Paraphrasing English II

Paraphrasing English (Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold without changing its meaning)

1. I found the book boring.

Bored ……………………………………..............................................…………………..

2. Do you mind moving over a little?

Could ……………………………………………..............................................…………..

3. We were interested in the information

found ………………………………………………...............................................……….

4. He isn’t old enough to get married

too ………………………...............................................…………………………………..

5. Writing the composition took her all night

spent ………………………..............................................………………………………..

6. My mother made me apologise for my behaviour

was ………………………………...............................................………………………….

7. Could you pass me the salt?

Mind …………………………………..............................................………………………

8. It is dangerous to drive at high speed

driving ………………………………….............................................…………………….

9. The water is too cold to swim in

enough …………………………………….............................................…………………

10. He took only an hour to learn to play chess

it ……………………………………………….............................................……………..

11. What is the price of this perfume?

How much ……………………………………….............................................………….

12. I will meet Tom at the cinema tonight

I am ………………………………………………………............................................….

13. During our dinner, one of the guests arrived late

While we …………............................................…………………………………………

14. Whose car is it?

Who ……………………….............................................………………………………….

15. I moved to Madrid ten years ago

I have ………………………............................................………………………………..

16. The dog was tired after its long run

The dog was tired because ……….........................................……………………..

17. They gave me a pair of sneakers for my birthday

I ……………………………………….............................................………………………

18. I am sorry I didn’t pass on the message

I should ……………………………………............................................…………………

19. “Did the man attempt to steal your i-pod?”, he asked me

He asked me …………………………………………...........................................……..

20. “When did you have your vaccinations?”, the nurse asked me

The nurse wanted to know …….......................................………………………….

21. I like to explore the ancient parts of the town.

I enjoy …………………………........................................……………………………….

22. If you want my advice, don’t carry too much cash around

If I …………………………………............................................………………………….

23. It’s a good idea to get a map at the tourist board

I suggest …………………………………...........................................………………….

24. When you go through customs, the customs officer will check your bags

When you go through customs, you’ll ……………………… by the customs officer

25. Booking your hotel in advance is advisable

I advise ……………………………………………………………………………..………………

26. Inmigration won’t allow you to enter the country without a visa

Inmigration won’t let ……………………………………………………………………………

27. You must plan a long trip carefully

Long trips ……………………………………………………………………………………………

28. You must exercise a dog once a day

You must exercise a dog ……………………………………………………………………….

A dog ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

29. She won’t study unless you tell her so

If you ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

30. This exercise is too easy for me to do

…………………………….………….. difficult ………………………….………………………..

31. It was such a bad weather that we all stayed in

The weather …………………………………………………………..……………………………

32. They hurried so as not to miss the train

They hurried ………………………………………………………………………..………………

33. She came to work in spite of having cold

………………………………………… despite …………………………………………..……….

34. She attended the meeting in spite of her illness

Although …………………………………………….………………………………………………

35. They managed to arrive on time, despite the heavy snowstorm

Even though …………………………………………………………………………..…………..

36. She’s a managing director although she’s only 25

Despite the fact …………………………………………………………………………………..

37. Although he has been told to stop, he still smokes

In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………….

38. In spite of losing thirty kilos, she’s still overweight

Although …………………………………………………………………………………….……..

39. The suitcase was so heavy that she couldn’t carry it.

It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

40. She’s such a good teacher that all her students like her

She ………………………………………………………………………….……………………….

41. As it’s your birthday, I’ll let you borrow my best suit.

I’ll let you borrow my best suit ……………………………………………………………

42. Perhaps she moved to Rome

She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

43. Perhaps she will move to Rome

She …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

44. It’s forbidden to smoke in hospitals

You …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

45. Shall we go for a walk?

We ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

46. It wasn’t necessary for you to finish it today

You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

47. It isn’t necessary for you to finish it today

You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

48. Would you mind if I use your phone?

…………………………… I use your phone?

49. It wasn’t a good idea to eat your lunch

You …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

50. I advise you to drive more slowly

You …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

51. If only I had studied harder

I .................................................................................................................

52. I remember quite well the day on which we first met

I remember quite well the day ....................................................................

53. I remember quite well the place in which we first met

I remember quite well the place ..................................................................

54. “It’s about time you cut your hair”, said his mother

“Your hair needs...........................................................................................

55.”I’d rather you didn’t talk while I’m talking”, said the teacher

“Do you mind ...............................................................................................

56. They had never eaten such sandwiches before

It was ........................................................................................................

57. I haven’t been to the theatre for years

It’s years ....................................................................................................

58. Meggie’s brothers forced her to give them her doll

Meggie’s brothers made .............................................................................

59. I think you ought to keep your clothes clean.

You’d ..........................................................................................................

60. They let her go to town because she had been a good girl

She was allowed .........................................................................................

61. I’ve never been interviewed before so I feel a little nervous

I am not used ..............................................................................................

I feel a little nervous ...................................................................................

62. I have no problem driving on the left because I grew up in Britain

I am used ....................................................................................................

63. In spite of the cold weather, the children went out to play

Although .....................................................................................................

64. When I was younger I would sit for hours looking at the stars

When I was younger I .................................................................................

65. It is quite a big car. I think it will suit our family nicely

The car is big ................................................................................................

66. The Mercedes is too expensive. We can’t buy

The Mercedes is too ......................................................................................

67. They thought the game was appealing to adults only

The game ......................................................................................................

68. They are playing the game in Atlantic City

The game ......................................................................................................

69. I wish you wouldn’t keep making that noise with your mouth

I’d rather .......................................................................................................

70. I think I would like to go to Spain, not France

I would prefer ................................................................................................

71. I read the murder mystery, then I saw the film

After ...............................................................................................................

72. I just don’t believe for one minute that you painted that picture!

You can’t ........................................................................................................

Someone else must ........................................................................................

73. It is very likely that this was done by a professional artist

This ................................................................................................................

74. Mary isn’ as tall as Jane

Mary is ...........................................................................................................

75.If he doesn’t work, he won’t earn any money

Unless he ........................................................................................................

76.I can’t buy the car. It’s very expensive

The car ............................................................................................................

77.The maths problem was very difficult. We couldn’t understand it

The maths problem ..........................................................................................

78.Spanish is spoken in Bolivia.

They ................................................................................................................

79.I forgot my money. I borrowed five pounds from John.

I borrowed five pounds from John because I ....................................................

80.I borrowed a five pound note from him.

He .....................................................................................................................

Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Levels

81.The only person he didn’t invite was Sarah

He........... except.......................................................................................Sarah

82.I have packed everything except my camera

The .......... only...................................................................packed is my camera

83.He sat alone waiting for his name to be called

He ........... by ...............................................................for his name to be called

84.We haven’t got any information about her travel arrangements

We........... no ................................................................her travel arrangements

85.I invited Fiona to my party; I invited her husband too.

I invited ............... both my party

86.Nothing can make up for the loss of so many human lives

There is ............... not .................. make up for the loss of so many human lives

87.You can go anywhere except the chairman’s office

The ..................... place ..............................................go is the chairman’s office

88.They say we’ve got plenty of time to spare before the show begins

They ........................................... to spare before the show begins

89.There were several filmstars at the premier of “Dangerous Liaisons”

There ................ few ............................... at the premier of “Dangerous Liaisons”

90.I have got little time to spare

I ........................ not .............................................................................. to spare

91.He said,”Emma is against my resigning and so is John”

He said that ............nor favour of his resigning

92.You’ll have to walk a mile to get to the sattion from here

It’s the station

93.The class was so noisy that nobody could hear him at the back of the room

The class was so noisy that he ...............make ................. at the back of the room

94.He is going on holiday for a month at the end of the year

He is going ......................a.................................................. at the end of the year

95. He told me to leave whenever I felt like it

He told me ................... time .................................................................. felt like it

96.He believes that reckless drivers should be heavily fined

He believes that ..............who............................................. should be heavily fined

97.I don’t mind being alone at weekends

I don’t mind weekends

98.He used another person’s car to go to work this morning

He used work this morning

99.There wasn’t much we could do to help them

There help them

100.He has given us so much encouragement

He has given encouragement

101.Let’s go to some other place to do our shopping

Let’s go ..............................else............................................................ our shopping

102.He said that I could do whatever I wanted as long as it was legal

He said that I .................anything........................................... as long as it was legal

103.It was proved that the three girls had nothing to do with the missing items

It was proved that ................of................ had anything to do with the missing items

104.It is true that John doesn’t appreciate good music and nor does Julia

It is true that................ appreciates........................................................ good music

105.He said that John was coming to his party and so was Lisa

He said that.................only............................................Lisa was coming to his party

106.I can’t make people understand me when I speak German

I ............................myself....................................................... when I speak German

107.I hope you have fun at the party

I hope the party

108. She remembered the man's name after he'd walked away.

Only after he'd walked ............................ remember............................. the man's name.

109. They had no idea it was a classical concert.

Little ..................... know........................................................ it was a classical concert.

110. There's no way I can come to the meeting on Friday.

In no way .................... can .................................................... to the meeting on Friday.

111. They could only keep the children quiet by giving them sweets.

Only ................................ by.............................................. they keep the children quiet.

112. She's a talented dancer and a good singer as well.

Not ............................. only..................................... dancer but she's also a good singer.

113. Don't show these figures to anyone on any account.

On no account ....................... should........................................................... to anyone.

114. If I had realised how unhappy she was, I wouldn't have been so abrupt.

Had ............................ realised............................... was, I wouldn't have been so abrupt.

115. I haven't seen better sen/ice anywhere.

Nowhere ................................ else.......................................................... better service.

116. You must not open this door under any circumstances.

Under ........................... no .......................................................................... this door.

117.He'd never seen such a professional performance before.

Never ........................... before .................................... such a professional performance.

118. As soon as he had eaten, he jumped up and began to dance.

No ...................................... sooner........................... he jumped up and began to dance.

119. She wasn't pretty; she didn't have a nice personality either.

She wasn't pretty ......................... nor.............................................. a nice personality.

120. You will finish this work if you start now.

Only if you ................................. will ........................................................... this work.

121. The papers blew away.

Away ........................ blew............................................................................ papers!

122. They didn't see the sign until it was too late.

Not until it was ......................... did ................................................................the sign.

123. It was only after he'd left the house that he realised he'd forgotten his key.

Oniy after he'd left the house ............... did........................................... forgotten his key.

124. If I were you, l'd just ignore her cruel remarks.

Were ..................................... you.......................................... ignore her cruel remarks.

125. They didn't arrive on time; they didn't apologise either.

They didn't arrive on time; ................... nor.................................................... apologise.

126. He laughed so much that tears rolled down his cheeks,

So much ......................... laugh......................................... tears rolled down his cheeks.

127. I won't lend Joe money on any account.

On.................... account........................................................... Joe money.

128. I lost my handbag and my keys too.

Not ....................... only............................................... handbag but I also lost my keys .

129. Uncle John doesn't visit us often.

Rarely ....................... does................................................................................... us.

130. As soon as she took out insurance, her house mysteriously burnt down.

No ..................... sooner.................... insurance than her house mysteriously burnt down.

131. Stanley was so happy that he threw his hat in the air.

Such ............................. happiness ............................... that he threw his hat in the air.

132. It was the first time I had visited London.

Never ............................ before...................................................................... London.

133. Had he apologised, l'd have forgiven him.

l'd have forgiven ................... if.................................................................. apologised.

134. She wasn't old enough, or experienced enough to get the job.

Neither .................... nor ........................................... experienced enough to get the job

135. Bill had no idea that the car was stolen.

Little ........................ know...................................................... that the car was stolen.

136. You should never lend Tony your car.

Under ............................. circumstances......................................... lend Tony your car.

137. t've never seen Chris pay for a drink.

On ................................ occasion................................................. Chris pay for a drink

138. She won't do it unless you make her.

Only if................................... will.................................................................. do it.

139. He had to break the window to get into his car.

Only by ................................ could..................................................... get into his car.


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