California School Library Association’s online learning ...

Websites for Cyber Safety and General Internet Information

Selected by Karen Cole 1/2010

“In Plain English” You Tube videos explaining various Web 2.0 topics

(World Wide Web)

(web 2.0)

(web search strategies)

(online photo sharing)




(social networking)

(Google docs)


(phishing scams)

California School Library Association’s online learning program for Web 2.0

(for teachers)

(for teens)


(interactive, 3D, educational activities for kids, teens, parents, and teachers)

(NetSmartz411 is a free online service to answer questions about Internet safety, computers, and the Web)


(provides help, information, and education for Internet users of all ages)

(for teens)

(for tweens)

(for kids)



(a project of Tech Parenting Group to teach safe and civil use of technology)

(for kids)

(for teens)


(fun and age-appropriate resource for the basics of Internet safety and ethics)

CTAP (California Technology Assistance Project)

(cyber safety information)

(directory of cyber safety links)


(“Safe Online Surfing Internet Challenge” for grades 3-8, plus information for parents and educators)

Cyber Bully 411

(help for teens to prevent cyber bullying and Internet harassment)

Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use

(articles, information, resources for educators, parents, and students)

(resources from the Cyber Bullying Research Center)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

(great kid-friendly information and games about cyber safety, plus a parent section)


(resources for educators)


(from the National Cyber Security Alliance)

Get Net Wise

(Internet Education Foundation’s resources for guiding family’s safe use of the Internet)


(practical tips for the U.S. government and technology community to help guard against cyber crime)

Federal Trade Commission

(information to help prevent identity theft)

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

(resources for parents, children, educators, and law enforcement)

Common Sense Media


(national organization of parents and experts with experience in child advocacy, public policy, education, media and entertainment; provides cyber safety information, forums, information, resources, and reviews of TV, movies, music, books, websites, video games, etc.)

(internet safety guide for parents)

(internet safety tips)

(cute video and supporting resources)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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