Scripts for recare phone calls - Roz Fulmer



Hello, this is (state your name) from Denali Dental Care, your dental office, we miss you! Did you realize that your last visit with us at our office was on (date of hygiene appt)? Doesn't it make sense that I get you an appt today (state pt's name) for your hygiene visit with (name of your hygienists)? Is morning or afternoon better for you? Monday or Thursday work better for your busy schedule?


Hello, this is (state your name) from Denali Dental Care, your dental office; Dr. (Name of Provider and name of hygienist) were reviewing your chart today. They asked me to call you as they were concern about you and your overall oral health. Do you remember about an area of concern that (Name of Hygienist) had the last time you saw her? There was a lot of bleeding in that area, is that still happening when you brush?

Doesn't it make sense that I get you an appt today (state pt's name) for your hygiene visit with (name of your hygienists)? Is morning or afternoon better for you? Monday or Thursday work better for your busy schedule?

If they state that are no longer patients at the practice, ask them if you may ask the reason why they are no longer our patients so that we can apologize if we did anything wrong in their eyes.


(State Patient name),

We at Denali Dental Care, your dental office sincerely care about your dental health. Can you believe that it has been __________________ since your last visit with us? Did you know that we have been keeping your records in safekeeping and were wondering when we can SCHEDULE you in for your exam and hygiene appt? Are mornings or afternoons better for your appointments? I have either (state appt day and times now).


(State Patient name),

Hi, this is (STATE YOUR NAME) at Denali Dental Care, your dental office. Dr (Name of their provider) asked that I call you as he wants to make sure that you are ok. Can you believe that it has been __________________ since he last saw you? Are you still wanting us to keep your records active here at our office? With Oral cancer on the rise, we are wanting all of our patients to make sure that they are getting regular checkups, are you? Which day of the week is best for us to get you scheduled for your next visit? Are mornings or afternoons better for your appointments with Dr. Allen? I have either (state appt day and times now).


Hello, were you aware that your dental maintenance visit is PAST DUE? Dr. (Name of Provider) last saw you (give date and year), are you doing ok? Here are a few reasons why we are concerned that we haven’t seen you lately.

1. Did you know that changes in the health of your gums can cause bleeding, mouth odors, serious infection and possible tooth loss?

2. Were you aware that cavities and broken fillings could lead to possible toothaches?

3. Did you know that over 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year? When was your last oral cancer screening?

Doesn’t it make sense that we get you scheduled as soon as possible for your next visit? Which day of the week is best for us to get you scheduled for your next visit? Are mornings or afternoons better for your appointments with Dr. (Name of their Provider or Hygienist)? I have either (state appt day and times now).


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