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For Teens…

Ever been told you’re too young to do something that you really wanted to do? At Sardis Baptist Church, we believe that you’re never too young to do something BIG for God! Our youth ministry wants to help you find what God’s plan is for your life, to figure out “Why am I here?” We know that you were meant to live for more than what this world offers. Join us and other teenagers as we figure out life’s questions together (and have some fun along the way!)

For Parents…

In today’s culture, raising a teenager and being a parent can be difficult among all the voices that compete for your child’s attention. But there is a voice out there that wants to help you. The youth ministry at Sardis Baptist Church wants to equip you as a parent to know what teens face in today’s culture and help your teenager hear God’s voice among the noise. We want to help you build a strong biblical foundation for your family. Our youth pastor and adult volunteers love Jesus and love working with young people. We would love to join with you and your teenager on your walk with Christ together.

Our Vision and Purpose

For any ministry, it’s important to know what direction the group is heading and understanding why it exists. For our youth ministry, we wants parents and youth to know that we want to be more than a place where students are dropped off, play a game, and learn how to be a nice person.

We are called “ALIVE! Youth Ministries” because we want the world to know that we are alive in Jesus Christ and that a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment can be found only in Him.

We believe that the five purposes of the church are fellowship, evangelism, worship, discipleship, and ministry. We have formed our purpose statement based on those principles.

Our youth ministry exists to help students LOVE God, LIFT each other up, LEARN His Word, LIVE to reach the lost, and LEAD in ways that meet real needs with spiritual gifts.

LOVE (worship) – loving God not only through song but through our lives

LIFT (fellowship) – Supporting and encouraging each other as the body of Christ

LEARN (discipleship) – reading, understanding, and doing what God has told us through the Bible

LIVE (evangelism) – living our lives in such a way that opens doors for telling the lost about Jesus

LEAD (ministry) – every student has God-given gifts. Part of growing up is discovering those gifts and using them for His kingdom.


The third Wednesday of each month, two groups meet: Acteens and Challengers. These two groups exist to add variety to our monthly schedule and give our young people a chance to learn about missions and to prepare themselves for serving God’s church.

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ACTEENS is a missions organization for girls where they can have opportunities to grow in their relationships with God and their peers. Acteens learn to look beyond themselves and become actively involved in missions and ministry.

Missions are at the heart of Acteens, and members explore and do hands-on missions in their communities and beyond. Acteens are also actively involved in learning about missions and praying for and giving to missions

CHALLENGERS is best described as a missions education group for young men that also teaches them basic life skills that will help them grow into Christian adults. Our adult leaders teach through the lens of four key areas; missions, evangelism, personal development, and adventure. Each of these represents an aspect of becoming a strong man of God, while teaching through activities that young men enjoy and can use the rest of their lives. Some of these activities include: fishing, model rockets, public speaking, budgeting, hunting, auto repair, and outdoor survival.

Annual Events

We do tons of fun and exciting events all year round. Here’s a sampling of what we do:

January - Snowtubing Trip

February - Valentine’s Banquet

March - Mission Project

April - CONNECT conference

May - “Summer Kick-Off” event

June - SuperWow youth camp, VBS, and Camp Sardis

July - Adventure trips & pool parties

August - “Back to School” Bash

September - Wilderness Retreat Weekend

October - Fall Festival

November - Youth Group “Lock-In” at Sardis Gym

December - Christmas Party, Xtreme Winter Conference

Plus, the last Sunday of every month is SNAC (Sunday Night After Church)!

At SNAC, students have the opportunity to bring their friends to church for our Sunday evening Bible study and stay afterwards for a party at one of the homes of our church families. At SNAC, there’s always plenty of food, games, and lots of fun!

Weekly Events

Small Groups - Sundays @ 10am

Middle and high school grades come together on Sunday mornings at 10:00am for a large group devotional in our lower youth room, and then separate into their middle and high school classes. Our High School class meets upstairs while our Middle School class meets downstairs. Every week we’re learning something new and it’s taught by adults who really love teenagers.  Join us as we meet in small groups and talk about what really matters.


Bible Study - Sundays 6-7pm

Sunday nights are more relaxed for us. While it may be a smaller crowd than our Wednesday evening gathering, we make up for it in the depth our study. We go over important topics ranging from videos exploring the places where Jesus walked, characters from the Bible, or where you can find the answers for problems in your life (you guessed it, the Bible!)


Youth Group – Wednesdays 6-8pm

High School meets from 6-7pm

Middle School meets from 7-8pm

All students are welcome to come as early as 6:00pm to play ping-pong, foosball, video games, and talk to our youth pastor. We also have pizza and drinks for FREE, so invite your friends! You’ll be laughing during our games, hearing some cool worship music, and learning about God along the way. Wednesday night is YOUR chance to be part of something big!

John R. Silver

Senior Pastor

Rich Douglas

Youth Pastor

Office: (706) 856-8561

Cell: (706) 436-9488



“Though we were spiritually dead because of the things we did against God, He gave us new life with Christ. You have been saved by God’s grace.”

Ephesians 2:5


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