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Our Identity in ChristEphesians 1:3-6IntroWe live in a world where many people are lost and who feel lost. Many believe that they simply don’t fit in. Many are searching for a sense of belonging to someone or something. We live in a time where many are simply experiencing an identity crisis. They really don’t know who they are.Identity crisis was a concept that originated with development psychologist Erik Erikson. He believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important areas of a person’s life. Trying to understand who you truly are and what makes you, you, has a tremendous affect on your life.Identity ProblemOften people try to find their identity by comparing themselves with others or the opinions of others. They also try to define themselves by their circumstances; their feelings or by their successes and failures. You would think that having a lot of money and being famous would help your Identity issue – you’re wrong. Even affluent people have their own problems. Here are a few examples.In an interview with National Public Radio, former Beatles star Paul McCartney said:“It seems to me that no matter how famous [you are], no matter how accomplished or how many awards you get, you're always still thinking there's somebody out there who's better than you. I'm often reading a magazine and hearing about someone's new record and I think, ‘Oh, boy, that's gonna be better than me.’ It's a very common thing” (Source: NPR Staff, "What Makes Paul McCartney Nervous?" NPR's?All Things Considered, Oct. 2013).Reese Witherspoon, one of the most successful actresses had this to say about herself:“I don't watch any movie I'm in. It's horrifying. I'll just focus on something stupid like, ‘I hate my laugh. Why did I smile?’ Sometimes I look at myself and think, ‘Dude, I have the biggest, goofiest smile on earth.’” When Witherspoon really wants to feel bad, she'll Google herself. She says,“Only in very dark moments, moments of pure self-loathing, do I type my name into Google. You never read anything positive; you always go straight to where they say something nasty about you. You're fat, you're ugly, you're tired, you're worthless, and you don't have a career anymore. It's just an affirmation of every horrible feeling about yourself.” (Source: The Week Magazine, Dec. 24, 2010). Even famous people struggle with their self worth and identity. Let me say this. You’re not defined by the opinions of others or by your circumstances. You’re not defined by your feelings. You’re not defined by your successes or failures. You Are Who God Says You AreIt’s like this, if you don’t know who you are, then you’re vulnerable to other people telling you who you are. But the concrete, solid, gospel truth is that you are who God says you are, and no one else has a say in the matter. That’s the highest authority.As Christians our faith will grow stronger when we focus on our true identity in Christ. What this means is that we abandon any image of ourselves that is not from God. You stop accepting what others have said about you, how others have labeled you, and how others have defined you.You start believing what God says about you, that he is pleased with how he created you, and that God defines you. You’re not defined by your feelings. You’re not defined by the opinions of others or by your circumstances. You’re not defined by the things you possess. You are defined by God and God alone. He identifies you as his own.Our Identity in ChristPascal (a Christian physicist and Mathematician) said it well “Not only do we know God by Jesus Christ alone, but we know ourselves only by Jesus Christ. We know life and death only through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ, we do not know what is our life, nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves.” How true!The phrase “In Christ” is found 140 times in the Bible. It is the most used term to describe a disciple of Christ, a believer or the family of God. The term Christian is used only twice in the New Testament. This is one of the most important teachings that most Christians still don't fully understand, and it is a powerful key to spiritual breakthrough for believers. The enemy of our souls, Satan, wants us to live a defeated crippled life with false concepts and ideas about ourselves.We need to be in the Word of God and know the truth. Jesus said clearly that if we continue in His Word, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free! John 8:32, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."The opposite of truth is deception and false beliefs. They will cause you to live in bondage and in defeat. It is so crucial to understand who we are in Christ. Apart from Him we do not know our lives nor our ourselves. A few weeks ago I started the series on our true identity and we looked at 1 Peter 2:9-10. We learned that we are a:Chosen PeopleThat means that I am completely accepted by God. You and I don’t have to chase after the feeling of acceptance because God gave it to you and me. God chose me before everything.Royal PriesthoodWe are royal which means we belong to the King and we are priests, we are called to serve God through worship, prayer, sacrifice, and to intercede for others in prayer and service.Holy NationHoly means that we are extremely valuable to God and he has separated us from the filthiness of our sin and made us pure.God’s Special PossessionThe owner puts extreme value on us. If God is our owner then we are extremely valuable and priceless.Received Mercy PeopleWe have received mercy. We are people whom God did not give the judgment and punishment that we deserved.I would like us to look at the book of Ephesians and focus on the passages that talk about our identity in Christ. As a matter of fact we find about many verses that have the words “in Christ or in Him.” We are going to focus only on those statements that talk about who we are and what we have in Christ. I won’t deal with all of the verses today but will continue a series of messages through the coming weeks in the book of Ephesians.First one we find in Ephesians is chapter 1, verse 1.Ephesians 1:1, “Paul, an apostle?of Christ Jesus by the will of God. To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus.”Believers are those whom God has made holy and that is the meaning of saints. We as Christians are saints because we have been set apart and made holy through the perfect righteousness of Christ. It is Christ who imputes His righteousness on us and it is not our own character and accomplishments. Since Christ has made us his saints we are to be faithful, loyal to Him since He is faith and loyal to us.Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,?who has blessed us in the heavenly realms?with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” The focus of verses 3 to 14 is what God has done for us in Christ. Our faith and life have their centre in Christ and this Epistle of Ephesians opens with an expression of praise for all is found in Christ. Every blessing comes from God. Heavenly realms encompasses the entire supernatural realm of God – the full extent of His divine operation. As believers we are blessed with every spiritual blessing. It means that Christ’s riches are our riches, His righteousness is our righteousness, His resources are our resources, His privilege is our privilege, His possession is our possession and where He is, we are because our citizenship is in heaven. Ephesians 1:4-6, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world?to be holy and blameless?in his sight by his love he predestined?us for adoption to sonship?through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure?and will—?6?to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”God chose us as believers before everything. Before the creation of this world and the universe God foreknew us and chose us in Christ. We were?made acceptable to God?by?Jesus?Christ. He chose us in him. That means that my identity is in Christ! Stop trying to perform your way to God. It’s a gift from God that you are chosen by him to be in Christ.There are four areas which Paul expounds in verses 4, 5 and 6 as to why we were chosen in Christ.Purpose: To be holy and blameless means to be without blemish. The unworthy are declared worthy. This speaks of our position not our practice in Christ.Motive: God was moved by love. Love is not an emotion but a disposition of the heart to seek the well-being of the other. God lavished His love on us. I am the object of His love. Result: Adoption as sons & daughters. In God’s great love He makes us more than citizens and servants, and even more than friends. He makes us children – the intimacy of His own family.Goal: Glory of God. Why did God want us to be His sons and daughters? We are chosen and saved and made His children for His pleasure and the ultimate goal of praise to His glory through His grace – unmerited favour. WOW!In this passage the Apostle Paul tells us that we find our identity not by outward pursuit, nor an inward process, but by?the fact that we are chosen by God in Christ.?Who are we?? Paul answers that in Christ we become God’s adopted sons and daughters, heirs of ‘the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure’.God didn’t choose us because of anything we had achieved or been, but before creation itself he chose to adopt us as his children. This identity is prior to anything we?do?and contrary to whatever we?see?in ourselves. The fact that we are chosen is a gift from God. This gift of identity transforms our lives both inside and out.?A Hungarian woman named Ildiko Pap was once a homeless alcoholic, begging on the streets of Budapest.? She was invited to an Alpha Course.?She experienced God’s love and she was set free from alcoholism, then found a job, and started new life. ?She was asked, ‘What difference has Jesus made in your life?’ ?She replied, ‘He’s changed me from a beggar to a princess’.?This is our?identity?and our inheritance in Christ. We belong to God and we are His sons and daughters.We are going to continue our study in Ephesians and discover more truths about our identity in Christ.ConclusionYou need to know who you are in Christ so that you can live your life as God intended. The more you agree with God about your identity in Christ, the more your behaviour will begin to reflect your God given identity. I encourage you to see yourself as God sees you. God's opinion is the one that matters the most. Accept what God says about you, agree with Him that it is true of you and become the person He has created you to be.Understanding who we are in Christ will give us a strong foundation to build our lives upon. Knowing who we are in Jesus is the key to a successful Christian life. Our identity doesn't depend on something we do or have done. Our true identity is who we are in Christ.Once we choose to follow Jesus we become a new creation, the old passes away and we become who we are in Christ. Please stop living out of who other people say you are and take hold of the truth of God's word. Find out what God says about you and agree with Him.?I want to encourage you to read the book of Ephesians and mark down the verse where you find the phrase “in Christ” or “in him.” You will be amazed at what you find because that is what truly defines who we are.There is so much to learn about our identity in Christ. It will further transform your life. ................

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