Page Buildout Tricks

Page Buildout Tricks

(Note: Can I use Patrick to do I-movie or pages formatted stuff?)

• If you have an active site, buy a “spare domain”, and install your new stuff on this.

• Then, use wptwin, and clone site. When finished, install the clone on your desired domain and you are ready to roll


• Buy Domain

• Set up hosting in hostgator

• In hostgator c-panel, use Fantastico to install wordpress

• Set up email (ie infor @yourdomain)

• Go to Filezilla and FTP and install desired theme in public_html / yourdomain /wp-content / themes: drag and drop theme here.

• Login to your dashboard by going to wp-admin

• Go to appearnce tab, themes, aand “activate” the theme

• Create a squeeze page

o You want a google friendly URL

o Go to permalink, and click “custom structure” radio button

▪ Insert /%postname%/ code in box (inserts page title name in url)

o Go to General settings and set up these options

o Go to pages, Add New Optimize press theme)

▪ Ben uses a “google slap friendly template” in optimize press to build a squeeze page (sales page style 1)

▪ Click show headline options, add headline (questions work better ie: want to know how to ___)

Can Get Odesk graphic artist to design a header. Usually need to manipulate graphic in Photoshop, or have your VA do it. Save Graphic as a .png file.

• Check through general options, Activate header, footer, enable video, etc..

NOTE: On your squeeze page, just do a belcher button that says get your 3-minute tennis serve fix. $0.00! Click here. Send them to another page which then asks them for email capture


Go to and download an icon as an .ico file in a 16x16 size.

In Optimize Press: general settings, copy in the url of the ,ico file you have uploaded to the media section.


General settings/ look for footer page links, and select those items you want.

Video Integration Tips:

Using ScreenCast and Optimize Press.

• After creating and saving the video in Jing / screencast, save the video. Then go to screencast and upload the video

• Click “share”, and Select the Java Code from the last box, entitled Embed on your page

• Copy this code, and then go to Optimize Press, the page you want to insert the video, and scroll down to Video Options (either in the squeeze page or sales page section)

• Paste code into the box labeled External Player Code. Ensure the size is max of 640 X 390.


Google Loves Blogs on Squeeze Pages.

Make a new page called Blog, and find a “blog template’ in optimize press.

Select Blog Page Options, and enter in your options.

To make a new post, go to “post” section of the WP-Admin menu

(Note: Can I make a blog in Optimize press, steal the header from my WWC site, and hyperlink to the blog?)

By having blog posts, when sending emails through autoresponder, send them to your blog post, which will also drive them back to your web site.


Create 2 lists:

Master list of Leads and Buyers

Then: automated rule: unsubscribe from master list when they subscribe to the “buy list”

Automatically unsubscribe from leads list, when subscribe to buyers list

Verbiage on double Opt-in Confirmation Message:

Click the Link Below to Immediately Download your ____________report

But, turn off double opt-in. It will increase your leads. Do put in the above verbiage, in case the double opt-in gets turned back on.

To make a cool web form: Use CTA graphics in Optimize Press. Scroll down to find the “Active CTA” button. Select CTA button type and any special effects wanted. Update page, and Preview. Make a snagit or skitch copy, save it, and Upload to media library, then get the URL of that image. Paste that URL into the Aweber Web Form custom button window.

In the Opt-in form, for the “Thank You Page”, use the custom setting, and enter URL of the Page that delivers the content: ie: congrats-you-made-it

SEO Stuff:

Ben builds his site around 3 keywords, then all of his anchor text efforts for backlinks center around those 3 keywords.

• In Optimize Press, go to Pages, scroll down to Page SEO and Optimization Section.

• Custom Title Tag: This is your “Headline”

o Fast Small Business Websites. Get Online Now!

• Meta Description: Your “classified ad”

o Get a Custom Website Fast, Without Spending Thousands of Dollars!

• Meta Keywords

o FastSmallBusinessWebsites, small business website design, build a website, etc

On Page 2:

Custom title tag: Almost There!

Meta Description: You don’t want this page to “Rank” You can copy verbiage from Home Page, and copy keywords over as well. However, click the “add a google no index” radio button. You don’t want this page to be indexed and found.

Page 3:

Custom Title tag: Congrats!

Repeat above process

Additional Refinements;

Google and other search engines wants to make sure you have a legitimate web site. They like to see privacy policy, terms of services, etc.

has forms for $99 to add to your site. This is written by a lawyer. Ben copied them into a text file, then he can easily put them onto his site.

Or: Easy Privacy Policy Plugin for Optimize Press?

Contact Form:

Use fast secure contact form plugin.

Then, make a new page called “contact” Make the permalink ______/contact-me

IN FS Conatct Options:

Set your e-mail contact info, etc. After updating all the options, copy the shortcode near the top of the page and insert it into your contact page (make sure html tab is selected)


Menus: enter a title called Menu, and change page to view all, tick off what you want included (home page, blog, contact, etc.

To put a widget in blog post (or a banner ad, or a video, etc.)

Drag a text bar over into the widget area,

Make a “dummy new page” so you can upload an image or banner ad to it. Click on html tab, and copy the resulting code for that image. Paste that into the text widget you installed.

Content Area:

OneShoppingCart as checkout, integrates with a plugin called wishlist member (paid plugin)

Used when someone makes a purchase, it emails a password, and manages the process automatically. (numerous videos on wishlist member site to explain use and setup)

Alternate approach: (free approach)

Add a page in WP called Private Members Area. Select visibility/password protect

You have to email them a password.

Page Buildout, with 2 different levels of membership.

Possible useful plugin: My page Order. Allows you to rearrange the order of the pages displayed.

Buildout Training Page with member only section for

Content Delivery Page

After someone opts in, we want to deliver a hot tip or a small Nugget of information. We don’t want to give a huge report. If you want more information on ______ click below, (and send them to sales page).

This page should be labeled STEP 2/ When you send them to the next page, label it Step 3 of 4 so they don’t think this will take forever.

Page 3 is where you deliver the special report. In Optimize Press: Salesletter 1 template.

Step 3 of 4 : Here’s your report AND something important…..

To deliver the special report:

Below the video on the page, put PDF image and CLICK HERE

In Optimize Press, there are shortcodes built in that say membership download box, member download pdf

To Create a special report download: If you are familiar with the niche, pick your Number one hot tip that you can describe in one page. If you don’t know about the niche, buy a PLR book and use the best tip there.

On a Mac: use Mac Pages template. He found a Youtube video and did a jing screencast of it and delivered that on his special report.

Click Here for Next link: You can create this as an “ugly banner ad” in MS Word, and grab it with snagit or skitch. Resize it, and save the file

If you don’t have a product, use Ben’s Sandwich Page technique but say: I found this GREAT course /book/product. Highly recommended. You gotta get it. If you buy it, email me your receipt and I will send you my killer bonus. Send them to “your friend’s site” (your affiliate link) with the “CLICK HERE FOR NEXT” link.

Creating a Sales Letter:

• Use Ben’s Sales Letter Cheat Sheet

• Set a timer, write in 2 hours MAX


IS everyone around you losing weight while you continue to struggle? I have a killer free report you absolutely must read.

How much for this report? Nothing, Nada, Zip…. It’s my gift to you

Another Idea: As them to write a testimonial, fill out a quick survey, etc. Best testimonial will get a prize. Offer a free gift or the winner of a drawing gets a: _______

Use poll daddy or the like (use an option for them to attach media (picture)). Put a consent statement allowing you to use testimonial.

Note: When comparing price of your product, compare it to “oranges” In other words, for DSP, compare to jenny craig, private nutritional consult, personal training, etc.

On the offer page, have an “exploding offer” that disappears after 5 minutes

Paid Plugin, (note: this is on clickbank: become an affiliate and buy it there?)

Clone the Site with WPTwin. Then move it to your “live URL”

Make a copy of the backup

Load wptwindeploy.php to your doamin

Then: FTP the backup to your public_html/ yourdomain region

Type in wptwindeploy.php

Make sure the WP username and password are recorded. Whne you deploy your backup, you need to use that username and password.

(I think directions are on Wptwin)

Fine Tuning of Traffic Sources:

Why not have a fictitious persona write a ghetto review site of the product you are promoting with your sandwich site you created.

Ben has a URL called , and has a ghetto site. Another called

Uses istockphoto and fictitious name

He uses gotrythis software to track where his clickthroughs are coming from.

Thought: why not have multiple ghetto sites all reviewing your product?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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