King of Love Skit #1

King of Love Skit #1


- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Whats up everybody!

Joe- Hey What’s going on?

KOL- Nothing much! It is great to be here in Crosstown today.

Joe- (name of person in costume) What are you doing.

KOL- Well I don’t want you to call me by that name anymore. I am now “The KING of Love”

Joe- What do you mean?

KOL- Well I have been reading 1 Corinthians 13 and I think I am the KING of doing all the things that God wants us to do to show love.

Joe- that’s great, but how long have you been working at this?

KOL- about 3 ½ hours. I am the KING

Joe- Don’t you need to work at this a bit longer to be the KING of love?

KOL- No I’m good, I think I got it all down.

Joe- Well I’m not gonna call you the king of love just yet. You need to show me a bit more before I call you the king.

KOL- (in a whiney voice) but I want to be the king of love now. I bought this costume and everything!

Joe- Well you know what 1 Corinthians 13 says. Right?

KOL- of course I do!

Joe- Well what does it say?

KOL- (kinda confused) It says that we should love and have love and stuff like that

Joe- We will take this one step at a time- First it says Love is Patient. God wants us to be patient, and right now you are not being patient. I think you are gonna have to be patient fro me to call you the King of Love.

KOL- Ok, I think I can do that. So after I do that can I be the king of love next week.

Joe- We will have to WAIT and see. Let’s all say goodbye to (name of person in costume)

(What is Love Music)

King of Love Skit #2


- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Hello everybody, I have patiently waited for a whole week and now I am ready to be the KING of Love.

Joe- Well I am impressed, You did a good job being patient for this, but I don;t know if you are quite there yet.

KOL- ok, well I can wait patiently (sits on stage and whistles to pass the time)

Joe- Are you just going to sit there?

KOL- no, actually I am going to eat this lollypop

Joe- You can’t just eat that in front of all the kids. They will want one too!

KOL- THAT is not MY problem!

Joe- You just don’t get it yet do you?

KOL- (while eating the lollypop) get what?

Joe- Did you read any of 1 Corinthians 13 this week?

KOL- No, but I was patiently waiting for you to call me the KING of Love.

Joe- Well I don’t think you are ready for that yet.

KOL- Thats ok, I’ll just wait

Joe- You have to do more than just wait. There is more too it.

KOL- THERE IS MORE!!!!!! What do you mean?

Joe- the next part of the verse says Love is kind. Right now you are eating a lollypop infront of all the kids, that is not very kind. If you don’t have enough to share you should not eat it.

KOL- Do you want a bite?

Joe- No thank you, but you will have to do more than that to be the KING of love. Why don’t you go home and actually read 1 Corinthians 13?

KOL- OK, I’ll give that a try- See you all next week!

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #3

Love Does Not Envy

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Pastor Joe! Guess what?

Joe- What is it?

KOL- I brought you a gift, because I wanted to be kind. (hands Joe some candy)

Joe- Thank you that is very kind of you.

KOL- So what do you think? Am I the king?

Joe- I think we still may need to wait a bit.

KOL- thats ok. So what were you all doing?

Joe- I was about to tell the kids about the secret word prize today we have ??????

KOL- Well thats not fair! I never get to win a prize like that? Why don;t you give prizes to the small group leaders?

Joe- Well we want to give the prizes to the kids, We do have Crosstown for the kids you know!

KOL- yea, but it does not seem fair.

Joe- Did you read 1 corinthains 13 from last week?

KOL- I started to. It says Love is patient, and Love is kind. After I read that I went to the store to get that candy for you

Joe- I think the next part is important. It says it does not envy. You should not be jealous of other people stuff. Just like the prize we are giving away for the secret work.

KOL- I think I get it. I guess I have some reading to d o this week. Will you give me another chance?

Joe- Sure, you can try again next week.

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #4

Love Does Not Boast is not Proud

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Pastor Joe, I think I did it!

Joe- What exactly did you do?

KOL- I have waited patiently for 3 weeks, I shared my candy with you last week to show how kind I am, and I have gotten over my envy of the secret word prize. I am the KING of Love!

Joe- are you sure about that?

KOL- Oh definitely. I got it all right. I am the kids. I’m the best. Nobody knows love like me!

Joe- Did you do any more reading?

KOL- Oh yea! Love is patient, kind and it does not envy! I got it all!

Joe- you know there is more. Right?

KOL- MORE??!!!

Joe- yea, the next part is “It does not boast and is not proud.”


Joe- Well God wants us to be humble. WE should not brag about how good we are. That is boasting and we should not compare ourselves to others because that can make us proud.

KOL- WOW, I messed up this time!

Joe- Its ok, God wants us to always work at things until we get good at them. This is just something that you have to work on.

KOL- Ok, well I will go home and do better the next time.

Joe- ok, we will see you next week.

What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #5

Love is not rude

- What is Love Theme Music

Joe- How is it going?

KOL- not so good! I think I’m just going to give up.

Joe- what do you mean you were doing pretty good.

KOL- well I will never be the king of Love. I keep messing up.

Joe- Well God still wants you to try to love others. You just have to keep working at it. You made so much progress.

KOL- You are right I was doing pretty good. And the more I think about it, I am doing way better than you!

Joe- What do you mean?

KOL- Well you are not good at all at loving people. I think you are terrible!

Joe- Why are you saying that?

KOL- well compared to me, you just aren’t good!

Joe- I’m not even going to ask if you read any of 1 Corinthians 13, let me just tell you the next part. It says Love is not rude. Right now you are being very rude. You should nor say negative things like that about me or anybody else. That is not showing love.

KOL- I’m sorry. Maybe I should give up.

Joe- No don’t give up, just keep working on it. And make sure you read some of 1 Corinthians 13 this week.

KOL- ok

What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #6

Love is not self seeking

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- (carrying a bag of candy) Pastor Joe, I think I got it this time!

Joe- Thats great! What do you have in your hand?

KOL- I brought candy for you to give away to the kids after Crosstown

Joe- that is very kind of you and it shows that you have LOVE. Great job.

KOL- Actually I picked out all the rootbeer flavored lollypops. They are my favorite. There were 15 of them and the bag had 150 lollypops. I paid $10 for the bag, so if my math is correct, You own me $8 for these?

Joe- What are you talking about?

KOL- Oh what, was that wrong? Let me think. Oh yea, its $9. Thanks!

Joe- That is not love!

KOL- What do you mean!

Joe- the nest part of 1 Corinthians 13 says that Love is not self seeking. You only bought those lolly pops so you could get the ones you liked and then you want me to pay for the rest? That was not kind at all. It was selfish!

KOL- I messed up again didn;t I?

Joe- I think you did. Do me a favor and make sure you read the next part of 1 Corinthians 13 this week

KOL- Ok. I can do it. I promise!

What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #7

Love is not easily angered/ keeps no record of wrong

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- I brought candy for you to give away to the kids after Crosstown

Joe- that is very kind of you and it shows that you have LOVE.

KOL- I picked out the rootbeer flavored ones again, and you owe me $9 again

Joe- (getting angry) didn;t we just talk about this last week! That is selfish! When are you going to GET IT? You messed this up last week and now you are doing it again?

KOL- Well actually I read some of 1 Corinthians 13 and it tells us that Love is not easily angered, and it does not keep a record of wrong. You seem to have gotten very angry with me, and you seem to be keeping a record of the times I messed up.

Joe- What?

KOL- Aren’t you missing the point a little bit

Joe- stumbling over his words) Well I was just... um.... what I meant was....

KOL- I guess I did not learn my lesson from last week, but atleast I read some more of 1 Corinthians 13.

Joe- You are right. I think we both have some things to work on. Neither of us are the KING of love.

KOL- but we are both learning and getting better and that is what God wants us to do. Right?

Joe- exactly. I think you are getting much closer.

KOL- Am I the KING of love yet?

Joe- not yet, but you are on the right track.

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #8

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- (holding a bunch of candy) Whats up Crosstown!

Joe- please don’t tell me you bought that for Crosstown and you want me to pay for it.

KOL- No, that would be selfish of me.

Joe- so what’s with all the candy?

KOL- I got it from a friend.

Joe- Ok, why did he give it to you?

KOL- ok, I’ll tell you but you gotta keep it quiet.

Joe- I’m listening

KOL- Well last week after Crosstonw, you know how we are all allowed to take one piece of candy, well he took the whole box and gave me half.

Joe- He stole the candy and you are eating it.

KOL- what’s wrong, its not like I did anything wrong. He is the one who took it.

Joe- Let me tell you the next part of 1 Corinthians 13: Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. Even if you did not take the candy you know it was wrong, and you are “delighting in evil.” God wants us to stand up for what is right, not benefit from the bad things that others do.

KOL- Oh Man!

Joe- So you see what I mean?

KOL- I think, does that mean that I have to give the candy back?

Joe- what do you think.

KOL- I think it would be the right thing to do. If I do that can I be the King of Love?

Joe- don’t push it. Work on it and come back next week.

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #9

Love always protects

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Whats up Crosstonw!

Joe- Hey are you ready to try again to be the KING of Love?

KOL- I sure am, but before we talk about that, can I get someone to help me?

Joe- sure

KOL- (asking one small group leader) can you get 8 chairs for me and bring them up front? Make sure you get them all at once!

(they try to do it, but are struggling)

Joe- Are you going to let them get those all by themself?

KOL- yep

Joe- they could get hurt carrying all those chairs!

KOL- that is a risk I am willing to take.

Joe- Hold on, put the chairs down. The next part of 1 Corinthians 13 says Love always protects. If you want top show love to (name of person helping) you should protect them by helping them to carry the chairs, they could get hurt.

KOL- OOOOHHHH! Well let me help with them now. What did e need those chairs for?

Joe- I don;t know you asked for them. Why don;t you just put them back where you found them.

KOL- good idea!

Joe- after you do that go change out of that costume, we will have out groups coming up soon.

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #10

Love always trusts/hopes

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- Whats up Crosstown!

Joe- Hey how are you!

KOL- I’m pretty good, but I have a question.

Joe- What’s that?

KOL- well I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 and I am not sure what it means when it says that love always trusts and hopes

Joe- well have you every been around someone who was always negative and they always find the bad in people?

KOL- Oh yea, I can;t stand that.

Joe- well God wants us to be positive, he wants us to trust people and find the good in them. Sometimes it is very hard.

KOL- yea, it sounds hard

Joe- Lets try something, I want you to show a few people that you trust them.

KOL- ok, what are we gonna do, I can do it!

Joe- I want you to stand on the stage and fall backwards and trust the small group leaders to catch you. (give instructions)

KOL- No way, that is crazy! I can’t do it.

Joe- Just trust us. Go on the stage and wait til we tell you to fall and then Hope for the best!

KOL- what do you mean? Hope for the best.

Joe- Don;t worry, just trust us.

KOL- Ok- (does teh rtust fall and is pumped)

Joe- I think you are getting close, maybe one more week and you may be the KING. Go home and read.

- What is Love Theme Music

King of Love Skit #11

Love always perseveres

- What is Love Theme Music

KOL- I think I’m ready. This week I am going to be the KING of Love

Joe- I do have to admit that you have come a long way.

KOL- I think I have finally learned the last part of LOVE. It is perseverance. Never giving up. If I have done anything right over the last couple week it is that.

Joe- You are right, You have not given up. You have showed great perseverance. I think it is time. You are officially in my book the KING of Love.

KOL- Celebration dance.

Joe- Great Job, You really have been a big help in teaching the kids about LOVE.

Why don’t we give him a huge round of applause!

And for one last time lets say goodbye to the King of Love!


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