August is Julia Child Month at Le Metro

August is Julia Child Month at Le Metro

I always thought if I could go back in time it would be to the Italian Renaissance, or Jane Austen’s England, or even London in the 1960’s. The more I read Julia Child, however, I realize the golden time that I missed was hanging out in Paris in the 1950’s with her. We would have been two large, loud, raucous and bawdy women enjoying gin, food, the company of men as one of them, and enjoying the adventure of finding ourselves while discovering our passion for cooking.

Julia Child is on our minds this month with the upcoming Nora Ephron film Julie & Julia, the anniversary of her birth in 1912 in Pasadena, California, and the anniversary of her death in 2004 two days shy of her 92nd birthday.

In celebration of an American icon and inspiration to now three generations of American women and chefs, Le Metro is featuring a month of Julia. Beginning August 5th, and continuing week nights throughout the month, episodes of “The French Chef” and “Cooking with Jacques Pepin” will be aired in The Salon @ Le Metro at 6 p.m. Daily we will feature specials a` la Julia, tips and quotes from the Grande Dame de Cuisine, a complimentary glass of St. Amour Beaujolais or a “Julia Gin” with your movie ticket stub from

Julia & Julia, and a special “Julia Child Birthday Dinner” on August 15th under the direction of our own visiting French chef friend Paula Alba.

Maggie Guerriero, Le Metro manager and Culinary institute of America graduate, credits Child with her career path as Child blazed a trail for young women passionate about cooking. One of her enduring culinary school memories is visiting Greystone, the CIA outpost in California, where her assignment was to recreate an episode of “The French Chef.” Guerriero’s chosen episode was “How to Truss a Chicken.” She claims she can still do it in under 5 minutes. Sounds like a bar dare we might try after a few gins- I think Julia would want us to.


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