This is not Narcotics Anonymous this is Survival

I get it, you're in a hyperfocus state right now. Maybe you¡¯re a new user scared of what¡¯s to come,

maybe you're already a pro but want to improve yourself visually, or maybe you're already in the

gutter and lost. No matter the case you chose to open this book and read it. Now just remember

this book is not to preach to you, or tell you to get clean. We all know that us addict will choose to

get clean when we¡¯re officially ready and willing to do it. This book is also not going to tell you

how bad using drugs is cause we know and we hear it everyday. No this book is purely made to

help you survive your addiction journey. Every harm reduction site out there is always preaching

to us about how bad meth is, how we need to get help, and how it¡¯s destroying us. While that may

be the case for some it¡¯s not always true. Millions of people use meth and have have stopped

easily while millions more have continued to use and did just fine or struggled. Whatever the

case may be everyone that used just needed something to help them use safely. Now understand

this everything in this book is from personal experience, as well as experience from others that

truly allowed them to live a normal day to day life. Also understand that you¡¯re not ¡°messed up¡±

or a ¡°failure¡± you¡¯re a human being needing the guidance, it¡¯s up to you to get sober, again this IS

NOT a get sober book. This is your safe space, this is your guide.

To the sober critique

This book was made to help those that need guidance for SURVIVAL. We all come from different

walks of life. Meth addicts will get help when we¡¯re ready. Yes we¡¯ve heard it all before ¡°Meth is

bad¡±, ¡°it destroys families¡±, ¡°meth users are nasty¡± blah blah blah. The constant stigma against

addicts doesn¡¯t help us get clean.

How do we survive until we¡¯re ready? Until there¡¯s proper healthcare in the US, this includes

mental health, this book will be out there for everyone who needs guidance to survive. As an

addict I relate and know what¡¯s going on from living it, Unlike the doctors, lawyers, police, and

the average non users. So judge this book, hate it, do and say everything you need to say to delete

it but it will not stop the ones needing it from READING IT AND USING IT! Survival is key on the

streets. There¡¯s no counseling here, no doctor links and no judgement. Just pure knowledge and

guidance from those who¡¯s lived it and still are living it.



You¡¯re high in public

Now what?

Ever feel sketched out being in a car with no tags or insurance? Or maybe you¡¯re meeting new

people in a area you don¡¯t know. Whatever the case may be, being ¡°sketched¡± out or ¡°paranoid¡±

isn¡¯t always a bad thing HOWEVER; you need to understand there¡¯s a time and place to have

those feelings. What does that mean? Well if it¡¯s during the day and you're at a grocery store or in

public doing normal stuff like shopping, remember you¡¯re not being watched! I get it though

you¡¯ve might have done something ¡°illegal¡± or bad but if it so bad then you would have been

caught by now. Not everyone looking at you is a cop. The more you make yourself paranoid the

more you then stand out from others and make yourself more noticeble. Stop freaking yourself

out. You¡¯re mind is running a million miles an hour and it¡¯s hard to not over think. So here¡¯s what

you need to do next time you feel like you¡¯re being watched.

Avoid talking to strangers in public

When you¡¯re shopping or whatever no one needs to know your business nor do they care. Simply

go in do your business and keep to yourself. The more you over think everything the more you¡¯re

going to act strange.

Note: For the long time users that experience meth psychosis, . This book is made so we don¡¯t

have to go through that. If you need help get it.

Bring a phone

Waiting in line, or waiting in general is one of the hardest thing for us users because time seems

to be rushing but everything seems slow. What I normally do is read on my phone, text, or watch

a video anything to look like all these other ¡°sober zombies¡± on their phones. When you do that it

keeps you zoned out in a way and makes things easier to overcome while waiting.

Long time users experience meth psychosis, I will be dead honest with you I don't have any

advice for that. This book is made so we don¡¯t have to go through that. If you need help get it but

again this is not a preachy book.

No late night hobbies

Now during the night when things are ¡°poppin¡± you should always be more aware of your

surroundings, less people out at 2 am, if you¡¯re up and about doing projects or whatever; you're

going to get noticed and it¡¯s in fact a dead giveaway. Which is why you need to set a schedule for

sleep which we will get to later on in the book.

Time Management

One of the best things we all should have is a timer, we can use that to easily time things that way

we¡¯re not going to fast or slow on a project. Have a meeting at work? Set a timer or alarm. Told

your plug you¡¯d meet them in a hour? Set a timer or alarm. Family event? Timer alarm, you get

the point. Having a alarm or timer is a great way to not get stuck on that bed or couch watching

porn for hours or scrolling through Reddit. It keeps you on tasks and makes you look like a

normal individual. While using time doesn't exist we need that alarm to remind us that it's time

to do something.

Your scene

So you have a group of people you chill with, how well do you know them? Stranger danger. One

key thing about partying with others is


Never take your eyes off your personal belongings


Don¡¯t trust anyone period, gotta keep to your own no matter how nice they¡¯re talking

remember it¡¯s just the high talking.


Avoid sharing your piece and needles


Never buy from anyone you don¡¯t know. And if you do know them how well are they

known by others? If they¡¯re well known by users they¡¯re well known by police and it can

lead to a bad situation if you¡¯re spotted leaving their place


Avoid going on adventures at 2am looking for dope or whatever, keep it during the day or

mornings if possible.


Avoid giving info of personal life


If you¡¯re restocking keep it short and simple have your money ready and have a set

location, don¡¯t wait or go looking that increases risks of suspicion.


Driving a car around? Clean that shit up, make sure you¡¯re car is registered and insured,

for the love of god use a freaking seatbelt and turn signal. And NEVER EVER EVER SMOKE



Avoid risky activities. Chill out, color, carpet surf, listen to music and talk. No need to steal

that catalytic converter, or burglarize someone¡¯s house right now.

10. Party with people you do know and trust. Avoid random.

Write your own tips here

Survival Tip#2

Hygiene and your skin

Go pee fool and hit that shower

Stop scratching and get to washing. No you don't have bugs in your skin. When was the last

time you showered? Remember to shower FULLY once a day. Then set that timer to take a GI

shower every 3-4 hours, this will help get that grime and oil off your skin and it will make you

feel so much better. When you sweat you smell like cat piss so wash your ass cause the sobers

know and it¡¯s a dead giveaway. Here¡¯s some products I use to keep my skin looking fresh and


Body lotion

Our skin dries out because of dehydration, to prevent that drink water and

get body lotion and use it at least 4-5 times a day.

Charcoal face wash

This stuff is a life saver! Charcoal helps naturally remove toxins from your pores.

It feels amazing every time I wash my face. Make sure to wash your

face 2-3

times a day if not more.

Charcoal face mask

When you learn to sleep or have a sleep schedule, 20 min before bed get a charcoal facemask. Let

it sit and dry on your face for 20 min and once you peel it off you¡¯ll notice immediate results. It

clears everything. Definitely a must have.


1 A day multivitamins help a lot, now make sure you eat or drink a shake, also take vitamin B12

and a Apple Cider vinegar Pill this will help keep your energy and motivation as well as clean

your system some.Just a daily dose of skin care can go a long way. Most important thing of all is

to shower daily.


It¡¯s now time for break. Ready for the challenge?

Throught this book there will be a break challenges, what this does is gets your eyes off the

screen and challenges you to do something little that will help you feel normal or make you feel


1st challenge

Get up and stretch

Go pee

And wash your hands and face.

Did you do that? Are you sure? Don¡¯t read any further till you do.

Challenge yourself

Welcome back. I¡¯m assuming you¡¯re still reading and didn¡¯t do the challenge, I understand it¡¯s

hard and that¡¯s ok, baby steps.

For those who did do it good job! Feel better now huh? Make sure to set that timer I told you

about earlier to do it again in a couple hours.

Completing little stuff like like that helps us feel a accomplished wich keeps us in a better state of



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