
ROOM # 20 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 6/8/2020-6/12/2020


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson) | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka |

| | | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |learning centers)] |

|Monday |Unit: Transformation |Time to create: |MATH- Review #5 this week |Movement – Let’s get our bodies moving with |

|Date: 6/8/2020 |Focus- How do butterflies transform? | |Watch this video to practice singing and counting |this music and movement video singing about |

| | |Using playdough or strips of paper create|to #5: |Spring |

| |Remind your little learner that we were learning |caterpillars with your little learner | |

| |about the seasons last week and that weather | |=youtu.be | |

| |changes in the seasons. |[pic] | |Blocks Building/ Math: Use blocks and other |

| | | |LITERACY- Review the letter H: Watch this video |building materials including things like: |

| |As weather changes in the spring and summer some |[pic] |with your little learner about the sounds the |boxes, empty containers, egg crates, cans, |

| |living things begin their life cycle and go | |letter H makes: |plastic bottle etc. to build a tower as tall|

| |through transformations called metamorphosis. | | |as different members of their family. |

| | | |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- Write the letter T for your | |

| |One of those living things is the butterfly. | |little learner to trace 5 times. |Dramatic Play: |

| | | |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker|Use twisted pieces of tin foil to make |

| |Butterflies lay their eggs in the spring and when| |and work with them on practicing tracing their |caterpillars and hide them where your little|

| |they hatch they are caterpillars. | |names. |learner can see them. Pretend to be |

| | | |- Our shape this week is the square. Draw a square |scientists trying to find and collect the |

| | | |for your little learner to trace 5 times. |caterpillars. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little | |

| | | |learner about caterpillars | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Tuesday |Unit: Transformation |Time to Play Pretend as a caterpillar: |MATH- Review Shapes: circle, square, triangle, |Music and Movement: |

|Date: 6/9/2020 |Focus- How do Caterpillars transform? | |rectangle, and oval: |Let’s get our bodies moving through the |

| | |Direct your little learner to ball up | |stages of the butterfly’s life cycle with |

| |Yesterday we introduced our caterpillars after |like an egg. | |this song: |

| |they hatched from their eggs. Today we will be | |LITERACY- Review the letter H: Watch this video | |

| |learning about what a caterpillar does. |Then direct your little learner to |with your little learner about the sounds the | |

| |A caterpillar eats a lot of leaves |stretch like a caterpillar and pretend to|letter H makes: |Kitchen/Art: Help your little learner use |

| |Then the caterpillar hangs off the end of a |eat. | |food to create caterpillars. Use fruits |

| |branch or leaf and builds itself a chrysalis. | | |like: Apple slices, grapes cut in half, |

| | |Then direct your little learner to roll |CUTTING/ FINEMOTOR- |strawberries, sliced banana. Or use |

| | |up in a blanket to make their chrysalis |Cutting: draw straight lines on a piece. Work with |vegetables like cucumber, and tomato. Or use|

| | | |your little learner to hold their scissors safely |crackers and cheese or cheerios. |

| | |Help your little learner “Count to 5 to |and cut on or as near to the line as they can. |[pic] [pic] |

| | |undergo metamorphosis and pop out of your| |[pic] |

| | |chrysalis.” |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read/listen to this book with your | |

| | | |little learner about finding a caterpillar | |

| | |Help them pop out and direct them to | | |

| | |stretch out their new butterfly wings | | |

|Wednesday |Unit: Transformation |Time to create: |MATH- Review #5 this week: |Music and Movement Activity: Let’s get our |

|Date: 6/10/2020 |Focus- What is Metamorphosis? What do | |Practice counting to 5. Draw the number 5 for your |bodies moving and stretching like |

| |caterpillars change into? |Pick from the supplies you have at home a|little learner to trace. Using macaroni or beans to|butterflies with this yoga movement video. |

| | |way to help your little learner create a |glue on or use a marker to make dots and practice | |

| | |butterfly. |counting to 5. | |

| | | | | |

| |Yesterday we learned about the caterpillar stage |Trace their hands and help them cut it |LITERACY- Review the letter U: Watch this video | |

| |of a butterfly and that the caterpillar spins |out then let them decorate it. |with your little learner about the sounds the |Dramatic Play/dress-up: |

| |himself a chrysalis. |[pic] |letter U makes: |Play pretend with your little learner. |

| | | | |Reminder you little learner that butterflies|

| |Today we are learning that inside the chrysalis |Use paint and their hands to create a | |are pollinators like bees. Lets pretend our |

| |the caterpillar goes through metamorphosis that |butterfly |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- Write the letter U for your |furniture are different flower and that we |

| |changes its bod into a butterfly. |[pic] |little learner to trace 5 times. |are butterflies. Fly around the room like |

| | | |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker|butterflies to all the different plants |

| |[pic] |Using paper or paper plates help your |and work with them on practicing tracing their | |

| | |little learner cut out the wings of a |names. |Blocks Building/ Science: Use blocks and |

| | |butterfly. Then have them decorate the |- Our shape this week is the square. Draw a square |other building materials including things |

| | |materials and attach the wings to their |for your little learner to trace 5 times. |like: boxes, empty containers, egg crates, |

| | |decorated toilet paper roll. [pic] | |cans, plastic bottle etc. to build a |

| | | | |butterfly using different recycled materials|

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little | |

| | | |learner about butterflies | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Thursday |Unit: Transformation |Time to be scientists: |MATH- Review Colors: red, yellow, blue, green, |Music and Movement: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 6/11/2020 |Focus- Frogs also transform in the Spring through| |orange, purple. |moving and practice following directions |

| |the process of Metamorphosis. |Using chia seeds is the best but cooked |Using paint, food coloring, or even markers to |with this movement song video. |

| | |rice or dried beans could work as stand |review identifying colors review how we can mix the| |

| |Like butterflies frogs start as eggs then they |in for this pretend activity. |following colors to transform them into new colors:| |

| |hatch. |[pic]Have the chia seeds/rice/beans in a |Yellow + Blue = Green | |

| |When frogs hatch they are tad poles and have |container of water. Tell your little |Yellow + Red = Orange |Blocks Building: |

| |tails. |learner they are frog eggs. Have them use|Blue + Red = Purple |Use blocks and other building materials |

| | |a spoon to collect as many frog eggs as |[pic] |including things like: boxes, empty |

| | |they can and put them in a different | |containers, egg crates, cans, plastic bottle|

| | |container to take back to their lab so |LITERACY- Review the letter U: Watch this video |etc. to build a frog pond. |

| | |that they can watch them go through their|with your little learner about the sounds the |[pic] |

| | |metamorphosis. |letter U makes: |Help your little learner color a piece of |

| | | | |paper blue for the water then use plastic |

| | | | |recycling bottles for trees and logs. Cut |

| | | |CUTTING/ FINEMOTOR- |apart and empty egg create for your little |

| | | |Cutting: draw a square on a piece. Work with your |learn to pretend they are frogs. |

| | | |little learner to hold their scissors safely and | |

| | | |cut on or as near to the line as they can to cut |Kitchen/Art: Help your little learner use |

| | | |out the square. |food to create frogs. Use fruits like: Apple|

| | | | |slices, grapes cut in half, strawberries, |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |sliced banana. Or use vegetables like |

| | | |Read this book to your little learner about frogs |cucumber, and tomato. Or use crackers and |

| | | | |cheese or cheerios or half a sandwich |

| | | | |[pic] [pic] [pic][pic] |

|Friday |Unit: Transformation |Time to create: |MATH- Review #5 this week: |Music and Movement: Lets get our faces |

|Date: 6/12/2020 |Focus- What are the final stages of a frog’s | |Practice counting objects with your little leaner |moving like frogs with this fun imitation |

| |metamorphosis? |Help your little learner create an adult |using this fun activity page: |song |

| | |frog using paint or crayons/markers. |summertime-FrqFGXP5aGstbMnFq |

| |Yesterday we talked about the beginning of a | | |t=129s |

| |frog’s life and you got to collect your sample of|[pic] |LITERACY- Fun Friday Play a Letter Identification |Dramatic Play: Let’s pretend to be frogs. |

| |frog eggs. | |activity: |Use pieces of paper and put them on the |

| |Over time once the tadpoles hatch and they grow |Using simple shapes to create a frog. | near each other. Tell your little |

| |they will go through metamorphosis. As a they |Direct your little learner to draw a |ingo |learner they are lily pads and that we are |

| |grow their tails get shorter and they begin to |circle then help your little learner | |frogs. Use the lily pads with your little |

| |grow legs until finally they become a speckled |trace their hands to be the frogs feet |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR |learner to pretend to hop around the frog |

| |frog. |and direct them to create circles for the|Hand eye cross body work: |pond. |

| | |frogs eyes. |Have your little learner use a spoon to pick up |Science/sensory play: use |

| | | |things like uncooked rice, macaroni, or beans and |Plastic Tupperware tops to pretend they are |

| | |[pic] |place it in a bowl to one side of them and move |lily pads. Fill a container with water and |

| | | |them to an empty bowl or cup on the other side of |place the tops in the water. Do they sinik |

| | | |them. Place them so your little learner will have |or float. Using a small toy or a ball of tin|

| | | |to reach across their body to move the things from |foil you’re your little learner pretend it |

| | | |one bowl to the other. Work with them on holding a |is a frog in a pond. Ask them how a frog |

| | | |spoon the write way and balancing objects. |moves: it hops and swims. |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Read this book to your little learn about a frog | |

| | | |version of the Three Billy Goats Gruff a playful | |

| | | |story. | |

| | | | | |

Social/ Emotional- Review Week 8 page 8.

Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.



NYS Common Core Standards

PK.AL.1: Actively engages in play as a means of exploration and learning.

a. Interacts with a variety of materials and peers through play

PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning

a. Identifies sights smells sounds tastes and textures

PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye hand coordination and fine motor skills

a. demonstrates ability to use fine motor skills (e.g. engages and fingerplays uses materials such as pencils, paint brushes, eating utensils, and blunt scissors effectively).

PK.PDH.7: Demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills

a. demonstrates growing Independence in using personal hygiene skills (e.g. washing hands, brushing teeth, toileting)

PK.SE.1: Regulates responses to needs feelings and events

a. Express his feelings needs opinions and Desires in a way that is appropriate to the situation

PK.SE.3: Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults.

a. Interacts with significant adults

PK.SE.7: Adapts to change

Transitions with minimal support between routine activities and new/unexpected occurrences

PK.AC.5: Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

b. Identifies pictures related to words

PK.ELAL.3: Demonstrates emergent phonics and word analysis skills

Demonstrates one to one letter sound correspondence by producing the primary sound of some consonants

PK.MATH.1: Know number names and the count sequence

Counts to 20

PK.MATH.3a: When counting objects says the number names in the standard order pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object

PK.SCI. 1.: Asks questions and uses observations to test the claim that different kinds of matter exist as either solid or liquid

a. Compares and categorizes solids and liquids based on their physical properties

PK.SCI. 2.: Uses tools and materials to design and build a device that causes an object to move faster with a push or a pull

a. Explorers force an object such as those caused by gravity magnetism and mechanical forces (e.g. a string attached to an object being pulled or a ramp to increase the speed on an object)

PK.SCI. 8.: Asks questions makes observations and collect and record data using simple instruments to recognize patterns about how local weather conditions Change Daily and seasonally

b. uses vocabulary to describe weather conditions.

PK.ARTS. 1.: Creates dance

a. Expresses and engages using movement elements and skills is of sensory stimuli

PK.ARTS. 16.: Creates Visual Arts

a. Engages in self-directed imaginative play with a variety of materials and or art making tools


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