Tamar Herzog

Curriculum Vitae Tamar HerzogMonroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs Professor of Spanish and Portuguese HistoryRadcliffe Alumnae ProfessorAffiliated Faculty Member Harvard Law SchoolHarvard University1730 Cambridge Street-4th floorCambridge MA 02138Tel: ++ 1-617-496-4780Fax: ++ 1-617-496-0621therzog@fas.harvard.edu Education - academic degreesPhD in History, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. Distinction: "très honorable avec félicitations du jury" ("Summa cum Laude"), 1994.DEA (Dipl?me d'Etudes Approfondies) in the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, 1991.Master of Arts Summa cum Laude in the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1990.Degree in Law (B.A. LLB) graduated with Honors, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1987.International Baccalaureate, Lester B. Pearson College, a United World College, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 1983.EmploymentMonroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese History, and Radcliff Alumnae Professor, Department of History and Affiliated Faculty Member, Harvard Law School, Harvard University, 2013-Present.Professor, Department of History, Stanford University, 2005-2013.Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Department of History, University of Chicago, 1997-2005.Profesor asociado, Department of History of Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1995-1997.Visiting professor, Department of History, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1995.Visiting professor, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1995.Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 1992-1994.Legal training (articles) and Bar examination, 1987-1989. Presently a member of the Israeli bar. Practice as an attorney (Israel), 1990.Assistant Lecturer of Prof. A.M. Rabello, director of the Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1986-1987.Research Assistant of Prof. S. Shitreet, professor of Administrative Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1984-1986.Scholarships and awardsResearch Grant, Funda??o Luso-Americana, Lisbon, 2017. James A. Rawley Prize for the best book in Atlantic History for Frontiers of Possession, American Historical Association, 2016.Walter Channing Cabot Fellow, 2016 in recognition for outstanding publication for Frontiers of Possession. Guggenheim Fellowship, 2012-2013.Invited scholar, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France, 2010. Invited professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2004 and 2006. XIV International Prize of Spanish American Legal History Ricardo Levene, corresponding to the period 2000-2 for the book Ritos de control, prácticas de negociación, 2003.Research Grant, Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and United States' Universities, 2000 and 2003.Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2000-2001.Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., USA, 1996-1997.Visiting Scholar, Center of Latin American Studies and Wolfson College, Cambridge University, UK, 1996.Post-doctorate fellowship, Yad Hanadiv, Israel, 1995-1997."Temporary stay for foreign scholars in Spain," The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, 1992-1994. Research Scholarship - Department of Education and Science, Junta de Andalucía, Seville, Spain, 1992.Scholarship of the "Casa de Velázquez" (Madrid), sponsored by the French Ministry of Education, 1992.Different scholarships and awards, Hebrew university, Jerusalem, Israel, 1986 and 1988-1990.Full scholarship, Lester B. Pearson College, a United World College, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 1981-1983.Professional Expert Work Member, international advisory board of the European Research Council project "Disaster, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe," based in Naples, Italy, 2017-present. Member, International advisory committee, Madrid Institute for Advanced Study, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 2017-present. Member, International External Scientific Advisory Board, “Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries,” a European Research Council Project Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation, between various universities in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Cabo Verde, 2017-present. Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Harvard University, 2017-Present. International Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute of European Legal History, Frankfurt, Germany, 2016-2021.International Expert Member, “Collegio dei docenti del dottorato di studi storici Università de Firenze e di Siena, Italy, 2016-present. Member, Instituto de historiografía Julio Caro Baroja, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 2016-present.Member, Consejo Académico, of IAP-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 2016-present. Member, Steering Committee, Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the Unites States –Cervantes Institute, 2016-present. Member, Ames Foundation, Harvard Law School, 2016-present.Lead Reviewer and Panel Chair for History and Archeology, ERC Qualitative Assessment of Completed ERC Projects, 2015 and 2016.Member, Executive Committee, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, 2015-present. External Advisor, PhD Program “History, Change, and Continuity in Global World,” a collaborative project of the University of Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences and Faculty of Letters), ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute, the Portuguese Catholic University, and the University of ?vora, Portugal, 2012-2017.External Expert, Evaluation of Research Quality, National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, Italy, 2012-Present. External Expert, Excellence-Initiative/ Institutional Strategies, German Council of Science and Humanities, 2011-2012. Member, Steering Committee, Weatherhead Initiative in Global History, Harvard University, 2012-Present. External Expert, Synergy Grants, European Research Council, Brussels, 2011-12.Panel Member, Advanced Grants, European Research Council, Brussels, 2011-2017. Consultant, International Project “The Government of Difference. PoliticalImagination in the Portuguese Empire,” funded by Funda??o para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, 2010-2013.Co-Director (together with José Javier Ruíz Ibá?ez of the Universidad de Murcia, Spain, Pedro Cardim of the Universidade Nova/ Lisbon, Portugal, and Gaetano Sabatini of the Università da Roma III, Italy) of Columnaria, an international research network centered on the Spanish Monarchy with members from various European countries, the USA, Latin America, Asia, and Canada, 2004-present.Member, international jury, XVI Premio Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano Ricardo Levene,” 2006-2008, 2009-2011 and 2012-2014.Editorial BoardsMember, Editorial Board, “Diaspora,” a new monograph series, Editorial Bonilla Artigas (México), 2018 – present. Member, Editorial Board, "Cambridge History of International Law," a multi-volume series, Cambridge UK, 2017-present. Member, Editorial Board of “Oxford Legal History monograph series,” Oxford University Press, 2015-present.Member, Editorial Board of “Habsburg Worlds,” a new monograph series, Brepols Publishers (Belgium), 2015-present. Member, Editorial council of “Historia del derecho en América Latina,” a new monograph series, Tirant Le Blanche – Valencia (Spain)- Mexico City, 2017-present. Member, International Council of the journal Ler História, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017-present. Member, Advisory Board, E-Journal of Portuguese History, Providence RI, 2017-present. Member, Scientific Council, “Revista de Filosofía,” Madrid, Spain, 2011-present.Member, Editorial Board, “Pasaje América,” a book series dedicated to Latin America, Ediciones Polifemo, 2011- present.Member, Consejo asesor, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, Spain, 2010-present. Member, Scientific International Committee, “Revista de Historia del Derecho,” Buenos Aires, Argentina 2009-present. Member, editorial board of the “Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies,” 2009-present.Member, Scientific Council of the journal “Nouveau Monde, Mondes Nouveaux/ Nuevo Mundo, Mundos Nuevos,” Paris, France, 2008-present.Member, Editorial board, “Studia Historica. Historia Moderna,” 2008-present. Redactor-corresponsal of E-Legal History Review (e-LHR), 2005-present.Member, Editorial Board, The Minnesota Studies in Early Modern History, 2005-present.Member of the editorial board of the review Interpretatio: Revista de Historia del Derecho (Madrid, Spain), 1994 – 2004.Member of the Wilder House Series Editorial Committee, an interdisciplinary editorial board including historians, social scientists, anthropologists, sociologists, and jurists, Cornell University Press and Chicago University Press, 1997-2005.Member of the editorial board of the "Iberian and Latin American Working Papers Series," The University of Chicago, 1996-2005.Member of the board of the review Mar Océana, Madrid, Spain, 1994-2003.Collaborative Research Projects Colaborador estrangeiro, Rede de História do Direito/Legal History Network, Universidade de S?o Paulo, Brazil, 2018 – present. Académico participante in the project "Los constructores de la integración. El papel de la mediación local en la formación de las monarquías ibéricas," UNAM, Mexico City, 2017 - present. Member, Spanish Research Project “Trazar la línea: teoría y práctica de los delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-espa?olas (1750-1936)” (CSO2015-65301-P), coordinated by Prof. Jacobo García ?lvarez, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, 2015-2018.Member, Spanish Research Project “El Modelo policéntrico de soberanía compartida (siglos XVI-XVII). Una vía alternativa a la construcción del estado moderno” (HAR2013-45357-P) coordinated by Prof. Manuel Herrero Sánchez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, 2014-2017.Member, Spanish Research Project “Columnaria I. Comprender las dinámicas de los Mundos Ibéricos?, (19247/PI/14, financiado por la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología región de Murcia), coordinated by Prof. José Javier Ruiz Ibá?ezm Universidad de Murcia, 2016-present. Membre associé, “Américanisation e américanité?: dynamiques spatio-temporelles et enjeux multiculturels, ” an international research project based in France, 2010-present. Correspondent, “La Vie des Idées,” a joint-venture of “ La République des Idées” and Collège de France directed by Professor Pierre Rosanvallon, Paris, 2010- present. Member, Spanish Research Project, “Las fronteras del Imperio espa?ol (1659-1812). Procesos de definición, formas de ocupación del espacio y sistemas de control del territorio” (HAR2010-17797) coordinated by Prof. Miguel ?ngel Mellón, Universidad de Extremadura, 2010-2015. Researcher in the international project “Instituciones y justicia: administrar el lazo colonial,” coordinated by Jacques Poloni-Simard, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, with colleagues from France, Ecuador, Mexico and the USA, 2003-2013.Associated member of Cerma, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS), 1996- 2009.Member of a working group on political and economic thought in early modern Spain with colleagues from France, Spain, and Italy, 2001-2006.Founding member of a research group on social networks under the hospices of AHILA, 1999-2005.Member of a research group on civil society, collective identities and modernity, directed by Prof. S.N. Eisenstadt, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1994-2005.Participated in two French based international projects on comparative colonialism (“Histoire comparative de la justice coloniale des pays européens”), ran by prof. Bernard Duran, Law Faculty, Université Montpellier I, France, and including colleagues from France, Belgium, Tunisia, Senegal, India, Italy, Spain and Portugal, 2003-2007. Member of a research project of the Max Planck Institut (Frankfurt), Maison des Pays Ibériques (CNRS - Université Bordeaux III), Université de Toulouse-La Mirail, Universidad Complutense (Madrid), Universidad de Granada and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales concerning the prosopography of 17th to 19th-century Spanish bureaucrats, 1995- 2005.Participant in the project "Las Normas y las Prácticas: Derroteros del Estado y de la Administración Pública en América Latina," Financed by the Universities of Turin, Milan, Padua, Florence and Rome and by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research. The aim of this project was to study the transition from old regime to liberal forms of government, 1995-2000.Member of the research group "Relaciones de poder en la historia del Ecuador," AHILA, 1995-1997.Member of a working group on Society and Public Finances in the Early Modern Atlantic World, under the auspices of AHILA, 1995-1997.Researcher, research project on "Judicial Independence" directed by Prof. S. Shitreet, professor of Administrative Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1985-1987.Preparation of a new edition of A.M. Rabello. The Gift law, 5728 (1968), Jerusalem, Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, 1978. My work (1986-1987) consisted in revising the jurisprudence on these issues since 1978 and updating the book accordingly Conferences/Workshop OrganizedFounder and Organizer, Annual Visiting Lecture in Latin American and European Legal History, Harvard University, 2016-anizer, Annual Parry Lectures, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard, 2013-present. Co-organizer, study group “Ethical Questions Regarding Work: New and Old Horizons,” Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard, 2016-2017. Co-organizer, “Thinking through Images: Early Modern Depictions of Economic Activity,” two sessions at the Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Boston, 2016. Organizer, “De-Nationalizing Colonial History: How Spanish was the Spanish Empire?” Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, Harvard, 2015. Organizer, “Thinker Conference: Iberian Imperial Frontiers,” Stanford University, 2012. Member, Comité científico, “Los hijos de Penélope. Lealtad y fidelidades en la monarquía de Espa?a (1648-1714),” Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2013. Co-organizer, “Jornadas internacionales sobre fronteras e historia. Balance y perspectivas de futuro,” Universidad de Cáceres, Spain, anizer, “Spain and Portugal: One Kingdom, Two Empires?” an International Seminar, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, 2011. Co-organizer, “The Struggle for Land: Property, Territory and jurisdiction in Early Modern Europe and the Americas.” Symposium on Comparative Early Modern Legal History, Newberry Library, Chicago IL, anizer, “Citizenship and Immigration: Past and Present,” Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France, 2010Organizer, “Latin America and the Spanish Monarchy,” an International Seminar, Stanford, 2008.Co-organizer, “Citizenship, Revolution and Political Violence in the Formation of Latin American States,” an international conference, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford, 2007.Session organizer "Blood, Lineage and Race in the Hispanic Past: A Conversation," The 31st Annual meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, New York, N.Y., 1999.Session organizer, "Collective Identities and Public Spheres in Latin America," 49th Congress of the Americanistas, Quito, 1997.PublicationsBooks:Una breve historia del derecho europeo: los últimos 2,500 a?os. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2019 (Spanish translation of A Short History of European Law).Fronteiras da Posse. Espanha e Portugal na Europa e na América. Belo Horizonte, Arraes Editores, 2019 (Brazilian translation of Frontiers of Possession).A Short History of European Law: The Last Two and a Half Millennia. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. (reviewed in Journal of British Studies 57(4) (2018), Journal of Interdisciplinary History 49 (3) (2019)).Fronteras de posesión: Espa?a y Portugal en Europa y las Américas. Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018 (Spanish translation of Frontiers of Possession). Fronteiras da Posse. Portugal e Espanha na Europa e na América. Lisbon, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2018 (Portuguese translation of Frontiers of Possession).Nations, Citoyens, Immigrés dans L’Espagne et l’Amérique espagnole du XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Le Poisson Volant, 2017 (French translation of Defining Nations).Frontiers of Possession: Spain and Portugal in Europe and the Americas. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2015.(reviewed in Itinerario 39 (1) (2015), Hispanic American Historical Review 95 (4) (2015), Journal of Jesuit Studies 2 (2015), The Sixteenth-Century Journal 46 (3) (2015), Rechtsgeschichte/Legal History 23 (2015), H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences/H-War (February) (2015), E-Journal of Portuguese History 13 (2) (2015), Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 40 (1) (2015), The Journal of European Economic History 2 (2015), Choice 52 (11) (2015), Revista de Historia del Derecho 50 (2015), The Journal of Modern History 88 (4) (2016), The American Historical Review 121 (5) (2016), Ethnohistory 63 (2) (2016), European History Quarterly 46 (1) (2016), Comparative Studies in Society and History 50 (1) (2016), Journal of Interdisciplinary History 47 (1) (2016), Journal of Historical Geography 30 (1) (2016), European Review of History/Revue européene d’histoire 23(1) (2016), Luso-Brazilian Review 53 (2) (2016), Quaderni Storici 51 (2) (2016), Historische Anthropologie 24 (3) (2016), A Contracorriente. A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America 13 (2) (2016), Cuadernos de Historia Moderna 41 (1) (2016), Revista del Instituto Riva Aguero 1 (2) (2016), Revista Territórios e Fronteiras 9 (1) (2016), Prismas: Revista de Historia Intelectual 20 (2016), Revista de História (S?o Paulo) 175 (2016), Law and History Review 35 (2) (2017),Tiempos modernos: Revista electrónica de historia moderna 8 (34) (2017), Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 18 (2) (2017), American Quarterly 70 (1) (2018), Latin American Research Review 53 (1) (2018). James A. Rawley Prize for the best book in Atlantic History, American Historical Association, 2016.Walter Channing Cabot Fellow, 2016, Harvard University. Rites de control et pratiques de négociation dans l’empire espagnol. Dialogues distants entre Quito et Madrid (1650-1750). Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014 (French translation of Ritos de Control).Vecinos y extranjeros. Hacerse espa?ol en la edad moderna. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006 (Spanish translation of Defining Nations). (reviewed in Hispania 69 (233)(2009), Revista de Indias 69 (247) (2009), Mercurio Peruano 522 (2009), Cahiers de la Méditerranée 80 (2010), Memoria y Civilización 12 (2009), Historia 41 (1) (2008), El Cultural (2007), ABC de las artes y las letras (2006), Pleamar Cultural 7 (2006), Clío. Revista de historia (2006) and Tiempos de Historia (2006)).Upholding Justice: State, Law and the Penal System in Quito. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004 (updated and revised translation of La administración como un fenónemo social). (reviewed in The Americas 63(3) (2007), Hispanic American Historical Review 87 (2) (2007), Itinerario 29 (3) (2005), Histórica 29 (1) 2005, Choice 42 (4) (2004)).Defining Nations: Immigrants and Citizens in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. (reviewed in Annales HSS 64 (2) (2009), Journal of Modern History 77(2)(2005), Social History 29(3)(2004), European History Quarterly 35(1) (2005), The Americas 61(1)(2004), Hispanic American Historical Review 85(2)(2005), Colonial Latin American Review12(2)(2003), Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 5(3)(2004), Itinerario 28 (1) (2004), Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 42(2005), Nuevo mundo-mundos nuevos 4 (2004), Choice 41(4)(2003), Historia latinoamericana en Europa y América 29 (2004), Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos 26 (2004), Revista de historia del derecho 24 (2004), and Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin 29 (2004/2005)).Rendre la justice à Quito (1650-1750). Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001 (French translation of La administración como un fenómeno social). (reviewed in Dix-huitième siècle 35 (2003), Handbook of Latin American Studies 62 (2002), and Aventure de l’histoire 8 (2003).Ritos de control, prácticas de negociación: Pesquisas, visitas y residencias y las relaciones entre Quito y Madrid (1650-1750). Madrid: Fundación Hernando de Larramendi, 2000.(reviewed in Handbook of Latin American Studies 62 (2002), Nuevo Mundo-Mundos nuevos 245 (2003) and winner of Ricardo Levene international prize for the best work published on Spanish American Legal History in the period 2000-2002).Mediación, archivos y ejercicio: los escribanos de Quito (siglo XVII-XVIII). Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1996.(reviewed in Glossae. Revista de historia de derecho europeo 167 (1996), Handbook of Latin American Studies 58 (1998) and Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fr Rechtsgeschichte Romanistische Abteilung 116 (1) (1999)).Los ministros de la Audiencia de Quito 1650-1750. Quito: Libri-Mundi, 1995. (reviewed in Handbook of Latin American Studies 58 (1998)).La administración como un fenómeno social: la justicia penal de la ciudad de Quito (1650-1750). Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1995.(reviewed in Colonial Latin American Review 6 (2) (1997), Journal of Latin American Studies 29 (2) (1997), Annales ESC 51 (3) (1996), Historia Latinoamericana en Europa 20 (1995), European Review of Latin American and Carribean Studies 65 (1998), Anuario de historia del derecho espa?ol 66 (1996), Ius Commune 23 (1996), Estudios de historia social y económica de América 13 (1996), Revista Andina 14 (1)(1996), Revista de Historia del derecho 24 (1996), Reflejos 4 (1995), Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales 22 (1995), and Handbook of Latin American Studies 58 (1998)).Co-Edited volumesPolycentric Monarchies. How did Early Modern Spain and Portugal Achieve and Maintain a Global Hegemony? Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2012 (with Pedro Cardim, José Javier Ruiz Ibá?ez and Gaetano Sabatini). (reviewed in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 38 (1) (2013), Itinerario 37 (1) (2013), Caravelle 100 (2013), Revista Complutense de Historia de América 39 (2013), European History Quarterly 44 (3) (2014), Bulletin of Spanish Studies 91 (8) (2014), The Journal of Modern History 87 (2) (2015), The Journal of Early Modern History 19 (2015), Hispania 75 (250) (2015), Zeitschrift für Historisches Forschung 42 (4) (2015), Luso-Brazilian Review 52 (2) (2015), Archivio Storico Italiano 642 (2014), and E.I.A.L 26 (1) (2015)). The Collective and the Public in Latin America. Cultural Identities and Political Order. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2000 (with Luis Roniger). (reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review 83 (4) (2003) and Annales HSS 58 (2) (2003)).Observation and Communication: The Construction of Realities in the Hispanic World. Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1997 (with J.M. Scholz).Articles/Book Chapters “A European Perspective.” In Peter Cane and Harshan Kumarasingham, eds. The Cambridge Constitutional History of the United Kingdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).“The Colonial Expansion and the Making of Nations: The Spanish Case.” In Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D’Auria and Aviel Roshwald, eds. Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, v.1 (forthcoming). “Colonial Law: Early Modern Normativity in Spanish America.” In J?rg Alejandro Tellkamp ed., A Companion to Early Modern Iberian Imperial Political and Social Thought. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming). “Imaginando as comunidades e explicando a Imigra??o: o caso da Europa moderna e seus territórios ultramarinos.” In Ana Rita Gil, Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Emmellin de Oliveira, Teresa Pizarro Beleza eds., Olhares sobre as migra??es. A cidadania e os direitos humanos na história e no século XXI. Lisbon: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2019 (forthcoming). “Citizenship in Spain and Spanish America: on Maarten Prak’s Citizens without Nations from a Spanish Perspective,” The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History (forthcoming). “1596- ?Qué es ser espa?ol en Europa y América?” In Xosé M. Nú?ez Seixas, dir. Historia mundial de Espa?a/de las Espa?as. Barcelona: Ed. Planeta, 2018, 305-311.“1659 – “La paz de los Pirineos: ?Qué es una frontera?” In Xosé M. Nú?ez Seixas, dir. Historia mundial de Espa?a/de las Espa?as. Barcelona: Ed. Planeta, 2018, 373-378.“European Law and the myth of a Separate English Legal System,” History and Policy (Policy Papers), available online at “Schiavitù: una prospettiva globale.” In Emanuele Colombo ed., Schiavitù del corpo e schiavitù dell’anima. Chiesa, potere politico e schiavitù tra Atlantico e Mediterraneo (sec. XVI-XVIII). Milan: Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 2018, 13-26. “Dialoging with Barbarians: What Natives Said and How European Responded in Late- Seventeenth- Eighteenth-Century Portuguese-America.” In Brian P. Owensby and Richard J. Ross eds. Justice in the New World. Negotiating Legal Intelligibility in British, Iberian, and Indigenous America. New York: NYU Press, 2018, 61-88. “Indigenous Reducciones and Spanish Resettlement: Placing Colonial and European History in Dialogue.” Ler História 72 (2018): 9-30.“AHR Conversation: Walls, Borders, and Boundaries in World History,” with Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Daniel Jütte, Carl Nightingale, William Ranking, and Keren Weitzberg. American Historical Review 122 (5) (2017): 1501-1553.“The European Expansion, the Old Testament, and Indigenous Dispossession.” In Carmen Bernand, Eduardo Fran?a Paiva and Carmen Salazar-Soler eds. Serge Gruzinski, le passeur persévérant. Paris: Editions CNRS, 2017, 103-109. “Historical Rights to Land: How Latin American States Made the Past Normative and What Happened to History and Historical Education as a Result.” In Mario Carretero, Stefan Berger and Maria Grever, eds., Palgrave Handbook on Historical Culture and Education. London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2017, 91-107. “?s capaz de reconhecer um espanhol quando vês um? “Nós” e “Eles” no Atl?ntico ibérico da época moderna.” In ?ngela Barreto Xavier ed., O Governo dos Outros. Comunidade política e diferen?a no império português. Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2016, 623-640.“En torno a las relaciones sociales: nosotros y ellos. Un análisis a partir de los procesos incoados al presidente de la Audiencia de Quito a mediados del siglo XVIII.” In Elisa Caselli, ed. Justicias, agentes y jurisdicciones.?De la Monarquía Hispánica a los Estados Nacionales (Espa?a y América, siglos XVI-XIX). Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2016, 59-78.“Did European Law Turn American? Territory, Property and Rights in an Atlantic World.” In Thomas Duve and Heikki Pihlajam?ki eds. New Horizons in Spanish Colonial Law: Contributions to Transnational Early Modern Legal History. Frankfurt: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 2015, 75-95.“Defendiendo lo que uno pretende tener: ?Cómo se reclamaban los derechos en la Hispanoamérica colonial?” In Andrea Reguera and Eliane C. Deckmann Fleck, eds. Uma história social e cultural do Direito, da Justi?a e da Política: Do antigo Regime ibero-americano à contemporaneidade latino-americana. S?o Leopoldo, RS, Brazil: Editora Oikos, 2015, 72-96.“Reescrever a história ibérica? Vecindad e Naturaleza em Castela, em Portugal e nos seus domínios ultramarinos durante o século XVIII.” In David Martín Marcos, José María I?urritegui and Pedro Cardim eds. Repensar a identidade. O mundo ibérico nas margens da crise da consciência europeia. Lisbon: CHAM, 2015, 301-310.“Guaranis and Jesuits. Bordering the Spanish and the Portuguese Empires.” ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America (Spring 2015): 50-52.“Espa?oles y extranjeros en un imperio universal: Monarquía, Estado y Nación en el amanecer de una modernidad.” In Liborio Ruiz Molina and José Javier Ruiz Ibá?ez, eds. El Greco y los Otros. La contribución de los extranjeros a la historia de Espa?a, 1500-1700. Murcia: Editum, 2015, 13-22.“António Manuel Hespanha According to Tamar Herzog.” In António Manuel Hespanha. Entre a História e o Direito. Coimbra: Almedina, 2015, 95-103. “Merchants and Citizens: On the Making and Un-making of Merchants in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America,” Journal of European Economic History 52 (2014): 137-163. “Struggling Over Indians: Territorial Conflict and Alliance-Making in the heartland of South America (Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries).” In Saliha Belmessous ed. Empire by Treaty: Negotiating European Expansion, 1600-1900. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014, 78-100.“Una Monarquía, dos territorios: La frontera entre espa?oles y portugueses, Espa?a y Portugal durante (y después) de la Unión.” In Carlos Martínez Shaw and José Antonio Martínez Torres eds. Espa?a y Portugal en el mundo (1580-1668). Madrid: Polifemo, 2014, 139-155.“The Appropriation of Native Status: Forming and Reforming Insiders and Outsiders in the Spanish Colonial World,” Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, 22 (2014): 140-149. “Judíos, musulmanes, conversos, indígenas y gitanos: Sobre la ida y vuelta de categorías jurídico-sociales entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo.” In Louise Bénat-Tachot, Serge Gruzinski and Boris Jeanne eds. Les processus d’américanisation. Vol. 2?: Dynamiques spatiales et culturelles. Paris: ?ditions Les Manuscrit, 2013, 59-84.“Naturales y advenedizos: La reorganización del derecho a la tierra en el reino de Quito (y otras partes).” In Jacques Poloni-Simard ed. Au miroir de l’anthropologie historique. 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