Water Sports - Council Rock School District

Water Sports!

A WebQuest for 9th-12th grade

Physical Education

Designed by,

Ms. Pat Toner

Mrs. Kara DiMarco


Introduction I Task I Process I Evaluation I Conclusion I Credits


You are starting up a new and exclusive Water Sports Camp. As the Camp Director you will design a unique water experience as money is no option. You will be setting up programs for three (3) levels of campers (Tadpoles – grades K-3; Goldfish – grades 4-6; Sharks – grades 7-9.) You will describe each program, in detail, to entice parents to sign up their children for a summer of water fun!


Your task for this project is to develop 3, 8 session Water Sports programs for three (3) levels of campers at an exclusive summer camp.  Design three different programs, one for each age group (Tadpoles – grades K-3; Goldfish – grades 4-6; Sharks – grades 7-9.) Make a Power Point presentation to explain, in detail, what your Water Sports Camp has to offer. 

Each group should be offered a minimum of 8 sessions for their Water Sports program experience. For example, the Tadpoles could be offered a basic 8 session swimming class while the Sharks could be offered an 8 session course of water games such as water polo, water volleyball, etc.

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1. Design three different 8-session water sports programs, one for each age group (Tadpoles – grades K-3; Goldfish – grades 4-6; Sharks – grades 7-9.)

2. Using information from any of the sources below, develop a water sports program and list what will be taught and what will be done for each of the 8 sessions.

3. After getting the necessary information and developing three 8 session programs, make a 30 slide PowerPoint presentation to entice interested parents into signing up their children:

a. A colorful title slide (1slide)

b. A brief introduction about your Water Sports Camp. (1 slide)

c. Create a catchy slogan or motto for your Water Sports Camp. (1 slide)

d. Explanation of Tadpole Program including what will be taught, any games or activities, equipment needed, & safety rules. Please include pictures and a clever slogan, catchphrase, or motto for this age group’s program. (8 slides)

e. Explanation of Goldfish Program including what will be taught, any games or activities, equipment needed, & safety rules. Please include pictures and a clever slogan, catchphrase, or motto for this age group’s program. (8 slides)

f. Explanation of Shark Program including what will be taught, any games or activities, equipment needed, & safety rules. Please include pictures and a clever slogan, catchphrase, or motto for this age group’s program. (8 slides)

g. Make sure to include information about your staff (what kind of certifications/qualifications they have). (1 slide)

h. Wrap up your presentation by explaining why parents should send their children to your Water Sports Camp. (1 slide)

i. Your last slide should include a list of all the resources you used. (1 slide)


Mission Bay Youth Water Sports Camps

(Water Sports Resources)

List of Water Sports

Water Sports Open Directory

American Red Cross

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You will be graded using the following rubric for your Power Point presentation:

|Water Sports PowerPoint Rubric Fit! Rubric |[pic] |

|[pic] |4  |3  |2  |1  |Your Score |

|Content |Project is |Project is well- |Project meets half of |Unorganized and meets |  |

| |well-organized and |organized and meets |the requirements; |less than half the | |

| |meets all |most requirements  |well-organized  |requirements  | |

| |requirements  | | | | |

|Grammar |Nearly error-free |Few grammatical and/or|Some errors in grammar|Multiple grammatical |  |

| |which reflects clear |stylistic errors   |and/or format that |and stylistic errors  | |

| |understanding and | |does not interfere | | |

| |thorough proofreading | |with clarity  | | |

|Power Point |Evidence that pride |Clear, uncluttered, |Project appears rushed|Careless, hurried, and|  |

|Presentation |and care was taken and|and attractive  |or somewhat careless, |illegible presentation| |

| |the message of the | |but the content is |  | |

| |product is clearly | |legible  | | |

| |defined  | | | | |


You have learned how to develop a water sports program for three different age groups. Hopefully, you will be able to enjoy some of the many water sports activities available, or even become a camp counselor some day. Good luck!

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Credits and References

Rubric created with Task Stream:

Images from Microsoft Word Clip Art:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Media\CntCD1\cntcd1.mmw

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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