Is there a supernatural dimension? A world beyond the one ...

Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest died, went to heaven, but was sent back for many reasons. One of the major reasons was to reveal the secrets of angels. Did you know that your entire future was written in advance and there's books that have exactly what you're supposed to do? It's the job of the angels to help you step-by-step fulfill your destiny, but most believers don't know how to cooperate with the angels. Would you like to learn?

Is there a supernatural dimension? A world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Can our dreams contain messages from heaven? Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing onto planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural.

SID: Kevin, you have told me many times that there is an angel that comes with you to accomplish what you speak. Is that angel here now?

KEVIN: Yes, he's come.

SID: I'm so glad you're here.

KEVIN: I'm even more relieved than you are.

SID: You have a mandate to teach on angels, how'd that come about?

KEVIN: I was taught that we need to start to recognize the fact that we have been assigned angels that have read our books in heaven, quoting Psalms 139. This process of them reading the books becomes the agenda of angels, which is the agenda of God. This agenda of angels comes down and they make the agenda of angels, which is the agenda of God, our agenda. That's our goal, is to cause us to do our books. They help us. They assist us. There's this mindset that has to happen. The Lord said to me if this does not happen, this next move of God will not be what he intended.

SID: Tell me about the first angel you ever encountered.

KEVIN: Sid, I feel that people talk too much about the devil, so they talk about all the things that the devil is doing to them. If you talk like one instance where an angel comes into your room like it did for me on this first time, and I was just praying, I was just being a nice Christian praying in tongues pacing back and forth, and all the sudden something shifted in my room and when I looked, the door had swung open in my dorm room. Whatever came in there, he was huge. I couldn't see in the dark until he got close to me but he must've been 10 feet tall and it looked like he weighed 800 pounds. He's in full armor, centurion armor, that you can look up.

KEVIN: He walked over to me, I had fallen and I couldn't even move. The holiness of God was just pulsating from him. He grabbed me, he picked me up and he said I've been sent from the presence of the Lord to tell you and to warn you that you must set yourself apart. You must come out from among everyone and set yourself apart for the next six months. He instructed me, he said, "Now there are people that are going to actually be judged by God that are around you right

now and you are not to be their friends anymore." He showed me who they were. There was a whole group of them. I said, "I didn't suspect any of this." He told me, he said, "Now, you're going to set yourself apart and you're going to see God because you're called and the Lord has plans for you and you must do this."

KEVIN: All the sudden, he stopped. I said, "Continue", and he said, he went like that. He was listening in his ear and the Holy Spirit was speaking to him. He said, "I've been called to another place. Go to the prayer chapel and the Holy Spirit will finish my message." I said, "Well, you're right here, just go ahead and finish it." He got upset with me, he said, "I said go and pray and the Holy Spirit finish it", and he turned and he started to run down the hallway and disappeared into the air.

SID: That was just his first encounter with an angel. There's something that a lot of people don't understand. How does supernatural languages or speaking in tongues coincide with these messengers, these angels?

KEVIN: When I was with Jesus, he showed me that tongues was the number one way to enter into the supernatural realm while you're doing your everyday life. I saw though that when I prayed in tongues, I was praying forth the will of God according to Romans 8:26. When in my weakness, the Holy Spirit came in and gave me the ability. I saw that angels understood what I was saying in tongues, but what I was saying in tongues was the agenda of God, which when they looked at their agenda that they were sent to help me with, it was their agenda. My agenda was angel's agenda and it was God's agenda, so why would you not pray in tongues all the time like Paul did? Why would you not want to engage?

KEVIN: I found myself in supernatural missions where I felt like I was on some special forces team. I had angels that were taking me places and telling me go talk to this person and they would just be led to the Lord immediately. They're here right now, Sid. There's actually more angels with this group of people that we're talking to than there are people. There are at least twice as many angels in any one place.

SID: There's been, again, a little crunchy, he had a meeting with some angels who identified themselves as Pentagon angels, and how they work to help the United States and Israel, be right back.

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [music] [commercial] [music] We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID: He's having a good time of his life. He has the ability to and to look into the invisible world. Me, I can let him tell me what he sees and he's seeing so much stuff going on. If it's so much stuff going in here, it's going right through your television and computer, I tell you. Tell me about the Pentagon angels.

KEVIN: How that happened was I was at work and I just checked into the hotel. When I went up to my room I just told my crew I'll meet you for dinner, so we did that. When I came back, I did not expect this. When I opened my door to my room, the power god was so strong. Can you imagine having the power god in your room stronger than any church service you've ever encountered? There's nobody in there, I thought, until I heard the door shut and I turned to my right and there in the corner were six angels standing there smiling. They looked like they were excited to talk with me. These didn't have wings, they didn't have your standard, they were just robed individuals.

KEVIN: There were six of them. They said, "We've been waiting for you to come. We've heard you're coming, we're so excited." He says, "Because you get it." I said, "I get it?" He goes, "Yeah." He says, "You operate in the spirit as though we're real and angels love it when people treat us as though we're real and we're fellow servants." Because it says that in the book of Revelation that John was not to worship that angel because we're fellow servants with you. They were so excited and so they begin to talk to me and reveal the other side to me as I was standing there. You know what I said to them? I said, "No one's going to believe this if I ever tell anybody this."

KEVIN: They said, "Well, we heard that you worship God everywhere you go in your hotel room after work. You work long days and then you walk in your room and the first thing you do is you raise your hands without music and you start to worship the Father God." They said, "Kevin, we've been sent to talk to you about some things." They started to tell me about the move of God that was coming, that was the glory of the father. The father was going to be revealed in this last move. They showed me how there was the charismatic movement, there was the Jesus movement, and now there's going to be the father movement. The father's been silent in a sense that he's spoken through his son.

KEVIN: They started to tell me all this things. They started to reveal to me, they said, "Really, the special forces angels are already on the ground and all their equipment for this next move, so don't wait any longer because it's already rising and the glory of the Lord is there." They taught me, listen Sid, they taught me how to yield to the glory and speak from the glory. When the glory comes into the room, you speak from it and you become another person. They taught me how to do that. They actually showed me, I'll just tell you. They handed me my books that I haven't even written yet. They hand them through a veil and they said, "These are from the Father God. These are given to you and they are not to be touched by any other man because they are sacred, so don't let anyone edit out anything that the Father God gives you to write because the people need to hear these things." I said, "Can you guys come with me?" They said, "Oh no. We can't because we're assigned to the Pentagon."

SID: Now, this room you were in was right across the street like from the Pentagon.

KEVIN: Yeah, you could see the Pentagon through my window. I said, "You work at the Pentagon?" They said, "Yeah, those people over there, they think they're running this country but we really is. That's how we face that. They said, "We're there."

SID: I haven't seen that on Fox or CNN lately.

KEVIN: I said, "People aren't going to believe this at all." For a while, I never told anybody but they said the importance was is that this country must stay with its foundation, which is God Almighty, and that the prosperity of this nation was helping support missionaries all over the world, they said, and that the interest of Israel were their assignment at the Pentagon. They were under Michael, and they were sent as ... for under Michael, the Archangel, sent to the Pentagon to make sure that Israel was always protected. I just want to talk to the people at home because the one thing that I noticed about Jesus when I had my heavenly visitation with him was I felt value and I felt secure.

KEVIN: I know that Jesus sent angels to make us feel secure. They're there to secure your life and to help you but you got to remember something, Jesus values you, the father values you. I'm telling you this because you've got to stay in there with God right now. Do not give in. Those demons, they're going to have to stop tormenting you at night. They're going to stop because I'm breaking the power right now. Those visitations at night were going to be angels. The Lord is going to turn it around and angels are going to visit you at night.

KEVIN: Sid, I hear people all the time they tell me that they know the devil said this to me, and these demons that keep bothering me, but I hardly ever hear anybody say, "My angel came and told me that I'm doing fine, and that tomorrow I got a big surprise for you." You say that and they think you're loopy. If you go to get a testimony service at church, they'll tell you like for 15 minutes what the devil's been doing to him all week.

KEVIN: I'm sorry. I just feel that the church needs to turn on the body of Christ. The Messiah has delivered us and so the Angels have come to deliver us. The Holy Spirit inside of us, he's a deliver. It's time to start talking about what the angels are doing. They have the agenda and it's the agenda of God and its purpose.

SID: Speaking of agenda, God, he learned so much. He had an experience that, correct me if I'm wrong, you've never really publicly shared before on Mt. Sinai. We'll talk about it when we come back.

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [music] [commercial] [music] We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID: Kevin, you literally went to what you call the command center in heaven. What did you see?

KEVIN: I was surprised that heaven is a kingdom, of course, the kingdom of God, but it has a military. There was a military department and a military building and there was a command center and Jesus was head of all the angels, he was the Lord of hosts. All the angels answered to him and there's all these different ranks and there's all different kinds of angels. There's more than we even know. They are asking Jesus what do we do about this because their book says this, and they have these books that they went and got. They've got people's names on them. This is

what you wrote about them Lord before they were born. You wrote each one of their days in a book.

KEVIN: This is what's going on, but we need to know what we should do about this, because if they're being disobedient or if they're in rebellion, it's hard for an angel to win people over. The Holy Spirit has to work and Jesus has to work on other ways so they sent people. They run into people and the angels are told, "Okay, set it up so that they talk to this person on the bus", and so you'll find yourself, if you're in disobedience every year you'll find yourself in the same spot at being told the same thing because the angels put you in a cycle.

KEVIN: The command center does all this. They determine who they're going to influence to listen to this. It has to do with a whole generation. Everything that is done, God is thinking about his family, but not just our generation, but the next generation. They also had these notes that say that a previous generation prayed so we have to honor that.

SID: This gets pretty deep.

KEVIN: I'll tell you if that's-.

SID: I want to hear about that experience you've never shared publicly on Mount Sinai.

KEVIN: That, I'm telling you, I don't know where to start with that except that I was writing a book by another title. As I was doing that, I sat in my chair that I write in and the power god was so strong in my office and all the sudden I didn't feel the chair anymore. I knew that something was shifting and-

SID: As you're starting to share this, the presence of God is getting stronger and stronger, really, on what you're saying right now, go ahead.

KEVIN: What happened was, as I went somewhere, and I am just being honest with you, maybe people can help me out because I can't explain it. This happens to me, as a normal Christian, I don't claim to have any rank in the body of Christ. I'm just a normal Christian that prays in tongues. I don't think of myself as anything else so the playing field is level with this. I was doing what God asked me to do to write this book and I found myself on a mountaintop very high up, and there were angels surrounding the top of this mountain. In the center, I saw a man talking in the glory with someone. I could not see who it was but I believe it was God and it was Moses.

KEVIN: I didn't want to do so I looked down and it looked like there was snow on the ground but it was this gray slate type rock. I kicked one of the rocks, and I thought it was snow but it didn't respond like snow would. It was white hot from the person who was standing in the center, the God Almighty. The place was so holy that I couldn't move anymore, but I felt at home, I felt clean. The fear of the Lord is clean, it says. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I started to receive downloads for this new book called The Agenda of Angels.


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