Monthly Safety Meeting Topic

Safety Meeting Topic June 2013Staying Focused on Safety – End of the Year PreparationIt’s that time of the year once again – summer break is nearly here. This is also the time of the year SIPE sees an uptick in injuries. Many of the injuries are due to people just not paying a little extra attention to the task at hand. We see the usual back injuries, the tripping over objects while carrying a box to the car, the fall off the curb, and the sometimes severe injuries from the “staff vs. students” softball game. Just about all of these injuries are preventable. An injury now can mean that your big summer plans get put on hold or don’t happen at all. It’s that time to slow down a little and focus on what you’re doing. If you see someone doing something that could lead to an injury, stop them. Never walk away! Tell them why you think it is unsafe and recommend a better way.For some, it’s time to retire – for others, moving to a new site or room. That means packing up and moving boxes and other odd shape items. Just about everyone has moved from time to time, and I think we all agree it’s not fun and it is hard on our bodies. We lift and move things we shouldn’t, but do it despite the possibility of being injured. The result is usually sore muscles the next day, but sometimes it is much worse. So how can we lessen the chance of injuries related to packing and moving our things at the end of the year?I think the best advice is to take it slow and focus on what it is you are about to do. How heavy is the object? Can you safely lift and move it or should you go get the cart or dolly? Is it an awkwardly shaped sort of object? Can you get a good grip on it and keep the weight in your “Power Zone”? That’s the area close to your body between your knees and your shoulders. Should you ask for help with those larger items? Is a cart or dolly available at your site? Sounds like a lot of thinking to move just one item but it could mean the difference between a good start to summer or time recovering due to a poor decision.As you pack up, look what is going into each box. Heavy items may take up only half the space, but it can be handled more safely by you or a co-worker. Pack lighter items in larger boxes and fill them up to a weight that you can easily move. More trips will probably be necessary and your back will surely appreciate it. You get the picture! ??“Stay Alert Don’t Get Hurt – Think SAFETY”??SAFETY INCENTIVE PROGRAMAgain, remind everyone about “Caught in the Act” selection each month. The safety committee will select the best entry and reward the person caught being safe $50. Also, complete a SIPE online safety training module and turn in the certificate for a chance to win. Don’t forget to get involved with the “Health & Fitness Challenge” each month and be sure to take the online safety quiz for a chance to win a $50 gas card.District Safety Goal (as of 6-1-13)2012-2013 Total: 30 Claims 2011-2012 Total: 21 ClaimsRecent Injuries/Claims Recap (since 5-1-13) Special Ed teacher tripped over a concrete parking lot wheel stop/bumper and fell injuring kneeSpecial Ed teacher strained back lifting resting cotsMaintenance worker repairing drip line system was stuck by several cactus needles in the hand ................

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