AP World History: Modern Hatlen Distance Learning Week 4: 4/27-5/1Lesson: Review Unit 3: Land Based Empires 1450-1750Due Date: The entire work packet should be emailed to me by 3:00 pm Friday May 1st. The writing practice should be completed after the packet and will be due by Monday morning at 9:00am. Directions: Please read the directions for each activity carefully and complete them in the order that they are presented. Attempt to complete each section on the suggested day. All answers must be turned in on the same document or sheet of paper. To turn the assignment in, you may take a picture or email your assignment. As you work through this review packet, make a list of questions. You may bring these questions to zoom office hours, email Mrs. Hatlen, or email a munication: You may email me, hatlenm@, with questions. Additionally, I recommend you join the AP World History Modern Remind group by texting 81010 to @7769cf. I will schedule zoom meetings for review sessions. Learning Objective: Students will use this review to recall content and practice the skills of using VISUAL sources and documents as evidence to support a claim and identifying an author’s motive or bias in the documents. Monday: Review of Unit 2. Watch the College Board Review Unit 2.2 video on the Mongols and complete the tasks. 1. Brainstorm: What are continuities and changes in world history? List 2-3 changes that have occurred in your life List 2-3 continuities that have occurred in your lifeWhy do historians look at continuities and changes? Why is it important? 2. Answer the following questions as you watch the review video What (or who) causes great changes of this time period? Warm up: Compare your work with the documents from the videos last week to the samples that the instructor offers you. How did your answers compare? List 3-4 things that you learned about using documents or DBQs from this portion of the video.Who were the Mongols? Describe Pax Mongolia. What does Pax mean? What were the results of the Mongol empire? How and why did this benefit Europe? What are some positive consequences of the Mongol empire? Which empires do the Mongols cause to fall? Prediction: What will occur in our next time period 1450-1750? What are the key takeaways from today’s lesson?3. Take notes on the CCOT chart. Only complete Technology and Innovation, Cultural Developments and Interactions, and Governance. You will do the rest later. Notice, that the themes that he is having you identify are the SPICEE themes just a little out of order. ThemeBasic features ContinuitiesChanges Basic features at the end of the period Reasons for changes Technology and innovationCultural developments and interactions Governance Economic systems Social interactions and organization Humans and the environment Bonus points, which themes above fit into our SPICEE charts. (Governance = Politics) 4. What changes do the Mongols make bring to Afro Eurasia, including the intensification of the trade routes? 5. Watch the crash course video on Russia and the Mongols Describe the Kiev Rus. What is significant? What caused the Kiev to fall? What did the period of Mongol rule over Russia? After you watch the video, list the major effects that the Mongol rule had on Russia? (think about long term and lack of trade and industrialization) Extra Credit! Watch the Crash Course video and write down what you learned from John Green that was not mentioned in the video above. Tuesday: Today you will wrap up Unit 2. Wahooo! Watch the College Board review session on 2.4-2.5. 6. Brainstorm some terms to help you understand the video. Just offer a brief definition for each term: Cross cultural interactionsEnvironmental consequences of trade 7. Watch review 2.4 and 2.5, Cultural and Environmental Consequences of Cross Cultural Exchange, and answer the questions below. I encourage that you devout your attention to this video. The visual analysis and content are useful! Why is it important that AP World History students are able to analyze pictures? How do you use titles and the image description to understand that document? How could you use the images as evidence to prove your claim in a DBQ? How do you think that you could identify an author POV in an image?What are cross cultural connections and how are the Mongols using them? What is the purpose of this manuscript? List more than one. (this is author POV!!!)How does the image show the spread of scientific knowledge?How did your answer compare with the instructor’s answers?Read the document by Ibn Battuta and look for Cross cultural interactions. List those interactions. How did your response compare to the instructor’s response? How are monsoon winds important to travel on the Indian Ocean? Brainstorm: what is meant by long distance trade moves more than just manufactured goods? What are some examples of the spread of religion? Describe more than 3.What are some examples of the spread of science and technology? What are examples of the spread of crops spread?How does trade and globalization lead to the spread of disease?Long Distance Trade Moves More Than Goods! (I just wanted to reiterate that) 8. Complete the practice activity at the end of 2.4-2.5. Compare and contrast the observations made by both travelers Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo. Support your examples of similarities and differences with EVIDENCE from the documents. If you need copies of the documents, please email Mrs. Hatlen immediately. Wednesday: Today, you will being to review for Unit 3. This is a new time period. Remember that the Mongols led to the fall of major empires and major changes in the last period. Now we embark on new themes, new empires, and new developments in 1450-1750! If you want to join a zoom review session on writing, we will hole one for A Day at 10:00am and B Day at 12:00pm. 9. Annotate the title of this section, Land Based Empires, what does it tell you about this unit?10. This unit covers the following Empires! Take 10 minutes and write down what you remember about each region in this time. (Gunpowder, legitimacy through religion, etc.) After the 10 minutes, note which region you may need to review. This is a brainstorming activity, so this for you and your review. I will not grade you on how much you remember. Russia- Chapter 21Muslim Empires (Ottomans, Safavids, Mughal) - Chapter 22Manchu Empire- Chapter 23Tokugawa Japan- Chapter 23Songhay3.1 Empires Expand- Chapters 11. Rewrite each of the claims in your own words. Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade to establish large empires in both hemispheres. Land empires included the Manchu in Central and East Asia; the Mughal in South and Central Asia; the Ottoman in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa; and the Safavids in the Middle East.Political and religious disputes led to rivalries and conflict between states.The Land Based Empires are the major players in this period. It’s easy to jump to Columbus et al and assume the Europeans are taking over. They’re not. They are moving into the outer reaches that are not already dominated by major Land Based Empires. Look at the map below. Now compare that to the Maritime Empires. There is virtually no overlap (outside of the Americas). Another knock against the Europeans in this period (1450-1750), is to look at when the Land Based Empires finally fell. Mughals,1857. Tokugawa,1868. Manchu Empire, 1911. Ottoman Empire, 1919. So, pump your brakes on the European Empires. They are still back seat to the Land Based empires.12. Read the information above and create a tweet describing it. Remember you only get 140 characters. End it with a hashtag. 13. On the map below, label and circle the empires listed in the summary above and annotated the dates that they fell. Also label the Safavids and Songhay. 14. Place each term into the correct empire and theme then explain the role or significance of that term on the empire. These terms can be found in your textbook. Ottoman Safavid Mughal Tokugawa Russia Manchu Songhay Social Political InnovationCultural Economic Timbuktu- major trade city increase wealth of EmpireEnvironmentInteractionTimbuktu Toyotomi Hideyoshi Ivan IIIShogun Jurchen Ivan IVOda Nobunaga Cossacks Romonov Dynasty Catherine the Great Westernization Eastern Orthodox Christianity Pugachev Rebellion Peter the Great Tokugawa Ieyasu Deshima Hagia Sophia Janissaries Gold trade Mehmed IIVizier Ismail Abbas the Great Taj Mahal The Great Wall Osman Ming Isfahan Nurhaci Babur Akbar Din-i-llahiQing Mali Sikhs Battle of Chaldiran DevshirmeBattle of Lepanto Thursday- We will continue to explore these empires and what allowed them to expand. 15. Based on the work you did yesterday and your prior knowledge, what major factors allowed the major land based empires to expand their territories? List 3-4. 16. Watch Heimler’s history and answer the following: What’s occurring in Europe during this time period? How did they consolidate power? Who are the new European monarchs? What was occurring in Russia? How did East Asia restore and expand their power? How did the Islam empires expand their empires? What is Timur lang important? How did the Ottomans expand? Describe more than gunpowder. What was significant about location? Who was Suleman the Great? What was he signifignct? How did the Safavids expand? Who was Ismael? How did the Mughal empire rise and expand? Who was the greatest leader of the Mughal empire and why? Overtime why did the Islamic empires fall? 17. Watch the video on the Mughals and answer the following questions: What is John Green’s main argument? What evidence is used to support his claim? What does he say about Akbar? 18. Practice reading a document for DBQ. Read through the DBQ, and do the following: What factors caused the Muslim Gunpowder Empires to rise and expand?”How does it answer the DBQ question? What is the author’s motive, purpose, or perspective of the historical event or occurrence? You may look up the Hapsburg’s and their relationship with the Ottomans. Maybe look up their form of government?Document 3- Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Hapsburg Ambassador to Suleiman the Magnificent, Constantinople, from letters sent to the Austrian Emperor, 1554 to 1562 “The sultan’s hall was crowded with people, . . . but there was not in all that great assembly a single man who owed his position to anything save valor and merit. No distinction is attached to birth among the Turks. . . . In making his appointments, the Sultan pays no regard to any pretensions on the score of wealth or rank, nor does he take into consideration recommendations or popularity. He considers each case on its own merits, and examines carefully into the character, ability, and disposition of the man whose promotion is in question. . . . Those who receive the highest offices from the Sultan . . . do not believe that high qualities are either natural or hereditary, nor do they think that they can be handed down from father to son, but that they are partly the gift of God, and partly the result of good training [in state schools], great industry, and unwearied zeal. . . Among the Turks, therefore, honors, high posts, and judgeships are the rewards of great ability and good service. If a man be dishonest, or lazy, or careless, he remains at the bottom of the ladder. This is the reason that they are successful in their undertakings . . . and are daily extending the bounds of their empire.”19. Visual sources. How do we use visual sources in a DBQ? (Remember to use written description to analyze further) Look at the source below and explain how it would answer the question, “How did the Muslim Gunpowder Empires rise and expand?” Description: Sultan Mehmet II’s Entry into Constantinople, painting c. 1900, Fausto ZanaroDescription: Accession of Mehmed II in Edirne, 145120. Essential Questions: Answer each question with a thesis claim. Answer 1 question in T.E.A. Use specific evidence. This is good practice for the OUTSIDE evidence point on the DBQ. How did various land based empires develop and expand? What were the causes and consequences of the expansion of land based empires? What were the causes and consequences of conflict between land based empires? Friday: Watch the College Board Review Video 3.1-3.2 Administering Expanding Empires. Complete the following tasks. Packets are due by 3:00pm today. If you have questions about the content and want to join a review zoom they will be held from 10:00am-10:30am for A day and 12:00pm-12:30pm for B day. 21. Watch the video and complete the following activities. How do your comparisons between Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo Compare? Warm Up Question: Why do we see expansions of empires in the time period around 1450?Take notes on the Gunpowder Empires. What did you learn from this video that you did not know already? What did you learn about China in this video? How did they keep control?? This is important. Most of your packet covered how they expanded. Pay attention to how they kept control! List in order the most important features of the empires that allowed them to keep control. What was the role of religion in empires? Support with examples. Complete the Contextualization practice ON YOUR OWN. How did your context compare to the instructor’s example? Complete the homework assigned in this video. SAQ is due on Monday morning by 9:00am. It will be unlocked on MyAP so that you can practice online. If you would prefer to handwrite your answer, you may. In your response, be sure to address all parts of the question. Use complete sentences; an outline or bulleted list alone is not acceptable.Use the passage below to answer all parts of the question that follows. “The greater and lesser daimyo [lords] of the provinces and all their salaried officials must speedily expel any soldiers in their service who have been accused of rebellion or murder. . . . Any repairs to castles in the provinces must be reported to the government of the shogun [ruler of Japan], as well as any new construction, which is strictly forbidden. Walls extending more than a certain distance are a peril to the state. High fortresses and well-dredged moats are the origins of great turmoil. . . . [When reporting for duty] daimyo with larger estates should not be escorted by more than twenty mounted warriors. Daimyo with smaller estates should reduce their escort proportionally.”Decree issued by the newly established Tokugawa Shogunate concerning the regulation of warrior households, Japan, 1615a) Identify ONE purpose of the decree.b) Identify ONE way in which the decree reflects the historical situation of the period 1450–1750 in terms of state development.c) Identify ONE piece of evidence from the decree that a historian could use to argue that powerful elites remained a threat to states in the period 1450–1750.The image shows Ottoman officials enlisting boys from the empire’s Christian subjects in the Balkans to train them for service in the Ottoman army and bureaucracy.Describe ONE way in which practices such as the one depicted in the image facilitated the growth of the Ottoman Empire.For the period circa 600–1750 C.E., explain how ONE state (other than the Ottoman Empire) used the contributions of different religious and ethnic groups in ways similar to that shown in the image.For the period circa 600–1750 C.E., explain how ONE state (other than the Ottoman Empire) used policies to exclude certain religious or ethnic groups from participating in political or military affairs. ................

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