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Exam 1 Part D. Your Name:Please TYPE your answers in an MS Word Document. When complete send your exam answers as an ATTACHMENT to an Email to Dr. Kravitz. Exam 1 Part D is due Friday February 12 by 12midnight. No late papers accepted. Also, academic honesty is totally active here. Please do your OWN work! Use AS MUCH SPACE as you wish in your answers! This EXAM is open note. Please use the YOUTUBE videos to guide your answers.Class, due to the UNIQUENESS of PEP305, most, if not ALL, of upcoming EXAMS will be integrated with the YOUTUBE videos.Please answer the following questions from the Exercise: the Magic Bullet Part ONE YOUTUBE video.A. What is the #1 Health Message presented by Dr. Kravitz? (6 pts)1. B. Please define VO2max? (6 pts)2.C. Who is Dr. Frank W. Booth (what is he known for in regards to health benefits)? (6 pts)3.D. According to Dr. Frank W. Booth, is his capstone article, Low Cardiorespiratory fitness is…….please finish his statement. (6 pts)4.E. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, with each MET increase there HOW much decrease in risk of cardiovascular disease? (6 pts)5.F. With the #2 Health Message presented by Dr. Kravitz, what is the Key Finding from the study by Dr. Lance Dalleck? (8 pts)6.G. The most common HIIT Program for Cardiovascular Function is (20 pts)7. How much warm-up?8. HOW long and HOW hard is the high intensity interval?9. HOW long and HOW hard is the recovery period?10. How many intervals?11. How many days/week?H. To reduce the risk (30-50%) of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and some cancers, what does Dr. Booth recommend from his research? (6 pts)12. I. Please explain the New Movement Slogan from Australia to get people moving? (6 pts)13. J. Dr. James A. Levine has introduced NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)? What does this mean as presented by Dr. Kravitz? (6 pts)14. K. According to Dr. James A. Levine daily sustained chair-dependency is associated with what 3 key health issues? (18 pts)15. 16.17.L. In an invited commentary, Dr. Barry A. Fanklin suggests our modern sedentary lifestyles are due to what? (6 pts)18.Please watch Exercise the Magic Bullet Part TWO YOUTUBE video.Develop a Metabolic Profile for Another Person following directions below and how to do a Metabolic profile in the YOUTUBE video. (100 pts)Step 1. Find ONE volunteer (can be a friend, family member or person you work with) who you feel would like to become more active (a currently sedentary person is best)Step 2. Discuss the health value of adding daily physical activity to his/her lifeStep 3. Complete a metabolic profile that represents a typical day of the week (do the calculations on the bottom of the page) for this person. Use the Metabolic Profile Form the follows.Step 4. In a one-on-one discussion, create TEN movement and/or light exercise interventions for this person (that they hopefully will start doing). Your goal is to add more physical activity to her/his life; Get them moving!Metabolic Profile FormMetabolic Profile for:____________________________Day(s) of Week:__________________________________Time of DayActivityMinutes SittingMinutes Standing or MovingWake-Up:Total Time (Min) Awake=Total Time (Minutes) Sitting=Total Time (Min) Standing/Moving=Calculate % Day Sitting:__________ Total Time (Minutes) Sitting divided by Total Time (Min) awake.Example Calculation: 500 Min (sitting) divided by 900 Min (awake) = 500/900 = .55 or 55%Please list the 10 Movement and Light Exercise IDEAS Here: of Exam ................

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