University of Texas at El Paso


Fall 2020




Interactive Services Marketing, 4th Ed., Raymond P. Fisk, Stephen J. Grove and Joby John

Supplemental materials provided to students through Blackboard


1. Investigate how concepts and techniques developed to market goods for profit, can be applied to intangible services promoted both by profit-seeking and non-profit organizations

2. Examine the differences between goods and services in need recognition, purchase and consumption patterns and draw some conclusions about differences in marketing decision making.


1. On-line office hours will be held by appt. via web conferencing on Blackboard Ultra.

2. Any questions or general discussion for the class should go through the Class Discussion

Link on Blackboard.

3. For questions of a personal nature or to make an appt. for a virtual meeting, I can be

reached via email at NO assignments will be accepted if sent to me

via email.


All class material and assignments will be delivered through Blackboard. An introductory video can be found on the homepage of your Blackboard shell. In addition, Pre-recorded videos will be used to explain lecture material and group project requirements. Your understanding of the material will be reflected by examinations (3), written assignments on selected topics, and a comprehensive group project.

1. Pre-recorded videos, lecture material and assignments can be found in each designated folder in your Course Shell on Blackboard.

2. Course updates and information can be found on the Class discussion link on the homepage of your Course Shell on Blackboard. All questions should be submitted here through the appropriate forum. Check it every day to stay current. I am also available by appt. virtually if necessary. Send an email to and I will make the arrangements for the meeting.


The requirements for each of the following assignments can be found on Blackboard in the designated folder. All assignments will be completed and turned in through Blackboard. No late assignments will be accepted

Individual Assignments

1. Application exercises (AE) as indicated on the course schedule will be prepared by each student and submitted through Blackboard. These assignments will constitute part of your class participation grade.

2. You will watch specific episodes of “Undercover Boss” (UCB) Season 2 in class and answer the questions assigned. Your completed answers will be turned in for a grade. Episodes can be found on Amazon Prime, YouTube Channel or other streaming platforms. There is a small fee if you are not a subscriber to these streaming services. These assignments will constitute part of your class participation grade.

Team Project

Teams will be randomly assigned by me. You will need to communicate with your group members and work collaboratively on your assignments through the group discussion feature and file exchange on Blackboard. Your group discussions will be monitored to determine individual student participation in group work.

Your team will design an original service concept of the group’s choosing within assigned

industries. Project requirements and grading rubric can be found on Blackboard. Your group

will work collaboratively through blackboard to complete the project. A power point

presentation will be turned in by the team on the date indicated on the course schedule. All

students are expected to participate equally and attendance will be monitored through the

group collaboration section on Blackboard. All project requirements and grading rubric can be

found on Blackboard.

Points will be deducted from Student’s individual presentation grades for the following


1. 5 pts. for failure to turn in Team Peer evaluation

2. 5 pts for consistent negative input based on Team Peer Evaluation

3. 5 pts for not participating in group project discussions

4. 5 pts. for failure to turn in complete, signed project contract


All Exams will be a combination of multiple choice and short essay questions. All exams will be administered online on the date and time indicated on the course schedule. This is the only window of time that you will be able to take the exam, so you will need to make arrangements to be available during this time. We will be using Respondus/Lockdown for each exam. This will require you to use video and audio features on your computer. First, you will need to download Respondus to the device you will be using to take the exam. To do this, you will log into Blackboard and scroll down the left hand margin to Tools and click on Respondus. The instructions will then be available for you to follow. You MUST do this specifically through your UTEP Blackboard Course Shell. DO NOT download it from Google - it will not work for the class. You must take the practice exam through Respondus before the first class Exam to make sure that all of your equipment is working properly. If you fail to do so and your equipment doesn’t work for the Exam, you won’t have the opportunity to take it later. If you need assistance, contact the UTEP Blackboard helpdesk. If you need a device to use for the class, you can get one on loan from the UTEP Library. Any make-up exams will be given only to those with a legitimate doctor’s excuse or other emergency situation approved by me prior to the scheduled exam. I am not required nor obligated to give makeup exams for an unexcused absence.


Attendance will be recorded through the assignments and the class discussion forum on Blackboard.

In addition, there is substantial amount of group work conducted in class – it is imperative that you actively participate and are engaged in the group work. Your participation will be monitored by me via email communication and will constitute part of the student’s individual final presentation grade. If you are consistently not participating in group work, you will be given a warning that if you continue to be absent from group discussions, you will be dropped from the course. This can occur at ANY TIME during the semester


3 exams (20% ea) 60%

Class Participation (AE, UCB above) 20

Team Project _20__


*All course grades will be reflected in your individual Bb shell. I DO NOT use a point system but rather a weighted grading system as explained above to calculate your final grade. Grades displayed on Bb are not weighted and only show your grade in each category. It DOES NOT reflect the overall course grade. Refer to the category weights above to determine your overall course grade.


Students who wish to be withdrawn, must initiate the drop on their own. The last day to drop a class completely with an automatic “W” is Oct. 30, 2020. After the student drop deadline, students must be dropped from a course with a grade of “F”.

A grade of “W” can be assigned only under exceptional circumstances and only with the approval of the instructor and Academic Dean. The student must petition for the “W” in writing and provide the necessary supporting documentation.


“Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part in another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, may result in sanctions ranging disciplinary probation, to failing grades on the work in question, to failing grades in the course, to suspension or dismissal, among others.”

The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS)

If you feel that you may have a disability that requires accommodations, contact the CASS at

747-5158, Union Bldg. East room 106 or e-mail

Class Expectations

1. Stay Engaged throughout the ENTIRE semester

2. Check assignments calendar every day and make sure to turn assignments in on time

3. Contribute to and participate in class discussions through the class discussion link

4. Actively participate in and contribute to group work

5. Ask questions if you don’t understand something

6. THINK!!!

Marketing of Services - 4395

Course Schedule - Fall 2020**

Dates when assignments are made available on Blackboard on Blackboard at 7:00 a.m.

Dates Assignments are due by 11:45 p.m. as indicated on the course schedule. Assignments can be turned in before due date but NO assignments will be accepted after due dates

Aug. 24 - 28


Ch. 1 – Overview of Services Marketing

Aug. 31 - Sept. 4

Ch. 2 – Managing the Customer Experience;

“ Disney After Dark” article discussion

Ch. 4 – The Service Performance

Sept. 4 UCB # 1 Discussion – Direct TV – Season 2

“Disney After Dark” due

Sept. 7 - 11

7 Ch. 13 – Marketing Strategies for Services

AE # 1

11 UCB # 1 due

AE # 1 due

Sept. 14 - 18

14 EXAM I (6:00 –11:30 p.m.)

Ch. 5 –Designing the Service Setting

Ch. 6 – Leveraging the People Factor

AE # 2

Ss Sept. 21 -25

21 AE # 2 due

UCB # 2 Discussion – Choice Hotels – Season 2

Ch. 7 – Managing the Customer Mix

Ch. 14 – Coping with Fluctuating Demand

25 UCB #2 due

Sept. 28 - Oct. 2

28 EXAM II (6:00 –11:30 p.m.)

Ch. 8 – Pricing of Services

Pricing Worksheet

Pricing Worksheet Due

Oct. 5 - 9

6 EXAM III (6:00 - 11:30 p.m.)

UCB # 3 Discussion – Great Wolfe Lodge – Season 2

Ch. 9 – Promoting the Service Experience

Oct. 12 - 15

15 UCB # 3 due

Ch. 10 – Building Customer Loyalty

Ch. 11 – Customer Service and Recovery

Oct. 19 - 23

19 EXAM IV ( 6:00 - 11:30 p.m.)

20 Assign Group Project

Preliminary Project Worksheet

Oct. 26 - 30

28 Preliminary Project Worksheet due

30 Feedback on Preliminary Worksheet

AE # 3

Nov. 2 - 6

Group work on AE # 3

6 AE # 3 due

Nov. 9 - 13

Feedback on AE # 3

AE # 4

Nov. 16 - 20

Work on AE # 4

Nov. 23 - 27

23 AE # 4 due

25 Feedback on AE # 4

Nov. 30 - Dec. 4

Final Project Requirements

Work on Project

Dec. 7 Complete Project Power Point Presentations Due

** Dates are subject to change


INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Robin Grambling


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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