
ST MARY THE VIRGIN, PRESTWICHPRESTWICH MISSION PARTNERSHIPYOUTH GROUP POLICYVisions / Mission StatementTo provide an inclusive, Christian based youth group and create a safe, welcoming environment where the faith of our young people can be engaged and enriched.SafeguardingSt Mary’s policy statement on Children, Young People and the Church as approved by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) is attached at Appendix A.Group MembershipThe group will be open to young people in year 4 to year 8.Sessions will be subject to a maximum attendance of 30 young people.VenueYouth group sessions will be held between 6.30pm and 8pm on Sunday evenings during school term time.Sessions will be held in the Church Lane Community Centre. Activities may take place in the Rectory garden or in church as appropriate.StaffingAll youth group leaders and helpers will:be approved by the PCC.be subject to clearance through an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This will be renewed at least every 5 years.have undertaken Diocesan approved child protection / safeguarding training and where appropriate other relevant youth work training.be required to sign a youth worker agreement (see Appendix B).Staffing ratios will be in line with those recommended by the Manchester Diocese:1 leader for the first 8 young people followed by 1 leader to every 12 young people thereafter.Each session will be staffed by a minimum of 4 leaders of which at least 1 will be male and 1 female.A qualified first aider will be present at each session.AdministrationThe following records will be maintained:a consent form (Appendix C) for all young people attending the group. This will be updated at least annually.an attendance register of all adults and young people present at each session.incident forms detailing any serious incidents relating to behaviour.an accident register.details of all youth group related income and expenditure.risk assessments (see below).Health + Safety / Risk AssessmentRisk assessments of the premises and usual activities of the youth group will be undertaken and reviewed at least annually.Risks associated with specific activities / sessions (e.g. cooking / outings / residential) will be assessed and documented as appropriate.Behaviour / Code of ConductBoth adults and young people are expected to display positive behaviour during youth group sessions.Ground Rulesrespect that we are a Christian youth group.treat others as you would like to be treated.do not hurt each other physically or emotionally.look after and respect the building and equipment.treat everyone fairly and equally.be honest and tell the truth.do not swear.listen when others are speaking, avoid interrupting when others are talking and avoid dominating conversations.do not steal or take anything that does not belong to you.do not smoke or bring alcohol or illegal substances to the youth group.do not use your mobile phone during youth group.Discipline Procedures / Rewards & Sanctionsyoung people will be encouraged & praised as a matter of course and will be eligible for recognition at the close of each term?s sessions.if a young person’s behaviour is unacceptable, they will be taken to one side and asked to stop.if the unacceptable behaviour is repeated, the young person will be given a warning.continued unacceptable behaviour will result in the young person’s parents being contacted to request they collect them from the session and the young person will be given a one session ban.wherever possible there will be two adults present when disciplining a young personshould it be necessary to discipline a young person, the other leaders will be informed in order to ensure that a consistent response to challenging or unacceptable behaviour is maintained.leaders must not under any circumstances respond to challenging or unacceptable behaviour with physical force or by using unduly harsh language.longer bans will be avoided wherever possible but may be given if required. If this happens, the reason for and length of the ban will be made clear to the young person along with any conditions which need to be met in order to facilitate a return to the group.Mobile Devices / Social Media / ICT SafetyYouth group leaders and helpers will not communicate personally with young people via the internet, social networking or mobile devices.Wherever possible communication between youth group leaders and young people will be on a group basis from a dedicated youth group mobile phone or email account.Where one to one communications between leaders and young people are unavoidable, the child protection officer will be copied munications will not take place between the hours of 10pm and 7am.We will endeavour to ensure that language used in communications with young people is clear and unambiguous, will not be open to misinterpretation and will not include abbreviations which could be misunderstood.Any communications received which give cause for concern will be retained and passed to the child protection officer.Mobile PhonesIn order to promote conversation and engagement with each other, young people and leaders will not use mobile phones during youth group sessions other than in case of emergency.Leaders and young people will not share personal mobile numbers.EmailLeaders and young people will not share personal email addresses.Social Networking SitesLeaders will not accept nor initiate ‘friend requests’ from young people on their personal profile.Photographs / Digital ImagesDuring the course of the youth group, it is likely that images (photographs and/or video) of the young people will be taken. Predominantly these will be taken by camera or phone. These images may be used as a record of the week’s activities and to promote the church and youth group via the church notice boards, parish magazine, website and twitter. Parents will be asked to consent to the young person being included in any images used (see Appendix C).Policy Author: Adele McKiePCC Approval Date: 22 May 2018To be reviewed Annually – Next Review due May 2019APPENDIX APolicy Statement on Children, Young People and the Church of St Mary the Virgin, PrestwichThis statement was agreed at the PCC meeting held on 22 May 2018 . As members of this church, we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children and young people. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse discovered or suspected. We recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church. Our church is committed to supporting, resourcing and training those who work with children and young people and to providing supervision. Our church is committed to following the policy and procedures published by the Diocese. The parish will adopt good practice guidelines. Each worker with children and young people must undertake diocesan Safeguarding training, know the guidelines and undertake to follow them. Each shall be given a copy of the Parish’s agreed procedures and good practice guidelines. As part of our commitment to children and young people, the PCC has appointed SUSIE MAPLEDORAM to be the Safeguarding Officer and EMMA CHADWICK to be the Deputy Safeguarding Officer. Children and young people are an important part of our Church today They have much to give as well as to receive We will listen to them As we nurture them in worship, learning, and in community life, we will respect the wishes and feelings of children and young people.APPENDIX BSt Mary’s Church, PrestwichDiocese of ManchesterYouth Worker AgreementName of Volunteer:______________________________________________________________Address: _______________________________________________________________________Phone: ______________________________ Email: ______________________________________________Thank you for agreeing to work as a Youth Worker as part of our overall mission to work with children and young people.St Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) puts a very high value on work with children and young people. The PCC intends to make sure that the appropriate resources and support are available from the Parish and from the Diocese and intends that no-one should work unsupported.These are the particular responsibilities of the work:To provide an inclusive, Christian based youth group and create a safe, welcoming environment where the faith of our young people can be engaged and enriched.To ensure the safety and well being of all young people in your careTo ensure that social media is used correctly and not to have contact with young people attending the youth club.To wok as part of a team to make learning about Jesus a fun and enjoyable experienceTo listen to the Youth Group membersThe PCC hopes you find this work rewarding.Signature of Priest in Charge: ________________________________ Date: ____________Signature of PCC Member : ________________________________ Date: _____________I acknowledge receipt of this agreement and that I have read a copy of the Parish Child Protection Procedures. I understand the referral procedures and who to contact.Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________APPENDIX CPRESTWICH MISSION PARTNERSHIPYOUTH GROUPPARENTAL / GUARDIAN CONSENT FORMDate/Time: Sunday Evenings, 6.30pm to 8pmVenue: Church Lane Community Centre/The Rectory /St Mary’s ChurchLeader(s) in charge: Adele McKie, Chris Wedge, Susie MapledoramDetails of Young PersonNAME ...................................................................................................................................... DATE OF BIRTH ................................ADDRESS ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................POSTCODE ..........................................HOME TEL NO ................................................................SCHOOL ..................................................................................................................................Medical Details of Young Person (in case of emergency)DOCTOR ..........................................................................................................................................SURGERY ADDRESS........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................TEL NO ........................................NHS NUMBER ....................................................................DATE OF LAST TETANUS INJECTION (if known) .................................................................Does s/he have any medical conditions or recurrent illness e.g. asthma, hay fever, migraine, fits/faints or any disability etc?Yes □No □Details:Is s/he taking any medicine or undergoing any treatment etc that needs to be continued during the event?Yes □No □Details:Is s/he known to be allergic or sensitive to anything (e.g. penicillin, aspirin, ibuprofen, food etc)?Yes □No □Details:Has s/he been in contact with any infectious diseases within the last three weeks?Yes □No □Details:Does s/he have any specific dietary requirements?Yes □No □Details:Parental / Guardian Consent and AuthorisationI give consent for the young person named to participate in the Prestwich Mission Partnership Youth Group. I acknowledge the need for acceptable responsible behaviour on his/her part and agree to be bound by the youth group policies.I understand that while involved s/he will be under the control and care of the group leaders and/or other adults approved by St Mary’s PCC and that, while the staff in charge of the group will take all reasonable care of the young people, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by him/her during, or as a result of, the activity.I understand that should my child require emergency treatment owing to illness or injury and I am not available to give my consent, the doctor or surgeon concerned can decide on appropriate treatment, if my child’s health or safety is at risk.In the event of illness or accident requiring emergency hospital treatment, I authorise the leaders named on this form to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by hospital authorities, if the delay to obtain my own signature is considered inadvisable by the doctor or surgeon concerned. NAME ..............................................................................................SIGNATURE………………………………………………………………………... DATE …………………………………………NB The medical profession takes the view that a parent’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in the Children Act 1989. Medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor has the right to insist on parental consent to treat a child. However, it can be of comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents or have a leader on hand to sign forms.Images ConsentDuring the course of the youth group, it is likely that images of the young people will be taken. Predominantly these will be taken by camera/phone (photo) and/or video. These images may be used by St Mary’s as a record of the week and to promote the church and youth group via the church notice boards, parish magazine, website and twitter.I do/do not (please delete as appropriate) give permission for images of my son/daughter to be taken as part of the group.I do/do not (please delete as appropriate) give permission for images of my son/daughter to be used to promote the church and the youth group.SIGNATURE………………………………… DATE …………………………………………Collection from Youth GroupWho will collect your child from youth group ? .............................................................................Emergency ContactsPrimary ContactNAME ................................................................................................................................... RELATIONSHIP TO YOUNG PERSON ....................................................................................E-MAIL .................................................................................................................................... CONTACT NUMBERS:HOME ................................................... MOBILE ................................................. WORK .................................................... Additional ContactNAME ..................................................................................................................................RELATIONSHIP TO YOUNG PERSON ....................................................................................E-MAIL .................................................................................................................................... CONTACT NUMBERS:HOME ................................................... MOBILE ................................................. WORK .................................................... ................

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