Name: ________________________________________-KEY CONCEPT 4.3: STATE CONSOLIDATION & IMPERIAL EXPANSION Part I- Early Modern Land EmpiresWHAP 101Standard4.0 3.53.0 Not a 3.0 yet3.10.2Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions 195 – 110 points 109 - 61 Points 60– 44 pointsUnder 44 points Take notes of this packet_______/10 pointsFill out Graphic Organizer_______/5 pointsScore on Comparison Essay_______/ 90 points –your score on the essay x104.0 Option write 2nd comparison essay_______90 points –your score on the essay x10Empire #1 – Qing Dynasty – aka Manchus Label the following on the map belowQing (Manchu) homelandQing expansion – 1644Qing Expansion – 1690-1750Go to Freemanpedia 4.3 - States?treated different ethnic and religious groups (Ottoman treatment of Non-muslims subjects,?Manchu policies towards Chinese,?Spanish creation of a seperate Republic de Indios)?in ways that utilized?their economic contributions while limiting their ability to challenge the authority of the state.Read and take notes from the Manchu policies towards Chinese webpage Take notes from Freemanpedia under 4.3 - Take notes on the following video under Manchu EmpireCLIP ONE:?EMPEROR KANGXITake out your Freemanpedia reading packet on China and take notes on the following sections (you can also highlight and make footnotes and turn in the reading)Qing Dynasty- Meet the Jurchen- Jurchen-Qing- Eight Banners Seven Grievances - Qing Dynasty (Kangxi, Qianlong)- Scared Edict of Kanxi Emperor (you can just answer the question - Chinese Pop. ExplosionVocabulary- Define what the 5 terms mean below with 3-5 details each – from MANCHUQINGBANNERSKANGXIQIANLONGUsing the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Qing Dynasty. Define all wordsSummary clearly describes and defines key aspects of The Qing Dynasty Summary correctly uses vocabulary words ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Empire #2 – Map – Label how large the Ottoman was in the following years on the next page:1300 – 1359 1566- 1683 Take notes on the following under - CLIP TWO:?The Ottoman Empire?(from the PBS)(This is long, but gives you everything you could ever want!)Intro-5:00-Foundation of the Empire7:15-Devshirme, Janissaries 10:00-Battle of Constantinople 18:00-Hagia Sophia21:40-Suleiman the Magnificent 27:15- Suleiman the Lawgiver 28:35- Sinan the Architect34:25- The Harem 38:20- The Safavids 42:20- Expansion into the Balkans/ViennaTake notes from the two pages about The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Land Empires Packet from Freemanpedia (you can also highlight and make footnotes and turn in the reading)Take notes from Freemanpedia 4.3 from the following section - Recruitment and use of?bureaucratic elites,?as well as the development?of military professionals, (Ottoman devshirme,?Chinese examination system,?Salaried samarai) became more common among rulers who wantedto maintain centralized control over their populations and resources.Take notes from the following link- Ottoman devshirme Only take notes from the introduction Take notes from Freemanpedia- CLIP FOUR:??The Battle of Lepanto?(from the REAL CATHOLIC TV) (This is told from the Catholic side of this epic battle, so beware for BIAS!)Take notes on Crash Course form CLIP FIVE:?Venice & the Ottomans?(from CRASH COURSE World History) (The above Crash Course covers the Ottomans very well including: Osman, Janissaries, Devshirme, Suleiman, and Eunuchs; not to mention the roots of the Renaissance and Exploration in Europe)Take notes on the last video from Freemanpedia - This is from the History Channel about The Fall of Constantinople Vocabulary- Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each – fromANATOLIAOSMANBALKANSCONSTANTINOPLEISTANBULMEMHET IIJANISSARIESGRAND VIZIERSAFAVIDSSULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENTUsing the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Ottoman Empire. Define all wordsSummary clearly describes and defines key aspects of The Ottoman Empire Summary correctly uses vocabulary words ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Empire #3- Safavid Empire Take notes from the reading from Freemanpedia from Early Modern Land Empires on the Safavid Empire (you can also highlight and make footnotes and turn in the reading)Read and take notes from APWorldipedia 4.3, the section that begins with:The Safavid's use of Shiism.?Watch the following lecture – linked to Mr. Wood’s website Ottomans and Safavids – Start watching at 9:41 and watch to the end. Read the following website and take notes posted on Mr. Wood’s webpage - Ottoman-Safavid Wars- Define what the 3 terms mean below with 3-5 details each – fromSafavidShah Ismail IShah Abbas IUsing the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Ottoman Empire. Define all wordsSummary clearly describes and defines key aspects of The Ottoman Empire Summary correctly uses vocabulary words __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Empire #4 - This is the longest section and yes …. Size does matter! Label the following on the map on the next pageMughal Empire 152516051707Watch the following from Freemanpeida CLIP FOUR:?The EARLY MUGALS?(Nice coverage of the Delhi Sultanate!)- Watch the following parts of the videos from Mr. Wood’s website BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- Mahmud of Ghanzi started the Ghaznavid?Empire (977- 1186) by invading India to conquer and gain wealth, he also brings in Islam into Indiawatch from 8:55- 11:55Take notes on how people in India felt about Mahmud of Ghanzi and feelings Muslims and Hindus had for each otherWhat does Michael Wood mean by the Meeting of two Oceans? What does the Muslim historian Al Biruni say about the differences between Islam and Hinduism? Same video- BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- 1192 – The Delhi Sultanate takes over India – (The Afghans and Turks were again outside Muslim groups who took over part of India)watch from 11:55- 13:45kuta minar- (the big building in the beginning)Delhi’s Sultanate’s feelings towards Hinduism and India Same video- BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- Some religious views change – Sufi Saints Watch from 15:25- 17:45How did Sufis blend Islam and Hinduism?How did Sufis bring Islam into India?Same video - BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- Babur’s Invasion of India – This is the Mughal Babur invading and taking over the Delhi Sultanate Watch from 18:20 - 21:42, 23:30 – 24:20Watch the following video on Mr. Wood’s webpage- Warrior Empire: The Mughals Of India - for the following important people, place and eventsBabur- 3:30- 4:40, 16:40 -17:20Battle of Panipat – 4:40- 6:00, 11:05- 13:20Akbar- 17:30 – 18:15, 34:30 – 35:20, Matchlock gun (volley gun) 36:30 – 37:2041:25 – 50:30 Fatehpur Sikri – Akbar’s capital city Watch the following parts of the video from Mr. Wood’s website - BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- Mughal Family Dynasty - Akbar extending the Kingdom of the Mughals Focus on Akbar’s views on religion and culture Development of the Sikhs in India Guru Nanak (first great teacher in Sikhism) Fatehpur Sikri - Akbar’s Capital – Give 1-2 reasons for the downfall of the Mughals 31:20- 43:45Watch the following video on Mr. Wood’s webpage- Warrior Empire: The Mughals Of India - for the following important people, place and eventsShah Jahan- 56:20- 59:0059:00 – 103:00, 104:50- 105:30, 108:00- 110:10 Taj Mahal Aurangzeb – 113:10 – 115:08, 118:10 – 121:20War against the Marathas Weakening and beginning of fall of Mughals Watch the following parts of the video from Mr. Wood’s website - BBC The Story of India - Episode 5 - The Meeting of Two Oceans- – 50:00, 57:15 – 57:55What can the ruins of the Mughul Dynasty be seen as today? How can the Mughal empire be summed up? Who will eventually take over the Mughal Empire? Take notes from the reading from Freemanpedia from Early Modern Land Empires on the Mughal Empire (you can also highlight and make footnotes and turn in the reading)Vocabulary- Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each – fromMUGHALSBABURGUNPOWDERLODI DYNASTYBATTLE OF PANIPATAKBAR THE GREATDIN-I-ALAHIMUMTAZ MAHAL?(TAJ) &?SHAH JAHANAURANGZEBSIKHISMUsing the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Mughal Empire. Define all wordsSummary clearly describes and defines key aspects of The Mughal Empire Summary correctly uses vocabulary words ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Empire #5 - Label the following on the map on the next page:Russia in 1689Territory added by Peter the GreatPeter’s trip to Western Europe 1697-8Crash Course World History Video Notes #20 - Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols – This is on Freemanpedia under Fill in the blanks as John Green talks! Yes, Mr. Wood stole this from a teacher from the AP Facebook page!1. Most historians now believe that the settlers of Kiev were ____________ people who migrated from around the ____________ ______. 2. But there’s an older theory that the settlers of Kiev were actually _________ who came down to Kiev from rivers like Dnieper and founded outposts.3. ______________ was hugely important to Kiev. Almost all of their __________ ended with trade concession treaties, and their _____ ______ were unusually devoted to the subject of commerce.4. The Rus traded ______ ____________ like fur, wax, and also slaves—which may be an explanation that word __________ derives from the Latin word for slave.5. They also relied on agriculture—and your relationships to the land determined both your ________ ________ and your _____ _______________.6. The ruler of Kiev was called the ____________ _________________, and he became the model for future Russian Kings. Also, the early grand princes made a fateful decision: They became Byzantine Christians.7. According to legend, Prince Vladimir chose to convert the Rus to Byzantine Christianity in the 11th century over Islam because of Islam’s prohibition on __________________.8. The Kievan Rus eventually fell in 1240 when the _____________________ showed up and replaced them.9. The Mongols did set up the Khanate of the ______________ __________ in Russia, but it didn’t leave much lasting impact on the institutions of the region, which had already been set up by the Kievans.10. The Mongols were comparatively _____________ ________________: they were happy to live in their ________ and collect ___________________ from the ever-bickering Russian princes.11. Perhaps most importantly, Mongol rule cut the Russians off from the ___________________ and further isolated them from _______________ .12. But the Mongols did help propel _____________ to prominence and in doing so, created the idea that this was Russia.13. The Muscovite princes won—that is to say purchased—the right to ____________ ___________ on behalf of the Khan from other princes.14. One prince who was particularly good at this was known as Ivan Kalita which translates roughly as “_______________ ______________.”15. Plus Moscow was at the headwaters of four rivers which made it well-positioned for _________________. And because they were kind of the allies of the Mongols- the Mongols rarely attacked them-which meant that lots of people went to Moscow because it was relatively safe.16. In fact, Moscow also became the seat of the _________________ ________________ ______________ in 1325.17. After Basil the Blind, came the real man who expanded Moscow’s power, Ivan III, later known as _________ _____ ____________.18. First, he asserted Russian _____________________ from the Mongols and stopped paying _________ to the khan--after the khan had named him Grand Prince, of course.19. Ivan later declared himself sovereign of all Russians and then married the niece of the last _____________________ emperor, thus giving him even more ________________________.20. He took titles autocrat and _____________, which means Caesar. Basically, Ivan created the first ________________ Russian state and for doing that he probably deserves title “the Great.”21. While Ivan III consolidated Muscovite power, the undeniable brutal streak in Russian governance comes not from the Mongols, but from Ivan IV, better known as Ivan the __________________________.22. But in the beginning, he was really an innovative leader; he reformed the _______________, emphasizing the new technology of ________________________.23. But in the second part of his reign, Ivan earned his nickname, the Terrible—psychological historians will point out that things started go terribly wrong with Ivan after the death of his beloved _______________, Anastasia 24. In the end, Ivan IV established absolute control of the czar over all the Russian people, but he also set the precedent of accomplishing this through ___________________, _________________ ___________________, and the suspension of ___________.Watch the following video and take notesRussia: Engineering an Empire - – 5:30, 9:20 – 10:10 Kievan Rus, Novogorod, Rurik, Moscow, Tatars, Ivan III, Ivan III (The Great) vs the Tatars Part II – same video - Russia: Engineering an Empire - – 13:00, 15:13 – 19:00 Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible), Czar, Siege of Kazan, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Ivan’s “insanity,” “Time of Troubles” Part III- Same video - same video - Russia: Engineering an Empire - – 30:05 - Peter the Great, St. Petersburg Go to FreemanPedia- under and watch the following videos CLIP TWO:?IVAN IV THE TERRIBLE?(from CLOUDBIO)CLIP FOUR:?St. PETERSBURG?(from BOOKINGHUNTER) - Don’t take took many notes, this just shows you what kind of city Peter the Great built.Vocabulary- Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each – from The Russian EmpireNOVGORODMOSCOWGOLDEN HORDETATARCOSSACKIVAN III (GREAT)IVAN IV (TERRIBLE)TIME OF TROUBLESPETER THE GREATGRAND EMBASSYUsing the vocabulary words on write a summary describing and defining the Mughal Empire. Define all wordsSummary clearly describes and defines key aspects of The Mughal Empire Summary correctly uses vocabulary words ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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