TEAM Lesson Plan Template - University of Tennessee

|Lesson Plan Template |

|Teacher: |Karen Cragwall |

|Grade/Subject: |6-8 Library |

|Course Unit: |No unit |

|Lesson Title: |Using 3D printing in solar energy research |

|LESSON OVERVIEW |Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link |

Students will view a video from youtube that introduces them to 3D printing.

The Librarian will then give them a graphic that identifies all parts of the two Ultimaker Go 2 printers and show all the filaments available for use in 3D printing the school will use.

The next activity will begin with looking at a slide of the way engineers at TVA track which types of energy resources are currently at work and at what level they are being used to generate our electricity.

Students will then investigate ways TVA is working to improve their electrical grid and how electricity is delivered to the consumer at the TVA Kids website.

Students will then watch a video that shows how a 3D printer is being used in an African community not attached to an electrical grid to enable them to gather their own solar energy and independently generate electricity.

They will also watch the school’s 3D printers create a small solar panel holder. Each class will watch panels being made during class to use for further research and experimentation at the school.

|STANDARDS |Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State |

| |Competencies. |

GLE 0807.T/E.1 Explore how technology responds to social, political, and economic needs.

GLE 0807.T/E.2 Know that the engineering design process involves an ongoing series of events that incorporate design constraints, model building, testing, evaluating, modifying, and retesting.

|OBJECTIVE |Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES |

| |Student-friendly |

Students will have a basic knowledge of how 3D printers work and some of their uses.

After seeing the different resources TVA currently uses to power the electrical grid in its service area students will understand how little renewable energy sources are being utilized, discuss why this is the case and how 3D printing might be used to make these resources more feasible.

|INTRODUCTION |Should Include: Any prior knowledge that the students need to complete the lesson, approximately how long |

| |the lesson is predicted to take (Ex. 1 Day or 2 Days), and a short summary of the entire lesson plan. |

Students will need to have a general idea about what kinds of natural resources are used to generate electricity and use the internet.

This lesson will take a 70 minute class period.

Students will watch a 1:34 video introducing them to how 3D printers work and learn about some things that can currently be printed.

The Librarian will tell students about a field trip with the RET CURENT program at UT to the TVA River Forecast Facility. They will view a slide from TVA showing all the resources that make up the electrical grid for TVA’s coverage area. They will see how many resources are currently being used to power the grid and then asked what other resources they are familiar with but are not listed on the slide.

The next step will be to individually investigate several different strategies TVA has to try to make our electrical grid and electricity delivery more efficient and cost effective from the TVA Kids website. They will write summaries of what the articles say about their assigned topic.

Students will then form small groups based on their research topics. On the back of their summary sheet they will brainstorm ways to incorporate 3D printing into the subject they researched.

For the final activity students will watch a video about a place in Africa that is helping people with no electric power generate their own solar power with the help of 3D printing.

As the students are researching, the school’s 3D printers will be printing foldable 5 volt solar panel holders that will be used to power or recharge portable devices and used for further research and experimentation at the school.

|MATERIALS LIST |A bullet list of materials. |

| |The materials need to be specific and include quantities |

1 ActivBoard

1 LCD projector

1 teacher computer

ActivInspire/PowerPoint presentation slide

Classroom set of laptops (1 for each student)

2-3D printers (KMS has Ultimaker 2 Go)

Printer filament

10-5V solar panels

Research information sheets (1 for each student)

Graphic describing parts of Ultimaker 2 Go printer (1 per student)

|RESOURCES |Should Include: A bullet list of any links to videos, names of worksheets, names of projects, names of |

| |PowerPoints, links to online articles, links to interactive websites, names of reading materials, etc (All |

| |worksheets, PowerPoints, projects, and reading materials should be attached to the back of the lesson plan).|

| | |

| |Specify whether they will be used before, during, or after the lesson. |

| | |

1. Video that introduces students to 3D printing:

2. Slide for students to see the types of resources currently used by TVA:


3. TVA website where students will work in small groups to see how this agency is working on improving electricity delivery:

The worksheet that goes with this activity is attached to the end of the lesson plan.

4. Short video from Science in Context (part of TN Electronic Library) about using 3D printers in Africa to help people harness solar power:

All of these resources will be used during the lesson. Other sites/books used as background for preparing this lesson are listed in Citations.

Before the lesson the solar panel holder will be downloaded from and loaded into the printers.

Solar panels can be ordered from many places, here is an example from Amazon:

|ACTIVATING STRATEGY |Motivator / Hook |

| |An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced with complex, open-ended, |

| |challenging, meaningful and authentic questions. |

The first motivational strategy is that the collaborating teacher will tell students they will be having class in the Library and using resources from the Makerspace. Having a well-done informational video always hooks middle schoolers into the lesson. The youtube video is short, informative, funny, and is about a subject the students want to explore.

Our essential question for the day: “Can 3D printing make the same type of impact in the world that Facebook did?”

|INSTRUCTION |Step-By-Step Procedures – Sequence |

| |Discover / Explain – Direct Instruction |

| |Modeling Expectations – “I Do” |

| |Questioning / Encourages Higher Order Thinking |

| |Grouping Strategies |

| |Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension |

Students will enter the Library and sit close to the interactive board. They will view the youtube video introducing 3D printing. A short discussion will follow to see how familiar students are with the process. After this both printers and samples of available filaments will be on display for students to view, touch and ask questions. Students will be provided a sheet that shows all parts of the machine and will watch as the Librarian loads the printers with filament to begin printing solar panel holders that will be used as part of the school’s Makerspace.

Next students will be put in small groups assigned by the collaborating teacher and given instructions for logging into the laptop computers and navigating to the TVA Kids website. Worksheets will be handed out to each student with the assigned topic for research from the site. Students will read the short articles and write a summary that will be presented as an extension activity back in the regular classroom. (This portion of the lesson is used to integrate writing across the different curriculums.) While students are working at the computers to logon, navigate, research and write the Librarian and collaborating teacher will circulate among the students to see which students need help with any of the tasks, offering assistance or encouragement in this process. This strategy also helps keep behavioral interruptions to a minimum.

Small groups will be assigned according to the topic each student investigated. Each group will work together to brainstorm how a 3D-printed object could be used to improve how their topic is used in the electricity delivery system.

The final activity will be to watch the Science in Context video about using 3D printing in Africa to help a community not on the grid generate and use solar energy.

As the lesson winds down we will revisit our essential question to see if students have gained any new insights into how this new process might be used to change the world.

The solar panel holders should be printed before the class ends and students will be able to examine them and will load a solar panel into the holder.


| |Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving |

| |Relevance |

| |Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension |

The facilitating teachers will have the videos ready to play, computers set up, have the printers loaded with the designs to print the solar panel holders, provide instruction for logging onto the computers and navigating to the TVA Kids website, give individual guidance and lead questioning/discussion sessions.

Students will view videos and research topics and work in small groups. Brainstorming groups are encouraged to take information they received during their research time to use higher order thinking and problem-solving skills to come up with ways to incorporate 3D printing into new innovations in electricity delivery.

This lesson provides many opportunities for extensions. The primary extension is to share out the students’ research about TVA. Since the solar panels and holders will be finished these can be used for experiments and the 3D printer can be used for a myriad of activities.

In the Library the primary extension is to have the collaborating teacher book more classes and identify students who find this subject interesting and return to investigate what the Makerspace offers.

|CLOSURE |Reflection / Wrap-Up |

| |Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting |

As the lesson ends students will be reminded of the essential question. There will be a short questioning session to see if they were familiar with any of the innovations or new technologies seen on the TVA Kids website and let them share about these. Then students can discuss how this innovation can be used in their daily life.

Research response sheets will be collected to be used as an extension exercise in the regular classroom.

The solar panel holders should be finished printing so the students can examine them and put the solar panel inside.


3D printing can be integrated into any curricular area, but obviously art. Language arts can use this technology to help students learn about design and bring ideas and concepts into a physical form.

Studying new technologies and their integration into the power delivery system by TVA can be used in Science, Math, Health, Computer Science and Tennessee History.

|ASSESSMENT / |Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments. Aligned with the Lesson Objective |

|EVALUATION |Formative / Summative |

| |Performance-Based / Rubric |

| |Formal / Informal |

This is an introductory lesson so proficiency of the subject is not expected. However, this lesson should lead students to a higher level of familiarity with the subjects of both 3D printing and how the electrical grid in our area is involved in keeping up with new innovations through discussion and questioning while also observing students’ participation in the small group activity.

This lesson follows the objective for the lesson through all the activities.

All assessments will be informal and formative.

|CITATIONS |Any websites that were used to gather information. |

Greek, Joe. Incredible Projects Using 3D Printing. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Fontichiaro, Kristin, and AnnMarie P. Thomas. Squishy Circuits. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

|NOTES: |Purchasing information for non-typical items |

| |Tips & Tricks that may help |

A separate document accompanies this lesson plan with all notes including costs, where to purchase, tip, tricks, etc.

Research Worksheet:

TVA Research Response Sheet

Name_______________________________ Topic_______________________________________

Write a summary of what you read about this topic. (#don’t just copy it) Include at the bottom any questions you may have to discuss with the group. Use complete sentences!!!!! Please don’t write like you are a Yeti because you will have to be able to read this as you share out to the rest of this class.

Dietmar Hoepfl-123RF Stock Photos


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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