A Church of the New Dispensation (B) Ephesians 4:4-6



PART 18 02.07.21 A Church of the New Dispensation (B)

Ephesians 4:4-6


The first part of Ephesians chapter four is like the passing of a baton. It has some doctrine (which dominated chapters 1-3) and some application (which will dominate chapters 4-6). It's a mixture of the past and future.


No need to spend a lot of time on this step this week since you probably already did plenty of observation last week on vv.4-6.


Question 1: Read Ephesians 4:4-7, and then read 1 Corinthians 12:4-13. Study

and observe both passages carefully. What similarities do you see in them? What point do you think Paul is making in each of these passages? Similar point? Different points?


Insights into the Passage

Please see the second attached document for a key insight into this passage.

Resources for Reading

Alistair Begg gives an excellent, two-part sermon series on Ephesians 4:4-6 for further learning: Part 1: Part 2:

H.B. Charles offers a very brief reminder: "The Gospel Is the Foundation of Christian Unity":


What did the great 20th Century preacher, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, say about unity to a group of pastors he addressed in June 1962?


Question 2: Pastor Tim makes a great point in his sermon that none of us can

make Christ Lord of our lives. We can't make him something that he already is. This subject touches on an important issue. Some Christians have said that you don't need to acknowledge Jesus as Lord in order to be saved. You just need to acknowledge Him as Savior. Others have said you must confess Him as both Savior and Lord in order to be saved. Discuss this issue as a group.

Question 3: Is it harder to believe God's truth, or obey it? (HINT: If your group

answers this question quickly and "easily," you haven't grappled with it enough.) In other words, is it easier to do vv.1-3 or believe vs.4-6? Is it easier to be humble, or is it easier to believe that which is necessary in order to be humble?


Question 4: The word "confession" in the Greek is homologeo which is a

combination of two Greek words: Homo, which means "the same," and logeo, which means "to say." Confession, then, literally means "to say the same." In other words, confession is when we say the same thing as God. It means we agree with him. If God calls us sinful, we agree with him and say, "I am a sinner." If God says Jesus is the only way to be saved, we agree with Him about that. Confession isn't just about admitting sins, it's agreeing with God about everything He says. I'm placing this under the adoration section because the Lord doesn't want us to offer our adoration and worship to Him if we have some major issue that we are refusing to agree with him about. The Pharisees would worship daily in the temple, offering adoration, praise and worship to God, but they refused to agree with God that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God who had all authority. So...


Is there any major issue you don't agree with God about? (His sovereignty in salvation? His wrath and judgment towards mankind? The hard things He's ordained for your life and the wrongs from others He's allowed you to suffer?)

Is there any major issue you don't agree with someone else? (A friend, spouse, child, leader, co-worker, loved one?)

Knowing that agreement, truth and understanding are the key to unity and reconciliation, what must be done for you to be reconciled to God and/or others?


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