Task 1 Brainstorming (mobile phones)(Background/importance of phones/mobiles:) Everyone uses – all over the world – most common form of communication (your opinion:) partly agree (or) I agree, but I can see the other side (or)I disagree, but there are 2 sides) benefits dangersNon stop communicationEmergencyConnect to internetGood for businessBad relationshipsWaste timeAlways aloneDistracting for driversNoisy in publicCheating in schoolsPage 5-8Topic #1: Today, many students live in university accommodation (hotels). What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a university hostel?(Background/importance of phones/mobiles:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersSelf relianceStudy groupsLife skillsMiss familiesDistractingInfluence of bad girlsTopic #2: There are both benefits and dangers of working in groups in school(Background/importance:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersLearn from othersSkills for lifeNot equal workTeacher is not organizedTopic #3: There are both advantages and disadvantages of homework(Background/importance:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersIndependent learningGood for helping different levels of studentsStudent understands self betterPoor designTake away free timeTopic #4: There are both positive and negative aspects of early marriage(Background/importance:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersTopic #5: There are both advantages and disadvantages of watching TV for children(Background/importance:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersTopic #6: There are both advantages and disadvantages of Social Media programs like Facebook Instagram, etc.(Background/importance:) (your opinion:) benefits dangersMODEL ESSAY – pages 10-14IntroOur world has changed much since the days of our parents, and one of the biggest developments is the way in which we communicate with mobile phones. Many people agree that mobile phones are important in our life. However, some people believe that mobile phones are not always used in a good way. In my opinion, mobile phones have both pros and cons to their use. In this essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and give several examples.Body 1On one hand, there are many benefits to using mobile phones. The most important one is that they help to bring people together more. For instance, people can talk to each other wherever they are in the world. An example is that people who work abroad can still talk to their families back home any time they like. As a result, mobile phones have made the world a smaller place. Another benefit is that mobile phones can help people in dangerous situations. For example, if tourists have car problems in the desert, they can use their mobile phones to call for assistance, so mobile phones are very useful.Body 2On the other hand, mobile phones can cause problems. The main problem is that they are very noisy in public places, such as in restaurants or movie theatres. As a result, many people have been disturbed by a loud mobile phone. For instance, a pop tune can be annoying when it is very loud and coming from someone’s mobile phone next to you. Because of this, movie theatres ask their customers to turn off their phones. Another problem with mobile phones is that some people do not show respect when they are in a private building, such as a hospital or mosque. Consequently, mobile phones cause more stress in society.ConclusionIn conclusion, I agree to a certain extent that while mobile phones play a positive role in today’s society, they also have their negative effects. This is because although mobile phones help to bring people together more and are useful in emergency situations, they can be a problem because they disturb other people and make society more stressful. In my opinion, we cannot avoid the changes that technology brings, but we must learn to use such technology in a sensible way and respect the wishes of others.Put the pieces of each paragraph in the correct order. Introduction5- a) In this essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and give several examples. 1- b) Our world has changed much since the days of our parents, and one of the biggest developments is the way in which we communicate with mobile phones. 3 - c) However, some people believe that mobile phones are not always used in a good way. 4- d) In my opinion, mobile phones have both pros and cons to their use. 2- e) Many people agree that mobile phones are important in our life. Body paragraph 1 6 f) Another benefit is that mobile phones can help people in dangerous situations. 2 g) The most important one is that they help to bring people together more. 1- h) On one hand, there are many benefits to using mobile phones. 5 - i) As a result, mobile phones have made the world a smaller place. 3 j) For instance, people can talk to each other wherever they are in the world. 7 k) For example, if tourists have car problems in the desert, they can use their mobile phones to call for assistance, so mobile phones are very useful.4 l) An example is that people who work abroad can still talk to their families back home any time they like. Body paragraph 23 m) For instance, a pop tune can be annoying when it is very loud and coming from someone’s mobile phone next to you. 5 n) Because of this, movie theatres ask their customers to turn off their phones. 4 o) As a result, many people have been disturbed by a loud mobile phone. 2 p) The main problem is that they are very noisy in public places, such as in restaurants or movie theatres. 6 q) Another problem with mobile phones is that some people do not show respect when they are in a private building, such as a hospital or mosque. 7 r) Consequently, mobile phones cause more stress in society.57569101479551 s) On the other hand, mobile phones can cause problems. Conclusion3 t) In my opinion, we cannot avoid the changes that technology brings, but we must learn to use such technology in a sensible way and respect the wishes of others.1 u) In conclusion, I agree to a certain extent that while mobile phones play a positive role in today’s society, they also have their negative effects. 2 v) This is because although mobile phones help to bring people together more and are useful in emergency situations, they can be a problem because they disturb other people and make society more stressful. MODEL ESSAY ANALYSIS-8572533655Look at the model essay and answer the following questions.00Look at the model essay and answer the following questions.What is the TOPIC of the essay? Benefits of mobile phonesProblems with mobilesProblem and solutionPros and consHow many PARAGRAPHS are there? 4 How many words? 387 Does the writer give an opinion about the topic? What is it?Yes, there are both pros and consWhat is the topic of each paragraph?Body 1: benefitsBody 2: problemsWhat are the TWO MAIN ADVANTAGES TO MOBILE PHONES? Bring people together Help in dangerWhat are the TWO MAIN REASONS that the writer uses to support the opinion that mobile phones are NOT a good thing?Public placesPrivate placesAfter each reason, the writer adds more SUPPORT. What are the different kinds of support the writer uses? Examples, results, explanationsWRITING THE INTRODUCTIONPages 28-39Exam topic #1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Social media and TeenagersSocial Media is extremely popular among teens, and most of them have several different accounts. Some people believe that Social media applications are not useful in teenage life, but others disagree with this idea. Like most teens, I enjoy social media, but there are some negative aspects to consider. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of social media, and give several examples.Exam topic #2: 75% of the workers in UAE are foreigners. Some people believe that more Emirati nationals should be in the workforce. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this issue and give your opinion.In the past, life in UAE was simpler, and most of the workers here were Emiratis. These days, three quarters of the workers in UAE are from other countries While some foreigners are needed to help with the work of the country, there are some dangers to this. I partly agree that more jobs should go to Emirati citizens. In this essay, I will examine both sides of this issue and give examples.Exam Topic #3: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of iPads in the classroom.Technology is everywhere these days. At UAE all students use iPads in their classrooms. While it is clear that technology brings us many benefits, there are some disadvantages as well. I agree that we should use iPads in the classroom, but I can see both sides. In this essay, I will examine both sides of this issue and give my own ic: Expensive Weddings(Ideas for Introduction) Why important? What is your opinion??Weddings important but many are too expensive Body 1 ideas (ads) Body 2 ideas (disads)Start new life togetherDebt – borrow from futureInvestment in futurePuts Wrong values in the cultureStep 2 - Write the Introduction – double spaceMany young people around the world dream of a big wedding to celebrate their new lives together, but these days in the UAE, many families have expensive weddings that they can not afford. Some people believe that UAE families should avoid expensive weddings, while others believe people should have them if they want. I do not want an expensive wedding for myself, but I can see both sides. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of this interesting topic, and give my opinion. Topic: Separate campuses for men and women(Ideas for Introduction) Why important? What is your opinion??Education important for allAlso, culture is important Body 1 ideas (ads) Body 2 ideas (disads)More modern – good to develop the culture and teach M and F at university Some students will stay at homeMore practical – workplaces include both M and FAgainst the cultureStep 2 - Write the Introduction – double spaceEducation is important for all young people. At the same time, in UAE the culture is one of the most important influences. At UAE university they have separate campuses for the men and women. Some people believe that this is too expensive and not necessary. Others disagree. As for me, I can see both sides of this issue. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of this interesting topic, and give my opinion.pages 31-36Step 3: Organizing the body 5191125topCities – Advantages and DisadvantagesIntroduction___3__ I believe that it can be beneficial but it may also cause problems. ___4__ The following essay will discuss the pros and cons of living in cities.___2__ Because of this, many people have moved from small towns and villages to live in major urban areas. _1____ Nowadays, the world’s population is increasing rapidly and people want a higher standard of living. Advantages paragraph__4___ so people who want to get a high-level job in a big company need to live in a city. ___5__ The other main advantage of living in cities is that cities have more facilities for people to use,__3___ For example, all major companies are based in big cities, __1___ On one hand, living in a city has some important benefits. ___8__ because they need good healthcare and education for their children. ___2__ Firstly, the opportunities for work and promotion are much better than in the countryside. __7___ As a result, many families live in major cities __6___ such as good hospitals and schools. Disadvantages paragraph__9___ Consequently, cities can be dangerous places for the people who live there. 4686300187960__6___ Because of this, cities can be unhealthy places to live. ___1__ On the other hand, city life may also have some negative effects. __7___ In addition, crime is a serious problem in most major cities. __5___ there is usually more pollution in big cities than in small towns. __3___ For instance, many big cities have problems with noise and air pollution from traffic. __2___ The main one is that the environment is often not clean. __4___ Because so many people live so close together, __8___ This is because criminals have many more places to hide in large cities than in small towns. Conclusion___5__ careful to keep their families healthy and safe.__3___ but they are often polluted and dangerous. _1____ In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to living in a city.__4___ Therefore, I believe that people who want to live in cities should be __2___ Cities give people the chance to find a good career and have the facilities that most familiesNowadays, the world’s population is increasing rapidly and people want a higher standard of living. Because of this, many people have moved from small towns and villages to live in major urban areas. I believe that it can be beneficial but it may also cause problems. The following essay will discuss the pros and cons of living in cities.On one hand, living in a city has some important benefits. Firstly, the opportunities for work and promotion are much better than in the countryside. For example, all major companies are based in big cities, so people who want to get a high-level job in a big company need to live in a city. The other main advantage of living in cities is that cities have more facilities for people to use, such as good hospitals and schools. As a result, many families live in major cities because they need good healthcare and education for their children. On the other hand, city life may also have some negative effects. The main one is that the environment is often not clean. Because so many people live so close together, there is usually more pollution in big cities than in small towns. For instance, many big cities have problems with noise and air pollution from traffic. Because of this, cities can be unhealthy places to live. In addition, crime is a serious problem in most major cities. This is because criminals have many more places to hide in large cities than in small towns. Consequently, cities can be dangerous places for the people who live there. In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to living in a city. Cities give people the chance to find a good career and have the facilities that most families need but they are often polluted and dangerous. Therefore, I believe that people who want to live in cities should be careful to keep their families healthy and safe.Linking Words Practice: keyWatching television is a very popular activity all over the world because it provides information and entertainment to billions of people. Some people think that children can watch television for as long as they want to. I partly agree that parents should let children choose how much television they watch. In the following essay I will examine both sides of the argument and give several examples.So because of this for example as a result on one hand thereforeOn one hand, watching too much television can be bad for children. The most important reason is that television can have a negative effect on children’s health. This is because nowadays most kids watch TV for at least an hour a day and many spend several hours just sitting in front of the television. 2) Because of this, they have less time for doing sports or just playing outside with their friends. 3) As a result, more children are overweight and this can lead to more serious health problems as they grow up. Another reason is that television shows children an unreal picture of society. 4) For example, television programs may be violent or show behaviour that is not acceptable in real life. This is a problem because children now spend less time communicating with their families. 5) Therefore, they learn more about society from television programs, 6) so if they watch the wrong programs, they may copy bad behaviour.for example soin additionon the other handiffor instance consequentlyhowever7) On the other hand, watching television may be beneficial. The main benefit is that children can learn a lot about the world by watching educational television programs. 8) For example, the American television program Sesame Street teaches children how to spell and do simple maths. 9) Consequently, children who watch Sesame Street for a few hours each day may do better at school. 10) In addition, children who are watching television are usually quiet and well behaved. 11) For instance, many small boys can be noisy and very active. 12) However, when they watch television, they sit quietly in one place. This is good because parents now have less time to spend looking after their children, 13) so allowing children to watch television is a useful way for parents to manage the stress of family life. 14) If the parents are less stressed, that is good for the children.thereforealthoughandbecauseIn conclusion, I agree to some extent that children should not watch television any time they like. This is 15) because 16) although spending time watching television can harm children’s health and they may learn bad behaviour, it can also be educational for children 17) and help their parents to be less stressed. 18) Therefore, I believe that parents should control the amount of television and the programs that children watch to avoid the negative effects and enjoy the benefits of plete this example idea map for the essay about mobile phonesBody 1: There are some positive aspects Body 2 : NEGATIVE aspectsAdvantage #1 IDEA:Disad #1 IDEA:Bring people togetherAnnoying in public Advantage #1 SUPPORT (explain, example) Reason #1 SUPPORT (explain, example)Family and friends in other countriesCinemas, resaurantsplay music next to youResult (connect to main reason)makes the world smallResult (connect to main reason) Annoying Advantage #2 IDEA:Disad #2 IDEA:Help in dangerous situationsAnnoying in private Advantage #2 SUPPORT (explain, example) Reason #2 SUPPORT (explain, example)Tourists in desertMosquesResult (connect to main reason) Mobiles are usefulResult (connect to main reason) very annoyingPractice – IDEA MAP- Make an idea map for the essay about CITIESBody 1: There are some positive aspects Body 2 : NEGATIVE aspectsAdvantage #1 IDEA: Disad #1 IDEA:workDirty environment SUPPORT (explain, example) Reason #1 SUPPORT (explain, example)Major companies Noise and air pollution from trafficpromotionpeople live close togetherResult (connect to main reason) So / if you want to get job/promoted Result (connect to main reason)unhealthyAdvantage #2 IDEA: Disad #2 IDEA: facilitiescrime Advantage #2 SUPPORT (explain, example) Reason #2 SUPPORT (explain, example)Healthcare & educationCriminals can hide (people live close together)hospitals……………………………………………..Result (connect to main reason) Families move to cities………………...Result (connect to main reason) dangerousPage 30 - Two-sided Opinion Essay StructureIntroduction1) Watching television is a very popular activity all over the world because it provides information and entertainment to billions of people. 2) Some people think that children can watch television for as long as they want to. 3) I partly agree that parents should let children choose how much television they watch. In the following essay I will examine both sides of the argument and give several examples.BGETTHESIS (a - op+b org)Body Paragraph 1217659510681424) On one hand, watching too much television can be bad for children. 5) The most important reason is that television can have a negative effect on children’s health. 6) This is because nowadays most kids watch TV for at least an hour a day and many spend several hours just sitting in front of the television. 7) Because of this, they have less time for doing sports or just playing outside with their friends. 8) As a result, more children are overweight and this can lead to more serious health problems as they grow up. 9) Another reason is that television shows children an unreal picture of society. 10) For example, television programs may be violent or show behaviour that is not acceptable in real life. 11) This is a problem because children now spend less time communicating with their families. 12) Therefore, they learn more about society from television programs, so if they watch the wrong programs, they may copy bad behavior. As we can see, there are some problems with Children and TV.TS 157647563872R2 (reason 1)1655445175895Support00Support16440158953500explanationExplanation/result1687715247877result158331562607R2 (reason 2)1644015137795Support00Support16160753429000exampleexplanationresultBody Paragraph 2122259592426813244754154813) On the other hand, watching television may be beneficial. 14) The main benefit is that children can learn a lot about the world by watching educational television programs. 15) For example, the American television program Sesame Street teaches children how to spell and do simple maths. 16) Consequently, children who watch Sesame Street for a few hours each day may do better at school. 17) In addition, children who are watching television are usually quiet and well behaved. 18) For instance, many small boys can be noisy and very active. However, when they watch television, they sit quietly in one place. 19) This is good because parents now have less time to spend looking after their children, so allowing children to watch television is a useful way for parents to manage the stress of family life. 20) If the parents are less stressed, that is good for the children. TS1512755119798R11655445-4445Support00Support16160754000500(SS1) exampleresult165567565108152859588868R2160591523495001689100109855Support00SupportexampleExplanationresultConclusion21) In conclusion, I agree to some extent that children should not watch television any time they like. 22) This is because although spending time watching television can harm children’s health and they may learn bad behaviour, it can also be educational for children and help their parents to be less stressed. 23) Therefore, I believe that parents should control the amount of television and the programs that children watch to avoid the negative effects and enjoy the benefits of television.66690002584017TV and Children – IDEA MAPTV and ChildrenBody 1: There are some negative aspects Body 2 : POSITIVE aspectsMAIN IDEA #1: MAIN IDEA #1:Bad for healtheducational SUPPORT (explain, example) SUPPORT (explain, example)Many hours watchingMany educational programsNot exercising – meeting friendsSesame street Result (connect to main reason) obesity Result (connect to main reason)get better grades in schoolMAIN IDEA #2:MAIN IDEA #2:Bad for societyKeeps kids quiet SUPPORT (explain, example) SUPPORT (explain, example)Programs are violentChildren can be noisyIf they watch tv they become quiet Result (connect to main reason) Result (connect to main reason) Kids may follow what they see – bad behaviorThis helps the parents stay calmPAGES 39-41Step 4. BODY PARAGRAPH SENTENCES (part 1)Topic Sentences – Reasons – Example/Explanation Sentences – Result SentencesPart A. Topic SentencesTASK: Study different styles for Body #1 topic sentences. Then, write sentences with different styles and vocabulary for Body 2 (). Topic : Some people feel that women should not be in the military. Others disagree. To what extent do you agree?Vocab Practice – sort the words in to the table. The first one is done for you.advantages – benefits – concerns – dangers – on the other hand - disadvantages – issues - negative aspects - positive aspects – risks – on one handBody #1 Body #2 AdvantagesBenefitsPositive aspectsConcernsDangersIssuesNegative aspectsOn the other handBody #1: Topic Sentences – 3 styles: Style 1: On one hand, there are some advantages to women in the military Style 2: On one hand, I can see some positive aspects to this idea.Style 3: On one hand, some people believe that women should be in the military.Other: ________________________________________________________________Body #2: Write Sentence for Body #2, using the styles above1: On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to women in the military 2: On the other hand, I can see some negative aspects to this idea.3: On the other hand, some people believe that women should not be in the military.Part B. Reason sentences For each BODY Paragraph, you should give two (or more) reasons/advantages/disadvantagesTOPIC: Some people believe that we should encourage women to join the workplace. Others disagree. To what extent do you agree?Task #1: Styles Underline the clauses in the topic sentence below. (a clause is a group of words with a subject + verb) Use the patterns to write similar sentences for Reason 2 Style 1 - example: (Reason 1 – develop themselves) Firstly, working women can develop themselves. (Reason 2 – help their families) Secondly, women in the workplace can help their families. Style 2: The first major reason is working women can develop themselves.(Reason 2 –support their families)The second major reason is working women can support their familiesStyle 3: The first reason for this view is working women can develop themselves.(Reason 2 – encourage more balance in society) The second reason for this view is working women can encourage more balance in societyStyle 4: The first positive aspect of working women is they can develop themselves (Reason 2 – use their education) The second positive aspect of working women is they can use their educationCan you think of another style? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Grammar Tip on FORM (F) –GERUNDS (verb + ing) can be used as NOUNS (subject of sentences must be NOUNs. After preopositions, we use NOUNs).Step #4: Practice Body topic: There are advantages to using Social Media Reason #1: can help in educationReason #2: funThe first reason is that Social Media can help in education.The Second reason is that Social Media is fun.Body Topic: There are some disadvantages to letting children watch TV.Reason #1: __bad for health___________Reason #2: _affect their behaviorThe first negative aspect is that letting children watch TV is bad for their health.Secondly, it can affect their behavior.ANSWERSVocab Practice ExercisesPart A We can’t live without technology in the 21st centuryTechnology has made our society more advancedThe Internet has spread all over the world.Our life today is more dependent on the Internet than past generationsToday, we can handle more information, more quickly because of the Internet.handlegenerationscenturyspreadadvancedUsing the internet to communicate is more efficient than talking on the phone.Social networks have enabled us to connect with people in other countries.Social networks are uncomplicated and easy to use.People regularly use Facebook to connect with people in other countries.unlike the phone, social networks are free.efficientuncomplicatedenabledunlikeregularlyOnline social networking is an excellent way to communicate with others.It is estimated that 75% of the students at UAEU use Facebook or Instagram.Facebook originated in the US but spread quickly to other countries.Many people are not aware of the problems caused by giving out personal information.You can use Facebook on any device that gets Internet.excellentdeviceawareoriginatedestimatedPart BINTRO - Use the words in the box to improve the INTRODUCTIONdiscoveries – manage – achieve – goals – aspects – positive – risks – most popular toolThe 21st century is advanced in many ways, and communication is spreading farther and faster. These new 1) discoveries enable us to 2) manage (achieve) more and more 3) goals. Social networking is the 4) most popular tool we use nowadays. It has many 5) positive 6) aspects positive features but it also has some 6) risks. In the following essay, I will mention the reasons that I agree and disagree that online social networking is a great way to communicate with people. BODY 1 - Improve Body 1. Suggestions in the box. You may change some grammar:common – located – uncomplicated – enable - suitable – require – conveniently – available – common - convenientThe first reason I agree is that it enables you to connect with the world. It is common today for family members to be all over around the world. Writing letters or talking on the phone can waste time and money. Using online social network is an convenient way to communicate with family and friends who live in other countries. It is available even for workers who don’t have much time or money. Imagine that you can conveniently talk to your family or friends for free! You just need a computer and the Internet.Body 2 - Improve Body 2 Vocab. Suggestions below but you can use others. You may have to change some grammar:– negative – aspects – details – hackers – unaware – suffer – contains – negative – comments – unsuitable pretendOn the other hand, online social networking contains some negative aspects. Firstly, there are some hackers on the internet, and they can use social media to steal money from you. For example, they might pretend to be from your bank, so you give them your information. Secondly, there is no privacy. This is because most people do not know that everyone can see the details that they share. As a result, someone may show unsuitable pictures of you where everyone can see. ................

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