4541521-59436000 Home learning for Year 5Week Beginning 22nd June Reading: As it is National Sports Week, I have given you some information to read about a swimming champion who is hoping take part in the Olympics in Tokyo next year. Her name is Alice Dearing. Read the text on the Blog called Alice Dearing and think about the questions below. Some of them can be answered from the text, but some you need to use your own knowledge or opinions. Who was the first black swimmer in Team GB? In what year did they compete?Why do you think that Alice finds the lack of black swimmers in Team GB ‘sad?’Why does she say it’s 2020? How old was Alice when she started competing?It says in the text that a coach used racist language-why do you think that Alice did not want to tell anyone at first? What is Alice’s training regime? What do you think could be hard about this training regime? In what way do you feel that Alice is a role model to other athletes? How does Alice’s story compare with other athletes that you know about? Challenge: Can you find out more about how athletes compete in this discipline at the Olympics? How do you think the challenges of swimming are different to other events? What do you think are the most unusual events of the Olympics? If you could train for an event what would it be? Why? I’m fine with that!Grammar: ConjunctionsA conjunction is a word that joins parts of sentences together. It can be used to add to ideas or explain ideas. Conjunctions can also link sentences or paragraphs. Don’t forget that the word “junction” is in the word conjunction. Junctions bring roads together-this is way of remembering the meaning of the word. Watch the clip on Queensway Youtube channel (remember you need to use the link from school) to see a short explanation. Remember there are 2 types of conjunctions-subordinating and coordinating. Do you remember the white bus song? This was a song we watched to help remember subordinating conjunctions. link below will take you to another song about coordinating conjunctions. the conjunctions activity on your class blog. Talk through your choices with an adult. Can you identify the different types of conjunctions? Writing Task: Your writing task is to write a letter to a sports personality who you admire. If you don’t have a sports personality in mind, you could write to an author, a dancer, an actor or a teacher!Use boxing up to plan your letter. Check on the Queensway youtube channel for more help with this. If you do send your letter ask an adult to check your letter. Discuss with them about using your home address, you could out the school address. Introductionwho are you?what are you interested in?why are you writing? The person you are writing toWhat do you admire? Anything in particular? A unique skill? Have you met or seen this person? What inspires you about them?Questions Think about some things you would like to ask this person if you met them. Thank you!Don’t forget to end the letter politely. Spelling: We are thinking about suffixes this week. We have looked at some before in the year. Look at the suffixes attachment and watch the Queensway youtube channel to find out more. Then have a go at the activities below. MathsThis week we are going to start our 5 a day again but make it 5 a week! There is one task a day which includes things that we usually practise every day when we are in school. MondayMultiples: Multiples are the numbers that are in the multiplication facts of that number. So, the multiples of 4 could be 40, 24, 8 or 36. Can you think of anymore? Is 9 a multiple of 4?TuesdayFactors: A?factor?is one of two or more numbers that divides a given number without a remainder.: Factor challengeHave a go at the challenges below. Thursday: Multiplication Challenge Friday: Multiplication Watch the clip on the Queensway youtube channel if you need reminding about the method of long multiplication. Challenge: Have a go at these questions!!PE/Active lesson National Sports Week This week our PE task is slightly different. I have some very exciting news! Queensway school have signed up to complete the Youth Sport Trust National School Sport week. The aim of the week is to promote togetherness, inclusivity and wellbeing. We have chosen some activities for you to complete at home.?You need to try and challenge yourself with these activities. Maybe you could see how many activities you can do in one day or if you can complete one every day of the week. It is really important to spread the excitement and try to get others in your family involved. Their moto is Choose, Challenge, Capture! ?Please find below the activities we have chosen for you to try out:MondayAthletic Sports Wacky races – can you create your own Wacky race? Add obstacles, find different ways to move and compete against the clock? Challenge someone in your home, or virtually to take part too. TuesdayAiming Sports In the box – how far away from the box can you get and still land your ball on target? Challenge yourself to improve your personal best. WednesdayTeam Sports Sock wars – a bit like tag rugby, can you protect your socks from capture by your opponents? Can you adapt the challenge to make it more creative or encourage more family members to be involved?ThursdayAdventure Sports Race across the river – using only two flat objects can you cross the river without touching the floor? Challenge yourself to find new ways to move, can you get faster?Friday Creative SportsKIDZBOP – choose your favourite song, gather your backing dancers, watch the video and recreate the dance. Could you use this as inspiration to create your own dance?Please comment on your teacher’s Blog about how you get on. Maybe you could send in some photos of what you did. You can check out the website by clicking the link below. Topic: This month the Wildlife Trust are running a month of wild challenges. Your teacher has attached the leaflet with lots of different ideas on the class blog. Have a look and see if there are any you could complete with your family this week. Watch this film that the Wildlife Trust have made to make their point! you can Newsround have linked some of their news reports to help you understand the challenges facing our environment. have you learnt from this information?What small actions could you take with your family to make a difference to this situation? Design a poster to encourage people to do the same! Here are just two ideas of things you could make at home with help from an adult.Send us pics if you do have a go!! E safety information 10 top tips for staying safe on the internet1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your full name, email address, mobile number, etc.2) Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online, most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible!4) Never give out your passwords.5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know.6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately. ................

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