JRBA – James River Baptist Association




James River Baptist Association

P. O. Box 1219, Dillwyn, VA 23936

Marilyn Snoddy – Moderator

Phyllis R. Tyler - Secretary

Tel: 434-983-7385 Email: jrba@

Hours: Monday & Wednesday 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM__________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________

Volume XIX May 2020 Edition IV

The JRBA Office is CLOSED until further notice.

You can reach Phyllis at jrba@ or by phone at 434-969-4378.


As we continue to “physically distance” due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are adjusting to the uncertainty of an unprecedented time. The first few weeks found us all scrambling

to find new ways to “gather” for worship and to stay in fellowship with one another.

Because of that, we have found ourselves, for the most part, looking UP and IN. We

know that God is in control and we read in His word that He wants what is best for us.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declared the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) We have been

praying, studying His word, and worshipping (in some new ways) → UP. Additionally, because we love one another, we have found new ways to connect and care for one another in our church families →IN. Consequently, many of us have embraced technology with a great deal more appreciation and fervor than we had before! The creativity of our pastors n feeding His sheep has been remarkable – pray for your pastor and other leaders and be sure to thank them for their faithfulness and ingenuity.

As we continue to do worship “together”, care for one another, and fellowship in new ways, we also know that, as disciples of Christ, we are called to MUCH more – we are called to reach →OUT to those around us. Many of you are already doing this by calling and checking on folks around you, sharing food, offering to pick up groceries and other necessities, sending cards, and most importantly, praying for others. We ARE THE CHURCH that folks in our communities will see during this time. Will you find creative ways to help your neighbors, encourage the discouraged, feed the hungry, “visit” the lonely, and bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus in your life?

What will that aspect of BEING THE CHURCH look like in each of our churches over the next few months? Is your church developing intentional ways to reach out and care for the unchurched in your community? What an opportune time to BE THE CHURCH to those who do not know the Lord! What your church does NOW will impact its future. Will your church be purposeful in planning and executing programs to reach others or care for them? Will it grow or will it decline? Will it be a light in the community, drawing souls to God, or will it only take care of its own, satisfied with its current witness? In the story of Esther, we know that because of her boldness, she was instrumental in saving Mordecai who said to her, “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) Likewise, perhaps our churches have been blessed through the years just to prepare us for service in “such a time as this”.

Let us never fail to LOOK UP:

Glorifying God and seeking His will.

Let us never fail to LOOK IN:

Individually growing in our relationship with God and caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let us never fail to LOOK OUT:

Reaching out to those around us pointing the way to Jesus!

|When sending in information for the June newsletter (due may 25), please share what your church is doing to reach OUT|

|in new and different ways. |



• Find ways to encourage those on the front line who are putting their lives at risk (doctors, nurses, medical specialists, technicians, hospital personnel, emergency personnel, grocery clerks/cashiers, truck drivers, restaurant employees, postal workers, and others who are on the job providing essential services) – Text, write notes or send cards, order & pay for a meal for their family, etc.

• Beautify your community. Pick up trash along the roadway by your home and elsewhere if you can do so safely.

• Support local businesses when possible, observing physical distancing and wearing masks.

• When planting your garden this spring, include a “little extra” to share with families around you who may be experience job loss or reduction of hours.

• Make calls to the elderly and pray with them.

• When you cook dinner, put in enough for “one more” and take to someone who is in need or lonely. Set it on their porch and call to let them know it is there. No face-to-face contact.

• Systematically pray for the families in the area surrounding your church. Send a couple members (from same household) to each road/street to pray for the families, keeping a record of the locations. Stop at the end of the driveway and pray. Leave or mail a church card saying that the family has been prayed for, or better yet, add a $5 gift card to a local business/restaurant! 2 birds – 1 stone: Reach out to neighbors AND support local businesses! (Idea from Thom Rainer Ministries webinar – they have a published Program entitled “Pray and Go” available for purchase.)


Just as our schools are providing “education” for their students when they cannot attend, are your Sunday School teachers and missions leaders providing for the continued spiritual learning of the children of your church? If not, this may be the time to consider finding creative ways to stay in touch with the little (and not so little) ones. School teachers are sending out packets so that their students will continue to learn and retain what they have been taught. Here are some ways our church “teachers” might do the same for their students:

• Prepare packets of materials for the children to do at home during family worship time. You might use the materials in your SS Curriculum Resource Kit. Duplicate activities and mail them to the children in your community – both those enrolled in SS and others who would be prospects.

• Your church might purchase materials that provide Bible stories and coordinated activities. A couple of resources:

1. (This includes 170 Bible related activities at a cost of $15)

2. (Faith Resources for Families – Download free sample pack. Their packs include Bible stories, activities, coloring sheets, posters to color, etc.)

• Suggest that when parents call elderly neighbors, children can sing Jesus Loves Me over the phone to them.

• Recommend to parents various Christian music with motions for the children. Example: Lifetree Kids found on YouTube.

• Start planning now for VBS! Go to and click on the COVID-19 Resources Page. The click on Children’s Ministry Resources for several aids in planning. (Webinar: What about VBS in a Summer of Social Distancing? Lifeway will provide a free e-book on how to plan for VBS. BGAV has a blog on VBS: What Might It Look Like This Summer? Baptist Way Press and Texas Baptist will provide free VBS curriculum. Check out these resources!)

• BGAV also held a webinar entitled “Connect Youth Ministry in a Season of Social Distancing” on April 28 – it will also be posted on the BGAV COVID-19 Resources Page.

AND, have you heard about the wonderful way communities all across the world and nation are providing some joy to the children who have to stay in and miss their friends? The Teddy Bear Hunt requires little effort on your part – just pull out those teddy bears that are in your closets and attics, fluff them in the dryer, and place them in your windows, on your porches/patios, in the yard trees, or in car windows. Perhaps your church could send out an email to the parents of young children (or put on your phone tree) and invite them on a “Bear Hunt”. Parents would drive their children through the neighborhood and see how many bears they can spot. Started for children, this could also be fun for the rest of us who are getting tired of staying in, too. (The Teddy bear Hunt Facebook page has more than 10,000 members so far! The game seems to be inspired in part by the book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by British author, Michael Rosen. An Iowan 12-year old, Tammy Burman, her sister, and parents started the Facebook page. She told the New York Times, “I think that it helps people get their mind off of what’s happening right now.” (Info taken form )

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) Let us also not “hinder” the children (or forget to include them) in our outreach during this time.

|When sending in information for the June newsletter, please share |

|what your church is doing to reach IN and OUT to the children. |



| |

|Thursday, May 7, 2020 |


|On April 17, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming the National Day of Prayer into law in the United States. |

|It calls on all people of different faiths in the United States to pray for the nation and its leaders. |

|It is held on the first Thursday of May each year. |

|May we all join in prayer for our country and our leaders |

|during this time of pandemic. |

May 8 & 22 Blue Ridge Food Service Food Distribution at Crystal Cathedral, Dillwyn

Volunteers are needed at 9:30 AM. Social Distancing and other safety protocol will be observed.

(Drive-Thru delivery)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day

The first American Mother’s day was in 1908. Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, WV. She had campaigned for three years to make Mother’s Day a recognized U.S. holiday. Her mother had tended wounded soldiers on both sides during the Civil War. She had encouraged the government and local communities to address issues of public health. Anna wanted to establish a Mother’s Day not only to honor her mother and her work, but to also honor all mothers. Congress rejected Anna’s proposal in 1908, but in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared Mother’s Day a national holiday to be held the second Sunday in May each year as a day to honor all mothers and mother figures in the country. Anna Jarvis did become disillusioned that the day became so commercialized rather than commemorative. As Mother’s Day became more and more commercialized, Jarvis organized Mother’s Day boycotts. We must remember that behind all of the commercialization, the sentiment and love that Jarvis envisioned does remain. Let us all honor our mothers, not only with expressions of our love, but also with the way we live our lives.

| |

|Thursday, May 14, 2020 |

|JRBA 188th Semi-Annual Spring Meeting |


|The Program Committee, along with JRBA Leadership, has cancelled the Spring Meeting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are |

|hopeful that the Executive Board can meet in July and that we can then proceed to plan for our Annual Fall Meeting in October.|

|Since Goshen planned to host the 2020 Spring Meeting, they have graciously agreed to host the 2020 Fall Meeting instead. |

|Jones Chapel will then plan to host in the Spring of 2021. |

The JRBA Bland Mission Trip scheduled for May 17 – 23 has also been CANCELLED. For those who were planning to go, or would like to think about going next year, the dates will be May 16 – 22, 2021. Begin praying now about participating in this mission endeavor. We are not currently collecting items for Bland, but monetary gifts for the Ministry Center are badly needed. We will accept contributions through May 13. Please make checks payable to JRBA, with Bland Ministry Center on the memo line of your check. Please continue to pray for the Bland Ministry Center. Also pray for Dee Dee Hoosier (BMC Director), and her husband, Danny, as they are both battling cancer.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

JRBA Pastors’ Huddle

(Via Zoom) – Noon

Pastors, contact Rev. Michael Khol for instructions and the password.

May 23 5 Loaves, 2 Fish Ministry Meal at Antioch (Scottsville) 11:30 AM

Distribution will be curbside – Social distancing protocol will be followed.


Monday, May 25, 2020


Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May,

honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. ...

Originally known as Decoration Day, it began in the years following the Civil War

and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

| |

|Monday, May 25, 2020 |

|Information for the June edition of the JRBA Calendar and newsletter |

|is due today by 9:00 AM (by mail or email only). |

|Since so many of our regular services and activities cannot be held, be sure to send in news about your church’s |

|outreach to the community during this time. |




scheduled for Sunday, June 7, 2020, at the

Maysville Baptist Multi-Purpose Center

has been CANCELLED.

You can continue to send in your donations for RAH. The funds are designated and will be held until a future date can be set to pack the meals.

Mail any donations for this effort to JRBA, P. O. Box 1219, Dillwyn, VA 23936.

Make checks payable to JRBA, with Rise Against Hunger on the memo line.

Revitalize Conference

Re-energizing the Church for the

Kingdom of God

Co-Sponsored by BGAV, Central, James River

and Piedmont Baptist Associations


The Planning Committee has been in conversation via email and continues looking at dates in the early fall to reschedule this event.

We will get information out on this A.S.A.P.


It has certainly been an interesting few weeks. Our churches and ministries have had to adapt and learn to roll with the punches to keep up with this changing environment we find ourselves in. As summer approaches, we find ourselves having to think of what ministry will look like this summer and of how our usual summer events will be impacted. One of the biggest events to be impacted will be our Vacation Bible Schools. Right now there are so many questions: “Will we be allowed to have VBS?” “Can we make adjustments to host an alternative event?” “Can we reschedule for later in the summer/” So, if you are in the same boat as me, then you’ve probably already been asking these questions. There’s so much unknown, but our kids are too important for us to do nothing. Now is a great opportunity to re-envision what VBS is and how we do it. Recently, the BGAV hosted a webinar with many thoughts and ideas on what VBS could look like this summer. This and other helpful resources can be found at the BGAV’s website () under the Children’s Ministry Tab on their COVID-19 Resources Page.

Austin Williams

VBS Director, Mulberry Grove Baptist



ANTIOCH (SCOTTSVILLE): Livestreaming Sunday Worship on Facebook at 8:30 A.M. Livestreaming Wednesday Bible Studies on Facebook at 7:00 PM.

ANTIOCH UNION: Drive-In Services are being held each Sunday at 11:00 AM. Folks drive in and park and tune their radios to 99.9. Pastor Brian Faison has a six-foot pole with a box at the end of it which he uses to collect the offerings and to distribute bulletins to everyone. If a person attends from another church and wants his/her offering to go to that church, the pastor is taking care of that task.

BUCKINGHAM : Drive-In Church was held on April 5 (15 cars), Easter (33 cars), and on April 19 (18 cars). Buckingham continues to host the Drive-In Services each Sunday morning. They also have a Facebook page where Pastor Anthony Saaco posts encouraging words daily.

CEDAR : In addition to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cedar’s addition and renovation is not complete, so they are not currently gathering for worship. Pastor Tommy sends daily scripture via “OneCallNow”. On Easter a video was posted on their website about Christ carrying the cross.

CHESTNUT GROVE: Combined services with Mt. Zion and Mulberry Grove are posted on Facebook each Sunday morning. Pastor Roger Woody also did an Easter Sunrise Service on Facebook.

ENON: Pastor Brian Pope is Livestreaming Worship on Facebook on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM.

FIRST BAPTIST DILLWYN: Worship services are being broadcast on radion station 92.9 and Facebook Live at 11:000 AM each Sunday. Pastor John Moxley, Choir Director, Kristye Moxley, Pianist, Cody Moss, and Children’s Director, Jennifer Taylor are conducting the services live. Prayer Time is being held on Dial-My-Calls at 6:30 PM each Wednesday night. Prayer requests are shared by Pastor John and he leads all in prayer for indivdiuals and other needs. Choir members of FBC are gathering together through Zoom. Members enjoy sharing their activities and prayer concerns with each other (a good way to watch hair grow - ).

FITZGERALD MEMORIAL: Sunday services are on Facebook at 11:30 AM. A brief devotional is on Facebook on Wednesdays at 11:30 AM. Tune in at fitzgeraldmbc.

GOSHEN: Hosted Drive-Thru Service on April 12 – Pastor Henry Enochs shared briefly observing social distancing protocol. On April 19, the members participated in a conference call. The pastor has also been having conference calls for the Tuesday morning and Wednesday night studies.

JONES CHAPEL: Services have been held via Facebook Live since the Governor issued the Stay-at-Home directive. Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Sunrise Serice, and Easter Worship Services were much different this year. Members were able to drive to the outdoor Sunrise service, and remained in their cars whle Pastor Richard used the sound system for the message. He has been on Facebook frequently with messages throughout the week and Wednesday Bible Study, along with Sunday worship. All are welcome to join in worship on their Facebook page as Pastor Richard leads in studying God’s Word.

Mt. Zion: Combined services with Chestnut Grove and Mulberry Grove are posted on Facebook each Sunday monring. CDs of the worhip service are being deliverd by John McAllister to people who do not have computers.

MULBERRY GROVE: After five Sundays with a Stay-at-Home order, Mulberry Grove has had to find creative ways to still be community together. The most exciting has been partnering with Chestnut Grove and Mt. Zion in bringing online Sunday morning services that include a children’s message, live piano, congregational hymns, special music, and sermons from God’s word (rotation of 2 of the 3 pastors speaking each Sunday). A Zoom meeting is being held each Wednesday for fellowship among the members.

SHARON: The congregation of Sharon continues worshiping “together” each Sunday at 11:00 AM from indivdiual homes, participating in prayer time and Bible Study. Congregants remain in close contact wth one another through phone calls and emails, sharing isnpirational messages, the focus of personal Bible study, or sermons viewed on TV. A weekly newsletter is now being published and distributed by email (and “snail mail”) featuring scripture and a message by Rev. Perry Clore, special announcements, prayer concerns, and other items of interest. Rev. Clore is also providing a weekly worshp message by video. You may view the newsletter and worship videos, including Easter, online at .





|Buckingham |$ 854.00 |

|Cedar |$ 440.00 |

|First Baptist Dillwyn |$ 300.00 |

|Fitzgerald Memorial |$ 300.00 |

|Goshen |$ 900.00 |

|Jones Chapel |$ 30.00 |

|Mulberry Grove |$ 505.00 |



RISE AGAINST HUNGER: Our June 7 packaging project had to be cancelled, but it will be rescheduled as soon as doors open for us to assemble again. So, please continue to set aside money regularly and turn in your gits to your church and JRBA. I pray we will have funds available for the biggest packaging project ever. THANKS!

THE BLUE RIDGE FOOD MINISTRY is a great blessing during these very difficult days as food is given to hundreds of people in desperate need. If possible, please join us at Crystal Cathedral on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each moth to help carry out this urgent ministry. Please wear a face mask and take health precautions.

HOPE BOXES FOR APPALACHIA: We are very grateful for the tremendous outpouring of Hope Boxes for Appalachia. Pray that conditions will open up so our team can take the boxes soon.


Jimmy Dunn


ANTIOCH UNION was the recipient of a $1,000.00 grant from the Baptist General Association of Virginia. To date these funds have been dispersed as follows: $200 was given to an individual who works in the grocery industry who has a long history of receiving donations to assist elderly and poverty-stricken customers who come up short when checking out. $100.00 in gift cards was passed on to one family with layoffs and a death of the primary breadwinner. Fourteen $50.00 gift cards were distributed to individuals who were directly affected by layoffs due to COVID-19. Each card was given with a letter of explanation of where the monies came from and that the motivation for their gift was because of the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

BUCKINGHAM continues to use the money from the BGAV Grant to provide boxes for needy persons and shut-ins in their community. Since some of the members cannot help with the shopping or delivering, they have contributed additional money. The first delivery included 15 boxes, and the second delivery included 17 boxes. The boxes include canned and staple goods, and bread. Families with children always get milk. Toilet paper was included in the first delivery. The deliveries are planned every two weeks as long as the money holds out. The specific needs of the families or person are taken into consideration when the shopping is done.


Buckingham’s pastor and deacons are calling members to make sure they are okay.

Cedar’s members have been calling around to the members of the church family to see if they need anything, especially the elderly and those who live alone. One member’s chickens are laying well, so he has been taking eggs to different ones in the neighborhood.

The members of Chestnut Grove continue to keep in contact via phone and Internet.


Some ladies of First Baptist Dillwyn made over 100 protective masks and had them distributed to members of the church and community. Sunday School members are being urged to have individual and family Bible study and to lovingly contact members of their SS classes. Helping Hands sent out about 50 Easter cards to persons in Health Care facilities and others who are sick or in need. Many phone calls have been made to FBC members and others who live alone or just need a contact. Quite a few FBC members have been shopping for groceries, medicine, and other needs on behalf of those who feel unable or unsafe to get out. On Easter Sunday, a number of FBC members placed many beautiful flowers on a cross placed in front of the church. About 200 items of non-perishable food was placed at the foot of the cross. Some of this food has been delivered to needy families and the remainder is in the church food pantry to meet additional needs as they arise.

Pastor Richard Tuttle, Jones Chapel, has been making calls to check on people, asking if there is anything he can get for them. He has also been sending out letters of encouragement, with a list of those needing prayer.

The WMU of Mt. Zion is participating in the “Give-a-Senior a Card” project at Buckingham County High School by purchasing congratulatory cards for all members of the 2020 senior class. They also gave money for The Community Table, the food pantry being sponsored by Mt. Zion, Arvon, and Calvary Baptist Churches.

The Mulberry Grove church family has been very proactive keeping in touch with one another just to make sure each one is doing well. The food and card ministry is ongoing. Individuals are still volunteering at the bi-monthly food distribution at the Crystal Cathedral. Mulberry Grove is beginning to plan ahead as to what VBS under quarantine will look like as it will provide another opportunity to minister to the “shut in” community. Pastor Michael notes that during this crazy and somewhat scary time in pandemic, it is exciting to know and be reminded that the LORD is still in the business of reaching souls if we are but willing to respond.

Rose of Sharon WMU provided about 50 quarts of homemade frozen chicken noodle soup for delivery to church and community members in need of a little extra comfort. Rose of Sharon assembled and delivered 20 Easter baskets filled with candy, snacks, toiletries, and household cleaning items to some of our young-at-heart members and local friends.

The group continues delivering food and visiting with those who are sick or homebound (front porches make a perfect stage for social distancing visits!)


Please help BCHS recognize the Class of 2020! This has been a tough year for these young people as they have lost many of the rites of passage for their senior year. Many folks are working to provide alternative ways of celebration and recognition for the students. If you would like to participate in congratulating this group, please consider helping with a card shower for them.

There are 140 students in the class of 2020. I’d ask that any group or individual who decides to participate in this shower do a card for every student. None should be left out. Due to privacy issues, I cannot share their names, so this will be somewhat generic.

I know the students would appreciate purchased or homemade cards. Any age person could help; the students would love a picture from a small child or a poem from a senior adult, for example.

Please put an entire set of 140 cards together. They will be stored for a week to ensure safety. I will set up outside the JRBA Office on Friday, May 8, from 10 AM – Noon. You may drop off your cards at that time, or call me at 434-547-2214 to arrange another drop-off or pickup.

Please pray for the graduates. Thank you.

Michelle Wright


Jones Chapel is saddened to lose Billy Waycaster, a dedicated, long-time member, Deacon, and Trustee of the church. He often told stories about the building of the church, since he was one who worked alongside many others during the years of construction. There was a brief graveside service and a memorial service will be held after churches are allowed to re-open. He will be missed.




In April, we “met” for our monthly pastors’ meeting, but with the distancing orders we were only able t0 do so remotely. Thank you, Skip and BGAV, for putting that together via Zoom. As Pastor Woody reminded me, we are not “socially distancing”, we are merely “physically distancing”. We are encouraged to be “sociable”, we just have to be a little more creative with how we interact. Such a great reminder. We will plan to continue to meet via Zoom until the stay-at-home order is lifted. Pastors, please tune in via Zoom on Wednesday, May 20, at noon. Contact me at mjkhol@ or 434-808-2383 for details.)

Michael Khol


Since Mt. Zion’s GAs have been unable to meet in person, they have been receiving material in the mail to read and activities/crafts to do and make to continue to learn about missions. In March, the girls were learning about Cowboy Church and received their items wrapped in a bandana. Some of the girls dressed up as cowgirls and sent their leader, Dorothy Davis, a picture.

In April, the girls are learning about missionaries serving in the Middle East. They also have learned about the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and were given a recipe for Hot Cross Buns. They created their own “story stones” to use to tell the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. They are also working on cards and pictures and mailing them to the Envoy Nursing Home in Fork Union.

Both they and their leader are sorry to not be able to meet in person, but the girls are continuing to live out the GA motto to “Go Forward”.

Payton Dawson & Lowyn Davidson


• Pastors have received information on three Bible Studies recently that can be done via Zoom: The Rock , The Road, and The Rabbi is a Bible study hosted by Kathie Lee Gifford and a Jewish Rabbi. It is filmed in the Holy Land and gives a Hebrew/Greek look at the life of Christ and the landscape of His ministry. In Max Lucado’s, You’ll Get through This, a deeper look is taken at the life of Joseph and Lucado digs into the scriptures of Genesis to discuss how we can get through the tough times by relying on God’s promises. Both studies include free video downloads. The only cost is for the book and/or study guide. Baptist Way Press also offers a Free downloadable Adult Bible Study entitled, Faith > Fear.

• Pastors have received information on several webinars by Thom Rainer about the church during and post-COVID-19. He is helping churches prepare for the post-pandemic reality. His webinars are available at . BGAV has also hosted webinars on how to plan for VBS in a pandemic and how to work with Youth during a pandemic. The BGAV webinars can be seen at on the COVID-19 Resources Page. This page has a plethora of user-friendly aids for the church at this time. Those who are livestreaming or posting video services online may want to check out this page. Lifeway will provide church with a a way to get CCLI licenses – so that you are legally posting music. Also, note that BGAV Grants are still available to those churches who are doing outreach to those impacted by COVID-19. Skip Wallace, our BGAV Field Strategist, has also been in touch with our pastors, informing them of many useful resources.

• Pastors, Deacon Chairs, and Church Treasurers were sent information from several webinars on the stimulus funds available to non-profits, including churches. Sharon Baptist applied through the CARES Act, Payroll Protection Plan and were approved. They went through their local bank and have received funds. If you have questions, please contact their Treasurer, Tommy Joe Steger at 434-547-6964.



Hope everyone is staying safe during this time, with Coronavirus still on the prowl. My heart is sorrowful for all our nation and world with sickness, grief, and uncertainty of what will happen financially. This is truly a bad season we are going through, but I think of the song, I Know My Lord Will Make a Way for Me. We see things with our physical eyes, and it doesn’t look too good, but we just have to keep trusting, believing, and praying. God loves you and so do I. Hope to see you soon.

Marilyn Snoddy


❖ All those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic

❖ Peace of mind during this uncertain time

❖ COVID-19 Research (Medicine & Vaccine)

❖ All workers on the “front line”

❖ Those who are lost and need to know the Savior

❖ Tar Wallet as they search for a new pastor

❖ JRBA Churches

❖ JRBA Pastors

❖ Government Leaders (County, State, & National)

❖ Bland Ministry Center (Danny and Dee Dee Hoosier)

❖ All those affected by violence in our country

❖ Victoria Gina Vassile, JRBA WMU Project Ruth Adoptee

❖ Jimmy & Suzann (Bryan) Brock – Church planters in Virginia Beach

❖ All those in our congregatons who are ill or have lost loved ones


Worrying does not take away tomorrows’ troubles, it takes away today’s peace!

Zig Ziglar

Pray like it all depends on GOD, then when you’re done, go work like it all depends on YOU.

Martin Luther

| |

|Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, |

|with thanksgiving, |

|present your requests to God. |

|And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, |

|will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. |

|Philippinas 4:6 – 7 (NIV) |



2019 – 2020


|Church |April |Year-to-Date |

|Antioch (SV) | |$ 300.00 |

|Antioch Union | | |

|Arvon | | |

|Buckingham | |$ 240.00 |

|Cedar | |$2,500.00 |

|Chestnut Grove | |$ 500.00 |

|Enon | | |

|FBC Dillwyn | |$1,000.00 |

|Fitzgerald | | |

|Fork of Willis | |$ 444.00 |

|Gladstone |$ 331.25 |$ 983.75 |

|Goshen | |$ 981.00 |

|Jones Chapel |$ 161.00 |$ 1,126.00 |

|Mt. Tabor | |$ 710.36 |

|Mt. Zion | |$ 1,800.00 |

|Mulberry Grove | |$2,150.00 |

|Sharon |$ 404.50 |$ 1,213.50 |

|Tar Wallet | | |

|Individuals | | |

|VBMB-Alma Hunt | |$ 213.91 |

|Amazon Smile | |$ 15.52 |

|TOTAL |$ 896.75 |$14,178.04 |

Approved Budget for 2019 - 2020: $27,639.79

Total includes $1,488.79 carryover funds.

TREASURERS: Please note that unless a specific ministry or project is designated on the memo line of the check or in an accompanying note, the contribution will appear in the regular budget receipts.

ALSO NOTE: Funds received are reflective of the Associational Year (Oct. 1, 2019 – Sept. 30, 2020), NOT the calendar year.



ALL monies expended for Additional Missions

are listed each month.

| |April |Year-to-Date |

|JRBA Budget | |$1,600.00 |

|Fall Offering (DR) | |$1,052.00 |

|FBC Dillwyn (HOPE) | |$ 66.00 |

|TOTAL | |$2,718.00 |


BGAV Disaster Relief - $ 1,052.00 (Fall Meeting Offering)

Pregnancy Support Center (Farmville), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, GraceInside, Gideons International, Longwood/Hampden Sydney BCM - $100.00 Each = $500.00 (Budgeted)

Hope for Appalachia Team (Designated donation) – $66.00

No contributions or expenditures in April.



|Carryover funds (2018 - 2019): |

|JRBA Budget |$ 250.00 |

|Buckingham |$ 100.00 |

|First Baptist Dillwyn |$ 100.00 |

|Mt. Zion WMU |$ 500.00 |

|Mulberry Grove |$ 300.00 |

|Individual |$ 100.00 |

| CARRYOVER TOTAL |$1,350.00 |

|JRBA Budget (2019 - 2020) |$ 250.00 |

| Available Funds |$1,600.00 |


Ramp Repair Materials: $198.21

January Ramp Build: $241.11

No Expenditures in April.

BALANCE: $1,160.68



|Church |April |Year-to-Date |

|JRBA Budget | |$ 500.00 |

|Enon | |$ 400.00 |

|FBC Dillwyn | |$ 715.10 |

|Gladstone |$ 154.00 |$ 538.00* |

|Goshen | |$ 500.00 |

|Jones Chapel |$ 500.00 |$ 535.79* |

|Mt. Zion (WMU) | |$ 500.00 |

|(Church) | |$ 400.00 |

|Tar Wallet | |$ 20.00 |

|BGAV | |$1,000.00 |

| TOTAL |$ 654.00 |$5,108.89 |

*Carryover: Gladstone–$83.00 & Jones Chapel-$35.79 = $118.79

**Mt. Zion WMU - $500 in honor of Rev. Jimmy Dunn


| |April |Year-to-Date |

|JRBA Budget | |$ 500.00 |

|Jones Chapel |$ 500.00 |$ 520.00* |

|Individual |$ 200.00 |$ 200.00 |

|TOTAL |$ 700.00 |$ 1,220.00 |

*Carryover funds


Budgeted: $2,500.00

Rev. Woody Moore, Wayne Gough, Linda Gough, and Brenda McAllister – Hope for Appalachia - $50 each = $200.00

Malcolm Warfield & Dwayne Phillips - $100 each = $200

Gwynn Tyler - $100

Hope for Appalachia Team (11 participants) - $500.00

BALANCE: $1,500.00


(ALL monies by donation.)


|DONATIONS |April |Year-to-Date |

|Cedar | |$ 300.00 |

|Enon | |$ 200.00 |

|FBC Dillwyn | |$ 500.00 |

|Goshen | |$ 250.00 |

|Mt. Zion | |$ 100.00 |

|Mulberry Grove | |$ 300.00 |

|Sharon | |$ 200.00 |

|TOTAL | |$1,850.00 |

Carryover in Benevolence Checking Account: $5,482.28

Balance January 31: $6,277.28

No contributions or expenditures in April.

BALANCE: $6,447.28




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