Media Log Day #1 09/21/188:45 AM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Alarm goes off on phone, checks social media and texts.9:15 AM: Television, 20 minutes. Watches YouTube videos on Smart Tv and scrolls through social media while eating breakfast9:50 AM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks text messages and social media before class starts.10:50 AM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Checked for texts or emails.11:00 AM: Computer, 45 minutes. Edit video for class.11:15 AM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media.12:00 PM: Computer, 50 minutes. View professor PowerPoint and watch videos.12:50 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Check for texts and call a friend.1:15 PM: Television, 1 hour. Watch Hulu while doing homework.1:15 PM: Computer, 1 hour. Do online homework and online shop.1:30 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Call to mom and check social media.2:30 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Watch YouTube Videos and check social media.6:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check for texts and social media.6:15 PM: Cell phone, 3 minutes. Phone call.6:20 PM: Radio, 10 Minutes. Listen to music on car ride.6:30 PM: Cell phone, 1 minute. Send text message.7:30 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check for texts and social media8:00 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Take photo and post to Instagram.8:15 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check for texts and social media.8:15 PM: Radio, 10 minutes. Listen to music during car ride.9:00 PM: Television, 3 hours. Watch Hulu while doing homework before bed.9:00 PM: Computer, 2 hours. Do online homework and watch YouTube videos.9:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media.9:30 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Check social media and read Wikipedia articles.10:00 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Check social media.10:45 PM: Cell phone, 20 Minutes. Check social media and watch YouTube videos until fall asleep.Media Log #2 9/22/186:20 AM: Cell phone, 20 minutes. Check social media until falling back asleep.10:30 AM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Check social media and texts.11:00 AM: Television, 2 hours. Watch TV while eating lunch and doing homework.11:00 AM: Computer, 2 hours. Do online homework, send emails, watch YouTube.11:00 AM: Cell phone, 1 hour. Listen to music while doing homework, check texts on and off.12:00 PM: Cell phone, 20 minutes. Check social media and call friend.1:00 PM: Cell phone, 30 minutes. Listen to music while taking a walk.1:45 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check for texts and social media. Take photos.2:15 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Make phone call.2:30 PM: Television, 1 hour. Watch Hulu until time before work.2:45 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Check social media and texts.3:15 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Check social media and texts.3:45 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media.3:45 PM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listen to music during car ride to work.4:00 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Check social media and texts one last time before work.5:30 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Texts.5:45 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Texts.7:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media and texts.7:30 PM: Television, 10 minutes. Watches TVs at work out of boredom during dinner break.8:15 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media and texts.8:30 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Texts9:00 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Checks social media and texts, makes phone call.9:15 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.9:15 PM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listens to music on car ride home.9:45 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Watches YouTube video.10:00 PM: Television, 2 hours. Watches Hulu before bed. 10:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.10:30 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.11:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.11:30 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Makes phone call.11:45 PM: Cell phone, 20 minutes. Checks social media and reads articles until falls asleep.Media Log #3 9/23/189:30 AM: Cell phone, 20 minutes. Alarm goes off and checks social media and texts.10:00 AM: Television, 45 minutes. Watches Hulu until time for work.10:30 AM: Cell Phone, 15 minutes. Checks social media and texts.10:45 AM: Cell Phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.11:00 AM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listens to music on car ride to work.11:15 AM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Checks social media and texts before going into work.11:30 AM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Makes phone call.11:40 AM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Checks texts.11:45 AM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listens to music during car ride home from work.12:15 PM: Cell phone, 15 minutes. Checks social media and reads article.12:45 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Googling restaurant menu.1:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media and texts.1:00 PM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listens to music during car ride to restaurant.1:30 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.2:00 PM: Radio, 5 minutes. Listen to music on car ride to parent’s house.2:15 PM: Cell phone. Checks social media.2:30 PM: Television, 6 hours. Watch football and golf with family.2:45 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Check social media.3:45 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Googles Tiger Wood’s PGA stats.4:15 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.4:30 PM: Cell phone, 2 minutes. Texts.5:00 PM: Computer, 1 hour. Doing homework.6:00 PM: Cell phone, 5 minutes. Checks social media.6:30 PM: Radio, 15 minutes. Listening to music during car ride home.7:00 PM: Television, 1 hour. Watching Hulu while doing homework.7:00 PM: Cell phone, 10 minutes. Checking social media and texts.7:00 PM: Computer, 45 minutes. Doing homework and watching YouTube.NOTE: I ended the log here, about four hours early, because I needed time to write my reflection. I can update this post later and share how I spent my final four hours, but let’s be honest, it will probably be spent watching Hulu and scrolling through Twitter. ................

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