Capstone Roland B Cross IIIIntroductionWhen I was making the decision on what task I should take on for my capstone, I wanted to choose something that was challenging and learning experience. I also wanted a project that would boost my resume. There are plenty of potential project that could offer me all of this, but the project that stuck out was creating a iPhone application. iPhone’s sales are at the top of the cell phone market. Learning how to create iPhone applications could help make my resume stand out in the job market. Downloading useful iPhone applications is very popular right now because it creates the potential of making money or increasing sales. Useful iPhone applications can also make your life a lot easier. Apple should be reaching their twenty five billion download marker pretty soon. Many companies are creating iPhone applications to boost sales and popularity. That means there is a large job market for people who are able to create mobile applications. Once I made my decision on creating an iPhone application, I needed to decide on what application to create. In my previous semester I created an Android application that was a call log for University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. After completing that project I felt as though many students would be left out because they did not have and phone that had an Android operating system. This is when I decided to create the same call log for the iPhone operating system. Learning MaterialsI think books are more useful for learning how to create programs. Finding the right books allows you to check reviews. You can also type in searches such as “The best book for learning how to create iPhone applications”. Books are also something you can always find easily because you have the physical object within your proximity. I find it very difficult to find that exact webpage you were using previously to learn how to do something. The only downside about books is that there are really no book stores anymore. Now if you want to purchase a book, the best option is to go on Amazon or eBay. This doesn’t give you the chance to flip through the book to make sure that it is the right book for you. The best option for me as of right now would be to use online sources because I would have to purchase any book that would use. I would be wasting a lot of time and money trying to find the right book for this project. YouTube is also another option. YouTube is always good because it allows you to see visually what you have to do. This decreasing the amount of errors because you are able to do something right along with the video. There are a lot of YouTube videos out there that could help me get started with my application. YouTube also has its problems or issues. In many of the videos you are unable to see everything going on. This becomes a problem because you may miss a critical portion in a tutorial, which will cause errors. You also get the videos where you can’t understand the narrator telling you how to do something. Lastly, you can have trouble looking for videos or tutorials for a new software or SDK’s (Software Developers Kit). ChallengesThe challenges would be learning how to program using the C programming language. This was going to be extremely challenging because would have to self teach myself everything. This is a lot of work finding resources online or looking for books that could assist you in the learning process. Online resources are very difficult because it’s very hard to find exactly what you are looking for. Apple does have a developers section within there website to help develop and learn how to create iPhone applications. It shows you all the useful tools in Xcode and how to get started as a developer. I think learning programming languages without any professional assistance is very difficult. There isn’t really anyone who know how to create iPhone applications on my campus. I will be doing much of the learning a lone. This will be very challenge because it means sitting and trying to figure out every error on my own. This becomes very time consuming when you get errors that the program won’t tell you exactly where the error is. ................

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