Ashley Miller

Lesson 1- Visual Arts



|Ms. Ashley Miller |Educ. 349 |3rd Grade |Our Outer Space |

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| |Tuesdays 6:50pm-10pm |Visual Arts  | 45-50 minutes |

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| |CAMPUS | | |

| |Main | | |




| |Students will learn about outer space through the use of visual |

|Visual Arts 1.0 Artistic Perception |arts, music, dance, and drama. |

|Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary |  |

|1.3 Identify and describe how foreground, middle |OBJECTIVE OF LESSON |

|ground, and background are used to create the |Students will demonstrate their art ability by identifying and |

|illusion of space. |describing the use of space and other elements of art by |

| |creating their own work of art. |

|1.5 Identify and describe elements of art in works of | |

|art, emphasizing line, color, shape/ | |

|form, texture, space, and value. | |

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|Visual Arts 2.0 Creative Expression | |

|Communication and Expression Through Original Works of Art | |

|2.4 Create a work of art based on the observation of | |

|objects and scenes in daily life, emphasizing | |

|value changes. | |

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|Intrapersonal (working as a group for warm up activity) | |

|Interpersonal (creating individual work of art) | |

|Visual (the artwork created) | |

|Naturalistic (outer space is a part of nature) | |

|Linguistic (journal) | |




|To assess the students, the teacher will read over the student’s journals to make sure they understand the material of what the |

|elements of art are. The students will receive a grade depending on their understanding. Either a credit or non-credit grade. |

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|For students who may not be able to explain their reasoning in a journal, these students have the option of explaining it to the|

|teacher instead. |

|If students, for example gate students, finish early, they can quietly work on another assignment they might not have finished. |

|If there are any slow learners who may not know how to draw well enough or explain well enough, these students can work in a |

|small group with others for collective effort and so that they may receive help. |

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|Student List: paper, pencils, |

|Teacher List: cardstock paper, watercolors |

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|INTO (Orientation) |RATIONALE |

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|The students have previously been working getting to know the | |

|elements of art and today they will be doing a simple review with| |

|table groups. | |

|To start off the warm up activity, the teacher will ask the | |

|students to get together with the group at their table and | |

|between them they will take out one piece of paper and each need | |

|a pencil. I expect that there will be 4-5 in a group. | |

|Now the teacher will explain that the students will take turns | |

|drawing on this piece of paper, emphasizing the different | |

|elements of visual arts. | |

|The first student will draw a line on the paper. They can draw it| |

|however big they want, however they want. Next they will turn the|It is much easier to understand the elements of art by drawing|

|paper over and explain why they did what they did. |them, and then explain them, rather than just giving a |

|Now taking turns, each student will contribute to the drawing by |definition for each. |

|creating more lines, shapes, forms, and creating texture and | |

|space. As each student takes their turn, they will explain on the| |

|back of the paper why they created what they did and how. | |

|After each student takes three turns, the teacher will then make | |

|enough copies for each student at the table to color their own | |

|group created paper. | |

|This activity should take about 15-20 minutes. |Working as a group, allows the students, who possibly need |

| |help remembering, to receive help from their fellow peers. |

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| |The reason for this is so that each student gets a chance to |

| |color their own picture however they want and because “color” |

| |is another element of art. |

|THROUGH (Presentation, Structured Practice, Guided Practice) |RATIONALE |

| | |

|The teacher now will explain the point of the warm up activity. |The point was to review concepts they already learned |

| |because today they will be using them again to create |

| |their own work of art. |

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|The teacher will then explain that for the next week or so, the | |

|students will be participating in a thematic unit where they will|This is to get them familiar with what they will be |

|learn all about outer space through the use of the different |learning ahead of time so they are aware and not |

|areas of Visual and Performing Arts. |surprised when having to complete these lesson plans. It |

|To start the lesson, the teacher will pass out a piece of |gets them excited to want to learn about space. |

|cardstock paper, the size of a piece of computer paper, to each | |

|student. This thick paper will be used to create a work of art | |

|using watercolors. |Cardstock paper is thicker paper and allows for less mess |

|Next the teacher will pass out watercolors to each student. |when painting. |

|Now the teacher will give instructions on what is expected of | |

|them. The teacher will explain that with the paper and | |

|watercolors, the students are going to be creating a work of art,| |

|depicting their version of outer space. | |

|The students must create the illusion of space by creating a | |

|foreground, middle ground, and background of different objects in| |

|space. |As a part of science, the students have previously |

|The students must also recreate what they have already learned |learned about the planets, stars, and moon. |

|about the elements of art and include them in the artwork. (line,| |

|shape, form, texture, color, space, and value) The students can | |

|use a pencil to first draw their picture and then paint it when | |

|finished. | |

|The students will work on this for about 30 minutes and then it | |

|is time to clean up. | |

|BEYOND (Independent Practice) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|Once clean, the students will journal about their piece and | |

|explain what they used to create it. They will be in charge of |This activity will allow the teacher to assess the work the |

|explaining the elements of art and why they chose the set up they|students did by grading them based on the concepts rather than|

|did to create the illusion of space. |the artwork. |

|The students will also include some of the possible principles | |

|they used in their artwork as well. (balance, emphasis, contrast,| |

|rhythm, pattern, unity, variety, and proportion) |The students have been familiarized with principles f art |

| |already and as extra credit, they may explain these concepts |

| |as well. |

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Example for Warm Up Activity (one we did in class)

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Lesson 2- Music


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|Ms. Miller |Educ. 349 |3rd | Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star |

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| |Tues. 6:50pm-10pm |Music | 45 minutes-1hour |

| |  |Language-Arts | |

| |CAMPUS |  | |

| |Main | | |



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| |Students will learn about outer space through the use of visual |

|Listen to, Analyze, and Describe Music |arts, music, dance, and drama. |

|1.3 Identify melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre in selected |   |

|pieces of music when presented aurally. |OBJECTIVE OF LESSON |

| |Students should be able to identify the key elements of music, |

|Read and Notate Music |read, write, and perform Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using |

|1.1 Read, write, and perform simple rhythmic patterns, using, |different music notes, and write a paper about their experience |

|eighth notes, quarter notes, |correctly. |

|half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, and rests. |  |

| | |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.1a | |

|Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an | |

|opinion, and create an organized structure that lists reasons. | |

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| Intrapersonal, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Linguistic | |

|  | |




|The performance will have a formal assessment grade in which the teacher created a rubric to measure by. The students’ papers |

|will have an informal assessment grade to it in which the teacher will give a credit or noncredit grade depending on their |

|completion of it. |

|    |




|For gate students, they may help the slow learners when creating the musical piece. |

|For students who may not be able to write the letter effectively, they can have the option of writing it together with the |

|teacher’s help or orally explain their experience. |

|For ELL students, they have the option of writing their paper in their own language and the teacher can translate it or they can|

|receive help in translating it to English themselves |

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|Student List: paper, pencils |

|Teacher List: will provide song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, one piano/keyboard, worksheet |


|INTO (Orientation) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|Students will participate in a Four Corners sponge activity. The |Students have previously learned what harmony, timbre, melody,|

|teacher will place 1 piece of paper in each of the four corners |and rhythm are. So this sponge activity is to see what they |

|of the classroom and name them “Harmony”, “Melody”, “Rhythm”, and|already know/remember and for review. This will allow for the |

|“Timbre”. |teacher to see if their students understand the material |

|The teacher will then explain the rules of the game. The students|before moving on to the rest of the lesson. |

|will be split into four groups and each group will go to one |The sponge activity focuses on the bodily kinesthetic |

|corner of the room. It does not matter where they start because |learners, musical, and intrapersonal. |

|they will all rotate. Each group will have a chance in each | |

|corner. Once the students are in their corner. They are in charge| |

|of coming up with a routine where they execute their corner name | |

|i.e.: harmony, timbre, melody, and rhythm. So for the Harmony | |

|corner for example, they will perform what harmony means (they | |

|will sing a song all together) or for rhythm, the students will | |

|perform a song with a certain rhythm pattern to it. | |

|Once all the groups of students have had their opportunity in | |

|each corner, they will all sit down and discuss the activity. | |

|Did they like it? Were they able to remember the elements of | |

|music? What was the hardest to perform and why? | |

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| |This allows for the students to come back as a class and |

| |review the activity they did, and allows for the teacher to |

| |explain the purpose behind it. |

|THROUGH (Presentation, Structured Practice, Guided Practice) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|Once the sponge activity is over and the teacher has reviewed |The teacher explains this to the students so they know that |

|with the students, the teacher will then go into the next part of|the activity they just did will be useful later on in the |

|the lesson. The teacher will explain that the students will be |lesson. |

|using harmony, timbre, melody, and rhythm again, later on, in a | |

|song of the teacher’s choosing. | |

|Students have, from the previous grade, already learned about | |

|some of the notes in music. The teacher will be addressing those | |

|plus some others in the lesson. | |

|To address the different notes in music, the teacher will show | |

|the students what each note looks like and explain to them that | |

|each note is worth a different amount of beats. The students are | |

|in charge of taking notes on their worksheet provided, working | |

|independently. |The reason for this activity is to familiarize the students |

| |with notes and how music is made with them. To understand how |

|[pic] |to play music, the student must be able to read and write the |

| |notes first. Taking notes is a great way to learn because for |

|Once the notes are completed, the students will practice writing |visual learners they receive pictures and for linguistic |

|notes and organize the notes into a rhythmic pattern. With this |learners, who learn by writing things down, will be able to |

|activity, the teacher will have the students work together in |retain this information much easier. |

|groups of 4 or 5 using a keyboard provided in class. The teacher | |

|will give the students 20 minutes to complete, one group at a | |

|time. While completing, the teacher will go around the table | |

|groups and observe their work to make sure the material was | |

|understood. | |

|To make sure the standards have been learned, the teacher will be| |

|doing the rhythmic pattern activity again, but with a kid’s song,| |

|Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. | |

|The teacher will explain to the students that they are now going | |

|to perform “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, in their same groups on | |

|the keyboard again. They will be practicing their note playing | |

|skills they learned previously and they have to be able to | |

|identify the harmony, melody, rhythm, and timbre of the song. | |

|This activity will have a formal assessment to it. | |

|This is the assessment rubric that the teacher will use to grade | |

|the performances: | |

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|[pic] | |

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|CustomizeTemplateDownloadFile& |The students will take the note learning process a step |

| |further and will take what they learned and make their own |

| |rhythmic pattern of their choosing. The students will work in |

| |groups so they are able to receive help and more ideas for |

| |their pattern and the teacher will offer help and guidance as |

| |well. |

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| |By doing the activity a second time, students are already |

| |familiar with it and they had time to practice. |

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| |This informal assessment will be done to make sure the |

| |students understand the material given and also to give |

| |guidance or help in any way possible. |

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| |The reason for this is because the students have already had |

| |practice with the activity and they are all familiar with the |

| |song. |

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| |This is the final activity of the lesson and is the one that |

| |will be assessed. This activity includes both music standards |

| |and will lead into the final assignment to do. The students |

| |must be able to identify all four elements of music, how to |

| |play the rhythm of the song and to know what notes are being |

| |used to play it. |

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|BEYOND (Independent Practice) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|After all activities have been completed and teacher has assessed|The reason for the opinion paper is to gather information on |

|the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star activity, the students will |how the students liked the lesson and if it could be taught in|

|complete an opinion paper based on today’s lesson. |the classroom again. |

|Every student will turn in their own paper stating their opinion.|The students worked in groups for the activities but the |

| |teacher wants each individuals opinions for this assignment so|

|The teacher will have them answer these questions, “Based on |that each person has their confidentiality and to really get a|

|today’s lesson, what did you enjoy and what did you find hard to |true feeling for the outcome of the lesson. |

|do? The students must make a list of at least 5 things they | |

|liked/disliked about the lesson and write their reasoning in a |The reason this piece is assessed is so that the teacher sees |

|short paragraph. |that the students did it and because writing holds a high |

|This assignment will also have an informal assessment. |value in the music world. This assessment is informal and will|

|  |be a credit/noncredit grade based on their completion of it. |

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Lesson 3- Dance




| Ms. Miller |Educ. 349 |3rd |Solar System Dance |

| |  |  |  |


| |Tues. 6:50-10pm |Dance |LENGTH OF LESSON |

| |  |  |1 hour |

| |CAMPUS |  |  |

| |Main | | |



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| |Students will learn about outer space through the use of visual |

|Dance 1.0 Artistic Perception |arts, music, dance, and drama. |

|Development of Motor Skills and Technical Expertise |  |

|Combine and perform basic locomotor skills, moving on a specific|  |

|pathway (e.g., skip in circles, slide in zigzags, run in a |OBJECTIVE OF LESSON |

|variety of linear paths). Combine and perform locomotor and |Students should be able to create and memorize their own dance |

|axial movements (e.g., walk and turn, stretch and slide). |routine of the solar system using basic locomotor skills in a |

| |specific pathway, and will emphasize certain dance elements in |

|Dance 2.0 Creative Expression |order to be able to remember the order of the planets starting |

|Development of Partner and Group Skills |from the closest to the sun to the furthest. |

|2.8 Create, memorize, and perform original movement |  |

|sequences with a partner or a small group. | |

| | |

|Earth Sciences: | |

|4. Objects in the sky move in regular and predictable | |

|patterns. | |

|As a basis for understanding this concept: | |

|d. Students know that Earth is one of several planets that | |

|orbit the Sun and that the Moon orbits Earth. | |

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|Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Musical, Spatial, | |

|Naturalistic | |

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|Students will perform a dance routine in small groups and will be assessed through their knowledge of the subject by a created |

|rubric. Because the students are creating/memorizing/and performing a dance using their locomotor skills in a group setting, the|

|teacher will base the grade off their routine as a whole group. |

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|Doing the dance as a group with allow for slow learners to work with gate/fast learners |

|For students who may not be able to do the moves themselves because of a disability, they will not have to perform but are in |

|charge of making sure they participate in developing some of the moves that are seen in the routine. |

|Having the students come back together after the lesson allows for peer/teacher interaction and support. |

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|Student List: markers, crayons, desks will be moved in the class so there is room to perform the dance routine. |

|Teacher List: A computer to be able to watch a YouTube video of a Solar System dance, circular cutouts will be provided, books |

|to research about the planets/sun/moon, |



|INTO (Orientation) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|To begin this lesson, the students will first partake in a warm up | |

|activity. | |

|First the teacher will show the students a YouTube video called The Solar |This allows for the teacher to integrate technology |

|System Dance and it is to get the students familiar with dance and how |into the classroom in a fun and exciting way. Instead |

|other cultures may integrate dance into their classes. For example, this |of the teacher just explaining a dance about the Solar|

|video shows girls performing an Irish dance. |System, students are able to see it for themselves and|

| |can envision it as guidance when they do their own |

|Next, the teacher will have the students divide into ten small groups [8 |routine. |

|planets, the moon, the sun]. Each group will research about their solar | |

|system object and then will create a colorful image to hang up in the |The reason for this warm up activity is to help |

|classroom that displays the results of the whole classes research. |students get familiar with the different planets, the |

|The teacher will provide a circle cutout for each group to work on so each|Sun, and the moon. Because they are collectively |

|image is the same size and shape. The students are in charge of coloring |working as a group, the whole class’ project is on |

|the image to show what the planet, moon, or sun looks like and then will |display for all to see and can be used for reference |

|provide a few facts about it. |for the next activity. |

|Once this activity is completed (after 30 minutes or so) the students will| |

|then move on to the next part of the lesson. | |

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| I got this information from this website: | |

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|THROUGH (Presentation, Structured Practice, Guided Practice) |RATIONALE |

|  | |

|After the warm up activity, the students are now ready to perform a solar | |

|system dance of their own. The images created in the warm up activity will| |

|be hung in the classroom to use for guidance in creating the dance moves | |

|needed for the routines. | |

|Each group will elect one student to represent their planet and the dance | |

|will be performed two or three times (depending on time) so that each |This allows for the students to work individually, as |

|student has a chance to perform. |well as in a group. Some students may not want to |

|The groups will work together to come up with dance moves to represent |perform but if they elect their peers and see them do |

|their object and they will have to make sure they are in the correct order|it first, it may encourage them to try it out as well.|

|from the closest planet to the Sun to the farthest. MVEMJSUN (My Very |This allows for the students to become familiar with |

|Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine and Pizzas if Pluto is added). |performing in front of the classroom. |

|The dancers will arrange themselves as planets around the Sun and they | |

|will create movements to orbit around the Sun. Earth has to spin on its | |

|axis, so the students will be in charge of creating a specific dance |Doing this part of the activity will help the students|

|movement for that. The teacher will not be grading based on the movements |discover or tap into their prior knowledge of the |

|created, but they do have to be unique to the object being represented and|proper order of the planets closest to the farthest |

|they have to incorporate more than one movement. |from the Sun. |

|For example the student who is Earth can be slightly tilting their body to| |

|show its orbit and can spin around and around clapping their hands and | |

|marching their feet. |Not only does this activity tie into the dance |

|The moon has to orbit around the Earth and Earth orbits the Sun. |standards, it also ties into science standards as |

|The dance movements will be created using the different dance elements |well. Students are learning about scientific material,|

|Body, Energy, Space, and Time. |as they perform in a fun dance movement activity, |

|Students will be using their body parts to create different shapes and |without even thinking about it. That is why I included|

|actions to recreate movements to represent their solar system object. The |Earth Science standards into this lesson plan. |

|students can show different energy levels through their movement whether | |

|they are fast or slow, smooth or sharp. The students can create how much | |

|space they want to with their dance movements and their direction of the | |

|movements as well. The rhythm will be something they create and the speed | |

|and duration of each move. | |

|If there are too many students for the ten groups, then the teacher will | |

|add the dwarf planet, Pluto into the dance routine. To play Pluto, the | |

|student or students will show its unusual orbit around the Sun and will | |

|stand on a table in a far corner of the classroom to show its far | |

|approximation from the Sun. |This will be prior knowledge that the students |

|The teacher will allow the students to work for 20 minutes to come up with|previously learned. |

|their dance movements and then after this, the teacher will get the | |

|students attention to come together with a simple clap. | |

|Once the teacher gets their attention, it is time to perform the routine. | |

|First the student who is elected to represent the Sun will come up. Then | |

|the planets will take turns one at a time, in order, to perform their | |

|routine and each time someone new comes up, the previous planets will | |

|still continue dancing. Once the last planet performs the teacher will | |

|tell the class “Thank you” and to return to their seats. | |

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|BEYOND (Independent Practice) |RATIONALE |

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|Once all the students have gone back to their seats, the class will talk |The assessment is formal but they will not be graded |

|about their routine they created and will be asked a few questions: Did |solely based on their dance skills because it is not |

|you enjoy this activity, Was it harder then you thought or easier, Did you|an actual dance class. |

|like the object you had to represent, if not who would you have rather | |

|been, Was it easier to remember the order of the planets this way, Was it | |

|easier working in groups or would it be better to perform as individuals? | |

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 Circular Cut Out (One per Group) [pic]

Books to do Research with

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Lesson 4- Drama




|Ms. Ashley Miller |Educ. 349 |3rd grade |If I Were an Astronaut |

|  |  |  |  |


| |Tuesdays 6:50-10pm |Drama |45 minutes-1 hour |

| |  |  |  |

| |CAMPUS |  | |

| |Main | | |





|Drama 1.0 Artistic Perception |Students will learn about outer space through the use of visual |

|Development of the Vocabulary of Theatre |arts, music, dance, and drama. |

|Use the vocabulary of theatre, such as character, |  |

|setting, conflict, audience, motivation, props, |OBJECTIVE OF LESSON |

|stage areas, and blocking, to describe theatrical |Students should be able to use problem solving and cooperation |

|experiences. |in groups in order to act out a story about outer space. They |

| |will be using the 5 W’s and will be able to define each of the |

|Drama 5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications |theatre vocabulary words used in the theatrical experience. |

|Connections and Applications | |

|5.1 Use problem-solving and cooperative skills to | |

|dramatize a story or a current event from | |

|another content area, with emphasis on the 5 W’s. | |

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|Naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, (the | |

|script) intrapersonal, and interpersonal | |




|To assess the student’s learning, the teacher will grade the script and play using a rubric. The rubric was made using |

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|Gate Students: will be paired to work with slow learners so that they are able to help where necessary and to make sure the |

|lesson is being completed |

|Physically Impaired: if a student is unable to perform in the play, they can either have a sitting role or they can chose to |

|write their own script and read it out to the class instead of performing it. |

|Slow Learners: will be paired with gate students so they can receive the help they need and because gate learners finish more |

|quickly. Teacher will also provide help where needed. |

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|Student List: paper, pencil, and journal |

|Teacher List: The Kids Astronauts Fact Book, dress up clothes, |

|YouTube video: |

|(for props) glue, newspaper, tape, markers, and glitter |



|INTO (Orientation) |RATIONALE |

|To grab the students’ attention and to tie into the theme of outer |The teacher will be reading this book because it offers fun|

|space, the teacher will first read a book called The Kids Astronauts|facts about astronauts with beautiful and colorful |

|Fact Book. |photographs and covers all material of the aspects of being|

|After reading the book, the students will be answering this question|an astronaut, including facts about the men who walked on |

|on a piece of paper: If you were an astronaut and could travel |the Moon. |

|wherever you wanted to in space, where would you go and why? Make | |

|sure to include some things you might see. (10 minutes) |The students have been learning about space and have |

| |previously learned about the solar system, stars, the sun, |

| |the moon, asteroids, and comets. |


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|Presentation: |The students will watch a short video clip of students |

|The teacher will present the students with an activity in creating a|performing in a play so they know what is expected of them |

|play, pretending to be astronauts in space. |while creating their own. |

|The teacher will be supplying dress up clothes for the students to | |

|use during their play. |The dress up clothes will help in the exaggeration of the |

|To show the students what a play might look like here is a short |play and will help in the roleplaying scenario. |

|YouTube clip for an idea: | |

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|Structured Practice: | |

|The teacher will put the students in groups of 4 or 5 and will make | |

|sure to add gate students, slow learners, and physically impaired | |

|students together so that they are able to help each other where | |

|necessary, | |

|The teacher will also make sure to split students up fairly so that | |

|friends are not with other friends and excluding others. | |

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|Guided Practice: | |

|Before the performance, the students will first write up their | |

|script. | |

|The students are able to act out different objects in space, besides| |

|just being an astronaut. For example: one student is an astronaut | |

|and the others in the group are asteroids, stars, and the moon. |By writing their own script, the students are able to use |

|The script must include the setting, characters, a conflict of some |their imagination and create problem-solving skills to |

|sort, and the blocking. |resolve whatever conflict they decide to include. The |

|The teacher will walk around the classroom observing the students |script will include all theatre vocabulary and have |

|and helping them where they may need it. |emphasis of all 5 W’s. They must explain who they are, what|

|The performance must meet the minimum of 3 minutes long and no |they are doing, why they are doing it, when, and where they|

|longer than 5. |are performing. |

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|Once the script is written, the teacher will skim through it and | |

|approve it before performed. | |

|While the script is being written, the students will also be | |

|designing their own props to use. | |

|The props will be made using provided materials | |

|Once all scripts are approved, the groups will begin performing. | |

|Each group will perform in the front of the class, using their | |

|props, and making sure to dramatize the event using the 5 W’s (Who, |Designing their own props allows for the students to expand|

|What, Where, When, and Why) |their minds and they must use found objects in order to use|

| |their imagination create different interpretations of the |

|   |objects being used. |

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|BEYOND (Independent Practice) |RATIONALE |

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|Once all groups have performed (about 30 minutes) the students will | |

|go back to their desks and journal the events of their play. The | |

|students will be doing this individually and must answer these | |

|questions: | |

|Where did your play take place? (setting) | |

|What was the conflict of your story? | |

|Who were you performing for? (the audience) |These questions are not being graded, but are for the |

|Was there a certain motivation of why you chose the story you did? |teacher to assess the students’ understanding of the lesson|

|What props did you use and how were they made? |being taught and to see if they enjoyed themselves during |

|Briefly describe the blocking of the performance. (the moves) |this project. |

|Describe the stage area. | |

|How do think other cultures could of exhibited this type of play? | |

|What did you learn from doing this assignment? | |

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