Business Systems & Technology

M/J Research 1Syllabus / ContractGoogle Applications is designed to introduce students to many of the applications that Google offers. The course builds on skills beyond the traditional introduction of computer concepts and incorporates technologies using emerging applications for productivity, creativity, collaboration, and third party addons. It will prepare students for learning and working in the 21st century through communication and collaboration tools. Real world student centered activities, projects, and collaborative works will strengthen students’ technology skills in the continually changing online Google community.Student expectations: Students are expected to participate in class activities and prepare all assignments in a businesslike manner. Students are to read and follow instructions, participate daily, and complete all assignments by working independently.The conduct, effort, attitude, and attendance of the student should reflect this training. Therefore, students should: Immediately prepare workstations and begin assignments; Read the assignments and instructions carefully; Work independently and conscientiously to complete all assignments in a timely manner; Study and prepare for all evaluations Save all class work in the individually assigned folder (individual passwords) on the network drive.Prerequisite: Keyboarding Applications or Google BasicsMandatory Supplies for Class 16gb USB / Flash Drive (required) minimum for this class. I am not responsible for your flash drive. You are not allowed to share your flash drive (I do not want to see any other student’s work on your flash drive). If you are caught sharing your work or cheating of any kind, it will be an automatic F for all the assignments and a detention and or a referral will be issued. In addition, you will also lose all privileges in my classroom and will be subject to additional work. $10 class fee Mandatory! Class fees not paid will be placed on student’s account. If you have Ms. Davila and have paid your lab fee to her, all you need is a written confirmation / receipt. You only pay your business lab fee once.Spiral Notebook (part of your weekly class grade), pen, pencil and color pencils. 4. Headphones - WILL only be used when viewing teacher led video posted on teachers’ website or when instructed on YouTube.CurriculumGmail Identify positive work practices (e.g., appropriate dress code for the workplace, personal grooming, punctuality, time management, organization). Demonstrate positive interpersonal skills (e.g., communication, respect, teamwork). Explain how email works. Sign up for a Google account. Change Google account settings. Read and send email messages. Send an email message with an attachment. Manage Gmail contacts. Manage messages. Google calendar Create online calendar. Create an event. Create repeating events. Set up event reminders. Invite others to events. Share calendar with others. Change calendar views.Google chrome/google search Navigate the Web with Google Chrome. Add and manage bookmarks and history. Use Google Chrome with Google Apps. Conduct a basic Google search. Analyze search results page. Filter search results using Google search tools. Refine search using Boolean operators. Search for reliable information on the Web. Evaluate search results by domain. Google docCreate a word processing document (business letter, report, and table). Apply formatting features (fonts, paragraph styles, alignment, bullets/numbering, and line spacing). Insert and move text and objects, e.g., images, links, footnotes, page numbers. Print a document. Google sheetCreate a spreadsheet. Enter text, dates, and numbers into rows and columns. Merge cells vertically and horizontally. Enter and edit formulas in a cell and/or use the formula bar. Format cells. Sort and manage data. Use basic functions (AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, MIN, and MAX). Google slideCreate a presentation. Insert and delete slides. Insert text, images, drawings, videos, tables, and shapes. Format presentation settings. Download a presentation. Collaborate on documents. Google sites Create and manage a Google site. Insert images, links, gadgets, and Googlespecific items. Embed items on Google site (e.g., maps, forms). Collaborate with others to manage sitesGoogle blogger Create a reflective learning journal. Post messages, photos, and videos. Share schoolwork. Google picasa Organize photos. Edit photos using basic fixes and special effects. Create a photo album. If time permits, students will be introduced to Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effect and or Adobe Illustrator. It will be an introductory class, covering the basic concepts of those programs. ? All scheduled topics are subject to change based on class needs and progress ?226695230505Lab RulesPractice work ethics at all timesNo food, drinks or gum allowed in the labKeep your hands on your own workstation (Keyboard, mouse, CPU, monitor, wires, etc.)CELL PHONE, PSP, IPOD etc. are not allowed in the classroom.00Lab RulesPractice work ethics at all timesNo food, drinks or gum allowed in the labKeep your hands on your own workstation (Keyboard, mouse, CPU, monitor, wires, etc.)CELL PHONE, PSP, IPOD etc. are not allowed in the classroom.Work Ethics I.Work attitudes and characteristicsa.Respect Respect is necessary everywhere and to everyone. If you respect yourself GUARANTEED others will respect you. We will be working together for 36 weeks; please be considerate and have common courtesy for all. b.Responsibility Responsibility is a big word with a huge task/duty. You are free to make choices, however, think first before you act/react. Ask yourself what are the consequences? What will I gain or lose? How will it affect others? Will it be worth my time and effort? II.Clean-up work stationWorkstation consists of a desk, chair & computer terminal (Keyboard, CPU, monitor and mouse), which must be kept in an orderly condition. Before exiting classroom, ensure that workstation is clean of any papers, binders &/or text books and chairs are pushed in. Grading Exams 35%Classroom Projects / Assignments 30%Quizzes 25%Class Notebook and participation 20%100 - 90%A 4 points89 - 80B 3 points79 - 70C 2 points69 - 60D 1 points59 - 0F0 pointsComputer PolicyCheck/inspect the equipment before and after use. Make certain all components (mouse, keyboard, etc.) are present and in proper working order. Communicate with instructor on any concerns regarding equipment.The computers are for school use only. Downloading/playing games and music are strictly PROHIBITED as well as, surfing the Internet, and chatting on-line. If you are caught surfing the internet without my express permission, it will result in an automatic detention or referral! You will also receive an F for the assignment posted at the time of the infraction!Consider this your one and only warning!CLASSROOM RULESI will RESPECT the opinions and views of the teacher and other students.I will not eat food or candy, chew gum, drink or groom myself in class.I will not bring a cell phone, PSP, iPod or any other electronic devise to class (if caught with any of these device’s, they will be confiscated, and your parents will have to pick them up at the administrative office.)I will be in my seat by the bell and prepared for class. After 3 un-excused tardies, parents will be contacted, and a detention will be issued. Continuous tardiness will result in a referral. Skipping my class is an automatic referral.BATHROOM – LATE or NOT WORKING, no bathroom, plain and simple. Each student will be allowed 2 bathroom passes per nine weeks. Once you exhausted your passes, oh well! Also, there will be no bathroom pass for the first 15 minutes of class or the last 15 minutes of class.If you miss an assignment because of you were absent, left early or in a sport / field trip, you have one day to make up the work, otherwise it is a Z. If you were absent on the day the assignment is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in the following class period. Do not ask me for a pass to go to another classroom, to see your coach or any other person, unless you have a written letter or pass from said teacher, coach or administration!And finally, YouTube and or other websites. Don’t try me, I’m only going to tell you once. If I see you on any website NOT part of classroom instructions without my permission, you will receive an F for said assignment and possible detention, referral or lose of privilege. CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING ANY PART OF CLASS CONTRACTVerbal WarningLoss of PrivilegesDetentionParent/Teacher ContactReferral to AdministrationIn some cases, an administrative referral may be given without previous parent contact!right97155Student Contact Sheet00Student Contact Sheet Period_________Name ________________________________________ Phone ______________Address __________________________________________________________Email ________________________________________ Mother’s Name _______________________________________________Place of Employment __________________________________________Work Phone ________________________ Other ____________________E-mail_______________________________________________________Father’s Name _______________________________________________Place of Employment __________________________________________Work Phone ________________________ Other ___________________ E-mail_________________________________________________Medical Concerns or Special Needs ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent(s), please read the class contract before signing, thank you.Signature____________________________________________________________________ ................

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