too.

….I have a friend who is so sensitive, he held one of those beads for 10 minutes and all his pain went away, and he is almost always in pain! Plus he practically flipped into another dimension! What wild responses! This past weekend I sprained my ankle in the morning... at first it didn't feel like a big deal, but by night it was swollen and I could hardly walk.

I put the bead in my sock on it and when I woke in the morning it was fine! So I'm thrilled! Thanks! What a bead! .....Jasmine”

“Rick, That is absolutely the best Energy Mug bar none! Please send me my best price on Manfred's Mugs & Pitchers. Thanks, Redgie”

“I've been putting a small bead or pendant over my closed eyes, because of a small bump (growth) I've had for years , on the left eye's sclera (white part), right next to the iris. It's pretty visible and I've been bothered by it because I never took care of my self/eyes, when I was a kid and later, and really abused my eyes, by doing very close computer (photoshop) work for hours at a time. My eye doctor told me that they are very common and occur usually because of too much stress on the eyes.

Well, after only about a week of using the small beads, I looked in the mirror a couple of days ago and noticed that this growth is practically gone! I'd say it's 90% gone, with now almost the usual, smooth, continuous contour from iris to the connecting sclera. Wow! Never would have imagined that this would happen. I'm going to try this on other various bodily parts that need fixing! So far, no good on regrowing hair yet though, but I'm going to keep trying!” - R. Auman

“Your Power Meter Bead seemed to be too simple of a fix for all the microwave radiation hitting my home every 30 seconds of the day and night along with the horrible health conditions I encountered. However, since the digital electric meter has been on my house, I've had constant headaches, most of the time migraines, and I had horrible ringing in both my ears so badly day and night for years that it was hard to get to sleep at night. Eventually I kind of got used to the noise. And then the heart palpitations that became very irregular at least once or twice a day was the last straw as I knew it must have been effecting all parts of my body sitting in this home, working here day and night. And the only way I knew it was my home causing my health issues, as when I was on the road all day, or took a vacation, I started feeling better almost within the first couple hours!

So, then, I put your bead on my electrical box one day ~ which is on the opposite side of my electrical digital meter, and within 2 days the ringing in my ears completely stopped. That was amazing as I had that for a long time. Then, within less than a week my headaches starting easing up & less than two weeks they were GONE - after years of thinking my headaches were just from my hormones/change of life, and spending all kinds of money on different hormone supplements to NO avail. It was amazing to find out my headaches were just from the disrupting high constant frequencies in my home! And, as for the WiFi in my house, for years I've kept it unplugged, unless I'm on my computer. And at night, I would even shut if off at the breaker box for the 1/2 of my house that's on the side I sleep. And I even rearranged my bed in my bedroom to put it in the middle of the room away from the walls/electrical areas all in hopes to help not get the serious health effects from all the electrical/microwave signals. However, none of that ever helped! Only your Power Meter Bead brought me the results - My irregular heart issues have become less since the Bead is on my electrical box, though I still get them and it's probably the damage that was already done as my digital smart meter was put on my home back in April, of 2006. I didn't start using your BEAD until just months back unfortunately. And, when I leave my home, I wear my smaller bead on a chain around my neck for the same protection when I'm out - because if the large one at my electric meter is working so well IN my home, I can imagine the help I'm getting from the one around my neck when I go OUT! J

My health is a witness to that this Bead certainly disrupts and neutralizes the dangerous frequencies coming from components in this new Smart Grid era, such as the meters, the WiFi, Towers, and cellular phones ~ etc etc! Thank you for something so small in size, however, that works in such a BIG way! Your Bead is a blessing in my life. ~ D.j.

Note: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these products. As in all health situations, qualified professionals should be consulted.


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