Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube

[Pages:15]Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube

2/14/19, 12(31 PM

Lesson: Search and discovery on YouTube

We know you put a ton of time and energy into making videos and it's important for you to understand how they get discovered. The goals of YouTube's search and discovery system are twofold: help viewers find the videos they want to watch, and maximize long-term viewer engagement and satisfaction. Get a better understanding of how the system works, where your content is surfaced, and what you can do to give your videos the best chance for success.

The algorithm follows the audience


YouTube tries to match each viewer to the videos they are most likely to watch and enjoy. With over 400 hours of video uploaded every minute, that can be a challenge. YouTube's recommendations systems provide a real-time feedback loop to cater to each viewer and their varying interests. Our goal is to get people to watch more videos that they enjoy so that they come back to YouTube regularly.

Creators often ask, "What kind of videos does the algorithm like most?" Our systems have no opinion about what type of video you make, and doesn't favor any particular format. Rather, they try their best to follow the audience by paying attention to things like:

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what they watch

what they don't watch

how much time they spend watching

likes and dislikes

`not interested' feedback

Instead of worrying about what the algorithm `likes', it's better to focus on what your audience likes. If you do that and people watch, the algorithm will follow. So, which videos do they enjoy most? How often do they like to watch your channel? Check your YouTube Analytics to answer these questions.

Fluctuations and seasonality

Over time, it's natural for the performance of your channel to fluctuate. Today's audiences have a lot of options. They may love you one week and not so much the next week -- or maybe they're on vacation and not even watching next week. Expect fluctuations and seasonality, and try not to jump to conclusions based on one or two uploads. Take a higher level view of your overall channel performance.


Creators also wonder "What if I want to try something new on my channel?" Experimenting is super important for creative people, and when starting a channel, you should feel free to try all sorts of videos until something works. After that, if you'd like to try something new, listen to audience feedback.

If you have been doing the same thing for a long time and it isn't driving as much engagement as it used to, this could signal it's time to try out something new. Even the best video formats have a finite shelf life, and experimentation can help you identify the next wave to maintain or grow your engagement.


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Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube

2/14/19, 12(31 PM

Like Google's search engine, search on YouTube strives to surface the most relevant results according to keyword queries. Videos are ranked based on a variety of factors including how well the title, description, and video content match the viewer's query. Beyond that, we look at which videos have driven the most engagement for a query. Search results are not a list of the most-viewed videos for a given query.


See what words people use to find your channel in the YouTube Analytics Traffic Sources report by clicking in the `YouTube Search' box. Consider incorporating the most relevant search terms for each of your new videos. You can add them as titles and descriptions -- as long as they're accurate (and not excessive).

Write robust descriptions up to 1-2 paragraphs long, if relevant.

Consider implementing YouTube's Translation tools to reach an international audience.

Brainstorm new video ideas by looking at search results for popular and less competitive queries. Identify opportunities to serve an audience that isn't already well-served.

Remember to check the `trending' tab for topics that appeal to you or may be specific to your niche.

See it in action

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How YouTube Search works

Suggested Videos

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Suggested Videos are a personalized collection of videos that an individual viewer may be interested in watching next, based on prior activity. Studies of YouTube consumption have shown that viewers tend to watch a lot more when they get recommendations from a variety of channels, and suggested videos do just that. Suggested Videos are ranked to maximize engagement for the viewer. Signals that contribute to these recommendations include:

Videos that viewers watch along with the current video, or videos that are topically related. They could be videos from the same channel, or from a different channel.

Videos from a viewer's past watch history. Learn more about YouTube watch history.

Suggested Videos are shown to viewers on the right side of the watch page under `Up next', below the video on the mobile app, and as the next video in autoplay.

You can see which videos bring viewers to your channel from Suggested Videos in the Traffic sources report by clicking on the `Suggested videos' box. You can also compare Traffic Sources.


Make strong calls-to-action for viewers to watch another one of your videos. Long endings may delay viewers from watching more, so try to be mindful of how your videos end. Use playlists, links, cards, and end screens to suggest the next video. Develop a series of videos that are organically connected. Make videos related to popular formats on YouTube such as challenges or lists.

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How YouTube's Suggested Videos Work


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Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube

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Home is what viewers see first when they open the YouTube app or visit . It's the one-stop destination for YouTube, a place where we aim to deliver the most relevant, personalized recommendations to each viewer. It's also a great place for your videos to be found by non-subscribers. Over 200 million different videos appear on Home each day for viewers around the world.

When a viewer visits home, YouTube displays videos from their subscriptions, videos watched by similar viewers, new videos, and more. The selection of videos is based on:

Performance -- How well the video has engaged and satisfied similar viewers, among other factors.

The viewer's watch and search history -- how often the viewer watches a channel or topic and how many times we've already shown each video to the viewer.

Note: subscribers watch more from their subscriptions via Home than through the Subscriptions tab.


Upload on a consistent basis to give your audience an expectation of when they can see your videos.

Keep viewers engaged for longer and encourage them to come back for more. Whether it's with a long video, or several short ones, the longer you keep people watching, the more your content may get surfaced.

Keep doing what works. When you create something that's working for your audience, keep at it. We surface more of what your viewers like. Don't be afraid to experiment but do so mindfully. Observe feedback from your audience and give them time to adjust.

See how often your channel appears on home, globally, by going to your YouTube Analytics Traffic Sources report and then clicking the `Browse features' box. View the stats under `Home'.

Avoid making content that violates YouTube policies: ensure you title videos accurately, use appropriate and non-spammy tags, and avoid misleading thumbnails.

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How YouTube's Home Screen Works


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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