Chapter summaries pdf


Chapter summaries pdf

Fresh from the world of organized parties that we saw in Chapter 3, now we dive headlong into the world of organized crime. In The Great Gatsby Chapter 4, our narrator Nick gets a short private audience with one of New York's prime gangsters - Meyer Wolfshiem, Gatsby's business partner. But, just as Chapter 4 exposes the seamy side of getting rich fast East Coast life, we also learn the origin story of Gatsby's love for Daisy. So basically: come to The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 for human teeth-like jewelry, stay on the thwarted romance. A quick note to our quotes is our citation format in this guide (chapter.paragraph). We use this system because there are many editions of Gatsby, so the use of page numbers will only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quote that we quote through a chapter and a paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (paragraph 1-50: the beginning of the chapter; 50-100: mid chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search feature if you use an online or eReader version of the text. The Great Gatsby: Chapter 4 Summary Sunday Morning, People Return to Gatsby. There are new rumors that Gatsby is a bootlegger and that he is the nephew of the German general von Hindenburg (a successful warlord in the war). Nick makes a list of people who came to Gatsby parties this summer. There are Oriental Egg names that sound very WASPy, Western Egg names that are clearly more ethnic-sounding (with distinctly German, Polish, Irish and Jewish names featured), and a bunch of theatrical names that connect back to the idea of Gatsby as a theatre producer. One morning in July, Gatsby picks up Nick in his beautiful car and takes him to Manhattan for lunch. They have nothing to talk about, but suddenly Gatsby tells Nick to ignore all the rumors about him - he will tell him about the real deal. According to Gatsby, he was born into a wealthy Midwestern family, his parents are dead, and he was educated at Oxford by family tradition. Nick immediately thinks Gatsby is lying. Gatsby continues his story: he bummed across Europe depression before the war and then fought brave enough to get medals from all allied governments. Gatsby shows Nick a real medal written to him and a photograph from his Oxford days. Nick is convinced. Apparently this crazy, too good to be true story is really true. Gatsby tells Nick that this information is a kind of payment for the service, which he will ask for later - mysteriously, Nick learns what is a favor from Jordan. Let's go to Manhattan, Nick sees Mr. Wilson at his gas station. Gatsby is speeding, but when a police officer tries to pull him out, he shows the policeman a white card and the policeman politely and apologizing to wave them. Gatsby claims it was because the police commissioner owes him a solid one. Nick revels in all the quality goes as they pass by the funeral procession and a car with black and white passengers. Even Gatsby won't stand out. Over lunch, Gatsby introduces Nick to Meyer Wolfshim, who is described as offensive anti-Semitic terms. Nick ridicules his speech model, his appearance and his manners, which, in his opinion, are just as closely related to the fact that Wolf is Jewish, and he is a gangster. Wolfshim recalls another restaurant where he witnessed a gangland execution (and was clearly an active participant in gang activity). Nick remembers the incident, and that the shooters were killed by an electric chair. Suddenly it turns out that Wolfsheim thinks that Gatsby presented Nick as a potential business prospect, but Gatsby clarifies that Nick is just a friend. Gatsby apologises for not telling Nick what the service would be and then leaving to make a phone call, leaving Nick and Wolfshim together. Wolff talks to Gatsby with Nick, confirming that he is an Oxford. Wolfsheim then points out that his own cufflinks are made of human molars, and out of nowhere says that Gatsby would never hit on a friend's wife. When Gatsby returns, Wolfshim takes off. Nick wonders what he does for life, and Gatsby tells him that Wolfshiem is a player - and the man who established the 1919 World Series (what is now also known as the Chicago Black Sox Scandal). Nick is amazed at the thought that one person could do such a huge thing. Nick sees Tom in the restaurant, and they come up to say hello. Gatsby becomes extremely uncomfortable and disappears. Later in the day, Jordan tells Nick the following story: In 1917, when she was 16, Jordan became friends with Daisy in Louisville. Daisy was 18, super popular, with a white car, white clothes, and tons of boys asking her. On the day Daisy decided to single out Jordan as a new friend, Daisy had a romantic day out with Jay Gatsby. A few years later, Jordan heard the story that Daisy was trying to run away from home to say goodbye to a soldier after going abroad. Six months later, Daisy married Tom Buchanan at her biggest wedding. Tom Daisy's wedding gift was a pearl necklace worth $350,000 (more than five million dollars in today's money). Jordan was one of Daisy's bridesmaids. The night before the wedding, she discovered that Daisy was completely wasted holding a letter. Daisy cried drunk and begged Jordan to take off the wedding. She then crumpled the letter in the bathroom. But the next day, none of this was mentioned and the wedding went well. After her honeymoon, Daisy seemed to love Tom very much, but Tom was

already cheating on her. Daisy, meanwhile, has never had a case - at least no one knows. Jordan ends his story by saying that when Nick came to dinner with Daisy and Tom the first time Daisy heard Gatsby's name in all these years - and she realized he was the same Gatsby she knew in Louisville. Nick is amazed by the coincidence. Jordan replies that it is not a coincidence - Gatsby specifically bought a house across the bay. Gatsby will Nick invite Daisy for one day and then let Gatsby come as well, accidentally meeting Daisy there. Nick floored the madness of this level of planning. Jordan thinks Gatsby expected Daisy to come to one of his parties, and when that didn't happen, he came up with this new plan. Nick and Jordan are all over the place. I, for one, would like to see a timetable for the flow of Gatsby's carefully time-consuming planning process. Its wheels in wheels are at the level of the Count of Monte Cristo! Key chapter 4 quotes I'm going to make a big request from you today, he said, pocketing his souvenirs with satisfaction, so I thought you should know something about me. I didn't want you to think I was just someone. You see, I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there, trying to forget the sad thing that happened to me. (4.43) The more Gatsby seems to uncover about himself, the more he deepens the mystery - it's amazing as a cliche and yet, as intriguingly sad the thing he mentions right away. It's also interesting that Gatsby uses his origin story as a bargain - he doesn't share his past with Nick to form a connection, but as a prepaid service. At the same time, there is a lot of humor in this scene. Imagine anytime you told someone something about yourself, then you had to pop out some physical object to prove it was true! The dead man walked past us in a hearse, covered in flowers, and then two carriages with painted blinds and more cheerful carriages for friends. Friends looked at us with tragic eyes and short upper lips of south-eastern Europe, and I was glad that the sight of the magnificent Gatsby car was included in their gloomy celebration. As we crossed Blackwell Island the limousine passed us, driven by a white chauffeur, sat three fashionable blacks, two bucks and a girl. I laughed aloud as the yolks of their eyeballs rolled towards us in a haughty rivalry. Anything can happen now that we're gliding across this bridge, I thought; anything at all... Even Gatsby can happen, without any particular surprise. (4.56-58) In a novel so preoccupied with fitting in, with growth across social ranks, and with the right origins, it's always interesting to see where those who fall outside of this rating system are mentioned. Just he has previously described the love anonymity of Manhattan, here Nick finds himself enjoying a similarly melting pot of quality as he sees a fuzzy ethnic funeral procession (southeastern Europe most likely means that people are Greek) and a car with black and white people in it. Instead, Nick can see that in the black community there are also social rows and distinctions - he distinguishes between how five black men in a car are dressed, and notes that they feel ready to challenge him and Gatsby in some With a car manner. Do they want Compare clothes? It's unclear, but it adds to the sense of possibility that a trip to Manhattan always represents in the book. Myer Wolfshim? No, he's a player. Gatsby hesitated and then added coolly: He's the man who established the World's Series back in 1919. Fixed World Series? I did it again. The idea struck me. I remembered, of course, that the World Series was fixed in 1919, but if I had thought of it at all I would have thought of it as a thing that just happened, at the end of some inevitable chain. I never thought that one person could start playing with the faith of fifty million people - with the determination of a robber blowing a safe. How did he do it? I asked in a minute. He just saw an opportunity. Why isn't he in prison? They can't get it, old sport. He's a smart man. (4.113-119) Nick's amazement at the idea of one person standing behind a huge event, as the Fixed World Series says. First, the mighty gangster-as-prototype-pulling-sam-up-on-his-bootstraps, a self-starting man who the American dream holds as a model of achievement, mocks this individualistic ideal. It also connects Gatsby with the world of crime, fraud and behind-the-scenes techniques needed to effect huge changes. In a smaller, less criminal way, watching Wolfshiem maneuver is clearly rubbed on Gatsby and his confusing large-scale scheme to get Daisy's attention by buying a huge mansion nearby. Suddenly I wasn't thinking about Daisy and Gatsby anymore, but about this clean, tough, limited man who was dealing with universal scepticism and who leaned back. The phrase began to beat in the ears with some head excitement: there are only haunted, haunting, busy and tired. (4.164) Nick thinks about Jordan while they kiss. Two things to ponder: which one does he think he is: persecuted or pursuing? Busy or tired? Perhaps we are meant to fit these adjectives to the two people involved in the main love story, in which case Gatsby is both busy and busy, while Daisy is being chased and tired. If Tom, Daisy and Gatsby are locked in a romantic triangle (or square, if we turn on Myrtle), then Jordan and Nick are vying for the position of narrator. Nick presents himself as an objective, unbiased observer - a confidant of all he meets. So what's interesting is that here we get his look at Jordan's narrative style - universal skepticism - right after she gets to take over telling the story for a huge piece of chapter. Which approach is better, we are asked, overly trusting or jaded and unbeliever? Can we more believe Jordan when she says something positive about someone, since she is so quick to find fault? For example, it seems important that she be the one who said that Daisy had no business, not Nick. Ladies and Gentlemen, 1919 The Black Sox. Not the best hour of Major League Baseball. The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Analysis How does the text of this chapter refer to the main themes of the novel? Let's investigate. Comprehensive themes of society and class. The list of Eastern and Western egg titles clearly ties into volumes previously fixing on a book about the white race, being in danger of being overwhelmed by other races. Here we see that people who until recently were newcomers to America are now getting rich enough to fill the Western Egg - and it is because of this seeming encroachment that old-money society is circling its wagons ever more. Interestingly, the Gatsby mansion is a kind of demilitarized zone where these two groups of people collide with each other. The American Dream. Gatsby's attempt to sell Nick on the origin story of himself as the offspring of a wealthy family again points to his desire for self-invention and self-mythology. It also shows that he doesn't want to present himself as an American dream success story, but instead as an old piece of money top bark. Morality and ethics. The introduction of Meyer Wolfshiem focuses our attention on the criminal enterprise that permeated the roaring 20s during the ban. Meyer's active and powerful influence on the world around him - his ability to fix the 1919 World Series alone - contrasts with the other two rich people we have met so far. Gatsby clearly admires Meyer's abilities with something, and pursues his desire with a big and bold game. Tom, meanwhile, is powerful only in a physically intimidating way, but has neither vision nor follow-up for any major accomplishments. Love, desire and relationships. Tom and Daisy's marriage becomes increasingly complicated when we see that Daisy had some kind of romantic relationship with Gatsby beforehand, that she had extreme cold feet before going through the wedding, and that Tom started to have affairs as soon as their honeymoon was over. This gives context to some of Daisy's earlier desperation and of course Tom's paint in an even worse light. Unreliable storyteller. Finally, we get a chance to see what a different kind of narrator will do with this story when Jordan takes on story responsibilities for a while. She's judgmentive, quick to mock her subjects, but the story she tells is psychologically cohesive and doesn't contradict what we now know about the characters. We were left wondering whether the narrator who puts all his preconceptions forward is better than someone who pretends to be completely objective as Nick. Tom's MO is to buy love - he appeases Daisy's cold feet with pearls, and later finds Myrtle's moral remorse much cheaper to overcome. The decisive character Beats Gatsby tells Nick the story of origin: he is the son of the rich now dead inhabitants of the Midwest, he went to Oxford, and then he bravely fought in the First World War. just that, but he has a medal and a picture to prove it! Gatsby introduces Nick to Meyer Wolfshim. He's clearly with the Jewish mafia. (Actually, it's based on real-life gangster Arnold Rothstein.) He is depicted with every horrible anti-Semitic stereotype - everything from his appearance to what he says is a racist caricature. Jordan fills Nick at Daisy and Tom's wedding. Daisy had a romantic relationship with Jay Gatsby before, but ended up marrying Tom after a night of hysterically crying about wanting to take it off. A few months after the wedding, Tom was already cheating on her. Jordan also tells Nick that Gatsby specifically bought the house across the bay from Tom and Daisy. He wants Nick to invite Daisy so that Gatsby can come in by accident. What's next? Get comfortable with the memories and flashforwards of storytelling by checking the chronological timeline of exactly what happens when in history. Compare the backstory of Gatsby and Daisy with Fitzgerald's youthful novel to see how the authors extract their own experiences to build a richer fictional world. Go to the summary of Chapter 5 or go back to the summary of Chapter 3. Want to build the best college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admission is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class reception consultants with our data-driven reception strategies. 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