
80391000 228600-1270 Keeping active and healthy -6350391795Let’s help our children grow up enjoying being active and healthy. This can be done by getting outdoors and enjoying some fresh air or it can be 10 minutes of dancing round the living room. Making exercising fun will encourage children to adopt healthy habits as adults and don’t forget being physically active is not only good for the body but also our mental wellbeing.00Let’s help our children grow up enjoying being active and healthy. This can be done by getting outdoors and enjoying some fresh air or it can be 10 minutes of dancing round the living room. Making exercising fun will encourage children to adopt healthy habits as adults and don’t forget being physically active is not only good for the body but also our mental wellbeing.What I need to grow and developWhat will children learn from this play and how you can take it further?Physical activityGet dancing!As well as being a fun form of exercise, dance is a way for children to express their creativity, imagination and emotions. Dancing can also increase your child's flexibility, range of motion, physical strength, and stamina. It can also help keep their heart healthy.The brilliant thing about dancing is it's free, you don't need any special kit, and you don't even have to leave the house. So, go on, put on some music and give it a try.Giraffes can’t Dance. to the story and then try dancing to some of your favourite songs together. Dancing is a great and fun way to exercise. Try finding some of the types of music in the story to try dancing to them. Bounce Patrol you could all just join in and have some fun. Go Noodle Noodle have a wide range of sessions that will encourage children to get up, get moving and become more mindful. Why not have a look and pick a session that sounds like fun. Yoga for Kids Each episode is its own story, so you can enjoy the Cosmic Kids series in any order you like. Why not pick one with a theme your child is interested in. However, be aware some of the session are longer than others so it might be good to start short and build up to the longer ones, depending on your child’s engagement. Getting outdoorsGo for a bike/scooter ride or walk together, where will you go? Plan your route together and take a snack to have when you get there. Take a ball into the garden or to the park. Kick or throw it to each other, start close together and then gradually move apart, see how far apart you can stand and still do this. How many times can you do it before you drop it or miss it? The movements involved in dance can improve balance and co-ordination as well as get your heart rate up. Why not have a sing-along to your favourite song while you're at it.You could try copying each other. This could be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. Add in claps, jumps, arm swings, shakes, kicks etc. Talk about how your body feels when you have been dancing; hot, out of breath, heart beating fast, tired. How about your mood; do you feel happy because you had fun? Children will develop co-ordination, balance and range of gross motor skills and have fun. Some of the sessions also encourage and support mindfulness. Yoga builds strength, balance and confidence - and gets kids into yoga and mindfulness early.To keep it interesting if you walk or bike the same route often make up games. Today … let’s see how many red cars we see? Let’s see if who can see a dog first? How many cars will we see today, I wonder if you will see more than me? Stop and listen, what sounds you can hear? Talk about what you see and hear. See if you can spot numbers or letters that are familiar to your child – their age or first letter in their name (on street signs, car registration plates or doors).-65405635000824674562230 Confident Individual: Explores moving their body in different ways. Successful Learner: Is developing new physical skills. Responsible Citizen: Enjoys exploring their local community and takes care of it. Effective Contributor: Takes part in physical games, cooperating and taking turns. ................

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