Leader Volunteer Poems - Girl Scouts


Your decision to become a Girl Scout Leader, didn't come without Strings Attached. Who knew you would be tying daisy tunics or shoes, Or bandaging up their occasional black and blues. Who knew you would be tying up Brownie Braids, So their hair didn't blow in their Fireman's Parade. Who knew you would be tying up Junior Patches, Those pre-teen years of pleading matches. Who knew you would be tying up Cadette made quilts, To help them earn their Silver Award from the plan they "built". Who knew you would be tying up a Seniors Journey, Who now may be ready to be a firewoman, mechanic or attorney. Those little girls in blues, browns, greens and tans, are the little girls who held your hands. So thank you Leaders for all you've done, and know that each knot you've tied will never come undone!

Terri Smith, Swift Water Council 2003


Because of you she makes a Promise and keeps it.

Because of you she learns a Law and lives it.

Because of you she goes into the world and changes it.

Because of you The Girl Scout Volunteer.


I promise to keep my volunteer hours in check, to keep my spirit and my family first and, to make sure I ask for help when I start to feel overwhelmed.

I vow to compare myself to no one my time and contributions are my own special gift and, to feel proud that I can do what I do.

I vow to compare no one to myself, to recognize everyone gives their best of their time and abilities, to always remember it is the pieces that make the whole.

I pledge to accept less than perfect, to always remember I am a volunteer and, to celebrate the joy in making a difference.

Volunteering --(Author Unknown) Doing the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.

To Volunteer --(Author Unknown) Everybody can be great....because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

A TRIBUTE TO VOLUNTEERS --(Author Unknown) V aluable is the work you do, O utstanding in how you always come through. L oyal, sincere and full of good cheer, U ntiring in your efforts throughout the year.

N otable are the contributions you make, T rustworthy in every project you take. E ager to reach your every goal, E ffective in the way you fulfill your role. R eady with a smile like a shining star, S pecial and wonderful - that's what you are!

Because You're Special --(Author Unknown) We sometimes take for granted In the rush of all we do, And forget to say a special thanks To volunteers like you! So we send this note to tell you How much all you do means, Your gifts of time and of yourself Are special ones indeed.

"I SAID YES" --(Author Unknown) I said "Yes" again And I couldn't believe my ears. Yep, I said "Yes" again. I'm one of the chronic volunteers. They asked me for my help And I thought, who has the time? The phone calls and those meetings Just for the fun and not a dime. So I thought it over, Do I want to give or take? I enjoy it all so very much The decision was easy to make. I've loved every single minute Of working with the gals Even when the hour was late It was always for my pals. So please don't try to tell me Volunteering is a pain.

'Cause for all the friends I've made and all I've learned, I'll say "Yes, Yes, Yes" again and again!


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