Burlington School Department

FY 2015 Warrant Article

School Administration


Capital Warrant Articles

Article 15-01 Roof Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 655,200

Article 15-02 Boiler Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 225,000

Article 15-03 Interior Painting @ Francis Wyman School $ 45,000

Article 15-04 Music Department Equipment Replacement $ 39,334

Article 15-05 Playground Replacement @ Burlington High $ 50,000

Article 15-06 Sidewalk Installation @ Burlington High $ 30,000

Article 15-07 Locker room Renovations / Improvements @ Burlington High $ 160,000

Non capital / Recurring Warrant Articles

Article 15-08 Community Custodial Services $ 35,335

Burlington School Department

Fiscal 2015 Warrant Articles

Article 15-01 Roof Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 655,200

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 655,200 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of removal and replacement of roof membrane at Fox Hill School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-02 Boiler Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 225,000

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 225,000 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost removal and replacement of Boiler #2 at Fox Hill School , including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-03 Interior painting @ Francis Wyman School $ 45,000

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 45,000 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of interior painting at Francis Wyman School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-04 Burlington Music Department $ 39,334

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 39,334 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of identified capital expenditures for the Burlington Music Department including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-05 Playground Replacement @ Burlington High $ 50,000

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 50,000 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of replacing playground equipment at Burlington High School , including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-06 Sidewalk Installation @ Burlington High $ 30,000

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ 30,000 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of sidewalk installation at Burlington High School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Article 15-07 Locker Room Renovations & Improvements @ Burlington High $ 160,000

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $160,000 or some other amount, to be expended at the direction of the School Committee, to pay the cost of renovations & Improvements to Boys, Girls and Community Locker rooms at Burlington High School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto, and to determine whether such amount should be raised by taxation, transfer from available funds, by borrowing or otherwise, or to take any other action relative thereto

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Non capital / Recurring Warrant Articles

Article 15-08 Community Custodial Services $ 35,335

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide the sum of $ 35,335 or any other sum, to be expended under the direction of the Burlington School Committee for the purpose of Community Custodial Fees for the events to be covered for Burlington Scout Organizations. PTO Meetings, Boosters, Citations, Youth Basketball, Youth Volleyball, Youth Baseball Association, Pop Warner, Hockey, Soccer and Skating Associations and other non profit Burlington Civic Organizations or to act in any manner in relation thereto.

Submission approved by the Burlington School Committee on March 25, 2014

By a vote of

Burlington School Department

Fiscal 2015 Warrant Articles

Backup Information

Article 15-01 Roof Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 655,200

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to remove and replace the existing rubber membrane roof at the Fox Hill School. The existing roof is of undetermined age and may be original. No existing documentation shows replacement of the existing roof materials. The roof is a fully adhered rubber membrane with rigid insulation on wood deck. The Scope of the work is: complete removal of rubber membrane and insulation, repair of damaged roof deck if needed ,install of new rigid insulation and rubber membrane, wrap soffit and rake boards with aluminum and paint any exposed wood areas. Preliminary budget prepared by utilizing Means Construction Cost Data and consultation with KBA Architects. Final plans and specifications for bidding will be developed by KBA Architects of Charlestown pending funding approval.


Article 15-02 Boiler Replacement @ Fox Hill School $ 225,000

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to remove and replace Boiler # 2 at Fox Hill School. Boiler # 1 was replaced in Fiscal Year 2000 when the Fox Hill School was converted to natural gas. Boiler number two is original installation and functions as an emergency boiler. Not having a functional two boiler system puts additional stress on the lead boiler (Boiler #1) as it must constantly operate as the lead. Utilizing a two boiler system allows for the rotation of boilers from lead to lag putting equal stress on both boilers and extending the useful life. The new boiler will operate at a higher efficiency rating then a boiler that is forty five plus years old. The scope of work consist of asbestos abatement of all asbestos containing materials associated with boiler #2, demolition and removal of old boiler, installation of new boiler package, plumbing and electrical so as to provide a complete and functional system. Preliminary budget generated utilizing Means Construction Cost Data and consultation with Performance Heating of Burlington. Final plans and specifications for bidding will be developed by KBA Architects of Charlestown pending funding approval.


Article 15-03 Interior painting @ Francis Wyman School $ 45,000

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to begin an interior painting program at Francis Wyman. The Francis Wyman School was renovated and reopened as an elementary school in 1997. This funding will allow for painting of halls and classrooms which have not been refreshed since the renovation. Areas will be identified and prioritized by the Principal and custodial staff. Identified areas will be quoted by outside contractors with work done in summer. The Francis Wyman School is utilized during the summer months which prevents the School department from utilizing the Middlesex Sheriff’s outreach program currently used in other schools.

Article 15-04 Burlington Music Department $ 39,334

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to begin a systematic capital replacement program of essential components of the Burlington School Department Music Program.

The Burlington School Music Department has identified and prioritized numerous capital needs ranging from choral risers for Marshal Simonds and Burlington High School to aged Band equipment. Identified for fiscal 2015 are replacement of choral risers at Marshall Simonds ($ 22,717) and replacement of band uniform Storage cabinets ( $ 16,617) at Burlington High School. All pricing, obtained by Burlington Music Department, from Wenger Corporation, Owatonna, MN.




Article 15-05 Playground Replacement @ Burlington High $ 50,000

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to replace the existing small playground located at the rear of the Burlington High School. In Fiscal 2014 funding was approved for phase one, large playground, replacement. Phase two, small playground, will complete the project. This playground is primarily used by the Burlington Integrated Preschool to service the special needs of the students. The existing equipment and play surface does not meet the needs of these students. Pricing includes equipment and play surface @ $ 45,106, Site work and removal @ $ 2,638 and contingency (5%) @ $ 2,256. The equipment currently in place will be re-cycled for use in a more conventional playground setting. The Director of the preschool offers the following description and goals of the new play area. Quotation provided by Site Specifics LLC.

Proposal for an Outdoor Classroom at the Burlington Early Childhood Center

Submitted by: Deborah Clark, Director, BECC


Play is an essential component of child health, growth, and development. Although it can be misinterpreted as “down time”, research shows that play contributes to a child’s development of cognitive skills, language skills, vocabulary, problem-solving skills, attending, empathy, motor skills, and social skills. Outdoor play not only improves these skills areas, but it promotes healthy, active living in an effort to reduce childhood obesity and increase movement. Today, children of ages are playing less due to the academic demands in schools as well as parents having less time to take their children to the playground or watch them play outside.

An outdoor classroom at the Burlington Early Childhood Center would provide Burlington students opportunities for growth in the following areas of development:

Motor: In an outdoor classroom, students can work on gross and fine motor skills by running, jumping, swinging, climbing, pushing, pulling, riding tricycles, using scooter boards, and motor planning. Such skill development can increase endurance and muscle tone needed to sit on the rug or in a chair to attend to lessons without tiring and “slumping” and can help develop stamina and motor planning necessary for handwriting.

Health: An outdoor classroom can promote movement and exercise. Recent studies show that almost half of all children do not get enough exercise which could lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension. According to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity in children has more than doubled over the past 30 years. With initiatives such as First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” to the “NFL’s Play 60”, obesity and lack of exercise/movement is an issue that needs to be addressed in every community. Also, outdoor light stimulates the pineal gland which aides in sleep and can reduce depression.

Sensory: An outdoor play area provides a multi-sensory experience for children. A child’s perceptual skills can be negatively affected if all are not used regularly. If a child only watches TV or plays video games, he is only using his hearing and sight senses. By going outside, a child uses all of his senses by seeing his friends run around, hearing a bird sing, feeling the texture of the ground, tasting falling snowflakes, and smelling the fresh cut grass. Use of all senses helps a child integrate his sensory systems.

Social/Emotional: In an outdoor classroom, children learn to play together cooperatively by taking turns, learning and following the rules of games and social interactions, resolving conflicts, being flexible, initiating conversations or play situations, and developing perspective taking. Play has also been shown to reduce behavior problems.

Cognitive: Play in general facilitates problem-solving skills, decision-making skills and can enhance memory and attention span. Children tend to create more games when playing outside which aides in organization (e.g., creating an obstacle course).

Communication: Outdoor classrooms lead to expanded vocabulary knowledge and use. A child can be exposed to action words like climb, swing, skip, spin. If a child does not know the name a particular structure he would use his language to describe the structure to a peer or adult. Children also continue to improve their ability to follow and give directions, ask and answer questions, and “use their words” to express agreement or displeasure.

Math and Science: Math skills can be reinforced by counting for games such as “Hide and Go Seek”. Science knowledge is developed by observing the environment around them - animals, plants, weather.

Our population of students at the BECC is varied in terms of abilities and needs. We have students with motor difficulties who use walkers and gait trainers. Some of the current outside equipment is not ADA accessible and several of the structures are too high for children or have too far of a drop according to various regulatory agencies. We would like a space that is accessible to all of our Burlington children regardless of their abilities. The outdoor structures we have selected provide opportunities for the development of all the skills listed above.

Thank you for considering this proposal.


Article 15-06 Sidewalk Installation @ Burlington High $ 30,000

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to construct a new sidewalk from the area adjacent to the Burlington High School student parking lot to the Wooden Gym Area and granite curbing at two traffic islands located within the student parking lot. This project will be added to the Phase Two paving program scheduled for this summer. The original paving warrant article specifically specified funding for the replacement / refurbishment of access roads and parking lots at Municipal facilities. This is for new construction and falls outside the original scope of the approved warrant. The proposed sidewalk will be poured concrete with vertical granite curbing and meet ADA access and exit criteria. Plans and specifications prepared by the Town of Burlington Engineering Department. Cost estimates and project oversight also by the Town of Burlington Engineering Department.


Article 15-07 Locker Room Renovations & Improvements @ Burlington High $ 160,000

Purpose: Passage of this warrant article will allow the Burlington School Department to renovate and refurbish the Boys, Girls and Community locker rooms at Burlington High School. These locker rooms are original installations and construction. The scope of work will be to replace all plumbing fixtures, install new ceramic wall tile, new bathroom partitions, new student lockers, painting and flooring. This will complete renovations to the lower physical education area at Burlington High School. Preliminary cost estimate by complied by Means Construction Data and supply catalogs. Final bid specifications and bid pricing will be prepared by Knight Bagge & Anderson, Architects of Charlestown, Ma.


Article 15-08 Community Custodial Services $ 35,335

Purpose: To fund the custodial coverage of school buildings during usage of designated civic and youth organizations as per the collective bargaining agreement. This allows these groups to maintain and control cost of the offered programs while utilizing school buildings. Each group is allotted a budget number of hours based upon the average cost per hour of the custodians assigned. (See chart for allocated hours.) The actual hours utilized by each group may vary due to actual cost per hour variances and is reviewed yearly. The designated groups may utilize school facilities at no cost for custodial services, in some instances, if a regularly scheduled custodial shift is in place at the requested building. The increase from FY 2014 to FY 2015 has been adjusted pending a settlement of collective bargaining agreement with the Custodial Union



Traffic Islands & Sidewalk


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