Turkish Study Guide 1 - Five College Consortium

Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian Study Guide 11

Five College Center for the Study of World Languages

Available online at Version Date: 1/24/13


• Alexander and Elias-Bursać, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian: A Textbook with Exercises and Basic Grammar, Second Edition (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010). Abbreviated in study guides: BCST, Lesson 3, Section A1

• Alexander and Elias-Bursać, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Audio Supplement: To Accompany Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook (Compact Disc, University of Wisconsin Press, 2006).

• Bosnian Phrasebook on WikiTravel:

• Croatian Phrasebook on WikiTravel:

• Serbian Phrasebook on WikiTravel:

Multimedia Materials: Croatian in Croatia on LangMedia, Serbian in Serbia on LangMedia,

• LangMedia Croatian in Croatia/Serbian in Serbia

o “Useful Expressions”

• YouTube links: Learn Bosnian Lesson no. 1, Croatian 101 Lesson 2:Alphabet, Learn Serbian Lesson 1: Alphabet

Assignments for Independent Study

Reviewing the Basic Greeting Phrases, Polite Phrases and Inquiries about Well-Being

• Study BCST Lesson 3, Section A1. Read the section and listen to the audio. Practice repeating after the speakers. Pause the audio player to allow time to repeat. Also practice supplying the appropriate response to each line of the dialogue. Optionally, you should listen to the Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian forms of the dialogue so that you become familiar with each. You may choose which form to practice and use in your conversation sessions, but you should eventually be able to recognize all three forms.

• Review the basic greetings phrases, polite phrases and inquires about well-being found on the WikiTravel page for each specific language under Phrase list: Basics.

• Listen to the dialogue in Lesson 3, Section A1 found on the appropriate disk from the Audio Supplement. You may choose the B, C, or S form to use in your own speech, but you should be able to recognize and respond to someone using any of the three forms. You should be prepared to practice similar dialogues in your conversation session.

• Prepare for your conversation session and tutorial by practicing the dialogue exchanges out loud.

BCS Words and Phrases Meaning ‘People’and ‘Person,’ Word for ‘One’

• Review the grammar notes under the dialogue section in Lesson 3, Section A1. Pay special attention to the section ‘The words meaning person, people’. Study the use of words meaning person and people. Make sure to note that, although your textbook suggests using čovjek and ljudi to denote a person or people, you should instead opt to use osoba and osobe, since čovjek and ljudi are closer in meaning to man and men, respectively.

• Study the use of the word for one. Make sure you understand the different aspects of the word for “one”, such as Imam samo jednu olovku. or Poznajem jednog muškarca. Practice using it as a number and as an indefinite article.

• Review and study the basic greetings phrases, polite phrases and inquires about well-being found on the WikiTravel page for each specific language under Phrase list: Basics.

• Practice greetings, polite phrases and asking questions about other people by talking out loud to yourself over and over again. It is important for you to get used to speaking BCS – do not hesitate to talk to yourself or others around you.

• Practice role playing various situations where people exchange greetings and ask questions about other people (‘who are they?’ ‘what is his name?’ etc.) for your conversation session.

• FOR TUTORIAL: Write three dialogues of your own similar to those in Lesson 3, Section A1. Bring your homework and any questions regarding the assignment to your tutorial session. The dialogues should each be at least 8 lines long.

Grammar Points

• Review the assigned grammar points in Lesson 3, Section A1.

• Practice the use of adverbs in BCS. Make sure to note the difference between adverb and adjective form in BCS. Also, make sure you understand the difference between state adverbs (e.g. dobro sam, meaning “I’m fine”) and action adverbs (e.g. dobro znam, meaning “I know [it] well.” Practice using adverbs to describe a state or an action by using the following list of state and action verbs to create adverb/verb pairs, using as many different adverbs as you can think of: biti, čitati, pisati, učiti, pitati. Bring those to your tutorial.

• Practice the nominative plural of nouns and adjectives. Practice changing nouns and adjectives in singular form to plural. Make sure you understand the rules for each of the three gender variants. Create 3 sentences each (3 masculine, 3 feminine and 3 neuter) using singular nominative noun/adjective combinations, and then change those into plural. Bring them to your tutorial.

• Practice the conjugation of verbs ending in –znavati and –davati. Write 10 sentences in the present tense using verbs ending with –znavati or -davati. Make sure to take a look at Appendix 6, pp. 333-339 for an overview of conjugation forms. Bring them to your tutorial.

• FOR TUTORIAL: In addition to the exercises above, write at least five examples of names and surnames in the nominative and the accusative case. Feel free to ask your mentor to provide you with a more in-depth explanation of the use of the accusative case with names and surnames.

Vocabulary Practice

• Review the vocabulary and phrases on LangMedia Croatian in Croatia/Serbian in Serbia, “Useful Expressions.” You should be able to use them effortlessly and within the appropriate context by the time of your conversation session.

• Practice reading and repeating this week’s BCS vocabulary aloud.

• Listen to, read, say aloud and memorize all new vocabulary and other expressions in Lesson 3, Section A1.

o Study Hint: It is important that you develop a system for tracking and memorizing vocabulary right from the start. There are many options including paper flashcards, notebook lists, computer programs, and iPhone/iPad apps. Find a system that works for you and stick with it regularly. It is important to continually review vocabulary so you do not forget what you learned in earlier weeks.

Conversation Session Preparation Guide

• Be prepared to recite the alphabet and spell aloud in BCS.

• Be prepared to write out a short dictation based on BCST Lesson 3, Section A1

• Be prepared to role play scenarios in which two people meet and exchange appropriate greetings, and then enquire about a mutual friend or acquaintance or a person in their vicinity. Be ready to take on a variety of different ages, social stations and genders.

• Be prepared to review and discuss the cultural role of greetings with your conversation partner including distinctions in formality, appropriate body language, and differences in greetings customs among different social groups.

Homework for Tutorial

• Write three dialogues of your own, similar to those in Lesson 3, Section A1. Bring your homework and any questions regarding the assignment to your tutorial session. The dialogues should each be at least 8 lines long.

• Practice using adverbs to describe a state or an action by using the following list of state and action verbs to create adverb/verb pairs, using as many different adverbs as you can think of: biti, čitati, pisati, učiti, pitati.

• Create 3 sentences each (3 masculine, 3 feminine and 3 neuter) using singular nominative noun/adjective combinations, and then change those into plural.

• Write 10 sentences in the present tense using verbs ending with –znavati or -davati.

• Write at least five examples of names and surnames in the nominative and the accusative case. Feel free to ask your mentor to provide you with a more in-depth explanation of the use of the accusative case with names and surnames.

• Study Hint: When writing a dialogue, you should consider using as much of your new vocabulary as you can. Try to incorporate words and phrases from LangMedia and other sources listed in the study guides and not just those from textbook dialogues.


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