
Stop Motion Animation ProjectJacklin ~ Lit&Film 1st Period ~ Fall 2018Due Friday, 12/14 100 point formal gradeRemember, you may work in groups of no more than three people, but you are also welcome to complete the project on your own. Use the resources on the website as a starting point.Keep in mind that you must share your final product with me via GoogleDrive BEFORE class on Friday, 12/14. You don't want to leave editing to the last minute. Technical difficulties will not excuse you from the project's due date.Dates:1. I need to know if you’re doing this individually or in groups (&, if in groups, who the group is comprised of) by Wednesday, 11/28.2. I need a general description of what your film will be about by Friday, 11/30.3. Film must be turned-in by Friday, 12/14 (anything submitted after 9:00 AM on 12/14 will receive 50% credit)Final reminders:1. Must be at least 1 minute long.2. Must have a title card and credits.3. Must have music or sound effects.4. Must be shared with me via GoogleDrive before class on Friday, 12/14Stop Motion Tutorial: Stop Motion Tutorial: Stop-Motion Tutorial (for iMovie, which is not the easiest format for this type of animation): & Examples we used in class: (Honda “paper” by PES) (the making of Honda’s “paper”) (several ads … mostly by PES) (video: 6 types of stop motion animation)Stop Motion Animation ProjectJacklin ~ Lit&Film 1st Period ~ Fall 2018Due Friday, 12/14 100 point formal gradeRemember, you may work in groups of no more than three people, but you are also welcome to complete the project on your own. Use the resources on the website as a starting point.Keep in mind that you must share your final product with me via GoogleDrive BEFORE class on Friday, 12/14. You don't want to leave editing to the last minute. Technical difficulties will not excuse you from the project's due date.Dates:1. I need to know if you’re doing this individually or in groups (&, if in groups, who the group is comprised of) by Wednesday, 11/28.2. I need a general description of what your film will be about by Friday, 11/30.3. Film must be turned-in by Friday, 12/14 (anything submitted after 9:00 AM on 12/14 will receive 50% credit)Final reminders:1. Must be at least 1 minute long.2. Must have a title card and credits.3. Must have music or sound effects.4. Must be shared with me via GoogleDrive before class on Friday, 12/14Stop Motion Tutorial: Stop Motion Tutorial: Stop-Motion Tutorial (for iMovie, which is not the easiest format for this type of animation): & Examples we used in class: (Honda “paper” by PES) (the making of Honda’s “paper”) (several ads … mostly by PES) (video: 6 types of stop motion animation) ................

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