Play with Purpose: Plastic Bag Weaving - YouTube

MICHIGAN TEACHERS LESSON PLAN PROJECT FORMAT COLOR WEAVINGNAME: Jaymie MillerSUBJECT: Elementary ArtSTATE STANDARD: ART .VA .I .3 .1 Compare the use of various materials to communicate ideas and sensory experiences in an artwork . ART .VA .III .3 .2 Examine how art expresses cultural traditions.LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will learn about first the science of color separation and then continue on their project to learn the about recycling and the art medium of weaving and how it connects to past cultures.ASSESSMENT/PERFORMANCE MEASURE: Students will be assessed by doing a performance assessment on their final piece of art. A Self performance task list based on how students finished their Art piece by following directions, using observation of color separation and correctly following the pattern of weaving. The assessment will be conducted by students-so students and teacher can reflect on the work produced. Throughout the year students will also keep a digital portfolio (Google or Seesaw) of all their finished work to review progress. At the end of the year the portfolio will be used as a tool for self-assessment, self-reflection and personal development and growth. The portfolio can also invite feedback from teachers and peers. Journal/sketchbook work with reflective questions and sketching exercises will be used to make sure the students understand color separation and history of weaving.Performance Task List Assessment for Art WorkDid I observe the colors that separated from the chromatography paper? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I learn about the history of weaving? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I follow a pattern in and out correctly on my weave? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I glue my free edges down? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I learn about the history of weaving? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Did I print my name on the bottom left corner? INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET MATERIALS and SETTINGWhat materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab?Materials: Chromatography paper strips, small binder clips, plastic cups, water, markers, newspaper, scissors, tape/glue, construction paper.Students are in stations at tables of 4 with 5 cups of water, markers and chromatography strips. Students will work in groups at their table to do the chromatography strips. Then individually for weaving segment of project.KEY VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC LANGUAGEWhat vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught?Chromatography, weaving, color separation, retention time, pattern, back to frontFOCUS ACTIVITYWhat activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosityShow the different examples of weaving-baskets they can touch and visually see in 3D.Show overhead images of past cultures using weavingShow movie clips on YouTube of kids weaving (69sec clip) HYPERLINK "" Play with Purpose: Plastic Bag Weaving - YouTubeShow how color separation with skittles on a plate and water to show how the colors transfer in the medium water.CONNECTION TO PRIOR LEARNINGThis is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson.Show the color wheel and what primary colors are mixed to make secondary colors. Talk about predictions for what colors will separate from certain secondary colors. Ask students if they have ever braided and show the skill may help them weave (following a pattern).OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include the performance measure)This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure)The student will identify color separation (chromatography) and produce weavings by using the chromatography strips to create a weaving. They will be assessed on the performance of their project and their assessment evaluation of their skills.PURPOSE OF LEARNINGWhy do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives.STEAM lesson learning about color separation and how certain colors mixed make a certain color. Weaving lesson using materials you have and the history of Mayan weaving.INSTRUCTIONAL STEPSInclude:Step by Step InstructionsKey PointsDirections to giveSet out cups of water on each table, chromatography strips and markers.Draw a maker line ? inches from the bottom with each color.Clip the strips on cups of water, with the marker line just above the water line.Observe as the water slowly work its way up; separating the colors of ink used in the marker.Once the water has reached the top of strip, remove it and place on the newspaper to dry.Observe the colors that separated to make that certain marker color.Have students measure out a piece of black construction paper 7’’x7’’ with a ruler.Line up 7 strips of paper onto your black square and lightly tape into place. Use 7 additional strips to weave a pattern.Turn the woven artwork over and glue the back strips down onto the black construction paper.Have students sign their name on the back. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET LITERACY STRATEGIES USEDBe sure you include activities that support literacy; vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking and writing Read the book – Rainbow Weaver by Linda Elovitz Marshall. What did the girl use to weave since her mother wouldn’t let her use thread to weave. (plastic bags). Encourage children to think of different things they could weave? (sticks, yarn, pipe cleaners, etc) HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" HYPERLINK "" INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/2f/9srm7gqs12z7lvy24f2gnklh0000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Rainbow Weaver / Tejedora Del Arcoiris ... HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Read a book on science and the use of chromatography.STUDENT USE OF TECHNOLOGYEven if you do not have enough technology devices for your students, you must include student use of technology as if you did have all the technology you need.Use Procreate to look at what mixtures of colors makes a certain color in digital art. 6 QUESTIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING1 question per each level of Bloom’s TaxonomyIdentify the level of Bloom’sQuestions should increase in complexity as lesson progressesRemembering-What primary colors make secondary colors while looking at the color wheel. Where have you seen weaving?Understanding-Demonstrate weaving with your fingers. Applying- Select 7 strips to go across the construction paper and begin to go in and out of strips.Analyzing- Examine how the weave is in a pattern and makes a tightly woven base.Evaluating- Evaluate the colors in the weave that were separated.Creating- Design a finished weave with chromatography strips. What other materials can you use to create other weaves.MODIFICATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONSCreate at least one modification/accommodation for a student with special needs, and one modification/accommodation for English language learnersSpecial needs learner modification-Have students participate in the color separation stripes. Instead of weaving have them paste strips on construction paper.Accommodation for English language learners use lots of pictures and do modeling of all steps of the assignments, where they have a good view. Also allow peer modeling.RETEACH/EXTENSIONInclude different activities for struggling students and for students who already understand the materialReteach-Practice weaving with a cardboard loom and string.Extension-Do color swatches in sketch books starting with the marker color and then the colors you observed that separated for each marker line used. For students with extra time bring plastic bags in to try and weave. CLOSURE: Review: How will you cement the learning that has taken place in this lesson? Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help them in upcoming lessons?Cement learner-Have students sketch their favorite form of weaving in their sketch books. Ask students before they leave about something they remembered about the history of weaving, ask them to show you how to weave with you fingers.Future it will help with -Learn about color mixing to create colors and chromatography in science. They will learn about history and another media of art-weaving. ................

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