Saint John Vianney Youth Ministry

Saint John Vianney Vision of Youth Ministry

Pastoral Plan 2006-2009

Year 2006-2007

Goal: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today

Objective A: Begin implementation of Comprehensive youth ministry as defined and explained by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops in the document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. The first year will set a foundation of growth for youth ministry, the foundation of which will be divided into the following components of ministry with adolescents:

The Ministry of Advocacy The ministry of advocacy allows youth to have a voice in such a way that within reasonable parameters, adults speak and work with youth not always for them.

• Encouraging youth participation on parish councils and collaborative ministries

• Help youth realize the unique gifts they possess; encouraging them to use those gifts

The Ministry of Catechesis The ministry of catechesis nurtures faith development and offers innovative ways to catechize to youth at all times about the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. This ministry calls us to offer a catechetical approach that recognizes youth cultural, learning, and sensory needs and “meets them where they are.”

• Regular Sunday Gatherings

• Regular Wednesday Gatherings

The Ministry of Community Life The ministry of community life helps create a connection between youth and the broader parish and local community.

• Encourage youth participation in various church organizations and ministries

• Softball

• Having Fr. Come speak to and interact with the youth

• CHWC Steak Dinner and Silent Auction

The Ministry of Evangelization The ministry of Evangelization calls us to reach all youth by sharing the news of Christ through examples of what it means to live as a disciple. Evangelization equally reaches all people; including the baptized, those who are not baptized, those who do not attend mass as well as those who do, those who were raised in faith as well as those who were not and those who struggle with faith as well as t hose who do not.


• God Stock

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Social/Service opportunities that are spiritually relevant

The Ministry of Justice and Service Rooted in the principles of Catholic Social teaching, the Ministry of Justice and Service integrates the social teachings in a compassionate, informative way. This ministry calls the church to offer all people, including adolescents, opportunities of service to others in a local and global perspective.

• Clean Merton! Service Project

• Cleaning the Church Service Project

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Texas Alliance for Life Walk

• Collaborate with Social Ministry to offer Peace, Justice, Service/Advocacy information for youth.

The Ministry of Leadership Development The ministry of leadership development calls us to help youth and adults build and harvest various gifts they were given by God. We do this by providing and encouraging leadership within in the family and community settings, youth ministry and broader parish settings.

• Build and Foster youth leadership by personally inviting to serve on councils

• Youth help plan youth gatherings

• Youth input on activities and events

• Youth-led prayer and Praise and Worship

The Ministry of Pastoral Care The ministry of Pastoral care calls all members of the church community to compassionately assist in healthy adolescent development by creating and maintaining a support system for youth at all times as well times of trials and tribulations and times of crisis and need.

• Invitation of behalf of youth for increased involvement of parish ministries in youth ministry

The Ministry of Prayer and Worship The ministry of Prayer and Worship calls us to provide youth with various worship styles in both group and individual ways.

• Engaging Prayer Services

• Year-long focus on prayer/morality

• Catholic Prayers/Devotions

Objective B: Projected Ministry growth

• For the 2006-2007 school year, Saint John Vianney youth ministry alone was regularly serving about 30 high school families

Saint John Vianney Youth Ministry

Pastoral Plan 2006-2009

Year 2007-2008

Goal: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community

Objective A: Continued implementation of Comprehensive Youth Ministry. Main objective of this year is promote deeper understanding of and participation in the life, mission, and work of Saint John Vianney parish

The Ministry of Advocacy The ministry of advocacy allows youth to have a voice in such a way that within reasonable parameters, adults speak and work with youth not always for them.

• Continued encouragement of youth participation on parish councils and collaborative ministries

• Help youth realize the unique gifts they possess; encouraging them to use those gifts

• Using youth input to create curriculums and social/service events

The Ministry of Catechesis The ministry of catechesis nurtures faith development and offers innovative ways to catechize to youth at all times about the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. This ministry calls us to offer a catechetical approach that recognizes youth cultural, learning, and sensory needs and “meets them where they are.”

We do this by: Offering a variety of communal activities rich in catechesis. These meetings include regular Sunday and Wednesday meetings.

• Regular Sunday Gatherings collaboratively with Religious education with a yearly topic of sacraments and liturgy.

• RE/Youth gatherings on Sundays

• Once-monthly gatherings with middle-school youth

• Regular Wednesday Gatherings focused on the parish 10th anniversary monthly themes

• Travels Retreat with St. Alberts

• PJS/ Souper Bowl Retreat

The Ministry of Community Life The ministry of community life helps create a connection between youth and the broader parish and local community.

• Youth game night for the GBE

• CHWC Steak Dinner and Silent Auction

• Inviting reps. From ministries to come speak with youth about how youth can be involved

• Having Fr. Speak with youth, explaining mass, vocations day.

The Ministry of Evangelization The ministry of Evangelization calls us to reach all youth by sharing the news of Christ through examples of what it means to live as a disciple. Evangelization equally reaches all people; including the baptized, those who are not baptized, those who do not attend mass as well as those who do, those who were raised in faith as well as those who were not and those who struggle with faith as well as t hose who do not.


• God Stock

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Travels Retreat with St. Alberts

• Social/Service opportunities that are spiritually relevant

The Ministry of Justice and Service Rooted in the principles of Catholic Social teaching, the Ministry of Justice and Service integrates the social teachings in a compassionate, informative way. This ministry calls the church to offer all people, including adolescents, opportunities of service to others in a local and global perspective.

• Collaborate with Social Ministry for Souper Bowl/ Peace, Justice. Service

• Distribute/pick up bags twice a year for RRSC and SJV pantry

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Parish service projects

• Community service projects

The Ministry of Leadership Development The ministry of leadership development calls us to help youth and adults build and harvest various gifts they were given by God. We do this by providing and encouraging leadership within in the family and community settings, youth ministry and broader parish settings.

• Encourage high school youth serve with middle school CORE team

• Participate in Travels retreat with ultimate goal to bring youth-led retreat to this parish

• Build and Foster youth leadership by personally inviting to serve on councils

• Youth help plan youth gatherings

• Youth input on activities and events

• Youth-led prayer and Praise and Worship

The Ministry of Pastoral Care The ministry of Pastoral care calls all members of the church community to compassionately assist in healthy adolescent development by creating and maintaining a support system for youth at all times as well times of trials and tribulations and times of crisis and need.

• Invitation of behalf of youth for increased involvement of parish ministries in youth ministry

The Ministry of Prayer and Worship The ministry of Prayer and Worship calls us to provide youth with various worship styles in both group and individual ways.

• Engaging Prayer Services

• Year-long focus on sacraments/liturgy

• Catholic Prayers/Devotions

Objective B: Projected Ministry growth

• Realistic expected ministry growth for youth ministry is 25% yearly. As of June of 2007, Saint John Vianney youth ministry alone was serving about 30 families. It can be expected by June of 2008, that Saint John Vianney Youth Ministry will serve 40+ families. Of course this number will naturally fluctuate with parish growth

Saint John Vianney Youth Ministry

Pastoral Plan 2006-2009

Year 2008-2009

Goal: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person

Objective A: Continued implementation of Comprehensive Youth Ministry. Main objective of this year to foster total personal and spiritual growth of each young person

The Ministry of Advocacy The ministry of advocacy allows youth to have a voice in such a way that within reasonable parameters, adults speak and work with youth not always for them.

• Continued encouragement of youth participation on parish councils and collaborative ministries

• Help youth realize the unique gifts they possess; encouraging them to use those gifts

• Using youth input to create curriculums and social/service events

• Creating a youth advisory CORE team that will work with the adult high school and middle school CORE teams

The Ministry of Catechesis The ministry of catechesis nurtures faith development and offers innovative ways to catechize to youth at all times about the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. This ministry calls us to offer a catechetical approach that recognizes youth cultural, learning, and sensory needs and “meets them where they are.”

• Regular Sunday Gatherings collaboratively with Religious education with a yearly topic of Christian Prayer (?).

• RE/Youth gatherings on Sundays

• Once-monthly gatherings with middle-school youth

• Regular Wednesday Gatherings

• Youth Spiritual retreat-Travels? Other?

• PJS/Souper Bowl lock-in retreat

The Ministry of Community Life The ministry of community life helps create a connection between youth and the broader parish and local community.

• Youth game night for the BE

• CHWC Steak Dinner and Silent Auction

• Inviting reps. From ministries to come speak with youth about how youth can be actively involved

• Having Fr. Speak to youth, explaining mass, vocations day

• Feasible youth mass (?)

The Ministry of Evangelization The ministry of Evangelization calls us to reach all youth by sharing the news of Christ through examples of what it means to live as a disciple. Evangelization equally reaches all people; including the baptized, those who are not baptized, those who do not attend mass as well as those who do, those who were raised in faith as well as those who were not and those who struggle with faith as well as t hose who do not.


• God Stock

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Youth spiritual retreat

• Social/Service opportunities that are spiritually relevant

The Ministry of Justice and Service Rooted in the principles of Catholic Social teaching, the Ministry of Justice and Service integrates the social teachings in a compassionate, informative way. This ministry calls the church to offer all people, including adolescents, opportunities of service to others in a local and global perspective.

• Collaborate with Social Ministry for Souper Bowl/ Peace, Justice. Service

• Distribute/pick up bags twice a year for RRSC and SJV pantry (?)

• Catholic HEART Workcamp

• Parish service projects

• Community service projects

The Ministry of Leadership Development The ministry of leadership development calls us to help youth and adults build and harvest various gifts they were given by God. We do this by providing and encouraging leadership within in the family and community settings, youth ministry and broader parish settings.

• Creating a youth advisory CORE team that will work with the adult high school and middle school CORE teams

• Encourage high school youth serve with middle school CORE team

• Participate in Travels retreat with ultimate goal to bring youth-led retreat to this parish

• Build and Foster youth leadership by personally inviting to serve on councils

• Youth help plan youth gatherings

• Youth input on activities and events

The Ministry of Pastoral Care The ministry of Pastoral care calls all members of the church community to compassionately assist in healthy adolescent development by creating and maintaining a support system for youth at all times as well times of trials and tribulations and times of crisis and need.

• Invitation of behalf of youth for increased involvement of parish ministries in youth ministry

The Ministry of Prayer and Worship The ministry of Prayer and Worship calls us to provide youth with various worship styles in both group and individual ways.

• Engaging Prayer Services

• Year-long focus on prayer/morality

• Catholic Prayers/Devotions

• Youth spiritual retreat

Objective B: Projected Ministry growth Realistic expected ministry growth for youth ministry is 25% yearly. It can be expected by June of 2009, that Saint John Vianney Youth Ministry will serve 50+ families. Of course this number will naturally fluctuate with parish growth

Youth Ministry goals:

1. Increase youth family involvement by 25% yearly

2. Increase parish knowledge of Comprehensive youth ministry

3. Implement youth spiritual retreat(s)

4. Purchase equipment that will help us effectively minister to the youth where they are at

5. Increase adult involvement in youth ministry

6. Offer an appealing youth website for youth to gather info, retrieve pics, and safely “surf”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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