
4524615572333Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis00Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis3308166741293A Textbook of 350+ Masculist Flyersfor Men’s Studies Courses00A Textbook of 350+ Masculist Flyersfor Men’s Studies Courses2354241501254Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women00Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women359229304800MASCULISM00MASCULISMPrefaceThis book consists of some 350+ “flyers” i.e. 2-3 page essays on the themes of Masculism and MGTOW (men going their own way), two branches of the Men’s Lib movement, collated into appropriate categories, and thought to be comprehensive enough to serve as a textbook for Men’s Studies courses. It is an e-book which contains not only the texts of the flyers, but also links to videos of the author reading the flyers aloud, that were uploaded to YouTube, Minds, BitChute, etc.The book consists of two main parts, split into two volumes, namely masculist critiques of various groups of people, e.g. women, fluffies, feminazis, etc. and masculist tactics to overcome men’s gender problems. A glossary of masculist and MGTOW terms is provided at the end of the book.How to Read This Book?This book consists of a collation of some 350+ flyers (short essays) so inevitably there will be a fair measure of repetition from flyer to flyer. This need not necessarily be a bad thing. This book has a strong didactic purpose. It aims to promote the consciousness raising of both sexes, i.e. the awareness of the idea that the oppression of one gender by the other is NOT a one way street, that women oppress men too, so that our culture needs to become BI-conscious, i.e. people of both sexes need to have both their feminist consciousness AND their masculist consciousness raised. Thus frequent repetition of certain points, promotes reinforcement, which is what this book aims to do. For example, short definitions are frequently repeated so that "sample reading" is made possible, allowing readers to read a few flyers at a time for their bedtime reading before dropping off to sleep. If critical definitions only occurred early in the text, then sampler readers would inevitably be asking themselves "What does X mean?" However, coming across the same definition for the 17th time will inevitably be annoying, so some patience is needed by readers to allow for sample reading, and for repetitive reinforcement. Instead of reading the book straight through, from cover to cover (which would be quite a feat, given its large, two volume, size), another way is to read several flyers at a time, put down the book, and take it up later and read a few more flyers. This is probably the way most readers will choose to read the book, given that each flyer is quasi-independent of the others, so sequential reading is not required, which almost forces a sampling reading strategy. But do read them all, because there is a large number of ideas in this large collection of some 350+ flyers.One of the major aims of this book, as shown in the subtitle, is to serve as a textbook for Men's Studies groups and courses, so that instructors can assign students to read a block of flyers on a given theme for example, and to look at the corresponding videos to get the emotion behind the written words. This style of reading/studying could be called "block reading" or "category reading" by students in Men’s Studies courses, or by other readers, who would like to read the flyers of a given topic category per night.CONTENTSVolume 1Part 1 MASCULIST CRITIQUESIntroductory Flyers1.1 Masculist Critiques of Women1.2 Masculist Critiques of Fluffies1.3 Masculist Critiques of Feminazis1.4 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie Feminists1.5 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie FIPs1.6 Masculist Critiques of MGTOWs1.7 Masculist Critiques of Jewish Banksters1.8 Masculist Critiques of Male Feminists1.9 Masculist Critiques of Gender Politicians1.10 Masculist Critiques of Feminist Princesses1.11 Masculist Critiques of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and LawyersVolume 2Part 2 MASCULIST TACTICS2.1 Masculist Tactics for Men2.2 Masculist MGTOW Alternative Lifestyles for Men2.3 Masculist Tactics for MGTOWs2.4 Masculist Tactics for Highschool Males2.5 Masculist Tactics for Campus Males2.6 Masculist Tactics for Masculists 2.7 Masculist Tactics for Power 2.8 Masculist Tactics for Journalists2.9 Masculist Tactics for Women2.10 Masculist Tactics for Female Masculists2.11 Masculist Tactics for Parents2.12 Masculist Tactics for Divorce Courts2.13 Masculist Tactics for Video Hosters2.14 Masculisting the … Series3.1 Masculism and the Future4.1 Glossary of Masculist/MGTOW TermsNOTE ON FLYER LABELINGIn this book, each flyer (short essay) is labeled in the following way –a) Section/Flyer number (e.g. 2.1/7)b) Title of the Flyerc) Link to the text of the flyer on d) Link to the video on YouTubee) Link to the video on Mindsf) Link to the video on BitChuteg) A Brief Description of the Flyerh) The Full Text of the FlyerThis book contains two content lists, a summary version, on the previous pages, which provides only the broad structure of the book, and a more detailed version, which now follows, that provides for each flyer, the items, a) to f). Notes : The section number facilitates orientation within the book. Some Minds flyers have no link, because > 20 mins.What follows are then the 350+ flyers, each containing items a) to h) spread over two volumes, with Vol.1 devoted to Masculist Critiques, and Vol.2 devoted to Masculist Strategies.FLYER TITLESVolume 1Part 1 MASCULIST CRITIQUESIntroductory FlyersI/0 Masculism, i.e. Men’s Lib, The Core Ideas (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/1 The ABCs of MGTOW and Masculism? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)I/7 MGTOW YouTube Channel Links (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/12 The FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/22 Why is there no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right?) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/127 MGTOW Masculist Enemies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/136 MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Women (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)I/139 MGTOW, MRM, Masculism : How Do They Differ? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/141 Creating the FIP Society (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/157 MGTOW Masculist Moral Pressure on Women to Adultify (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/171 A MGTOW Masculist Talks to a Manslave (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/188 Suppressing Women's Parasitic Nature (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/190 FIPup or be Manless : The Core Strategy of the Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/198 Fluffies, MGTOWs, Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/204 Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/210 FIPping the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/213 From Masculist Vision to Masculist Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/216 Female Intellectual Inferiority : Basic Facts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)I/295 “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against Manslaving Women” (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1 Masculist Critiques of Women1.1/2 MGTOW Masculism for Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/8 Baby Calculus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/11 Primal Parasites (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/38 The Evolution of Female Nagging (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/39 Women's Growing Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/49 Female Laziness and its Implications (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/50 Female Adaptation to Uncontrollable Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/57 Femaliens and Sexbots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/58 Promoting the "Fluffie Graveyard" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/69 What Masculists MGTOWs Expect from Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/74 Modifying Females' Hypergamous Psychology (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/113 How Red is the Red Pill? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/119 MOB Female, Bom Male, Oil and Water (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/120 Women's Hockey Stick Awareness Moment of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/123 Punishing the MOB (Money over Brains) Psychology of Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/125 Female Ignorance of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/138 MGTOW Masculist Punishment of Second Halver Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/140 Gender Crimes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/142 The Pinking of Red Piller Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/148 The MGTOW Masculist Combat against Women's Ingrained Evolved Expectations that Men Should Pay For Them to Have Babies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/150 Punishing Female Laziness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/152 Women's Narrower Horizons Make Them Boring (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/154 My Growing MGTOW Masculist Souring Towards Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/175 Are Women Children or Just Lazy? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/183 Hypergamy is Inherently Parasitic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/197 The Impact of Women's Ten Billion Fewer Neurons (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/212 Men's Sexbot Artwomb Revenge on Women? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/221 Women Who Dump on Men Don’t Get One (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/223 Masculist Contempt for Women’s Evolved Hypergamous Parasitism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/230 The Most Damning Fact about Femaliens (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/235 The Masculist Tsunami over Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/238 Can Women Fight Their Parasitic Nature? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/258 Why Do Women Shit-test Men? (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)1.1/260 Women Fade Away (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/262 Women as Rights-Given Adults or Rights-Taken Children? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/273 Just How Incapable are Women? Removing their Rights? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/275 Implications of Women’s 10% Smaller Brains and Kurzweil’s 300 Million Pattern Recognizer Hierarchical Brain Model (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/282 Can Women Grow Up? Male Condescension towards Females (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)1.1/283 Cuckoo Mothers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/287 With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/291 Why I Don’t Take Women Seriously (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/301 Female Hypocrisy Regarding Masculist Anger (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/302 ? Millions of Western Women Will Go Through a Lot of Pain as They Fail to Adapt to Men’s Growing Masculist Anger at Women, so are then Rejected by Men? (link) Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) ? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) ??1.1/308? When Men Get Their Sexbots and Artwombs, they Will Become Much Ruder to Women (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.1/312? Why Women’s Instinctive Fear Reaction at Hearing the Word “Masculist” for the First Time?? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/314? The Masculist Anti-Nagging- Pro-Nicing Campaign Against Women (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/317? Women’s Constant Rejection of My Masculism : Insights for Fourth Quarter Males (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/323? Masculist MGTOWs Don’t Have to be Nice to Women, Women’s “Masculist Shock”? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/326? I’ve Had My Fingers Burned by Femaliens Too Often, Becoming a Masculist? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/329? Women Oppress Men Far More Than Men Oppress Women? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/335? Causes of the Patriarchy? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/344? Masculism Will Hit Women Like a Bus (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/351? The Masculist Social Re- Engineering of Women (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.1/354? How Will Widespread Masculism Affect Women?? (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Minds Video)? ( HYPERLINK "" BitChuteVideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo) ? (Minds Video)? ( HYPERLINK "" BitChuteVideo) 1.2 Masculist Critiques of Fluffies1.2/3 You are a Fluffie Student (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/14 Why Masculists MGTOWs Hate Fluffies and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/19 The Politics of Baby Calculus, Making 12th Grade Calculus Compulsory for High School Seniors (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/21 Men's Growing Hatred of (Fluffie) Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/44 Spelling It Out to Teenage Fluffies (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/47 The FIPping of High School College Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/53 The Childish Sadism of Divorcing Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) ?1.2/55 Fluffie Crappers (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/61 Masculism as Heavy Moralistic Pressure on Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/67 Masculist Contempt for Lazy Bum Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/71 FIP Boy Meets Fluffie Girl and then (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/82 Fluffie FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/85 Marxism and Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/106 Scaring the Fluffies/Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/121 Fluffie Criminality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/131 Rejecting the Female Child Mind (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/133 The Penis as Bargaining Tool (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/146 Fluffie Divorcee Brainwashing of Her Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/149 I'm More Than a Cash Machine, You Bitch! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/172 Hey Femalien! If You Want a Kid, You'll Have to Pay for it Yourself! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/177 MGTOW Masculist Anger at Women Seeing Men as Cash Machines (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/180 Why MGTOWs Masculists Despise Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/199 Dead Beat Moms (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/201 Fluffie Moms and Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/203 Grandfatherly Masculist Advice to 17yo Fluffie (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/206 Asian Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/233 Fluffies as Hatable Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/289 Fluffies Don’t Get to Vote (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.2/307? Compulsory Calculus for all 16 Year Old Soviet Russians, Female and Male : Lessons for Masculists? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3 Masculist Critiques of Feminazis1.3/20 The Sex War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/48 Smashing Feminist Arrogance (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/59 Feminist Globaciders (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/60 Feminism as a Quasi-Religion (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/185 The Feminazis Have Become Genociders : They Have to be Stopped (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/194 Confronting Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/219 Bitch Slapping of Feminazi Hecklers at Masculist Talk (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/254 Feminals : Feminazi Criminals (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/261 Women’s Hated Amoral Criminality Against Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/271 Feminists’ Perceived Monopoly of Gender Issues Makes Them Arrogantly Belligerent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/284 Feminazi Fairyland (link)?Part1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/288 Silencing the Feminazis by Intellectually Crushing Them (link)?Part 1?(YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)?(BitChutevideo)? Part 2?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)?? (BitChutevideo)1.3/290 How to Destroy Feminism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/292 Why are so Many Feminazis Fat Fours? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/293 Masculist Lashing of Feminazi Isscienates (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/296 “Wesley College Plans to Discriminate against Boys” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/297 Mono-Conscious Feminazis Become Anger-Biased Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/304? “She’s Just Another Monoconscious Feminazi!”? (link)? (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/315? The Patriarchy was Caused by Female Hypergamy? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/316? Becoming Biconscious is Actually Liberating for Feminists (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/319? Feminazis Who Remain Monoconscious Will Lose Their Boyfriends Who Become Biconscious? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/321? Naffers (Nagging Arrogant Feminazis)? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/324? You Are Gender Politically Ignorant, You Only Know Half the Story? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/325? A Masculist Rereads Feminist Literature? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/332? Defunding Women’s Studies via Feminazi Hypocrisies? (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/333? Now That Both Sexes Have a Hatred for Third Wave Feminism, It Will Die within a Decade? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/334? Third Wave Feminists Will Either Reform or Die Out? (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/337? Monoconscious Feminists will be Seen Increasingly as Bigots? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/339? Monoconscious Feminism Makes Women Lazy and Obnoxious? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/347? The Monoconscious Biconscious Controversy?Will Split the Feminist Movement? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.3/349? Masculist Advice to Convert Feminazi Witches into Nurturative FIPs? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4 Masculist Critiques of Fluffie Feminists1.4/66 MGTOW-Masculist Message to Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4/70 The Masculist MGTOW Bashing of (Fluffie) Feminists in Public (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.4/182 The Hypocrisy of Fluffie Feminists (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Fluffie FIPs1.5/112 A Gender Political Clash with My Sister over Child "Abandonment" (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.5/173 EMOs : Women Who Accept "Equal Moral Obligations" with Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of MGTOWs1.6/28 A Tale of Two Movements : The Price of MGTOW Anonymity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/73 Why Masculists Look Down on MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/93 MGTOW Deckchairs on the Titanic : The Coming American Holocaust (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/114 MGTOW Avoids the Problem, Masculism Solves It (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/126 How Do MGTOW and Masculism Relate? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/129 MGTOW's Masculism's Formidable Weapon (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/153 MGTOW's Biggest Mistake (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/168 My Contempt for MGTOW's Apoliticality (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/186 MGTOW Political Passivity, Masculist Political Activism ?(link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/200 MGTOWs Lack Solidarity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/202 MGTOWs are Political Wimps (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/209 MGTOW Castles, Masculist Cops (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/211 Masculist Ambivalence Towards MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.6/322? My Masculist Annoyance with Turd Flinging Monkey’s (TFM’s) Non Solution to the Feminist Generated Population Crash? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Jewish Banksters 1.7/79 Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/80 Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/81 The Eclipse of MGTOW Masculism with the Collapse of the West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) ?1.7/86 MGTOW Masculism and the American Pogrom (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/88 Science's War Against (Satanist) Judaism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/89 MGTOWs as Pawns of the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/92 Scientizing the Jewish Bankster Satanists to Liberate Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 1.7/95 Post Pogrom MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/100 Degynocentrification Necessitates Dejudaicentrification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/103 Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster Satanists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/132 The Clashing Agenda of the Jewish Banksters and the MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/134 Dictatorships, East and West (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/137 The Core MGTOW Masculist Problem is not the Fluffie Feminists, but the Jewish Banksters (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/144 MGTOWs Don’t See the (Jewish Bankster) Big Picture (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/159 The MGTOW Masculist Impact of the Chinese White Dragon Dejewbanksterfication (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.7/191 The Hated Frankist Satanist Jewish Banksters Have Destroyed the West More than Fluffie Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Male Feminists1.8/26 Converting Male Feminists to Masculists MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.8/298 An Email Exchange between a Masculist and a Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Gender Politicians1.9/4 To the Gender Politicians : Genocidal Criminals (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/23 Masculist-MGTOW Advice to Japanese Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/29 How Will the Gender Politicians React Towards the MGTOWs Masculists Wiping Out the Population? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)\1.9/34 The Criminal Ethics of Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/42 The New Gender Politicians Will FIPpress the Fluffies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/76 Allying with Female FIPs to Pressure the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/109 How Many Years Before the Western Gender Politicians Panic? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) ?1.9/155 Menfairing Manifesto for Japan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/181 MGTOW, Masculism, Baby Farms, and Eugenics (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.9/207 Forcing Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Feminist Princesses1.10/37 Countering Feminist Attitudes With Masculist Attitudes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/110 Inferiorizing High School Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/166 Levering Young Women's FIPification (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/184 De-Princessing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.10/311? Masculist Rejection of Princess Snowflakes? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Masculist Critiques of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers1.11/9 Menfairing the Divorce Courts? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/220 Warning to Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/236 Masculist Murderous Hatred of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)1.11/327? Masculist Rage at the Hated Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites in the Divorce Courts, This is a War Issue!? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Volume 2Part 2 MASCULIST TACTICS2.1 Masculist Tactics for Men2.1/27 MGTOW/Masculist Poisoning of Men's Minds (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/31 MGTOW/Masculism, FIP Females, Twaytweffing, and Babies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/32 Hypergamous Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/45 Can Men Love Women Knowing That Women Don't Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/54 Can FIP Women Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/68 Understanding AND Loving Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/108 The NAWALTing of Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/117 MGTOW Masculist Differences between 1st and 2nd Halver Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/214 The Male Frontal Lobe Switch Off (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/231 Gender Segregating the Workplace (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/232 A Regendering Plan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/303 ? Now That a Men’s Studies Textbook Exists, Men’s Studies Groups Can Pop Up Like Mushrooms All Over the World? (text)? (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.1/352? Masculist Sage Duty? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2 Masculist MGTOW Alternative Lifestyles for Men2.2/5 “Twaytweffing” : The “2A2F” Lifestyle for the Modern Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/10 Secondhalver FIP Women Can Be Quite Nice? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/13 ARCing (After Retirement Careering), the True Focus of a MGTOW's Masculist's Life (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/72 Twaytweffing and Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/91 Einstein Relationships (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/94 Being Free : The Joys and Impact of ARCing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/96 ARCing and SeRCing for MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/111 The "High from Learning" Lifestyle (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/115 MGMTOW : Men Going Mostly Their Own Way (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/124 Should MGTOWs Masculists Tway with Fluffies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/135 MGTOW Masculism for Second Halver (>40) Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/147 MGTOW and Loneliness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/160 Career Brainwashing, the Paternity Strike, and China (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/163 MGTOW Masculist Lifestyles For Fourth Quarter Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/179 MGTOW Masculist Alternative Life Styles for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/189 Twaytweffing = The Lifestyle That Gives Men Regular Sex without Paying the Traditional Price of Being a Manslave to a Fluffie Parasite (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/240 To Twaytwef or to MGTOW Monk? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/276 Six Wasted Manslave Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/286 Half Meeting My Nawalt (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/313? The Cultural Cocoon Lifestyle for MGTOW Monks? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/320? Accepting the Price I Pay for my Masculist Misogyny against Fluffie Parasites and Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/341? Projects that only ARCing MGTOW Monks Can Do? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.2/348? The Irrelevance of Women to Fourth Quarter Men? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3 Masculist Tactics for MGTOWs2.3/43 Looking Poor is an Effective Fluffie Repellent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/46 Scientizing MGTOW (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/51 Getting the MGTOW Masculist Word Out (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/90 Should a Twaytweffer's Girlfriend be a FIP? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/101 The MGTOW-ARCer Educational Revolution (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/104 Living Together Apart : A MGTOW Compromise (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/156 Politicizing MGTOW (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/167 Using MGTOW's Strongest Political Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/218 Converting MGTOWs to Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/239 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/345? MGTOW, ARCing, and the 6th Mass Extinction? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.3/350? MGTOW Lifestyles : HAMmers Can Do Things Wagers Cant? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4 Masculist Tactics for Highschool Males2.4/16 So You’re a MGTOW/Masculist High School Kid, What Can You Do? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/30 Ideological Ammunition for MGTOW Masculist High Schoolers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/77 Giving MGTOW Masculist Talks at High Schools (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/176 MGTOW Masculist Consciousness Raising of High School Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/178 MGTOW Masculist Anti-Fluffie Campaign at High Schools (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.4/309? Boyfairing (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5 Masculist Tactics for Campus Males2.5/6 Agenda for University MGTOW Masculist Groups (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)2.5/97 Helping College MGTOW Masculist Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5/116 MGTOW-Masculist Bullets for High School-College Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.5/122 Don't Be the Only MGTOW Masculist on Campus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6 Masculist Tactics for Masculists 2.6/25 Ammunition for Heckling Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/33 MGTOW/Masculist Dusting Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) 2.6/35 FIPpressing the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/41 The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/52 Why is the FIPping of Fluffies So Important to Masculists? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/62 What is to be Done? (Men's Lib) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/63 The "Fuck Only FIPs" Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/64 Converting Fluffies to FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/83 It is Critically Important that MGTOWs Masculists Educate the Public (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/99 Political Phases of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/102 MGTOW Masculist (Bumper) Stickers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/105 Selecting Your Woman with MGTOW/Masculist Criteria (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/107 What's the Next Step? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/165 Female STEM Field Statistics, High School and College (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/193 Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Starts His Own "de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers" YouTube Channel (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/224 The Best Masculist Idea I’ve Had in Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/227 Socially Accepting the Masculist Bitch-Slapping of Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/234 Masculist Bitch Slapping Guidelines (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/257 Masculists in Women’s Studies Classes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/268 Masculist Defanging of Compulsory Anti-Rape Seminars at Universities for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/269 Big John (ex. “MGTOW is Freedom”) Goes Masculist (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/272 Masculists Put Enormous Moral Pressure on Women (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo) ?? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)2.6/274 Masculist Princes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/277 My Men’s Lib Intellectual Trajectory (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/281 Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/294 The Masculist “Freikorps Option” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/299 A Masculist Textbook for Men’s Studies Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/330? The Gender Anger Reversal? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/331? Mascunazis? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/338? Masculist Scientists are the Third Wave Feminists Most Formidable Enemy, Intellectually Crushing Them? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/340? The Masculists ‘Feminists as Fools’ Strategy? (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/342? Masculist and Mohammedan Awakenings? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.6/353? A Biconscious Masculist Harangues a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part2? (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7 Masculist Tactics for Power 2.7/17 Suggested Masculist Political Actions (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/130 MGTOW Masculist Political Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/164 MGTOW Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)+2.7/174 MGTOW Masculist Power Against Fluffies, Fluffie Feminists, and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/187 Masculism is Political (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/205 Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/215 Refuting the MGTOW "51% Female Voter" Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/228 Masculist Militancy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/229 Why is the U.S. Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) so Impotent? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/253 Rethinking Masculist Political Strategy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.7/305? Men Will Dominate Gender Politics ? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo) ? (BitChutevideo)2.7/343? Masculism’s Main Political Goals? (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8 Masculist Tactics for Journalists 2.8/18 MGTOW/Masculist PRESS RELEASE for Male Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/56 MGTOW/Masculist Strategies Towards the Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/128 MGTOW-Masculism Now Penetrating the Main Stream Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/145 Massive MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Publicity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/158 Seeking the MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Big Event (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) 2.8/161 MGTOW Masculist Small Potatoes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/162 The MGTOWs Masculists Go for the Broadcast Media Big Hit (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/328? Masculist Penetration of the Broadcast Media via Major Feminist Events? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/336? Converting a Cynical Male Feminist Journalist into a Masculist in Minutes? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.8/346? Journalists are Indirect Gender Political Genociders? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9 Masculist Tactics for Women2.9/24 Teaching Women to Hate the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/75 ARCing WGTOWs?! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/87 Checklist for Women to Get a Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/237 Masculist Expectations on Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/259 Masculists Two Main Messages to Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/264 Do FIP (Financially Independent Person) Women Exist? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/285 Nurturative FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.9/300 Biconscious Feminists Have an Easier Time Finding a Boyfriend (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10 Masculist Tactics for Female Masculists2.10/217 Why Women Need to Become Female Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/222 Why Masculists Push for Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/226 Promoting Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.10/263 Teaching Feminists Masculism (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)2.11 Masculist Tactics for Parents2.11/36 MGTOW-Masculist Education of Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.12 Masculist Tactics for the Divorce Courts2.12/208 Menfairing the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13 Masculist Tactics for Video Hosters2.13/256 MGTOW Channels Platform Migration (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 2.13/265 Uploading my Masculist MGTOW Videos to VID.ME (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/266 VID.ME, the New Standard Video Hosting Company, Replacing YouTube, for MGTOW, Masculist Videos (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/267 MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company Options (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/270 , the New Favored Video Hosting Company for the MGTOW Masculist Communities (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/278 Experience with as the Preferred MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/306? Comparative Hit Rates (YouTube, Minds, BitChute) on My “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” Channel (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.13/318? Thank God for and its Non-Censorship of Masculist Ideas? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14 Masculisting the … Series2.14/241 Masculisting the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/242 Masculisting the Campuses (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/243 Masculisting the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/244 Masculisting the Women (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/245 Masculisting the Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/246 Masculisting the Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/247 Masculisting the Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/248 Masculisting the Teachers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/249 Masculisting the Companies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/250 Masculisting the Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/251 Masculisting the Police (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)2.14/252 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1 Masculism and the Future3.1/15 Gender Roles 2050 (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/40 After the Gender Dust Settles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/65 Female Absorption of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/78 Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/84 What Will Governments Do to MGTOWs Masculists? (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) [for reasons I don’t understand, this video is far and away the most viewed]3.1/98 Restructuring Universities with MGTOW Principles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/118 Women's Future Massive Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) 3.1/143 Living in the MGTOW Masculist Generated Population Crash (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/151 The Sexbot, Artwomb World (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/169 MGTOW Masculism : A Decade On (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/170 The Coming Civil (Sex) War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/225 Post Gender Lib Male/Female Lifestyles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/255 Macro-Social Red Pilling (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/279 Masculist Riots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/280 The Red Pill is Truly Poisonous (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)3.1/310? The de Garis Gynandric Brain Scale? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)4.1 Glossary of Masculist MGTOW Terms4.1/195 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 1) (A-M) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)4.1/196 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 2) (M-Z) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Volume 2Part 2MASCULIST TACTICS2.1 Masculist Tactics for Men2.1/27 MGTOW/Masculist Poisoning of Men's Minds+ (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes a (hetero) fluffie feminist’s conception of how poisonous MGTOW/masculist ideas are, which?threaten to make her poor and childless because she wont be able to find a robot male to parasite on.MGTOW-MASCULIST POISONING OF MEN’S MINDSImagine you are a (hetero) fluffie feminist, i.e. you’ve been made conscious of the ways feminists say men oppress women, and you know nothing about masculism or MGTOW, so by default you still have traditional attitudes towards men, i.e. you see them as exploitable checkbooks to be manslaves for women so that they can raise HER kids in a middle class house that HE pays for. A decade later when she’s bored with him, she can divorce him using the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and take HIS kids, the house, force him to pay child support for kids he will barely see, and since she’s a fluffie, he will have to pay her alimony so that she can remain a parasite on him after the divorce the way she was before the divorce.Now imagine, she comes across by chance some MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube and starts watching them, and her fear sky-rockets. She is a hetero fluffie feminist, say in her early 30s. She is becoming increasingly conscious that her biological clock is ticking and realizes that her fluffie crap education does not allow her to earn good money, so she expects to find some robot male to parasite on, so that she can have HER kids in a middle class house that he pays for. She has been looking for such a man for a few years, but so far no man has been willing to have a kid with her, NONE. She complains to her girlfriends – “Where have all the good men gone?” She hears this question from all directions. Now that she has started watching MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube, she gets her answer.The reason why NO MAN wants to have a kid with her is because men refuse to be financially massacred in fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and want nothing to do with a misandrist, man dumping feminazi bitch. Such women are avoided like the plague.Then a real FEAR grips her as the penny drops. She realizes that she WILL NEVER GET A MAN. She will have to raise her kid with her own meagre money if she can even persuade some man to give her sperm, which itself is becoming increasingly difficult.Being a fluffie feminist, she blames men for all women’s problems. She starts blaming MGTOW and masculism for “poisoning men’s minds” against women, and not feeling in any way morally obliged to become a FIP and pull her own financial weight. She feels a deep seated fear, an existential threat to her own survival and quality of life. She realizes that she is NOT GOING TO GET A MAN. She will be poor all her life, and will have to work at crappy jobs because she is so poorly qualified. She studied fluffie crap at university, and earns a lot less than the average male who made more effort to get an education that would pay him better.This existential fear she feels turns into hatred against the MGTOWs and masculists. She sees them as spreading poisonous ideas to other men, and allowing women like her to raise children on her own. SHE HATES MGTOW/masculism, and joins with other fluffie feminists who also feel existentially threatened, to fight the rise and rise of MGTOW and masculism.? Never once did she question whether what the MGTOWs and masculists are saying makes any sense. She is unable to put herself into the shoes of such males, and takes a purely fluffie feminist point of view.Her hatred of MGTOW/masculism and knowing that 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids in the US makes her hate men in general. The men sense this hatred and her surly expression in their presence and avoid her. She cant even get any sex lately. She is getting desperate, and she feels her biological clock ticking hard. In a few years she will be infertile, so she had better find some “good man” fast, or she’s doomed to not fulfil what she was evolved for as a woman, i.e. to have a kid or two.She becomes more active in attacking MGTOW and masculism. The MGTOWs and masculists strengthen their resolve to avoid such feminazi bitches and her vicious circle tightens. She is not bright enough to pull herself out of it, so her suffering and hatred increases. Her male colleagues at work feel her hatred of men and complain about her. She gets fired, and her stress level skyrockets. She decides to put more time and energy into fighting MGTOW and masculism and sees these ideas as so poisonous to women’s interests that they should be fought tooth and nail.She and millions of other fluffie feminists wake up to the enormous threat that MGTOW and masculism poses to them. These men’s movements will make women POOR, and childless. They will force these women to get off their fluffie fat arses and get a FIP education and FIP jobs so that they become FIP adults, responsible, serious, taking responsibility for their own lives and not parasiting on a man. These two men’s movements are FORCING women to GROW UP, and that idea terrifies them.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/31 MGTOW/Masculism, FIP Females, Twaytweffing, and Babies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows that there is a third option for MGTOWs/masculists besides A) marrying and risking being financially massacred in a divorce, B) being a MGTOW monk, and that is C) “twaytweffing” (i.e. 2A2Fing – see an earlier flyer on this.)MGTOW/MASCULISM, FIP FEMALES,TWAYTWEFFING, AND BABIESI suppose that a lot of you who read my regular comments on Sandman’s site are wondering why I place so much emphasis on women being FIPs (financially independent persons). I can imagine that some of you are thinking “What’s the point of women being FIPs, if having a kid with them still lands you into the manslave role when that FIP female decides to take you to court for child support in a court system still dominated by the fluffie feminists?”I don’t deny that objection. I think it’s valid, but the situation doesn’t need to be black or white, there are grey regions between the two that are still superior to the black region.It may be a decade or more before the gender politicians make the gender laws menfair, either through them becoming shit scared that the MGTOWs/masculists are succeeding in crashing the population, and/or through public threat by the masculists of persuading society that the male-feminist, man-traitor gender politicians are genocidal criminals and vote them out of power.In the meantime, what are men to do, more specifically, what are MGTOW/masculists to do? They don’t dare have kids with women, because then they expose themselves to roughly a one chance in four of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated family court that will destroy his life. So MGTOWs/masculists should continue their policy of avoiding having kids, which serves at least two purposes. It protects them from the fluffie feminist divorce court and being financially massacred, and longer term, it puts tremendous political pressure on the gender politicians to men fair the gender laws (especially re divorce and the Parer (paternity rejection right)) by continuing to crash the population.But what about having sex with women? That’s another matter. Males are hard wired to want to penis attractive females. So if MGTOWs/masculists try to deny themselves this powerful drive, they will suffer. BUT, there is no need to suffer. There is a simple solution to this problem, that is in the title of this comment, and it’s “twaytweffing” (i.e. “2A2F” spoken quickly, i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. a man and a woman, both FIPs having an apartment each, have a relationship. The man gets the regular sex he needs plus has the advantage that he is NOT parasited upon by a fluffie. His female partner is a FIP with her own apartment who earns good money because she bothered to get a good FIP major (professions or techs) education.The huge advantage for a man to twaytwef is that he can throw the woman out of his apartment or walk out of hers, very easily. There’s no marriage, so no divorce, no alimony, because she is a FIP, no child support, because no kids. The only thing holding the relationship together, i.e. keeping the two partners together is the quality of the relationship. If that quality drops then the man (or the woman) can just walk out of the relationship, and easily. So the man gets the regular sex without having to be a manslave to some bloody fluffie. He can live modestly, in a modest apartment, save and invest heavily and retire in his 40s and live the rest of his life (the second half) free, free from wage slavery, and free from manslavery.About the only thing that a twaytweffing male has to be careful about is when his female partner is feeling her biological clock ticking. If men are hardwired to penis women, women are hard wired to want to get pregnant before their infertility sets in. There is a serious risk that she may sperm-jack him to get pregnant, so the twaytweffing man needs to be very attentive to her complaints about not having a kid with him. The moment she starts making such complaints, she should be immediately dumped. She is probably aware of this masculist/MGTOW strategy so will keep her frustrations to herself but plan to sperm-jack anyway, so the man should be very careful where he leaves his sperm, certainly not in her, and always use a condom. Once he has ejaculated, he should flush the condom down the toilet immediately. If she complains that he does this, implying he does not trust her, he should say, that that is true. If she complains, dump her. This approach of the twaytweffing man will keep her in line, unless she decides to dump him, but she will probably think, that if she dumps him because he refuses to get her pregnant, then he will talk to his circle of friends, so any other man she tries to get her pregnant, in much the same circle will have been forewarned, so she may not get another twaytweffing relationship, and be viewed as yet another of the evil fluffies and hence remain manless.So, I think MGTOWs should be talking more about the twaytwef lifestyle. Women can behave well to men if they are motivated. The advantage of twaytweffing is that it is set up in such a way that it motivates women powerfully to be nice to men, to treat them well, and not nag them, and not parasite on them, because if she falls to the temptation of relaxing and her true genetically based parasitic nature surfaces, then the man can simply get disgusted and walk away. The woman knows this and fears that possibility, so she remains nice to him.So the usual MGTOW disdain for women’s nature, i.e. the red pill (i.e. being aware that women don’t love men, but love their exploitability by women), women’s hypergamy (the idea that women will readily drop coldly her current male exploited partner in favor of a richer more exploitable male partner if the opportunity realistically presents itself) need not keep MGTOWs from avoiding women. The twaytwef lifestyle for men, prevents women from behaving in the above ways. If she starts heading in that direction, the man’s shit detector will go off, and he can give his female partner a warning. “You’re starting to behave like a fluffie. The whole point of me living the twaytwef lifestyle is to avoid such females. If you continue like this, I’m walking out, so be nice!”You now understand why I place such emphasis on women being FIPs and not being fluffies. If there are lots of FIP females around, then it is possible for men to get regular sex and not be parasited upon by fluffie vermin, by adopting the twaytwef lifestyle. It is a god saver for men for the next decade or so, before the gender laws get menfaired.So, to summarize the argument – a man should avoid having babies until the gender politicians make the gender laws menfair. That may take a decade or more, so with millions of men refusing to be fathers, the population will soon start crashing and the gender politicians will be FORCED to menfair the gender laws. This has to happen. Its only a question of time. But men can still have regular sex with women, by twaytweffing with FIP females (avoiding fluffies like the plague.) As word gets out to the fluffies who are twiddling their thumbs, manless, rotting on the shelf, that only FIP women are getting penised and getting relationships with men, that will put more moral pressure on them to become FIPs themselves, and hence reduce the level of manslavery of men in the culture as a whole.So, guys, I think you should be emphasizing the importance of twaytweffing in your discussions. It is not the case that your choices are between A) having regular sex in a marriage with kids AND a one in four chance of being financially massacred by your fluffie or fluffie feminist wife or B) being a MGTOW monk, with no relationships at all with women and no sex. There is an alternative C) i.e. twaytwef with a FIP female. You wont have kids, that’s true, but at least you’ll get regular sex without being a manslave to some bloody fluffie. It may not be your ideal, and will remain that way, until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, but at least you get the regular sex that you as a male evolved for, and without the traditional manslave price.When the gender politicians do get round to menfairing the gender laws, men will still want to have relationships only with FIP women, and continue to avoid fluffies like the plague. Fluffies are bad news even when the divorce laws have been made menfair, and the Parer (paternity rejection right) has been passed. Of course, getting a fluffie pregnant will not be the disaster for a man that it is today, but its still a pain in the butt. Also, a decade from now, the stigma attached to having a relationship with a fluffie for a man will not be pleasant. Fluffies are still fluffies, they are still manslaving, parasitic, immoral, vermin, and what self-respecting male, who is fully aware of MGTOW/masculist ideas would want to be associated with a type of woman that society is trying to wipe out. How many negro slavers are there in the western world nowadays!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/32 Hypergamous Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer encourages males to be a lot more hypergamous, putting strong moral pressure on women to be FIPs so that more men can twaytwef (see above flyers) and hence get regular sex without being a manslave to a bloody fluffie.HYPERGAMOUS MALESWomen aren’t the only sex that is hypergamous, i.e. always looking around beyond one’s current partner for someone better. In women’s case they evolved to coldly dump their current male manslave for a more exploitable one if a realistic opportunity presented itself. Men can do this too, and it’s a very effective way to put real pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) which is one of the major social goals of the masculists.Until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws (e.g. re divorce, passing the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) then pretty much the only way that men are going to get regular sex from a woman, and force her to remain nice to her man, is to twaytwef (i.e. “2A2F”, i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. both the man and the woman are FIPs and both have their own apartment. When the relationship fails, they both just walk away, with no cost to the man. There’s no divorce risk, because there was no marriage. There’s no alimony payment, because the woman is a FIP. There are?no child payments, because no kids. When the woman starts showing her true nature, her parasitic manipulative nature, then the man can easily dump her and not cost him anything.Knowing that the man can do this keeps the woman being nice to the man, because if she isn’t, then she’s “outta there”, she’s gone, she’s history. This is why twaytweffing is so important to the modern man, as well as is having lots of FIP women around to replace the previous failed FIP female partners.So men need to help create an ample supply of female FIPs for men so that these MGTOW/masculist men CAN twaytwef. If there aren’t enough FIP women around for all the men who refuse to give a second glance to a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) then a lot of MGTOW/masculist men will have a problem, namely how to get regular sex AND keep women under control, so that the men are controlling the women rather than the other way round. A twaytweffing man gets his sex, and keeps his woman being nice or she gets dumped.Now, twaytweffing is a two edged sword of course. The FIP female can just as readily dump her man for whatever reason, usually because he doesn’t want to give her a baby. From the man’s point of view, a woman who wants a baby in today’s fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system, is a red flag to a MGTOW/masculist bull, a huge NO NO and the strongest reason for dumping the woman. This tendency may cause an increase in the popularity of older women for MGTOWs/masculists to twaytwef with, e.g.?women in their 40s who are post fertile may be viewed?as better to twaytwef with than women in their 30s with baby rabies and the desire to sperm jack a man to get what she wants.So, MGTOWs/masculists can help each other by increasing the supply of FIP females, so that more males can twaytwef and get both the regular sex they crave and not pay the traditional price of being a man slave to get it. So how can MGTOWs/masculists increase the supply of female FIPs?By being more hypergamous.In the country I live in (China) young women with a bachelor’s degree will not even go on a first date with a man unless he has an apartment and a car, a good salary, and at least a bachelor degree or preferably a masters. That puts real pressure on the man of course. Being China, there is no internal creation of new social movements, because there are no social movements period. Anyone organizing large groups of people for some social protest ends up in a laogai (the Chinese equivalent of Stalin’s gulag, the concentration camp system for political prisoners, of which China has over? 1000 today, according to Harry Wu, the founder of the Laogai Museum in Washington DC.)So Chinese men have not even heard of MGTOW or masculism, so there is no consciousness of men’s rights, or MGTOW/masculist ideas that they can use to protect themselves from financially predatory Chinese females. The same lovely government that runs the laogai also blocks YouTube, Facebook and WordPress from the Chinese public, so MGTOW/masculist ideas are NOT spreading in China. (In fact the culture is intellectually sterile, having won zero science Nobel prizes, and has no world class sages (intellectuals) pushing their new ideas onto the world stage. That just doesn’t? happen in China, and won’t even start until the Chinese get freedom of speech, and that won’t be for another 5-10 years probably. So Chinese men desperately need MGTOW/masculism, but they have? no way of getting it unless they use a VPN (virtual private network) which tens of millions do. So putting male hypergamous pressure on women will have to be pioneered in western countries because its just not going to happen in China.)So how can western men become more hypergamous? I’ll give my own case as a concrete example. My second wife who was a decade older than I was, died in 2000 from having smoked too much in her 20s. In 2001 I started a job as a prof in the US and started e-dating. I quickly learned that dating bachelor level women was a complete waste of time. So in the preselection process I raised my standards and only dated women with a master’s degree or above. I dated 3 PhDed women. There weren’t many to be selected from at that level, so I had to be content with masters level for the most part. (Ironically, two of those three were obese. One of them, joke of jokes, was a professor of health, who had diabetes due to her obesity. Those two didn’t last long, needless to say. The third one was much much nicer, and if I had not moved to China (probably more out of a sense of adventure than anything) I could have had a good relationship with her. She was truly FIP, and quite compatible in many respects.)I went through 8 women (I think) during my 5 years in the US. All had at least a master’s degree and had their own house, own car, own career, own good salary, otherwise I WOULD NOT HAVE DATED THEM, thus I was being very selective in who I went out with and gave my penis to, which by the way, they were all very quick to want from me, having not sexed, most of them,?for over a year (or at least that is what they told me.)Now, imagine that millions of men really latch on to the idea of twaytweffing as a modern new male lifestyle, and learn that it is critical that they find a FIP female to twaytwef with.? So, they learn to prefer FIP females. It is not enough for them to be attracted to a pretty face, with curvy boobs and round fuckable hips. She must definitely also be FIP, so these millions of men learn to check out the women in terms of their earning capacity. That is they become hypergamous as males. They give women a taste of their own hypergamous medicine.So imagine a conversation between a young man who plans to twaytwef, and a young attractive woman who the man soon learns is a bit of a fluffie. Watch the sparks fly.W : (opening remark) “So what do you do?” M: I’m an architect. What do you do?”W : ” I work in a shipping firm.” M: “What as?” W: ” I deal with the paper work of the cargo that goes in and out.” M : Sounds like an easy job. What do they pay you each month?”W: “That’s none of your business.” M : “Oh but it is. I’m looking to twaytwef, so I want a woman who can match me salary wise, so it’s very much my business to know how much a potential girlfriend earns. I’m a MGTOW/masculist, so I won’t go near a fluffie. Are you a fluffie? Do you make less than $40,000 a year?” W : “I don’t like the way this conversation is going.” M : “Sounds like you do shit work, and get paid shit, so you’re probably wasting my time. You’re not in my league. Pity, because you’re sexually attractive and have a pretty face, but if you’re not a real FIP, I’m not interested. I don’t want a woman who can’t afford her own apartment. I don’t want some bloody fluffie who is constantly trying to extract money from me. I hate fluffie parasites.”W? : (walks away). “M : (calling out) “Have a nice life! Next time, try fluffing on some male paper shuffler at the same salary level as you, rather than trying to parasite on some male who bothered to get a good FIP education. I won’t settle for anything less than a real female FIP. I’m not going to be exploited by some bloody fluffie!”---So guys, there you have it. Put real pressure on women to be FIPs. If they’re not, ignore them. If you sense they are trying to sex-blind you by setting their sights way higher than their own (non)FIP level, then cut them down to size. Do what the above male did. Put moral pressure on women to be FIPs. Be hypergamous men, and help increase the number of FIP women, so that more men can twaytwef and get regular sex without being a man slave.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/45 Can Men Love Women Knowing That Women Don't Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that as more men are influenced by MGTOW ideas like the red pill and female hypergamy, men will fall out of love with women and protect themselves more against parasitical female nature.CAN MEN LOVE WOMEN KNOWING WOMEN DONT LOVE MEN?I think the short answer to this question is yes, but with much greater difficulty. Anyone who has absorbed what is probably the MGTOW movement’s main message, i.e. the “red pill” (i.e. that women DONT love men, but rather men’s exploitability) will look upon women much more cynically, and with colder eyes, constantly looking for symptoms of female hypergamy (i.e. the female impulse to be on the lookout for a more exploitable male, to whom she can upgrade if the circumstances are realistic.)There are some circumstances when women do seem to genuinely love their man, but they are in a minority. For example, take the case of a woman who is a bit dumber than her man, who earns less than he does, and is a bit less facially attractive than he is, then she may argue to herself, that being hypergamous (which is inherent in her genes), is very probably not a realistic strategy for her. If she calculates the odds of finding a “better” man, i.e. more exploitable, who will give her more money and status, are pretty well zero, then she may “settle” for the guy she currently has, and “make the most of it” i.e. she will cease her constant looking for a more exploitable male and resign herself to the guy she has.Once she has made that decision, she may well argue “If the guy I have now is the best I’m ever likely to get, then I may as well enjoy him, and be nice to him, in terms of mood and sex, so she learns to “love” him. My guesstimate is that probably about a quarter of married women are in this situation. I chose this fraction because, the divorce stats show that about half of marriages end in divorce (in the US), implying that the other half “succeed” although that is probably a bad choice of word. Many of these non divorcing marriages are sexless and joyless, where the woman has fallen out of love and sticks around with her man because she feels she would be worse off by divorcing him.Some marriages are fairly happy, in the sense that the partners in the couple are quite mutually compatible, having mutual respect. So, since half of marriages fail enough to lead to divorce, and many of the remaining couples are sexless and joyless, the fraction of a quarter, seems not unreasonable.Many men are quite na?ve when it comes to women. My own father and my son in law married the first woman to take a serious interest in him. This is a mistake, because such men “sell themselves short.” They then marry a woman who may be ambitious to catch a “superior” male who will be a better exploitable partner than a male of the same ability level as herself. I see this phenomenon a lot. Men are hungry to get regular sex, and to be treated by a woman the way their mothers treated them, i.e. as lovable and given a lot of attention, as mothers do.Young ambitious women who are “lucky” enough to latch on to such “superior” males know that the odds of them finding an even more exploitable male are very low, so they try hard to keep the male’s interest, which will be difficult for her, because she has lower abilities, e.g. in IQ, class, sophistication etc. These women may live in fear that their man will wake up one day thinking, “Why am I married to this inferior creature. She’s not in my league at all! What was I thinking?!” So she makes a special effort to keep him, by giving him good sex and controlling her female tendency to nag. She thus gives the exterior impression of being in love with him, and if the superior male remains rather na?ve and unknowledgeable about women, then he may be fooled, and believe that she truly loves him, whereas in fact, its really only self-preservation on her part. She wants to keep what she has, thinking that she really doesn’t “deserve” such a superior male.The above are examples where certain categories of women give the impression of loving men. What about the bigger picture when the large majority of men in our modern cultures learn about the red pill and are permanently changed in their attitudes towards women? What will relations between the sexes be like then? This is a big and important question.How will men react when they know that women know that men know about the red pill?Women will expect men to know that women don’t really love men, and that women are hypergamous. We may see pop music change as the “love songs” lose popularity, as most young men learn that female love is mostly a delusion, and are given much less credibility in the MGTOW influenced world.Until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, the proportion of men who refuse to marry and have kids will just keep increasing. Men will twaytwef (see my website flyers) knowing that women are hypergamous, and be prepared for it. When the relationship fails, as the majority of them do (in Sweden, the separation rate of non married couples is about 80%) then there is no cost to the man. He doesn’t have to pay alimony, no child support, and keeps his apartment, because there are no kids, no marriage, and the ex-girlfriend is a FIP (financially independent person). Twaytweffing is a natural development for men who know that women don’t love men. This lifestyle gives men the regular sex he wants, and an easy “out” when the relationship almost inevitably goes bad.So my main conclusion, and the main answer to the question in the title, is that as a higher proportion of men learn that women don’t love men, more men will choose the twaytwef lifestyle as a form of “protection” against women, i.e. against women’s hypergamous and “red pill” nature. Notions of “true love” as portrayed in Hollywood movies and pop? songs will be increasingly discredited and ignored. The culture will become more realistic. Men will twaytwef and women will have to adapt to the men who have adapted. Women are genetically dependent on men. They evolved that way. That is why women are hypergamous. If women in the prehistoric past were independent of men in terms of resources, they would not have evolved their hypergamous nature.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/54 Can FIP Women Love Men? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer poses the question whether FIP women under or over 40 are capable of loving men, rather than seeing men as exploitable assets. Second halver (> 40) FIP women are probably more capable of truly loving a man than a first halver (<40) fluffie.CAN?FIP WOMEN LOVE MEN?One of the basic assumptions of MGTOW doctrine is that “Women don’t love men, but rather men’s exploitability.” This flyer asks a similar question concerning FIP (financially independent person) women. Given that FIP women do not need men’s resources, are they more capable of loving men, and what about “second halver” (i.e. people over 40) FIP women? Can they love men even more because they are over their “baby rabies” AND are FIP?I still have real question marks about the capacity of women to love men. From my own experience I’ve been in situations where MGTOW ideas make sense, where they are applicable, and in other situations, where I have my doubts.From a Darwinian evolutionary point of view, it makes perfect sense to me that women of a reproductive age look on men as exploitable assets, to be dumped coldly if the man loses his exploitability. So the core MGTOW ideas makes good sense in my judgement.? I can put myself in the shoes of my first wife (I’m now into my 4th), for example, and imagine how she must have felt.She was a half fluffie. She didn’t study FIP majors at high school, so could only study fluffie crap majors (making her a “fluffie crapper”) at university. She chose philosophy. I was a PhD student at the time, and her nursing degree did not impress me. 3 times I broke with her, but she held on tenaciously until I realized there was a monthly pattern to her periodic cow like state that repelled me, which she lost once she got on the pill.We started a kid once she got her philosophy degree and then I felt enslaved. I was supporting her to stay at home with HER kid, while I was working at a job that didn’t satisfy me at all, just to get money to pay for the three of us. I had no time for me, and I felt my “soul” was dying. After 11 years in Europe she gave me an ultimatum to return to Australia. Within 3 days of returning to Australia, where we both grew up, I realized I had made a major mistake, and then had to choose whether to leave her and the 2 kids or rot in anti-intellectual Australia. I decided to leave and returned to my beloved Brussels, the most cosmopolitan city on the planet, capitol of Europe, NATO headquarters, etc.I was a real masculist by that time, having thought hard about the traditional male role of being the sole breadwinner. (This was in the early 80s). I expected my ex wife to be a FIP and pay for the two kids since she had taken them from me in the sense that if I had not returned to Australia with her, she would have left with them.If she had been more FIP, instead of her initial nursing diploma, and her philosophy degree, and had been a doctor, that she had the intelligence for, but not the FIP mentality for, then she could have coped easily with the two kids on her own? MD money. Instead she then fluffied on another man, her previous boyfriend who was 15 years older than her and a surgeon with a high salary. She popped out two more kids with him to seal the bond she had with him, to keep him paying for her.I just walked out the door on her. I was not going to tolerate that some female dictated to me how and where I wanted to? live. I was? utterly fed up with my bread winner role and wanted out. This woman has not contacted me in decades. She’s so unfamous, that I can’t even get anything on her with the internet.So, I use her as an example, of what a fluffie woman must feel like if she loses her manslave and she has kids. She was thrust into the role of the sole breadwinner once I returned to Europe. Her standard of living and that of her kids depended on her. But she was a fluffie and only earned a nurse’s salary, so her quality of life fell compared to what I had given her, so being a fluffie she probably blamed me for that fall in living standard rather than herself for not bothering to FIPup when she was a student.So there is an objective reality that lies behind the existential fear that fluffies must feel when their manslave walks out on them. They become poor, and having a fluffie mentality, they put the blame for their situation outside themselves, rather than inward.My sister, on the other hand is a real economic success. She is definitely a FIP career wise having become a doctor and even having her own clinic with two dozen other doctors in her employment. Yet even she still has fluffie attitudes when it comes to men and to me in particular. She thinks still that I should have paid my first wife for the kids after I left (or she left, depending on your perspective.)This fluffie FIP of a sister I have, makes me wonder whether her fluffie attitudes are a result of traditional gender role conditioning that she grew up with (she’s now 60), or is it much deeper, more genetically based. I’m not sure. My attitude as a masculist is that it is today easier for a single mom to pay for herself and the kids than for the traditional man who paid for himself, the kids AND a parasitic wife. I expected my first ex-wife to be FIP and pay her own way. I escaped manslavery in returning to Europe, and thank god did not have to be financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court because I was living in another country. So there’s a lesson here. If you’re thinking of leaving your fluffie parasitic wife, and don’t want to be financially massacred, emigrate.A young woman of reproductive age, has to do two main things, traditionally speaking?– one, she has to find some manslave she can parasite on, to pay for the kids, and two, she has to fuck him and be nice to him long enough that he sticks around and has kids with her.It must be scary being a fluffie. If your man walks out and you have kids, and if there were no fluffie feminist divorce court system to force your manslave to remain a manslave, then you could end up destitute. That’s scary. I understand that. Of course, the solution to this fear is that all women be raised to be FIPs, that society places powerful expectations on women to be FIPs, or they just won’t get a man.I suspect there may be two aspects to women’s fear of losing her manslave. One is objective, i.e. she will lose income, so may become poor. The other is probably genetic, i.e. she has evolved to expect a man to pay for her. Just how much this is true is difficult to determine, so I would very much like to see a new branch of gender studies be created that tries to determine to what extent women’s expectation that men pay for them, is due to objective, practical reasons, or due to inherited genetic reasons, based on a million years of evolution.Now, to deal with the second halver women, and FIP women, and even second halver FIP women.A FIP woman, by definition, is financially independent, so she should have less fear in losing her man. She can cope financially herself with her own income. Being FIP for her is liberating in that sense. It’s also liberating for men, who then become freed from the traditional manslavery role of paying for women. So are FIP women more capable of loving men rather than only men’s exploitability? This is an interesting question, that needs to be studied scientifically by psychologists.From my own experience, I feel I have been truly loved by a second halver FIP woman.In my 5 years in the US, I e-dated a string of women, nearly all of them incompatible, but they were the best of a poor crop. Its not easy finding women of comparable intellectual and performance level when you’re a male PhDed professor. The last woman I dated before leaving for China (I didn’t like the religious lack of sophistication of colonial middle class America) was a PhD and actually nice. She went out of her way, to be nice and I don’t think she was acting. She had no baby rabies, because she was post-menopausal and retired. She was obviously FIP, with her own house, car and more than adequate income. She just wanted the companionship of a man and regular orgasms.One of my major criticisms of MGTOW is what might be called the “MGTOW first-halver bias” i.e. most MGTOWs are first halvers (under 40) so are confronted with women in the baby rabies stage of life and hungry to have men who can help pay her to raise kids.Second halver women can no longer reproduce, and if they are FIPs, don’t need a man for money. They want a man for companionship and orgasms. So can such women love men? I would say yes. When I left the US for China a decade ago, this woman was quite hurt. She said she had grown very attached to me. It was the best of my relationships I had in the US (of a string of them). If I had stayed I could have kept up that relationship for years, but since China was my 7th country I had learned the lesson, if the main values of a culture piss you off, then migrate. I hated the religious middle class mindlessness of the US, after two decades in Europe and one decade in Japan.So I feel that MGTOW ideas are more applicable to first halver men and less so to second halver men. Women are far less parasitic in their second half of life. Their priorities shift. They want companionship and orgasms, rather than a man’s salary.MGTOW raises some interesting hypotheses about female nature, but the movement is so new, that its scientific basis is still very shaky and needs to be tested.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/68 Understanding AND Loving Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that it is possible and very important that new attitudes and institutions be set up by MGTOWs and masculists, that make it possible for men to both understand the negative, inherited attitudes of women towards men, AND to love women, if populations are not to be wiped out by the man-strike.UNDERSTANDING “AND” LOVING WOMENOne of the catchy slogans of MGTOW is “You can either love women, or you can understand them.” The implication is that the OR is the exclusionary or, i.e. you can have one or the other, BUT NOT BOTH. This flyer argues that it is possible to have both, and that it is important that men have both, otherwise the population gets wiped out, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that we have both.The key concept in this regard is “new MGTOW/masculist institutions” that we MGTOW/masculists need to set up so that men CAN both understand and love women, so that men get the best of both worlds. So, how can this be done?Before answering this question, it is useful to lead into the answer by giving a bit of background. Why do many MGTOWs think that it is impossible to love women if you understand them (i.e. you understand female nature, e.g. a woman’s hypergamy (i.e. her tendency to trade up to a more exploitable male, by dumping her current one, if a realistic opportunity arises; that women do not love men, but rather men’s exploitability, etc.)?MGTOWs recognize that it makes perfect Darwinian sense that women behave this way. They evolved to behave this way. Those females in the distant past who did not behave this way had lower fitness than women who did. For example, if a woman’s man broke a leg or got so depressed that his hunting ability lowered, thus threatening to starve his family, then the woman coldly dumped him in favor of a more effective male provider of protein, to whom she traded her vagina for meat.MGTOWs accept all this. Once a man in today’s world is exposed to these ideas, they make so much sense, Darwinian sense, scientific sense, that it is virtually impossible to refute them. As the MGTOWs say, once you have taken the “red pill” (i.e. you accept the negative reality, rather than continue to live with the illusion that women actually love men, and are loyal to them, no matter how poor a provider he becomes) then that knowledge is IRREVERSIBLE, you cant go back, you cant unknow it.The red pill knowledge will change permanently the way you see women. You will no longer believe that they love you for who you are, for your personality, your character, your intelligence, etc. NO, if you as a man lose the ability to be a potential provider to a female, females will CROSS YOU OFF, i.e. they will see you as unworthy of their attention, and certainly will not give you their cunts.Evolution has made men behave in a way that makes them blind to a woman’s exploitation, once they start having regular orgasms with her. There is a lot of truth in the maxim that “love is blind”. Females have evolved the ability to manipulate men into giving them protein, or in todays terms, money. Women use sex as their bargaining tool. A man who provides resources to?a woman, gets sex from her –?no resources, no pussy –?no Rolex, no sex.In the modern western countries over the past few decades, women have taken power in the divorce courts, using their powerful women’s lobby to push male feminist, corrupt, gender politicians to give women what they wanted. Since women really care most about themselves and their children, they pushed the gender politicians to create new divorce laws in the 70s that resulted in the financial massacring of tens of millions of divorcing fathers.Typically these men will lose custody of their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony to fluffie ex-wives, making it one of the greatest injustices of our era. Not surprisingly, as a result of this financial massacring, this massive injustice against half of the population (i.e. men), 70% of young men in the US refuse to marry and have kids, because they see marriage now as TOXIC. They know that roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred this way, and have gone on strike.? This man-strike means that the young generation is reproducing only a third of its number, so the birth rate is plummeting and the US population will be wiped out within a mere century or less.Therefore a solution to this most important of ALL ISSUES, has to be found. So can institutions be set up by the MGTOWs/masculists so that men are prepared to have kids again with women, so that the populations of the world do not die out, the way that has advanced furthest in Japan with the herbivore men (i.e. a third of Japanese young men refuse to have relationships with women, and refuse even to sex them.)Masculists are more political than MGTOWs. MGTOWs are politically passive (except that at least they do make YouTube videos on MGTOW issues.) So the creation of the new institutions needed to solve the population crash problem will be the job of the masculists, so what do the masculists need to do?The masculists and the MGTOWs need to continue to combine forces, in educating the public (male and female) about the problems mentioned above. The top priority task is thus EDUCATION. The MGTOWs are helping a lot this way. There are now 1000s of MGTOW videos on YouTube for the world to see. They are having an impact, as more young men walk away from marriage and fatherhood. Sooner or later, society, the media, and the gender politicians in particular, will wake up and shudder at the prospect of the US population being wiped out.The masculists go further than the MGTOWs by approaching the broadcast media, trying to educate the journalists into the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism, so that the journalists get the message out to the millions, to the masses.MGTOWs/masculists need to educate all males about female nature, and the? toxicity of today’s divorce courts, persuading them not to marry and have kids. This phase of male consciousness raising is well underway, at least with young men under 35. 70% of them have got the message that marriage is toxic and avoid it.With young men refusing to marry and have kids, the political?pressure on the gender politicians to reform the divorce laws and bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. will not go away. The longer that young men refuse to reproduce, the more severe the political pressure becomes.MGTOWs/ masculists also need to educate women, about their own natures. Many women themselves are not conscious of their own behaviors and attitudes, reacting instinctively towards men whom they see as “inferior potential providers” as unworthy of their attention.MGTOWs/masculists need to educate women in women’s attitudes towards men, and how negatively men feel about such female attitudes. Once women become more conscious of their own nature, they will be more able to use the conscious rational side of their minds to overcome their instinctive exploitative attitudes towards men.The MGTOWs/masculists need to provide women, men, society in general with labels?for traditional women who exploit men. I use the term “fluffie” (based on the word, “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP (financially independent person)). Most feminists know nothing about MGTOW/masculism, so by default still have traditional attitudes towards men, seeing them as exploitable check books, hence the term “fluffie feminists.”MGTOWs/masculists need to teach society, including women, that men are the superior sex, that the genii are males, that men invent everything, build everything. Since women have shown themselves to be criminally irresponsible regarding divorce, not caring that they are ruining the lives of millions of men and destroying society, then the power to do that should be taken away from them by men. Men need to reassert themselves and take power over women’s childishly selfish, even psychopathic attitudes towards men.For example, in China, in 2011, the government changed the divorce law such that any assets or property that a man possessed before a marriage remained his after the divorce. Prior to 2011, Chinese fluffie gold digger women were marrying men in their millions to steal half of his total assets in a divorce that she had planned?before the marriage. Chinese male gender politicians are not subject to the fluffie feminist lobby as in the US, so were able to give Chinese men some justice. In this respect, China, a dictatorship,?is ahead of the western democracies, which suffer under the “tyranny of the fluffie feminist majority!”So MGTOWs/masculists need to educate society, and then change the gender laws, reform the divorce courts, bring in the Parer, men-fair all the legal discriminations against men (e.g. more money spent on breast cancer research than prostate cancer research, combat only for men, differences in retirement ages, heavier penalties for identical crimes, etc.).Of particular importance for the masculists is to attack the root of the gender problems, by forcing young women to be FIPs, by applying enormous moral pressure on young women to study FIP majors at high school in junior and senior years, so that they have the prerequisites to study FIP majors (professions, techs) at college, so that they can become real FIPs as adults and not parasite on a man.Masculists threaten young women, that if they don’t become FIPs they will “not get a man.”? Masculists put heavy pressure on women to pull their weight and not be fluffie parasites on men. Fluffies will not only not be married, not be babied, they won’t even be fucked by masculists MGTOWs. Such men prefer to fuck FIPs, and even then not within a marriage, and certainly with no kids, preferring the “twaytwef” life style, where the man and the woman both have their own apartments, and both are FIPs (twaytwef = 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). This lifestyle forces women to be nice to men, otherwise the man just walks back to his apartment so easily, cost free.Thus setting up these institutions and MGTOW/masculist attitudes in society, will change women. FIP women can take care of themselves financially, by definition, so they don’t look on men as exploitable check books. Fluffies die out, rotting on the shelf, because men don’t want them, not even to fuck. Men will be able to detect fluffie attitudes in women, and counter them with very negative comments, and if necessary, punish women by ignoring them, killing them off slowly by neglect.Thus MGTOW/masculist based institutions and attitudes will allow men to have loving relationships with FIP women, who see themselves as FIPs and block their own instinctive tendencies to judge men as potential check books. It is possible for the human brain to LEARN behaviors that run counter to its basic instincts. That is what social custom and law are all about.MGTOWs/masculists need to set up new customs and new gender laws that make it possible for men to both understand and love women. It is doable, and needs to be done, before populations get wiped out.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/108 The NAWALTing of Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains how men can force women to behave as though they are nawalts, even though they aren’t, by forcing women to choose between twaytweffing or being manless. A woman in a twaytwef relationship HAS to behave like a nawalt, or she gets dumped, cost free for the man.THE NAWALTING OF WOMENThis flyer shows how men can force women to behave as though they are nawalts (i.e. “not all women are like that” – a MGTOW term) even though they aren’t.One of the main messages of the MGTOWs, is that ALL women are awalts (“all women are like that”) i.e. they don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability, that women evolved that way, and that women are hypergamous by nature, i.e. they will readily drop their current man for a more exploitable man (i.e. richer, more powerful, more ambitious, smarter, better looking) if one realistically comes along. This makes perfect Darwinian sense.MGTOWs assert that most men would love to have a relationship with a nawalt (NOT all women are like that) because then such a woman would not be like the typical female, i.e. nagging, manipulative, shit testing, using sex to get him to pay for her to have kids in a middle class house, i.e. being a fluffie (by definition), solipsistic, behaving like a child, not taking responsibility for her own life, being fluffie, etc.Millions of men have gone MGTOW, because they think that relationships with women are just not worth the effort. The major trigger of the modern MGTOW/masculist movement is the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, where one married man in four is financially massacred, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony, so the ex-wife can continue parasiting on her ex-husband.MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube are popping up like mushrooms now. Men are waking up and discussing women’s true natures avidly. Men are becoming conscious how manipulative, exploitative, and?parasitic traditional women are, and how women’s parasitic nature evolved over millions of years. Men are becoming aware, just how “prostitutional” women are by nature on men.More intelligent, more intellectual men realize that that is just the way women are, that they evolved that way. These men know that several million years ago, prehuman babies doubled their brain size in a mere million years, so mothers had a real problem. Their pelvises (hip bones) could not keep widening to allow the baby’s head to pass through the birth canal, because the wider the birth canal, the greater the stresses on the hip bone. A hip bone fracture was fatal. So evolution selected for babies being born prematurely so that the baby’s brain could continue to grow AFTER the birth.But a premature baby is useless and demands full time attention from the mother, so she can’t go out hunting for protein far from home. So women became more dependent on men to give them protein that the men hunted. Those women who were sexier, got more protein, so female sexuality evolved, so that now human females are the sexiest of mammals. Human females do not have periods of “being in heat” because they are always in heat, they can have sex all days of the month.Thus women evolved to be prostitutes on men. The deal was, “You men give us protein for us and our babies, and we’ll give you our cunts.” MGTOWs/masculists know this, and are forced to adapt to it, because it is women’s nature. Women use their sexuality to extract resources (protein in the past, money today) for themselves and their kids. Experiments show that women’s vaginas moisten at the sight of a rich powerful, handsome man. Women evolved to do that.BUT, once men have taken the MGTOW “red pill” i.e. they have become conscious that women don’t LOVE men, but love men’s exploitability, they become MGTOWs and masculists. They despise this aspect of women, who react favorably to men’s exploitability, but not to men’s other qualities, such as their personalities, their intellectual abilities, their honesty, their generosity, etc. Men really hate being seen by women as walking ATMs. They hate it and they despise the women who treat them that way.Typically when a woman meets a man, her first question will be “What do you do?” (which is fluffie speak for “How much money could I potentially extract from you, if I gave you my cunt?”). If the man answers, “I’m a part time janitor, which allows me to cover my meagre expenses, so that I can MGTOW, doing what I love most of the week.” Virtually any woman’s cunt would dry up fast with that answer and she would immediately walk away.So how can men, i.e. MGTOWs/masculists get the best of both worlds, i.e. get regular sex from a woman, AND live the MGTOW/masculist lifestyle?Answer? By twaytweffing, i.e. having a relationship with a FIP (financially independent person) woman who has her own apartment, so that when the relationship almost inevitably fails, he can walk away from it, from her, cost free.There are now millions of MGTOWs/masculists, so women are noticing a change in the “sexual ecology” i.e. the supply of traditional manslavable robot males is drying up, and more and more men are MGTOWing and taking up masculist attitudes of contempt towards fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money.)With 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan now refusing to marry and have kids, rejecting the traditional manslave role to fluffies, women are being FORCED to compromise. They increasingly have to choose between having NO man, or twaytweffing with a MGTOW/masculist. Those women who are unable to suppress their true parasitic nature, end up manless, and hence, sexless, loveless, babyless, and often poor.This means that twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) MGTOWs/masculists are in a position to FORCE women to suppress their evolved female nature, i.e. of judging men by their salaries. If a twaytweffing woman allows her true nature to surface, and she starts nagging, manipulating her twaytweffing male partner, then he simply tells her “Look, you’re really starting to get on my nerves. Remember I’m a MGTOW/masculist and I don’t tolerate female parasitism. If you continue this traditional fluffie behavior, I walk.”This kind of attitude now shown by millions of men (MGTOWs/masculists) is really scaring the shit out of women, because they know that men have the power to force women to be FIPs and into twaytwef relationships. Men are nearly all FIPs, and fluffies can only be fluffies if they can find manslaves to parasite off. As? the supply of such men dries up, as it is now rapidly doing, these women who in their hearts want to be fluffies, are FORCED to be FIPs or they rot on the shelf. They won’t even be fucked, because masculists are so disgusted by them, that they refuse even to penis them.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, who see them as vermin, to be wiped out, by refusing to have anything to do with them. Masculists label fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. The prime political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by ignoring fluffies to extinction.So MGTOWs need not despair of the lack of nawalts. It doesn’t matter if women are awalts by nature, because MGTOWs/masculists can FORCE women to suppress their awalt nature and behave as if they were nawalts. Women are increasingly being forced to, because if they don’t suppress their true fluffie nature, then they will pay a terrible price, they will not get a man, no sex, no love, no baby, a life of low income, and in time, as the whole of society learns to piss on fluffies, they will be socially shunned. So women MUST learn to behave like nawalts, or die out.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/214 The Male Frontal Lobe Switch- Off (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes the male frontal lobe switch-off, i.e. the neurophysiological phenomenon of men’s frontal lobes switching off when in the presence of their female sexual partners. The frontal lobes are responsible for longer term planning and critical thinking. Nature has conspired to make men dumbed down when in the presence of their female sexual partners, so men need to know about this and do their critical thinking and make judgements of their female sexual partners when NOT in their presence, so that their frontal lobes are switched ON.THE MALE FRONTAL LOBE SWITCH–OFF?There’s something in neuroscience that all men should know about, because it personally concerns them. It’s called the “male frontal lobe switch-off” i.e. when a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for his long term planning and critical thinking, so why has nature done this? Why has evolution found it necessary to switch off men’s frontal lobes, i.e. the front part of his neo cortex over the eyes, whereas ?nothing similar happens with women’s frontal lobes?Presumably, the answer is to make it easier for a woman to manipulate a man she is sexing, by dumbing him down, to persuade him to work for her in providing meat for her and her babies, i.e. that nature, i.e. evolution, has conspired against men, to make men more sexploitable to women, so that women are more able to extract meat from men in exchange for female sex, i.e. a bribe “You, the man, give me meat that you hunt, and in exchange, I’ll give you access to my cunt.”Women are the sexiest of mammals. They do not have days of sexual heat, the way dogs or monkeys do. Every day of the month for a woman is a day of sexual heat. She is unable to do her own hunting, because she is tied down at home with useless infants who had to be born prematurely, so that the baby’s head could pass through the woman’s birth canal, before it grew too big to do so.So women had to get their meat from others, i.e. from men, so they needed the means to persuade men to give them and their babies, scarce male hunted meat. Evolution provided two such major ways to do this. One is by making the human female the sexiest of mammals, always sexually receptive to be better able to bribe men to give them male hunted meat.The second way was for men to be “dumbed down” by the male frontal lobe switch-off, that switches off his ability to think analytically, critically, and to consider the consequences of his actions in the longer term. Women do not have this disadvantage, so they can coolly calculate what they are doing to manipulate, i.e. to sucker men into doing what women want men to do, i.e. to bring home the meat to feed women and their babies. The survival of women and the next generation depended on this sexploitation happening.This male frontal lobe switch-off makes obvious evolutionary sense if one knows a little Darwinian biology, but it is a disadvantage in the modern world, under modern circumstances. Men need to know about this “Achilles heel” that men have, that women intuitively know how to manipulate, to sexploit, to extract male resources from men who become stupid and malleable in their female presence.Now that we live in the era of the contraceptive pill, men need to be much more wary of women’s evolved ability to sexploit and manipulate men, using the male frontal lobe switch off phenomenon. Probably most women are not aware of this neurophysiological phenomenon, but know instinctively that once a man is having regular sex with her, he becomes putty to her for her to shape and manipulate at her will, and her will is that he provides her with resources, with labor, with money. She wants him to be her manslave.She does not love him. Women don’t love men the way men love women, i.e. rather blindly, due to their frontal lobes being switched off in her presence, making the quality of his judgement about her dumbed down. He is using his more primitive less evolved parts of his brain, by default, because the frontal lobes are switched off, so he can’t compete with the level of manipulative thinking that his female sexual partner is having about him.A woman will coldly, disloyally dump her male sexual partner if he loses his sexploitability, i.e. he is no longer able to bring in the male hunted meat. She needs to quickly dump him and move on to a more sexploitable man who does have the ability to bring home the meat. This makes good Darwinian sense and is readily understandable, but is devastating the first time one hears of it.The MGTOWs call this idea that women don’t love men, but love men’s sexploitability, “the red pill” analogous to the red pill choice taken from the movie “The Matrix.” In the movie, choosing to take the red pill, is to choose to know the very negative reality that the intelligent machines have taken over humanity and use human bodies as batteries, feeding the brains of the humans, signals from the matrix computers, so that the humans think they are living in the 20th century. Taking the blue pill is to choose to stay in the matrix, i.e. continuing to not be aware of the negative truth of being batteries to machines.To MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves) “blue pillers” are men who live under the illusion that women love them, not realizing that women only love their sexploitability, and as soon as he loses the level of sexploitability that she wants from him, she will coolly lose interest in him, and dump him in favor of a more sexploitable male, a female trait called “hypergamy.”When men learn about the “red pill” and absorb its full implications, they usually get very angry, becoming aware that they have been lied to all their lives about women’s “love.” The red pill can be a real poison pill for many men, who then treat women with real distrust and suspicion, not wanting to be sexploited any more by women, who are able to remain rational and able to plan her strategy regarding his sexploitability in his presence, whereas he can’t, because his frontal lobes are switched off in her presence.So men need to know about the male frontal lobe switch off, so that they can make better decisions regarding some woman he is penising. He needs to be asking himself whether this woman is good for him, or is his lack of criticality due to his frontal lobe switch off. In other words, he needs to do his thinking about her, when she is NOT present, so that his frontal lobes are switched ON.Every man should know about the male frontal lobe switch-off, so that he is informed about the fact that he as a male is disadvantaged by nature, by evolution, when in the presence of the woman who gives him her cunt. He needs to think coldly about why this woman is giving him her cunt. What is she hoping to get out of this sexual relationship? Is this woman a fluffie? Did she study career competent majors at high school and college? Is she really only interested in me because I am the best she think she can trap, given our two respective attractiveness levels (what the MGTOWs call SMV (sexual market place value)?If you as a man, have the feeling that every time you are with your woman, that the sex is ok, and that being with her is not too bad, yet when you are not with her, you ask yourself “Why on earth, am I involved with this inferior creature, who is not worthy of me?” then the answer to that question is probably because your frontal lobes are switching off each time you see her and sex her. You need to do your thinking and judging of her, when she is NOT around. Then you will be able to use your higher brain functions provided by your frontal lobes.You need to be conscious of the phenomenon of male frontal lobe switch off. It impacts on your life considerably. All men should know this and take it into account in their dealings, or the lack of them, with women, who are at a natural advantage with respect to men, because women’s frontal lobes do NOT switch off when they are with the man they are cunting, so they are in a stronger position to be able to sexploit him, to extract the resources she wants from him.Men need to be aware that they are more sexploitable by women, due to the neurophysiological phenomenon of “male frontal lobe switch-off.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/231 Gender Segregating the Workplace (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer asserts that the MGTOW movement needs to help men go their own way in the workplace as well as in the home, by promoting the idea of gender segregation, i.e. where men and women work in different areas in the company, so that men do not have to put up with femalien feminazi bullshit that so frustrates and annoys them. Those companies not listening to male employees’ growing complaints, risk losing them to other companies, resulting in the risk of bankruptcy.GENDER SEGREGATING THE WORKPLACE?MGTOWs have the possibility of escaping female nagging and negative female psychology in their personal lives, but not in their working lives. All too often, MGTOWs are forced to work with women, being aware of female nature, thanks to their MGTOW knowledge, which makes putting up with femalien bullshit all the harder.More and more men are complaining to their bosses that they can’t work with women, that women are a pain in the arse, they nag, they put down, they manipulate, and are often quite impossible to work with. Many men are telling their bosses “Segregate men, or move me to a men only group, or I may just quit the company!” Managers are hearing this complaint so often that it is becoming the norm almost.Some companies have solved this problem by segregating the genders, i.e. areas for men, areas for women. Often male employees will do this spontaneously themselves, choosing desk positions away from the boring chit chat of females, so that men can get on with what they are paid to do.This spontaneous segregation is similar to what happens at parties of married couples. The men will congregate in one place and talk about things, politics, ideas, abstractions, etc, and the women will talk in another place about people, relationships, the quality of their marriages, etc.Often the men will get engrossed in what they are talking about, until some femalien comes over and tries to ruin it, with some such garbage as “Guys, you’re neglecting the women. Come and join us in our conversation.”If there is a masculist amongst the men, he might pipe back “Hey femalien, don’t spoil our fun. We men are enjoying this conversation. If you don’t like it, then go back to your femalien group and talk about people and relationships. That’s woman talk. We men here are talking about what WE want to talk about, namely things, politics, ideas, abstractions. That’s man talk. We men don’t like you femaliens coming over to our men only group and dictating your female standards onto us. So no thanks. We reject your offer, or actually we object to your dictatorial standards and say more politely to you – fuck off.”Dealing with the female mind in the work place is really tiring for men. If a guy asks another guy some straightforward question, the other guy will usually give him a straightforward and direct answer. For example, “Which group topped the sales figures last month?” “Group 3.” If the guy asks a woman the same question, he will probably get no reply, while the woman thinks – “(to herself) Why is he asking me this? Does he think my sales group is inferior to group 3 that had the best sales figures last month. I’m not in group 3, so if I tell him it was group 3, will he think that I’m an inferior sales person?”Men get fed up with women’s “tra la la”, i.e. women’s inability to give quick efficient answers to direct simple questions. Men feel they are walking on female ego egg shells and are fed up with it.Resistance by men against working together with women is growing and growing, to such a point that managers are having a really hard time trying to keep the lid on the pressure cooker. In some companies, the pressure has already reached explosion point, where the men have simply taken action into their own hands, as with a trade union action, by moving their desks into a male only space, to avoid having to interact with femaliens.As more men do this, it will become increasingly known as a solution to men’s growing frustration of having to put up with women’s feminazi attitudes, female whining, female bickering, female gossip, female incompetence, female backstabbing.The term “gender segregating the workplace” will become increasingly familiar and will influence more men to do the same in their jobs and offices. In those groups within a middle sized or large company, which are large enough to have several groups doing similar work, it will then be possible to make comparisons between the performance levels of the male and female groups.Since men are a bit smarter than women on average, and have higher testosterone levels, making men more aggressive, dogged and persistent, it is probable, in most cases, that the male groups will outperform the female groups, which will have an effect on management’s assessment of the desirability of hiring females. They will reason that women do an inferior job as shown by these comparisons, so they will be less likely to hire women in the future for purely economic reasons.Gender segregating the workplace also sends a clear message to women that men don’t like them, and don’t want to work with them. These segregated men’s work areas are saying to women, “Your female nature is so obnoxious to men, that we choose to segregate ourselves from you, the same way blacks and whites segregate themselves from each other in the cafeteria at lunchtime.”This workplace segregation will put more pressure on women to be nicer to men, instead of the heavy feminazi crap that women are putting on men at the moment, that men are increasingly losing their patience with. Feminazis are now hated by most men, and are the first category of female to be rejected by men. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch.If the manager of a group which contains a lot of disgruntled men who are pushing for gender segregation, is a male feminist, and resists the demands of the men, then it could happen to him, that his male underlings, may complain to his boss, saying that he is not a good manager, because he refuses to allow gender segregation, resulting in a lot of resignations of capable male employees, who send emails to top management, explaining why they left the company, i.e. saying that they just got fed up with having to work with bitchy, manipulative, feminazi type females, who were a real pain in the arse.As this kind of thing keeps happening to America’s companies, management will become increasingly aware of the problem and be forced to react to it, because the economic realities that the problem tosses up will eventually manifest themselves.Those companies, particularly tech companies, that become too top heavy with females, don’t function as well, and then do not survive the competition, and eventually go bankrupt. Look at Google, which now censors, because the CEO of YouTube, which Google owns, is a Jewish feminazi. Google’s reputation of being an innovative company which had a motto “Do no harm” is now doing the opposite, and is rapidly losing its reputation, and will pay the price.The best young male computer science graduates will not want to work for Google, due to its gynocentric company psychology, and will go to more menfair companies that listen to men’s needs and wants. Google will get the reputation of being female top heavy, gynocentric, incompetent, non-innovative and will get hit hard by its shareholders. The company will start dying.As MGTOW and masculist ideas spread more into the general population, especially now that the broadcast media is starting to pay real attention to their ideas, men will be a lot more assertive about expressing their desires and wants in the workplace. Those men who have absorbed MGTOW and masculist ideas will be less tolerant of femalien, feminazi attitudes towards men, expressed by female colleagues, and will choose not to work with such women, and will want to gender segregate.If the company refuses to allow men to do this, then it risks bankruptcy as the best men of the company leave it, to find a less female top heavy work environment. These men will vote with their feet and send a message to management, “Take care of your men, i.e. your most productive workers, or you will lose them and the bottom line of your company will suffer and maybe risk going bankrupt.”Male employees need to give better feedback to management about which women in their work circle are the most oppressive, the most objectionable, so that management can get a profile of the main female offenders. Men need to be more assertive about expressing to management what is bugging them in terms of women’s behavior in the workplace.Men make up half the population and a dominant proportion of the work force, so their needs and feelings cannot be neglected. To do that, is to invite disaster, as companies then risk a drop in their reputation, e.g. Google, which has been taken over by feminazis, making a lot of the male engineers there very unhappy. A lot of them will leave in the next few years, and express their feelings on the grapevine, resulting in lower quality graduates being willing to work for “gaggling Google” i.e. a female top heavy engineering company.Men need to be able to go MGTOW at the work place the way they are doing now in ever greater numbers in their private lives. Since work is a third of your life, men need the right to tell women to go hang, and work in another room or area, if women become too obnoxious, as many feminazi influenced women now are.Correspondingly, the MGTOW movement needs to give more attention and energy to allowing men to go their own way at work, as well as in the home.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/232 A Regendering Plan (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer addresses the problem of population annihilation, due to the MGTOW boycott of paternity and women’s insistence on pursuing their careers into their 30s and only having one kid before they lose their fertility. It suggests measures governments can take by absorbing masculist ideas into their policies.A REGENDERING PLAN?This flyer is ambitious. Its goal is to find a way to reorganize the gender roles so that they are fair to men, to women, and affordable to the state, so that the primary aim is met that whole populations are not wiped out as is currently happening under the current gender roles. Things have to change.One of my favorite MGTOWs, to whom I listen every day is TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) who makes the point forcefully, that western societies are wiping themselves out by crashing the birth rate to well under replacement rate, due to the fact that women have careers, choose to establish them first, then run out of fertile years, so that they typically end up with only one kid.TFM’s draconian solution, is for men to take away women’s rights and force them back to being mothers, so that our populations are not wiped out.? I don’t agree with TFM’s solution, which strikes me as being too authoritarian and dictatorial, (for example, if he tried to impose women’s rightslessness on my sister, she would kill him) but he has made me more conscious of the problem.Something has to be done, because the current set of gender roles are not working. In fact, they are catastrophically not working, because in countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, etc., the current birthrate is about 1.3 children per woman, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1So, this flyer tosses out ideas, suggestions on how to solve this awful problem, without oppressing neither men nor women. How to do this?As a masculist, I put enormous emphasis on the importance of women pulling their financial weight, so the masculists need to push young women to FIP up, i.e. bother to get a career competent education so that they can become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults and not expect to be a fluffie (who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money, so that she can stay at home in his house that he pays for, raising her kids).The divorce laws must be made menfair so that men are prepared to be fathers again, and not face a one in four risk of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system.So as a piece of social engineering, what steps need to be undertaken, to encourage women to have more kids, so that the birth rate returns to over 2.1?How about this?! Change the social norms, such that both sexes equally, are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to be FIPs, getting a career competent education, to become FIPs as adults.Encourage women to get their university degree and then work for a few years in their career, so that they know what careering is about. By the time they are about 25-27, they then have 2 children. (Few women will want to have more, since each kid in the US costs the parents about $200,000 each.)The government gives the couple a hefty child subsidy, to encourage them to have two kids. The first subsidy is a substantial amount, and for the second child it is a lot more.The government sets up a Swedish style child care center system, so that couples can leave their young kids in a competently run day care center, so that both of them can work, when the children are still toddlers.Schools are organized, so that they become child minders till parents get home from work. With both the mother and father as FIPs, the total income should be enough for them to work reasonable hours, say 8 or less per day, so that the kids are not orphaned in the school.Parents need to be taught by the society, that divorce harms the children, to encourage those fragile marriages that are not so intolerable, that they stay together for the sake of the kids.When there is a divorce, then custody of the kids is joint automatically, so that men will not be motivated to reject marriage as is very much the case today, given the awful toxicity of marriage in today’s world, due to the hated feminazi bitches who financially massacre men in the divorce courts that the feminazis control.If the woman does not bother to get a career competent education, then in the case of a divorce, the law should be similar to what happens in China, i.e. custody of the kids goes to the father, because he has the money to take care of them.This Chinese style logic will encourage fluffie women to FIP up if they want to get their children back half time. For fluffie women who are thinking of divorcing, the prospect of losing custody of their kids, will motivate them not to divorce, and to make more effort to FIP up.The government can advertise that it is the patriotic duty of parents to have two kids, not one. It is better for the first kid, because he/she will have a sibling to play with. It is obviously better for the whole population, because it does not die out.Where will all the money come from to pay for the hefty subsidies to encourage parents to have 2 kids, to pay for the daycare centers, etc.? From extra taxes, e.g. “singles taxes” i.e. those people who choose to be childless, are forced to play their part in creating the next generation, so that populations don’t get wiped ernments can exert moral pressure on singles, so that the single person understands, that his/her individual decision to not be a parent, when multiplied by millions of people in a country, has macro consequences, i.e. the population dies out, which would be a ernments can educate women that recent research shows that women who don’t have kids are usually miserable. Women evolved to have lots of kids. Practice shows that women are happiest on the whole when they are surrounded by their kids. Governments can encourage women to be happy by having kids, and having a good education, so that they can afford to have kids, and not have to parasite off a man, which is unfair to men, and will cause men to continue the paternity ernments need to encourage women to accept equal rights with men, AND equal obligations, i.e. governments need to become a lot more masculist in their policies and attitudes. It is the responsibility of governments to promote the welfare of its citizens, both male and female. In the current age, men are too often ignored, resulting in the current rise of MGTOW, which ultimately will wipe out populations. The current gender status quo cannot continue.What’s wrong with the above skeleton ideas? How could their weaknesses be patched up?I’ll play devil’s advocate with myself and see if I can fix my own problems.What happens if too many women insist on remaining fluffies and use their female bloc vote to stop any such government plan along the above lines from being implemented?Here is where the masculists come in. Fluffies can only be fluffies if some gullible manslave is prepared to be parasited upon by her. But the supply of such manslaves is drying up due to the effectiveness of the MGTOW and masculist movements in persuading men not to go near fluffie parasites. So fluffies will soon die out.The masculists can persuade parents and teachers to put huge pressure on young women to FIP up. The masculists need to set up men’s lib groups in every high school and college, to put enormous moral pressure on fluffie class mates to FIP up or be manless, and spat at as parasitic criminals.What about the enormous expense? I think the answer is that automation, robotics, AI, are about to cause a productivity revolution, so that a modern society could afford the above program. Sure, the tax rates will go up to Scandinavian levels of more than half of your income disappearing in tax, but people will get a lot of it back in subsidies, especially if they are parents.How to change the gender laws if women bloc vote against them, preferring the current status quo, especially in the divorce courts, that are so heavily biased in women’s favor?Again, here is where the masculists save the day. The masculists can use the media to educate women, that if they don’t vote with men, to menfair the gender laws, e.g. re the divorce courts, and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), then women will continue to remain babyless, due to the MGTOW paternity boycott by men. Thus the masculists can force women, through fear of babylessness, to vote with men to menfair the gender laws.What if young women simply refuse to have more kids? How to persuade them? There are several ways. Governments can put moral pressure on them, so too can the schools and parents. Singles taxes can increase heavily to discourage singles from remaining being singles.Those women who insist on being single mothers who are fluffies can be punished by governments, by taking the children away from the mother and putting them up for adoption. Governments need to be more masculist in their thinking, and not take the women’s side all the time. Fluffiedom needs to be punished, for its criminality, for its assumption of manslavery.I hope the above ideas will stimulate you. For myself, I feel this is an ongoing work. I will very probably make more flyers on the above topic because it is of critical importance. We are talking about the preservation of whole populations, and the impact that gender roles have on that preservation or otherwise. It is a very important topic.I hope this flyer will stimulate a debate amongst both sexes and governments on how to solve the population crash problem. Obviously governments need to listen to both sexes, not just the feminists. Men are half the population. Government refusal to listen to men’s gender problems has been criminal, because neglecting men’s issues has led to the current population crash. Governments need to wake up, by having their masculist consciousnesses raised.A lot of work on the part of the masculists remains to be done in educating other men, women, and especially governments, who need to change the laws. If nothing is done, if the current grossly menunfair gender laws remain intact, then we get wiped out population wise, as the MGTOWs and men in general, continue to boycott paternity.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.1/352? Masculist Sage Duty? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer states that MGTOW masculists who have a rare talent have a moral duty to develop it to benefit the planet, rather than have that talent wasted by working for some bloody fluffie parasite, who selfishly, solipsistically wants her man to work for her to pay for her kids, and to hell with the benefits of his talent for the world.MASCULIST SAGE DUTYWhat do I mean by this title? I mean, that if a masculist is a sage (i.e. an intellectual), with a rare talent, that could be of real benefit to humanity, then he has a duty, a moral obligation, to humanity, to use it, for most of his life, to benefit humanity, and not waste years of his life paying for a bloody fluffie female, so that she can have HER kids paid for by him, living off his time and talent, so that she can have HER goals met, of having a manslave around who pays for her to have HER kids. What got me started on this flyer, was my frustration at hearing that Alma Mahler, the wife of Gustav Mahler, my favorite classical music composer, the only composer who can strongly pull my heart strings with the supreme beauty of his music, asked Mahler NOT to write his “Kindertotenlieder (Death of Children Songs) because she was superstitious, and did not want to think about the possible death of one of her two children. In Mahler’s day, a century ago, families often lost children, even half of them. (In fact, the Mahlers did lose one of their two kids.) In other words, Alma Mahler cared more about her own selfish, extremely small minded wishes, ignoring the hugely more significant benefits to humanity, that Mahler’s incredibly beautiful and poignant Kindertotenlieder would bring to not millions of people, but billions. It is this kind of small mindedness, this kind of female solipsism, that makes me so contemptuous of women’s inability to see the big picture, with their 10% smaller brains, focusing on their own small world, their household bounded horizons, and manipulating men to fulfil women’s wishes. If masculists and MGTOWs are sages, with a real gift of some sort, e.g. a very high IQ, a rare musical talent, an ability to write great novels, or design wonderful buildings etc, then it is a crime to humanity, for that man to waste his incredible talent on a bloody female. Speaking as a masculist, I think that such a man has a DUTY, i.e. a strong moral obligation, to exercise his rare talent to the full, i.e. for most of his adult life, and not have a substantial portion of his productive, creative years, wasted in earning bloody money for a bloody fluffie, so that she can have her kids paid for by a gullible, stupid manslave. If he is manslaved, then what a waste, what a terrible, tragic, humungous waste, and what a criminal the waster is, i.e. the parasitic fluffie who parasites off his money and thus destroys for the world, the potential products of his rare talent. Most women, wouldn’t give a damn about destroying the potential works of highly creative talented men. Women’s top priority is their kids, and usually don’t care about sexploiting some male, to have these men pay for them, even if at the cost of these men then not creating something that would be of great benefit to millions of other people. Women lack genius, so probably don’t understand the awful damage they are doing to men and to the planet, by killing off the talents of millions of talented men, pushing them to work for these women, giving up years of their lives in merely earning money to pay for these fluffie parasites to have HER kids. Speaking as a masculist, I’m not just morally indignant at fluffies who indirectly destroy the works of rare talent of talented men, but indignant at men too, who choose to waste their talents, just to get regular pussy from some fluffie female. Masculists need to put moral pressure, i.e. impose a DUTY on talented men to fully express that talent, by strongly encouraging such men NOT to marry, not to have kids, and to devote themselves to the development of their talent, so as to benefit the world, rather than pay for ONE woman to have her kids paid for. Such masculist/MGTOW sages, i.e. talented men, who have rejected the traditional manslave role of the man, don’t have to live sexless lives. They can twaytwef (= 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (financially independent persons)) part time, e.g. one or two evenings a week for regular sex, and if the woman starts manifesting any of the traditional negative female traits that masculists are so intolerant towards, such as nagging, controlling, irrationality, emotionality, hysterics, etc, then he can so easily just walk away, back to his own apartment, cost free to him, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP, and no child payments, because no kids. He gets the regular sex he needs, without having to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to some parasitic traditional bloody fluffie. By seeing his twaytwef partner only one or two evenings per week, for a bit of companionship and regular sex, he has the time to devote to his talent, to develop it over many years, to the great benefit of humanity. With millions of such talented men living this life style, humanity will benefit greatly from the products of their talent. So that the DNA of such rare talented men is not lost to humanity, governments can set up sperm banks for such men and advertise their talents (but not their identities) to single (hypergamous) women, whom in the future, governments may end up paying to have babies in baby farms, as the population continues to crash, as people choose to have fewer and fewer kids. Thus there are several messages to men in this flyer. One is the suggestion to men that if you are a masculist sage (intellectual) or have some other rare talent, then you do not have to be a manslave to some bloody fluffie parasite and have your life frustrated by wasting so much of it making money to pay for some female who wants HER kids paid for, by some gullible manslave. A man who has a rare talent, should develop that talent and gives its products to the world, benefiting the world, millions of people, rather than one person, i.e. the fluffie parasite wife, who benefits from this man working for her, and thus depriving the planet, millions of people, of his talent, that would be a tragic waste, and on the part of the fluffie parasite, a criminal act, which only generates contempt and hatred coming from the masculists. Another message coming from the masculists, is directed at talented men, in the form of moral pressure, i.e. imposing a DUTY on such talented men to exercise their talent to the full, by choosing a life style that allows them to do that. It is quite possible for a talented male to both devote nearly all his time and mental energy to his talent, and still get the sex he needs from women (although with the sexbots coming out now, with their ever increasing AI conversational capacity, women won’t even need to be seen only as fuckholes by men, so can be ignored completely by men.) Masculists put moral pressure, on such men, telling them that “If you have a rare talent, then don’t waste it on a bloody fluffie. Use it! Develop it! Choose a masculist MGTOW lifestyle that will allow you to develop it. You don’t have to give up on sex from women. You can twaytwef part time, and still have plenty of time and your own money to develop your talent. The great advantage for men of being MGTOW, is that men can spend their money on themselves, and hence retire young. They can save money and invest it, not frittering it away on some airheaded femalien who wants him to pay for her to have HER kids. He can retire then in his 40s or work half time while he’s young, and spend the rest of his time developing his rare talent. Such talented men, if they are health conscious, and take care of their health, can live into their 90s, so can spend half a century developing and concentrating on their talent in their long retirement. Humanity will benefit greatly from having millions of such highly talented men being free from fluffies and kids, who can devote their time and mental energy on their talent, delivering products of great creativity, ability, and usefulness to the world. Such men have a DUTY to do this, and masculists put real moral pressure on them to deliver. To waste such a rare talent on a femalien fluffie parasite is seen as a crime by masculists, i.e. a crime committed by both the fluffie parasite, and by the gullible manslave who is parasited on by her, due to him not bothering to raise his masculist consciousness and hence remain willing to have his talent wasted by being a stupid manslave.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2 Masculist MGTOW Alternative Lifestyles for Men2.2/5 “Twaytweffing” : The “2A2F” Lifestyle for the Modern Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : A flyer presenting to? MGTOWs and masculists a lifestyle that allows men to get regular sex and that forces women to be nice to them, without any toxicity that comes from a traditional man-slaving marriage.“TWAYTWEFFING”THE “2A2F” LIFESTYLE FOR THE MODERN MAN“Twaytweffing” i.e. “2A2Fing” (two apartments, two FIPs) is a lifestyle that allows men to get regular sex while avoiding the toxicity of traditional marriage due to fluffie feminists having taken over the divorce courts. It also forces women to be nice to men.Masculists are men’s libbers, doing for men what feminism does for women, i.e. fighting against sexual discrimination against men, and making men’s lives more agreeable.MGTOWs are “men going their own way”, i.e. refusing to marry and refusing to have kids. They simply walk away from the marriage market and spend their money on themselves.A FIP is a financially independent person, the type of woman that masculists demand that all women become or they will just not get a man.A fluffie is a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man.A fluffie feminist has had her feminist consciousness raised, but not her masculist consciousness. As a result by default she still has fluffie attitudes towards men, seeing them as exploitable checkbooks, to be man-enslaved into a marriage where he pays for her to be a fluffie mother.Fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts, because the gender politicians let them.Because?of this fluffie feminist divorce court takeover, tens of millions of men in the US have been financially massacred. They lose their kids, their house, and pay child support and alimony to their fluffie ex-wives.This has now caused?70% of young men under 35 in the US to refuse to marry and have kids.So how do these men who avoid marriage and fatherhood get ?regular sex?By living the “twaytwef” (“2A2F”) lifestyle, i.e. a FIP masculist/MGTOW has a relationship with a woman who is also a FIP. Both have their own apartments, hence “2A2F” (two apartments, two FIPs)The advantage for a man in twaytweffing is that when the relationship goes sour, he simply walks away, costing him nothing, no divorce, because no marriage, no kids, no alimony because the woman is a FIP.Twaytweffing forces the woman to be nice to the man, otherwise he can simply walk away (and vice versa of course).If a woman begins to show fluffie attitudes towards the man, or starts to nag, etc., the man can walk away easily. Since both are FIPs and both have their own apartment, this walking away is easy.The only thing holding the relationship together is its quality. If the quality drops, the two FIPs just walk away, cost free.This lifestyle has many advantages for the modern man who is very conscious of the toxicity of modern marriage and hence avoids it.It may take years, even a decade or two for the gender politicians to make the gender laws men fair.In the meantime, modern men can twaytwef and avoid being financially massacred by a divorcing fluffie wife in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, as well as getting regular sex.It is expected that twaytweffing will become the new norm for men until the gender politicians reform the gender laws, which they must do, otherwise the population gets wiped out within a century,?due to the birth rate crash caused by the marriage strike of the MGTOWs/masculists.Twaytweffing has a revolutionary effect on a man’s life.He can live modestly in a cheap apartment, saving and investing heavily from his FIP salary, so that he can retire very early in life, and then become an ARCer (after retirement careerer) doing what he loves, perhaps for a third to a half of his life.As an ARCer he is no longer a wage slave to some employer, and certainly no man-slave to some fluffie parasite.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/10 Secondhalver FIP Women Can Be Quite Nice? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how a man can get along quite well with a FIP woman over 40.SECONDHALVER FIP WOMEN CAN BE QUITE NICEMGTOWs give the impression that to survive as a man, you need to go your own way, i.e. without contact with women, because MGTOWs see women as dangerous, as parasitic, as taking divorcing fathers to the toxic divorce courts and financially massacring them.This flyer shows that life can be a lot pleasanter for men in the second half of life, i.e. over 40, when women?are no longer capable of reproducing, so women’s?priorities in life change. Women in their 30s however, are in the decade when their biological clocks are ticking heavily, and their genetic parasitical tendency to judge men by what resources men can give women to help them support the woman’s kids, is?at its?peak.The MGTOWs have good reason to avoid marriage and fatherhood in today’s world, because the gender politicians changed the divorce laws in the 70s which led to today’s financial massacring of men (e.g. men losing their kids with 90% probability, losing their house, paying child support to kids they barely see, and alimony to fluffie ex-wives with no legal obligation on them to become FIPs and pay their own way, so that these fluffie parasitic ex-wives continue to parasite on their ex-husbands both before and after the divorce.)MGTOWs and masculists (men’s libbers) are understandably very angry at this state of affairs, and react by rebelling against marriage and fatherhood. 70% of young men in the US under 35 refuse to marry and be fathers, so the US population will be wiped out within a century unless the gender laws are made men fair.The anger of the MGTOWs and masculists tends to dominate MGTOW/masculist thinking, but that is probably because most MGTOWs/masculists are “firsthalvers” i.e. people younger than 40, and hence at an age?when women of a similar age are in the?most parasitic phase of their lives.Secondhalver women, on the other hand have put reproduction behind them, because they have no choice. Their biological clocks have stopped ticking, so women’s priorities regarding men change. If a secondhalver woman is a FIP (financially independent person) with her own house/apartment, car, career, income, and with kids (almost) out of the house, who is single, will hope?to achieve two main things with a man, namely companionship and orgasms.So, a secondhalver man, who is also a FIP, in very similar circumstances, can live a “twaytwef” (i.e. “2A2F”) lifestyle with a secondhalver FIP woman.”2A2F” means two apartments, two FIPs. If the relationship between them fails, then they can simply both “walk away” back to their own apartments and try again if they want with someone new. Twaytweffing costs the man nothing, because there is no alimony because the woman is a FIP, there was no marriage, hence no divorce. The great advantage of twaytweffing is that it keeps both partners being polite and civil to each other. For example, if the woman starts nagging, or loses interest in sex, then the man can warn her, and if that fails, he can just quietly walk away. So can the woman.So there is a message here for firsthalver MGTOWs who see women only as parasitic beasts in their 30s, hungry to trap a man and steal his resources in the divorce courts. There is a much calmer, pleasanter life awaiting them in their secondhalver years, by?twaytweffing with a secondhalver FIP woman.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/13 ARCing (After Retirement Careering), the True Focus of a MGTOW's Masculist's Life (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describe ARCing (After Retirement Careering) which is the main focus of a MGTOW’s Masculist’s life, free from wage-slavery to an employer, and from man-slavery to a fluffie.ARCing (After Retirement Careering)The True Focus of a MGTOW’s Masculist’s LifeA revolution is underway in the average man’s life, called ARCing (after retirement careering).The traditional role of the male was to be a wage-slave to some employer, to earn his living, and to be a man-slave to a fluffie wife, to pay her to raise her kids in his house that he pays for.This traditional lifestyle is now crashing down, as the circumstances in men’s lives?have changed radically over the past few decades. The biggest change occurred in the 60s with the invention of the contraceptive pill, which allowed women to have reliable control of the number of kids they wanted. They wanted, on the whole, 0, 1 or 2, which meant that women then faced 50 years of career time, so parents began to socialize their daughters to be as much career women as their sons were raised to be career men.Women, with their contraceptive pill, their household gadgets, and higher education opportunities, poured into the work force. Some of them (i.e. those who studied career competent majors, such as the professions, or the techs, and made good money) became FIPs (financially independent persons) who did not need to parasite off a traditional man’s money. They were able to make their own good money, and could afford to buy their own middle class house to raise their kids in.The increase in the number of FIP women, freed men from the existential burden of being the sole bread winner of the family, so that he could afford to work less, have a less stressed lifestyle, and live a bit longer.Then came feminism, and the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts in the western countries. (A fluffie is a traditional woman, who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. A fluffie feminist is a woman who has had her feminist consciousness raised but not her masculist (men’s lib) consciousness raised, so by default, still has traditional fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing them as exploitable checkbooks.) The fluffie feminists persuaded the gender politicians to give them favorable status in the divorce courts, which resulted in tens of millions of US divorcing fathers being financially massacred, losing custody of their kids with 90% probability, losing their house that is taken by the ex-wife to raise HER kids in, forced to pay child support to kids he will see maybe twice a month, and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife with no legal obligation on her to become a FIP, so she continues to parasite upon him after the divorce as she did before the divorce.The toxicity of divorce to men has made them see traditional marriage as TOXIC, so now, 70% of young men under 35 in the US, refuse to marry and have kids. This will cause the US population to be wiped out within a century. Therefore it is only a question of time, before the gender politicians are forced to pass menfair gender laws, e.g. reforming divorce laws, passing a Parer (paternity rejection right). etc. But that will probably take a decade or more.The toxicity of marriage was the main reason for the rise of the MGTOW (men going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, spending their money on themselves) movement, and similarly with the masculists, who are more politically active than the MGTOWs (who merely passively walk away from the marriage market, and for some, have nothing to do with women at all, not even sexing them.)Combining the toxicity of traditional marriage with a fluffie, and the rise of FIP, career-competent women, has allowed a new lifestyle for masculists/MGTOWs, called “twaytweffing” (i.e. “2A2F”ing, i.e. two apartments, two FIPs, i.e. a relationship between a FIP man and a FIP woman, each with their own apartment, which gives them regular sex, and companionship. When the relationship goes sour, they both simply return to their own apartments, cost free, because no divorce, because no marriage, no kids, so no child support, and no alimony, because both are FIPs. If the woman starts to nag, or loses interest in sex, the man can warn her, and if that doesn’t work, he can quietly walk out the door, cost free. This ability just to walk out, puts real pressure on the woman to be polite and civil to the man, and not nag him, not try to mold him the way SHE wants. Twaytweffing keeps partners behaving civilly.Twaytweffing opens up huge possibilities for a man. He is not under pressure to buy a “Macmansion” by a fluffie wife. He can live very modestly, saving and investing heavily, so that he can retire very early in life (e.g. half way through, i.e. in his 40s), and then become an ARCer (after retirement careerer) doing what he LOVES to do, and no longer being a wage-slave to some employer, i.e. being forced to do what the employer wants and pays him to do, and no longer being a man-slave to some fluffie, parasitic wife. He is now free to pursue his own dreams, and have a new career based on what HE wants to do. This is utterly liberating for men.An ARCing male can continue to twaytwef if he wants, but many men in the final two decades or so of their lives, lose their libido, so no longer need women sexually, so many ARCing older males simply become “arcing hermits” devoting themselves entirely to their own arcing passions, and being greatly fulfilled by such a lifestyle.Hence ARCing can be seen as the main focus of a man’s life. Life can be divided into three main phases, labeled Prepping (i.e. childhood and preparing to wage, by getting an education), Waging (i.e. earning a wage, a salary, a living, to be able to save and invest, by living modestly), and ARCing (after retirement careering) living off savings from the Waging phase. By prepping well, i.e. by studying career competent majors at university, a man can earn good money as a Wager, which he can then save and invest strongly, because he lives modestly. He can then realistically retire half way through his 80 years and then begin the true focus of his life, i.e. ARCing, i.e. doing what HE loves, and being free to spend HIS time as HE chooses. Hence ARCing is the focus of his life. He preps to wage, and he wages to arc. So prepping and waging are in a manner of speaking, both prepping for his main focus in life, namely to arc. Life then for a man, is all about arcing. It is life’s focus for the modern man.Once the gender politicians finally create menfair gender laws, then more men will be prepared to “waytwef” (i.e. “1A2F”, i.e. one apartment, two FIPs, AND have kids), but that may take decades, and MGTOWs and masculists are alive now, and are impatient to increase the quality of their lives, freeing themselves from wage-slavery and man-slavery. They want to arc. They want to refocus their lives now.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/72 Twaytweffing and Kids (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses what the impact will be on child raising when twaytweffing becomes very popular with the majority of first halver (i.e. < 40) males.TWAYTWEFFING AND KIDSThis flyer talks about the impact of twaytweffing upon the raising of kids. Twaytweffing is a life style for MGTOWs/masculists who refuse to be parasited upon by fluffies. Twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) is when a FIP (financially independent person) male and a FIP female, each with their own apartment have a relationship. When the relationship usually fails, they both walk away to their own apartment, cost free for the man. There is no divorce for him, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no alimony, because his ex-girlfriend is a FIP. Twaytweffing forces the woman to be constantly nice to the man otherwise the man walks out, so easily. If she starts nagging, tries to manipulate him, or tries to extract money and resources from him, then he can very easily dump her. Twaytweffing women know this and so remain nice to men, or be dumped.Twaytweffing is a popular lifestyle with MGTOWs. I think most MGTOWs would agree with the following definition of MGTOWs, i.e. men who refuse to marry and have kids, who spend their money on themselves. Some MGTOWs/masculists are so pissed off with women, often after a string of failed relationships (e.g. a string of twaytwefs) that they decide to not have relationships with women, either temporarily or permanently.The great advantage of twaytweffing for MGTOWs, is that it gives them regular sex from a woman, that men need. Men evolved to strongly want to penis women. It is their raison d’etre. By twaytweffing, a MGTOW/masculist gets the sex he needs, without being a traditional manslave to a cursed fluffie, who will parasite off his money, and with one chance in four, financially massacre him in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. So twaytweffing for a man gives him regular sex without the cost, a huge plus.Twaytweffing is of much more relevance to first halvers than second halvers. A first halver by definition is someone under 40 years of age, i.e. they are still in the first half of their lives. Second halvers?are over 40 and because of that they tend to have different lives.Most MGTOWs are firsthalvers, so face a problem that second halver men don’t face, namely first halver men are confronted by first halver women, who have their biological clocks ticking hard, who want to have babies, and since many of them are fluffies, including most feminists, they will be looking around for some robot male manslave to parasite on so they can live in a middle class house that he pays for to raise HER kids in.In the US 40% of second halver women live alone. That’s nearly half. Obviously, these women have to have a roof over their heads, so they have their own apartments. Their biological clocks have stopped ticking, because they have become infertile. They look on men differently. So the remaining discussion will be more about first halver twaytweffer men, who reject being manslaves to fluffie women.More and more men are twaytweffing, refusing to even have sex with fluffies, preferring to have sex with FIP women, which puts even more moral pressure on fluffies to become FIP women. If they are fluffies, increasingly, they wont even be sexed by men.So, what will all these unsexed, unmanned, fluffies do with their lives? They are female, so their raison d’etre? is to have babies and raise the next generation. Evolution has powerfully selected this in all females, and human females are no exception. So when a female is into her 30s and very conscious that her reproductive time is running out (her biological clock is ticking hard) what can she do, a couple of years into the future, when the whole culture is familiar with MGTOW/masculist ideas, when the large majority of first halver men are MGTOW/masculists who refuse to have even sex, let alone a relationship, with fluffies?She will become desperate. She was lazy in her teens and 20s, studying fluffie crap (the soft option, i.e. not math and sciences) at high school and college,?so in her 30s she is earning a rather low wage. She cant afford to buy a middle class house, so she desperately looks around for some robot male manslave to parasite upon, so she can have a kid in a middle class house that the manslave pays for.Today, thanks to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. They refuse to take the risk of being one of the one in four of married fathers, who gets financially massacred by divorcing fluffie ex-wives. In a few years, that percentage will probably be over 90%, so fluffies in their 30s will be screaming for manslaves to pull them out of their poverty.But, there won’t be many manslavable men left. Nearly all young men will have seen the light and refuse to be manslaved by fluffie vermin. These men will prefer to spit at fluffies rather than pay for them. These men wont even fuck them, the ultimate insult from a man.SO, what are these fluffies to do? They will be forced to have their own kid, on?their own?poor salary. They will be poor. Their kid(s) will be poor and grow up poor, because their mothers did not bother to become FIPs when they were in their teens and 20s.Society, will point the finger at them, and accuse them of being fluffie parasites who despite their fluffie poverty, decided to go ahead anyway and have kids. These fluffie mothers will be accused of being “selfish fluffie mothers.”Many of these selfish fluffie mothers?will rely on the government to give them handouts, so they will transfer parasiting off a manslave to parasiting off the tax payers, so they remain parasites. If the government brings in a twaytwef tax, aka a bachelor’s tax, then if it becomes large enough to be really burdensome to twaytweffing males, they can always skip the country. One of the beneficial side effects of being a twaytweffer is that you are not locked into a financial cage the way a manslave robot male is. A twaytweffing male can just uproot himself and move to a poor third world country, where the cost of living is much less, IF, he has saved enough to retire, say in his 40s.The net effect of all this, is that the population will crash, until it gets so bad, that the gender politicians, so hated by the masculists, will be forced to menfair the gender laws, reforming the divorce laws to give men equal rights (e.g. joint custody?by default, no alimony, the original owner(s) keeps the house, etc.),? bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc., so that men become more prepared to be fathers.This menfairing of the gender laws HAS TO COME. It’s only a question of time. If it doesn’t come quickly, then the US population gets wiped out, and similarly in other comparable countries. IT HAS TO COME.Another net effect, is that fluffies get wiped out, which is the main point of masculist ideology. The primary political goal of the masculists (who are much more political that the politically passive MGTOWs) is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. manslavery, by wiping out fluffies, by refusing to have relationships with them, not even fucking them, giving fluffies the clear message how despised they are by MGTOWs/masculists. Masculists are the 21st century equivalent of the 19th century abolitionists in the US.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/91 Einstein Relationships (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer labels a type of borderline relationship with a woman, in which the man keeps an intellectual emotional distance from the woman due to her femalien nature and lack of interest in his intellectual existential passion(s).EINSTEIN RELATIONSHIPSThis flyer introduces and labels a type of relationship with a woman that MGTOWs/masculists might consider.An “Einstein” relationship is one in which the man does not take the woman very seriously, keeping her at an intellectual, emotional distance, but still, keeping her around for the companionship and a bit of sex. You could call it a borderline relationship, that sits on the frontier between almost bad enough to be worth dumping the woman, and less than a good relationship that is based on a real mutual respect.Why the label “Einstein” relationship? –?because that was the kind of relationship Einstein had with his second wife. To explain it, I need to explain a bit about Einstein’s first wife.When Einstein was a student in his early 20s, the only female in his physics class ended up being his wife. When? you’re as passionate about physics as Einstein was, it was intoxicating to have the possibility of being able to share your intellectual passions with a woman with whom you share your sexuality.I felt the same way in my early 20s (in the late 60s) when 2nd wave feminism was getting off the ground. I grew up in the doldrums of suburban house wife Australia. I found my own housewife mother and the mothers of my school friends all utterly boring, vapid, ignorant, ignorable fools, whom I definitely could NOT take seriously. I felt there was no way I could share my mind with them, i.e. my then love of physics. So when 2nd wave feminism came around, which was pushing women into the professions, and telling women to be adults, and not to be childlike parasites on men’s money, I was hooked. I was electrified, so of course I became an avid male feminist, because I really was fascinated by the possibility that feminism would turn women into “interesting adults” with whom I could truly share my intellectual passions, and not the vapid child women of suburban housewifery.I remember talking to my mother a bit about my passion for physics and trying to explain to her some of the core ideas of the subject (relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics, etc). She showed NO interest at all. She wasn’t the least bit interested, because it was totally outside her life experience, and it had nothing to do with people, so she seemed bored and indifferent to my intellectual passions.At the end of my first undergrad year, I met a med student woman who topped her class in physics, so I, like Einstein was excited intellectually by this woman, with whom, maybe, I might be able to share my physics passions. She liked the attention and interest I gave her, but her interest in physics was just because she was smart, and not because she had a real curiosity in the subject. Her second year med was dominated by anatomy and biochemistry, and she did equally well in those fields, again because of her intelligence. She didn’t have a driving curiosity in these fields however. The passion for these fields was lacking.Half a century later, I have come full circle in my attitudes towards the level of intellectual passion possessed by women. I’m? an intellectual misogynist. I look down on women’s minds, which I see (and know) are inferior to men’s. During that half century, I learned from science that the scientific genii are males. Men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, all the math major prizes. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women so the morons and the genii are males. Men have higher testosterone levels than women, which make men more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, and hence achieve far more, dominating the entries in the “Who’s Who?” books. Women are more wishy washy and give up difficult, demanding tasks more easily.So, for decades, I’ve resigned myself to not taking women seriously when it comes to intellect. The female contribution to world intellect is negligible, a few percent at most. Men have made nearly all the discoveries and invented all the theories. I see women having rather childlike minds, with very narrow, home oriented, horizons, who lack curiosity, and are far more focused on getting a man to pay for them to have babies so that they can fulfil their primary biological function of raising the next generation. Women evolved for that, and have the interests or lack of them, that suit them for that task.So, in the age of the contraceptive pill, with women having zero, one or two kids, how to have relationships with women? Our historical era is in a state of flux, as the old gender role assumptions are no longer valid, and the new ones have not yet settled? Lots of men are fed up with the inferiorities of females and choose only to fuck them and ignore their other traits, many of which are very negative, e.g. women’s financial parasitism, hypergamy, nagging, etc.In my own case I still live with a woman, and do so for a bit of company. I would rather have a bit of company than live totally alone. I lived alone (except for weekend visits with one of a string of serial girlfriends I had when I was living 5 years in the US as a professor). I wasn’t very happy, due partly to the fact that I was living in a small town? with Mormons whose childlike gullibility regarding their religious beliefs utterly alienated me.In my current relationship, I keep my intellectual interests (PhD level Pure Math, Math physics, and philosophy) to myself. I’m resigned that I can’t share these interests with the woman I live with, so I don’t take her seriously that way. She cooks my meals, and I was the dishes. We go for nightly walks and share an affection for our little dog.Its very much like the type of relationship that Einstein had with his second wife. His first wife got on his nerves after a few years. She failed her exams TWICE, so she was nowhere near in his intellectual league, so he distanced himself from her gradually over the years. When he started getting involved with his second wife, with whom he was related, he did not expect her to be intellectual at all. He saw her basically as a housekeeper, cook, and giving him some companionship to some expect. His primary focus was his passion for physics and math, which he did not even try to share with her, so he kept his intellectual interests and preoccupations to himself.That’s what I do, and I think so too do many MGTOWs/masculists, i.e. these men feel that they can NOT share their passions with women, because women are just not interested in these passions, whatever they are. Women are “femaliens,” they are a different species, so to speak, evolved for different purposes in life. Half-jokingly, you could say that men evolved to manipulate the world, and women evolved to manipulate men.Men are curious about the world, and how it works. Women are curious about men, and how to get them to pay for women to have babies, which is their absolute top priority, that evolution has highly selected them for. Those women who are as indifferent about having kids as are men, would have died out millions of years ago. So women are femaliens to men.Men can’t really share their intellectual passions and hobbies with women in most cases, so many men, like myself, do not take women seriously and resign ourselves to having borderline relationships with women, tolerating them just enough to stay with them for a bit of companionship and sex, but not for sharing those passions, because women just don’t have them on the whole, because women are femaliens to men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/94 Being Free : The Joys and Impact of ARCing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer emphasizes the joys and the societal, economic impact when millions of MGTOWs/masculists ARC (after retirement careering.)BEING FREE : THE JOYS AND IMPACT OF ARCINGARCing is “after retirement careering.” Many MGTOWs/masculists are ARCers, they study hard in their youth in FIP majors (FIP = financially independent person) that allow them to earn good money in careers that the economy rewards well with high salaries, e.g. the STEM fields (science, tech, engineering, math). They save hard, invest hard, live frugally, don’t spend money on women, don’t have kids, don’t have life insurance, so they save up enough to retire rather early in life, say in their 40s. By moving to a poor third world country, they can retire even earlier, because they can afford to save less and see their savings’ purchasing power multiply by moving to a country with a lower cost of living.ARCing is a popular lifestyle with MGTOWs/masculists for the above reasons. There are considerable advantages to this kind of lifestyle for men. If men can ARC for the second half of their lives, they will have a feeling of being free for half their lives, and that is important. Many MGTOWs/masculists look upon life as “all about ARCing” because that is what life is oriented towards.A male lifetime can be split into three main phases. The prepping phase (i.e. education, at primary, secondary and tertiary levels); the waging phase (i.e. earning a wage, or a salary, so that one can save in preparation for the third phase, of ARCing, in which one is free to do what one loves doing, being free of being a wage slave to some employer who dictates what the employee must do, given that the employer is paying money to the employee to do what the employer wants. The MGTOW/masculist ARCer is also free from manslavery, because he is a MGTOW/masculist, utterly rejecting the idea of working for a woman, so that she can have a kid, living in a middle class house that she raises it in, and having her and the kid(s) paid for by a manslave.As a MGTOW/masculist ARCer, you are free to do what you love doing. What you do during your day is entirely up to you to choose. Typically, if you are free to do what you want, you will choose to do something that you love, that impassions you.Some MGTOW/masculist ARCers may choose to fritter away their lives, doing nothing special, but what a waste of an ARCing life that would be. It is far more enjoyable and self-fulfilling if an ARCer (after all his investment in himself as a prepper and as a wager) decides to do something that not only he loves doing but also has some real benefit and impact on society. When one is truly dedicated to something, investing a lot of time and energy to it, doing something that is challenging and rewarding, then the satisfaction of achieving what you want, is considerable, even ennobling.I can give my own case as an example. I retired fairly early in my professorial life (63) and for the past 5+ years have been (what I call) a globacator (global educator) making YouTube lecture videos in Pure Math and Math Physics at PhD level to teach students at this level in these fields across the planet FOR FREE. I feel what I’m doing is of great significance, because it enables very bright students who are poor, across the planet, to educate themselves. Students who are smart enough to get a PhD can teach themselves. All they need is the material to do that with. I provide them with the lectures on YouTube and I make e-libraries in these fields by putting up links to books and research papers that these students can read for free.SO, you can see I feel I’m helping to revolutionize education, by making it free. It’s a win win for me. I love learning, so I learn well, because as is well known, the best way to learn something is to have to teach it. I stand in front of my white board facing my Camcorder and give lectures. Hopefully I’ll be doing this for the next 20 years if I can live long enough. (I’ll be 69 in 2016, so I hope I can still be alive in my 90s. I think I inherited my father’s longevity genes. He’s 97 in 2016, and still going strong.)What impact will millions of ARCing MGTOWs/masculists have on society? I think it will be enormous. When people are doing what they really love, their curiosity is peaked. They will be far more motivated and have the time to pursue their dreams. I see the creativity level of society sky rocketing, as millions of creative males ARC and pursue their passions.What about women, what will they do if millions of men choose to ARC half way through their lives? They will not be able to rely on men to be their manslaves. If they don’t bother?to study FIP majors, then they will become fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man), but since the supply of manslavable men is rapidly drying up, they will be poor. If they do have a kid, the kid will also be poor. So millions of women will know that if they are to have a kid?AND NOT be poor, they will be FORCED to become FIPs. They will study hard not so much to become an ARCer in the second half of?their lives, the way many men do, but to be able to afford to have a middle class house to raise the kid in, and to afford a nanny, while she’s out of the house?pursuing her career.Thus society will polarize. Men will see life as ARCing. Women will see life as becoming FIPs to be able to afford to fulfill their dream, their biological destiny, of being mothers. Women will put enormous moral pressure on men to be fathers, nagging?men,?“How selfish?men are!”?MGTOWs masculists can slam them back with the “hundred times” argument, i.e. that those women who expect men to be manslaves to?women, so women can be fluffies, parasiting on men so that women can be mothers, living in a middle class house to raise her kids in, and have her,?and the kids all paid for by her manslave, that kind of fluffying is “a hundred times more selfish!”At a macroeconomic level, I see men working less, women working more in well paid jobs, and the general creativity level skyrocketing. It is not at all sure that having millions of men ARCing will cause the GNP to fall. The productivity level of the economy will rise as people work smarter due to superior ideas and technology. There will be far less parasitism, as women are forced by MGTOWs/masculists to get off their immoral, parasitic lazy bums and pull their own financial weight, because if they don’t, no one else is going to pull it for them. A decade or more from now, most men will be on the ARCer track.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/96 ARCing and SeRCing for MGTOWs Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes life styles for MGTOWs/masculists who refuse to be manslaves to fluffie parasites. They can ARC (after retirement careering), or SeRC (semi-retirement careering) and others.ARCing?and SeRCing for MGTOWS/MASCULISTSARCing is “after retirement careering.” SeRCing is “semi-retirement careering.” Both are lifestyles suited for MGTOWs/masculists. In this flyer I will describe both, and add some alternatives.MGTOWs/masculists reject the traditional male role of being a manslave to a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man). They look at the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts which financially massacre about one married man in four, stripping him of his kids, his house, forcing him?to pay child support and often alimony to his fluffie ex wife so that she can parasite on him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.Divorce, and hence marriage, has become so toxic to males, that 70% of young men in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, thus crashing the birth rate and the population. If the current MGTOW/masculist rejection of fatherhood continues, there will be no more Americans/Japanese in a mere century.So, with men refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, a whole new gamut of lifestyles open up for men. For example, they can twaytwef. They can ARC, and they can SeRC.Twaytweffing is 2A2Fing (2 apartments, 2 FIPs), i.e. a type of relationship with a woman, in which both the man and the woman are FIPs (financially independent persons) who studied FIP majors at high school and university (e.g. STEM majors) so that as adults they are able to pay for a middle class house if they choose to. Each has their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, they both return to their apartments, at no cost to the man, because his ex girlfriend is a FIP. There is no child payment, because no kids, no alimony because the woman is a FIP. The advantages of twaytweffing are that the man gets regular sex without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to a bloody fluffie, and that it keeps the woman being nice to him (and vice versa) because she knows that if she starts nagging him, withholds sex, tries molding him the way she wants, then he can dump her so easily. Twaytweffing is a popular lifestyle for MGTOWs/masculists.ARCing is after retirement careering. Since a MGTOW/masculist does not have a fluffie parasitic wife to leech off his money, and has no kids, he has several options on how to live. He can ARC, i.e. he can become a FIP, earn good money, work hard for say two decades, saving hard, investing hard, so that by the time he is in his 40s he can afford to retire, and then spend the second half of his life being free, doing what he LOVES to do. If he moves to a poor country, he can afford to retire earlier, because the poor country will have a lower cost of living, so his savings increase their purchasing power.SeRCing is semi-retirement careering. A lot of MGTOWs masculists may prefer to work part time, for most of their lives, living VERY modestly, and spending most of their time not working, doing what they LOVE to do. For example, a MGTOW might choose to work full time on a contract for a few weeks or months, then not work for some months, until the money starts to run out, so that he goes back to work on another contract (without eating too much into his savings, if the next contract is slow in coming.) I know a guy who does this. He works in the IT (information technology) field, and seems to be able to get contracts fairly easily, since he does good work and is in demand. But his passion is making videos, so he doesn’t want to have to work full time for half of his adult life before he is free. By SeRCing, he gets to be semi free early in life. SeRCing is a very definite alternative to ARCing.There are pros and cons to each (ARCing and SeRCing). The advantage of ARCing is that by working full time early in life, one can save a lot early, and then benefit from the compound interest it earns (either in stocks or bonds, etc.) So the more one saves, the larger the proportion of time of one’s adult male life, one can be free to do what one LOVEs. If you SeRC you will save less and over your whole adult life you will be free to do what you love, for less total time than ARCing.On the other hand, if you SeRC, you get to do what you love doing early in your adult life, once you have finished your FIP major studies. It is in the interests of both ARCers and SeRCers to be FIPs, otherwise they will earn less money, because they will be paid less if they are male “fluffie crappers” studying crap at high school and university, that the economy does not value.What about other alternatives?? One could mix the two lifestyles, by adopting a type of serial ARCing, followed by a stretch of SeRCing for a few years. If you buy a bit of land, and you can grow your own food, then you might be able to live very frugally, and not have to save much at all, except for the price of the land. Perhaps you might inherit money from your parents, which allows you to retire and then do what you LOVE doing.There are probably lots of alternatives. You only have to think of them.But the bottom line is that these lifestyles offer MGTOW/masculists freedom from being manslaves to fluffie parasites. Research shows that the happiest couples are childless, and that the unhappiest couples have teenage kids, so why have kids at all.By choosing to remain childless, and hence much freer, MGTOWs/masculists can devote themselves to doing what they love. Society will thus become hugely more creative, as millions of MGTOWs/masculists devote their time to pursuing their interests, their passions, their curiosity. By inventing new things along the way, they benefit everyone.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/111 The "High from Learning" Lifestyle (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes a lifestyle for MGTOWs masculists who are sages and love learning, getting highs from learning beautiful, powerful new stuff, and want to increase the frequency of these “oh wow!” moments.THE “HIGH FROM LEARNING” LIFESTYLEThere are millions of MGTOWs/masculists around the world now, who are experimenting with new lifestyles for men, given that they have walked away from the traditional manslave role of paying for a fluffie wife.I’ve written a few flyers already on alternative lifestyles for men. This one is aimed more at the sage minority (i.e. at the sages, i.e. the intellectuals, i.e. those men who love learning, who love playing with ideas, who love getting the high from finally understanding a difficult concept or argument (theorem).I’m noticing how my current life style, that I have since retiring, is greatly superior to what I had as a waging prof. A few years back I read something that really shocked me. It was a survey on how many readers on average are there for each published research paper. The answer was ONE. That figure depressed me. It means that the vast majority of research papers are totally wasted effort. Most of research is thus wasted, going unread in most cases. I churned out 150 such research papers, that I presume were mostly unread.I only churned them out at a rate of a handful per year, because that was what the university or research lab I was working in expected and demanded – “publish or perish!”Now that I’m retired (a decade earlier than I had previously planned) my attitude to learning and researching has changed. I now learn a ton, simply because I LOVE IT.I go to the neighboring park afternoons, with my camp chair and a handful of books, (mostly on pure math and math physics) and study them, for two main reasons, one is that I just love this stuff. I love learning, about how the world works, from physics, and the sheer beauty and power of pure math, and the other is to acquire the knowledge to make YouTube lecture videos in what I study. The best way to learn something is to have to study it!With physics I will often have “religious experiences” as I learn increasingly how mathematical the laws of physics are. My growing suspicion, based on my physics and math knowledge,?is that the laws of physics have been DESIGNED by a hyper-intelligence. Since I’m the “father of the intellect” I’m very conscious of the concept of hyper intelligence, i.e. of creatures with intelligence levels?trillions of trillions of times above the human level.For example, way back when I learned that the elementary particles could be classified by using an obscure branch of masters level pure math, called? representation theory of SU(3) Lie algebras, the obvious question occurred to me. Why do the particles obey such mathematical laws? More recently, I learned that the largest of the finite simple groups, the “Monster Group” with 10 to the power 54 elements, plays an intimate role in a 26 dimensional string theory. Last year I learned that a kind of error checking code (a la computer science) is built into the laws of string theory. Jesus Christ! You see what I mean.Now with math, the high I get is even stronger,?after?having struggled with a beautiful and difficult theorem. I was?a PhDed full prof in computer science, pure math and math physics, so I’m no dummy, but I’m no genius either. As a prof I’m studying the works of male mathematicians who ARE real genii, who give me what I call “brain-strain.” These guys have IQs that make them one in a billion, so it’s a real effort to finally master what they are proving.BUT, once that happens, and the penny drops, the high is FANTASTIC. I love the “Oh wow!” feeling I get, and want to have that feeling often, daily if possible. Part of the reason for the high, is that you know that the mathematical knowledge you learn is forever. That is the nature of math. Once someone proves something, that proof never goes away. When Euclid proved that there are an infinite number of primes, his proof is eternal.Learning a new eternal truth in math, gives a mathematically minded person a real high.SO, I want to live a lifestyle that allows me to have such experiences often, which brings me to a new(?) lifestyle that I call the “high from learning” lifestyle.You need to be sage type person though. Such a lifestyle would not work with the type of people who play cards all day on the ground floor of my apartment building. You need to be smart enough to be able to absorb and understand the works of male genii.But, given that, how to arrange a life style, that allows you to concentrate on learning what YOU want to learn, and not be a wage slave to some university, churning out unread research paper crap just to stay employed?By being an ARCer (after retirement careerer). You get a good education, studying FIP (financially independent person) majors in high school and college, so that you graduate with a real skill that the economy values and pays good salaries for. Don’t marry, don’t have kids, work hard, save and invest hard, live frugally, and pile up your money so that you can retire early, in your 30s or 40s, move to a poor foreign country, where the cost of living is much lower, so that your savings increase their purchasing power by a factor of 10, then retire.Now, you’re an ARCer. You’re free to do what you LOVE. If you’re a sage type and you love learning, then you can sage all day, having highs, as you learn one jewel of knowledge after another. This is what I do now, and have been doing it for 6 years.I then try to convey that high experience to my students who follow me on my YouTube lectures that I make. My plan over the next 20 years, if I can live that long (my father is 97 in 2016, and I’m nearly 70, and think I have inherited his longevity genes) is to make YouTube lecture videos in their 100s on PhD level Pure Math and Math Physics topics for PhD level students all over the world FOR FREE. I’m hoping to revolutionize high level education by doing this. I also make e-libraries of books on these topics.When a prof truly loves the topic he is teaching, it shows. Students sense the enthusiasm, and get caught up in it as well. It also gives me a sense of power. That’s not new to me. There were times as a waging prof when I felt frightened by the power I had over students’ lives. My grading of them determined the quality of their lives. Some I failed, who then got booted out of the university, crushing their hopes and dreams.But knowing that I’m filming ideas that I love, and that potentially a million PhD level students one day might be studying them after I’m long dead (YouTube videos are forever, hopefully) is an intoxicating feeling.So, to some of you reading this who are also sages, this “high from learning” lifestyle might appeal to you. To adopt it, and if you are young, you will need to ARC (or at least SeRC, i.e. semi-retired careering, i.e. working part time, and spending the rest of your time doing what you love, living very modestly as a MGTOW, not spending money on a female, nor a kid, but just to cover your meager expenses. You could describe yourself as a kind of “intellectual monk” but that’s not to say you have to forego sex. You can have a relationship with a FIP woman who has her own apartment, and get regular sex from her that way, if you can find one.There are millions of profs in the world, who might like to take up the “high from learning” lifestyle. As they become MGTOWs/masculists they will not lose their sage genes. They will still be hungry to learn. Increasing the frequency of their “oh wow!” moments makes this lifestyle very attractive. I love it, I hope some of you will too.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/115 MGMTOW : Men Going Mostly Their Own Way (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes my own lifestyle, that is not fully MGTOW, nor purple pill either.MGMTOW : MEN GOING MOSTLY THEIR OWN WAYI’ve been writing a few flyers lately on alternative life styles for men, once they have decided not to marry, not to have kids, and to spend their money on themselves.In this flyer, I will talk about an alternative lifestyle that I live that I call MGMTOW. It’s not what the MGTOWs call purple pill (which is a man who’s had his red pill consciousness raised, but is still in a traditional marriage.) My life style is definitely a bit purplish, in the sense that I have a (Chinese) wife, but it’s so red in many respects, that I’ve given it a different label to distinguish it from an ordinary purple pill lifestyle.I have a Chinese wife, who annoys me enough to make the whole relationship border line. But I still need a green card (hopefully in a few months) and I’m still concerned about the full impact of living alone for the next 20 years, in a third world shithole culture?(if I can stay alive that long, given I’m nearly 70). So what I do, on a day to day routine basis, is the following (i.e. my daily routine). I’m retired, so I largely do what I like. I wake up around 10am, my wife cooks me breakfast (I wash the dishes), I look at my email, then take a pile of math and physics books and the dog to the neighboring park with my camp chair and study them, annotate them, until about 6pm.I then return home and write a flyer to Sandman’s and TFM’s channel. That takes about 2 hours. Then I watch YouTube lecture videos on the dollar crash, Jewish banksters, cosmology, advanced physics, etc. till midnight, when my wife, whose apartment I live in (who is a professor FIP, with her own apartment, car, pension plan, etc.) turns off the internet so that I can’t work late into the night, which is my preference. I like the calm of the night and work better at night, but she dictates to me. I can’t tell her to fuck off, because she would tell me the same, and I’d have to leave the country. From midnight to about 2am I read math, but mostly philosophy. (My three favorite topics are math, physics, and philosophy.)Since my previous Chinese wife stole half my savings, I don’t have a lot of money left for the next 20 years of retired life, so I need to stay in a poor country to take advantage of the low cost of living. I have a very low opinion of the Chinese, having lived 10 years in this dump, but I have arranged a life style that suits me fine, as described above.I communicate with my Chinese wife only a few minutes a day. The main social activity we share is taking the dog for an hour’s evening walk. When we return home, she goes to her room and watches 80 IQ soaps on her iPad (I kid you not. She is a professor, yet she spends her day watching soaps and pulling out grey hairs – a real vegetable in my eyes, while I’m studying PhD level math and physics.)Her idea of something interesting is a marked change in the price of something she buys regularly at the supermarket. The woman has such a childlike mind, that I wonder how she ever became a professor in the first place. She seems genuinely interested in such trivia. I just partially ignore her, giving her just enough attention so that she doesn’t kick me out. I suspect that she would rather have me around than be totally alone. She’s mid-50s, rather fat, so if I leave, she will probably go manless for the rest of her life. I think that idea scares her.If/when I get my green card, I need to ask myself carefully, do I want to put up with this femalien for the rest of my life? I do get some advantages from it. I don’t pay rent. I get my meals cooked (in exchange for me washing the dishes) and I do get some company.I lived 4 years alone in a Mormon small university town in Utah in the 2000s, and was not happy, so I don’t underestimate the loneliness problem. (I felt totally alienated from the goddamned (sic) Mormons and fled weekends to Salt Lake City to escape them every weekend.) Human communication is as much a basic need as sex is for men, so in practice I compromise. I live the MGMTOW lifestyle.I can put up with this femalien, this child woman, whom I don’t take seriously, whose mind seems to be in a vegetative state, who has such a narrow view of the world, uncurious, untraveled (not even to nearby Hong Kong), doesn’t read serious books, yet she is a professor. I suspect she has two lives, her working life, where her brain switches on, and her home life, where it switches off, to a man’s detriment, i.e. me.Given that I interact with her only an hour a day, and even then I walk ahead of her because she is fat and slow, so I can tolerate my MGMTOW lifestyle which costs me only a few minutes a day of talking with this child woman. At least she’s a FIP. I don’t have to worry about some fluffie parasite stealing my money again, like my previous Chinese wife (and I couldn’t get it back because the Chinese courts favor their own citizens, and she was the daughter of a general who was on the long march with Mao, so she probably used guanxi (string pulling) with the CCP!)So, I’m in a borderline marriage, with a FIP, with whom I barely communicate, and cant share my brain with at all. (How many women on the earth call learning PhD level pure math and math physics as fun??!!) There’s no sex. Once she started seeing me as rather poor, the hypergamy in her kicked in, and the sex dried up. We sleep in different rooms, so my overall contact with her is almost nil. There’s just enough contact to overcome the loneliness feelings, so we may just decide to stay in this MGMTOW relationship for years.But 20 more years is a long time, so if I get my green card, and my father’s inheritance, then I may decide to change my lifestyle. I will only live once, so don’t want to be miserable, but I’m not miserable –?only when she pisses me off with her childmind bullshit. Most of the day I’m free to do what I love, which is learn PhD level pure math and math physics, which I then put into YouTube lecture videos for the world, so PhD level students can teach themselves for free. I feel this is highly significant and gives me real purpose and drive.This is a task that will take me decades, and?is extremely challenging because I’m not a genius. I don’t have a 180 IQ that would allow me to rip through all this heavy stuff with ease. I get brain strain every day, and have to work hard at it, to make it unconscious and intuitive. But I LOVE IT. I love learning how the world works, and I love the beauty and power of pure math. I’m in awe at what genii males are capable of, dreaming up their mathematical structures. I love seeing them build their cathedrals of mathematical logic, reveling in their genius, that I’m smart enough to understand, but not able to compete with them. These guys are one in a billion (with a b).So I go my own way, most of the time, doing what I love, not paying for a woman, with no risk of being financially massacred in a divorce court because my Chinese wife is a FIP and a professor. Its a tolerable lifestyle that I just might keep doing until I drop. Who knows??Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/124 Should MGTOWs Masculists Tway with Fluffies? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses the question whether MGTOWs/masculists should tolerate having a “tway” (2A = two apartment) relationship with a fluffie. What are the pros and cons?SHOULD A MGTOW MASCULIST TWAY WITH A FLUFFIE?This title needs some explanation, even to people who have read most of my MGTOW/masculist flyers.My first thought for the title was “Should a MGTOW masculist twaytwef with a fluffie?”, but that would be an oxymoron, because the very definition of twaytweffing is that the woman a FIP MGTOW/masculist twaytwefs with, is a FIP, i.e. not just two apartments, but also two FIPs.So twaytwef became simply “tway” i.e. 2A = two apartments. So twaying is just a relationship where the man and the woman have their own apartment each, but with no emphasis on the idea that the woman should be a FIP (financially independent person). The motivation behind the title came from a “devil’s advocate” type question – “If the couple have their own apartment each, then if the woman is a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’ money) does that matter much to the twaying man?” You could argue that the answer is no, because if the woman starts putting pressure on the man to give her money, then he can simply dump her the way a twaytweffing man could do with his FIP girlfriend, so is there any point in making the distinction between FIP and fluffie status for the girlfriend? Discussing this question is what this flyer is about, i.e. talking about the pros and cons of twaying vs. twaytweffing, i.e. insisting or not insisting on the woman being a FIP.So there seem to be two possibilities, two viewpoints here, so I’ll take both points of view and try to justify them both, starting with twaying, i.e. where the girlfriend is a fluffie.If the MGTOW/masculist sees women largely as vaginas, as sex objects, then it doesn’t matter much whether he tways or twaytwefs. A hole is a hole. When the woman starts behaving like a fluffie, putting pressure on him to have a baby, or to give her money, or starting to behave like a child, not taking responsibility for her life, nagging, playing the blame game, etc., then he can quickly dump her, because she has her own apartment. So I can imagine there are a lot of MGTOWs/masculists are so pissed off with women, that they see women only as cunts, in the literal sense (and in many cases, both.) To such men, they may operate on a policy of pump and dump at a relatively high frequency (with all the risks of getting an STD, that having many sex partners implies, which is always the downside of rapid pumping and dumping.)The other big down side with twaying is the respect issue. If the MGTOW/masculist is a real FIP and accepts as his main life focus, that women should be FIPs, and be responsible adults, then even a few weeks or months with a fluffie may be painful, even if the sex is good and exciting due to its newness. The weeks or months during which the relationship sours due to the contempt that the man has towards the woman because of her fluffie attitudes, make for an unpleasant fraction of his time. If a man is spending let’s say, a quarter of his time in the negative portion of the relationship, then that’s a lot, which could be avoided to a large extent by twaytweffing.Twaytweffing will give the man a higher chance of him respecting the woman, who by definition is a FIP. She will be much more adult, and responsible, behaving much more as an adult, not nagging him as much if at all, and certainly will not badger him to spend money on her. So the twaytweffing MGTOW/masculist is likely to have a better quality relationship with the FIP woman that the fluffie.There is also the consideration of the after-effect, i.e. what happens after the man dumps the woman. A fluffie is probably more likely to feel she is a victim and has been wronged by the man than will a FIP woman. Fluffie women are more likely to have childminds, putting the blame for their condition on anyone else but themselves. So the man may get more flak (perhaps even more legal flak) from a fluffie than a FIP woman. That possibility should not be discounted.But you may say, a FIP woman, and a fluffie are both women, and are genetically programmed to want kids, especially when their biological clocks are ticking in their 30s, so the man needs to take certain basic precautions, i.e. always use a condom, so that he cannot be lied to by a woman (fluffie or FIP) that she’s taking the pill, who is desperate to have a baby while she still can, in the last few years of her fertility window. The man should also quickly flush the condom down the toilet so his sperm is gone and cannot be sperm jacked by a criminally dishonest woman, who then may force a paternity suit on him. When it comes to having a kid, women are not to be trusted.Another aspect of a twaytwef relationship is the possibility of greater compatibility. A man who tways just for the sex, may be prepared to sex a woman who is very fuckable, with lovely curves and a grippy, creamy cunt, but looks down on her for her lower IQ, class, status, etc., and hence not benefit from a relationship with a FIP woman who is more likely to be his match, i.e. compatible with him, sharing basic attitudes, particularly regarding FIPdom, i.e. feeling the moral obligation for a woman to pull her financial weight, and not parasite on a man. A FIP woman will probably be brighter than a fluffie, simply because she if FIP, she probably selected herself in wanting to have her own career, and got a decent education to do that, etc. A smarter woman, so long as she is not 5+ IQ points smarter than him, will probably be more interesting, and compatible for him. (Actually, research shows that if the IQ gap within a couple is over 5 IQ points, then the relationship usually dies. People are highly sensitive to their partner’s IQ.)Personally, I can’t suffer fools. If a woman is an ignorant illogical idiot, she is quickly out the door for me. I would prefer to twaytwef than tway. Sex is just a few hours, and then what. What do you talk about? If the woman is truly thick, although deliciously curvy, then boredom will set in fast. I could not pretend to be interested in her female prattle about her clothes, shoes, previous boyfriends, next trip, etc. Now if she could talk in an informed way about ideas, if she reads serious books, then I would be a lot more interested, but truly thinking females are rare, unfortunately, so many decades ago I resigned myself to the bitter reality that feminism was incapable of making women “interesting” i.e. really worth talking with, having a stimulating, interesting, engaging, informative conversation with, the way I do with my few male friends whose intellects I really respect. I rarely have that experience with women. For me, women are truly the inferior sex.So in my book, the closest to ever getting to a “mindfucking” relationship with a woman would be to twaytwef. Twaying alone, would be a nonstarter for me. I couldn’t tolerate sticking my dick in a cunty fool. That would be passionless.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/135 MGTOW-Masculism for Second Halver (>40) Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer introduces MGTOW-Masculist ideas to second halver (> 40) men, dividing this category into two, the third quarter males and the fourth quarter males, which each have their own gender issues, as a function of their age range.MGTOW-MASCULISM FOR SECOND HALVER (> 40) MALESSecond halver males are males older than 40. I divide this group into “third quarter” and “fourth quarter” males, where third quarter males age between 40 and 65, and fourth quarter males 65-90+.One of the frustrating aspects of the MGTOW movement for a fourth quarter male like me is that most of them are kids, in their 20s and 30s, i.e. younger than my own son, who is 40 in 2016. First halver MGTOWs (i.e. MGTOWs younger than 40) have gender problems that differ quite a bit from those of second halver males. Since most of the MGTOW YouTube content providers are first halvers, they tend to neglect the gender issues of the second halver MGTOWs (due to lack of life experience, being too young) so this flyer is aimed at the second halver males.I will begin by making some general remarks about the major differences in gender problems that first halver males have compared with second halver males, then I’ll talk about the MGTOW/masculist issues relevant to third quarter males, and then to fourth quarter males, which also differ from each other.The big difference between the lives of first halver males and second halver males is that the women they interact with tend to split into two major camps, i.e. those who are fertile and those who are post fertile. Adult women under 40 tend to be fertile and have a very different agenda regarding men compared with post fertile women, who look on men quite differently.A first halver fluffie woman will look upon a man as a cash machine, whom she wants to pay for her to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in. She will judge men by their (s)exploitability. If a man is poor in her eyes, she will have no interest in him, because he has little to be exploited from by her. Fluffies are the enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists and is a subject beaten to death.Second halver women, on the other hand are no longer looking for a man to get pregnant with, for the simple reason, that her fertility window has closed, so her psychology, her attitude, towards men changes. She will see men more as a source for companionship and orgasms. That is not to say that there are no second halver fluffies. There certainly are, and third quarter males need to be very careful interacting with them, if at all, because these second halver fluffies will often be single moms, poor, and desperately looking out for some sucker manslave to pay for her.Third quarter males should listen to the lessons of first halver MGTOWs/masculists and avoid single mom fluffies like the plague. What man wants to pay to raise some other guy’s kid?Second halver men can live the same kind of lifestyle as first halver MGTOWs/masculists by twaytweffing, i.e. “2A2F”ing (= two apartments, two FIPs), a relationship where the man and the woman are both FIPs (financially independent persons) and both have their own apartment. The advantages of this lifestyle for men is the same for both first and second halver men, i.e. when the relationship sours, both the FIP man and the FIP woman walk away to their own apartment, cost free to the man.Twaytweffing has the other major advantage that it keeps the woman being nice to the man, otherwise he can so easily walk away, and she knows that, so she will be powerfully motivated not to nag, not to deprive him of sex, not to try to mold him, etc. This twaytweffing lifestyle remains a good bet for men of all ages, and is highly recommended by MGTOWs/masculists, for men who want regular sex from a woman, and a bit of female company.An older third quarter male, say in his 50s, will be in his “decade of mastery” in terms of his career performance, and be earning at his maximum, so may be targeted by fluffies in their 40s or even 30s. Such men should be very careful with such women. In fact, a simple rule of thumb is to avoid fluffies altogether, which is part of general MGTOW/masculist ideology, of letting fluffies rot on the shelf to extinction, as punishment for being manslavers, instead of getting off their parasitic bums and making the effort to become FIPs, by studying FIP majors (math and the sciences) at high school and college.Third quarter FIP women, tend to have their own careers, their own house, their own lives, with kids off their hands, and do not see men so much as exploitable cash machines, the way first halver women do. They are often quite happy to just share their lives with a man of comparable compatibility, status and income. They do not want to live out the rest of their lives alone, and truly relish what men can give them, i.e. a cure for their loneliness and regular orgasms, but then again, men should not move in to her house or vice versa, because that will only invite her to relax and to allow her true female nature to emerge, i.e. she may nag, withhold sex, mold him, etc. Twaytweffing stops all that.Those MGTOWs/masculists who studied hard in their youth, got good jobs, saved hard, invested well, lived frugally, can then become ARCers (after retirement careerers) early in life, say in their 40s or 50s and then retire and do what they love for the rest of their life. Such male ARCers can also twaytwef with a FIP woman, although it might be harder to find a woman who is prepared to twaytwef with him, if he is rather poor, preferring to spend his savings modestly, so that it lasts for the rest of his life. Women, after all, evolved to be hypergamous and to look on men as cash machines (protein providers).Fourth quarter males, 65-90+ differ from third quarter males in that their testosterone levels have gone down a lot, so they are much less “cunt driven” than younger men, so they have the luxury to ignore women entirely, if they choose. They can readily argue, that they no longer need women sexually, so they don’t need women, period! They may say that women are femaliens, with nagging childlike minds, so have little in common with men, so why bother with them at all – so that many fourth quarter MGTOW/masculist males may live totally alone, like my father, who is 97 in 2016, and has lived alone since he was 67. He was so pissed off with his first and only wife, he did not want to repeat the experience again. I may go the same way, and I’m into my fourth wife.On the other hand, many fourth quarter men, may like to have a bit of female company, because fourth quarter women are hormonally closest to men at that age than at any other time in their female lives, because they are post-menopausal, and calm, more logical, and think like a man. Quite a few old couples seem very happy together, because there are no quarrels, no exploitation. For some fourth quarter males, this is an option, and twaytweffing may not even be necessary, if the woman becomes very hormonally like the man. But moving in together at any age is risky for the man. Females are females and have different DNA. They are femaliens, so having your own apartment as a man has major advantages. You have the option to move to your own space, if the woman you are with, really gets on your nerves.I hope more older MGTOWs/masculists will contribute to creating content for the second halver MGTOWs/masculists, because there is precious little “out there.” I hope this flyer has been helpful to some of the older MGTOWs/masculists who are rebelling against being manslaves to bloody fluffies.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/147 MGTOW and Loneliness (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes how a MGTOW can compromise to some extent with a woman by skype-ing her at a distance on a regular basis, thus getting a bit of female company without having a live-in nagging bitch on your butt.MGTOW and LONELINESSI’m seriously considering going MGTOW this year. It’s not certain, but if my current Chinese wife stays the same as she has been for the past few years, then I do not want to spend the rest of my life living with a MOB (money over brains), bad tempered bitch. I would rather go MGTOW. I’m nearing 70, my libido has pretty well dried up, so I don’t need a woman sexually any more, even masturbation is becoming more and more infrequent due to lack of testosterone, a phenomenon fairly typical of men in their 70s. I can’t share my intellectual interests (PhD level pure math, and math physics and teaching these topics in YouTube lecture videos to generate free education for the planet) with women, since women are not good at these topics and are not interested, plus the fact that women nag, so why bother with women?!I’m taking this question more and more seriously. I can look at my father, who has been MGTOW for 30 years, and seems quite happy. My mother was a real nagging bitch, with whom I at 18 had real verbal confrontations with, and so did my younger sister (which came to physical violence with her mother, she told me.) I can understand why my father preferred to go MGTOW when she died and enjoyed a nagless existence from then on. He has not had a single girlfriend since then, i.e. over a period of 3 decades. My one concern is that if I do go MGTOW, given that I live in China, and have not bothered to master the language, due to the horrible intellectual poverty of this culture (e.g. a pathetic one science Nobel prize winner, no world class intellectuals preaching their new ideas on the world stage, ultra conservative, the only country in the world that does not use an alphabet. No one reads in China, so different from Japan where I lived in the 90s. If you’re in a bus, train, in the park in China, no one reads. If you do the same in Japan, half the people will be reading, which is a major reason why Japan shits on China as a grossly inferior country. A country that does not read, will remain ignorant, backward and poor, as China is.) So, I have not bothered mastering the Chinese language nor its stupid, archaic writing system that requires memorizing 1000s of squiggles instead of two dozen letters. There will be no reward, no payback, for me to spend so much time learning this inferior writing system, because the culture is so intellectually impoverished, so lacking in modern new ideas, remaining totally parasitic on the west for its ideas, because it is incapable of generating any themselves. For me the only good thing about China is its poverty. It is cheap to live here, so my US pension fund nest egg goes 6 times further, due to my higher purchasing power. Now I could live in any other third world dump of a country, so why China? Well, at least China has some redeeming features. It has an average IQ of 105, so is smarter on average than Europeans and Americans, and is growing fast, so is already the largest economy in the world, and will dominate the 21st century with its 1.4B people.But, living in such a culture is painful, when I have to interact with Chinese, so a decade ago, I learned simply not to interact with them in order to stay relatively sane, calm, and unstressed. If I go MGTOW in China, I may have nobody to chat with, and that could be a problem, so I have mixed feelings about going MGTOW as a westerner in China, as a top worlder in the third world. (By top worlder, I mean I speak the 3 languages of the world’s top 4 cultures, US, Germany, UK, France.)But, there may be a solution, a suggestion, an idea, which might be of interest to MGTOWs reading this.I lived for 8 years in Japan in the 90s. For most of that time I had a Japanese girlfriend with whom I relied upon for most of my social life. We used to chat on the phone each weekday at the end of the working day for an hour. Saturday afternoons, we visited interesting places in Japan, and met face to face once during the week. We kept this up for 8 years, even a year (using skype) while I was a prof in the US, until she said I would have to work for her if she came to live to the US.At that suggestion I exploded at her as a masculist, telling her in verbally brutal terms “Go back to Japan you fucking Jap. I’m not going to be enslaved by a bloody female. Go back to your gender backward shithole!” and that was the end of that relationship.We exchanged a few emails over the years since then, in which she says she is lonely. She has 2 sons and grandkids, so she is not totally alone.My possible decision to go MGTOW this year will be influenced by several other factors, i.e. how my current Chinese wife will behave once her menopausal craziness stops and she becomes hormonally calm, like a man. If she stops her monthly moodiness, then I can tolerate her, and it’s nice to have a bit of company when she’s calm and logically reasonable. I don’t tolerate female hysterics. I had too much of that with my damned mother, and as an adult, I will not be oppressed by a female like that again. I’m pretty sure my father thinks the same, because he has not had a girlfriend since she died three decades ago. It’s nice to have someone to go on nightly walks with, with the dog, and to chat a bit with, so if my current wife does become calm, once her menopause finally finishes, then I may just stay with her.If she continues to be bad tempered bitch, i.e. if it’s her nature not to be calm, and remains a stressing pain in the arse, then I will leave her. Millions of men do this, which accounts partly why 40% of women in the US over 40, live alone. These women are being punished for being so unnice to men, resulting in men getting fed up with them and eventually deciding to leave them, to dump them, so that these women then rot on the shelf, leading lonely miserable manless, loveless, sexless half-lives.If my Chinese wife does calm down, and becomes tolerable to be with, then I won’t move out, but if I do move out, then I may face a loneliness problem, particularly given that I’m a top worlder living in the Chinese shithole, not interacting with Chinese, because doing so is too often very painful. The Chinese hate my condescension, and I hate the massive Chinese inferiorities (e.g. its brutal dictatorship, 1000 laogai (concentration camps for political prisoners), 80 million Chinese killed by Mao, internet censorship, intellectually sterile, uncreative, etc.)So my idea is, to recontact my Japanese ex-girlfriend, and to skype with her on a regular basis, if she is free and willing. We did that together for 8 years and it was very successful. We both enjoyed it, and always had plenty of things to chat about. We enjoyed each other’s company. It was a pity that she had imbibed Jap gender roles, expecting a man to be her manslave, that exploded the relationship at the end. The Japs are known for their lack of creativity (scoring on average a standard deviation and a half lower on creativity tests than comparably advanced cultures) so it’s not surprising that their gender roles are half a century behind the west, with their salary men working 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, handing over their salaries to their fluffie housewives. In Japan, the husbands overwork, and the wives play tennis. There is such a high degree of manslavery in Japan, that the young male generation is ?refusing that role in droves. Two thirds of young Japanese men under 35 now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.The Japanese population has already started to fall, from 128M at its height to 127M today, and projected to fall by a third in the next few decades as the baby boomers die off. The current birth rate in Japan is 1.4, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1, so Japan is doomed. Do the math.My Japanese ex-girlfriend is a product of her culture and imbibed her culture’s expectations that women have of men, i.e. that men work for women, that men are manslaves for women. As a masculist I utterly reject that and it was that fundamental disagreement in gender role expectations that explosively blew us apart.But, if we skype each other regularly, then we may both overcome our loneliness problems, without having to bother about gender roles. I will stay in China, because its poor and I can live off my savings and not have to get a paid job so that I can concentrate on being a globacator (global educator) which is what I love doing, and she will stay in Japan. We can socialize regularly by using skype (perhaps daily) on the internet.That might solve several problems and help keep me sane. It’s a definite possibility, because it worked so well in the 90s.So, to my MGTOW readers, consider the above idea as a way to be MGTOW and to benefit from some female company. MGTOWs are human beings, and human beings are social creatures. There are very few true hermits. We have a human need to be social, so by having a “skype girlfriend” one can benefit from the positive features that the MGTOW lifestyle offers, yet still have a bit of female company, which is quite a good compromise in my view. Consider it!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/160 Career Brainwashing, the Paternity Strike, and China (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about the lack of MGTOW/masculist movements (or any movements, for that matter) in China, so that Chinese men remain manslaves to lazy parasitic fluffie wives. When China democratizes, Chinese men will be shocked by western MGTOW/masculist ideas.CAREER BRAINWASHING, the PATERNITY STRIKE, and CHINAI spend my afternoons in one of several local parks or wooded areas, studying pure math in my camp chair and the dog. I stare out at the workmen and the people shopping at the hypermarket whose wooded area is quiet and rustic. I look at these people, especially the young male executives of the hypermarket and wonder if they are even aware of the cosmic shifts that are now taking place in young western male minds.China has a government that tries to keep the Chinese people largely unexposed to western democratic ideas. The Chinese government bans foreign television from entering the homes of the Chinese. It has a monopoly over the content on TV that the Chinese are allowed to see. (There is no zapping of international TV channels in Chinese living rooms.) It censors the internet. YouTube, Facebook, WordPress, etc are blocked, so you have to use a VPN and pay for it to get round Chinese censorship. The government pumps its people full of Chinese nationalistic propaganda, trying to persuade the Chinese people that China is a wonderful place, with remarkable achievements, but as any cosmopolitan knows, China is to Japan, as East Germany was to West Germany, or North Korea is to South Korea. China is a poor dictatorship, with a living standard 5 times lower than Japan’s. When Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader who took over from Mao, went on a visit to Japan, he was deeply shocked. He saw with his own eyes how much further developed Japan was compared to China’s backwardness, that he became determined to bring China into the modern age, so he brought back the market place to the Chinese economy, and the country has been booming for nearly 4 decades as a result.China may be a rising economic superpower, but it is still today very much a pygmy nation intellectually. The Chinese are still iggloberates (i.e. cut off from world culture, living in a narrow Chinese world carved out for them by its government.) I look at these young Chinese men, executives in their 20s and 30s most of them, a few in their 40s, and think to myself, “What are their goals in life? How strongly have they been brainwashed that their primary function is to be manslaves to women, to pay for women to raise kids in a middle class apartment that he pays for?”These young Chinese kids have very narrow horizons, and that is the way their government wants them to be. That reality then makes me think, “My god, when the world does finally open up to these young Chinese men, they will get a shock. Their unquestioned, unconscious assumptions about life will be shaken to the core. Young men in the rich, developed, democratic, countries are now mostly participating in the paternity strike. In Japan and the US for example, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, refusing to be manslaves to parasitic, lazy, fluffie wives.Ironically, in China, men have a much better time of it in some ways, because there is no feminist movement in China, for the simple reason there is no any movement in China. The Chinese government keeps such a tight lid on the Chinese population that they are not allowed to form organizations without permission of the government. There is nothing in the way of real feminism in China, so there have been no western style takeovers by fluffie feminists of the divorce courts, so that a Chinese man, when he divorces, will get custody of the kid, IF the ex-wife is a fluffie with a poor salary, for the simple reason that he has the money to pay for the kid. (In China, there is one kid maximum per family.)So Chinese divorced fathers do not get financially massacred the way western fathers do when they divorce, thanks to the gender injustice of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts in western countries.But, the Chinese are not a creative people. They are ultra conservative. They are for example, the only country in the world not to use an alphabet. They use their ancient squiggle writing, where you have to learn 1000s of squiggles to be able to write, instead of a hugely simpler and far more intelligent system of using an alphabet, with its two dozen letters, the way the rest of the world does. China is intellectually sterile. It has no world class intellectuals pushing original ideas on the world stage. Most Chinese don’t even know such a stage exists, they are such iggloberates. That is changing now that over 100M Chinese tourists are traveling internationally each year, bringing back democratic ideas from their experiences in foreign neighboring countries. China has won a pathetic one science Nobel Prize. It is indeed effectively, intellectually sterile.As a result of this sterility, Chinese males are powerfully brainwashed that their mission in life is to become a manslave to Chinese fluffies, to pay her to raise her kids. Since there are no organizations in China to speak of, there is no MGTOW nor masculist movement in China, so Chinese men remain stuck in the manslavery role. There are some young Chinese men who bother to pay for a VPN (virtual private network) but they are expensive for a Chinese salary, since they are mostly western with western prices. With a VPN, they can go round the censorship of the internet by the Chinese government, and be exposed to western, i.e. global ideas. They can participate in the comments sections of YouTube videos made by westerners expressing their ideas and opinions on the world stage. But there are very few of them.But experience in 100 other countries over the past half century, has shown that democratization is an inherent part of modernization, so as China continues to get richer and more Chinese travel to democratic countries, they will be influenced by what they see, and push for freedom of speech and the right to vote out ineffective political leaders.When that happens (probably in a decade or so) to China, young Chinese men will be in for a shock, as they learn that western men see them as manslaves, who need to have their men’s lib consciousness raised, made aware of alternative lifestyles for men, where they can focus on themselves and not be brainwashed that their function in life is to pay for women to have HER kids in HIS house.So, jump a few decades into the future into a democratic China that has lost its iggloberacy, where ideas flow over China as readily as they do now in the 130 democracies in the world that have freedom of speech. Chinese men will then be influenced by the MGTOW/masculist ideas and millions of them will join the paternity strike. They will learn that research has shown that the happiest couples are childless and that the unhappiest couples have teenage kids.? Since the teen age is half of childhood, why have kids at all, if they are only going to lower your happiness quotient?So, it won’t be difficult to imagine that China’s birthrate will fall to Japan’s and Germany’s etc. i.e. to about 1.3 kids per women, or less, and China’s population starts plummeting like the rest of the developed world. The Chinese government, now democratically elected by the Chinese, will then, like other governments, be thinking hard about how to encourage the population and particularly MGTOW/masculist influenced men to have more babies. Even in the west today, the tectonic shift in gender role attitudes by men has not really yet made itself felt in the wider population and with the gender politicians. Only in Japan, have the herbivores (Japan’s MGTOWs) made main stream ernments can tax single men (MGTOWs/masculists) heavily to pay for subsidies to be given to single mothers, but if these taxes become too heavy, then the MGTOWs/masculists being single, can simply vote with their feet by moving to another country with much cheaper taxes and cost of living, where their savings will have a higher purchasing power.There is not a lot governments can do to encourage people to have more kids. It is only a question of time, before the human population really begins to fall to a half of its current value, then a tenth, then a hundredth, etc. Of course, the gender laws will be made menfair to encourage men to be fathers, but probably even such measures will not be enough. Once millions, billions of men have had a real taste of living for themselves, not being manslaves to bloody fluffie parasites, then they may decide to stick with the lifestyle that allows them to do what they love, and not what the manslaving role dictates them to do.In time, as the population falls, there will be a self-selection effect that starts working, namely those men who prefer to not have kids will be selected out of the population, leaving men who do want kids, since they will be the sons of fathers who did want kids. But, I imagine that such a population will be a lot smaller than today’s world figure. It could be even less than 100 million. The more I think about the longer term consequences of the rise of the MGTOW/masculist movements, the more enormous I see their consequences for humanity, particularly regarding the paternity strike and its impact on the world population size. I doubt we will wipe ourselves out, but I do see a hefty reduction in our human numbers.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/163 MGTOW Masculist Lifestyles for Fourth Quarter Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that as MGTOW/masculist ideas spread to the whole community, fourth quarter males (> 65) will be influenced. Since they have much lower testosterone levels than younger men, they are freer to abandon femaliens and devote the final decades of their lives doing what they love, which will give them real satisfaction and peace of mind.MGTOW/MASCULIST LIFESTYLES FOR FOURTH QUARTER MENFourth quarter men are men living the fourth quarter of their lives, say from 65 and up. Characteristic of such men is that their testosterone levels have dropped away to such an extent that most fourth quarter men become indifferent to sex. They are no longer “cunt driven” as are younger men, and so this opens up many alternative life styles for such men, if they choose.For example, I notice that many old Asian men, choose to become monks, literally. They join temples and live out the last decades of their lives contemplating the higher things of life, undistracted by the banalities of ordinary existence, i.e. striving to make money to support parasitic females and raising kids. Their testosterone levels are low, so they don’t need women. They find women alien to their male natures. They are tired and bored with female nagging and female child-like mentalities, so often feel they want to devote their final quarter of life to more worthwhile preoccupations. Many of them decide to become monks.The Buddhist philosophy that suffering comes from striving, is only one approach to achieving peace of mind. I notice, from my own experience, that if I want to attain peace of mind, i.e. a feeling of real satisfaction and emotional calmness, then all I have to do is to really plunge into something that I find totally engrossing, fascinating, challenging (very challenging), and of awesome significance. In my case, that is studying PhD level pure math in the neighboring park. So instead of doing what Buddha discovered, i.e. blanking out his mind, not striving for anything, I do just the opposite, which is to fully focus on doing something that I truly love doing, and I find that doing that over several hours, delivers the peace of mind that is so desirable.Fourth quarter men are freed of “cunt hunger” so can take up MGTOW/masculist lifestyles if they choose. They can expect to live a few more decades, if they are health conscious, and take care of their health, their body, diet, exercise, etc., so they are a non-negligible proportion of the population, and so their needs and lifestyles need to be discussed more. Some men actually like their wives, and prefer to live with them, enjoying their company. If that’s the case for you, then fine. You choose to live a non MGTOW lifestyle.But many fourth quarter men see women as femaliens, and prefer not to have anything to do with them. About 40% of men over 40 live alone. Similarly with women. Many men have been divorced and financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and do not want to run the risk of a repeat performance, so prefer to not marry again, and to live alone. They may date, and get a bit of sex from time to time, but they live MGTOW lifestyles in practice, even if a lot of them have never heard of MGTOW.As the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism spread throughout the whole male population, fourth quarter men will be influenced by them, and so we can expect that many older men will choose to live alternative lifestyles that they choose for themselves, doing what they love. In my own case (definitely a tiny minority of men would choose to do much the same, but I mention it, for what it’s worth) my idea of fun is to take a camp chair to a local park with a pile of PhD level pure math books and to study them, in preparing for teaching these subjects via the YouTube lecture courses that I film as a globacator (global educator) for PhD level students around the world, so that they can educate themselves to this level for free. I thus am aiming at revolutionizing high level education by making it free.I love what I do. It is extremely challenging, which is one of the great attractions of the enterprise. There is no satisfaction in doing something that is too easy, and hence boring. I study the works of the handful of the planet’s smartest humans, guys like John Thompson, Michael Aschbacher, Dan Gorenstein, etc., whose works and IQs are so above those of ordinary mortals that the vast majority of humanity have never even heard of them, nor are likely to. But to me, they are intellectual gods, and their works are sublime, and godlike. By making YouTube lecture courses on such topics, I’m trying to convey the same sense of wonder and awe at what the world’s smartest humans can do, to the planet. You can see what I’m trying to do with this by clicking on a tab on my website, called “Humanity’s Greatest Intellectual Achievement : The Classification Proof of the Finite Simple Groups.”Now of course, virtually everyone is not going to find the above at all appealing, but that is not the point. What is the point is to choose as a fourth quarter male, something that truly engrosses you, and then try to master it, by studying it so that you know it extremely well, and then perhaps use that knowledge to give it back as a teacher to humanity.Many old men know that their decades are numbered, and give a lot of thought to how they can give back to society. This is why many older men join organizations like Rotary, Lions, Freemasons, etc., to give back to the community (so long as they don’t reach the top levels which were taken over by the Illuminati, and made Satanist and evil.) Research shows that satisfaction is higher when giving than taking. Giving to the community produces greater peace of mind, than receiving some free gift from the community, so in my own case, I study my PhD level math and physics, which gives me great satisfaction, but I also give back to the community, by teaching what I have learned. I advise many retired professors to do the same, otherwise their lifetime of learning will rot when they rot. All they have to do to pass on their knowledge is to buy a Handycam, a whiteboard and upload their videos to YouTube – so simple, and with a worldwide audience.So, imagine, say a decade from now, that everyone has heard of MGTOW/masculism, and fourth quarter men are considering their lifestyles for their fourth quarter of life. Many may choose to ARC (after retirement careering) i.e. taking up a new career in their retirement, which might be paid, if they choose to. The point is to do something that you love, rather than having to do it, just for money to survive. Men should get a good FIP (financially independent person) education when they are young, work hard, save and invest hard, live modestly, with no fluffie and kids to support, so that they can retire early in life, say in their 40s and be free as second halvers.As more women are pressurized by society, and especially by the MGTOWs/masculists to be FIPs, men will be much freer to walk away from wives whom these men no longer have any feeling for, and as fourth quarter men, have no sexual feelings for, so can free themselves to do what they love, concentrating on doing what gives them real satisfaction, fulfillment, and hence peace of mind.The variety of things that these fourth quarter men choose for themselves to do, will be as varied as the numbers of men in this age bracket. There will be a huge variety of things. My own case, is just one example of a billion examples. The point is for each fourth quarter MGTOW/masculist to choose his own love and then devote himself to it. Because he is doing something he truly loves, the satisfaction level and achievement level will almost inevitably generate satisfaction and peace of mind, which are precious things to have.So, I expect there will be a lot more talk in the near future of fourth quarter MGTOWs/masculists as their numbers increase beyond the billion mark. We are talking about a sizable proportion of humanity. We can expect big things from them, since they will show a lot of creativity. I don’t think one has to be young to be inventive. I think creativity comes from being “new to the topic” rather than being young. Most people get stuck in a rut in their careers, because they are paid to be what they are trained at, what they are good at, what they are expert at. But by being an ARCer, you are free to do what you want, so you can turn to a new topic, so that it is new and fresh for you, so you are not stuck in a groove on that topic, your thoughts on it may be new to the planet, and so we can expect a lot of global creativity from fourth quarter males.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/179 MGTOW Masculist Alternative Life Styles for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer concentrates on MGTOW-masculist alternative lifestyles for men, who reject being manslaves to fluffie parasites and spend their money on themselves, living life styles of their own choice, being free, doing what they love, rather than being manslaves to immoral, parasitic, manslaving fluffie vermin.MGTOW-MASCULIST ALTERNATIVE LIFE STYLES FOR MENThere are so many MGTOWs/masculists nowadays, that alternative male lifestyles are flourishing. This flyer talks about these alternative lifestyles. Traditionally a man was a manslave to a fluffie. She stayed at home and raised the kids (hardly a full time job) and he earned the living to keep the whole family afloat financially. Now however, with the fluffie feminists having taken over the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage toxic for men, millions of young men are now adopting alternative lifestyles. They reject being manslaves for fluffies, and go their own way, spending their money on themselves, doing what they love, and to hell with women and kids.Research shows that the happiest couples are childless and the unhappiest couples have teenage kids. The teen time is half of childhood, so why have kids at all?! Women are genetically programmed to want kids, but men aren’t, or much less so. As a result of the above factors, millions of men in western countries and Japan have rejected the manslave role and are branching out in a gamut of alternative life styles for men.Consider what a man can do if he rejects being a manslave to a fluffie. He can spend his money on himself, doing what he loves and for a sizable fraction of his life. There are lots of options open to him, for example, he might choose to study hard as a teenager and early in his 20s, get a good well paid job from a STEM field education, work hard, save and invest hard, spend nothing on women, save up enough, so that early in life, he can afford to retire and then do what he loves doing for the second half of his life. Another possibility, is that instead of working hard full time early in life, he works part time for most of his life, getting part time contract jobs that pay the bills for his meager life style. For the rest of his time, he is free to do what he wants, what he loves doing. These two alternatives are the major options of MGTOW/masculists who reject paying for fluffie parasites. Of course, some men will combine features of both these, e.g. working full time for a few years, then not working at all for a few years, living off his savings with a very frugal life style. Some men deliberately make themselves look poor so as to be an effective fluffie repellent. This is something I do. I notice the Chinese young women turn up their noses at my disheveled appearance. That’s fine. I don’t want their attention, wasting my time, which I prefer to spend on high level pure math and math physics. This is easy for me to do, because I’m a fourth quarter male, i.e. living in the fourth quarter of my life, i.e. over 65, when my libido is pretty well dried up, so I don’t need women sexually any more.Women aren’t interested in what impassions me intellectually, so talking with females is a waste of my time. Thanks to what I have learned from MGTOW’s psychology of women, I’m now deeply suspicious of women, when they try to get my attention. I look at them with real suspicion, thinking, “What does this woman hope to extract from me? Money? My time? Is she hoping I will entertain her, amuse her?” Since women don’t amuse me. They can’t compete with the male genii I study every day, so in practice I avoid them. I have nothing to do with women on a day to day basis. So, to young men, if you have been brainwashed all your young life to be a manslave to a parasitic fluffie, consider an alternative lifestyle a la MGTOW/masculism. Ask yourself what you passion is, and then arrange your life so that you give yourself lots of time to pursue that passion. Try to arrange your life so that you can be busy pursuing that passion for about half of your life. You certainly won’t be able to do that if you are a manslave to a parasitic fluffie, so look upon fluffies as the enemy, to be avoided like the plague. Plan for your own happiness, so that if women want kids, they will have to pay for them themselves, which means they will have to become career competent, by studying FIP majors at high school and college. With millions of men on paternity and marriage strike, women will have to have their kids on their own. As MGTOW/masculist lifestyles for men become increasingly popular, perhaps governments will set up “baby farms” and pay for women to have several kids, paid for by taxing men. These “bachelor taxes” cannot be too harsh, otherwise young men will simply emigrate to poor third world countries where the cost of living is much cheaper, so that their savings so much further. That is the main reason I live in China, even though the country is a political shithole.Young men should talk amongst themselves about the lifestyles they choose for themselves. How to choose what they love? Do they know what that is, in their early 20s? Will they work full time for a decade or two to save hard and then retire for the rest of their life, or will they work part time and play part time for most of their lives? These MGTOW/masculist alternative life styles are a true liberation for men. They do not have to be manslaves to fluffie parasites. They can work for themselves, and spend their money on themselves, and women and kids can go to hell. Millions of men are now doing this, and benefitting enormously from their liberation.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/189 Twaytweffing = The Lifestyle That Gives Men Regular Sex Without Paying the Traditional Price of Being a Manslave to a Fluffie Parasite (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer pushes the twaytweffing lifestyle, that allows men to have regular sex with a woman, without having to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a hated fluffie parasite. MGTOW/masculist men will only twaytwef with women who are FIPs and have their own apartments, hence the lifestyle name (2A2F= two apartments, two FIPs). Twaytweffing forces a woman to remain nice to?her man otherwise he can walk away so easily, cost free for him.TWAYTWEFFING = THE LIFESTYLE THAT GIVES A MAN REGULAR SEX WITHOUT BEING A MANSLAVE TO A FLUFFIE PARASITEThere is a way for a man to obtain regular sex from a woman, without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite. It is called Twaytweffing (= 2A2F = two apartments, 2 FIPs) i.e. both the man and the woman are FIPs (financially independent persons) and both have their own apartments. When the relationship almost inevitably fails, the two of them just walk back to their own apartments, cost free to the man. There is no marriage, no kids, and no alimony, because the woman if a FIP.The great advantage to the man of the twaytweffing life style is that it forces the woman to remain nice to the man because she knows that if the man becomes annoyed with her (e.g. if she starts nagging, or withholds sex, or tries to mold him) then he can so easily walk away.Twaytweffing men utterly reject having a relationship with fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man), who are considered to be immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin to be wiped out, by being ignored to death, forced to rot on the shelf to extinction. By insisting that his female sexual partner is a FIP and has her own apartment, he can then benefit from the regular sex the woman gives him, and not have to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a hated fluffie.A MGTOW need not avoid women. He can twaytwef and still satisfy the usual and commonly held definition of a MGTOW, i.e. a man who refuses to marry, refuses to have kids, and spends his money on himself. A twaytweffing man satisfies that definition, so is a MGTOW.Until the gender laws are menfaired, the best that women can hope for in terms of having a relationship with a man is to twaytwef with him. She won’t have a kid, because he will refuse to give her his sperm. He won’t marry her. He will demand that she behaves as a responsible adult, by being a FIP and having her own apartment, so she has proved that she is not a child minded contemptible fluffie. Twaytweffing men utterly reject fluffies like the plague. Fluffies are vermin to such men and are left to rot on the shelf, so as to wipe their fluffie genes from the gene pool, in favor of women who have more FIP genes. You could call this process the FIPping of women.This twaytweffing is the conception of the masculists. By advocating twaytweffing to men, the masculists are FORCING WOMEN TO GROW UP. If they don’t, they won’t get a man, and as fluffies, they will be poor, manless, loveless, sexless, childless, and increasingly spat at by a society that is familiar with MGTOW/masculist arguments and sees fluffies as vermin because they are manslavers – manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, not by killing them, but by ignoring them to death.Only FIP women will be rewarded by having relationships with (MGTOW/masculist) men. This will put enormous moral pressure on women to FIPup, by getting a career competent education at high school and university, so that they can be FIPs as adults. If they study fluffie crap at high school, choosing the soft option, the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy memory based, non-analytic subjects at high school, then almost inevitably they will end up as fluffies, and hence be rejected by most men. They will then be punished for being fluffies, for being manslavers. They will not get a man.To the women reading this, take note – you must FIPup or you will be punished by being manless. Men are no longer prepared to be manslaves to fluffie parasites.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/240 To Twaytwef or to MGTOW Monk? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses the decision that many MGTOWs have to face in their lives, namely whether to twaytwef (i.e. have a relationship with a FIP woman, with both the man and the woman having their own apartment, (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs)), OR, to live the MGTOW monk lifestyle, totally disconnecting from women.TO TWAYTWEF OR TO MGTOW MONK?In a year or so, I will have to make a decision, because I will be faced with a watershed moment in my life. I will leave China, where I have lived for 11 years so far of my life, and return to Melbourne, Australia, my first (of 7) countries, where I grew up, due to the generosity of my younger sister, who will buy a one bedroom apartment and let me live in it rent free.If it had not been for her generosity, I would probably have moved to Cambridge UK, where I lived in the 70s for four years, and felt most at home in, being surrounded by likeminded people, i.e. sages who love playing with ideas.When I return to Melbourne after having been away for half a century, I will be faced with a choice that millions of men, who have been influenced by MGTOW and masculist ideas, have to make, once they have decided to go MGTOW, i.e. they reject marriage, they reject having kids, and spend their money on themselves, avoiding fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) like the plague.The choice as I see it, is between twaytweffing or going MGTOW monk. It is a decision that millions of western men are now being confronted with, so I’m hoping my own thoughts on this question might be useful to others who are reading this.Before launching into discussion about this choice, I ought to say a bit about my current situation, because it is both similar and different from my future life style. Currently, I’m married to my second Chinese wife, my fourth wife, and will leave her behind when I move to Australia. The relationship with her has died.I’ve already made several flyer videos on my relationship with her, so will not go into any detail on that point. But just quickly, to set the scene, my first Chinese wife ended up stealing half of my savings, which I could not get back from the Chinese criminal court system, because it favors its own citizens, especially those who are daughters of generals who were on the long march with Mao Zedong.I got fired from my professor job in China after making remarks to the president of my university that it would be difficult to attract western researchers and professors to come to a new brain building research center in the city I live in, that I was pushing to set up, because as western intellectuals, they know that Mao was history’s greatest tyrant, killing about 80 million Chinese (45 million in the great famine that he caused in 58-62, 27 million in the laogai (the Chinese gulags) and more millions in the cultural revolution and anti-rightist campaigns.)He told me I had broken the law, and a few months later my contract was not renewed. My second Chinese wife than began to see me as poor once I retired, since I had been blacklisted from ever being a professor at a Chinese government controlled university again. Her hypergamy kicked in strongly, and of course, the sex dried up. She gradually became more cynical, surly, bad tempered, bitchy, and obnoxious.To compound things, she was simultaneously going through menopausal craziness and was developing diabetes, finally succumbing to epileptic fits half a year ago from the time of writing. Any affection I had for her at the beginning of the relationship when she saw me as a success object, earning two and a half times more than she did, as a PhDed full research professor, slowly died.I got tired of her nagging, her bad temper. I only stuck around to get a green card, which she did finally agree to help me apply for, that I’m still waiting for. At one time, her bad temper got so bad, she came at me with a meat cleaver. If I had not been a man and a lot stronger than her, she could have done me severe physical harm. I just constrained her physically, until she calmed down.I only stick around in China to scan my paper libra, living in her apartment, paying rent, and buying and cooking my own food, living more as a renter/tenant than a husband, closing my bedroom door, with my computers next to my bed, working through the night, and perhaps saying only a few words to her each day. The relationship is dead. I suspect also that she may have some kind of borderline personality disorder, since I find her behavior childlike, and with some degree of bipolarity (i.e. manic/depressive).For the past two years I’ve been listening to MGTOW YouTube videos and have learned a lot from the MGTOW community, and have contributed a lot to it as well. I make a MGTOW/masculist video based on a 2-3 page essay that I write almost daily. I have about 240 of these flyers, as I call them.I’ve had 4 wives. With the first one, I felt enslaved, as a father of 2 kids, doing work I didn’t like, just to get a better salary to support a parasitic wife and the 2 kids that she stayed at home to raise. The following 3 wives I married largely for visa reasons. With the second, I lived with her for 8 years, and finally married so she could come with me to Japan where I was to do a 2 year postdoc.That marriage wasn’t too bad, but she was 10 years older than me, and aged badly. There were times I would look at her and see an old woman. The third wife, Chinese, stole half my savings, and the fourth, also Chinese, turned into an insufferable, nagging, bad tempered, bitch.I’m currently waiting on a decision on whether I will get a Chinese green card, which will take about a year. In the meantime I’m busy converting my paper library into electronic form by annotating my paper books and then scanning them, before handing them over to the local city library. I don’t want to lose use of these expensive math and physics books. It will take me a year’s work, after which I will move to Melbourne to take up my sister’s generous offer.So, with such a marital background, you can understand that combined with the knowledge I have learned from the MGTOW community, there is no way I will marry again. I will go MGTOW. The question now is to what degree? Will I compromise a bit with women by living the twaytwef lifestyle, or will I go fully MGTOW monk?I’ve already done several videos on twaytweffing, so I’ll only summarize it here. Twaytwef is short for 2A2F, i.e. two apartments, two FIPs (financially independent persons), i.e. a man and a woman have a (sexual) relationship where both have their own apartment, and both are FIPs so that there is no financial parasiting of one off the other.The great advantage of twaytweffing for the man, is that when the relationship fails, as nearly all do, the two of them simply return to their own apartments, cost free for the man. There is also another main advantage of twaytweffing for the man, and that is it forces the woman to remain nice to him, because she knows that the only thing holding the relationship together is its quality.If the woman starts nagging the man, withholds sex, tries molding him, etc., then the man can so easily walk away, so she is strongly motivated to remain nice to her man.All MGTOWs should know about twaytweffing. It is an important compromise between freeing oneself from the parasitism of fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) and wanting regular sex from a woman. Twaytweffing gives a man the best of both worlds, i.e. freeing him from financial parasitism, because his female partner is a FIP, and getting regular sex that younger men need.The other major alternative to twaytweffing for a MGTOW, is to MGTOW totally, i.e. to MGTOW monk, i.e. completely avoiding women, not having anything to do with them, other than the inevitable interactions with them at supermarket checkouts etc.Right now, I’m not sure which of these two alternatives I’ll adopt when I return to Melbourne. There are pros and cons to both options. There are probably millions of men around the world who are facing or have faced this fundamental lifestyle choice.Here is my current thinking on this question. I’m now 70, so my libido is definitely lower than when I was even 10 years younger. I no longer feel “cunt driven,” looking on women as “walking cunts,” as I did for most of my adult life. I’m now much less driven to have a girlfriend in order to have regular orgasms inside her vagina.My father had a shitty marriage, and was so burned by his hysterical, nagging bitch of a wife, that he chose to live the rest of his life alone. He is still alive at 98, and has been a MGTOW for 3 decades, i.e. long before the term MGTOW was invented.In many respects, I am like my father. I think I have his longevity genes and hope also to become a centenarian, so it may very well happen that I too end up living the next 3 decades of my life as he does, i.e. alone, preferring the peace and quiet of the MGTOW monk lifestyle than the constant, life expectancy reducing, stress of female bitchiness.On the other hand, what if I meet someone whom I find “nice” with whom I could twaytwef with, forcing her to remain nice to me, otherwise I could so easily walk back to my own apartment, and she to hers.I think probably what I will do, is start off living the MGTOW monk lifestyle and see how I like it. Actually, I’ve been living MGTOW monk in practice for the past few years in my current marriage, so it is definitely not a new phenomenon for me.I have a real passion in my life as a globacator (global educator) learning PhD level pure math and math physics and then teaching these subjects (120 courses) by making YouTube lecture course videos for students around the world for free. My aim is to revolutionize graduate level education in math and physics, by making these YouTube lecture courses, as well as making e-libraries with links to 10,000s of full content books in these subjects, supplied by Google.This work will keep me busy for 30 years. I find it fascinating, because the two subjects of pure math and math physics are fascinating. The best way to learn these subjects is to have to teach them, so I kill two birds with one stone. I get to learn them by being strongly driven to do so, by knowing that I have to teach them, so I had better damn well understand the courses thoroughly. I don’t want to fluff the exposition in front of the camera and make myself look a fool.In other words, I have a strong focus, a strong passion in my life that is usually considered by most MGTOWs as essential to be able to live the MGTOW monk lifestyle successfully. I don’t have to worry about lacking a focus in my future life. I have a very clear and engrossing goal in life.In fact, I would say that it gives me peace of mind, in the way that the Buddhists aim for. In practice I do the opposite of what the Buddhists do. Instead of vacating my mind, Buddhist style, I do the very opposite. I fill it so totally, by becoming totally engrossed by what I’m studying and thinking about, i.e. the mathematical works of the planet’s smartest men.I am in awe at what these genii males are capable of. Fortunately I’m smart enough to be able to understand what they have done, but could never compete with them, because they are the smartest men on the planet, with not a single female amongst them. Not a single one.I’ve found that the best way for me to attain peace of mind is to plunge into this work, studying these works of genius, getting totally engrossed, so that regularly I get what I call “Wow moments!” i.e. when something profound, something beautiful, something powerful, clicks, and I understand, when a new world opens up, and suddenly I can see clearly a whole new conceptual vista, with deep implications for further thought.When I get totally engrossed, I get very happy. I am content. I have peace of mind. In many ways I feel sorry for the 999 people out of 1000 who are incapable of understanding this powerful, deep, beautiful mathematics. They are like animals who can only see in black and white in a world of color that they will never see. I feel sorry for them that all that mathematical depth, power and beauty, they will never be conscious of.So, one of the definite prerequisites for living as a MGTOW monk, i.e. a strong focus, a strong passion in one’s life, I definitely have.So I feel I’m all set to start the MGTOW monk lifestyle once I arrive in Melbourne to live in my sister’s “gift” apartment. What then happens I think I will leave to chance. If I meet a woman who is nice, whom I respect, (and that is very difficult for me, because I’m a PhDed, full research professor, who makes YouTube PhD level courses in pure math and math physics, topics that women are inferior at and not interested in, so I’ve always looked down on women for that reason) then maybe I might try twaytweffing with her.I can’t share my intellectual passions with the femalien brain, (all 10% smaller volume of it, relative to the male brain). So, with my lower 70 year old libido, I may very well decide not to twaytwef, if I find living the MGTOW monk lifestyle suits me fine.There is another consideration that I need to keep in mind. Sandman, in some of his videos, has talked about how annoying it is to date women, after a man has learned a lot about MGTOW ideas. He found that his MGTOW knowledge made him contemptuous of women’s negative nature, women’s hypergamy, their female manipulation, female deception, etc. It disgusted him, so eventually he just said to himself “Fuck it! I’ve had it with women. I’m so fed up with their negative traits, that I prefer to live the MGTOW monk lifestyle.”I may go through a similar experience. Probably millions of MGTOWs have been through similar experiences, i.e. the five stage process of –Getting burned by female nature.Learning about MGTOW and masculist ideas.Going MGTOW monk for a while.Getting back into dating and finding women intolerable.Returning to MGTOW monking with greater conviction.The above process may happen to me. I will be open minded about it, giving it a test. So my approach will be the following, which I hope may interest MGTOWs reading this, who are faced with a similar situation.Start off as MGTOW monk.If I meet a woman whom I can respect, whose company I enjoy, and the sex is good, then try twaytweffing with her for a while.If the woman inevitably turns into just another obnoxious bloody femalien, then dump her, and return to the MGTOW monk lifestyle.Perhaps the above steps might be repeated a few times, until one becomes confident of the inductive conclusion – “All my previous twaytweffing attempts ended badly, because of femalien nature, therefore the next one will too, so it’s better to not even try another time. Just be content to MGTOW monk for the rest of my life, like my father.”So that’s my plan, my strategy, for the next few years of my life. I will simply see how it goes.My brother has had a string of girlfriends. So have I, about 20 of them, and 4 wives. In most of these cases, it was I who dumped the woman, due to the great difficulty of finding a woman whose mental interests and traits I admired. But for most of these women, I was still cunt driven.Now that I’m entering the last decades of my life, that is no longer true, so it would not surprise me at all if I go MGTOW monk totally like my father, and for similar reasons. He seems quite happy, and he definitely lives a stress free life, since he is a good financial investor, so has absolutely no money worries. Being stress free from women too, may be a factor in his long life, besides good genes, that I think I’ve inherited too. My father’s grandfather and great grandfather lived to 97 and 99. It runs in the family.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/276 Six Wasted Manslave Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives my personal history on how and why I became a masculist.SIX WASTED MANSLAVE YEARS?This flyer gives a bit of history on how and why I became a masculist.I grew up in the 50s and 60s in the doldrums of Australian suburbia, in an era when women were housewives, before the rise of second wave feminism, which didn’t get off the ground until the publication of Betty Friedan’s book “The Feminine Mystique” in the early 60s. This book expressed the malaise and ennui (boredom) of upper middle class housewives who had good brains that were not being used.Friedan felt this malaise herself and found it in many other women, so she launched the second wave of feminism, that swept the world, as women who found they had time on their hands, due to the existence of the contraceptive pill, invented by men, the existence of household gadgets, invented by men, and higher education, invented by men.Women had their 2 kids and then faced a 4 decade drought of purpose, rotting in the home, as vapid, drifting, housewives, frustrated, impatient, and unhappy. Friedan’s book came as bombshell, and women’s groups, women’s consciousness raising groups popped up like mushrooms all over the US and Europe.I remember as a teenager, observing the mothers of my high school peers and thinking that they were as vapid and boring as my own mother. I was disgusted.In my early 20s, I started coming across media articles about feminism, and became intrigued. I got the impression that feminism, was motivating women to become responsible adults, pulling their own financial weight, pushing women to have careers, and become self-actualizing adults. I was intrigued.I had a bad relationship with my own mother. She was too dumb for my father, and I’m smarter than my father, so the genetic IQ gap between me and my mother was unbridgeable. It also did not help that very probably my mother was going through her menopause at age 47, when I was 18. There was no HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) then, so my mother was in the thick of menopausal craziness, just as I was reaching adult level brain wiring, finishing my puberty at 18.The previous year at age 17, I had developed a passionate interest in science, switching from my previous ambition of wanting to be a doctor, probably a surgeon. (Interestingly, my son ended up being an anesthetist, and my daughter a doctor. My sister is a doctor, my uncle was a doctor, and so was my great aunt, so medicine runs strongly through the family).My interest in science and its way of thinking became a strong part of me, so the utter irrationality of my mother when I was 18 was intolerable. I told her in no uncertain terms what I thought of her, resulting in a man to man chat with my father, who was probably suffering the brunt of my mother’s frustration and bitterness that her own oldest son had no respect for her.My father was always a fair and reasonable person, so I listened to him. He wanted me to “lay off” my mother, i.e. be less critical of her. I agreed to, telling my father, that in a few months I would be out of the house anyway, and off to university as a fresher in math and physics, washing dishes at the college I would live in, to pay my rent, and getting a government scholarship to pay my university fees. I was thus financially independent from my parents (actually my father, because my mother was a real fluffie housewife, living off her husband’s money.)I was quite an immature young man, and knew almost nothing about women from first-hand experience, because I went to a private, boys only, school from age 8 to 18 and had no first hand contact with women, other than with my shitty mother, with whom I felt I had nothing in common, being disgusted by her habit of watching mindless movies on TV every evening, that I felt were well below my intellectual level.I had a little sister, 8 years younger than me, who was as smart as I was. I had a kind of brother-father relationship with her, encouraging her to learn skills and independence. One particular incident in that regard, I strongly remember, because it made such a deep impression on me, and her.She was still small, and could not reach the door handle to open the door to go outside into the back yard. She always asked me, if I was near, to open it for her. One day, I felt that she had grown enough, so that if she stretched on tippy toes, her fingers could reach the door handle and she could open the door by herself.I told her she could do it if she stood on her toes. She whined that she couldn’t (which was a reasonable attitude, given that for her entire short life, she had been unable to open the door for herself.) She whined some more, but I was insistent. “Stand on your toes, see if you can do it!”So she did, and miracle of miracles, she was able to open the door! Man, did the penny drop in her mind. I could see her thought process on her exhilarated face, as the thought dawned on her – “Freedom!” From now on, her life would be different.She had the power and the autonomy to go outside the house when SHE chose to. The sense of freedom on her face was highly memorable, which is why I still remember the moment, even though I was probably only 11 years old.My sister grew up to be an extremely capable woman, a doctor, and an entrepreneur, employing some two dozen other doctors, and by far the most financially successful of the three siblings of my parents. My brother was into finance and banking. He was gutsy and entrepreneurial but the dumbest of the three. He went bankrupt three times, so my father eventually gave the executorship of his will to my sister, because he felt she would do the best job in handling the money.I’m not very into money. I love ideas, not sheckles. I suspect also that I learned an aversion to thinking about money from hearing the arguments between my parents over money. My shitty mother was not very bright, but was extremely hypergamous. She latched onto my father probably largely due to his rather famous family name of “de Garis” (due to my great uncle being a household name in Australia in my mother’s youth), although my family spell it in an anglicized way as “De Garis.” I did too, until I moved to England, when everyone asked me why I used a capital letter when my family name was so obviously French, so should be spelt with a small “d” so I changed the spelling of my name.My mother expressed her ambition vicariously through her husband, whom she thought was not ambitious enough, didn’t have enough “drive” (god I hated that word) for her tastes.One of the reasons why I became such an avid male feminist, was that I thought feminism would have solved my mother’s problem, if she had been a feminist, because then she would have entered the work force, and had her abilities tested and perhaps even crushed. Even as a young teenager, I remember thinking that there was something morally wrong with the gender roles of the time, that a woman could put moral pressure on her husband to make big money, rather than earning money herself.Thus my masculism probably has its roots in the experience of listening to the awful arguments my parents had over money that I could hear at age 12 or so. Actually, as the years passed, my father’s natural ability brought him financial power and responsibility as he became a director of a company with 100s of employees, which shut up my mother, but she must have been a real bitch in other ways, because my father, once she died young at age 68, three decades ago, he remained single, i.e. MGTOW, by choice for the next 3 decades.My father is still alive, at 98, as I write this, and is in good health. He will very likely get to 100, and since I think I have inherited his longevity genes, I too expect to become a centenarian. (I’ll need to live that long if I’m to finish the 120 PhD level courses in pure math and math physics that I plan to film and upload for the world to learn from, for free.)As an undergrad at university, I was effectively girlfriendless until the age of about 22, when my hormones really, finally, kicked in in a big way, and I started seeing women as “walking cunts” like my peers. I was rather slow maturing that way. One of my good friends, used to tease me for my sexual innocence.On the boat from Australia to England, a 5 week voyage, I met my future wife, my first wife, who, before me, had a boyfriend who was a surgeon, and 15 years older than her. She was a fairly typical 23 year old Australian female, off on a voyage of discovery to see the big world outside provincial Australia. This was in 1971, the year the Jumbo jets really started to fly.This woman went cow like (i.e. intellectually passive and dulled) when her period was about to come, which annoyed me greatly. I broke off with her three times, but she would bounce back and hang on to me tenaciously, until I realized that there was a pattern to her cow like state. It occurred on a monthly basis, and only disappeared when she went on the pill.She got the message from me that I thought rather lowly of her status as a nurse, and not a doctor, or something more substantial. I guess I inherited that from my mother. She was motivated to study more and improve her academic status, so she started a philosophy degree.She wanted to do other things, but the advisor at London University told her she was excluded from most things that she wanted to study, because she did not study calculus and the sciences at high school.You could say with some justification, that I based my concept of the fluffie on her, because that was what she was. She just did not have the ambition to get well qualified as a youth, so paid the price as an adult. She was the archetypical “fluffie. The concept was based on her.When her philosophy degree was finished, 4 years later, she was 28 and wanted to have a baby.At the time, it did not occur to me to think hard about whether I agreed to that as well. It just did not occur to me, so brainwashed and unconscious was the expectation that a man got married and had kids, that it was unconscious for me.It was only during the pregnancy, that the reality hit me that this baby was going to radically change my life. My wife was pretty much a fluffie, her philosophy degree made her economically useless. At the time I was a math supervisor to the undergrads at Cambridge University, which was something I enjoyed doing and it was part time, it did not eat up my whole waking life.I got sick of having catarrh in London, with the awful air pollution of the early 70s and moved to Cambridge to escape it and to live in a strongly intellectual environment, which was in many respects the happiest period of my life. I loved Cambridge, and may return there to live again for a few years before I get too old. (I’m now 70.)With the baby coming, I thought that I would have to get a full time job doing something in the computer field, since I had taught myself how to program. This was before the era of computer science degrees at universities.I moved to Eindhoven in Holland and joined Philips, the electronic gadgets company and got a computer type job with them. The money wasn’t bad, but I wasn’t happy. I felt that I was merely earning money to pay for my wife to stay at home with her kid.After a year or so in Holland I moved to Brussels, to pick up another superior culture (French, in addition to British, in comparison with the intellectual backwater that I grew up in) and got more computer type work.I became more and more unhappy, feeling that my soul was dying. I felt I had no time for me, no self-development. I was just a manslave to a fluffie, working to keep afloat a fluffie wife with her 2 kids, who was definitely not FIP, with her useless philosophy degree.I would wake up, go to the train station, commute to the city, do my day’s work that I didn’t really have my heart in, commute back home, play with the kids, bathe them, read them stories, fuck and chat with my wife who was adult conversation starved, and then go to sleep.I had no time for me, no “me-time.” The soulless monotony of commuting to the city to do a job that I had no real heart for, robbed me of my individuality, my zip. I became increasingly despondent, increasingly unhappy.My marriage than started unwinding. My first wife, started saying she wanted to get back to her roots in Australia. She did not like being a foreigner in Brussels, not speaking the two languages, Dutch and French. She was quite happy in England, because he mother was British, having married an Australian as a war bride, and returned with him to Australia, where he was a sheep farmer. My wife got on well with her aunt who lived not far from Cambridge, so we would often visit her aunt.I would tell my wife, that if she left for Australia, she would go alone, because I hated Australia. I hated it’s anti-intellectually (sageism), which was a denial of my essence, my very being, so if I returned with her, it would be a living death for me.Things came to a head, and eventually she gave me an ultimatum. She would leave for Australia, being prepared to kill the marriage and take the kids, if need be, but that I could return with her if I wanted. I did return with her, because I thought that after 11 years in Europe, I had grown up a bit and might find Australia less horrible than I imagined as a young man of 23 when I left.However by that stage I was quadrilingual, English, Dutch, French, German, and was giving media talks and interviews on masculism in those languages in half a dozen countries. After 3 days in Australia, I realized that I had made a huge mistake, and that I would now have to make a very tough decision, whether to live a living death staying in Australia with my wife and two kids (boy and girl) or leave them all behind and head off back to my beloved Europe, alone.I stewed and stewed on the question, because either way, there was a hefty price to be paid. It was the toughest decision of my life. Eventually after several months, I was watching a documentary on TV about the cathedral of Cologne in Germany, and noticed the characteristic grey sky of Europe and felt a wave of emotion wash over me, jolting me hard.That grey European sky reminded me of what I was missing, being in Australia, where I felt my (intellectual) values were not being valued. The emotional jolt was so strong, that I think the decision to return to Europe alone, was made there and then.I told my wife that I would be returning to Europe. She then took 3 years before she latched on to her previous boyfriend, the surgeon, and had two more kids with him, to cement her financial dependence on him, so that she could remain being a fluffie to her second manslave, the poor sap!As the months passed, after I flew back to Brussels, I reflected on what I had lost before returning to Europe, my beloved Europe, where sages (intellectuals) are valued.I felt that I had wasted six years of my life. I had lost my two kids, that I had been a manslave for, working at jobs I disliked, just to get reasonable money to pay for a fluffie wife to stay at home to raise them, while I kept the whole family afloat financially, working at jobs, and living a life style, that destroyed my soul.I felt bitter about that. I now no longer have any contact with my kids. I read somewhere that in the US, if the mother gets custody of the kids, and the two former spouses live in different cities after the divorce, then after 5 years, 90% of fathers have lost contact with their kids.I suspect my ex-wife probably told them things, like “Your father doesn’t care about you, because he doesn’t pay for you!”As a masculist in the early 80s, I expected women to be FIPs. If a woman takes the kids, she pays. My first wife was a real fluffie, so probably bitterly resented the fact that she was forced to pay her own way, until she got her financial claws into her surgeon, her second manslave, whom she parasited upon, who allowed her to be a fluffie again, for the rest of her life.The only silver lining in all this was the fact that I moved back to Europe, so that my fluffie ex-wife could not financially massacre me in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court. I was a British citizen by then, and she was Australian, so she had no legal power over me, thank god.A year after moving back to Brussels, I met another women, 10 years older than me, who was quite happy to have a man in her life again, and who did not want kids, having had 2 already, who were off her hands. I had a 16 year relationship with that second wife. (We married, due mostly for visa reasons, because I left Brussels after getting a PhD to do a post doc in Japan, and needed the marriage to get a visa for her to come with me to Japan).After the bitterness of the first marriage experience, realizing that all my problems had started by having kids, I definitely resolved not to have kids the second time around. My second wife, with whom I lived together for the first 8 years, also did not want to have kids, so I was spared a repeat of being a manslave again to a fluffie wife. My second wife was a lot more FIP than my first.Actually her story is quite dramatic. When she as 5 years old, she was handed over to a complete stranger woman on the platform of the cattle cars to be transported to Auschwitz, because her mother was Jewish. She said her mother believed that she would be killed, so gave her daughter away to some Catholic woman. At age 12, she was then put into a Jewish home for orphans, and grew up there.For decades, I believed her mother had been gassed by the Nazis until I learned from the historian David Irving, that there was no gassing at Auschwitz, that that myth was just another example of abuse by the elite Jewish banksters pushed onto the stupid goy to make it easier for Israel to extract “guilt money” from the US and Germany to pay for a bankrupting Israel, so they invented the myth of the Holocaust (which wasn’t really pushed by the Jewish elite until the 70s, when Israel was going bankrupt.)So my second wife’s mother probably died of starvation or typhus, which were the two major causes of death of the 70,000 prisoners who died in the war at Auschwitz (as discovered by the Russians when they captured the concentration camp in western Poland). Gorbachev opened up the Russian archives in the late 80s, so researchers were able to find the death certificates of the prisoners who died. 40,000 of those 70,000 were Jews (not millions, as the Jewish elite lie to us), probably including my second wife’s mother.Her father was on the same train, but he did not know it. He managed to jump off the train on a slow bend and escaped back to Brussels, only to learn later that his wife had died. He was so traumatized that he was unfit to father his daughter.The Jewish banksters funded Hitler to push the Jews out of Germany to Palestine, so the Jewish banksters screwed ordinary Jews as much as they did the goy. They were the major engineers of the two world wars, and created the Russian revolution, which was actually a Jewish putsch, funded by the NY Jewish bankster Schiff, who spent $20M of his own money to train and transport several hundred Jewish Russian communists (including Lenin and Trotsky (Jewish name Lev Bronstein)) to take over the Russian government, so that Schiff could steal the Czar’s gold, which he eventually did.Getting back to my reflections on 6 years of life lost in a role I despised – guys, learn the smart, easy way, not the slow, hard way, by learning from the mistakes of others, rather than by making the same mistakes yourself, and learning the hard way from your own suffering.In today’s fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, you would be a fool to marry and have kids. If you are stupid enough to do that, you subject yourself to a one in four chance of being financially massacred by your fluffie ex-wife.You will lose custody of your kids with 90% probability. You will lose your house, so that she can live in it with HER kids. She will take half your possessions. You will pay child support to kids you will hardly see, and if she if a real fluffie, you may have to pay her alimony for life.So, until the gender laws are menfaired, don’t marry, don’t have kids. Look at my case. Be smart. Learn the quick way by learning from the mistakes of others. Don’t make the same dumb mistakes yourself. Don’t marry, don’t have kids.Go MGTOW, live your own life, live for yourself, doing what YOU want to do, not being a manslave, wasting years of your life, so that some fluffie parasite can sit on her fat parasitic arse, raising HER kids that you pay for. Fuck that. Go your own way. Do what you love, and not what you have to do to be paid good money so that you can pay for a fluffie wife and HER kids, i.e. kids whose custody you have a one in four chance of losing anyway, which are totally unacceptable odds. So guys, live for yourself, not for a fluffie, be MGTOW in your own life, and be masculist to see the gender laws menfaired and the Parer (paternity rejection right) brought in.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) (Minds) Half Meeting My Nawalt (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer recounts my feelings towards my “half” meeting with a woman I could describe as my nawalt, i.e. for me, a woman I could respect, admire and like.HALF MEETING MY NAWALTThis flyer relates the “half meeting” of my nawalt (not all women are like that, i.e. exploitative of men, hypergamous, solipsistic, etc.) It discusses my mixed feelings about such an experience.A few days ago, I had an amazing experience. I was reading about one of my favorite topics, specifically, “the classification theorem of the finite simple groups” which I believe to be the greatest of all human intellectual achievements. I idly typed in the label in quotes above into YouTube to see what would come up. I’ve done this before, so a lot of the videos that came up I had seen before but there was one I had not noticed before.It was by a woman. In it she said that she worked together with two of the smartest men in the world, who are creating a revised, simplified, shorter, comprehensive, unified, second version of the proof of the theorem. I was amazed.This woman sounded Russian, in terms of her accent, and her poor use of the definite and indefinite articles in her English (i.e. missing “a”s and “the”s in her sentences) so typical of Russians. But her family name was French, and she had the charm of a French woman. (I know, because I lived in French speaking culture in Brussels in Belgium for a decade, and had a French speaking wife (my 2nd).Of the seven cultures/countries I’ve lived in in my 70 years of life, I consider the relations between French men and women, the best in the world, certainly the best of my seven. The worst was in Japan, where the two sexes live in different worlds, where the men, the “salary men” are manslaves to their fluffie parasitic housewives, who barely see each other, so there is no time for development of the relationship, because the man is always at work, coming home so late he orphans his kids and widows his wife.Second worse, was in the US, where the two sexes don’t trust each other. The men do not compliment the women, and the women do not nurture the men, whereas in French culture, it is part of the national value system, for the women to make an effort to be seductive to the men, and the men to pay real attention to the women, so that both sexes are much more satisfied by each other than in any other culture I have known. It is therefore no surprise that France has a world reputation for being “le pays de l’amour” (the country of love).I listened and watched this woman, and was charmed. She had the charm of a French woman, which I was familiar with and appreciated very much after the experience of living in French speaking culture for a decade.I remember one time in a bank in the US, where I was spending 6 months as a PhD student with a famous professor (Richard Michalski) who was one of the pioneers of a specialty that is now blossoming and having a strong impact on the world, namely “machine learning” which is a branch of computer science, ?called “artificial intelligence.”I was talking to one of the tellers and heard an accent. She was not an American, so I asked her where she was from. She said France, so I was delighted to find a French woman, after the coldness and suspicion towards men of American women, so I said to her “Ah bon, je parle le francais. J’habite a Bruxelles (Great! I speak French, I live in Brussels).She transformed. Her face lit up, she turned on the French charm, behaving as her culture had taught her, to be seductive towards a man, and I gave her the attention that French men give their women. She was flattered, and I was charmed.The contrast with the interactions I had in those 6 months with American women was stark. The contrast was painful. I hugely preferred interacting with French women than American women, because French women are so much more nurturative towards men, and make a real effort to be nice to men, whereas American women are suspicious of men, and don’t go out of their way to try to charm them, the way French women do.So, it was refreshing for me to feel the Frenchness in this mathematician woman, with a French name, and a Russian(?) accent. As I listened to her, my feelings swelled. My god, this woman is amazing. She is obviously a near genius by female standards, because she’s collaborating with two of the smartest men on earth, who are busy creating the second, revised version of the proof of the classification theorem of the finite simple groups, which I consider, in its first version, to be the greatest intellectual achievement of humanity.This is a major claim, so I need to talk about it for a bit. It was a work of genius. It took about half a century, and the work of several genii, literally some of the smartest men on the planet, e.g. guys like John Thompson, Michael Aschbacher, Daniel Gorenstein, etc., names that the general public have never heard of and will never hear of, because their intellectual level and the level of difficulty of their work, is so far above that of average people, that they will never even know that such work exists, and that such levels of intelligence are even possible.The proof took about 15000 pages of journal articles, with several hundred research mathematicians, virtually all of them male, which is to be expected, because the genii are male, and women can’t compete with men at such lofty levels, given women’s 4 IQ point average IQ inferiority relative to men, and women’s 10% lower IQ variance than men’s, so that the morons and the genii are male.Thompson, and Aschbacher were arguably, in their prime, the smartest men, i.e. smartest humans, on the planet, one in a billion, and yet here was this charming, French acculturated woman, up there collaborating with them, i.e. with the two men responsible for the second, revised, coherent, simplified, version of the proof.I listened to her talk about what she was doing and was bewitched. I was doubly hooked, because she had the charm of a French woman, plus the fact that I truly admired what she was doing, i.e. I truly admired her obviously very considerable mathematical brain. I include a link below to her talk, so that if you are that one person in a thousand, who can understand what she is talking about, then, you might be as intrigued as I was. Nearly all of you will not understand the math, but you will probably be able to pick up her French charm, her nurturative FIPness.I left a comment on that video, stating that I thought it was a pity that there were not millions of clones of her, so that millions of male mathematicians would be able to have intellectual romantic relationships with such clones, being able to share their male intellectual passion for mathematics with a like-minded female, which for nearly all male mathematicians, is simply not possible, because women like this Russian/French woman are rarer than hen’s teeth. of you who follow my videos on masculism and MGTOW, know that I consider it important for FIP women (financially independent person) to be competitive with men in the workplace, but nurturative with men at home in their personal relationships, so you can image how I felt when I was watching this amazing woman, who was definitely nurturative, because she was culturized in the French tradition, and for all I know, the Russian tradition, but since I have never been to Russia, I don’t know about that.Nearly all men are raised by mothers who are nurturative towards their sons, their offspring, their kids, who share half their genes. Little boys often worship their mothers, because their mothers are the focus of their whole young little lives.When a man receives the nurturing of an adult woman, that reminds him of what he felt as a small boy, and it is heartwarming, intoxicating. That was how I felt for an hour as I was listening to this Russian/French mathematician woman. I felt I had met my nawalt, i.e. a woman I could truly admire, unlike 99.99% of women I come across. Most women are too stupid for me, since I’m a PhDed, full research professor, but not in the same intellectual league as this woman.I will not try to contact her, because she is female. It will be in her genes to be hypergamous, because women evolved that way, so she would not be interested in a mere run of the mill prof like myself. She would feel she could do better, and that would be a near certainty, because she was giving a talk at the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, the “Einstein Institute” where such genii as Einstein and G?del lived and worked. The IAS is often referred to as the “genius institute” because you have to be a genius to be invited to work there.The very best are made professors there, such as Ed Witten, who is considered to be today’s Einstein, who dominated the formulation of string theory, the favorite theory to explain all the phenomena of the physical world.You’re probably sensing a contradiction here, because I’m describing her as a nawalt, when she is probably as hypergamous as any other woman and hence an awalt (all women are like that). I think that’s true, but she was the kind of woman for whom I would put aside my MGTOW ideas IF (a very big hypothetical IF) she had the same feelings for me, but of course she won’t, why would she?I’m not a genius. I’m smart. I’m smart enough to be able to follow the works of these mathematical genii behind the classification proof of the finite simple groups, and plan to teach it over the next 30 years of my life, in my role of being a globacator, i.e. global educator, i.e. filming some 120 YouTube lecture courses, in PhD level pure math and math physics, to teach students at this level in these subjects around the world for free, and giving them an e-library containing links to full content books supplied by Google, so that students can simply click on a link and be able to read and study technical books on their computer screens around the world, thus revolutionizing gradual level education.So, probably in time, this woman will come to hear of me, because of my work, as I film, course after course on the classification theorem of the finite simple groups, (humanity’s greatest intellectual achievement) plus courses leading up to it, i.e. over 100 of them.We share the same intellectual passion, the same love of the subject. We both feel the same awe, the power, the beauty of the subject, the knowledge that it is possible with the sheer power of the (male) human intellect to construct whole “cathedrals of mathematical logic” that is the proof.The proof is awe inspiring, wonderful, truly awesome, in the original sense of the word, magical, gee whizzing, oh wowing. Studying it, and especially when some difficult abstract concept finally clicks in my brain, giving me a “oh wow” reaction, gives me intellectual orgasms.I could sense the same feeling in this woman. She too shared this intellectual passion for the classification proof, because she has devoted most of her professional life to it. You could feel her love of the topic and her obvious mastery of it as well, with her superb, and from my perspective, female mathematical genius.Mathematical abstraction and mastery of all the myriad details of the topic flowed out of her so easily. She was born to be such a person. I found it intoxicating. I really admired this woman, which is a feeling I rarely have. Most women I can’t take seriously, because women are such child minds to me on the whole.Women are not interested in my intellectual passions, but this woman was. I could sense her passion for this subject and I deeply admired her mastery of it, which is something I could appreciate, because I have taught myself enough of the topic to be able to judge her extraordinary ability, which is right up there with the two world class male colleagues she is collaborating with on the second revised proof.So, I feel I have met my nawalt, in the sense that this woman is no airhead, no feminazi bitch, no parasite off men. She’s obviously a FIP, because she is a prof in the math department of a British university. She has the charm of a French woman, probably married (divorced?) from a French man, would be my guess. She is nurturative, so in my eyes quite a prize, quite a woman I could give my heart to, if she were in a position to do the same, but I see that as a pipe dream.As I said above, I’m smart enough to follow the work of these mathematical genii, the smartest men on the planet, the one in a billion type, i.e. only a handful of such men in the whole population of the earth, BUT, I’m no genius. I would not be able to absorb all the details of this complex proof and manipulate them with the obvious ease that this woman can.She is a female genius, whom I admire and like very much, so my so called meeting with her is more a “half meeting” i.e. I have become acquainted with her on the internet. I can watch her and study her ideas on the internet. My “half meeting” with her will probably never be more than that, because if she wanted a relationship with a man, she could do far better than me. Her female hypergamous nature would ensure that, making it a virtual certainty, so since I’m not a masochist, I will not contact her.Now, it’s possible that someone might see this video and bother to contact her on my behalf. That is a possibility, but I won’t contact her myself. I will be happy to be simply a distant admirer, relishing the thought that “my nawalt” is out there, that there is a woman out there whom I truly admire, respect and like.That thought gives me some comfort, because having absorbed the main ideas of the MGTOW movement and combining them with my masculist ideas, has made me cynical of female nature, and suspicious of having any kind of serious relationship with a woman.In particular, the red pill of the MGTOWs (i.e. the knowledge that women do not love men, but rather men’s sexploitability, to provide women with resources to make life easier for women to raise the next generation) is truly a poison pill for men, as they swallow it. Men hate being treated as cash machines by sexploitative women, and are walking away from women in their hundreds of millions now, worldwide.Swallowing the red pill, is depressing for men. It means that they will not be able to have a repeat in their lives, as adults, of the feeling they had with their mothers as very young boys. The reality of the world is such that men are waking up to the sexploitative reality of women’s nature, and are reacting negatively against it, by choosing to go their own way, rejecting being manslaves to fluffie parasites, to sexploiting women.It’s a bitter pill to swallow, so just being able to know that there is a woman out there whom I could actually admire and respect, is a comfort of sorts. I feel that I have now found my “nawalt” (in a modified sense), who is real, whom I can admire, respect and learn from, and will learn from, because she is a real expert in her field, and that is part of my admiration for her.So knowing that this woman exists, that there are such women, although obviously there are extremely few of them, gives me some comfort in a MGTOW dominated intellectual environment, which teaches men that women see men as cash machines, an utterly depressing thought.In that MGTOW darkness, that depressing reality concerning women, it is an oasis of light, a lighthouse in the MGTOW fog, to know that my “nawalt” is out there. She is real. She exists. I can admire her from a distance, which is probably all that I could ever expect. But that is better than nothing, which is what fully swallowing the MGTOW red pill implies.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris2.2/313? The Cultural Cocoon Lifestyle for MGTOW Monks? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes the type of lifestyle that I’m currently living, i.e. culturally isolated (the cultural cocoon) and as a MGTOW monk, i.e. no women, doing sage (intellectual, thinker) things that totally engross me, giving me the peace of mind that everyone needs.THE CULTURAL COCOON LIFESTYLEFOR MGTOW MONKSThis flyer describes my lifestyle as both a MGTOW monk, and as a sage in an intellectually impoverished culture, i.e. Australia, having now lived in this new (old) country for four months. When I first arrived in Australia, after having grown up here and then living half a century outside the place, I thought I would try the universities to get some social life. I googled “Melbourne University faculty club” to see what would come up, and found that the university did have a social club for faculty. I was expecting that this club would organize lectures and seminars on academic topics, but I was bitterly disappointed to learn that even university professors in Australia are as middle class mindless as the general population, caring more about things of the body, than of the mind., e.g. holding wine tastings, quiz evenings, festive dinners, etc., but not lectures, no seminars, nothing for the mind. There was however, a book club, that met once a month, to discuss a book that club members were supposed to read, but that would have taken at least several evenings a month of my time, when I’m supposed to be making my YouTube courses, for the planet, which I feel have much higher priority. Also, the book club which I go to monthly, is mostly run by women, so their choices of books tend to be rather female, about people, and not science, philosophy, math, etc. So, I have pretty well crossed off Oz (slang for Australia) as a source of intellectual stimulus, and will probably have to wait till my father dies, to get a bit of inheritance, so that I can afford to live in the UK, in Cambridge, where I lived in the 70s, to get a decent level of intellectual life. I lived in the UK as a young man in the 70s, long enough to take out UK citizenship, so I’m a dual citizen. Actually, I have 2.5 citizenships, since I also have a Chinese “green card” that allows me to live 10 years in China, but China is such a political shithole, that I will very probably not take up that option. My previous 12 years were living in China, effectively as a MGTOW monk, even though I had a live-in wife, with whom I had, for the past 6 years or so, more a living-together-apart type lifestyle, that was destined to end once my marriage visa ran out, and she refused to renew it, wanting me out of her life. So, I migrated to Oz, my first country, due largely to the generosity of Oz’s pension scheme, which has as a prerequisite, to have lived 15 continuous years in the country, which I did as a kid, so I got an Oz pension. To get a UK pension, you have to have worked 30 years in the country, hugely less generous. Also, my sister, who loves organizing things, rented me a 5 room apartment (or flat, as the Ozzies say) and set it up furniture wise, so all I had to do was walk in. My 99 year old father, who is still alive in 2018, has given her the executorship of his will, so she will take out the cost of furnishing my flat from my father’s inheritance, his “family trust.” Probably the next big decision in my life, will be when I will move to Cambridge UK, to live, either for a few years, as a test, or quasi-permanently, although probably when I get really old and frail, I might return to Oz to get some help from my family. So, I’ve pretty much resigned myself to living the MGTOW monk lifestyle as a sage (my word for intellectual, thinker), and this flyer is about that kind of lifestyle. I’ve pretty well given up the idea of finding a twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (financially independent persons) girlfriend in Oz. The women here are fearful of my masculism. I see the fear in their eyes when I mention to them that I’m a masculist. I belong to an e-dating service, which sends me female PhDs at a rate of about 1 per week, but my brother tells me that in Melbourne, a city of some 5 million people, most PhD women are real feminists, and are ideologically opposed to the idea of masculism, so there is a real mutual antagonism. So, since I immediately cross off dumber women, i.e. bachelor degreed women, as too stupid for me, and send contact feelers to women with masters degrees, giving them the “masculist test” i.e. testing them to see whether they can accept my masculist views (by looking at my masculist videos), otherwise bothering to get to know them before they learn about my masculist ideas would be a waste of time, since the odds are very high that they will be abhorred by the idea that a man can be ideologically, intellectually, emotionally critical of most women, so that they then cut contact, thus wasting all that time and mental energy that I might have spent on them. So, whether I like it or not, in practice, I live a MGTOW life style, i.e. no women. I had one female dating partner for 2 months, but she turned out to be a real princess snowflake, expecting to be mollycoddled by me, watching how she crossed the road, helping her mount the trams, waiting for her tram to arrive before I parted from her, etc. She wanted that strongly, and I was repelled by its childishness, so we parted ways. Since I’m a sage, and a MGTOW monk, I label myself as someone who lives the “cultural cocoon MGTOW sage” lifestyle. I live effectively in a cultural cocoon, which differs little from the way I was living in China. I had a low opinion of the Chinese, with their mean spirited, authoritarian personalities, their intellectual, uncreative poverty, having won a pathetic one science Nobel prize. In China, I lived on the internet. I bought myself there two large screen monitors, of 23” and 28”, the latter being with 4K resolution. I’ve always been a night person, preferring the calm of the night, when my mind closes in on itself, utterly undistracted by the noises and abstractions of the day, which makes me happy, totally preoccupied by my work, doing what I love doing, by choice, and not for reasons of having to earn a living. Since I now have an Oz pension, that covers my rent, food and utilities costs, I don’t have to worry at all about money, and soonish, I will start getting money from my father’s family trust fund, so could afford to move to Cambridge UK if I choose to. My lifestyle now in Oz, differs little from what I had in China. I live alone, i.e. MGTOW monk style. I don’t date, due to the fact that the women here find masculism repulsive, and who want nothing to do with masculists, whom they find threatening. I suspect at a deep level, most women want to have a man, whom they give their vaginas to, who will “protect” them, whatever that means in the modern age. Certainly, having been a MGTOW and a masculist for years, there is no way I will pay for a woman. Such financial parasitism, makes me spit on such women. I will have absolutely nothing to do with such women, expecting them to rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by MGTOW and masculist influenced men. To be a MGTOW sage, it pays to have a strong self-focus in your life, since that focus is the mainstay of your existence. You need to fill up your day (night) with something, that fascinates you, absorbs you, gives you a sense of purpose, a sense of mission. To achieve happiness, the Buddhists preach it is necessary to vacate one’s mind, to remove feelings of suffering, that come from striving. My approach is just the opposite, i.e. I FILL my mind with things that I find utterly engrossing, fascinating, enchanting, strongly challenging, that total engage my mind, and once that happens, I automatically feel contented. To do this, I am a globacator, i.e. a global educator, i.e. a planetary educator, making YouTube (and other video hosting sites) lecture courses in Ms and PhD level pure math, math physics and computer theory, so that students around the world can study these subjects FOR FREE. I also put up e-libraries of texts in these topics that contain FULL CONTENT, whose links are provided by Google. I feel that this globacation is hugely more significant and useful than when I was a classroom prof, teaching maybe 20 odd masters students in a classroom lecture course. By teaching the world, I have a potential audience of perhaps a million, although I have competition from other profs who provide YouTube lecture videos. In my case, the 125 or so courses I’m currently making over the next 3 decades, if I can live that long, being already in my 70s, I aim to provide a COMPREHENSIVE education in these two critical topics of pure math and math physics, so that intellectually elite students around the world, whose IQs place them in the top percentile, can teach themselves at their own pace, and for FREE. It is a well know saying, that “the best way to learn something, is to have to teach it.” There is a lot of truth to this, since if you’re going to stand in front of a Handycam, lecturing, then you had better damn well know the material, because you can’t fluff it in front of the camera, so knowing that I have to teach it, is a powerful motivator for learning it. Teaching PhD and research level pure math and math physics is intellectually challenging, to say the least. The smartest men on earth (of course, all men, since the genii are males) are capable of producing work that demands very high intelligence to even understand it, let alone invent this incredible stuff. Fortunately, I’m smart enough to understand what these male math and physics genii have concocted, but not smart enough to contribute to its creation, otherwise I would be a research prof at Harvard, Caltech, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) etc., inventing this stuff, rather than just teaching it. But for me, this stuff is beautiful, powerful, wonderful, awe inspiring, totally engrossing, challenging, and deeply satisfying, so is a suitable focus for the MGTOW sage lifestyle, cutting myself off from the culture I live in, now Oz, and previously China. China was a political shithole, Oz is a sageist shithole (i.e. mindlessly anti-intellectual) that I will probably leave in a few years to take up residence, for a while at least, in Cambridge UK, with its top university in the world (which shares place for the top slot regularly with Harvard University, in the US). I lived 4 years in Cambridge in the 70s as a young man in my 20s (being a mathematics supervisor to Cambridge University undergraduates) while I was a grad student at a college in London. Those 4 years were the happiest of my life, so I may repeat the process as a MGTOW sage, but no longer live as a cultural cocooner as I do now, and did for 12 years in China. If it weren’t for the internet (and my large 43” 4K (Philips) computer monitor) I would not be able to live in Oz, nor China. The internet is a life saver for me. It gives me access to the world, to thinkers whom I admire and can listen to, to my heart’s content. One of the advantages of Oz over China, is the much faster internet speed that I have in Melbourne, compared to the third world shithole speeds I had in China. So, closing off, if you are a sage, and are thinking about living a MGTOW monk life style, it can be highly rewarding, provided you have a challenging (otherwise boring) and engrossing activity to focus your life on. I certainly have that with my globacating, so you will need to have something equally engrossing and absorbing to give you peace of mind. It is doable, and is very rewarding.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/320? Accepting the Price I Pay for my Masculist Misogyny against Fluffie Parasites and Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my resignation towards the fact of my universal rejection by women of my masculist misogyny towards fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. I will very probably live the lifestyle of the MGTOW monk for the rest of my life, before masculism is widespread enough in the culture, so that there are enough female masculists for the masculists. That will take a decade or more, so guys, be conscious that if you “come out” publicly as a masculist, that is the price you will pay, until the masculist movement can force women to understand masculist MGTOW ideas. ACCEPTING THE PRICE I PAY FOR MYMASCULIST MISOGYNY AGAINST FLUFFIEPARASITES AND FLUFFIE FEMINISTHYPOCRITESI have now more or less accepted that I will not be able to date any Oz (slang for Australian) women because they cannot stomach my misogyny against fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. Some months ago, after only a few weeks in the country, having lived 12 years in China, my sister, after listening to me talk about the core ideas of masculism, and my plans for Oz in that direction, told me “No Oz woman will date you because of your masculism.” After nearly 5 months in Oz now, her prediction has come true, more or less. I did date a Russian woman for a few months, who lied to me about her age by a whopping 7 years, which made her too old to have been influenced by feminism in Russia where she lived until she was nearly 50, so feminism was not a thing for her. BUT, she had traditional expectations of men, that men should treat her like a princess snowflake, which annoyed the hell out of me, so we parted. Recently, I asked my sister “You remember some months back, you predicted that I would be unable to date any Oz women, due to my masculism?! You were right, so why did you make that prediction? What is it about my masculism that so turns Oz women off, in your opinion?” She answered straight back, in her characteristic style, “Your misogyny!” “Hmm.” I thought. Yes, I’m definitely misogynist against fluffie parasites, whom I hate, and see as the moral equivalent of slavers of negros in the 1800s in the US. I also have a masculist hatred for fluffie feminists, whom I see as hypocrites, behaving as feminists in the parliaments, but as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts. It’s bad enough that they are fluffies in their expectations of men, seeing men just as cash machines, but they are hypocrites as well, making them worse than fluffies. As a masculist, a men’s libber, I want to see these two categories of women exterminated, by seeing them killed, i.e. killed slowly, by men forcing them to rot on the shelf, to extinction, by men totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, placing enormous moral pressure on them to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs, financially independent persons) who expect to behave as responsible adults, and not parasite off the money of a man, the way fluffies do. Fluffies are vermin to masculists, immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, which is one of the primary goals of the masculists. We men are nearly all FIPs, so have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, or they rot on the shelf. A fluffie can only be a fluffie, if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, who is prepared to work for her, so she can sit on her fat big arse, in a middle class house, to raise HER kids in, and have the whole caboodle paid for by her manslave, and to keep him at the grindstone, she gives him a bit of sex now and then. Fluffie feminists are even more hated by the masculists, due to their hypocrisy, expecting women to have equal rights with men, as feminists (and as a masculist, I have no problem with that, since equal rights for women is a masculist prerequisite for women to be able to FIP up effectively) but reject equal obligations with men, by not bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, ending up with a “fluffie crap” diploma, that the economy does not value, and then looking around for some manslave in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking, giving her “baby rabies.” To be able to appreciate this masculist viewpoint, this hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists, one needs to have had one’s masculist consciousness raised, i.e. to have become aware, i.e. conscious, of how immoral, how parasitic, fluffies are. A century or more ago, women had a string of kids, with no contraception, and thanks to higher hygiene standards, e.g. sewage systems in the cities, these many children survived at greater odds, so mothering was definitely a FULL TIME job. The industrial revolution, and the factory system, killed off the multi-generational family, forcing the creation of the nuclear family (mom, dad, and the kids) due to its greater mobility to follow jobs in the factories, which often went bankrupt. With mom totally occupied with the kids, dad was forced into the sole bread winner role, and if he failed to bring home the bacon, he and his family starved. There was no welfare state in those days, no health insurance, no unemployment insurance, no trade unions, no labor political parties. Life was brutal. Boys were harshly socialized to be tough, to be able to bounce back, as a man, the day after he got fired, so that he could keep bringing home the money for his family. Women relied on their and their children’s survival on the father, the husband. Throughout history, women’s very survival has depended on men bringing home male hunted meat, or more recently, money. BUT, men, with their 10% larger brains than women, due to women’s hypergamy (i.e. the female instinct to mate up, i.e. with a superior male, so that her kids could benefit from his superior DNA) invent everything, build everything, create everything. Men gave women, the contraceptive pill, the greatest social revolution in history. Men also gave women, household gadgets, higher education, a life expectancy well into the 80s, due to male invented modern medicine, etc., so that women can reliably choose the number of kids they want, which today is typically 0, 1 or 2. So, even those women who have their 2 kids, still have a career window of about half a century. The masculists are now standing up and pointing the finger at women, putting strong moral pressure on them to FIP up, saying to women “Now that you women CAN work, you MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off men’s labor, i.e. manslavery! Manslavery is slavery, slavery rouses passions, slavery is a war issue, therefore manslavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war with the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, to exterminate them slowly, by totally ignoring them, forcing them either to FIP up, or to rot on the shelf to extinction.” Most women don’t feel this moral obligation on them coming from the masculists, because they know nothing about masculism. The broadcast media in western countries have yet to take up the masculist message and spread it to the masses, the millions, the billions. By reason of cultural inertia, women still see men as cash machines, and have a conscious or unconscious expectation that “Men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies!” This attitude is deeply ingrained in women, and they are shocked, when they hear masculist rhetoric for the first time. They freak out. Women have yet to have their masculist consciousness raised, i.e. to learn to see fluffiedom as manslavery, and hence as a gender crime, to be punished by men, and later by society in general, as masculist ideas, masculist attitudes, spread throughout the culture. Imagine you are a young woman in your early 20s, living in one of the cotton belt southern states of the US in the 1830s. Assume you are of average intelligence and see negro slaves all around you. You do not question the ethics of the negro slave system, because it is a daily occurrence for you. When you drive to town on your horse and buggy, you see the negro slaves in the fields, picking cotton and you don’t give it a second thought. You have grown up with this sight, so it is unconsciously normal for you, unquestioned. Then, suddenly, in town, you come across your first abolitionist, a yankee from the north, who is behaving like a mad man, saying such crazy things as “Slavery is a moral abomination. The negroes should be set free and be paid for their labor!” Later, the northern abolitionists (who wanted to abolish negro slavery) became more militant. The (in)famous John Brown (of John Brown’s body lies a moldering in the ground, but his soul goes marching on) raided an armory to supply guns to the negro slaves, and this jolted the south, to secede from the union, so that the south could continue its slave system that its economy was based on. You’re probably seeing where I’m going with this. Masculists see manslavery just as morally abominable as the abolitionists in the 1800s in the US saw negro slavery. The abolitionists of the 1800s wanted to abolish negro slavery. The masculists of the 21st century want to abolish man slavery, by forcing all women to FIP up, or be punished. If you are able to think along these lines and agree with its sentiments, then you have had your masculist consciousness raised. But there are many other masculist issues as well, besides manslavery to fluffie parasites. The most blatant example of sexual discrimination that exists is not against women, but against men, namely the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right) which would give men the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, in the same way a woman has, i.e. the Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right). With a legislated Parer, a man could fill in a government paternity rejection form, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, she becomes fully responsible for the costs of the kid. If she is a FIP, then she can afford to raise it on her own money, which is one of the reasons why masculists put such enormous emphasis on the creation of a FIP Society, in which all adults are FIPs, so girls are socialized by parents, and taught by teachers to FIP up or be punished by men by not getting one. Millions of women commit gender crimes in the form of lying to their boyfriends/husbands about taking the pill, get pregnant, and then force the unwilling father to pay for a kid he doesn’t want. This is criminality on a massive scale, enslaving a man, abusing him horribly, that millions of women do on a daily basis. Men are far more abused by women than vice versa. Women manslave men, treat them as cash machines, forcing them into undesired paternity, etc. Masculists are (mostly) men who say NO to all this, who put their male foot down, and say “Enough is enough, it is time for men’s lib, and you women who abuse men will be punished by being totally ignored by men, and as masculist ideas spread through the culture, women too, will see such fluffie parasites, such female gender criminals as vermin, to be wiped out.” The problem for me personally, is that I’m pretty much the father of masculism. It’s my term, coined in the early 70s when I was an avid male feminist, hoping that feminism would make women “interesting” i.e. capable of sharing my intellectual passions of pure math, math physics, and philosophy, but that never happened. I have given this new “ism” most of its concepts and their labels (see the extensive glossary in my MASCULISM book, whose link can be found on my website). But there is a price to be paid for being a masculist in the early days of its existence, and that is that until the broadcast media take up these ideas and run with them, then women will remain ignorant of masculist ideas. It took feminism several decades to spread from the sages (intellectuals) pioneering second wave feminist ideas in the 60s to reach the working class female masses today. Masculist ideas will probably take decades to spread as well. When I make my masculist videos and lash out at fluffies and fluffie feminists, those women who have contacted me, or vice versa on our e-dating site, are appalled at my masculist views. All they see, after decades of feminist rhetoric, that it is taboo for men to criticize women, to abuse women, then not surprisingly, these women reject masculism and most definitely, masculists, who present these views. I do believe however, that as masculist ideas spread to the millions, that there will be women who sympathize with the gender plight of males, i.e. who become female masculists, the way many men sympathized with the plight of the second wave feminists who wanted equal access to the professions, etc., and become male feminists. But it’s too soon for the existence of large numbers of female masculists, so for me personally, nearly every woman who contacts me or vice versa on our common e-dating site drops me like a hot potato, the moment she learns I’m a masculist who hates fluffies and fluffie feminists. These women have NOT had their masculist consciousness raised. So I’m paying the price of the pioneer. Other early masculists who express similar ideas on the media, on the internet, will suffer a similar fate I strongly suspect. In my own case, I’m in my 70s so the loss of sex that such female rejection implies will not impact on me as strongly as it would on a younger man. It’s true that I’m misogynist towards most women, especially against fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites, but to some extent towards all women, because virtually all women are incapable of enjoying and contributing to my intellectual passions of pure math and math physics. In math and physics terms, I see women, nearly all women, as fuckwits, and that is just a fact, as shown clearly by the scientific evidence. I have about 2000 e-books on PhD and research level pure math. Literally only a handful of them are written by a woman. So, it appears that I will probably live the life of a MGTOW monk for the remaining 3 (hopefully) decades of my life, and that I will live out the rest of my life being condescending towards women in those terms, i.e. being unable to share my intellectual passions with the female mind, that I see as childish, and 10% smaller brained (again as shown by science). These are just facts that women will have to accept, or be accused by masculist scientists like me of being “isscienate fairies” (isscienate = ignorant of science, unable to think scientifically; fairy = living in a fairy land, believing what you want to believe, without evidence, making you no better than a religionist, or a flat earther). But, I am not condescending towards ALL women. There is a category of women I enjoy being with and admire, whom I label “sage FIPs “ (sage = intellectual, thinker; FIP = financially independent person). For example, I’m a member of a university professor book club at Melbourne University, and enjoy the company of the smart women there, and I get the impression the feeling is mutual, BUT, they don’t know about my masculism. About once a week, I’m sent by my e-dating company, a female contact who has a PhD, so that attracts me, but when I give them the “masculist test” they fail it universally. None of them are yet female masculists. All they hear, thanks to decades of feminist rhetoric, is an angry male lashing out at women. They don’t stop to think and put themselves into the shoes of men who are being so abused by women, e.g. in the divorce courts, no Parer, manslavery, financial parasitism, female gender crimes etc. It would require a creative leap on their part to put themselves into the shoes of a man, seeing the world with a masculist perspective, so of course, they can’t, so they don’t. These rejecting PhDed women annoy me for their lack of sympathy towards men. They know nothing of masculism, so are unable to think masculist thoughts. They are exclusively monoconscious feminists, who have been taught by feminism that men who lash out at women are to be rejected by women, rather than understood, which is why I predict (see an earlier flyer of mine on this) that in the coming decade or so, tens of millions of western women will go through a lot of pain, by being rejected by men, for not adapting to men’s growing masculist anger at women for the way women oppress men, and badly so, more so than men oppress women. So, until there are many female masculists, I’ve resigned myself to living the life of a MGTOW (men going their own way) monk, devoting my time and energy to my intellectual interests, pure math, math physics, by making 120+ YouTube lecture courses on these topics for Ms and PhD level students around the world for free, as well as making e-libraries with Google links to full content textbooks in these topics. It will probably take another decade before there is a nonnegligible supply of female masculists, so any masculist like myself who “comes out” i.e. expresses his masculist views in public, can expect the same treatment as I’m getting, i.e. total female rejection, which only increases the level of contempt coming from masculists against the hypocrisy of women, who feel its ok for women as feminists, to lash out at how men oppress women, but it’s not ok for men, for masculists, to lash out at women, for how women oppress men. It will take a decade of masculist consciousness raising to produce a crop of female masculists to create a supply of such women for hetero masculists. I know what it’s like to have a good relationship with a woman. From observation, I would say that about a tenth of marriages are happy. Of course, half of them end in divorce, and a high proportion of the survivors are just so-so, passable, joyless, sexless, but I do see about a tenth of old couples who genuinely enjoy each other’s presence and smile at each other with deep contentment. I had that with my first wife, for the first five years, before the kids came, which put a spanner in the works. Since she was a fluffie, I was pushed into the manslave role and hated it. The marriage soured. I lost my kids, and six years of my life. I would like a bit of pleasant female company, to experience female nurturing, that women can be so good at, if they choose to offer it to a man, but probably for the rest of my life, I will just have to accept being a MGTOW monk, and to learn to live with it. My father has been like that for 3 decades and seems quite happy, so I hope I will be the same. So, guys, be conscious of the price you will pay if you go public with your masculism. Women are still monoconscious feminazis. They know nothing of masculism. It is our job to teach them, to force them to stop oppressing men, to convert them into being female masculists. Courage!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/341? Projects that only ARCing MGTOW Monks Can Do? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that ARCers (i.e. after retirement careerers) who are MGTOW monks (i.e. “men going their own way” who are womanless in their daily lives) can do more for humanity than twaytweffing (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (i.e. financially independent persons)) ARCers, because the former have much larger amounts of mental energy to devote to their ARCing, who do not fritter it away, on chasing their next girlfriend, to get some sex, so are able to focus their minds better on what they have chosen to devote their ARCing lives to. Thus humanity will benefit far more from the MGTOW monk ARCers than from the twaytwef ARCers.PROJECTS THAT ONLY ARCINGMGTOW MONKS CAN DOIn order to make this flyer self-contained, I need to give some definitions, so that the title can be understood. An ARCer is an “after retirement careerer” i.e. usually someone who has retired in his 60s or 70s, who has good genes and puts in the work to remain highly health conscious, so that he expects to reach 100, i.e. another 3 decades of life, i.e. the third third of life. A MGTOW monk is a MGTOW (i.e. a man who belongs to the “men going their own way” movement, an important branch of the men’s lib movement) who lives the lifestyle of a monk, i.e. he does not date, has no sex with women, who has no contact with women. His life is womanless. I’m a MGTOW monk ARCer, one of millions in the western world, who, as ARCers, feel they do not want to waste their final decades with useless pastimes, so undertake a new, substantial career, doing what they love, since they are no longer wage slaves to an employer, so are free to undertake a new career as their jobby, their job/hobby, and since they are doing what they love doing, they will give that new career, a ton of commitment and mental energy. Since millions of us are now doing this, this new demographic will have a profound impact on society, as millions of ARCers who have already a lot of experience, both professional and in life, will bring a flood of new ideas, and influence to society. To illustrate the kind of thing that ARCers do, I’ll give myself as a concrete example. After I’ve finished annotating a handful of books that I will teach from, I will start to film/video some 120+ YouTube lecture courses in Pure Math, Math Physics and Computer Theory at Ms and PhD levels, so that Ms and PhD level students can teach themselves these subject for FREE. I also make e-libraries, by putting up Google supplied links to full content texts, in these subjects. The aim is to revolutionize graduate level education in these subjects by making them FREE, so that students I call “alfas” i.e. students with top percentile IQs, can be given access to the materials they need to teach themselves. Since they are alfas, they are smart enough to understand the lectures that I film and give them, and they can read the textbooks whose links I put in my e-libraries, at the click of a mouse, or the touch of a finger on their smart phones, that nearly the whole planet has now. This ARCing project of mine is a MAJOR commitment of my time and energy, i.e. a whopping 3 decades worth, which is not something a “wager” would even consider undertaking. I divide the usual lifespan into three main phases, 1) prepping, 2) waging, 3) arcing. Prepping is one’s childhood, youth, and young adulthood, in which one gets an education, to give one the skills and knowledge to be more able to wage effectively, i.e. earn money, a wage, usually as an employee, paid to do some work by an employer, a company, a governmental institution etc. ARCing is what one does after waging, in the third third of life, which is often similar to waging, except that you are not paid for your work, since you are retired, by definition, and you get to choose what you do, based on what you love to do. Your ARCing is your jobby. I make the claim, that life is all about ARCing, the main focus of one’s life. Since the ARCing period is at least about a third of life, if one is health conscious, and lives a healthy, long life, making the effort to do the right things to avoid shortening it, e.g. by eating lots of green vegetables and fruit, walking one’s 10,000 steps a day, doing stretching exercises daily, routinely, taking multivitamins, watching one’s weight, so as not to become fat or far worse, obese, as are now 40% of the adult population, who will shorten their life expectancy by a decade or more, etc., then one can say that the first two major phases of one’s life are merely preparations for the third phase, the ARCing phase, the most rewarding and enrichening phase of one’s life, that future ARCers really look forward to. The major attraction of the ARCing phase is that one ARCs doing what one loves, rather than what some employer dictates to you what you must do, since you are working within a contract. The employer pays you to do something, that the employer wants and needs you to do. If you find the work boring and alienating, that is of no concern to the employer, since he is paying you to do that work. If you work poorly, and take days off, then the employer will feel he is not getting his end of the bargain met by you, and will be motivated to replace you with someone who does a better job for the money the employer pays. Thus waging, the second phase of one’s life, often has an aspect of wage slavery about it, because most people do NOT have jobbies in their waging phase, they feel more enslaved, but also feel they have no choice, since they have to eat and pay the rent, so they know that they have to work. Once one sees life in three phases, prepping, waging and arcing, then the obvious question arises, as to how many years can one ARC, doing what one loves? The point of this flyer is to state that if you are a MGTOW monk, then you can be an ARCer for many more years than can a manslave to some bloody, parasitic fluffie, who lives off her manslave husband’s money and labor. A MGTOW monk can ARC for many more years than a manslave, for the obvious reason that he is spending his money only on himself, compared to a manslave who pays for a fluffie parasitic wife and her kids, so MGTOW monk can save up faster, and retire earlier in life, years, even decades, earlier, e.g. in his 40s, and spend the rest of his life ARCing, doing what he loves and not what some employing slave master dictates to him what he does. Now that the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for men, that in many western countries now, 2/3 of young men wipe their hands of marriage and paternity, choosing to live the MGTOW lifestyle, i.e. they are “men going their own way” i.e. marriage less and childless, preferring to spend their money on themselves, rather than be parasited on by some hated manslaving, immoral, parasitic, fluffie, who expects to be able to live off the money of a man, so she can stay at home in a house that he pays for, raising HER kids. The fluffie feminists in all their short sighted hypocrisy, are the root cause of the rise and rise of alternative lifestyles for men, as millions of young men reject marriage and paternity, who then look upon ARCing as a very real and viable alternative life style. If you are a MGTOW monk, then you don’t waste any mental energy thinking about how to get your next girlfriend, so that you can penis her. Many MGTOWs do date, because they want the sex, but refuse to marry and have kids, so still have a lot more money for themselves rather than pay for a fluffie parasite and her kids, which keeps a manslave a manslave for many more years of his life. In this sense, i.e. the large numbers of years that a fluffie parasites off a manslave, the oppression by women of men is far worse than the oppression of women by men. However, since most feminists know nothing of masculism, they don’t see things this way. To monoconscious feminists, i.e. have had only their feminist consciousness raised, i.e. are not biconscious, i.e. they have not had both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised, the masculist claim that women oppress men far more than vice versa, sounds ludicrous, but it’s true, as can be readily seen, once one has had one’s masculist consciousness raised, and one calculates how many years, i.e. how many decades, a fluffie parasite, manslaves a man, her husband. But, a full MGTOW monk, who not only rejects marriage and paternity, but does not even date, he can do more great things with his ARCing phase of life, than a MGTOW who twaytwefs, i.e. lives the twaytwef (= 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) lifestyle with a woman, both of whom are FIPs (financially independent persons) and both have their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, as most do, then the two of them simply return to their respective apartments, cost free for the man, no alimony, because the ex-girlfriend is a FIP, no divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, etc. Twaytweffing forces the woman to be nice to the man, i.e. no nagging, no withholding sex, no manipulation or trying to mold him the way she wants, otherwise he walks away. But twaytweffing still takes a huge amount of mental energy, because one is interacting with another human being. There is twaytweffing and twaytweffing. For example, a couple might see each other for three evenings a week, mainly for sex and a bit of companionship. Alternatively, if the man sees his twaytwef partner mostly as a sexual partner, then he could see her only once a week, get the sex, and then spend the rest of the week ARCing, which is hugely less costly in terms of time and mental energy. At least that way, he gets the best of both worlds, the sex and a freeing up of his mind to concentrate on his ARCing jobby. Since a lot of the years spent ARCing are in the final decades of one’s life, there is the lower testosterone factor, i.e. when men get into their 70s, their testosterone levels really drop, so that they become much less “cunt hungry” compared to younger men, so can more easily just give up on women altogether, seeing them as femaliens. That is pretty much my situation now. I live the lifestyle of a MGTOW monk in practice. I don’t date. I tried for six months after arriving in Melbourne, Australia, after having lived half a century in 6 other countries, the previous 12 years being in China. Since I’m a math/physics/computing prof, I’m too bright for the large majority of women, and the few PhDed women on my e-dating site are mostly monoconscious feminazi arseholes, who hypocritically have the attitude – “How dare you criticize women!” which strikes me as a masculist as utterly hypocritical and contemptible, so I don’t have anything to do with such women, and vice versa. That situation is not going to change until these monoconscious feminazi bitches become biconscious, by having their masculist consciousness raised, but that’s not going to happen until the broadcast media really takes up the masculist message and spreads it to the masses, including these monoconscious feminazi hypocrites who feel its ok for women, for feminists, to lash out at how men oppress women, but it’s not ok for men, for masculists, to lash out at how women oppress men, and far worse, because female oppression of men is far deeper and last decades. Once men go full MGTOW monk, their minds are freed up to concentrate on what they focus their ARCing lives on. In my case its being a globacator, i.e. a global educator, a 30 year massive project, that is not the sort of thing that a younger man would even think of doing, but since I’m in my early 70s, I think of the next 3 decades of my life as merely a third of my life. I know who I am, what I like doing, what my strengths and weaknesses are, because I’ve already lived 70+ years, and have had plenty of time to learn who I am. Now imagine millions of men living the ARCing lifestyle, spending huge amounts of time and energy doing what they love doing, and taking their new career very seriously. The social impact of these millions of men, this new demographic, these ARCers, will be enormous. Such men have the luxury to start new careers, in topics that are new to them. I suspect that people become less creative and more intellectually stagnant with age, not because they have become older, but because they feel less challenged, and are bored with what they have been doing for too many years. I think that when men start ARCing, doing what they love, and are in good health, by bothering to make the effort to remain healthy, then they will have a freshness of mind, that a young person would have who is also tackling a new topic, i.e. what matters, is how new is the topic to the person, whether young or an older ARCer. With millions of ARCers entering many fields of endeavor, they will impact strongly on those fields, being fresh minds with lots of experience from other fields, thus enrichening these fields. It is thus to be expected that millions of ARCers will increase the level of creativity in many fields, as these millions of ARCers bring their mature wisdom, and multifield perspective to their new fields, that young people cannot compete with. Society will become increasingly conscious of these new ARCers, this new demographic of very healthy, health conscious retirees, who take up new careers, with a commitment that only people who truly love the field, can muster. Their voice will be heard. Those ARCers who are MGTOW monks will be able to devote more of their mental energy to their ARCing than men who twaytwef, so will be more committed, and achieve a lot more. The MGTOW monk ARCers will therefore be able to do, what twaytwef ARCers cannot, because the latter have less mental energy, they are not as committed as the MGTOW monk ARCers. That is just common sense. Having a strong focus in one’s life as an ARCer is probably an important factor in one’s life. If no such focus is there, then many men will just drift and waste their remaining years. Maybe many men are simply incapable of self-focusing like that, and need some employer to tell them what to do with their lives. That may be true. But for those men, those MGTOW monk ARCers who are capable of self-focusing, they will very probably do great things in the coming decades, since they have both the time and the mental energy to achieve those great things. I expect more to come from these MGTOW monk ARCers than from the twaytwef ARCers, since the latter have their mental energies frittered away by femaliens, who are such attention and male mental energy sponges/parasites, who care more about their own emotional needs than the value to humanity of the achievements of the MGTOW monk ARCers. For example, imagine if Gustav Mahler had been healthier and did not have a parasitic wife and two kids to pay for, to work for. He could have written more beautiful symphonies, felt more deeply about his music and the ideas behind his symphonies, than he actually did. A great loss of creativity, and hence, benefits to humanity, coming from male genii, is caused by femaliens, who parasite off the mental energy of these male genii. Such women are truly “culture criminals” in that sense, because they deprive the world of so many products of male cultural and intellectual genius.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.2/348? The Irrelevance of Women to Fourth Quarter Men? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer states that fourth quarter men (i.e. >65) can be quite happy, fulfilled and productive, by being womanless. Their much lower libidos mean that they are much less driven to women for sex, so provided that they are health conscious and have a strong passionate focus to their lives, they can live another 3 decades, doing what they love doing, woman free.THE IRRELEVANCE OF WOMEN TOFOURTH QUARTER MENThis flyer states that fourth quarter men, i.e. men in the fourth quarter of their lives, i.e. over 65, can lead happy, contented lives, that are completely devoid of women. For the past few months, I have not been using an e-dating company to make contact with women. Within the first month of me returning to Melbourne, Australia, after having lived half century in 6 other countries, my brother warned me that the PhDed women I would be interested in dating, would all be feminazi bitches, and hence repulsive. He was right. After 6 months on a dating site, I eventually gave up. Whenever I mentioned to these potential dates, that I was a masculist, they freaked out, much to my annoyance at their utter hypocrisy, having the attitude that “It’s fine for women, for feminists, to lash out at men for the ways that men oppress women, but it’s not fine for men, for masculists, to lash out at women for the way women oppress men.” These Melbourne PhDed feminists were all totally monoconscious, knowing nothing about masculism, hence were unaware how women oppress men. To them, gender politics is a one way street, i.e. men oppressing women, and anything inclining in the other direction, for them, was, by necessity, ridiculous, so they became angry, and often hacked off, i.e. cut contact, violently, blocking my name from being able to contact them. After many repetitions of this phenomenon, I gave up, and resigned myself to being womanless for the rest of my life, the way my father has been for 3 decades. He was widowered at the age of 67, and chose from that age onwards, not to date again. He was quite happy to spend the rest of his life alone, doing his own thing. I’ve never known him to have felt depressed about being alone, so my impression is that he has led quite a happy 3 decades in his current, single state. I’m now in a similar situation. I noticed even only after a few days from having cancelled my subscription to the e-dating site, so as not to waste money on another 6 months, that I felt freed up, and after a few months, I had effectively completely forgotten about women, being totally preoccupied with my intellectual passions. I just don’t give women a thought. They have simply dropped out of my consciousness. So, I’m now leading a lifestyle that is womanless, and hence obviously sexless. I don’t even have a sexual “arrangement, ” for example, seeing a woman once a week for sex, a bit of chat, and “See you next week!” This sexless lifestyle I doubt would be suitable for younger men, whose libidos are much stronger than those of fourth quarter men, i.e. men in the fourth quarter of their lives, i.e. over 65. The obvious reason behind this opinion, is that men in their 70s and above, usually have had their libidos turned right down, or even switched off completely. That is the case with me. I will be 72 in a few months, from the time of writing (June 2019) and have noticed that my brain turns to sexual fantasies less and less, indicating that the level of testosterone flowing in my veins has pretty well dried up. What I’m saying is that I don’t miss women sexually, the way I did when I was younger. So I can’t recommend being womanless to most men, since most men are younger than fourth quarter men, i.e. they are second and third quarter men, i.e. men say from 18-40 and from 40-65, respectively, who have enough testosterone in their blood to PUSH them to have sex. It’s a powerful drive that evolution has obviously selected in order to propagate the species. In the distant past, those relatively asexual men reproduced themselves with lower frequency, and hence died out. Younger men, who are masculists, who refuse to have relationships with fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man), can get the sex they need, by twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. both sexual partners, male and female have their own apartments, and are both FIPs (financially independent persons) so that there is no parasitism, no marriage and no kids. When the relationship fails, as nearly all do, the two of them simply walk away, back to their own apartments, cost free to the man.) Fourth quarter men are much less likely to need to twaytwef, because of their much lower libidos. However, to be honest, for a lot of men, not having a woman in their daily routine, may leave a rather large hole in their lives, i.e. creating a sense of emptiness and loneliness, so those fourth quarter men who choose to ignore women, making them irrelevant to their lives, need to have a strong alternative, i.e. a strong focus in their lives, that they can fill their lives with. I can give an example of what I do, to give my own life real focus and passion. It is obviously a solution for only a tiny minority of men, but it does give an example, of how a man can fill his life with a strong focus, a passion that makes his life emotionally and intellectually rich. I’m a retired prof of math, physics and computing. Now that I live a womanless lifestyle, and am retired, I ARC, i.e. I label myself an “after retirement careerer” by being a “globacator” i.e. a “global educator” making YouTube lecture courses in Masters and PhD level pure math and math physics, i.e. about 130 courses over the next 3 decades of my life, the aim being to provide bright students around the world, with the means (i.e. video lectures, plus electronic libraries to full context texts, with links supplied by Google) so that these students can teach themselves these subjects FOR FREE. I’m hoping to revolutionize graduate education in these subjects, in this way. You may be a bit cynical, that I’m expecting to live till I’m 100, which is almost impossible, given that only one man in about 5000 is able to do that, but in my case I feel it is reasonable, because my own father is still alive at 99.5 and will probably get to 100. Also, some years back I read something that shocked me, that changed my life. I read that there are boroughs in the state of NY, in the US, where the people are working class, low IQs, eat junk food, have junk bodies, don’t control their calories, have high BMIs (body mass indices, >30), are fat, drink sodas, eat lots of sugar and meat, don’t exercise, have diabetes, smoke, don’t take vitamins, don’t walk their 10,000 steps a day, don’t eat fruits and vegetables, don’t exercise, and die in their 60s. There are other boroughs in the state of NY, which are upper middle class, high IQs, don’t eat junk food, control their calorie intake, keep slim, don’t have diabetes, have healthy BMIs (18- 25), don’t drink sodas, don’t eat sugar or meat, exercise, walk their 10,000 steps a day, don’t smoke, take vitamins, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and die in their 90s. In other words, JUST BY CHANGING YOUR LIFE STYLE, you can increase your life expectancy, by a whopping 3 decades!! This made a deep impression on me, so I now put in the work, to stay healthy, slim, by eating well, and walking daily. (For example, I eat twice a day, with the first meal being a sucked egg, an apple, orange, tomato, carrot, banana. For the evening, second meal, I have celery, cucumber, zucchini, kale, small potato, black beans, tuna, lentils.) I walk around the Melbourne Botanic Gardens on Saturday and Sunday, sitting in my camp chair studying mathematics, and get in 13000 steps both those days, and about 6000 daily steps during the week. I take a multivitamin tablet per day, along with a fish oil-Omega3 capsule, and a mini-aspirin (to lower blood pressure). I weigh myself each day and record it to see what my weight is, and whether it is increasing or decreasing. If it starts to creep up a bit, then I will cut items from my diet. To be healthy and live a LONG life, you have to be slim. There is no point carrying around excess barrels of fat, that your heart has to work hard to move around every day, which just wears it out, so keep your BMI within the healthy range (18-25). Your BMI is calculated with the formula (BMI = wt (Kgms)/ht(m)*ht(m)). To lose weight, one has to respect the laws of physics, i.e. the conservation of energy. One can be any weight one wants, by merely controlling ones calorie intake. To lose weight, one has to keep ones “delta” negative. Delta stand for difference, i.e. the difference between the number of calories eaten as food per day, minus the number of calories i.e. energy burned up per day in just living, and moving around. If your delta is positive, you gain weight, since the excess number of calories has to go somewhere. Energy is conserved. It does not disappear. So the excess calories get stored as fat, i.e. you gain weight, and lower your health, and put an extra strain on your heart. If your delta is negative, where does the deficit energy needed to live per day come from? It comes from your fat reserves. Your tummy will grumble, as you convert stored fat into energy to live, so you lose weight. Weight control is all about your delta. There is no way around this. It is a law of physics, and HAS to be respected. If you stuff your face, you will pay for it with a fat body, and a shorter life expectancy. When I see obese people in the tram, I think “You dumb fuck! You’re shortening your life expectancy by a decade and your final decade of life will be in misery, due to poor health, so just control your calories, keep tabs on your delta, so you live longer and in higher quality. Smart people are rarely obese. There is a definite correlation between low IQ and obesity. So, if you’re going to ARC, I suggest you become highly health conscious, so that you have DECADES more life, after you retire, and if you choose, the way I did, to be a masculist MGTOW monk, ignoring women, making women irrelevant to your life, then you can look forward to 3 decades of healthy happy life, woman free. This is the lifestyle I choose, and is the lifestyle that my father has led for the past 3 decades of his life. So, bottom line, you can be quite happy, in the remaining quarter of you male life, being womanless, by being health conscious, and having a real focus to your life, some passion that gives your life a real purpose, something that you love doing, that is challenging, demanding, and worthy of your talents. If you just fritter away the remaining years of your life, you will live shorter, not longer. So, guys, fourth quarter guys, and young men who want to live the womanless lifestyle as fourth quarter men, choose some strong focus for your life, and be health conscious, then you can live a happy, fulfilled, contented, healthy final quarter of your life, and maybe even reach 100, but you have to put in the work. You have to make the effort to stay healthy, in terms of exercise, diet, slimness via calorie control, etc. This is what I’m doing now with my life, so am strong and healthy, and in much better shape than most men I see in the tram who are in their 70s. They are not health conscious, most of them, and the fat and obese ones won’t be around a decade from now, the dumb fucks. They only have themselves to blame.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3 Masculist Tactics for MGTOWs2.3/43 Looking Poor is an Effective Fluffie Repellent (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests that looking poor is an effective way for MGTOW/masculist men with money to repel fluffie parasites.LOOKING POOR IS AN FFECTIVEFLUFFIE REPELLENTI’ve been retired for over 5 years. I spend my afternoons in my favorite park studying PhD level pure math and math physics, to pick up the knowledge to make YouTube lecture videos and e-libraries in these topics to help educate PhD level students around the world for free.In the first year or so, I noticed a trend with middle aged bachelor degree level Chinese women in the park. They were educated enough to recognize that I was reading very difficult stuff, so their thinking probably went something like this – “Hmm, a highly intelligent male. Very smart males earn big money. I’m in my 30s and still don’t have a kid. This (maybe) rich, western, highly intelligent male might succumb to my vagina and give me big money, so I should attract his attention by talking to him.”This happened to me quite a lot, until I learned to use a very effective trick to repel them and that is to look poor. It worked so well, that one time, I remember being in the elevator to my apartment, overhearing two Chinese women of that age talk to each other about me. One said, “He doesn’t have any money.” I laughed inwardly, that’s all fluffies think about re men – i.e.?men’s exploitability quotient – how much money can a woman extract from a given man?”I wear sport shoes most of the time. My toe nails have penetrated the fabric of the shoes on both feet, thus creating a rather disheveled look. Even rather poor Chinese would buy a new pair, but I don’t. My sport shoes have another year or two of life in them, so I keep them, and use them as fluffie repellent.I observe the single women in their 30s and 40s look at me in the park. Now I think the monolog going on in their head is something like this ?– “He’s reading high level mathematics, so he must be very bright, so probably earns big money. But he’s in the park during the day, so is probably retired. BUT he looks poor, with his dirty shoes and his unruly hair that he obviously doesn’t care about. So, he’s useless (fluffie speak for “unexploitable’ by fluffies.) So they don’t approach me or try to talk to me. A few still do, so my second line of defense is to tell them simply “Bu dong!” (which means “I don’t understand the language you speak” shaking my hand at them. Then they definitely go away.So, this trick of looking poor is a very effective fluffie repellent. I can recommend it strongly to MGTOWs and masculists who want to keep fluffies at bay.Which brings me to the question, what categories of men would be interested in having a fluffie repellent? Different categories of men at different ages view women differently, so I’ll try to discuss the major categories.Young men are pussy hungry. They want as many women as possible to pay attention to them, so that they can put their penises in them, which to young men is the essence of their whole being. Handsome, well educated, intelligent young men can get all the pussy they want, so if they want to stay single and childless, due to being MGTOWs or masculists, all they need is to use condoms, and to walk away when the woman starts nagging or talks about having a baby.Men in their 30s are much less pussy hungry, and more cold eyed about women’s wants, especially from women their own age, who are now seriously wanting to have a kid before its too late for them. With divorce still toxic for men, these MGTOW/masculist men need to be more careful, re sperm jacking and the dirty tricks women play on men to become pregnant “accidently” (on purpose). Such men need to always use a condom, not trust a woman on the pill, and dispose of his used condom down the toilet immediately.Men in their 20s and 30s, i.e. first halver men (under 40) are less motivated to use “fluffie repellent” so the advice above is probably less relevant to them.But, to second halver men (over 40) in the second half of their lives, getting pussy is less and less of a top priority, so they are able to look even more coldly at women’s wants and avoid the female traps. Second halver men may have worked hard while they were first halver men, saved hard and now in their 40s have enough money to retire and become an ARCer (after retirement careerer) doing what they love in life instead of being a wage slave and a manslave to a bloody fluffie.Since they have money, real money, they could attract fluffies like flies, so repelling fluffies can become a major issue for them, so looking poor is good advice for them.When they want to get a bit of sex, all they have to do, is put on their “pump and dump” (i.e. business) suit and socialize with the fluffies. After he has pumped, he can dump and go back to his dirty clothes, looking poor and keeping the fluffies repelled at his “useless” (i.e. unexploitable) appearance.A second halver man will have saved a lot of money if he is an ARCer, so would be a major catch for a real fluffie, so he needs to be on his guard whenever some fluffie is buzzing around him like a mosquito. He needs to be wearing his fluffie repellant.As more and more men go MGTOW/masculist, there will be more and more men who ARC in their 40s and above, who will be most attractive to fluffies, who will sharpen their skills to trap these “useful” (i.e. exploitable) males. Such men will need to develop the art, the ruse of looking poor. Actually its not hard –?just don’t buy new clothes, let your old ones look a bit dirty, and let your shoes decay but keep wearing them. I find that works for me.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/46 Scientizing MGTOW (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests there is a second major difference between MGTOW and masculism and that is masculism is more ethical, more moralistic, whereas MGTOW is more empirical, making psychological claims about women’s nature that now need to be scientifically tested.SCIENTIZING MGTOWI’ve become increasingly conscious over the past few weeks, of a second major difference between MGTOW and masculism, which is what this flyer is about.The main difference between the two is of course that MGTOW is largely politically passive. (Admittedly MGTOWs put out YouTube videos which is a political act, but on the whole, MGTOWs are politically passive, or as I would say more derogatorily, politically impotent.) Masculists are politically active in trying to get society, journalists, women, and the gender politicians to respect men’s issues. In my own case, as a masculist, for example, I send out links to my MGTOW-masculist resource flyers to journalists of the major US newspapers (e.g. WSJ, WashPost, NYT, etc.) MGTOWs on the other hand are passive and simply walk away from the marriage market and paternity, going on strike against a gynocentric culture that financially massacres about one married man in four in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, treating men like exploitable checkbooks. MGTOWs and masculists agree on that score and treat fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off men’s money) as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.The second major difference I’m becoming more conscious of is that masculism is more about ethics, by being much more pejorative than MGTOW. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) for example, telling women, that if they are not FIPs they will be punished by men ignoring them. Fluffies will be forced to rot on the shelf to extinction. Masculists harangue women, to be what men want them to be and if women don’t conform, then men dismiss them. Since nearly all men are FIPs, men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs, since a woman cannot be a fluffie unless some manslave, some robot male agrees to be manslaved by her. As the supply of such manslaves dries up, so fluffies get wiped out.MGTOW on the other hand is more empirical. MGTOW makes claims about the nature of women, which are subject to empirical verification, but so far very little scientific work has been done on MGTOW themes, and it is this lack that this flyer is about.Take the major MGTOW claims that women don’t love men, or that women are hypergamous. These two claims are obviously statements (hypotheses) about the psychology of women, that need to be verified scientifically, using scientific methods.Sandman is a great hypothesizer. His statements are often interesting and provocative, but Sandman is no Bar Bar, nor Dark Knight, i.e. he is not a scientist. He gives the impression that not only doesn’t he have scientific knowledge, but that he doesn’t seem to care whether his hypotheses about women are scientifically correct or not. Other, more intellectual (sage) MGTOWs are much more conscious of the need to make the attempt to provide some kind of proof that what they are saying has some kind of scientifically verifiable proof.So, how can MGTOW be made more scientifically credible? The obvious answer to this question is that researchers in psychology, and sociology need to take up the MGTOW claims and test them, by going out into the real world, and seeing if these MGTOW claims are confirmed by empirical fact. Master and PhD students in psychology and sociology could base their research work on MGTOW themes, dreaming up ways to test the major MGTOW hypotheses. Established research professors could do the same, and then write books about their findings.Just how might researchers test MGTOW claims? For example, how to test the major claim of the MGTOWs that women do not love men,? but love men’s financial exploitability? Here are some suggestions, just off the top of my head. (I’m a PhDed professor scientist by the way, in computer science, who teaches PhD level Pure Math, and Math Physics, so I’m very familiar with the scientific method.)How to search for evidence that women don’t love men? Well, one could look at the evidence coming from the divorce courts, where one married man in four roughly, is financially massacred by their vindictive ex-wives, who take his kids, his house, his child payments, and his alimony. Many of these female sadists then hold divorce parties to celebrate their financial destruction of another human being who happens to be male.There have been experiments showing women photos of the same guy with a sports car, or in a McDonalds uniform. Vaginal juices are detected by a vaginal probe to measure how strongly women respond to the two sets of photos. Women get hot with rich men, that is clear.There is the anecdotal evidence. MGTOW hypotheses make so much personal sense to so many men, based on their own experiences, so perhaps psychologists could interview lots of people and get their experiences, and later come to some generalizations.There is the Darwinian evolutionary plausibility argument. It makes so much evolutionary sense that women value men’s resources rather than loyalty to a given man, who may fail to give her and her kids protein and other vital resources. Loving men’s resources makes real evolutionary sense. It would obviously enhance the fitness level (i.e. survivability) of herself and her kids.There are probably lots of ways to scientize MGTOW. I hope this flyer stimulates some of the more scientifically inclined of you reading this, to attempt to make MGTOW claims more scientifically verified, more credible, because they will have been empirically tested. Such research might be done within the context of Men’s Studies departments at universities. So much of so called feminist studies are really just lightly disguised PC bullshit. Men’s Studies researchers could use their male minds to do scientifically solid research on MGTOW claims and related masculist issues.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/51 Getting the MGTOW Masculist Word Out (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that there is plenty of MGTOW/masculist content now, so that the next step can be taken, i.e. getting the MGTOW/masculist word out to the general public. This flyer suggests things that MGTOWs masculists can do towards that end.GETTING THE MGTOW/MASCULIST WORD OUTThere is plenty of material/ideas on MGTOW/masculism now for men to go main stream with, bringing these ideas and attitudes to the masses, to society in general, particularly to women and the gender politicians.I’ll start with my own efforts, and then give suggestions on how guys can influence their immediate friends and acquaintances on MGTOW/masculist issues.If you have a look at my MGTOW-masculist-resource-flyers you’ll see there are about 50 of them already, so plenty for people to read and absorb. I’m now starting to put up links to them on major MGTOW sites, starting with Thinking Ape, and later I’ll do others, including feminist sites, to scare women into realizing that if they don’t become FIPs, they will not get a man.I’m still sending out links to the journalists of the major newspapers in the US. I’ve done the NYT, WSJ, WashPost so far. I can use WordPress features to see if people are hitting those files and they are, several a day, so perhaps some of those readers are journalists. It only takes one to write a big story, and then usually the rest follow. That was my experience in the 80s.So what can you guys do individually? Lots. Here are some suggestions.Tell your friends about the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and that nowadays only fools and ignorami marry. Tell them that about one married man in four in the US will get financially massacred by the divorce courts, which are deeply hostile to men. Divorced men will lose their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony to their fluffie ex-wives so that these women?can remain parasites on their ex-husband.If you are a high school or college student, then you can express your contempt towards your female colleagues who are studying “fluffie crap” (i.e. non math, and non-science based majors, such as psychology, philosophy, literature, languages, sociology, women’s studies, history, arts, etc) because by not studying FIP (financially independent person) type majors (e.g. the professions, or the techs) these women?will become fluffies themselves and then expect to be able to parasite on some manslave, robot male, whom she will expect to?pay for her middle class house that she will raise her kids in. Put strong moral pressure on these “fluffie crap” students, telling them that the supply of robot male manslavable men is drying up, currently in the US at about 30% and will probably drop to about 10% within a decade.Tell these fluffie crappers that they are destined to be manless, loveless, babyless and poor because no man will want them. The only interactions they will have with men will be of the penal kind, where men will use their holes and then dump them, because these men?see such fluffies as a health and moral hazard, and look down on them as immoral inferiors.Put powerful moral pressure on these women, your female acquaintances, to motivate them to become FIPs, especially at high school, where the initial real damage is done, because once a young women over 16 has chosen to study the soft option, i.e. fluffie crap, she is then locked into that option at university, and then probably for the rest of her life. Tell these fluffies that they are immoral, parasitic manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by the masculists and MGTOWs. Make them feel the moral pressure, spit at them, sneer at them, turn your nose up at them.You can give talks in your meetings and conversations. You can express your contempt for fluffies and the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, in your daily conversations with your friends and work colleagues. If some feminist work colleague harangues you with feminist attitudes, blow her away with really angry masculist/MGTOW rhetoric. Tell her the fluffie feminists are indirectly wiping out the population, making them genocidal criminals, because they have taken over the divorce courts and made marriage toxic for men, so that only a third of young men now in the US are prepared to marry and have kids.Really blast these fluffie feminists. Tell them they are the first category of female to be rejected by the masculists and MGTOWs. Tell them they will not get a man. Most of them are fat fours anyway, being a bit below average in looks, and overweight, making them sexually repulsive to men. Such women are triply handicapped, because besides being fat fours, they are also feminazis regarding men, and so make themselves utterly repulsive to men. 99.5% of women are heterosexual, so these fluffie feminists still need men sexually, so their rejection by males means not only are they rejected emotionally, but sexually as well. Many of these fat four feminazis are supremely sexually frustrated. They haven’t had a penis in them for years.If you have friends/acquaintances who are journalists, then try to influence them to do a piece on MGTOW/masculist ideas, which is in fact the most important story there is, because the marriage and paternity strike of the MGTOWs/masculists is forcing the population to wipe out. What is more important than that?When you are at meetings and some woman makes some snide remark about men, then give her a similar snide masculist/MGTOW remark about fluffie parasites and their extremely negative influence on the divorce courts, and the population crash. Shut her up. Make her conscious that there is a real men’s movement out there with teeth, which is punishing women for being fluffie parasites, and has no tolerance at all for feminazi bitches who are the first to be rejected by males.Basically, get the MGTOW/masculist word out. Spread the ideas, so that they become as familiar in the broader culture as are feminist ideas. Make women conscious, that they just can’t parasite on men any more. Women have to be FIPs, or they rot on the shelf to extinction, and are socially and morally shunned. Put moral pressure on women so that they pull their financial and existential weight, not depending on men to solve their problems, but solving them themselves, because women are expected by men and by society to be adults. Push women to GROW UP.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/90 Should a Twaytweffer's Girlfriend be a FIP? (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that twaytweffing is superior to twapping (i.e. having a relationship with a fluffie, keeping two apartments.)SHOULD A TWAYTWEFFER’S GIRLFRIENDBE A FIP?I’ve been playing devil’s advocate with myself the past few days, wondering whether it is strictly necessary for a woman to be a FIP in order that a man will be willing to twaytwef with her. In other words, should a man twaytwef with a fluffie?First some definitions, for readers who are not familiar with the above terms. A FIP is a financially independent person, the type of woman masculists demand that women be, otherwise masculists refuse to have anything to do with them. A masculist is a men’s libber, rebelling against the traditional male role of?being?a manslave to a parasitic fluffie. A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to parasite off a man’s money.Twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) is a relationship between a FIP man and a FIP woman, each with their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, as nearly all do, they both return to their own apartment, cost free. There is no divorce, because no marriage, no child support from the man, because no kids, no alimony, because the woman is a FIP. Twaytweffing is a popular lifestyle with many MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry and refusing to have kids, spending their money on themselves, because they are fed up with our gynocentric society, and especially the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, where roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the divorce courts, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony to a fluffie ex-wife, perhaps for life.)Twaytweffing has the considerable advantage for a MGTOW-masculist in that he gets regular sex from a woman, plus the considerable advantage that the threat that he can walk away from the relationship so easily, keeps the woman in fear that she must always be nice to him, otherwise he can so easily end the relationship, at no cost to him.BUT, couldn’t a twaytweffer man have a similar relationship with a fluffie? Strictly speaking, by definition, the woman MUST be a FIP, otherwise the man is NOT a twaytweffer, because having a relationship with a fluffie would make him a “2A1F”er. But that’s “taking the letter of the law.” What about having 2 apartments, and getting the regular sex that he needs, but with a fluffie, and if she starts manifesting fluffie attitudes, i.e. nagging him to give her money, nagging him to have a kid with her, etc., then he could dump her just as readily as he could dump a female FIP.Yes, he could, and so in practice, I can imagine a lot of men will choose to do something like this, so perhaps a new label might be useful at this point. Since the essence of the idea of twaytweffing, is having two apartments, and a having a relationship that can be easily stopped cost free to the man, then how about “twapping”, the “twapping lifestyle” i.e. the (2A) two apartment” lifestyle, i.e. no moving in together.So twapping may be quite popular with a lot of guys. I remember decades ago, in my 20s, living in Cambridge, England, the guy upstairs to me, who is now a famous mathematician, had a real fancy for his dishy girlfriend, who must have been 50 IQ points dumber than him. He liked her curvy body and her cunt and nothing else. She used to complain bitterly, in tears, “You don’t love me!” which was true. (My first wife and I could hear her cries from the apartment above.) He told us “I really fancy her!” and that was fully understandable, because she was deliciously fuckable. But by twapping, as they both did, he was able to walk away cost free, once her nagging really got on his nerves and her greatly lower intelligence began to bore him more than he liked her cunt.BUT, there are distinct DISADVANTAGES with twapping. If the woman is a fluffie, then twapping might work for a few years when the woman is in her 20s and her biological clock is not ticking hard, because she knows she has maybe a decade more of reproductive life ahead of her, so there’s no rush to find a robot male manslave to pay for a middle class house that she can raise her kids in. Twapping with a childless woman in her 30s is decidedly DANGEROUS. She may know you are a conscious, ideological twapper (a masculist, a MGTOW) and resent you for it. She may lie to you about the pill, and “accidentally” get pregnant, and given the gynocentric, menunfair gender laws, you as a male will be screwed. You will be financially massacred.You could always use a condom, and flush it immediately down the toilet, so as not to be “sperm jacked” as so many desperate women in their 30s do, to have a baby.A fluffie will nag you, if you are a twapper and she is in her 30s. When you dump her because of that, she may turn really hostile towards you, because she realizes that she may remain poor, because you are never going to give her any money to have a kid with.Twaytweffing is superior to twapping because the woman will have a different attitude? towards men, because she is a FIP. She has made the effort to educate herself into a career competent field, and makes good money. When the twaytwef relationship ends, she will not have the financial existential fear that a fluffie would probably have, because the FIP knows she can take care of herself financially, whereas the fluffie will be forced to abandon any hope she has of extracting money from her twapping ex-boyfriend.Also, a twaytweffing boyfriend will have more respect for his FIP girlfriend. She is much more likely to be his equal, in many respects, so he admires her more than a fluffie. A FIP male who twaps with a fluffie woman, just for the sex and her good looks, will respect her less because of her fluffie lifestyle, her fluffie parasitic attitudes towards men. The twap relationship will thus be more fragile, and more likely to fail, which can create emotional suffering. A twaytwef relationship will be more egalitarian, more respectful, and hence more likely to survive, and be successful.SO, in my book, some men may choose to twap, but its riskier than twaytweffing, so I recommend the latter.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/101 The MGTOW-ARCer Educational Revolution (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer shows how education (for the student and the professor) is being revolutionized by the MGTOW-ARCers, who can devote a substantial portion of their lives to free learning and teaching.THE MGTOW-ARCER EDUCATION REVOLUTIONNow that millions of men around the world are MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts that have been taken over by the fluffie feminists) many changes in society are now occurring. This flyer talks about a revolution in education that the MGTOW movement?is enabling (together with the ongoing revolution in information? technology.)With millions of men going MGTOW, many are choosing to ARC (after retirement careering) i.e. they get a good education, get a good well paid job, work hard for twenty years, live frugally, save and invest heavily, have no kids, are not manslaves to some cursed fluffie parasite, so that they can afford to retire young, and then ARC for the second half of their lives, doing what they love.These MGTOW ARCers now have the possibility to radically change their levels of education, which in time will change the whole education infrastructure, and society in general.This revolution can be split into two perspectives, from the point of view of the teachers (the professors) and the students (although the professors are often students themselves.)I’ll start with the professors, since I’m one myself, who is very interested in the impact of MGTOW and masculism upon society. I’ve been retired for?nearly 6?years now. I retired fairly early in life (62) and have taken up the ARCer life style, i.e. I’m an after retirement careerer, calling myself a “globacator” i.e. a global educator. I make YouTube lecture videos in PhD level Pure Math, and Math Physics to teach students in these subjects at this level from all over the world, for free.I call myself a “free prof.” I’m free in several senses. I’m free to do whatever I like in front of my white board, talking to my Handycam, making videos that I then upload to YouTube for the world to view if people are interested. I can talk as long as I like, about what I like. I can make as many courses about a given topic as I want. I can be as polite and as rude as I like, as PC or PR (politically realist) as I like. In other words, I am free as far as content is concerned.I’m also free (i.e. costless) as far as the student is concerned. A student who (for example) wants to get a comprehensive course in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) will be able to go to my website and watch many scores of videos on that topic and teach himself by downloading the text book from file sharing sites, and can listen to my lectures and learn to his hearts content. The lectures and the text book are all FREE.From the student’s perspective, the huge advantage of a video lecture, compared to a traditional classroom lecture, is that the student can REWIND. In a class room lecture, if the student had a late night the night before, or daydreams for two minutes, he may miss some vital point of the professor’s lecture. If a student fails to understand a point in a video lecture, he can simply rewind and listen to the point again and again, until he gets it (or gives up.)I plan to be a globacator for the next 2 decades, if I can live long enough. I’ll be 70 in 2017, so I expect to live into my 90s because my father is healthy and 96, and I think I have his longevity genes. As a free proffing globacator, I only have to video a course ONCE, compared to a classroom prof who might give the same damn course 40 times in his conventional nonMGTOW career.If you’re a globacator, and hungry to learn new stuff, then by giving a course only ONCE, you are then free to video MANY courses that are new to you. I plan over the next 2 decades or so, to make hundreds of courses, so I can cover nearly all the essential topics of PhD level Pure Math and Math Physics, and put them “all under one roof.” Students who are interested in these two fields, will be able to go to one site and get almost any subtopic they want (but it will take me a long time to build up all these courses – but YouTube lectures are forever, hopefully, so I see myself as creating a legacy for humanity, at least in these two broad fields.Other free profs can do the same in their specialties, so that in time, the entire spectrum of human knowledge can be put online for the world to learn from and FOR FREE, thus revolutionizing education. In contrast, parents often have to pay a fortune (e.g. $50,000/yr. for an undergraduate education at Harvard) which is an abomination, and is something that freeprofs like myself are aiming to wipe out.So as a student, as a MGTOW ARCer, if you love learning, just for its own sake, and not only as a means to get a well paid job, then the free profs will provide you with all the material you could possibly absorb in a whole lifetime, and vastly more. If you love learning, you could spend your days learning whatever you love, whatever fascinates you.Personally, I love learning the PhD level material that I make YouTube videos about. In fact, making YouTube videos has two main motives for me. One is public, the other is personal. If my YouTube video lectures are any good, then thousands (maybe more in time?) of students around the world will get a PhD level education in Pure Math and Math Physics for free, and that benefits humanity. It also benefits me, because I love learning this beautiful stuff. I love having that feeling of “Oh wow!” when some new knowledge vista opens up to me, and makes me see the world differently. I really love that feeling. It makes me feel strongly alive, and hungry to learn more. It gives me a frequent and highly desirable “high.”In parallel with the rise of MGTOW ARCers, is the information technology revolution. For example, I have an e-reader that is very light, which has enough RAM memory to store many thousands of books and papers, that I can take to the park with me. (It’s the Sony “Digital Paper” e-reader.) You can use it to download books and papers from file sharing sites from the internet as you feel the need, i.e. in real time. It is a revolutionary device for serious scholars. I use it to create my own private library. I’m able to put over 10,000 books and papers on it, more than enough for a lifetime’s learning.It is an essential part of what I call “scholar tech” i.e. the tech used by scholars to revolutionize their research and teaching. I have a routine. In the mornings, after I’ve woken up a bit, I film my lecture video, lecturing in front of my white board, that I wrote up the evening/night before. (So I “sleep” on the content of the next day’s lecturing, which makes for a better lecture.)? In the afternoons, I take my camp chair and my e-reader (that I usually just call my “DP” (i.e. Digital Paper, the name that Sony has given this product) and study material for future courses, or solve exercises whose solutions I will put into the videos. In the evenings/nights, I write up the white board for the next morning’s video filming, and upload the daily video to YouTube.Now imagine, that there are many thousands of free profs like myself, i.e. ARCers (MGTOW ARCers) who supply millions of lecture videos for free to the world. Imagine, millions of MGTOW ARCer students?who are intelligent, and want to spend their ARCing lives doing something they feel is worthwhile,?who?choose to educate themselves to a high level in subjects that are of great benefit to humanity. I don’t think anyone will deny that Pure Math and Math Physics are profoundly beneficial subjects to humanity.So these MGTOW students study the lecture videos and read the text books on their e-readers from their own private libraries that they have built up from downloading from file sharing sites. They benefit from the lecture videos made by (MGTOW) ARCer free profs, like myself. The net result is that the general educational level of humanity, skyrockets.Really smart PhD level people all over the world, will be able to educate themselves to the limit of their intellectual capacities. Millions of peasants in third world countries, e.g. China, India, etc. will be able to pull themselves out of their impoverished shitholes and get a really good education. They will get the books for free from the file sharing sites, and they will get the lectures and the knowledge passed on to them from the free profs, who spend their ARCing lives as globacators.This will have?a revolutionary impact on the planet. Suddenly, there will be 70 million intellectuals (i.e. the top percentile, the top one percent, of people in terms of IQ scores) who will become fully educated. They will not have their lives wasted by rotting away on some ox in a paddy field. They will become PhD level students, and keep learning all their lives. Education, and knowledge, will be the main focus of their lives. They will feel ennobled by that. That’s how I feel, and I’m sure millions of others will agree with me.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/104 Living Together Apart : A MGTOW Compromise (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes my relationship with my Chinese wife, which may be informative to MGTOWs because it shows a textbook case of female hypergamy.LIVING TOGETHER APARTA MGTOW COMPROMISEOften, reality is more complex than theory. This flyer is about my own life style and relationship that I have?with my own (Chinese) wife and how it is?of quasi MGTOW type. It illustrates some of the MGTOW theory (e.g. women’s hypergamous nature) but I hope also illustrates that real life can be more complex and multi-facetted than MGTOW theorists make out.I’ve been living in China for almost a decade. I have a very low opinion of the Chinese (an intellectually sterile culture, a pathetic one home grown science Nobel prize, no world class intellectuals pushing their original ideas on the world stage, a political pygmy nation, still a primitive one party dictatorship, with a government that has murdered 80 million of its own citizens, under Mao, whose face is still on the country’s money, the greatest single tyrant in history in terms of the number of people killed (45 million in the Mao Famine, 25 million in the Lao Gai (China’s equivalent of Stalin’s gulag political prisoner concentration camps), 10 million in the cultural revolution and the anti-rightist (anti professor) campaign), 1000 Lao Gai in today’s China, with between half and two million political prisoners, an ultra-conservative culture, the only country in the world to not use an alphabet in its writing, a very mean spirited, abusive, authoritarian population, etc), poor, dirty, lazy, disorganized, in other words, a third world shithole.)So to stay sane, relatively unstressed and relaxed, I interact with the Chinese as little as possible. I live in a cultural cocoon, living my ARCer (after retirement careerer) lifestyle.You may ask, why China, if you see it as such a shithole? I could live in a poorer third world country, and take advantage of its much lower cost of living compared to a rich, democratic, expensive, first world country, but at least China is smart (average IQ of 105, and will eventually dominate the 21st century. I like to have SOME pride in the place I’m living in, just for reasons of self-respect. The hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists will soon crash the economies of the US, Europe and Japan, leaving really only Russia and China, so China will probably within a decade (if I’m still alive, born in 1947) be the absolute dominant culture and economy.I do have a Chinese wife though, so I’m not fully MGTOW. The relationship I have with her illustrates some of the main ideas of MGTOW theorists, e.g. her hypergamy, but also the complexities of real life. I’ll mix these two aspects in my description of the type of relationship I have with her, hoping that it might be informative to MGTOW readers.I suppose you could call me a bit of an “intellectual monk.” When I first met her, 6 years ago, I was a full prof and working full time, earning two and a half times her salary. I was superior to her in many ways (e.g. she was an associate prof, I was a full prof, she had 30 publications, I had 150; she has 0 books, I have 7, I spend my time studying PhD level pure math and math physics to make YouTube lecture videos for PhD level students around the world, to learn these topics for free, she watches soaps on her iPad.)A few months after meeting her I got fired from my Chinese university, for telling the university president that westerners would not come to China until the country democratized and gave them freedom of speech, that Mao had killed 80 million of his own citizens etc. He emailed back saying I had broken the law, and a few months later, my contract was not renewed.My previous Chinese wife had stolen half my savings, which I could not get back in the Chinese divorce courts, because they favor their own citizens. SO, I became rather poor. I could survive on my US professorial pension, if I live modestly. My Chinese wife then began to see me increasingly as poor and she withheld the sex. I used to tell her that “I’m so superior to you in so many ways, that you should actually be proud of me, because I’m pioneering online education at PhD level in math and physics.It was like water on a ducks back. All she cared about was that I was rather poor, and that I was living in her apartment. (No way, would I have a relationship with a fluffie, after my experience with my first wife decades ago, who was a half fluffie, so after my first Chinese wife, I made sure that my next girlfriend would be a definite FIP (financially independent person.)We used to have bad arguments, and I would harangue her about her small mindedness, that?what I was doing being a globacator (global educator) was very important, and that she should be proud of her husband. A couple of months back, I really let fly at her after she was really bad tempered for the Nth time, abusive and rude. I expressed my utter contempt of her watching stupid 80 IQ soaps all day, even though she’s a prof (of Chinese ancient literature). After that she calmed down. I asked/threatened her that if she drove me away with her nagging and bad temper, then given that she is rather fat, and mid-fifties, it is unlikely she would ever get another man, that she will soon lose?her son to the US, and her parents in their 80s will soon die, so I’m the only family she has. Does she really want to spend the next 30 years of her life with only the dog?Perhaps that shocked her out of her abusive bad temper, or maybe it was just that finally her menopause finished, so that her hormones stopped messing with her mind. I’m not sure what happened, but she did calm down. So real life can be confusing, more complicated than expected.SO, now she is calm, and I can tolerate her more. I choose to stay with her to have a bit of companionship. We don’t say much to each other, because I’m into math and physics and she’s into Chinese soaps, each in a different room. We take the dog for an hour’s walk each evening, and that is about the totality of our time doing something together, so you could say we live together, apart. She has never traveled, not even to nearby Hong Kong, whereas I’ve lived in 7 countries, calling myself a “top worlder” because I speak the top 4 cultures’ languages (English, French German), having lived in Brussels for about 15 years.When I was living in the US in the 00s, I lived 4 years alone, feeling totally alienated from the bloody Mormons, (I was living in Utah, for my US prof job) due to their childlike gullibility regarding their religious beliefs. I used to escape each weekend to Salt Lake City to be with a serial string of non Mormon girlfriends I met online. I was not very happy.So, my current lifestyle as a kind of quasi-MGTOW intellectual monk is not too bad. I get some daily company, I don’t pay rent,?and no sex (but at nearly 70, with testosterone levels low, that’s not a big deal.)? I am retired, and have been ARCing (after retirement careering) for 6 years now, doing what I love. I feel what I’m doing now is hugely more significant than what I was doing as an employed prof at a Chinese university. Before I taught a class room. Now I teach the planet. My YouTube lectures will last as long as YouTube lasts and can be viewed all over the world.I have low expectations of my Chinese wife. She is female. She is hypergamous. She judges men by their financial exploitability. She is a textbook classical case of a hypergamous female, even though she is a FIP. (I wouldn’t be with her otherwise.)I focus on my ARCing, which is my primary activity for the rest of my life, maybe another 20 years. I can video maybe a hundred courses in that time, hopefully revolutionizing PhD level education. So far, no one else is doing what I’m doing, i.e. planning to give students a comprehensive set of courses that take them from senior level undergrad to 2nd year PhD level in Pure Math and Math Physics.So I’m not too pissed off. It would be nice to have a bit of sex from time to time, but that’s not a big deal. She’s calm now, so that’s a big plus. So I’ll probably stay with her in the Chinese shithole and get my YouTube lecture videos out the door for 2 decades.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/156 Politicizing MGTOW (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOW should politicize, now that it is armed with a powerful new idea, namely the “population annihilation argument” which says that if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws and society in general, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the population by continuing to reject paternity. The gender politicians and society will be forced to listen due to the power of this argument/idea.POLITICIZING MGTOWI think the time in now ripe for the MGTOW movement to politicize. I think it should and it can. Since talking about the should is a waste of time if there is no can, then I will begin with the can, i.e. means that the MGTOWs have to politicize and to politicize very effectively.I’m talking about MGTOW’s (and masculism’s) most powerful argument, and it is indeed VERY powerful, which goes as follows – “If you gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws and society in general, then we MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out the whole population by continuing to reject paternity.” Anyone reading this will be convinced that it is indeed a powerful argument, that the MGTOWs can use as their primary strategy to get the gender politicians, and our increasingly gynocentric society, to menfair the gender laws and to menfair society as a whole.It’s ironic that this most powerful of MGTOW arguments arose out of a feeling of political impotence on the part of the MGTOWs. Traditionally MGTOWs reasoned as follows. There is no point trying to politicize like the MRAs (men’s rights advocates) or the masculists, because any time or energy devoted to such politicking would be a total waste of time and effort, because the gender politicians are controlled by the female vote, and since there are more female voters than male voters, even if male gender politicians become sympathetic to men’s gender issues (e.g. the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, or the blatant sexual discrimination against men having no Parer (paternity rejection right) whereas women have a legislated Marer (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion right)) they will not give men what men want, through fear of losing their next election due to the backlash from women, who like being able to financially massacre their ex-husbands, and freak out at the concept of a Parer, which would force all women to become FIPs (financially independent persons), so MGTOWs reason, with such political realities, it is pointless trying to persuade the gender politicians to give men gender justice.So, MGTOWs do the only thing they can do, and that is to walk away, to reject the gynocentric culture we live in, by refusing to marry (given that divorce is so toxic), refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves. Millions of young men in the US and Japan are now doing this, in fact, the large majority of young men (< 35), i.e. about 70%. Young Japanese men who do this are called Herbivores. They have been rejecting marriage and paternity for about a decade longer than American men, so have had more impact on Japanese politicians. The Japanese population has even begun to fall as a result. At its peak it was 128 million, and has dropped a million in just a few years. In two decades, the baby boomers will have died off, dropping the population to about 80 million, i.e. a drop of about a third.Japanese politicians are very aware of this fact, and are pulling their hair out. They have even appointed a Minister of State for population, and gender equality to address this problem. It is only a question of time before the same level of awareness occurs to American politicians, and that they too start thinking hard about how to stop the population from crashing.Here is where MGTOWs can politicize. They can use their strongest argument i.e. the “population annihilation argument” to frighten the gender politicians, that if they don’t menfair the gender laws and menfair society in general, then the whole population will be killed off by the MGTOWs/masculists, by continuing to refuse to be fathers. Already 70% of young American men refuse marriage and paternity. Within a decade, that figure will probably be over 90%. So it’s only a question of time before the gender politicians wake up to the fact that the US population is starting to fall, due to lack of babies, and indirectly, due to the gynocentric culture that denigrates men.The “population annihilation argument” is so powerful, that anyone hearing it for the first time, given the population statistics, is forced to take it seriously, and will become alarmed. It is indeed a very powerful argument, and should be pushed hard by the MGTOWs and masculists in a very political way.Here are some suggestions on how this could be done. Firstly, the idea needs to be spread amongst the MGTOWs, so that they become convinced that their former attitude towards politicking is no longer appropriate. These former apolitical, politically passive MGTOWs need to become convinced that they now have a powerful intellectual tool to politic with, which ironically, arose out of their reaction to their feeling of political impotence. In other words, the very reaction of MGTOWs themselves towards the gynocentrism of our culture, i.e. their walking away from marriage and paternity, is ITSELF that new powerful intellectual tool, that can be used by MGTOWs to politic with.Next step, once many MGTOW sages (intellectuals) become convinced of the power of the “population annihilation argument” as a political tool for MGTOW/masculism, they can then start preaching it to the MGTOW masses, and motivate them to start politicking for MGTOW causes.Once a lot of MGTOWs become political, they can start setting up MGTOW/masculist groups in every high school, college, putting powerful moral pressure on female students to stop studying fluffie crap and to major in math and sciences to study STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) at college. MGTOWs can approach the media with the message that if society, and the gender politicians, don’t menfair the gender laws and menfair society in general, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the whole population.Since the survival of humanity is the top goal for humanity, people will listen. They will be forced to, because there is nothing more important to human beings, than the survival of human beings. Society will wake up, and see the population dropping and start becoming conscious that there is a terrible problem, that young men are rejecting marriage and paternity. WHY? This is where the MGTOW/masculist sages come in, getting on the media and explaining why men are deserting fatherhood. It is not in their self-interest to run a one chance in four of being financially massacred as a married man by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court.These MGTOW/masculist sages need to push for fundamental reforms in our culture, pushing women to be FIPs, or they don’t get a man. Young women will need to be socialized and educated to be FIPs, choosing FIP majors at high school and college so that they can become career competent FIPs as adults and not parasite on men. The gender laws need to be changed to make them menfair. Divorce laws need to be made menfair – so no alimony; bringing in automatic joint custody; the original owners of the house keep it; divorcing couples should be encouraged to buy a cheap nearby apartment that they alternate in, one week, the father is with the kids in the house, while the mother is in the apartment, and the following week, they swap places.The Parer needs to be legislated, so that men can reject paternity. If the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy that he does not want, then he signs a form, so that the woman then has full financial responsibility of the kid. The legislation of the Parer will revolutionize society. It will force all women to be FIPs, which is why the fluffies fight it tooth and nail. They like being lazy and having men work for them. This fluffie immorality is one of the major reasons why the masculists’ primary political goal is to wipe out fluffiedom, wiping out the fluffies by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them as punishment for them being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.There is a lot of politicking to be done by the MGTOWs/masculists. We should be making real efforts to get on the broadcast media, so that our ideas can be spread to the masses, the millions, the billions. Once most journalists have absorbed MGTOW/masculist ideas, they will soon pass them on to the general public. That is their job, so journalists should be targeted by politically minded MGTOWs/masculists, so that MGTOW/masculist ideas really get out there.MGTOWs/masculists on campus should push their presidents to hire men’s studies professors to talk about men’s issues. MGTOWs/masculists need to speak up vigorously, to counter the impression of many feminists that they have a monopoly on gender issues which they clearly don’t. Any feminist who thinks so is obviously ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas, and needs to be taught, which is another reason why MGTOWs/masculists need to become a lot more political.If we MGTOWs/masculists don’t push for change, there will be no change, and our current gynocentric culture will continue to be the status quo. To change things, we need to reengineer society into a “FIP Society” with menfaired laws and attitudes.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/167 Using MGTOW's Strongest Political Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that MGTOWs who have up till now been rather politically passive, should use the “population annihilation argument” to force society and the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. This argument is the nuclear weapon of the MGTOWs/masculists and should be used to huge effect.USING MGTOW’s STRONGEST POLITICAL ARGUMENTThe MGTOWs strongest political argument is “If you gender politicians don’t menfair society and the gender laws, then we MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity!” This is an incredibly powerful argument that the gender politicians and society as a whole cannot afford to ignore. It should be obvious to any thinking person, that it is only a question of time before the population starts crashing in the western countries the way it has already started doing in Japan, so that society, the media and the gender politicians need to address the problem before it becomes catastrophically serious.In Japan for example, in a mere two decades, after the baby boomers have died, the Japanese population will have fallen by a third of its current figure to about 80 million. The Japanese birthrate is 1.4 children per woman, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1, so if the current rate continues, Japan will be wiped out. But two thirds of young Japanese men under 35 now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. As this “herbivorism” spreads through the generations of men, there will be no more Japan within a century. A similar story holds for many western countries, e.g. Spain, Italy, Germany all have birthrates of 1.4? In Singapore, its even lower, 1.0 for the Chinese and Indian subgroups. So time is on the side of MGTOW/masculism. Sooner or later the gender politicians will be FORCED to listen to us and to make the gender laws menfair, by reforming divorce law, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), eliminating sexual discrimination against men across the board, etc.Politically minded MGTOWs who care about the plight of other men can really use this most powerful of MGTOW political arguments to harangue the gender politicians and other groups. They can accuse the fluffie feminists of indirectly wiping out the population by having made the divorce courts toxic, and hence marriage toxic, for men, by having taken them over and lobbying the gender politicians to bias the divorce laws heavily in favor of fluffies.MGTOWs need to become a lot more political, by bringing their message of “Young men, don’t marry, don’t have kids, spend your money on yourself. Don’t be a fool. If you marry you will have roughly a one in four chance of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. You will lose your kids with a 90% probability, you will lose your house to your fluffie ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it, you will be forced to pay child support to kids you will barely see, and alimony to a fluffie parasitic ex-wife who has no legal obligation to get off her parasitic fat arse and become a FIP (financially independent person).Sooner or later, the broadcast media is going to latch on to the population crash and its primary cause, i.e. that young men are refusing to marry and have kids, due to the fluffie feminist domination of the divorce courts and the pandering to them by the extremely short sighted and selfish gender politicians, whose political horizons extend only to the next election.Once the broadcast media do get interested in the issue, and with countries like Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan all at a birthrate of only 1.4, this has to happen, then the MGTOW spokesmen can present the MGTOW/masculist case. They can threaten the gender politicians with the strongest of MGTOW arguments, given above. They can accuse the fluffie feminists of being hypocrites wanting their cake and to eat it too, wanting equal rights with men, but not being prepared to accept equal obligations with men, namely becoming FIPs by studying FIP majors at high school and college. These fluffie feminist hypocrites want to keep having manslaves work and pay for them. Parents and teachers need to be taught that young women have a powerful moral obligation to become FIPs and pull their own financial weight, otherwise they will be punished by MGTOWs/masculists, by being ignored by men, left to rot on the shelf to extinction, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned increasingly by a society that becomes ever more sympathetic to men’s lib ideas.I get bored by Sandman’s constant analysis of the ills of the gender status quo for men. He’s good at educating peaker men (i.e. people whose IQs lie in the peak of the Bell curve, i.e. of average intelligence) of the psychology of women, but I never hear any talk from him on political plans to get society motivated to liberate men. He is passive and a-political, believing, falsely in my view, that there is nothing men can do to actively change society to make it menfair. He is politically blind. The above argument is obviously more than powerful enough to force society to menfair itself. Those MGTOWs who are more politically inclined, I suggest you start politicking, by helping to set up men’s lib groups in every high school, every college, sending flyers to the media, writing articles in the print media, and making videos on YouTube in the form of “Men’s Studies” i.e. whole courses on Men’s Lib and its many ideas, writing books on Men’s Lib, setting up Men’s Studies at universities, etc.Part of MGTOW’s problem is the false belief (e.g. Sandman and others) that there is nothing they can do but to go on strike against marriage, and paternity, due to the fact that more women than men are voters, so that the gender politicians cater to women more than men. But with an angry male half of the population, gender politicians cannot afford to alienate men, otherwise they will lose the male vote and hence the elections. Not all women will vote for a biased feminist agenda. MGTOWs/masculists also need to change the intellectual climate, so that women feel an enormous moral pressure on them to be FIPs or be ignored by men. MGTOWs/masculists need to spread the word that a woman who is not a FIP, i.e. a fluffie, with fluffie attitudes towards men, will be punished. She will rot on the shelf. “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” “FIP up or die out!”MGTOWs need to know that they have a very powerful argument (the population annihilation argument) that they can use on society. It is their nuclear weapon. It cannot be ignored. It cannot be refuted. It has immense power. The MGTOWs should really use it, together with the masculists. Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/218 Converting MGTOWs to Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains to MGTOWs that there is a way for them to be active in gender politics without wasting their time and energy. The key idea is to convert women into female masculists by threatening them MGTOW style, with babylessness. For women to have babies the gender laws will have to be menfaired, and that requires women’s help to weaken the female bloc vote by strengthening the male bloc vote by adding to it the female masculist vote.CONVERTING MGTOWs to MASCULISMThere are a lot of MGTOWs in the world who privately would love to be more politically active, and would love to see the profoundly misandrist gender laws menfaired, but take a fatalistic, passive, a-political stance towards gender politics, because they are convinced by MGTOW thinkers, that gender political action on the part of MGTOWs would be a total waste of time and energy, so that the only option left for MGTOWs is to GTOW, the core idea of the movement, and hence is placed explicitly in the very title of the movement.This flyer aims to persuade such MGTOW “a-politicals” i.e. MGTOWs who are ideologically opposed to political action, that there are ideas, techniques, strategies that make political action, gender politics, worthwhile and very definitely NOT a waste of time and energy, in fact just the opposite, namely allowing men’s libbers to achieve what they want, i.e. freedom from manslavery, the menfairing of the gender laws, etc.This flyer spells out step by step these ideas, these strategies that have the ideational power to CONVERT MGTOWS TO MASCULISM, i.e. the angry political branch of the men’s lib movement.I begin, by presenting the core argument that a-political MGTOWs use to justify (rationalize) their a-political stance, their a-political passivity, and that is the “female bloc vote” argument.It goes as follows. No matter what the masculists try to do politically in the gender political arena, it will be a waste of time and energy, because women are 51% of the voters, and that a higher proportion of women vote than men, so when it comes to a zero sum game clash between men and women (e.g. in menfairing the divorce laws that so oppress men, but benefit women mightily) then the gender politicians will always side with the women, because women have the power to vote out the gender politicians if they take the men’s side.There is a major weakness in the above “female bloc vote” argument and that is that it can be refuted if women can be converted to become female masculists, who take the side of the masculists, and join them in voting against the fluffie feminist hypocrites, against the fluffie women who want to keep their privileges gained from the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, which are so biased in favor of fluffies’ interests.So, how to convert women to become female masculists? By using MGTOW and masculist strategies that act as both the carrot and the stick. Masculists see the MGTOW walk away from marriage, paternity and often from women in general, as a very effective masculist political tool, to frighten women to do what the masculists want in terms of male gender politics. The masculists tell women, especially young women, that due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist hypocrite takeover of the divorce courts, that divorce and hence marriage, have become so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men under 35 in many western countries now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they are punishing women, by ignoring them. Some women may be pumped and dumped, but that is all. They will not be given babies.Young women are now in panic as they find in practice, again and again, that men refuse to give them their sperm, especially quality men, the smarter men, who are better informed of MGTOW and masculist ideas as they spread and spread across the planet.Women are evolved to do two basic biological things, one is to find some manslave to pay for her to have babies, a deeply held attitude in women, and the other is to grow and raise the next generation, but MGTOW and masculism is blocking women from fulfilling these two goals, because women cannot have babies without getting quality sperm from quality males, who, thanks to the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, refuse marriage, refuse paternity and go their own way.The masculists then tell women that this is what is happening, and that it is very much in the self-interest of young women, to join forces with the masculists, to put political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the gender politicians will continue the pro-feminist status quo, so that men will continue to reject paternity, forcing women to remain babyless, which is something that drives women crazy, i.e. when they can’t fulfil their fundamental destiny as a female, when they cannot achieve what their whole DNA drives them to do.So women have a choice. They can remain loyal to their own sex and support politically the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, who want equal rights with men, but are not prepared to accept equal obligations with men, i.e. in sharing the burden of earning the living with men, especially in bothering to get a career competent education that will allow them to be FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults, OR, they can switch sides and support the masculists in putting voting pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, e.g. especially in the divorce courts, so that for example, alimony is thrown out, custody of children is automatically made joint, the original owner of the house gets to keep it, the Parer (paternity rejection right) is legislated, misandrist gender laws across the board are menfaired, schools and media have to stop dumping on men, laws are passed to create as many male as female teachers in primary and secondary schools so that boys are given male role models. Positive discrimination may be necessary to give men higher salaries in primary schools than women to encourage more men to be teachers, etc.Masculists teach women that their reward in combining with the male bloc vote against the pro-feminist gender politicians, is that men will be a lot more inclined to have kids if the gender laws are made menfair, than if the current horrors in the fluffie feminist divorce courts remain in force.There is also another carrot for women, and that is a let up of the powerful moral pressure placed on fluffie young women at high school and college who choose to become fluffies in their 30s by choosing to study the soft option at age 16 in high school, i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy choice of studying the memory based, non-analytical majors, such as languages, history, English literature, etc., and not the analytical subjects like math and the sciences, where they have to use their brains and think logically and abstractly.Masculist groups need to be set up in every university and college, to educate men and women into masculist and MGTOW ideas. In order to be able to persuade women to become female masculists, there need to be enough masculists at high schools and colleges to be able to persuade them, and to apply strong moral pressure against the fluffies to FIP up, by studying career competent majors at high school.One of the main tasks of the masculists at universities, is to help set up masculist/MGTOW groups at high schools, because the real fluffie crapper damage (i.e. of 16 year old women choosing to study “fluffie crap”) occurs in the high schools, so university masculists/MGTOWs need to give talks at neighboring high schools to help set up these groups which then can apply strong moral pressure on young women to FIP up, frightening these women, that if they don’t FIP up, and bother to obtain a career competent education, then they will be punished severely by men by not finding a husband, and especially by not getting quality men’s sperm.High school boys and male students at university, need to be made conscious of a very basic fact that has enormous consequences in their fight against the feminazi bitches, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, and that is – “Men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up.” Nearly all men are FIPs, because they are socialized that way by parents and teachers, and males evolved to be FIPs. A fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible, ignorant manslave, but the MGTOW/masculist movements are causing the supply of such manslaves to dry up. Today, about 70% of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. The feminazis have made marriage so toxic for men that marriage is now almost dead, and women are increasingly being forced by men to be babyless.Those women at high school who choose the soft option, the career incompetent option, need to strongly harangued by their male class mates, for being fluffie crappers, for being future fluffie parasites, who will want to parasite off some manslave, but there won’t be any for them. By the time they are in their 30s with their biological clock ticking, there won’t be any manslavable men left to be sexploited by fluffies.Men’s libbers need to learn to strongly harangue the fluffie and the fluffie feminist hypocrites, and put powerful moral pressure on them, to get them to shut up with their PC isscienate fairy bullshit that women are the superior sex. Young men need to be educated that the reverse is true as shown by science, e.g. men are smarter than women by 4 IQ points. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance then women, so the morons and the genii are men, so men have won 99% of the science Nobel prized, that men have much higher testosterone levels so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged and persistent so accomplish far more than women, so dominate the Who’s Who book entries. There are hugely more great men than great women.High school masculists/MGTOWs need to apply enormous moral pressure on young women to FIP up, or be spat at, seen as being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, ignored by men and punished, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool by such women being forced to rot on the shelf to extinction.Female masculists however, will NOT suffer this treatment by men. They will not be subject to heavy moral pressure from men. They will be seen as allies with men’s libbers and be supported. They will not be harangued and morally suffocated by masculist rhetoric. They still won’t have babies with men’s libbers, but at least men will talk with them, interact with them. Men won’t be willing to have babies again until the divorce courts have been menfaired, and that won’t happen until many women force the gender politicians to change their direction away from being pro feminazi towards being menfair. So women need to work hard with the men’s libbers to get the gender laws menfaired, so that women can go back to having babies again.Now assume that the above has been largely set up, e.g. that there are men’s lib groups in nearly all the high schools and colleges, and that women know that they are not going to have a baby, so that they are inclined to vote against the fluffie feminazis and vote with the masculists to menfair the gender laws.Once MGTOWs see that women are converting themselves in large numbers to being female masculists, then it is likely that many former MGTOWs will convert themselves into becoming masculists and start pushing for the creation of the necessary masculist infrastructure, e.g. helping create the men’s lib groups at high schools and universities, approaching the broadcast media to get journalists to write and film pieces about masculist/MGTOW ideas, which is in fact the biggest story around, because if things continue the way they are, then whole populations will get wiped out. There is no bigger story than that, so it has to be addressed.MGTOWs will be able to throw off the “female bloc vote” argument once they become convinced that large numbers of women are becoming female masculists, who are motived to bloc vote with men to menfair the gender laws. MGTOWs will then convert themselves into angry politically active masculists and get politically active, setting up men’s lib groups, pushing the journalists to increase publicity for MGTOW/masculist ideas, haranguing the feminazis to stop their awful misandry, by blowing them away with superior male intelligence and far greater verbal venom, since men have higher testosterone levels. Anything men choose to do, they can do better than women, due to the general phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance). Men’s performance scores on virtually anything are more spread out over a whole population than women’s scores, so the top scorers are always men.Many MGTOWs will be able to see that the traditional approach of the MGTOW, in just quietly, passively, a-politically walking away from marriage and paternity, is the SLOW way to liberate men. By pushing women to become female masculists and joining forces with the male bloc vote, the gender politicians will be forced to change their gender preference and become menfair, by reforming the gender laws to be ethical towards men.In summary, MGTOWs need to be made conscious that the traditional “female bloc vote” argument that is traditionally used to reject MGTOW political action, to reject MGTOW gender politics, is refutable, by simply pushing large numbers of women to become female masculists by forcing them to, by threat of them not having babies, due to MGTOW paternity rejection. In other words, the MGTOWs now have a clear path, a strategy, to convert themselves into masculists, so that men’s lib can be achieved a lot faster, by forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because if they don’t, they will be voted out by the majority “male-female masculist bloc vote.”Whole new doors open for MGTOWs now. MGTOWs can become politically active, encouraged that their efforts will not be in vain and wasted. A way forward is now clear. It can be expressed in the form of a masculist slogan “To convert MGTOWs into masculists, convert women into female masculists.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/239 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims the time is ripe for millions of passive apolitical MGTOWs to convert themselves into politically active masculists, by using two breakthrough approaches. One is to threaten young women with babylessness, using the MGTOW paternity boycott, so that they vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. divorce laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.); and the other is to force women to FIP up (i.e. become financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education to become FIPs as adults, to grow up and take full financial responsibility for their own lives and not parasite off the money of a man, otherwise they are punished by men by not getting one. These two strategies will allow the masculists to fulfill their dream of creating a FIP society, where both men and women are socialized by patents and taught by teachers to be FIPs. The creation of a FIP Society will allow the masculists to achieve their primary political goal of freeing men from manslavery, worldwide, this century.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/345? MGTOW, ARCing, and the 6th Mass Extinction? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how the MGTOWs and masculists can kill two birds with one stone, i.e. to liberate men from manslavery and wageslavery to the hated fluffie parasites who want to manslave men to pay for women to have babies, in a grossly overcrowded world, and to stop the 6th mass extinction of species which are dying out due to their habitats being destroyed so that too many human beings can grow food. MGTOW and masculist rejection of paternity, will cause the world population to be reduced to the Georgia Guidestones recommended level of about half a billion.MGTOW, ARCING, AND THE 6THMASS EXTINCTIONThere are too many people on the planet. I agree with the Georgia Guidestones, that the earth’s population should be reduced to about half a billion, which means that most of humanity has to die off, not necessarily killed, just not replaced, by discouraging paternity, so that young men continue to reject being fathers, thus solving the problem of too many people, naturally. Why do I feel that there are too many people on the planet? Because the capacity of the planet to cope with large human populations is limited, finite. If there are too many people, we affect the planet badly, e.g. by exhausting the earth’s raw materials, heating up the planet, so that the coastal cities get flooded, due to rising sea levels, due to the melting of the ice caps at the poles, by overcrowding of populations, leading to a lower quality of life, by causing more extreme weather as global warming causes shifts in weather patterns, more hurricanes, more draughts, etc., and especially, and this is the focus of this flyer, by causing the mass die off of the number of species, the 6th mass extinction on this earth, which, this time, is not caused by massive volcano eruptions, nor being hit by a large asteroid, but caused by humans, too many of them, who are clearing land for farming, to grow food to feed “too many useless eaters” and thus killing off millions of species of living creatures which can no longer survive due to the loss of their habitats. It took millions of years to evolve these species that an overpopulated world is killing off by the day, ending forever creatures that cannot be replaced, a major cosmic tragedy. Anyone who thinks about the 6th mass extinction, i.e. the humanly caused massive die off of millions of species, sees it as a major tragedy, something that humanity will deeply regret in future years, so how can we stop this massive die off? By depopulating, by reducing the number of useless eaters on the planet. In terms of the total number of people on the planet, does it make much difference if there are 7 billion people on the earth, compared to 6 billion, or 4 billion, or half a billion? I think not, so if humanity wants to stop this tragic massive die off, this 6th mass extinction, then we need to find an effective solution to the problem. This flyer provides such a solution, and it is called MGTOW and ARCing. MGTOW (men going their own way) is an important branch of the men’s lib movement. These are men who see the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, i.e. by women who claim they are feminists in the parliaments, pushing for equal rights with men, by law, but reject equal obligations with men, in sharing out the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education, by bothering to study career competent majors at high school and college, so that they can become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults, and not parasite off the money of a man, as do fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to sexploit men to work for them, to be manslaves to them. Masculists, i.e. men’s libbers, who are a lot more political and verbally aggressive than the MGTOWs, have a hatred of fluffies, whom they see as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored, not even being pumped and dumped, so that their fluffie parasite genes are removed from the gene pool, forcing them to rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men, by masculists and MGTOWs.” Fluffie feminists are seen by masculists as hypocrites, because these women want to have their cake and to eat it too, they accept equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, by rejecting the moral pressure from the masculists to FIP up, i.e. to bother to become FIPs, so that men can be freed from the traditional manslave role of working for a woman, so that she can raise HER kids in a house that HE pays for. MGTOWs and masculists see the toxicity of the divorce courts as taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, as so bad, that they react by refusing to marry, reject paternity, and go their own way, spending their money on themselves. It is the paternity rejection of the MGTOWs and masculists that is the indirect solution to the tragedy of the 6th mass extinction. Thus, for a few generations, humanity has the luxury to reject paternity, so that the global population is reduced, but not to total extinction of course, but reduced enough, so that the total global population is reduced to a level that the earth can cope with, so that all the horrible things that overpopulation is causing, as mentioned above, can be removed. So, masculists and MGTOWs can use the 6th mass extinction phenomenon as a political tool, to persuade more men to go MGTOW and masculist by advertising the considerable advantages of this lifestyle to men, so that they adopt this lifestyle, and hence reject paternity, thus lowering the world’s population. After a few generations, once the world population has been reduced to the desired amount, say half a billion, as advocated by the Georgia Guidestones, then some social engineering can be employed, to encourage men to be fathers again, by, for example, menfairing the gender laws, making divorce no longer toxic for men, the way it is today, by bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), and menfairing the many legal and social discriminations against men, across the board. But for the moment, humanity needs to get its population down, so how to persuade men to adopt the MGTOW/masculist childless life style? This flyer provides the answer to this question, and that is by advertising to men the considerable advantages of the ARCing lifestyle. ARCing is “after retirement careering” i.e. usually the third third of life, in which men retire from waging, i.e. the second third of life, in which they are earning a wage, a salary, some of which they save, so as to be able to retire much earlier in life than is customary, so that they can devote the rest of their lives doing what they love, developing themselves, and not being manslaves to bloody fluffie parasites, paying for fluffies to have children, when the world population is already many billions too many. Women will hate men’s ARCing, because if women want to have babies, and if most men refuse to give women their sperm, then these women will have to raise their own kids on their own, and as most women know, to be a female careerist AND to look after small children at the same time is virtually impossible, so that women who do attempt to do both at the same time, usually burn out by the time they are in their 40s, so women desperately want to be able to get their financial claws, fluffie style, into some gullible manslave, but MGTOWs and masculists are persuading millions of men to reject being manslaves to fluffie parasites. Women, especially fluffie feminist hypocrites, will then accuse men, especially, MGTOWs and masculists, of being selfish, of not contributing to the creation and raising of the next generation. The masculists and MGTOWs will then hit back at these fluffie feminists by saying that it is women who are a 100 times more selfish, because it is women who want the babies, and then expect men to pay for women to have them. Individual women want to have babies, because they evolved that way, with their DNA pushing them to reproduce, but the world’s population is already way too large, so humanity needs to reduce it, to lower it significantly, and a very effective way to do that is via MGTOW and masculist paternity rejection. The masculists, in their characteristic verbal aggressiveness, will accuse the fluffie feminists of being 100 times more selfish, by wanting to have kids, in a greatly overcrowded world, and to have men be their manslaves, working for women, so that these mothers can sit on their fat parasitic arses, in a house that her gullible manslave pays for. How is the ARCing lifestyle, superior for men? Because it offers a much higher level of freedom for men, releasing them from the chains of manslavery, and opening up their lives to self-development, into becoming something that men want to become. Most men today are manslaves, wageslaves, working to earn money, so that some fluffie manslaver can have HER kids paid for. Such men are not free to pursue their own dreams, doing what they love, rather they do what they have to do to earn money, to pay for his manslaver fluffie wife. ARCing men however can have a third or even a half of his life free from manslavery, from wage slavery. For example, he can get well educated, gaining a real skill that the economy values, and pays well for. So in the first third of his life, the prepper stage, he gets a good education. This may take him the first quarter of a century of his life. He then enters the second third, or second phase, of his life, the waging phase, in which he earns good money, saves and invests well, to save up enough money, so that he can retire early, so that he can become an ARCer, perhaps move to a much poorer country, where the cost of living is much lower, so that the purchasing power of his savings greatly increases, maybe doubling or more. He then spends the rest of his life, often a third or even a half of his life, doing what he LOVES to do, what he chooses to do, rather than being a manslave to some bloody fluffie, some immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin fluffie. When a man is doing something that is his passion, he is usually much happier with life. He need not give up on sex however. He can twaytwef if he wants, i.e. have a regular sexual relationship with a woman, who is herself a FIP (financially independent person) and has her own apartment. (Twaytwef = 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). When the relationship dies, the two of them just walk away, cost free to the man. Thus the ARCing life style for a man is truly liberating. It is men’s lib in the true sense. Masculists claim that a man’s life is essentially all about ARCing. The first two phases of a man’s life are really just preparation for his ARCing, the primary goal of his life, to be free to do what he loves doing, developing himself, spending his money only on himself, and not have it leeched upon by some fluffie parasite who wants to have kids and have some gullible manslave pay for her to be able to stay at home raising them, while he is the manslave, the wage slave, who pays for it all. “FUCK that!”, say the masculists and MGTOWs, who liberate themselves by rejecting paternity, by rejecting manslavery, by rejecting fluffies, and redirect their lives towards their own liberation, their own love affair with their own lives, doing what they LOVE doing, rather than being forced to earn money, so that some hated fluffie parasite can have HER kids in HIS house, all paid for by his labor, in a world, where there are already way too many people. So we have here a way to kill two birds with one stone. By liberating men from manslavery to fluffie parasites, by freeing men to be able to live the ARCing lifestyle, we also stop the 6th mass extinction, the massive species die off, because with billions of young men ARCing and rejecting paternity, the population gets reduced, so that much less habitat for the worlds species is destroyed for farming, to feed billions of useless eaters, so that these species can survive and not be wiped out. Thus in a manner of speaking, women’s evolved push to have babies is wiping out the world’s species, causing the 6th mass extinction. Masculists and MGTOWs reject women’s hunger to have babies, by refusing to give women their sperm, forcing women to be babyless, which will force women to vote with men, to menfair the gender laws, so that men will be more prepared to be fathers again, so that men will not have to pay the current horrible price of being financially massacred in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite divorce court system of western countries. A lot of men actually want to be fathers, but in today’s world, don’t dare to, because they refuse to play Russian roulette with their lives, in which, if they become fathers, they face a one chance in four of being financially destroyed by the hated fluffie feminist divorce court system, losing custody of his kids with 90% probability, losing his house to his fluffie ex-wife, forced to pay child support to kids he will barely see, losing half his stuff to his fluffie parasite ex-wife, and often forced to pay alimony to her for the rest of her life, so she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce as she did before the divorce. Men are waking up in their billions that this divorce risk, created by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, is utterly unacceptable, and vote with their feet, refusing to marry, rejecting paternity, and spending their money on themselves, spitting on fluffies as vermin, to be punished, to be wiped out, to be ignored, forcing women to FIP up. Even if nearly all women do FIP up, and the gender laws are menfaired, so that being a father is much less risky for men, then the considerable advantages of ARCing for men will not go away. For several generations, men will continue to ARC, so that the world population can be reduced, so that the 6th mass extinction, and general environmental damage, can be stopped. Thus, masculism and MGTOW, as social movements, will have profound historical significance, that future historians will write about.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.3/350? MGTOW Lifestyles : HAMmers Can Do Things Wagers Cant? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that HAMers (health conscious ARCing MGTOWs) will have a huge beneficial impact on society as millions of them take up long term projects, doing what they love, for several decades, i.e. pursuing projects that short term waging men are unable to do, due to the constraints imposed on them by employers. HAMmers will be able to do these things that wagers cant.MGTOW LIFESTYLES : HAMMERSCAN DO THINGS WAGERS CANTI’m becoming increasingly conscious that I’m a harbinger of a new demographic, i.e. ARCers who are very health conscious, who expect to have a second career in the remaining 2 to 3 decades of their retired lives. I believe that these long lived ARCers will have a major impact on society, due to the fact that they can do things that are of great benefit to society, that wagers cant. I need to explain the above, since it’s not clear. Firstly, what are ARCers and wagers? An ARCer is an “after retirement careerer” i.e. someone who has retired from being a wager, i.e. earning a wage, or a salary, by being in paid employment. I divide a typical life into three main phases or parts, i.e. prepping, so preppers, which is getting an education, in preparation for the second phase of life, which is to wage, i.e. to earn a wage/salary. The third phase is ARCing, which from the point of view of an ARCer, is “what life is all about,” i.e. the main focus of one’s life, since ARCers see waging as slavery, wage-slavery, being paid to work at something that your employer decides that you do. Prepping is compulsory until late secondary school, so is also a form of slavery. ARCing on the other hand, is free. By definition, as an ARCer, you are free to choose what you do with the third third of your life, doing what impassions you, what you LOVE doing. Thanks to the first two phases of life, you have been able to save up enough money, through investments, etc., so that you are financially independent and/or with a state pension, so that you are NOT compelled to continue being a wager, stuck in the second phase of life. The great advantage of being a MGTOW ARCer, is that you are not a manslave to a female, who wants you to be able to parasite off your labor and money, so that you pay for her to have HER kids, so that she can raise them in a house that YOU pay for, so that she can concentrate on doing what SHE really wants to do, i.e. grow and raise kids, a female’s raison d’etre, what she evolved to do. A MGTOW has the financial luxury to save strongly, because his money earned in the early part of his waging phase does not get absorbed by a female who wants kids. He is able to save that money, invest it, so that he can pile up enough savings, so that he can flip to phase three, and become an ARCer much earlier in life than can a man who is a manslave to a female. If he is also health conscious, paying attention and putting in the work necessary to have a long healthy life (e.g. by counting calories, so that he does not become overweight, keeping his BMI (body mass index = wt(Kgms)/ht(m)*ht(m) in the healthy range of 18-25, whereas >25 and 30 is obese, and very unhealthy, and >35, which is morbidly obese, and hence destined for a short life, and utterly stupid, being a preventable problem) then he can look forward to having the majority of his lifespan spent in the third phase of life, being an ARCer, doing what he loves doing, taking the viewpoint that “life is all about ARCing,” i.e. the whole point of life! Now that MGTOW ideas are spreading across the planet in huge numbers, with the numbers of hits on the topic of MGTOW reaching close to the level of hits on the topic of Feminism, then millions of men are becoming conscious that there are alternative lifestyles that open up to MGTOWs, to MGTOW ARCers, and especially to health conscious ARCing MGTOWs, who expect to retire in their 40s, and live to 100, or at least into their 90s. In an earlier flyer, I mentioned that by merely changing one’s lifestyle, one can increase one’s life expectancy by a whopping 3 decades, e.g. by doing the healthy things, e.g. not smoking, walking 10,000 steps a day, eating lots of green vegetables, and fruit, sleeping well, not eating meat and sugar, no sodas, taking multivitamins, and keeping calm with a strong focus to your life. There are boroughs in the state of NY, in the US, where its citizens live like this and live into their 90s, whereas there are other boroughs in the same state, who do the opposite, i.e. all the bad unhealthy things, and live into their 60s!!!! So, health conscious ARCing MGTOWs can look forward to a whopping 6 decades of ARCing life, i.e. about 2/3 of their life. Not having a manslaving female in his life, this “HAMmer” (i.e. health-conscious ARCing MGTOW) has the luxury to be able to concentrate on LONG TERM projects, doing what he loves doing, what he has chosen himself to do, and not chosen by some wage slaving employer. Thus it is becoming clearer to me that in time, there will be a billion such HAMmers, and just by their sheer numbers, let alone the impact of what they will do for society, will have a huge effect on social welfare. I’m becoming increasingly conscious of this new phenomenon, due to the general reaction I’m getting from my professorial waging colleagues at my local university. I need to explain. I’m a HAMmer. So I have the luxury and the means to plan and execute LONG TERM PROJECTS, that wagers are unable to do. I attend pure math, math physics, and philosophy seminars for faculty of my local university (Melbourne University, which prides itself on being the best (i.e. most cited) university in the southern hemisphere) most working days of the week. Since I’m a retired prof, with the title Prof. Dr. in front of my name, I have no difficulty in being accepted into such faculty seminars. Since, in Melbourne, I walked in off the street, after moving out of China, where I lived for 12 years, and lived 50 years out of Australia, where I grew up as a kid, there was some initial curiosity on the part of some faculty members as to who I was, so I told them I am a retired prof and that I am an ARCing globacator (global educator) i.e. aiming to make some 130 YouTube lecture COURSES on Ms and PhD level Pure Math and Math Physics, so that very smart students (i.e. in the top percentile of IQ) can teach themselves these topics for free, by watching my lecture courses on YouTube and by studying the “full content” e-textbooks, whose links I provide (supplied by Google) in electronic libraries, that I construct. To the Pure Math professors in these faculty seminars, I tell them that my main interest in pure math, is to teach what I label on my website as “humanity’s greatest intellectual achievement” i.e. the “classification theorem of the finite simple groups” which was a massive, half century long effort, involving a string of genii, all male of course, hundreds of research mathematicians (virtually all of them male), and about 15000 pages of journal articles. This “monster theorem” is so large, and spread out over about 500 journal articles, that no one human mind can cope with it all, so as soon as it was more or less “finished” (announced in the early 1980s, but a quarter of it was missing, and not tidied up until 2 decades later) a revised, simplified, version was begun, which is still ongoing, but will finish up in a few years. This simplified version of the classification proof (i.e. proving that a list of mathematical objects (i.e. the simple groups) is complete, and that there are no others) will come to about 6000+ pages I have calculated, that will be spread out over 12 volumes, of dense mathematical reasoning, that group theory is famous/notorious for. I think to myself, that since I’m an ARCer, and specifically a HAMmer, I can teach this revised version of the proof. I have another 30 years, 3 decades. The revised version of the proof, will be put into 12 volumes, of which the first 8 are already published, with the final 4 coming out in the next few years, so by teaching one volume per course, that’s 12 courses, with about half that number as preliminary, prerequisite, courses, which is still only a small fraction of the 130 courses I aim to teach and film, over the next 3 decades of my life. I feel it is doable. However, the typical reaction I get from my professorial colleagues in the math department is “That’s ambitious!” and of course it is, i.e. teaching 6000+ pages of dense mathematical reasoning (with typically a dozen deductions per paragraph – therefore, therefore, therefore, …..). I’ve had this reaction several times, which has made me think, that a wager could not undertake such a task, because it is too long term. A waging professor/lecturer etc. is under pressure to P or P, i.e. publish or perish, i.e. churn out regular research journal papers at a rate of typically at least one per year. I know. I used to be such a P or P professor before retirement, churning out some 150 such papers in my area of specialty of artificial brains, in the topic of artificial intelligence, in computer science. But now that I’m retired, an ARCer, a HAMmer, I’m free to do what I love, and I love pure math and math physics, so I devote the rest of my life to these topics, i.e. the next 3 decades of life (and I’m soon to be 72 at the time of writing, June 2019) so I choose to concentrate on those subjects. Because I’m a MGTOW monk, I have no female in my life, not even dating, to distract me from thinking about my main intellectual focus, i.e. teaching the simplified version (6000+ pages) of the “classification theorem of the finite simple groups” to the planet, which I claim to be “humanity’s greatest intellectual achievement!” Yes, it is ambitious, very ambitious, but it has to be. I have another 3 decades, that I can devote to it, and to other topics, so it needs to be challenging, and to demand huge amounts of time and mental energy, which however, are available. If the chosen task as a HAMmer is not challenging, then it will not be worthy of one’s talents. Now, imagine millions of men, HAMmers like me, all devoted to doing their own thing, doing what they love, spending their remaining decades in MAJOR PROJECTS, that wagers do not have the luxury to do, who don’t have the long term perspective, because they are under short term pressure to churn out short term contributions, and are judged by their employers in those terms. Their salaries and further employment, depend on them thinking in terms of the short term. So try to imagine the impact of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of HAMmers, all devoted to pursuing long term tasks, that they love doing, who have the mental clarity and focus, being MGTOWs, and having decades of life to pursue their dreams. I think it should be obvious to anyone reading/watching this, that millions of HAMmers will have a huge positive impact on society, benefitting humanity profoundly. In my own case, for example, I’m hoping to revolutionize graduate level education in pure math and math physics by providing self-teaching material in the form of videoed whole lecture courses, and electronic libraries, so that smart students around the world, even poor third world students who have an internet phone, can teach themselves these subjects FOR FREE. I hope in time that other HAMming professors will do something similar in their specialties, so that many topics can be taught for free, thus revolutionizing education for the planet. I’m assuming that the above idea, i.e. that HAMmers will have a huge impact on society, will take years to penetrate society. That is to be expected with new ideas. Typically a new idea is cooked up by some isolated professor somewhere, who tries to spread it. If the idea is a good one, and interesting, then other likeminded people, especially now with the internet being capable of spreading ideas all over the planet, and so easily, will pick up on it and be influenced by it. As the idea spreads, in time, the journalists pick up on it too, and write/film their pieces on the idea and spread it to the masses, so that finally the idea has real social impact, because it then impinges on the lives of millions/billions of people. I hope my HAMmer idea will follow that route.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.4 Masculist Tactics for Highschool Males2.4/16 So You’re a MGTOW/Masculist High School Kid, What Can You Do? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is addressed to high school guys giving ideas on how to set up a Men’s Lib group at your high school and what it could do.YOU’RE ?A MGTOW-MASCULIST HIGH SCHOOL KID, WHAT CAN YOU DO?So, you’re a 17-18 year old high-schooler,? a lot brighter than most of your class mates, and a bit of a leader type, and lately you’ve been getting into MGTOW/masculist YouTube videos, listening to Sandman, TurdFlingingMonkey, Barbarossa, DarkKnight, ThinkingApe etc, and you’re wondering what you can do to help raise the level of awareness of these critically important ideas at your high school. What can you do? This flyer gives some suggestions.1. GET INFORMED?First thing is get well informed of MGTOW/masculists ideas. Watch dozens, even hundreds of YouTube videos on the topics, to understand the basic ideas. There is a ton of material on the internet already, most in video form, but no books yet, but they are being written as we speak, so they will be out in the next year or two. So listen to the major MGTOW video content makers, such as the list of (pseudonym) names I mentioned above. Read through my flyers at() They will give you a good idea.2.? TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT MGTOW MASCULISM? Talk to your good friends about these ideas, and warn them not to marry, because if they do they will give themselves a fifty fifty chance of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts in the US and Canada, and in similar western countries. Tell them what you have been watching and reading. Get them informed too.3. FORM A MEN’S LIB GROUP AT YOUR HIGHSCHOOL? Once you have persuaded enough guys?who have become?committed to MGTOW/masculist ideas, form a Men’s Lib group at your high school. This will make it easier to attract more guys to the cause, and the ideas will spread. You could have weekly,? two weekly meetings, with a speaker chosen from one of you, who delivers a talk, followed by Q and A, and discussion. You could swap links to interesting new MGTOW/masculist videos. You could organize demos within your school. You can swap books when they come out, etc. Be creative.4. PUT MORAL PRESSURE ON YOUR FEMALE CLASSMATES WHO STUDY “FLUFFIE CRAP” Take some stats to see what percentage of women comprise your math and science classes. Do the same for the fluffie crap subjects. Now you have evidence to back up your claim that most of your female classmates are future fluffies, who will not get a man to manslave for them, nor give them babies. You can apply this moral pressure, by holding talks that the whole school can come to. Perhaps invite some famous MGTOW/masculist to come and give your school a big talk. Put your ideas into the student newspaper or website.5. DEVELOP YOUR OWN MGTOW MASCULIST LIFEPLAN If you have decided not to marry and have kids, then you can plan to be an ARCer (after retirement careerer) in your 40s. You can create a life plan for yourself, that will allow you to get a good education, to study FIP majors at 12th grade (i.e. math, the sciences, etc) and at university, so that you can earn good money after you graduate, so that you can then save heavily, invest well, so that you can retire in your 40s with still half your life left. You can then be an ARCer, i.e. free to do what you love, free from wage-slavery to some employer, and certainly free from some manslaving fluffie parasitic female, whom you consider to be vermin.6. ENCOURAGE OTHER SCHOOLS TO DO THE SAME? If you have friends at other schools, encourage them to set up their own Men’s Lib groups. Network! If you are a real mover and shaker type, perhaps you might help organize a (U.S.) state wide organization, and later, even national. The goal being of course, to get the MGTOW/masculist ideas out into the general public, so that women become FIPs, so as not to parasite on men’s money, and to pressure the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, e.g. make the divorce laws menfair, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.This is just for starters. You will be able to dream up your own agendas. Good luck.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.4/30 Ideological Ammunition for MGTOW Masculist High Schoolers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer provides ideas to high school MGTOWs/masculists they can use to morally pressure their female classmates against choosing the soft option majors instead of the hard option of math and the sciences that are necessary to become FIPs as adults and hence not parasite on a man.IDEOLOGICAL AMMUNITION FOR MGTOW-MASCULIST HIGH SHOOLERSFor centuries, new ideological movements often start at university campuses, which is not surprising, because they are a concentration of smart young people still in the rebellious stage of their psychological development, unburdened by the financial weight of parenthood etc.But as a masculist theorist myself, I’ve become increasingly conscious that by the time students reach university age, the “fluffie damage” has already been done, so trying to push female university students to become FIPs is already too late. About two thirds of female university students today are future fluffies, studying “fluffie crap” who will look around for some robot male (a.k.a. simp) to parasite upon in their 30s, when their biological clock is ticking off its final years, so that he rather than she will pay for the middle class house she wants to raise HER kids in.The real problem starts earlier than at university, but rather in the high school (and arguably earlier, but I’ll concentrate on the high school years in this comment.) At age about 16 women make a choice between taking the “hard option” or the “soft option” i.e. between studying math and the sciences which will open up the door for them to study similar subjects at university that in turn will allow them to get well paying careers, that will make them true FIPs (financially independent persons) and between studying easy, intellectually non demanding subjects like history, literature, languages, etc. 16 year old women who study such soft option majors exclude themselves from entering FIP majors at university (i.e. the professions and the techs, that demand math and physics as prerequisites for student entry into their FIP departments.Thus these young fluffies are taking implicitly a “fuck you men” attitude in the sense, that they are expressing their laziness and immorality towards males. It may not be explicitly conscious on their part. They may rationalize that they are merely choosing majors that they claim they are more interested in, and that may be true in the early days of the rise of high school masculism/MGTOW, but as high school women become fully conscious of MGTOW/masculist ideas, they will not be able to rationalize this way much longer.From the point of view of the high school MGTOWs/masculists, these women are lazy, immoral, gutless and parasitic on men. Such women are saying effectively, that “I’m not interested in studying cold analytical math or the sciences, that are not concerned with people and relationships. Those subjects don’t interest me as a woman. I want to study subjects that are more about people, and that don’t tax my brain. Math is abstract and difficult, and I don’t want to have to give myself brain strain and be forced to be disciplined in my studies. I want the easy way to get a high school diploma, so I choose to study the “soft option” as you MGTOWs/masculists call it.”The high school MGTOWs/masculists know full well, from studying MGTOW/masculist ideas, that these women are choosing to be fluffies, and hence become the enemies of the MGTOWs/masculists. These women are saying “Fuck men!” “Men will become our manslaves, so that we fluffies do not have to make a real effort to earn our own living. We will get men to do that for us, so we plan to exploit men, have them work for us, so basically, we are saying to men – fuck your male human rights, you will be our manslaves.”The above implicit or explicit attitude of these young fluffies enrages young? MGTOWs/masculists who hate being treated as future manslaves. They have read the MGTOW/masculist ideas and have become conscious of the negative experiences of men decades older than them who are “older and wiser” and are passing on their experience and wisdom to the young men, warning them not to have relationships with fluffies, even young ones, because these older MGTOWs/masculists do not want to see these younger generation MGTOWs/masculists fall into the same trap that the older ones did.So here are some statements, some ideological ammunition that young high school MGTOWs/masculists can use against their young female classmates who are contemplating becoming fluffies, by choosing the “soft option.”“Woman up, you fluffie parasites!”“Study the hard option, toughen up. Don’t be fluffie parasites on men, later in life.”” If you don’t study math and the sciences now, you will never be FIPs as adults, so you will want to parasite on men in your 30s when you want to have a kid. But by then, there wont be any robot males around who will be prepared to be parasited upon by fluffie parasitic bitches. So you will be manless, and poor, because of the poor decisions you are making about your life now.”“There are so many MGTOWs/masculists in our school now, that you won’t even be able to date now, let alone get a robot male a decade or so from now. You will be treated as a parasitic pariah, to be rejected, and socially shunned as immoral, exploitative, and abusive of males. You are expecting to parasite off a male. You scum. You vermin. You cunt. Go fuck yourself, because no men in this school will, and you’ll find the same very negative attitude towards you in just about any high school. Nearly every high school male is now aware of MGTOW/masculist ideas, now that the media is full of it, now that the population is seriously crashing and everyone is talking about why men refuse to marry, to have kids and be parasited on by fluffie parasites. Go to hell, you worthless piece of shit. Go rot on the shelf, where you belong. You are unworthy of a man. You treat men like shit. You piss on them with your fluffie attitudes, so guess what. We men piss on you right back and choose to have nothing to do with you. Your punishment for your manslaving, lazy, irresponsible, gutless, exploitative attitude towards men is that YOU WONT HAVE ONE. No man will go near you. Society will shun you. You will be rejected from every side. No one will want to deal with you, because you are seen as being unworthy of humane treatment, because you yourself have the same attitudes towards men. You see men only as exploitable checkbooks, as fodder to feed you and pay for your middle class house to raise your kids in. Well, we men, refuse to be manslaves to women. That is what MGTOW/masculism is all about. We men are rebelling against working for women. We will not be manslaves to fluffie bitches. We will let you rot on the shelf. You piss on us, we’ll shit on you right back, you vermin.”Once the media have done their job, and MGTOW/masculist ideas are in the head of nearly everyone, then men’s lib groups can be formed in every high school, so that collective MGTOW/masculist moral pressure can be exerted on high school women to “woman up” to study the “hard option” so that they become FIPs as adults and pull their financial weight. Organized collective moral pressure on fluffie high schoolers will be more effective than coming only from individual male class mates. The high school teachers, especially the male teachers can exert a powerful influence on these fluffie high school women. “No calculus, no baby!” “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” can be taught to these young fluffies by their teachers.The whole social climate that these young fluffies live in will turn against them. Their parents can teach them the same messages but at a much earlier age. Mothers can look at the treatment their sisters got for being fluffies and look at the bitter lonely lives lived by these sisters – manless, loveless, childless and poor. They can put enormously influential pressure on their daughters to be FIPs or else pay a horrible price, i.e. not just being manless, but far worse, being socially rejected, being pariahed, being found worthless as a human being.—To you young high school males reading this, I hope you look into your futures and avoid the fluffies in your classes. If you see women moving towards the soft option, then morally abuse them. Call them fluffies. Tell them, they wont get a man. Tell them about the MGTOWs/masculists and that even in today’s world 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids, because they don’t want to be financially massacred by fluffie ex-wives. Tell them there is a horrible man shortage. They are almost certain to not get a man they can parasite on if they take the soft option. Put strong collective pressure on women to “woman up”, study FIP majors and become FIPs if they want any chance of getting a man. Society has become too MGTOW/masculist conscious to tolerate fluffies any longer. Society sees fluffies for what they are – immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. You do only one thing with vermin. You wipe them out, by forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. One of the fundamental goals of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out the fluffies. Be FIP or be manless!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.4/77 Giving MGTOW Masculist Talks at High Schools (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that the “fluffie crapper” problem needs to be solved by educating high school young men not to marry and have kids, and by educating high school young women to be FIPs if they want at least to have a (twaytwef) relationship with a man.GIVING MGTOW-MASCULIST TALKS TO HIGH SCHOOLSThose of you who read my almost daily flyers on Sandman’s channel will know that the real “fluffie damage” (i.e. when women are turned into fluffies, making it inevitable in their 30s that they will want to parasite on men’s money, so that they can have a middle class house that a manslave pays for, to raise their kids in) is done, is caused, in the high schools, at age 16, when girls make a choice on what to study for their final two years, junior and senior.In the US, most girls choose the “soft option” i.e. the intellectually lazy option, i.e. not math, not the sciences, which require analytic thought, i.e. logic, abstraction, using your brain. Young fluffie woman almost unconsciously think that some man will “take care of them” i.e. earn the real money for them, leaving them to concentrate on raising her kids, which she sees as her main function in life, her raison d’etre.Once a young woman has chosen the soft option, what the masculists call “fluffie crap” she is then locked into the fluffie life style. At university she will not be able to study a FIP major (FIP = financially independent person) i.e. one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc.) or the techs (engineering, computer science, math, physics, chemistry, etc.) because the FIP major departments at universities have a prerequisite for entry that students have already studied FIP majors at high school.So these young fluffies will continue to study fluffie crap at college and hence be unable to earn good salaries (on the whole) because the economy does not value fluffie crap majors (e.g. psychology, sociology, arts, English lit, history, philosophy, women’s studies, anthropology, etc) and pays such graduates less. In many cases, these fluffie women graduates start jobs in areas that they did not even study for, so different from FIP major graduates who use their studies from their first day on the job.So, these “fluffie crappers” will be unable to afford to buy a middle class house to raise their kids in, so they will look around for some manslave to parasite upon when they are in their 30s, with their biological clock ticking hard, knowing that time is running out for them to have a kid. By the time they reach their 40s their fertility will have fallen away to zero.Thus, you see, that the real “fluffie damage” is done at high school, so to push all women to become FIPs, it is necessary to solve the problem at its roots, namely?in the high schools.Masculists are a lot more political than MGTOWs (who are, for the most part, apolitical, passive men’s libbers, who simply walk away from the marriage market and fatherhood, to avoid the risk of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court.)So masculists and the more politically minded MGTOW activists, need to go to the high schools and give MGTOW-masculist talks to the students, educating them about MGTOW/masculist ideas. Since most high schools in many countries are co-ed(ucational) i.e. two sex schools, male and female, these MGTOW/masculist talks can and must be aimed AT BOTH SEXES, i.e. a warning can be given to the young male students to avoid marrying, having kids, and being a manslave to a fluffie, and a warning can be given to the young female students to avoid being a fluffie, because fluffies will not get a man, will not have babies, and will be poor. They won’t even be sexed!If you are a MGTOW/masculist and would like to give such a talk to a high school, then here is a suggested list of talk topics you could use. You could start off by explaining the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, giving a bit of history of the rise of second wave feminism in the 60s and 70s which pushed for equal rights for women, but then degraded into 3rd wave feminism, which is more about gynocentrism, especially in regard to the divorce courts, which are so massively unjust towards men.You could tell your students that about one married father in four will be financially massacred in these divorce courts. Such odds are totally unacceptable for men, which explains why 70% (two thirds) of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. Really ram this point home to the young men in the audience. Tell them that a one in four chance of having your life ruined by marrying and having kids is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE, so persuade them to avoid marriage and fatherhood until the gender laws are made menfair.To the young women in the audience, tell them, that most of them will not have babies. Really ram that point home. Shock them. Tell them that a woman’s raison d’etre for millions of years was to have babies, to raise the next generation. But given the above “man strike” they will not marry and they won’t find some manslave to pay for a middle class house that they can raise their kids in. Those days are GONE.Tell these young women, that they must become FIPs, to even have a relationship with a man. Tell them, and the young men, about the twaytweffing lifestyle, that MGTOWs/masculists are opting for in such large numbers now. Twaytweffing is the 2A2F lifestyle, in which a FIP man and a FIP woman have a relationship, each with their own apartment (2 apartments, 2 FIPs). When the relationship fails, as most do, they both walk away back to their own apartments.Tell the young men that twaytweffing allows men to get the regular sex that they need, without the traditional cost of being a manslave. Tell them that on separation, there will be no child payments, because no children, no alimony because the ex-girlfriend is a FIP. Tell the young women, that the best they will be able to do re men, is to twaytwef. They wont have kids, because almost no men will be prepared to be fathers, because fatherhood is too risky due to the toxicity of the divorce courts.Those female students (the majority in fact) who study fluffie crap at high school will not only not be twaytweffed, they won’t even be sexed. There are so many FIP women now, that MGTOWs/masculists who want to twaytwef prefer to do so ONLY with FIP women, and avoid fluffies like the plague. So give them a blunt masculist slogan that they will remember “Fluffies won’t even be fucked!” You can also give them other masculist slogans re fluffies – “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf!” “FIPup woman!” “Rather a FIP than a fluffie” “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin to be wiped out by forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction!”Then perhaps go into the idea of the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) for men. Tell them that this lack is the greatest of legal sexual discriminations against men, since women have a legal Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right). Tell them that the gender politicians need to menfair the gender laws, by menfairing the divorce laws so that custody of children is JOINT by default,? no alimony, the original owner(s) of the house get to keep it, etc. Make your students conscious why fluffie feminists fight tooth and nail to block the Parer, because if the Parer came in, women across the board WOULD BE FORCED TO BE FIPs.Towards the end of the talk, ram home the contempt and hatred that masculists have for fluffies, telling them that the fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, that masculists want to see the creation of a “FIP Society” in which all adults are FIPs who don’t parasite off the labor of another person.Appeal to the young women in the audience to support masculism, so that the gender laws are reformed. Tell them that men will not be prepared to marry and have kids until the gender laws are made menfair. If women join forces with men to pressure the gender politicians to reform the gender laws, then men will become more prepared to marry and have kids. FIP women and masculists/MGTOWs need to become allies.Suggest also the setup of a men’s lib group at the high school you are talking to. Ask for volunteers to come up to you at the end of the talk, so that you can get their emails and names, to start feeding them links to YouTube videos etc. During the talk put up the pseudonyms of prominent MGTOWs/masculists, e.g. Sandman, Turd Flinging Monkey, Thinking Ape, etc.?and explain why they use pseudonyms to avoid being doxed by feminazi bitches.Tell them that the US population will be wiped out in a mere century if young men continue to refuse to marry and have kids, so the gender laws MUST be made menfair. Tell them about the Japanese “Herbivore” men, i.e. a third of young Japanese men refuse to even date or sex young women, causing the Japanese population to crash. There is even a Japanese minister of population now whose task it is to try to persuade young Japanese men to reproduce. That’s not going to happen until Japanese women are FIPped.By the end of the talk, I hope you will have shocked them. The young women will be deeply shocked as they take in the message that they will NOT HAVE BABIES, and not even be sexed if they are “fluffie crappers.” The young men will be taught not to marry and not to have kids, thus tightening the screws on the gender politicians.Talking to high schools is something MGTOWs could do easily, and would help get the MGTOW/masculist message out to a much broader audience. If each high school (and college) had a men’s lib group, then society would change.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.4/176 MGTOW Masculist Consciousness Raising of High School Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about the need to increase the level of consciousness raising of MGTOW/masculist ideas in high school males around the world, so that young men can avoid the traps set by fluffie crappers to manslave young men to pay for fluffie parasites.MGTOW MASCULIST CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING OF HIGH SCHOOL MALESYoung men at high school need to have their MGTOW/masculist consciousnesses raised, so that they do not fall into the trap set by their fluffie crapper classmates, enticing them into marriage, paying for a middle class house that their fluffie wives can raise their kids in, and a decade later, when she is bored with him, she can take him to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system and rob him of his kids, his house, and force him to pay her child support and alimony for the rest of her fluffie parasitic life.One married man in four roughly, will be financially massacred in the US by these fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. This is such a massive gender injustice against men that it screams out to be reformed. Young men need to be very conscious that this “murder of men” is taking place on a daily basis at the rate of over a million men a year in the US, having their lives ruined.The MGTOW/masculist message of “don’t marry, don’t have kids, spend your money on yourself, avoid fluffies like the plague, don’t allow yourself to be manslaved by a fluffie parasite” is not yet fully known amongst male high schoolers. Admittedly 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refuse to marry, and refuse to have kids, but there is still a lot of ignorance about the fluffie crapper nature of most high school females. If you have a look at the following link, you will see that about two thirds of US male and female high school graduates studied chemistry, and about 40 % of both sexes studied physics. Only about 15% of both sexes studied calculus. men need to study more math, so that they can enter a STEM field at university, so that they can become good FIPs as adults, earning good salaries, so that until the gender laws and society are made menfair, they can earn hard, save hard, invest hard, not marry, not have kids, avoid fluffies like the plague, and save up enough to retire early in life, say in their 40s and then spend the second half of their life doing what they love as ARCers (after retirement careerers). With only about 15% of high school males AND females studying calculus, that leaves 85% of female high schoolers who do NOT study high school calculus, who then will be excluded from studying a STEM field at university, so that instead they will study fluffie crap and end up with a fluffie crap diploma, making them a fluffie in their 30s, unable to afford to pay for a middle class house on their own fluffie crap salary, so then they will look around desperately for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, hoping that he will pay for the house she wants to raise HER kids in.To avoid the fluffie crapper trap, high school males need to be taught the above ideas, so that they do not have to learn the hard way, i.e. by being exploited by a fluffie parasite, being divorced, having his kids ripped from him, his house stolen by his fluffie ex-wife, and made poor by having to pay her child support and alimony so she can continue being a fluffie parasite off his money, after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.High school males, need to be taught the basics of the gender injustices against men, so that they can avoid the fluffie traps. High school males need to learn a lesson from young British males, who according to a recent survey, care MORE about the FIPness level of prospective girlfriends, than the women’s looks, which was the top criterion. This is a healthy development.High school males need to be taught enough about the gender injustices against men that they become angry and then organize collectively, to change society, to change the social expectations on young women, so that both parents and teachers teach their daughters and female students to be both FIPs and EMOs, i.e. to be financially independent persons, and to expect to have equal moral obligations with men, i.e. they believe in equality between the sexes, not in the current gynocentric culture, that the fluffie feminists so hypocritally push. A blatant example of this fluffie feminist hypocrisy is the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right) which would give men the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, the same way women have the Marer (aka abortion right.) High school males need to have their consciousnesses raised so that they refuse to be judged as future manslaves, they refuse to be seen as exploitable males by their fluffie crapper class mates. They need to see MGTOW/masculism as a rebellion by men against working for women. Thanks to the contraceptive pill, women choose to have 0, 1,2 kids, hence have a career window of some 40+ years. The masculists assert that “Now that women can work, they must work. Anything else is exploitation off the labor of men. Manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue. The MGTOWs/masculists are at war against the fluffies. High school males need to be taught that the primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them totally, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. High school males who are MGTOWs/masculists are able to retaliate very effectively against the young “princess mentality” of high school women. These high school MGTOW/masculists are intellectually armed. They know what terms like “MGTOW, masculist, fluffie, fluffie crapper, FIP, EMO, Parer, twaytwef, etc.” mean and can lash back at fluffie feminists if they feel the need. Most feminists are fluffies, so are hypocrites. They want equal rights for women, but are not EMOs, i.e. they support the gynocracy and are opposed to true equality of rights between the sexes. They oppose the Parer, and the principle of EMO, for example.High school males need to be taught that they have tremendous power. They can force women to be FIP-EMOs, or these women rot on the shelf. Until the gender laws are made menfair, the best that a woman can hope for from a man, is to twaytwef with him, i.e. have a sexual relationship with him, with both having their own apartments, and both being FIPs. When the relationship ends, they walk back to their own apartments, cost free to the man. Twaytweffing (= 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) keeps women being nice to men, no nagging, no withholding sex, no molding him the way she wants, otherwise he dumps her. There will be no baby, no marriage, no money to her. She is expected to be a FIP. A MGTOW/masculist will not go near a fluffie, and will check carefully, the FIP status of a prospective girlfriend. If she’s not FIP-EMO, then she will be rejected.As high school males learn MGTOW/masculist ideas, they will express them, and increasingly collectively, and thus change society. They will put enormous moral pressure on their fluffie crapper class mates, telling them, “You will not have a baby. The supply of manslavable men is drying up. We are waking up to the massive gender injustices against men, and we are angry. We want changes, and we have the power to force these changes. If we have to, we will wipe out whole populations, by continuing to reject paternity. We men will get what we want. We have the power.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.4/178 MGTOW Masculist Anti-Fluffie Campaign at High Schools (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer pushes for a MGTOW/masculist anti-fluffie campaign in high schools to force young women to become FIPs-EMOs, otherwise they will face enormous moral pressure from their male class mates, who refuse to become manslaves, parasited upon by fluffie crapper females.MGTOW-MASCULIST ANTI-FLUFFIE CAMPAIGN IN HIGH SCHOOLSOnly 15% of US high school women have studied calculus when they graduate. That means that the other 85% of high school women have not studied calculus, so that they will be excluded from studying a STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) major at university, and so by default will have to study some kind of “fluffie crap” (e.g. philosophy, sociology, women’s studies, history, literature, languages, psychology, etc) that the economy does not value highly, so they will earn low salaries to the point that in their 30s they will realize they are fluffies, who cannot afford to pay for a middle class house to raise their kids in, so start looking around for some manslave to pay for it for them. Such fluffie crappers in their teenage years are considered criminals by masculists, as immoral, parasitic, irresponsible, manslaving vermin, despised by masculists and MGTOWs, who choose to have nothing to do with them. Manslavery is slavery and slavery rouses passions amongst men. Masculists look upon fluffie crappers as a category of females to be wiped out, and that means that the focus of attention of the masculist/MGTOW campaign against fluffie crappers needs to be focused on the high schools.But high schools are not universities. Universities are very filtered places, i.e. intellectually filtered. Dumb people don’t have the IQ to get a place at a university. Universities are the usual focus of idea spread amongst young people, so in practice, masculist/MGTOW consciousness raising needs to begin at the universities, and then spread to the high schools, where the real fluffie crapper damage is done.This is what will very probably happen in reality. As MGTOW/masculist ideas spread and spread, they will be taken up first in large numbers by men at the universities, who then need to give masculist/MGTOW talks at the high schools, to motivate/teach young male high schoolers to put powerful moral pressure on fluffie crappers, that these women should be studying math and the sciences instead of the “soft option” (i.e. intellectually less demanding, less analytical) of a fluffie crap major, if the fluffie crapper wants any chance of attracting attention from a male. Hopefully, the reputation of fluffies will become so bad in high schools, that real moral pressure on young fluffies will scare them into studying math and the sciences, otherwise they will not get any male attention. Men will point at such fluffies and say – “She is a fluffie. Don’t pay her any attention. She will only parasite on you later in life. She sits on her fat parasitic arse, makes no effort to become career competent, expecting some man slave in her 30s to pay for her to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in. Such women are manslavers. They are immoral, parasitic, career incompetent, irresponsible, non-adults. In short, they are vermin, to be avoided. Don’t go near her. She is nothing but trouble. Hopefully a few decades from now, such women will have been wiped out.”Getting every high school to have its own men’s lib group is step two. Step one is to have every campus on college and university have its own men’s lib group, which can then set up men’s lib groups at neighboring high schools and feed them speakers and literature, such as YouTube links etc. It is only a question of time before nearly everyone has heard of the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism, and sympathize with the plight of men facing the gender injustices of the divorce court, no Parer, manslavery, etc. Sooner or later, the paternity strike of the MGTOWs/masculists will catch the attention of the broadcast journalists who will then spread MGTOW/masculist ideas to the masses, so that university and high school men will learn of them and think about them. They will be primed for the establishment of men’s lib groups in their schools and colleges, starting with the colleges and spreading to the high schools.Once 1000s of US high schools have their own men’s lib groups they can then put enormous moral pressure on their female class mates to become FIPs and EMOs (i.e. financially independent persons, and women who think that women should have equal moral obligations with men, i.e. they feel they have a moral duty to be FIPs and that men should have equal gender rights, especially in the divorce courts and the Parer etc. As MGTOW/masculist ideas rise and rise, moral pressure on young high school women to not study fluffie crap will be very powerful. Men’s lib members at high schools can label such women as fluffie crappers, future fluffies, future manslavers, future parasites, future “rot on the shelfers”, with no man, no love, no sex, no baby, no wealth, alone, and rejected by society. These high school MGTOWs/masculist men’s libbers will have a profound effect on the self-image of young women in their classes, and will change society, making it a FIP Society, an EMO Society.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.5 Masculist Tactics for Campus Males2.5/6 Agenda for University MGTOW Masculist Groups (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)Descr : ?A flyer suggesting what MGTOW-masculist groups can do.AGENDA FOR UNIVERSITY MGTOW-MASCULIST GROUPSThis flyer makes?suggestions on?what university MGTOW/masculist groups can priority is to educate young men not to marry, not to have kids.?Teach them of the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. Tens of millions of American men have been financially massacred in these divorce courts. They lose their kids, their house, and are forced to pay child support for kids they barely see, and alimony if their ex-wife is a fluffie. Regular lectures on this theme should be given on campus.Put ads in the student newspaper or internet blog with key words such as “MGTOW”, “masculist” “Sandman”, “Turd Flinging Monkey” “Thinking Ape” etc so students of both sexes can educate themselves in men’s lib ideas.Push for the creation of “Men’s Studies” courses on campus. Lobby the university administration to set up Men’s Studies, and to have the Men’s Studies professors write text books on men’s issues.Approach the broadcast media. Prepare press releases and send them to the broadcast media, radio, TV, magazines, etc. to educated society on men’s issues.Lobby the gender politicians. Make the male feminist gender politicians conscious that if they don’t make the gender laws men fair, men will accuse them of being genocidal criminals, because it is they who changed the divorce laws to favor women, and to financially massacre men. Threaten them with a bloc male vote against them.Have regular MGTOW/masculist meetings. For example every two weeks. Have a speaker give a talk on some MGTOW/masculist theme followed by discussion. Help raise male consciousness that men have severe gender issues, e.g. the divorce courts, no Parer (paternity rejection right), fluffie parasitism, etc.Create flyers that can be handed out. Create flyers that can be distributed at public lectures on MGTOW masculist themes.Make YouTube videos on MGTOW/masculist themes. Make regular YouTube MGTOW/masculist videos that can be used by new members of the group to educate themselves.Generate MGTOW/masculist publicity by attacking fluffie students. Hand out MGTOW/masculist flyers during lectures of career incompetent subjects that are popular with fluffie students. Write up the reactions in campus wide publicity. Make fluffie students conscious that they will not get a man.Do research into MGTOW/masculist issues. For example, how should the divorce laws be made men fair, or how could a Parer be implemented in law, or how can women be persuaded to study career competent subjects, such as the professions or the techs, etc.Set up ?MGTOW/masculist booths at public events. The public can be given flyers. The public can read large posters at the booth presenting the main MGTOW/masculist ideas. MGTOWs and masculist members can answer the questions of the public.Invite ideas from group members. Invite group members to think of ways to spread MGTOW, masculist consciousness. Be creative.etc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.5/97 Helping College MGTOW Masculist Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : Men’s Lib groups are now starting up on American campuses. This flyer lists the main ideas of MGTOW/Masculism to help the leaders of these Men’s Lib groups to spread the word to the majority of men on campus who remain ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas.HELPING COLLEGE MGTOW MASCULIST GROUPSRecently I came across a video by TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) talking about a men’s lib group at a US university that was having problems with the feminist group of that university. I wasn’t so much interested in the problems, as in the very existence of the men’s lib group itself. I’ve been pushing for over a year for the establishment of men’s lib groups at colleges and high schools.So thanks to TFM, I have learned that men’s lib groups are starting up at colleges. I’ve yet to hear of a high school men’s lib group starting up, so if there is one or more out there please make yourself known in this comment window.It is inevitable that such men’s lib groups at colleges will exist. The number of views and YouTube channels on the theme of MGTOW/masculism/MRA etc is growing exponentially, so it is only a question of time before large numbers of young students at college and university are MGTOWs/masculists and form a MGTOW/masculist group at their institutions. Perhaps they belong to a frat (fraternity) at a university, and hold regular meetings, in which they talk about MGTOW/masculist themes, perhaps inviting individual members to give a PPt talk on a given topic, swapping links to interesting MGTOW/masculist YouTube videos, etc.This flyer is aimed at such college based men’s lib groups.This is not the first time I have devoted a flyer to this topic. If you go to my will see several flyers on that theme, which give suggestions on what such college based men’s lib groups could do at their regular meetings, so I won’t repeat myself much here, but simply invite you to click on the above link and browse down the list of roughly 70 flyers (each about 2 pages each).I suppose I ought to say at least something about what MGTOW/masculists could do on campus, concentrating on the dominant ideas. A campus wide men’s lib group would have as its main aim, the education of other men on campus. Even though the number of views on MGTOW/masculist videos/essays is growing exponentially, the percentage of male students on campus who are familiar with the principal MGTOW/masculist ideas is still small, probably under 10%, so MGTOWs/masculists still have a major educational task ahead. We need men’s lib groups on campus and high schools to spread the word.What word? Well, the major ideas, such as the toxicity of the divorce courts, that have been taken over by fluffie feminists, so that roughly one married man in four gets financially massacred by a divorce, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony to his fluffie parasitic ex-wife. Tell campus males that divorce and hence marriage is TOXIC and should be avoided. Tell them that 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan are MGTOW in practice (if not ideologically) in the sense of refusing to marry and have kids. They spend their money on themselves. Tell them about the twaytwef lifestyle, so that they can get the regular sex that their bodies crave, but not have to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a contemptible fluffie parasite.Tell them about the “red pill” i.e. that women don’t love men. Women love men’s exploitability. If a man loses his ability to financially aid his female partner, she is genetically programmed (evolved) to lose interest in him, deny him sex, and to move on to the next manslave candidate. Tell them about women’s hypergamous nature, i.e. that women are always on the lookout for a more exploitable male. If one comes along and it is realistic for her to drop her current manslave in exchange for a richer, more powerful, better looking, manslave, she will.? Tell them how the human female evolved to be?a prostitute for men, that women were dependent on men to provide women with protein, because women were frequently pregnant and immobile, unable to hunt, looking after small children, so depended on men to give them protein in exchange for sex. Human females are the sexiest of mammals, because they evolved to be prostitutes. It is their nature. Male protein in exchange for female sex, i.e. prostitution.Tell them, that if women are not FIPs (financially independent persons) they will not get a man even to twaytwef with her. Masculists refuse to sex fluffies, as a form of punishment. Tell them to put moral pressure on female students not to be “fluffie crappers” i.e. studying fluffie crap majors that will not allow them to become FIPs as adults, so in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking, these fluffie women will look around for some exploitable manslave to pay for the middle class house she wants to raise her kids in, and a decade later divorce him, take his house and kids, and have him pay for her with child payments and alimony.Tell them to tell man dumping, misandrist, feminazi, bitches that they are the first category of women to be rejected by MGTOWs/masculists. Tell them to tell ordinary female students, that most of them will not have kids. That will scare the shit out of them, because having kids is what women evolved for. It is their prime raison d’etre.Tell them to put political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the divorce laws and to pass the Parer (paternity rejection right.) Tell them that it is not enough to be a FIP, that women also need to suppress their true female nature in wanting to nag men, deny sex with men when they are bored, trying to mold him the way she wants. A twaytweffing man can throw out his girlfriend so easily by just walking back to his own apartment, and she to hers. Twaytweffing keeps the woman being nice. If she starts behaving like a feminazi bitch, he walks out of that relationship pronto.So if you are a lone MGTOW/masculist at your college, your university, your frat, your high school, then talk to your friends, and form a group inside your institution, then really start getting the word out. There is plenty of MGTOW/masculist material on the web now. It only needs to be disseminated to become main stream. That hasn’t happened yet, but its surely coming. The next step after the ideology creation phase, which is where we are now, is the educational phase, the phase of heavy growth in the numbers of men who label themselves as men’s libbers, MGTOWs, masculists, MRAs, etc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.5/116 MGTOW-Masculist Bullets for High School-College Males (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer summarizes the main MGTOW Masculist ideas for high school and college males to change their lives, and to use as bullets against arrogant feminazis.MGTOW-MASCULIST BULLETS FOR HIGH SCHOOL-COLLEGE MALESMGTOW is starting to get traction with the general public. Recently the BBC did a TV documentary on the MGTOW movement. I haven’t seen it yet, but it is a milestone, the first of its kind (as far as I know.) Another first is the first book published with the word MGTOW explicitly in the title (by Tim Patten, entitled “MGTOW, Building Wealth & Power”This flyer aims to help that traction along a bit by providing high school and college men with the main MGTOW-Masculist ideas, so that they can use them at school, at university, attacking feminist women when the latter get too arseholey, or too arrogant. These ideas also are capable of changing men’s lives, so are important in that aspect as well.So here are some of the main MGTOW-Masculist ideas. To go deeper, watch the 1000s of YouTube videos on the topic, particularly those of Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM), Sandman, Thinking Ape, etc.Why now? Why are 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refusing marriage and paternity? Because of the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, which now financially massacre roughly one married man in four (forcing him to lose his kids, his house, paying child payments, and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to parasite off his money after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.)A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, i.e. make a manslave of him, so that he pays for her to live in a middle class house to raise her kids in.Now that we have the contraceptive pill, and women choose to have 0, 1, 2 kids mostly, women can work, and given that they can work (i.e. 40 years or more of career time) THEY MUST WORK, anything else is parasitism off a man’s labor.Masculism is men’ lib, i.e. liberating men from working for women. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) and punish them if they aren’t, by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even sexing them. Thus fluffies rot on the shelf to extinction. The primary political goals of the masculists are to free men from manslavery by women, to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, and to prevent MGTOWs/masculists from eventually wiping out whole populations.MGTOWs/masculists often have “twaytwef” relationships with FIP women, i.e. the man and the woman are both FIPs and both have their own apartment (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). This lifestyle gives men the regular sex he needs, and some female companionship without paying the terrible cost of a toxic divorce. Two thirds of US and Japanese men reason that marriage and having kids is WAY TOO RISKY, so they don’t take the risk. SO GUYS, DONT MARRY, DONT HAVE KIDS!MGTOW teaches men about the psychology of women, that they do NOT LOVE MEN, they love men’s exploitability, and that women EVOLVED to be like that. If a man loses his exploitability by her, she is evolved to coldly drop him and look for another manslave to sexploit. This idea is called the “red pill” by MGTOWs, analogous to the red pill in the movie “Matrix” i.e. choosing to face up to the tough reality (i.e. in the movie, that the intelligent machines are using humans as battery power, and feeding their brains electronic signals (the matrix) to make them think they are living in the 20th century.) MGTOWs call men who have not swallowed the red pill, “blue pill men” i.e. still living in the matrix, i.e. still believing that women love men for qualities other than his exploitability by her.MGTOW also teaches that women are hypergamous, i.e. always on the lookout for a more sexploitable male. If one comes along and there is a serious possibility she can make the switch, she will, and have little feeling for the man she dumps, because that is her evolved nature. It makes perfect Darwinian evolutionary sense if you think about it, given that in the distant past, women depended on men to give them protein to survive, and so their children could survive. A man who lost his protein providing capacity, was quickly dumped. That’s how women are – the red pill.MGTOWs tend to be more politically passive than masculists. Most MGTOWs are content to just walk away from marriage and kids, spending their money on themselves. Masculists are much more political. They push for the creation of men’s lib groups at high schools, and colleges, to help spread MGTOW/masculist ideas. But MGTOWs are not totally politically impotent. They do make lots of MGTOW YouTube videos, to get the message out.Masculists push to interest the journalists to write stories/make TV programs etc. about MGTOW/masculist ideas. Via the broadcast media, it will be possible to reach the masses, the billions, so that in time, MGTOW/masculist ideas become as well-known as feminist ideas are today (a process that took half a century from the beginning of the rise of 2nd wave feminism in the 60s.)Masculists have a hatred of the gender politicians who changed the divorce laws in the 70s to make them strongly biased in favor of fluffie ex-wives, and not caring about the horrible and massive cost to men, hence the “man strike.” So masculists put pressure on the gender politicians to “menfair” the gender laws, otherwise, the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out whole populations.Masculists want a Parer (paternity rejection right) so that men can refuse unwanted pregnancies. If the woman continues the pregnancy and does not abort, then she, as a FIP, takes FULL financial responsibility for the kid. Women have a Marer, but men don’t have a Parer, a massive sexual discrimination against men, and one of the many reasons why masculists insist so strongly that ALL women must become FIPs or be manless, i.e. loveless, sexless, childless, poor, and increasingly, as MGTOW/masculist ideas spread, shunned by society, who increasingly will look upon fluffies as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.”So, when some feminist class mate of yours starts sprouting how men oppress women, by absorbing the ideas in this flyer, and watching MGTOW YouTube videos, you will have the intellectual bullets to shoot back at her, and scare her shitless. Tell her the first category of women to be rejected by men are the feminazi bitches. Feminazis will certainly rot on the shelf, not even being sexed.When you see the majority of your female colleagues at high school studying “fluffie crap” i.e. being “fluffie crappers” i.e. not studying math and the sciences (STEM majors), then they will be forced to study fluffie crap at college, then wont earn good money on the whole, so in their 30s when their biological clock is ticking hard, they will be fluffies, looking for some man slave to parasite upon, but the supply of them in?a decade or so will have almost totally dried up.? You can point the finger at these fluffie crappers and label them as such. They are future fluffie parasites, and will be punished by men. Tell them “Be FIP, or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” Scare the shit out of them.Tell them that men are nearly all FIPs. We are raised that way, and evolved to be FIPs. We men have the power to force women to be FIPs, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if some manslave is willing to pay for her, but such men are disappearing fast. With no manslave to parasite upon, a fluffie will be poor, and deservedly so. She did? not make the effort to become a FIP, so she pays the price, i.e. no man.Use these MGTOW/masculist bullets to shoot down fluffies and fluffie feminists. Most feminists are fluffie feminists, because they know nothing of MGTOW/masculism. It is up to you to teach them, and to get them to shut up. Frighten them. Piss them off. Tell them that if they don’t study FIP-majors (math and the sciences, STEM majors) they will almost inevitably become fluffies, and hence men will shy away from them, preferring to have twaytwef relationships only with FIP women, until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws.Good luck!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.5/122 Don't Be the Only MGTOW Masculist on Campus (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests how a lone MGTOW masculist?on his?campus can get his message off the ground amongst the 10,000s of students at his university.DONT BE THE ONLY MGTOW MASCULIST ON CAMPUSThis flyer is addressed to the 20 year old male on campus who has discovered the MGTOW/masculist movements and is feeling frustrated because he feels he may be the only guy on campus who has these views.I’ll switch to second person, to make it more personal. So if you are such a guy, what can you do about it, i.e. how to arrange things so that you are NO LONGER the only MGTOW/masculist on campus? You feel that the messages/ideas of MGTOW/masculism are critically important to men and to society in general, but no one seems to be talking about it on campus, so you’re feeling rather alone because of this.Suppose you feel motivated to change this situation, and you’re wondering what you might do. This flyer is aimed at you.I ask myself if I were 20 again, and were in your situation, what might I do? I think I’d start with my friends, talking about MGTOW/ideas, especially how toxic divorce has become for men, with the one in four chance that a married man will have his life ruined by his ex wife who cares nothing about financially massacring him in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, losing his kids, house, paying child support and alimony.You feel these odds are so high, that they make marriage and fatherhood way too risky, utterly unacceptable, and a moral outrage against men and hence to society, because men make up half of the population.You feel a sense of burning injustice. You know that women have a Marer (maternity rejection right) but there’s no Parer for men, another massive injustice against men, so that women can trick men into getting them pregnant (e.g. lying about taking the pill) and then slamming a paternity suit on him to force him to pay for her kid that he never wanted in the first place.You look around campus, and you see men being demeaned left and right, by fluffie feminazi bitches who don’t give a shit about the welfare of men. They behave like children, placing all the blame for women’s inferior status on men, instead of facing up to the reality that women play a large part in the creation of their lower status.So, I’d start talking with my friends about all this, and after a while (imagine)?I have a small group of likeminded friends, who watch/listen/read to MGTOW/masculist videos, essays etc. We exchange links to videos, and recommend particularly good, bitey ones. After a few months, we become quite expert in these ideas, and feel the time has come to move on.My friends tell their friends, and the size of our group grows to the point of thinking it would be a good idea to arrange a more formal group and have regular meetings. So we do that. We start to put up paper flyers around campus with links to the major MGTOW/masculist sites, and a link to our group’s website, and an email address to our contact person for new members to contact to get info on where the meetings are held. I’d probably do this at first to avoid the possibility of having hefty butch feminazi crazies turning up to disturb the meetings, or worse, beefy male feminists who have a totally misguided idea of what MGTOW/masculism is all about.Hopefully, the group grows and grows, so that we want to use the university’s facilities for our weekly/2 weekly/monthly meetings. Then we start getting a lot more political. We put up flyers all over campus to come to these meetings, with bouncers who remove hecklers, violent types etc.We then start giving talks to the campus wide student body, i.e. a potential audience of 10,000s of students. These talks/lectures are open to anyone, so we expect trouble. We have quite a few female masculists in the group, so we recruited the beefier ones to be the bouncers of the feminazis who show up regularly who try to shut us down.Word is getting out on campus that MGTOW/masculism means that fluffies won’t get a man, that two thirds of young men in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, so the women on campus are getting truly scared and come to our talks/lectures in large numbers, to learn what the threat is. The feminazis are truly frightened and are becoming increasingly violent and hostile at our talks.We now begin our talks with a show of (female bouncer) force. Either side of the stage, from the rostrum where the speaker gives his talk, is a line of beefy women. We begin our talks with a warning to the audience, that we don’t tolerate hecklers, and anyone who tries to disrupt the talk will be bounced. By having women do the bouncing, we don’t run the risk of being accused of being violent against women. These female bouncers are quite aggressive at times, giving hard slaps to the feminazi crazies, but the strategy works. The feminazis are removed from the room, often with loud protests, which all makes for good entertainment value. A lot of people come out of curiosity just to see the fireworks.After a year of this, the word really starts to get out. Our group writes long articles for the student newspaper and the campus websites. Our numbers swell and swell. We feel the time is right to invite the local media to come to our talks, and they do come sometimes, so our ideas spread to the local community.Lately, TV crews have been turning up to our talks, and our best speakers get interviewed, thus spreading further the main ideas. Some of these TV journalists have done a really good job in presenting the ideas, from a male perspective. They understand the main concepts and present them well, in clear, persuasive form, thus spreading the ideas even further.The following year, we learn about a similar (men’s lib) group on our neighboring campus, so we arrange a meeting. We form a (U.S.) state wide organization, and other campus groups join it. We hold our first conference and invite prominent MGTOW/masculist speakers to come and invite the broadcast media to be present.The following year, we learn of other state wide men’s lib organizations, so we have a big meeting, and form a national organization NOM (national organization for men) which does for men what NOW does for women.Now that we are politically powerful and have the attention of the media, who are telling the broader public that unless the gender laws are made menfair, women will not have babies, and the whole population will be wiped out within a mere century.Now the major women’s organizations are trying to fight us, which results in even more publicity for us, because we simply say to the media, that men have the power to wipe out fluffies, because the supply of manslavable males is really drying up, and most men now realize that they don’t want to be a manslave to some parasitic fluffie.We then go on a campaign to put moral pressure on women to study STEM fields, and not be fluffie crappers. We send out speakers to high schools around the state, trying to find talent to set up men’s lib groups in every high school. That has been quite successful. Dozens of them are popping up in just the past few months in my state alone.Later, once we are huge, we will start pressuring the gender politicians to menfair the divorce laws, and bring in the Parer. We are trying to persuade the president of our university to start up a men’s studies course and to hire a men’s studies professor whose task will be to write a text book on the topic.We are full of ideas, and feel the time is ripe for this historically important movement of men to get active, and that is what we are doing. There are still lots of passive MGTOWs on campus, but they see what the politically minded MGTOWs/masculists have already done and are beginning to change their tune. More of them are agreeing that sooner or later, MGTOWs/masculists have to go public to get society to change, so that MGTOW/masculism is no longer necessary.I think already, most fluffie crapper women on campus know that if they don’t become FIPs they won’t have babies, and maybe won’t even get a man to sex them. They are frightened. They fear us. They can sense the ideas “in the air” and that the tide is turning against them. Most women (fluffies and FIPs) have recently become much nicer to us, and know most of our buzz words, like fluffie, fluffie crapper, FIP, MGTOW, masculist, Parer, etc. They have absorbed more than a smattering of MGTOW/masculist ideas. They are definitely coming around. Good!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6 Masculist Tactics for Masculists 2.6/25 Ammunition for Heckling Fluffie Feminists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer provides suggested statements that MGTOWs and masculists can use in public when fluffie feminists are dumping on men.AMMUNITION FOR HECKLING FLUFFIE FEMINISTSThis comment provides suggested statements that MGTOWs and masculists can use in public when fluffie feminists are dumping on men.Fluffie feminists think they have a monopoly on gender discourse, which MGTOW/masculists need to disabuse them of. Here is some suggested ammunition that may help in that regard.“You fluffie feminist hypocritical bitches are indirectly wiping out the population, because?you have taken over the divorce courts and made marriage TOXIC for men, so 70% of young men in the US refuse to marry and have kids as a result, which in a mere century will WIPE OUT THE US POPULATION.? That makes you fluffie feminist bitches genocidal criminals.”“To you young women in the audience, you can blame these fluffie feminists for the fact that you are finding it virtually impossible to find a man who is willing to have a kid with you and help pay for it. The fluffie feminist vermin you see on the stage is the reason why you can’t get a man, can’t have a kid, the cause of you living a lonely manless life. These fluffie feminists have taken over the divorce courts and made marriage toxic for men, so men avoid marriage and fatherhood, letting women rot on the shelf. So express your hatred of fluffie feminists and help wipe them out, and while you’re at it, put real moral pressure on the male feminist gender politicians who passed the divorce laws in the 70s that allowed fluffies to financially massacre their ex-husbands. One in four married men in the US get financially massacred by a divorce!”“You fluffie feminist hypocritical bitches are the first category of women to be rejected by the MGTOWs and the masculists. We won’t go near you, because you are repulsive to men. So you can continue to rot on the shelf to extinction, because NO MAN WANTS YOU. You are hypocrites because you push for equal rights for women, but NOT FOR MEN. You still expect to be able to parasite on a man’s money so that you fluffie feminist bitches can sit on your fat arse after a divorce in HIS house, with YOUR kids whom you have taken away from him after the divorce, and you expect him to pay for child support for kids he barely sees, and if you are a fluffie as many of you feminists are, you expect him to pay for you so you continue to parasite off his money after the divorce, the way you did before the divorce. You want your cake and to eat it to. You are hypocrites. You want equal rights for women, BUT NOT FOR MEN. You are hated by MGTOWs and masculists, so we punish you by ignoring you, letting you rot on the shelf to extinction.”“Fluffies and fluffie feminists are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, whom the masculists/MGTOWs are in the process of wiping out, by refusing to have relationships with them. They can rot on the shelf. Man-slavery is slavery. Slavery is a war issue. The MGTOWs and masculists are at war against the fluffies. The primary political goal of the masculists (who are much more political than the politically passive MGTOWs) is to wipe out fluffiedom. Fluffiedom is man-slavery. The masculists are the 21st century equivalent of the northern abolitionists of the 1800s in the US. The abolitionists were so disgusted at negro slavery they invaded the south to stop slavery (and to keep the US from being broken in two.) Masculists and MGTOWs ?have the same hatred of fluffie manslavers and strive to wipe them out by refusing to give them kids. ”“You are a gender politician. You are the most hated of all the enemies of the MGTOWs/masculists. It is politicians like you who made marriage toxic for males due to your changes of the divorce laws in the 1970s that were made so biased in favor of women, and so toxic to males. You don’t give a shit about men’s interests. So we men, will bloc vote you out of power. If you don’t MENFAIR the gender laws (e.g. divorce law reform, passing the Parer) then we MGTOWs and masculists WILL WIPE OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION BY REFUSING TO REPRODUCE!!! As the sex war really heats up, and the population crashes (with the young generation only reproducing a third of their number, then in a mere century, the US population is wiped out) you will be the prime targets for assassination, since it is you gender politicians who have caused this population crash, by having made divorce and hence marriage so toxic for men. So you menfair the marriage laws, you pass the Parer, you remove legal discriminations against men, or sooner or later you will be assassinated by hate driven men who can’t get gender justice, or by hate driven women who can’t get a man and babies.”——I suggest you use such statements at public meetings to teach the public of the ideas of the MGTOWs and masculists. Make the public conscious that a catastrophe is looming, namely, the US population being wiped out in a mere century, due to the fact that 70% of men under 35 in the US today refuse to marry and have kids. They have GONE ON STRIKE. They see marriage for what it is, a form of manslavery by fluffie bitches who expect men to work for women. Now that women can work, they MUST WORK. ANYTHING ELSE IS PARASITISM ON MEN’S LABOR. Fluffiedom is to be wiped out. Women must study FIP (financially independent person) majors at high school (i.e. math and the sciences) and at university, so that they become FIP adults, earning a good salary, so that they don’t expect to manslave and parasite off some man in their 30s when they want to have kids. Fluffies are vermin –?immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, whom the MGTOWs and masculists are in the process of wiping out, by refusing to have relationships with them, not paying for them, not giving them babies. FLUFFIES ARE VERMIN!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/33 MGTOW/Masculist Dusting Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) Descr : This flyer introduces the concept of “dusting” i.e. cleaning away the fluff, i.e. wiping out fluffiedom from the earth, by forcing women to become FIPs, or they don’t get a man. Fluffiedom is to removed in the 21st century, the way negro slavery was removed in the 1800s and belief in witchcraft died out in the 1700s.MGTOW-MASCULIST DUSTING CAMPAIGNTo dust is to clean away the fluff. “Dusting” for a MGTOW/masculist is to “clean away” i.e. remove, wipe out, fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite on a man’s money. We men have the power to wipe out such women, by simply refusing to pay for them. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some robot male (a traditional man who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife). The problem for fluffies is that the proportion of men who are robot males keeps dropping. In the US today, only about 30% of young men under 35 are robot males.The other 70% refuse to marry and have kids because they are very conscious of the risk of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts where they will lose custody of their kids with 90% probability, they will lose their house, so the ex-wife can live in it to raise HER kids, he will pay child payment to kids he barely sees, and if his ex-wife is a fluffie he may have to pay her alimony so she can continue to parasite off his money as she did before the divorce. This is such a ROTTEN DEAL for men, that two thirds of young US men reject it by refusing to marry and have kids. This will wipe out the population within a century, since if the young generation reproduces only a third of their number, over four generations, that’s a third of a third of a third of a third, which is about 1%, i.e. the population gets wiped out.SO its only a question of time before the male feminist, man-traitor, genocidal criminal, ?gender politicians are FORCED to menfair the gender laws, but in the meantime, millions of married US men are having their lives destroyed each year, so the pressure for men to refuse marriage and fatherhood continues.The masculist-MGTOW “Dusting Campaign” is a deliberate action to clean away the fluff, i.e. to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have relationships with them, by educating society to socialize girls not to be fluffies, both by parents, and by teachers. Masculists need to really push their ideas onto society, so that everyone is conscious of the price that fluffies will pay by being fluffies, i.e. they will not get a man. They will rot on the shelf, and be rejected not only by men, but by society in general, as the attitude that fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin spreads and spreads.At least a FIP female has some chance of having a relationship with a man. She can start up a twaytwef relationship with a FIP male, i.e. she can have regular sex with a FIP male. Twaytweffing is “2A2Fing” i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. a FIP male and FIP female, each with their own apartment, have a relationship, with no marriage, and no kids. The huge advantage of such a relationship for a man, is it gives him the regular sex he wants from a woman, without paying the price of being a manslave to a cursed fluffie. When the relationship dies, the two FIPs simply return to their own apartments, cost free, no divorce, because no marriage, no child support, because no kids, no alimony because the woman is a FIP, etc. Twaytweffing may be a major compromise for a woman who wants kids, but at least this way she gets a man, she has a relationship, which is better than no kids, no man. Men have the power to force such a compromise on women, because men are FIPs by tradition. Fluffies cannot exist in a world where most men twaytwef. They will rot away to extinction.Not all women are fluffies. Before retirement 5 years ago, I was a prof of computer science teaching masters classes in China. A third of these masters students were female, who were ambitious, energetic, who very definitely had FIP (financially independent person) mentalities. They wanted to control their own lives and their own living standards, and not be a parasite on a man. They gave me hope that such women would eventually become the norm, so that so many of men’s gender problems could be solved at grass roots level, i.e. that all women become FIPs and that fluffies die out.To help this process along, masculists particularly (I’ve given up hoping the politically passive MGTOWs will get off their bums and politically agitate) need to create a society wide ethic that to be a fluffie is to be a criminal, who will be shunned by society. To be a fluffie is to be lazy, to not bother to become career competent, to not be FIP, to become repulsive to males, because a fluffie by definition is a woman who expects to behave criminally towards a male, i.e. by exploiting him financially.Masculists and MGTOWs should push for the “dusting” of society, so that the fluff is cleaned away, so that there is no more dust to be dusted, i.e. the fluffies are wiped out by them rotting on the shelf to extinction, by not getting a man, by young women fearing that if they don’t become FIPs they will have zero chance of having a baby, and zero chance of having a relationship with a man.The MGTOW/masculist dusting campaign, is to create the social norm, that society is to be rid of fluff, to be rid of fluffie parasitism, the way the 1800s saw the US rid itself of negro slavery, or the 1700s rid itself of belief in witches after the rise of the enlightenment. In the 21st century, society is to be dusted by removing the attitude amongst women and society in general that it is socially acceptable to be a fluffie. Today, it’s still only a minority of people who think that “fluffies are immoral, fluffies are parasites, fluffies are manslavers, fluffies are vermin, to be wiped out, to be dusted.” As the proportion of women who are still fluffies dwindles to zero, it will be much easier for men to get the menfair gender laws they want, e.g. the menfairing of the divorce laws, and the creation of a legislated Parer (paternity rejection right), and a string of other legal discriminations against men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) 2.6/35 FIPpressing the Females (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer emphasizes the need for MGTOWs and masculists to educate society that women must be FIPs or be manless. MGTOWs and masculists need to put powerful moral pressure on women by educating parents, teachers, professors, the media etc. to FIPpress young women to be FIPs so that men can be freed from fluffie manslavery.FIPpressing the FEMALESI see the primary task of both the MGTOWs and the masculists is to educate.Both men’s lib groups believe that society has to be educated. MGTOWs use YouTube videos, e.g. Sandman, Dark Knight, Barbarossa, etc. Masculists do the same, but prefer the big hit of getting major articles in the?broadcast media, reaching millions rather than thousands on a YouTube video.What the masculists and the MGTOWs want regarding the education of women, is to make women feel that they?have a strong moral obligation to pull their financial weight, and not be a parasite on a man. To do this women need to get a FIP education at both high school and university, so that they can become FIPs as adults and earn good money, so that they can afford to buy their own middle class house to raise their kids in.Masculists particularly place enormous emphasis on women becoming FIPs, otherwise they are punished by not getting a man. With the fluffie feminists having taken over control of the divorce courts, their misandry translates into one married man in four getting financially massacred in the divorce courts (losing custody of his kids, losing his house, paying child support and alimony, i.e. having his life ruined.) As a result of this, 70% of young men in the US under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, so women are starting to get the message that (young) men are on strike, and will not marry, nor give women kids, thus wiping out the population in a mere century.The problem is that women are learning about the men-strike rather slowly, because they are not being educated into men’s issues quickly. The MGTOWs are utterly useless when it comes to approaching the broadcast media. They say its a waste of time (and maybe they will prove to be right) but unless one tries, nothing is going to happen with these journalists. The masculists approach the broadcast media, appealing to the fact that the best journalists (as in any human endeavor) are male. For example, of the dozen columnists I recently approached at the NY Times, only 2 were female. Most of these men at the top of their profession were in their 50s and 60s so were baby boomers who do not share the political impotence of the MGTOW generation (who are mostly in their 20s and 30s).Masculists want to educate women that they become FIPs and put tremendous moral pressure on them to be so. Masculists want the media to educate the public that it is totally unacceptable for a women to be a fluffie, expecting to be able to parasite on a man in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking. Masculists want society to roundly condemn her, pointing the finger at her labelling her as immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin to be wiped out. Manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists and MGTOWs are at war against the fluffies, and the fluffie feminists.The fact that most feminists are still fluffies when it comes to their traditional expectations of men, is a clear symptom of their lack of education into men’s issues.The masculists need to make much greater efforts to “FIPpress” women, i.e. to press, i.e. to pressure them that they must be FIPs or be punished by society for being manslaving parasites.This FIPpressing needs to be done by parents, by school teachers and by professors, who all say to women “Be FIP, or be manless!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf.” Masculists and MGTOWs need to reach the remaining 30% of men who still marry, to teach them of the horrible risk they face in marrying and having kids with today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts which have no conception of justice towards males.From the masculist viewpoint, what is most desirable is that a string of major journalists, in the print media and on TV, absorb the masculist and MGTOW message and then go on a personal crusade to get the MGTOW/masculist ideas “out there” i.e. to the general public, i.e. to the millions, the masses.When women start feeling the moral pressure to be FIPs, coming from all sides, from their parents, their peers, their potential boyfriends (who won’t look twice at them if they show symptoms of being fluffies), their teachers, their professors, the media, the magazines they read etc. When they get this moral pressure coming from all sides, they cannot but be influenced by it.The aim of the masculists is to put such FIPpressure on women, that they feel they have no choice but to be FIPs, and utterly abandon the idea of parasiting on a man, the way so many of their mothers did. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. man slavery, by wiping out fluffies. Young women will be able to look at these millions of ageing fluffies, living miserable lonely lives because men refuse to go near them, because these fluffies expected to be able to parasite off a man.These young women will be horrified by what they see and that will scare them into becoming FIPs. They will study math and sciences at high school, and one of the professions or techs at university, so that they attain skills that the market place values and pays good salaries for. The MGTOWs and masculists need to “turn the tide” against fluffies so that young women don’t dare become one themselves, through fear of being socially ostracized from all sides. In short, women need to be strongly FIPpressed and for that to happen society needs to be educated. On this point at least, both MGTOWs and masculists are strongly in agreement.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/41 The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer explains that having most women being FIPs will not solve all men’s gender issues. FIP women are still women, so will judge men’s sexual attractiveness by male wealth, but MGTOWs and masculists are choosing to spend much less on women, so women will be forced to change their sexual attractiveness criteria towards men.THE FIPPING OF FEMALES WILLNOT BE ENOUGHMen’s gender problems will not be solved entirely by the FIPping of women, i.e. having all women become FIPs (financially independent persons). Certainly, it will help a lot, because so many of men’s gender issues result from too many women still being fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off a man’s money), e.g. men will be released from man-slavery because fluffies will cease to exist, and with all women FIPs, capable of paying their own way, they can pay for their own kid, if the father does not want the pregnancy, i.e. the Parer (paternity rejection right) becomes practical when a pregnant mother wants the kid, but the father doesn’t.The primary political goal of the masculists is to create a FIP Society, i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs, i.e. both sexes. It will mean a revolution in education, since in today’s world, most women still study “fluffie crap” majors in high school and university, i.e. they choose the “soft option”, the lazy option, i.e. avoiding math and the sciences, where they would be forced to use their brains, so they choose the easier majors, such as English lit, psychology, sociology, women’s studies, history, philosophy, languages, etc., which are less abstract and less intellectually demanding than math or physics for example.Masculists aim to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.As more women become conscious that there is a desperate shortage of “good men” i.e. robot males (who are prepared to marry and have a kid with a woman) they will be forced to accommodate themselves to men’s wants. They will recognize that fluffies are rejected far more frequently than FIP women, so they will decide increasingly to become FIPs, even if they don’t particularly like studying math and the sciences at high school, or majoring in one of the professions or techs at university.Women are learning, thanks to many MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube that 70% of men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. This scares the shit out of them, because if they think about the consequences for them individually, it means the odds of them getting married and having a kid are less than a third, so two thirds of these women will remain unmarried and childless. To a woman, not having a kid can be traumatic, because having a kid is what they are hard wired to do. They evolved over millions of years to have a kid. Their whole psychology and life plan revolves around having a kid, so if men refuse to play along, these childless women will be very unhappy.So, with masculist/MGTOW media pressure on women to be FIPs , as well as coming increasingly from the broadcast media , women will become FIPs in ever greater numbers. So does that mean that men’s gender issues will disappear?I think not, but the FIPping of women will go a long way towards making men’s lives more agreeable. So, what is missing? Why do I think that the FIPping of women is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the liberation of men? Because a FIP woman is still a woman, meaning that her DNA based psychology remains intact, even though she may be a FIP in her daily life. What may not change are her criteria for finding a man sexually attractive, and these evolved traits will present problems even when most women are FIPs.To illustrate what I mean by this, I use my own example and will then generalize.I’m into my 4th wife. I’m nearly 70, so I’ve had plenty of time to see lots of women come and go. My first wife was pretty much a fluffie and I felt enslaved by her, with me paying for her to stay and home with the kids. The second wife was not too bad, didn’t want kids, and was ten years older, but died young because she smoked heavily in her 20s, the idiot. (By way of a tangent, if you smoke, your life expectancy will decrease by about a decade, and you will have a 50-50 chance that what kills you will be tobacco caused, says the BBC Horizon program “Why we love cigarettes.” The tobacco companies kill half their customers, which makes them the second biggest mass killers, only eclipsed by the banksters who start world wars, communist revolutions and purges.)My third wife, was Chinese and the daughter of a general who was on the Long March with Mao. She ended up being a lazy middlebrow, who stole half my savings and made me rather poor. Due to her “guanxi” (connections, strings, cronies) I didn’t get my money back in the Chinese courts. I suspect she just wanted to benefit from the salary of a full professor, travelling a lot, etc. My 4th wife, also Chinese, is definitely a FIP. She too is a professor, with her own apartment, car and career.At the beginning of the relationship, she saw the full prof, PhD, high status, etc., and her vagina wetted. Later, after I suggested to the president of my Chinese university, that the city I live in become the China center for brain building, and mentioned that most westerners would not want to work there until China democratized and the government severed its connections with Mao, who killed about 80 million Chinese. The president emailed back saying I had broken the law, and a few months later I was fired and black listed from working in a Chinese government controlled university again.My FIP Chinese wife increasingly began to see me as poor, and gradually the sex stopped. (This would have pissed me off no end a decade or more earlier in life, but since I’m now nearly 70, its much less of a big deal, so I stay with her more for the companionship.) I switched to ARCing (after retirement careering) as a globacator (global educator) making YouTube lecture videos and e-libraries for PhD level Pure Math and Physics students to get their education for free, something I felt was much more significant than what I was doing before, teaching a class room of maybe 20 students, whereas now I teach the planet and for free.My FIP wife is a woman, and women are sexually attracted to men with money. There have been plenty of experiments showing this, e.g. women have a lubrication sensor inserted in their vaginas and are then shown photos of the same guy dressed in a McDonald’s uniform, or in an Armani suit leaning on a Porsche. Guess which kind of photos got the women wetting? There’s a rather famous video on YouTube of a man leaning on an expensive sports car trying to pick up passing women. One approaches and agrees to have a coffee with him. An old woman screams at the man, “What are you doing with my car.” The man moves to his ordinary car parked immediately behind. The woman sees this and walks off.Now, to come to my point. FIP women are still MOBs (i.e. preferring “money over brains”). They have evolved to seek out males with resources, so that a woman can trade her vagina for some of those male resources. That is hard wired in them, and this presents a problem.As more and more men go MGTOW, and as more and more men take up masculist attitudes, refusing to be manslaves to women, living modestly and saving hard so as to retire in their 40s, then to women’s eyes, these guys look poor, so these women?will be less sexually attracted to them. This creates a conflict between female instincts, and male lifestyles. So what are men to do? What are women to do?There is a kind of “sexual-lifestyle ecology” playing out here. The men choose to be poorer than they could be, in terms of conspicuous wealth. They have money, but its not for women, it’s for themselves, that they save, planning to retire young and be free, to be ARCers??for the second half of their lives.As millions of men do this, women will be forced to adapt their sexual standards so that they at least tolerate men who choose to spend much less on women. For the women, the choice is either to accept this, or to be manless, such is the shortage of “good men.”The MGTOWs/masculists can help themselves by pushing their ideology onto society. They can tell women that women’s sex-for-money behaviors are no longer appropriate for the modern age, where women are strongly morally pressured to be FIPs or they just don’t get a man.Women will be forced to look beyond the superficial appearance of wealth of a man, and judge him by broader, deeper criteria, such as his goals in life, his character, his personality, etc. This will be difficult for women, because they will be going against their grain so to speak, since their DNA is pushing them to vagina wet at the sign of male wealth. But women have no choice. They either adapt to poorer men, or they live alone.So women need to be more than FIPped. They need to judge men more broadly, or be punished. Men increasingly absolutely refuse to be manslaves to females. The days of robot males are dying, thank god. Women now can work, thanks to the pill, household gadgets, higher education etc, so THEY MUST WORK. This frees men up from traditional manslavery, so that they can concentrate on themselves, becoming ARCers, and MGTOWs, etc., doing what MEN WANT. We men have the power to wipe out fluffies, since we are FIPs and fluffies can only be fluffies if some robot male pays for her, but the supply of robot males is drying up fast.This basic reality is something women are forced to adapt to. There will be millions of men not caring about looking wealthy to women, sneering at women who judge men by their wealth, labeling such women as having a “MOB psychology” (pun intended.) These men will put strong moral pressure on women to broaden their criteria for judging men. If women fail to adapt, they will pay a heavy price – they will live out their lives manless.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/52 Why is the FIPping of Fluffies so Important to Masculists? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why masculists place such enormous importance on the FIPping of fluffies, namely because with nearly all women as FIPs, most of men’s gender role problems would be solved.WHY IS THE FIPPING OF FLUFFIES SO IMPORTANT TO MASCULISTS?Because so many of men’s gender role problems would be solved if most women were FIPs (financially independent persons).Traditional women (i.e. fluffies – traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, i.e. some manslave, some robot male, to pay for a fluffie to live in a middle class house and raise her kids in, all paid for by him) are parasites. They manslave men and live off their money.Now that women can work (thanks to the contraceptive pill, higher education for women, household gadgets etc.) WOMEN MUST WORK. Anything else is parasitism on men’s labor.When nearly all women are FIPs, then manslavery dies out. It is no longer needed because women are FIPs and make their own money. These FIP women are strongly motivated to get a good FIP major education, at high school and university, so that they can get good, well-paying jobs as adults, and pull their own financial weight, and not look to men to pay for them.When nearly all women are FIPs, then men will get the Parer (paternity rejection right) the lack of which in today’s world is probably the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men. Women have a legislated Marer (maternity rejection right) commonly called the abortion right, but men have no Parer. So a woman can reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men can’t, so men can have their lives ruined by a woman who decides to continue a pregnancy unwanted by him, then slam him with a paternity suit and ruin his life.With nearly all women as FIPs, men will be able to bring in the Parer law, so that if a woman continues with a pregnancy that she wants, that he doesn’t, then she is legally obliged to pay full costs of the child after its born. The father will be able to go to a local JP (justice of the peace) and sign a “paternity rejection form” before the pregnancy is too advanced, so that the mother knows about it and must then make a decision. She may decide that without a man to help her with the costs of the child, she decides to abort. But if she is a real FIP, she will probably have enough money to support the child on her own, and if she really wants the child, then she can go ahead with the pregnancy to full term, knowing that she can afford to pay for the cost of bringing up the child (which is about $200,000 in the US).With most women FIPs, the whole mentality of women regarding men will change. In today’s world, women still see men largely as disposable check books, I.e. as exploitable payers of women to have kids. Even most feminists are still fluffies when it comes to men. Fluffie feminists have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist/MGTOW consciousness raised, so by default they still have traditional female attitudes (i.e. fluffie attitudes) towards men.With most women FIPs, women will feel morally and culturally obliged to pull their weight financially and not parasite on a man. The masculists (far more so that the MGTOWs) put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, and punish them if they aren’t, by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, to wipe out manslavery. The masculist attitude is “manslavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, the masculists are at war against the fluffies, whom the masculists push to see rot on the shelf to extinction, by refusing to have relationships with them – punishing them for being the immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin that these fluffies are.The masculists are far more politically active than the MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves). MGTOWs are political to some extent, but it’s a slow method. MGTOWs simply remove themselves from the marriage and paternity market, thus crashing the birthrate and the size of the population, wiping it out in a mere century. Sooner or later the male feminist gender politicians will be FORCED TO MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS, e.g. especially regarding the massive injustice committed daily in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and the lack of the Parer etc.Masculists actively aim to educate society into masculist/MGTOW ideas, by for example, approaching the broadcast media, by setting up men’s lib groups at high schools and universities, lobbying the gender politicians, etc. For example, in my own case as a masculist, having now written 50 of these fliers (this one is the 50th) I send out links to my MGTOW-masculist-resource-flyers website to the major MGTOW/masculist/MRA/feminist sites etc and to the major US/UK newspapers hoping the journalists will latch on. Some of the male journalists will have had the negative experience of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts and will be open to masculist/MGTOW ideas.The main goal of the masculists is to change the mentality of women, putting enormous moral pressure on them to be FIPs, or they don’t get a man. “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf!” “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin!” “Rather a FIP than a fluffie!”As the masculist/MGTOW ideas really disseminate throughout society, women will be influenced by these ideas and be frightened. A lot of them already know that in the US 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, so that the odds of a young woman having a baby now is only 1 in 3. In a decade it may be 1 in 10, as the MGTOW/masculist rejection of fatherhood spreads and spreads due to the toxicity of the divorce courts. Masculists harangue women, putting moral pressure on them to reject their (genetically evolved) attitudes of looking on men as exploitable checkbooks. Masculism/MGTOW is countering women’s nature, forcing women to be FIPs, or they are strongly punished, by not getting a man, and thus forced to live manless, loveless, often sexless, babyless, poor, lives.Masculists are aiming to set up a cultural ethic of women being FIPs, to such an extent, that it becomes the unconscious cultural norm. Later this century, young women will look upon the idea of fluffiedom with the same degree of contempt and horror as we today look upon the idea of negro slavery. These young women will agree with the masculists that manslavery is slavery, and should be abolished. They too, like the masculists and MGTOWs will be 21st century abolitionists, i.e. pushing for the abolition of manslavery by “womaning up” to be FIPs, i.e. civilized women, civilized, responsible, adult, human beings.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/62 What is to be Done? (Men's Lib) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer maps out the major steps in a political program to free men from the traditional manslaving role of working for women. The initial step is education, to be followed by political action to get the gender laws made “men-fair.”WHAT IS TO BE DONE? ?(MEN’S LIB)Lenin wrote a famous little book “What is to be done?” in which he mapped out his political agenda for the Russian Communist Party. I will try here to do something similar for the men’s lib movements (MGTOW, masculists, men’s rights, etc.), suggesting a step by step program on how men can liberate themselves from male gender role oppression, particularly from female financial parasitism on men, and the massive injustice of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and many other male gender injustices.Step 1 : EDUCATIONTo the average fluffie feminist, saying that men need a men’s lib movement is a joke. They will ask “What do men have to be liberated from?” The answer provided by the men’s libbers is “You!” i.e. from a gynocentric culture that the feminazis have created that is financially massacring roughly one married man in four, causing him to lose his kids, his house, paying child support and alimony to fluffie ex-wives; a culture that strongly resists the legislation of?the?Parer (paternity rejection right) that would force all women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) if it came into law, etc.Men’s lib is still in its infancy. We have a long way to go to make society aware than men have huge gender role problems and are really starting to wake up that men are being treated as exploitable check books, being manslaves to fluffie wives to pay for them to sit on their fat parasitic arses in a middle class house to raise her kids that he pays for. More and more men, thanks largely to the internet, are becoming conscious that they are mere manslaves to women.This level of male awareness is only at the beginning phase. It needs to be spread to the whole population, to all men, and to all women, so a lot more education is needed. This process is under way. There are now 1000s of MGTOW, masculist, men’s rights, etc. YouTube videos up for the world to study. More and more men are having their masculist consciousness raised, they are becoming aware that the traditional male role was to be a manslave to a woman.Now, with the contractive pill, household gadgets, higher education for women, women now can work. Women around the world are choosing to have zero, one, or two kids, so that their time spent with very small children is just a few years, which means that they have some 40+ years of career time, so need to be socialized into the careerist role that men have traditionally been.In other words, “Now that women CAN WORK, they MUST WORK. Anything else is simply parasitism on men’s labor.” The masculists place enormous importance on converting fluffies into FIPs (i.e. traditional women who expect to parasite off a man’s money, into career competent FIP women) so that men can be liberated from the traditional manslave-to-woman role.A good start has been made with the education of men, and some women, using YouTube videos, but of course this is only small potatoes compared with the impact that the broadcast journalists and TV producers could have if they also had their male consciousness raised. So men’s libbers need to approach the media and try to persuade them to present men’s lib ideas to the masses, to the hundreds of millions, and in time to the billions, i.e. the whole planet.As an example of this, I send emails to columnists of the major US and UK newspapers providing a link to my MGTOW-masculist-resource-flyers (over 50 of them) so that they can read them and become educated about what the men’s libbers are so bitterly complaining about.There are many other educational initiatives that need to be undertaken. High schools and universities should each have their own men’s lib groups, to help educate the students in their schools. Professors should set up Men’s Studies courses at their universities and write books about men’s problems. A lot more is needed in the way of education.Step 2 : POLITICSOnce the whole of society has been well educated into men’s gender role problems, the next major step will be to change the gender laws, which means persuading the gender politicians to reform, i.e. to “menfair,” the divorce laws, and pass the Parer, as well as many other discriminations against men. The fact that women have a Marer, that allows them to reject maternity if they choose, but men don’t have the equivalent right to reject paternity, is an obvious and blatant example of legal discrimination against men.How to persuade the gender politicians? These politicians are mostly male feminists, and deeply corrupt, bribed by the central banksters to do what the banksters want. The US has not been a democracy for at least a century, ever since President Wilson was bribed to pass the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 that set up the Fed which gave the Jewish banksters who ARE the Fed, the right to print the money, so they have all the free money they want to bribe the politicians.These bribed politicians are not moral creatures. They are politicians for the power, and?for themselves. They do what the biggest lobby group or the biggest briber wants them to do. In the 70s the feminists were a large lobby and pushed the gender politicians into passing divorce laws that were highly prejudiced against men, to such a extent that one married man in four is now being financially massacred in the divorce courts. This has to stop because the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts have become so toxic to men, that 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. They are voting with their feet in rebelling against the traditional male role of being manslaves to women.This in turn, is crashing the birth rate. With the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, the US population will be wiped out in a mere century. (Do the math.)So the gender politicians need to be educated and lobbied by men’s libbers, particularly masculists (who are the most political) that they have to menfair the gender laws, or the US will cease to exist.MGTOW/masculists need to put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs, telling them that if they are not FIPs, they will not get a man. MGTOWs who date women, and masculists, prefer to sex FIP women, so fluffies will face an ever dwindling supply of robot males, manslaves, traditional men, who expect to be parasited upon by fluffies.Masculists need to set up programs in schools and colleges that strongly encourage women to study FIP majors i.e. math and science based majors that allow students to enter university departments that result in them graduating in one of the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc.) or one of the techs (computer science, engineering, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc.) that will allow them to be FIPs as adults, and earn good money, so that they do not need to parasite off some manslave, because they will be career competent and can pay their own way.STEP 3 : CREATION OF A FIP SOCIETYThe main aim of the masculists if to create a “FIP Society,” where all adults are FIPs, so that there is no financial parasitism of one gender on another, as is still very much the case today. Two thirds of today’s female college students study what the masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. majors that will not make these women FIPs as adults. They will then start looking around in their 30s, for some manslave, when they want to have kids. They will parasite on a man. They will be fluffies.By applying enormous moral pressure on women to become FIPs, using a carrot and stick approach, women will be encouraged to become FIPs because that way, they have more control over their own lives, and a stronger sense of accomplishment, and self-pride, and will be punished by not getting a man, by being sexless, loveless, babyless and poor if they are not FIPs.Once the social pressure on women to “FIP up!” is overwhelming, and nearly all women heed the message, the gender laws will be made fair to both sexes, and then men will feel safer to have kids again, so that the birth rate does not continue to plummet.How long will all this take? I think these steps will be given a hefty boost in a decade or so, when two technological events occur, namely the male invention of the sexbot, and the male invention of the artificial womb. Once men have both of these, women will become largely irrelevant. Men will get better sex from their bots, and they will be able to grow their own kids. This will put huge pressure on women to be nice to men and to go out of their way to be a pleasant companion. Women will be forced to make more effort to stay slim and fit, so as to be able to compete with the scrumptious sexbots.Until our society is a FIP society, more and more men will adopt the “twaytwef” lifestyle, which means “2A2F” (two apartments, two FIPs) where both the man and the woman are FIPs and have their own apartments (fluffies are utterly ignored.)?They have regular sex. This way the woman at least has a relationship with a man, but no kids. Until the gender laws are made menfair, most men, nearly all men, will boycott having kids. (Research shows that the happiest couples are childless, and the unhappiest couples have teenage kids, so why have kids?!) When the relationship fails, the two just return to their own apartments, cost free for the man.This lifestyle that is becoming very popular now with men, forces women to be nice to men, not to nag them, or try to mold them into what she wants. If a man loses interest in his twaytwef woman, he just walks out the door, so easily.The gender politicians are like reeds. They will bend whichever way the wind blows the strongest. If the men’s libbers can create enough pressure on women to FIP up, and persuade the media to trumpet their case, then the men’s lib storm will be unstoppable. The gender politicians will be afraid to ignore this storm, so will start creating the legislation that will form the basis for the creation of the masculist vision of a “FIP Society.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/63 The "Fuck Only FIPs" Campaign (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer proposes to masculists/MGTOWs to only fuck FIPs as a tool to scare more fluffies into becoming FIPs, so that fluffie manslavery is wiped out by wiping out the fluffies.THE “FUCK ONLY FIPS” CAMPAIGNIn todays western colleges, about two thirds of female students are studying what the masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. non FIP subjects that will almost inevitably result in these women becoming fluffies in their 30s when they start looking around for some robot male manslave to pay for the middle class house she wants to raise her kids in.FIP majors are more valued by the economy because the students studying them, learn real skills that make them useful to the employers, so they get paid a lot more, e.g. the professions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, etc) or the techs (computer science, engineering, math, physics, chemistry, geology, etc.).? Fluffie majors, i.e. non FIP majors (e.g. psychology, philosophy, English lit, women’s studies, sociology, arts, history, etc.) do not teach students economically valuable skills on the whole, so they earn much less on graduation, so they will be much less able to afford to buy a middle class house on their own income, so they will then start looking for a manslave to help them or to pay for it all. They will choose to become immoral parasitic manslaving vermin.Masculists have a hatred of fluffies. Fluffies are manslavers. They expect men to work for them without payment by the female, i.e. manslavery is slavery, and slavery is a war issue. The masculists/MGTOWs are at war against the fluffies, who are labeled, immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe them out by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.With the fluffies removed, that leaves only FIP women, and with nearly all women being FIPs, most the gender role problems that men face would be solved overnight. The gender politicians would then pass menfair gender laws, the divorce courts would be reformed, the Parer (paternity rejection right) would be legislated, etc. The realization that the FIPping of fluffies would solve men’s gender problems, is why masculists place such critical importance on wiping out the fluffies, so that all? women become FIPs, to create a FIP Society.Given that about two thirds of today’s college female students are studying fluffie crap, implies that the other third are studying FIP majors, so are much more likely to become FIPs, earning good income so that they can become by definition, financially independent persons.This fraction of a third, gives masculists, and MGTOWs who choose to date and sex women, a powerful tool, a potent means, to punish fluffies for being fluffies, who expect to be able to manslave a man. This tool, can be expressed in the form of a simple masculist slogan “Fuck Only FIPs” i.e. don’t fuck fluffies.All women know that their primary attraction to men are their vaginas. Men evolved that way. It is a biological universal that males want to put their penises in females vaginas. I have a female dog. When she gets in heat and I put her on a leash, male dogs will go to enormous lengths to follow her until I eventually get in the elevator to my apartment. One dog, smarter than the rest, actually got out at my floor outside my door, waiting for someone to come out.So, if masculists and MGTOWs go on a political campaign not to fuck fluffies, that will be a major insult to them. Fluffies will interpret this visceral rejection as a real insult, a real slap in their faces, that masculists/MGTOWs so despise them, that “THEY WONT EVEN FUCK THEM!”MGTOWs/masculists now have plenty of FIP women they can fuck instead, because a third of female college students study FIP majors, so roughly a third of female graduates are FIPs. That’s millions of FIP women, so masculists/MGTOWs can direct their penises at these women and let the fluffies rot on the shelf, not only not wanting to marry them, not wanting to give them babies, but they don’t even want to fuck them, the ultimate insult, a clear message of how despised fluffies are by men’s libbers.As word gets out that masculists/MGTOWs refuse even to fuck fluffies, that will scare a lot of young women, as they learn that not only wont they get a husband, no babies, but they won’t even get penised by men, no dates, no male attention, only hatred and contempt. Young women will be strongly influenced by this attitude and political campaign of the MGTOWs/masculists as their influence amongst men spreads and spreads.This fear of young female students will motivate them more to choose FIP majors in high school at age 16, when they usually make a choice between the hard option (math and sciences) or the soft option (non-analytical subjects, where opinion is often more important than facts and reason.)The real damage done by women to men, from the masculist perspective, occurs at age 16, when the majority of young women choose the soft, easier, option, thus locking them into the soft option at college, because they do not have the prerequisites studied at high school to enter a FIP major department at university. Thus the critical decision to become a fluffie is taken at age 16 by young women, so the masculist emphasis of scaring fluffies into becoming FIPs needs to be directed at these young women. “Be FIP, or be manless!” can be made even more explicit “Be FIP or be?dry!” (i.e. her vagina will? not have the opportunity to moisten to accommodate a penis.)Imagine this political campaign to reject fluffies sexually by the masculists/MGTOWs catches on strongly, then we can expect in the near future a conversation like the following. Two male high school friends are chatting about a girl that one of them knows better than the other.B1 : “I really have the hots for Jill.” B2 : “Jill, oh stay away from her. She’s a fluffie. She’s intellectually lazy and chose the soft option. If you want to help men get liberated, choose that girl you said you had the hots for last month. Jane wasn’t it?” B1 : “Yeh, Jane’s not bad. I wouldn’t mind getting into her panties.” B2 : Well, she’s in my math and physics classes and wants to do electronic engineering she told me. She won’t parasite on some manslave in the future.” B1 : “Hmm, ok. I have a hatred of fluffies. Don’t we all. Look what they do to men in the divorce courts, to those men still stupid enough to marry and have kids. So, OK, I’ll try to date Jane. It will be cheaper too, because she?is a real FIP woman and expects to pay half. Thanks for the warning.”Fluffies are hated by the masculists, because they are manslavers. They expect a man to work for them without payment. To help wipe them out, masculists/MGTOWs can “slap them in the face” by deeply viscerally insulting them by refusing not only to marry them, to give them babies, but NOT EVEN FUCKING THEM, the ultimate insult a woman can receive from a man.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/64 Converting Fluffies into FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer maps out ideas on how MGTOW masculists can convert fluffies to FIPs as a vital stepping stone to liberate menCONVERTING FLUFFIES INTO FIPSThe masculists/MGTOWs have a huge educational task ahead of them. They need to educate men about the hazards of marriage, the hypergamy of women, etc. They need to educate fluffies that they will not get a man, they need to educate the gender politicians that they are genocidal criminals who need to menfair the gender laws. They need to educate society that men are going on strike against the traditional male gender role of being a manslave to a parasitic fluffie wife.When I listen to Sandman, or Turd Flinging Money (TFM), Thinking Ape (my favorite 3 MGTOWs) I get frustrated that they are concentrating mostly on an analysis of the gender status quo, rather than emphasizing more on how that status quo needs to be changed and reformed. To quote Marx, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point however is to change it.”I had a similar problem with the US men’s lib leaders in the 80s who would visit the European leaders when they made trips to Europe. Their focus was much more concrete on specific problems, such as divorced fathers rights, and almost nothing on the bigger picture of how these traditional gender roles came about in the first place, or what was needed to change these gender roles. I felt a part of the problem was the cultural differences between old world and new world mentalities. I’m not surprised that most of the world’s isms/ideologies have been invented by Europeans. Europeans are just so much better at such things, taking a deeper and broader perspective on social issues, with a much deeper cultural memory, and a cultural tradition of looking at the bigger picture. I’m reliving these experiences now with the North American MGTOWs. They are not looking at the bigger picture, and not giving enough attention to how the gender status quo should be changed and how to do that.This flyer focuses on what MGTOWs/masculists can do to convert fluffies into FIPs, which is seen by the masculists as being a critical step in forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be freed from the financial massacring of the divorce courts, be given a Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.With say a third of women being strongly sympathetic to MGTOW/masculist ideas (i.e. female masculists), then together with that third of women, plus most men voting as a “men’s lib” bloc, the gender politicians can be voted out of power if they don’t menfair the gender laws. There will be enough votes from men plus the female masculists to do that.So more concretely, how to convert more women, more fluffies into becoming FIPs, and becoming more sympathetic to men’s gender problems?There are lots of things that can be done and need to be done. Many of my flyers are on this broad topic. In broad terms, MGTOWs and especially the masculists, who are a lot more political than the MGTOWs, need to educate men, educate women, educate the journalists, educate the gender politicians, to reform the gender laws and change women’s attitudes towards men, so that men can lead happier, less abused, lives.Specifically, what can the masculists/MGTOWs do to convert fluffies into FIPs? Let’s start with the high schools. Older MGTOWs/masculists can go to the high schools and give talks to encourage the creation of high school men’s lib groups, one per high school, so that the male high school students can start working on the female high school students to become FIPs.These male high school students first need to be educated themselves on MGTOW/masculist principles and once they have these ideas under their belts, they can start working on the fluffie students in their schools. These high school MGTOW/masculist leaders can then give talks and have conversations with their female classmates teaching them about such things as –The financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, so that 70% of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. They can tell these women that they will not find a traditional husband. These women will not have a baby. Tell them that if they become a FIP, then at least they may have a twaytwef relationship with a man, but if she is a fluffie, having chosen the soft fluffie option of studying fluffie crap in her junior and senior years in high school, then not only wont she get married, won’t have a baby, won’t have a relationship with a man, SHE WONT EVEN BE FUCKED.Men will be so angry against fluffies, that they will not even want to sex them, preferring to sex FIP women, who make the effort to become financially independent persons, by studying FIP majors (e.g. the professions, the techs) that will allow them to earn good money so that they can pay their own way and not need to parasite off the money of a man.In other words, these high school males need to SCARE their female classmates into becoming FIPs, otherwise these young fluffies will lead manless, loveless, sexless, childless, poor, lives, and be shunned by society as FIPdom (creation of the FIP Society) becomes increasing the expected social norm.Tell university student women to convert from their fluffie majors to FIP majors, but that will be more difficult, because the real damage has already been done at the high school level, since FIP major departments at universities have prerequisites that students have to have passed before being allowed to enter a FIP major department, i.e. math and the sciences.Male high school students need to put enormous moral pressure on their female classmates, that if these fluffies choose the soft lazy option, then they are destined to become parasites on men, but they won’t get a man. These young men can refuse to date or sex these young immoral, future fluffie parasites. They can punish them by rejecting them as people, considering them so immoral that they are not even considered worthy of being fucked, the ultimate insult from a man to a woman.Older masculists need to make more effort to persuade the journalists and TV producers to write/film topics on MGTOW/masculism. With two thirds of young men refusing to reproduce, the population will be wiped out within a century, so it is only a question of time before the media latches on to this enormous problem.Professors need to set up Men’s Studies courses at universities to educate university students about the oppression of men, and persuade young men to avoid fluffies like the plague, to force fluffies to become FIPs with FIP attitudes. They need to lash out at the psychopathic mentalities of the quarter of married women who will divorce their husbands and then financially massacre them in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Once the journalists/TV producers have really informed the whole of society about the man strike, then MGTOWs/masculists can push hard to educate men to adopt the twaytwef lifestyle.Men will continue to boycott marriage and fatherhood until the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, but that may take a decade or more. In the meantime, men can still get the regular sex they want from women, but not be subject to the criminality of fluffie divorcing wives, and the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Twaytweffing is a life style in which a man and a woman are both FIPs and both have their own apartment (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs.) When the relationship goes sour, they return to their own apartments, cost free for the man.Women evolved to be parasites on men’s protein, and in today’s world, men’s money, so women have a natural tendency to behave like parasites once they feel they have their man under her control. She can then nag him, spend his money, deny him sex, etc.This is not possible with a twaytwef lifestyle. If the woman stops behaving nicely to the man, then he just quietly walks out of the relationship, back to his apartment, and looks for another FIP woman to put his penis into and get a bit of (agreeable) female companionship from.From the FIP woman’s perspective, the only way she will be able to get sex and companionship from a man will be to twaytwef. If she is a fluffie, then she will get NOTHING from a man, not even a penis. She will be left rotting on the shelf to extinction, being utterly ignored by men. It is as if she has been branded on her forehead with the dreaded word “Fluffie.” Men in her social circle will know that she is a fluffie, a career incompetent, immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. The social pressure against her will be enormous.In the past, women’s genetic tendency to look on men as exploitable check books and to dump men easily when men ceased to be exploitable, has been kept in check, through religious beliefs, by male dominated law and custom. With today’s gynocentric society, women have now too much power over men, and their true psychopathic natures can manifest themselves, so it is now up to the MGTOWs/masculists to take back some of that power to create a power balance between the two sexes.Men are traditionally socialized to be FIPs, so men have it in their power to force fluffies to be FIPs. Men need to be educated about this basic reality. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some robot male, who is prepared to be parasited upon by her, but the supply of such robot male manslaves is drying up, thus forcing fluffies to become FIPs or they rot on the shelf. With men shunning fluffies, fluffies will die out. With the MGTOWs/masculists educating society, of the massive injustices committed against men by fluffies and fluffie feminists, then men are really starting to hit back now, using their male FIP power to wipe out fluffies, and to put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs.Women are becoming increasingly scared that a male hurricane is brewing that will wipe out the excessive political/legal power that fluffie feminists have acquired over the past few decades at men’s expense. All this will change as more and more fluffies convert themselves to being FIPs, due to MGTOW/masculist education and moral pressure.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/83 It is Critically Important that MGTOWs Masculists Educate the Public (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer emphasizes how important it is for MGTOWs masculists to educate the public about MGTOW masculist ideas so that society is made menfair, otherwise the MGTOW masculists will continue to wipe out whole populations by refusing to marry and have kids, thus crashing the birth rate.IT IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT THAT MGTOWs MASCULISTS EDUCATE THE PUBLICI was listening to a western MGTOW on YouTube who lives in Japan (Shin-nu Asami) who got burned by a Jap fluffie wife saying that, in his opinion, TWO thirds (not one third) of young Japanese men are now herbivores, i.e. the Japanese version of MGTOWs. This means that both the US and Japan are now faced with the greatest crisis in their histories, i.e. the wiping out of their populations, due to the “male strike” of men refusing to be manslaves to women, and refusing to have kids.You can look upon the essence of masculism (men’s lib) as a “rebellion by men against working for women.” There are of course many other aspects to masculism/MGTOW, but that is the major one, and because of it, whole populations are being wiped out. This is of enormous significance to society, so society should BE EDUCATED into the most important issue of our historical era.Given this critical importance, it is imperative that MGTOWs/masculists educate society into MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that society can be “saved” i.e. not be wiped out, due to a continuation and spreading of MGTOW/masculist ideas.There are? at least 6 major groups of people within society who need to be educated this way, namely?women, non MGTOW/masculist men, journalists, gender politicians, teachers and parents.Women need to be taught that men refuse the traditional manslave role and demand that women be FIPs (financially independent persons) or they don’t get a man. The opposite of FIPs are fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man.) Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, who label them as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” and have nothing to do with them. MGTOWs/masculists don’t even fuck them, preferring to fuck FIP women, as a way of punishing fluffies. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, i.e. to wipe out fluffies, not by killing them, but simply refusing to have anything to do with them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction.Masculists have slogans to educate women, such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “Rather a FIP than a fluffie!” “Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists!” “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin!” Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to convert themselves into FIPs, otherwise they will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and in time shunned by society, as society becomes increasingly conscious of the “man strike.” You can look upon MGTOWs/masculists as the 21st century equivalent of the 19th century north American “abolitionists” who fought against negro slavery.MGTOWs/masculists need to educate non MGTOW/masculist men that the traditional male manslave gender role is toxic for men, due to the fluffie feminists having taken? over the divorce court system, which has made divorce toxic and hence marriage toxic, given that half of marriages in many western countries end in divorce. Roughly one in four married men will be financially massacred by the divorce courts. They will lose their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony to their fluffie ex wives, so that she continues to parasite upon him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce. These odds of one in four of being financially massacred, are TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE ?to men, so it is not surprising that 70% (and rising) of young men in the US under 35 REFUSE TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS, thus crashing the birth rate, and wiping out the US population within a mere century, with a similar story happening in Japan.MGTOW/masculists need to approach the journalists with one of?the biggest stories of our century, i.e. that whole populations are being wiped out because men refuse to be manslaves to women, and that women must get off their lazy parasitic bums and become FIPs by having a FIP oriented education. MGTOWs/masculists should be spending a lot of their time and effort to contact and educate the broadcast media journalists, so that these journalists in turn can present MGTOW/masculist ideas to the millions, the billions, to REALLY get these ideas out to the public. THIS IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for the MGTOW/masculist movements, otherwise the MGTOW movement particularly, will remain a pissweak fringe organization the way it is now.The gender politicians need to be mass pressured to menfair the gender laws, e.g. the deeply misandrist divorce laws, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), remove legal discriminations against men in dozens of domains. By educating men in their millions, men will learn to “bloc vote out” the gender politicians from office, so scaring them that if they don’t menfair the gender laws, they will lose power. A bigger goal of the MGTOWs/masculists in general is to help wipe out the Jewish central bankster vermin who rob our taxes and make debt slaves of us with their paper dollar debt note Ponzi scheme. This may involve the crash of the dollar in the next year or so, and the fall of the US, Europe, Japan into third world levels, given that these Jewish banksters have so indebted the economies of these major nations.The MGTOWs/masculists need to educate the teachers in high schools and universities to put enormous moral pressure on young women to become FIPs, scaring them that if they don’t become FIPs, they won’t get a man, and won’t have babies. Two thirds of young women study “fluffie crap” majors at high school and college, so are unable to make good money as adults, and then start looking for manslaves to pay for the middle class house they want to raise their kids in.MGTOWs/masculists need to educate parents to teach their sons not to be manslaves, by teaching them MGTOW/masculist ideas, and to teach their daughters to be FIPs, otherwise they will not get a man, and not have babies. Daughters need to be socialized in the same way as sons, i.e. with the expectation that they will grow up to be FIPs, i.e. career competent, adult, responsible citizens.So there is a lot to do for MGTOWs/masculists when it comes to education. The immediate task is to get the journalists moving. They should be contacted so that the masses can be educated by their reports that reach millions. Then MGTOWs/masculists need to get on the broadcast media preaching their ideas. MGTOWs/masculists need to spell out to society, that if the gender laws etc are NOT MADE MANFAIR, then the MGTOWs/masculists WILL WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS. They will destroy whole countries, if they are not given the respect they demand.THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY OF OUR ERA Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/99 Political Phases of MGTOW Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists 5 political phases or stages that the MGTOW Masculism movements will probably have to go through for men’s lib issues to be resolved.POLITICAL PHASES OF MGTOW/MASCULISMThis flyer discusses the political phases or stages that the MGTOW/masculist movements will probably go through before men’s lib issues are resolved.I list them here and give them labels, then elaborate on them a bit later.Phase 0 : Gynocentrification.Phase 1 : Rise of MGTOW/Masculism.Phase 2 : Female Backlash.Phase 3 : Media Main Stream.Phase 4 : Political Solutions—Phase? 0 : Gynocentrification.The primary reason for the exponential rise in the number of men choosing to be MGTOW/masculist is the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, which are now financially massacring men on a daily basis. Roughly one married man in four will be massacred this way, losing his kids, his house, paying child support and alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, who continues to parasite on him after the divorce, as she did before the divorce.This massive injustice against men has resulted in 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refusing to marry and refusing to have kids, thus crashing the birth rate that will wipe out the US/Japanese population in less than a century, unless phase 4 is successful and soon.Many intelligent men have become MGTOWs, and thanks to the internet and YouTube, are looking carefully into what has happened to them, and what has happened to women, that has enabled the divorce laws to have been made so massively menunfair.Phase 1 : Rise of MGTOW/Masculism.As a result of phase 0, men are now waking up in droves, becoming conscious that marriage is TOXIC for them, because divorce is toxic. The odds of one in four of being financially massacred as a married man, are way too high, and so men are making a rational decision, simply not to marry, not to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They have developed new life styles, e.g. twaytweffing, where a FIP (financially independent person) man has a relationship with a FIP women, with both having their own apartment. This way the man gets the regular sex that he needs, and can walk away so easily, if the women shows her true nature (nagging, withholding sex, trying to mold him, etc.) Many MGTOWs live frugally, earning and saving hard, so that they can retire early in their lives and then ARC (after retirement careering) in their 40s, doing what they love. Many work part time, and spend the rest of their time doing what they love.It has been calculated, given the growth rate of MGTOW/masculist ideas, that by 2018, these ideas will be known to everyone, the way feminist ideas are today.?The number of MGTOW/masculists is growing exponentially, so it is only a question of time, before everyone has heard of them, or knows one in their own lives.Phase 2 : Female Backlash.With millions of men refusing to marry and have kids, women are being put into a panic. Things have advanced furthest in Japan, where now 70% of young Japanese men under 35 refuse to date, or even sex women, let alone marrying them and having kids with them. Japan even has a “minister of population” whose task is to try to persuade Japanese men to be fathers, with little success.So, women are really starting to panic, especially the fluffies, who rely on being able to parasite off a man’s money, so that her manslave pays for the middle class house that she wants to raise her kids in, and have him pay for it all. The rise of MGTOW/masculism is FORCING fluffies to get off their parasitic arses and become FIPs, otherwise they wont even be able to twaytwef. They will instead be left rotting on the shelf, utterly rejected and ignored by men, who refuse to even sex them, the ultimate insult coming from men.Young women are seeing the writing on the wall, and are learning about MGTOW/masculism, so are adapting. They see the hatred of men towards, misandrist, man dumping feminazi bitches, and how these feminazis lead manless, loveless, sexless, childless, and often poor lives, and are increasingly expressing publicly that “I’m no feminist!” as a form of damage control, but it’s too late. Men will continue to refuse to marry and have kids while the divorce courts are still toxic to men, and while the gender laws are so biased in favor or women, e.g. no Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.As more and more women go manless, the panic level of women will rise and rise. Men will hit back with MGTOW/masculist rhetoric, so that women become very conscious that men are very angry, and have the power to wipe out fluffies. Nearly all men are FIPs, so if they refuse to be manslaves, that will FORCE fluffies to be FIPs or they rot on the shelf to extinction.Women will start becoming female masculists, pushing for men’s lib, so as to menfair the gender laws. Until the gender laws are made menfair, women will continue to be ignored. Smart women can see this and will join with the politically minded masculists to get the gender laws changed.Phase 3 : Media Main Stream .Once everyone has heard of the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism, sooner or later the broadcast media will latch on to the movement, giving it big time publicity. They have to, because if millions of men continue to refuse fatherhood, whole populations get wiped out. There is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE POPULATION CRASH!So, the media will be studying the MGTOW/masculist videos/essays/books/etc. They will transmit the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism to everyone, across the planet. There will be debates on TV between feminists and masculists, between talk show hosts and the most articulate of the MGTOWs/masculists, so that people become alarmed, that if something drastic is not done soon, then the whole population gets wiped out. Millions of people, men and women will be screaming. HELP! DO SOMETHING!Phase ?4 :? Political SolutionsAs the social/intellectual pressure build and builds, sooner or later the gender politicians will be forced to get into the act. The longer they twiddle their thumbs, the more vociferously the public will accuse them of being genocidal criminals, because ultimately they are responsible for this mess, this population crash, this MGTOW/masculist marriage and paternity strike. (Actually I’m deeply suspicious that the ultimate culprits are the Jewish banksters who bribed the gender politicians, to pass menunfair divorce laws, to cause men and women to be at each other’s throats, thus further distracting attention away from their theft of people’s taxes, with the Jewish bankster owned central banks, and their paper currency debt note Ponzi schemes.)With millions of single women screaming to get a man; with millions of MGTOW/masculists quite happy to not be manslaves, and arguing the world is already overcrowded; with millions of MGTOWs/masculists screaming for menfair gender laws (fair divorce laws, passing the Parer, etc.; with the media pushing hard for the gender politicians to get off their bribed immoral corrupted arses; then sooner or later the political pressure on them will be so great, they will have no choice, they will HAVE to menfair the gender laws.A great wave of social reform and attitude change will sweep across the earth. Girls will study FIP majors (e.g. STEM majors) at high school and college. Fluffie crappers (who don’t study FIP majors) will come under enormous moral pressure and won’t be able to find a boyfriend. Men won’t even fuck them, if they get the label “fluffie” which will be the kiss of death to their futures.The current gynocentric culture will be wiped out. Everyone will see what it has led to, namely the mass strike of men against paternity, thus wiping out the population. Women will be spat on who express gynocentric attitudes, and will be severely punished by men, in being forced to rot on the shelf, and shunned by everyone.Once men get their menfair gender laws, they will be able to keep their kids after a divorce, they will keep their house. There will be no alimony. Women will come under ENORMOUS moral pressure to be FIPs, or they do not deserve to have a man, and they won’t have one.The Parer will be passed, so that men are not tricked into fatherhood by deceitful, criminal women who want babies.How long will it take for these 5 phases to complete? Probably a few decades. I think we are entering phase 2 now, judging by the number of women who are openly expressing that they aren’t feminists (even though underneath they are, and most are still fluffies.) The MGTOW/masculist leaders have still not caught the attention of the broadcast media, so Phase 3 hasn’t even started yet. However, I expect that will be well launched within 5 years.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/102 MGTOW-Masculist (Bumper) Stickers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists some slogans that could be put on stickers and placed all over town, to increase public awareness of the main MGTOW/masculist ideas.MGTOW-MASCULIST (BUMPER) STICKERSI’m getting impatient that the growth of MGTOW/masculism is too slow. There seems to be little in the way of MGTOW/masculist political activism, other than lots of MGTOW videos being made by people like Sandman, Thinking Ape, Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM) etc, who admittedly are having some effect, but the whole growth process is too slow. There should be a men’s lib group on every campus, in every high school. There should be books coming out on men’s issues, etc.This short flyer is on an idea to expedite the political growth of MGTOW/masculist ideas, and it takes the form of (bumper) stickers, i.e. pithy one liners that catch one’s attention, whether placed on car bumpers, on windows, lampposts, etc.I hope that some of the sticker slogans listed below will motivate some enterprising people to make a little business out of making and selling such stickers on line, so that the essential ideas of MGTOW/masculism reach a broader public, than the few million MGTOWs/masculists who exist worldwide today.Below are some of those sticker messages. Perhaps you might care to dream up some of your own, put them on stickers, in their thousands, and then stick them all over town, for the general public to read.I suggest if you make a company, that each sticker use some logo that indicates that these stickers are coming from an organization, a philosophy, an ideology, so that readers of the sticker know that they are reading the ideas of a political action group – perhaps, something like “MGTOW/Masculist Action Group (Men Going Their Own Way)” which could be put in small print at the bottom left of the sticker, plus a few website links, e.g. to sandman, TFM, etc.Here are some of the slogans that might be used, i.e. pithy, essential, catchy.Since some of the terms will be unfamiliar, curious people might be motivated to follow up the links given in the sticker.* The Red Pill : Women don’t love men! They love men’s exploitability* Women are hypergamous* Rather a FIP than a fluffie* Be FIP or be manless* Fluffies rot on the shelf* Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin* The primary goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies by totally ignoring them* Woman, if you want to have a man, have a career* One in four married men will be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist?? dominated divorce courts* Men, be MGTOW, don’t marry, don’t have kids, spend your money on yourself* In the US and Japan, 70% of men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids* Women have won a pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes* Women have a 10% lower IQ variance than men. The genii are males.*? Men evolved to manipulate the world, women evolved to manipulate men* Women evolved to be prostitutes on men –?female sex for male protein* Women aren’t interested in men’s personalities, they’re interested in men’s wallets* A fluffie will parasite on you after the divorce as she did before the divorce* Masculism’s main goal is to free men from female financial parasitism* Fluffies are traditional women who expect to parasite off a man’s money* Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists* Robot males are traditional men, who see their role as? being a manslave to a fluffie* Men, don’t marry, you have a?1:4 chance of being financially massacred in a divorce* Fluffie crappers study fluffie crap at high school, which makes them fluffies as adultsetc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/105 Selecting Your Woman with MGTOW/Masculist Criteria (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr?: This flyer ranks various categories of women according to their attractiveness/repulsiveness for having a relationship with, as judged by MGTOWs masculists.SELECTING YOUR WOMAN WITH MGTOW MASCULIST CRITERIAThis flyer makes some suggestions on how to go about?selecting a woman to have regular sex with, and to get a bit of agreeable companionship from. It lists various kinds of women to be avoided, in degrees of their negativity, and lists the kinds of women that MGTOWs, masculists prefer.I’ll start from the bottom and work up, i.e. from the most repulsive, to be avoided at all costs, to the top, the most desirable, given MGTOW-masculist criteria.The absolute worst kind of woman is triply handicapped from a MGTOW/masculist point of view, and she is the fat fluffie feminazi. If she’s fat, then she will be sexually repulsive, a veritable “cock shrinker” or as the French say so graphically, a “grosse imbaissable” i.e. a “fat unfuckable.”If she’s a fluffie, then she will be trying to make you a manslave, so that she can live in?a middle class house to raise HER kids, and have you pay for it all, i.e. the house, for her, and her kids. A decade later, when she’s bored with you, she’ll want to drag you into a divorce court to financially massacre you, taking your house, the kids, getting the court to force you to pay her child support and alimony, so that she can continue to parasite off you after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.Fluffies are hated by the masculists. They are the enemy of the masculists, whose prime political goal is to wipe them out, by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even fucking them, as a way of punishing them, forcing them to become FIPs or they rot on the shelf to extinction.A feminazi is a real bitch who will harangue you with feminist PC (politically correct) bullshit, that for the most part does not stand up to cynical scientific analysis. Feminazis are so not nice to be with that?most men ignore them, so most feminazis are manless. Many other young women see this, so suppress their innermost feminist feelings, for fear of putting off men.So a fat, fluffie, feminazi bitch is the most repulsive of females, and to be avoided at all costs. She is the gold standard by which all less repulsive woman are judged.So what about a nonfat, fairly attractive fluffie feminazi? Well, maybe to have sex with for a one night stand, if she’s quite sexually attractive, but it’s risky. If she’s a feminist, she might turn on you and make all kinds of false claims, that may get you in trouble. It’s better to avoid such a female, even if she’s slim and curvy, and quite fuckable.If she’s a nonfat, FIP feminazi, then she is less likely to try to parasite on your money, because she has her own, since she’s a FIP, but if she’s still a feminazi, being with her will still be painful, because she will harangue you with feminazi attitudes?and be a thorough pain in the arse.If she’s slim, curvy, FIP and a feminazi, you could try haranguing her right back with masculist/MGTOW ideas. That might work, and get her to shut up. That might be worth a try. Once she learns that her feminist bullshit is mostly that, i.e. PC (isscienate fairy) bullshit, then she might fear haranguing you with her feminist garbage, because she knows she will get harangued right back, with interest, with masculist/MGTOW venom.It’s a judgement call on your part. If she’s open to argument, and she strikes your fancy as a penisable woman, then maybe. Personally I wouldn’t. Feminists are not entirely sane in today’s world.So how about a woman who is FIP, not fat, and not a feminazi? Now you’re beginning to be in the ball park of women who might be worth having some kind of relationship with.I suggest you might twaytwef with her, i.e. have a regular sexual relationship with her, but insist that it be on the basis of having two apartments, so that when it ends, as most do, both can just walk away at zero cost to the man, back to their two apartments. The enormous advantage of twaytweffing for a man is that it forces the woman he twaytwefs with to be nice to him. If she’s not, he just quietly walks away, and finds another woman to penis and have a bit of companionship with.If the twaytweffing woman starts putting pressure on him to have a kid, or she withholds sex, or she tries to change his habits etc., then he can walk away.Twaytweffing, it goes without saying, is a lifestyle for men that avoids having kids (a complete no-no in today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, where one married man in four get financially massacred. MGTOWs/masculists think that only fools marry in today’s world. In the US and Japan, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids, and spend their money on themselves.Twaytweffing means there is no divorce, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no alimony, because the twaytweffing partner woman is a FIP.So is twaytweffing the optimal method to get regular sex and some companionship from a FIP woman? No, buts its not bad. Better would be to twaytwef with a woman who is ideologically committed to being nice, i.e. nurturative, to her man.MGTOWs/masculists need to push the idea onto women, that at a deep level in men, is the infantile memory they have of being with their mothers, who nurtured them totally. Men have a deep need to be nurtured like that as adults, and will be very nice to a woman who can genuinely nurture him (rather than initially pretending to be like that so as to manslave him, so that he pays for her kids.)A woman who is ACTIVELY NICE, ACTIVELY NURTURATIVE to a man she twaytwefs with is about as ideal as a MGTOW/masculist can get. She won’t be totally happy herself, because she is being denied her biological destiny, i.e. to have a kid, but until the divorce courts are made menfair, until the Parer (paternity rejection right) is brought in, men will continue to reject fatherhood, and women will continue to go childless.MGTOWs/masculists ought to push women politically to put pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men become more willing to be fathers. That’s not going to happen until most women are so desperate that they start assassinating gender politicians to force them to menfair the gender laws.In the meantime, the best that women can do is to be FIP, to be nurturatively nice to a man that she wants to twaytwef with. She’s not going to get the traditional wedding, the house, the manslave,? the kids, the divorce, the alimony. Those days are gone. Men have woken up and REFUSE to be manslaves. You can view masculism as essentially A REBELLION BY MEN AGAINST WORKING FOR WOMEN. Only FIP women will be able to twaytwef, because most men will only spit on fluffies, as manslaving vermin, once they have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousnesses raised, which is what the masculists/MGTOWs are doing now with their YouTube videos and flyers, etc.Will millions of women accept these restrictions? Can they adapt to being nurturative FIP twaytweffers? They will have to, because we men are nearly all FIPs. We have the power to wipe out fluffies, if we refuse to go near them. We can force women to suppress their cravings to have a kid, otherwise they get dumped. Things will remain this way, until women go crazy, and start putting real pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Of course, masculists will be putting pressure on the gender politicians too, by continuing to crash the population size, pointing the finger at the gender politicians, accusing them of being genocidal criminals, of being bribed by the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists to have men and woman at each other’s throats, and to wipe out the goy by wiping out the population. The pressure on the gender politicians will have to be SEVERE to get them to move.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/107 What's the Next Step? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer proposes that the next step for men is to form men’s lib groups in high schools and colleges, now that there are already a ton of MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube. The time is ripe for the next step.WHAT’S THE NEXT STEP?Prominent MGTOWs like Thinking Ape, Sandman, Turd Flinging Monkey, etc., keep churning out YouTube videos, so the MGTOW/masculist ideas are getting out there. This flyer asks, “What’s next?” What is likely to happen next, and what is desirable that should happen next?I think the next thing to happen, and its already starting, is that women are reacting. The percentage of women listening to Sandman’s videos keeps climbing he says in one of his videos. This is not surprising, since the MGTOW message is profoundly threatening to? a fluffie. A fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money) takes it for granted that in her later 20s or 30s she will find some manslave who will pay for her to live in a middle class house with her kids, and later if she gets bored with him, she knows she can use the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, to extract child support and alimony from him so she can continue her parasitism.MGTOW practice, plus masculist labeling and finger pointing at fluffies is deeply threatening to fluffies. Most women are fluffies, maybe not consciously, but they are in practice, for the simple reason that most young women at high school are fluffie crappers, i.e. they study fluffie crap so that when they go to university, they are forced?to continue to study fluffie crap, because they are excluded from the FIP (financially independent person) majors (e.g. the STEM fields, (science, tech, engineering, math)) because they do not have the prerequisites of math and sciences that they need to have studied in high school.So they graduate with non FIP diplomas that the economy does not value highly, and hence pays poorly, whereas a STEM major walks into a job and immediately starts using the skills he picked up at college. So these fluffie crappers, the majority of women, will inevitably become fluffies in their 30s when their biological clock starts ticking hard, and they realize they are too poor to be able to afford? to pay for a middle class house to raise their kids in, on their own. So they look around for some sucker manslave to do that for them. The problem for such fluffie manslavers, is that the supply of robot males, i.e. manslave dupes, is drying up. Too many men are waking up that the traditional manslave role of the male stinks. These men are learning that a married man has roughly a one in four chance of being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and consider these odds as totally unacceptable, and decide to boycott marriage and paternity.Since most women are fluffie crappers, most women become fluffies, and hence as they become increasingly conscious that men refuse to be manslaves to them, these fluffies are really starting to shit in their panties, as they become brutally aware that – one – they will not have a kid, and – two – even if they do, they will be poor and not be able to find a manslave to pay for them. Men have gone on strike regarding supporting fluffies financially.Women are increasingly going through an existential crisis as they become conscious that they can no longer rely on men to be their manslaves. This will force women to become FIPs, and to stop being fluffie crappers at high school and college. They will have to be socialized as girls, just as much as boy to be FIPs, i.e. career competent, i.e. feel obliged to study STEM majors at high school – i.e. no calculus, no baby!As large numbers of women wake up to the man strike, they should be pushed by MGTOWs/masculists to put political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, especially regarding divorce. This will be very difficult for fluffies, because in the short term, fluffies actually benefit from the financial massacring of their ex-husbands. They get his money, and his house, and especially his kids.But this short term benefit has a real sting in the tail. With millions of men being financially massacred in the divorce courts, men are shying away from marriage and paternity. Fluffies now JUST CANT FIND A MANSLAVE (aka in fluffiespeak “good man”).So the young women will increasingly learn to hate their older generation of women, who have created this man shortage for them. These younger manless women, should also be pressured by MGTOWs/masculists to lobby the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, by combining forces with the masculists who simultaneously are threatening the gender politicians, “If you genocidal criminals don’t menfair the gender laws, we MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the population, until you have no choice and you give us what men want. If you don’t, then in time the whole (crashing) population will be screaming for your blood!”But, what about men? What should men’s next step be? I suggest it should be the formation of “consciousness raising” groups, i.e. men’s lib groups in high schools and especially at universities. Actually, such groups are more needed in the high school, because it is at that age, that most of the fluffie crapper damage is done, but the intellectual environment is richer and more conducive to idea propagation at universities, so college men’s lib groups should be set up to educate both sexes on campus, in the following main MGTOW/masculist ideas.Teach men that marriage is toxic due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Advise men not to marry, not to have kids, and to spend their money on themselves.Teach men that if they want regular sex, to twaytwef, i.e. sex only a FIP woman, who has her own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, the man can return to his own apartment cost free.Teach men the advantages of spending their money on themselves, e.g. that they can ARC (after retirement careering) early in life, e.g. in their 40s, then spending the second half of their lives doing what they love, no longer being a wage slave, and definitely not being?a manslave to a bloody fluffie.Teach women about the above MGTOW/masculist ideas. Tell women that 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids.Tell women, they will not have babies until the gender laws are made menfair.Tell women that they won’t even be fucked if they are not FIP. MGTOWs/masculists refuse to have anything to do with fluffies, whom they treat as the enemy, to be wiped out.Teach women, that they must study FIP majors at high school and college, otherwise they will become fluffies and hence be rejected by men.Tell women, to help the MGTOWs/masculists to pressure the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the population gets wiped out.Tell women to help the MGTOWs/masculists to tell journalists about MGTOW/masculism, because it is in women’s self-interest to see the gender laws made menfair, because if that does not happen, women won’t have babies, they won’t have husbands, and they won’t even have penises.So, summarizing, I think the next step for men, after the YouTube MGTOW/masculist video production phase, should be the setting up of men’s lib groups at high schools and colleges. There are enough MGTOWs/masculists out there now, for discussion groups to be set up all over.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/165 Female STEM Field Statistics, High School and College (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives percentages of males and females in 12th grade high school and at college who study STEM related fields. Females are studying such fields at about a three quarter rate as males, which is very encouraging for masculists/MGTOWs who are pushing women to be FIPs.FEMALE STEM FIELD STATISTICS, HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGEI googled two questions “What percentage of female 12th grade high school students study calculus?” and “What percentage of female college students study STEM fields?” I did this to see if any progress has been made over the past decade or more with women getting off their fluffie parasitic bums and learning to pull their own financial weight by becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) by studying career competent majors at college (e.g. STEM fields) that will get them a diploma that the economy values because their studies give them real skills that the market place pays good salaries for.Here are the links for the two sites whose statistics I will first summarize and then discuss in this flyer.For high school (in the US) :? college (in the US) : SCHOOL STATSFor high schoolers, the following percentages of 12th grade students studied the following subjects, according to gender, (in 2009), rounded to the nearest digit.ADVANCED MATHAlgebra II (M 74%) (F 78%)Precalculus/analysis (M 34%) (F 37%)Calculus (M 17%) (F 17%)ADVANCED SCIENCEAdvanced Biology (M 39%) (F 50%)Chemistry (M 67%) (F 72%)Physics (M 41%) (F 36%)Engineering(M 6%) (F 1%)TECHEngineering/Science Techs (M 10%) (F 2%)Health Science/Techs (M 6%) (F13%)Computer/Info Science (M 24%) (14%)So females outscored males in algebra II, precalculus, advanced biology, chemistry, health science/techs.Males outscored females in physics, engineering, engineering/science techs, computer/info ments :The fact that young women are now studying math at rates much the same as men is a very encouraging sign. It will enable them to keep doors open at college to enter STEM fields. But there are still gaps between the male and female percentages, in engineering and computer science.? Physics percentages were about the same, as with chemistry. So women are studying the basic prerequisites for STEM field entry at college, i.e. math, physics and chemistry at roughly equal levels, so that gives female college fresher students equal chances to enter a STEM field at college. The next issue, is do they want to? See the next set of percentages.COLLEGE STATSOver the years from 2004 to 2014, the percentage of college students studying STEM fields has increased, and the percentage of students studying social sciences and psychology has decreased.STEM Field Bachelor Degrees Percentages (M 40%) (F 29%) i.e. 40% of males earned a STEM field bachelor degree, and 30% roughly of females.However, in a typical computer science class there will be (M 80%) (F 20%) i.e. 4 times as many males as females. So women are lagging badly ments:This is also encouraging for the future of wiping out fluffies. Young women are studying STEM majors at about ? of the rate of males. This can be improved, but it is currently not bad. Computer science, a hot area, well paid and in demand in the market place, is a weak point for females, so they should make more effort to get into computer science courses at college. In the 00s I was a computer science professor in China, teaching masters level students. About a third of my classes were comprised of female students.Relevance to MGTOW/MasculismFrom the above statistics, it looks as though the battle to FIPify women has been three quarters won. Women are studying STEM fields at about three quarters the rate as males. Hopefully in a decade or so, the percentages will be roughly equal, the way they are now (roughly speaking) in math, physics and chemistry at 12th grade high school.So, these stats are heartwarming to the MGTOWs/masculists who are pushing women to be FIPs as the solution to men’s lib problems. With most women FIPs, men will be less likely to be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. With most women FIPs, the Parer (paternity rejection right) is more likely to be legislated, because more women will be able to afford raising their kid on their own. With most women FIPs, the gender politicians will be less likely to think “Oh the poor little fluffie, she needs to be paid for by some big bad manslave ex-husband!”Masculists particularly are very conscious that pushing women to be FIPs is pretty much the panacea to men’s lib problems. So many of the problems that oppress men will evaporate once nearly all women are FIPs. For women to be FIPs, they need to study career competent majors at high school, and college. The above statistics show that young people are doing that at about equal rates across the two genders. That is heartening for masculists/MGTOWs. So does this mean that the fluffie is on the way out? It looks that way. But it will take a few decades for these young women to work their way through the pipeline. By the time they reach their 30s, i.e. nearly two decades from now, they will be much more likely to be FIPs, and hence capable of pulling their weight financially.In the meantime, MGTOWs and masculists need to keep up the moral pressure on women to be FIPs, because even if most women do become FIPs, if the social expectation that men exist to pay for women to have babies in middle class houses that men/husbands pay for, remains unchanged, then the FIPication of women, will not be very useful to men. So masculists/MGTOWs need to continue pressuring women morally to be FIPs, pointing the finger at fluffies and accusing them of being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, who will be punished by not getting a man, and hence will rot on the shelf to extinction, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly shunned by a society that is ever more FIP in its philosophy, and expectation of women.What is currently happening in US high schools and colleges is a necessary condition for the liberation of men from the manslave role to women, but it is not sufficient. MGTOWs/masculists still need to educate society, women, the journalists, the gender politicians, etc that now that women can work (thanks to the contraceptive pill) they MUST work, anything else is parasitism off the labor of men. Women have a moral obligation to get off their parasitic fat bums and become FIPs or be punished. It is the role of the MGTOW/masculist philosophy to provide the motive for the punishment. To get the punishment actually delivered to millions of fluffies, we need millions/billions of MGTOWs/masculists who have had their masculist consciousness raised, who are angry at fluffies and want to punish them. When millions of fluffies see that they are being spat at by men, they will change their tune. They will tell their daughters, “Be FIP, or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” Parents and teachers need to scare young women, that if they don’t pull their weight financially, and become FIP, they will pay a very heavy price. They will be rejected by men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/193 Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Starts His Own "de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers" YouTube Channel (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer announces the creation of a new YouTube channel called “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS” which has me reading aloud some 200 odd MGTOW Masculist flyers (2-3 page essays) on masculist and MGTOW themes.Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis STARTS HIS OWN “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS”?YOUTUBE CHANNELNow that the tedious admin involved in getting a green card for China is effectively over for me, I have more mental energy and time to start a new project. I’ve been telling myself that this year, I ought to start making YouTube videos of my Masculist-MGTOW Flyers, i.e. 2-3 page essays that I’ve been writing over the past 2 years. I have nearly 200 of them now, on my website, but no one reads nowadays, so I wanted to film them, with me reading them aloud in front of my Sony Handycam.I have started to do that, probably at a rate of about one a day, maybe more once the teething problems are resolved and it becomes routine.? The very first one is up at is called “I Strongly Disagree with You Howard Dare”? Dare claims that women “cannot bring home the bacon” which makes me as a masculist see a red flag. The core idea of masculism is to force women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they don’t parasite off the money of a man, as fluffies do. Those women that don’t FIPup, are punished by men by being ignored to death, forcing them to become FIPs.A lot of you have probably been reading my comments to Sandman, TFM, MGTOW is Freedom, Howard Dare, etc. over the past 2 years or so. You will know that I’m a lot more political than Sandman, whose strength is the psychology of women, but not politics. Sandman, unlike me, is not pushing political strategies to force women to stop parasiting off men, and instead become responsible, FIP adults. Masculism forces women to grow up.Sandman’s unconscious weakness,?I have always felt, is a lack of political imagination, in merely analyzing the gender status quo, instead of (as Marx said) “changing it.” As a masculist, I will harangue a feminazi bitch to her face, putting powerful moral pressure on her if she is a fluffie feminist hypocrite, and telling her that fluffie feminist hypocrites are now genociders, because their crimes committed in the divorce courts, that they have taken over, are causing men to reject paternity, and hence wiping out whole populations.Men are merely reacting to the primary cause of the toxicity of the divorce courts as created by the fluffie feminist hypocrites.So, I will now have my own voice, creating my own niche, and have it up in the form of YouTube videos, not that making YouTube videos?is new to me. I’ve already made over 1000 lecture course YouTube videos in math and physics as part of my “deGarisMPC” series of lecture courses in Pure Math, Math Physics and Computer Theory at MS and PhD levelsWe men have the power to FORCE women to FIPup, because nearly all of us are socialized and educated to be FIPs, so we don’t need women financially to survive. However 3/4 of young women at 16 choose to study fluffie crap majors in high school, and hence become fluffies in their 30s. They then look around for some man slave to parasite upon when they want kids.It is these young fluffies who need to be attacked by masculists, because the root of the problem starts in the high schools. There needs to be a masculist group in every high school, every college, every university, to put powerful moral force on fluffies to FIPup, or scare them shitless with the threat that if they don’t FIPup, they will be punished severely by not getting a man, and hence will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and spat at by a society increasingly sympathetic to masculist and MGTOW ideas.The above is the essence of the political message that I am putting out in these “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS’? on YouTube. Wish me luck.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)P.S. If you look at the first video on my Masculist-MGTOW YouTube channel, you will see my face reading my large computer screen. This makes me vulnerable to being doxed, but since I’m retired I don’t have to worry about that. In fact, I have never been attacked by a feminazi, not even once, which puzzles me a bit. I have two theories why that is. One is that the women fear that if they attack me, I will smash them back, and as a fierce professor male, I can harangue a woman far better, with greater intellect and verbal aggression than a woman can muster. The other theory, is that I’m a high status male in women’s eyes, a PhDed full research professor, whose DNA these hypergamous women would love to have for their kid. So they don’t attack a man whose DNA they hanker for, for their kids. Anyway, the fact is that I’ve never been attacked by a feminazi, not even once.2.6/224 The Best Masculist Idea I’ve Had in Years (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer presents the best masculist idea I’ve had in years, i.e. the loophole to overcome the “51% female voter argument” which is used to demotivate passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs from becoming angry politically active masculists. The idea is to use MGTOW pressure on women to remain babyless unless women combine forces with men to bloc vote for the menfairing of the gender laws. Once this is achieved, men will be more willing to have kids, since many men want to have kids but don’t dare to in today’s gynocratic world. When 20% of women become female masculists, MGTOW will convert themselves into angry politically active masculists.THE BEST MASCULIST IDEA I’VE HAD IN YEARS?A couple of days ago I had an idea that at first did not seem so significant, but its implications grew and grew until it dawned on me, this it was in fact one of the best masculist ideas I’ve had in several years. This flyer is devoted to explaining what it is.Before I launch into it, I need to give a bit of background. Those of you who have read/watched a lot of my flyers/videos, will know that I’m an angry masculist, i.e. politically active, and sharply critical of what I call the passive, apolitical wimpiness of the MGTOWs. So I was primed to try to refute the rationalizations used by the MGTOW to explain their lack of political commitment to men’s issues.I was asking myself, my aren’t these young MGTOWs, half my age, being a lot more political, e.g. helping set up masculist/MGTOW groups at high schools, at universities, approaching the broadcast media, writing books on men’s issues, setting up Men’s Studies courses at universities, putting moral pressure on the gender politicians, haranguing the feminazis, putting enormous moral pressure on the fluffie parasites, etc. Why aren’t they doing that? Why are they not caring about men’s collective plight at being manslaves to women, and being financially crucified in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.Why aren’t men doing what women did in the 70s, by organizing large powerful men’s organizations, such on NOM (National Organization for Men) that is equivalent to women’s (in the US) NOW (National Organization for Women) which is such a powerful lobby that the gender politicians don’t dare ignore it, through fear of being destroyed by them politically, given that women vote heavily.One of the most intelligent of the MGTOWs on the internet is TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) who is obviously a scientist, studying a masters, who knows how to think scientifically, with a strong skepticism, and well thought out arguments. He kept coming out with the argument, that the main reason why it would be a waste of time for MGTOWs to use masculist tactics, i.e. be a lot more politically active, as listed above, is that women are 51% of the voters, and that a higher proportion of women vote than men.Hence any attempt by men to change the policies of the hated gender politicians, and particularly of the divorce court judges and lawyers, would be a waste of time, since when push comes to shove, in those issues which are a zero sum game between men and women, e.g. in the divorce court, re bringing in joint custody, throwing out alimony, keeping the house for men, not losing half his possessions, etc., then women, fluffie women (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) will violently oppose losing her privileges and will bloc vote with other women to keep the gender politicians being so biased against men, because being so biased is so obviously favorable to women.TFM’s “51% of the voters are women argument” became a real thorn in my side, because it seems so plausible, and is the main justification why so many MGTOWs don’t become more politically active, e.g. by becoming angry masculists and doing masculist things, as listed above.So I thought back to cases in which nearly everyone thought that it would be impossible to do a particular thing, and how eventually a loop hole was found to go around the impossibility. I will give two examples, and then use them as a inspirations for my own loophole concerning TFM’s impossibility argument.The first concerns the idea of extracting on an industrial scale the enormous energies of the nucleus. In 1933, Lord Rutherford, the father and discoverer of the nucleus was asked by a journalist whether he foresaw the industrial scale application of the energy of the nucleus. His famous reply was that the idea was “moonshine” i.e. ridiculous, laughable, and this was Lord Rutherford saying this, the world’s no.1 expert on the nucleus.Leo Szilard, a theoretical nuclear physicist was skeptical of this. He felt there had to be a way to extract such enormous energies locked away inside the nucleus, but how? He had the habit of soaking in a bath thinking about things. He did that on the nuclear energy problem for several days, stewing on the issue. Then, one day, crossing a London street, he had an epiphany that shook him with intellectual excitement and horror.At the same moment almost, he found both a way to extract energy from the nucleus, and he realized that Hitler, via his physicists, who had just come to power, might have the same idea too. Since Szilard was a Jew, he did not relish Hitler implementing Szilard’s idea first.Szilard’s idea was to bombard the most unstable of the naturally occurring nuclei, i.e. uranium, with the freshly discovered (1932) neutrons. Neutrons would make wonderful nuclear bullets, because they are uncharged, which is why they are called neutrons. They would not be deflected the way a proton would be, which is positively charged, by the protons in the uranium nucleus.The uranium nucleus is almost unstable as it is, so if it absorbs one more neutron, it might become unstable and break up into two smaller nuclei. Smaller nuclei have fewer neutrons, so the fission of the uranium nucleus would imply the release of several neutrons, and realizing this gave Szilard his epiphany. He conceived for the first time in history the idea of a nuclear chain reaction of fissioning uranium nuclei. The neutrons that are released could be used to fission other uranium nuclei, and hence the enormous energy of the nuclei could be tapped.He was a personal friend of Einstein, so he knew relativity, so he calculated how much energy would be released by the fission of a kilogram or so of uranium, and to his horror discovered it would be enough to vaporize a whole city.He then had the terrifying thought that Hitler might get there first, since Germany was the top science nation at the time. So he rushed to Washington DC to rattle people’s cages, but they thought he was a loon, until he had the idea to approach Einstein himself to send a letter that Szilard and Einstein wrote that got Roosevelt to start the Manhattan project that built the bomb, the nuclear bomb that a mere 12 years later vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki.So, Szilard found a loophole around the generally accepted impossibility argument pushed by Rutherford and others. By being skeptical and brilliant he found a way around the problem, and vast new possibilities opened up as a result.The second example concerns something in quantum mechanics called “the impossibility of hidden variables argument.” At the atomic scale nature behaves statistically, i.e. the outcome of a single event seems not to be deterministic but can vary probabilistically over several outcomes. People like Einstein, de Broglie, and my old prof David Bohm, thought that by postulating the existence of further (hidden) variables, determinism could be restored to quantum mechanics.John von Neumann, a mathematician, and reputed to be the smartest man on the planet at the time, got interested in this problem of hidden variables, so turned his formidable mind to it, and came up with? his (in)famous impossibility proof. Given his crushing reputation, physicists accepted his opinion for 3 decades, until another genius (male of course) John Bell turned a skeptical mind to von Neumann’s impossibility proof.Bell felt that an argument is only as good as its premises, so he systematically looked at von Neumann’s premises and found one that was shaky. The more he analyzed it, the shakier it became, until he realized there was a loophole around von Neumann’s impossibility argument, and opened up the door again to deterministic hidden variable theories (but at a price, namely that they would have to be nonlocal, i.e. what happens “here” could influence what happens “there” in zero time, the current greatest mystery in physics, the problem of non-locality, or entanglement, as the quantum computing guys refer to the same phenomenon.)So these two examples serve as inspiration to apply a cynical mind to an impossibility “proof” to try to find a way around it, a loophole, so the rest of this flyer shows how I went about this, and explains why I feel it is the best masculist idea I’ve had in years.How to find a loophole in the “51% female vote argument?” The answer is by reducing that number to say 40%. If 60% of people vote in favor of menfairing the gender laws, then the gender politicians would be FORCED to do so, through fear of losing their next election.But how to persuade 20% of women to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws? It sounds impossible, because wouldn’t women vote in favor of their own sex? But wait, what is MGTOW all about? It’s about punishing women for abusing men, by men refusing to have anything to do with them, especially not giving women babies.This thought was my epiphanous moment. OMG! Yes! We MGTOWs/masculists could tell women “If you don’t combine forces with the male bloc vote (49%) and push the gender politicians to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws, then we men will continue to refuse to give you babies, by refusing to give you our sperm.What do women want above all else? Babies! Their whole DNA is oriented toward being baby factories and raising the next generation. That is women’s biological destiny. Women who do not have kids are usually very unhappy, as the experience of millions of careerist childless women shows. They are miserable.So, the MGTOW strategy of avoiding women and paternity, becomes a masculist tool needed to FORCE women to bloc vote with men to push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. Thus the MGTOW strategy becomes a component in the broader deeper masculist strategy, i.e. MGTOW becomes a subset, a tool, of masculism.It was then a small step to an extension of the above idea, namely, that if women join forces with men, by becoming female masculists, and join the male bloc vote to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then the passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs would see their “51% female voter argument” impossibility proof evaporate. This would then free them up to become angry, politically active masculists, who then start pushing for all the masculist activities listed earlier.Thus the idea of threatening women with babylessness, MGTOW style, becomes a means to politicize the MGTOW by persuading them that it would NOT be a waste of time and effort to become angry politically active masculists. Thus most MGTOWs could be converted into angry politically active masculists, showing real solidarity with the gender plight of other men.Thus this idea began to grow and grow in my mind. Its implications were richer than what was put into it, which is characteristic of really good fertile ideas – you get more out of it than you put in!So guys, you MGTOW guys reading this, watching this on its video. Here is a summary of the idea.Use MGTOW pressure on women that if they don’t bloc vote for the menfairing of the gender laws with men, then the MGTOW will continue to deny them having babies.This threat will scare women into supporting the MGTOWs and the masculists to bloc vote with men to menfair the gender laws.When the gender laws have been made menfair, many men will be prepared to have kids again, since many men want kids, but don’t dare to have them in today’s gynocentric world where men are financially crucified in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.Large numbers of female masculists are generated, who then bloc vote with men on men’s issues, on menfairing the gender laws.The passive, apolitical wimpy MGTOWs see this rise in the number of women who take the masculist/MGTOW viewpoint, and see the writing on the wall. They can see the “51% female voter argument” being refuted, being loopholed, so they have a conversion experience, and turn themselves into angry masculists, because they become convinced that being politically active angry masculists will NOT be a waste of time and effort, so they become masculists and start doing politically active masculist things.In time, if 20% of women become female masculists and bloc vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then the total percentage of people of both sexes (men plus female masculists) will be 60%, enough to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, giving men joint custody of the kids in a divorce, throwing out alimony, allowing the man to keep his house, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), putting enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up and stop being hated fluffie parasites on men, that the masculists so despise, menfairing the gender laws systematically across the board, etc.So, in the form of a masculist slogan, expressed in a pithy line or two, “To convert passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs into angry politically active masculists, threaten women with MGTOW generated babylessness to convert women into female masculist allies.”Think about it guys, then convert yourselves to masculism, get politically active, to get the gender laws menfaired and society degynocratized.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/227 Socially Accepting the Masculist Bitch-Slapping of Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer claims the feminazis have become genociders. They caused the MGTOWs and masculists to reject marriage and paternity as a reaction against the feminazis having made the?divorce courts so toxic for men. These feminazis have to be stopped. This flyer shows this can be done by having masculists?bitch-slap feminazis into oblivion, and by?having the custom made socially acceptable, because it is needed.SOCIALLY ACCEPTING THE MASCULIST BITCH-SLAPPING OF FEMINAZISFeminazis have become genociders and have to be stopped. Men don’t need bullets to do this, merely the palms of their hands. This flyer explains what is meant by this statement.Feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and have made them so toxic for males that two thirds of young men under 35 now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. This rejection of paternity is wiping out whole populations, so indirectly these hated feminazi bitches are causing the population to crash, i.e. they have become genociders, and hence have to be stopped.Japan has already seen its population start to decline as a result of the MGTOW (actually in Japan it’s called the “herbivore” movement) induced drop in population from its peak of 128 million to 127 million 5 years later. In 20 years, after the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will have shrunk to about 80 million, i.e. to about two thirds of its current size.Japanese politicians are pulling their hair out, trying to figure out how to persuade young Japanese men to be fathers again. There is even a cabinet minister of population devoted to the problem, but his admonition to young Japanese men of “Man up!” had the opposite effect. Young Japanese men simply refused to adopt the horrible life style of their salaryman fathers, with their 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, getting home so late at night, that they orphaned their kids who were asleep when they got home, handing over their paychecks to their fluffie housewives, who gave him a meager allowance, and spent his money on the kids, the house and herself. He overworked, while she played tennis with her housewifey fluffie friends. No wonder Japanese young men are rebelling and going MGTOW/herbivore.Japan is about a decade ahead of the west in this regard, so western politicians need to learn from Japan. What they need to learn is that men will not be willing to be fathers again, until the feminazi bitches have been stopped in their tracks, so that the gender laws can be menfaired, so that men can feel much safer about becoming fathers,? not risking being financially massacred by the feminazi controlled divorce courts, having a one chance in four, as a married father, of this happening.The masculists really need to push the idea onto the public and the broadcast media, that the feminazis have to be stopped, otherwise our population gets wiped out, due to the paternity strike, caused indirectly by the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, where feminazi bitches are taking their revenge on men whom they see as the hated enemy.It is only a question of time, before most of the population wakes up to this reality and agrees that the feminazis have to be stopped. They will see with their own eyes in time, as the population keeps shrinking, as house prices tumble, due to their being more houses available than buyers, as whole villages depopulate, as is already happening now in Japan, as old people are no longer given pensions by governments, because there are too few younger people at work to pay for these pensions, etc.These feminazi bitches have to be stopped, but how. How to stop them?One way would be to do what the German Freikorps did just after the end of WW1, when the Jewish communists threatened to take over Germany the way they had in Russia, and then went on to commit the greatest holocaust in history, killing 66 million white Christian Russians (says the highly respected Solzhenitsyn in his two books “die Juden in der Sowjet Union” and “Zwei Hundert Jahre Zusammen” (200 Years Together) both books being blocked from publication in the English speaking countries by the Jewish publishing monopoly. The Freikorps used armored cars with machine guns to shoot down communists in the streets to suppress them and drive them out of Germany.But the masculists don’t need bullets to stop the feminazis, we only need the palms of our hands. I need to explain.The masculists and MGTOWs need to explain to the public that the feminazis have become genociders, as explained above. The public needs to be convinced that the feminazis have to be stopped, otherwise they will wipe out whole populations. They are becoming the greatest enemy of humanity ever. THEY HAVE TO BE STOPPED!There is a very effective, simple and cost-free way to do this. It is called bitch slapping, i.e. the slapping of bitches by men, using the full strength of a man’s chest muscles (three times stronger than a woman’s) to slap a woman’s cheek with his palm.Such a slap is extremely painful for a woman and the force of the blow will send her flying across the room, screaming in pain and horror. A woman who has been bitch slapped once by a man, never wants to be bitch slapped a second time, so if she is threatened with bitch slapping a second time, she will go quiet, she will quietly slink away from the scene.What is now needed is for the masculist strategy of bitch slapping the feminazis to be made socially acceptable, to be seen as politically necessary to stop the feminazis from wiping out whole populations.The masculists need to pioneer this policy by regularly bitch slapping the feminazi bitches when they behave as monsters to men. By this I don’t mean that a man can go up to a random woman on the street and bitch slap her simply because she is a woman. That would be criminal, and unacceptable, but there are circumstances when such bitch slapping is to be recommended. Here is a list of such examples and recommendations.1. A masculist and a feminist get involved in a heated argument, with hatred expressed on both sides. The woman loses patience and feels she has the right as a feminazi to do two things, a) to hit a man who expresses hatred against feminazi crimes (as seen by the masculist), and b) that the masculist does NOT have the right to hit her back immediately.? So the feminazi slaps the man with the force she can manage as a female. The masculist is outraged at being so violated, and hits her back with equal force. The feminazi then explodes in hypocritical rage, screaming “How dare you hit a woman!” To the masculist, this feminazi hypocrisy (i.e. its ok for a woman to hit a man, but not ok for a man to hit a women back) is a red flag to a bull, so he bitch slaps her, sending her flying to the ground in screaming pain, teaching her a lesson, that she is never to hit a man again, through fear of being bitch slapped by a man a second time, reliving the excruciating pain.2. A feminazi speaker at a conference makes derogatory remarks about men to a mixed audience. A man emerges from the crowd, walks onto the stage and bitch slaps her, stating “Feminazis are genociders. They have to be stopped” then walks off the stage, to applause from the men and from some female masculists in the audience.3. Some feminazi politician makes a statement in the media that is totally unacceptable to the masculists. She is then stalked to her home, and bitch slapped. The media is then contacted to explain why.4. Feminazi hecklers at a masculist meeting attempt to close it down by collective feminazi noise. The several dozen feminazi hecklers are collectively bitch slapped by the masculists in the audience, who then go to the media and tell the journalists that “These feminazi bitches are now genociders, wiping out whole populations. They have to be stopped.”5. These bitch slapping incidents become so common place, the police turn a blind eye to them, so that the feminazis can no longer rely on “male feminist traitor” police to support them. They will then do what women have meekly done for millennia, they will submit to men, because they have no choice, they are physically and intellectually inferior to men, and should not pretend to be otherwise.6. Public pressure builds up and up against the hated gender politicians and feminazi dominated divorce court judges and lawyers, so that on a regular basis, feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are bitch slapped in their thousands, by masculists wearing masks.7. The public begins to associate masculists with bitch slapping. It becomes a hallmark of the masculists, a stereotype, a cultural norm, a cultural expectation, i.e. “Feminazis are genociders. Feminazis have to be stopped. Masculists stop them by bitch slapping them. It works, it’s cheap, and it has to be done.”In time, social pressure against the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers and especially against the hated gender politicians becomes so strong, that the gender laws are menfaired. The broadcast media gets behind the issue and turns public opinion against the feminazis, so that they get wiped out, they die off. They learn that everyone hates them, so they crawl away and die, into oblivion.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/234 Masculist Bitch Slapping Guidelines (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer presents guidelines for masculists on when it is advisable for a masculist to bitch slap a woman or for a group of masculists to collectively bitch slap a group of women, especially feminazis who try to heckle and close down a masculist meeting.MASCULIST BITCH SLAPPING GUIDELINESThis flyer addresses itself to the construction of guidelines concerning when it is advisable to bitch slap. It is divided into two components, the first concerns the bitch slapping of an individual woman, and the second, the collective bitch slapping of a group of women.More and more feminazis nowadays feel they have the right to initiate the slapping of a man, and not be slapped back. Some men have been so brainwashed by this idea that they don’t hit back as a matter of principle, brainwashed by the mantra “A man never hits a woman!”The obvious disadvantage to men of this brainwashing is that women feel they can get away with slapping a man, without any risk of being slapped back. This is real sexist hypocrisy on the part of the feminazis and is something the masculists will not tolerate. So what do the masculists suggest men do, when a man gets slapped by a woman?Masculists hit back, with equal force. If the woman then immediately hits him back a second time with greater force, then the masculist hits her back immediately a second time, with the same force as her second slap.That second slap by the man will usually get the woman to stop, due to her fear of being really slapped hard by a man who is so much stronger across the chest than a woman, i.e. 3 times stronger on average.The masculist can then launch into a little speech, along the following lines –“I’m a masculist. I don’t tolerate a woman hitting a man, so I give you tit for tat to teach you a lesson. If you hit me a third time, I will bitch slap you, i.e. hit you with full male force, and since men are 3 times stronger than women across the chest, it will be excruciatingly painful, and you will never want to be bitch slapped again in your life.I will bitch slap you to teach you a valuable lesson, that you don’t hit a man, and that you don’t also expect NOT to be hit back. That attitude is sexist and hypocritical. The bitch slap would teach you a lesson. It would be punishment for your sexist hypocrisy. So be warned. If you’ve never been bitch slapped before, it is so strong that you will be sent flying across the room screaming in pain. I suggest you just walk away now.”In the second case, i.e. the bitch slapping of a group of women, we need to talk about under what circumstances would a group of men want to bitch slap a group of women? The obvious example is when a group of fascist feminazis aims to shut down a university campus talk given by some masculist, by heckling it, creating so much noise that the speaker is unable to talk.I suggest the collective bitch slapping proceeds along the following protocol1.Once it is clear that the feminazis intend to shut down the meeting, in their fascist dictatorial style, then the speaker gives a signal to the men’s group organizers who invited the speaker, for the bitch slappers to line up in front of the stage or podium.2.The speaker then tells the feminazis “We masculists now have a bitch slapping policy. If you feminazis don’t be quiet, then you will be collectively bitch slapped by these guys here. That is what masculists do. We are fed up with the fascist tactics of you hated feminazis, and have absolutely no intention of letting you destroy this meeting. We masculists will use our superior male strength to force you out of the auditorium, by bitch slapping you.Be warned, a bitch slap is no ordinary slap. It is a slap delivered with full male force and will send you flying across the room, screaming in pain. Once you have been bitch slapped once, you will never want to be bitch slapped a second time, it is so painful. So shut up now or suffer the pain.”3.If the feminazis don’t shut up, then the bitch slapping starts and the offending women are physically removed from the room by beefy males who just pick them up and carry them away. If some of the women hit back, then they are bitch slapped again.Once this kind of bitch slapping becomes fairly common place, and the feminazis learn of it from cases on other campuses, they will take it seriously. In fact, a warning could be sent to a campus women’s group not to try to heckle and destroy the masculist speaker meeting, by saying that the masculist meeting has adopted a “bitch slapping policy” if the feminazis try to shut it down.There is obvious strength in numbers, so the university administration cannot expel a few hundred masculists for bitch slapping. If some of the bitch slapping masculists are hauled up to see the president of the university, then that would be a good opportunity for the leaders of the masculist group to educate the president, telling him such things as – “The feminazis have become genociders, wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves.This paternity rejection is causing the birth rate to plummet, so these feminazis have to be stopped. We don’t need bullets, just the palms of our hands. Bitch slapping is masculist policy to stop the feminazis from wiping out whole populations. It’s becoming the norm amongst masculist groups, and it’s very effective.”4.If there is a bitch slapping, then the media should be contacted, showing the journalists, etc., the video footage taken of the bitch slapping and explaining to the journalists why it occurred, and why it is important for the feminazis to be stopped, i.e. the “stop the feminazi genociders argument.” The resulting media publicity will help educate the public about masculist ideas, and act as a precedent for masculist meetings at other colleges.—Once many such collective bitch slappings have occurred, university presidents will give up trying to appease the feminazis and just accept that men are really starting to speak up and are squashing the feminazi bitches.In time, public opinion will shift, as more people take the side of the masculists and agree that the feminazis should be hated and punished for their fascist dictatorial values regarding the masculists.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/257 Masculists in Women’s Studies Classes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests that masculists should attend women’s studies classes on campus to better “know your enemy” when the masculist-feminist gender ideological war heats up, as it must as male students become ever more fed up with the female domination of the universities, and become determined to put their male foot down.MASCULISTS IN WOMENS STUDIES CLASSES?This flyer’s main idea is that it is in the self-interest of masculist theorists to improve their knowledge of feminist theory, so as to better “know your enemy” when the masculist-feminist ideological war really heats up.I think one of the main reasons why so many young men choose to not go to university, is that universities in the western countries have become too feminist, treating men badly, and putting men down, creating an environment that is not conducive to male happiness.This problem is just one of many which have the common theme that in our western societies, feminism has become too powerful, at the expense of the other half of humanity, i.e. men. It is time to restore a balance between the interests of the two sexes, and for that to happen, society needs to be taught masculist ideas, to act as a counter weight to feminist dogmas and feminist over reach.One of the reasons why young women on campus react so negatively towards their male colleagues is that they have been indoctrinated with feminist ideas, and know nothing about masculist ideas, so inevitably come away with the impression that the oppression of one gender by the other is a ONE WAY STREET. Well, it isn’t.Women oppress men too. Look at female parasitism, the enslavement of men, being manslaves to fluffie parasitic women who don’t bother to get off their parasitic arses, to FIP up as high school students, bothering to study career competent majors, so that they can study STEM (science, tech, engineering and math) and the professions at university, so that they become FIPs as adults and not expect to parasite off the money of a man, as do fluffies.Young men grow up nowadays in almost totally female environments. Women utterly dominate primary school teaching, and increasingly secondary school teaching, even in topics traditionally seen as male, i.e. high school math and the sciences. These young men have no male role models, so inevitably become brain washed by the ideas and ideologies imposed on them by women, ideas that are largely feminist oriented.These young men are made to feel that they are inferior, due to their sex, that they belong to the sex that is looked down on by the dominant sex, i.e. female.This inferiority complex that is generated in young men, results in a malaise that continues at university, where now two thirds of students are female, and growing. Only in the STEM fields are males in a majority. Women students monopolize the professions in many cases, e.g. medicine, dentistry, law, etc.Women’s studies professors, always female, have made women’s studies oriented courses or mini courses compulsory on many campuses, with no mention at all of men’s issues.Not surprisingly, many young men on campus feel ignored, that their male interests are not taken into account, so feel frustrated and often depressed. This situation has got so bad, that many young men simply refuse to go to university and prefer to learn a trade instead, going to trade school, where they will pick up a skill that the market place values, rather than a career incompetent degree in something the economy does not value.As a masculist, I feel that the time is ripe for a rebellion of male students on campus, to see it become wide spread, so that it then spreads to the wider society, and eventually into the divorce courts, so that feminists do not dominate them, using them as a means to punish men for being men, with the rationale that men have oppressed women for centuries, so it’s only appropriate that women now punish men, now that women have the power to do so.I suggest that male university students start this rebellion in several ways. One is to become students of women’s studies classes, to learn what the feminists are saying about men, and using scientific criteria to judge whether what these women’s studies professors are saying makes any sense, especially scientific sense.To the extent that it does, then those feminist lessons need to be absorbed into the intellectual repertoire of these young masculist theorists, so that when they debate or argue with feminists, they are capable of persuading their female opponents, that they, i.e. the masculist theorists, are familiar with feminist arguments, feminist ideas, feminist concepts, and are capable of shooting holes in them, when there are holes to be found when held up to scientific scrutiny.When these feminist arguments do not hold up to logical analysis, and to scientific empirical research, then they should be refuted, and debunked.Young men need to become intellectually armed with masculist ideas, masculist rhetoric so that they can challenge the irrational, nonscientific statements made by their women’s studies professors who are always women. (I don’t know of one male women’s studies professor.)I suggest the rebellion begin with the following steps. The first is of course to become conscious and informed of masculist ideas. For example, listen and watch my masculist MGTOW fliers, watch the many MGTOW content providers on YouTube and other platforms. Become well informed about MGTOW and masculist ideas, so that you, as a budding masculist theorist, can hold your own with a male perspective in the gender war. Then enroll in a women’s studies course and start challenging the statements of the female women’s studies professor teaching your class.There is a chance that you may be thrown out of the class. If that happens, then you can complain to the dean of the department, or even the president of the university you are attending, saying that the women’s studies professor is misandrist, and biased, giving a very one sided view of the gender war, saying nothing about the gender war from the male side, and presenting feminist arguments that often make no sense in terms of empirical reality, being more propaganda than science, e.g. the notorious pay gap between the sexes that the feminists claim is due to male prejudice, in not wanting to promote women at work, resulting in women earning on average about a quarter less than men.A male student in such a class can pipe up, “Well, that’s probably because men are smarter than women on average by 4 IQ points, have higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, work more hours, and are more motivated to acquire a greater level of skill. Women also drop out of the work force for several years to have babies. Single women in their 20s actually earn more money than men in today’s world.”When these feminist women’s studies professors hear such stuff that runs so counter to their own ideological, quasi-religious beliefs, they will probably suffer cognitive dissonance, and feel hostile towards the male student and want him out of the class, so will arrange for that to happen.When there are several male members of the class, who join forces and present a masculist/MGTOW perspective to the class, challenging the irrational, nonscientific aspects of the course, then it will be harder for the female professor to throw them out of the class, because as a group, the male students can complain bitterly to their dean, the president, to their student newspaper or student website, that they are being misandronized and abused.Young men on campus need to turn the tide on the feminazi mentality on campus, using strong masculist arguments. Women on campus need to be harangued for being, for the most part, fluffie crappers, studying fluffie crap majors that will result in most of them becoming fluffies as adults, who then will expect to parasite off some manslave when they are in their 30s, when they want him to pay for her to have kids, living in a middle class house that he pays for.Male university students need to learn a lot more masculist theory, so that they have the intellectual weapons to hit back at the fluffie feminists, so that men can hold their own when debating, arguing, haranguing, women on campus, so that women get the impression, “Hey, there’s a new doctrine in town, called masculism/MGTOW, and watch out for men who can hit back at you with it.These guys are different from the usual female brainwashed males, coming out of the female dominated primary and secondary schools. These masculist guys hit back, often literally. If you slap them, they will slap you right back and with real intellectual anger. Watch out for them.”These masculist theorists need to be doubly armed, i.e. with masculist/MGTOW ideas and with feminist ideas. Why is that? Being armed with masculist ideas is self-evident for anyone who wants to be a masculist theorist on campus, but what about being familiar with feminist ideas as well?Well, if you’re arguing with a feminist, and you make it obvious to her, that you know her arguments as well as she does or even better than she does, and are able to shoot holes in them, then you will be far more persuasive to her than if you know little about feminism.If your female opponent is conscious that you are well informed about feminist concepts and ideas, and know their weaknesses, then she is going to be a lot more impressed with your masculist ideas than if you are only a one sided masculist. She will be less able to dismiss you as an ignoramus, who knows nothing about feminism.You will become a far more formidable opponent if you can talk both languages, i.e. masculist AND feminist, if you are to restore a balance in the sex war on campus.There is good reason behind the adage “Know your enemy!” For a masculist theorist, feminism is the enemy in so many respects. It has taken over the divorce courts and made them toxic for males, so much so that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.This makes the feminazi bitches who took over the divorce courts, genociders, because indirectly, it is they who are wiping out whole populations, and have to be stopped.Men also need to restore their sense of self-respect by absorbing masculist ideas and feeling the confidence rush of being able to hit back and hit back hard, at feminazi bitches, giving them a taste of their own medicine, and doing it with greater male intelligence, and greater male verbal aggression, that male biology allows.Men need a set of ideas that allows them to galvanize their psyches. Masculism gives men those intellectual tools that men can use to hit back at feminazis, haranguing them for being the genociders they are, for lying to men about female superiority, when the reality is just the opposite. The insufferable arrogance of women on campus needs to be pricked by masculist facts.Men need to tell women very clearly that women are the inferior sex, by ramming home the facts of female inferior intelligence (i.e. the 4 IQ point lower average IQ difference between the sexes), of the 10% higher IQ variance of males over females, so that the morons and the genii are males, that men have therefore won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, that men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more single minded, more persistent, so achieve far more than women. There are very few great women, many more great men.Masculist theorists on campus ought to ram home to women their general inferiority relative to men by telling them that women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing.They should tell women that women have been parasites off men for several million years – that women evolved to be prostitutes to men, to be better able to bribe men to give women male hunted meat, so that women and their babies could survive.Men create the culture. Women live in it, exploit it, but depend on men to stay alive. Without men, women would not survive. Women evolved to be baby factories and child minders, not to be able to understand and manipulate the world. Women evolved to manipulate men, to extract resources from men, by bribing men with access to their vaginas in exchange for male hunted meat.Masculists/MGTOWs on campus need to reverse the inferiority complex that men suffer on today’s campuses, by teaching women of female inferiorities, so that men can hold their head up with pride again, the way they did before women took it away from them, with a very one sided feminist ideology.Masculism restores the balance. Women need to be exposed to it, so that they learn to be less arrogant about being female. In fact women need to be taught or retaught their traditional inferiority, because it corresponds to the reality. Female inferiority is what science shows is the case.One of the reasons why women have lapped up feminist quasi-religious doctrine, is because feminism teaches, or rather preaches to women that women can do anything men can do, and often better.Yes, the performance score distributions of men and women overlap a lot, so women are capable of doing a lot, but not at male levels at the top end of the scale. Women need to be taught this, so that they do not become dogmatically, unconsciously arrogant, an arrogance that is not based on scientifically? verified reality.Women need to be put back in their place, i.e. a place that corresponds with scientific realities. Trying to pretend that women are as capable as men at the top end of the scale, is merely delusional and will only lead to female tears as women fail.Masculists need to restore a more balanced, more reality based consciousness on campus. The necessary masculist intellectual tools already exist, e.g. have a look at my flyers, so all that remains to do, is to apply them on campus, in large numbers, so that men stand up for themselves, and restore the pride of being male on campus, and then see that new consciousness spread through the whole of society, so that men see the gender laws menfaired, especially in the divorce courts, and bringing in such fundamental rights for men such as the Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right) aka abortion right, that would give men an equal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy as women have, but men don’t.Men need to be fed masculist ideas so that they are armed, weaponized against a formerly one sided gender attack from women, from feminists on campus. Women need to be taught that there are two sides to this story, and that women do not have a monopoly on gender issues.Men too have considerable trouble with the traditional male role, i.e. in being a manslave to a parasitic fluffie, who does not bother to get a career competent education, and expects to parasite off the money of a man.Young men need to get angry, to get informed, get masculisted, get intellectually armed, and then start taking back their campus, making it fit for men to be on as well as women.Masculisted men need to restore the balance that campuses have not seen for decades, due to the one sided imbalance of feminist rhetoric and women’s studies courses, with nothing equivalent on the men’s side.No more. Men now have masculism and MGTOW, so these ideas need to be spread. Men’s studies courses need to be set up on campuses. Men’s lib groups need to be set up in every high school and university. Masculists need to assert themselves, so that women can no longer expect to walk all over men, thinking that women have a monopoly on gender discourse. No they don’t.Women have to be taught, that from now on, they have to share the stage with masculist/MGTOW ideas, and that will sober women, making them less arrogant, and more sympathetic to men’s problems as well.If you want to be a masculist on campus, then you need to educate yourself into masculist/MGTOW ideas, and start spreading the word, help set up a men’s lib group on your campus, push for a Men’s Studies course at your university, etc. There’s a ton to do.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/268 Masculist Defanging of Compulsory Anti-Rape Seminars at Universities for Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines a rebellion by masculist freshers who attend a compulsory anti-rape seminar at their university. They attack the fat, ugly, lesbian, women’s studies professor giving the seminar, with a harangue of masculist rhetoric.MASCULIST DEFANGING OF COMPULSORY ANTI-RAPE SEMINARS AT UNIVERSITIES FOR MENThis flyer imagines a rebellion by a group of masculist freshers at university who are obliged by university administrators to attend an anti-rape seminar for men.The fact that these anti-rape seminars are compulsory for men on many campuses in the US angers me as a masculist. This flyer imagines what I would do, with a few masculist colleagues, if I were young and in a similar situation, knowing what I now know about MGTOW and masculism.So imagine it’s a few years into the future, to the point that there is a men’s lib group on your campus, so there are several dozen of you in this group, but most women as well as the university administration are unfamiliar with MGTOW/masculist ideas.You are a fresher male, made to attend an anti-rape seminar for men. You listen to the fat, lesbian, feminazi, gender-studies professor talk about the “rape culture on campus” and you interrupt her with a question.M : “Excuse me professor, what is the rape rate?”F : “Excuse me!”M: “You said that one woman in 5 on campus will be raped. That’s sounds like a wild exaggeration to me, so what is the scientifically measured rape rate? At what frequency per 1000 adults per year, are people raped, i.e. forced penetration into the woman’s vagina?”F : “I told you. One in 5!”M : “As soon as you said that I googled “What is the rape frequency in the US?” and got 1.6 per 1000.()That figure is wildly different from what you are saying, so why are you spreading this lie, spreading disinformation, and dumping on men. Its behavior like that that makes women like you so hated by men!You feminazi fluffie feminist hypocrites are the most hated category of women by men. You are the first type of women to be rejected by men, because you make yourself repulsive to men. No man wants to have a relationship with a misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, bitch. Women like that are left to rot on the shelf.To you women in this room, you need to really pick up on this. If you’re stupid enough to state publicly in your social circle that you’re a feminist, then that’s the kiss of death for you in terms of getting a man.These feminazi bitches have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that young men our age, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend our money on ourselves. We are MGTOW (men going their own way).We won’t go near a fluffie, who are the enemy to us. We spit on fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man.If men are obliged by the administration to attend these anti-rape seminars, then you women should also be obliged to attend anti-fluffie seminars, so that you are made conscious that fluffies are hated by the MGTOWs and masculists for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by the MGTOWs/masculists by refusing to have anything to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them.You women have a Marer (maternity rejection right), but we men don’t have a Parer (paternity rejection right), which screams of injustice, so that millions of men are lied to by their girlfriends when these women are in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard, saying to their boyfriends that they are on the pill, but get pregnant nevertheless (by not taking it “accidentally”). This lying is a criminal act that ruins a man’s life, because you feminazi bitches have made the gender laws so misandrist, that men are then forced to pay for a kid that he doesn’t want, ruining his life.We masculists know that we men have the financial power to FORCE you women to get off your fluffie parasitic arses and FIP up, and if you don’t, then we will punish you by totally ignoring you, wiping you out, causing you to rot on the shelf, to extinction, so that your fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool.You women must bother to study career competent majors at high school, so that you can study career competent majors, e.g. STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions at university, so that you can be FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults, and not parasite off the money of a man.We masculists have the financial power to force you women to grow up. If you don’t become financially responsible adults as FIPs, then you will be punished by men, by not getting one.This is not some fringy movement. In practice now, in a string of major countries, nearly 90% of young men under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they are MGTOWs (men going their own way) and masculists (men’s libbers).We masculists are appalled at the hypocrisy of these compulsory anti-rape seminars. They are so biased and full of lies, e.g. your bullshit about the one in five rape rate, when its actually under 0.2% i.e. a hundred times less, you lying cunt, you misandrist bitch. Women like you deserve to be manless, and it is we masculists who are causing women to be punished like that.You women need to learn to be nice to men, or you won’t get one. 99.5% of women are heterosexual, says sexological research, so that means virtually all women are dependent on men for their sex. Feminazi bitch women however don’t even get pumped and dumped, so hated are they by men.Women like you serve as an anti-model for young women – how not to behave towards men. Masculists tell women, if you piss on men as feminazis, then the masculists will shit on you right back, forcing you to rot on the shelf.Most of you feminazis are fluffie hypocrites in your attitudes towards men. You still expect to be able to parasite on men financially, by not bothering to FIP up, i.e. by getting a career competent education, so that you can become FIPs as adults, and not parasite on a man.You’ve probably guessed, we, i.e. this little group of 5 men, are from the men’s group here, and we have a hatred of the hypocrisy of you feminazi bitches. You lash out at men, and feel quite justified in doing that, but you explode when we masculists lash out at fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, by not bothering to FIP up and become financially responsible adults.You feminazi bitches are now forced to give up your monopoly on gender discourse. From now on, you will have to share the gender stage with the MGTOWs and the masculists. We masculists are smarter than you feminazis and have much higher testosterone levels, so we can beat you at your own game. When you feminazi bitches piss on men, we very angry masculists will shit on you right back.You hated feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and make them toxic for males, causing men to reject paternity, thus wiping out whole populations, that you feminazis are the root cause of, because it is you people who made the divorce courts toxic. So you are now genociders. You are wiping out whole populations, so you have to be stopped. Do we do that with bullets? Do masculists shoot feminazis on the spot in the street when we hear feminazi PC bullshit, or do we just bitch slap feminazis to oblivion?!So, lady, feminazi, as masculists, we shit on your lies, your misandry, and we will complain to the administration to see you get fired for lying to us about the rape rate, that you were too intellectually lazy, too isscienately incompetent to bother to check. It took me a few seconds to find the real rape rate on my cell phone, which flatly contradicts the misandrist garbage that you are coming out with.We masculists are fed up with your PC isscienate fairy, feminazi bullshit, and are hitting back. We will submit a formal complaint to the president of the university and will approach the local media to have you fired, you fat, ugly, butch dyke, misandrist, male-dumping, shit.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)(Patreon) (270+ videos)(YouTube channel “de Garis Essays”) (150+ videos) Big John (ex. “MGTOW is Freedom”) Goes Masculist (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer notes that it looks as though Big John, of “MGTOW is Freedom” channel fame, has turned masculist, which opens up the possibility of creating a masculist movement with real political teeth, by combining masculist anger with the threat of manlessness and babylessness against women imposed by the MGTOW boycott of women and paternity, a winning combinationBIG JOHN (EX. “MGTOW IS FREEDOM”)GOES MASCULIST?Recently, “Coach Eli” interviewed Big John, formerly of “MGTOW is Freedom”, before his channel was deleted by the Jewish censors at YouTube. It was a 2 hour interview, split into 3 parts, whose links are :- is so striking to me as a masculist, is that Big John sounds very much as though he too is now thinking along masculist lines, but that is for you to judge, by listening to the above interview.I have put up hundreds of links to my Masculist MGTOW Flyers, onto Big John’s YouTube channel videos over the past half year, hoping to convert him to angry masculism. I don’t know whether I have influenced him consciously, or unconsciously, or whether he has come largely to the same conclusions about the need for an angry masculist approach to men’s lib, or perhaps a bit of both?Whichever it is, Big John is definitely turning towards the political side of men’s lib, and that opens up new prospectives, because Big John is one of the “biggies”, i.e. a prominent influential MGTOW, whose opinions have weight and impact, due to his age (nearly 50), his maturity, and his bitter experience of being “divorce raped” by the hated fluffie feminazis in the US divorce court system, that he passed on to his many MGTOW viewers until the Jewish feminazi censors at JewTube deleted his channel, because he was too much of a threat to the feminazis. (Jewtube is CEOed by a Jewish feminazi.)So, if Big John goes fully masculist, i.e. he adopts an angry masculist approach to men’s lib in his actions and philosophy, then with a few more like him, joining the masculist ranks, an angry masculist movement can be formed in the US, that can then spread across the world, with the aim of liberating men, from the traditional manslave role, from the predations of feminazism, from the oppressions of the gender laws that are so biased against men, that need to be removed.My feeling is that the turning of Big John to angry masculism, or at least to being actively political, is a watershed for the MGTOW movement. I’ve always been sharply critical of the MGTOW movement for its lack of political commitment, its lack of solidarity with the gender plight of other men, its impotence in the face of the feminazi onslaught, and its lack of political vision.For example, I’ve given up on Sandman, who doesn’t have a political bone in his body. He’s a psychologist, good at it, but just doesn’t know how to think politically. It’s just not in his DNA to be a politician.TFM, another major MGTOW player on the world stage, I have more hope for. My feeling is that TFM would like to see the gender laws menfaired, but is extremely cynical that it is possible, due to his “51% female voter argument”, which goes as follows.“Women are 51% of the voters and vote more than men, hence even if MGTOW converted itself largely into angry politically active masculism, the conversion would be a waste of time and effort, because at the end of the day, women would simply bloc vote to keep the gender status quo, when it comes to the gender laws, i.e. it is in women’s self-interest to have the divorce laws so heavily biased, feminazi style, in women’s favor, e.g. getting custody of the kids with a 90% probability, getting her ex-husband’s house, half his possessions, getting child payments, and often, if the ex-wife is a real fluffie parasite, lifelong alimony, so that she continues to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce, and with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up (i.e. become a financially independent person by getting a career competent education, and getting a job.)When women divorce, with their 10% smaller brains, and more childlike minds, they often become very vindictive and are out to financially massacre their ex-husbands, even having divorce parties to celebrate their destruction of the lives of their ex-husbands.One married father in four, roughly, gets financially massacred this way by the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, committing a major crime against men, that has to stop, otherwise, men will go MGTOW in ever larger numbers, and the population gets wiped out. This fluffie feminazi financial massacring in the divorce courts HAS TO STOP.So how to overcome TFM’s “51% female voter argument?” The simple answer (once you think of it) is to convert women to become female masculists, and push them to vote with men to menfair the gender laws. Once the total combined vote of men plus the vote of the female masculists goes to about 60%, then the gender politicians will be forced to menfair the gender laws.It is this critical idea, i.e. converting women to become female masculists that is, in my view, the conceptual breakthrough that allows the mass conversion of formerly apolitical MGTOWs into angry, politically active masculists.I suspect this is what has happened to Big John, but I can’t be sure. I hope it will also happen to TFM, once he becomes convinced that his “51% female voter argument” can be loopholed, refuted, got around.So, let’s assume a lot of MGTOWs see the “angry masculist light” and feel, “Yes, the door has been opened to real effective political action for the MGTOWs, so that we can truly liberate men, by putting the feminazis in their place and menfairing the gender laws, so that life is much pleasanter for men.So, what to do now? What are the critical next steps? Here’s where a lot of debate on the part of the MGTOW community, and the MRM (Men’s Rights Movement) is needed, and I dare say that will happen, spontaneously. As Big John put it, “Are MGTOWs going to keep complaining forever?” or are MGTOWs going to do something about it, i.e. work actively, politically actively, to change men’s situation!So let’s imagine that there are now a lot of former MGTOWs who now see themselves as angry masculists, and are thinking about what is to be done. What kind of political organization do these angry masculists need to create? What should the relationship be between this new organization, and the MRM for example, and with the female masculists?These are all interesting questions that the strategists of the new movement need to think about.We need to keep in mind, that the MRM has been spectacularly unsuccessful, having changed effectively nothing re the menfairing of the gender laws over the past few decades, so obviously they are doing something wrong. Another approach is needed.My suggestion is to take an angry masculist approach, that worked very well for me in the early 80s in Europe, when I almost single handedly put the European Men’s movement on the media map, getting on the broadcast media several hundred times, in 4 languages (English, French, German, Dutch) in the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Australia. In Australia, I even made the cover story of Australia’s equivalent of the US’s Time Magazine.So, maybe the angry masculist approach will work again 3 decades later? Who knows? In about a year, once I have finished converting my paper library into electronic form, I will donate the last of my paper books to the local city library, here in China, where I have been living for the past 11 years, and then move to Melbourne, Australia, to take up the generous offer of my sister, who said she would buy a one bedroom apartment and let me live in it rent free, after I was made rather poor by the theft of half of my savings, by my previous chink fluffie thief wife.I think one of the main reasons for the US’s MRM’s failure is its “poor me, the male victim” approach. Men are socialized to be tough, to be self-reliant, so don’t relate to the victim mentality of the MRM, whereas men do relate to an angry masculist approach, that lashes out at the feminazi bitches, who financially massacre men in the divorce courts, that these feminazi bitches control, and constantly put men down in the media, despite the fact that science says that men are the superior sex.I’ve been sending links to my flyers to Paul Elam, leader of the American MRM over the past few months. I notice that lately he has become a lot angrier and a lot more confrontational. Has he been influenced by angry masculism? I don’t know. Maybe?I found that male journalists really listened to my angry masculist approach in the early 80s. You may then ask, “Well, why did you stop?” The answer was that I watched huge numbers of women enter the professions and the work force in general in the 70s and 80s.Men’s lib to me in those days was all about women FIPing up. I knew nothing in those days about the core ideas of the MGTOWs, e.g. the red pill, female hypergamy, monkey branching, etc. I didn’t absorb MGTOW ideas into my masculist thinking until only a few years ago, after I started listening to MGTOW videos on YouTube.As a masculist theorist in the mid-80s, I thought that the masculist push for women to FIPup was being achieved by the feminists themselves, because they were pushing women to have careers, which is, was, the heart of the masculist message, to stop women being fluffie parasites off men.I felt that feminism, the 2nd wave, had blown the wind out of my masculist sails, so I quietly stopped being a masculist, until a few years back, I stumbled onto Sandman’s videos and was made conscious that the feminists had become fluffie feminist hypocrites, who had taken over the divorce courts, and were financially massacring one married father in four, so that kindled my reawakening, to take up the masculist torch again, even though now I’m twice my age then, 3 decades ago. I’m now 70.I began to be active again, now having written nearly 300 masculist MGTOW flyers (i.e. 2-3 page essays on themes of masculism and MGTOW, and filming me reading them aloud and putting them onto the internet for the world to see.)As a masculist theorist, I began combining what I had recently learned from MGTOW, with what I had already dreamt up 3 decades ago as a masculist, to create a kind of masculist/MGTOW hybrid, which I believe is a lot more powerful than the masculism of the 80s. Here are its essential ideas.Use MGTOW as a political weapon of the masculists. This is a pillar of an idea, i.e. see MGTOW as a component of angry masculism, as a stick, a punishing device, a discipliner of women, to force them to do what the masculists want and demand.If women don’t comply, i.e. specifically on two things, i.e. if women don’t FIP up (old masculist idea) AND vote together with men to menfair the gender laws (new masculist idea)? then women will be punished, MGTOW style, by not getting a man, i.e. by being rejected by MGTOW men (i.e. 2/3 of young men under 35 now, in a string of major countries.)Thus MGTOW provides the masculists with a powerful new weapon, a means to force women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws.Why the masculist emphasis on the FIPping of women? Because the masculists are very conscious that so many of men’s gender issues would be solved if we all lived in a “FIP Society”, i.e. in which both sexes are socialized by parents and taught by teachers to be FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education, that will enable young women particularly, to be FIPs as adults, and pull their own financial weight, and not parasite financially on a man.In a FIP society, divorce laws could be made menfair much more easily, alimony could be thrown out, custody of kids could be joint by default, the owner(s) of the house get to keep it. The Parer (paternity rejection right) could be legislated, which would force all women to be FIPs, to grow up, to become responsible adults.The FIPping of women was an essential masculist idea from 4 decades ago, when 2nd wave feminism was just getting off the ground.The fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that they FIP up, and become financially responsible adults) have made the divorce courts so toxic for men, that young men have largely rejected marriage and fatherhood.This MGTOW rejection of women and paternity has given the masculists a wonderful new political tool to force women to FIP up, and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the MGTOW strategy of depriving women of men, penises, and babies, will continue.The MGTOW big gun against women, is to deprive women of babies. Women are all about having babies. That is their raison d’etre, their primary purpose in life, it is what they evolved for, it is deeply embedded in their DNA.So when push comes to shove, i.e. when the MGTOW refuse to have anything to do with fluffie feminazi bitches, by avoiding them like the plague, then these women will have to start asking themselves a tough question.“I can see that I am being forced by the MGTOW/masculists, to choose between giving up my privileges in the divorce courts that my feminist sisters gave me in the 70s, or having a baby and having a man help me with paying for it. I prefer to have a baby, and hence be forced to give up my divorce court privileges, and will vote together with men to menfair the gender laws. I have no choice about this. These MGTOWs/masculists have me over a barrel. They have the power to force me to choose, and I choose to have a baby.”We masculists, using the MGTOW threat of babylessness, manlessness, sexlessness, as a weapon against women, have a winning strategy here, one that those MGTOWs who have been recently converted to masculism, can really spread to the masses. It is an effective political approach to achieving success in achieving the goals of the masculists, i.e. to liberate men, to create a FIP society, where men are not treated as manslaves to fluffie parasites.So, more concretely, given the above assumptions and strategies, how to go about implementing the above ideas in practice?The first step is, of course, to convert lots of MGTOWs to become angry masculists, then to approach the broadcast media, to spread these ideas to the masses, the millions, the billions, then to set up a masculist/MGTOW group in every high school, where the real fluffie crapper damage is done (i.e. three quarters of young women at age 16 choose to study fluffie crap, i.e. the soft option, the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy majors, that are memory based, not analytically based, such as math and the sciences, so these fluffie crappers then are forced to study more fluffie crap at university, because they are denied access to the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) fields and the professions, because they studied fluffie crap at high school.These fluffie crappers then end up with fluffie crap diplomas which will make them fluffies in their 30s when their biological clocks really start ticking, but cannot afford to pay for an apartment to raise their kids in by themselves, so then start looking around for some gullible manslave to sexploit, to have him pay for it, so she can live off his labor, like a true fluffie parasite, the enemy of the masculists, who treat such women as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, not by killing them, but simply forcing them to rot on the shelf by being totally ignored my men, treated as vermin to be exterminated, in this case, slowly, shunned by men and by society.Men’s lib groups need to be set up on every campus, and Men’s Studies courses need to be taught at universities as well. Books on masculism and MGTOW need to be written, lots of them. Look at the libraries of feminist books written.Then the angry masculist, politically active, MGTOWs need to set up a powerful national organization called NOM (National Organization for Men) equivalent to women’s NOW (National Organization for Women) which was set up by Betty Friedan and her cronies in the 60s and 70s. (Betty Friedan, whom I talked with in Copenhagen for the Mid-Decade Women’s Conference in 1980) was the Jewish journalist, whose book “The Feminine Mystique” launched the second wave of the feminist movement in the 60s,in which she expressed a malaise felt by upper middle class women, utterly bored by the soulnessness of the housewife role, who wanted to have careers, given that the contraceptive pill made it practical.)With a powerful NOM, the masculists can do what the feminists within NOW did, i.e. change laws, i.e. the gender laws, in favor of women, but with NOM, we will menfair the gender laws, to create a FIP Society.In closing, I would like to say, that we are men. We are the superior sex. Women cannot compete with us at the top end of the performance scale. Men are smarter than women by an average IQ superiority of about 4 IQ points. We have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males. So it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. We men have much higher testosterone levels so men are much more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent than wishy wash females, who give up more easily, so we men achieve far more, dominating the entries in the Who’s Who books.We are men. We are smarter than women, and a lot more aggressive, so when men become collectively angry at women, god help women. Once men have found their masculist voice, once men have been armed intellectually with angry Masculist/MGTOW ideas, men will be in a position to blow the feminazis out of the room, in a tirade of angry masculist rhetoric and knowledge. We have that ability, that potential, we only have to implement it, to build the FIP Society we want.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (patreon) Masculists Put Enormous Moral Pressure on Women (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo) ?? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why masculists put such enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, to become financially independent persons, in order to free men from manslavery, from working for a woman, instead of working for himself, doing what he wants to do with his life. Those women who don’t FIP up are punished by men by being forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned.MASCULISTS PUT ENORMOUSMORAL PRESSURE ON WOMEN?Why do masculists put such enormous moral pressure on women? Why are masculists so angry at fluffies? Why do masculists even use the term fluffie, which is so derogatory of women?Masculists are men’s libbers. To an ignorant feminist, she is probably thinking “What do men have to be liberated from?” From a feminist perspective, men are the oppressors that women need to be liberated from. It is men who are the problem. There are only two sexes, so if masculists think that men need liberating, do they mean liberating from women? That sounds ridiculous, given that men oppress women, so what do men have to be liberated from?”The above is a very commonly held view amongst feminists and women in general. It is interesting to note, for a masculist, how deeply, unconsciously ingrained it is in women, to think that “Men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies.”This assumption is so basic to women, they do not even bring it to consciousness, so when they are confronted with a masculist who rejects this assumption, most women react shocked, feeling deeply threatened, as though the masculist rejection of female imposed manslavery is a threat to her personal existence.The main answer to the above question, i.e. “What do men have to be liberated from?” is “From manslavery, from working for a woman, and her kids (whom she considers as hers, especially when the divorce comes) instead of working for himself, doing what he loves, and not what some female, nor society, imposes on him.”Masculism is men’s lib, i.e. the liberation of men, from the traditional role of being a manslave to a woman. A masculist typically, rejects marriage and paternity, similarly with the MGTOWs (men going their own way), who do the same, but masculists are also politically active, whereas the MGTOW are politically passive, quietly rejecting the marriage market and paternity, spending their time doing what they want in life, and not caring about what women nor society wants.Masculists are usually contemptuous of this apolitical wimpy attitude of the MGTOWs and are politically active, which is what this flyer is largely about.Masculists are not happy with the MGTOWs, claiming that the MGTOWs show no solidarity with the gender plight of other men, and care only about themselves, so are selfish towards other men, in that respect.Masculists however care very much about other men, and aim to create, to socially engineer, a society, that they label a “FIP Society” i.e. a society in which all adults, particularly girls are socialized and educated to be FIPs (financially independent persons) who do not parasite off the money of another person.Masculists are very conscious that we are far from being a FIP Society today, because at age 16 in high schools in western countries, about ? of young women, choose to become the opposite of FIPs, i.e. fluffies, i.e. traditional women, who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, to have him pay for her to have babies.To masculists, fluffies (based on the word “fluff” with connotations of being light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP) are the enemy. This flyer is largely about why masculists treat fluffies with such contempt, and why masculists place such heavy moral pressure on them to FIP up (i.e. become FIP and not manslave a man.)To a lot of people, of both sexes, it is difficult to have a feeling for why masculists show such hostility towards fluffies, saying strongly negative things about them, such as “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, not by killing them, but by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool, leaving only FIP female genes.”Most people are not original thinkers. Most people do things by habit, by custom, because it takes hugely less energy. When people are thrust into a new culture, where everything is different, and their learning curve is steep, their stress levels skyrocket, and people become very uncomfortable. People prefer their comfort zone, living in their typical, daily routine that does not require much original thought, nor creative thinking.Go back about two centuries to the southern states of the US and look around. You will see black negro slaves everywhere, working on the cotton plantations. If you grew up in such circumstances, you would probably not think twice about the negro slaves. To you they are simply part of the environment, as familiar to you as the furniture in your room.You don’t give the negros a second thought. You grew up surrounded by slaves, and do not question that the slavers are whites and the slaves are blacks. That is common sense for you.Then one day, you hear some northerner, who calls himself an “abolitionist” i.e. he wants to abolish the system of slavery, and have the field workers paid for their labor. The idea sounds crazy to you, radical, impractical, nutty.A few years later, you hear growing talk from the men in your social circle of seceding from the union of the states, because the northerners do not accept the southern system of slavery of negroes that is the bedrock of the southern economic system. If the northerners had their way, the south would no longer be the south, and god forbid, if the negroes were given their freedom, perhaps they might attack whites, as has happened a few times in the recent past, you heard.You can’t get your head around what the northern abolitionists are saying, i.e. that it is a moral outrage to have a slave, i.e. someone who works for you, performs labor for you, creating products that you can sell and live off, but he does not get any reward for doing that, other than basic housing and food to keep him alive to keep working for free for you.You just don’t see that you are exploiting that negro slave, forcing him to work for you, that you are robbing him of the product of his labor. He grows and picks the cotton, and you sell it and keep the money. You are a parasite off his labor, but you don’t see that, because it is only natural that blacks work for whites, because it is the custom. It has been like that for your entire living memory. It is natural.You’re probably seeing already, where I as a masculist am going with this little parable. Compare the exploitation of the labor of the negro slave, together with the hostile reaction of the northern abolitionists in the US in the 1800s, with the case of the exploitation of the labor of men, together with the hostile reaction of the masculists in the 21st century?The two cases are very similar. Both involve the exploitation of the labor of another person, benefitting the exploiter at the expense of the exploited, which in modern times, is the man, the manslave, exploited by the fluffie, who is the modern equivalent of the slaver of negroes in the 1800s.The northern abolitionists were so indignant against negro slavery, that eventually the issue boiled up to cause the US civil war, where the southern states so strongly disagreed with the northern states’ moral rejection of southern slavery, that they decided to secede from the union, and go their own way, keeping their slavery system, in their own new nation, the Confederacy of states.The northerners were outraged that the southerners had broken the US into two, and invaded the south to keep it in the union, using their superior population, and industrial capacity.How, you may ask, are the two situations comparable, i.e. between the sentiments of the abolitionists, and the sentiments of the masculists?Take the role of a typical woman on the farm a century ago. She worked from dawn to dusk on the farm, with a constant stream of chores to do, that kept her constantly busy, washing clothes, feeding the animals, tending her many children, cooking meals for the large family, tending the garden, doing the ironing, chopping the wood for the stove, hanging out the washing, bringing it in, washing the floors etc.She was busy. She pulled her weight. She did not parasite off the labor of her husband who worked in the fields, with the plough and horses, doing the heavy work, suitable for the man with his much greater strength and endurance than a woman.Then in the 20th century, came the technological revolution, due to the explosion of science in the 19th century. Electrical gadgets appeared in the home, to hugely lighten the burden of household chores for women, e.g. washing machines, dish washing machines, clothes driers, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, gas and electric stoves that created heat at the turn of a dial.Men invented household gadgets that revolutionized the lives of women. In the 1960s, an even greater revolution occurred with women, namely the male invention of the contraceptive pill, which allowed women for the first time in history to reliably control the number of children they wanted, which became typically 0, 1 or 2.So women with few kids and household gadgets found themselves with time on their hands. The upper middle class women got bored with being the traditional house wife, and hankered to be like the men, with careers and education, so they created a social political movement called feminism to socially engineer women into becoming careerists, like men, but found that traditional men resisted this and did not like women in their working environment.Many men like being able to escape female nagging, and female prattle that they got at home by going to work, and were not at all happy when women started appearing in their work place, and bringing their nagging and prattle with them.This negative reaction and resistance against women in the work force on the part of men, caused the feminists to radicalize and to criticize men for not accepting the new reality that women have the time to work, to have careers, because they only have 0 1 or 2 kids now, and so have a career window of some 4 decades.This four decade career time window is the key factor in the liberation of men, for the masculists. To the masculists, the fact that women now CAN work, means that they now MUST work, because anything else is exploitation by women off the labor of men, i.e. it is manslavery, and hence from the point of view of the masculists, is immoral, parasitic and contemptible.Take a more extreme case of a fluffie female, say in Japan or Korea, where the gender roles are about half a century behind the west. In Japan for example, the husband overworks, working a typical 11 hour day, with a 2-3 hour total commute time each day, getting home so late that he orphans his kids, because they are already asleep.The wife, is a housewife, who has no job. She lives off the money her husband makes. She is totally financially dependent on him. She is a kept woman, whereas her husband overworks, while she plays tennis. She has lots of free time to do what she likes. She spends lots of time with her friends, and her hobbies. She has a very nice life.If Japan, the polarity of roles between the sexes is so severe, that Jap fluffies have a saying “A good husband is healthy and absent.” Of course, this is from the biased perspective of the Jap housewife.From a masculist’s point of view, the Jap husband is a manslave to his fluffie wife. He works for her, he is a slave for her. She receives his income, taking his paycheck each month, giving him a modest allowance, and then spending the rest of his money on the kids, herself, the apartment, and her shoes.It is not surprising that the young generation of Japanese men, the so called “herbivore men” i.e. grass eaters (in contrast to the carnivore men, who hunt sex from women) have rebelled against the traditional “salaryman” role of the Japanese father. These young men, two thirds of them, under 35, in Japan, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves.They are MGTOWs (men going their own way) or as they are called in Japan, the herbivore men, and since this rebellion has been going on for about a decade longer in Japan than in the west, there has been more time for its political and social fallout to have made themselves felt, particularly in its impact on the birth rate and the beginnings of the population decline.Japan has now started to decline in population terms. At its peak it was 128 million. It is now 127 million and falling. In twenty years, once the baby boomer generation has died off, the Japanese population will have fallen to about 80 million, forecasts predict.Thus the rebellion of the Japanese herbivore men (plus other factors) has caused the Japanese population to fall, so the newly appointed Minister of Population is trying to persuade young Japanese males to be fathers again, but his admonition to the herbivore men generation to “Man up!” was just about the worst thing he could have said. The herbivores didn’t listen to him.Young men in the western countries around the world, are waking up to the reality, that women can now work, so why are there still countries where it is still the norm for women to be housewives, as in Japan and Korea?Masculists are very conscious that now that women can work, they must work, because anything else is parasitism off the labor of men, i.e. exploitation of men, i.e. manslavery.This issue of getting Japanese women to pay their way financially, was a personal issue for me in the 00s. During the 90s I was a researcher in artificial brains in Japan. I had a Japanese girlfriend, who in many ways was the best I ever had. She was smart, very pretty, emotionally warm, funny, with strong libido, clear skin, healthy, etc. When I moved to take up a professor post in the US, she came to visit me to see if she could live in the US. She had retired by then and was living off her savings.Towards the end of her visit she casually remarked that she could live in the US if I worked for her, i.e. she was proposing the traditional Jap manslave role to me, so that she could sit on her fat parasitic fluffie arse and have me, the man, work for her, be the manslave for her, Jap style.Unfortunately for her, her western boyfriend was a masculist, who, once the full impact of what she was proposing had sunk into my consciousness, I exploded at her “What you’re proposing is manslavery! Go back to Japan, you fucking Jap fluffie, go murder some Chinese!” She left the next day and that was the end of that relationship.In other words, I as a masculist, exploded at her expectation of wanting to be a fluffie in the US, living as Jap women do in Japan, as fluffie parasites off men’s money,? as manslavers, as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, hated by the masculists for their immorality, their exploitation, their amorality, their wickedness.Increasingly, young men are seeing the masculist light, and are totally unprepared to be exploited, by fluffies. They piss on fluffies, and put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up.The masculists want to see every high school have its own masculist group to put strong moral pressure on young women at age 16 to choose to study career competent majors that will allow them to study STEM fields and the professions at university, rather than choosing the “soft option” i.e. intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based,? majors, like languages, history, English literature, etc., at high school, instead of the analytic majors such as math, and the sciences, that will allow young women to study STEM and the professions at university, obtain a career competent diploma and end up a real FIP as an adult, and not expect to parasite off a man in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking hard, and wanting to have kids raised in a middle class house that her manslave pays for.The masculists are very conscious that women and society in general needs to be taught that a fluffie is a woman to be wiped out, by men not having anything to do with them.Men are socialized to be FIPs. We evolved to be FIPs, i.e. to understand and to manipulate the world, so FIPping comes naturally to men, thus we men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave.Masculists need to create close contacts with the broadcast media, to transmit the message to the masses, the millions, that women have to FIP up or be punished by not getting a man. Fluffies need to be taught that they will rot on the shelf, if they don’t bother to get a career competent education, and become true FIPs.The masculists want the creation of a FIP Society, and to do that, women need to be taught that they have to be FIPs or pay a very heavy price, i.e. being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and spat at by men and by society for not bothering to FIP up, for not bothering to make the effort to become career competent, and expecting to be able to parasite off the money of a man, expecting to be able to sexploit some gullible manslave, to work for her.Masculists aim to so associate fluffiness with evil, that young women feel strongly socially pressured to be FIPs, otherwise they will feel they have been socially outcast from the culture, forced to rot on the shelf, living miserable lonely half-lives, with their pets, with no man to call her own.One of the main strategies of the masculists, on the political front, is to put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up, or be manless. We men have the financial power to do this to women, to fluffies. Already two thirds of young men in western countries have had their consciousnesses raised, that having a relationship with a fluffie is bad news, and will only lead to disaster.Having a relationship with a fluffie is a real hazard for a man. If he has kids with her, he then runs a one in four risk of being financially massacred by her in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and have his life ruined. In about a decade, more than 90% of young men, in many countries will not be prepared to marry and have kids, until the gender laws are menfaired, e.g. the divorce laws are menfaired, the Parer (paternity rejection right) is legislated, etc., and will continue to reject paternity, thus wiping out the population.Masculists are very conscious that so many of men’s gender issues would be solved if we all lived in a FIP Society. The fluffie feminist hypocrites would be thrown out of the divorce courts, divorce law would be reformed and made menfair, alimony would be thrown out, custody of the kids would be made joint, by default, the owner of the house gets to keep it, possessions are not divided in two, the Parer would be legislated, a string of legal discriminations against men would be removed, etc.To create a FIP Society, masculists need to force women into a new consciousness, in which they respect the rights of men, i.e. do NOT expect to be able to parasite off them, sexploit them, expecting men to work for them in order to get a bit of access to her vagina from time to time.Soon, men will have the sex robot and the artificial womb, which will give men two powerful weapons to force women to FIP up, or face oblivion from men by being utterly ignored.When men prefer to sex their bots, and grow their own kids, then what is the point of having a woman around? Women nag, sexploit, get fat, are bad tempered, irrational, emotional, hysterical, etc.Women will be forced to be very nice to men if they want to be able to compete with the sex bots and artwombs. The sex bots will have luscious curvy bodies, film star faces, and creamy grippy vaginas that most women will not be able to compete with. A third of women are overweight, and another third are obese, making them sexually repulsive to men, who avoid such women like the plague. With sexbots and artwombs, women will be more challenged than ever in terms of attracting men’s attention.The masculists will be able to lever the sexbots and artwombs to their advantage, putting even more moral pressure on women to FIP up, to be nice, to stop dumping on men, misandrist, feminazi style, and be nice, emotionally warm to men, otherwise men will just keep going their own way, ignoring women, looking down on women as inferior, amoral child minded beings, with 10% smaller brain volumes, whom men have had to tolerate in the past, but now that women can pay their own way, and that men have their own sex bots and artwombs, unless women are real FIPs and very nice to men, they will be left rotting on the shelf.Masculists are very conscious that their most formidable and most effective weapon to force women to FIP up, is strong moral pressure on them to pull their own financial weight. A woman who does not bother to become a FIP will be rewarded, or rather punished, by being manless – “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!”Masculists see the close analogy, mentioned near the beginning of this flyer, between negro slavery of the 1800s and manslavery today. Both are crimes, and both need to be wiped out. It took a civil war to remove negro slavery in the US.It will take a powerful moral pressuring of fluffies in today’s age to convert immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, fluffies into EMO FIPs (i.e. equal moral obligations FIPs) i.e. into women who feel strongly the moral duty to be FIPs and not expect to be able to parasite off the labor and money of a man.Masculists are conscious that society needs a real dose of consciousness raising, to see manslavery for what it is. It is the sexploitation of men by women, by fluffie women, which is a major moral crime that needs to be wiped out, which is precisely what the masculists are aiming to do, i.e. to wipe out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by simply totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, shunned by society, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool, resulting in a culture in which nearly all women are FIPs, expecting to pull their financial weight and not parasite off a man.Once nearly all women are FIPs, we will have our FIP Society. We can then menfair the gender laws, and liberate men, the ultimate goal of the masculists, an obvious political, social goal, one that the apolitical MGTOWs have too little political vision to even see, let alone achieve.Its achievement will depend on the masculists, who will have to convince some of the women to become female masculists and vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. Men can’t do it alone. Our numbers are too small.Once large numbers of women are female masculists, who are also alarmed at the declining birth rate and the wipe out of the population, they will help the men create a menfair society, a just society, a gender just society, where women do not expect to sexploit men, the way they have done for half a century now, since the rise of the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, etc.So, expect a powerful stream of moralistic rhetoric to come from the mouths of the masculists over the next few decades as fluffies are morally pressured to FIP up, as masculists take over the stage of gender issues from the feminists.The feminazis have had their turn, now its men’s turn. We men want our own liberation. We want to be freed from manslavery, be freed from fluffies, freed from being seen by fluffies as cash machines, to be sexploited by calculating, emotionally cold, disloyal, fluffie, bitches.Such women are to be morally pressured out of existence by the masculist movement, worldwide, this century. The masculists main political goal for this century is to wipe out manslavery across the planet, and we will use enormous moral pressure on women to do that.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) (Minds) Masculist Princes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how men can become masculist princes, capable of destroying the princess mentality of many young feminazi princesses today, brainwashed by feminazi rhetoric that is not based on scientific realities, that the masculist princes will blow away.MASCULIST PRINCES?This flyer shows how men can become masculist princes, i.e. the male equivalent of the feminist princess, i.e. feeling confident and superior as a man to the other sex, due to the absorption of masculist ideas and attitudes.Young women today are often feminazi princesses. They have absorbed the feminist dogma that they are the equal of men, even superior, in many respects, and that anything a man can do, a woman can do too. These young women behave like princesses, because young men fawn all over them, wanting to get into these princesses’ cunts.This showering of attention from men onto these princesses goes to these young women’s heads. They feel invincible, arrogant, entitled. They feel like princesses, which is why they are labeled princesses.This flyer shows how men can overcome this unwarranted feeling of young women, by turning young men (and men in general) into princes, giving men the confidence and the intellectual tools so that they can pull the rug from under the princesses’ feet and sit on it themselves as princes, as the superior sex, confident that women are no match for men as a sex.The essential difference between “princessdom” and “princedom” is that the former is based on isscienate fairy dogmas, that have no basis in reality, and the latter is based on science, on reality. Men simply are the superior sex, and outclass women across the board at the top end of the performance scale.When a man is confronted by the unconscious arrogance and entitled attitude of a feminazi princess, then if he is a masculist prince, he will be intellectually armed with masculist ideas. He will be more than able to brow beat her feminist arguments and crush her ego, destroying her unjustified princess based entitlement feeling.Here’s how.Imagine a conversation between a feminazi princess and a masculist prince.F : (at a bar) How about you buy me a drink!?M : How about you buy me one, you feminist fluffie princess. Don’t you have a salary? Don’t you earn your own money, and not parasite off a man, fluffie style!?F : You sound like one of those masculists I read about in one of my magazines.M : Yes, I’m a masculist. I expect women to pull their weight financially, and I won’t have anything to do with a hypocritical fluffie feminist, who expects men to pay for drinks, and far worse, expects a man to pay for her to have a baby, so she can live in a middle class house, parasiting off his money, while he is out working to pay for her, the house and the kid.F (feeling very threatened and hostile) : That sounds very selfish to me. You masculists only care about yourselves, and not about contributing towards raising the next generation. Expecting women to shoulder the full burden of raising the next generation is very unfair on women.M (interrupting) : So you fluffie hypocrites think you can be fluffie crappers at high school and college, not bother to get off your fat parasitic arses, and get career competent educations, and that some gullible manslave will pick up your tab, so that you can have you and your kid paid for! It’s women like you who are the most hated by the masculists. We don’t go near you, treating you like vermin, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by being total ignored, not even pumped and dumped!F (now really hostile and becoming verbally aggressive) : You male chauvinist pig! It’s men like you who cause women like me to be feminists. We can’t stomach your treatment of women, your condescension towards women. We hate it and we have now taken power over the divorce courts, the media, the schools, and the universities, to punish you men for your oppression against women for centuries. Now its women’s turn to put you men in your place. We women are now punishing you.M (also getting really hostile and verbally aggressive) : You hated feminazi bitches have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that one married father in four now gets financially massacred and has his life ruined, so two thirds of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves.That makes you feminazi bitches, genociders. You are the root cause why men reject paternity. You are indirectly wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. We masculists will stop you. We will wipe you out, whether with bullets or just with feminazi bitch slapping, but either way, we will wipe you out, stop you from wiping out the whole population. You are genociders!Women like you are hated and ignored to death by men. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Women like that are the first category of women to be rejected by men. They are avoided like the plague, not even pumped and dumped. They will rot on the shelf to extinction, until their fluffie feminazi hypocrite genes are removed from the gene pool.F (with dagger eyes, full of hatred towards the man) : With an attitude like that, you will never get into a women’s cunt! Men like you are hated by women, and utterly rejected.M : That goes both ways, you fat ugly unfuckable feminazi bitch. Why is it that so many of you active feminists are “triple Fs” i.e. “fat four feminazis?” Is it because you use feminism as a form of revenge against men for men’s rejection of you for being “triple Fs?”Probably within a decade, 90% of men will be MGTOW in practice, i.e. men going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, doing what they love, not being a manslave to a bloody fluffie parasite, who doesn’t bother to get off her fat lazy immoral parasitic arse and FIP up, career wise, who expects some manslave idiot to pay for her.The supply of such men is drying up, thanks to masculists like me and the MGTOWs. We have a hatred for women like you. You are manslavers to us. We are at war against you, and will wipe you out. You can only be a fluffie if you can manage to get your financial claws into some manslave, but the supply of them is drying up, thanks to the MGTOW and masculist movements.F : (now feeling profoundly threatened and extremely angry) : Women don’t need a man. We can get sperm from any man we want. We have our own careers and can get help from the government. We can survive quite well without shits like you pissing on us. We feminists have a hatred of you masculists. You are the first category of men that we feminists reject. So you too go fuck yourself, because no woman will!M (sneering) : The sexbots are with us now and keep getting more intelligent with AI abilities to speak, and relate. They have delicious curves and film star faces, with creamy grippy vaginas so we men are increasingly preferring to fuck our sexbots than women like you. These bots have nice personalities, that feminazi bitches like you could learn from, so that if you want a man to pay you any attention at all, you will have to learn to be nice to men, and to pull your financial weight, so that you are not punished by men for being a hated fluffie parasiting manslaver.Soon the artificial wombs will also be here and then we men will be able to grow our own kids and prefer to sex our bots, so we will hardly need women for anything, except for women’s eggs, but plenty of women will supply their eggs for a price. You women will go into deep depression and existential shock as you discover that men in their millions prefer their bots and artwombs and not have to bother with female nagging, female irrationality, female emotionality, female hysterics. We men are fed up with femaliens, and prefer to go our own way. You feminazi bitches can go to hell, we men don’t want you.You feminazi bitches pretend you are men’s equal, but you’re not. As a sex, science shows that you’re dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points. Your IQ variance is 10% smaller than men’s, so the morons and the genii are males, so we men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and all the math prizes.We men have much higher testosterone levels than women so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent than women, so achieve far more. We men dominate the entries in the Who’s Who books.Men are the superior sex. We build everything, invent everything, create everything. Women are mere baby factories and child minders, but any woman can do that. That’s not status worthy.Your princess arrogance is based on a lie. The reality is that men are the superior sex, as shown by science. Your feminazi based dogma that women are the equal or superior to men is just a fantasy, that the masculists relish killing off with science.Those feminazis who reject what the masculist scientists are saying, merely increase the level of contempt the masculist scientists have for such feminazi isscienate fairies, who are then utterly dismissed with derision and contempt – utterly discredited and spat at.F : Are you finished yet?!M : No, you feminazi bitches need to be put in your place. As females you are the inferior sex, as nature designed you. Your feminazi dogmas are mere fantasies, like a religion to women, telling women what they want to hear, but not based on scientific reality.As females you are incapable of performing at the male level at the top end of the performance scale, so by rights, you should be treated for what you are, i.e. the inferior sex, who contributes far less to society than men do. You femaliens will need to learn to treat men with respect, because men are superior to you.All cultures until recently in the west have kept women in an inferior position, because of women’s inferiorities, women’s 10%? smaller brains, women’s’ child-like mentalities, women’s? much narrower horizons, unable to see the bigger picture the way men can with their 10% larger brains.Your feminazi princess mentality will be crushed by masculist prince mentality, because the latter is realistic, based on scientific realities. Your feminazi princess mentality is a house of cards, and we masculists are the growing typhoon.F (feeling humbled and impotent) : —- (i.e. silence.)M : I would not like to be a woman in the next few years, as men all around you get infected with the masculist prince virus, and turn hostile towards you as a fluffie feminist hypocrite, smashing your feminazi arrogance with masculist science, pushing you off your feminazi pedestal, forcing you to FIP up and to vote for menfairing of the gender laws, otherwise you will not get a man, let alone have babies.Men will refuse to give you their sperm, at least the quality men. You will learn to respect men, otherwise we will destroy your ego, haranguing you with masculist rhetoric, smashing your feminazi arrogance and irrationality. Remember we’re men, we’re smarter than you women and a lot more aggressive than you women.Remember the ultimate backup of the law is male force. When male politicians, male cops, male judges and male lawyers side with the masculists, you women are fucked! You will be forced to submit. You will have no other choice if you want to survive.F : Fat chance, you truly male chauvinistic pig!M : So are you going to buy me that drink!?F : Fuck you! (giving him the bird, and walking off into the sunset, to future manlessness and babylessness, and a near future where women’s status is drastically reduced by the massive masculist typhoon that is now brewing.)Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) (Minds) My Men’s Lib Intellectual Trajectory (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes my Men’s Lib intellectual trajectory, consisting of 3 phases, 1) the Fluffie Parasite phase, 2) the MGTOW Psychology phase, 3) the Masculist Synthesis phase.MY MEN’S LIB INTELLECTUAL TRAJECTORY?This flyer explains my intellectual development (i.e. the progression of ideas I have had) regarding Men’s Lib (masculism).It went through 3 major phases, which I label here 1) The Fluffie Parasite Phase, 2) The MGTOW Psychology Phase, 3) The Masculist Synthesis Phase.1. The Fluffie Parasite PhaseMy first phase in Men’s Lib thinking was my Fluffie Parasite phase, and it remains my most important idea, i.e. that women oppress men by being financial parasites off men, by not bothering to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and university, so that they can be FIPs as adults and not parasite off the money of a man.Fluffies, are traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man. The word fluffie is obviously based on the word fluff, with connotations of being light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP. Masculists (Men’s Libbers) see fluffies as manslavers, and think that manslavery is slavery, that slavery rouses passions, that slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, not by killing them, but by ignoring them to death, a slow death, forcing fluffies to rot on the shelf, by men giving them zero attention, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing their fluffie parasite genes to be removed from the gene pool.In short, masculists hate fluffies, fluffies are the enemy of the masculists.Masculists are very conscious that so many of men’s gender issues could be solved if we lived in what the masculists call the “FIP Society” i.e. one in which both sexes, especially young women, are socialized by their parents and educated by their teachers to be FIPs, putting heavy moral pressure on young women to FIP up, or pay a very heavy price of not getting a man, so that they will lead miserable lives by being manless, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, and poor, spat at by men and by society.Masculists see that with nearly all women FIPS, the current atrocities that are occurring daily in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts could be removed, because the divorce laws could be made men fair far more easily with women being FIPs and not fluffies.In today’s world, three quarters of young women still chose to be fluffies by choosing to study the soft option at age 16, i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy option of memory based subjects like languages, English literature, history, etc., and not the tougher analytic subjects like math and the sciences, which will give students a real skill that is rewarded by the economy, whereas the “fluffie crap” subjects that most women study, will cause them to end up with fluffie crap diplomas that the economy does not value, so that these fluffie crappers will then look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking hard, because they are unable to afford to buy their own middle class house, due to their fluffie crap salaries.Fluffies are terrified of the idea that men will not be manslaves for them, paying for women to have babies. If most men refused to pay for women, then women would be forced to become FIPs or starve. That is the power of masculism. The masculists are very conscious that men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave to have him pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse and live off his money, not working, and raising her kids in HIS house, that HE pays for.Fluffies are also terrified of the masculist idea of the PARER i.e. the paternity rejection right, i.e. the legal right of a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the mother continues with the pregnancy and does not abort the fetus, then she bares full financial responsibility for the kid.The fact that women have a MARER (maternity rejection right) that gives them the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men don’t have a PARER, is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination against men, that makes masculists extremely angry, because so many millions of men have their lives ruined by criminally minded fluffies who lie to their boyfriends/husbands about taking the pill, then “accidentally” (on purpose) get pregnant by neglecting to take the pill for a few days, and then slam a paternity suit on the father, forcing him to pay for the kid, even though he didn’t want it. This is criminality of a high order, and makes masculists really hate fluffies who do this.When the masculists get the PARER, fluffies will be forced to pay for their own kids (“Hey femalien, if you want to have a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!”) and this will force women to be FIPs in order to be able to afford to pay for their own kids, i.e. in concrete terms, for a nanny to look after the kid while they are at work, earning their big bucks from their careers that they got well qualified for.Thus masculism threatens the very survival of fluffies, aiming for their extinction, wiping them out, so that women are forced, through tremendous moral pressure from men and society, to FIP up, to become moral, responsible adults, or are pariahed, shunned, rejected, by society and by men, so that they are punished by simply not getting a man.The above ideas are the core of masculist thinking, and remain so, despite the additions of the latter two phases.2)? The MGTOW Psychology PhaseI was a very active masculist in the early 80s in Europe, getting on the media in four languages, in half a dozen countries, several hundred times, preaching masculist ideas, i.e. those given above. But for 3 decades I was no longer a masculist, I simply stopped being active. Why was that? Because I kept reading about the massive influx of women into the work force, into the universities, and the professions, e.g. medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc.I thought, “Good, women are FIPping up, so there’s no more real need for masculism, so my motivation to be politically and particularly media active, dwindled away to nothing. For 30 years I was an ex masculist, thinking that the masculist problem had been essentially solved, because women were FIPping up in vast numbers. Case closed!However, a few years ago, I came across a video by Sandman, who called himself a MGTOW (men going their own way) and started listening to more of them and became conscious that men were still being screwed in the divorce courts by hypocritical fluffie feminists, and that sparked my interest in masculism again.I began to write 2-3 page essays on MGTOW masculist themes that I called “flyers” and then started putting them up on YouTube and lately for the world to see.I became conscious that I had failed to see that the feminists were still fluffies in their attitudes towards men, i.e. they still saw men as cash machines, to be exploited by women to force men to pay for women to have babies.Most women are not conscious of the awful hypocrisy inherent in fluffie feminism, i.e. pushing for equal rights for women, but rejecting equal obligations for women, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living with men, not parasiting on men, accepting the moral obligation of FIPping up, and getting a career competent education, so that women can be FIPs as adults and not parasite off a man.Thus as a masculist I saw the fluffie feminists as hypocrites and was sharply critical of them, so I became an active masculist again, writing my flyers, and when I leave China a year from now, where I have lived for the past 11 years, I will push the broadcast media to spread masculist ideas to the millions to liberate men, and put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up.By listening to Sandman and other major YouTube content providers in the MGTOW movement, I became more aware of female psychology, especially two essential MGTOW ideas, i.e. the red pill and female hypergamy.The red pill is the idea that women don’t love men. They love men’s sexploitability. If a man loses his exploitability by a woman, then she will coldly, disloyally dump him, and give her vagina quickly to another man who has higher sexploitability, who can give her and her babies more resources, thus increasing her chances in the distant past of surviving.Closely related to the red pill idea is that of hypergamy, i.e. the tendency of a woman to be always on the lookout for a more sexploitable male, whom she can monkey branch to, coldly and disloyally, who will give her more resources, if the opportunity realistically presents itself.MGTOW made me conscious that women’s nature, women’s psychology (that makes perfect Darwinian sense) is not in men’s self-interest. Women survived in the past by exploiting men, bribing men with access to their vagina, in exchange for scarce male hunted meat.I listened to a lot of MGTOW videos and got educated into female psychology. It is on the psychological front that I feel I learned something from the MGTOWs. My earlier fluffie parasite phase was weaker in awareness of female nature than what the MGTOWs were presenting to the public, so I felt I learned from the MGTOWs, and absorbed their teachings into my more politically minded masculism.3)? The Masculist Synthesis PhaseAs a masculist however, I was always sharply critical and cynical of the MGTOWs for their lack of political activism, their selfishness and indifference to the gender plight of other men, their passive, wimpy apoliticality, their lack of solidarity with other men. I remain hostile towards MGTOWs for this major failing of theirs in my view.But MGTOW psychological teachings changed me.I now see women in a different light. I am much more suspicious of women now, thinking that if a woman shows an interest in me, my now MGTOW based instinctive reaction is to think “What does she want from me? How does she hope to exploit me? Does she want my resources? Is she just another bloody fluffie parasite, a fluffie feminist hypocrite?”I felt that too many of the MGTOWs were into female psychology and not enough into gender politics, so became increasingly frustrated by the apoliticality of the MGTOWs and distanced myself from them, even though their psychological teachings had definitely influenced me.So I began to wonder how to incorporate MGTOW teachings and the very existence of the MGTOW movement into my masculist politics.One of the most prominent of MGTOW YouTubers is TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) who is one of the most intelligent of the MGTOWs. He claims that it is a waste of time for men to be political, aiming to menfair the gender laws, menfairing the divorce laws, bringing in the Parer, etc., because of what he calls “the 51% female voter argument” i.e. the idea that even if the men’s lib movement went strongly masculist, and pushed hard for the menfairing of the gender laws, at the end of the day, all that male energy and effort would be wasted, because the majority of voters are female, who will female bloc vote for the upkeep of the menunfair gender laws, particularly in the divorce courts, where women are so heavily favored.TFM’s argument I found persuasive, so wondered how to get around it, because if he remains correct, then men’s lib is doomed to political impotence, leaving men only the MGTOW option as a reaction against fluffie feminist oppression and their exploitation of men’s resources.Some months ago I had an epiphany, one of the best masculist ideas I’ve had in years, which went as follows. To force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, it is necessary to raise the proportion of voters who want the gender laws menfaired, to about 60%, then the gender politicians will be afraid NOT to menfair the gender laws, through fear of being voted out by the voting majority.But there are more voters who are female than male, so how to reach the 60% figure? My epiphany was to have the idea, “by converting women to become female masculists!”? How to do that? By using a two pronged approach, i.e. the carrot and the stick. The carrot would be simply to present masculist ideas on the broadcast media, teaching women how men are oppressed by fluffie parasitism, and how badly men are being hurt in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.Some women will be sympathetic to men’s gender plight and become female masculists, for the same kind of reason that many men are sympathetic to feminism, believing that women should have equal pay, the abortion right, equal access to the professions, etc.The stick, which is probably a far more effective motivator for women to become female masculists, is to scare them with manlessness and babylessness by using MGTOW strategies of avoiding women, as a political tool of the masculists.Thus I began to see MGTOW as a branch, a subset, a political tool, of the masculists. The MGTOWs are definitely increasing in numbers as more and more men are waking up to the reality of having a one in four chance of being financially massacred and having their lives ruined in the divorce courts, if they are stupid enough and gullible enough to marry and have kids. There are now millions of MGTOWs.That MGTOW reality gives the masculists a powerful new weapon to use against women to force women to vote together with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be liberated from manslavery, and so that humanity does not get wiped out, due to the paternity strike created by the MGTOWs, i.e. two thirds of young men under 35, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.So I began to see that the masculists have two main messages for women, i.e. 1) FIP up, and 2) Vote together with men to menfair the gender laws.This double barreled approach of the masculists, i.e. pushing women to FIP up and to vote with men, overcomes TFM’s female voter argument. It is the breakthrough that allows men to feel that it is NOT a waste of time to push for the menfairing of the gender laws, to liberate men from manslavery, to greatly increase the quality of men’s lives.So I felt that this synthesis of a) Fluffie Parasite masculism with b) the MGTOW threat of manlessness and babylessness, was an important one that forms the core strategy of modern masculism, i.e. the royal road to men’s lib. It is the strategy I work with now, and push in my masculist videos.Once you become convinced that masculism is NOT a dead horse, that it has the power and the potential to liberate men, then millions of men can become politically active angry masculists who push women to FIP up and to vote with men, by educating them and scaring them with masculist/MGTOW ideas.The masculists have so much work to do, now that the way ahead is clear. We first have to increase our numbers, and we do that via our internet videos on YouTube (and increasingly with , which does not censor nor demonetizes, as does YouTube).The next step for the masculists is to get the broadcast media on our side. We are men and hence half the population, so men’s lib issues are very important.If the media does not listen to masculism and MGTOW ideas, then the MGTOWs will continue to boycott paternity and hence will wipe out whole populations, due to the crash in the birth rate they are causing, so the media HAVE TO LISTEN sooner or later.Once the media people are on board with masculism, the masses can be taught masculist/MGTOW ideas, convincing women to FIP up and to vote with men.Men’s lib groups need to be established in every high school to exert strong moral pressure on young women to FIP up and stop studying fluffie crap subjects, threatening them with manlessness and babylessness later in life, if they don’t FIP up and pull their financial weight and not expect to be able to parasite off a man in their 30s.Men’s lib groups need to be set up on every campus, pushing women to study FIP majors, e.g. STEM, and the professions, so that they can earn decent salaries, i.e. be FIPs as adults, and not become hated fluffies, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, so hated by the masculists. As the media really gets on board with masculist ideas, and so does society in general, young women will feel the moral pressure to FIP up, coming from all sides, from parents, from teachers, from boys, from the media, from society in general. It will be impossible for them to ignore it.Men’s studies need to be taught at universities, and many books need to be written on the topic of men’s lib, as many as have been written on women issues. Men are half the population and women certainly do not have a monopoly on gender issues. Women oppress men too, as is clear with the fluffie parasitism of men, the manslavery of men, and the need for men to free themselves from that manslavery by forcing women to FIP up or be punished by men, by women not getting one.As the social pressure for the gender laws to be menfaired, mounts and mounts, the gender politicians will feel the heat and be motivated to change the laws to restore a balance between the sexes, so that men are treated fairly, unlike today’s heavily biased gender laws that favor women and are so destructive of men’s lives, that scream out for reform.In time, the gender laws will be menfaired, and men will become more willing to be fathers again, because they will not face the awful risk that is the case in today’s world, of being financially massacred and have their lives destroyed in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, nor be forced to pay for a kid he did not want, through lack of a legal PARER. etc.Gender politicians need to menfair the gender laws across the board, looking systematically at a long list of legal and social discriminations against men, and then menfair them.There is a lot at stake here. The current gender menunfair gender system cannot continue. If it does, then we wipe ourselves out within a century, if one does the math. The current MGTOW created paternity boycott is crashing the birthrate and will wipe out whole populations, so society has to listen to men’s issues and act on them, otherwise it commits suicide.—The above three phases are the main points in my men’s lib intellectual development, my men’s lib intellectual trajectory. I hope you found them interesting and convincing, so that you too will become a masculist and start pushing politically for men’s lib. There is so much to be done, as elaborated upon above.The first step is to be convinced that the way ahead is now clear, so that the first political steps can be taken.? I believe in time, masculism will be seen by future historians to have been as important to men as feminism was to women. Men are half the population, the superior half. Men invent everything, build everything, create everything, so need to be listened to.Men are the creators of culture. Women merely parasite off it, and are only tolerated by men due to women’s monopoly of womb and vagina, but even those are being replaced soon by the sexbots and the artwombs (artificial wombs), so that women will not be needed by men, who will prefer to sex their bots and grow their own kids, and not have to put up with women’s negative qualities, their nagging, their irrationality, their 10% smaller brains, their child minds, their emotionality, their hysterics.Women will be forced to be very nice to men, or they will be ignored. Today’s ascendant feminism, is only a historical glitch. It will not last. Male genius in the form of masculism, sexbots and artwombs will kill off feminism, as women claw against each other desperately to attract men’s dwindling attention.In these circumstances, men will surely get their equal rights and equal respect that they deserve. Men are half the population, and need to be listened to.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris2.6/281 Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that “male chauvinism” (a feminazi term) or “male dominance” (the equivalent masculist term) is genetically determined, and that masculist scientists should attack fluffie feminist hypocrites to destroy feminazi lies, so that the gender laws can be menfaired, so that men can become fathers again, in order to prevent the genocidal actions of the feminazis who made the divorce courts so toxic for men that 2/3 of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves.MALE CHAUVINISM FROM AMASCULIST PERSPECTIVEThis flyer looks at the phenomenon of male chauvinism, but from a masculist perspective, showing why it exists and why it is perfectly justified, something the feminazis will just have to accept, because it will never go away for genetic reasons.In the 70s, I used to be an avid male feminist. I was hoping that feminism would change women away from being the vapid housewives of the 50s and 60s when I was growing up, into women who had minds that they used, with original opinions, who were stimulating to talk to, unlike my mother’s generation, who were so intellectually vacuous, that I could not take them seriously.So, I read a lot about feminism at that time, and absorbed their ideas into my own personality. One of the main ideas of the feminists of the 70s, i.e. second wave feminists (who pushed for political and economic rights, e.g. equal pay for equal work, equal access to the professions, the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy (aka abortion right) etc.) was the idea of “male chauvinism” i.e. the unconscious attitude of men that men were superior to women, that men didn’t really listen to women, not take them seriously, treating women really only as fuck holes, without respectable minds, i.e. as having child minds, that men could not take seriously.This attitude of men infuriated the feminists of the time, so they chose a derogatory term, to express their contempt of it, namely “male chauvinism.”This flyer explains why men have such attitudes towards women, and justifies why men do have these attitudes. This flyer states that these “male chauvinist” attitudes are realistic and unavoidable, given the genetic differences that women have relative to men.I’ll begin, by stating how I was prompted to write this flyer, and how this experience reminded me of my readings of feminist literature in the 70s and 80s.Recently, I was watching a documentary on YouTube on time travel, where the experts in the field (all men of course) were introduced by a pretty young airhead, who obviously knew nothing about the field, but who was able to read, i.e. read a teleprompter.Each time, she came on, I felt irritated. I felt, why is this pretty young thing, this airhead, on this show, introducing and elaborating on what the male experts, of world reputation, were saying. It felt forced, unnatural, incongruous. Why was this silly woman here? Why was she put there?I assume, it was for marketing reasons, i.e. to encourage more pretty young things, i.e. innumerate, isscienate, females to be more motivated to watch it, if they saw someone of their own kind, introducing all these famous, big brained, male world experts, in a topic as abstruse and highly mathematical as time travel, that is based on tensor calculus and Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which is masters level mathematical physics, that probably only one person in a hundred has the brains, i.e. the IQ, to understand, and probably only one person in a thousand, who has both the brains AND the interest to bother to teach themselves all the technical details.So this pretty airhead, this innumerate, isscienate incongruity, ruined the documentary for me. I felt irked watching her.It reminded me when I was a teenager, seeing sexy, fuckable, 20 year old females in bikinis, lounging on the fenders of sports cars at car shows. I had the same feeling then, asking myself “What are these fuckable airhead femaliens doing with these cars?” It was only later, that I came to have an intuitive understanding that it was a marketing trick of the sports car manufacturers, trying to appeal to the unconscious reasoning of the potential male customers, “Buy the car, and this kind of female will be attracted enough to you to want to fuck you.”These two instances, got me thinking about the feminist contempt for male chauvinism, because it was precisely that attitude that I was manifesting, towards the pretty airhead on the YouTube documentary on time travel, and the nubile fuckables on the sports cars.But now, I’m a masculist, a scientist, a PhDed, full research professor, teaching PhD level pure math and math physics to be world for free with my YouTube lecture course videos and the electronic libraries I build in these and other subjects by putting up 10,000s of links to full content technical books, supplied by Google.So, this prompted me to think – “Hmm, I’m showing a male chauvinist attitude towards these female airheads. That would piss off the feminazis.” That is how I would have thought in the 70s, but I’m writing this in the 10s, four decades later, and am now a masculist scientist, so what are my attitudes now?I will spend the next few paragraphs justifying the “male chauvinist” attitudes of men, and then follow that with suggestions on how masculists can use these male chauvinist attitudes to help them menfair the gender laws, and to attack and undermine the current cultural dominance of the feminazis.Firstly, we men need some relabeling. The term “male chauvinist” is obviously biased towards the feminists, so what could we men use that would be more favorable to men? This flyer will claim that men are naturally superior to, and dominate women at the top of the performance scale, so how about simply using the term “male dominance?” I will used this term from now on.Why is male dominance unavoidable? For genetic reasons. In many of my flyers, I push the idea of natural superiority of men over women at the top end of the performance scale. For example, men have a higher average IQ score compared to women, by 4 IQ points. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women (very accurately measured from the 100,000s of US school kids who have their IQs measured each year, so the IQ variance ratio is very accurately known each year, and it comes out monotonously at 1.1, 1.1, …) so that the morons and the genii are male.Women have 10% smaller brains than men, so have 10% smaller neural processing capacities than men, so it is not surprising than women have invented almost nothing, created almost nothing, built almost nothing, compared to men. It is men who build societies, and women parasite off them, to raise the next generation.It is for this reason, that in all cultures, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because from long experience, all cultures know that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to be a highly productive member of the culture than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory, and child minder, which no matter how vital, is not status worthy, because any woman can fuck and raise kids.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are a lot more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so achieve far more than women, hence dominate the entries in the “Who’s Who” books. Men just do more, produce more, outshine women across the board, which is why societies, all societies, value men’s contributions more than women’s, with the obvious exceptions of women’s monopolies of vagina and womb.But even those two traditional monopolies that women have had, are about to be superseded by male engineering genius. The sexbots and the artwombs will be with us within a decade. Early forms of the sexbots are already on the market, with their luscious curves, their movie star faces, their creamy grippy vaginas that women cannot compete with, given that a third of women are fat, and that another third are obese, making most women sexually repulsive to men, due to women’s excess rolls of fat.Now, how can masculist scientists use the above facts to promote masculism, and to combat the feminazis?The feminazis have become genociders, i.e. they are indirectly responsible for whole populations being wiped out, due to their takeover of the divorce courts. The fluffie feminist hypocrites have made the divorce courts so toxic for males that in today’s world, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. In other words, they are MGTOWs, i.e. men going their own way, and due to their boycott of paternity, they are directly wiping out whole populations by refusing to reproduce the next generation.But these MGTOWs are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts as generated by the hated feminazi bitches, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, who have taken over the divorce courts and persuaded the hated gender politicians to create divorce laws that are so heavily favorable to fluffie women.Thus these fluffie feminist hypocrites accept equal rights in the parliaments, but remain fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, i.e. these fluffie feminists want equal rights for women, but reject equal obligations for women, by refusing to FIP up, i.e. become financially independent persons, by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and university, so that they end up with a fluffie crap diploma in a non-STEM, non-profession major, that the economy does not value, so these women inevitably become fluffies, who then in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking hard, look around for some manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for the middle class house she wants to raise HER kids in.A decade later, she will be bored with him, her 41st penis, and will take him to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system and financially massacre him, ruining his life, by stripping him of his kids with a 90% probability, taking his house, half his possessions, child support, and often alimony, so that he remains a manslave to her after the divorce the way she was before the divorce.The above is such a rotten deal for men that the MGTOW movement is no surprise. Young men see the awful damage done to their fathers and older male friends, so wash their hands of marriage and fatherhood. These young men are not fools. They are doing a cost benefit analysis, and coming to the conclusion, in their 100s of millions, that marriage and paternity really suck, so they go MGTOW as a result.Thus the feminazis have to be stopped. They are now genociders, wiping out whole populations, so how to stop them? By destroying their beliefs, and how to do that? By using masculists ideas, i.e. a superior ideology, that feminism cannot compete with, by beating the feminazis at their own game.Now I can connect two of the above dots, i.e. how to use the phenomenon of “male dominance” and the destruction of feminist ideology.I suggest that a handful of masculist scientists, with intellectual abilities superior to the smartest of the feminazis, attack fluffie feminism, with all its hypocrisy, and destroy it, undermining its credibility, by getting on the broadcast media, and smashing feminazi genocide, by utterly discrediting the doctrine of fluffie feminism, and all its hypocrisy.Finding such masculist scientists should not be hard. There are many male scientists who have had similar gender based experiences to my own. I only have to look at my own case, to see that. All my adult life, I have never been able to share my math-physics-philosophy male brain with females.Women are just not interested in these subjects and are incapable of competing with the best of the men in these areas. Hence women win only a pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes. Women are definitely the inferior sex in that respect.Not being able to share my intellectual passions with females, causes me to resent them for their inferiority. I look down on women, as child minds. Such a “male chauvinist” attitude from a feminazi perspective, makes sense from the female point of view, looking up to a superior performance level of the male, and the attitude of “male dominance” makes sense from the male point of view, looking down to an inferior performance level of the female.Both these two relative positions are as valid as the other. It is just a matter of relative perspective, the female, or the male.But as a male, as a masculist scientist, who is politically conscious, that the feminazis HAVE TO BE STOPPED, given they are indirectly wiping out whole populations, then I and other masculist scientists, can use our genetic superiority to smash the feminazis, beating them at their own game, because at the top end of the performance scale, women cannot compete with men.We men have the benefit of larger brains, genius level IQs, higher testosterone levels, than women, so women have no chance. When a handful of such men, collectively start lashing out at the feminazis, telling the world population that these feminazi genociders have to be stooped, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, then major cultural engineering can begin.Society needs to be taught, that the feminazis are evil because they preach lies. These lies are like a religion to women. They are comforting to women because they tell women that they are as capable as men, and can do whatever men can do. Of course this is a lie, as the scientific evidence shows, and in my own case, as shown by my daily life experience. I can’t share my intellectual passions with women, so I lead a rather lonely heterosexual life, always looking down on women as the inferior sex, as having child minds, unable and disinterested in learning what impassions me.The masculist scientists need to push home the idea that men are the superior sex, and beat the feminazis at their own game, i.e. push a superior, i.e. more scientifically accurate ideology onto society, and use that ideology to transform society, to menfair the gender laws, to bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), and menfair the many examples of gender discrimination against men across the board.The next step for the masculists, the few of whom who are scientists and in the intellectual elite, is to recruit more of their own kind, then to educate them to become masculists, so that they become angry, and convinced that the feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrites have become genociders and have to be stopped.These masculist scientists, can then dominate the broadcast media with their ideas, that the smartest feminists will not be able to refute, because the masculist scientists’ views are based on science, whereas the feminazi views are mostly isscienate fairy PC bullshit, having more in common with religion than science.Most feminists are fluffie isscienates anyway, and don’t care much whether the feminazi ideas that they hear form their female peers, are true or not. All they care about, is do these ideas “feel good.”If the feminazis preach that women are as capable as men, then since that is what these fluffie feminists want to believe, it feels good to them, and if these ideas just aren’t true, when one looks scientifically, then that does not matter to them. To most feminazis, feeling takes precedence over facts, i.e. emotions over science.This attitude of the feminazis, particularly the fluffie feminists, merely increases the level of contempt that masculist scientists show towards them. The dismissal of scientific evidence, simply because such evidence doesn’t make women feel good, is treated with contempt by the masculists, for its childishness, it female child brain inferiority. Masculist scientists, sneer at such fluffie feminist attitudes, at such “feelings above facts” attitudes.At the top end of the performance scale, men dominate totally. Statistically, there just aren’t any women at the genius level of performance, so that men who are the genii, just ignore women, don’t think about them, and just get on with what they do, forgetting that all their ideas come from men, are directed towards other men, with only men in the discussion groups, etc.It is to these men, that the masculist scientists need to direct their attention, so that they can be recruited to take up the masculist scientist cause, and then to save society from wiping itself out, due to the paternity strike of the MGTOWs, caused by the fluffie feminist genociding by the feminazis, who have to be destroyed, i.e. their feminazi beliefs need to be totally discredited.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris2.6/294 The Masculist “Freikorps Option” (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer states that the masculists have the “Freikorps Option” i.e. that when push really comes to shove, i.e. when the population really starts to crash, due indirectly to the hated feminazis having taken over the divorce courts and making them toxic for men, resulting in two thirds of young men refusing to marry, refusing to have kids (the critical point) and spending their money on themselves, then masculist soldiers will go on a sex war into the streets, like the German Freikorps, just after the end of WW1, and shoot the hated feminazi bitches, to stop them from indirectly wiping out whole populations, and then forcing the menfairing of the divorce courts and the menfairing of the gender laws, bringing in the Parer etc.THE MASCULIST “FREIKORPS OPTION”?The Freikorps was the German volunteer army who took to the streets in armored cars and machine guns just after the end of WW1, and shot the Jewish communists who were threatening to take over the German government. The Freikorps murdered the Jewish communist intellectual leaders Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg to prevent the Jewish communists from taking over Germany, the way they had taken over Russia in 1917, and then went on to commit the worst holocaust in history, murdering 66 million white Christian Russians, says the highly respected Solzhenitsyn, who made Stalin’s gulags infamous in his book “The Gulag Archipelago”.Solzhenitsyn had a contact in the Russian statistics office who told him that the Russian Jewish communists had killed 66 million people. Solzhenitsyn won a Nobel prize for literature. He wrote two books about the Jews in Russia, one called “die Juden in der Sowjet Union” and the other “Zwei Hundert Jahr Zusammen” (Two Hundred Years Together) which talk about the Jewish takeover, or putsch, of Russia, and then the Jewish mass murder of 66 million white Christian Russians, the greatest holocaust in history. It was not committed ON the Jews, but was committed BY the Jews, namely Jewish Russian communists.Thus the Russian Revolution, was not Russian, it was Jewish, a Jewish putsch, a Jewish seizure of power. Lenin was a quarter or half Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish (Jewish name – Lev Bronstein). Stalin was Jewish. His family name in Georgian meant “son of a Jew”.The Germans hated the takeover of German society by the Jews in the 20s, and did not tolerate the idea that the Jews might take over the German government, the way they had done in Russia, so the Freikorps put its foot down, and saved Germany from a fate similar to what happened to Russia, the victim of the worst holocaust in history.By analogy, the masculists will not tolerate that the hated feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, the amoral, child-minded, ten percent smaller brained, femaliens, indirectly wipe out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids (which is the critical point) and spend their money on themselves.The hated feminazis have indirectly become genociders, who have to be stopped. Responsible minded masculists, i.e. masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that these feminazis are wiping out whole populations, so will stop them, by, in the limit, going out into the streets, the way the Freikorps did, and just shooting these feminazi bitches, so that humanity does not get wiped out.When human communities have their very survival threatened, they will resort to desperate measures, e.g. they go to war, they fight their enemies, who threaten their very existence, by killing them.A similar logic applies to masculist soldiers who will not tolerate that the feminazis take over our society and indirectly wipe it out, by a continuance of the toxicity of the divorce courts, so that young men continue to reject marriage and paternity, i.e. continue to be MGTOWs (men going their own way). The current state of affairs cannot continue, because if it does, then whole populations get wiped out in a mere century.Young men under 35 in the US, Japan, Germany etc., refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and hence will directly wipe out their populations within a century. Do the math. A century is 4 generations. Each generation reproduces only a third of its number, so over a century, that is a third of a third of a third of a third, i.e. about 1%, so that the other 99% dies off and is not replaced, thus destroying the population.This situation is intolerable to the masculists, to masculist soldiers, who look upon the amorality of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who have taken over the divorce courts, not giving a shit for the welfare of the quarter of married fathers, that they financially massacre, and whose lives they destroy.These child-minded women, these hated fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal moral obligations with men, namely bothering to pull their financial weight, by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, to become a FIP (financially independent person) as an adult, and not parasite off the money of a man.Many of these divorcing fluffie feminist bitches, actually hold divorce parties to celebrate their masochistic destruction of the lives of their ex-husbands, which is the main reason why they have become so hated by the masculists.If things continue as they are now, then in time the population will fall, and people will become alarmed. The media will finally wake up that a disaster is in the making, and that something must be done to stop the population crash.It is at this moment that the masculists will tell society, that the root cause of the problem is due to the takeover of the divorce courts, by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, and that they have to be stopped, because indirectly they have become genociders, wiping out whole populations.The masculists will warn society, that if the feminazis are not stopped, if measures are not taken to stop them, then the masculist soldiers will go on a sex war against them, against the gender politicians, who make the menunfair gender laws, e.g. the divorce laws that are so gender unjust against men, who reject the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. and against the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers, murdering thousands of them, in a veritable sex war, for the sake of the preservation of the populations, whose survival, the masculist soldiers are ensuring.Of course, this is an extreme measure, but all wars are extreme, when people kill each other en masse, usually fighting for their survival.The feminazis are now so hated by the masculists, that increasingly, masculists are talking war talk, threatening that if men aren’t given gender justice, then feminazis will be murdered in large numbers, i.e. in a war, a sex war, against feminazis, against feminazi gender politicians, and against feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers.Society has not yet woken up to the idea that whole populations are now being wiped out, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, due to their takeover by the hated feminazis, the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites.It is likely however before the masculists exercise their “Freikorps option” by initiating a sex war, that less extreme measures will first be tied to destroy the feminazis. The most obvious and most benign method is to intellectually destroy the feminazis with a verbally aggressive attack on the very core ideas of the feminazis, discrediting them, with masculist scientifically based attacks, discrediting feminazi ideas, so that the general public no longer accepts them.The masculists need to put such enormous moral pressure against the feminazis, that feminism is destroyed, that young women fear to state publicly that they are feminists, because if they are stupid enough to do that, they will pay a very heavy price. They will be ostracized, totally ignored by men, left to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and spat at for being a feminazi, the most despised kind of female, whom society utterly rejects.We masculists will of course start with an intellectual rejection of feminism, and put enormous moral pressure on society to destroy feminism, accusing the hated feminazis of being indirect genociders, who have to be stopped, but at the end of the day, if the gender laws are not menfaired, if the Parer is not brought in, if the divorce courts continue to massacre men financially and destroy their lives, so that young men continue to reject marriage and paternity, then ultimately the masculists will take up the “Freikorps option”? to ensure the survival of our populations, by going out into the streets and shooting the feminazis, the gender politicians, and the divorce court judges and lawyers. The masculist soldiers will initiate a sex war so that humanity survives.We masculists will not tolerate the amoral, irresponsible, child-minded mentality of the hated feminazis, the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites. In the limit, when populations really start to crash, we masculists will use the “Freikorps option” and simply shoot these feminazi vermin.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris(BitChute) channel/profhugodegaris2.6/299 A Masculist Textbook for Men’s Studies Groups (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer announces my intention of collating my 300+ masculist flyers into a textbook (of 2, perhaps 3, electronic volumes) to be used by men’s studies groups around the world. I plan to have it? done and uploaded for free downloadable distribution before Xmas 2018.A MASCULIST TEXTBOOK FOR MENS STUDIES COURSESRecently I was contacted by someone in the comment section of a video I uploaded to a video sharing site, who said he was a member of a men's studies group in the US, who were using my flyers and videos as their "textbook." This group consisted of a PhD, several grad students, and a few guys with high school diplomas. This is the first time such a thing has happened to me, and it got me thinking. I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a shortish (200 pages) proper introduction to masculism, but instead I could simply collate my 300+ flyers into a book, a rather large book, probably 2 or 3 volumes. Since most of the work is already done, namely, the flyers are already written, and have been filmed and uploaded onto YouTube, Minds, Patreon, and BitChute, then all I have to do is sort the flyers into categories, e.g. Masculist Critiques, Masculist Strategies, etc., and provide some introduction to each part, each chapter, etc., and I'm done. I could do this before the end of 2018, so that is what (at the time of writing, Oct 2018) I'm planning to do, i.e. have a textbook on masculism ready for such men's studies groups to use. Common sense says, that anyone who has made over 300 flyers (2-3 page essays) on a topic, must have had a lot of ideas on that topic. I think this textbook will give people who have never heard of masculism, plenty to think about. Since its format, is largely a collection of collated essays, they read rather like a newspaper op ed. They could be read as bed time reading, several flyers per night, before nodding off to sleep. These flyers are quasi-independent, so could be read almost randomly, although there is some sequential ordering needed. Given the nature of the textbook, i.e. a collation of many essays, there will inevitably be quite a bit of repetition, which is not necessarily a bad thing, for didactic reasons. Reinforcement can be a useful learning device. The risk, is that once one has read a definition for the 17th time, it becomes rather annoying, so some patience will be required. This repetitiveness is also useful for those readers who choose to read the flyers in random order. If a definition is given only once, near the beginning of the book, then such random reading will only raise the obvious question "What does X mean?" By defining X pretty much each time it appears in the textbook, random reading becomes practical. So expect that this book will be featured on my website as a Xmas present to the men's lib community for 2018. As far as I know, it is the first such textbook that aims at a comprehensive explanation of what masculism is all about. By the time a reader has ploughed through these 300+ essays, he (hopefully, some shes) will have been given a pretty good idea of what masculism is. My feeling is that masculism is at a state of development in 2018, where feminism was in the late 60s, i.e. when women were just starting to raise their feminist consciousness, and learning to get angry at how they saw men oppressing women. We men are now starting to raise our men's consciousness and are learning to get angry at women, for their oppression of men, e.g. their financial parasitism, their manslavery, their massacring of ex-husbands in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, their tooth and nail hypocritical opposition to the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. Masculist textbooks, that crystalize masculist ideas into one coherent whole, will hopefully play an important role in the formation of the masculist movement around the world. Where would the Christians, or the Mohammedans be without their bible or Koran? A social movement needs its statement of principles and main ideas, so that people new to these ideas, can learn about them in concentrated form, benefitting from the ideas of people who have spent a lot of time thinking about them, and putting their thoughts onto paper. I hope this text, which I will entitle "MASCULISM : Men's Rebellion against Working for Women" will serve as a catalyst for the men's lib movement, and help large numbers of men (millions?) to have their masculist consciousness raised. I hope that women will also read it, so that they too can have their masculist consciousness raised, so that they become female masculists, since women need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, BEFORE men are prepared to be fathers again. If women don’t vote with men, then women will continue to NOT have babies, as more and more men go MGTOW (men going their own way) utterly disgusted and hateful of the fluffie feminist hypocrite takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that now in many countries, over 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids (the big one) and spend their money on themselves.The masculist use of MGTOW tactics, to force women to vote with men to menfair the gender laws (divorce, Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) by threatening women with babylessness unless women do, implies that women become exposed to masculist ideas, so that they become aware of the problem, i.e. their growing babylessness, and its cause, and most importantly, its solution, i.e. voting with men, to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. Only once the gender laws are menfaired, will men be prepared to be fathers again, so that women can be mothers again, especially with high quality men. It is the high quality men, those with high IQs, who are the first to become masculists and MGTOWs, and it is precisely this kind of man, that women, with their hypergamous natures, want to have kids with, to benefit from the superior DNA of the quality man, to give her kid his higher quality DNA, so that she has a kid with DNA of higher quality than hers, which is good for the species. It makes good Darwinian sense. But in today's world, increasingly, quality men are rejecting paternity and marriage, and refuse to give women their sperm, arguing that until women vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then these quality men will remain MGTOWs in practice. They may pump and dump women, or live the twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (financially independent persons)) lifestyle, with a FIP woman, but they will not give her a kid, and they will pay close attention not to being sperm jacked, by flushing their condoms immediately down the toilet. So, I hope this text book, which spells out in considerable detail (100s of pages) the main ideas of masculist thinking, will be used by both sexes, because both sexes need to have their masculist consciousnesses raised. Both sexes need to learn the lesson, that oppression of one gender by the other is NOT a one way street, as most feminists think, so of course feminists get angry, which makes them gender biased, anger biased, i.e. mono conscious. These anger biased feminists become feminazis, seeking their revenge against men in the divorce courts, that they have taken over, and financially crucify one father in four, ruining these men's lives. These feminazis need to have their masculist consciousness raised, so that they become bi-conscious, i.e. so that they have BOTH their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised. They become aware that gender oppression is a TWO way street, that women can oppress men as well, especially with their fluffiedom, their financial parasitism, their manslavery, by not bothering to get a career competent education, making them fluffies as adults, not becoming FIPs, so expect to parasite off the money of a man, manslaving him. Hopefully, this textbook, will cause large numbers of men to become angry at fluffie parasites, and especially against the hypocrisy of fluffie feminists, who behave as feminists in the parliaments, but as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, by not bothering to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs as adults and not parasiting off the money of a man.) So, if you are a man, and this textbook helps you raise your masculist consciousness, and you have female acquaintances who might be amenable to being influenced by masculist thinking, then by all means, go ahead and give them an electronic copy of this textbook. Its free, and can be copied as much as you want. Spread the masculist ideas. Spread awareness of masculist thinking. Help liberate men from manslavery to women, by forcing women to FIP up. Make men conscious that we men have the FINANCIAL POWER to FORCE women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but thanks to the masculist and MGTOW movements, the supply of such gullible manslaves is drying up, thus forcing women to FIP up if they want to eat.I'll be curious to see what impact this textbook will have had by the beginning of the next decade (2020). Fingers crossed!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/330? The Gender Anger Reversal? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts that when large numbers of men have their masculist consciousness raised, i.e. by becoming aware how men are financially massacred and have their lives ruined at a rate of one father in four in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, no Parer Paternity Rejection Right), etc., then men, with their much higher testosterone levels, will be a lot more verbally violent against women in the 2020s than women, i.e. the feminists, have been against men for the past half century, since the rise of the second wave feminist movement. Whether this greater masculist anger at women will turn into a sex war, resulting in the deaths of millions of feminists, will depend on whether women become female masculists in large numbers, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, not risking today’s gender oppression of men by women, particularly by the hated feminazis, who abuse men, seeing men only as cash machines to pay for women’s manslavery.THE GENDER ANGER REVERSALThis flyer claims that as men become increasingly conscious that women oppress men more than men oppress women, then men will become very angry towards women, reversing the half century trend of greater feminist anger against men. Men have been brainwashed for many generations that the price they had to pay to get regular sex from a woman, was that he be a manslave to her, working for her, so that she could live in a middle class house, raising HER kids, rent free and food cost free, all paid for by him, the man, the sole breadwinner of the family. Men then invented the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, modern science-based medicine, so that women lived well into their 80s, having only 0, 1, or 2 kids, which then gave them a career window of some half century. Women then had time on their hands, once their 2 children were off to kindergarten or primary school, so that women poured into the work force, in large numbers in the 1970s. Women have alien natures relative to men, having evolved with different priorities, namely, finding a man to be a manslave to her, to help her raise her kids, to bring home male hunted meat, and to provide the resources so that the babies born could reach adulthood and create their own kids. Men were often unhappy at having to work together at their jobs with these alien female creatures, and objected, treating women as inferior beings, who nagged, whined, and made themselves rather objectionable to men in what were previously largely male dominated work environments. As a result of this male condescension, women, being the solipsistic creatures that they are, were unable to put themselves into the shoes of males looking at women, and hence be sympathetic towards men who felt disturbed by the presence of women in the workforce. These women, then organized into feminist groups and started pushing for change in the laws that made life easier for women to work in previously male dominated work environments. These feminist women got angry, and pushed for equal rights for women, equal pay for equal work, equal opportunities to enter the professions, the right to legally reject an unwanted pregnancy, that could seriously screw up her life. These “second wave” feminists of the 70s and 80s got collectively angry at men, for blocking women attaining equal rights with men, and so for the past half century, since the rise of the second wave of feminism (after the first wave early in the 20th century, pushing for the right to vote for women) feminists have been angry at men. In other words, for the past half century, it has been women who have been the angry sex, expressing their feminist anger at men, so much so, that society takes it for granted that “gender anger” is a one way street, i.e. anger expressed at men by women, by feminists. This is about to change. We are now living through a major shift in cultural history, in which this half-century old tradition of women’s anger at men, i.e. feminist anger at men,` is about to be reversed, where men become even angrier at women. Why is this happening, and why is it happening now? Probably a century from now, social historians will look back at the 2020s as the decade in which men got angry at women and put enormous moral pressure on them to FIP up, i.e. become financially independent persons, so that men could be freed from their traditional male role of being manslaves to women. Prior to that decade, a growing number of male thinkers began to become conscious that now that women COULD work, i.e. women had a career window of some 50 years, then, women MUST work, that anything else was parasitism of women off the labor of men. These men then joined forces and created a male equivalent of the feminist movement, aimed at the liberation of men. i.e. liberating men from the traditional price men paid to get regular sex from women, i.e. of being a manslave to her, as mentioned above. These men called themselves “masculists” which was the obvious equivalent of the word feminists, i.e. doing for men, what feminism did for women, i.e. masculism was aimed to liberate men from the oppressions of the traditional male role of being a manslave to a woman, working for her, so that she could have an easier time in raising kids, so that she did not have to be both a female careerist and a single mother of small children at the same time. But, if all men refuse to be manslaves to women, wont the population die out? Yes, it obviously will, so men will need to be fathers again so that humanity can survive, but the feminists have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for men, that men are learning a real hatred of the feminists who see men only as cash machines, to be abused, and forced to pay for women to have children on their own, after a divorce. The situation in the divorce courts is so bad, that increasingly, men are talking of a “sex war” in which the gender politicians, who created the deeply misandrist gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts, and not implementing the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc., are the first target, to be assassinated, followed by 1000s of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges, who implement these deeply misandrist divorce laws (e.g. where divorcing fathers, are stripped of their kids with about 90% probability, they lose their house to their ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it, he loses half his possessions to her, pays child payment to his kids whom he will barely see, and if his wife is a real fluffie (i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) he may be forced to pay her alimony for the rest of her life, so that she continues to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to FIP up, i.e. by bothering to get a career competent education and become a FIP as an adult, pulling her own weight financially, and not parasiting off a man.) If the sex war grows in scale, then responsible males, masculist soldiers, may even go out into the streets and simply shoot these feminazis who are so hated by the masculists and by men in general, for committing such massive gender crimes against men. As men become ever more conscious of masculist ideas, they will become increasingly angry at women, especially at fluffie parasites, and at fluffie feminist hypocrites. Masculists see fluffies as vermin, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored by men, not even being pumped and dumped, forced to rot on the shelf, to extinction, so that their fluffie bitch genes are removed from the gene pool. Fluffies are labeled by masculists as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin.” Fluffie feminists are even worse in the eyes of the masculists. It is bad enough that fluffie feminists are fluffies, but they are also seen by the masculists to be hypocrites, and hence even more hated. Fluffie feminists are seen to be hypocrites by masculists, because they act as feminists, pushing for equal rights with men, in the parliaments, but act as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, seeing men as cash machines to be abused, to be exploited to benefit fluffie divorced women, who don’t give a shit about men’s welfare. If you want to see what women really think of men, consider the fact that one mother in four, financially massacres and destroys the lives of a quarter of fathers. Many of these childminded sadist women even hold divorce parties to celebrate their sadism over a fellow human being, who happens to be male, i.e. their ex-husband, the father. These fluffie feminists are despised by the masculists, because these feminists want their cake and to eat it too. They are seen as hypocrites because they want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living with men, by bothering to FIP up, by getting a career competent education at high school and college. In practice, about ? of young women at age 16, at high school, choose to become fluffie crappers, i.e. they choose the soft option majors at junior and senior year at high school, preferring the intellectually easier, intellectually lazier, memory based options, that require less thinking and analytic thought, such as languages, English literature, history, etc., than the hard option, which requires more analytical thought such as math and the sciences. These fluffie crappers than are forced to study more fluffie crap majors at college because they did not study the hard option majors at high school and hence are excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors and the professions at college. These fluffie crapper women then end up with a fluffie crap diploma which does not qualify them with a real skill, that the economy values, so they end up rather poor in their 20s. These 20 something fluffie crapper women then screw around, under the feminist influence, which preaches to them, that with the pill, women can be as promiscuous as men, so that by the time they reach 30, statistics show that they have had some 40 different penises in them. Research also shows, that the larger the number of penises a woman has had in her, the higher is the probability that she will divorce, and hence financially destroy and ruin the life of her ex-husband. In today’s world, in many western countries, one father in four will be financially crucified and have his life destroyed in a fluffie feminist controlled divorce court. The casualty rate of men in these hated divorce courts is far higher than in a major war, resulting in a massive backlash on the part of young men, who wipe their hands of marriage and reject paternity. In many western countries now, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity (the huge issue) and spend their money on themselves. These young men are enraged at what has happened to their fathers, their uncles, their older male friends, and want nothing to do with traditional marriage, because they see the fluffie feminists as destroyers of men’s lives, who don’t give a shit about men’s welfare, seeing men merely as cash machines to be exploited in women’s favor. Of course, the men who are the actual victims of such feminazi abuse have an even greater hatred of these fluffie feminist hypocrites and it is largely from these men that there is growing talk of a sex war, aimed against the feminazis, who are seen increasingly as indirect genociders, who are indirectly wiping out whole populations, because young men are reacting in large numbers (i.e. 2/3 of young men today, and probably within a decade, over 90%) against marriage and paternity, and hence directly wiping out whole populations. To stop this paternity rejection on the part of young men, the divorce courts need to be menfaired, but the feminazis refuse to do that. These hated feminazi bitches like their privileges in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, and refuse to budge. This is one of the reasons why responsible males, masculist soldiers are talking increasingly of a sex war, to eliminate these feminazis, i.e. killing them, i.e. the lesser evil, compared to the much greater evil of whole populations being wiped out, which is the current trend. As more and more men have their masculist consciousness raised, i.e. they see that women expect them to be manslaves to women, to work for women, to suffer financial crucifixion in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, men are getting angrier and angrier against the fluffie parasites and especially against the fluffie feminist hypocrites, lashing out at them with male intellectual superiority and much greater, testosterone fueled male anger. Women sexually selected men who were taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer, and smarter than them, because women wanted the superior DNA of these superior men for their kids. This instinct of women to mate UP, i.e. with a superior male, is called hypergamy. Men are much more aggressive than women, due to their much higher testosterone levels, which itself is a result of women hypergamously sexually selecting more aggressive men as their sexual partners, because a more aggressive male would be more likely to successfully defend her against other aggressive males from enemy tribes or even within her own tribe. Thus, when men become gender angry, at the ways in which women oppress men, they will be a lot angrier than women have ever been, simply because they are men, with genetically determined higher aggression levels. So it is no stretch of the imagination, to predict that when men become universally conscious how women oppress men, and oppress men far more than men oppress women, then men will become far angrier at women, than was feminist anger at men for the ways men oppress women. I predict the tipping point, when society generally accepts that men have become angrier at women than vice versa, will occur in the 2020s which is not so far away now. The vital enabling factor for this tipping point to be reached, is the masculists’ education of the mass media, so that journalists, TV producers, etc., become conscious of the masculist message, are inspired by it, and then spread it to the masses, so that millions, later billions of men become aware of women’s oppression of men, fluffies’ manslavery of men, the financial massacring of men in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, no Parer, etc. From the point of view of the masculist sages (i.e. intellectuals, thinkers) the writing is already on the wall. Masculist sages can see clearly, that it is only a question of time before men explode in real rage at the way women oppress men, and lash out violently, both verbally, and in time, even militarily, in a sex war, to overcome women’s far greater oppression of men, than vice versa. A sex war may not be necessary, if millions of women can be persuaded to hate the feminazis as much as men do. The masculist strategy to avoid a sex war is to threaten women with babylessness, a la MGTOW (men going their own way) by telling young women “You must vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that being a father is not toxic, the way it is today, with a one in four chance of being financially massacred and having his life ruined, in a hated feminazi dominated divorce court. Women will be forced by this masculist tactic to choose between giving up their privileges in the divorce courts, or having a baby. With 2/3 of young men now rejecting paternity, young women are really starting to panic as they realize that they are not going to have quality babies, because they are unable to persuade quality young men to give them their sperm. So the masculists are telling young women “Learn to hate the feminazis, because it is they who are the root cause of you not being able to get sperm from quality men. Quality men, i.e. the smarter ones, are the first to go masculist, and have their masculist consciousness raised, and hence the first to get angry at the fluffie parasites and the fluffie feminist hypocrites, and are the first to go their own way, i.e. become MGTOWs. With women voting with men to menfair the gender laws (e.g. the divorce courts, so that custody of kids is automatically JOINT, so that alimony is thrown out, so that the original owner(s) of the house gets to keep it, so that society puts strong moral pressure on women to FIP up, or be spat at by men and increasingly by FIP women, for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, fluffies. Masculist anger I see as inevitable. We men have so much to be angry about, so the gender anger reversal of the title, is inevitable. Whether a sex war is inevitable, to avoid the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites from wiping out whole populations, is more debatable. Masculists need to make a real effort to convert women into being female masculists, so that women can get sperm again from quality males. The gender politicians need to be forced to menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, otherwise we wipe ourselves out, and a sex war will be necessary. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that the hated feminazi bitches, indirectly wipe out whole populations as they are currently doing. One way or another, these feminazis have to be stopped. Of course, the nonviolent way, of converting women into becoming female masculists is the preferred way to go, but if it fails, masculist soldiers will murder millions of feminazis in the sex war, to preserve the human population. Women, be warned.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/331? Mascunazis? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that masculists need to become mascunazis, i.e. to be consciously, deliberately, obnoxious, verbally violent and rude towards the hated feminazis, who are indirectly wiping out whole populations, having taken over the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage such a shitty deal for men, that 2/3 of young men in many countries ,now refuse to marry, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves, making these hated feminazis indirect genociders, who have to be stopped. If a sex ware killing millions of women is to be avoided, milder methods to stop the feminazis, need to be employed. One way may be for masculists to employ mascunazi tactics to cause feminazis to fear mascunazis, so that the feminazis stop their resistance to preventing the menfairing of the gender laws. Mascunazi haranguing of feminazis is preferable to shooting them, but the latter remains an option of the masculists in a sex war, to prevent the feminazis wiping out whole populations as they are indirectly currently doing.MASCUNAZISThe word “mascunazi” is the obvious male equivalent of the word “feminazi”, i.e. a masculist who is consciously, deliberately, obnoxious, i.e. hurtful and rude, to fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist third wave hypocrites, giving them more than a taste of their own medicine, in order to destroy them, without having to resort to bitch slapping or even worse, bullets, in a sex war, killing millions of them. Why the need for masculists to become mascunazis? Because the fluffie feminist hypocrites have to be destroyed, so that whole populations are not indirectly wiped out, by the takeover of the divorce courts, by these hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who treat men as cash machines to be abused, robbed, and discarded. Such women are hated by men, and certainly by the masculists, so when masculists are confronted by such women, masculists need to turn into mascunazis, and abuse these women with real masculist venom, hatred, and greatly superior male anger, using men’s higher levels of testosterone, men’s much greater anger levels, that usually scare the shit out of women, who usually run away to hide when a man gets really angry. Masculists are conscious that the hated feminazis have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for males, that in a string of major countries now, e.g. the US, Japan, Germany, etc., two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity (the huge issue) and spend their money on themselves. The feminazi controlled divorce courts are so toxic for men, that men are really learning to hate these feminazis, with growing talk within the masculist movement, of a sex war, to stop the childminded, grossly irresponsible, behavior and abusive power of these indirect genociders, who are the root cause for why such a high proportion of young men refuse to be fathers. These feminazis don’t give a shit about the men they financially massacre in the divorce courts. They are fluffie feminist hypocrites, having had their feminist consciousnesses raised, and so are angry at men for the ways that men oppress women, but know nothing about masculism, being unaware of how women oppress men far more than vice versa, due to women’s financial parasitism, female manslavery, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts, the red pill nature of women, i.e. not loving men, but rather men’s sexploitability, women’s lifelong nagging, etc. The masculists are now supplying men with intellectual tools so that they can become mascunazis, able to beat the feminazis at their own game, by haranguing them with real male anger and hatred at what the feminazi hypocrites have done to men particularly in the divorce courts, by rejecting the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. In order to stop the feminazis indirectly wiping out whole populations, as they are currently doing, by making divorce so toxic for men, that they have made marriage toxic for men. Modern marriage is such a shitty deal for men, that 2/3 of young men reject it, reject paternity, and go their own way, spending their money on themselves. This is a gender crime on a massive scale, that the feminazis need to be punished for. In the limit, responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not TOLERATE that these feminazi bitches indirectly wipe out whole populations, so will go on a sex war to stop them, shooting them if necessary, in a sex war. Of course, such drastic measures may not be necessary. There are alternative means to stopping the hated feminazis in their tracks, and that is to behave a mascunazis against them, giving them a real taste of their own medicine, haranguing them with real masculist hatred, outdoing them at their own game, scaring them shitless, with displays of real male venom, hurling valid and highly emotional criticism at them, expressing male hatred for what these hated feminazi bitches are doing, so that they are forced to give up their gender criminal power in the divorce courts, so that women fear the mascunazis and are motivated to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, without running the current risk of having his life ruined with a one chance in four of being financially crucified in favor of his fluffie hypocrite ex-wife in a fluffie hypocrite dominated divorce court system, taken over by the hated gender criminal, fluffie feminist hypocrites. Men need to have their masculist consciousnesses raised, so that they can organize and go to feminist public meetings, and trash them, if these feminazis unjustifiably trash men, based on feminazi myths rather than scientifically verified realities. Most feminazis are isscienate fairies, i.e. are unable to reason scientifically due to a lack of knowledge of science, who support their femnazi ideology with myths rather than facts. Most feminists are isscienate fairies, who are monoconscious. They know nothing about masculism, how women oppress men, and often for many decades, sustained, deeply oppressive exploitation of men, acting as manslavers, sexploiters of men’s money, bribing men with sex in the short term, so that men start giving women men’s resources. These fluffie feminist wives then get bored with their manslaved husbands and take them to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, to have him financially massacred in her favor, because the lawyers and judges of this divorce court system are also fluffie feminazis, who have the attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies, i.e. these divorce court lawyers and judges are just as much manslaving as the divorcing mothers, expecting to be able to financially destroy a man, and not give a shit about his welfare. It is this massive callousness, this sadistic gender crime on such a massive scale, destroying the lives of one father in four that is the main reason why masculists have such a hatred of fluffie feminist hypocrites and are determined to destroy them, to wipe them out, so that feminazis become afraid to air their views in public through fear of being confronted, by extremely angry, bitter, murderously hateful masculists, by mascunazis, who consciously, deliberately aim to crush the feminazis, first with words, later with bitch slaps, then fist, and finally, if necessary with bullets. We responsible males WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT THESE HATED FEMINAZI BITCHES INDIRECTLY WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS. It is to prevent this catastrophe, that masculists become mascunazis to blast the hated feminazi bitches out of the room, when the feminazis spread their myth based attitudes. These feminazis want equality of outcomes, by for example, having quotas in the board rooms of companies, having equal number of members of both sexes in the parliaments, etc. This would be fine if in reality, men and women had the same performance score distributions, but they don’t. Men outperform women across the board, thanks to women’s hypergamy, i.e. the female instinct to mate up, to get the superior DNA of the superior man for her kids, which is beneficial for the species, and hence was evolutionarily selected for. Thus, society, and general overall performance levels, are dominated by men, since it is women who have a monopoly over reproduction, it is women who decide which penises ejaculate inside them, who decide what kind of children they want. The side effect of this hypergamy is that males outperform women in almost everything, so imposing female quotas as the feminazis want, will only discriminate against men, when the lowest scoring women who are given such appointments, get lower performance scores than the top scoring men who were rejected. This equality of outcomes that the feminazis want, is discriminatory against men, but these feminazis don’t give a shit about that. They are not about equality for both sexes. They want to benefit women, at men’s expense. They want to be sexist against men, to the benefit of women. They are profoundly hypocritical that way, favoring women over men, and this makes masculists very angry. It is against such feminazi behavior and attitudes, that the masculists employ mascunazi behavior, expressing masculist hatred and anger against these feminazi bitches. Men need to first learn about masculist ideas, so that they become angry at fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites, then convert themselves into becoming strongly angry mascunazis, haranguing fluffie feminists with masculist rhetoric and real male anger, telling these feminazi bitches very clearly why men are so angry at them, so that women both understand, and become fearful of mascunazis, so that these feminazis stop their oppression against men, otherwise, a sex war will come, resulting possibly in these feminazis being killed, by murderously hateful masculist soldiers, who will be prepared to kill millions of feminazis as the lesser evil, in stopping the feminazi hypocrites from wiping out whole populations, as they are currently doing. Responsible males can see what is happening in the divorce courts, and can see the writing on the wall, which most feminazis, being rather child minded in their ability to see the future, are incapable of, so that it will be responsible males, masculist soldiers, who will take the gender criminal power of the feminazis in the divorce courts away from them, either with bullets, or bitch slapping them to oblivion. There is a lot at stake here. The present gender status quo in the divorce courts, the lack of a paper (paternity rejection right) etc., cannot last. With one father in four, being financially crucified and having his life destroyed, means that men will snap, pick up arms and go on a sex war, because what is currently happening to men in the divorce courts controlled by these hated feminazi hypocrites, is a war issue, and will be solved by military means, if no other way is successful. Women on the whole are too solipsistic, too child minded, with their 10% smaller brains, to have enough vision, to agree with the masculists, so the masculists will have to employ mascunazi tactics, to force women to menfair the gender laws, otherwise they may risk being killed by mascunazi soldiers, if a sex war comes, that the masculist theorists are increasingly talking about. Those more reasonable women, who are not feminazi bitches, need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so as to prevent a sex war. But if most women remain loyal to their own sex, at men’s expense, then the sex war will be much more bitter, more hateful, as millions of women are killed. Another way to avoid a sex war, is simply to convert the male law enforcers to become masculists, and then to simply quietly remove women’s right to vote, which will then make the menfairing of the gender laws much easier. In practice, probably all of the above strategies will be employed by the masculists, as all such strategies lead towards the same goal, i.e. men’s lib, freeing men from the oppressive sexploitation of men by women, by fluffie parasites, by fluffie feminist hypocrites.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/338? Masculist Scientists are the Third Wave Feminists Most Formidable Enemy, Intellectually Crushing Them? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer says that masculist scientists are the most formidable enemy of the hated third wave feminists, who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that they have become indirect genociders, causing 2/3 of young men to avoid marriage, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves.? These third wave feminazis are indirectly wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. One way to do this is with bullets, killing them in a sex war. The other major alternative is to have masculist scientists harangue them with masculist science so that the general public no longer believes in third wave feminism, seeing it as dangerous, based on fictions, that do not stand up to scientific scrutiny. The aim of the masculist scientists is to destroy third wave feminism, so that a sex war, killing thousands/millions of feminazis can be avoided.MASCULIST SCIENTISTS ARE THE THIRD WAVE FEMINISTS MOST FORMIDABLE ENEMY, INTELLECTUALLY CRUSHING THEMThe third wave feminists aim to give women power, at men’s expense, treating power acquisition as a zero sum game, i.e. power gained by women, is power lost by men, especially lately in the divorce courts, which are now third wave feminazi dominated. Divorce court lawyers and judges are nearly all third wave feminists, who know nothing about masculism, so see gender oppression as a one way street, i.e. that men oppress women, so in their monoconscious eyes (i.e. only having had their feminist consciousness raised) they feel justified in feeling angry at men, and consciously or unconsciously tend to punish men in the divorce courts, getting their feminist revenge against men by financially massacring men, ruining their lives and making themselves truly hated by an ever growing number of men, who then become masculists, with a murderous hatred of feminazis, whom they see as misandrist, male dumping, feminazi bitches. There is growing talk within the men’s lib movement of literally killing divorce court feminazis. These divorced men, one father in four, thus millions of men, use masculist ideas to justify their growing talk of killing them, going on a sex war, to rid the world of these feminazi sadists who treat men as cash machines, to be robbed, abused, and then discarded, not giving a shit about the welfare of half the population. These men see these third wave feminazis as vermin, to be exterminated in a sex war, where in the limit, responsible males, masculist soldiers, will go out into the streets and simply shoot these feminazi vermin, arguing that this is the much lesser evil than putting up with the gender status quo, which indirectly is wiping out whole populations, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, causing two thirds of young men under 35 to avoid marriage, reject paternity, and spending their money on themselves. Directly, it is these young men who are wiping out whole populations, but they are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, controlled by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the third wave feminazis. Thus these third wave feminazis in the divorce courts have become indirect genociders, so have to be stopped. If a sex war comes, the gender politicians will be assassinated, since they are the gender criminals who created these massively gender unjust laws in the first place. Then thousands of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges will be murdered and women will be stripped of the right to vote. Male voters will then menfair the gender laws, reforming the divorce laws so that they are fair to men, e.g. throwing out alimony, making custody of the kids JOINT by default, allowing the owner of the house to keep it, socially engineering young women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they become FIPs as adults, by getting a career competent education at high school and college, so that they do not expect to parasite off the money of a man. But, a sex war is still a war, where thousands, and perhaps millions, of feminazis are killed. There is a more benign way, that the masculist theorists are pushing, and that is to destroy belief in third wave feminism itself, by making it non credible in the public’s eyes. This strategy to destroy third wave feminism relies on masculist scientists, the most formidable enemy of the feminazis, because these masculist scientists will harangue feminazis at feminist meetings, with strong masculist venom and verbal aggression, pointing out to the audiences at these meetings, that most of the core ideas of third wave feminism are scientifically false, and should not be believed in. The aim of these masculist scientists is to destroy the credibility of third wave feminism, so that the general public no longer accepts it, and better, rejects it, as dangerous, because indirectly, these third wave feminazis have become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, that it is far better to destroy belief in these feminazi ideas that don’t hold up to scientific scrutiny, than to kill thousands/millions of feminazis with bullets. So, the masculists, masculist scientists, aim to teach many more men to think like masculist scientists and to harangue the feminazis at their meetings and demos, yelling at them slogans such as “Feminazi genociders! Divorce court sadists! Misandrist bitches! Feminazi vermin! Isscienate innumerate fairies! Child minded gullibles! etc., etc.” So, in order to intellectually arm more men, so that they can help in the effort to intellectually crush third wave feminism, as the more humane way of stopping the indirect third wave feminazi genocide of whole populations, here are some of the strongest masculist scientist arguments against third wave feminism, that budding masculist scientists can use against these isscienate feminazi bitches, and against their girlfriends, dumping them, once these young masculist soldiers see their girlfriends and female acquaintances, as genocidal, who have to be stopped, punished, removed from power, removed certainly from the divorce courts, which is the real battle ground in the sex war. So, what are the core beliefs of the feminazis that need to be destroyed, using scientific reasoning? I’ll list a few of them here in bulleted form, and then talk about them. 1. Women are the equals of men, anything a man can do, women can do. 2. Women are as smart as men, and should be treated with equal respect as men. 3. Men are toxic, who need to be stripped of their power. 4. Men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. 5. The patriarchy, i.e. general male dominance, needs to be destroyed by giving equal power to women. 6. Women should be free to study whatever they want at high school and college. 7. Men’s condescension in the work place has to be stopped, by law if necessary. 8. It is not enough to have equal opportunities for women in the workplace, but rather equal outcomes, i.e. quotas for women need to be imposed, in the parliaments, company boardrooms, professorships at universities, etc. to ensure half of these positions of power are taken by women. 9. Men should stop seeing women as sex objects, as pieces of meat to be penised. 10. Women should have the right to stay at home raising kids if she wants to. It is her choice. I could go on and on, but this list is already quite long, so I’ll stop here. Note, in this list, there is NO claim that women should be given equal opportunities in the work place, which is what second wave feminists were largely about. Masculists are in favor of second wave feminism, because masculists are pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, in which all adults are FIPs, so that girls are socialized and educated to be FIPs, so that they don’t expect to parasite off the money of a man, as ? of 16 year olds in western countries do today, by choosing to study fluffie crap majors, instead of career competent major in their last two years of high school. Masculists push second wave feminism, i.e. equal rights for women in the workforce, because such rights are needed for women to become effective FIPs. Equal rights for women is a prerequisite needed by the masculists to be able to push women to FIP up. What now follows are refutations, based on scientific knowledge, and masculist ethics to some extent, that budding masculist scientists need to know, to have as part of their intellectual armory, as ideological weapons, that they can use to cause women to see third wave feminism as un believable, as dangerous, to be dropped, so that humanity can survive, so that a sex war that kills thousands/millions of feminazis can be avoided. Women are the equals of men, anything a man can do, women can do. No! Women are not the equals of men. Research shows that women are dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points. (YouTube Prof Rushton or Prof. Lynn on this.) Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women (i.e. men’s IQ scores are more spread out over the population than women’s which are more bunched up, so the morons and the genii are men. (This is known because every year in the US, 100,000s of school kids have their IQs measured, so the IQ variance ratio (i.e. men’s variance over women’s variance) is very accurately know, and like clockwork, it comes out every year at 1.1, 1.1, 1.1 … Since men are the genii, it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. It is men who create and build cultures, and it is women who parasite off them. Men only tolerate women because of their two traditional monopolies of vagina and womb, but the coming rise of the sexbots and artwombs, will soon destroy those monopolies. Then women’s status will plunge. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so complete difficult tasks more readily than women, so there are many great men, and almost no great women. Men are the superior sex, so deserve their higher status. Women are as smart as men, and should be treated with equal respect as men. See above, to see that women are NOT as smart as men. Women have 10% smaller brains, hence 10% fewer neurons, 10% lower neural processing capacities, so don’t invent much, create much, build much. Women are clearly inferior creatures, as shown by science, but most feminazis don’t care that they are isscienates, preferring feelings to facts, which is why masculist scientists have such condescending contempt for them. Since men are the superior sex, men should be treated with greater respect than women, since women are really only tolerated by men, due to women’s traditional role of being baby factories and child raisers, which although vital, is not status worthy, since to put it bluntly “any woman can fuck and raise kids.” Men are toxic, who need to be stripped of their power. Women have always had a monopoly over reproduction, i.e. it is women who decide which man gets to ejaculate inside her. Thus men are the way they are, because women wanted it that way. For evolutionary reasons, women wanted men who were taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer than they were, to be better able to protect them against other men. Women also wanted men who were smarter than they were, because smarter men made better hunters, who brought home more bacon for her and her kids, so after 10,000s of generations, men simply are taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer, smarter than women. If one looks at the percentage of female prime ministers and national presidents who went to war, it is actually higher than the male percentage, so the feminazis are being intellectually lazy in not doing their homework. Men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. Resisting this deeply held attitude that women have, including feminists, is one of the core ideas of the masculists, which is even in the very title of my book, i.e. “Masculism, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women.” Masculists aim to create a FIP Society, where all adults are FIPs by parental socialization and societal education, so that girls are taught to be EMO FIPs, i.e. to have equal moral obligations, i.e. to expect to FIP up, by getting a career competent education, so that she becomes a FIP and does NOT expect to be able to parasite off a man, which is an attitude that may get her shot if a sex war comes. Men will only have babies again, if the gender laws are made menfair, and for that to happen, women, especially young women, need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise, men will continue to reject paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce laws, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the third wave feminazis. The patriarchy, i.e. general male dominance, needs to be destroyed by giving equal power to women. Most feminists are both isscienate and innumerate, i.e. are unable to think scientifically, due to ignorance of science, and cannot calculate. They know nothing of biology and genetics. Nearly all women would fail the “ribosome test” i.e. to give a two minute talk on the function of the ribosome, showing they don’t know the first thing about genetics, or evolution, or evolutionary psychology. Masculist scientists know that the patriarchy, i.e. general male dominance, with men occupying most of the positions of power, is due to two things. One is women’s hypergamy, i.e. women’s instinct to mate up, to obtain the superior DNA from a superior male for her kids, so that her kids end up with superior DNA compared to hers, which is good for the species, so it evolved. Since women sexually selected smarter men for a million years, it is not surprising that men are smarter than women, and dominate cultures, the way Ashkenazi Jews dominate the US, with their 15 IQ points average superiority over US whites. Thus the patriarchy, that the third wave feminists are out to destroy, is largely created by women, which is a hypocrisy that the masculist scientists can sneer at, due to its wonderful irony. The other major factor causing the patriarchy is GMV, greater male variance, i.e. men’s scores on just about anything measurable, will be more spread out over the whole population, including intelligence, ambition, persistence, etc., so of course men dominate. The feminazi hope of ending the patriarchy, is a pipe dream, based on ignorance of biology, of science. Feminazis are isscienate fairies, living in a fairyland, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, making them no better than religionists, or flat earthers, or creationists. Women should be free to study whatever they want at high school and college. When masculists hear women say this, it is obvious to them, that such women are monoconscious, i.e. they know nothing about masculism. These women have not have their masculist consciousness raised. A woman can only be a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) staying at home being a mother, if some gullible manslavable man is prepared to pay for her, to be sexploited by her. Thanks to the masculist and MGTOW movements, the supply of such gullible manslavable men is drying up, as masculists and MGTOWs tell men, via the internet, that if they are fathers, they have a one chance in four of being financially massacred and having their lives destroyed by the hated fluffie feminazis in the divorce courts. One of the aims of the masculists is to FORCE women to grow up, to FIP up, by becoming EMO FIPs, by abandoning any hope of remaining a fluffie, or be spat at, forced to rot on the shelf, by being forced into manlessness, and hence being loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, and ostracized. Men’s condescension in the work place has to be stopped, by law if necessary. Elite males don’t take women seriously, for the simple reason that women’s track record is so inferior to men’s. With women’s 4 IQ point lower average IQ, women’s 10% lower IQ variance, and lower testosterone levels, the top performing males inevitably look down on women, seeing them basically as walking cunts, not to be taken seriously. Those elite males who through their extraordinary abilities, who rise to the top, are the most likely to be the most condescending, because they see the most clearly, the genetic inferiority of women. The feminazis cannot cause this male condescension to disappear, that is based on science confirmed reality, by making laws against it. Such a hope is childishly na?ve. Elite masculist scientists see women as having child minds, who are short sighted, and irresponsible, not seeing the bigger picture, particularly the longer term consequences of the crashing population, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, who think only of their short term gains for women at their divorcing husbands expense. It is not enough to have equal opportunities for women in the workplace, but rather equal outcomes, i.e. quotas for women need to be imposed, in the parliaments, company boardrooms, professorships at universities, etc. to ensure half of these positions ae taken by women. The masculists will fight this hard, because men have higher genetic abilities than women, so if 50-50 quotas are imposed on men, so that half of the positions of power are occupied by women, by law, then that will sexually discriminate against men, since the bottom scoring women who get a power slot will be LESS able, than the top scoring males who did not get a power slot. This is also bad for the culture, since it means that the most able people are not getting the top slots. Equal outcomes for women is pushed by the feminazis, due to their isscienacy, their ignorance of male genetic superiority. They believe in equal abilities of women compared to men, simply because they WANT to believe in such a fantasy world, because it FEELS good. Facts are irrelevant to such isscienate feminazis, which is why masculist scientists piss on them, discrediting them as “isscienate fairies” “irresponsible childminds.” Men should stop seeing women as sex objects, as pieces of meat to be penised. Fat chance. Men evolved to be that way. So much of men’s sexuality is vision based. Look at the size of the fakeup industry, where women paint their faces, pretending to be sexually aroused with their red lipstick, that attracts men unconsciously, tricking their brains, to think that the lipstick wearing woman is sexually aroused, and therefore interesting for a man’s gaze. Women evolved to be prostitutes to men, in order to be more effective parasites off men’s scarce male hunted meat. Women lost their days of sexual heat, like dogs or monkeys, by having all their days of the month being in sexual heat. The human female is the sexiest of mammals in that sense. From men’s perspective, the only really interesting attribute that women have, is their vaginas. If all women sewed up their vaginas, men would be ignoring women within a week. The feminazis cannot fight men’s biology, that women themselves played such a strong part in its evolution, since men are the way they are because women sexually selected men to be like that. Women should have the right to stay at home raising kids if she wants to. It is her choice. No, it is not her choice. Masculists tell men, that men have the financial power to force women to FIP up, or be punished by not getting a man. Women live into their 80s, so even women with two kids, still has a career window of some half a century, so that now that women CAN work, they MUST work, and have a powerful moral obligation to FIP up, to get a career competent education, or women will be seen as fluffies and thus be hated by men. Women have a powerful moral obligation to FIP up, or be treated by men as manslaving, parasitic bitches, who are punished by men, by not getting one, hence being ignored, and having no baby. Such women are vermin to men and certainly to masculists. The masculists aim to wipe out such women, by forcing them to grow up, to FIP up, to take responsibility for their own lives, or be thrown out of society. A woman who stays at home raising HER kids, can only do that if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave. The masculists aim to wipe out manslavery, by wiping out fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, with bullets in necessary in a sex war. But since a sex war is much more drastic and violent, at first the masculist scientist haranguing of the feminazis will be applied, and only if that fails, will thousands/millions of feminazis be killed. So, to you younger masculist scientists, absorb the intellectual tools above, and use them to kill off belief in third wave feminism, so that a sex war is not necessary. All men should be so armed, so that they can hit back hard at the hated feminazi bitches who are currently indirectly wiping out whole populations, with their third wave feminist takeover of the divorce courts, exerting their female power irresponsibly, short sightedly, and so have to be stopped. Science is the best knowledge generating system that men have ever invented, making masculist scientists the most formidable enemy of the third wave feminazis, because masculist scientists have the power, the knowledge, the intellectual clout, to destroy them, and destroy them they must, otherwise humanity is left only with the option of using bullets to remove them from the scene, an obviously less desirable alternative.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/340? The Masculists ‘Feminists as Fools’ Strategy? (link)? Part 1? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer presents a strategy of the masculists to make feminists look like fools, so as to help destroy the credibility of third wave feminists, as the much more humane alternative to having responsible, masculist soldiers go out into the streets and simply shoot millions of feminazis, to stop them indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, which financially massacres and destroys the lives of one father in four, which then motivates 2/3 of young men in many western countries to reject marriage and paternity, which wipes out whole populations, but these young men are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, so it is the feminazis who are the indirect genociders, who have to be stopped, either with bullets or by having their isscienate fairy, PC bullshit ideology destroyed, by destroying its credibility. This flyer lists the core ideas of the third wave feminazis and then destroys them one by one, with masculist science-based arguments, as a contribution towards destroying the credibility of third wave feminazism.THE MASCULISTS ‘FEMINISTS ASFOOLS’ STRATEGYThis flyer maps out a strategy to be used by masculists to help destroy the credibility (or the lack of it) of third wave feminism, so that it is destroyed, due to people, including former feminists, no longer believe in it, so that the more humane alternative (to using bullets in a sex war, to wipe out the feminazis, who have now become indirect genociders, wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, and making them so toxic for men, that in many western countries, two thirds of young men refuse to marry, reject paternity (the huge issue) and spend their money on themselves) is used instead. It is the feminazis, the third wave feminists, who are out to increase women’s power at men’s expense, who don’t care if they screw over men, so long as women get more power, are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, so they have to be stopped. There are two main ways to do this, one is the more drastic, more violent way, and that is to physically destroy the third wave feminazis themselves, by killing them, shooting them in a sex war, where responsible men, masculist soldiers, go out into the streets and literally kill millions of feminazis. These responsible males, will NOT TOLERATE, that these short term thinking, amoral, 10% smaller brained, femaliens, wipe out whole populations. These masculist soldiers argue that it is better to wipe out a few million feminazis, than to accept that billions of people get wiped out by not being replaced by a younger generation, due to the fact that the feminazis have made divorce, and hence marriage and paternity, so toxic for men that young men tell themselves “Fuck marriage, fuck paternity. I’m not going to marry. I’ll have no kids, and I’ll spend my money on myself. I refuse to be a manslave to some feminazi bitch, some fluffie parasite, who pushes for equal rights for women, but hypocritically doesn’t bother to FIP up (become a financially independent person) by bothering to get a career competent education, to become a FIP as an adult, and then expects men to pay for her to have HER kids, and after a decade of marriage, will take her gullible manslave to the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court, and see him financially crucified in her favor, getting custody of his kids with 90% probability, getting his house that he paid for, forcing him to pay her child payments to kids he will barely see, and often alimony to his fluffie parasite ex-wife, so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce as she did before the divorce, and often for the rest of her life. Fuck that! Fuck fluffie parasites, or better still, that no man fucks them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, the hypocritical, parasitic, immoral, manslaving vermin, that we young men won’t go near, forcing them to grow up, woman up, FIP up, forcing them to become adults, taking responsibility for their own lives or pay a horrible price, of being babyless, because no quality young man is willing to give her his sperm. Such fluffie parasite feminazis are vermin to us, to be wiped out, killed, if there is no other way, because as masculists, we see such fluffies as manslavers, as vile, to be exterminated, removed from the planet, the way slavers of negroes were removed in the US civil war. It took a war to remove negro slavery in the US in the 1900s. Masculists today do not deny the possibility that it might take a sex war, killing millions of feminazis, to remove the world of manslavery, forcing women to FIP up, to stop seeing men as sexploitable manslaves, as women evolved to see men as. Women will have to adapt to the standards that masculists force on them, i.e. to FIP up. Women will have to go against their own evolved expectations towards men, seeing men as sexploitable manslaves, who exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. The masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, to pull their weight financially, to become EMO FIPs, i.e. having equal moral obligations, to FIP up, who feel ashamed to be fluffie parasites, feeling that they have a moral obligation to FIP up, otherwise they will see themselves as fluffie sexploitative vermin, agreeing with the masculists that such women are to be wiped out, by being totally ignored by men, forced to rot on the shelf, to extinction, so that the only female genes left are much more FIP oriented, a form of genetic filtering, enforced by the masculists, who have the financial power to force women to FIP up, because a woman can only be a fluffie, the opposite of a FIP, if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the supply of such manslaves is drying up, as masculists and MGTOWs (men going their own way) tell millions of men, via the internet, not to marry, not to have kids, because if they are stupid enough to marry and have kids, they then play Russian roulette with their lives, facing a risk of one chance in four of being financially crucified in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system, and have their lives destroyed, which is such a massive discrimination against men, that to the masculists it is a war issue, sufficiently motivating to cause responsible males, masculist soldiers, to go to war against the hated feminazis, killing them, to purge them from our populations, so that men get gender justice, so that marriage and paternity can become safe again for men, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, so that whole populations ARE NOT WIPED OUT! This flyer argues that the more humane, and initial alternative to the sex war mentioned above, is to destroy the CREDIBILITY of third wave feminism, so that it is no longer believed in, so that the gender politicians are no longer brainwashed by a monoconscious feminism, that preaches to them that men are evil, that men are toxic, who have to be punished, especially in the divorce courts. Women and gender politicians in particular, need to be taught masculist ideas, so that they learn that women oppress men too, and in fact, far worse than vice versa, since women’s oppression of men is so sustained, so deep, lasting decades, e.g. women’s financial parasitism off men, women’s manslavery, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts, the red pill nature of women (i.e. not loving men but rather men’s sexploitability) etc. Thus the masculist theorists now push for the destruction of third wave feminism as the preferred method to solve the massive legal and social discriminations against men, who are treated as cash machines, to be robbed, to be abused, to be sexually discriminated against, e.g. no Parer (paternity rejection right) when there is a Marer (maternity rejection right), the greatest example of sexual discrimination that exists, and it’s not against women, but against men. Obviously it is much more humane to destroy the credibility of third wave feminism, so that the ideology dies out, so that it is no longer believed in, so that gender laws are much more easily menfaired, to overcome the massive discriminations that currently exist against men, due to the severe degree of monoconsciousness that exists in women, and particularly in the gender politicians, who make the gender laws, which are so massively gender unjust towards men. So this flyer provides arguments for men, and novice masculists, to hurl back at feminazi bitches, forcing them to stop in their tracks, as they are verbally, violently, confronted by angry masculists, who intellectually crush them with masculist arguments, that are backed up by science, by reality, whereas so much of feminism, is isscienate fairly PC bullshit, more wishful thinking, more quasi-religious preaching, than hard fact reality, making masculist ideas much stronger than feminist ideas, which are much less science based. It is this level of isscienacy (i.e. the inability to think scientifically, due to ignorance of science) that is the Achilles heel of feminism, that the masculists can use to their considerable advantage, intellectually crushing the bullshit component in feminism, by destroying it with contrary facts, and ramming it home to the isscienate feminazis, giving them the clear message, that they more they come out with their isscienate fairy PC bullshit, the more the masculist sages (intellectuals) will harangue them, blasting them out of the room, with real ideological hatred, blasting them with expletives such as “Feminazi genociders! Isscienate fairy PC bullshitters! Misandrist, amoral sadists! 10% smaller brained childminds! etc.” The third wave feminazis need to be taught the very clear message, that their traditional monopoly of gender politics is over. Now that the masculists exist, men are moving into gender politics, and hence will soon dominate it, the way men always dominate everything, because men are simply genetically superior to women, as shown by the scientific evidence, forcing women to accept that reality, and if they don’t, then masculist scientist will dismiss them as fools, as feminazi fools, utterly discrediting them, making them lose face in public, killing the credibility of the feminazis’ doctrine, causing it to die, to be wiped out by masculist science, which is reality based, rather than the isscienate fairydom of feminist doctrine, which preaches (rather than teaches) women what they desperately want to hear, e.g. that women are the equals of men, that women can do anything and can perform at the same level of men, and hence be given the same level of respect as men, etc. This flyer now lists in bulleted form, the core beliefs of the feminists, and then uses masculist science to refute them, so that the doctrines of the feminazis lose credibility. Budding masculists need to study these refutations, so that when they are confronted by feminazi isscienacy, they can harangue back at these feminazis, forcing them to give up their beliefs or face total ostracism by society, by men, and especially by young women, who are learning increasingly, to hate the third wave feminazis, because these young women see the feminazis as the root cause for why they are not having babies, because the quality young men refuse to give them their sperm, because young men reject paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts towards divorcing fathers, as controlled by the hated feminazis, so these young women see that their babylessness is caused by the feminazis, so they hate the feminazis with a passion. Masculists need strongly to teach young women the above idea, i.e. that their babylessness is due to the hated feminazis, so that young women combine with the masculists, in their joint hatred against the feminazis, thus increasing the odds that feminazism gets wiped out, due to total failure of its credibility. Here is a list, in bulleted form, of the core beliefs of the feminazis, followed by their masculist science based refutations, provided as intellectual tools, to be absorbed by budding masculists, and by society in general, all aimed at killing off credibility in feminazism, so that a sex war can be avoided, so that society does not have to pay the price of the killing of millions of feminazis as the price to be paid for men to become willing again to become fathers, so that whole populations do not get wiped out. Here is the list, off the top of my head. There are many such points that could be added, but the following are most of the main ones, and this flyer needs to be kept to a reasonable length. Core ideas of the feminazis. 1. Men should pay for the upkeep of children after a divorce. 2. Women are just as capable as men intellectually. 3. Women should be respected as much as men in society. 4. Laws need to be changed so that women occupy half of the positions of power, in the parliaments, in board rooms, in professorships, etc. 5. Laws need to be brought it, so that male condescension in the work place can be removed. 6. Laws need to be passed so that the pay gap between the sexes is removed. 7. Women need to be judged by men for their personalities and abilities, rather than their degree of visual sexual attractiveness. 8. Men need to be taught about their male privileges, so that they give them up. I could go on and on, getting basic points from feminist texts, but the above is enough to make the point, that so much of feminazi doctrine is literally unbelievable, irrational, nonscientific, non-real, that it should be seen as stupid, ignorant, foolish, so that society learns that so much of feminazism is foolish, so should not be believed in, so that it is NOT believed in, so that it dies out, the way belief in witchcraft, or negro slavery is no longer believed in, and hence died out. Men should pay for the upkeep of children after a divorce. Women have the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy. It is called the abortion right, so that if she doesn’t want the pregnancy to go ahead, she has the legal right to stop it, to abort it, so that her life is not screwed up by a child that she does not want. Men have no such right. There is no Parer (paternity rejection right) so that men are forced to pay for a child that he does not want. This sexual discrimination against men is the greatest example that exists. It is not against women, but against men, and screams out for reform. Millions of men have their lives ruined, made manslaves by women who lie to men about taking the pill, get pregnant, then force the man to pay for a kid he doesn’t want. Women see men as manslavable cash machines to be sexploited by women to pay for women to have babies. Fair enough, if the father shares custody of the children after a divorce, that he pays equally with the ex-wife for the kids, but if he is denied custody, which is what happens in about 90% of custody decisions in many countries, then he should not be forced to pay, say the masculists, because such a payment is to treat the man, the divorcing father, as a cash machine, to be abused, to be robbed, to strip him of his kids, and expect him to pay for his fluffie parasite ex-wife, with no moral nor legal obligations on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and to FIP up, so that she pays for herself and does not continue to parasite off his money, his labor. Masculists have an utter hatred for fluffie manslavers and aim to wipe them out, by killing them slowly, by forcing them to rot on the shelf, by being totally ignored by men, not even being pumped and dumped, forcing their fluffie bitch genes to be removed from the gene pool. Women are just as capable as men intellectually. No, women are not, as shown by science. Women are dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points, i.e. the average IQ of women is 4 IQ points lower than men’s (YouTube Prof. Rushton or Prof. Lynn on this) and men’s IQ variance (a measure of how spread out IQ scores are over a whole population, millions of people) is 10% larger than women’s, so that the morons and the genii are male. Since the genii are male, it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, and women a piddly, pathetic, 1%. The genii are males. Since the top performing people are males, it is to be expected that these elite males have a rather condescending attitude towards the inferior performance abilities of women, seeing them as rather childminded, smaller brained, seen more as walking cunts, baby machines, and child raisers, rather than respect worthy colleagues, who can match their elite male abilities. Women have 10% smaller brains, with 10% fewer neurons, hence 10% less neural processing capacity, than men, so it is not surprising that women don’t invent much, create much, build much, being more parasites off men, than equal contributors. Women are genetically inferior to men, because women have been sexually selecting such men for a million years, using women’s evolved hypergamous instinct (i.e. sexually selecting superior men for their superior DNA for her kids, so that her kids have superior DNA than she does, which is good for the species, so evolved in Darwinian terms. Thus the patriarch is largely female caused, since it is women who created these superior men, who dominate everything, due to their superior male intelligence, their superior male motivation, due to their higher male testosterone levels, etc. Women should be respected as much as men in society. Respect should be earned, not merely distributed as an individual right. Both sexes should be given equal opportunities to show their abilities and to use them, but there should be no quotas that force women and men to occupy equal numbers of positions of power, independently of abilities. Such a strategy would discriminate against men and would handicap society, since then the top jobs would not be going to the top people. See below for more on this. Since men outperform women in most things, all societies value boy babies more than girl babies, because they know, from long experience, that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to become a highly valued member of the culture, than a girl baby, who will grow up to become merely another baby factory and child raiser, which although vital, to ensure the survival of the tribe, is not status worthy, since “any female can fuck and raise kids.” Laws need to be changed, quotas need to be brought in, so that women occupy half the positions of power, in the parliaments, in board rooms, in professorships, etc. Masculists are hotly opposed to this dogma of the feminazis, because such policies discriminate against men. Since males have superior abilities than females, across the board, by imposing quotas, the top scoring males who are rejected from getting a power slot, will have superior abilities than the bottom scoring females who do get a slot. This is blatant sexual discrimination against males and generates real anger from the masculists. It is also bad for society, since then the top slots are filled by non-top-ability people, i.e. the bottom scoring of the women who get slots. Such a society will perform less well than a society where the top slots are assigned purely on the basis of performance ability, which is largely genetically based. The masculists push for a policy of “top jobs for the top people.” Masculists push for the full implementation of equal rights for women in terms of second wave feminism, i.e. a meritocratic culture, where slots are given to either sex, based purely in terms of ability, and not on the basis of sex. Since women are genetically inferior to men on average, a meritocratic system will have more men in power positions than women, and such a culture will function more efficiently than a feminazi quota system that has inferior ability females in positions of power, a system which would exclude superior performance males, due to men’s superior genetically based abilities. Laws need to be brought it, so that male condescension in the work place can be removed. Men complain bitterly about the solipsistic nature of women, i.e. women’s inability to abstract, to place themselves in the shoes of men, looking at women, and about women’s inferior abilities compared to the elite males. Perhaps it is unrealistic of elite males to expect inferior females to be able to see the viewpoint of elite males, when elite males are confronted with the inferior performance records and reasoning ability of females. Women just don’t have the mental abilities to do that, simply because they are genetically inferior. For example, it is unrealistic to expect an average person, with an IQ of 100, to understand the intellectual complexities of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, with its tensor calculus, its Riemannian geometry etc. They just don’t have the mental ability to get their heads around such intellectually difficult abstractions, nor could an average person well understand the extreme abstractions and difficulties of Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” etc. What I’m saying here is that the condescension towards women’s inferior performance and intellectual record is to be expected. These elite males are frustrated by the limitations of these inferior creatures, called femaliens, so let fly from time to time, their male impatience, expressed in the form of condescending remarks, that express a genuine reality, i.e. women’s inferior intellectual record, compared to men, but since women are simply dumber than men on average, and with lower variance, women are simply intellectually too inferior to understand that condescension on the part of men. Trying to get women to see why men’s condescension is justified, would be a silly as humans getting frustrated at a dog’s inability to understand calculus. Given women’s inability to perform intellectually at elite male levels, it makes no sense to pass laws to ban male expression of condescension towards inferior women, because such condescension is based on reality, a reality that the elite males can see, but the dumber females cannot, because the females just don’t have the brains to perform at elite male levels. Such legislation would be totally counter-productive, hitting up against a brick wall, called reality, which stubbornly, would not go away. You can’t fight reality. Laws need to be passed so that the pay gap between the sexes is removed. Feminazis keep harping about the pay gap, e.g. women earn 80 cents to the male dollar. The feminazis in their isscienate ignorance and intellectual inferiority, continue to not absorb the male, and masculist refutations of the feminazi claim that the pay gap is due to male prejudice against women, i.e. male bosses refusing to promote women to positions of responsibility and hence higher salaries. The main reasons for the pay gap are due to female life choices. Women prefer a “healthier” life-work balance, choosing to work less than men, so earn less. Women drop out of the work force often for a decade to have kids, so become less qualified than men, so earn less. Women are genetically less capable than men, so don’t attain the top, best paid, positions than men. Women have lower testosterone levels than men, so are much less aggressive, less ambitious, less hungry, to achieve at a high level. Women are less competitive, so achieve far less than men, so that men dominate the entries in the who’s who books of great men, of great achievers. Male and female company bosses are reluctant to promote women to positions of real power, and pay them high salaries, because in their 30s, these high flying women almost all drop out of the work force to have babies. This is a classic phenomenon in law firms, for example, where on average, young female lawyers earn more money than their male colleagues while in their 20s and early 30s, but then disappear to have kids. Investing a lot of money in a top female lawyer who will then disappear in a few years to have babies, is not a wise investment. Both male and female bosses of legal firms agree on this basic, common sense, point. The fact that the feminazis have not absorbed, and refuse to absorb, the above arguments, simply makes them look stupid, hence the phrase of the masculists “Feminists are stupid!” Women need to be judged by men for their personalities and abilities, rather than their degree of visual sexual attractiveness. Women have had a monopoly control of reproduction for a million years., i.e. it is women who decide which man will ejaculate inside her, thus getting her pregnant, thus men are the way they are, because women, who have reproductive monopoly control, wanted men to be the way they are. Men are visually sexual, getting excited sexually by the sight of a curvy, sexually attractive, i.e. nubile, young, fertile, female. That is the way men evolved. As proof of this, look at the enormous fakeup industry (i.e. the makeup industry) where women pretend to be prettier, sexier, than they really are, so that men will be more likely to look at them, and hence allow themselves to become sexually trapped by female manslavers, so that after getting regular sex from his female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off (the so-called “male frontal lobe switch-off”) i.e. the regions of his brain that control planning and critical thinking. This female induced, male frontal lobe switch-off, makes him much less critical, hence more manipulable by his woman, who can then steer him into providing her and her babies, more resources and money, so that she can have her manslave pay for her to have babies in a house and food that HE pays for. Thus women evolved to be prostitutes to men, to make themselves better exploiters of men, better able to cause the male frontal lobe switch off, so better able to extract resources from gullible manslaved men. Women evolved to appeal to men visually and so sexually selected men who behaved that way, because it was to women’s advantage. The feminazis are thus pushing against a trait that men have, i.e. judging women’s visual attractiveness, over women’s personalities, and performance levels. IF the feminazis complain about this, then they only have themselves to blame, since it is the feminazis who caused it, because women have had a monopoly of reproduction for a million years. Complaining against it is as stupid as King Canute commanding the tide not to come in, or as futile as Bolivar stated, to try to “plough the sea.” Men need to be taught about their male privileges, so that they give them up. Men are privileged in the sense that women sexually selected men who were smarter and more aggressive than women. Women are largely responsible for the establishment of the patriarchy, via women’s hypergamy. The other major cause of the patriarchy, is GMV, greater male variance, e.g. men’s 10% greater IQ variance, so that the genii are males, thought to be due to men having only one X chromosome in their cells, so that men express a greater variety of genes than women, so that men’s abilities, are more varied than women’s, across the board, including intelligence. Since most feminazis are such isscienates, not knowing such stuff as taught by science, then their opinions and attitudes cannot be influenced by such scientifically based knowledge, hence these isscienate feminazis base their opinions more on feelings, on myths, that make them feel good, e.g. that women are as capable as men, which of course flies in the face of the scientific evidence, and makes these feminazis look like isscienate fairy PC bullshitters to masculist scientists, who are in effect, the most formidable enemies of these feminazis, who will kill off feminazi gender myths with scientific based harangues against them. Women, and society in general, need to be taught a lot more about gender politics from a scientifically based masculist perspective, so that they are more accurately informed as to what is really the case, rather than what isscienate fairy feminazis WANT to believe is true. Sure, it’s nice to be told by third wave feminazis, that women are as capable as men, that women are the equals of men, that women deserve to be treated with the same level of respect as men. Such ideas FEEL GOOD to women, so isscienate feminazis and millions of young women, lap them up, not questioning their scientific invalidity, and hence live isscienate lives, guided by ideas and values that the masculist scientists label as stupid, so that feminazis are labeled as stupid as well, for believing such isscienate garbage. Masculist scientists are pushing hard to teach society masculist, science-based, gender political realities, so that society takes a more balanced view of gender politics, so that the gender laws are more likely to be menfaired, so that the divorce courts are made menfair, so that the Parer is brought in, so that women are forced to grow up, to FIP up, to become responsible adults, so that young men are prepared to be fathers again, so that they are not wiped out financially by a hated feminazi fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system. Masculist scientists need to destroy belief in the isscienate fairy misandry of the fluffie feminist, misandrist, bitchery of the feminazis, so that the sex war can be avoided. Scientizing the feminazis is the more humane approach to menfairing the gender laws. If that approach fails, then there will be a sex war, where millions of feminazis will be shot by responsible males, masculist soldiers, who WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT THE HATED FEMINAZI BITCHES WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS. Masculist soldiers will shoot them first, to avoid this catastrophe.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/342? Masculist and Mohammedan Awakenings? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer claims that men need a new religion, i.e. a powerful new ideology, that they can use to intellectually crush the feminazis, to restore their self-pride in being males. When Mohammed invented Islam, he galvanized the Arabs, who now had their own monotheism, so could look the Christians and Jews in the eye, as equals. This had an energizing effect on them, which later allowed them to conquer the Middle East, North Africa and even Spain. Masculism is that new ideology, that new religion for men, that galvanizes men, to destroy the feminazis before they wipe out whole populations, with their control of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that 2/3 of young men reject marriage and paternity. The feminazis have to be stopped, either via destruction of their ideas via the new masculist religion, or with bullets.MASCULIST AND MOHAMMEDAN AWAKENINGSMost weekdays I travel in the Melbourne trams to attend Melbourne University seminars in pure math, math physics, philosophy and computer science. I observe the women, especially the younger women, who have absorbed feminist ideology, today’s religion, for most women, which has profoundly changed them,For most of history, women were seen as rather useless, good only for growing and raising children, which is why men merely tolerated them, but did not respect them, because women were weak, who could not control a plough, so were economically useless, or who were hopeless as warriors, so were useless in warrior cultures, etc.It is only since men gave women the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, modern medicine, high life expectancies, that women have been able to move into traditional male domains of having to live in and manipulate the external world.This transition for women is only a few decades old, i.e. every recent in historical terms. Women are not known for being fiercely independent creatures, who are psychologically tough, fighting their own battles. Most women are rather psychologically lazy, preferring to play the victim role, and let men solve their problems, instead of getting off their fat parasitic arses and solving their problems themselves with their own efforts.After the 1960s and the pill, second wave feminism arose as millions of upper middle-class women felt bored and alienated being housewives, with their two kids off to school, and with time on their hands, feeling ennui, and asking themselves “Is this all?”Out of this female frustration came the second wave of feminism, which pushed for equal rights for women, so that they could enter the professions and the work place. In the 70s and 80s, the women’s lib movement largely achieved all their major goals, getting equal pay for equal work, equal legal access to the professions and to the work place, the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, (the abortion right, aka, the Marer (maternity rejection right)), etc.Second wave feminism morphed into third wave feminism, as the success of second wave feminism went to the heads of the daughters of the second wave feminist mothers, who then wanted more, wanting power, at the expense of men.So these third wave daughters pushed for female power, and being women, did not put any of the blame or responsibility on themselves for their female situation. Instead, they childishly blamed men for all women’s feminist problems, resulting in young men at university being drowned by third wave rhetoric about how toxic men are, how guilty men should feel about how men have treated women in the past, how conscious men should feel in their privileged positions, as seen by third wavers.As a result of this tsunami of feminist rhetoric and institutional feminist energy, young men now feel swamped, crushed, silenced, so are not happy, so that many young men simply don’t go to university, preferring to avoid the student debt trap, by going to trade school and getting a diploma that gives them a real skill, rather than a useless university diploma that gives them knowledge but not a real skill that the economy values and is prepared to pay good salaries for, unlike many of women’s choices, which the economy does not value, and pays low salaries for, leaving these women with large student debts that they spend years of their lives paying off.In many universities now, male students are outnumbered two to one by female students, i.e. the percentage of women at universities is reaching 70%, and given the prevalence of third wave, power grabbing, feminist rhetoric, that saturates campuses, with third wave young women feeling fully justified in being rude and abusive to men, whom these young feminists see as oppressors of women, rapers of women, as toxic, who deserve to be sneered at by women, who need to be taught a lesson by feminists, that men are to treat women better or be punished by women.Young campus males today are drowned in such feminist rhetoric and feminist values and don’t like it, but feel powerless to do anything about it, because they lack the means to change their situation. They merely grin and bear it. For male students to change the gender political status quo, a new religion, a new ideology, aimed specifically at men, is needed.What now follows is a presentation of a very close historical analogy with men’s current situation in a feminist dominated ideological landscape, and the Arabs in the centuries before Mohammed came along and gave the Arabs a new ideology, a new religion, that galvanized them, so I’ll talk a bit about what happened to them, so that I can draw a close analogy with what now needs to happen with men.Arabs are an average IQ people. Their average IQ is about 85, which is about the world average, according to the world IQ map. The Arabs lived in the deserts, with their goats and their desert animals, the camels, which could walk for days without water, so were a vital element in the trade routes between distinct cultural and economic centers.The peoples these Arab camel traders came into contact with were often Christians, and Jews, both of whom were a lot brighter than Arabs, and who looked down on them, treating them not only as genetic inferiors, due to their 15+ IQ points lower average IQ (just as US whites do to American blacks, since US blacks have an average IQ that is 15 points lower than the whites, who have an average IQ of 100) but also as culturally inferior, due to the fact that the Arabs were still in the (as seen by Christians and Jews) primitive polytheistic phase, i.e. not being monotheistic .Both Christians and Jews had their one god, and the Arabs did not. Christians and Jews sneered at Arabs. They traded with them, because business is business, but did not respect Arabs, whom they saw as beneath them, an inferior people, not to be taken seriously, due to both their inferior average intelligence, and their primitive religious ideas.In the 600s AD, a youngish Arab camel trader by the name of Mohammed, deeply resented the contemptuous attitudes of nearly all the people he traded with toward his people, the Arabs. He hated it, and being a brilliant, open minded, charismatic individual that he was, he set about trying to understand why these Christians and Jews looked down on the Arabs the way they did.Mohammed, did not like being looked down on, being treated as an inferior being, so was motivated to change the situation, to give the Arabs higher status in the eyes of the Christians and the Jews, who definitely had more advanced and sophisticated cultures than his people did.No only Mohammed, but many Arabs at that time, resented being seen as an inferior people by their more sophisticated neighbors and trading partners, so that a collective inferiority complex was felt by the Arab people for centuries, which undermined their sense of self-worth, their level of wellbeing, since it is now known, that people who feel themselves low on the social status hierarchy, have lower self-esteem and even have lower life expectancies.Mohammed, wrestled with the question of how to increase the status level of Arabs in the eyes of Christians and Jews, and finally came up with the conclusion, that the major reason why Arabs were sneered at by Christians and Jews was because Arabs were so primitive that they didn’t even have their own monotheism, so Mohammed, being the brilliant, open minded charismatic individual that he was, set about inventing a monotheism for the Arabs, which is now called Islam (i.e. to obey.)This is how any religion starts. Usually one brilliant, charismatic individual, dreams up the properties of the god he invents (nearly always a he) and then starts preaching his new god ideas. Many such god creators fail, and we don’t hear of them again, but some succeed moderately and survive for a few generations, whereas some, if the new religion meets the psychological needs of large numbers of his people, than it can spread, being accepted in the minds of millions of people, making it a major religion.Christianity did this. Judaism did too, but to a much smaller extent, since not anyone can become a Jew, whereas anyone can become a Christian, so Mohammed created a monotheism for the Arabs, that was open to anyone, that was strongly consciously or unconsciously influenced by ideas that he learned from his trading contacts with the Christians and the Jews. The religion that he created, that he dreamt up, out of thin air, is now classified as an Abrahamic religion, with its basis coming from Judaism and Christianity which were founded on the ideas of the god creator Abraham.Soon, large numbers of Arabs were noticing that with their new religion, their new monotheism, their status in the eyes of their trading partners increased, and it was intoxicating, so different from their earlier feelings of inferiority and being looked down on by their trading partners and neighbors.Actually, it was a lot more than that. It was intoxicating, galvanizing, liberating. It went to their heads. It gave them a new much higher status, and supercharged them, giving the Arabs as a people, a new collective energy.Over the next few centuries, these monotheistic Arabs, then went on to conquer vast territories, in the middle east, northern Africa, and even Spain in distant, far away, western Europe, until the French stopped them.Why am I talking so much about Arabs, and what does it have to do with men’s situation in today’s colleges?Ask yourself, what happened to the Arabs and what gave them the mental energy and dynamism to go on and conquer such a vast territory, and to create a thriving Arabian (actually Mohammedan) culture that revived Greek learning and eventually spread it to Europe via Jewish translations of Greek into Latin, that sparked the Renaissance in Europe.The answer is that the Arabs got new religion, a new ideology, that caused them to have a new status in the eyes of their neighbors and trading partners. Superior self-worth is extremely valuable to people. It has such an important impact on them, that even their life expectancy is influenced by how strong a sense of self-worth one has.The Arabs were utterly galvanized by Mohammed’s new monotheism. It transformed them, giving them a means to look Christians and Jews eye to eye as equals, in religious and hence cultural terms. It was an intoxicating feeling for them.So, now it’s time to make the historical analogy between young men today on campus (and men in general in modern western cultures) who need a new religion, so that they can increase their level of self-worth, after being so attacked by feminist doctrine, telling men that men are pigs, men are toxic, men are oppressors, men are morally inferior, men are the inferior sex, to be looked down on by women, etc. etc.That new religion for men is masculism. Masculism is a set of ideas that give men the intellectual tools to intellectually crush feminism, since masculism is based much more on science, i.e. on reality, whereas feminism is more religion based, in the sense, that it preaches to women what women have desperately wanted to hear for centuries, i.e. that women are men’s equals, that anything a man can do, a woman can do.Masculism however, teaches men that men are the superior sex, by telling men that science shows this to be the case. Men have 10% larger brains, thanks to women’s hypergamy, i.e. the female instinct to mate with superior males to get these men’s superior DNA for her kids) so that over a million years of female monopolized control of reproduction (i.e. it is women who decide which man ejaculates inside her) men are taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than women because that is what women wanted sexually.Men are 4 IQ points smarter than women on average, with a 10% larger IQ variance, so that men dominate the moron and genius ends of the IQ distribution, so that since the genii are males, it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Women have always been parasites off men. It was men who did the hunting, because women were stuck at home with the babies and small children so could not chase game for days on end, far from home, so women depended on men for their very survival. Women thus evolved to be prostitutes to men, so that they could become more effective parasites off men, better able to bribe men with access to their vaginas, in exchange for men’s scarce male hunted meat, especially in times of starvation, when death was just one missed meal away.With masculist ideas, men have the intellectual tools to lash back at feminists, at feminazis, who harangue men with feminist rhetoric. Once young men on campus absorb masculist ideas, they can harangue back at the feminazis in the sex, or rather the gender political war, by angrily berating the feminazis with masculist ideas, that women are parasites, who oppress men far more than vice versa, since women are financial parasites off men, who manslave men, who have taken over the divorce courts and made divorce so toxic for men that they have become indirect genociders.Masculisted men on campus, can verbally attack feminazis, teaching them the reverse of what the feminazis are preaching, i.e. that women are the greater oppressors, since they are such parasites off men, who contribute almost nothing to the generation of cultures, given women’s scientifically verified intellectual inferiority to men, women’s pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes.Men who have absorbed the new masculist religion are now capable of verbally attacking women, especially the feminazi bitch variety, who feel they have the right to abuse men with their feminist ideas.It will be a rude shock to the millions of young feminists on campus to be confronted with young masculists who hurl abuse at them, for being fluffie feminist hypocrites, who mostly study fluffie crap majors, making them economically useless, and then expecting in all their fluffie feminist hypocrisy, to be able to parasite off the labor and money of some gullible manslave, so that she can have her kids paid for by him, and brought up in a house that he also pays for.Masculisted men will put enormous moral pressure on these fluffie feminist hypocrite student women to FIP up, or be spat at by masculists. It will be traumatic for these women as men suddenly get masculisted, like being converted, like the Arabs to monotheism.These men in their millions, will become energized, galvanized, inspired, and will then collectively wipe out the feminazi element on campus, by attacking it with their superior male intelligence and much greater level of verbal aggression, due to their much higher levels of testosterone in their blood.The feminists will be blown away, their ideology destroyed, as masculists accuse these hated feminazis of being indirect genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their control of the divorce courts, which themselves need to be made men fair.Masculism will then spread from the campuses, into the society at large. Journalists will pick up on these ideas and spread them to the masses, so that in time, the gender politicians will feel motivated to menfair the gender laws. Young women will be told that if they want to have babies again, so that quality young men stop refusing to give them their sperm, then young women will need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, to reform the divorce laws, to make them fair to men, to bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), to socially engineer women to FIP up, become FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by men for being fluffies, who don’t get a man, forcing them to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and increasingly spat at.I notice in the trams and just walking about town, that women stare at me sensing that there’s something different about me, that they can’t quite put their finger on. Some, I feel, sense that they, i.e. women, cannot control me, because I know that I have the masculist self-confidence, that if some feminazi bitch tries to harangue me with feminist rhetoric, then I can more than give her a taste of her own gender political medicine, because I am intellectually armed with masculist ideas, and if I wanted, I could blow her out of the room, with a tirade of masculist rhetoric, which would shut up any woman.Think of the impact that that kind of masculist self-confidence and mentality would have on women if millions of young men feel the same as I feel.It is that vision, as masculist ideas spread and spread throughout western culture, that so enthuses me, making me feel that it is now only a question of time before masculist ideas, the new religion for men, have spread enough for millions of men to take back their self-pride, their sense of superiority, that is based on science.Masculists don’t have to say “We have god on our side” because they have something far better. They have science on their side, which is a far more reliable knowledge generator than the religious superstitions of earlier centuries.Masculists can hurl masculist gender facts at women, crushing them intellectually, which is a far more humane alternative than shooting feminazis in their millions, in order to stop the indirect genocide that these feminazi bitches are causing due to their control of the divorce courts.So, to those male readers of this flyer, if you have felt inspired by this message, then spread it to your friends, so that the number of masculisted men, newly religioned men, can grow, so that a masculist tsunami hits women in the universities, so that third wave feminism is destroyed, so that the gender laws are menfaired, so that men can get their pride back.Personally, I’m proud to be a white European male, which is the most creative and intellectual group on the planet, in history, who win most of the Nobel prizes (with their colonial offshoot, the US) who create and build whole cultures. It is men who are inventing the sexbots and the art(ificial)wombs, which will soon undermine women’s two traditional monopolies, causing them to go into deep depression, when men prefer to grow their own kids, and prefer to sex their bots, since ? of women are either fat or far worse, obese, and hence are sexually repulsive to men. Women will be forced to be much nicer to men, or they will be punished by a masculisted, galvanized religion, that gives men the confidence and self-esteem to tell feminazis to go to hell, and if these feminazis type women don’t nicen up, then masculist men will send them there, by making their lives a misery, harangued on all sides by very angry, newly self-assured men, who now have masculist ideas, masculist intellectual tools in their heads, to use as ammunition to destroy feminazism.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.6/353? A Biconscious Masculist Harangues a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part2? (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : As masculists solidify their ideology, it is likely that there will be a growing number of bitter verbal and ideological confrontations between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists, as masculists assault feminists with feminism's monoconsciousness, i.e. its utter ignorance of how women oppress men, and far worse. This flyer presents a passionate dialog between a biconscious masculist, and a monoconscious feminist. Guess who wins?!A BICONSCIOUS MASCULIST HARANGUES A MONOCONSCIOUS FEMINISTThis flyer imagines a verbal, ideological, clash between a biconscious masculist, and a monoconscious feminist, an event that it likely to occur with much greater frequency in the near future, as masculist ideas continue to spread throughout the culture, as more and more men are woken up to their gender oppression by fluffie feminist hypocrites, who then get angry, and express their male anger at monoconscious feminazis, haranguing them out of the room.For those of you who are not familiar with the terms “biconscious” and “monoconscious” I begin with some quick definitions, otherwise, this flyer will make no sense to you. A monoconscious feminist, by definition, has had only her feminist consciousness raised, i.e. only one (gender political) consciousness raised. She has been made aware by her exposure to feminist ideas, that men oppress women, and so of course, she is angry at men for this, and tends to have a rather negative attitude towards men for men’s oppression of women. This anger makes her rather “feminazi bitchy,” which makes her unattractive to men, so men punish her by ignoring her, not even pumping and dumping her, forcing her “feminazi bitch” genes to be removed from the gene pool, since men refuse to give her their sperm, especially the quality men, with their superior DNA, whom such women really want to mate with, in order to get that superior DNA from the superior man, for her kids.Feminazis are thus eliminated by masculists and MGTOWs (i.e. men going their own way, who refuse to marry, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, by living the life style of the MGTOW monk, or living the twaytwef (= 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (i.e. financially independent persons)) lifestyle, where the man and the women see each other regularly for sex and companionship, but no marriage, no kids, no parasitism, no cost to the man. If the woman starts showing her traditional female traits of nagging, controlling, whining, emotionality, irrationality, hysterics, etc., to the man, then the man just walks away, back to his own apartment and his own life, cost free to him. Men don’t have to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a woman to get regular sex from her, paying for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse, raising HER kids in a middle class house, having HIM pay for it all, then divorcing him a decade later in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, that will give custody of his kids with 90% probability to his ex-wife, half his stuff to her, force him to pay child payments to her with little visitation rights, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie (= traditional woman who expects to parasite off the money of a man) he may have to pay her alimony for the rest of his life, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, i.e. become a FIP (financially independent person) by bothering to get a career competent education, that will allow her to become an adult, i.e. a morally responsible FIP.Monoconscious feminists today (2020) are a real pain in the arse. They are well informed about how men oppress women, and are angry at men for this, but nearly all women (in 2020) know nothing about masculism, so know nothing about how women oppress men, and in fact, oppress men far worse than vice versa, since these women, these monoconscious feminists, know nothing about women’s oppression of men, since by definition, they are monoconscious.A biconscious masculist (or anyone, of either sex) has had both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised, i.e. they are very aware that gender oppression is a two way street, not a one way street, as the monoconscious feminists believe. Biconscious masculists are familiar with the gender political arguments of both sides, i.e. both feminist and masculist, so have a much more balanced picture of which sex oppresses which other sex, and by how much. Biconscious masculists, thanks to their biconscious knowledge, can see that women oppress men far worse, than vice versa, because women’s oppression of men is much deeper, lasting decades, than men’s oppression of women.Instead of continuing, as above, with a rather academic portrayal of monoconscious and biconscious awareness, I will switch to a dialog form of presentation, that is much more emotional and dramatic, in order to hit both the intellect and the gut, which is usually a much more effective approach in persuading people to adopt a desired viewpoint, than a purely rational approach.So imagine a rather virulent monoconscious feminist, of the feminazi type, who is angry with men, who thinks that she has good reason to be angry with men, for the ways that men oppress women, and hence deserve to be treated negatively by women, by feminists.Imagine also, that this monoconscious feminist gets into a conversation with a biconscious masculist, equally virulent, who is very aware of how women oppress men, and watch the sparks fly. I hope you find the following dialog, the following passionate exchange between these two polar opposites, both entertaining and informative.--F (i.e. female, or feminist) : “Women should be respected equally with men, because women are just as capable as men, if given equal opportunities with men, both socially and legally.”M (i.e. male, or masculist) : “I’m both a masculist (a men’s libber) and a scientist, so I’m informed about the differences between males and females. Yes, there is considerable overlap between the performance score distributions of men and women, so on the whole, for most of the population, men and women are both capable of doing most jobs, but women are NOT as capable as men at performing the most difficult jobs, because of women’s genetic inferiority compared to men. Men are smarter than women by 4 IQ points on average. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are male, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, so achieve far more. The most damning fact about women, is their 10% smaller brains, which is a lot, like taking an ice-cream scoop out of the male brain, which utterly crushes any attempt by the feminists to pretend that women are men’s equals, when women have 10% smaller brains, 10 billion fewer neurons, 10% less neuronal processing capacity, so it is not surprising that women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing. At the top end of the performance scale, women are genetically inferior to men. That is simply a scientifically verified fact, that the feminazis will just have to accept, and if they don’t, i.e. if they behave as “isscienate fairies” (i.e. unable to think scientifically, due to ignorance of science, and – “fairies” as living in a fairy land, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, which makes them no better than religionists, or flat earthers) then masculist scientists like me will bite their fucking heads off, in masculist scientist attacks on them, for their isscienate ignorance and incompetence.F : (enraged, and lashing out with considerable venom) “You are a typical male chauvinist pig, that the feminists despise. We punish such men by totally avoiding them, treating them as vermin, as fossils, who know nothing about feminism, and the desire of women to be treated equally with men. Feminists like me, have a hatred of men like you, and have nothing to do with you.”M : “Yes, I know. But don’t kid yourself about men like me, i.e. masculist scientists, knowing nothing about feminism. I’ve probably read more feminist books than you have and am well aware of feminist arguments. I don’t deny that men oppress women. You only have to read the feminist books to see how men oppress women. The masculists (i.e. men’s libbers, i.e. men who liberate themselves from being manslaves to women, working for women, going their own way, refusing to marry, rejecting paternity, spending their money on themselves) are biconscious, i.e. they do NOT see gender oppression as a one way street, as you do, because you are what the masculists call “a typical monoconscious feminazi,” who is only informed about how men oppress women, and who knows nothing about how women oppress men, with women’s financial parasitism, leeching off men financially for decades, manslaving men, treating men with the infamous fluffie-feminist hypocrisy in the fluffie-feminist dominated divorce courts. (A fluffie, based on the word “fluff” is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by not bothering to get a career competent education, so that in her 30s, after a decade of jumping from one penis to another in her 20s, she expects to be able to live off the money and labor of some gullible manslave, who has been brainwashed all his pathetic life, largely by women, that his role in life is to be a manslave to a woman, to work for her, to sacrifice his life, for her.Masculism is essentially a rebellion by men against being manslaves to women, freeing themselves from traditional manslavery to sexploitative fluffies, by forcing fluffies to FIP up, or be punished by men by being left on the shelf. Masculists see fluffies as vermin, to be wiped out, because masculists see them as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. We masculists punish such women, by wiping out their fluffie genes from the gene pool, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, leaving only more FIP women, who pull their financial weight, who bother to get a career competent education, so that they can be morally responsible FIPs as adults, and not parasite off the money of some gullible, stupid, manslave, whom the masculists are out to educate, to liberate from a lifetime of manslavery to a bloody fluffie.”F: (Feeling profoundly threatened, as this is the first time in her life, that she has been confronted with a masculist who has laid out the masculist case with such persuasive coherence, forcing her to admit, maybe reluctantly, that the monoconscious existence she has led for most of her life, is only half the story, a revelation that to her is so threatening that she feels cognitive dissonance (i.e. the great psychological discomfort felt when one’s core beliefs are hotly contested. In the past, cognitive dissonance has caused wars, e.g. the religious wars of the 17th century, the ideological wars of the 20th century etc.)“What an utterly selfish viewpoint. That then leaves women to raise children on their own. Without children, there will be no continuation of the species. Your policy is dangerous, because it threatens to wipe out the species, so will require governments to stamp you out. You are genociders. You are supremely selfish, thinking only of yourselves, and not of the bigger picture, of the survival of the species, by the necessity of raising the next generation. If you masculists continue to preach as you are doing lately, then we feminists will push governments to outlaw you and wipe you out, when push really comes to shove. You have become genociders. You have to be stopped. Your ideology is both highly irresponsible and criminal. You are monsters!”M : “We masculists say the same about you feminazis, and hate you feminazis right back. We label you “indirect genociders” because you are the indirect cause of the creation of the MGTOW (men going their own way) and masculist movements, due to your takeover of the divorce courts, in all your hated “fluffie-feminist hypocrisy,” making divorce so toxic for men, that in many western countries now, 2/3 of young men refuse to marry, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves. We masculists see you fluffie feminists as hypocrites, and hate you for it because you behave as feminists in the parliaments (and as masculists, we have no problems with giving equal rights and opportunities to women, since such rights are seen by the masculist theorists as prerequisites for the effective FIPping of women) but you fluffie feminists reject equal obligations with men by refusing to FIP up, expecting fluffie style, to be able to parasite off the money of a man when you want kids. So you behave as feminists in the parliaments, but as fluffies in the divorce courts. That hypocrisy makes you fluffie feminists hated by the masculists.(End of first half).Masculism is forcing women to grow up, to FIP up, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that these women can become responsible FIPs as adults, not expecting to be parasites off men’s money when they have kids.The hypocrisy of fluffie-feminists is hated by masculists, which is why we aim to wipe you out, by removing your fluffie feminist hypocritical bitch genes from the gene pool, by punishing you by totally ignoring you, with our “fuck only FIPs” policy, so that fluffie feminists cannot get the sperm from quality men for their kids.As masculists, we know that we men have the power to FORCE women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some gullible man slave, but thanks to the internet, the masculists and MGTOWs are spreading the masculist/MGTOW message to men not to be manslaves to the hated fluffies, and to express their male contempt towards the even more hated fluffie feminists, who are even worse, because it’s bad enough that they are fluffie parasites, but worse, they are hypocrites, because they are both fluffies who expect equal rights for women, but reject equal obligations for women, i.e. by sharing equally with men, the burden of earning the living, by bothering to FIP up.It is men who liberated women (from household drudgery) by giving women the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, modern medicine, life expectancies into the 80s, so that women, even those who have 2 kids, have a career window of some half a century, so the masculists are telling women in strong moral terms, “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men, and is hence contemptible!” Masculists see manslavery as slavery. Slavery rouses passions. Slavery is a war issue. Look at the root cause of the US civil war. The masculists are at war against the fluffies and the fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out. In the limit, if the gender laws are not made menfair, then responsible males, masculist soldiers will go out into the street in a sex war, assassinating the gender politicians, who made the divorce laws so toxic for men, that men reject marriage in such large numbers, who reject the passage of the Parer (paternity rejection right), which is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists, that is not against women, but against men. Masculist soldiers in a sex war will murder 1000s of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges and go into the streets and simply shoot feminazis. Masculist soldiers will not tolerate that the feminazis indirectly wipe out whole populations, which is what they are current doing. In South Korea now, the birth rate is under one child per woman, whereas the replacement rate is 2.1 children per woman. Young Korean and Japanese men find traditional marriage so toxic that they have gone MGTOW in huge numbers.Most women have a deeply held attitude, and expectation of men, that “Men exist on this earth, to pay for women to have babies!” Masculism rejects that attitude and is out to kill it off, by rejecting marriage and paternity, until the gender laws are made menfair, e.g. in the divorce courts, bringing in the Parer, and menfairing the gender laws across the board. There are many laws that discriminate against men, that need to be reformed.As a masculist, I can see your claim that masculists are selfish, in forcing women to raise kids on their own, but until you women vote with men to menfair the gender laws, we masculists and MGTOWs will continue to hold a knife to the throats of both women and society, until we get the menfairing of the gender laws that we demand. THEN, and only then, will men be prepared to be fathers again, willing to help pay for the raising of kids, together with women.But, we are still decades away from this happening. Society needs to be radically transformed first into what the masculists call the creation of a “FIP Society” i.e. where both sexes are raised and educated by parents and teachers to be FIPs, i.e. financially independent persons, to be raised to become responsible adults, who take responsibility for their own lives, and don’t expect, fluffie style, to be able to parasite off the labor and money of a man. There is a long way to go in the FIPping of women. In today’s high schools, ? of young women at age 16, choose to study fluffie crap majors, that will make them “fluffie crappers” as adults, with career incompetent diplomas, that the economy does not value, so these women will not be able to afford, on their own, the middle class houses they want to raise their kids in, so in their 30s, they will go hunting down some gullible manslave to parasite upon, so she can raise her kids in a house all paid for by him.The aim of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, so that all women become FIPs, and if they don’t, they are punished by not getting a man, hence forced to be manless, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, and as masculist ideas spread throughout the culture, spat at, for being fluffie vermin, to be wiped out.So, you see, you fluffie feminist, you monoconscious feminist, there are two sides to the gender political story. From now on, you feminists will have to share the gender political stage with the masculists, and since we masculists are male, we will quickly dominate that stage, due to our genetic superiority. As I mentioned before, men are 4 IQ points smarter on average than women, because women have been sexually selecting men who were smarter, taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer, than women for a million years. A stronger, bigger, taller, fiercer man was more able to defend his woman against other men. Smarter men made better hunters, so were more sexploitable by women. The patriarchy, i.e. general male dominance, is a side effect of women’s hypergamy (i.e. the female instinct to mate up, i.e. women’s desire to mate with superior males, to get the superior male’s superior DNA for her kids, so that her kids could have superior DNA compared to hers, and that is obviously good for the species, so was inherited. Thus the patriarchy is a side effect of women’s hypergamy, yet feminists blame men for the patriarchy, whereas in reality, it was caused largely by women’s sexual selection of the types of men they wanted to mate with, over a million years. The inability of feminists to see that the patriarchy is a side effect of women’s sexual selection, reflects poorly on the feminists, i.e. on their irrationality and scientific ignorance, and is viewed with contempt by masculist scientists.We masculist scientists are you monoconscious feminists most formidable enemy. We are smarter than you, and being male, are a lot more aggressive. The more you feminazis come out with your isscienate PC feminazi bullshit, the more vociferous, we masculist scientists will attack you, and harangue you out of the room. We see you feminazis as repulsive to men, and force you to be manless. We masculists teach young women, not to be like you. We masculists use you monoconscious feminists as antimodels, to young women, telling them, that if they become like you, they will pay a heavy price. Men will punish them, the way we masculists punish monoconscious feminists like you. Young quality men, the smartest ones, are the first to go masculist and MGTOW. They are the first to pick up on the lessons of the masculist and MGTOW theorists, and ideological leaders. They are the type of men, i.e. the quality men, that young women really want to mate with, desiring their superior DNA, due to women’s hypergamous nature.Young women nowadays are increasingly panicking as they become conscious that young men are increasingly refusing to give these young women their sperm, so that these young women are learning to hate the feminazis as much as men do, because the masculists and MGTOWs are teaching these young women, that the primary reason why quality young men refuse to give them their sperm, is because of the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites. So the monoconscious feminists are now being hated increasingly by BOTH sexes, as young women join forces with the masculists and MGTOWs in becoming motivated to vote together with men for the menfairing of the gender laws (e.g. reform of the divorce courts, the legislation of the Parer, etc.)We masculists also tell young women, that it is in their self-interest to become BIconscious feminists, i.e. to learn enough masculist/MGTOW ideas, that they can see that gender oppression is a two way street, and that in fact, women oppress men far worse, with their fluffie financial parasitism of men, that lasts decades, i.e. manslavery that ruins a man’s life, compared to being free to do what a man wants, going his own way, creating his own life, with his own goals, not being a manslave to a fluffie parasite, not working for a woman, sacrificing his life for a woman.Biconscious women are much less feminazi bitchy, because they have had their feminist anger at men for the way men oppress women, more or less cancelled by an equal and oppositely directed masculist anger at women, for the way women oppress men. Biconscious women are much less feminazi bitchy, and hence much more approachable by men, so such women are much more likely to have boyfriends, to be regularly penised and given tenderness and affection, than the monoconscious, misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, bitch, like yourself. Women like you are repulsive to men, which is why you are punished by men by being totally ignored. If you want men to like you, you will have to use some common sense and make yourself likeable by men, and to do that, I suggest you bother to do some homework, by looking up the terms MGTOW and masculist on the internet, and studying the ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs. Once you become biconscious, you will lose your feminazi bitchiness, and then you’ll understand better why so many men reject marriage and paternity (2/3 of the young men in many western countries now).F: (stunned into deep silence, feeling utterly crushed by such a massive and undeniably persuasive harangue from her masculist opponent). She quietly, slinks away, with the wind totally blown out of her sails. M : (Calling out to her, as she walks away). “Imagine how it’s going to feel in a couple of years, when nearly all the quality men you come across have been infected with the masculist virus, who will not tolerate your feminazi dogma, and who will bite your fucking head off with masculist rhetoric, with masculist terms, and with male intellectual venom. You women can’t compete with men at the top end of the performance scale. Now that men have entered the arena of gender politics, we will quickly take it over, with our superior intelligence and our superior verbal aggression, given our greatly superior testosterone levels, making men more aggressive, more ambitious, more driven, more dogged, more persistent. We men have only tolerated you women, until now, due to your two traditional monopolies, of vagina and womb, but within a decade or so, you will lose both those monopolies, as men prefer to sex their bots (with their luscious curves, film star faces, creamy grippy vaginas) and grow their own kids in “artwombs” (artificial wombs). 40% of women are obese and 70% are fat or obese, hence sexually repulsive. Traditionally, men have only tolerated women, because men have wanted to penis women, but with the sexbots doing a better job of it, women will fall into deep depression and suffer a major inferiority complex, as men ignore women in their billions. Women will then be forced to be much nicer to men, and will be forced into a desperate competition with other women for men’s dwindling attention. Feminazis will die out, because they will be the first category of women to be punished and ignored by men. Masculists want women to be “nurturative FIPs” i.e. competitive with men in the workplace, but nurturative at home. Men don’t want to have to compete in both the workplace AND at home. Wives who compete with their husbands at home are far less attractive to men than wives who are nurturative to their husbands. Men can’t have tender feelings towards competitive wives. Instead, men are much more likely to divorce them, because such women are not attractive to men.Those women who aren’t nurturative FIPs, will see their genes removed from the gene pool, as men take power over reproduction and sex (which were women’s two traditional monopolies) with their male engineered sexbots and artwombs.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7 Masculist Tactics for Power 2.7/17 Suggested Masculist Political Actions (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer contains 10 suggestions for political actions that masculists and masculist MGTOWs can perform.SUGGESTED MASCULIST POLITICAL ACTIONSI was reading through Betty Friedan’s book “The Feminine Mystique” that I haven’t read for decades and came across a mention of the Suffragettes and their search for political actions to attract attention to their demand to be given the vote. That sentence got me thinking. What political actions could the masculists perform that would attract attention to the masculist/MGTOW cause? Since I’m talking about political actions, the MGTOWs in their typical passive useless style wont be interested, so I’m addressing myself to the masculists among you, and the masculist MGTOWs, who are MGTOW in practice but feel that MGTOWs should get more involved in political actions aimed at the public. So here are ten suggested actions that men’s lib groups could organize and get the media to cover if they are spectacular and interesting enough.GATECRASH DIVORCE PARTIES. ?When Sandman talked about divorce parties in one of his videos, I was truly disgusted at such vile women. So, a group of men’s libbers could gate crash a divorce party and trash up the party room a bit, spraying aerosol paint at the women, and writing “Divorce Party Crime Scene” on the outer walls of the house, and then call the media.INTERRUPT COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES.? The microphone could be forcibly taken from the president of the university and used to deliver a quick speech that about two thirds of the bachelor female graduates have studied “fluffie crap” that will make them fluffies in their thirties when their biological clocks are ticking. They will look around for some robot male to parasite on so they can live in a middle class house to raise her kids in?that he pays for.DISTRIBUTE FLYERS AT HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES AND UNIVERSITY LECTURES. Women start becoming fluffies at high school when they choose to study fluffie crap instead of math and the sciences. The resulting innumeracy and isscienacy excludes them from studying FIP majors (the professions, and the techs) at university, so they study the soft options that make it inevitable they will be fluffies in their 30s. A?high school men’s lib group could interrupt an English Lit class at high school, or a women’s studies class at university, and distribute flyers after giving a short speech presenting the ideas above.DUMPING A TRUCKLOAD ?OF COW SHIT AT THE ENTRANCE OF A GENDER ?POLITICIAN’S OFFICE. The gender politicians are the bitterest enemies of the masculists/MGTOWs. Their passage of the fluffie feminist biased divorce laws have resulted in the financial massacring of tens of millions of US divorced fathers. This action is popular amongst French farmers, who use it very effectively. The cow shit stinks like hell, but not as much as the gender politicians, to the noses of the masculists/MGTOWs, as can be said to the media who are invited to witness the event.HECKLING FLUFFIE FEMINIST TV PERSONALITIES.? Some well-known TV personality who is known for her fluffie feminism can be targeted. Members of a men’s lib group could infiltrate themselves into the audience and at a chosen moment, disrupt the live program with masculist/MGTOW banners and heckling.TARGETTING THE DIVORCE COURTS.? Once there are a lot of men’s lib groups across the US continent, they could all at the same time, target their local divorce courts, by spray painting?such messages as the following?across the entrance walls – “Men Massacred Here”MEDIA MGTOW/MASCULIST FLYERS TO MALE JOURNALISTS. Men’s lib groups prepare a one page flyer that explains the essential ideas of MGTOW/masculism which are sent to all the male journalists in a given area. Some of them will bite and get the publicity ball rolling.WRITE MGTOW/MASCULIST BOOKS. The most intelligent MGTOWs/masculists should write books on MGTOW/masculist ideas, and get them into the public arena to educate the public.SET UP MEN’S STUDIES COURSES AT UNIVERSITIES. Once the MGTOW/masculist books are written, MGTOW/masculist professors can set up Men’s Studies programs at universities.WRITE STUDENT ARTICLES.? University students who are MGTOWs/masculists can write MGTOW/masculist articles for student newspapers and websites to spread the word. Similarly at high schools, where fluffiedom starts.—–That’s ten suggestions off the top of my head. You can probably think of other ideas. The point is to implement them, rather than to just passively walk away from the marriage and fatherhood market, the way most MGTOWs do, ignoring the plight of millions of men who are oppressed in a gynocentric parasitism that has the political support of the gender politicians, who know that the MGTOWs are politically passive and will not oppose the gynocentric bias of the gender politicians. The masculist in me despises the political passivity of most MGTOWs. If all men were as useless,?women would totally walk all over us. Fortunately, some men fight back, but not the MGTOW PISSWEAKERsCheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/130 MGTOW Masculist Political Agenda (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that the idea of POPULATION ANNIHILATION is so powerful (i.e. if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, and menfair society, then the MGTOWs masculists will continue to wipeout whole populations by continuing to reject paternity) that it should be the lynch pin of a MGTOW/masculist political agenda to achieve MGTOW masculist goals.THE MGTOW-MASCULIST POLITICAL AGENDAIn the 600s AD, Arabs had low status. They were looked down upon by their Christian and Jewish neighbors, largely because they were still poly-theists, i.e. believing in many gods, which was considered less sophisticated, and lower class by their more sophisticated, monotheist neighbors. Along came Mohamad, an intelligent, open minded, curious, camel train trader, who picked up the teachings of the Christians and the Jews, and was deeply influenced by them, as a result of his extensive travels due to the nature of his job. He also noticed how Christians and Jews reacted towards Arabs, taking a very condescending attitude.He did not like this, so he invented a mono-theist god for the Arabs, called Allah. (Humanity has invented over 100,000 different gods over the broad sweep of history and across the planet, according to the cultural anthropologists, who specialize in the anthropology of religion.) Suddenly, Arabs were on equal footing with the Christians and the Jews. All three were now mono-theist cultures, and this new equal status had a profoundly cathartic effect on the Arab mind.? Arabs went bananas. Their self-image, their self-confidence, their energy shot up. They then used their new collective self-confidence to conquer the Middle East, North Africa and even Spain, and would have gone further into Europe, if they had not been stopped by the French in a famous battle.So, what this says to me, is that it is possible for a new idea, a new belief system, to profoundly galvanize a people, or a community or a social movement. That’s how I’m now thinking and feeling about the MGTOW/masculist movements. We have a new idea, an immensely powerful idea, that will allow us to do what monotheism (Islam) did for the Arabs. That single, galvanizing idea is –“UNLESS YOU GENDER POLITICIANS MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS, AND MENFAIR OUR MISANDRIST SOCIETY, WE MGTOWs/MASCULISTs WILL WIPE OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION BY CONTINUING TO REFUSE PATERNITY!”? The more I think about this idea, the more potent and important it becomes, as it sinks deep into my subconscious. It has tremendous power, and cannot be refuted. It is impossible for the gender politicians and more importantly, the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who bribe and control them, to force men to be fathers. So if the gender laws remain as toxic as they are today (with one married man in four getting financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony to his parasitic fluffie ex-wife; with no Parer (paternity rejection right) etc) MGTOWs/masculists will continue to boycott marriage and paternity, resulting in the population size continuing to crash. The gender politicians are powerless to stop this, unless they make a concerted effort to menfair the gender laws, by reforming the divorce laws, bringing in the Parer, removing across the board, the many legal and social discrimination against men. So, with this powerful new idea in mind, the MGTOW/masculists movements can be given a new cathartic ideology, that will have the power to fulfil their agenda, namely to create a FIP society, where both sexes are FIPs (financially independent persons) pulling their own weight financially, by getting a career-competent education (i.e. not studying fluffie crap at high school and college); by giving men menfair gender laws; by threatening the gender politicians with population annihilation and their assassination by an alarmed general public; by teaching everyone, that men are the superior sex, since men outperform women at the top end of the scale in nearly all measurable performance tests; by creating a social ethic that it is immoral to dump on men the way fluffie feminists do, blaming men for women’s inadequacies; by reforming the media, so that it portrays men in a menfair light, etc.This is our MGTOW/masculist agenda, and we have the tool, the major idea, to achieve it now. Let’s label this idea “POPULATION ANNIHILATION” i.e. if society, if the gender politicians, don’t menfair the gender laws, and menfair society, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue their policy (their political agenda) of rejecting paternity, and hence seeing the whole population get wiped out. Armed with this formidable weapon, we can approach the media, the gender politicians, society, fluffies, fluffie crappers, fluffie feminists, etc. and tell them “Do what we want, i.e. menfair the gender laws, and menfair society, or we MGTOWs/masculists wipe it out by refusing to reproduce!”Masculists are more politically minded than MGTOWs, who have a tendency to simply passively walk away from the marriage market, and paternity, spending their money on themselves, and thus showing no solidarity towards the suffering and gender oppression of fellow men. MGTOWs do this, because they are convinced that trying to persuade the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, is a complete waste of time and energy, because more women vote than men, so the bribed, corrupted, gender politicians (manipulated by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists) don’t give a shit about the welfare of men, thus allowing the current misandrist, gynocentric culture to continue.BUT, with the new formidable weapon, with the idea of “POPULATION ANNIHILATION,” MGTOWs can join forces with the masculists, to use this powerful weapon, to create a FIP, menfaired society, that both MGTOWs and masculists want. To masculists, MGTOW is a subset of masculism. The indirect political strategy of the MGTOWs is to bring down the gynocentric culture, by refusing to play along with it. This is a good strategy and an effective one, that the more politically minded masculists can use to great effect.MGTOWs need to be more conscious, more aware, of just how powerful the idea of “POPULATION ANNIHILATION” is, and bring it to full consciousness, and then really USE IT politically, by teaching it to the media, to society, to every college, to every high school, to fluffies, to fluffie crappers, to fluffie feminists, and especially to the gender politicians.The US dollar will crash soon. This is a mathematical certainly, as the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists continue to print at least a trillion dollars a year (to cover the US annual federal budget deficit) and insert it round the world. Those countries holding US dollars in their reserves are losing money, as the value of the dollar drops. (When the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists set up the FED in 1913, a dollar today would buy what 3 cents would buy then. They have so inflated the cost of living that people’s savings get wiped out – just one of the many crimes against humanity committed by these hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists – google it! YouTube it!)When the dollar crashes, the US will only be able to import what it can afford to export, which will not be much, because the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists have sent most of America’s manufacturing capacity to China, so the US standard of living will fall to third world levels. Civil war may break out as a result, with Americans having more guns than people, so hopefully the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists get wiped out, freeing politics from their bribery and corruption. Hopefully then a new batch of gender politicians will arise, who will be menfair and create the new menfair gender laws.If the Jewish banksters (via the Jewish bankster controlled Dept. of Homeland Security) win the civil war, with their militarized police, their 3 billion hollow tipped bullets, their millions of 4 body plastic coffins, their 1000s of suburban “tanks”, their police state executive orders that Obama has been signing, that he was brought in by the Jewish banksters to do, their 800 FEMA concentration camps, their Jewish bankster control of the media, of the news outlets, of the publishing industry, of Hollywood, etc., then we all lose.These hated Jewish banksters may actually win the civil war, and then the US becomes like the country I live in, China, a police state shithole, with no freedom of speech, with >1000 concentration camps for political prisoners (laogai), with a one party dictatorship, that has killed 80 million of its citizens under Mao, an intellectually sterile culture, one pathetic science Nobel prize, no alphabet, etc. If Americans lose their civil war against the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanist shadow government, then their fate will be the same as the Chinese. These hated Jewish banksters created the so-called Russian revolution (actually a Jewish putsch) and then helped Mao do the same in China, so it may very well be possible that the hated Jewish banksters have controlled Russia and China for a century, and are currently well underway to doing the same to the US, Europe and Japan. All three of these powerhouses are almost totally destroyed by debt, imposed on them by the hated Jewish bankster paper currency, debt-note Ponzi schemes, designed to make debt slaves of the world.But let’s assume, Americans win their civil war, and that this process takes less than a decade. Hitler showed how an economy can bounce back quickly when the hated Jewish banksters’ paper currency, debt-note Ponzi scheme is removed, so that a people’s bank with a debt-free currency can thrive. Hitler put 6M unemployed Germans back to work within 2 years – the main reason why he was so massively popular with the Germans. He was their savior. (He was also the savior of western Europeans, because in 1941, Stalin has amassed a 6M army of Russian soldiers to invade Europe. Hitler got wind of this and invaded Russia, two weeks before the European invasion was meant to start. Hitler saved Western Europe from the same kind of holocaust the Jewish communists committed against white Christian Russians, killing 66 million of them according to the famous author Solzhenitsyn in his book “Die Juden in der Sowjet Union” that the Jewish publishers blocked from publication in the English speaking countries, but not in Germany.A similar economic miracle can occur in the US with a post Jewish bankster controlled economy. Americans are the most creative people on earth, so with the hated Jewish banksters out of the picture (i.e. either fled, or murdered in the civil war by death squads, crossing off names on a black list) the US economy will be able to spring back to life and truly thrive. In such an economic environment, and free of the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanism with its poisoning of the souls of the people, the US and hence MGTOW/masculism will hopefully become unnecessary, because we will have a new society, a FIP society, where the media, the politicians, Hollywood, publishing, the news outlets etc, are freed from the hated Jewish bankster Satanist influence.In such a post Jewish bankster controlled environment, society will be a lot fairer, more humane, more ethical, and hence MGTOW/masculism can quietly fade away, because it will no longer be needed.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/164 MGTOW Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives four powerful arguments the MGTOWs masculists can use to help liberate men.MGTOW/MASCULIST POWER?MGTOWs/masculists have a great deal of power if they choose to use it. This flyer lists and discusses the various forms of this power, to make MGTOWs/masculists conscious of the fact, and then to incorporate that awareness into their daily lives and their behaviors with women, feminists, other men, and society in general.?I’ll begin with a list of the powers that MGTOWs/masculists have, giving each a label, often in the form of an “argument label” and will elaborate on each later. In relation to women, especially fluffies, we have enormous power. We can force fluffies to be FIPs with the “MGTOWs/Masculists Can Force Women to be FIPs” argument. We have the power to hit back hard against the feminists whom most believe that they have a monopoly on gender issues. We MGTOWs/masculists can use the “Hypocrisy of the Fluffie Feminists” argument. We can scare young men into not marrying, not having kids with the “Toxicity of the Fluffie Feminist Controlled Divorce Courts” argument. We can force society and particularly the gender politicians to menfair society and the gender laws with the “Population Annihilation” argument. These 4 arguments are very strong, and should be part of the consciousness of every MGTOW/masculist. Probably most of you reading this already know some or all of them, but it is useful to bring them together in one powerful MGTOW/masculist package.1.?????? ?The “MGTOWs/Masculists Can Force Women to be FIPs” ArgumentNearly all men are socialized and educated to be FIPs (financially independent persons). As males, we don’t have much choice but to go out into the world, since we are genetically incapable of having babies, so what else is there for men to do other than going into the world and trying to manipulate it to our advantage. Since most men are FIPs, we have the power to force women, especially fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a (FIP) man) to become FIPs as well. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some manslave who is prepared to be parasited upon by his fluffie girlfriend or wife. But experience in Japan with the herbivores and more recently in the US, has shown that men are waking up in droves, and REFUSE to be parasited upon by fluffies. Fluffies are seen more and more by men as immoral, as parasitic, manslaving vermin. There is real anger coming from men against fluffies, who sit on their fat arses and expect men to “save them” i.e. to pay for them, so that these fluffies can live in a middle class house that he pays for, so that she can raise her kids in it. Women now have the contraceptive pill, and hence can choose reliably the number of kids they want, which is usually 0, 1, or 2, so that they have a career window of some 40+ years.The masculists point the finger at fluffies saying that “Now that women can work, they MUST work, because anything else is exploitation of the labor of men.” Masculists are Marxists in that sense, lashing out at the labor exploitation, the slavery of men, by women, and are very angry about it, motivating masculists to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies, not by killing them, but totally neglecting them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. Masculists/MGTOWs will often not even sex fluffies, as a form of punishment for them being fluffies, putting ENORMOUS moral pressure on fluffies to get off their parasitic arses and become FIPs, getting a FIP major education at high school and university, so that they can earn good money in the market place which values FIP majors (i.e. STEM fields, i.e. math and science based education). There is a long way to go along this path, because today, in most high schools in western countries, the large majority of young women choose to become fluffies by choosing to become fluffie crappers, i.e. studying fluffie crap (i.e. non math, non-sciences) that the economy does not value, so pays poorly, so fluffie crappers end up with a worthless diploma, so that in their 30s they realize they don’t have enough earning power to afford a middle class house, so they then start looking around for some manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for the house so she can have her kids in it.This parasitic attitude of fluffie crappers, i.e. the large majority of young women, is despised by the MGTOWs/masculists who treat such women, i.e. the large majority of women, young women, as fluffies, as fluffie crappers, who EXPECT to be able to parasite off a man. This attitude of women, most women, is treated with utter contempt by MGTOW/masculists, who lash out at such women. Masculists, who are a lot more political than the a-political, passive MGTOWs, spit at fluffies, refusing to go near them, and will only date and sex with FIP women, and even then not marry them, not give them kids, until the gender laws are made menfair, but that may take decades.So, since we men are FIPs, we have the power to deny fluffies, fluffie crappers, from parasiting off men’s money, by simply refusing to have anything to do with fluffies, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction, i.e. manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly shunned by a society becoming more informed every year of the massive gender injustice committed against men.2.?????? The “Hypocrisy of the Fluffie Feminists” Argument.The feminists feel that they have a monopoly on gender issues, which is ridiculous to MGTOWs/masculists, but most feminists have not heard of MGTOW nor masculism, so by default have not had their masculist consciousness raised. They have had their feminist consciousness raised, lashing out at the lack of equal rights for women in past centuries, but remain largely ignorant regarding the more recent and massive gender injustices committed against men. Since feminists know nothing about MGTOW/masculism, by default they have traditional attitudes towards men, i.e. fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. they see men as cash machines, whose purpose on earth is to pay for women to have babies and live in a house that HE pays for.The MGTOWs/masculists lash out at feminists for being fluffie feminists, because they are still fluffies in their attitudes towards men. These fluffie feminists are hypocrites in the eyes of MGTOWs/masculists because they want to have their cake and to eat it too. They want equal rights with men, i.e. 2nd wave feminism (and I have no problem with equal rights for women. I feel that way, out of a simple sense of justice. If I were a woman, I’d be a 2nd wave feminist) but 3rd wave feminists don’t accept equal obligations with men. They reject the idea that women have a moral obligation to be FIPs, to share the burden of earning the living, and NOT PARASITE OFF A MAN.This two faced attitude of most feminists makes them hypocrites. Most women have a deeply ingrained attitude that men exist to serve women, to work for women, to be manslaves for women. If a woman senses that some man will give her nothing, she tends to look on him as “useless” for her, i.e. she cannot extract resources/protein/money from him. In other words, women see men as exploitable, and not as human beings.This idea, that women look on men as exploitable resources, that women only love men conditionally, i.e.? provided that she is successfully exploiting him for the benefit of her and her kids, but the moment he loses that exploitability, she will? coldly dump him in favor of some more exploitable manslave. This idea is called the “red pill” (i.e. the acceptance of the bitter reality, taken from the movie “The Matrix”) and is the most powerful idea to come from the MGTOWs.Personally, I despise women who look upon me only as a cash machine. I wrote a flyer which expressed my attitude towards such fluffies that was entitled “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!” I get very angry at women who judge me purely in terms of how much money I make or have. I am a human being and hence multifaceted, with strong intellectual and ideational capacities that deserve recognition. If women don’t see that, then they can go fuck themselves, literally. I want nothing to do with such women.When feminists dump on men in public, at public meetings, then MGTOWs/masculists who are intellectually armed with the “Fluffie Feminists are Hypocrites” argument can use it with venom, to lash back at the feminists, explaining to the audience why MGTOWs/masculists have such contempt for the fluffie parasitic manslaving attitudes of fluffies and especially against the hypocrisy of fluffie feminists who want equal rights with men but reject equal obligations with men, expecting men to keep being cash machines for women.3.?????? ?The “Toxicity of the Fluffie Feminist Controlled Divorce Courts” ArgumentMGTOWs/masculists need to set up men’s lib groups in every high school and college to teach young men not to marry and not to have kids, because in today’s fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, divorce has become toxic for men, and hence, so has marriage. Most MGTOWs/masculists are well aware that roughly one married man in four will be financially massacred in the divorce courts in the US and similar western countries.A divorcing father will lose his kids with 90% probability. He will lose his house that is given by the state, to his ex fluffie wife, so that she can raise HER kids in it. He will be forced to pay child support and if she is a real fluffie, he may be forced to pay her alimony for the rest of her life, with no moral or legal obligation that his fluffie parasitic ex wife be forced to become a FIP and pay for herself.This financial massacring of divorced fathers, is such a massive gender injustice against men, that already two thirds (70%) of young men in the US and Japan, refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves. In a decade, that percentage will probably be over 90%. Thus young men are on strike, and waking up in droves to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system that treats men only as cash machines. The unconscious attitude of the fluffie feminists who control the divorce courts is that men are merely exploitable objects, they are not human beings. Their function is only to pay for women to have babies. This attitude of the fluffie feminist divorce courts is truly hated by MGTOWs/masculists, so it is not surprising, that men in huge numbers now are going on strike, refusing to be treated as manslaves for women, by being MGTOWs and masculists. The toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence marriage, should be a lesson that every man should know about in those countries that have fluffie feminist dominated divorce court systems. This is a massive injustice against men and needs to be removed, to be fought against, because it is a moral abomination. If it is not removed, then eventually, the whole population will get wiped out, which brings me to the strongest argument in the MGTOW/masculist repertoire, the most powerful strategy that the MGTOWs/masculist have.4.?????? The “Population Annihilation” ArgumentThe most powerful argument that the MGTOWs/masculists have is their “population annihilation” argument which does as follows – “If society and the gender laws are not made menfair, the MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity!” Governments cannot force men to accept being manslaves to fluffie parasites. They can bachelor-tax them, but there is a limit to that as well. If the tax on MGTOW men is too high, being MGTOW, they can easily uproot themselves and move to another country where the cost of living is much lower and hence see their purchasing power of their savings rise as a result.The Japanese population is already starting to fall as a result of the Japanese herbivores (the Japanese version of MGTOW). It has fallen by a million is just a few years. In two decades, once the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will have fallen to two thirds of its current figure to about 80 million. This reality in Japan has already set off alarm bells amongst Japanese politicians. Already two State Ministers for population have held office, trying to persuade young Japanese herbivore men to have children, but with no success, because they failed to address the root of the problem, namely the herbivores’ rejection of their fathers’ traditional salary man role, of being manslaves to their fluffie house wives, working 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, handing over their paychecks to their fluffie house wives. In Japan the husbands overwork, while their fluffie house wives play tennis.The great power of the “population annihilation” argument is that sooner or later, the gender politicians will be FORCED by a general paternity strike to give men what they want, i.e. gender justice for men, e.g. by making divorce law menfair, throwing out alimony, giving joint custody of the kids by default, encouraging divorcing couples to buy a cheap apartment near the house, in which they alternate weekly, with the father living with the kids in the house one week with the mother in the apartment, and the next week, they swap places. The Parer needs to be brought in (Parer = paternity rejection right) so that a man can reject legally an unwanted pregnancy. He fills is a government form, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she has full financially responsibility for the costs of the kid. Legal discriminations against men need to be removed across the board.Having a Parer, will force all women to be FIPs. When the fluffie feminists fight tooth and nail to block the passage of the Parer, the MGTOWs/masculists can slam them with the fluffie feminist hypocrisy argument. Women have the Marer, but men don’t have the Parer, a blatant form of sexual discrimination against men. Girls need to be socialized and educated to be FIPs, to be responsible, adult, career competent, FIPs as women, so that the Parer becomes practical. Education of young women needs to be revolutionized, so that parents, teachers, professors, put strong moral pressure on women to be FIPs, otherwise fluffie women are punished by being manless, paternity will continue to be rejected by men, and the population continues to crash until the gender politicians are FORCED into more drastic action. When they do, they will have to listen to the arguments of the MGTOWs/masculists and take men’s gender justice into account, or the MGTOWs/masculists will just continue to reject paternity, and the population continues to fall. Sooner or later, the MGTOWs/masculists must win. We have the enormous power of life or death over the whole population. The gender politicians must create a menfair culture and menfair the gender laws, or within a century there will be no culture left to do anything with.The population annihilation argument is the strongest that the MGTOWs/masculists have, and should be pushed strongly onto the broadcast media, until it is taken up and everyone knows about it. MGTOWs can use it as the main platform for their politicking, making MGTOWs much more political in their attitudes, instead of their traditional passivity, just quietly walking away from the marriage market and rejecting paternity. With the population annihilation argument, they can politicize themselves, and force society and the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/174 MGTOW Masculist Power Against Fluffies, Fluffie Feminists, and Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer describes the power MGTOWs masculists have to counter fluffies, fluffie feminists and gender politicians, to help liberate men. We have the power to wipe out fluffies, to discredit fluffie feminists for their non EMO (equal moral obligations) hypocrisy, and forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws or we will wipe out whole populations by continuing our paternity strike.MGTOW MASCULIST POWER AGAINST FLUFFIES, FLUFFIE FEMINISTS, AND GENDER POLITICIANSMGTOWs/masculists have real power when it comes to combatting fluffies, fluffie feminists, and the gender politicians. In this flyer I will lay out the MGTOW/masculist arguments to be used against these groups, trying to encourage men to use MGTOW/masculists ideas/arguments to help liberate men.I’ll start with fluffies. Masculists see fluffies as the enemy. Fluffies are traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, so sit on their fat bums, don’t bother to get a FIP (financially independent person) education, choosing to be fluffie crappers, studying fluffie crap at high school and college, so that in their 30s when their biological clock is ticking hard, they will wake up to the fact that their status of being fluffie crappers means that they cannot afford to buy their own apartment or house, so then look around for some manslave to pay for her to stay at home and raise HER kids in it.MGTOWs/masculists have to power to punish these fluffies by wiping them out, not by killing them, but simply by refusing to have anything to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. MGTOWs/masculists won’t even sex fluffies, as a form of punishment for them being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin. Nearly all men are FIPs, so have the power to deny fluffies from manslaving them, if men have had their MGTOW/masculist consciousnesses raised. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some manslavable male, but the supply of such men is drying up fast. In the US and Japan, two thirds (70%) of young men under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.They do this because they have seen the financial massacring of their fathers and older male friends at the hands of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, which force roughly one married man in FOUR, to be financially massacred. A divorcing father will lose his kids with 90% probability, he will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, he will pay child support and alimony to her so that she can remain a fluffie, parasiting on him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.We MGTOWs/masculists have the power to wipe out fluffies, the way the abolitionists wiped out Negro slavery in the 1800s. MGTOW/masculism is essentially a rebellion by men against working for women. Thanks to the pill, now that women can work, women must work, anything else is exploitation of the labor of men. Manslavery is slavery, slavery rouses passions, slavery is a war issue, the masculists are at war against the fluffies. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out the fluffies. In the UK, young British men care more about the level of FIPdom of their potential girlfriends, than their looks. This is a healthy development and to be encouraged in other countries.MGTOWs/masculists have the power to combat fluffie feminists, by accusing them of being hypocrites. Most feminists are still fluffies in their attitudes and expectations towards men. Many feminists are FIPs, which is fine, but they know almost nothing about MGTOW/masculist ideas, so they need to be taught, which is what MGTOWs/masculists are now doing by putting up lots of YouTube videos on these ideas.Fluffie feminists still see men in the traditional way, namely as cash machines. Most women have a deeply ingrained expectation that men exist to pay for women to have babies. So fluffie feminists want equal rights for women but not equal obligations for women. This makes fluffie feminists non EMOs (non-equal moral obligations) i.e. they do not want men to be given equal rights with women in such things as menfairing the divorce courts, or bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) so that a man wanting to reject a pregnancy, has to right to do so, so that if the mother continues with the pregnancy, she has full legal financial obligation for the costs of the child.MGTOWs/masculists have the power to dismiss feminist arguments as hypocritical. MGTOWs/masculists are now confronting fluffie feminists with venom and contempt for their hypocrisy. MGTOWs/masculists have the power to dismiss most feminist arguments as wishful thinking that does not make much scientific sense when put to empirical test. Most feminists claims are fantasy, not based on reality, making feminists often “isscienate fairies” (isscienate = ignorant of science, fairies = living in a fairy land, believing what they want to believe without evidence, rather like religionists.)The gender politicians are the most hated group by the MGTOW/masculists, because it is the gender politicians who created the divorce laws in the 1970s that cause one married man in four to be financially massacred, and who refuse to bring in the Parer, which is the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men, that exists, given that women have the Marer (aka abortion right.) MGTOWs/masculists have a “nuclear weapon” they can use against the gender politicians, called the “population annihilation” argument, which is “If you gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, then we MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity!” In time, as the population crashes, this argument will force the gender politicians to give men what they want, i.e. a menfair society, a FIP society, an EMO society, where young women are socialized and educated to be FIPs and EMOs.The above ideas are powerful and can influence young men to confront our gynocentric society, and bring it down. We men have the power to do that. We can wipe out fluffies, we can neutralize the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, and we can force the gender politicians to menfair society and the gender laws, or we wipe out whole populations. That is our power. Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/187 Masculism is Political (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer complains that both Sandman and the newer Howard Dare do not devote enough time and energy to talking about how to CHANGE the gender status quo, that is so detrimental to men. They both paint a vivid picture of the gender injustices to men, but say almost nothing about how to change the gender climate and the gender laws so that they are fairer to men.MASCULISM IS POLITICALI have the same complaint of you Howard Dare as I have of Sandman, i.e. both of you paint a vivid picture of the gender status quo, but neither of you says much about how to change it.To change the gender status quo, you need to be masculist and put enormous moral pressure on women to FIPup, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by getting a career competent education at high school and university, so that a woman can earn a decent wage as an adult and not parasite off a man, as do fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man). Fluffies (based on the word fluff, i.e. light, not serious, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP) are the enemies of the masculists. The main political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery across the planet this century, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but by ignoring them to death, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction, so that their fluffie genes are wiped from the gene pool.Women who don’t bother to become FIPs don’t get a man. “Be FIP or be manless” is one of the favorite sayings of the masculists to women. “No calculus, no baby” is a similar saying. “Men are the superior sex. We have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and all the major math prizes. We have an average IQ superiority over women by about 4 IQ points. We have a 10% higher IQ variance over women, so that the morons and the genii are males, so its not surprising that men win the Nobels. We have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious,? more dogged, more persistent, so achieve far more. Men dominate the Who’s Who book entries.Men need to arm themselves intellectually with masculist ideas, so that we can hit back at the feminazi bitches, who are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, imposing their hypocritical fluffie feminist values onto them, causing about one married father in four to be financially massacred (losing his kids with a 90% probability, losing his house that goes to his fluffie ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it. He will pay child support to kids he barely sees, and often will pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce. These fluffie feminist hypocrites have to be stopped, because they have become genociders.2/3 of young men, under 35 in many major countries (e.g. US, Japan, Germany, etc) refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, all as a result of the toxicity of the divorce courts, which are fluffie feminist in policy, i.e. they see men as the enemy, to be abused, and since these fluffie feminists are still fluffies, i.e. they have not had their masculist consciousness raised, so by default see men traditionally, i.e. as cash machines, they combine the two attitudes of feminism (men the enemy to be abused) and fluffie (men as cash machines) in financially massacring men in a divorce. The casualty rate amongst men in the divorce courts is far worse than in a major war, so war needs to be declared against fluffie feminism and the divorce courts, the gynocentric media, the gynocentric primary school system etc, otherwise the population continues to be wiped out.Do the math, if only a third of the young generation reproduces its number, then over a century, say 4 generations, that’s a third of a third of a third of a third which is about 1% and the other 99% has died off. This is what the fluffie feminists are doing indirectly, and have to be stopped.If you hear a fluffie feminist making misandrist statements against men, then give the bitch of real dose of masculist hatred and blow her (it) away. We men are smarter and more aggressive than women, and can harangue women better than they can harangue us, so blow them away. Put the fear of god into them, that feminazi bitches are the most hated category of female, and the first to be rejected by men.Soon, artificial wombs and sex bots will be with us, causing feminism to disappear overnight, as men grow their own? kids and prefer to sex their bots than women. These sexbots will have film star faces, luscious curvy bodies, creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with. Women will be FORCED to be VERY NICE to men, otherwise they will not be competitive with the bots and the artwombs. Men’s time is coming, only a decade or so away, so women reading this, take note.Women have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, so it’s not surprising that they have greater difficulty seeing the bigger picture, looking ahead to the political consequences of their actions. Men are better at this than women, because our brains have 10% more neurons. Women have child minds to most men and are only tolerated because women provide sex to men, which causes men’s frontal lobes to switch off, which contain the critical thinking and planning regions of the brain.To the men reading this, raise your masculist consciousness, and then get out there and fight the fluffie feminists. Educate society, that if the current gender status quo continues, our population gets wiped out. Fluffie feminists are genociders, and hence the greatest criminals of our historical era. They have to be stopped, they have to be wiped out, not by killing them, but by being totally ignored. Women’s fear of being manless will force them to become nice, then they might get a man to pay attention to them.The gender laws need to be changed. Alimony needs to be thrown out. Custody of kids in a divorce needs to be made joint, by default. The owner of the house needs to keep it. The Parer (paternity rejection right) needs to be legislated, which would allow men to legally reject paternity, the way women can reject an unwanted pregnancy, aka abortion right. The lack of a Parer, is one of the most blatant examples of sexual discrimination against men that exists, and ruins millions of men’s lives.The fluffie feminists will fight the Parer with everything they have, because the passage of the Parer will FORCE women to be FIPs, which terrifies fluffies, who would then? be forced to become responsible adults, taking responsibility for their own lives. Masculism thus forces women to GROW UP.Tell your male friends about the core ideas of masculism. Let them see the light, so that when they snarl at fluffie feminist hypocrites (who on the one hand want equal rights for woman, but reject equal obligations for women, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a FIP based, career competent education) they show their sharp masculist canines which BITE.Women have had a near monopoly on gender issues for half a century. Not anymore. Now masculists are lashing back at fluffie feminazi hypocrites and putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIPup or be punished by being manless. Across the western world now, men are waking up to the toxicity of the feminazi bitches, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy, and are fighting back. Men are smarter and more aggressive than women, so once we get angry enough, of course we will win.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/205 Masculist Power (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows the power that men have to force women to FIPup, i.e. become FIPs or be punished by men for being fluffies, who will not get a man, being forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, childless and spat at.MASCULISM Dear Aaron, Listening to you, I have the feeling that you might benefit by being exposed to masculist ideas that will give your agenda greater power. So I give a brief synopsis of the main masculist ideas and then explain why they have such potency. I need to start with some masculist terms. Masculist = men’s libber. Fluffie = traditional woman who expects to parasite off a man’s money. FIP = financially independent person (what the masculists want all women to be). Robot male = traditional male who expects to be parasited upon by a fluffie wife (e.g. as is still the case in Korea and Japan). Fluffie feminist = feminist who is ignorant of masculist ideas so still has traditional attitudes towards men, seeing them as check books, and exploitable. Masculists are strongly ideological, political and moralistic. They put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs ("If you want to have a man, have a career", "fluffies can rot on the shelf"). Masculists tell robot males, "rather a FIP than a fluffie", "a fluffie will parasite on you before the divorce and after the divorce") Masculists get on the media and push their ideology to change social attitudes and raise awareness of men's issues (e.g. the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, the lack of a legislated Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.). They harangue fluffie feminists, they lobby male feminist gender politicians, they perform direct actions against fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers, they get on the media and preach masculist ideas so that feminists and fluffies and robot males have their masculist consciousness raised. Masculists particularly push the idea that a woman who is not a career competent FIP will simply not get a man, and since 99.5% of women are heterosexual, they are dependent on men to be loved, to be sexed, and to be given kids. In Japan, a third of young ("herbivore") men under 30 refuse to have relationships with young women, so a corresponding third of young women ("the dry fish ladies") are now utterly miserable, because they have no man, no love, no sex, and especially no babies. These young men look at their fathers who worked 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, who got home so late they orphaned their kids, who handed over their pay checks to their fluffie wives (who played tennis and cards with their fluffie friends), and are appalled. so they rebel. They go their own way, and spend their money on themselves. Western men are going the same way, but are called MGTOWs (men going their own way) but MGTOWs are politically and ideologically passive as distinct from the masculists who are very political, ideological, media conscious, angry, and in your face. Masculists are forcing women to become FIPs and pull their weight financially, or they don't get a man. This masculist force is scaring women shitless and making them learn to be nice to men again. As the supply of robot males continues to dry up, fluffies and fluffie feminists are competing harder and harder to find such men whom they can parasite upon, forcing many women to become FIPs or remain poor if earlier in their lives they did not shift their arse to become career competent. Masculist ideologizing creates a strong moral pressure on women to be FIPs. Young fluffies are increasingly shunned and spat at by young men, who will not look twice at a young fluffie. If a young women gets the reputation of being a fluffie amongst her social circle, that is the kiss of death for her in terms of getting a man. Fluffies are being wiped out by the masculist influenced young men. The number one aim of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies, because so many of men's problems stem from the continued existence of fluffies. However, the first category of women that masculists reject is the misandrist, male dumping feminist. They too will continue to rot on the shelf. Men are not masochists. They want to be liked, and a male dumping feminazi is utterly repulsive to men, as are fat feminists. Fat women are "fat unfuckables" to masculists and to most men in general. In short, masculism has the power to transform society, the way feminism did in the 70s. We force fluffies to become FIPs, or they rot on the shelf. We force women to be nice to us, or they rot on the shelf. We force the divorce courts to become "men fair" or they (divorced women) rot on the shelf. The 2010s is the decade of male rebellion. By 2020, society will have had its masculist consciousness raised and that new consciousness will translate into political and cultural changes as extensive as those caused by feminism. At the end of the day, if women and the fluffie feminist dominated government do not change their tune towards men, then masculists will destroy society, by causing the birth rate to plummet so much, that society dies out. Look at todays Japan. Jap politicians are pulling their hair out, trying to figure out what went wrong and why the Jap birth rate is dropping so catastrophically. Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/215 Refuting the MGTOW "51% Female Voter" Argument (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how the standard argument used by the MGTOW to not bother being political, unlike the masculists, can be refuted, by using masculist ideas to so change the gender climate that about 65% of the population votes for menfairing the gender laws, i.e. persuading a lot of women to become female masculists in order to get men’s attention back.REFUTING THE MGTOW “51% FEMALE VOTER” ARGUMENTThe sharpest ideological difference between the MGTOWs and the masculists is that the MGTOWs are a-political, and the masculists are very political, angry and place heavy moral pressure on their enemies (the fluffie parasites, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, and the truly hated gender politicians) to accept masculist ideas. The MGTOWs argue that the tactics of the masculists are a waste of time and energy, and hence are stupid, due to the MGTOW “51% female voter” argument, which says that 51% of voters in the US are female and that more women vote than men, so that if some gender issue (e.g. divorce reform that would menfair the divorce courts) were a zero sum game between women and men, then the gender politicians would vote in favor of women, because they know that women make up the majority of the voters, who actually vote, so that taking a pro masculist political stance, would get these gender politicians voted out by the female bloc vote.This argument sounds plausible at first sight, so this flyer is devoted to refuting it, attempting to convert those wavering MGTOWs who think that MGTOWs should do more politically, to help other men in their suffering due to the gynocentric oppression of the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the hated feminazi bitches.As a masculist, this “51% female voter” argument is a thorn in my side, so it needs to be refuted if that is at all possible. If it can’t be refuted, then the MGTOWs have a point, and their strategy of simply, quietly, a-politically, going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, spending their money on themselves, utterly rejecting paying for a woman, who is ignored my MGTOWs as a matter of policy, perhaps pumped and dumped but never paid for – may be the only thing that men can do. But as a masculist, I disagree with this MGTOW fatalism.There are however a string of masculist counter arguments that refute the “51% female voter” argument, that this flyer presents and discusses. So can the masculists overcome this argument? The answer is “It depends!” It depends on a lot of things.For example, it depends on how effective the masculists are in getting on the broadcast media, persuading male journalists to present the masculist ideas to the masses, to the millions, and worldwide to the billions. It depends on how effective the masculists can become at persuading the general population that parents need to socialize their daughters and that teachers need to teach their female students to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons)) so that they do not become fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man) as adults.If the masculists can change the gender climate so thoroughly, that nearly all young women become FIPs and agree with the masculists that fluffies should be seen as being “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” then the masculists will have a good shot at overcoming the “51% female voter” argument.There are several strong arguments that the masculists have that can be used, to so change the gender climate, so as to refute the 51% argument. The first is the most powerful, but will take some time to become really effective. It is the “nuclear weapon” i.e. the strongest argument of the masculists, and the MGTOW, called the “population annihilation” argument, which goes as follows. “If the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, (e.g. make divorce law menfair, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) equivalent to women’s Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right), menfairing the gender laws across the board) then the masculists and MGTOW will continue to reject paternity, and hence WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS!”Since there is nothing more important to human beings than the survival of human beings, this most powerful of the masculist arguments will eventually prevail. The hated gender politicians will be FORCED to menfair the ender laws, or the gender politicians will be assassinated. When populations seriously start falling badly, this desperate situation will demand desperate measures, such as assassination of the gender politicians. Tremendous moral and political pressure will be placed on the gender politicians to treat men with equal dignity and respect as they do for women, otherwise it will cost them their lives, as vigilante groups take the law into their own hands, given that the current law is so heavily gynocentrically biased.The next powerful masculist argument is the “we men have the financial power to force women to FIP up” argument. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some gullible, ignorant, manslave who has not had his masculist/MGTOW consciousness raised. However thanks to the many YouTube videos made by the MGTOWs and masculists, young men in a string of major countries have now woken up to how toxic the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the hated feminazi bitches, have made the divorce courts for men, so that in countries such as the US, Japan, Germany etc., two thirds of young men under 35, are now MGTOW in practice, if not in philosophy, i.e. they refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and avoid fluffies like the plague.Unfortunately, the MGTOWs, do not make an effort to contact the broadcast journalists to persuade them to teach young women to FIP up, or to rot on the shelf. Masculists on the other hand do make the effort to do this, as a matter of policy.In a decade, probably over 90% of young men will refuse to pay for fluffies, so that fluffies will be FORCED to FIP up, or be spat at by men. So women don’t have a choice. Some feminazis naively believe that women have a choice whether to be careerists or to be housewives. No they don’t. If men don’t agree to be manslaved by fluffie parasites, then fluffies will rot on the shelf, utterly rejected by men. It is the men who have the power to decide whether some women will be housewives, since housewives are paid for by manslaves, whose supply is almost dried up.Another strong masculist argument is the “Be FIP or be manless!” argument, that is related to the previous argument. Masculists place enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up, to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can be FIPs as adults, and pull their own financial weight and not parasite off the money of a man. Masculists tell women, that they will be viewed as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” if they become fluffies and not FIP up.There is a long way to go in this regard, because in the US for example, about ? of young women at age 16 choose the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy “soft option” of studying memory based, non-analytical, majors, such as English literature, geography, languages, etc instead of math and the sciences. This results in these young women being forced to study more “fluffie crap” at college, because they are rejected from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors and the professions, because they do not have the appropriate high school prerequisites, resulting in them getting a fluffie crap diploma which will make them fluffies in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking hard, so they then look around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for the middle class house that she can raise her kids in. A decade later, she will drag ?him through the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, and have him financially massacred, taking his kids, his house, half his possessions, forced to pay child support and often alimony, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to FIP up and get a job.Masculists are pushing hard for the establishment of masculists groups in every high school and college, so that young men can put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up, to study career competent majors, or be rejected by men.Masculists aim, with the above arguments, to change the “gender climate” i.e. to make both sexes aware that men’s lib means business, and that if women don’t FIP up and help menfair the gender laws, then, women are going to be severely punished by men, by not having one. Men will merely pump and dump women, and leave them rotting on the shelf.Another argument the masculists and MGTOWs use is the “When the sexbots and the artwombs come in a decade or so, women will be ignored.” This will cause women to become “female masculists” in order to attract men’s interest. When men can get better sex from their sexbots, and can grow their own kids, women will become largely irrelevant to men. Feminism will die out quickly, and women will be fighting each other desperately for men’s dwindling attention. It will become strongly in women’s self-interest to become “female masculists” to help the masculists to push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the masculists and MGTOWs will continue to ignore women, who after all, have severe negative qualities, e.g. nagging, being irrational, emotional, hysterical, etc.Thinking women, will become well informed of masculist/MGTOW ideas and some of them will agree with the masculists that men need to be treated ethically, and not be abused by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living, by bothering to educate themselves with career competent majors, so that they can become FIPs as adults, and not expect, fluffie style, to be able to parasite off the money of a man.) These sympathetic women, will be “female masculists” and will want to help men achieve gender equality with women, concerning the gender laws, which is far from being the case in today’s world, especially in the divorce courts, and the lack of a Parer, etc.So, putting all these arguments together, the 51% figure will be significantly lowered. There will be many female masculists who will want men to be given equal rights with women, so that men will be more prepared to interact with women, to sex women, to give women babies. The gender climate will be very different a decade from now as the masculist/MGTOW ideas spread and spread, so that nearly all women (and men) know about them, and are influenced by them.Gender politicians, being politicians, will feel the moral pressure on them from both sexes. They will sense which way the gender wind is blowing, and become more prepared to menfair the gender laws, when they see that more and more women are turning to female masculism, than is the case today. When say, 30% of women are female masculists, and nearly 50% of men are, then that’s 65% of the electorate who are in favor of menfairing the gender laws, so they will be menfaired, if the gender politicians do not want to lose their next election.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/228 Masculist Militancy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that masculists need to become a lot more militant to achieve their goals. This flyer suggests militant tactics that could be used, analogous to those used by the suffragettes of a century ago.MASCULIST MILITANCY?This flyer claims that masculists need to become a lot more militant to achieve their goals. Masculists are becoming increasingly conscious that the feminazis are becoming genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that the large majority of young men now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. This paternity rejection on the part of these young men is crashing the birth rate and in time will wipe out whole populations.The root cause of this paternity rejection is the toxicity of the divorce courts created by the hated feminazis who financially crucify one married father in four, making the feminazis the bitter enemy of the masculists, who then argue that these feminazi bitches have to be stopped. This flyer talks about ways to do this, suggesting a series of increasingly militant steps that masculists can take to prevent the feminazis from wiping out whole populations.Ironically, the masculists can learn a thing or two from the suffragettes of the first wave of feminism that took place early in the 20th century. The suffragettes (from the French, i.e. women who wanted the suffrage, i.e. the right to vote) pushed for women to be given the right to vote, so that they would have the power to change the laws that capable intelligent women wanted in order to “liberate” women, to be given the same right as men to decide which laws should be democratically adopted. Once the suffragettes had settled on the suffrage as their primary political focus, over time they became increasingly militant in their attempts to persuade men to give women the vote.Eventually, large numbers of women went on hunger strike in prison after they had been arrested, and were force-fed by having feeder tubes pushed down their throats. One British suffragette even threw herself in front of the king’s horse in a horse race, and was killed, making her a martyr for the suffragette cause.Suffragettes smashed windows and were arrested. They went on marches with placards in public, beating drums etc. They became increasingly militant, putting increasing moral and political pressure on men to give women the vote.Masculists can learn from the tactics of the suffragettes. As a masculist myself, I believe in fairness for both sexes. If I were a woman, I would probably have been a second wave feminist, fighting for equal rights with men, concerning issues such as equal pay for equal work, equal opportunities to enter the professions, the right to end an unwanted pregnancy (abortion right) etc. I would want such things as a woman for ethical reasons, out of a sense of fairness.But, equally, I would expect women to treat men with a similar sense of fairness, particularly in regard to women taking an equal share of the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that women can become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults and not be fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man). As a masculist I expect women to FIP up, and will punish them, by ignoring them totally, if they don’t.Unfortunately third wave feminism is not about equality between the sexes, it is about gynocracy, i.e. rule by women, at the expense of men, the most notorious example of which occurs in the divorce courts, that the feminazis have taken over and use as a means to punish men for being men.One in four married fathers will be financially massacred in these fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, losing his kids with 90% probability, losing his house to his fluffie ex-wife, and half of his possessions, forced to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she can remain a fluffie, parasiting off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.Masculists lash out at the hypocrisy of third wave feminists, labeling them fluffie feminist hypocrites. They are hypocrites because on the one hand they want equal rights with men, but on the other hand, reject equal obligations with men, particularly in the obligation to share the burden of earning the living by getting a career competent education.Most feminists are still fluffies, having traditional attitudes towards men, seeing men as cash machines, put on this earth to pay for women to have babies. This is a deeply held attitude with the majority of women that masculists aim to drum out of women.Most fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers see men as subhuman cash machines, to be punished for being men, by making them pay, pay, pay for women, to remain being fluffies. These fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers need to be educated by masculists to adopt masculist values, seeing men as respect worthy, as the superior sex, who should be honored.Instead these feminazi bitches have made themselves hated by men, particularly divorced men, who are burning with resentment and rage against the massive injustice committed against them. Young men see the damage done to their fathers, uncles, older male friends, and come to the obvious conclusion, that marriage is to be avoided, so too with fatherhood, because the hated feminazi bitches have made marriage and paternity TOXIC for married fathers.The risk of one chance in four of being financially massacred by these feminazi bitches is way too high, so young men simply opt out of the traditional manslave role. They go their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids and spending their money on themselves, so that fluffies can rot in hell.Now that two thirds of young men in many western countries are now rejecting the manslave role, joining the MGTOW (men going their own way) movement, masculists are waking up to the idea that indirectly the feminazis are wiping out whole populations, that the feminazis are thus becoming genociders, and hence MUST BE STOPPED.At this point the two main branches of the men’s movement, the MGTOWs and the masculists part company. The MGTOWs are politically passive, they just quietly walk away from marriage and paternity. They are not politically active, they don’t become militants, the way the masculists are now increasingly becoming.The masculists are very political and moralistic. Masculists put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up or be punished by men, by not getting a man to have any kind of relationship with her. Masculists are sharply critical of the “a-political wimpiness” of the MGTOWs, criticizing the MGTOWs harshly for not showing any solidarity towards the gender plight of other men.Most MGTOWs are cynical that masculist militancy would have any effect. Two prominent MGTOWs, Sandman and TFM (turd flinging money) think this. In Sandman’s case, who has some 100,000 subscribers, he doesn’t have a political bone in his body. He is simply uninterested in politics, so excludes himself from a militant course of action, due to his personality.TFM on the other hand is obviously angry at feminazis, spending a lot of time on the internet complaining about their gender crimes against men, but is convinced that being a masculist is a waste of time due to the fact that women are 51% of the voters, so that the gender politicians would never vote in a pro-masculist agenda, through fear of being voted out by the bloc female vote, given that women benefit so much from the feminazi dominated divorce courts that are so heavily biased in ?women’s favor.But TFM’s apoliticality prevents him from seeing that there is a loophole around his 51% argument, and that is that using masculist tactics, women can be converted into female masculists through fear of not having babies.Masculists use MGTOW tactics politically, i.e. masculists tell women that “If you don’t help men menfair the gender laws, by putting voting pressure on the gender politicians, then men will remain MGTOW and hence, you won’t get a baby. So, in the form of a masculist slogan, “Vote with men to menfair the gender laws, or remain babyless!”So the masculists now have a clear path forward to achieve their goal of creating a FIP society, in which both sexes are socialized and educated to become FIPs, so that nearly all of the gender issues that men have can be removed. With fluffies wiped out, the divorce courts can be menfaired. The Parer (paternity rejection right) can be brought in, so that a woman who continues with a pregnancy that the father rejects, can afford to pay the full costs of the kid. Alimony will be thrown out, the owner of the house gets to keep it, custody of children in a divorce is joint by default, etc.The masculists’ prime political goal is to wipe out manslavery, i.e. men working for women, worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to death, forcing them to become FIPs or they are punished by men, by not getting one, rotting on the shelf to extinction, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and spat at.So masculists now need to concentrate on getting the gender laws menfaired. Masculists need to become more militant, the way the first wave feminist suffragettes did a century ago. Here are some suggestions on what masculists need to do to achieve their goals.1.Get rid of the feminazis, by discrediting them so powerfully in the culture, that they die off, forcing them to go underground through fear of showing their heads above water, to have it shamed out of existence. Society needs to be taught that feminazis are genociders and have to be stopped. They are monsters who are destroying men in the divorce courts, causing young men to go MGTOW, thus forcing babylessness on young women, so that BOTH sexes end up hating the feminazis, causing third wave feminism in all its gynocratic misandry, to die out.2.Put enormous moral pressure on the fluffies to force them to become FIPs by bothering to get a career competent education. There is a lot of masculist work to be done here, because in today’s world, still some three quarters of young women at age 16 choose to become fluffies as adults, by choosing to study “fluffie crap” majors, i.e. the “soft option” of memory based subjects such as English literature, history, languages, instead of the more career competent majors requiring analytic thought such as math and the sciences.These fluffie crappers are then forced to study more fluffie crap at college, because they are excluded from studying STEM (science tech engineering math) and the professions because they do not have the prerequisites in the analytic subjects. These fluffie crappers then grow into their 30s and realize their fluffie crapper diplomas cannot give them a good salary, so go looking for some gullible manslave to parasite upon so that he will pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse and live off his money in his house that he pays for.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists who need to be wiped out, so it is important that masculists help set up masculist groups in every high school to put real moral pressure on fluffie students to study the “hard option” i.e. the “career competent” option, or risk never getting a man, not even being pumped and dumped, because the woman has acquired the dreaded label of being a “fluffie.”3.Masculist groups need to be set up in every college and university, so that masculist and MGTOW ideas can be taught to both men and women. Men need to be taught so that they can avoid the hell of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court, so that they don’t marry, don’t have kids, and adopt the MGTOW/masculist life style, perhaps twaytweffing (2A2F= 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) type relationship, so that when the relationship fails, the man can simply return to his apartment, cost free to him, no divorce, no kids, no alimony, no hassle, but never living with a woman.4.Women need to be taught masculist/MGTOW ideas so that they FIP up, and vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that women can have babies again, once men learn that the menfaired divorce courts are no longer toxic for men, as are today’s. As part of this masculist/MGTOW education process, Men’s Studies courses need to be set up at universities, with text books written by professors to teach from.5.Masculists and MGTOWs need to continue putting out videos on YouTube and other platforms (which don’t stupidly censor, the way Jewish feminazi CEOed YouTube does) to educate men and women on masculist/MGTOW issues.—Once there are many politically motivated masculist groups in high schools and colleges, collective action can then begin, for example here is quite a list of things masculist groups can do.a)Get on the broadcast media with an angry masculist message. This will spread masculist/MGTOW ideas to the general public, to the masses, the millions, the billions, so that nearly everyone becomes familiar with them. This education process will speed up the creation of a strong social and political pressure on the feminazi divorce courts judges and lawyers, plus the hated gender politicians, to menfair the divorce laws and gender laws in general.b)Once the masculist/MGTOW ideas are well known to the public, then the political actions can begin. For example, large number of masculists groups at the same time can go to every “family court” in the country or the state and write graffiti on their outer walls “Crime Scene Against Men” and then contact the media. This is a clear example of militant action on the part of the masculists.c)Masculists could set up a “grey list” of names, emails, addresses, photos, of feminazi or male feminist traitor divorce court lawyers and judges, and spread them via the internet to masculist groups. These feminazis could then be targeted with actions, such as being bitch slapped in the street, having their house windows broken, their car windscreen regularly smashed, etc. These incidents should be regularly reported to the media, with the message “These feminazis are genociders, wiping out whole populations, due to the toxicity for men of the divorce courts they have created, and have to be stopped.”I say grey lists, because they are not yet “black lists” (i.e. “hit lists” where people are crossed off the list through murder.) The masculists hope that these grey list tactics will be sufficient to persuade the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers to change their tune after being the victims of “grey listing” but if that doesn’t work, then the masculists will need to become more militant, because there is so much at stake, i.e. the very survival of whole populations.d)As the population keeps falling, ever more militant actions will be needed to change things. Eventually, these genociders will deserve to be murdered, and this is what will happen. Masculist hit men will take them out with a bullet. Such masculists will be seen as soldiers, in an army of men’s lib, fighting for men’s issues. Nothing is more important to human beings than the very survival of human beings, so whatever is necessary to preserve the survival of human beings will be used to achieve this end, even collective murder, usually labeled a war, a sex war.e)With powerful masculist moral pressure on the broadcast media, against fluffies, against the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers and particularly against the hated gender politicians, then the majority of voters, both masculist and female masculist (to overcome the 51% argument) should be able to force the gender politicians to systemically menfair the gender laws, so that masculism is no longer needed.f)If this does NOT happen, then the very logic of the situation, will eventually lead to a sex war, in which feminazi divorce judges and lawyers, plus gender politicians will be murdered. Desperate times, as the population crashes, will demand desperate solutions.Hopefully things will not need to go this far, but whether the sex war reaches the murder stage or not, one thing is for sure, and that is that masculists need to become a lot more militant to achieve their goals, using such methods as suggested above.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/229 Why is the U.S. Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) so Impotent? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives my opinions on why I think the US Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) is so impotent. It provides four main reasons.WHY IS THE U.S. MEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT (MRM) SO IMPOTENT???One of the most damning criticisms of the American MRM is that it has not achieved any of its major goals, i.e. of getting any piece of legislation changed that would give men better rights, not a single case.This is a most damning truth, so one wonders why the MRM is so politically useless, given that its purpose is to reform the laws so that men’s rights are more respected by the law and by society in general.I think there are several main reasons – that this flyer discusses. I will present them in bulleted form initially, and elaborate on them later.The MRM’s psychology is misguided, taking a “poor me, the man” attitude rather than an angry masculist approach.Not converting enough women into female masculists to overcome the “majority female bloc vote” problem.Lack of publicity flair.Lack of ideological, intellectual force.?The MRM’s psychology is misguided, taking a “poor me, the man” attitude rather than an angry masculist approach.Men are socialized to be tough, because traditionally, men were the sole breadwinners of the family. In the days before the welfare state, if a married father failed to bring home the bacon, then his family starved.So boys were socialized to be tough, to bounce back after a setback, to keep performing, so that the family could survive. This socialization of boys was severe, much stricter and more brutal on boys than the socialization of girls to be care givers to children.As a result of this, men have ingrained in them that they have to solve their own problems, not complain, to toughen up and perform. If they get fired from their jobs, they have to bounce back the next day and go hunting for another one, so that his family does not suffer, because he is the sole breadwinner.When the American MRM complains to the general public that men suffer from X, Y and Z, in terms of lack of rights, and in a rather sheepish manner, it is a real turn off for many men, so it is not surprising that the US MRM has not achieved anything notable in terms of legislative change.What the MRM lacks, is the angry political approach, lashing out at its enemies, angry masculist style, that men can identify with, that better suits their male personalities and gender role conditioning.I say this with firsthand experience, because in the early 80s in Europe I almost single handedly put the men’s lib movement in Europe on the map, by taking an angry masculist approach. In the 80s I was by then quadrilingual (English, French, Dutch, German) and had about 150 TV, radio, newspaper and magazine appearances in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany Britain, Denmark and Australia.I found that people paid attention to angry, articulate, highly intelligent males. After a decade of angry feminism in the 70s, the media (which was then still largely dominated by men) and the public, were ready to hear the other half’s story. In Australia, I even made the cover of Australia’s equivalent of Time magazine on men’s issues.Most journalists today are female, so one could argue that it will be tougher to penetrate the media today with the masculist message than it was in the 80s. That sounds plausible to me. I already had some experience of this a few years ago, when I sent out a masculist press release to the major (mostly male) reporters of the major US and UK newspapers, Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian, The Times, etc. I didn’t get a single reply back, even though I pitched the argument that the feminazi bitches had taken over the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men have reacted by refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and thus wiping out whole populations, the most important issue of our times.Thus these feminazis have effectively, indirectly become genociders, wiping out whole populations and have to be stopped. Not a single reply. Why?Are the male journalists afraid for their jobs if they come out with major masculist pieces? Has the power between the sexes in the media shifted so much that men are now afraid to speak up? Are male journalists not angry enough? What’s going on here?As I write this flyer in my bedroom in my apartment in China, where I have been living for the past 11 years, I have no direct face to face experience with the western media. There are no organizations in China that are not controlled by the hated CCP (Chinese Communist Party). The last time a large private organization arose in China, the falangong (a quasi-religious deep-breathing movement) it was seen by the CCP as a threat to its power and was brutally suppressed with imprisonment, torture, murder etc. The CCP is a bunch of thugs.Thus there is no organized feminism in China, and no masculism either. I will have to wait for a year or so, to finish up some work on my private library before I move to Melbourne Australia, to take up the generous offer of my sister to live rent free in a one bedroom apartment that she plans to buy.I’m very curious to see what impact I will have on promoting masculism in Melbourne and Australia once I arrive there. Obviously I will take an angry masculist approach, to see if Australia’s male journalists respond. This approach worked fine in Australia in the early 80s, so will it work again, once I return to the country I grew up in? Time will tell.I plan to begin with the universities, by writing major essays to be published in their student magazines, newspapers, websites, to stir up interest that way, and perhaps also by speaking at Melbourne’s “Speaker’s Corner,” equivalent to London’s Hyde Park “Speaker’s Corner.” I will also approach the media, trying to hook that first significant journalist.From previous experience, I know that once one significant journalist bites, then the rest, sheep like, follow the herd. Journalists are always on the lookout for new stories, to make themselves stand out from the crowd, but they are constrained by the limits of the knowledge of their readers. The journalists cannot be too far ahead of the times of their readers, so breaking in a new topic is always difficult for the pioneers.Not converting enough women to female masculism to reduce the “majority female bloc vote” problem.One of the main reasons why MGTOWs (men going their own way) choose to be so apolitical, is that they argue that 51% of the voters are female, who also vote more than men, so that any attempt by gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, will backfire, due to the majority bloc vote of women. Any male gender politician who tries to push for example, the legislation of the right to joint custody of children after a divorce, would lose his next election because of the majority female bloc vote.So masculists need to reduce the size of the female bloc vote, and the most effective way to do that is to scare women into becoming female masculists, so that they vote together with the bloc male vote, to menfair the gender laws.The masculists scare women into becoming female masculists by threatening them with babylessness using MGTOW tactics, i.e. refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves. Masculists push the idea onto women, that “If you women want to have babies, then you will have to vote in favor of menfairing the gender laws, otherwise your majority female bloc vote will force gender politicians to continue the gender law status quo, and men will continue to boycott marriage and paternity.”Masculists harangue the hated feminazi bitches who have taken over the divorce courts and use them to punish men for being men, by so financially massacring them, that two thirds of young men now reject marriage and paternity.Women are getting the message, that men so hate feminazis that any young woman who’s stupid enough to state publically that she is a feminist, will suffer the kiss of death in her social circle, by not getting a man. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Such women are the most rejected, the first to be totally ignored, the most hated.Masculists teach women about the massive injustices against men, particularly the utter hypocrisy of the lack of a legislated Parer (paternity rejection right). Women have a legislated Marer (maternity rejection right). Women have the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men have no such right, so millions of women get “accidentally” pregnant and then force men to pay for their babies, ruining these men’s live, a major female crime.Masculists really need to work on women’s education concerning men’s issues, so that some women can learn to become sympathetic to men’s gender issues and vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws.Lack of publicity flair.The MRM it seems to me, lacks imagination when it comes to publicity. To get your message across, especially when it’s new, you need to create events that attract the attention of the media people. This takes imagination, which I don’t see coming from the MRM.For example, after the universities have been well exposed to masculist thinking by major articles in their student newspapers, websites, etc., I might be invited to give a big talk at a university, helped by the local men’s lib group. If the feminazis turn up to try to destroy the talk by heckling, then the men’s group members could collectively bitch slap the feminazis out of the room.Doing that would cause an uproar in the media. I could then get on the media and tell them, “Bitch slapping is what masculists do to feminazis to stop them from wiping out whole populations. Feminazis are genociders. Bitch slapping is preferable to bullets. These feminazi bitches have to be stopped, otherwise they wipe out humanity, by causing young men to refuse paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts created by feminazi hatred of men. They have to be stopped. It will be interesting to see what kind of impact such a bitch slapping event would have.If I speak at Speakers Corner in Melbourne, maybe some feminazis might try to harangue me, but I’m male. As a PhDed full research professor, I’m smarter and more articulate than nearly any female who tries to harangue me. I can use my male testosterone powered male verbal violence and particularly my masculist ideas to harangue back with a vengeance, blowing them away with male dominance. If some stupid feminazi slaps me, I’ll bitch slap her back. If she screams that “You don’t hit a woman!” I’ll rage at her for her feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrisy.Hopefully, in time, I will get a reputation for being a powerful persuasive orator, and in time the journalists will come out of curiosity to hear what all the fuss is about, get exposed to masculist ideas and then write up a big story about it and spread the ideas to the millions. That’s one of my plans.Of course, I will keep making these YouTube flyer videos, because they go around the world, reaching more than I ever could standing on a mound of earth at speakers corner in Melbourne.Lack of ideological, intellectual force.One of my main gripes with the MRM is their lack of intellectual force, their paucity of ideas. I find masculism much more persuasive, much more powerful, bitey, in your face, and hence much more attractive to men, and to male journalists.For example, masculists scare women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by not getting a man. Masculist theorists are very conscious that so many of men’s gender problems would be solved if we could all live in a “FIP Society” in which both sexes are FIPs, socialized and educated to be FIPs. Divorce laws could then be reformed, the Parer brought in, men would be more prepared to be fathers again without being financially massacred. Legal discriminations across the board would be menfaired.Masculists express their hatred of fluffie parasites and feminazi bitches, making them so unpopular, that women are forced to adapt to men’s demands.One of the most powerful ideas of the masculists is that “Men have the power to force women to be FIPs, or they don’t get a man.” A fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) is treated by masculists as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.”A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can manage to get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the masculists and MGTOWs are causing the supply of such manslaves to dry up, thus forcing fluffies to “FIP up,” i.e. bothering to get a career competent education so that she can be a FIP as an adult and not parasite off some manslave.Such powerful ideas are pushed by the masculists to persuade women to FIP up, to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Masculists warn young men powerfully, not to marry, not to have kids, because if they are stupid and ignorant enough to do that, they then run the risk of being financially massacred at the hands of the hated feminazi dominated divorce courts where he will lose his kids with 90% probability, lose his house and half his possessions that go to his fluffie ex-wife. He will pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often pay alimony so that his fluffie ex-wife can continue to parasite off him after the divorce as she did before the divorce.So masculists are very moralistic, very forceful, very oratorical, pushing their ideas onto both sexes, haranguing them to wake up, to get informed, to listen and learn, for the listeners own benefit.Masculist ideas are just so much more forceful, and persuasive than the wishy washy wimpiness of the MRM, that it is not surprising that the MRM has achieved almost nothing, whereas I almost single handedly, using angry masculist ideas was able to put the European men’s lib movement on the media map in the 80s, until I dropped out of the movement once I saw that massive numbers of women were going into careers, so I became convinced that masculism was no longer needed, because the feminists were pushing women into careers.So for 3 decades I ignored masculism, until I heard a Sandman YouTube video and became conscious that the fluffie feminist hypocrites had taken over the divorce courts and made divorce so toxic for men that the MGTOWs came into existence as a reaction.I then realized that masculist thinking was called for again. I also realized that these MGTOW kids, half my age, were strongly apolitical, a major error as I see it, so for the past few years I’ve been pushing masculism onto the world. I can’t do much else while I’m in China, other than making YouTube videos on masculist ideas and putting out links to them on dozens of other people’s videos in their comment sections.I won’t be able to see how successful angry masculism can be in the 2010s until I leave the Chinese communistic dictatorship and live in a democratic country with (relative) freedom of speech such as Australia. (I say relative, because Australia has “hate speech” laws which make it illegal to criticize the hated Jewish banksters and their jaw dropping crimes against humanity. Australia also has YouTube which is now being censored by its CEO, who is a Jewish feminazi.)Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/253 Rethinking Masculist Political Strategy (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer irons out some wrinkles concerning masculist political strategy. It spells out how masculists can persuade and force women to become female masculists by threatening them with babylessness or at least manlessness, so that women vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws to free men from manslavery and to remove the current gynocentric society that so oppresses men, particularly in the divorce courts.RETHINKING MASCULIST POLITICAL STRATEGYThis flyer irons out some wrinkles in the masculist political strategy to free men from manslavery and to have the gender laws menfaired.One of the core ideas in the masculist political strategy is to persuade women to become female masculists, so as to allow the combined vote of men plus female masculists to reach about 60% of the total vote, thus forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.If this strategy is NOT pursued, then the female bloc vote will remain the majority vote, so that the gender politicians will not change their position, and thus keep the gender laws as they are, i.e. highly biased in women’s favor at great cost to men.So how to persuade women to become female masculists? There are two broad categories of ways. One uses the carrot, i.e. it tries to persuade women to be sympathetic to men’s gender plight, particularly in the divorce courts, that are so screamingly unjust to men.Many women who are FIPs, who do not feel threatened by the masculist push for the FIPping of women, will be sympathetic to men’s issues, for the same kind of reason that some men are sympathetic to women’s issues. These women will agree with the arguments of the masculists for the same kind of reasons as many liberal minded men agreed with second wave feminism, in pushing for equal pay for equal work, for female access to the professions, for an abortion right, etc.There are millions of such “reasonable” women, from a masculist perspective, so all we masculists really need to do, is to reach out to such women, and teach them masculist ideas. These women will then work on themselves, to become female masculists.Of course, they will need to be FIP women, because if they are fluffies, they will feel deeply threatened by the masculist message, that puts enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, and hence will be opposed to masculism, wanting it to be wiped out, because to a fluffie, her very survival is at stake, if she loses her manslave to masculist/MGTOW ideas.But, to reach FIP women, i.e. FIP liberal women, we masculists need to get the masculist/MGTOW message out to the masses, so that these FIP liberal women can be influenced by masculist/MGTOW ideas. Not all women will feel threatened by the masculist/MGTOW strategies to free mem from manslavery, and to menfair the gender laws.However, probably far more women will be persuaded to become female masculists, by using a stick approach, i.e. by using women’s fear of being babyless and manless.The masculist reasoning here is that if women don’t become female masculists and vote with the men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then the gender status quo will not change. Men will continue to be financially massacred and have their lives destroyed in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, and hence, young men will continue to refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they will continue to adopt the MGTOW lifestyle.Thus 100s of millions of women will become manless, and babyless, given that in a string of major countries now, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and live the MGTOW lifestyle. They may pump and dump women, but do not give them children.Women’s top priority in most cases is to reproduce, to have babies, so when the masculists and MGTOWs get on the broadcast media and teach women that they have to both FIP up and become female masculists, otherwise they will remain babyless and manless.This fear of not having a baby, will be stronger than their reluctance to give up their female privileges in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.In western countries, women have huge privileges in the divorce courts. They get custody of the kids with 90% probability, her ex-husband’s house, to raise her kids in, half his stuff, child payments from him, and often alimony, even for life, is she is a real fluffie.Of course most women will not want to give up such massive privileges, that the fluffie feminists have given women.But with the MGTOWs/masculists telling women that if they don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, particularly menfairing the divorce laws and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), then these women will not have babies, and will not have a relationship with a man.But, you may object that any woman who really wants a baby can always manage to find some man who is more than willing to give her his sperm!? Well, yes and no. Yes, any woman can go to some local pub, have a one night stand and get pregnant with some trash male she picks up at the pub.But, women are hypergamous, so an upper middle class woman will not want to do this, because she knows that a trash male will result in a trash kid, which goes against her evolved hypergamous instinct. She will want to get pregnant by a quality male, whose DNA will produce a quality child.So just picking up a trash male at the pub is not an option for most women, particularly for the upper middle class woman, whom the masculists/MGTOWs are first reaching out to, the rationale being, that if the upper middle class females can be persuaded to become female masculists, then the middle middle class females will follow in their footsteps as they always have.The middle middle class females don’t have the brains to be persuaded readily by intellectual arguments, so merely follow the herd. If the herd is led by upper middle class females, then masculists/MGTOWs ought to concentrate first on persuading the upper middle class females.So what can upper middle class women who really want a quality kid do, in face of the paternity boycott of the MGTOWs and masculists? She could try to get a sperm donor from some quality male. There are probably lots of quality males who would be prepared to donate their sperm to spread their seed to many women. Men evolved to do such a thing.There is a problem for such sperm donors however, and that is in many western countries, the fluffie feminist hypocrites have made the gender laws so toxic for men, that a sperm donor may find that some donee slams a paternity suit on him, since he is the father. In those countries where such a risk exists, i.e. where there is NO legislation that protects him from being the victim of a fluffie feminist’s paternity suit, then almost no men will be willing to be sperm donors.So that option is also excluded for most upper middle class females in many countries.But what about in those countries, where sperm donors are legally protected from being slammed with a paternity suit? In that case, a woman can get sperm from a quality man and impregnate herself and have a quality kid that she wants.BUT, she will have to support it financially on her own. One of the masculist slogans in this regard is “Hey, femalien, if you want to have a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!Experience has shown over the past half century, since the discovery of the contraceptive pill that being a careerist woman AND raising small children is extremely tiring. Such a woman needs to be a “supermom”, i.e. she needs to be a real FIP, to be able to earn a good salary, so that she can afford to pay for a nanny, to look after her kids when she is at her well-paying career.She will also have to juggle two balls in the air at the same time, an extremely time and energy demanding task, as any supermom can tell you. Typically such women, often burn out by the time they are in their 40s, such is the energy and stress demands of the dual role of her lifestyle, i.e. of being a well-paid FIP, and being a single mother.Many upper middle class women will not want to choose this life style, far preferring to have a man around, who can share the burden of earning the living, so that she can spare more of her time being with the very small children, and rely on her man for a few years until her children are at kindergarten, so that she can get back to her career.BUT, as more men go MGTOW and masculist, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, the supply of such manslavable men will continue to dry up. So even if upper middle class women can find sperm from quality men donors, in those countries that do have laws that protect sperm donors from paternity suits, she is still left with the husband shortage.It is likely that if the gender laws stay as they are, then within a decade, the percentage of men who are MGTOWs and masculists will be over 90%, so that almost every woman will either be babyless, or if she if a real FIP, she may have a kid by sperm donor, but she will still be manless, and hence have to be a supermom, and live the life of high stress and energy, which will burn her out.So the masculists still have a strategy they can use on women, threatening them that if they don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then they will be manless, and hence will have to be FIPs to have a kid, and even then only in those countries that have sperm donor protection laws.This is still a powerful argument, a powerful strategy that the masculists can use to twist the arms of women to become female masculists, so that they vote together with men to menfair the gender laws.The masculists have other arguments they can use on women to persuade them to become female masculists. For example, the masculists can teach women that the fluffie feminists are hypocrites, wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, to bother to get a career competent education, so that they can be FIPs as adults, and not parasite off the money of some gullible manslave as an adult.Masculists can thus shame women into becoming FIPs and not be hated by masculists for being hypocritical fluffie feminists.Masculists can also teach women that the feminazis are now genociders because they are the root cause for why MGTOWs and masculists are rejecting marriage and paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by these feminazis, making divorce so toxic for makes, than they utterly reject marriage and paternity.Most men are now arguing, “If the odds of losing my kids are one in four, roughly, then why bother having kids at all?!” Why indeed, so it is not surprising, that most young men now do a cost benefit analysis, and come to the practical decision, not to marry, and not to have kids. They then choose to live a MGTOW lifestyle, perhaps pumping and dumping women, or ignoring women totally, preferring not to have to put up with women’s inherent negative traits, e.g. female nagging, being irrational, being emotional and hysterical.The masculists can teach women that the feminazis are the most hated of women by men, and especially by the masculists who already have a hatred of fluffies, whom they see as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” and avoid them like the plague, but fluffie feminists are not only fluffies, but are hypocrites as well, because they are feminists in the parliaments, i.e. pushing for equal rights for women, but are fluffies in the divorce courts, still expecting to be able to parasite off the money of a man.Women can be taught that if they are feminists, then that will be the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man. The feminazis are so hated by men now, that women can be taught “No man wants a relationship with a feminist, i.e. with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi, bitch.” Such women are hated and the first to be rejected, left rotting on the shelf to extinction, so that their feminazi bitch genes are removed from the gene pool.Women can be taught that men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, since men are socialized and evolved to be FIPs, so don’t need to parasite off the money of a woman to survive financially. A fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but the MGTOWs and masculists are causing men to refuse to be manslaves, preferring the MGTOW lifestyle, liberating men from being manslaves to parasitic, bloody fluffies.All these arguments can be applied to women by the masculists, so that women become strongly motivated to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, menfair the divorce laws, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right)? and menfair the many social and legal discriminations against men.This masculist strategy, i.e. work on women, by teaching them MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that some women (i.e. the liberal upper middle class, FIP type women) become female masculists and hence motivated to help men liberate themselves from both manslavery to hated fluffie parasites, and from the tyranny of the highly menunfair gender laws.The masculists need not only to educate women to become female masculists, the masculists also need to educate the MGTOWs to convert themselves into politically active, angry, masculists, who then roll up their sleeves and do the hard work, similar to what that the feminists went through in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.There is a ton of work for the masculists to do, e.g. set up masculist groups in every college and high school, to put enormous moral pressure on the fluffie 16 year old women who choose to study fluffie crap majors that will not allow them to become career competent as adults, and hence will become fluffies and then look around for some manslave to parasite upon in her 30s when she wants kids, and a middle class house to raise them in, that her manslave pays for.Masculists need to approach the broadcast media, and teach the media people about the most important story of the century, i.e. that if the gender laws are not made menfair, the MGTOWs? and masculists will continue to boycott paternity, and hence wipe out whole populations. The media people, need to be taught the ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs so that they can transmit these ideas to the masses, including women.Men’s studies courses need to be set up in universities, to educate both sexes on how men suffer severe gender role problems too, on how women oppress men too.A NOM needs to be created (National Organization for Men) equivalent to women’s NOW (National Organization for Women) in the US that aims to menfair the gender laws, that has the power to lobby gender politicians, etc.Masculist sages need to write masculist books, teaching the upper middle class of both sexes about masculist and MGTOW ideas. Masculists are highly conscious of the strong need for education of the public in MGTOW/masculist ideas.There remains so much to be done, but before beginning to walk down such a masculist path, it is obvious that the path itself needs to exist, to be clear, i.e. if millions of masculists are to become politically active, they will need to know what their agenda is, what their goals are, what their targets are, etc.Hopefully, this flyer has clarified things a bit regarding what the masculists need to do, in terms of strategy, in terms of masculists’ agenda.In short, the core idea is to persuade women to become female masculists, so that a combined vote of men plus female masculists will reach a total of about 60%, so that the gender politicians are forced to menfair the gender laws, that are needed to liberate men from manslavery and from a gynocentric culture that truly oppresses men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/305? Men Will Dominate Gender Politics ? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo) ? (BitChutevideo)Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.7/343? Masculism’s Main Political Goals? (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists the main political goals of the masculists, such as the FIPing of women, the freeing of men from female manslavery, giving men the intellectual tools to hit back at the hated feminazis, pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc. There are 10 items in this list, which could have been far longer.MASCULISM’S MAIN POLITICAL GOALSThis flyer lists and elaborates on the major goals of the masculist movement. Masculism has many goals, but I’ll give only a handful (i.e. 10) here, so as to keep the size of this flyer to a reasonable length. They are the most important goals, that nearly all masculists, of various shades, want to see achieved. I’ll begin by listing them, in bulleted form, and will then elaborate of them later. Here is a list of what the masculists really want to achieve, in political terms. 1. The Liberation of Men from Female Manslavery, by the FIPping of Women. 2. The Menfairing of the Gender Laws, especially in the Divorce Courts, and the Legislation of the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right). 3. The Education of Men in Western Countries of the Toxicity of Divorce and hence Marriage, Pushing them not to Marry, not to be Fathers. 4. Putting Strong Moral Pressure on Young Women to FIP up, or be Punished by not Getting a Man. 5. Giving Men Masculist Intellectual Tools to Hit Back at the Female Chauvinism of Monoconscious Feminism. 6. Restoring Men’s Self Image by Using Science to Prove that Men are the Superior Sex. 7. Pushing Society to Become Biconscious so that Whole Populations Don’t Get Wiped Out. 8. Restoring the Gender Political Pendulum, so that Society Can Heal from the Wounds Inflicted by Monoconscious Feminism. 9. Setting Up Masculist Groups in Every High School and University. 10. Making Masculism as Big as Feminism, Telling the Other Half of the Gender Story. There are many other goals of the masculists that I could mention. I have made nearly 350 videos on masculist themes, at the time of the writing of this flyer, so there are plenty of other topics that could be added to the above list. I now elaborate on the above list, item by item, below. 1. The Liberation of Men from Female Manslavery, by the FIPping of Women. Explicit in the very title of my book on masculism is the idea that men need to be liberated from female manslavery. The book’s title is “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 300+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses.” Masculism is men’s lib. Monoconscious feminists (i.e. who have only had their feminist consciousness raised, and not their masculist consciousness) will probably scoff at the idea of men’s lib, with quips such as “What do men have to be liberated from?” The fact that feminists tend to react this way, shows how deeply ignorant they are of how women oppress men, for example with women’s financial parasitism of men, women’s manslavery, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts that they have taken over, women’s red pill nature (i.e. not loving men for themselves, but only as sexploitable cash machines, who are only loved by women if men are useful to women, otherwise dumped in favor of a more sexploitable man.) It is men who have liberated women, i.e. from female household drudgery, by giving women household gadgets, higher education, the contraceptive pill (probably the greatest social revolution in history), modern medicine, a female life expectancy into the 80s, etc. Thanks to the pill, women now routinely have 0, 1, or 2 kids, but live into their 80s, so even those women who have their 2 kids, so as not to contribute to the crash of whole populations, still have a career window of some half a century, so that men can be freed from manslavery, by not having to work for a woman for most of his life. Masculism is men’s lib in the sense of freeing men from being slaves to women, working for women, so that a woman can stay at home, in a house that her husband pays for, keeping her and her kids financially afloat, since it is almost impossible for a woman to have a full time career and be a mother of small children at the same time. The masculists tell women “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men!” So women have to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (a very important concept for the masculists, meaning “financially independent persons”) or be punished by men by not getting one. Masculists make a historical analogy between the negro slavery in the US in the 1800s and manslavery in the 2000s. The abolitionists of the 1800s in the US, wanted to abolish negro slavery, which they saw as a moral abomination. The masculists of the 2000s want to abolish manslavery, which they see as a moral abomination, by forcing women to FIP up, by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college. There is a long way to go, because in practice, in most western countries, three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to become what the masculists call “fluffie crappers,” i.e. studying fluffie crap, i.e. the soft option, the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, option of memory based majors, instead of analytically based majors, such as math and the sciences, which would give them diplomas and skills that the economy values, and pays well for, so that these future fluffies (a masculist term for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) end up becoming fluffie parasites as adults, and hence hated and subsequently punished by the masculists. Fluffies are vermin to masculists. They are seen by masculists as being immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored by men, not even pumped and dumped, forcing their fluffie parasite genes to be removed from the gene pool, by being totally ignored, rotting on the shelf, utterly rejected by men who treat them as vermin, to be spat at. Thus the rise of masculism is a major historical shift in gender roles. You could argue that the core idea of masculism, is that “Now that women can work, they must work!” By establishing a masculist group in every high school, masculists can apply strong moral pressure on young women to FIP up, or pay a very heavy price, of not getting a man, hence will become manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and as masculist ideas spread throughout the world, spat at, for being hated manslaving fluffie vermin. Masculists hate fluffies. 2. The Menfairing of the Gender Laws, especially in the Divorce Courts, and the Legislation of the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right). Masculists have an even stronger hatred of the so called “fluffie feminist hypocrites” who have taken over the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that in many countries now, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way), an important branch of the men’s lib movement - (the main difference between the masculists and the MGTOWs is that the latter are a-political, passive, who quietly walk away from marriage and paternity, preferring to devote their money and time on themselves, rather than being a manslave to a female, and facing a one chance in four of being financially massacred and having his life ruined as a father, in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system. This one in four chance is so odious to men, such a shitty deal, that young men in their millions, are wiping their hands of marriage. If the gender laws are not soon menfaired, then probably within a decade, the percentage of young men rejecting marriage and paternity will be over 90%, which will be a catastrophe, because it implies that whole populations get wiped out within a mere generation. Thus the masculists, who are a lot more political, and confrontational than the passively wimpy MGTOWs, see the fluffie feminist hypocrites who control the divorce courts as indirect genociders, so have to be stopped. These fluffie feminists are seen by the masculists as being hypocrites because these women behave as feminists in the parliaments, pushing for equal rights for women, but behave as traditional fluffies in the divorce courts, expecting to treat men as traditional cash machines, expected to pay for women, so that these divorcing fluffie feminists can keep their cake and eat it too. They want to have equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living, by bothering to FIP up and pull their financial weight, by getting a career competent education and becoming FIPs as adults, not expecting to parasite off the money and labor of a man. For masculists, it is bad enough that these divorcing women are fluffies, but they are also feminists, and hence real hypocrites, so the masculists are pushing hard for the reform of the divorce courts, otherwise, young men will wipe out whole populations, by rejecting paternity in ever growing numbers. The masculists argue however, that men are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, as taken over by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, making marriage such a shitty deal for men, that most thinking men wash their hands of it. In today’s western countries, a divorcing father will lose his kids with a 90% probability, which are odds so high, that any thinking man will argue that it is not worth the risk to have kids at all. He will lose his house, so that his ex-wife can raise HER kids in it. He will lose half his stuff to her. He will be forced to pay her child support for kids he will barely see. If the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he often has to pay alimony to her for the rest of his life, with no legal nor moral obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, so that she remains parasiting off his money after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce. The financial parasitism of fluffies is one of the main reasons why masculists say that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, because female oppression of men is so sustained, so deep, lasting decades. Masculists push for the FIPping of women for many reasons. If nearly all women were real FIPs, then it would be much easier for masculists to achieve one of their major political goals, i.e. the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), the lack of which in today’s world is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists, and it is not against women, but against men. Women have had the Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right) since the 70s in many countries, but men have no such right, even today. Women have the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, that they claim would screw up their lives, but men don’t have the equivalent right, so millions of women lie to their boyfriends/husbands that they are on the pill, get pregnant, then expect their men to pay for babies that the men never wanted in the first place. This is a blatant example of the type of gender crimes that women commit daily against men, reinforcing the idea that women oppress men more than vice versa, but one needs to have one’s masculist consciousness raised to see that. With nearly all women FIPs, the Parer could be brought in much more easily, because a woman who gets sole custody of the kids after a divorce could afford to pay for them. However, since research shows that single mothers make poor parents, with the children much more likely to suffer from problems such as, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, dropping out of high school, drugs, depression, etc., it is better for the kids to have joint custody of the kids, by default, after a divorce. Masculists teach women that kids are not the property of females. Half the DNA in children is from the father. 3. The Education of Men in Western Countries of the Toxicity of Divorce and hence Marriage, Pushing them not to Marry, not to be Fathers. At the time of writing (April 2019) most men (and most women too) are not yet aware of masculist ideas, so the masculists face a huge task of educating the public, especially men, about how toxic the fluffie feminist hypocrites have made divorce, so advise young men not to marry, not to have kids, until the gender laws are men faired, as in the previous point. Today’s marriage is such a shitty deal for men, that all men in western countries ought to know this, so that they can reject marriage and paternity, thus putting enormous pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or society, i.e. both sexes, will start assassinating them for not doing so. Men will hate the gender politicians for abusing men so badly in terms of the unfairness of the gender laws, and women, especially young women, will also hate them, because young women will not be able to have babies, because young men will continue to refuse to give them their sperm, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites. Masculists will harangue young men, saying to them “Don’t be a fool! Don’t marry! Don’t have kids! Don’t take the risk of one chance in four of being financially crucified and having your life ruined in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system! Go MGTOW! Spend your money on yourself! Don’t be a manslave to a fluffie parasite. Put moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up, or force them to rot on the shelf. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her claws into some gullible manslave, but thanks to the masculists and the MGTOWs, the supply of such gullible manslaves is drying up. Don’t ruin your life, by being a dumb, ignorant, gullible manslave! Liberate yourself, be masculist, and fight for the menfairing of the gender laws, otherwise whole populations will get wiped out!” 4. Putting Strong Moral Pressure on Young Women to FIP up, or be Punished by not Getting a Man. Masculists are very political. They aim to create masculist groups in every high school, every college, every university. They aim to create men’s studies courses, push professors to write text books on men’s issues, etc. Masculists direct a lot of energy to the FIPping of women, since so many of men’s gender issues will be solved once nearly all women have FIPped up. Men will be freed from manslavery. Once the divorce courts have been reformed, so that divorce is no longer a financial catastrophe for men, once custody of kids after a divorce is joint, by default, once alimony has been thrown out, etc., then men will be much more willing to be fathers again. If women are FIPs, then it will be much less burdensome and much less risky for a man to marry and be a father. Many men want to be fathers, but don’t dare to, in today’s world, because the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites have taken over the divorce courts, seeing men as cash machines to be robbed, abused, and exploited. Fluffies will become increasingly less tolerated as masculist ideas spread throughout the world. Young men at high school will put enormous moral pressure on young women to study career competent majors, so that they do not expect to become fluffies as adults, and hence pay a heavy price of being manless. Young men will imbibe masculist slogans, hurling abuse at young fluffies who chose to study fluffie crap majors, making them “fluffie crappers” in these young men’s eyes. Young women will be socially and sexually rejected for not FIPping up, paying a heavy price, that the masculisted young men will force on them, treating such women as vermin, as hated, to be spat it. 5. Giving Men Masculist Intellectual Tools to Hit Back at the Female Chauvinism of Monoconscious Feminism. Universities are now very unpleasant places to be for young men, because in many of them, two thirds of the students are female, who have had their feminist consciousnesses raised, but who know nothing about masculism, who have not had their masculist consciousnesses raised, so are by definition, monoconscious, i.e. they are not biconscious, i.e. they have not had both their feminist AND their masculist consciousnesses raised, so are gender biased, anger biased, being angry at men for the way men oppress women, but knowing nothing about the reverse case, because most women, and most feminists, haven’t even heard of the label masculist, and masculism. They haven’t the first clue what the masculists are talking about. So, when men do learn about masculism, it can come as a real cathartic experience for them, giving them the intellectual tools to hold their own against feminazi harangues against men. These freshly masculisted men can then harangue back with masculist ideas, telling these university feminists, that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, and that if a feminist does not become biconscious, then she will be seen increasingly as being a bigot. These university masculists can tell women that if they are not biconscious, then they risk not getting a man, because monoconscious feminists tend to be feminazi bitchy towards men, and hence much less likely to have a boyfriend, since men reject misandrist, male-dumping, feminazi bitches, like the plague, forcing these monoconscious feminazis to rot on the shelf, manless, babyless, who then become increasing bitter later in life, when they feel that they have missed out on life, as they have. Masculism preaches/teaches to men that men are the superior sex, based on the scientific evidence, e.g. men are smarter than women by about 4 IQ points (YouTube Prof Rushton or Prof. Lynn on this), that men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so that the morons and the genii are males, so that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, that women have 10% smaller brains than men, due to women’s hypergamy (i.e. the female instinct to mate with a superior male, to get his superior DNA for her kid, so that her kid has superior DNA to hers, and that is good for the species, so was inherited. Thus the patriarchy, i.e. general male dominance across the board, is a side effect of women’s sexual preference for men who were taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than they were, so were more able to protect her against other males, and being smarter, made better hunters, who brought back the bacon with higher probability for her and her kids, who kept her at home and not running around chasing game far from the home cave. Masculism gives men a type of religion that allows them to increase their sense of self-worth. They are better able to reject the feminazi claim that men are toxic, when in reality, it is women who are massively immoral, parasiting off the labor of men. 6. Restoring Men’s Self Image by Using Science to Prove that Men are the Superior Sex. One of the superior aspects of masculism compared to feminism is its much greater reliance on science to back up its claims, whereas most feminists are isscienate fairies (isscienate = unable to reason scientifically, due to ignorance of science, and fairy = living in a fairyland, believing whatever you want to believe, without evidence, hence being no better than a religionist, a flat earther, or creationist). Since masculism is more science based, it is stronger than feminism, and this fact can be used to great effect by men when hurling back abuse at the feminazis, intellectually crushing them with science based facts concerning women’s genetic inferiority, as mentioned in the previous point. Masculists can easily prick the insufferable arrogance and sense of entitlement of feminazis, by telling them in no uncertain terms, that women are the inferior sex, and that if these isscienate feminazis reject these ideas, then masculists can simply increase the level of their intellectual anger against them, turning up the ideological heat against the lies and fantasies of the feminazis. 7. Pushing Society to Become Biconscious so that Whole Populations Don’t Get Wiped Out. Women, with their 10% smaller brains, have a harder time to see the bigger picture. They benefit in the shorter term in the divorce courts, by being able to fleece her ex-husbands money, but are less likely to see the bigger, longer term picture, that they have made divorce so toxic for men, that indirectly they have become genociders, who have to be stopped, either by masculists destroying the credibility of feminism, by intellectually crushing it with contrary facts, or if that fails, simply with bullets, with masculist soldiers going out into the streets and simply shooting the feminazis, then menfairing the gender laws, stripping women of their right to vote, so that men are prepared to be fathers again. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that the feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, indirectly wipe out whole populations. By teaching the planet masculist ideas, with masculists persuading journalists to spread masculist ideas to the millions, women will become biconscious. They will then be much more likely to vote with men to menfair the gender laws because they will feel a certain sympathy towards men, towards the ideas of the masculists, because they would have to be real sadists to totally reject everything the masculists say. Thus it is in the self-interest of the masculists to teach masculism to BOTH sexes, so that men can liberate themselves from manslavery, and women can become biconscious and vote with men to menfair the gender laws. By making divorce far less toxic for men than it is today, then men, young men, will be much more likely to become fathers again, so that whole populations don’t get wiped out, which is the trend today. Many western countries have made divorce so toxic for men, that that fact is the major reason why birth rates are so low in many countries, often around 1.3 children per women, instead of the replacement rate of 2.1 The journalists need to be told by the masculists, that the paternity rejection of the masculists and MGTOWs is the biggest story of our historical era, because it is wiping us out, and has to stop. To stop whole populations from being wiped out, masculism needs to be taught to the masses, and that is the job of the journalists, the media people. Society needs to be made biconscious, so the masculists need to put far more energy into persuading the journalists to present masculist ideas to the public. 8. Restoring the Gender Political Pendulum, so that Society Can Heal from the Wounds Inflicted by Monoconscious Feminism. Feminism has become a cancer. It is destroying relations between the sexes, causing millions of men to reject women, because women have become too toxic to be worth bothering with. Feminism is now widespread throughout the western world, and billions of women have absorbed its ideas, but have not yet absorbed masculist ideas, so are inevitably gender biased, anger biased, being aware only of how men oppress women, but know nothing of the reverse case, which in reality is even worse, as explained above. Young women who are influenced by feminist ideas are angry at men, distrust them, have made the universities and the workplace very unpleasant for men, so men really need their own liberation, their own ideology, their own intellectual tools to hit back at the feminazis. Masculism is that liberation, a set of ideas equivalent to feminism but for men, to liberate men from manslavery, from a biased, monoconscious feminism, that is ignorant of how women oppress men, and far worse than vice versa. Once masculism is as well known in the western world as feminism, then that level of biconsciousness will cause relations between the sexes to be a lot healthier than they are today, which in today’s world are becoming increasingly toxic. The planet desperately needs masculism to restore the balance, to restore the swing of the gender political pendulum that has swung out too far, causing women to become misandrist bitches, which makes them more likely to be manless, hence babyless, so that we wipe ourselves out – not very bright, so common sense says that the world needs masculism. 9. Setting Up Masculist Groups in Every High School and University. How to actually set up masculist groups in every high school? Probably the first step is to have many more masculist thinkers write masculist books, then approach the journalists, so that masculist ideas can reach the millions. Next will be for masculist groups to be set up in every university and college, so that a political basis for masculist ideas can be formed. College masculists can then give big talks at high schools, to high school audiences who have already heard about masculist ideas from the mass media and the internet. Thus it is likely that high school masculist groups, that then harangue female fluffies at high school to FIP up or be manless, will be founded by university masculist groups. It is very important that masculist groups be set up at high schools, since most of the fluffie crapper damage is done at age 16, when three quarters of young women choose to become fluffie parasites by choosing to become fluffie crappers, choosing the soft option, i.e. the career incompetent majors that will make them fluffie parasites as adults, and hence will suffer greatly, by being rejected by men, and spat at for being fluffie manslaving vermin, hated by the masculists. 10. Making Masculism as Big as Feminism, Telling the Other Half of the Gender Story. It is time for masculism to have its place in the sun. Feminism has dominated gender politics for half a century, but feminism is only half the gender story. In reality, women oppress men far more than vice versa, and this idea needs to be spread across the world, so that women are motivated to FIP up, and so that young men are taught to reject fluffie parasites, forcing them to FIP up, or be babyless and spat at, living a manless, sexless, miserable existence. We men have the power to do that to women, forcing them to become adults, to grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives and not expect to parasite off a man, as a useless child woman. Masculists see clearly the hypocrisy of fluffie feminists in the divorce courts, the genetic inferiority of women, as shown by science, the toxicity of the feminazis, etc. This masculist awareness needs to become widely accepted by the western world, so that our cultures can regain some measure of sanity, otherwise we wipe ourselves out, and that would be very dumb, because it is so avoidable.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8 Masculist Tactics for Journalists 2.8/18 MGTOW/Masculist PRESS RELEASE for Male Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This?6 page flyer is a PRESS RELEASE to male journalists which explains why men are abandoning marriage and having kids, thus wiping out whole populations, the dominant issue of our time.MGTOW/MASCULIST PRESS RELEASETO MALE JOURNALISTSThemeACCORDING TO A RECENT U.S. CENSUS, 70% OF MEN UNDER 35?REFUSE TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS.With the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, this male refusal will wipe out the US population within a century, making it the most alarming phenomenon of our era, and hopefully will attract your attention as a male journalist, because as a male you are personally concerned! We hope you will report on this issue.?Before Starting, Some DefinitionsMGTOWs : (Men going their own way) i.e. men refusing to marry and having kids, spending their money on themselves.Masculists : (Men’s Libbers) Masculists fight to “menfair” the gender laws, e.g. reform the divorce laws to make them fair to men, to legislate the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc., and to make society more agreeable for males to live in.Fluffies : Traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off men’s money. Based on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not responsible, not adult, not career competent, not FIP (see next word).FIPs : Financially Independent Persons, who are what masculists demand all women become, so as not to be immoral, parasitic, manslavers of men. Women who refuse to become FIPs are punished by MGTOWs and masculists by refusing to have relationships with them.Robot Males : Traditional males who expect to be parasited upon by fluffie wives (e.g. the older generation of males in Korea and Japan.)Fluffie Feminists : Feminists who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness, so by default still have fluffie attitudes towards males, i.e. they expect men to serve as exploitable man-slaves to women.Gender Politicians : Usually male feminist politicians who make laws favoring fluffie feminists and not caring about the very negative impact on men and society in the longer term.--Fluffie Feminists Take Over the Divorce Courts in the 70s In the 1970s, second wave fluffie feminists persuaded the gender politicians to legislate new divorce laws that were highly favorable to divorcing fluffies. As a result, tens of millions of US divorcing fathers have been financially massacred in the US divorce courts. Typically these fathers will –Lose custody of their children with 90% probability.Lose their house to their ex-wife so that she can live in it with the kids.Pay child support for decades for kids he barely sees, maybe twice a month on weekends.Pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she remains parasiting on him after the divorce as she did before the divorce, with no legal obligation on her to become a FIP and pull her own financial weight.The Massive Male BacklashIn the US, half of marriages end in divorce, and 70% of divorces are started by women, who take advantage of the fluffie feminist dominated US divorce court system to financially cripple their ex-husbands. A THIRD OF MARRIED WOMEN WILL FINANCIALLY MASSACRE THEIR EX-HUSBANDS in the US, and often then hold “divorce parties.”Men are waking up in their millions that marriage has become TOXIC, so two thirds of young men under 35 in the US refuse to marry and have kids. They don’t want to face a one in three chance (0.5*0.7=0.35) of being financially destroyed by being stupid and uninformed enough to marry and have kids.Rise of the MGTOW and Masculist Men’s Lib MovementsMGTOWs, by the very definition of their label, refuse to marry and have kids. They spend their money on themselves and see fluffies as the enemy to be avoided. The primary political goal of the masculists (who are a lot more politically active than the politically passive MGTOWs, who simply walk away from the marriage market) is to create a “FIP Society” where all adults, male and female are socialized and educated to be FIPs, and not parasite on another adult. This will mean a revolution in the education system, where even today, two thirds of women at university study “fluffie crap” and not the professions or techs that would make them career competent FIPs.So, in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking hard, they will look around for some robot male to parasite upon to pay for the middle class house she wants to raise her kids in. But the supply of such robot males is drying up. More and more fluffies are rotting on the shelf to extinction, which is the plan of the masculists. In order to create a FIP Society, the fluffies need to be wiped out and that is now happening on a massive scale. Only a third of young women today in the US will have babies. Young women of 16 at high school who choose not to study calculus and the sciences, will very probably not have babies, because they will inevitably become fluffies and hence be rejected by the growing number of MGTOWs and masculists who refuse to be man-slaved by them.MGTOW/Masculist Hatred of the Gender PoliticiansThe MGTOWs and masculists see the gender politicians as genocidal criminals, because it is they who passed the divorce laws in the 70s that have made marriage so toxic to males, hence the marriage and paternity strike, and hence the crash in the birth rate, and hence the extermination of the US population within a mere century.Masculists, who are the politically active branch of the Men’s Lib movement put enormous moral pressure on the gender politicians to make the gender laws “menfair.” For example, in the case of divorce law, the following reforms are neededMake child custody joint, by default. Children are not women’s.Throw out alimony.The house remains the property of the owner(s) before the divorce.Expect divorcing couples to buy a cheap apartment near the house, so that the two ex-spouses can alternate weekly in it. One week the father is with the kids in the house, while the mother is in the apartment, and the following week they swap.The Parer (Paternity Rejection Right)Masculists complain angrily at the massive sexual discrimination against men in the form of fluffie feminist resistance against the creation by the gender politicians of a Parer (paternity rejection right). Women have a Marer (maternity rejection right) commonly known as the abortion right, but men have no equivalent Parer which would allow them to legally reject unwanted paternity. A man can have his life ruined by an unwanted pregnancy. A woman can choose to reject being a mother, a man cannot choose to reject being a father, in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.Masculists push the gender politicians to make a Parer law so that an unwilling father can fill in a paternity rejection form, so that if the woman continues the pregnancy, she is fully responsible for the cost of the child.There are many other legal discriminations against men that masculists fight against, e.g. heavier punishments for men for identical crimes compared with women, only men in combat, differences in retirement ages in many countries, etc, etc. There is a long list.Men the Superior SexThe fluffie feminists have largely taken over the media, and primary/secondary school teaching, and regularly portray men as bumbling fools, so that boys gullibly believe that they belong to an inferior sex. Masculists lash out at this lie, by educating society that men are the superior sex as shown by science. Nearly any scientifically measurable performance test shows that men dominate at the top end of the scale. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance (their scores over the whole population are more spread out than women’s) so the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Similar percentages hold for the proportion of men who are presidents and prime ministers of countries, or CEOs of major companies, or patent holders, or entries in the Who’s Who books, etc. Men dominate society, for sound genetic reasons, that isscienate (ignorant of science) fluffie feminists don’t pay attention to. Masculists aim to restore pride in being male to boys by educating them on male superiority.What is to be done?The first task of the masculists is education. Society needs to be taught of men’s plight, especially in regard to the divorce court financial massacring at the hands of sadistic divorcing fluffie wives.Masculists push for the creation of a FIP Society by putting enormous public pressure on women to be FIPs, with slogans such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby” “Fluffies can rot on the shelf!” “Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, not by killing them, but by men simply refusing to have relationships with them.” “The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies.”Masculists and MGTOWs need to get their message out. They are doing this largely in the form of YouTube videos. The number of hits they receive grows exponentially, and should attain a saturation level, where everyone has heard of their ideas, by 2018.Journalists, such as yourself, need to be approached by the masculists, so as to accelerate the spread of MGTOW/masculist ideas in society as a whole, and as a stepping stone towards the creation of a FIP Society.Men’s Lib groups need to be set up in every high school and university campus to spread the MGTOW/masculist ideas. Young women need to be morally pressured to study FIP majors, or they will not get a man. This message in particular, needs to be known to all members of society. Men’s Lib groups play an important educational role by pushing the exponential growth in the level of awareness of men’s plight.Parents need to educate their daughters to be FIPS and scare them with the message that if they are not FIPs, they will not get a man, and will not have babies. School and university teachers ?need to push women to study “FIP majors” like the professions (medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc) or the techs (engineering, comp sci, math, physics, chemistry, etc) rather than the “fluffie crap” majors (philosophy, psychology, sociology, English lit, women’s studies, history, etc) which will not educate them into becoming career competent, good money earning?FIPS as adults. Since calculus is a prerequisite to enter a FIP major department at university, 12th grade calculus should be made compulsory for all high school seniors. “No calculus, no baby”, hence the label “Baby Calculus” used by the masculists.The masculists need to persuade men to bloc vote against and to lobby the gender politicians, so that they create menfair gender laws, or be voted out of power. Masculists point the finger at gender politicians and accuse them of being genocidal criminals, having made gender laws so biased against men, that indirectly, they are wiping out the US population having made divorce and hence marriage so toxic for men.Women need to be taught that if they become misandrist male dumping feminazis, they will be the first category of female to be rejected by the MGTOWs, the masculists, and men in general. Feminism is becoming very unpopular with young women, as they see all around them that men reject feminazis. These young women, need to be taught very clearly, that if they do not make the effort, as men do, to become FIPs, they will not have babies. That is their punishment for being manslaving fluffies, the enemy of the MGTOWs and the masculists.New Life Styles for MenIt may take a decade or more for the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so in the meantime, masculists and MGTOWs promote alternative lifestyles for men. Two are popular, called “twaytweffing” and “ARCing” “Twaytweffing” is “2A2F” said quickly, i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. a FIP male has a relationship with a FIP female, and both have their own apartments. The male gets the regular sex he wants without paying for a fluffie wife and kids. When the relationship goes sour, the two of them simply walk away, back to their own apartments. Twaytweffing has the advantage that it keeps the woman being “nice” to the man, because she is under the constant threat that if she starts nagging, loses interest in sex, or tries to mold him the way she wants, then she knows the man can just walk away (and vice versa). Twaytweffing keeps the “couple” being civil to each other. It provides both partners with regular sex and is cost free in terms of any parasitism.“ARCing” is “after retirement careering.” Many MGTOWs/masculists study hard and work hard at a FIP job, saving and investing heavily and living very modestly so as to accumulate enough savings so that they can retire in their 40s, and then ARC in the second half of their life, doing what they love. An ARCer is free from wage slavery, i.e. being forced to do what some employer tells him to do and pays him for it, and certainly free from man-slavery to a fluffie parasite. For many MGTOWs and masculists, life is all about ARCing. It is the primary goal of life, to save enough to be free and then to pursue one’s passion in the second half of one’s life. ARCers may then choose to move to a third world country, where their savings go much further, due to the much cheaper cost of living in their adopted country.Contact :Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis (coiner of the term “masculist” in the 70s)profhugodegaris@ further information, look at my MGTOW masculist resource flyers at are 1000s of YouTube Videos on the themes of MGTOW, masculism, MRA (men’s rights advocates) etc. For MGTOW, you can google the pseudonyms “Sandman” “Turd Flinging Monkey” “Thinking Ape” “Barbarossa” ” Dark Knight” etc.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/56 MGTOW/Masculist Strategies Towards the Journalists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer talks about strategies that MGTOWs masculists can use to approach the journalists to motivate them to write/film pieces about MGTOW masculist ideas, to spread the word to the 100s of millions.MGTOW/MASCULIST STRATEGIESTOWARDS THE JOURNALISTSI suppose the above title should be more correctly limited to masculist strategies, since the MGTOWs are self avowedly politically impotent. This political impotence of the MGTOWs has always been a source of my contempt for their lack of political activism, but I can’t push this line of thought too far, because at least MGTOWs are making YouTube videos and getting the word out, which I as a politically minded masculist cannot do much more than, given that the journalists have yet to catch on to the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism in a big way.BUT,? judging by the growth of MGTOW/masculism, the journalists are now beginning to take notice, due to, for example, the herbivore phenomenon in Japan (i.e. a third of young Japanese men refuse to date women or have sex with them.)? This is such a high proportion, that the Japanese gender politicians are now pulling their hair out and have even appointed a minister of population, to try to persuade young men to reproduce more, because the Japanese population is falling and will crash badly if the trend continues.In the west, the BBC has started taking an interest, so others will follow, so what strategies should the MGTOWs masculists take regarding journalists?This topic is of real concern to me personally, since I’m currently actively trying to get the journalists interested. In the early 80s I did this with considerable success, getting on the media several hundred times in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany and the UK, pushing masculist ideas. The journalists then were mostly males who were bored with a decade of feminism in the 70s, so to hear an angry masculist talk about female financial parasitism, and that all women should be FIPs (financially independent persons) was refreshing to them, so they wrote about it and invited me on lots of interviews. Since I could speak French, German and Dutch as well as my native English, I had a wide audience.I’m wondering if I will have the same effect three decades later, now that I have taken up the torch again for men’s lib. In the late 80s I lost interest in masculism because I thought the main masculist problem had been solved, i.e. that women should be FIPs. In the 80s there was such a massive influx of women into the professions, that I felt the wind had gone out of my sails, so I concentrated on my career, got a PhD and focused on building artificial brains, and warning the world of the threat of the rise of massively intelligent machines (that I’m still doing – see my website.)I’m now actively approaching the journalists in a systematic way, so to do so I had to sit down and think, “What is a good, effective approach to take with the journalists?”After a bit of thought, I came up with the following recipe. a) Email out a press release that explains the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism. b) Email the male journalists (actually, I also sent it to some female journalists too, in case some of them write a negative piece on the ideas. I take the view that any publicity is good publicity, since putting the label, the concept of MGTOW and masculist into the minds of people will get them curious, so they will be more motivated to google the terms and begin their education process.) c) Build up a library of material that the journalists can read to educate themselves. This I have done with over 50 flyers (2 page essays on a given topic, rather like an op-ed in a newspaper or magazine.) I also give the pseudonyms of the major MGTOWs, such as Sandman, Thinking Ape, Dark Knight, etc, so those journalists who prefer to watch rather then read can get educated as well, by watching YouTube videos.I’m getting about half a dozen hits a day to the link of the file containing links to the 50 odd MGTOW/masculist flyers, that are stored at (In fact here is that link –) and here is the link to the press release ().My next major decision was what theme to emphasize in the press release. Journalists are busy people, and receive tons of garbage each day, that they usually dismiss in a few seconds each, so you have to catch their attention, so I chose the?following introduction –?“With the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, this male refusal will wipe out the US population within a century, making it the most alarming phenomenon of our era, and hopefully will attract your attention as a male journalist, because as a male you are personally concerned! We hope you will report on this issue.”One of the main reasons why I’m now devoting a few hours a day to masculism again, is that I consider the population crash as THE top priority issue that humanity has to deal with. Nothing is more important to human beings than the survival of human beings, but MGTOW/masculism threatens to wipe out humanity. This problem is so important, that it is INEVITABLE that the media and the gender politicians will sooner or later wake up to the issue and report on it, or start thinking about making more menfair gender laws.I’m hoping that that theme will cause the journalists to sit up and take notice, and then start writing about the issue.Another theme I put in the press release was why young men are rejecting marriage and paternity, i.e. by emphasizing that about one married man in four in the US will be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, making marriage toxic?for?men, so of course young men reject it and refuse to have kids. This rejection will not change until the gender politicians make the gender laws menfair.I emphasized the “man strike” because the odds are high, that sooner or later one of these male journalists will take a personal interest in MGTOW/masculist ideas, because he TOO has been dragged through a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court and has been financially massacred.Such journalists are worth their weight in gold, because they get fired up, become strongly committed to use their power and skills to get the word out, and reach the minds of millions. I had this happen to me several times in the 80s. One young journalist of one of the most popular weekly magazines in Belgium, had been badly hurt by his former feminist wife but lacked the intellectual tools to express his male anger. Once he came across masculist ideas, he felt empowered and wrote a long cover story piece that really launched my masculist campaign in Belgium, which then spread into Holland, and then the French speaking journalists who could read Flemish (Dutch) got interested, and then in time, the French got involved, and man did they get involved.I consider the French to be the most intellectualized culture on the planet. They have a saying “En France, les intellectuels sont les dieux (In France, the intellectuals are gods.) They really ran with it, including top newspapers like “le Monde”So, I’m hoping something similar might happen this time round, 3 decades later, but in a very different environment. For a start, a much higher proportion of journalists are now women, BUT not at the top level, fortunately for me. Once again the phenomenon of GMV plays its part. The greater male variance of journalistic ability means that in the top newspapers such as the NYT, WashPost, WSJ, are male dominated. I notice this when I compile list of names and their emails of the columnists of these top US newspapers. Most of them are male and in their 50s and 60, at the top of their careers, so I hope some of them have been financially massacred in the divorce courts and so be primed to take up the MGTOW/masculist ideas and spread the word to the millions instead of a piddly few 10,000s the way YouTube videos do.It’s too soon to say whether my strategies will work or not. If they don’t, then I will try something else, and dream up some alternative strategies. I doubt I will have to, because the INEVITABILITY of the crash of the population when a third of the young men in the US refuse to marry and have kids will get the attention of the media and gender politicians sooner or later. My feeling is that things will take off in 2016. Fingers crossed.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/128 MGTOW-Masculism Now Penetrating the Main Stream Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives the link to a BBC radio interview of British MGTOWs, the first of its kind, as far as I know. However I felt it lacked punch, so I put into this flyer what I would have said if I had been interviewed.MGTOW-MASCULISM NOW PENETRATING THE MAIN STREAM MEDIAThis link () is, as far as I know, the first important main stream media documentary on the MGTOW movement. It was made by the BBC, as a radio program, interviewing a handful of MGTOWs in the UK. The interviewer was obviously rather cynical, but at least the interviewees got a chance to air some of their opinions to the masses, the millions.That BBC radio interview is now up on YouTube so it can be spread all over the world (except where I live, in China, which has a government which censors YouTube to keep the Chinese population from being infected by the “democracy, freedom of speech virus” that would “undermine the stability of society” (CCP-speak for throwing out the one party dictatorship that has killed 80 million of its own citizens under Mao, and continues to rob the people massively.)I consider this interview to be a bit of history, and have been putting up its link on a daily basis to Sandman’s and TFM’s sites, so that many MGTOWs/masculists can listen to it, as well as for other journalists, who may be inspired to make similar interviews.However, it was not a good interview in my opinion. If I had been interviewed in it I would have been a lot more forceful and persuasive. The interviewer was quite a male feminist and largely ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas, so I would have appealed to his self-interest, with the most forceful of MGTOW/masculist arguments that he as a male could hardly deny.I hope in future media interviews, that the MGTOWs/masculists being interviewed will be influenced by my suggestions below and make a much stronger case for MGTOW/masculism that really turns the journalists’ heads, converting them into MGTOW/masculist sympathizers.Here’s what I would have said.“You sound as though you are a bit of a male feminist, which is understandable. You’ve had decades to absorb the feminist message. You have not yet absorbed the MGTOW/masculist message. You can make an analogy that the men’s lib movement (MGTOW/masculist) is just getting off the ground now, with the first media interviews, so is where 2nd wave feminism was in the late 60s.If you want to know “Why now?” What has caused the rise of MGTOW/masculism now, rather than decades ago? The main answer is that MGTOW/masculism is largely a reaction by men to the toxicity of divorce and hence marriage, due to the takeover of the divorce courts by fluffie feminists, causing roughly one married man in four in the US to be financially massacred. A divorcing man will lose his kids, his house, so that his fluffie ex-wife can have it to raise her kids in, he will be forced by the divorce courts to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and if the ex-wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony so that she can remain parasiting on his money after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.With these horrific odds of one in four, it is not surprising that in the US and Japan now, two thirds, (70%) of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves. This refusal of paternity is the most important phenomenon of our times, because (do the math) it means that whole populations get wiped out in a mere century (i.e. 4 generations, so with the young generation reproducing only a third of their number, that’s a third of a third of a third of a third = roughly 1%).So men have gone on a “man strike.” They refuse to be manslaves to women. Masculists (men’s libbers, the obvious male equivalent to the word feminist) state that their major political goal is to wipe out fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) not by killing them, but simply refusing to have anything to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction.MGTOWs/masculists will have relationships with women, but only if the women are FIPs (financially independent persons) who have bothered to get a career-competent education (i.e. STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) major) so that they can be career competent, financially responsible adults, and not parasite off a man in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking hard, and she realizes she cannot afford to buy a middle class house to raise her kids in, due to her fluffie crap diploma, so she starts looking around for some manslave dupe (who has not had his men’s consciousness raised) to pay for her, for her kids, and for the house, that a decade later, she will steal from him via the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to be FIP or they won’t get a man. “Be FIP, or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” If a woman is a fluffie and manless, she will be loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly shunned by a society that is becoming ever more in agreement with masculists who label fluffies as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.” Masculists are in the 21st century, what northern Americans were in the 19th century, i.e. abolitionists against Negro slavery. Man slavery is slavery, slavery is a war issue, and the masculists are at war against the fluffies, aiming to wipe them out, tin order to create a FIP society.Masculists are more politically oriented than MGTOWs (men going their own way). MGTOWs usually just walk away passively from the marriage market, refusing marriage and paternity. Masculists are often MGTOWs but push for political change. Masculists push the journalists and the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue the paternity strike and wipe out whole populations.This threat of wiping out whole populations is very powerful, and will obviously FORCE the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts, making custody of children JOINT, by default, throwing out alimony, promoting the idea that the divorcing couple buy a cheap apartment near the house that they alternate in, e.g. in one week, the father is in the apartment, while the mother is in the house with the kids, and the next week, they two parents swap places.Masculists have a whole list of legal discriminations against men that need to be systematically eradicated from the planet. One of the biggest is the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right) i.e. the right of a man to reject unwanted paternity. Women have had a Marer since the 70s, thanks to political pressure from the 2nd wave feminists. Men have no such equivalent right, so can have their lives ruined when their wives/girlfriends lie to them about taking the pill, and getting “accidentally” (on purpose) pregnant and then forcing a paternity suit on the man.The lack of the Parer is a blatant example of sexual discrimination against men, and this lack is one of the many reasons why masculists are so insistent on women becoming FIPs, so that if a FIP woman gets pregnant and the father rejects paternity, she can go ahead with the pregnancy if she wants, but she gets FULL financial, legal responsibility for the costs of the kid.The 2nd wave feminists were mostly sages (intellectuals) who made reasonable demands, e.g. equal pay for equal work, equal access to the professions, the Marer (abortion right) etc. I would be a male (2nd wave) feminist, just because of my liberal nature. I saw such things as fair, but that was half a century ago. Today’s 3rd wave feminists are mostly peakers (people of average ability lying in the peak of the Bell curve) who are out and out gynocrats. They are hypocrites who want equal rights but reject equal obligations, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living, by becoming FIPs, getting a FIP education, so not studying fluffie crap. These fluffie feminists don’t give a shit about the ex-husbands they financially massacre in the divorce courts, even holding “divorce parties’ after they get his money, feeling no moral obligation to be a FIP and a morally responsible adult.So, given this child like behavior of the fluffies in the divorce courts, men are on strike, and the masculists are pointing the finger at these fluffies, saying that “If you women don’t FIPup, you will be punished!” Men are mostly FIPs, so have the power to force women to be FIPs. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into a manslave, but the supply of such gullible ignorant men is drying up. Already 70% of young men under 35 in the US and Japan reject the traditional manslave role of the man, working for a woman. This is why fluffies are shitting in their pants, because they feel profoundly threatened. The man strike will force them to become adults, to take responsibility for their own lives. They will have to be FIPs and get a FIP major (STEM) education.But having all women being FIPs will not stop the man strike. The gender politicians still have to menfair the gender laws. MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity until that happens. In the meantime, men still want sex from a woman, so many of them will adopt a lifestyle that does not involve the traditional cost for getting regular sex from a woman, i.e. being her manslave. This lifestyle is called “twaytweffing” (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) i.e. both the man and the woman are FIPs and have their own apartment each.When a twaytwef relationship fails, as nearly all do, the man just walks away, cost free to him. There is no divorce, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no house loss or alimony, because the woman is a FIP. The big plus of twaytweffing for a man is that it keeps the woman being nice to him, no nagging, no withholding of sex, no female hysterics, because she knows that he can walk away so easily if she starts becoming a bitch, so she is always nice to him through fear of losing him so easily. The only thing holding a twaytwef relationship together, is the quality of the relationship. If that fails, it’s over.MGTOWs teach that women don’t love men, they only love men’s exploitability. This is shown clearly in the divorce courts, where one married woman in four financially massacres her ex-husband, and feels no guilt about it. Women evolved to be parasites on men. Women had to stay home with the infants and could not hunt, so were critically dependent on men to give them protein for them and their babies to survive, so they evolved to become the sexiest of all mammals, trading female sex for protein. They evolved to become prostitutes for men.MGTOWs also teach that women are hypergamous, i.e. are genetically programmed to dump her current man for a more exploitable man (richer, taller, stronger, higher status) if a realistic opportunity comes along, that women have no loyalty to men, only to themselves and to their kids. To women, men are disposable, to be exploited for their resources. This bitter reality, that is difficult for men to swallow, is called the “Red Pill” by the MGTOWs (a term taken from the movie “The Matrix.”)Masculists accept this Darwinian nature of women, but nevertheless claim that women can be forced to become responsible adult FIPs, otherwise they are punished by not getting a man.MGTOW/masculism will become as important to society as was feminism. It will force women to take responsibility for their own lives, and it will force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue the paternity strike AND WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS.” It’s only a question of time before this critically important message is known by everyone.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/145 Massive MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Publicity (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests I might be able to do with MGTOW/masculism what I have just done for the issue of species dominance (i.e. should humanity build artilects, artificial intellects, godlike massively intelligent machines, that might decide to wipe out humans when they become a lot smarter than us). I was interviewed for half an hour on RT (Russia Today)’s “Sophie and Co.”?so a billion (with a B) people will see the video, she says.MASSIVE MGTOW/MASCULIST BROADCAST MEDIA PUBLICITYI just had a half hour interview with RT (Russia Today) with Sophie Shevardnadze on her show “Sophie and Co,” the granddaughter of the Russian leader. In the break, I asked her off record, how many viewers would see the video they recorded. She said about a billion (with a B). Jesus Christ! That is far and away the largest publicity I have ever had in my whole life. When I have the link, I’ll put it up on my website.It got me thinking however. I’ve been pushing the idea that there might be a major war (the “Artilect War”) over the issue of species dominance (i.e. which species, human beings, or machines) should be the dominant species, i.e. the smartest species, since the 80s. The issue is only now starting to gain mass media attention. The idea I had was “Could I try to do the same for MGTOW/masculism? i.e. get on the mass media preaching the main ideas of MGTOW and masculism (two branches of the Men’s Lib movement) and try to bring these ideas to the masses, to the millions, the billions?” If RT can get a billion people to watch this interview I just had, then if I got interviewed by RT etc. on the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism then that means that most of the English speaking world population would watch it. Wow!So, I’m thinking of making a series of videos on MGTOW/masculist issues – maybe use my webcam to film myself reading out many of my flyers (2-3 page essays)? Some I could make as live lectures in front of a white board. I do that for my PhD level pure math and math physics lecture videos I make for PhD level students around the world to educate themselves in these subjects for free, so I’m used to giving white board videocam lectures.But, how long would it take for the MGTOW/masculist ideas to go main stream? The issue of species dominance I’ve been pushing for 30 years. My first book “The Artilect War” was written in 1998. Then I was an “intellectual crying in the wilderness”, way ahead of the public’s time. If I start pushing MGTOW/masculism with webcam videos now, how long would it take before the big time global media, like RT, to catch on and give the ideas huge publicity/exposure? Maybe years?But it’s worth the effort. I could take a different approach from most of the MGTOW presenters, who are anonymous, using pseudonyms, so that they are not damaged in their jobs by feminazis who complain to their employers, trying to get them fired. I don’t face such problems, because I’m retired, living off my savings, and live in China, where ironically, I have more freedom of speech, so could preach masculist/MGTOW ideas to the masses, with full visual facial personality. People prefer to relate to a face and voice rather than just a voice, it’s a lot more engaging, and personal. I use a VPN, so if I talk only in English, then the Chinese government doesn’t care much what I say, because my impact on the Chinese population would be negligible, because I’m speaking in English, and put my videos on YouTube, which is banned in China, so only those Chinese who use a VPN as well, can see it.So, I’m thinking hard about making MGTOW/masculist YouTube videos, in addition to the lecture course videos I make on PhD level pure math and math physics. It would be a sideline hobby. I spend about 2-3 hours a day on MGTOW/masculism, so it’s not a negligible hobby. It’s definitely a strong interest of mine. So far I’ve written over 100 flyers (2-3 page essays) on MGTOW/masculist themes and have been putting them up as comments on two of the most popular MGTOW YouTube sites (Sandman and Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM)) who have had millions of views already. They provide me with a target audience, i.e. men who are already interested in such ideas. Sandman has made a profession out of his YouTube channel, asking for donations to talk on a topic submitted by his followers. TFM does it free. Sandman reaches the mass audience, and TFM is more intellectual, and gets far more comments from his followers than Sandman.I could start my own MGTOW/Masculist channel, or maybe just a Masculist channel, since I’m more a masculist (men’s libber) than a MGTOW, although I might go MGTOW in the future. I’m much more political than the MGTOWs who simply passively walk away from marriage and paternity, because they are fed up with our gynocratic society, and especially with the toxicity of the divorce courts, that have been taken over by the fluffie feminists. I’m critical of the political apathy of the MGTOWs, and prefer the masculist approach, which is much more aggressive and in your face. Masculists attack fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man’s money) aiming to wipe them out by refusing to have anything to do with them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction, and attack fluffie feminists for their hypocrisy, wanting equal rights for women, without accepting equal obligations to become FIPs (financially independent persons) getting a FIP major education, so that they can be FIPs as adults.Masculists are critical of MGTOWs for not showing any solidarity with other men, and not helping other men politically, only indirectly, via waking them up with their YouTube MGTOW videos, which is a form of political action, but not very effective compared to say getting on RT and talking for half an hour about MGTOW/masculist problems to a billion viewers!The MGTOW/masculist ideas are there already. Sandman has been churning out a 10 minute video daily for several years now, so has made many hundreds of them. I’ve written over 100 MGTOW/masculist flyers – the material, the ideas are there. We need to move on to the next stage, and that is to the broadcast media. RT for example is both broadcast media and on the internet, on YouTube, which explains why it has such a huge number of hits, i.e. a huge number of people who watch RT videos.So, it’s an interesting possibility. If I can do it with the species dominance issue, why not with MGTOW/masculism? I just hope it won’t take 30 years to get MGTOW/masculist ideas main stream, the way it took the issue of species dominance (i.e. “Should humanity build artilects (artificial intellects)?”)Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/158 Seeking the MGTOW Masculist Broadcast Media Big Event (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests that a big media event such as getting on RT’s (Russia Today’s) SophieCo with its billion views would have a major impact on getting MGTOW masculist ideas across to the general worldwide public. It would be a big event.SEEKING THE MGTOW/MASCULIST BROADCAST MEDIA BIG EVENTIt would be very nice for the MGTOW and masculist movements to have a big broadcast media event, such as getting on Russia Today (RT) which broadcasts in English to the whole planet with huge numbers of viewers and YouTube views. For example, in a few days from the time of this writing, an interview of me by Sophie Schevadnaze (granddaughter of the Soviet Russian leader) in her RT program “SophieCo” will be broadcast. I asked her how many people will see it. Her answer utterly floored me. She said that the TV views plus the YouTube video views will come to about a billion (with a b). That’s a seventh of the total population of the earth, so if what she says is true, then imagine the impact that such a worldwide coverage on the ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists would have on the world population. It would achieve in a single program, reaching a billion people, what all the MGTOW/masculist YouTube videos over several years have not managed to achieve, i.e. bring the main ideas to the masses.The interview I had was on the theme of the potential threat of massively intelligent machines, a topic that I have been pushing for several decades. (See my book on my website “The Artilect War : A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines” downloadable for free at book was written in 1998, so is nearly two decades old, which reminds me of the quip “It took him 20 years to become an overnight success!” Once the RT interview is up on YouTube I will link to it on my website of course, and then contact Sophie and her producer with suggestions for two future programs. I will try to persuade her that there are two hot topics that she might find interesting.The first is to suggest interviewing my good friend Ben Goertzel, whom I consider may be one of the two guys on the planet to be the first to build a near human level artificial intelligence. Ben wrote a large book recently called “Engineering General Intelligence.” When I was interviewed I was talking about the rise of a new dominant species, that I call “artilects” (artificial intellects). But I’m just talking. Ben is actually building machines with ever greater intelligence, what he calls AGI (artificial general intelligence) i.e. machines that are smart at everything, not just in specialized domains, like Google, that is good at search, or cell phone signal routers, etc.Perhaps if she interviews Ben, the program might be called “Building Near Human Level Artificial Intelligence (AI) within a Decade” or some such.The second program suggestion might be called “The Paternity Strike and Population Annihilation” and would be a second interview with me. If Sophie likes the idea and goes ahead with it, the impact on the planet could be enormous, because so many people would see it or view it on YouTube (a billion views Sophie says!!!)Typically, an interview with her consists of about 20 questions with short (less than a minute) answers. So here are some suggested questions and brief (shorthanded) answers. I’ll give about 10 questions.Q1. Dr. de Garis, you say that men are going on strike against paternity. To what extent and why?A1. Two thirds of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, due largely to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist takeover of the divorce courts, financially massacring roughly one in four married men, losing his kids, his house, paying child support, and alimony. Young men are so fed up with this, so much so that they refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and thus are wiping out whole populations. This paternity strike is the most important issue of our times, because what is more important to humanity than humanity’s survival?Q2.? What is a fluffie feminist?A2.? A fluffie is a masculist (men’s lib) label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money. She sees her manslave as a cash machine to pay for her to live in a middle class house so she can raise her kids in it. Masculists aim to wipe out fluffiedom, by refusing to have anything to do with fluffies, who then rot on the shelf to extinction. A fluffie feminist is a feminist who still has fluffie attitudes towards men, which the masculists see as hypocritical, i.e. wanting equal rights for women, but not equal obligations i.e. becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) and pulling their financial weight, by getting a FIP education and not expecting to parasite off a man.Q3.? This sounds angry. Are men’s libbers angry at women?A3. The MGTOWs (men going their own way) and the masculists are certainly angry at fluffies (based on the word “fluff” i.e. light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP.) Masculists see fluffiedom as manslavery, and manslavery is slavery, and slavery is a war issue. The masculists are at war against the fluffies, forcing them to become FIPs, or they don’t get a man to have a relationship with. You can look on masculism as the 21st century equivalent of 19th century northern US abolitionism, which fought against negro slavery. Masculists are also angry at the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists, who took over the divorce courts and made them toxic for men.Q4.? How did the fluffie feminists take over the divorce courts?A4.? By lobbying the gender politicians who make laws that affect gender politics, e.g. divorce, abortion right etc. These politicians argued that there are more female voters than male voters, so they gave women (i.e. fluffie feminists) what they wanted, i.e. that women have their cake and eat it too. The same fluffie feminists are dead set against the Parer (paternity rejection right) which would be the male equivalent of the Marer (maternity rejection right, a.k.a. abortion right). The Parer would allow a man to reject unwanted paternity. He could fill in a government form so that if the mother continued with the pregnancy, then the full financial cost of the kid would fall on her. The fact that women have the Marer but men don’t have the Parer is a blatant example of legal sexual discrimination against men. The idea of a Parer scares fluffies shitless, so they oppose it vehemently, because if it came in, it would mean that all women would have to become FIPs and be educated to be FIPs, e.g. studying STEM fields at university (science, tech, engineering, math) to be able to make good money to become FIPs as adults.Q5. Why has society not heard about the MGTOW and masculist movements?A5. The Japanese government has certainly heard of the Japanese “herbivore” men, who have been refusing marriage, and fatherhood a decade longer than in the US. The Japanese population has already fallen by a million in a mere few years, and will fall to two thirds its current figure within two decades as the baby boomers die off, i.e. from today’s 127 million to about 80 million. Unless the gender politicians give men what they want, i.e. to menfair society and the gender laws, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject fatherhood and thus wipe out whole populations. In the US, the MGTOW movement is only a few years old, so is too new for it to reach the general public in a big way. This interview will certainly help launch MGTOW/masculist ideas with the masses, the general public.Q6.? What are the differences between the MGTOW and masculist movements?A6.? The MGTOWs are politically passive. They argue that the gender politicians are so biased in favor of women, that they will not listen to men, so the only strategy left to MGTOWs is to just quietly walk away from the traditional role of the man to be a manslave to a woman, a cash machine, so that the population crashes and the MGTOWs bring down the gynocentric culture. Masculists are much more politically active, pushing to get on the broadcast media, and arguing that the rejection of fatherhood is the men’s movement’s most powerful weapon, its strongest argument. By telling the gender politicians that “If you don’t menfair the gender laws (e.g. re divorce, bringing in the Parer, etc) then we men’s libbers will continue to reject paternity, and wipe out the whole population. So you must listen to us.”Q7. How will the masculists force women to be FIPs?A7.? By refusing to have anything to do with fluffies. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave who is prepared to be parasited upon by a fluffie, but the supply of such men is drying up. In the US two thirds (70%) of young men under 35 refuse the traditional manslave role. They don’t marry, they don’t have kids, and spend their money on themselves. Many MGTOWs are so fed up with feminist influenced young women with their “princess mentality” expecting men to grovel at their feet if they want any of their vaginas, that they refuse to even date women, just like the herbivore men in Japan. Masculists put strong moral pressure on fluffies to be FIPs, with slogans such as “Be FIP or be manless!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” “No calculus, no baby!” Masculists see most of the so-called “fluffie crapper” damage is done at the age of 16 with women, when they decide to study fluffie crap, i.e. the soft, non-math, non-science option, so that they will be excluded from STEM field education at university. They end up with a university diploma that is useless in the market place, so are unable to afford a middle class house in their 30s so look around for some manslave to pay for the house she wants to raise her kids in. In other words, these “fluffie crapper” 16 year olds, have decided to become fluffies and to enslave men. Masculists push parents, teachers, professors, journalists, the media, the gender politicians and society in general to socialize and educate young women to be FIPs, or they won’t get a man.Q8.? So how will men and women get on until the gender politicians menfair society and the gender laws?A8. Men are driven by their DNA to want to penis women, so many MGTOWs and masculists choose to live the so-called “twaytwef” lifestyle. Twaytwef = 2A2F, i.e. two apartments, two FIPs, where the man and the woman are both FIPs and both have their own apartment. This way the man gets the regular sex he needs, without paying the horrible traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie wife with a one in four chance of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court. When the relationship goes sour, he just walks away to his apartment, and she to hers, cost free to the man – no divorce because no marriage, no loss of house, nor alimony, because the woman was a FIP, no child support because no kids. Masculists are so angry with fluffies that they won’t even twaytwef with them, as a form of punishment, forcing them to become FIPs or they remain manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and increasingly shunned by a society becoming ever more sympathetic to men’s lib issues.Q9.? How do masculists politicize?By setting up men’s lib groups in every high school to put moral pressure on the fluffie crappers to study math and the sciences to become FIPs as adults. By setting up men’s lib groups in every college and university, so that female students choose to study career competent majors, not fluffie crap. By taking their ideas to the media, getting journalists interested in their ideas and spreading them to the masses. By lobbying the gender politicians, with the threat that if they don’t menfair the gender laws and don’t systematically remove legal discriminations against men, then men will wipe out the population, by refusing to reproduce. Universities need to set up men’s studies programs. Movies on the MGTOW/masculist themes need to be made to make the billions conscious of our current gynocentric society, which cares little for men’s needs. Women need to be educated that men outperform women at the top end of the scale in just about everything. Men are smarter than women. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Women need to be taught that men are the superior sex who should be respected instead of the opposite as preached by feminism, as is the case today on the broadcast media.Q10.? What are some of the main MGTOW ideas?A10.? The main one is the so-called “red pill” which is taken from the movie “The Matrix” By taking the red pill you learn about the negative truth rather than taking the blue pill, which means you remain asleep, believing comforting lies. The red pill for MGTOWs is the idea that “women do not love men, they love men’s exploitability.” Women evolved that way, to be dependent on male protein from the hunt, because they were stuck at home with the babies and small children. Without support from males, they would have died, so they evolved to become the sexiest of the mammals to bribe men to give them protein in exchange for female sex. If a man loses his exploitability, she will coldly drop him and move on to the next exploitable male. Men have been traditionally brainwashed that women love men, but women don’t. Women are not loyal to men if they lose their exploitability. Women are loyal to themselves and to their kids. Another important MGTOW idea is that women are hypergamous, i.e. always on the lookout for a more exploitable male if a realistic opportunity arises. Women are genetically programmed to be dependent, to be prostitutes, to men in a manner of speaking, so it makes Darwinian sense for women to optimize their exploitation of males for the sake of the greater survivability of their children.Q11 etc, etc.—-The above questions and answers give you an idea of how such a SophieCo interview might go. It lasts about 25 minutes, so many of the main ideas could be transmitted to a billion people – a billion people! Wow. Such is the impact of RT, a real media phenomenon of our times.Fingers crossed. I may even send this flyer to Sophie and her producer to see what they think of a program on “The Paternity Strike and Population Annihilation.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/161 MGTOW Masculist Small Potatoes (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that the broadcast media will soon latch on to the major message of the MGTOWs masculists that “If society is not made menfair, and the gender laws are not made menfair, then the MGTOWs masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing their rejection of paternity!” Once that happens the prominent MGTOW bloggers of today will have to change their strategies a bit by giving interviews on the media, especially TV, and thus blowing their anonymity.MGTOW/MASCULISM SMALL POTATOESProminent MGTOWs like Sandman, Turd Flinging Money (TFM), Thinking Ape etc. (all pseudonyms), will soon need to change their strategies a bit. I say this because sooner or later, the critical message of the MGTOWs/masculists, that “Unless society is made menfair, and the gender laws are made menfair, the MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity!” The Japanese version of MGTOW, called the Herbivores, are a decade older than North American MGTOW, so have had more time to affect the population size. The Japanese population has already started falling as a result, by a million in just a few years. With the current Japanese birth rate at about 1.4 children per woman, in a mere two decades, after the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will fall to about two thirds of its current size, to about 80 million. Japanese politicians are very conscious of this and have created a Minister of State to deal with the problem. There have been two of them so far, a man and a woman. They have had little effect, because they do not go to the heart of the problem, which is that young Japanese men simply refuse to live the manslave role of their salary man fathers, working 11 hour days, 3 hour commutes, handing over their pay checks to their parasitic fluffie housewives who play tennis while their husbands overwork.Pretty soon western politicians and the media are going to wake up in the same way, and start asking why so many young western men are rejecting paternity, thus forcing the birth rate to crash, and eventually, the whole population to be wiped out.I think that watershed moment in the west is at most a few years away, and may even be 2016 or 2017. I hope to play a role in this watershed moment. Once the broadcast media latches onto the big idea that if society is not made menfair, the MGTOWs/masculists are going to wipe out the whole population, then that is such a big story, such a big concept, that they will eventually really run with it, and make a very big deal of it.Once that happens, once stories with titles like “Why are men refusing paternity? “ “What do the masculists want?” “Why are men going their own way?” etc. come out in the broadcast media, then the current efforts of Sandman, TFM, Thinking Ape etc. will seem like very small potatoes. These currently prominent MGTOWs will have the wind blown out of their sails. They will no longer be at the cutting edge of the MGTOW/movement. These guys reach 10,000s of guys per video. A major TV or print story reaches millions. So in that sense, the efforts of today’s MGTOWs is “small potatoes.”So, once the broadcast media latches on to the main ideas of MGTOW/masculism and really brings them to the masses, so that nearly everyone is informed of them, what can Sandman, TFM, Thinking Ape etc. do from then on as MGTOWs? I suggest they keep doing what they are doing to build the membership base of the MGTOW movement, continue generating the ideas, but make some changes, such as agreeing to be interviewed on the broadcast media, to use their expertise and experience discussing men’s issues, and bring that expertise to the masses.But, getting on TV will be to blow their anonymity. I hope that Sandman has now built up enough financial independence to be able to do that, and similarly with TFM and Thinking Ape. If anything, the huge publicity they will get may act positively on them, getting them more work. If they do not give interviews, then yes, they will have the wind blown out of their sails and they will fade away into obscurity, eating their small potatoes, while more ambitious, further sighted, MGTOWs who get on the broadcast media, steal all their thunder, and rightfully so. A person who brings MGTOW/masculist ideas to the millions is hugely more valuable to these movements, than a video blogger who reaches 10,000s.So I suggest these prominent MGTOWs brace themselves for some big changes that must come in the next year or two. They should be prepared to lose their anonymity, and develop their broadcast media presentation skills, mastering the sound bite, and invent pithy catchy phrases and memorable labels. I’ve always felt there was something rather cowardly using pseudonyms instead of being a named fighter up front. Admittedly, I don’t have to worry about risking losing my job by being doxed by feminazi bitches, because I’m retired. Interestingly, I’ve never been confronted by a feminazi bitch to my ideas, so it’s never been an issue. Some of my male critics say that that’s because I’m a high status male (PhD, professor, media personality, etc.) so I’m the sort of male these fluffie feminist parasites want to leech off, so don’t want to piss me off with a feminazi tirade. That may be true. Another possibility, is that these feminazi bitches sense that if they do try to tirade me, I won’t tirade them back, I’ll evaporate them with a ballistic explosion of male wrath, dominance and logic, and it will be VERY unpleasant for the feminazi bitch, especially if she’s fat, because I have an utter revulsion of fat unfuckable feminazis.So, MGTOW bloggers out there – hold your breath for big changes coming. The movement is about to get on the broadcast media, sooner or later, probably sooner, and when that happens, strategies will need to be adapted. Be prepared.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/162 The MGTOWs Masculists Go for the Broadcast Media Big Hit (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows the email sent to RT (Russia Today) suggesting Sophie&Co to make a program called “The Paternity Strike”. If the host of this interview show, Sophie Shevardnadze, the granddaughter of the famous Russian political leader agrees, then 100s of millions of people worldwide would see it. It would truly launch the men’s lib movements in the world.MGTOWs/MASCULISTs GO FOR THE BROADCAST MEDIA BIG HITI was interviewed for half an hour on RT (Russia Today) on the issue of species dominance, i.e. should humanity build artilects (godlike massively intelligent machines) that might decide to wipe us out? The interview program is called Sophie&Co” where the host is Sophie Shevardnadze, granddaughter of the famous Russian political leader of some decades back.She told me off camera, that this program will get a billion views (with a b) from the TV viewers and internet users of YouTube.I then thanked them and suggested two future programs, one called “Engineering General Intelligence” and the other, which will interest MGTOWs/masculists “The Paternity Strike.”Here is the link to the program. include the email I sent to them below. Fingers crossed!Dear Alex (the producer of the program), Could you please forward this email to Sophie.—Dear Sophie and Alex,Thanks for the interview. I think you made a bit of history, since your program is really the first time that such a topic has had such a huge audience. (Will it really get a billion views, with a b, and not a million views, with an m?) As a result of your show, I think its now fair to say that the issue of species dominance (i.e. the issue of “Should Humanity Build Artilects?”) has reached phase 3. (Phase 0 = noone aware of the issue, phase 1 = intellectuals crying in the wilderness, phase 2 = internet interest/action groups, phase 3 = main stream, broadcast media interest, phase 4 = (future) politics (e.g. what happened in the movie ‘Transcendence”).As the IQ gap keeps closing, the alarm bells that machines might harm humans will ring ever louder, and you will probably want to interview other brain builders who are actually on the cutting edge.“Engineering General Intelligence”If so, then I can recommend my good friend, Prof. Dr. Ben Goertzel, the father of AGI (artificial general intelligence). In my opinion, he and Ray Kurzweil, whom you mentioned in your artificial brain program, are the two people most likely to be the first to build a near human intelligence level AI. Ben is world famous and a genius (IQ 186). You can easily YouTube him and judge his speaking ability. So, when you think the time is ripe for another “AI Threat” program, I can strongly recommend Ben. Perhaps the program might be called “Engineering General Intelligence” (which is the title of one of his many books, that he uses as the blueprint for his latest AGI that he is currently building in Hong Kong.“The Paternity Strike”Here’s a second idea for a Sophie&Co program that might be called “The Paternity Strike”. In the US, the divorce courts have been taken over by feminists who still have traditional attitudes towards men, seeing men as cash machines. Roughly one married man in four in the US will be financially massacred, losing his kids (with 90% probability), losing his house to his ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it, forced to pay child support and alimony to her.This reality is so bad in the US, that two thirds of young men (70%, according to a recent US census) under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are “on strike.” Such men are called MGTOWs (men going their own way.) Another branch of the men’s lib movement is called masculists, who are more political.In Japan, a similar proportion of young men have been rejecting fatherhood for a decade longer than the Americans, so that the Japanese population is now actually falling. It fell by a million in just the last few years. In 20 years it will fall by a third to about 80 million, once the baby boomers have died off. The current birth rate in Japan is only 1.4 children per woman, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1The MGTOWs and masculists threaten society and the gender politicians, that “If society and the gender laws are not made menfair, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity and hence wipe out whole populations!”If you decide to run with this second idea, you would definitely be making a bit of history, since this movement has not yet reached phase 3. So far only the BBC has given it any real broadcast media publicity.If you’re interested, here are some links on the main ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists. prominent MGTOW guys are “Sandman,” “Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM)” and “Thinking Ape” (all using pseudonyms for protection from doxing) whom you can YouTube.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/328? Masculist Penetration of the Broadcast Media via Major Feminist Events? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer proposes a strategy for masculists to penetrate the broadcast media to spread masculist MGTOW ideas to the general public. It is to attract the attention of the journalists present to report on major feminist media events, e.g. when two prominent feminist intellectuals debate in public. Masculist leaders, the more articulate and charismatic ones, can then pose a masculist oriented question in the Q&A session, that may attract the attention of the journalists, who later contact the masculist and so his masculist message gets reported to the masses, which has to happen if a sex war is to be avoided, when men snap at the massive gender injustices committed against them in the divorce courts, where one father in four is financially massacred and has his life ruined. Women need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws before men can be persuaded to be fathers again, so that our populations do not get wiped out indirectly by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who have taken over the divorce courts.MASCULIST PENETRATION OF THE BROADCAST MEDIA VIAMAJOR FEMINIST EVENTSThis flyer proposes a strategy for masculists to penetrate the broadcast media, in order to teach the masses, the public, about masculist and MGTOW ideas. In about two months from the time of writing this flyer (early Feb. 2019) I will attend a public event in Melbourne, Australia, at its exhibition center, which will consist of two prominent American feminist intellectuals, who have written books on the desired (in their opinions) directions of feminism. The two feminists concerned are Roxane Gay, and Christina Hoff Sommers. Roxane Gay is a black, obese, culture critic and feminist, who wrote the book “Bad Feminist” (a NY Times bestseller), which (to paraphrase a review on ) is “a call to arms on how society needs to improve, ” especially with respect to modern feminism, which she thinks is too preoccupied with white, middle class, feminism, ignoring the feminisms of other female groups, e.g. blacks, gays, trans, etc. Christina Hoff Sommer, known in the internet as the “Factual Feminist, ” is so much less of an isscienate fairy than most feminists who don’t care about scientific truths. She is complaining bitterly that modern feminism has become too misandrist, equating feminism with man hating, which is discrediting feminism for most women. These two will be intellectually duking it out in a public debate, that the public pay money for to get a seat to listen. When I came across an ad for this event, I had an idea. I assume there will be a Q & A (question and answer) session, after the two of them have debated. I bought a ticket, and I hope to use the opportunity to say something really pithy and striking that will attract the attention of the broadcast media journalists there who will ask themselves “Who was that masculist who made such striking points. Let’s go talk to him. What he said sounded so important and needs to be given to our media publics!” I will have perhaps 30-60 seconds to make my point, and hope to attract the journalists, so as to launch masculist consciousness and thinking in Melbourne, then Australia, and then to the western world. I’m wondering what to say if I get to state my question. I’ll probably say something like this, and it has to be short and very pithy, to attract enough interest. “Are either of you, or feminist intellectuals in general, conscious that a sex war is brewing amongst men? You’ve probably heard how toxic the feminists have made divorce, having taken over the divorce courts, ripping a divorcing father’s kids from him with a 90% probability, losing his house to his fluffie ex-wife (a fluffie is a traditional women who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man), he’ll be made to give half of his wealth to her, forced to pay alimony to her with no legal or moral obligation on her to FIP up (i.e. become FIP = financially independent person) so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, as she did before the divorce. Divorce is now so toxic for men, that marriage is toxic for men, so in many western countries now, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity (the huge issue) and spend their money on themselves. No culture that financially crucifies and destroys the lives of a quarter of its fathers, can survive intact. There will be an explosion. Men will snap, pick up arms, and go on a sex war. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that the feminazis indirectly wipe out whole populations, which is what they are currently doing. Gender politicians will be assassinated. 1000s of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges will be murdered, and if the sex war becomes major, masculist soldiers will go out into the streets and simply shoot the feminazi vermin. Young women need to vote with men, to menfair the gender laws, e.g. reform divorce, push for the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) so that men can be persuaded to become fathers again, otherwise, the feminazis will be seen as genociders, who need to be wiped out. Please comment!” After that little speel, I hope that the two of them will be shocked, although probably Sommers will be more open minded towards these masculist ideas, since her attitude is more science based. She is an academic, who thinks like a scientist, who bothers to look at the evidence, whereas Gay is more of an out and out misandrist, making offhand negative comments about men, in public. If she makes such a misandrist comment in public at this meeting in March, I will harangue her with something like “If you feel the right as a feminist to piss on men, then I as a masculist will shit on women, as the inferior sex, who are dumber than men by 4 IQ points on average, who have 10% smaller brains, so it is men who build and create cultures, and it is women who parasite on them. We men only tolerate women because of their two traditional monopolies of vagina and womb. But now that the sexbots are starting to come out, men will prefer to sex their bots which will have film star faces, luscious curves, creamy grippy vaginas. In Oz and the US, 40% of women are obese, and hence sexually repulsive to men. FUFs like yourself (i.e. fat un fuckables) are rejected by most men. Only the ugliest men would be willing to fuck you, because they are so desperate they will fuck anything, even you. So there, get a taste of your own medicine, you fat, unfuckable, misandrist, male dumping, feminazi bitch! You should be teaching to young women, that if a woman is not nice to a man, SHE WONT GET ONE!” I’m hoping I will get the chance to air my masculist talents, and catch the attention of the journalists present, who will certainly be at this event, because it is the major feminist event of the year in Sydney and Melbourne. If some journalists do come up to me, I can then give them the link to my YouTube/BitChute masculist flyers, and to my book on masculism, so that they can learn what masculism is, and then hopefully write about it in their newspapers, or invite me to talk on their TV programs etc. By this means, I hope to launch masculist thinking in Oz, to get the media ball rolling on the other half of the gender story, i.e. men’s story. Women oppress men worse than men oppress women, because women’s oppression is decades long, sustained, and major, e.g. female financial parasitism, female manslavery, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts, where women want equal rights with men in the parliaments, but behave as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, a major hypocrisy. Now that men have got into gender politics, e.g. via the 3 major branches of the men’s lib movement, i.e. the MRM (men’s rights movement, who push for equal rights for men, via changes in the law), the MGTOW (men going their own way, who avoid marriage and reject paternity, spending their money on themselves) and the masculists (angry, political active, men’s libbers), men will dominate gender politics. This may sound crazy in today’s feminist dominated gender political scene, but whenever men turn their minds to something, they always dominate it, because men are smarter than women,, the genii are males, and men have much higher testosterone levels in their blood, so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged and persistent at difficult tasks, much more than women, so the male performance record is greatly superior to women’s. Given this male gender political superiority, it is only a question of time before the journalists latch on to the biggest story of the century, i.e. the feminazi indirect genocide of whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them toxic for men, causing 2/3 of young men to reject paternity, so these feminazi bitches have to be stopped. That is the message I hope to convey to the journalists present at this feminist event. Of course, I will inform you about how it went after the event, but for the moment, to those budding masculist leaders reading this, consider using the same strategy in your country. Choose an event, probably a feminist event, that is major enough, to attract the journalists and media people who are interested in gender issues, so that you will have the opportunity to state your masculist case in public, within earshot of the journalists, so that if you are effective, i.e. articulate, passionate, and charismatic, then you might attract their attention, giving you a platform to spread masculist ideas to the general public, which is desperately needed. If society does not go masculist in the coming years, there will be a sex war, and large numbers of feminazis will be killed. It is in women’s self-interest to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise men will explode and treat women as sadistic, amoral children, who don’t care about men’s welfare. If men collectively get angry at women, then god help women. The ultimate back up of the law is male force, but when the male law enforcers themselves become angry masculists, the feminazis are fucked, they will lose. Women are powerless towards men physically, and will be forced to do what men want. If women want to avoid this scenario, then they need to be informed of masculist ideas, and vote with men to menfair the gender laws (i.e. divorce reform, bring in the Parer, etc).Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/336? Converting a Cynical Male Feminist Journalist into a Masculist in Minutes? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines an interview of me by a cynical male feminist TV journalist. I suggest to him that I try to convert him into becoming a masculist, and at the same time present the main masculist ideas. If I can influence him, then maybe I can influence millions of men watching too.CONVERTING A CYNICAL MALE FEMINIST JOURNALIST INTO A MASCULIST IN MINUTESThis flyer imagines an interview I have with a cynical male feminist journalist, in his 30s or 40s, i.e. a generation younger than me, who has grown up with second wave feminism, and knows nothing about masculism, so his initial reaction is the same as that of most women and certainly most feminists, i.e. of incredulity, who think along the following lines - “Masculism, i.e. men’s lib?! What do men have to be liberated from?! Its men who are the privileged sex, who oppress women, so the very term masculism sounds ridiculous!” This male feminist journalist’s opening question to me reflects his cynicism. J : “ How do you react towards the claim made by many that you are a misogynist?! H : “Speaking as a masculist, its true! In fact labeling the hatred that masculists have for fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites as misogynist is too wimpy. We masculists have a real hatred for these categories of women and aim to kill them, i.e. kill them slowly by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, so that their fluffie bitch genes are removed from the gene pool, because no man will give them their sperm, forcing them to die out. There needs to be a new word to express the level of hatred that masculists have for fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. Misogynist is too weak, perhaps “femsterminators” or some such. To understand where this masculist hatred for such women is coming from, one needs to have one’s “masculist consciousness” raised, otherwise most people see gender politics through a monoconscious, gender biased, anger biased, perspective which is blind to the masculist perspective. Judging by the tone of your opening question, it is obvious to any masculist watching this interview that you are cynical towards masculism, and that perhaps you know very little about the ideas of the masculists. You are a nationally known journalist, working for national government controlled media, so you are obviously no fool, so only need to be exposed to the more persuasive of the masculists’ arguments for you to be convinced or at least a lot more open to masculist thinking. You have invited me to talk about masculism, so I suggest I try to kill two birds with one stone, that I think may be very effective and persuasive for your viewers. I suggest that in the next few minutes, I will try to “convert” you from a cynical male feminist into a masculist, and if I can do that, then probably many of your viewers will be similarly convinced! Are you OK with that suggestion?” J : “Why not, so go for it, convince me and our viewing public!” H : “OK, thanks. First question to you – are you married?” J : “Yes.” H : “Kids?” J : “ Yes, 3!” H : “OK, so you are a married father and as such, in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system, you are playing Russian roulette with your life!! J : “That sounds extreme to me, but go ahead!” H : “ I don’t mean that you risk your life over being a married father, but you are playing Russian roulette in the following sense, except in one sense it is even worse, i.e. with Russian roulette there are usually 6 chambers in the barrel, but as a married father you will have a “gun” with only 4 chambers, in the sense that you now risk being financially massacred and having your life ruined by the deep misandry that exists in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system.” J : “Let me interrupt you here for a second. You have used the term fluffie several times already. What does it mean?” H : “A fluffie is a masculist (masculism is men’s lib, essentially a rebellion against being manslaves to women) label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. It is based on the word fluff, i.e. having connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not responsible, not career competent, not FIP, i.e. financially independent person. Masculists see fluffies as the enemy, as immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, to be wiped out. You can look at the masculists in the 21st century as the historical equivalent of the US abolitionists in the 19th century. The abolitionists saw negro slavery as a moral abomination, and aimed to wipe it out, which they eventually did, but it took the US civil war to do it. Similarly, masculists see man slavery as a moral abomination, and aim to wipe it out, hopefully without a sex war, but it may come to that, but I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.” J : “Do you masculists see all women as manslavers?” H : “Of course not. Many women do make the effort to become career competent and pull their financial weight, expecting to be FIPs and not parasiting off a man, but in reality, at age 16, in many countries, ? of young women, choose to become fluffies by choosing to major in what the masculists call fluffie crap subjects, that are the soft option, the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based option, e.g. English literature, languages, history, etc., and not the analytical, hard option, where you have to think, e.g. math and the sciences. These fluffie crappers then are forced to study more fluffie crap at college, because they are excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions because they do not have the math and science prerequisites from high school. So these fluffie crappers end up with a fluffie crap diploma, that the economy does not value and pays low salaries for. The average feminist influenced woman then screws around in her 20s and statistics show, that by the time she is in her 30s, she has had on average over 40 different penises in her. Her biological clock starts to tick hard in her 30s, realizing with her fluffie crap diploma, she is too poor to be able to afford her own middle class house to raise her kids in, so she starts looking around for some (in masculist terms) “gullible manslave” so that she can sit on her fat parasitic arse, raising HER kids, in a middle class house, that HE pays for. A decade later, she has had her 2 kids, and has the house. She gets bored with her 41st penis, and takes him to the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, where he is financially massacred and has his life ruined.” J : “Let me interrupt you again. Probably you are so accustomed to using these masculist terms, that they are unconscious to you. Can you explain the masculist meaning of the term fluffie feminist and fluffie feminist hypocrisy? What is hypocritical about being a fluffie feminist? I can guess, but can you spell it out for our viewers.” H : “You’re right, sorry. The masculists have an even greater hatred for the fluffie feminist hypocrites than for fluffie parasites. Masculists hate fluffies because they parasite off men’s money, manslaving them. Men liberated women from household drudgery, by giving them the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education, modern medicine, life expectancies well into the 80s, so that even women with their two kids, still have a career window of half a century, so the masculists point the finger at women, with strong moral pressure, saying to them “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work! Anything else is parasitism off men. Masculists have the same level of hatred towards fluffie parasites as the abolitionists had towards the slavers of negroes. Masculists have an even greater hatred of the fluffie feminists, because it is bad enough that the fluffie feminists are fluffies, and hence immoral parasites, but they are also hypocrites, in the sense that they accept equal rights for women with men in the parliaments, but reject equal obligations with men in the divorce courts, by not bothering to get a career competent education in high school and college, so that they can become real FIPs as adults, in the divorce courts. Thus these fluffie feminist hypocrites want their cake and to eat it too. After a half century of second wave feminism, and knowing nothing about feminism, these feminists when they divorce, see men as the enemy, as pigs, as exploiters, to be abused, robbed, taught a lesson, to be revenged, so that the divorce courts have been made toxic by them for men, so bad that in many countries now, 2/3 of young men refuse to marry, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves. They are the MGTOW (men going their own way) branch of the men’s lib movement. That makes these fluffie feminists indirect genociders. They have made divorce so toxic for men, that they have made marriage toxic for men. So young men decide that modern marriage sucks, and reject it. Probably within a decade over 90% of young men will be rejecting marriage and paternity, which will be a catastrophe in terms of the population crash. At 90%, whole populations get wiped out in a mere generation. J : “Why is divorce so toxic for men?” H : “Good question, because it is immediately appropriate for you, since you face a one in four risk of being, as the MGTOWs say, “divorce raped.” In many countries, you will have your kids ripped away from you by feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers with a probability of 90%. You will lose half your stuff to your ex-wife. You will lose your house so that your ex can raise HER kids in it. You will be forced to pay her child support for your kids whom you will barely see. If your wife is a real fluffie you may be forced to pay her alimony for life, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, i.e. become a FIP and pull her own financial weight. J : (looking alarmed) “My god. I didn’t realize it was so bad. You’re definitely scaring me!” H : “You need to be scared. With this one in four chance (i.e. half of marriages end in divorce, and in half of those divorces, the ex-wife turns into a vindictive, misandrist, sadist, out to destroy her ex-husband, and since the divorce courts have been taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, she can) of being financially massacred and having one’s life destroyed, it is no surprise that young men in their millions now say, “Screw that, I’m not getting married, and am certainly not having any kids. The risk is too great!” Thus directly, it is these men who are wiping out whole populations, but they are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, dictated to by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, who see men as fluffies do, i.e. as sexploitable cash machines, to be abused, robbed and destroyed. So from the masculist viewpoint, the root cause of whole populations being wiped out, are the fluffie feminists and their making divorce so toxic for men. Thus, the fluffie feminists, these feminazis, have become genociders, and have to be stopped. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that these fluffie feminist children, these irresponsible misandrists, indirectly wipe out whole populations. They have to be stopped, with bullets if necessary, in a sex war, but there are more benign methods to achieve the menfairing of the divorce courts and other glaring legal discriminations against men, e.g. the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right). Women have the Marer (maternity rejection right) but men have no Parer, the greatest form of sexual discrimination that exists, and it is not against women, but against men. For example, say your wife wants another kid and you tell her no, but she really wants another one and lies to you about taking the pill. She gets pregnant and expects you to pay for your 4th kid. You have no say in the matter. This is an example of why masculists say that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, because women’s oppression of men is so sustained, over decades, e.g. women’s financial parasitism, women’s manslavery, the fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts, women’s red pill nature, i.e. that women don’t love men but love men’s sexploitability, a major theme of the MGTOWs. Interestingly now, young women are learning to hate these fluffie feminist hypocrites as much as men do, because they are becoming painfully aware, time after time, that quality young men refuse to give them their sperm. Young women now are panicking because they are becoming increasingly conscious that they are not going to have babies, and that is, to coin a phrase, “scaring them shitless.” The masculists are telling these young women to hate the fluffie feminists, the feminazis, because it is they who are the root cause behind the paternity rejection of quality young men, because marriage and paternity are too toxic for men. So the masculists push young women to vote together with men to menfair the gender laws, e.g. major reform in the divorce courts, by e.g. throwing out alimony, making custody of the kids JOINT by default, allowing the original owner of the house to keep it, etc. The Parer needs to be legislated. Governments need to set up gender equality committees which are as well versed in masculist ideas as feminist ideas, so that they socially engineer young women to FIP up, by bothering to get a career competent education, by making the study of calculus and a science compulsory in 12th grade, as was the case in the old Soviet Union. Masculists also claim that it is in the self-interest of feminists to become biconscious, i.e. having one’s feminist AND one’s masculist consciousness raised, because then the two gender angers, i.e. the feminist anger at how men oppress women, and the masculist anger at how women oppress men, tend to cancel each other out, so that biconscious feminists tend to lose their anger bias, their gender bias, that they had as monoconscious feminists when they thought that gender oppression was a one way street. Biconscious feminists tend to be far less feminazi bitchy, and hence more approachable by men, so biconscious feminists tend to have boyfriends, whereas misandrist, male dumping, feminazi bitches are universally rejected by men, forced to rot on the shelf. Young women are really picking up on this hatred for feminazis expressed by men, and don’t dare state publicly, in their social circle, that they are feminists, because if they do, then they know that that is the kiss of death for them in terms of getting a man, but they want to get a man, because they know how impossible it is to be both a female careerist and a mother of small children at the same time, so they want to get a man to help them with the finances when she has very small children. J : “Well, unfortunately, our time is up, which is a pity, because you’ve made me see things in a whole new light, and I dare say many of our viewers feel the same. Personally, I was unaware how toxic divorce has become for men, and that really worries me, so yes, you have converted me to masculism to some extent, but I think I and millions of our viewers will need to learn more about it. So thankyou Professor de Garis, for presenting to us, the core ideas of masculism. I suspect this will not be the last time that you will be in this studio, teaching us about men’s lib, and to the audience, bye for now, and until next time!”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.8/346? Journalists are Indirect Gender Political Genociders? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer claims that if the journalists and media people do not spread masculist ideas quickly enough, then the masculists will accuse them of being indirect genociders, because the journalists will take some of the responsibility for the population crash. The masculists will stop third wave feminism, that has taken over the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that 2/3 and more of young men are now rejecting marriage and paternity, which will wipe out whole populations. Masculists aim to destroy third wave feminism, by either intellectually crushing it with masculist science, or if that fails, by simply shooting the feminazis in a sex war. It is the journalists who have a responsibility to spread masculist ideas, so that the more benign approach to the destruction of the third wave feminists can get off the ground, by the journalists spreading masculist ideas to the public, so that it no longer believes in third wave feminism, so that the gender laws? can be menfaired, so that young men are prepared to be fathers again, before whole populations get wiped out.JOURNALISTS ARE INDIRECT GENDERPOLITICAL GENOCIDERSThis flyer claims that the journalists and media people in general, i.e. radio, TV, magazines, newspapers, TV documentaries, etc. are indirect genociders. This may sound bizarre, so I need to explain. There is definitely a logic behind it, but it requires a chain of reasoning. Firstly, it is the masculists who are making this claim, and the argument they use is based on masculist ideas, masculist priorities. The argument goes as follows. The hated fluffie feminist hypocrites have taken over the divorce courts, and made them so toxic for men, that in many countries today, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity, and probably within a decade, that fraction will have risen to above 90%. This is a catastrophe, because, with such massive rejection of paternity, we wipe ourselves out within a mere generation, so obviously, these feminazis have to be stopped, but how? The masculists see two major alternative solutions to this paternity rejection problem. The feminazis, in their characteristically childish way, will blame men for the paternity rejection. One thing that the feminazis never do is point the finger at themselves, taking some of the responsibility for their negative situation, due to women’s genetic inferiority, women’s failure to take responsibility for their own lives. The masculists claim that their paternity rejection is a reaction against the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who see men as cash machines, to be robbed, abused, and treated as morally inferior creatures. These fluffie feminist hypocrites want equal rights with men in the parliaments, but behave as fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, not bothering to become FIPs (financially independent persons) who reject wanting equal obligations with men in bothering to get a career competent education, so that they can become FIPs as adults. Thus these fluffie feminists are hypocrites in the sense that they want to have their cake and to eat it too. They want the benefits of having equal rights with men, but reject the costs of having to share the burden with men of earning the living, by FIPping up, and taking responsibility for their own lives. These fluffie feminist hypocrites have made divorce toxic for males. Any man in a western country, who marries and becomes a father, faces a one in four chance of being financially massacred, and having his life ruined, in a hated, fluffie feminist, dominated divorce court system. A man who marries and becomes a father is thus playing Russian roulette with his life, but instead of their being the usual 6 chambers in the barrel, there are only 4, i.e. if he marries and becomes a father, he has one chance in four, that his life will be destroyed. Most divorce court lawyers and judges are monoconscious feminazis (i.e. have had only their feminist consciousness raised), who know nothing about masculism, who see men as a morally inferior, toxic, sex, who need to be punished for their centuries’ long oppression of women, as seen by feminists. Therefore these feminazi witches then financially crucify divorcing fathers, stripping a man of his kids with 90% probability, losing his house to his ex-wife, forced to pay over half of his stuff to her, forced to pay child payments to kids he will barely see. He will lose his house to his ex-wife, so that she can raise HER kids in it, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) he may have to pay her alimony, for the rest of her life, with no legal nor moral obligation on her to FIP up, to get a career, allowing her to remain a parasite off him after the divorce, the way she was before the divorce. Millions of young men in western countries have observed what happened to their fathers, their uncles, their older male friends, and have decided to wipe their hands of marriage, of fatherhood, as being such a shitty deal for men, that marriage is avoided by them, at a rate of 2/3 in several major countries now, e.g. the US, Japan, Germany, etc. Thus the main blame for this situation is the feminazis, who have made the divorce courts toxic, so that young men now reject paternity, which is a huge issue, because it wipes out whole populations in less than a century. Since masculist and MGTOW videos are being viewed literally in their millions over the past few years, MGTOW and masculist ideas are spreading to millions of men, especially young men, who agree with the masculists and MGTOW, that it is stupid to marry, and especially to have kids, since doing such a thing, is effectively playing Russian roulette with your life, your male life, so not surprisingly, probably within a decade, the proportion of young men rejecting marriage and paternity, will be over 90%, which is a social catastrophe, because if one does the math, one sees that whole populations will be wiped out within a generation or so. Thus the fluffie feminazis in the divorce courts have to be stopped, but how? One approach, is simply to shoot these feminazis, i.e. to go on a sex war, to assassinate the hated gender politicians, who made these deeply misandrist gender laws in the first place, then murder 1000s of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges, and if the sex war really escalates, then responsible males, masculist soldiers, will go out into the streets with black lists, and simply shoot 1000s of women who are feminazis. Women will then lose the right to vote, and men will menfair the gender laws, e.g. by making divorce nontoxic for makes, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), socially engineering the FIPping of women, by putting heavy moral pressure on young women to FIP up or be punished by men, by not having one, being forced to rot on the shelf, by being totally ignored by men, not even being pumped and dumped. Masculist soldiers will simply NOT TOLERATE that these feminazi bitches indirectly wipe out whole populations. They will shoot them first, as the lesser evil. However, there is a much more benign alternative, and that is to use masculist science to destroy third wave feminism (the branch of feminism that aims to empower women, treating the acquisition of power as a zero sum game, the power gained by women, is power lost by men). The third wave feminists have taken over the divorce courts, and have made them toxic for men. The most formidable enemy of the third wave feminists are the masculist scientists, who are out to destroy third wave feminism, by intellectually crushing it, rendering it literally un-believable, by crushing its core arguments, e.g. by showing via scientific evidence, that women are NOT the equal of men. Men are genetically superior to women on average, thanks largely to women’s hypergamy, i.e. women’s instinct to mate up, with a superior man, whose superior DNA, she wants for her child, so that her child’s DNA is superior to hers, and that is good for the species, so evolved. All women have it, and as a side effect, men are genetically superior to women, because for a million years or more, women have been sexually selecting men who were genetically superior to them, thus men are taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer and smarter than women, because those traits were sexually selected by women over 1000s of generations. Thus the patriarchy, that the feminists talk about, i.e. the general male dominance of society, with most of the positions of power and prestige taken by men, is a side effect of women’s sexual preferences. This is to be expected, because women’s hypergamous nature largely generated this situation, thus the feminazis are irrationally fighting something that they themselves largely created. Another major cause of the patriarchy, is men’s GMV (greater male variance), i.e. men’s scores on anything measurable, are more spread out than women’s, whose scores are more bunched up about their average score, so that the bottom and top scoring individuals are male, so the patriarchy is genetically determined, and hence not removable by feminazi pressure. In concrete terms, this means that men are smarter than women, by 4 IQ points, men have a 10% larger IQ variance than women, men have 10% larger brains than women, so invent everything, build everything, create everything, and win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are a much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so achieve difficult tasks much more readily than women, so naturally, have higher status in society than women, due to men’s greatly superior track record. Masculist scientists can use arguments like the above to destroy third wave feminism, by intellectually crushing it, showing society, that 3rd wave feminism, is based on sand, makes no sense, and is not believable, so should not be believed and hence should be abandoned, forgotten about. BUT, the masculists have a problem, and that is that their ideas have not yet reached the general public, due to the journalists not yet having taken up the masculist torch, to teach the millions in the general public of masculist ideas. This failure of the journalists to preach the masculist message, is due partly to simple ignorance of masculist ideas, and partly due to cowardice, since many third wave feminists are now in positions of power within media organization hierarchies, who are monoconscious, who know nothing of masculist ideas, and who become hostile towards young junior journalists who want to give the masculists a voice in the media. Thus the masculists are saying that the journalists are indirect genociders, because they are not telling their media publics, the millions, the billions, that the feminazis have to be stopped, because these feminazis are indirectly wiping out whole populations, i.e. they have become indirect genociders, due to having made marriage and divorce toxic for men. The longer the journalists reject masculism, the more hostile the masculists will become towards them, because the journalists are a vital stepping stone, for the masculists to get their message out to the public. In order that a sex war can be avoided, and that third wave feminazi attitudes and ideas can be destroyed, the more benign approach of the masculist scientists needs to become successful, but that in turn requires that the general public, in all their millions, become familiar with masculist ideas, and be taught that the third wave feminazis have become indirect genociders, who are wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. If the journalists do not teach their publics, then the financial massacring of one father in four in the fluffie feminist hypocrite controlled divorce court system, will continue, so that we get wiped out. Therefore the journalists will share a lot of the blame for this genocide of whole populations, for failing to spread masculist ideas to the public. If the journalists do spread masculist ideas to the public, then it will be easier for the public to sympathize with the masculists and join with them to destroy the third wave feminazis, so that the feminazis are removed, by helping the masculist scientists destroy credibility in the core ideas of the third wave feminists. After half a century of second and third wave feminism, most journalists are as monoconscious as the feminazis, so their first reaction when hearing masculist ideas, is one of derision. Masculists have to put moral pressure on the journalists to spread masculist ideas, so that the general public understands that third wave feminism has to be wiped out, or we all get wiped out, literally, by having our populations being wiped out, in the sense of not being replaced, due to too few births, due to the paternity rejection of MGTOW and masculist influenced males, who in turn are reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts created by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites. The longer the journalists refuse to present masculist ideas to the general public, the more responsibility these journalists will share with the third wave feminazis, for the wiping out of whole populations. In that sense, the journalists will have become indirect gender political genociders as well. They will then deserve a lot of the blame when our populations crash badly, a situation that could have been avoided, if the journalists had been more morally and politically responsible and visionary, and had stepped up to the plate earlier, before the population crash became major.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9 Masculist Tactics for Women2.9/24 Teaching Women to Hate the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer aims to persuade FIP women that they can increase the chances of persuading men to give them babies, if these FIP women join forces with the masculists to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.TEACHING WOMEN TO HATE THE GENDER POLITICIANSThe prime enemy of the MGTOWs and masculists are the gender politicians, because it is they who have passed the divorce laws in the 70s that have resulted in some 10 million US men being financially massacred over the past 40 years in US divorce courts. Men do not have a Parer, which would change everything, because these same gender politicians refuse to pass it because they listen to the fluffie feminist lobby.As the sex war keeps brewing, and the birth rate crashes, due to 2/3 of young men under 35 in the US refusing to marry and have kids, the gender politicians will come under enormous moral, political, and ballot box pressure from men, but if we masculists play our cards right, also from women. (Notice I did not mention MGTOWs in this context, because I’ve given up on MGTOWs when it comes to political actions. MGTOWs are politically impotent and useless (except?for making YouTube videos, which is a non-negligible contribution.))The idea is the following. PERSUADE WOMEN THAT THE CAUSE OF THEIR MANLESSNESS ARE THE GENDER POLITICIANS. This is an easy case to make, which can be spelt out in a simple chain of logic.Q : Why are so many women manless today, and hence childless?A : Because two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids.Q : Why?A : Because marriage has become toxic for men. Men have roughly a one chance in four of being financially massacred by their wives in the US divorce courts.Q : How did that happen?A: The gender politicians changed the divorce laws in the 70s making it easy to financially massacre ex-husbands. They lose custody of their kids with 90% probability. They lose their house, that goes to the ex-wife to raise HER kids in. He will have to pay child support to kids he barely sees. If his ex-wife is a fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony so that she can continue to parasite on him after the divorce as she did before.This is such a BAD DEAL for men, that they are going on strike, refusing to marry and refusing to have kids. This will crash the birth rate and wipe out the US population within a mere century.Q : OMG! So that’s why I’m finding it almost impossible to find a man who’s willing to have a kid with me. It’s depressing me greatly. A woman is built to have? kid or two. So what can women like me do? I don’t want to financially massacre a man. I’m a FIP (financially independent person), but I desperately want a baby. I’m 35, and my biological clock will stop soon. I’m? getting desperate.A : Then help the masculists put real moral, political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the divorce laws and pass the Parer.Q : What’s that?A : Paternity Rejection Right. The male equivalent of the Marer for women (Maternity Rejection Right) a.k.a. abortion right. The fact that men have no legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy is a BLATANT SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION against men. Women have a Marer, men don’t have a Parer.Q : But how will a woman who doesn’t earn a good salary, manage a job and a kid on her own, without having a man to help her financially?A : By creating a FIP Society, where both sexes are socialized to become FIPs, by studying FIP majors in high school (i.e. math and the sciences) not “fluffie crap” that will make these women fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man) in their 30s, i.e. non FIPs, the opposite of women like you, who expect men to be their man-slaves. Masculists hate fluffies. Masculists aim to wipe them out, the way slavery was wiped out in the US in the 1800s. Manslavery is slavery, and slavery is a war issue. The masculists are at war against the fluffies and the gender politicians.Q : So concretely, how can a FIP woman help masculists, and as a result make men more willing to have babies with FIP women?A : Join the masculists combatting the gender politicians. Tell your female colleagues who are in the same boat as you are, that the main reason they cant find men to give them babies, is due to the gender politicians making marriage, or rather divorce, toxic for men. Persuade them to put real pressure on the gender politicians. They listened to you in the 70s when women pushed for favorable treatment?for women regarding divorce, so maybe this time, they might listen to you again and make the divorce laws men fair and pass the Parer (and remove many other legal discriminations against men.) Don’t underestimate the hatred of men against the gender politicians and against fluffies, whom masculists see as vermin, immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. If the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, then the masculists and MGTOWs (men going their own way, refusing to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves) are prepared to WIPE OUT THE WHOLE POPULATION. There is no more important issue on the books now. The gender politicians must give men what they want, hopefully with the support of FIP women like you, or the US population gets wiped out!Q : Gosh. I didn’t realize the situation was that serious. I just want to have a baby, and you tell me my problem is linked to the total annihilation of the US population. Gosh!OK, I understand now. I will tell my female FIP friends, what needs to be done. I see the gender politicians must make life better for men, or men will wipe them out, and everybody else.? Scary thought. This idea is so new to me, it’s hard to take in.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/75 ARCing WGTOWs?! (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer poses the question whether women could be ARCers (after retirement careerers) mimicking male ARCers. Yes, they could. They would need to be FIPs, and to have saved hard in the first half of their lives and then ARC freely in their second half.ARCing WGTOWs?!One of the lifestyles I advocate for men is ARCing (after retirement careering). I read recently that the average Australian male has a life expectancy of 80 years. I was surprised. I had expected it to be about 75, but it has risen it seems. So for many men, they will have decades of life left after they retire. Obviously, they are not going to then crawl away into a corner and wait to die. They may start up a new career, doing what they love, and perhaps for 30 years or more. This new careering I call “ARCing.”If a man is a MGTOW who plans out his whole life in broad terms, he may decide to study and work hard, get well qualified in a well-paid skill, live modestly, save and invest heavily, so that he builds up enough money to retire young, say in his 40s and hence spend the rest of his life ARCing, doing what he LOVES doing, not being a wage slave to some employer, and as a MGTOW, definitely not being a manslave to some cursed fluffie.My personal view is that “Life is all about ARCing” i.e. that the focus of one’s life is to ARC. I say that because ARCing can be half of one’s life, so a sizable hunk of one’s time on this earth. One can divide a life into three main phases, the “prepping” phase in which children and young adults prepare to earn a living through education, allowing them to enter the second phase of life called the “waging” phase, in which one earns a wage or salary. These first two phases allow the third phase, called the “ARCing” phase, which is “What life is all about!” since the first two phases are preparing for it.Once a man decides to MGTOW, to refuse to spend money on a woman, then he can save and invest much more than the usual manslave. He can retire early, and perhaps move to a poor third world country where the cost of living is much lower, and take advantage of the lower prices so that his effective purchasing power is increased by several fold, allowing him to starting ARCing even earlier in life. That is one of the reasons why I live in China.Recently, the question occurred to me, “Could women ARC? Could they choose to live the same kind of lifestyle as male ARCers?” Trying to answer that question is the theme of this flyer.There are millions of female FIPs now, women who have bothered to study a FIP major at high school and college and became FIPs as adults. A lot of them are deciding that they don’t want to have kids. Perhaps they have read that research shows that the happiest couples are childless, and that the unhappiest couples have teenage kids, so like many men, have decided that they too don’t want to have kids, so they don’t.Such FIP women may decide to adopt the twaytweffing life style, in which they have a relationship with a FIP male, each with their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, both can walk away back to their own apartments, cost free. Twaytweffing (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) forces both partners to be nice to each other, since if not, the other partner can simply walk out, so easily, and cost free.A FIP woman is just as much a wage slave as a FIP man, in their waging phase of life. She has to do what some employer tells her to do. She is not free to do what she LOVES, the way she could do if she were ARCing, so she may be as attracted to the ARCing lifestyle as much as any male.Females are not as inventive as males, as shown by the appalling intellectual track record of females compared to males. Men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes for example, and nearly all the new ideas come from men. So if a lot of women decide to adopt the ARCing life style, it will probably be because they have been influenced by ARCing males. They have seen with their own eyes, the superiorities of this life style, and be attracted to its wonderful freedom, spending half of one’s life doing what one LOVES to do.So these FIP?WGTOWs are doing just what the FIP MGTOWs are doing. They are rejecting to be mothers, preferring to concentrate on their FIP careers as young adults, earning good FIP based salaries in well paid jobs such as the professions or the techs. They then, like the men, live modestly, perhaps in a twaytwef relationship, or a series of them,?for decades, to get regular sex and companionship from a man. They too, save and invest heavily, and retire early in life and ARC for the rest of it, doing what they LOVE doing, freely.So, as an ARCer myself now, I advocate this lifestyle to women as well. Millions of women are poised to take such a decision, because there are so many FIP women, many of whom don’t want to have kids. If so, that frees them up to contemplate twaytweffing and planning to ARC early in their lives, to spend the second half of it being free ARCers.I predict once enough men have been ARCers for a few years, women, with their less creative, less curious minds, will copy men and start the ARCer lifestyle themselves, perhaps combined with twaytweffing for the rest of their lives.I’ve not heard of any woman advocating this lifestyle, probably because it is new to men, so lies several years into the future before it enters females’ heads, but I see it catching on. I predict in time, it will become a popular lifestyle for women, as the birth rate keeps falling for women, as women themselves choose to have fewer kids. Kids are very expensive, and a real hassle. A lot of women ask, “Why bother!?” Many women are happy and fulfilled in their careers, and would not miss having kids, if their careers are very fulfilling, but nevertheless, less attractive than ARCing, where they get to choose how they spend their days. I wonder how long it will be before I read my first advocation of the ARCing lifestyle coming from a female!?Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/87 Checklist for Women to Get a Man (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is aimed at women, presenting 3 criteria that women need to meet to have a twaytwef relationship with a man in an increasingly MGTOW/masculist oriented society. Those women failing these 3 will increasingly be manless.CHECKLIST FOR WOMEN TO GET A MANThis flyer is mainly aimed at women. It provides a checklist of characteristics a woman must have if she is to “get” a “man” at all. Before getting into the list, I need to give some definitions, which map out the discussion.What do I mean by “get” and what kind of “man” am I talking about? I’ll start with the latter. As more and more men go MGTOW/masculist, i.e. refusing to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves, women will be FORCED to have to deal with them, because there wont be any traditional manslavable robot males left to be exploited by fluffie parasites. In the US today, the percentage of MGTOW men (in the practical sense, if not by ideological conviction) under 35 is about 70%, and rising. Within?a decade, it will probably be over 90%. So if a woman wants to have some kind of relationship with a man, she will have to adapt to his MGTOW/masculist priorities.By “get” a man, I mean the best she can hope for is to twaytwef with him, i.e. live the twaytwef lifestyle with a man. (Twaytweffing = 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, i.e. a FIP man (FIP = financially independent person) and a FIP woman have a relationship. Each has their own apartment, so that when the relationship fails, as the vast majority do, they both walk away, back to their own apartments, cost free to the man. There is no child payments for him, because no kids, no divorce, because no marriage, no alimony, because she is a FIP, i.e. cost free to the man, which is why twaytweffing is so popular with MGTOW/masculists, because it gives them cost free regular sex and some female companionship.Twaytweffing has the added advantage that it keeps the woman being “nice” to the man, because she knows that if she isn’t, then he can walk away so easily. The only thing keeping the relationship together is its quality. If the relationship is rewarding to him, he will be motivated to stay (and vice versa of course.) If she starts nagging, he walks. If she starts trying to parasite on him, he walks. If she starts limiting the sex, he walks and finds another woman to penis.MGTOWs/masculists have nothing to do with fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man).?Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, whose main political goal is to wipe them out by refusing to have anything to do with them, so that they rot on the shelf to extinction. Fluffies will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly shunned by a society that is becoming better informed about MGTOW/masculist ideas, by the day.So, here is the list. It consists of 3 main items. If a woman is unable to satisfy these 3 criteria, her chances of “getting” (i.e. twaytweffing with) a “man” are slim.1. She MUST BE A FIP. This is the top priority for a woman who wants to get a man. This means that she must have studied FIP major (STEM) subjects at high school in her junior and senior years, and at university, otherwise she will be dismissed by MGTOWs/masculists as a “fluffie crapper” i.e. a woman who studied “fluffie crap” (i.e. the easier, soft option, subjects, i.e. not math, not the sciences) so that she locked herself into studying “fluffie crap” at university, and thus ends up a fluffie in her 30s when her INABILITY to earn good money to be able to pay for herself her own middle class house, to raise her kids in, will cause her to look around for some manslave robot male to pay for the house for her. But the supply of such exploitable manslavable male fools is drying up as MGTOW/masculism spreads and spreads.Increasingly now, men look at women’s “fluffie quotient” i.e. how likely is she to want to exploit a man financially. Women’s FQ is strongly correlated with them being fluffies, who studied fluffie crap in their youth and early adulthood. Men look not only at women’s fuckability, i.e. how sexually attractive they are, but if they are MGTOWs/masculists, their top criterion for a woman will be that she has a low FQ. Women scoring high FQs are much less likely to “get” a man. MGTOWs may fuck them, pump and dump them, time and time again, but high FQ women won’t even be able to twaytwef, because few men will want anything to do with them. Masculists go even further –?they don’t even fuck fluffies. This is a tactic that masculists use to punish fluffies for being fluffies. Masculists prefer to fuck FIP women. There are now plenty of FIP women, so masculists have plenty of choices. The more men who are masculists, the more they will fuck FIP women, so fluffies don’t get fucked. That motivates fluffies to become FIPs, so eventually this positive circle runs to saturation, where nearly all women are FIPs and fluffiedom dies out, because there are no more fluffies.2. She MUST BE A “POM” WOMAN. By “POM” I mean (personality over money), i.e. MGTOWs/masculists expect women they twaytwef with to judge men MORE BY?THEIR PERSONALITIES THAN BY THEIR FINANCIAL STRENGTH. Being POM is very difficult for a woman, because women EVOLVED TO BE PROSTITUTES TO MEN. When the prehuman baby’s brain doubled in size, the birth canal had to be bigger which put more stress on the hip bone (pelvis). A pelvic fracture was fatal to prehuman females, so evolution solved this problem by birthing the baby prematurely, so that its brain growth continued after birth. But this made the baby useless, so mothers had to remain close to their helpless infants, so could not hunt protein, so they depended on men to give them protein for themselves and their babies. Human females became the sexiest of mammals as a result, to “bribe” men with sex for male protein that men hunted. So, women have in their DNA the tendency to be prostitutes to men –?female sex for male protein (or in today’s terms – male money.)POM women are still women, so still have instinctive DNA based tendencies to judge men by their exploitability, i.e. their potential to be able to pay for them and their kids.POM women have learned to suppress this instinct, which is not easy. POM women have learned from bitter experience, that if they show their true instinctual MOP feelings towards a man, i.e. treating him as an exploitable manslave, she will be dumped. MGTOWs/masculists hate being viewed by women as potential manslaves. MGTOWs/masculists demand that women judge men more by their personalities than by how much money they have. Those MOP women (money over personality) are shunned by MGTOWs/masculists and rot on the shelf, so women will have to toughen up and suppress their true genetically determined instincts in judging men. Doing this is not easy, simply because it is instinctive, but the human brain is adaptable, and can learn.3. She MUST BE NICE. By “nice” I mean she has to make a continuous effort to be nice to the man she twaytwefs with. If not, he can so easily dump her, by simply walking away, that she is in constant fear that if she starts nagging him, or reduces the sex, or starts expressing her true MOP feelings towards him, then she gets punished, she gets dumped. This is the great advantage of the twaytweffing lifestyle for men.Once these 3 criteria become widely accepted, they will become the cultural norm and young women will be socialized into them. These criteria?will become second nature to both sexes. Those women who reject these criteria, will be rejected by the majority of men, and they will suffer as a result. They will become manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and increasingly be shunned by an increasingly POM oriented society.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/237 Masculist Expectations on Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists the expectations that masculists have regarding women. They include the FIPping of women; forcing women to grow up and behave as responsible adults; voting with men to menfair the gender laws; accepting women’s inferior genetic status; and to be nicer to men or be punished by being manless in the era of sexbots and artificial wombs.MASCULIST EXPECTATIONS ON WOMENThis flyer lists the principal expectations that masculists impose on women, and explains why they are imposed.Women must be FIPs.Women must be responsible adults.Women must help men menfair the gender laws.Women must accept their inferior genetic status.Women must become nicer to men.Women must be FIPs.The main political goal of the masculists is to free men from man slavery, i.e. working for women, worldwide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the labor of men) not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to death, so that they rot of the shelf to extinction, removing their fluffie parasite genes from the gene pool.The opposite of a fluffie is a FIP (financially independent person). Fluffies (based on the word “fluff”, having connotations of being light, not serious, not adult, not career competent, not FIP). Masculists place enormous emphasis on the concept of the FIPping of women, because they know that with the creation of a “FIP Society” in which both sexes, especially girls, are socialized and educated to be FIPs, then nearly all of the gender problems that men have, will be removed.Masculists are conscious that men have the financial power to FORCE women to be FIPs, because nearly all men are FIPs. Men are socialized to be FIPs and don’t have much choice other than being FIPs, given that men do not have babies. Men have to get out into the world, and manipulate it. For most of history, women were constantly pregnant and raising small children, so relied on men to bring home the meat from the hunt.But the contraceptive pill came along in the 60s and revolutionized everything. Women now typically choose to have 0, 1 or 2 kids, so have a career window of some 40 years, so it is vital that women invest heavily in careerism, by getting a career competent education at high school and university, so that they do not have to parasite off the labor and money of a man, making a manslave of him.Masculists place powerful moral pressure on young women, to “FIP up”, i.e. become FIPs, or be punished by men by not getting one. Masculists see fluffies as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out. Men can do that, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the supply of such men is drying up due to the influence of masculist and MGTOW (men going their own way) ideas on the male population.Masculists are so angry at fluffies, that they don’t even pump and dump them. Instead they punish them by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, as vermin to be wiped out, to be spat on as persona non grata.The masculists realize that there is a long way to go in the FIPping of women, because in reality about three quarters of young women at age 16 choose to become fluffies by choosing to study the “soft option” in the final two years of high school, i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based subjects like English literature, history, languages, etc., instead of the “hard option” i.e. analytically based subjects, like math, and the sciences.This choice of the majority of young women, means that they will be excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors and the professions at university and college, so will end up with what the masculists label a “fluffie crap” diploma, because these fluffie students studied fluffie crap at high school and college.These fluffie crappers will then not be able to earn a good salary as an adult, so that once they reach their 30s, and their biological clock is ticking hard, they will come to the realization that they are incapable of buying a middle class house to raise their kids in.Statistics show that the modern western woman, will have had some 40 different penises in her by the time she reaches her 30s. She will then stop being promiscuous and look for some manslave to parasite upon, and have him pay for the house she wants to raise HER kids in.Ten years later, having her house and kids, she will be bored by her manslave husband, i.e. penis no. 41, and will drag him through the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system and have him financially massacred.He will have his kids ripped away from him with 90% probability. He will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she can raise HER kids in it. He will lose half of his possessions. He will be forced to pay her child support to kids he will barely see, perhaps two visits a month. If the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony for life, so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, the way she did before the divorce.The hated feminazi bitches, aka the fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, of sharing equally the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that women can be real FIPs as adults, and not have to parasite off a man) have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that now in many western countries, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.These young men have a hatred of fluffies and avoid them like the plague. Masculists see them as vermin, to be wiped out.Masculists harangue fluffies and aim to see the establishment of men’s lib, i.e. masculist groups in every high school and college, so that young women are strongly morally pressured to FIP up, by choosing to study FIP majors, i.e. career competent majors at high school, so that they can study STEM and the professions at college and university, so that they can be FIPs as adults and not expect, fluffie style, to parasite off the money of a man.With nearly all women as FIPs, most of men’s gender problems would disappear, e.g. the divorce laws could be made menfair much more easily. Custody of children would be made joint by default. Alimony would be thrown out. The original owner(s) of the house would get to keep it.The Parer (paternity rejection right) would be legislated. Women have a Marer (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right), i.e. women have the legislated right to reject an unwanted pregnancy but men don’t have the equivalent right, which is the most blatant example of sexual discrimination that exists.Millions of men have their lives ruined by women who “accidentally” forget to take the pill, and get pregnant, forcing men to pay for the kids they don’t want. Such women are criminals, who don’t give a shit about the rights of men.The Parer would allow a man to fill in a paternity rejection form, so that the mother, if she decides to continue with the pregnancy, gets full financial responsibility for the kid. If the mother is a FIP, she can afford that.With the gender laws menfaired, men will be more prepared to be fathers again, because they will not be divorce massacred by the hated feminazi bitches as is the case today. No wonder two thirds of young men today reject marriage and paternity. It is such a rotten deal for them. In a decade, probably 90% of them will be MGTOW in practice, if not in philosophy.Thus the masculists place enormous emphasis on the creation of a FIP society. Women must become FIPs or be punished, be spat at, be rejected by men, making them manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and shunned by society.Women must be responsible adults.Masculists force women to grow up, i.e. behave as responsible adults, pulling their financial weight by becoming FIPs and being expected by parents, by teachers and by men to act as responsible adults, not as childlike princesses, who are given special privileges.Masculists despise the hypocrisy of fluffie feminists, i.e. feminists who have had their feminist consciousness raised, but know nothing about masculism, so by default, have traditional fluffie expectations of men, i.e. seeing men as cash machines, having the deeply held expectation, that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies.The fluffie feminist hypocrites want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the benefits of equal rights with men, but reject the moral obligation to accept equally with men, the sharing of the burden of earning the living.Fluffie feminists are feminists when it comes to equal rights for women, but fluffies in the divorce courts, where they financially massacre men, which is why men have such a hatred of such women and are thus going MGTOW in ever growing numbers.Masculists put moral pressure on women to toughen up, to bother to get a career competent education, by rejecting the “soft option” and making the effort to choose the “hard option” that will give a young woman, the option to study STEM and the professions at college, so that she ends up a responsible FIP as an adult, and hence not be automatically rejected by men for being a fluffie. Men will see her as a FIP, and hence not be repelled by her manslaving dependency in her 30s. She will be able to pull her weight financially.Women must help men menfair the gender laws.The MGTOWs argue that it is a waste of time for men to be politically active, the way the masculists are. They argue this way, by saying that women are 51% of the voters, and that a higher proportion of women vote than men.Women benefit mightily from the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, so do not want them menfaired. Gender politicians know this, so choose not to menfair the gender laws (e.g. divorce laws, bringing in the Parer, etc.) because they know that if they did, the female bloc vote would remove them from office, so they give women what women want, and to hell with men’s interests, which is why masculists have as strong a hatred of gender politicians as they do of feminazis.But if the gender laws do not change, then men will simply continue to reject women, by refusing to marry, by refusing to be fathers and spending their money on themselves. So women will be punished by men, by not having one. Women are increasingly fed up with being only pumped and dumped by men.Women cannot get men to “commit,” i.e. accept being manslaves and face the horrible risks of being financially massacred in the divorce courts. Such married fathers have a one chance in four of being financially massacred and having his life ruined. No wonder men have such a hatred of the feminazis and the gender politicians who created this mess, this massive injustice against men.The way to get round this impasse is to persuade women, that they need to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws together with men, so that the combined vote of men plus the female masculist vote goes over 60%.Once that happens, the gender politicians will menfair the gender laws, and men will then be much more willing to be fathers again. Many men want to have kids, but don’t dare to in today’s fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system because the risks of being financially massacred are way too high (one in four.)If women don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then women will continue to be babyless, and in time the population will crash. In time, society will become very conscious of this and will put strong pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be fathers again, without taking the horrible risks men are taking today.So the masculists need to push the idea of female masculism onto women, so that women understand the need for the menfairing of the gender laws, otherwise they will remain babyless, and whole populations will get wiped out.Masculists push the idea onto men, that a man who marries and has a kid, is a fool, exposing himself to a one chance in four of being financially massacred and having his life destroyed by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.Masculists thus have the means to FORCE women to vote with men in favor of menfairing the gender laws. Masculists can force women to choose between the lesser of two evils for women, i.e. losing their privileges in the divorce courts, or never having a baby.Since women’s DNA is geared towards having a baby, i.e. their absolute top priority, women will choose to menfair the gender laws, so that men return to fatherhood risk free.Women must accept their inferior genetic status.Masculist scientists like myself get really pissed at the intellectual dishonesty of feminism, which has become rather like a religion to women, preaching to them what women want to hear, e.g. that women are as capable as men, that anything a man can do, a woman can do as well.For most of the population, there is some truth in the above, since the performance score distributions of the two sexes overlap extensively, but at the top end of the scale, men dominate.For example, men are smarter than women by 4 I.Q. points on average. Men have a 10% higher I.Q. variance than women, so that men’s IQ scores over a whole population, millions of people, are more spread out, so that the morons and the genii are male, so it’s not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and all the math major prizes. The genii are males.Women have a 10% smaller brain volume than men. Thus women have a 10% smaller neural processing capacity than men, so there are things that men can do that women can’t do due to this difference.Women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing. Women have been parasitic on men to do these things throughout history. Civilization is the creation of men. Women’s essential role is to create the next generation of men, i.e. society’s builders, as well as the next generation of women, to become the baby factories of the next next generation of men.Men have much higher testosterone levels in their blood, so men are much more aggressive, ambitious, driven, persistent, dogged than women, so tend to finish difficult tasks more than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily. So the performance record of men is much higher, so that the entries in the Who’s Who books are dominated by men.In all societies, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because from long experience, each society knows that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to be a highly valued member of the culture than a girl baby, who will very probably be just another baby factory, and child minder, which is vital for the survival of the culture, but not status worthy, because any woman can do those things.Women must become nicer to men.The feminists are usually called feminazis now by men. They are hated because they have become so obnoxious. No man wants a relationship with a “misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch.” Such women are the first category of female to be rejected by men, avoided like the plague.The hatred of feminazis by men, especially those men financially massacred in the divorce courts, is so strong, that young women are picking up on this and learning to hate the feminazi bitches as much as do men.Young women are aware that it is very difficult to be a “supermom” i.e. a FIP single mother, juggling career demands and being a mother of small children. It is extremely time and energy consuming, so that supermoms typically burn out by the time they are 40. So young women WANT to have a man share the burden of earning the living, so that she does not have to be a FIP single mother. So women want to get a man, so they are motivated to be nice to men, in order to be able to catch one.Now that two thirds of young men refuse marriage and fatherhood, young women are really starting to panic, as the idea dawns on them, that they “Really are not going to have a baby!” because quality young men refuse to give them their sperm. Young women are seriously starting to freak out in large numbers.So, these scared young women, are now joining forces with the masculists to become female masculists. The masculists need to channel the energy of these female masculists into voting together with men to have the gender laws menfaired, so that women can be given quality men’s sperm again, so that women can have babies again, and fulfill their deepest biological destiny, doing what they evolved to do, i.e. having babies.Men are now intellectually armed with masculist ideas, so if some feminazi starts shooting her mouth off in public against men, then she can expect to be harangued back by angry masculists who have no patience nor tolerance for her misandry.Those women who are not nice to men just won’t get one. Women in general will see this increasingly, and come to the conclusion, that feminism taken to the misandrist extreme, is counterproductive, and results only in men punishing such women, by ignoring them, not a good result for a woman.Many women have been exposed to feminist ideas but know nothing about masculist ideas, so often develop a negative impression of men. So called “gender studies” courses at universities tend to do this.The masculists are working towards a rebalancing of awareness that women oppress men too, especially by being fluffies and expecting to make manslaves of men, and then drag them through the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts and financially massacre them, treating their ex-husbands like subhuman cash machines.As women become better exposed to masculist ideas, they will become less feminazi bitchy towards men and become more sympathetic towards men’s horrible gender problems.This will make women nicer to be with. Not only will women be more adult in their behavior and self-image, they will be nicer to have relationships with, because they will understand men better by being more female masculist, the way many men are sympathetic towards women, by being more male feminist.Those women who remain feminazi bitchy towards men will be punished by men, by not getting one. Such women will be hated by both sexes. Men will hate them for the enormous damage they have done to men in the divorce courts, no Parer etc., and women will hate them, because these feminazis are indirectly the root cause for why young women can’t have babies, because young men refuse to give them their sperm, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence the toxicity of marriage and fatherhood.Thus in the coming years, feminism is likely to die out, killed off by a combined hatred coming from both men, and female masculists, against the profound misandry of the feminazis, who all too often take a child-minded view of women’s problems, putting all the blame for women’s situation on men, and not some of it on themselves.Such women, these feminazis, are not taken seriously by men, who dismiss these women as having child minds, with their 10% smaller brains, so are not respected.For women to get back into men’s “good books” again, women will have to learn to be a lot nicer to men, otherwise men have the terrible power to make them very unhappy, by forcing them to be manless.In the distant past, a woman who could not attract the attention of a man, often died, due to lack of meat, as hunted by men. Women thus have an evolved fear of not being able to attract the attention of a man. Look at the size of the makeup industry.Don’t forget, in about a decade or so, men will have the sexbot and the artificial womb, so will be able to grow their own kids, and will prefer to sex their bots rather than women, since the bots will have luscious curves, film star faces, creamy, grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.When the sexbots and artwombs come, feminism will disappear overnight, and women will be clawing at each other in competition for men’s dwindling attention. Women will be FORCED to be nice to men, if ever women hope to have a man with them or inside them again.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/259 Masculists Two Main Messages to Women (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer spells out the two main messages masculists push onto women, i.e. 1) FIP up! and 2) Vote with men! (to menfair the gender laws).? If not, then the masculists will use MGTOW tactics to punish women by forcing women to be manless and babyless.MASCULISTS’ TWO MAIN MESSAGES TO WOMEN?Masculists have two main messages they give to women, i.e. expressed briefly, 1) FIP up! and 2) Vote with men!The first message means that masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to become FIPs, i.e. financially independent persons, bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can earn a decent salary as an adult, i.e. not be a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the money of a man).Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to free men from manslavery, i.e. working for women, world-wide, this century, by getting rid of the fluffies, not by killing them, but ignoring them to death, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool, due to fluffies rotting on the shelf, utterly rejected by men, not even being pumped and dumped.The second message means that the masculists push women to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be freed from the massive injustices committed against them by the fluffie feminist hypocrite takeover of the divorce courts in the 70s which has made divorce so toxic for men that two thirds of young men in many western countries now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are boycotting traditional marriage and paternity, which is having profound effects on society, as this flyer will elaborate on.The reason masculists push women to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws is that men do not have enough numbers to form a majority of voters, so the gender politicians, being politicians, and interested only in short term gains, do not give men what men want, i.e. gender justice.51% of voters are women, and women vote more readily than men, so the gender politicians would be committing political suicide if they voted in favor of men, taking away, for example, the privileges of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, by giving men joint custody of the kids, throwing out alimony, allowing the owner of the house to keep it, allowing the ex-husband to keep what he came into the marriage with, etc.Most women would not want to be deprived of these divorce court privileges that they have had for nearly half a century, so they would vote against the gender politicians if the latter threatened to menfair the gender laws.The masculist political strategy to overcome this 51% female voter problem is to force women to vote together with men so that the percentage of voters who favor the menfairing of the gender laws (e.g. menfairing the divorce laws, as mentioned above, plus bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) which would give men the same right to reject an unwanted pregnancy as women have with their Marer (maternity rejection right). With a Parer, a man could fill in a paternity rejection form, so that if the woman continues with the pregnancy, then she takes full financial responsibility of the costs of the child.There is also a slew of legal and social discriminations against men that need to be menfaired as well, e.g. men retire later than women in many countries. Men are more punished than women for identical crimes. Men are conscripted in many countries but not women. More money is given to research into women’s health problems, than for men, e.g. for breast cancer research and much less for prostate cancer research, etc. There is a long list of such discriminations against men.So why do masculists push these two messages so forcefully and with such moral pressure onto women? The masculists are much more political than the MGTOWs (men going their own way) who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, who are rather politically passive, preferring to simply quietly, passively, walk away from marriage and paternity.Masculists on the other hand, fight. They are political animals and look down on the MGTOWs as apolitical wimps, who don’t face up to the enormous challenge of fighting the gynocracy that has become a cancer in men’s lives, financially massacring and ruining the lives of a quarter of married fathers in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Masculists see the MGTOW philosophy as a very useful political tool for the masculists. Masculists see that they can put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up, and vote with men to menfair the gender laws, OR, the masculists will threaten women with manlessness and babylessness, using MGTOW tactics, i.e. just walking away from women, forcing women to be manless and babyless, a prospect that scares the shit out of women.The masculists are not only political, they are visionary. Masculists talk about the creation of what they call a “FIP Society” i.e. a society in which all adults are socialized and educated to be FIPs as a matter of routine.Masculists push parents and teachers to socialize and educate young women to be FIPs, bothering to obtain a career competent education, so that they can earn decent money as adults, become FIPs and not be fluffies whom the masculists hate so much that they refuse to go near them.With a FIP society, so many of men’s gender problems would be solved, for example, divorce laws could be made menfair much more easily. Alimony could be thrown out, because the divorcing wife is capable of earning her own living because she has always been a FIP. She does not get half of the ex-husbands possessions because she has her own money and possessions, because she is a FIP, capable of paying her own way.Custody of the kids would be joint by default, since the ex-wife has her own career, and would have more free time child free when the ex-husband is sharing them. The two ex-spouses could share the raising of the kids equally, which is also much better for the kids. Research shows that the children of single mothers are much more likely to become delinquents, drug users, criminals, commit suicide, etc.Men would be freed from the fluffie mentality of traditional women, who look upon men as exploitable cash machines, to be entrapped with sex to pay for women to have kids in a middle class house that he pays for, and then loses a decade later in the traditional fluffie feminist dominated divorce court.So masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs or be punished by men by being manless and babyless. As masculist ideas keep spreading, women will wake up to the fact that they have a choice. If they do NOT vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then women will be forced to choose between keeping their divorce court privileges on the one hand, but becoming manless and babyless on the other hand.Women evolved to be dependent on men. In the distant past, a woman who could not attract the attention of a man to hunt for meat for her and protect her from the men of enemy tribes who might kill her, she often did not survive, so women, at a deep psychological level, have a real fear of not being able to attach herself to a man. She sees such a situation as life threatening. This fear is in her DNA.The primary two tasks of a human female is 1) find a manslave to parasite upon, so that he pays for her to have babies, and 2) grow and raise the next generation, i.e. women are programmed to be baby factories and child raisers. That is what they are happiest at doing, and feel miserable when they are deprived of it, e.g. look at the mass misery of millions of female careerists who are childless, because they left having kids too late, well into their 30s and could not get pregnant due to a decline in their fertility levels.Thus the masculists have a powerful political tool with which to force women to FIP up and to vote with men, i.e. the very real threat they have over women, of depriving them of getting a man, and having babies. The masculists can use the MGTOW strategy of walking away from marriage and paternity, to force women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws.Thus masculism is a superset of MGTOW, or equivalently, MGTOW is a subset, a component, of masculism.? There are millions of MGTOWs now, who have “taken the red pill” i.e. they have become conscious how toxic for men the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts are now, and want nothing to do with traditional marriage and paternity.There are millions of MGTOWs now, impacting negatively on women. Young women’s growing awareness of this fact, is making them understand why they are having increasing difficulty in persuading quality young men to give them their sperm. Millions of young women now are having a hard time having babies, because so many quality men refuse to have relationships with them, not wanting to be financially massacred and having their lives ruined in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Young men are becoming increasingly conscious that superior alternative life styles for men open up if they live the MGTOW life style. They may choose not to go full “MGTOW monk” i.e. having no sexual relations with women, preferring to “twaytwef” with a woman, i.e. twaytwef = 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs, where the man and the woman are both FIPS and both have their own apartment. When the relationship sours, as most do, they both walk away from it, cost free for the man, no divorce, no alimony, no kids.By twaytweffing, the man gets the regular sex he needs from a woman, without paying the traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite. He can live cheaply, saving and investing hard, so that he can afford to retire early in life, and do what he loves doing, instead of being a manslave to a hated fluffie, and risk having his life ruined by being financially massacred in the divorce courts with one chance in four.Masculists put great moral pressure on women to FIP up. A lot more work needs to be done on this score, because in today’s world, three quarters of young women at age 16 choose to become fluffies as adults, because they choose to study the “soft option” i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy option of studying memory based, non-intellectually demanding topics, such as English literature, history, languages, etc., instead of the analytically based topics such as math and the sciences.These young women chose to study “fluffie crap” majors, making them fluffie crappers at high school, and hence obliged to study more fluffie crap at college, because they are excluded from studying STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions at college, because they did not obtain the analytical subject prerequisites at high school.These fluffie crappers then study more fluffie crap at college and end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value, resulting in these fluffie crappers earning low salaries, so that they cannot afford to buy their own middle class house, so start looking around for some gullible manslave to parasite upon in her 30s, to have him pay for it, so she can sit on her fat fluffie parasitic arse and raise her kids in it, and have the whole show kept financially afloat by her gullible exploited manslave.Masculists aim to so blacken the reputations of young fluffies, that women will feel real fear in their hearts if the male members of her social circle label her with the dreaded “f” word (i.e. fluffie) because she will have learned that a fluffie runs a serious risk of not getting a man, so will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and poor, shunned and spat at by a society that is becoming ever more FIP oriented and placing strong moral pressure on women to FIP up or be left rotting on the shelf.So you can see why the masculists place such emphasis on pushing these two messages – i.e. FIP up, and vote with men, onto women. When women become FIPs, it will be easier for men to see the gender laws menfaired, and by having women vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, that menfairing is much more likely to happen.By combining these two messages, these two strategies, of the masculists, will create women who are FIPs, and the menfairing of the gender laws will allow men to be freed from the massive gender injustices that so oppress them today.If you are a MGTOW, and you find the above two messages and their corresponding strategies convincing, then consider the idea of converting yourself to a politically active masculist, and start pushing the above two messages onto the women in your social circle, telling them that if they don’t FIP up and don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then they will be punished by men but not getting one, so that they will become manless and babyless, a horrible fate for a woman.We men are nearly all FIPs. We are socialized that way, and even evolved to be that way. So we don’t need a woman to parasite off to obtain financial security the way a fluffie woman does. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the MGTOWs and the masculists are causing the supply of such gullible manslaves to dry up. Today about two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids.Probably within a decade, that percentage will be over 90%, and women will be screaming that men are refusing to give them their sperm. We men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up and to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws or face a horrible punishment, i.e. manlessness and babylessness.We men have the financial power to force manlessness and babylessness onto women, especially when we men invent the sexbot and the artwomb, i.e. the sex robot, that are coming onto the market place now, and probably within a decade or so, the artificial womb will be with us, so that men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots which will have luscious curves, film star faces, and creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.With these two technical revolutions about to come, plus the above two masculist messages to women, we men have the tools to force women to abandon their gynocracy and give men gender justice. We men have the power to force women to do this. That is what masculism is all about.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/264 Do FIP (Financially Independent Person) Women Exist? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer rejects TFM’s (Turd Flinging Monkey’s) claim that autonomous self-actualizing women (whom I call FIPs (financially independent persons) do not exist. I give evidence that they do, and emphasize the need that they exist so that the masculists can create a FIP Society, in order to free men from manslavery by wiping out fluffies, converting them to being FIPs.DO FIP (FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENTPERSON) WOMEN EXIST?This flyer is a response to TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey, a prominent YouTube provider for the MGTOW movement) who claimed in a recent video that he thought that women are NOT independent self-actualizing creatures.I was shocked by this. Normally I have quite a high respect level for TFM, because he is one of the smartest MGTOW content providers out there, and obviously a high IQ thinker. He thinks things through, giving a thoughtful view on many topics. He is no fool, which is why I listen to him daily, but this time, I can’t agree with him at all.I doubt I have misinterpreted him, since his statement that he thought women are incapable of being fully autonomous agents, financially independent, and taking responsibility for their own lives, their own financial lives, etc., struck me simply as wrongheaded, even silly.Perhaps TFM has an “idee fixe” in his head on this issue, because the statement that women are not capable of being what I call FIPs (financially independent persons) is an empirical statement that can be checked scientifically by going out into the world and actually observing whether women are FIPs or not.When I was listening to TFM stating his views on female incapability to be autonomous, existentially responsible, beings, struck me as obviously false.I say this for the following reasons. Recently I had a look at the stats on women studying STEM at universities, and studying math and the sciences at high schools in the US. This is what I came away with, and even made a YouTube video on the topic (flyer no. 165), whose link is percentage of young women at high schools in the US who study math, physics, chemistry, is the SAME as the percentage of young men doing the same. That was encouraging I thought, but still only about a fifth of young women study calculus.At universities in the US, women were studying STEM fields (science, tech, engineering, math) at about 3/4 of the male rate and climbing, so I thought that too was encouraging.From my own experience on two counts, i.e. observing my own sister and her acquaintances, and from my experience as a computer science professor in the US and in China, I certainly did not come away with TFM’s assessment, just the opposite in fact.My sister is definitely a FIP and a self-actualizer par excellence. She is a medical doctor and quite an entrepreneur, having her own family medicine and women’s clinic that employs some two dozen other doctors, most of them women. I have met on my visits to my sister over the years, quite a few of these female doctors, and of course being doctors, they are obviously FIPs and very successful FIPs, with high incomes and good brains.My sister may not have my male scientist intellectual curiosity, but she does have a good brain, pretty much equal to my own (but not in math, where I’m a bit of a whiz, i.e. one in a thousand). She is not an intellectual, but is superior to her two brothers in general financial success. My younger brother estimates she is worth several million dollars.This contrasts with the situation of my brother, who did merchant banking and ran a construction company, but bankrupted three times, and as for me, I’m rather poor, having had half my savings stolen from me from my previous chink fluffie wife.I remember having a conversation with my sister about a problem she was discussing with her female doctor colleagues at her clinic about the then new “palimony law” in Australia, which would have allowed a live-in sexual partner to “divorce” and take half the possessions of the other sexual partner.This palimony law was created by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, designed to benefit fluffies, at men’s expense, but for these female doctors, this new law had a real sting in the tail, because these women were obliged to “live down” i.e. if they were to get any sex and companionship at all from a man, given that these women were pretty much at the top of the totem pole, there would be very few men of higher status, to satisfy their female hypergamous instincts, so they were forced to compromise.They had relationships with men of lower SMV (sexual marketplace value) i.e. these men earned less than their live-with girlfriends, so these women were seriously thinking of throwing out their boyfriends, from their apartments, so that the palimony law would not apply in the case of a “divorce” i.e. a breakup. These doctor women could then avoid having to pay out half of their possessions (palimony) to their ex-boyfriends, who had lower SMV and lower earnings.So these women were obviously FIPs, going through the same kinds of problems that men go through, because the gender laws are so fucked up and abused by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who see men only as cash machines, to be abused and exploited.So, listening to my sister, I got the impression that here was a group of upper middle class professional women, who were obviously FIPs, who were having the same kind of financial existential problems as men, because they had bothered to become career competent, responsible adults.Their very existence makes TFM’s statement that such women don’t exist, seem off the wall. Of course they exist, and are far from being rare, because the universities in the western countries are full of upper middle class women who now dominate the professional courses, e.g. medicine, dentistry, vet science, law, etc.These women graduate with real skills that the economy values and pays well for. They are definitely FIPs, so why on earth was TFM sprouting his mouth off in such an, as seen by me, obviously misguided way?!The other experience I want to relate was when I was a computer science professor in the US and in China, teaching master’s level classes in AI, machine learning, computer theory, etc., a third of the class members were women, and they were as ambitious, hardworking, and took their studies as seriously as the men, expecting fully to be FIPs and taking responsibility for their own lives, being self-actualizing.So, the data and my own personal experience contradicts empirically TFM’s opinion, so I’m puzzled why he has the view he does on the non FIP nature of women. Obviously I don’t agree with him on this score, although I do on many other points of his, which is why I listen to him daily.Now, why am I harping on the FIPness of women so much? Because it is a topic close to a masculist’s heart. The political core of masculism, is to free men from manslavery, from working for women, and the masculists do that by wiping out the fluffies, ignoring them to death, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool.The whole point of wiping out fluffies, is to create a FIP society, in which both sexes, especially young women, are socialized by parents and taught by teachers at school to become FIPs, so that they can be financially responsible FIPs as adults, and not expect to be able to parasite off the money and labor of a man.Masculist theorists are very conscious that the creation of a FIP Society, would solve most of men’s gender problems, e.g. the divorce laws could be much more easily made menfair, because nearly all women would be FIPs, so alimony could be thrown out, custody of children could be made joint by default, so no child payments to women.The Parer could be brought in much more easily because nearly all women would be FIPs and could afford the full costs of the kid if she chose to continue with the pregnancy that the father has the right to reject if he wants, in the same way that women have a Marer, having the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy on her part, but in today’s world, not on his.So you can see why the idea that women are capable of being FIPs is critical to the masculists. So much of their political program rests on this basic assumption, so when I hear TFM claiming that FIP females don’t exist, that sets off alarm bells in my brain. It is critically important that he is wrong, from the masculist point of view, so I felt motivated to refute him, hence this flyer.I think the empirical evidence is strong that women are capable of becoming FIPs and in a major way. Of course, masculist pressure will increase mightily on young women to FIP up, or they will be punished by young men for being hated fluffies and hence not getting a man.As the media latches onto the fact that advanced economies are wiping themselves out by having low birth rates, e.g. South Korea, having one of the lowest in the world, with a birth rate less than 1.2 children per woman, and falling, then the media will get into the act of reporting on the greatest story of the century, i.e. that humanity will go extinct unless young women and young men can be persuaded to have more kids. This issue can only increase and increase.So, once the media is on the masculist side, pushing for women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men are more prepared to be fathers again. Many young men would like to have kids, but don’t dare to in today’s fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, which so financially massacres one married father in four, ruining his life, so not surprisingly, young men choose to go MGTOW as a result, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids and spending their money on themselves, because they don’t want to be parasited upon by a bloody fluffie.So, summarizing, women can be FIPs, and must be FIPs, even if their general performance level is a bit below men’s, particularly at the top end of the performance scale. Women have a moral obligation to be EMO FIPs, i.e. “equal moral obligations” FIPS, i.e. they are expected by the masculists and by society as a whole to feel morally obliged to be FIPs, i.e. to be morally responsible adult females, pulling their own financial weight and not expecting to parasite off the labor and money of a man.Such fluffie women deserve their treatment by masculists, being seen for what they are, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, to be wiped out.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.9/285 Nurturative FIPs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer states that it is important for women to be more than FIPs. Women also need to be nurturative FIPs if they are to be attractive to men. The modern feminist woman is often too competitive with her man, even in the home, which is exhausting for the man, who often dumps her, as being insufficiently nurturative towards him. Men want to be nurtured by women the way they were by their mothers as small boys. Women need to be competitive with men in the work place, to be good FIPs, and nurturative at home with their man, if they want to keep him.NURTURATIVE FIPs?This flyer states that women need to foster their nurturative qualities towards men if they want men to love them. The masculists want women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) so as not to be parasites off the labor of men, to pull their own financial weight and not be manslaving fluffies.A lot of men strongly dislike what has happened to modern women, i.e. that women have become competitors to men, destroying the image men have of what men want women to be, i.e. like their mothers, i.e. nurturative, supportive, not competitive, so that many men want to see a return to the old gender roles, where women were fluffies, i.e. dependent on men financially, but were at least, nurturative.To masculists, this is not a solution to the gender problems that men have today. This flyer is about the need for women to learn two new roles, i.e. to be FIPs and to be nurturative.You may argue that learning to be FIPs is new for women, but being nurturative is not new, because women have been nurturative towards men for several million years. That is true, but for the past half century or so, women have become so subject to the very powerful influence of feminist ideas, that push women to be men’s equal, i.e. to be as competitive as men, that women, especially youngish women under 40, have lost the art of being nurturative towards men, making such women very unattractive to men, so are increasingly rejected by men, and ignored, left rotting on the shelf.So, what we are finding increasingly, in the modern western countries, is that large numbers of well educated, professional women are in fact living alone, boyfriendless, because men find them unattractive, too competitive, too exhausting for men to bother with.These career women, these professional women, learn from their experience in the work force, that they have to compete with men, in order for women to advance in their careers. This molds their personalities, turning them into competitive creatures, which often carries over into their personal relationships with men, so that the man they have a relationship with, is forced to adapt to her new competitive, demanding personality, which makes her unattractive in many men’s eyes, so it is not surprising that millions of western men, are giving up on western women, and are travelling to east and south-east Asia to find Asian women, who are a lot more nurturative.I was reading an essay by Henry Macow, the author of a book on the Illuminati, that was entitled “A long Way to Go for a Date” i.e. to have to fly to south-east Asia to try to find a woman who is nurturative in the pre-feminist style of women’s personalities.To get a taste for how western women were, i.e. pre-feminist, when women were nurturative towards men, one only has to watch very old movies from the fifties or earlier. Women then were largely housewives, but they were nurturative, and hence attractive to many men, because such women supported men emotionally, the way mothers supported their very young sons.If a woman gives a man such emotional support, i.e. that she nurtures him emotionally, then the man can relive what he had with his mother, i.e. a nice fuzzy warm emotional feeling that his mother gave him, making him feel the world was a nice place, because he could rely on the emotional support of his mother.If an adult woman can give a man a similar feeling, then he will react towards her as he did towards his mother, i.e. he will have strong positive feelings towards her, as he did for his mother.But we live now in the era of feminism, and the era of masculism, in which the gender roles have been revolutionized, thanks largely to the pill, household gadgets, higher education for women etc., so that even if a woman has her 2 kids, she still have some 4 decades of career window, in which she has to work, or be accused of being a parasite by the masculists, who put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, or be punished by not getting a man.So, we have a problem here from the male’s point of view. It looks as though there is a trade-off between, on the one hand, women becoming FIPs by bothering to become career competent, by getting a career competent education at high school, and university, thus satisfying the demands of the masculists that women FIP up or rot on the shelf, and on the other hand, women losing their nurturative ability, due to having to compete with men in the work force, making women more assertive, more competitive, and hence a lot less agreeable towards men, from the male perspective.Is this situation a zero sum game? Is it the case that the more FIP a woman becomes, the less nurturative she becomes as a result? It may seem that way. Is it possible that women can be both, i.e. both FIP AND be nurturative?This flyer asserts that the answer to this question is yes, women can be both, i.e. that women can be “nurturative FIPs” the title of this flyer. But how to make this happen?The answer is with education. Women need to be taught by men that men on the whole prefer nurturative women, who are much easier to love. Men don’t want to have to compete with a woman at home, the way they have to in the work place, with women who are in direct competition with men, for advancement in the companies they both work in.On the other hand, men are also masculists in their millions, who no longer tolerate that women be fluffies, who expect to parasite off the money of a man, so from the male perspective, how is it possible to get the best of both worlds, i.e. to have a relationship with a woman who is a FIP, AND is nurturative, i.e. is a nurturative FIP?Women are adaptable because they are human beings, with human brains, capable of adapting to the environments they live in. Women need to be taught by masculists, that they need to switch off their competitive behaviors when they come home, if they are living with a man, or when they are with him on a date.Women need to learn to have in effect, two personalities, one for the work place, where she needs to be assertive, and competitive in order to be an effective employee, whom the company she works for, promotes, so that she earns more money.But, she also needs to learn that it is very important for her to be nurturative towards the man in her life, or even the guy she is dating, otherwise she runs a serious risk of being dumped by that man, who will not find her attractive as a woman, if she is constantly competing with him within the context of a personal relationship.A man doesn’t want to have to compete with a women in a personal relationship. If he wants that, he can get it better from other men, who are more testosterone driven and can compete more effectively against him, than women can, on the whole.What he wants from his woman, or the woman he is dating, is that she is “nice” i.e. she nurtures him, the way his mother did, i.e. was emotionally warm, and emotionally supportive towards him, so that he can project onto her the warm positive feelings he had towards his mother (assuming the relationship he had with his mother when he was small, was good and healthy, as most are, since women evolved to be nurturative towards their own kids.)So feminism needs to be modified, so that women do not reject being nurturative towards men. The feminist push for women to be FIPs is seen by masculists as being a good thing, to be encouraged by masculists, in fact, it is stronger than that. Masculists demand that women FIP up, or are punished by not getting a man.But today’s feminism, makes the mistake of pushing women into being competitive with men, not only in the work force, but also in personal relationships, which only drives men away. The fact that millions of western men are flying to south-east Asia to find nurturative women is proof of that.Men miss the nurturative nature of women that has been largely lost in the younger generation of western women. Feminism has largely killed it off, with its doctrine that women have to compete with men, to be the equal of men.Masculists have no problem with this, when it comes to women in the work force, but do have a problem with it in personal relationships. Masculists are still men, who have personal relationships with women, usually twaytweffing with women, until the gender laws are men faired.So, women and feminism, needs to move on, to seeking a compromise between the traditional role of the nurturative woman towards a man, and the modern FIP woman, who is competitive with men in the work place.This flyer asserts that women are capable of being both. Women can obviously be FIPs, since there are millions of such women now. Women can obviously be nurturative, because they were in the pre-feminist era in the 50s etc. So we already know that women can behave in both ways, i.e. as competitive FIPs and as nurturative fluffies, because the former is the modern life style of millions of women, and the latter was the norm in the traditional life style when women were fluffie housewives.What women need to learn now is how to combine these two personality types into the same person, i.e. to play two roles as women in their lives, i.e. as FIPs and as nurturers, i.e. to learn to become “nurturative FIPs.”Millions of women do this naturally, intuitively, but many others don’t, or cant. They have been so brain washed by feminist ideas, that they feel they have to be competitive towards men ALL the time, rather than only in the work place.Instead women need to learn that when they are with their man, that women should switch on their nurturative side, their “feminine” side, and leave their competitive natures at work, not at home.Masculists need to push the need for women to become nurturative FIPs, by telling women that men don’t like competing with women in personal relationships. They want their girlfriends to be like their mothers, i.e. emotionally supportive, not competitive, not confrontational, not assertive all the time, which is exhausting for men. Men don’t want such women, and ignore them on the whole, which is why so many competitive FIP women live alone, manless.What these women need to learn is that it is not their FIPness that is driving men away. Masculists want, in fact demand, that women be FIPs, but want women to be nurturative FIPs in the home, in personal relationships.This is possible. A woman only has to learn to switch on her nurturative side when in the presence of her man. It’s only a question of creating a habit, a life style, a rule of thumb – i.e. man in the house, ergo be nice to him, be nurturative towards him, otherwise, he may not like me and dump me, in favor of some traditional woman in a pre-feminist country in south-east Asia.But men who find some nurturative woman in south-east Asia, are throwing the baby out with the bath water, in the sense, that by throwing out the bath water, i.e. the competitive nature of modern feminist women, they throw out the baby i.e. the FIPness of the modern feminist woman, when they, the men, attach themselves to traditional Asian women.It is as though these men are thinking that they only have a choice between a woman who is nurturative but a fluffie, OR is competitive but a FIP. The point of this flyer and an important masculist message to men, is that it is possible to have the best of both worlds, by pushing the idea onto society, that women can be taught to be “nurturative FIPs” who learn to be competitive at work, and be nurturative towards her man at home.We know that women can do both, because they have already done both successfully. So, all we need to do, is to encourage women to adopt both personalities inside themselves and to practice being both.It is important for women to do this, because there is a heavy price to be paid if women don’t, i.e. they may get dumped by masculists, for not being FIPS, but they might also be dumped by masculists if they are not nurturative, because being a FIP is only a necessary condition for a man to have a relationship with a woman (even if it is only a twaytwef relationship, in which both the man and the woman are FIPS and both have their own apartments, 2A2F = twaytwef.)So, masculists reject fluffie nurturers, as well as FIP competitors. Masculists want women who are FIP nurturers, i.e. “nurturative FIPs” i.e. the best of both worlds, i.e. where men are both freed from the traditional manslavery of the fluffie parasite, and are nurtured by the mother-like attention of emotionally supporting women who are “nurturative FIPs” i.e. women who give men what men need, both in the work place and in the home. Men want women to pull their weight financially, and to support men emotionally the way their mothers did.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris2.9/300 Biconscious Feminists Have an Easier Time Finding a Boyfriend (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer claims that biconscious feminists (i.e. feminists who have had their feminist AND their masculist consciousnesses raised) tend to lose their feminist anger at men, because they can see that women oppress men too. They lose their gender bias, their anger bias, and hence become more approachable by men, because these biconscious feminists are far less bitchy and a lot nicer towards men. Such women are more likely to have a boyfriend, and hence be happier.BICONSCIOUS FEMINISTS HAVE AN EASIER TIME FINDING A BOYFRIENDThis flyer is directed more at women, specifically at feminist women, who have a hard time finding a boyfriend, because their feminist anger at men for men's oppression of women, causes potential boyfriends to shy away from their misandrist, male dumping attitudes towards men, so these feminist women often are forced to live alone, to be manless, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, and lonely. This flyer gives some masculist advice to such women, which benefits the masculist cause as well, as I will soon explain. A monoconscious feminist has had only her feminist consciousness raised, so she is under the impression that oppression of one gender by the other is a ONE WAY STREET, so of course she is angry at men, and sees men as oppressors, and hence behaves negatively towards men, making it almost impossible for her to have a relationship with a man. But women evolved to be dependent on men, for their very physical survival. A million years ago or more, the woman who was unable to attract the attention of a man to provide her and her babies with male hunted meat, risked death in times of starvation, so women have built into their DNA, the strong desire to attach themselves to a man. Their survival depended on it. There are today, millions of monoconscious feminists who are miserable, because they feel life is passing them by, because men pass them by, being repelled by feminist misandry, feminist man dumping, feminist bitchery. But, this suffering of the feminazis is avoidable, by becoming biconscious, i.e. having one's feminist AND one's masculist consciousness raised, i.e. becoming aware of the idea that oppression of one gender by the other is NOT a one way street, but a TWO way street, i.e. that women oppress men just as much if not more so, than vice versa, e.g. with women's financial parasitism, women's manslavery, fluffies' financial massacring and destroying the lives of a quarter of married fathers in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, the tooth and nail hypocritical resistance of the fluffies to the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), which if passed, would force women to FIP up (become FIPs, financially independent persons) pulling their own financial weight, and not parasiting off the money and labor of a man, women's hypergamy, women's red pill behavior (seeing men as cash machines, to be sexploited so that she can have a gullible manslave to pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse in a middle class house to raise her kids, that he pays for. Once these former monoconscious feminists become aware and can sympathize with the anger and hatred of masculists for fluffie parasites, and fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men by bothering to get a career competent education, so that they can pull their own financial weight and not parasite off the money of a man, behaving as feminists in the parliaments, but as fluffies in the divorce courts, thus meriting the hatred and contempt of the masculists for fluffie feminist hypocrisy. Once former monoconscious feminists become biconscious, i.e. they study masculist ideas and become aware that women oppress men too, then experience shows the masculists, that these biconscious feminists tend to lose their anger at men, because they can understand why masculists are so hateful of fluffies and fluffie feminists. They understand the source of masculist anger and often become female masculists as a result. By becoming biconscious, i.e. being as familiar with feminist arguments as masculist arguments, they lose their gender bias, their anger bias, because they can understand why men are angry, especially when one in four of them as fathers, gets crucified in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. No culture that financially crucifies a quarter of its fathers can survive. If the current gender status quo continues, there will be a sex war. Bitter, financially crucified, men will take up arms and go on a sex war, assassinating the gender politicians, who installed these highly gender biased divorce laws, killing thousands of monoconscious feminazi divorce lawyers and judges, and doing the same to far more feminazis in the street. Responsible males, masculist soldiers, will not tolerate that these monoconscious feminazi bitches indirectly wipe out whole populations, via the toxicity they have created in the divorce courts, resulting in one in four fathers being financially massacred, which in turn has caused 2/3 of young men under 35 to reject marriage and paternity, because it is such a shitty deal for men, caused by the hated fluffie feminazi hypocrites.Once millions of former monoconscious feminists begin to have an intuitive understanding and feeling for the massive gender injustices committed against men, they will lose their feminist anger. They will then become less misandrist, and be more sympathetic towards men, thus making it easier for them to find a boyfriend, instead of repelling him with feminazi venom. Men like women who are emotionally warm, like the way their mothers were to them when they were small. Women evolved to care of their young, because their young have half their genes, whereas the father, the husband, has no genes in common with her, so women evolved to treat men as disposable utilities, providers of resources to her and her kids, so that if her current man loses his ability to provide resources, then she evolved to coldly, quickly, disloyally dump him in favor of a more sexploitable male provider. Men hate being seen by women as cash machines, and are deserting marriage in droves. Marriage is seen by the majority of men nowadays in many western countries as too shitty a deal for men to be worth bothering with. Hence the 70% of young men in countries like the US, Japan, Germany, etc. who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and go their own way (MGTOW). So once the above ideas, i.e. masculist and MGTOW ideas, are as well known by women as men, then it is to be expected that there will be millions of female masculists, who are sympathetic to men's gender plight and feel morally sympathetic towards masculism. If such female masculists are also feminists, then they will be biconscious. They are capable of seeing that gender politics is about both sexes, that men need liberating too, especially from fluffies, and fluffie feminists. These biconscious feminists are then far less likely to be real misandrists, because it will be difficult for them to feel real anger at men for the ways that men oppress women, because they are just as conscious of the many ways women, especially fluffies and fluffie feminists, oppress men, e.g. as listed above. So these biconscious feminists will be much calmer, more balanced, less gender biased, less anger biased towards men, and hence be much more approachable by men, thus increasing the odds that these biconscious feminists become capable of attracting a potential boyfriend, and less likely that he will dump her for her feminazi bitchery, because she will have become far less feminazi bitchy. As masculist ideas spread through the culture, if the feminist who is only partially biconscious becomes too monoconscious, pushing her feminist rhetoric onto her boyfriend, then he, being conscious of masculist ideas, can accuse her of being monoconscious, hence gender biased, anger biased and insufficiently well informed of masculist ideas, so that she needs to do more homework on masculist ideas. Masculists need to educate feminists that it is in the self-interest of feminists to become biconscious, so that they can have boyfriends, otherwise they may be condemned to live lonely, manless lives, and suffer greatly, especially by not being able to have kids.Those monoconscious feminists who choose to be single mothers, must then become supermoms, juggling two roles, as female careerist and as single mother of infants at the same time, which is virtually impossible. Such women tend to burn out by the time they are 40. Masculists need to educate other men, so that the other men push the idea of biconsciousness onto the women in their lives, so that millions of women lose their monoconscious anger at men, and become more gender balanced, less anger biased, and more conscious and less hypocritical of men's gender suffering, especially in the divorce courts and being manslaves to fluffie parasites.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.10 Masculist Tactics for Female Masculists2.10/217 Why Women Need to Become Female Masculists (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer spells out why women need to become female masculists, i.e. in order for women to get sperm from men who refuse to marry, who reject paternity in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system. When women become female masculists and push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then men will be more willing to give them their sperm. As many women become female masculists due to the heavy masculist moral pressure on women to FIP up and not be fluffie parasite vermin, then more MGTOWs will convert themselves into angry politically oriented masculists, because it will be realistic and not a waste of time and energy for them to get into gender politics.WHY WOMEN NEED TO BECOME FEMALE MASCULISTSThe short answer to the above question, is “in order to get a man, in order to be able to get sperm from a man to have a baby.”Young women in western countries are really waking up and panicking that the odds are high that they will not have a baby, and that all that they will get from men is to be pumped and dumped, and not be given men’s sperm.Why is this happening to young women? Because their mothers are fluffie feminist hypocrites, feminazi bitches, who have taken over the divorce courts and made them toxic to men. Divorce is so bad for men, and hence marriage, that in the western countries, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, utterly rejecting the traditional manslave role of working for a woman.Men are so angry against the feminazi bitches, for what these bitches have done to the divorce courts, that within a decade, probably more than 90% of young men will be rejecting marriage, rejecting paternity, and living the MGTOW life style in practice, if not in philosophy, but since the MGTOW message is spreading rapidly now, within a decade nearly all young men will know about it and the movement’s ideas.As young women learn about MGTOW and masculist ideas, they are learning that the root cause of their manlessness and babyless problems is the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, generated by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, the feminazi bitches, so that these young women are learning a hatred of the fluffie feminists as well.Not all women have amoral child-minds. Some are thinking creatures and understand the awful situation of men who marry and have kids, who then face a one in four chance roughly of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, losing his kids with 90% probability, losing his house, half his possessions, forced to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, with no legal or moral obligation on her to FIP up and get a job.So these female masculist women, sympathize with the gender plight of men, and are motivated to help men get the gender laws menfaired, because it is in the self-interest of these young women as well. These women argue that “If many young women put moral and political pressure on the gender politicians, then the odds of the gender laws being made menfair, go up. Then men will be more likely to be willing to give us their sperm.”These female masculists are likely at first to be the more intelligent ones, with professional degrees, and real FIPs, who are intelligent enough to bother understanding MGTOW and masculist ideas, and sympathize with them. These female masculists will then start clashing with the fluffie parasites, who will fight to keep the divorce laws so menunfair, because these fluffie parasites so benefit from them. They want to be able to stay at home in the house that the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court has stolen from her ex-husband and given to her so that she can live in what is now HER house, to raise HER kids, and not have to work. This system is very nice to her, and it in definitely NOT in her self-interest as a fluffie parasite, to want to change it the way the female masculists want. She will fight not only the masculists and the more politically minded of the MGTOWs, but also the female masculists, because all these groups threaten to take away from her, her advantages.Female masculists will be faced with a dilemma, i.e. they will have to give up their same sex preference, i.e. solidarity with women, i.e. fluffie parasite women, and side with the MGTOWs and masculists in helping them fight for the menfairing of the gender laws. But, as the number of female masculists grows and grows as the supply of manslavable men dries up to zero, which is already well under way (at about 70% of young men today living the MGTOW life style, and likely to be over 90% within a decade) then these female masculists will have a new group of women they can bond with, i.e. fellow traveler female masculists.The masculists will strongly support the rise of the female masculists, because the more female masculists there are, the higher will be the proportion of people of both sexes who will vote for the menfairing of the gender laws, i.e. well over half of the adult population, so that the gender politicians will sense which way the gender wind is blowing, and be more inclined to menfair the gender laws, or be voted out of power.The masculists will be establishing men’s lib groups in every high school and college, putting enormous moral pressure on young women to be FIPs, by studying career competent majors at high school and college, so that these women can be FIPs as adults, and not be fluffies, expecting to be able to parasite off the money of a man. Increasingly, young fluffies will be spat at by young men, and totally ignored, be undated, not even sexed, not even pumped and dumped, but simply punished by men for being fluffies, i.e. seen as being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.Of course, young women, will not like this terrible moral pressure placed on them by their male peers and male class mates, and will prefer to be free of it. The only way to be free of it, is to FIP up, i.e. become FIP, by studying career competent majors at high school and college. As more women do this, the proportion of young women who choose the “soft option” i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy majors at high school will decrease from its current figure of about two thirds, to less than half.The percentage of young women who are then FIPs will increase, so that these young women will feel confident that they can take care of themselves financially as adults and not feel threatened, as do fluffies, that if they can’t attract a manslave to work for them, then they will panic, fearful that they will be poor and on their own with their meager ability to earn money. These young FIP women will not have the psychology of the fluffie, and hence can concentrate on her manless and babyless problem, and see that it is in her self-interest to help the MGTOWs and masculists to menfair the gender laws.Pushing women to become FIPs and punishing women by not giving them men’s sperm is part of masculist political strategy. The masculists strongly want the gender laws to be menfaired. That would go a long way towards the liberation of men, freeing them from the oppressions of the traditional male role of being a manslave to a woman, and then running a one in four chance of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court if he is stupid enough to marry and have kids in the current grossly menunfair gender landscape.The masculists will push the creation of the female masculist movement, using the carrot and the stick. The carrot is the idea that once the gender laws are menfaired, men will be a lot more inclined to have kids again, because a lot of men actually want kids, but dare not have them today, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts. Another carrot, is that FIP women are spared the awful, suffocating moral pressure that young men will be putting on young fluffies in the high schools and colleges.The stick is that if these FIP women, these female masculists, do NOT help the masculists and MGTOWs with the menfairing of the gender laws, then the gender politicians, so hated by the masculists, will remain intransigent, and continue to support the grossly menunfair gender laws, particularly the divorce laws so partial to fluffies, and continue to reject the passage of the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc. These gender politicians are no fools. They will look at the opinion polls and see that most women are fluffie feminist hypocrites who want men to be financially massacred in the divorce courts, so that if the gender politicians voted in favor of menfairing the gender laws, then they would be voted out by the “female bloc vote.”The masculists will push heavily this “female bloc vote” reasoning to the female masculists, telling them that if they don’t put strong pressure on the gender politicians, then the gender status quo will NOT change, so that men will continue to reject marriage and paternity, so that these young women will remain childless, punished by men for not helping men get the gender laws menfaired.Masculists also push the female masculists hard, because causing a sizable proportion of women to become female masculists will cause many a-political MGTOWs to become masculists and start pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws. Most MGTOWs today choose to be a-political because they know that the female bloc vote is higher than the male bloc vote. The MGTOWs thus remain politically passive.But with many female masculists pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws, as well, that changes everything. Once intelligent MGTOWs see that there is a good chance that the gender laws will be menfaired, due to the addition of large numbers of female masculists to the male bloc vote, then this will cause many MGTOW to convert themselves into masculists, i.e. becoming angry and political, pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws.So, both FIP women and the masculists, i.e. both sexes, have a common interest in being masculists, i.e. male masculists and female masculists. For different reasons, both types of masculists will benefit from the menfairing of the gender laws. Men will be freed from manslavery, will get the Parer, see many menunfair gender laws removed, and women will begin to have babies again, and be freed from the awful moral pressure of men on them for being fluffie parasites, due to these women becoming FIPs and female masculists.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.10/222 Why Masculists Push for Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer explains why masculists consider it so important to push women to become female masculists. The main reason is that with women taking the masculists side, then a majority of voters can push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. With millions of female masculists, the passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs can become angry politically active masculists. The power of the feminazis will be reduced. Women will be nicer to be with, and populations will then not die out.WHY MASCULISTS PUSH FOR FEMALE MASCULISMThere are many strong reasons why masculists push women to become female masculists. This flyer talks about some of the major ones. It will list these reasons in bulleted form, then elaborate on them later.Stepping Stone to Menfairing the Gender LawsWeakening the Power of the FeminazisMaking Women Nicer to be WithStopping Whole Populations from Dying Out?Stepping Stone to Menfairing the Gender LawsProbably the most important reason is that by converting many women to female masculism, the masculists can kill several birds with one stone.A) They can increase the size of the male bloc vote, by adding to it, the bloc vote of the female masculists.B) When the combined male bloc vote plus the female masculist bloc vote goes well over the 50% mark, the apolitical, wimpy MGTOWs (men going their own way), who are currently the largest group of men’s libbers, will see that becoming politically active for men’s issues will NOT be a waste of time and effort, because they will see that with female masculist allies, men now have a real opportunity to twist the arm of the gender politicians.C) The gender politicians will see which way the gender wind is blowing and learn from opinion polls that the male bloc vote plus a third of women voting in favor of female masculism, then they had better menfair the gender laws, otherwise they will be voted out of power.You’re probably wondering, how can masculists persuade large numbers of women to become female masculists? How could men persuade women to abandon their loyalty to their own sex and choose the side of the masculists, i.e. the side of men? The answer is by threatening women with babylessness.Since the top priority of women in their lives is to reproduce, they will do anything to forward that goal, and if men have the means to prevent that goal being fulfilled, then women will be forced to listen to what the masculists have to offer them.One of the fundamental ideas of the masculists, one that is so important that you could label it “The Core (Masculist) Idea” and that is that “Men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up” (i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college so that they do not become fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) as adults, so that they can pull their financial weight and not become a fluffie parasite, so hated and ignored by the masculists.The fluffie feminist hypocrites took over the divorce courts in the 70s as part of the second wave of feminism, making divorce so toxic for men (e.g. losing his kids with 90% probability, losing his house and half his possessions, paying child support to kids he barely sees, and often alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she continues to parasite off him after the divorce as she did before the divorce) that marriage become toxic for men, resulting in the fact that in today’s world, in a string of major western countries, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves.Unfortunately for men, about three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to become fluffies as adults by becoming “fluffie crappers” at 16 by choosing to study the “soft option” i.e. the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, memory based majors like languages, history, English literature, etc., and not the analytical majors like math and the sciences. Then at university and college, these fluffie crappers are excluded from studying STEM (science tech engineering math) and the professions because they did not have the high school prerequisites of the analytic subjects needed.These fluffie crappers then sex some 40 different guys, i.e. have 40 different penises in them, by the time they are in their 30s when their biological clocks start ticking hard, and they realize with their fluffie crap education that gives them a poor salary, that they will need to find some gullible ignorant manslave to sexploit to have him pay for the middle class house that she wants to raise her kids in.Ten years later she will be bored with “penis 41” and drag him through the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system and financially crucify him, taking his house, his kids and his money so she can continue to sit on her fat parasitic arse and raise HER kids in HIS house.The masculists have such a hatred of fluffies that one of their primary political goals is to wipe them out. The number ONE political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery (i.e. men working for women) worldwide this century, by wiping out the fluffies, not by killing them, but simply ignoring them to extinction, not even pumping and dumping them, simply giving them zero attention.Men have the financial power to do this, because nearly all men are FIPs. Men don’t need to parasite off a women’s money to survive financially. Those billions of fluffies who hope to be able to parasite off the labor of a man, will be forced to grow up, to take financial responsibility for their own life, or rot on the shelf, poor, manless, loveless, sexless, BABYless, and spat at by men.Since women want a baby more than anything, they will do whatever is necessary for them to have one, when they get “baby rabies” in their 30s. But, as nearly all men within a decade will be influenced by masculist and MGTOW ideas, there won’t be any quality men left to give them their sperm, so these women will remain babyless and hence PANIC.Even if these women become female masculists in the sense of becoming individually nice to men, not dumping on them feminazi style, and being FIPs themselves, that will not be sufficient for men to be willing to give them their sperm and help pay for the costs of child raising.The reason why men will continue to refuse to give women their sperm is due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and the profound misandry of the gender laws. The masculists are telling women that the only way that men will be prepared to give them their sperm again, is if the gender laws are made menfair, and that is NOT going to happen with the current 51% of the vote being female, and with a higher proportion of women who vote, than is the case with men.So, the gender politicians, will observe the opinion polls and see that the female bloc vote is the majority, so they will give women what they want, i.e. at the expense of men. As a result, the men continue to go MGTOW (men going their own way, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids and spending their money on themselves).The masculists then use this MGTOW strategy as a tool, to punish women for having voted in gender laws that are so profoundly misandrist and menunfair. MGTOWs and masculists punish women by rejecting them, forcing them to be babyless, rejecting marriage as decidedly disadvantageous to men, so men opt out. Women can go fuck themselves, because many MGTOWs don’t even pump and dump women, they are so fed up with the arrogance and obnoxiousness of feminazis.So masculists tell women that to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, women need to become female masculists, and put political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, otherwise they will be voted out of power by the majority, combined, bloc vote of men plus masculist women. So masculists need to educate women to become female masculists and vote out the misandrist gender laws.As millions of MGTOWs see that women are becoming female masculists and are voting out misandrist gender laws, they will give up their political apathy and convert themselves into angry masculists and start fighting for the menfairing of the gender laws and of society in general. These formally apolitical, passive, wimpy MGTOWs will become angry masculists and will get politically active, setting up masculist groups in the high schools and universities, contacting the media to spread masculist and MGTOW ideas to the public via the broadcast media, writing masculist books, and setting up Men’s Studies courses at universities, so that not only men, but women too, can be educated into masculist and MGTOW ideas.They will lobby the gender politicians, telling them that indirectly the gender politicians are genociders, because their menunfair gender laws have caused men to reject paternity which is wiping out whole populations, so the gender politicians HAVE to menfair the gender laws or eventually they will be assassinated. People will take the law into their own hands, if they become convinced that the gender laws are causing the population to be wiped out.So, by causing women to become female masculists these two major events will occur, i.e. A) the MGTOWs are converted into angry politically active masculists, and B) the gender politicians are forced to menfair the gender laws or be voted out of power due to the combined force of the bloc male vote plus the bloc female masculist vote, that together will be well over 50% and hence decisive.Weakening the Power of the FeminazisTo masculists, fluffie feminists are hypocrites, and are harshly criticized for that fact. They are seen as hypocrites because on the one hand they want equal rights for women, but reject equal obligations for women namely, sharing the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education by FIPing up at high school, choosing to study career competent majors.Feminism is like a religion in many ways for women. It preaches to women that women are the equal of men that women can do anything, and that even, in many respects, women are superior to men. Of course, masculist scientists lampoon this piece of feminazi isscienate arrogance, by ramming home to women that women are the inferior sex, being dumber than men on average by 4 IQ points, that men have a higher IQ variance by 10% so that the morons and genii are male, so that men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes,? that men have higher testosterone levels than women so are more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent and achieve far more than women who are more wishy washy and give up difficult tasks more easily.Masculists attack arrogant feminazis with the above facts and smash their delusions. It would be nice for men, and for masculists not to have to do this, so as more women become female masculists they will learn to be more realistic, more humble and simply accept male superiority, because of its scientific validity.Male superiority cannot be contested by anyone who is informed. Those feminazis who deny this are merely dismissed with contempt for their isscienate fairydom. (Isscienacy is ignorance of science, unable to reason scientifically.) Fairydom is living in a fairy land, believing what you want to believe, just like religionists.Making Women Nicer to be WithWith large numbers of women being female masculists, and the gender laws made menfair, then the two sexes will get on a lot better than they do today. Men increasingly find women today a pain in the arse, and just not worth bothering with, not even worth pumping and dumping in many cases. Feminazi propaganda tells women that men are the enemy, that men are responsible for all women’s problems, which makes gullible, simple minded feminazis hostile to men and hence makes them repulsive to men, who then choose not to go near them.Misandrist male dumping feminazi bitches are the first category of female to be rejected by men. Men hate such women and totally ignore them. By having a large proportion of women informed of masculist and MGTOW ideas, these women will see both sides of the gender story and hence be more reasonable, and nicer to be with.Stopping Whole Populations from Dying OutWith the gender laws menfaired, with nearly all women forced by men to be FIPs, with the Parer (paternity rejection right) brought in as part of the systematic, across the board, menfairing of the gender laws by the gender politicians, who will be scared shitless of the combined masculist and female masculist bloc votes, so will be motivated to comprehensively and, once and for all, make the gender laws fair to BOTH sexes, and not favoring only women.In many countries, the birth rate is now so low that whole populations are dying out. E.G. in Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain etc., the birth rate is about 1.3 children per woman, compared to the replacement rate of 2.1? This cannot continue, otherwise the feminazis and the gender politicians will be seen increasingly as genociders and will eventually be murdered as the population crash problem becomes top priority.With men a lot more willing to be fathers, with women much nicer to men and well informed of men’s issues and problems, and having lost their insufferable and irrational feminazi arrogance, relations between the sexes will improve a lot, the babies will come and the population will not die out.There are other reasons why masculists really push for women to become female masculists, but the above 4 are the main ones.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.10/226 Promoting Female Masculism (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lays out the reasons why masculists should promote female masculism and gives some concrete tips on how this can be done.PROMOTING FEMALE MASCULISMWhy is it in the self-interest of masculists to promote masculism amongst women? There are lots of reasons that this flyer spells out.I’ll give a bulleted list of the main ones, and elaborate later.Female masculism will soften feminazi bitchery, making women nicer to men.Women will become more sympathetic towards masculist ideas.Female masculists will vote with men to menfair the gender laws.The realistic prospect of having a voting majority to menfair the gender laws will galvanize the apolitical MGTOW movement to become politically active angry masculists.Women will be seen as a stepping stone towards the menfairing of the gender laws.Men will be prepared to be fathers again, so populations are not wiped out by the MGTOW/masculist paternity boycott.The gender laws are menfaired, men’s lives are liberated.?Female masculism will soften feminazi bitchery, making women nicer towards men.Most women have the impression that women have a monopoly on gender issues. They have been taught by the feminazis that men are pigs to be disliked, so many women treat men badly. By teaching women masculist ideas, that men have gender issues too, that women abuse men too, then women will become more balanced about cross sexual oppression and become more sympathetic towards men, and hence be nicer to be with, instead of being feminazi bitches that repel men, so that feminazis are left rotting on the shelf.Women will become more sympathetic towards masculist ideas.Some women are not amoral towards men and the financial exploitation of men. They are capable of putting themselves in men’s shoes so that once they are exposed to masculist ideas, they can learn to be sympathetic towards men’s gender plight, especially towards manslavery and men’s crucifixion in the divorce courts.Female masculists will vote with men to menfair the gender laws.Once many women become sympathetic towards men’s gender issues, they will become female masculists and vote for the menfairing of the gender laws. Masculists will teach them, that since 51% of the voters are female and that a higher proportion of women vote than men, then the gender laws are not going to be menfaired until female masculists ally with the male bloc vote to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Traditional women, when push comes to shove, especially in a divorce, will want to keep their privileges by using the profoundly misandrist divorce laws, to financially massacre their ex-husbands instead of being forced to become FIPs and grow up, standing independently on their own two feet, and take responsibility for their own lives.So these fluffie women will have to be fought by the block male vote, which unfortunately won’t be big enough. But, combined with the female masculist vote, i.e. the bloc male vote plus the bloc female masculist vote, it will be big enough, so that the two combined can then force the gender politicians to reverse direction.The realistic prospect of having a voting majority to menfair the gender laws will galvanize the passive, apolitical, wimpy MGTOW movement to become politically active, angry, masculists.Most MGTOWs (men going their own way) really buy into the 51% female voter argument and therefore reason that any form of masculist political action would be a waste of time and energy, because the gender politicians are not going to budge while the majority of the voters are for the current misandrist gender laws, particularly regarding divorce. BUT, by persuading women to become female masculists (see below on how to do this) that 51% statistic can be lowered to say 40%, implying that 60% of voters want the gender laws to be menfaired, otherwise the gender politicians get voted out.A lot of MGTOWs would love to be more politically active, helping men to overcome their collective oppression at the hands of fluffie parasitic women, but are held back by the force of the 51% argument.Once they see the writing on the wall, that large numbers of women are becoming female masculists who will vote WITH the male bloc vote, then that will galvanize them to become angry masculists who will then become politically active, by, e.g. setting up men’s lib groups at high schools and colleges, setting up Men’s Studies courses at universities, contacting the broadcast media to preach masculism and MGTOW ideas, haranguing the hated fluffie feminists and feminazis, putting heavy moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs or be ignored and spat at by men, etc.Women will be seen as a stepping stone towards the menfairing of the gender laws.Masculists really want the gender laws (e.g. divorce laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) to be menfaired, so that men can live better lives. Getting more women to become female masculists will increase the odds of the gender politicians menfairing the gender laws, because these female masculists will vote with the male bloc vote and force the gender politicians to reverse direction, away from their current heavy bias towards women and their misandrist gender laws e.g. in the divorce courts.Men will be prepared to be fathers again, so populations are not wiped out by the MGTOW/masculist paternity boycott.The current rejection of paternity by the MGTOW and masculists cannot continue indefinitely. If it does, then whole populations get wiped out, so it has to stop at some stage. With large numbers of women becoming female masculists and voting for the menfairing of the gender laws, many men will be prepared to be fathers again, because many men today would like to be fathers but don’t dare to because fathers in today’s deeply misandrist legal environment, one married father in four is financially crucified and has his life ruined. With the gender laws menfaired, men will feel safer and become fathers again, thus preventing populations from being annihilated.The gender laws are menfaired, men’s lives are liberated.The ultimate aim of the masculists is to so change society, that masculism is no longer needed. It can pass into the history books, like Negro slavery. One of the major goals of the masculists to achieve that ultimate goal is to see the gender laws menfaired, so that men can live much happier lives, so that populations are not wiped out by men boycotting paternity and marriage.The above list gave some reasons why men should promote female masculism. This next section talks about ideas on how to actually do this, i.e. practical suggestions on what actions masculists can do to promote female masculism.Put up links to essays like this one on women’s websites and YouTube channels.I’m starting to do this already. There are a growing number of female masculist channels on YouTube, so I put up links to my masculist essays and particularly to my female masculist essays, on these sites, in the comments section for them to read and hopefully be influenced by. If many masculists and MGTOWs do this, then some of these female masculists cannot fail to be influenced.Write essays specifically aimed at women, to persuade them to become female masculists.I and other masculists and MGTOWs ought to write essays aimed specifically at potential female masculists to persuade women to become female masculists for the reasons mentioned above, and put them on female YouTube sites.Use a carrot and stick approach to motivate women to be female masculists.There are two broad approaches to persuade women to become female masculists. The most effective is probably using the stick, i.e. fear, by scaring women that if the gender laws are not made menfair by having women vote for that to happen, then men will continue to be MGTOWs, rejecting marriage and paternity, so that WOMEN WILL NOT HAVE HABIES.Women want babies above all else, so the threat that they will not have them is powerful, a source of real fear for them, so MGTOWs and masculists should push women to become female masculists. In the form of a masculist slogan that could be used towards women “Vote together with men to menfair the gender laws, or remain babyless!”The other approach is the carrot, i.e. there will be benefits for women if they cause the gender laws to be menfaired, i.e. they will be more likely to have babies, because men will feel safer to be fathers once the gender laws are menfaired. They will no longer have to face the risk of about one chance in four of being financially massacred and having their lives destroyed by a hated fluffie feminist, feminazi bitch, dominated divorce court system.Masculists should get on the broadcast media to motivate/scare women to become female masculists.Most women, know nothing about masculism nor MGTOW, so a lot of work needs to be done to get on the broadcast media to spread masculist/MGTOW ideas, so that women can be educated that if they don’t help menfair the gender laws, they will remain babyless, and men will continue to ignore women. If women want to have a man, and a baby, then women have to become female masculists and help men achieve gender equality by having the gender laws and social attitudes made men fair.Set up Men’s Studies courses at universities and invite female students to take them.At the moment, in most people’s eyes, Gender Studies, is actually Women’s Studies, as though men have no gender issues. This deplorable state of affairs desperately needs to change, so professors who are masculists and MGTOWs need to set up Men‘s Studies courses at universities, and write books about the topic. Young women should be eligible to take these classes too, so that more women become conscious of men’s issues and become more sympathetic to them.Masculists should talk about masculism to their female acquaintances and female friends to raise female awareness of men’s gender issues.Most men have dozens of female colleagues and friends, to whom they can talk about men’s issues, so that women become informed about them in large numbers. Use the grapevine. For example men can tell women about MGTOW and masculism, so that women can look them up on the internet and teach themselves.There is a long way to go. I only have to look at the percentage of women who watch my YouTube videos to see how far behind women are to men. Women are only 2% of my viewers.Masculists should write op-eds for newspapers and masculist articles for magazines, and appear on TV, spreading masculist ideas and scaring women to become female masculists or be babyless.Talented masculists and MGTOWs, especially professors and PhDs should write op-eds for magazines, and newspaper articles on MGTOW and masculist ideas to reach the millions, the masses, spreading an awareness of men’s issues. The most effective way to motivate women to help men have the gender laws menfaired is to scare them with the idea that THEY WILL NOT HAVE BABIES due to the rejection of paternity by the MGTOW (already 70% of young men under 35 in a string of major countries today, and will probably exceed 90% within a decade) which in turn is a reaction to the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, taken over by the feminazis, who use these courts to butcher men by financially massacring them, ruining their lives.—Guys, I don’t hear anything on YouTube about the promotion of female masculism, which is a pity, because it is a vital element to eventual masculist success in menfairing the gender laws and society. It is a strategy that needs to be pursued a lot more vigorously, so how about it!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.10/263 Teaching Feminists Masculism (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)? Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives a list of reasons why masculists should teach feminists about the main ideas of masculism, and gives suggestions for methods on how to do that.TEACHING FEMINISTS MASCULISM?This flyer explains why it is a good idea for masculists to teach feminists the core ideas of masculism, and provides suggestions on how that can be done.Firstly, why is it beneficial for men to have feminists familiar with masculist ideas? There are lots of reasons, a sample of which I list here in bulleted form and will then elaborate on them later.Scare feminists with the babyless threatDefuse feminist wrathExpose fluffie feminist hypocrisyGet feminists to shut upHelp to menfair the gender lawsMake women nicer to be with—Scare feminists with the babyless threatYoung feminists are still young women, so will be subject as much as any other young woman to the MGTOW/masculist threat of being manless and babyless, due to the boycott of young men of marriage and paternity caused by the takeover by the fluffie feminist hypocrites of the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage, toxic for men.Young feminists need to be told by masculists that they should learn to hate the fluffie feminist hypocrites because it is the fluffie feminists, who are the root cause for young women not getting babies. The top priority in life for women is usually to have babies, so when they are seriously threatened by masculists who state that these young women’s feminism is the main reason why they are being forced by young men into manlessness and babylessness, that will stop them in their tracks.This should shock young feminists into questioning their beliefs in feminism, as the bigger picture is explained to them by the masculists, i.e. briefly – feminism takes over the divorce courts, divorce is made toxic for males, millions of men get financially massacred in them, young men see the damage done to their fathers, etc., young men refuse to marry and have kids, young women become manless and childless. This is scary for many women, very scary.Defuse feminist wrathOne of the consequences of feminism’s dominance in the gender debate is that many feminists have the belief that feminism has a monopoly on gender discourse. To masculists, such an idea is ridiculous, and merely shows the level of ignorance most feminists have towards MGTOW and masculism.A typical reaction of a feminist hearing about masculism for the first time is “What do men have to be liberated from?” or “That’s ridiculous. Women are the oppressed sex. Men are the oppressors.”To a masculist, hearing such a reaction from a one eyed feminist would probably evoke the following response. “Calling masculism ridiculous is as stupid and ignorant as a man calling feminism ridiculous, since women oppress men for example, by being financially parasitic on men, manslaving men, and oppressing them greatly!”As feminists become increasingly exposed to masculist ideas, particularly the masculist critique of manslavery, the need to menfair the gender laws, especially the financial massacring that occurs against men in the divorce courts, the hypocrisy of the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) when women have the Marer (aka abortion right), then women will be sobered.They will learn that men are screwed by feminazi bitches in the divorce courts, and if they have any human decency at all, will be sympathetic to such men, i.e. one married father in four roughly.Masculists get fed up with the wrath of feminists, which is why we call them feminazis. We are expressing our contempt for feminazi childishness, blaming men for everything, instead of taking control of their own lives and facing up to the reality that a large part of the blame for women’s situation, rests on women themselves, e.g. their genetic inferiority compared to men, so it is to be expected that there is a glass ceiling against women, because women are unable to perform at male levels at the top end of the performance scale.Masculists can harangue feminazi bitches and make them see that feminists do not have a monopoly on gender discourse, that there is a masculist case to be made as well, and that feminists had better listen to the masculists, otherwise men may eventually take away women’s rights, as the population seriously starts to plummet, due to the paternity boycott of young men, caused by the feminists.When feminists become conscious that women oppress men as well, that will soften their wrath. They will be aware that women can oppress men, especially by manslaving them. The presence of masculism as part of everyone’s consciousness will balance out feminist dictatorship of the gender debate.Expose fluffie feminist hypocrisyWhen feminists go on a demonstration, or give a public talk to mixed audiences, angry masculists in the audience can harangue the feminist speakers with the awful hypocrisy of feminazis in the divorce courts.Most feminists are still fluffies, i.e. they have had their feminist consciousnesses raised but not their masculist consciousnesses raised, so by default still have traditional fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. seeing men as cash machines, having the attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies.The feminazis took control of the divorce courts in the 70s and made them toxic for men. Divorcing fathers get financially massacred in these courts by losing their kids with 90% probability, losing their house to their fluffie ex-wives, and half their possessions, paying child support and often alimony for life, so that their fluffie ex-wives can continue to parasite off their ex-husbands after the divorce the way they did before the divorce.There is a profound hypocrisy with the fluffie feminists. They want their cake and to eat it too. They want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men in bothering to get a career competent education that will allow them to earn good money as adults, and not have to parasite off the money of a man.Masculists need to tell women clearly that fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, that the masculists plan to wipe them out by totally ignoring them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and spat at.When feminists become accustomed to being harangued in public talks and meetings by angry masculists that will make them conscious of their hypocrisy. No one likes being accused of being hypocrites, so that will help them self-reflect.Get feminists to shut upMasculists are fed to the teeth with feminazi bitches complaining about men, blaming men for everything wrong about women’s lives. We are fed up, and are now on the attack. When some feminazi bitch starts haranguing men for male oppression of women, angry masculists harangue them back with superior brainpower, superior logic and a lot more verbal aggression because men have much higher testosterone levels and can be very fierce when men choose to be.A good masculist orator can blast feminazis out of the room, with a tirade of masculist wrath, telling the audience that feminazis are now genociders, causing young men to reject paternity due to the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage toxic for males. The feminazis have to be stopped. They have become a cancer on the planet that has to be stamped out.Masculists need to persuade society that being feminist is the kiss of death for a young woman in terms of getting a man. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, bitch.Most fairly attractive women know this, so do not let on that they might be sympathetic to feminist ideas privately, because they know it might cost them their boyfriends. “Triple F” women on the other hand, i.e. “fat four feminazis” are triply handicapped, and are utterly rejected by men, not even being pumped and dumped.Such women are bitter against men for being so rejected and use feminism as a form of revenge against men for rejecting them. Such women cannot be persuaded to reject feminism, because it serves as a rationalization for their miserable lives, that they do not have the intelligence to break out of the vicious circle they have locked themselves into, i.e. they express their contempt for men who reject them, the men around them then don’t want to hear this, so reject them, closing the vicious circle.But many feminists are not ugly, and are FIPs (financially independent persons) yet still complain bitterly about men. Masculists need to target such women and teach them masculist ideas, so that these women can see that gender issues have TWO sides, and are not a feminist one way street. That will stop feminists in their tracks, as they learn that women oppress men too, especially with manslavery, with fluffie parasitism, that the masculists aim to wipe off the surface of the earth by totally ignoring fluffies.Help to menfair the gender lawsMasculists are very aware that there aren’t enough male voters to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. menfair the divorce laws, bring in the Parer, etc.) so women need to be converted into female masculists to join forces with men in voting in favor of menfairing the gender laws.Many feminists agree with the masculists that women should get off their fluffie arses and FIP up. The more male minded women have been feminists for decades. They want to have careers and be challenged by the outside world, in the world of risks, challenges and rewards.Masculists need to teach masculist ideas to the world so that women and feminists are exposed to them, so that some of them become sympathetic to the masculist cause and become female masculists, putting their vote where their mouth is by helping men get the gender politicians to vote in the menfairing of the gender laws.Masculists need to be teaching women as much as men about masculist ideas, because men cannot do it alone. One of the primary political goals of the masculists is to see the menfairing of the gender laws, and that cannot be done with men alone. So it is high priority for masculists to bother to educate women and feminists to help men menfair the gender laws.Make women nicer to be withA feminist who knows nothing about masculism will have a one sided view of the gender issues and is more likely to feel inclined to lash out at men when all she hears about is how men oppress women. When she starts hearing from the masculists how women oppress men, with their manslavery, their laziness, expecting to parasite off the labor and money of a man, etc., she will be sobered.She will think to herself “Those masculists have a point. I want equal rights with men, but would like to have a man pay for me to have kids in a house he pays for. But if I get divorced, why should I take all his possessions, his kids, his money etc. That’s not fair. I understand why the masculists hate the fluffie feminist control of the divorce courts. It’s so unjust. Men have a gender story too.”When women see both sides of the gender debate, they will become more balanced in their criticisms against men. They will see that men have equal reason to complain against women, and that will quieten her. That will make her more reasonable to be with. She will be more sympathetic towards men and men’s horrible gender problems. She will probably think, “Why do I as a woman have the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men don’t have that right, so are forced into paying for a kid that they don’t want, ruining their lives. That’s not fair. That’s unjust. That’s not reasonable. Part of me is a female masculist.Now that I’ve been exposed to masculist thinking, I suppose mostly due to my masculist boyfriend, I see things from both sides now. That makes me less of an angry feminist, because I see that the feminists have harmed men grievously in the divorce courts. That’s wrong. That should be changed.”To men, a woman who thinks like that, is a lot nicer to be with.—The above, showed some of the main benefits to men of teaching feminists masculist ideas. Now how can this be done? What methods can be employed to teach feminists masculist ideas? Here is a list of bulleted ideas that will be elaborated on later.Teaching via the broadcast mediaFace to face teachingTeaching via university campus wide talksStudent newspapers and websitesMen’s Studies coursesMasculist boyfriend influenceMasculist social circle pressureParental masculist pressureSecondary school masculist pressureFemale masculist friend pressure—Teaching via the broadcast mediaA major task lies ahead for the masculists, and that is the teaching of the general public about masculist ideas. For most people, ideas come into their heads not from their own creative thoughts, but from exposure to ideas from the broadcast media.The masculists need to contact the media in a big way and persuade them that masculism is the biggest story of our historical era, because if the feminazis continue on as they are going then they will indirectly wipe out the whole population due to the paternity boycott they have generated with young men, who refuse to marry and have kids.There needs to be a close relationship between the media and the masculist star speakers and spokesmen, who are highly intelligent, articulate, have good media personalities, are masters of the sound bite, who can get the masculist message across to the general public, educating them on masculist ideas, to liberate men from manslavery, to menfairing the gender laws etc. A lot of work needs to be done on this front.Face to face teachingOnce the media is well launched by the masculists, and a fair proportion of the public is aware of masculist ideas, then a snow ball effect can begin, whereby those people who have not been exposed to masculist ideas can be influenced by them via their friends and acquaintances in ordinary daily conversations.For example if two women are chatting, and one says to the other that she wished some prince charming would come along and solve her money worries, then her friend could warn her about the masculists wanting to rid the world of fluffies, and that it would be dangerous for her friend to say such a thing to a potential boyfriend, because he might be a masculist and hearing her desire, drop her like a hot potato accusing her of being a hated fluffie parasite, a manslaving vermin.Teaching via university campus wide talksThe masculists need to set up men’s lib groups on every campus, at every high school etc. They can organize big talks that are open to the whole student body, by inviting prominent masculist authors, speakers, etc., who have a national reputation, and known to be good speakers.Such big talks, will influence the student body in a big way. Speakers can follow their talks with extensive Q&A sessions, so that students can be given ample opportunity to express their views and be swayed by each other.Student newspapers and websitesCollege and university students can be influenced by long articles in student newspapers and websites on masculist ideas. Feminazi ideas can be attacked causing feminists to think twice about their attitudes towards men, especially when feminists see the tide turning in favor of men’s issues.Feminists will be afraid of being attacked by both men and women as the proportion rises of women who convert themselves into? female masculists, as they become aware that the feminazis have become genociders, wiping out whole populations due to their indirect creation of the male boycott of paternity.Men’s Studies coursesOnce masculist and MGTOW ideas are well enough known and there is a demand for Men’s Studies courses to be set up at universities – that should be done. The men’s lib group of a university can push its administration to set up such a course by hiring a professor to teach the principles of MGTOW and masculism, perhaps writing a book on the subject until standard texts are available, but that is far from being the case today.Masculist boyfriend influenceMany feminists will be influenced by masculist ideas, due to their boyfriends. Once many men have been exposed to masculist ideas, they will inevitably pass them on to their girlfriends, challenging them with antifeminist ideas coming from the masculists who see the feminazis as the enemy, as toxic, as a cancer, who indirectly are acting as genociders.In the 60s and 70s, there were a large number of divorces as millions of women became influenced by feminist ideas and no longer accepted the traditional housewife role and rebelled against it, causing traditional men to be nonplussed. Similarly, it is to be expected that many women will be rejected in their personal relationships with men, by masculist influenced men who no longer put up with the traditional fluffie attitudes of their girlfriends, and then dump them in favor of more female masculist, FIP women, who expect to pull their financial weight equally with men, in sharing equally the burden of earning the living etc.Masculist social circle pressureAs a non-negligible proportion of people in a given social circle become aware of masculist ideas, they will be able to pass them on to their friends, influencing them, thus setting up a snowball effect until everyone in the social circle is aware of masculist ideas.Reality shows, that once some new ideology, some new thinking is known by about 10% of the population, usually the brightest 10%, then that is enough to cause the rest of the population to think the same way.Part of this phenomenon is due to the IQ Bell curve. Most people are incapable of original thought. Most new ideas start in the minds of a tiny intellectual minority, who start off in their “Intellectuals Crying in the Wilderness” phase, followed by the media people taking up their ideas, spreading them to the general public, who then spread them further amongst themselves until a saturation is reached in which everyone knows about them, and they become part of everyone’s general knowledge.Parental masculist pressureWhen nearly everyone knows about masculist ideas, parents can influence their children, especially their teenage daughters into being conscious of masculist thinking. Parents want to prevent ?their daughters from experiencing painful situations, so can warn them that they need to study for a FIP oriented education, so that they do not rot on the shelf, being utterly rejected by men for being a hated fluffie parasite.Parents can have a huge influence on their kids, because they can brainwash their kids from infancy, filling their young heads with anything the parents want.Children are hardwired to absorb and follow the teachings of their parents. That’s how they learn. Look at the way most religionists have the same religion as their parents, not questioning it, merely absorbing it.Secondary school masculist pressureOnce the media have done their masculist teaching job, teachers at primary and secondary schools can take up the torch, influencing their young students to FIP up, or not get a man. Young women can be steered into the career competent majors, so that they are more likely to get a man. Teachers can relate horror stories of women who did not bother to FIP up and hence paid a horrible price, by not getting a man, being rejected by men, by society, by their female friends, by being seen as a fluffie parasite.Teachers can have a strong influence on kids, almost as much as parents. Teachers have an important role to play in spreading masculist ideas to young minds.Female masculist friend pressureFemales place enormous importance on the opinions of their close female friends, their peer group. If some of this group is female masculist, that will cause the other members of the group to be a lot more open to female masculism as well. The female masculists of the group can warn the other members that if they don’t FIP up, and help men menfair the gender laws, vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then they will run a serious risk of not getting a man, and being rejected by everyone, by men, by teachers, by their parents, by society in general. Being a fluffie will be decidedly “out.”Women have a much stronger herd mentality than men, more sheep like. Look at female fashion. This female herd mentality can be used to great advantage by masculist strategists, who think that once masculist ideas become “fashionable” by female standards, then that will help considerably the spread of masculist ideas amongst feminists and the female population in general.—The above reasons and methods to be used to teach feminists masculist ideas are probably the main ones. There are probably others you can think of. Feminism used to be thought of as the solution to women’s problems. However in today’s world, feminism is now seen by the masculists as the problem, that needs to be removed.Most masculists probably think that second wave feminism, if it was confined to equality of rights with men, is not a problem, but gynocentrism, gynocracy, i.e. rule by women at men’s expense, is not to be tolerated, and hence feminists need to be taught masculist ideas to set feminists straight.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.11 Masculist Tactics for Parents2.11/36 MGTOW-Masculist Education of Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests MGTOW/masculist topics that parents can teach their kids with? the intention of forming a FIP Society.MGTOW-MASCULIST EDUCATION OF PARENTSMasculists want to create a FIP Society, i.e. one in which all adults, male and female are FIPs (financially independent persons) who have educated themselves in FIP majors at high school, and at university, so that as adults they can earn a good salary so that they can afford to live in a middle class house, if they choose to.To achieve this noble goal, that would solve so many of men’s current gender role problems, a lot of education by MGTOWs/masculists is needed. There are several categories of people who need to be targeted for MGTOW/masculist education, e.g. the broadcast journalists, the gender politicians, men in general, women in general, high schoolers, university students, etc. One category not in the above list is parents, which is what this comment is about.What do MGTOWs/masculists need to teach parents so that they in turn can teach their children concerning men’s gender issues, and to improve the future lives of their sons and daughters?Common sense says that what needs to be taught the kids will depend on whether the child is male or female.? A similar dichotomy also applies to the parents, namely those that are both FIPs and those who aren’t. Teaching those parents who are NOT both FIPs, so probably the mother is somewhat of a fluffie, will be harder for the MGTOWs/masculists, because the mother will probably feel threated by the MGTOW/masculist ideas, and probably reject them from her mind, suffering cognitive dissonance.The father might like to teach his kids MGTOW/masculist ideas, but he is probably constantly aware of the sword of Damocles hanging over him, that if his wife gets pissed off with him using her as an antimodel for his kids, she might drag him over the coals of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts and ruin his life (by taking the kids, the house, his child payments and alimony). So such men will need to taught “gingerly” with kid gloves, so that they minimize the risk that the wife divorces him because of his MGTOW/masculist teaching of his kids.So, I’ll concentrate on the two FIP parents case, and then modify it a bit for the one FIP parents case. With both parents being FIPs, there will be much less of a threat that the wife will divorce the husband when he teaches his kids MGTOW/masculist ideas. It is possible, but less likely, that the mother teaches her kids MGTOW/masculist ideas because in today’s world, the level of awareness amongst women of such ideas is pretty minimal, thanks partly to the MGTOW reluctance to spread their ideas via the broadcast media and thus reach the millions.So what can the two FIP family father teach his kids? He can teach his son to avoid fluffies, and not to marry and have kids until the divorce laws are made menfair, but that will probably take a decade or more. He can teach him to prefer a relationship with a FIP female, who will be much less likely to parasite on him financially. He can propose the twaytwef lifestyle for men, i.e. have a sexual relationship with a FIP woman who has her own apartment, no marriage, no kids, so no divorce, no child payments, no alimony. When the relationship goes sour, he can walk away cost free, a big plus for a man in today’s gynocentric divorce court system.To his daughter, he can scare her with slogans like “Be FIP or be manless.” “No calculus, no baby!” “”70% of young men refuse to be manslaves to fluffie parasites.” He can tell her that young men don’t marry and they don’t want kids. They spend their money on themselves and wont give a fluffie the time of day, treating them like the immoral parasitic, manslaving vermin that they are. The father can strongly encourage his daughter to be responsible for her own life, making it clear to her that she needs to get a good FIP education, to become a FIP as an adult, so she needs to study career-responsible majors in high school, i.e. math and the sciences, so that she can do the same at university, so that she ends up with skills that are well paid by the market place.Such a daughter will then have more of a chance of getting some man to twaytwef with her during the time before the gender politicians menfair the divorce courts and pass the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc. Her father can tell her with 70% of young men refusing to marry and have kids in the US today, if she is not a FIP, then the odds are high that she will be treated by men as a sexual hole and be regularly dumped. He can tell her that increasingly, men expect women to be FIPs and have no respect for women who are not, and treat them merely as cunts on legs. He can tell her “Be FIP or be abused.”The FIP mother listening to all this advice will probably not feel particularly threatened because the father is advising his daughter to be like her mother in the sense of being a FIP, but not to expect having kids, because there wont be any robot males left by the time she is an adult, who will be prepared to be fathers in the gynocentric divorce court system.As for the one FIP family father, he must be a lot more careful about what he says to his kids. He may be able to convey the message but in such a way that the fluffie wife feels less threatened than with?an upfront presentation of MGTOW/masculist ideas to the kids. He may have to do this more indirectly, and more slowly, but still get the main ideas across as mentioned above for the two FIP family case.Why is it important for MGTOWs/masculists to target parents for education into MGTOW/masculist ideas? The obvious answer that parents have a formative influence on kids, because they can educate them from birth effectively and condition them accordingly. A daughter who is strongly encourage to be responsible for her own life and to be FIP will much more likely grow up to be just that, due to her parental influences.Later, the daughter and the son will be exposed to MGTOW/masculist ideas coming from outside the family as they grow older and move out into the wider society, being exposed to ideas from their peers, their teachers, the media, etc.MGTOWs/masculists need to give more thought and energy towards the education of parents to teach their children MGTOW/masculist principles.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.12 Masculist Tactics for the Divorce Courts2.12/208 Menfairing the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows what needs to be done to menfair the divorce courts.MENFAIRING THE DIVORCE COURTS Abstract This essays presents ideas on how to “menfair” the divorce courts, i.e. ideas on how to reform divorce law, so that the divorce courts treat men fairly, unlike the case today, where divorces in the US are so toxic to men, than 70% of young US men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids. This marriage strike on the part of young men will force the gender politicians, and the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court judges and lawyers to change their attitudes towards divorcing men, otherwise whole populations will be wiped out due to crashes in the birth rate. But, in rather concrete terms, just how could the divorce laws and divorce courts be made fair to men, i.e. how to “menfair” the divorce courts? I begin this essay with the current state of affairs in the divorce courts in western countries, concentrating on the US, as seen from the perspective of divorcing husbands. Decades ago, when a couple divorced, the children were usually given to the husband, since he had the money to pay for them after the divorce, which is still largely the case today in China for example. But since the rise of modern feminism, the women’s organizations have lobbied the gender politicians so successfully that now divorce has become so toxic to men that they are now rebelling in massive numbers. The gender politicians fear the women’s lobby, since it is one of the biggest in the US and gives women what they want, to such an extent that the men’s movement is now talking about a “gynocracy”, where men’s interests are simply ignored, which is something the masculists (men’s libbers) are now organizing to change, which is one of the major topics of this essay, especially as it concerns divorce. In the US today, typically a divorcing husband will be financially slaughtered in the divorce court. He will lose custody of his children in 90% of cases, he will usually lose his house, he will have to pay child support for a decade or two until the children are 18, and if his wife is a fluffie (a masculist term for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off a man’s money) he will also probably have to pay her alimony, because she is career incompetent and incapable of earning her own money. This divorce experience is so devastating for men that their suicide rate sky rockets to about 100 times the usual male suicide rate. These financially massacred ex-husbands feel they have lost everything, i.e. their wife (since about 70% of divorces are initiated by the wives in the US), their children, whom after the divorce they may be allowed to see according to the decision of the divorce judge, only a weekend or two a month, their house that they have been working hard to pay for, and forced to pay alimony to a fluffie ex-wife who is not obliged by law to get off her parasitic bum, and become career competent so that she can pay for herself. It is an overwhelming experience for millions of men, and makes them feel that society does not care about them. As a result of this divorce trauma on a massive scale, given that the divorce rate in the US and many other countries is about 50%, several men’s movements have grown up that address this massive problem (and other social and legal discriminations against men). They are the masculists and the MGTOWs (men going their own way). Masculists are men’s libbers, the male equivalent of feminists, fighting to liberate men from laws and customs that oppress and enslave men. Masculists aim to change attitudes in society so that fluffies die out, due to men refusing to have relationships with them. MGTOWs on the other hand, while agreeing with a lot of the aims of the masculists, are politically passive. They do not spend energy fighting for fairness for men, they simply drop out of the traditional male role of working for women. They, like many masculists, refuse to marry and work for women. It is obviously easier to be a MGTOW than a masculist, because it takes less energy, less political commitment, so there is a certain hostility against MGTOWs coming from the masculists, who see MGTOWs as lacking solidarity with other men, as not bothering to make the effort to help other men solve their collective problems that are largely political in nature, e.g. the massive injustices committed against men by the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, the lack of a paternity rejection right (Parer), men only in combat, etc. Once second wave feminism became main stream, women’s movements then threatened gender politicians with political annihilation if the latter did not do what the women’s movements wanted. This was particularly true in the case of the divorce courts. In some states in the US, joint custody of children after a divorce was proposed to be made the default option, i.e. unless some unusual circumstance arose, the custody of the children would go automatically to both divorcing parents. The women’s organizations objected furiously to this and managed to wipe out several politicians who proposed it. Gender politicians soon learned to fear the women’s organizations. Obviously to counter this negative force from the male perspective, will require comparably strong men’s organizations to restore balance, and fairness to both sexes, which is one of the themes of this essay. One of the main drivers of the MGTOW and the masculist movements has been the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, so that young men now see traditional marriage as toxic, as way too risky to be acceptable, so they are simply refusing to marry and have kids. They may date and sex women, and even be friends with them, but they refuse to marry them, and they certainly refuse to have kids, because they have witnessed the treatment of their older male friends, and especially their fathers, in the divorce courts. This has made them very wary of marriage. There are now millions of MGTOWs, to such a point that the feminists and women in general are talking about “where have all the good men gone?” meaning men who are prepared to pay for a fluffie wife to stay at home, not be career competent, so that she can raise HER kids and have him pay for it all, both before the divorce and after the divorce. Masculists label such men “robot males” and see them as slaves to fluffies. Masculists advise men not to have relationships with fluffies, because a fluffie will parasite on a man before the divorce and after. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to convert themselves into FIPs (financially independent persons), and on society in general so that girls are socialized to be FIPs and to be as career competent as are boys. The masculists are creating a real stigma against being a fluffie. They push the idea that fluffies are immoral, that they are slavers of men, that they are vermin to be wiped out, not by killing them of course, but by refusing to have relationships with them, thus forcing them to become FIPs if they want to eat. Masculists are aware that fluffies can only be fluffies if they can get their financial claws into some robot male, but as the masculist and MGTOW message spreads, the supply of robot males is drying up, hence the complaint of feminists and fluffies about the lack of “good men,” who, from the masculist and MGTOW point of view, are seen as fools, as exploited, as gullible slaves to parasitic fluffie women. Having introduced some of the main ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs I can now start addressing the more concrete questions concerning reforms of the divorce laws and divorce courts, to make them menfair. To do this, I will break down the suggestions into two categories, namely when a man divorces a FIP wife, and when he divorces a fluffie wife. Divorcing a FIP wife. The advantages of divorcing a FIP wife are so great compared to divorcing a fluffie wife (under present divorce laws) that it should be obvious to readers that if you are a man, and you want to have kids and marry, then you should insist that your wife be a FIP. A FIP wife will have her own career and earn a comparable salary as the husband, so that if there is a divorce, she will not need alimony. She can pay her own way. What about the kids? The two parents should be given joint custody automatically (unless there are exceptional circumstances, e.g. one of the partners is an alcoholic, or violent, or psychotic, etc), so that the burden of paying for the kids is shared more or less equally between the two parents, and time spent raising them is also about equal. Having two parents of both genders is also shown by extensive research to be far healthier mentally for the children. For example, the children could be raised in the same house, with the two parents sharing alternately and weekly a nearby apartment that they both pay for. (The extra expense required on the part of both divorcing partners (i.e. the house, plus a one person apartment) would motivate them to think twice about divorcing in the first place.) When one of the divorced parents is looking after the kids in the house, the other parent is living in the apartment. This is possible if both have jobs in the same large city. Keeping custody of the kids would motivate each ex-spouse to remain in the same city with the kids. What if the kids are very young and need constant attention? Then a compromise could be made, so that the mother does not work (while she has maternity leave from work) and can breast feed in the house and the apartment, equally, but only for a limited amount of time, say a year, then she returns to her career. The above suggestion is based on the principle that the needs and rights of the ex-husband are taken into account equally with those of the ex-wife and the kids. In the current system, the fluffie feminist dominated divorce judges and lawyers see men as check books to be exploited, and abused. This is a crime on a massive scale, given the tens of millions of men who are divorcing and being financially massacred. Divorcing a fluffie wife Men are much more likely to be financially massacred when they divorce a fluffie wife than a FIP wife. As mentioned earlier, he will likely lose his kids, his house, and pay child support and alimony. Divorcing a fluffie wife is usually a total financial and emotional disaster for him. So how can divorcing a fluffie be made menfair? If the divorcing husband is a robot male and he is divorcing his wife who is a real fluffie, who has minimal career competence if any, then how can the divorce laws be made such that the fluffie ex-wife can be converted into a FIP? Since the ex-wife is a fluffie, the house prior to the divorce is the husband’s that he has worked hard for by paying the mortgage. So he should not lose it as a result of the divorce. What the masculists are trying to avoid is the “gold digger” phenomenon, in which women marry in order to fleece an affluent man’s wealth by taking advantage of the current divorce laws that give half of the wealth and property of the man to the woman, so that a lazy fluffie can enter a marriage with nothing, and leave it affluent at her ex-husband’s expense. Divorce laws need to be set up in such a way that gold digging becomes a thing of the past, that it is no longer even possible, given the nature of the reformed divorce laws. So, a similar arrangement can be envisioned as for the FIP wife case, i.e. the divorcing couple buys or rents a cheap room or apartment and uses it alternately as in the FIP wife case. Since the ex-wife is a fluffie, there will only be the ex-husband’s money to pay for the house and the extra apartment initially. The ex-wife, by law, will not be allowed to parasite off the ex-husband’s money. She will be legally obligated to find a job and pull her weight financially, so that she becomes a FIP and doesn’t parasite on her ex-husband’s money. If she makes little effort to educate herself and to get a good job, then she will be poor. There will be no alimony. Alimony will be made illegal as a matter of principle. Alimony is slavery for men. Joint custody of the kids will be the default option, i.e. the norm. The law will push the ex-wife into the work force, so that she no longer parasites on her ex-husband’s money, she earns her own, and pays equally the costs of the kids. Of course, the longer term goal of the masculists is to so morally pressure society that it is taboo to be a fluffie, that fluffies simply die out, that all women become FIPs, otherwise they will go manless, loveless, sexless and especially childless, and be shunned as pariahs in society, seen as immoral slavers of men, as vermin to be wiped out and spat at. Fluffies are man-slavers and man-slavery is a sex-war issue. The masculists and MGTOWs are at war with the fluffies and fluffie feminists (who are feminists but still have fluffie attitudes towards men, i.e. still seeing them as financial slaves to be exploited in traditional marriage and to be financially gouged in the fluffie feminists dominated divorce courts.) It may take several generations for fluffies to die out, so the masculists need to lobby the gender politicians hard now, doing to them, what the women’s movements did, i.e. threatening them with political annihilation if they do not give the masculists and men in general what men want. With the women’s and the men’s movements applying roughly equal pressure in opposite directions, the two forces should cancel each other. Actually, that is not true. The masculists and MGTOWs have an ace card that the feminists do not have. Women are genetically wired to want to have and raise kids. It is their primary genetic imperative, whereas men are genetically driven to penis women’s vaginas. Evolution has used this bipolar strategy to ensure the next generation is generated. So, if men decide in their millions not to marry and have kids, then the birthrate will fall, as is now already happening in Japan. The traditional robot male role of the average Japanese salary man, (who works 11 hour days, 3 hour commute times, who comes home so late he orphans his kids, and hands over his paycheck to his fluffie wife who stays at home playing cards and tennis with her fluffie friends) is seen as so repulsive by their sons, that now in Japan, a third of young Japanese men under 30 refuse to have relationships with women. They are labeled “herbivore men” or “grass eaters” as distinct from “carnivore men” who are the traditional salary men. As a result, the birthrate in Japan has now fallen to a catastrophic 1.3 children per woman, compared with the replacement rate of 2.1, so this means that each generation from now on will shrink by a third. Over a century, Japan’s population will drop to about 20 million, and over two centuries it will be effectively wiped out. This masculist/MGTOW threat of “give the masculists what they want or they will wipe out whole populations by crashing the birthrate” will ring alarm bells in gender politicians’ ears. They will be forced to listen attentively to what the masculists are demanding. If they don’t listen, then the population they live in will disappear. The feminists do not have such an ace card, so sooner or later, the masculists will get what they want. But this ace card, is a centuries’ long solution. The masculists want our cultures to be menfair now, so they will need to get on the media and harangue society that women must be FIPs, that schools must teach girls to be FIPs, and to put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to become FIPs or they will be ostracized in the sex war. The masculists need to employ direct action political tactics (e.g. French style) against the gender politicians who pass menunfair legislation, e.g. by dumping a truck load of cow shit in front of the state governor’s office, then calling the national media to dump verbally on the governor as a “male feminist”, as a “traitor to his own sex”, so that at the next election, men don’t vote for him since he has been tainted as “menunfair.” The masculists have a lot of work to do. They are aided indirectly by the MGTOWs but most of the political work will be done by the masculists. Of course, if there are many millions of MGTOWs, the birthrate will collapse, forcing the gender politicians to act. From the masculist perspective, masculism sees MGTOWism as a useful tool, because if a large proportion of the male population of reproduction age refuses to marry and have kids (e.g. the 70% of young men under 35 in the U.S.) then that “marriage strike” will help the masculists get the legal and social changes they want.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13 Masculist Tactics for Video Hosters2.13/256 MGTOW Channels Platform Migration (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer aims to stimulate a debate as to which video storage platform should become the standard, single alternative to YouTube, now that YouTube has proven itself to be the “platform non grata,” censoring MGTOW/masculist videos. Big John of “MGTOW is Freedom” had his channel terminated by YouTube, and Angry MGTOW has decided to leave YouTube and move to Patreon.? The time is ripe to decide which video platform should become the new YouTube for our two communities.MGTOW CHANNELS PLATFORM MIGRATION ?This flyer raises the question, “Which video storage platform should MGTOWs and masculists migrate to, given that YouTube has become “platform non grata” for us?”Big John of “MGTOW is Freedom” has had his YouTube channel terminated. Angry MGTOW is winding up his MGTOW channel on YouTube and is migrating to Patreon.When two of the major MGTOW content providers make the same division to ditch YouTube, due to YouTube’s censorship of MGTOW/masculist content, then our two communities need to be thinking about putting our stuff on other platforms, but which one?It would be simpler for both content providers and viewers if there was only one platform that MGTOWs/masculists use. This would keep things easy. Users could go to one source where all the major MGTOW/masculist content makers upload their videos to. We are not yet at that saturation stage, the way we have been with YouTube for the past few years, but those days are over.YouTube has been taken over by the Jewish elite, the way they have taken over all other sources of ideas, i.e. the news distribution companies, the 6 major US news companies, Hollywood, publishing, etc. Given that YouTube is (was?) the dominant video platform, that everyone uses, it was inevitable that the Jewish elite would want to take it over, so they pushed ?Google (which is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, which is now 80% Jewish, and the shadow government, the deep state, i.e. the real government, which makes the actual decisions, i.e. it controls the Fed, US foreign policy, is responsible for the generation of constant wars so that the Jewish CEOs of the arms industries can profit mightily) to buy YouTube and then put a Jewish feminazi in charge of it, to control the content being uploaded to it, i.e. to control it the way the Jewish elite wants.Thank god for capitalism, and economic competition. There are other video platforms that advertise explicitly that they offer freedom of speech, no censorship, unlike YouTube. It is to these alternatives, that the MGTOWs/masculists will migrate, but to which one?It takes a ton of effort to upload 100s of videos to an alternative platform site, so is not something undertaken lightly. Only Angry MGTOW has bothered as far as I know to put his stuff, 100s of videos, onto multiple platforms. Most of us would prefer to upload our stuff to only one alternative platform, but which one?This flyer aims to stimulate a debate amongst the MGTOW masculist communities, as to which alternative video platform is thought to be the best one to choose, so that it becomes the de facto saturated standard, that replaces YouTube, now that YouTube is seen as a Jewed, censoring, anti-freedom of speech, 1st amendment right infringer, arsehole, company, to be rejected, to be hated, and in time to be ignored, so that YouTube will get the reputation of being rather dull, so that viewership will go down, so advertising revenue will go down, and YouTube eventually goes bankrupt, because it has such a bad reputation, as bad as Google has now acquired, due to its censorship of YouTube content.Google will not be able to hire good creative males, because the company has been feministed, and has pushed a censoring strategy. Google will fade, then die, as it deserves. When the most creative and intelligent males refuse to work for such a Jewed, censoring company, it deserves to die.Summarizing, please start a debate as to which single video platform company our MGTOW/masculist communities should upload their content to. Which platform should be the replacement of YouTube?Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13/265 Uploading my Masculist MGTOW Videos to VID.ME (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This brief flyer relates my experience and rationale behind uploading my hundreds of Masculist-MGTOW videos to VID.MEUPLOADING MY MASCULISTMGTOW VIDEOS TO VID.ME?This brief flyer relates my experience and rationale behind uploading my hundreds of Masculist-MGTOW videos to VID.MEI am fed up and angry with Jewed YouTube. The Jewish elite want to control the goy, so they take over the US with their superior Ashkenazi intelligence (average IQ of US Ashkenazi Jews is 115, i.e. smarter than the average US white IQ of 100 as the average US white IQ is smarter than the average US black IQ of 85).The Jewish elite, the illuminati, want to continue to rob the people of about half of their federal taxes with their paper fiat currency debt note dollar Ponzi scheme, so have deliberately set out to control the sources of information given to the general public.So they have taken over the news distribution services, e.g. AP, Reuters, all 6 major US news companies, Hollywood, and publishing. The only major source of ideas that they do not yet control is the internet, and video hosting sites. A few years ago, Google, a Jewish company, and a prominent member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, the US shadow government, the deep state, the real government with the real power, which selects the US presidents and assassinates them if they don’t do what the Jewish illuminati want, e.g. Kennedy, Reagan, and 4 others.)So the Jewish elite are now in a position to censor the largest video hosting site on the planet, i.e. YouTube.It is clear that the Jewish illuminati want control of YouTube, so now they have it and the censorship has started.You can see from the above that I have a hatred of the Jewish illuminati and the massive crimes they have committed against humanity, e.g. the over 200 million people they indirectly killed during the 20th century, with the major role they played in the engineering of the two world wars, their creation of the great depression, the Russian Revolution (that was actually a Jewish putsch, that went on to commit the greatest holocaust in history, i.e. not on the Jews but by the Jews, i.e. the Jewish communists (Trotsky’s Jewish name was Lev Bronstein, Lenin was a quarter Jewish, Stalin was Jewish, the Russian Revolution was funded by Schiff, the NY Jewish bankster) killed 66 (sixty six) million white Christian Russians, helped set up the Chinese communist party, assassinated 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost), created the FED, took control of US foreign policy, created continuous wars to profit the arms industries owned by the Jewish elite, inflated the currency, destroying peoples savings, made debt slaves of us all with their dollar debt note Ponzi scheme, forcing US tax payers to subsidize Israel, which has no oil, etc.I noticed that during the first week that my YouTube channel was up, it was growing steadily in numbers of subscribers, and then suddenly, my subscriber number started being decreased algorithmically, i.e. I was being censored.I hate censorship. It is the Jewish feminazi CEO of YouTube, (often called JewTube) who is behind this censorship, keeping my subscriber count small, and hence too the size of the impact of my ideas, so I have decided to make the considerable effort to re-upload all my hundreds of Masculist MGTOW videos to VID.ME, who advertise that they have freedom of speech and ridicule YouTube for not having it.Many people, like me, are deserting YouTube now, due to their stupid, suicidal decision to censor, and are now paying the price. Lots of MGTOW/masculists like myself are now migrating platforms, fed up with the Jewish control and censorship of YouTube, and are voting with our feet, choosing to upload our ideas and material to alternative platforms, that over time will cause YouTube to gain a reputation of being tame and dull, their viewership will decrease, their advertising revenue will decrease, and YouTube will slowly die, as it should. Thank god for competition.I thought I had better check to see whether VID.ME was not also controlled by Jews, and it seems that it is, which was a disappointment, so it remains to be seen whether the VID.ME pro freedom of speech statement is just another ruse of the Jewish illuminati, or is genuine.For the moment, I will withhold judgment and simply observe what happens to my videos as I upload them to VID.MEAs mentioned above, if you Google “Is VID.ME controlled by Jews?” you will see that it looks as though it is, which is a bummer, but VID.ME seems to be offering freedom of speech. Hmm, maybe, we shall see. I will test them, and if they don’t give me freedom of speech, I will upload to another platform until I find one that does, which for me is my life blood, as a thinker, as an intellectual, as a sage.? Fingers crossed.I have recently started this process, a slow job, with an upload speed several times slower than YouTube, which I suppose is due to the fact that YouTube is much bigger, and has far greater infrastructural resources, allowing faster upload speeds.Nevertheless, I can upload a handful of videos a night, while I’m doing other things, so I will do an experiment to see if VID.ME truly does provide freedom of speech. I’m suspicious that VID.ME is just another ruse by the Jewish illuminati, to fool the stupid goy that there are video hosting sites that do offer freedom of speech. In the meantime, the largest of them all, YouTube, has been taken over by the Jewish illuminati and will in time be destroyed.If VID.ME takes over from YouTube in size and popularity, is it only a question of time before it too is censored and controlled by illuminati Jews? We shall see.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13/266 VID.ME, the New Standard Video Hosting Company, Replacing YouTube, for MGTOW, Masculist Videos (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests that VID.ME becomes the new standard video hosting company, replacing YouTube, for MGTOW masculist videos.VID.ME, THE NEW STANDARD VIDEO HOSTING COMPANY, REPLACING YOUTUBE, FOR MGTOW, MASCULIST VIDEOS?This flyer suggests to the MGTOW and masculist communities that VID.ME be the new standard video hosting company, replacing YouTube for MGTOW, masculist videos.As all MGTOWs know, YouTube was the video hosting site of preference for MGTOW and masculist videos, because of its size. YouTube is by far the biggest and offers uploading and editing software that is easy for users, so MGTOWs used it as their standard site to upload their MGTOW videos to.However, a few years ago, YouTube was bought by Google, a Jewish company and a prominent member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) which is the real government of the US, i.e. the shadow government, run by the Jewish illuminati, who make the real decisions of the US government, selecting US presidents and assassinating them when these political puppets don’t do what the Jewish illuminati what (e.g. Kennedy, Reagan, and 4 others, including Lincoln, and Jackson).The Jewish illuminati want to control the goy, the stupid goy, and they do this by controlling their minds. They have no other choice, given that the Jewish population in the US is only 2%, so they control the goy population’s minds, by controlling the sources of ideas that get put into people’s heads.The Jewish illuminati control the news distribution companies, e.g. Associated Press, and Reuters, all 6 major news companies in the US, Hollywood, and publishing. So far the only sources of ideas that they do not control are the internet and video hosting companies.A few years ago, Google bought YouTube, so that it could be put under Jewish illuminati control, and a Jewish feminazi was made its CEO. She then started to impose dictatorial censorship on the content of YouTube. Being a feminazi, she did not like the MGTOW and masculist critique of women, so started censoring MGTOW/masculist content producers.MGTOW/masculist content providers were demonetized, and some even had their channels terminated, e.g. recently, Big John’s “MGTOW is Freedom.” So the writing is on the wall. It has become obvious to MGTOWs all over the world that YouTube needs to be abandoned, and replaced by a new MGTOW masculist standard video hosting company that we can all use, both to upload to and to view from.This flyer suggests that that new standard video hosting site be VID.MEWhy VID.ME, given that there are several other potential candidates for our new standard MGTOW/masculist video hosting company, e.g. , SoundCloud, iTunes, gab.AI, BitChute, etc?VID.ME is easy to use. You can upload material as easily, perhaps not quite as quickly as with YouTube, but that’s not a major consideration. A particular feature of VID.ME software is that it allows you to transfer (using drag and drop) your videos already uploaded to YouTube to VID.ME quickly and easily.There are some half a dozen or more MGTOW content providers who now churn out a video or more per day, so now have 100s of videos stored on YouTube that they can easily transfer to VID.MEAlready, quite a few MGTOWs have started using VID.ME, so once enough of us do the same, then VID.ME will become the new standard video hosting company for our movements.There is one potential downside that I see for the moment with VID.ME and that is that it is CEOed by two Jews, one of which was a former Goldman Sachs employee, so even though VID.ME advertises itself as offering freedom of speech, the fact that one of its CEOs is an illuminati Jew, looks ominous for the future.If VID.ME takes over the reins of YouTube as the most popular and biggest video hosting company, then obviously the Jewish illuminati will want to control it, so that the general public is not taught of the systematic theft of about half of Americans’ federal tax dollars, stolen by the FED (the Federal Reserve System) that in reality is a private Jewish bank), that the US government is ruled by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) whose members are 80% Jewish, which chooses the US presidents, and puppets them to do what the Jewish illuminati want.The Jewish illuminati control nearly all the sources of ideas, so have so brainwashed the American public, that most of them are “goy babies” i.e. have been so brainwashed that they actually believe that it is taboo to criticize Jews (which is about as silly as a taboo to criticize Albanians!!?)The Jewish illuminati cannot afford to allow one of the video hosting companies to offer true freedom of speech, because if they do, then that company will grow into the biggest and hence will eventually destroy, as in pogrom, the Jewish illuminati for their massive crimes against humanity that they have committed. These Jewish illuminati banksters would then be sent to The Hague, to the International Criminal Court, to be prosecuted and executed for their jaw dropping crimes.Of course the Jewish illuminati will not allow this, so the current claim of VID.ME that they advertise freedom of speech, is probably only a temporary ruse to offer controlled opposition, given that they are currently destroying YouTube, taking way its freedom of speech, because it has become too large, too powerful and starting to have real impact against the dictatorial powers of the Jewish illuminati.So, I suggest that given the ease with which it is possible to transfer videos from YouTube to VID.ME that VID.ME become the new standard video host company for the MGTOW and masculist communities, and see if VID.ME is sincere in their claims of offering freedom of speech.Perhaps they will, for a few years, before their Jewish illuminati controllers decide to pull the plug on VID.ME, the same way they did with YouTube, i.e. by imposing censorship on it.If VID.ME is censored by the Jewish illuminati, in the same way as they did to YouTube, then we MGTOWs/masculists can simply transfer our videos to another video hosting company that does offer freedom of speech, and keep doing this as each such company is taken over by the Jewish illuminati.Another suggestion, is that if other video hosting companies offer similar software options equivalent to VID.ME’s ability to transfer quickly videos from YouTube to VID.ME, then MGTOW/masculist content providers can do quite easily what Angry MGTOW has already done, i.e. upload his 100s of videos to nearly all of the major video hosting companies listed above.Doing that would help MGTOWs/masculists get their message out, but what if all the video hosting companies end up being censored by the Jewish illuminati?This raises the question whether the above list of video hosting sites, are all CEOed by Jewish illuminati? Some research needs to be done on this. We know already that YouTube and VID.ME are CEOed by Jews. How about the other companies? I need to do some research on this. Do any of you out there already have answers to this question?It sounds common sense to me, that if I were a prominent member of the Jewish illuminati, I would plan to put Jewish CEOs in ALL of the major video hosting companies, in order to control them, so that if they become big and influential, then they can be censored, as has already happened to YouTube, which is why it was bought by Google in the first place.But, for the time being, VID.ME seems to be offering freedom of speech, even having advertised a complaint against YouTube that it censors, and that VID.ME does not. If VID.ME continues to offer freedom of speech for a few more years, that will be useful for MGTOWs and masculists to grow in numbers by not having our videos censored, or placed low in the search hierarchy, or demonetized, or even terminated.If, in a few years, VID.ME grows big and powerful and gets censored by the Jewish illuminati, then the MGTOW/masculist communities can simply transfer our videos to yet another video hosting company, ad infinitum.If you have information on whether Jews CEO all of the above video hosting companies, please convey your information in the comment window.If you feel that VID.ME is not the ideal choice for the next standard video hosting company for the MGTOW/masculist movements, than please comment with your reasons.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13/267 MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company Options (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer discusses video hosting company alternatives to YouTube, now that YouTube is suicidally censoring MGTOW masculist videos and even deleting some MGTOW channels, such as Big John of MGTOW is Freedom. It reviews most of the major hosting companies, and ends up suggesting a compromise combination between Patreon and YouTube.MGTOW MASCULIST VIDEO HOSTING COMPANY OPTIONS?This flyer reports on some experiments and investigations I undertook to try to find an alternative to YouTube as the video hosting company of preference for MGTOWs and masculists, given that YouTube is now censoring MGTOW and masculist videos. As this flyer will show, I was only partly successful.My first preference was for VID.ME, as my previous video shows, in which I recommended to the MGTOW masculist communities, that VID.ME become the new video hosting company of preference for the two movements, but ironically, within 5 minutes of having uploading it to YouTube, and after uploading some of my 260+ masculist videos to VID.ME, I learned that VID.ME is bankrupt, so you can cross off VID.ME, which is a pity, because its software was user friendly and it advertised freedom of speech (despite the fact that it was CEOed by two Jews, one of whom worked previously for Goldman Sachs.)I then looked systematically at a string of other possibilities, that I list here, and will later give reasons why I crossed them off – , SoundCloud, iTunes, gab.AI, BitChute, Patreon, Vimeo. has a hopeless user interface. I had real trouble trying to learn how to simply upload a video to their site. An alternative to YouTube needs to have simple user-friendly user interface that certainly doesn’t have, so I crossed it off.VID.ME is dead, so no further discussion.SoundCloud seemed to be just for pop music, so not appropriate for MGTOW-Masculist videos. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.iTunes, I need to investigate more. Anything with “i” as a prefix means Apple, so you probably have to pay for the service?!Gab.AI is unsuitable because it has an upper limit of 200MB max per video. Some of mine are nearly 1T in length, so no go.BitChute was a mystery to me, totally user unfriendly, a definite reject.Vimeo is probably the next biggest to YouTube, but has a video size limit of 500 MB, so a bummer. Many of my videos are larger than that, so Vimeo is not practical as a storage site.Patreon, isn’t a video hosting site, but had a mature user interface, easy to use, so it caught my attention. You can use Patreon for free and store links to YouTube videos on it, so that is what I came away with, and am now busy uploading links to it to my YouTube videos.You may ask, “What’s the point? By using Patreon, you still depend on YouTube as a storage site, i.e. as the primary video host, so what is gained? YouTube can still kill your channel, like it did to Big John of MGTOW is Freedom.”That’s true, but there are some advantages to this Patreon-YouTube combination. If you go searching for MGTOW masculist content using Google, Google will often give you results that place the content you’re looking for, well down in the hit list. This is annoying.With the Patreon-YouTube combination, you have everything at your fingertips. The MGTOW-masculist who created the videos listed on Patreon (with links to YouTube) gives you everything he has made, and in a user friendly format, since Patreon software is also mature and easy to handle, to upload, and to view.So here is a suggestion to the MGTOW- masculist communities, particularly to the MGTOW masculist content makers – use the Patreon-YouTube combination. Since most of you already have your videos on YouTube, you can quickly and easily create a free Patreon account, and upload links to it to your YouTube videos, so that users of your Patreon accounts can get easy quick access to your full video repertoire. That is a plus, and I recommend it.To see what I’m talking about, take my own collection of MGTOW Masculist Flyer videos (nearly 270 of them at the time of writing).Click on you will see my collection, with a screen shot for each video, a title, a short description, etc. To play a particular video, just click on it.I realize this is not what I wanted. I wanted a real alternative to YouTube, i.e. a video hosting company, with no limit to video size, nor to upload quantity, and has freedom of speech, unlike YouTube, which is now on a suicidal path, a downward spiral, as the demand for an alternative will create rival video hosting companies which do offer these services.But, it’s an interesting compromise. You can go to Patreon () and search without Google censoring you, by putting the content you want, low in the hit list.From now on when I send my links to my MGTOW masculist flyers to the comments section of other MGTOW masculist content providers, I will include my Patreon link as well, for easy access to all my MGTOW masculist videos. Perhaps other MGTOW masculist video content providers might be interested to do the same?!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) “de Garis Essays” (Patreon) , the New Favored Video Hosting Company for the MGTOW Masculist Communities (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests to MGTOW masculist community content providers that becomes its favored video hosting company., THE NEW FAVOREDVIDEO HOSTING COMPANY, REPLACINGYOUTUBE FOR MGTOW MASCULIST VIDEOS?After the bankruptcy of VID.ME, the search is on for a replacement for the hated, censoring, JewTube as the favored video hosting company for MGTOWs and masculists. This flyer suggests that that favored video hosting company be which is working steadily on improving its software and is now quite user friendly, so that I’m now uploading my 270 or so masculist MGTOW flyer videos to it.I suggest that other MGTOW content producers, with hundreds of videos, do the same, because advertises heavily that it does NOT censor, unlike JewTube. now has a user friendly upload icon (a paper clip) for easy upload, similar in procedure to YouTube. Once you click on it, you are asked for the video file to be uploaded. is not like is a video hosting company, just as is YouTube, so you can upload your videos to it and store them there, but with one huge advantage over YouTube (aka JewTube) namely, that it does not censor, and advertises that fact.I have now put up all my masculist MGTOW flyer videos (about 270 of them as I write this) to Patreon (with links to YouTube), and already notice a satisfyingly large growth rate in the number of viewers, compared to what I have with JewTube, because JewTube algorithmically “de-subscribes” me.I have two channels on JewTube, “de Garis Essays” and “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” The former is not algorithmically de-subscribed, in fact hardly anyone unsubscribes themselves having subscribed. That is the pattern for my first channel, whereas for my masculist channel, I regularly and consistently see my subscriber count go down, so that my hit rate remains almost negligible.In the first week that my Masculist channel was up on JewTube, its hit rate growth was quite healthy, then suddenly, I began to be de-subscribed, and the total hit rate remained tiny. I had been censored by JewTube, which of course makes me hate them.When Jews do that kind of thing, i.e. abuse the goy like that, no wonder Jews have been the most hated people in history. They have been thrown out of nearly every country in Europe over the past 1000 years, over 100 times, according to Jewish scholars.So, I am now punishing JewTube by taking my videos to another video hosting company, i.e. and I recommend that other MGTOW content providers do the same, so that the two communities, MGTOW and masculist can go to it as the new favored MGTOW, masculist video hosting company.Even though my videos listed on Patreon are linked to YouTube, my hit rate on Patreon is growing healthily, because Patreon is not de-subscribing me, so I hope and expect my hit rate will grow substantially, similarly with , and for the same reason, i.e. both these companies have no policy of censoring, i.e. they explicitly state in their ads, that they offer freedom of speech, especially This is a big plus, which will cause to overtake YouTube in time as the largest and most favored video hosting company. JewTube’s strategy of censoring their videos is a stupid, short sighted, policy that will eventually kill them.MGTOW/masculism addresses itself to the gender issues of half the world’s population, so is of critical importance.As MGTOW/masculist internet traffic grows and grows, JewTube will feel in time that it has shot itself in the foot, and may come to regret its CEO’s Jewish feminazi’s decision to censor MGTOW videos. Recently Big John of “MGTOW is Freedom” had his channel deleted. “Angry MGTOW” has now moved away from JewTube. I’m doing the same.So, the MGTOW/masculist avalanche away from JewTube is now well under way. I hope it will become a flood, especially when has full monetization operating, as they say they will. They are still rather in beta test mode, but already offer quite a good service and improving.So guys, consider as your video hosting company of preference, to make it the favored video hosting company of the MGTOW/masculist communities.I expect to have uploaded all my “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” video to in about a month. Once I have done that, I will feel much safer, that all my work that went into making these hundreds of videos, will not be destroyed by fucking JewTube.There is now a viable, reasonable, non-censoring, freedom of speech offering, video hosting company alternative that I recommend to MGTOW content providers to use. It is called There is however one possible downside to using and that is its upload speed. There are times during the day, when it is painfully slow, but that might be due to the fact that I’m using a VPN (virtual private network) in China.Or, it might be worldwide, due perhaps to two phenomena, firstly that does not have the huge computational infrastructure that Google (owner of JewTube, being a Jewish company itself) has, and secondly, perhaps is being swamped by massive upload demand, as 1000s of content providers like myself are fed up with JewTube and are transferring large numbers of videos to , thus forcing to limit traffic flow for each user?I’d be curious to hear, in the comments section, how people are experiencing upload speeds with Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”) (270+ videos) (YouTube channel “de Garis Essays”) (150+ videos)(Patreon) (Minds) —P.S. I wonder how much longer my “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” channel on JewTube will survive before it too is deleted. I suspect that JewTube has a plan to remove all MGTOW content from itself. With Big John and Angry MGTOW already removed from JewTube, the writing is now clearly on the wall – it’s time to move, guys!2.13/278 Experience with as the Preferred MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer provides pros and cons of using as the preferred video hosting company for the MGTOW Masculist communities, and argues why, despite its claim to offer freedom of speech, such a reality can only be temporary, before the Jewish Illuminati inevitably take it over.EXPERIENCE WITH AS THE PREFERED MGTOW MASCULIST VIDEO HOSTING COMPANY?This flyer relates my experiences using as the preferred MGTOW/masculist video hosting company. It gives the pros and the cons of and makes some comments and recommendations.It is obvious to most MGTOWs and masculists that JewTube is no longer the MGTOW/masculist video hosting company of preference, because YouTube censors, demonetizes, de-subscribes, etc. our videos, so we need to migrate to another hosting company. My preference is for , that I recommend to other MGTOWs/Masculists for the following reasons.The main reason is that advertises explicitly that it offers freedom of speech. On its front page, in large letters, it broadcasts “Take Back Your Internet Freedom”. You can’t be more explicit than that, so it is likely that will overtake YouTube as the video hosting company of preference for those social/political groups whose opinions are being censored by JewTube.The next big plus, from my own experience is that as a result of not censoring the content of MGTOWs/Masculists, the hit count on my “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” videos is about 5 TIMES GREATER on than it is on YouTube.So, I’m currently uploading my nearly 300 Masculist/MGTOW videos to , which brings me to one of the negative features of , because not everything with is wine and roses. There are some down sides as well, compared to YouTube.My biggest frustration with is the fact that it is still in beta test mode. Its software is not yet mature, with all the bugs ironed out, with all the features suppled, to adequately cater to users’ needs. YouTube’s software on the other hand, is superb. It is polished, mature, user friendly, and very effective.’s software has major features still missing, that need to be added, before it can be described as being mature.For example, when I try to upload a video to , the upload speed is often painfully slow, which increases the risk that my VPN connection (from China) to is broken.If that happens when I’m uploading to YouTube, then when I re-upload, the uploading recommences at the point of interruption, not from scratch, whereas with it recommences from scratch, which is maddening and a huge waste of time.I’ve emailed to work on this problem, which to my mind is their biggest. I suppose because Minds’ is a much smaller organization than the giant YouTube, that has less computer resources, so their upload speeds are much lower, and they don’t yet store a partial upload to overcome the above problem, checking that an upload has not been partially uploaded in the past, and if it has, to then recommence the uploading from the point of interruption.Despite the above objections, on balance, I have decided to use , because of their freedom of speech. I have heard an hour long interview of ’s CEO, Bill Ottman, on the internet, and he seems genuinely honest about his desire to offer freedom of speech.My huge question about him is “Is he Jewish?” I ask this obvious and critical question because to anyone informed about the Jewish Illuminati and their dictatorship of the US and increasingly the world, the Jewish Illuminati cannot allow a video hosting company to have true freedom of speech, because if they do, then will outgrow YouTube because everyone will want to migrate to a video hosting platform that allows them freedom of speech.Such a free speech platform, then becomes extremely dangerous to the Jewish elite, because if there are millions of people like me who have educated themselves about the massive crimes against humanity committed by the Jewish banksters and their Illuminati, will learn a powerful hatred against them and push to see them sent to the Hague to be prosecuted for their massive crimes against humanity, and see them executed from those crimes.The Jewish banksters, particularly the Rothschilds, who are behind the Illuminati, are the greatest criminals against humanity in history. They are indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people last century. They were the principals in the engineering of the two world wars. They caused the great depression. They committed the greatest holocaust in history (i.e. the 66 million white Christian Russians in the Russian revolution, murdered by the Jewish communists, funded by Schiff, the NY Jewish bankster, to rob the Czar’s gold, which he succeeded in doing.)The Jewish banksters’ have debt enslaved and are destroying whole continents, the US, Europe, Japan, with their paper fiat currency debt note Ponzi schemes. They have destroyed democracies, by having control of the central banks and printing money out of thin air to bribe the politicians to do what the banksters want.They have assassinated 6 US presidents, 4 successfully, 2 almost, when these presidents threatened to strip these Jewish banksters of their power to create money. They inflate the currency, destroying people savings. They impose “hate speech laws” designed to suppress criticism of them by people like me.They sponsor groups to generate “divide and conquer” strategies, e.g. to cause friction between blacks and white, between WASPs and other cultures, between men and women, to distract people’s attention from being robbed of half of their federal taxes, that go straight into the pockets of these Jewish banksters, etc. The FED, the IRS, the ADL, and the FBI were all set up by the Rothschilds in the same year in the US.The Jewish elite own the sources of ideas given to the public, i.e. Hollywood, the news distribution services (e.g. Reuters, AP, etc), the 6 major news companies in the US, the media networks, publishing, so are able to control people’s minds.Anyone, including ordinary Jews (who, by the way, were pushed out of Germany by a Jewish Zionist funded Hitler, who was shipping large numbers of Jews to Palestine under the Nazi flag via the Transfer or Havara Agreement), who is informed of these massive crimes against humanity, learns a hatred of the Jewish banksters.These Jewish banksters abused ordinary Jews as much as they did the goy. They funded Hitler to push Jews out of Germany to Palestine (that they owned) to fulfil their dream of ruling the earth with their capitol in Jerusalem.If there were millions of us, like me, who have a real hatred for these Jewish banksters and their massive crimes against humanity, then there would be an American pogrom. These Jewish bankster vermin, would be sent to The Hague, i.e. the International Criminal Court, or, simply butchered.The Jewish banksters know this, so they have no choice but to control those outlets which offer the public freedom of speech. A few years ago, I was as much a “goy baby” as anyone else (i.e. being so brainwashed by a Jewish controlled media elite, that I believed it was taboo to criticize Jews, which from hindsight, I now see as being as silly as a taboo to criticize Albanians.)A few years ago, thanks to the internet, I learned of the massive crimes committed against humanity by these hated Jewish banksters and their cronies. If video hosting sites remain on the internet which can do to millions, what they did to me, then it is only a question of time before these Jewish bankster vermin are murdered or executed legally. Their crimes against humanity are so massive, they deserve to die.So, in light of all of the above, I see the takeover of by the Jewish Illuminati as inevitable. There are two ways this can be done. Either Ottman is not a Jew (or is a Jew, but is NOT a member of the Jewish Illuminati) then he will be bought out by the Illuminati, or he is a Jew and is playing a puppet role by the Illuminati, i.e. pretending to offer freedom of speech initially, and will later turn his coat.YouTube used to offer freedom of speech and was then bought by Jewish controlled Google. Google is a prominent member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) the real shadow government of the US, with the Jewish banksters pulling the strings.So for the next few years, if Ottman is not a Jew, or even if he is, and is NOT yet under the control of the Jewish Illuminati, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I will finish uploading all my Masculist/MGTOW videos (nearly 300 at current count) to and benefit from the (temporary?) few years of freedom of speech that offers. If does get bought by the Illuminati, or Ottman himself turns into a Jewish Illuminati figure himself, then I will curse him and create a mirror site of my masculist/MGTOW videos on some other platform.Since there are so many people around the world, who demand freedom of speech, there is obviously a market for such video hosting sites, so there will be new platform companies popping up all the time. If one of them gets Jewed by the Illuminati, and blocks their freedom of speech, then users who demand freedom of speech will punish these censoring video hosters, and copy their videos to another hosting site that does offer freedom of speech.So for the moment, Ottman’s appears to offer freedom of speech, so I will continue to use it, to benefit from its freedom of speech, and as a result of that, get a 5 times (roughly) greater hit rate, which is nice. is still in beta test phase, so it will keep improving. It will implement the recommendations I made, and its service to users will become mature and polished in time. That is to be expected. Once that happens, it is then likely there will be a stampede of users to , as people fed up with JewTube censorship will prefer As part of this stampede, this “going viral,” I recommend to members of the MGTOW/Masculist movements, to upload their videos to to establish it as the video hostage company of preference for the MGTOW/Masculist movements.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13/306? Comparative Hit Rates (YouTube, Minds, BitChute) on My “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” Channel (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives the relative hit rates of some 30 flyers from my "de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers" collection of some 300+, to see if YouTube (JewTube) is censoring my masculist opinions. , with its much smaller audience, scored a hit rate of 1.6 times that of PARATIVE HIT RATES(YOUTUBE, MINDS, BITCHUTE) ON MY “DE GARIS MASCULIST MGTOWFLYERS” CHANNELIt is well known amongst masculists and MGTOWs that YouTube (JewTube) censors our videos, demonetizes them, desubscriberizes them, and even deletes whole channels. The CEO of JewTube is a Jewish feminazi, who is hated by masculists and MGTOWs for her hypocrisy, her attitude of “Its ok, for women, for feminists, to dump on men for the ways men oppress women, but it’s not ok for men, for masculists, to dump on women, for the ways women oppress men.” This kind of monoconscious (i.e. having had only one’s feminist consciousness raised, and not one’s masculist consciousness raised) feminazi hypocrisy is hated by the masculists and makes them very angry. It is for this reason, that I decided to copy my entire set of 300+ masculist/MGTOW videos to other video storage sites, such as and . I’m also on , but Patreon stores its videos on YouTube, so that rather destroys the point. By storing my masculist videos on and , I now have 3 independent sources for my videos, so that if JewTube eventually, shuts down my masculist channel, the way it has done to other masculists/MGTOWs, then I will not lose my content, in fact, if JewTube does delete my masculist channel, every time someone clicks on one of my masculist videos and sees that my YouTube channel has been deleted, but that they can watch that video on or alternatively, and independently, on (all three of which store a copy of the video separately on their own independent server farms) that will advertise to that viewer, that JewTube censors, and that will only generate a hatred in the viewer for JewTube and its misandrist hypocritical attitudes. Imagine yourself, using my website or my masculist e-book with its list of videos, and each time your click on the YouTube link, you get the message, that the channel has be deleted, and each time your click on the (independent) Minds link, or the BitChute link, the video opens successfully. Imagine what impression that would make on you! Both Minds and BitChute claim they promote freedom of speech, whereas that is blatantly obvious, not the case with JewTube, which is increasingly pushing masculist/MGTOW channels off their platform. This lack of freedom of speech on the part of JewTube, and the freedom of speech of Minds or BitChute, only reinforces the contempt masculists/MGTOWs feel for JewTube, which is only shooting itself in the foot, due to its censorship. As many masculists/MGTOWs do as I’m doing, i.e. putting up several alternative links to each video, then the comparison of attitudes held by the different video hosting companies towards masculism/MGTOW becomes starkly clear. The contrast is sharp, because on the one hand, JewTube censors and deletes whole masculist/MGTOW channels, and Minds and BitChute don’t. So what I’m doing, i.e. putting up several independent links to each of my videos, is a form of blatant advertising against the censorship of JewTube, making themselves hated and deservedly so, due to their lack of freedom of speech, these dumb fucks! Now, in my own case, my masculist channel on YouTube has not yet been taken down, but I do feel it has been ‘algorithmically reduced’ i.e. the hit rate on my YouTube videos has been lowered via programming tricks on the part of YouTube. As proof of this, I did the following experiment. I had a look at 31 of my fairly recent masculist videos (flyers 220-250) and summed the number of hits (views) over these 31 videos for YouTube, Minds, and BitChute. I reasoned in the following way. The number of viewers on YouTube is much larger than on Minds or BitChute. Therefore the number of hits I get on YouTube should be noticeably higher than the number of hits I get on Minds or BitChute, IF JewTube had no censorship. After doing the stats, on the date Dec 8th 2018, I had a total of 1014 hits on those 31 videos on YouTube, 1643 on Minds, and 1164 on BitChute, i.e. that I’m getting roughly 1.6 times more hits on Minds than on YouTube, and 1.1 times more hits on BitChute than on YouTube. These two numbers, these two factors, speak for themselves. The number of viewers on Minds and BitChute is much smaller, yet the hit rate on them for my masculist videos is quite a bit higher on Minds. (BitChute I only fairly recently put up, so there has been less time for hits to accumulate, but even BitChute outperformed YouTube.). Therefore I conclude that JewTube is censoring me via ‘algorithmically reducing’ me, by, for example, putting my site low in the search results hierarchy, or even not putting my site in the search results at all, as well as de-subscribing me. In practice, most people don’t bother de-subscribing, but it was happening to me on a regular and timely basis, thus keeping my total subscriber count, small. So, it’s clear that JewTube is doing something to keep my hit rate much lower than what I have on Minds and BitChute. This is a form of partial censorship. Admittedly, they have not deleted my masculist channel outright, the way they did to prominent MGTOWs/masculists such as “Big John”, of the former channel “MGTOW is Freedom.” But partial censorship is still censorship, and is still hatable. I have the following prediction regarding JewTube. As more and more people like myself put up alternative links to video storage companies like Minds, or BitChute, then JewTube will gain a bad reputation for censoring, as it is already doing. In time, YouTube will gain a reputation for being rather dull, tame, not bleeding edge, since the bleeding edge thinkers, the innovators, will have moved to other video hosting companies. Once JewTube gets the reputation of being rather dull, its total viewership will drop, and hence its advertising revenue will drop. The worse this vicious circle becomes, the closer JewTube comes to dying. In short, I’m predicting, that thanks to the stupid decision made by the Jewish feminazi CEO of JewTube, to censor, then, in the longer term, JewTube will die, and good riddance. Alternative, and today, smaller video hosting sites that offer freedom of speech, such as Minds and BitChute, will grow and grow, and take over the role that JewTube once had, i.e. of near monopoly control, due to their huge size. The writing is on the wall. Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.13/318? Thank God for and its Non-Censorship of Masculist Ideas? (link)? (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer expresses my thanks to for its non-censorship of masculist ideas and not placing time length limits on uploaded videos, unlike which has a 15 minute time length limit. Far worse is YouTube, (JewTube) whose CEO is a Jewish feminazi, who censors masculist videos and channels by either outright deleting them, or, as in my case, de-subscriberizes them, so that in practice, my hit rate on is more than SIX times higher than on JewTube. So, hats off to BitChute! You have my best wishes and my hearty support for what you are doing, i.e. effectively spreading masculist ideas around the world, playing an important role in the liberation of half the earth's population, and impacting heavily on the other half, who will be forced to adapt to men's growing gender militancy.Thank God for and its Non-Censorship of Masculist Ideas? Thank god for and its non-censorship of masculist ideas. As far as I know, there are really only two viable alternative video hosting sites to YouTube, pejoratively labeled JewTube, because the CEO of JewTube is a Jew and a feminazi, and hence hated by the masculists for her censorship and hypocrisy. These two are and Both of these two advertise explicitly, that they offer freedom of speech, which is vital to the masculists, because we live in such a feminazi monoconscious culture, that without freedom of speech, the feminazis, in all their monoconscious biased anger, have no understanding of masculist ideas, so are utterly unconscious of how women oppress men, and greatly so, especially in the divorce courts, financially crucifying and destroying the lives of one father in four. It is therefore ESSENTIAL that the masculist message gets out to the general public, so that these genociding feminazis can be stopped before they indirectly wipe out whole populations, which is what they are currently doing. It is for this reason, that each time I make a masculist video, I upload it to THREE video hosting sites, i.e. to YouTube, to and especially to YouTube (JewTube) algorithmically de-subscriberizes me. Most people don’t bother to de-subscribe, just letting their subscriber list remain untouched, unless adding a few more. But JewTube pretends that on a regular basis, a handful of my subscribers per month choose to de-subscribe. The real reason why JewTube desubscriberizes me is because they want to censor my masculist ideas, because the CEO of JewTube is a Jewish feminazi, a two faced, monoconscious hypocrite, who believes women have the right to lash out at men for the ways men oppress women, but is opposed to allowing men to do the reverse. That is hypocrisy, and is hated, HATED, by the masculists. But at least my masculist channel is not (yet?) deleted from JewTube, so I do get some hits per day on it, so I leave it up, and upload my videos to it. (Actually it was deleted late 2019!) I also upload to but Minds has a major drawback due to its architectural design, and it smallness, and that is, it places a limit on the time length of a video to 15 minutes. Many of my videos last between 15 to 20 minutes, so I’m unable to upload many of my masculist videoed flyers to Minds. , on the other hand, uses a different technical approach, so that the more users it has, the faster the access to its videos, whereas the opposite is true for Therefore I rely principally on to get my masculist message out, and it is working, as the stats below show. To give you an idea why I consider BitChute such a godsend, consider the number of hits I have had over the past two weeks, on YouTube, Minds, and BitChute. The numbers speak for themselves. I will give these raw numbers, and then interpret them. The numbers below are the total number of hits I have had listed each day. Two weeks of cumulative total hits are listed for each video hosting site. BitChute (14103, 14200, 14342, 14448, 14538, 14759, 14948, 15052, 15171, 15344, 15661, 15770, 16058) Minds (12949, 12952, 12963, 12965, 12967, 12970, 12972, 12974, 12980, 12982, 12984, 12986, 12988) YouTube (11491, 11510, 11519, 11542, 11562, 11620, 11671, 11685, 11690, 11720, 11750, 11763, 11796) So over these two weeks my total hits on BitChute went up by (16058 – 14103) = 1955, i.e. nearly 2000. Minds went up by (12988 – 12949) = 39 (pathetic) YouTube went up by (11796 – 11491) = 305 (weak) Why is the Minds figure so bad? Probably because I have not put many videos on Minds lately, because of their damned time length limit of 15 minutes for the videos uploaded to them. People don’t get e-mails that a new video has been uploaded if I don’t upload any or few. The advantage of YouTube and BitChute is that there is no time length limit on videos uploaded to them, so it is not surprising that their two total hit counts are growing so much faster than Minds. I heard that recently Minds had a hefty increase in their capital, so hopefully they will be able to buy a lot more servers and like YouTube, remove their time limit. BitChute has the double advantage of non-censorship, unlike the hated JewTube, as well as not having a time length limit on videos, so not surprisingly, my total hit count increase over the past two weeks, on BitChute is hugely higher than on JewTube, in fact more than SIX times higher. So, hats off to BitChute, my godsend, my savior, the means by which masculism is now spreading throughout the world. If it weren’t for BitChute, I would remain stuck with Minds’ technical limitations, and JewTube’s moral inferiority and hypocritical algorithmically de-subscribering. So, I wish BitChute huge success and it is looking like that is no longer a wish, but a reality. BitChute has been growing like crazy lately, because the more users it has, the FASTER the download time, due to the way it is structurally designed. In that sense, BitChute is architecturally smarter than Minds, even though both of these two video hosting sites have freedom of speech, whereas JewTube doesn’t, which in time will kill off JewTube, because sites like BitChute will attract all the progressive videos, the viewership will shift from YouTube to BitChute, the advertising revenue for JewTube will therefore go down, and JewTube will die, as it should, due to its unethical behavior, its hated censorship. So, Champaign! Cheers! to BitChute. I wish you great success and express my very grateful thanks. You may be the primary vehicle that brings masculist ideas to the world, and hence may play a vital part in the liberation of men, half the world’s population and impact heavily on the other half, who will be forced to adapt to men’s growing gender militancy.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14 Masculisting the … Series2.14/241 Masculisting the Divorce Courts (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer presents ideas on how the masculists can menfair the feminazi dominated divorce courts, one of the greatest criminal institutions on the planet today.MASCULISTING THE DIVORCE COURTS?This flyer is concerned with ideas on what masculists need to do politically, intellectually, legally, to reform the divorce courts so that they become fair to men.Today’s divorce courts in western countries are one of the most criminal organizations on the planet. They financially massacre one married father in four, ripping his kids from him with 90% probability, stealing his house to give it to his fluffie ex-wife, plus half his possessions, forcing him to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often if his ex-wife is a real fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) he may be forced to pay alimony to her so that she can continue to parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce, with no moral or legal obligation on her to FIP up (i.e. become a FIP = financially independent person) i.e. to get off her fat parasitic arse and become a financially responsible adult, who stands on her own two feet, and does not leech off the money of a man.These profoundly misandrist western divorce courts were taken over by feminazi ideas in the 70s. They are now so toxic to men that young men choose to avoid marriage like the plague. They choose not to have kids and spend their money on themselves.Since the 60s, women have had the contraceptive pill, so can reliably choose to have their 0, 1 or 2 kids, which means they have a career window of some 40 years. The masculists are now pointing the moral finger at women and telling them “Now that you women can work, you must work, otherwise you remain parasites off men’s money, and that will get you punished, by not getting a man.”Millions of men now have a contempt for fluffies, treating them as “immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin” to be wiped out, not by killing them, but by ignoring them to death. Fluffies are left to rot on the shelf to extinction, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool.In a string of major western countries now, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way) in practice if not in theory. The MGTOWs are growing so fast in numbers that probably within a decade, the percentage of men who are MGTOWs will be over 90%, thus causing the birth rate to plummet and in time, whole populations will be wiped out, so this is obviously an extremely serious situation.What can be done about this horrible state of affairs for men? The root cause of the problem is the influence of the feminazis, who have caused the gender politicians to vote in profoundly misandrist gender laws, particularly in the divorce courts, that favor women greatly at the expense of men.As a result, the divorce courts are now dominated by judges and lawyers who are feminazis, who don’t care about the welfare of men, whom they often see as the enemy to be punished. No wonder that the masculists (men’s libbers) see these feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers as hated enemies.These feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers need to be educated into masculist ideas, so that they become aware of what they are doing, of their massive criminality, their financially massacring and destroying the lives of a quarter of married ?fathers, causing a casualty rate far worse than in a major war. No culture that ruins the lives of a quarter of its married fathers can survive. Something will have to explode to reverse the trend.Men have the power to stop women from having babies by withholding their sperm. This is now happening on a large scale. Women are complaining bitterly that they cannot find a man to “commit” to marriage and fatherhood. This is not surprising, given the awful toxicity of the feminazi dominated divorce courts. Men are not fools. They see the damage done by the divorce courts to their fathers, their uncles, their older male friends, so that the large majority of young men today refuse to marry and have kids.They refuse to be financially massacred by the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers, so they refuse to marry and have kids. It is a perfectly natural reaction on their part, a rational cost/benefit decision.Thus the divorce court feminazi judges and lawyers have become genociders, wiping out whole populations, so obviously have to be stopped. In the limit, when the population seriously starts crashing, they will be murdered in large numbers, 1000s of them.But before such a drastic solution is needed, what can be done now, that is less violent and perhaps just as effective?I suggest that the divorce courts need to be masculisted, i.e. taught masculist ideas, so that these feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers become conscious of what they are doing, so that they can make divorce settlements that are much fairer to men, otherwise they are signing their own death warrants. They will eventually be murdered.There are now millions of MGTOWs and masculists around the world. Some of these MGTOWs are lawyers who can take it upon themselves to educate their fellow lawyers and judges in the divorce courts into MGTOW/masculist ideas, so that divorce policy can be made menfair.For example, MGTOW/masculist professors of divorce law can write books and pamphlets, etc., aimed at divorce courts judges and lawyers, or publish MGTOW masculist articles in legal journals, to teach the principles of MGTOW masculism.The feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers need to be taught that they are now genociders, and that it is in their self interest if they want to stay alive, that they menfair the gender laws.Not all divorce court judges and lawyers are feminazis. Some are males with traditional gender role expectations, who see their financial massacring of men as the logical consequence of traditional gender roles, i.e. traditionally, the man worked to pay for his wife to stay at home and raise her kids in a house that he paid for, because he is the one earning the money.The only change that happens after the divorce, as seen by such a conservative male divorce court judge, is that the divorcing ex-husband moves out of the house. The ex-husband continues to pay for his now ex-wife to stay in the same house raising her kids. The ex-husband continues to pay for her until she dies and the kids are grown and out of the house.These traditionalist male divorce court judges need to be educated into masculist ideas, so that they have their view of the world changed, so that they become more sensitive to men’s needs. These traditionalist men need to be taught that women need to become FIPs or be punished by men, that fluffies are seen by masculists and increasingly by society, as vermin, as immoral, parasitic, manslavers.They need to be taught that now that women can work, thanks to the pill, so now have 40 years of career time, they must work. Anything else is parasitism off the labor and money of a man.Masculists can put powerful moral pressure on these traditionalist male judges to become more moral, updating their old fashioned gender role expectations, so that their divorce settlement decisions are made a lot more menfair, e.g. by making child custody joint by default, throwing out alimony, expecting women to FIP up, the owner of the house gets to keep it, etc.The legal journals need to be bombarded by MGTOW/masculist thinking, so that these divorce court judges and lawyers are caught up in the times, i.e. the expectation that men are no longer to be treated as subhuman cash machines.As for the feminazis, academic persuasion applied to the? conservative male judges and lawyers, will probably not work, so stronger measures will probably be needed.One way, will be for the masculists to take advantage of women’s “own group preference”, i.e. women are herd animals, and tend to follow the female crowd. If the majority of women strongly want something, then the minority of women tend to toe the line with the majority of the women.Masculists need to push women very hard, that if they don’t vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws, particularly the divorce laws, the bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc., then men will continue to boycott paternity, refusing to give women their sperm, so that women end up screaming for the menfairing of the gender laws, in order to be able to have babies again.Enormous moral pressure coming from all sides of society, from masculists, from MGTOWs, from men in general, from female masculists, from ordinary women, needs to be placed on these criminal feminazi dominated divorce courts, so that sheer collective social moral pressure forces them to reform the divorce laws.To create this massive social pressure, the masculists need to set up masculist groups in every high school, every college, every university. Masculists need to educate the broadcast media on masculist ideas so that these ideas are spread to the millions, the billions, the masses, so that everyone is familiar with them and can be influenced by them.There is a lot at stake, i.e. the very survival of our populations, which will die out if the gender status quo continues. Things have to change.The divorce courts are just one aspect, one component, of modern life. The players in the divorce courts are part of their society they live in. The masculists need to so change the Zeitgeist regarding men’s issues that the divorce courts feel the enormous social and moral pressure against them, and consequently adapt to that pressure by menfairing the gender laws, otherwise that will be ostracized, and in the limit, if things don’t change in the next few decades, they will be murdered, as the population seriously starts falling.A severe population decline is a desperate situation that requires desperate measures to stop it. 1000s of murders of feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers would be sufficient to force the divorce courts to change their tune, but hopefully, can be avoided, by using social pressure instead.In my view, the most probable scenario is that feminism will die off, due to it being hated increasingly by BOTH sexes. Men hate the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers for obvious reasons. It is the men who are the victims of the divorce courts. It is the men who are being financially massacred and having their lives ruined. It is perfectly natural and to be expected that men have a hatred of the divorce court judge and lawyer feminazis.Young women now are becoming increasingly conscious that they will not have a baby, due to the boycott of paternity by the MGTOWs/masculists. These women are being taught by the masculists that men are boycotting paternity because of the toxicity of the divorce courts, as caused by the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers, so increasingly young women are seeing these judges and lawyers as the root cause of their babylessness, and hence these young women are learning to hate these feminazi judges and lawyers as much as men do.These young women will then become female masculists in order to put pressure on the divorce courts and the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men are no longer financially massacred and have their lives ruined by a divorce.With both sexes pushing against the feminazis, they will have no hope and will die out. Young women are learning today that it is social suicide to express publicly that they are feminists. Young men have such a hatred of feminazis that any young woman stupid enough to say to her social circle that she is a feminist, will remain manless.No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Such women are left rotting on the shelf. Feminism will acquire, ever increasingly, negative connotations, until it effectively dies out. Once that happens in the next few years, given the rapid rise of MGTOW and the size of the paternity boycott, the divorce court feminazis will feel the enormous social pressure against them and will toe the line.If they don’t, they will be murdered by extremely angry and bitter divorced fathers who have lost their kids and their money, who have a burning hatred for these feminazi bitches who care nothing for the wellbeing of men.The divorce courts are the main target of the masculists, rather analogous to the right to vote for the suffragettes early in the 20th century. So much depends on menfairing the divorce courts, because most of men’s gender problems derive from the massive injustices committed against them in the feminazi dominated divorce courts.The rise of MGTOW is due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts. Women are being deprived of babies indirectly due to the divorce courts. Women are being rejected en masse by MGTOW men, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts.Menfairing the divorce laws is thus center stage and needs to be taken very seriously. It is a cause celebre, and even a causa bellum (a cause for a sex war) that may result in 1000s of divorce court feminazi judges and lawyers being murdered if they don’t menfair the divorce laws.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/242 Masculisting the Campuses (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives suggestions on how campuses can be influenced by MGTOW/masculist ideas, by setting up masculist groups, and what their goals and activities could be.MASCULISTING THE CAMPUSES?This flyer is not the first of mine with a title of “Masculisting the …” I may do a whole series of flyers on the same theme and corresponding title. This flyer is about how masculists can go about spreading their ideas and influence onto college and university campuses, waking young men up to the hazards of traditional marriage, raising their masculist consciousnesses, and persuading women to change in ways that will make women less oppressive to men.I’ll start with the initial step needed to create a masculist consciousness on a campus. Common sense says that to do that you will need to create a men’s lib, or masculist or masculist/MGTOW group from which to work as a base. So the first part of this flyer will be about how to get a masculist or men’s lib group off the ground, to make it an institution on campus that has a name and that people can identify with.Such a group will usually start with one person, who has been influenced by MGTOW and masculist ideas on the internet, on YouTube, and feels the need to go further, to the next step, i.e. into political action, to free men from those aspects of life that oppress them.If you’re a MGTOW, you might feel that political action is a waste of time, and that your only option is to opt out of the current gynocentric system we live in. If you’re a masculist, you will see this MGTOW attitude as defeatist, wimpy and intellectually unimaginative. There are ways to get round the MGTOW arguments that political activism is a waste of time. I will discuss these ways shortly.So let’s say you are a masculist on campus and you want to set up a men’s lib group, a masculist group. To form a group you need a group of men to form it, so your first job will be to find other likeminded men, who want to help you create such a group. So how to find them? You need to form a seeder group, i.e. a small bunch of guys who form the core of the group, so that other guys can later attach themselves to it, to form a larger group.To form the core, you can chat with your friends, and select a few who are motivated enough to help you form the core. Once you have a handful of guys, you can then give your group a label and start advertising for recruits to your group.As for a name, imagine you are a student at a state university in the US, called “X State University”, where X is some state name. Then perhaps you could call the group “X State Masculist Organization” or “X State Masculists.” Depending on how politically oriented you are, maybe you might want to write up a constitution for your group, laying out its goals. Perhaps you want it to be more informal than that, and just have regular meetings.Whatever level of structure you choose, you will obviously need some set of common goals for your group, otherwise what is the purpose of forming the group in the first place.Here are some suggested goals and activities for your masculist/MGTOW group, presented in bulleted format.Get the message out on campus to men, that they should not marry and have kids, because of the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, making marriage and paternity life threatening to men.Encourage group members to watch YouTube videos on MGTOW and masculist themes, e.g. watch the principal MGTOW/masculist content providers, such as Sandman, TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey), MGTOW is Freedom (John), Angry MGTOW, MGTOW Philosopher, MGTOW101, etc.Put pressure on female students to become FIPs so that they do not become fluffie parasites on men because they studied fluffie crap majors, that are career incompetent, that the economy does not value, so that they will end up fluffies as adults and then expect to parasite off a man in their 30s when they get baby rabies.Write regular articles for your student newspaper or student website so that 1000s of students on campus can be influenced by the ideas these articles contain. Advertise, proselytize, cajole, hassle, get the word out. Teach men not to marry, not to have kids, and try to get the sympathy of women as well.Aim at both sexes. Preach MGTOW tactics (i.e. avoid marriage and paternity) to men, and preach masculist tactics to women, i.e. that women must be FIPs or not get a man, and must help men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, or women will remain babyless.Push for the university to start a Men’s Studies course and to hire a professor or two to teach it, who write text books on the topic of Masculism/MGTOW.When there’s an outreach day for the university, where the many clubs of the university have booths, then have a masculist group booth, with flyers to be handed out to the public.Publish articles in the local newspaper and media. Try to get on local TV and radio, to teach the general public about MGTOW/masculist ideas.Have big campus wide talks by inviting a prominent masculist speaker/author who will attract a big crowd, to teach 1000s of students in one talk.Hold regular meetings of the group, say every 2 weeks, that could take the form of one member of the group giving a talk, or mini lecture, a power point presentation, etc, and then discussion.If there is opposition from the feminazis, then harangue them with masculist rhetoric. Beat them at their own game, since men are smarter and more verbally aggressive than women. Teach these feminazis that they no longer have a monopoly on gender discourse. Teach them that they will have to get used to the existence of the ideology of gender lib from the other half of humanity.Go to women’s groups and teach them the basics of men’s lib/MGTOW/masculism and tell them that if the gender status quo continues, women will not have babies, due to 2/3 of young men refusing to marry and having kids, so that it is in women’s self-interest, if they don’t want to remain babyless, to combine with the masculists to push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Tell women via talks and just casual conversation, that women will have to give up their privileges in the feminazi dominated divorce courts of getting sole custody of the kids with a 90% probability, getting the house, getting half of her ex-husband’s possessions, getting child support from him, and often alimony. Persuade women they will have to give all that up, because if not, they will pay an even heavier price, and that is they will be babyless.Tell women that they need to become female masculists so that they can force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because until they are menfaired, men will continue to boycott marriage and paternity, causing women to remain babyless. Really push this point home.When feminazis dump on men in public, then dump on them right back. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Tell them they have 10% smaller brains. Tell them they are parasites off men, and have evolved that way. Tell them about the sexbots and artwombs that are coming which will cause men to ignore women in large numbers. Tell them about the pathetic 1% of the science Nobel prizes won by women. Tell them that women are dumber than men by 4 IQ points. Tell them men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so that the genii are men. Tell them that men are the superior sex as shown by science. Tell them that feminazi bitches are the first category of females to be rejected by men. Tell them that no man wants a relationship with a misandrist man-dumping feminazi bitch, etc.Teach the feminazis on your campus the strong lesson that masculists don’t tolerate their misandrist shit by giving them tit for tat.Restore the balance between the sexes on campus in the sense of diluting the gynocentric bias. Make your masculist presence known on campus and assert your masculinity. Harangue and brow beat the feminazi bitches with masculist ideas. Arm yourselves intellectually with masculist ideas so that you can rattle them off easily and persuasively.With women, use both the carrot and the stick. Present them with the masculist case so that a lot of reasonable women will become female masculists for similar reasons that many men became male feminists, i.e. they see the force of the arguments, and sympathize. That is the carrot. But use the stick also, by scaring them that if they don’t join with men to menfair the gender laws, they are not going to have a baby. They will only be pumped and dumped, and if they are fluffie crappers, they won’t even get that. Scare them.Change the feel on campus, so that men are seen as the superior sex and are to be respected and admired. Use your masculist arguments to educate the student body. If women’s studies professors give talks to the university, challenge their feminazi dogmas, by lashing out at them with masculist ideas that are scientifically based and can’t be refuted, unless with superior science, not feminazi work with other university masculist groups. Once your group at your university is well established, reach out to neighboring masculist groups at other universities. Form larger masculist organizations, at city level, at state level, at national level, at global level.Help set up masculist groups at high schools, This is one of the most important activities of your group, since most of the fluffie crapper damage done to women, by women, happens in the high schools. Teach the high school masculist group leaders that they need to morally push their female class mates to FIP up or be punished by not getting a man. Tell them about masculism, MGTOW. Give talks at their schools.Help the high school masculist groups network across the state, and to connect with their neighboring university masculist groups which can feed them material, encouragement, etc.Talk with the high school teachers, so that they can play a role in setting up masculist groups in their high schools.Undertake political actions, e.g. hand out flyers to fluffie crapper students studying languages, history, English literature, etc., in high school, telling them that if they study fluffie crap, they will become fluffies and hence will be punished later by not getting a man, because men will reject them for being fluffie parasites, expecting to be able to parasite off a man’s money.Etc.A masculist group, as with any group, is only as good as its prime movers, the leaders, with the energy, drive, enthusiasm, and conviction, to move the group along.MGTOW channels on YouTube are now popping up like mushrooms, so it’s clear the time is ripe to move to the next stage, i.e. to become political, and change the gender laws, menfair the divorce laws, bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), menfair the gender laws across the board. Push women to FIP up, punish fluffies by ignoring them, harangue the hated feminazi bitches with masculist rhetoric, to get them to shut up. Change the gynocentric atmosphere on campus, so that men can assert their genetic superiority, and be relaxed about it.There is so much to do guys. There are 1000s of such masculist/MGTOW groups to be set up across the US and other western countries, so get to it. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Teach men about the hazards of the divorce courts. Teach them not to marry nor have kids. Teach women to FIP up and vote with men to menfair the gender laws so that woman can have babies again. Change the zeitgeist, so that both sexes admire male genetic superiority and respect men, instead of the current male putdown in a gynocentric culture. Assert yourselves and create a culture that honors men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/243 Masculisting the Gender Politicians (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer provides ideas on how the masculists can influence the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, particularly menfairing the divorce laws and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right). The strongest threat against them is assassination. Milder forms, are to convert women into female masculists, so that the combined bloc vote of men and bloc vote of female masculists is 60%. Then the gender laws will be menfaired.MASCULISTING THE GENDER POLITICIANS?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one concerns ideas on how the masculists can influence the gender politicians to make the gender laws fair to men, particularly regarding the divorce laws and the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right).The masculists reserve their greatest hatred for the gender politicians, because it is they who changed the divorce laws in the 70s that have resulted in tens of millions of men in the US being what the MGTOWs call, “divorced raped,” i.e. been criminally abused by divorce laws that were modified in the 70s to heavily favor women, that were greatly at the expense of men.Individual feminazis are hated by the masculists, because these feminazis have indirectly become genociders, by having persuaded the gender politicians to pass divorce laws that financially massacre and ruin the lives of tens of millions of men. This is a major crime, of historical proportions, that should be hated the way the great tyrants of history should be hated.The gender politicians have caused mass misery for men, on a massive scale, so it is to be expected that the masculists place them at the top of the list for their hatred. As men wake up to this divorce toxicity, in large numbers, becoming MGTOWs and masculists, these gender politicians will become targets for assassination, such is the level of hatred against them from the masculists.Consider what these gender politician monsters have done. They have made divorce, and hence marriage, TOXIC for men, so that now, in western countries, about two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They refuse to be divorce raped, so only pump and dump women, avoiding marriage and paternity like the plague.Thus these gender politicians have indirectly become genociders. They are the root cause of men’s major gender problems. They have made divorce and hence marriage, so toxic that young men are now crashing the birth rate, which in time will wipe out whole populations, so the gender politicians are genociders, and hence have to be stopped.As populations seriously begin to fall, alarm bells will go off, and measures will be called for by the voting public, by sages (intellectuals), by journalists, to stop the birth rate from plummeting.The masculists will be pushing very hard for the menfairing of the gender laws, particularly regarding the divorce laws, and the lack of a Parer, so that having a child with a woman is NOT a game of Russian roulette, with one chance in four roughly of being financially massacred and having his life ruined.As the population falls, moral and political pressure on the gender politicians will increase strongly. People will argue that there is nothing more important to human beings than the survival of human beings, so if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, then they deserve to be murdered, and that is what will happen.Dozens of gender politicians will be assassinated, so these gender politicians ought to listen to the masculists for their own survival. To continue to ignore the massive crime they are committing against men, will be to invite their own assassination. The threat of assassination is the strongest argument the masculists have against the gender politicians. The masculists will kill these gender political criminals, who care nothing for the wellbeing of half of the population, the male half, and hence deserve to die.Before assassinating dozens of gender politicians, the masculists will try more benign methods, such as moral and political persuasion. But there is a problem here, and that problem is female nature. Women are amoral when it comes to their own self-interest and financial survival regarding being supported by a male.Women evolved to be parasitic on men. In the distant past a woman who could not attract the attention of a man, to give her and her babies scarce male hunted meat, often did not survive, so at a very deep level, women have an ingrained attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies, so that when there is a divorce, and if the man was paying for the woman to have babies in the house that he owns, then she expects him to continue paying for her, after the divorce.The current feminazi dominated divorce laws reflect these female attitudes. It was the fluffie feminists who pushed for these divorce laws in the 70s in the first place. The gender politicians of the time gave the women what they wanted, because the women were pushing hard for them, and the men offered no opposition, because they were not conscious of what they were giving away.Half a century later, with tens of millions of US men divorce raped, and murderously angry and bitter, having had their children ripped away from them, losing their house and half their possessions, given to his ex-wife, forced to pay child support to kids he barely sees, and often alimony so his fluffie ex-wife can continue to parasite off him after the divorce, as she did before the divorce.Women are 51% of the voters, and women vote more readily than men, so the gender politicians will have a difficult moral decision to make if they listen to the arguments of the masculists, i.e. that the gender politicians must menfair the gender laws, to stop the birth rate from plummeting, to make men more willing to be fathers again, as they will, if the gender laws are made men fair.This leaves the gender politicians in a quandary. If they menfair the gender laws, then the fluffie feminists and women in general will scream at losing their divorce privileges. It is very nice for women to be give custody of the kids with a 90% probability, be given half of her ex-husband’s possessions, his house, and often alimony so that she doesn’t have to FIP up (i.e. become a FIP, a financially independent person, by bothering to get a career competent education, and earn a decent salary).Women like the current divorce laws, because they are so favorable to, so biased, in favor of women, so they will be VERY reluctant to have to give them up. If the gender politicians threaten to do just that, then millions of women, fluffie women, fluffie feminist hypocrite women, will threaten to vote out the gender politicians at the next election, especially, if the gender politicians threaten to legalize the Parer, which is the greatest threat to women, because it would force them to become FIPs, which frightens fluffie women shitless.Fluffies like living off the money of a man. That way they can remain child women, not having to take responsibility for their own female lives. They can continue to be children, taken care of by the labor and money of a man.Thus the gender politicians are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand if they do nothing, i.e. the gender laws remain status quo, then the MGTOWs and masculists will continue to boycott marriage and fatherhood and the birthrate will continue to fall, and with it the population. The gender politicians will also be at risk of being assassinated by bitter, murderously angry masculists, whose lives, the gender politicians are destroying.On the other hand if they do give the masculists, and men in general, what they want, then the women, the fluffies, the fluffie feminists will start screaming, and vote them out at the next election. So what can the gender politicians do?Many will do nothing, as they have been doing for the past 40 years, since the feminazi dominated divorce laws came in, in the 70s. But this passive strategy will become increasingly dangerous, both physically for their own survival, with the threat of masculist assassins’ bullets, and politically, as the temperature rises in the debate over the population crash.The gender politicians will feel the political heat as more and more people focus their attention on the dwindling population and the possibility of it dying out completely.I think the solution to the gender politicians’ problem will be as follows. There is a way for the gender laws to be menfaired without the gender politicians being assassinated, nor being voted out, and that is to have women become female masculists.This is a task for the MGTOWs (at least the politically minded ones) and the masculists. Masculists need to persuade women that it is in their self-interest to become female masculists and vote together with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise women will be punished by men, MGTOW style, by not getting a man, and hence not getting a baby.If women don’t vote with men on menfairing the gender laws, then quality men will refuse to give women their sperm and will only relate with women on a pump and dump basis, not wanting to have relationships with them, choosing to live on their own, going their own way, not wanting to be divorce raped in the fluffie feminist hypocrite/feminazi dominated divorce courts.Masculists need to put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up and vote with men to menfair the gender laws, or they will be punished by men by being manless and particularly, babyless, which is the chief fear of women, who after all, are evolved to be baby factories and child minders. Their whole DNA is geared towards those ends.Once the gender politicians can read the opinion polls that about 60% of the population is in favor of menfairing the gender laws, due to the combined bloc vote of men plus the bloc vote of female masculists, then they will agree to menfair the gender laws.The masculists will simultaneously be putting enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up, so that the supply of fluffies dwindles, as more women make the effort to FIP up, to become career competent, by bothering to get a career competent education.FIP women will be much less financially and existentially threatened by the bringing in of the Parer. If FIP women end up with sole financial responsibility of the child, due to the father rejecting responsibility for it, then she will be able to afford to pay for the kid, because she is a FIP, not a financially useless, childminded bloody fluffie.So the masculists have a lot of social engineering to do over the next few decades, to get women off their fluffie parasitic bums and forced to FIP up, otherwise they are punished by men by not getting one. The masculists will put enormous moral pressure on young women to get a career competent education, or be punished by not getting a man, being manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and spat at by a society ever more favorable to men’s needs, more masculist in its thinking.Thus privately, quietly, it is in the self-interest of the gender politicians to support the masculists in their efforts to force women to FIP up, and to get the gender laws menfaired. Once nearly all women are FIPs, it will be much easier for the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, bringing in the Parer, menfairing the divorce laws, e.g. by making custody of the kids joint, by throwing out alimony, expecting that women are to be FIPs and not parasite off a man, making him a manslave to her, by allowing the original owner(s) of the house to keep it, etc.The gender politicians will have to be careful with their public expressions of being in favor of masculism, because before the 60% combined vote is a reality, women will still have the bloc voting power to throw them out of office at the next election, if the feminazi organizations get wind of the fact that certain gender politicians are pro masculist, pushing for women to FIP up, and for the gender laws to be menfaired, which would run so counter to the fluffie feminist hypocrites’ self-interests.But as masculist ideas penetrate and influence society, the majority number of voters who want the menfairing of the gender laws will become larger, making it safer for the gender politicians to come out in public saying they are pro menfairing, and will start changing the gender laws, making them fairer to men, as a means to stop the birth rate from plummeting, so that men are more prepared to be fathers again.Many men want to be fathers but don’t dare to be in today’s gynocentric society, with the divorce courts so heavily biased against men, and with too many women still being fluffie parasites, expecting men to be manslaves to them, so that they can sit on their fat parasitic arses and live off the money of a man.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/244 Masculisting the Women (link)? Part 1 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)? (Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer lists how masculists need to change women so that women don’t oppress men. There is quite a list.MASCULISTING THE WOMEN?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one concerns ideas on how the masculists can influence women, so that women don’t oppress men, and can help men make life pleasanter.If you’re a feminist and you know nothing about masculism or MGTOW, then your first reaction is probably “What do men have to be liberated from?” Feminism teaches women, that men are the privileged sex, who have the power, and who oppress women, so to a lot of feminists, hearing the masculists talk about a gynocracy rather than a patriarchy, just sounds incongruous, generating cognitive dissonance.But women do oppress men, making their lives a misery, which is partly what this flyer is about. This flyer is concerned with ideas on what masculists and MGTOWs need to do to liberate themselves from the oppression of women.To set the scene, I will place here in bulleted form, the main tasks that masculists have to perform to liberate themselves from women’s oppressiveness.Women have to be taught, to be socialized, to be FIPs (financially independent persons).Women need to become female masculists to vote with men to menfair the gender laws.The feminazis need to be smashed so that they shut up.Women need to get real on their inferiorities and delusional arrogance.Women need to learn to be nice again to men or be ignored by men.Women will have to compete with the artwombs and sexbots.Women need to grow up, toughen up.—Women have to be taught, to be socialized, to be FIPs (financially independent persons).The primary political goal of the masculists is to free men from manslavery, i.e. working for women, being manslaves for women, and to do this worldwide, this century.We masculists do this by wiping out the fluffies, i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off a man, bribing him with sex so that he pays for her, works for her, is a slave for her. By wiping out, I don’t mean actively killing them, it’s more of a slow death, by totally ignoring fluffies, by forcing them to rot on the shelf to death, so that their fluffie genes are removed from the gene pool due to their extinction.We men have the financial power to do this, because nearly all men are FIPs (financially independent persons) so we don’t need women to be able to survive financially. We don’t have to parasite off a woman in order to survive. Nearly all men are FIPs. We are socialized to be FIPs, and evolved to be FIPs, i.e. to go out into the world and understand it, manipulate it, hunt in it, for our own survival.But women had to give birth to babies with ever larger heads, due to the intelligence explosion, and hence brain size, of human babies. This meant that the woman’s birth canal had to be wider for the baby’s large head to pass through. Women evolved to give birth to premature babies whose head continued to grow after the birth, so women became more dependent on men for their survival.Women could not hunt like men, leaving the home for days at a time, running after game to hunt them down, because women had premature and hence useless babies to look after who required constant attention.Thus women became ever more dependent upon men to feed them, to give them scarce male hunted meat. Women evolved to manipulate men, by bribing men with sex in exchange for male hunted meat. Thus women evolved to be prostitutes to men, on a “meat for cunt” basis. Women evolved to manipulate men, to sexploit them.Nature also conspired against men, to make it easier for women to manipulate men. When men see their regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of their brains switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for long term planning and critical analysis.With the man’s frontal lobes switched off, a woman can manipulate a man more easily, because his higher brain functions have been switched off. He then becomes like a child that she can mold like putty, to get him to be a better meat provider, a better resources provider to keep her and her babies alive.Women evolved to judge a man according to the level of sexploitability he had. Those men who may have had other qualities, but low sexploitability, were and are considered “worthless” by women.Women do not love men. They love men’s sexploitability. If a man loses his sexploitability by a woman, the woman will coldly, disloyally, dump him in favor of a more sexploitable male. In the distant past her very survival depended on how quickly and how easily she could do this.Men who believe that women can love them are deluded. This is the infamous “red pill” message to men from the MGTOWs.Thus for several million years, men have been manipulated by women to serve as meat providers, as meat slaves to women, sexploited by women to keep the next generation alive. Nature too has conspired against men, to keep them enslavable to women.But, the male invention of the contraceptive pill changed everything just a few decades ago. Now women can reliably control the number of kids that they want, which is typically 0, 1 or 2.Since women live into their 80s on average, this means that women have some 40 years of career window, so that if a woman does not bother to get a career competent education, so that she is unable to earn a decent salary, either she will be poor, living off her own income, or she will try to parasite off some manslave and have him pay for her superior lifestyle that she could not earn for herself.The masculists are men’s libbers. Masculists are very moralistic, putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) or are punished by men by not getting one.Masculists see fluffies as vermin, as immoral, manslaving parasites to be spat at. A woman who does not bother to exert herself as does a man, to earn a decent living, and simply expects to be able to parasite off a man’s labor, off a man’s money, is seen as criminal by masculists.Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists, which is why we aim to wipe them out, by forcing them to rot on the shelf. Since women are herd animals, following the crowd and a lot less individualistic than men, masculists have a powerful means to manipulate women into becoming FIPs, by creating a social norm that women are to be FIPs or be socially ostracized, something that women in the distant past were terrified of, because in the distant past, if a woman was manless and cast out of her group, her tribe, she usually did not survive. So social rejection to women is usually death to them, and hence terrifying.We men have the power to force women to FIP up, because a fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some manslave, but thanks to the masculist and MGTOW movements, the supply of such manslaves is drying up, as men are influenced by masculist and MGTOW ideas, and reject being manslaved by a detestable, immoral fluffie.The masculists are very conscious that by FIPping women, i.e. socially engineering society, so that all women are socialized by their parents and taught by their teachers as girls to FIP up, then they will, and hence not need to parasite off men’s money. They can earn their own, because they have some 40 years of career time in their lives.Masculists are very conscious that the FIPping of women is a vital prerequisite for the freeing of men from manslavery, so that men are not socialized to be manslaves for women, so that men can be free from that role, and live for themselves.The world is already way overcrowded with a world population of 7 billion, so we can afford to knock back the world population to about half a billion over the next few generations, so men can be babyless for a few generations.The FIPing of women will solve nearly all of men’s gender problems, e.g. the massive injustice committed in the divorce courts today in western countries, e.g. custody of the children going to the mother in 90% of cases, the ex-husband losing his house, half his possessions, paying child support to his kids he will barely see, and often paying alimony to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she can parasite off him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.This massive injustice is so criminal, so immoral, that it enrages masculists, so it is not surprising that there are probably hundreds of divorce court judge and lawyer murders a year in the US, but these judges and lawyers deliberately keep these statistics removed from the public so as not to encourage more murderously angry divorced fathers from adding to them.With nearly all women as FIPS, these daily financial massacres occurring in the western divorce courts would not be necessary, because all women would be FIPs, hence custody would be joint by default, there would be no alimony, the owner of the house would get to keep it, there would be no transfer of possessions.With all women as FIPs, the worst example of discrimination against men, i.e. the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) would be removed, so that men are given the same legal right that women have to reject an unwanted pregnancy.Women have the Marer (maternity rejection right) but men have no Parer, so millions of criminal women lie to their boyfriends that they are taking the pill, get pregnant, then force the man to pay for the child that he does not want. This is criminality and immorality on a vast scale and has to be stopped.So it is vital for the masculists that girls are socialized to be FIPs, so masculists use a carrot and stick approach to encourage/force women to FIP up. Masculists will only have relationships with women who are FIPs and punish fluffies by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them.Until the gender laws are made men fair, masculists will continue to refuse to marry and have kids. Masculists will have twaytwef (2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) relationships with women, i.e. have live-apart relationships with a FIP woman, but no kids, no marriage.The great advantage of a twaytwef relationship with a woman for a man, is that he gets the regular sex he wants from a woman, but no kids, no marriage, and when the relationship dies, he simply walks away, cost free to him.Twaytweffing also forces the woman to remain nice to him, no nagging, no withholding sex, no trying to control or manipulate him, otherwise he walks away so easily.Masculists will not even twaytwef with fluffies. Fluffies are spat at by masculists as hated manslavers, and are punished by being totally ignored, being treated as persona non grata, left rotting on the shelf to extinction, thus forcing women to FIP up or die out.With all women FIPs, the Parer will be much more easily legislated because a woman who decides to continue a pregnancy that her boyfriend rejects legally, can afford to, because she is a FIP. She has the income to raise a child on her own.The fact that men have no Parer shows clearly how men are treated as subhuman cash machines by women, ignoring men’s rights, putting priority onto women and children. This attitude enrages masculists, so it is not surprising that masculism is now causing millions of men around the world to have their masculist consciousnesses raised, so that men are getting very angry and going on the war path against fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites aiming to wipe them out.Masculists are political and work as social engineers. Masculists contact the media to educate the millions, the billions, the masses, to become conscious of masculist and MGTOW ideas, so that both sexes understand the horrors of the traditional male role that the masculists utterly reject.Masculists see clearly that the FIPping of women is a vital prerequisite for the liberation of men from manslavery, from being seen as subhuman cash machines to pay for women to have babies. We masculists reject that role. We spit on it. We aim to wipe it out. We are wiping it out, because we men have the power to wipe out fluffies. If men decide that there will be no more fluffies, then fluffies die out. We men have the power to do that.Women need to become female masculists to vote with men to menfair the gender laws.Women are both men’s enemies and men’s allies. The fluffie feminists are hypocrites in the sense that they want equal rights with men, and I have no problem with that, so you could call me a 2nd wave (male) feminist, but 3rd wave feminism I see as gynocracy, i.e. rule by women at men’s expense, making 3rd wave feminists the enemy of the masculists, who label them feminazis, expressing masculist contempt and hatred of what they are doing in the divorce courts and their implacable resistance against the passage of the Parer.Fluffie feminists are hypocrites because on the one hand they want equal rights with men, but on the other they reject equal obligations with men, i.e. these fluffie feminists resist the masculist push for women to bother to share the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that women can be real FIPs as adults and not expect to parasite off the money of a man.Fluffie feminist hypocrites are spat at by masculists, treated worse than fluffies, because at least the fluffies are not hypocrites, whereas fluffie feminists are fluffies, which is bad enough, but also hypocritical in terms of their rejection of accepting equal obligations with men re earning the livingFluffie feminist hypocrites are feminists on equal rights but fluffies in the divorce courts, and rejecting the Parer. So, the masculists have two main enemies, the fluffies and the fluffie feminist feminazi bitches.3rd wave feminism is gynocracy, rule by women, at men’s expense, and is hated by the masculists who fight against it.The masculists have a major problem in their fight to get gender equality for men, and that is that women are 51% of the voters and that more women vote than men, so since most women want to keep their privileges in the divorce courts, men will not be able to get the divorce laws menfaired with their own efforts.Women like their divorce court privileges, getting custody of the kids, getting half the possessions of her ex-husband, getting his house, getting alimony, often for life. These fluffie hypocrite vermin, want to keep such privileges, so that masculists are forced to seek allies with women.The strategy used by the masculists is to convert women into female masculists, by two main ways, by the carrot and the stick. The carrot is to simply present the masculist case to women, so that reasonable, humane women will sympathize with the masculists and become female masculists, and hence vote with men to menfair the gender laws, i.e. menfair the divorce courts.Fluffie women will not do this because it is not in their self-interest, but FIP women would be a lot more likely to do so.The stick method is to scare women into becoming female masculists through threatening women with babylessness and manlessness, MGTOW style, i.e. men who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. Those women who don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts, bringing in the Parer, and a string of other legal and social discriminations against men, will be punished by men, by not getting one. They will rot on the shelf.This is not an idle threat because already 2/3 of young men under 35 in many major countries already are MGTOW in practice if not in philosophy. Young women are really starting to panic as they learn that they are really not going to have a baby, because quality men refuse to give them their sperm. This is forcing women to choose between giving up their divorce court privileges or not having a baby. Since having a baby is top priority to most women, women will chose to have babies and pay the price of giving up their divorce court privileges, and voting for the Parer etc.To get women to become female masculists, the masculists have a lot of work to do, in teaching society, particularly women that women will have to choose, i.e. to menfair the gender laws, or be babyless and see the population decline, even be wiped out.The feminazis need to be smashed so that they shut up.Masculists are utterly fed up with the feminazi bitches. The hatred against them is so strong, that young women nowadays are conscious of this, so don’t dare state publically that they are feminists, through fear that that would be the kiss of death for them of their chances of ever getting a man.No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping feminazi bitch. Such women are the first category of female to be rejected by men, left rotting on the shelf, like the fluffies, but even more spat at, because the hared coming from men is even greater, because men are fed up with the childminded attitudes of the feminazis, that all women’s problems are caused by men, and never any acceptance of the idea that women themselves are largely responsible for their own problems, e.g. their inferior abilities, their lack of ambition, drive, etc.It was the feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, who created the toxicity of the divorce courts for men, so of course masculists have a hatred for feminazis. When masculists are confronted by feminazis they give these feminazi bitches a real earful, haranguing them with male force and hatred. This is easy for masculists to do, because men are smarter and a lot more verbally aggressive than women, due to men’s much higher testosterone levels. Masculists have a real hatred of feminazis, seeing feminism (i.e. 3rd wave feminist gynocracy) as a cancer to be exterminated.So masculists harangue feminazi bitches, giving a very clear message to women in general, that if they are stupid enough to be feminazis, they will pay a heavy price, they will not get a man, they will rot on the shelf and be spat at by men.This will shut the feminazis up. They will learn that they are hated by both sexes, because not only do the men hate them, but increasingly so too do women, because women are waking up to the idea that they are going to be babyless because the MGTOW are rejecting paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts as created by the feminazi, fluffie feminist, hypocrites.With both sexes hating the feminazis, they will die out, they will shut up.Women need to get real on their inferiorities and delusional arroganceToo many young women today have the attitudes of princesses, feeling they are the superior sex, being able to manipulate men to do whatever these princesses want.Those masculists who are also scientists, like myself, despise the isscienate attitudes of these princesses, which motivates these masculists to teach these princesses a lesson, i.e. the realities of female genetic inferiorities, e.g. women are dumber on average than men by 4 IQ points. Women have a 10% lower IQ variance than men, so the morons and the genii are males, so men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are a lot more aggressive, more ambitious, dogged, single minded and complete difficult tasks far more readily than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily when the task is very demanding and difficult.So men’s performance record is far superior to women’s, so it is no surprise that in all cultures, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because all cultures know, from long experience, that boy babies are much more likely to grow up to be highly valued members of their cultures than girl babies, who will grow up to be only baby factories and child minders, a vital role, but not status worthy, because any woman can do that.Masculist scientists slam such feminazi arrogance and cut it down, ridiculing such women for their isscienate fairydom. (Isscienate = ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically. Fairydom = living in a fairly land, believing what you want to believe, without evidence, like religionists).Masculists are very verbally aggressive with these princesses, smashing them with harsh ridicule to stamp it out of them. These princesses are not tolerated because they regularly come out with their isscienate fairy, PC, feminazi, bullshit, that the masculists piss on.Women need to learn to be nice again to men or be ignored by men.Women need to be taught by masculists, that women who are not nice to men, don’t get one. So many men are now going MGTOW, that competition between women for the few available men who are still gullible enough and ignorant enough to marry and have kids, will be fierce, so that any woman who takes a misandrist attitude towards men, will be punished by not getting one, being forced to rot on the shelf. If she is a real feminazi, she won’t even be pumped and dumped. She will be totally ignored.Women will have to compete with the artwombs and sexbots.If the contraceptive pill was a major social revolution, just wait for the arrival in the next decade or so of the artwomb (artificial womb) and the sexbots (sex robots). When men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots than women, then women will be forced into deep existential shock and depression.These sexbots will have luscious curves, film star faces, creamy grippy vaginas that women will not be able to compete with. They will be given AI conversational abilities and be programmed to be very nice to men, not nagging, not withholding sex, not manipulating men at all. Men will flock to them in droves, creating one of the world’s biggest industries, thus making it impossible for the feminazis to ban.Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb so human babies can’t be far off. Once men have the sexbots and artwombs, feminism will disappear overnight, and women will be clawing at each other, fighting for men’s dwindling attention.Men will just ignore women in large numbers because women have severe negative qualities. Women nag, women withhold sex, women lie, cheat, and abuse men. Women’s personalities are not nice. Women are sexploiters of men. Women are not loyal to men, being hypergamous, i.e. always on the lookout for a more sexploitable, richer, more handsome, higher status, male, so that she will readily, coldly, disloyally, dump her current man, in favor of the better one, if an opportunity realistically arises.The sexbots will NOT be given these negative qualities that women have, so men will flock to them and have relationships with them, forcing women to be MUCH nicer to men or be ignored.Women need to grow up, toughen up.The traditional fluffie role of the woman was to be paid for by a man, treated as childlike by men, because she was financially dependent on men. Masculists force women to be FIPs, so that women will have to compete with men in the work force and not be given special snowflake privileges, because they are women that the fluffie feminist hypocrites want. The masculists will force women to toughen up and compete equally with men, or be spat at.Parents and teachers will need to socialize young girls to toughen up, become FIPs, and take the knocks and tribulations of life as readily as men do, and are taught to do. Women need to stop seeing themselves as delicate little vulnerable princesses, and instead see themselves a FIPs, as responsible adults, who expect to accept equal obligations with men, and not expect to be given special privileges by men. Masculists expect women to grow up and behave as adults, or they are ignored.The greatest power of men, given that men are nearly all FIPs, is that we have the power to ignore women as a very effective form of punishment of women. Women will be forced to toughen up, FIP up, or rot on the shelf.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/245 Masculisting the Media (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer suggests how the masculists can approach the broadcast media to reach the millions with masculist MGTOW ideas, so that whole populations can be made menfair.MASCULISTING THE MEDIA?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one concerns ideas on how the masculists can influence the media.Masculists are political animals. They are very conscious that it is not enough, MGTOW style, to change their own lives by refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves. Masculists are sharply critical at MGTOWs for their lack of solidarity with other men, not caring about the gender plight of men, and the needed political solutions that are necessary so that literally hundreds of millions of men are not oppressed by a gynocentric culture.Masculists on the other hand, look to political solutions to solve men’s collective gender problems. One of the principal means of doing this is education, i.e. teaching both men and women, of the major disadvantages of the traditional male role of being a manslave to fluffie parasitic women. But how do you educate millions of people about ideas coming from the masculists and MGTOWs?One way that individual MGTOWs and masculists use is to make YouTube videos on MGTOW/masculist themes, as I’m doing as I type this flyer. The internet empowers individuals to be able to influence the world, by sending out YouTube (and other platforms, now that YouTube has stupidly started censoring, which will eventually lead to their death) videos to the world, that anyone (except third-world backward dictatorships like China, that censor the internet, blocking YouTube, and other western internet sites) can look at them and be influenced by them.However, there is a major disadvantage with YouTube videos and that is, there are so many of them, that of necessity, a popular video will only be viewed by 10,000s of people at most, in the majority of cases. In other words, making YouTube videos is “small potatoes.”? Individually, i.e. a single video, is not going to have much impact, due to the small number of people who will watch it.If one wants to influence millions of people, you have to get on the broadcast media, i.e. TV, radio, major newspapers, etc. which reach millions of people. Reaching a million people is a thousand times as effective as a typical video, which might be viewed by 1000 people. So how can MGTOWs and masculists get onto the broadcast media in a big way?One of the main problems in penetrating the broadcast media is the power of the feminazi mafia. The majority of journalists nowadays are women, who have grown up with second and third wave feminism, who are intolerant of men’s issues, and actively try to block such material.For example, MGTOW and masculist YouTube channels are now routinely censored, blocked, etc. by the policy of YouTube’s Jewish feminazi CEO.I get the impression that the minority male journalists are now actually afraid to lash out at women, through fear of losing their jobs. The feminazis have become too powerful, so how to overcome this problem?There a thousands of media outlets, so there are lots of opportunities to get one’s MGTOW/masculists ideas taken up by the broadcast media people. The first step is to motivate men’s libbers to approach the media.Unfortunately, MGTOWs are on the whole, media shy, because they feel it is a waste of time trying to get the media to listen to them, because it has been taken over by feminazis, who are hostile to men’s issues.MGTOWs are politically passive, a point of sharp difference between the MGTOWs and the masculists, who are critical of the lack of solidarity towards other men that the MGTOWs have. Masculists strongly aim to attract the attention of the broadcast media, because of its hugely more effective capacity to reach the millions.It is only a question of time before the broadcast media is forced to pay attention to the MGTOWs and masculists, because these groups are wiping out whole populations, with their rejection of marriage and paternity. Sooner or later, everyone will wake up to the idea that the populations of whole countries are dropping, due to the birth rate being well below replacement rate, e.g. in counties like Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc., the birth rate is only 1.3 children per woman, whereas the replacement rate is 2.1Since there is nothing more important to human beings than the survival of human beings, sooner or later, societies must come to terms with the idea that their populations will be wiped out, unless people start looking seriously at why the birth rate is plummeting.With two thirds of young men rejecting paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated feminazis, causing one married father in four to be financially massacred in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, sooner or later the broadcast journalists will latch on to the idea that these MGTOWs are a real social force, who have to be listened to, so these male journalists will overcome their fear of the feminazi mafia, and start giving the MGTOWs and masculists a voice.But that process will take time, even though it is obviously inevitable as the birth rate continues to fall under MGTOW/masculist influence. The masculists don’t have the patience to wait for the years needed for the above process to play itself out. Masculists are approaching the media now, trying to get male media people to listen to masculist ideas, and report on them to bring these ideas to the millions.The masculists do not feel that it is a waste of time to approach the media people, because the masculists feel they have a strategy and a message that will work. The MGTOWs are cynical that being politically active, such as approaching the media, is a waste of time because women are 51% of the voters and women vote more than men, so any political attempts to get the gender laws changed to make them fairer to men, and thus reduce women’s privileges, in the divorce courts, for example, will backfire, because the gender politicians will not vote in divorce law reforms, because of fear of the female bloc vote, that could destroy them as politicians if women fear losing their divorce court privileges.But the masculists have a way round this problem, and that is to convert women to become female masculists through teaching them about men’s issues, so that the sympathetic FIP women (FIP = financially independent person) feel some solidarity with men, and join with men to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws.That is the carrot approach of the masculists, regarding getting female support to vote with men on men’s issues. The masculist stick approach, is to scare women into supporting the menfairing of the gender laws by threatening them with babylessness, thus forcing women to choose between giving up their privileges in the divorce courts (e.g. getting custody of the kids with 90% probability, getting her ex-husband’s house, half of her ex- husband’s possessions, getting child support and often alimony) on the one hand, OR not having babies, because MGTOW and masculist influenced men refuse to give them their sperm, forcing women to remain babyless until they join forces with men and force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.Thus, the masculists have a strategy that overcomes the “waste of time” argument of the MGTOWs regarding being politically active, in seeking out the attention of the broadcast media. Thus it is largely the masculists who are actively trying to get the attention of the broadcast media, for the time being, until MGTOW/masculism becomes so large, that the media are simply forced to acknowledge its existence – to deny it would be obtuse.So how can the masculists approach the broadcast media? This is a question I ask myself often, since I have experience of doing this very effectively in the early 80s, in Europe, where I almost single handedly put the men’s lib movement onto the media map, in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, and Australia. In Australia I was on the front cover of Australia’s equivalent of the US’s Time Magazine on men’s issues. I was by then fairly fluent in four European languages, English, Dutch, French and German. I was interviewed some 150 times.I will return to Australia in about a year, after an absence of some half a century, due to the generosity of my younger sister who will buy a one bedroom apartment and let me live in it rent free. I don’t have a lot of money because my 3rd wife, my first Chinese wife, stole half my savings that I could not get back via the Chinese courts, due to a bias in favor of Chinese nationals, and especially from daughters of generals who were on the Long March with Mao Zedong.When I arrive in Melbourne, Australia, I will try to launch masculist consciousness in the Australian media. I will take the following approach. I will start by writing feature articles on masculist ideas for the main university student newspapers, and then contact the men’s lib groups in Melbourne. I hope then they will organize a big talk at their university that we can invite the media to.If the feminazis try to destroy the talk, then the masculist organizers can bitch slap these feminazi hecklers and contact the media, with videos of the event and the bitch slapping. This will generate huge publicity, and hence create a real platform for the masculists to state their case on the main stream media, which is the whole point of the bitch slapping incident in the first place.If that doesn’t work, I can try giving speeches at Melbourne’s “Speaker’s Corner” and get a crowd over time that way. Sooner or later, some media people will come along to hear what the fuss is about.There are many ways to skin a cat. I had a great uncle (C. J. de Garis) who was a wiz at dreaming up ideas on how to get publicity for his product (dried grapes, i.e. sultanas). He was nationally known, so hopefully I have some of his genes. I will need to be creative to get the masculist message off the ground. I suspect it will be more difficult second time round, due to the much stronger feminazi mafia presence, that exists now that will actively try to stop the rise of masculism.But who knows. For all I know, maybe some female journalist might serve as the stepping stone to get the masculist message launched. From my experience in Europe, once one major article or exposure occurs, the rest of the media people follow the lead like sheep. Journalists are always hungry for a new story, hoping to be the first with a major new message that the public laps up.But, masculism is new, so the public is not familiar with its ideas, so the journalists are constrained with what they can do. They can’t be too far ahead of their public, otherwise the media people’s message is lost on the public.Publicity is a numbers game, i.e. when there are many media outlets, if one attempt fails on one try, then try again with different outlets. Keep going until one bites, and then use that to cause other outlets to bite. Use the herd mentality of the media. It’s existence is to the advantage of the masculists.I will use an angry masculist approach, rather than a “poor me, poor men” approach that is typical of the US Men’s Rights Movement (MRM). Most men are socialized to be tough, to be the main breadwinner of the family, so don’t like the “poor me” approach of the MRM, but they will identify more readily with an angry masculist approach. That was my experience in the 80s in Europe.After a decade of angry feminism, the media then was more than ready to listen to the other half of humanity, and to what men had to say. Hopefully, the same will happen again, with a new generation of male media people.Once the media snowball is rolling, it can just keep going, because it is the biggest story of the century, i.e. the MGTOWs/masculists are wiping out whole populations, so they have to be listened to. Societies have to ask why are men doing this, and how can men’s issues be addressed. Once the masculists have the ear of the media, things can really start moving.The masculists will be able to socially engineer. They will be able to put ideas into people’s heads, both male and female. Women will become more female masculist as they learn about the horrors of the divorce courts for men, and the hypocrisy of the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. Men will be motivated to become MGTOW in practice, due to the awful toxicity of the divorce courts, wanting to avoid facing a one in four chance of becoming a financially massacred divorced father.I will also write a book on masculism, which will make my creditability on the media greater. Putting Prof. Dr. in front of my name also helps that way. Anyone who is smart enough to have a Prof. Dr. in front of their name is obviously not stupid, so maybe his opinions ought to be listened to, even though they are very far out from left field.Masculist theorists are very conscious of the critical importance of getting the ear of the media. Education is a vital element of the masculist political program. Masculists cannot change society, i.e. cannot see men being freed from manslavery, having the gender laws menfaired, without educating the public into masculist ideas. That much is obvious, so masculisting the media is a major component of the masculists’ efforts to liberate men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/246 Masculisting the Feminazis (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists why masculists have such a hatred of feminazis and how the feminazis can be stopped. Four such reasons are given, 1) feminazi amorality in the divorce courts, 2) fluffie feminist hypocrisy, 3) child minded femaliens, 4) the sex war.MASCULISTING THE FEMINAZIS?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one is concerned with reasons why the masculists have such a hatred of the feminazis, and what the masculists can do to force women to drop their feminazi attitudes, i.e. how to punish them.Here is a list of the major reasons why masculists have a hatred of feminazis.Feminazi amorality in the divorce courtsFluffie feminist hypocrisyChild minded femaliensThe sex warFeminazi amorality in the divorce courtsThe primary reason why masculists have such a hatred of feminazis is because of what they have done to men in the divorce courts. These hated feminazis are destroying the lives of one married father in four, financially massacring him, destroying him, and with an amoral callousness that makes men despise these feminazi bitches, who are the first category of women, that the masculists and MGTOWs reject, wanting nothing to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them.Women evolved to be sexploiters of men. Masculists know that. Evolution, i.e. nature, can find solutions to its problems, without them being moral, or ethical. Evolution molded the human female to sexploit men, to have a hypergamous attitude towards men, so that if a woman got a realistic opportunity to dump her current manslave and trade up for a better one, i.e. a man who could give her more resources, i.e. in the distant past, more meat, or today, more money, then she would do it, because it was favorable for her. It increased her Darwinian fitness, i.e. it made her more likely to survive, which ultimately is what biology is all about.This amoral callousness that evolved in women in the distant past carries over in today’s divorce court, where a woman will gladly extract resources from a man, so that she can continue to exploit him after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.A fluffie divorcing woman will take custody of the kids with a 90% probability, she will take her ex-husband’s house, half his possessions, take child payments, and often alimony, she that she can continue to be a parasite off him. She will have no guilt feelings about such a rotten deal for the man, because she has the attitude that men exist on this earth to pay for women to have babies. She will feel it is her right. This attitude is deeply ingrained in women’s psyches.Masculists know that women are like this, i.e. amoral, who can so coldly, so callously, so blatantly, abuse men in the divorce courts, that it deeply alienates men from women when men are so painfully woken up to the truth of women’s very negative parasitic amoral nature.I have not been “divorce raped” as above, but I have been robbed of half my savings by a fluffie parasite. My third wife, my first Chinese wife, stole half my savings that I could not get back from the Chinese courts. She did all the admin for me because I could not read the Chinese characters.After a few years into the marriage she suggested I invest my savings into schemes that would give a higher return. I agreed, and signed the forms at the bank, never suspecting that she had transferred that money into accounts IN HER OWN NAME. I was so used to just blindly signing that the thought just did not occur to me that she could do such a thing.When the marriage went sour, i.e. I began to see her more clearly as just a middle browed, intellectually lazy, Chinese woman, who lied to me about her desire to get a PhD. Her idea of reading material was the Chinese equivalent of the Readers Digest, a very middle-brow publication.I suspect the whole relationship on her part was fake, that she was simply happy to live off my full professor’s salary, with its prestige, and get to go on overseas trips with me to New York, Melbourne, etc.When the relationship soured and we separated, I began looking into my finances and discovered she had put my savings into her own name, so I could not take out the money, because from the bank’s point of view, it was her money. So I asked for it back. She refused, so I got a lawyer to divorce me from her and to get my money back. I got the divorce, but not the money, because the Chinese divorce court system favors its own nationals.What truly angered me about her was her attitude, her fluffie parasite attitude that she felt she had the right as a divorced woman, to steal my money, and a lot of money, half my savings, that then made me rather poor for the rest of my life. I hated her for that. I hated her female nature, her evolved, femalien, parasitic nature, that she felt she could exploit a male so callously, so amorally.I hated her for that and I hate women for that. It motivates me as a masculist to punish women for being fluffies. I want to kill them off, not by murdering them, but letting them die a slow death, by being ignored totally my men, forced to rot on the shelf, rejected utterly by men for being amoral, parasitic, hated fluffies.It is an attitude like that that is causing men to hate women, to ignore them. When the sexbots and artwombs come, women are going to be ignored by men. Men will not be forced to accept women’s monopoly of vagina and womb. In a decade or less, the sexbots and artwombs will be here and women will go into deep existential crisis and depression, as men desert them in droves.The fact that women evolved to be parasites on men, to have such amoral, callous, attitudes towards men, that it is in women’s nature to be like that, only makes women all the more detestable to men.If a man is convinced that he cannot change a woman’s inherent, evolved, tendency to want to parasite off him, with no conscience or sense of dishonor in doing so, then that only makes men all the more contemptuous of women, deeply alienating men from women. It is not for nothing that I label women “femaliens.”Women have alien natures from men’s point of view. Women are a different species. They have 10% smaller brains for a start. They see men as sexploitable, as manslaves, to be manipulated so that they can have resources extracted from them to pay for women and their babies.Nature too has conspired against men to make it easier for women to sexploit men. When a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for long term planning and critical thinking, so all a woman needs to do to be able to extract resources from a man is to fuck him regularly long enough so that his frontal lobes switch off, making him putty for her, so that she can mold him the way she wants. What she wants are his resources for her and her babies.Knowing this about women, leaves a really bitter taste in the mouths of men, of MGTOWs and masculists. It is one of the core reasons why the masculists place such heavy emphasis on the FIPping of women, forcing them to become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they cannot continue to be parasites on men the way they have been for several million years.Masculists have the power now to force women to FIP up, or be punished by not getting one. Masculists can force women to behave in ways that run counter to women’s evolved amoral parasitic nature, and there is nothing women can do about it.Men have the power to force women to FIP up, because a woman can only be a fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the supply of such manslaves is drying up, thanks to the spread of masculist and MGTOW ideas, causing men to wake up to the awful parasitic attitudes of fluffies, forcing fluffies to grow up, to pretend as though women have moral values and not expect to be able to parasite off a man.Fluffie feminist hypocrisyAnother major reason why masculists despise feminazis is their hypocrisy. Masculists label feminists “fluffie feminist hypocrites” because most feminists are hypocritical when it comes to accepting equal obligations with men, particularly concerning sharing the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education, so that women can be FIPs as adults, and not be motivated to parasite off the money of a man.Feminazis are hypocrites because they want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men. They want their cake and to eat it too. The most blatant example of fluffie feminist hypocrisy is in the divorce courts, where feminists are all for equal rights in the parliaments, but are fluffies in the divorce courts, i.e. they want equal rights for women as voted by the gender politicians, but expect to remain fluffie parasites in the divorce courts, expecting men to continue to pay for them after the divorce as they did before the divorce.This hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists is another major reason why masculists piss on feminazis. No one likes hypocrites.Child minded femaliensMasculists are really tired of feminazis constantly dumping on men as the cause of women’s problems. Sure, some of women’s problems are caused by men, but certainly not all of them, but that’s not what the feminazis think.Feminazis put the blame for women’s inferior status in society on men, seeing men as evil discrimaters who prevent women from achieving equal status with men, blocking women from advancing in their careers etc.Children are not the only creatures who will blame anyone but themselves for their problems. Women are also like this. The MGTOWs have a rather wise saying that “Feminism is female nature politicized.” I think there is a lot of truth to that statement.Now that women have the contraceptive pill, invented by men, household gadgets, invented by men, and higher education, invented by men, women can be FIPs now, so are not constrained by men to be nice to men, because men had the financial power to destroy a woman’s life by throwing her out if she became obnoxious.With the rise of second wave feminism in the 70s, the feminists took over the divorce courts and made them strongly biased in women’s favor, strongly reinforcing fluffie attitudes in the divorce laws, making them so toxic for men.Once women knew that they could financially massacre men in the divorce courts, the brakes were off in suppressing their true nature, and out came the hypergamy, the bitchiness, the amoral parasitism of women, and the child mindedness.Feminazis put the blame for women’s situation on men. What they do not do, is take some of the responsibility for their situation on themselves. For example, it does not occur to them that they earn less money per person, than men do because of female choices, rather than the feminazi explanation, that the “wage gap” is due to male prejudice against women.The wage gap is due largely to women’s choices and values. Women are less ambitious than men, work fewer hours, bother less to get career competent qualifications, and take years off work to raise small children.There is a neurosis on the part of many feminazis, especially the rather fat, unattractive feminists, the “fat fours” who blame men for their not having a man, instead of themselves. If these fat fours bothered to make themselves less fat, they would increase their chances of getting a man.These women often lock themselves into a vicious circle, that they are not intelligent enough to pull themselves out of. They don’t control the number of calories they stuff into their fat faces, get fat, repel men sexually, due to their excess flesh, then blame men for being manless, instead of themselves and their lack of dietary discipline. They then blame men in their social interactions, causing men to reject them all the more, thus tightening a vicious circle.This inability of feminazis to take responsibility for their own lives, putting the blame for women’s situation on men, is seen as childish by men. If the feminazis continue to behave like children, then it is not surprising that men will continue to see women as children, i.e. not as responsible adults, who take control of their own lives, who behave as responsible, financially independent adults, as FIPs, then men will continue to not take women seriously, especially child minded feminazis, and hence not respect them.Men certainly don’t respect feminazis who constantly put men down for women’s problems. Masculists see the feminazi inability to face up to the realities of female causes of women’s problems as contemptuous.Women are less objective when it comes to accepting female inferiority in general achievement levels. Women have always been outperformed by men across the board. Feminazis lash out at the so-called “glass ceiling” i.e. the real difficulty women have in reaching the top levels of management in companies, etc. They blame male prejudice for this, rather than putting some or most of the blame on themselves, i.e. women’s inferior abilities compared to men at the top end of the performance scale.Masculists need to really ram home the idea of female intellectual and motivational inferiority compared to men. For example, men are smarter than women by 4 IQ points on average. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so the top flyers are men.Men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so achieve far more than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily.Women have 10% smaller brains than men, so have a 10% smaller neural processing capacity than men, so it is not surprising that women have invented almost nothing, created almost nothing, built almost nothing. Women have always been parasites off men. Men create the culture, and women benefit from it.Women evolved to be baby factories and child minders. That is what they evolved to do, and that is what they are happiest at doing, experience shows; that is when they are occupied by a bunch of their own kids. Those careerist women who are childless, are miserable, modern experience shows.The masculists have the power to force women to grow up, by forcing them to become FIPs, or they rot on the shelf, being rejected by men. Masculists expect women to be EMO FIPS, i.e. equal moral obligations FIPs, i.e. expecting as a moral duty to be FIPs and not parasiting on men.However, since women evolved to be amoral when it comes to extracting resources from a man, this expectation by masculists on women to feel a moral duty to FIP up, will probably only be an on the surface, learned, behavior on the part of women.FIPping up and acting like a responsible adult, will not come naturally to women, but they will be forced to behave that way because they do not have a choice. The masculists will force them to or women don’t eat. They will be poor and spat at for being fluffie parasites, i.e. immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.The sex warThere is a sex war going on between the masculists and the feminazis. In many situations there are zero sum games between men and women, i.e. situations where one person’s gain is the other person’s loss, so that the net gain over the two people is zero, e.g. the higher the wage of an employee, the less profit for the employer.One glaring example of this is the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right) that the feminazis fight tooth and nail. The lack of the Parer is probably the most blatant example of sexual discrimination against men, that exists.A Parer would allow a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy. He could fill in a government paternity rejection form, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she is fully financially responsible for the kid. Women have a Marer (maternity rejection right). i.e. the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, aka abortion right, but men don’t have an equivalent right.The reason why fluffie feminist hypocrites fight the legislation of the Parer with such ferocity, is that if it came in, women would be FORCED to grow up, to become responsible FIPs, and take control of their own lives, not blaming men for everything, being forced to behave as responsible adults, the way men do, but feminazi hypocrites don’t want this.They want to stay in their childish dependency state, relying on men to pay for them, so they have made the gender politicians reject the idea of a Parer, so that millions of men have their lives ruined by the criminal behavior of women who lie to their boyfriends/husbands about taking the pill, get pregnant, then expect the man to pay for the baby.Millions of men are duped and abused by feminazi bitches this way. Women are amoral when it comes to babies, and getting babies paid for. Women don’t care that they are ruining men’s lives by being so criminal as to trick a man into pregnancy.Masculists have a particular hatred for such women who do this, and want it to be made a crime. Men need to be given the Parer, so that women cannot do this. But a Parer would scare the fluffies shitless, because it would mean that they would be forced to give up their fluffie status, being dependent on men for their money, so that they would not be able to sit on their fat parasitic arses at home, raising her kids that the husband pays for.The Parer would destroy that life style for women, so they are terrified of it, and fight it with everything they have. The idea of a Parer puts real existential angst into fluffies’ hearts, filling them with terror. If the Parer comes in, fluffies will have to grow up, become adults, become responsible, stop being dependent children and FIP up.Masculists have the financial power to force women to FIP up, so fluffies are doomed. Masculists and MGTOWs refuse to have relationships with fluffies, who are seen to be manslaving parasites, to be spat at, as immoral inferior creatures, unworthy of getting a man. Such women are punished and deservedly so, because they expect men to be their manslaves, working for women, so women can have babies while they sit on their fat arses at home, living off their man’s money.Not anymore. The masculists and MGTOWs are killing off the fluffies. Fluffies are a dying breed, thank god, thanks to masculist and MGTOW moral pressure on women to FIP up or be punished by men, by not getting one.Probably the two biggest examples of the sex war, is what is happening now in the divorce courts, and the lack of a Parer, but there are many other examples of legal and social discrimination against men, that the MRM (Men’s Rights Movement) in the US focuses on, e.g. heavier punishment for men than women for equal crimes, earlier retirement ages for women, conscription for men but not for women in many countries, men’s lower life expectancy due to men’s greater stress load as the traditional breadwinner, ?a four times higher suicide rate amongst men than women, because men are socialized not to seek help the way women are, etc.There is a long list of such examples, where women benefit at ?men’s expense, i.e. women are parasitic on men in more than financial terms.The feminazis have gone overboard. They have moved from second wave to third wave, i.e. from pushing for equal rights for women, to now pushing for gynocracy, i.e. rule of women over men at men’s expense.Fortunately for men, we men have the financial power to force women to FIP up, so the ultimate power rests with us. When men become collectively angry, god help women. That is happening now as masculist rage is spreading across the world via the internet, waking men up to female amorality, to female parasitic nature, causing men to reject women in greater numbers, forcing women to FIP up, to become nicer to men, or they will be punished by not getting a man.The sex war is heating up. Feminazis are so hated by men now that young women are afraid to state publicly in their circle of friends, that they are feminists, through fear of not getting a man, because no man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping feminazi bitch. Women like that rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor, and spat at.The masculists have a lot to do because we don’t yet live in a FIP Society, where girls are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to be FIPs, so that the gender laws can be menfaired, the divorce laws menfaired, the Parer brought in, and the many legal and social discriminations menfaired across the board.Creating a FIP Society is the great goal of the masculists, but it won’t come into being, until men win the sex war, and the feminazis give up their dream of creating a gynocracy.Feminazis will probably die out as both sexes increasingly hate them. Men hate them because of what they are doing to men in the divorce courts, etc. Women hate them increasingly, because women can’t get sperm from quality men, due to the MGTOW boycott of marriage and paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, created by the feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrites, causing 2/3 of young men in many western countries to refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and to spend their money on themselves, thus causing millions of women to be babyless.With both sexes hating the feminazis, they will die out. Women will give up being feminazis when they are rejected from all sides. They will just fade away, and learn to be nice again to men, or they will die out. Men have the financial power to force women to FIP up or they don’t eat. That is the comforting thought that masculists can use to encourage themselves in winning the sex war.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/247 Masculisting the Parents (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer gives advice on what parents who have been influenced by MGTOW/masculist ideas can teach their children, on how to avoid the traps of a gynocentric society.MASCULISTING THE PARENTS?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one presents ideas on how masculists can influence parents to masculist their daughters (and sons) so that they do not grow up into fluffie parasites, and hence suffer greatly by being totally ignored by men.There are parents and parents. Parents won’t influence their daughters (and sons) into masculist ways of thinking if they themselves know nothing about masculist ideas, so it will take some time for masculist ideas to penetrate the minds of parents.The smarter the parents, the quicker it will take for masculist ideas to penetrate their minds, so this flyer is aimed at the upper middle class parents, those with high IQs, because they will be the first to bother to expose themselves to masculist ideas on the internet etc,Half of a population, by definition, has an IQ below average. Such people are too stupid to read books. Many of them have difficulty in reading at all, so reading a book is too intellectually demanding to be worth bothering with, so they watch videos instead, and Hollywood movies.They are peakers (people of average intelligence, which places them in the peak of the IQ Bell curve. Watching Hollywood movies, which are geared to the peakers (i.e. peakered), is an example of “peakery” i.e. activities that amuse the peakers, e.g. watching sports, watching Hollywood movies, listening to pop music, going shopping, etc.Speaking personally, as a professor, I only have to listen to pop music, to be made painfully conscious, how stupid most people are, that such ephemeral noise is actually popular with them. Certainly not with me. How can Negroid rap music compare with the subtlety and beauty of Schubert? Pop music insults my musical intelligence, so as a sage I have almost nothing to do with peakers.Sages and peakers don’t mix, they are like oil and water, so this flyer is definitely aimed at the upper middle class parents who have high IQs, who are capable of absorbing ideas, who actually like listening to ideas, rather than finding them painful, because idea absorption requires one to think, which is too painful an activity for peakers and subs (people even dumber than peakers, i.e. whose IQs are lower than one standard deviation below the mean, i.e. the bottom sixth of the population.)Once the upper middle class are influenced by MGTOW and masculist ideas, they in turn will influence the middle middle class people, and they in turn will then influence the lower class people, by copying.The lower and middle class people aren’t influenced by intellectual arguments. They are too stupid for that. They are influenced by what their friends and acquaintances do, and then copy them. It will take time for MGTOW masculist attitudes to trickle down through the IQ stratified classes.Parents will not be influenced by masculist ideas in large numbers until the media people start presenting masculist ideas to the general public. This process is only now just starting, so it will take some years before upper middle class parents start moving on the masculist front with their daughters and sons.So, let’s fast forward a few years, so that MGTOW and masculist ideas have reached the broadcast media in a big way, as must happen, because the MGTOWs are wiping out whole populations by refusing to marry and have kids, causing millions of women to be babyless.Sooner or later, this situation must attract the broadcast media, because it is the biggest story of our century. There is nothing more important to human beings, than the very survival of human beings, but it is precisely that that the MGTOW and masculists are threatening with their paternity boycott.So imagine the broadcast media are discussing MGTOW and masculist ideas in a big way, so that upper middle class parents are influenced by these ideas.What can such parents then teach their kids, both their daughters and their sons? I will start with what they can teach their daughters, because they will be hit hardest if they grow up in the conventional way, i.e. of being yet another fluffie crapper (i.e. a female who studies fluffie carp, i.e. the soft option at high school, i.e. intellectually easy, intellectually lazy, majors such as English literature, history, languages, that are memory based, rather than analytically based, such as the hard option, of math and the sciences.)Fluffie crappers at high school, will be forced to study more fluffie crap subjects at college and university, because they will be excluded from the STEM fields (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions, because they do not have the analytic subject prerequisites to enter these fields.Parents need to push their daughters to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons), by studying career competent majors that will allow them to become financially responsible FIPs as adults, otherwise their daughters will be severely punished later in life, by men, who will look on fluffies as vermin, as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.Parents in a few years, will be much more conscious than they are today (2017) of the social phenomenon of MGTOW and masculism. They will be hearing these ideas coming from all sides, from the media, from their colleagues, from movies, etc. It will be in the air, part of the general culture, like feminism is today, but was new in the 60s when it was just getting off the ground.Socialization of children begins with the parents, not the teachers at primary school. Young girls will absorb what their parents teach them about values, about what is important in life. Those parents who are dual career, i.e. the mother is not a fluffie, but a financially responsible FIP woman, can tell her daughter, as can her father, that it is very important for her to get a career competent education, so that she can avoid being a hated fluffie, that society, and particularly men, piss on and reject very emotionally.In a few years, once the broadcast media really takes up MGTOW and masculist ideas, everyone will know about them, so that an ethic will arise that women are to FIP up or be punished by men by being made manless, and hence loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and spat at.The media will be filled with stories of women rejected by men for being fluffie crapper parasites, who are suffering badly, feeling rejected by both sexes for being undesired. Parents will be influenced by these stories that they hear on the media and read in their magazines, and will not wish the same on their daughters, so emphasize strongly to their daughters that they must FIP up.Parents will scare their daughters to become career competent, because there is so much at stake for them, i.e. their future global happiness. Parents will be very conscious in a few years, that a young girl who is lazy, who studies fluffie crap, as do three quarters of young women at age 16 today in high schools, will be punished by society, particularly by men, who will reject her, ignore her, leave her rotting on the shelf, because she is seen as being a future manslaver, as immoral, as vermin to be totally ignored, not even pumped and dumped, which would be a devastating fate for a young woman.Fathers can tell their daughters much the same thing, but from the male perspective. He can tell her “Men hate fluffies. If you become a fluffie, if you don’t FIP up, at high school, and become career competent, like a man, then you will live alone, rejected by men, no one will love you, no babies, and you will be cast out of society, seen as morally inferior, spat at. Do you want that?So make the effort. Study the hard stuff, so you can be career competent, and pull your weight financially. You can learn the slow hard way, or the fast smart way. The slow hard way, is to become a fluffie yourself, and then suffer for many years as you are rejected by men, spat at by men, for being a manslaving fluffie, despised by men, OR you can learn the quick smart way, by listening to your parents, who are trying to steer you into becoming a FIP, bothering to become a FIP, so that men will not automatically reject you as a manslaving fluffie.They will respect you more because you are a man’s equal, by bothering to get a career competent education so that you can be a FIP as an adult and pull your financial weight and not parasite off a man, the way fluffies do, but they are a dying breed now.Soon there won’t be any left. They will have been forced to go underground, rejected by society and especially by men, who don’t tolerate them. So I suggest you save yourself a lot of pain and grief and learn the quick smart way by following the advice of your parents.”Now for advice to sons. Fathers can say to their sons “Son, don’t have a relationship with a bloody fluffie. She will only pull you down. Until the divorce courts are menfaired, don’t marry, don’t have kids, because if you’re stupid enough to do that, you will run a one in four chance of being financially massacred and having your life ruined by the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.You will lose your kids with a 90% probability. You will lose your house, half your possessions. You’ll pay child support to kids you’ll barely see, and often alimony to your fluffie ex-wife, who can then continue to parasite off you after the divorce the way she did before the divorce, with no legal obligation to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up by getting a job and stop parasiting off her ex-husband.Son, fluffies are hated now in society. Don’t go near them. They are immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin. Men spit at them now, treating them like dirt, to wipe them out, forcing all women to be FIPs, or pay a terrible price.Until the gender laws are menfaired and men become more willing to have kids again, then if you want to have a sexual relationship with a woman, and not just sex your sexbot, then twaytwef. Have a relationship with a FIP woman who has her own apartment. (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). The advantage of twaytweffing is that when the relationship fails, as nearly all do, then you just walk away to your own apartment, cost free to you.Your ex-girlfriend is a FIP so can manage on her own financially. She will not parasite off you the way a fluffie would. Avoid fluffies like the plague. They will drag you down.Don’t be like me. My wife, your mother, could drag me through a divorce court dominated by hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who financially massacre and destroy the lives of one married father in four.Don’t do what I did. Be smart. Don’t marry. Don’t have kids, until the gender laws are menfaired. Be wise. Don’t learn the hard way. Listen to my advice, from your father, who is older and wiser, who has learned what a hazard marriage and fatherhood is to a man in our current gynocentric culture.Punish the hated fluffies and the fluffie feminazi hypocrites. Punish them by wiping them out, so that all women become FIPs and become nice again to men, or be punished by not getting one.Mothers can say to their sons, “Son, watch out for fluffie women. They are parasites. Women evolved to be parasites off men. I know. I’m a woman, and I feel the instinctive urge to want to parasite off a man’s money. It’s in my DNA, but I don’t because I know how much men hate being parasited off now.It’s only a question of time now before the gender laws are menfaired and men are no longer ”divorced raped” as they are today. One married father in four in today’s culture gets financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts.Be very careful with women, because they will entrap you, if they are fluffies. Pay very careful attention to what a girl you’re interested in is studying. Will she grow up to be a FIP? Is she intellectually lazy and choosing to be a fluffie crapper? If so, dump her. Avoid her so that she won’t parasite off you.Your mother is a female masculist. I sympathize with the plight of divorced raped men. I would never do that to your father, but I could if I wanted, because the divorce courts today are dominated by fluffie feminists who hate men and punish them in their courts that they dominate, ruining their lives.I would never divorce rape your father, but one in four married mothers do. So be warned! A one in four chance is too high a risk to take, so don’t do it.These fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers are shooting themselves in the foot, because they are causing millions of men to hate them, who then go MGTOW (men going their own way) avoiding women and paternity. This is not good for society nor for women, so things have to change.Be very careful with women, because they evolved to parasite off you. They are cunning, enticing you with sex to get your frontal lobes to switch off, so they can manipulate you to give them money and have you pay for them to sit on their fat parasitic arses in a house that YOU pay for.A decade later, once they have their kids, they will divorce rape you, taking your house, your kids, your money and will feel no shame about what they have done. Women are amoral that way. We evolved to be like that.Look carefully at what your potential girlfriends are studying. Will they be FIPs as adults? Remember that. Be careful, while we still live in a society where the gender laws are still so massively unfair to men.”These messages, coming from both parents, will influence daughters and sons strongly. Later, as they grow more, they will be influenced by teachers, who will be saying the same thing, but since most teachers, particularly in primary school are women, who in today’s world know almost nothing about MGTOW nor masculism, these teachers will bias boys in a way that does not make boys happy, but that is a topic for another flyer.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/248 Masculisting the Teachers (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer talks about the alienation of boys in female teacher dominated primary and secondary schools. Male teachers need to be given higher salaries than female teachers so that the ratio of male to female teachers can be made one to one, so that the mental health of boys can be restored. This will require the masculisting of society and the schools.MASCULISTING THE TEACHERS?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one presents ideas on how the teaching of boys can be made balanced, in the sense that boys are exposed to more male teachers and not be so gynocentrized and feministed by growing up for the first two decades of their lives in a female dominated world.Now that women have the contraceptive pill, large numbers of women choose to have 0, 1 or 2 kids, and hence have a career window of some 40 years, so over the past few decades, huge numbers of women have entered the work force.Women are less risk taking by nature than men, so they tend to congregate in jobs that are financially secure. Teaching, i.e. a government job, and dealing with children, is a favorite of women, so it is now commonplace that boys grow up in a female dominated world. Primary school teaching is utterly dominated by female teachers, and increasingly so is secondary school teaching, even in math and the sciences at twelfth grade.One wonders what impact this has on the mentality of boys when their role models are all female? It might explain the antagonism and generation gap I feel as a masculist towards the MGTOWs with their awful apolitical passivity, and wimpiness. I feel most MGTOWs are feminized cowards, gutless, i.e. having feminized brains with testicles. These MGTOW kids, half my age, strike me as coming from another planet, which in a sense they do, because they have been raised in schools from first to twelfth grades by women, and that must surely have had an impact on them.To make an analogy, the so-called “feral” children, i.e. raised by animals, did not learn to walk upright, but moved along on their four limbs, two legs and two arms, like monkeys. They did this because they never saw another creature walking upright, so it never occurred to them to stand up and walk. The idea never came into their heads.Similarly, when boys never have male teachers, they never get input from a teacher who has a male brain, who thinks, reasons and acts in a male manner. Surely that must influence these boys’ thinking and behaviors?!In my own case, admittedly I had female teachers from my first to fifth grades, but from then on until twelfth grade, and for all my university years, I had male teachers, who gave me role models on how to think in a male way, i.e. logically, analytically, consistently, and particularly in a math and science way of thinking, since those were my two specialties.This “femination” of boys needs to stop. It is damaging males. Boys are being profoundly alienated at schools by a female only environment that does not give them role models for boy’s mental health. They feel constantly suffocated by a thinking style and by behaviors that are foreign to them, alien to them, that is not them, that feels antagonistic to them.To solve this problem of the femination of boys in the primary and secondary schools, (and increasingly in the universities, since now female students outnumber male students at university two to one, except in the STEM fields, particularly in engineering) I need to situate it in a broader context.The feminazis took over the divorce courts in the 70s and made them toxic for men. As a result, millions of young men now have gone MGTOW (men going their own way) refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves. This MGTOW paternity rejection is crashing the birth rate, and in time will crash the population size.Sooner or later, the politicians will be forced to address this issue, and measures will have to be taken to motivate men to be fathers again, by menfairing the gender laws, menfairing the divorce laws in particular, but menfairing the divorce laws alone will not be enough.Society needs to be menfaired systematically, across the board, including reforming the femination of boys in the primary and secondary schools. It will be important that boys be given an equal number of male teachers as female teachers in their first two decades of life, but there is a problem here and that is that women like teaching children, and men have less interest in doing the same, so there will need to be some measure of social engineering to solve this problem.Here is where governments can play a role. Governments can use a “positive discrimination” policy to entice more male teachers into primary and secondary education, by offering men higher salaries, which can keep increasing, until the ratio of male to female teachers becomes one to one.The feminazi teachers may complain about this discrimination against women, but when that happens, the masculists amongst the teaching staff then need to hit back at them hard, accusing them of hypocrisy, given that women have benefitted from extensive positive discrimination for decades, and that these feminazi teachers need to think about the negative impact their female dominance has had on boys’ psychological health for several generations.Male teachers need to be a lot more masculisted, so that they are armed intellectually with masculist ideas that they can hurl back at the feminazi bitches, defeating them at their own game with masculist rhetoric, masculist intellectual venom, so that these feminazi bitches become afraid to lash out, feminazi style, as they have done for half a century, through fear of being verbally attacked by a superior force, i.e. by masculists, with superior male brilliance and intellectual venom, given that men are smarter than women on average, and a lot more verbally aggressive, due to men’s greater testosterone levels.Too many men have been cowered by the feminist onslaught, because they were not armed with masculist ideas, so society in general needs to have the gender balance restored, in the sense that men need to be taught that they too have a gender discourse, so that feminazis are forced to abandon their misguided idea that women have a monopoly on gender discourse.Women need to be taught that women can oppress men just as much as vice versa, and need to be taught that they are not to punish men for being men. This is as unjust and unfair as men punishing women for being the inferior sex.Women can’t help being inferior. They are built that way. Women evolved that way, because they sexually selected men with higher intelligence over the past few million years, because it was in women’s self-interest to sex with a smart male, because smarter males made better hunters, who were more likely to be able to kill game and bring home the meat for their female sexual partners and their babies.Men are smarter than women on average for the same kind of reason that men are bigger, stronger, and fiercer than women, because women had a sexual preference for such men, because it was in women’s survival advantage to mate with such men to protect them from big, strong, fierce men from enemy tribes who could kill them.Women need to be taught that they will have to share the gender discourse equally with men, now that masculism and MGTOW are on the scene. Those women who are willfully ignorant of such men’s lib talk and ideology, will be given short shrift by the masculists, by being harangued with masculist ideas, so that these women soon learn at their peril that it is not pleasant to be confronted by a very angry masculist who is both smarter and a lot more verbally aggressive than they are, given that men are the superior sex, as shown by science.Men outperform women across the board at the top end of the scale. This is a simple consequence of mainly two things, one is the phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance) i.e. men’s performance scores on anything measurable is more spread out than women’s.Men have a greater measure of variability, i.e. variance, to use the statistical term. Men also have higher testosterone levels so are more aggressive, more ambitious, dogged, persistent, and single minded, so achieve far more than women, who did not evolve to manipulate the world, but rather to be baby factories and child minders, to raise the next generation.So, as society becomes increasingly masculisted, women will become more sympathetic to boys’ problems, and be more accepting that something has to be done to create a balance in the number of male to female teachers, particularly in the early years of a boy’s life. Hence the need for positive discrimination in terms of higher, perhaps much higher salaries for male teachers than female teachers.Perhaps doing this might have a double barreled effect, i.e. it might encourage more men to be primary and secondary school teachers, and discourage women to be the same, because women may feel that they are being discriminated against by governments that favor men salary wise to be teachers.You may argue, that governments will not dare do this due to the bloc female vote. Women are 51% of the voters and more women vote than men. This fact is the primary reason why apolitical wimpy MGTOWs do not pursue political action against the feminazis, pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws, and instead simply opt out of the culture, going their own way, not marrying, not being fathers, and spending their money on themselves.The way round this problem, is to convert women into female masculists, by teaching them masculist ideas, so that some women become sympathetic to men’s gender issues and support men in their struggle to menfair the gender laws.The other strategy masculists can use to cause more women to become female masculists is to scare them with babylessness by using MGTOW tactics in a political context, i.e. tell women that the MGTOWs are causing them to be babyless, due to the MGTOW paternity strike.If women want to have babies again, they will have to vote together with the men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, otherwise men will continue to feel politically impotent, and hence use the only option they have left to them, i.e. to opt out, by refusing marriage and paternity.So once there are large numbers of female masculists, who have been taught masculist ideas by the masculists, the combined vote of men and female masculists will be enough to push the gender politicians to increase the salaries of male teachers to well above that of female teachers, so that the male/female teacher balance is attained.When boys can be taught equally by both male and female teachers, they will feel far less alienated and be happier. They will have role models they can identify with, who feel familiar in their thinking patterns to them, rather than be dominated by alien giants called women, who think differently, who are a different species, who don’t have an unconscious, intuitive understanding of what it is to have a male brain, because these women, these female teachers have a different brain, that is wired up over millions of years to specialize in different tasks, who have different priorities, different values, who are just plain different, not the same, not comfortable, not male.Education needs to be radically reformed, by bringing in far more male teachers. To achieve this goal, society will need to be socially engineered. Society will need to be masculisted to a degree far more than is currently the case.The masculists have a large job ahead of them. Masculists will have to do what the feminists did in the 60s and 70s, i.e. feminists educated women and society into feminist ideas, to achieve equal rights for women.Similarly, masculists need to educate men and society into masculist ideas, to achieve equal rights for men. A balance between the levels of ideological pressure coming from the feminazis and from the “mascunazis” needs to be created, so that feminazis do not dare harangue men for being men, through fear of being out harangued by smarter, fiercer masculists, and be blown away by superior male force, both intellectual and physical.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/249 Masculisting the Companies (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer shows how masculists can defang the feminazis in their companies by haranguing them with masculist rhetoric. Company management needs to recognize that if they don’t put a stop to the feminazification of their companies, their most creative, productive male employees will quit, and the company will not survive the competition in the marketplace. Feminazification is both toxic and dangerous for companies.MASCULISTING THE COMPANIES?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one is concerned with ideas on how masculists can transform the feminazied atmosphere of companies in today’s world.Recently, a male engineer at Google was fired for writing a memo on gender issues at Google. This angered men, and shows just how bad things have become with the feminazi takeover of companies in the US. A similar story is happening in Sweden and other countries.This flyer is about ideas on how men in these companies can use masculist rhetoric to combat and defeat the feminazi bitches in these companies who have taken over the gender discourse, making the work atmosphere in these companies toxic for males.Men need to take back their peace of mind that has been taken from them by these isscienate, arrogant, ignorant, feminazi bitches. This flyer shows how.A fundamental assumption in femnazi doctrine is that gender is a social construct, i.e. created by social conditions, i.e. not genetically determined. This is simply dumb, and wrongheaded. The scientific evidence showing that there is a definite genetic influence on people’s abilities, is overwhelming, if people only bother to look, but feminism doesn’t care about anything so banal as scientific evidence, or facts. Feelings are what matters to these child brain feminazi cretins. Facts are of no importance.This feminazi attitude, that facts, i.e. science, are of secondary importance to women’s feelings, which are very important to women, but less to men, makes someone like me, who is both a masculist AND? a scientist (a PhDed full research professor before retirement) react as a bull to a red flag. I get very angry.It makes me want to lash out, lambasting these isscienate feminazi ignorami fools with masculist and scientific rhetoric, crushing their femalien egos, dismissing them with real male intellectual rage, wiping the floor with them.Intellectually armed with masculist ideas, this can be done fairly easily. For example, imagine you’re in a masculist-feminist conflict situation, in a public meeting with both men and women in the audience, in a company that has been taken over by feminazis, who impose their feminazi standards of gender discourse onto the meeting.But over the past year, imagine a group of the younger men in the company has been studying MGTOW and masculist ideas, on the internet, who decide it is time for them to put their male foot down, and wipe away all this feminazi bullshit, so they decide to go on the attack. Imagine them saying in public something like the following.“We men are fed up with you feminazi bitches. We despise your isscienate ignorance, and your imposition of your feminazi dogma on men. It’s crap. You women are NOT equal to men in performance, statistically speaking. You are the inferior sex, as shown by science, so stop pretending you are men’s equals, because you’re not.Women are dumber than men on average, by 4 IQ points. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have higher testosterone levels than women, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more persistent, more dogged, more single minded, so achieve far more than women.The female contribution to world intellect is negligible, a few percent at best. Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s so have 10% less neural processing capacity than men’s, so it is not surprising that women have invented almost nothing, created almost nothing, built almost nothing.Women have been largely parasites off men for several million years. Women evolved to be baby factories and child minders, not to understand and manipulate the world. The feminazi pretense that women can perform at male levels at the top end of the scale is a delusion.It is like a religion to women, telling them what they want to hear, but not based on scientifically verified realities. It is a fantasy that women are desperate to hear, because feminism preaches to women that women can do anything that men can do. Well they cant. Women don’t build anything, create anything, or invent anything. Where are the female composers, the chess grand masters, the Nobel prize winners, the Abel Prize winners in math, etc.As masculists, listening to feminazi bullshit, makes us puke. We have lost patience with the feminazis. We hate them for what they have done in the divorce courts, financially massacring one married father in four, destroying his life. These hated feminazi bitches have now become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, because these are the root cause of the rise of the MGTOW movement (men going their own way) refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money of themselves. Two thirds of young men are now MGTOW in practice.Sooner or later, the gender politicians will be forced to address the issue of the population decline as caused indirectly by the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, and hence making marriage toxic for men.Society in general is now waking up to the toxicity of feminism, seeing it as a cancer that has to be eradicated. Well, we masculists in this company have decided to put our male foot down. We are FED UP hearing about your feminazi bullshit. You will stop complaining, stop blaming men for all your problems. You will grow up, take responsibility for your own lives, or suffer the masculist wrath from us.Feminazi bitches are the most hated category of female. They are punished by men, by them not getting as man. No man wants a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch. Women like that rot on the shelf, spat at, despised.What are you feminazis going to do when you get spat at by men, from all sides. You won’t have a leg to stand on. We men are FED up with your isscienate fairy, feminazi, PC, bullshit. It’s crap, It’s not real. You offend the scientists in us. You preach misinformation, stuff that just isn’t true, which makes you no better than flat earthers, or religionists.You believe feminazi garbage, because you want to believe it, not because there is scientific proof for its dogmas.? You feminazis live in a fairyland of your own creation, and then dump on men because you women can’t perform at male levels at the top end of the performance scale, blaming men for male prejudice against women when in fact the real reason why you women can’t advance to the top end of the scale, is due to your own genetically determined inferiorities. You are your own worst enemies.From now on, if you feminazi bitches come out with any more of your feminazi crap, expect to be harangued by us, the company’s masculists. We will smash you intellectually, discrediting you as isscienate fairies, as superstitious, isscienate, dogmatists, as contemptible and repulsive.Most of you are fat fours anyway, so are easy to dismiss as females. You are not pretty. Your overweightness makes you sexually repulsive to males, so don’t blame men for your inability to attract men’s attention. Blame yourselves for your inability to attract men, for your lack of discipline in controlling the number of calories you stuff into your fat faces. You and only you are responsible for your own lives.We men are FED UP with you feminazi bitches putting the blame on men for problems that you cause yourselves. Grow up you cowardly hypocritical feminazi bitches. We have totally lost patience and tolerance with you. You will behave as responsible adults, or you will be disciplined as a parent treats a child. Your behavior is childish. It is reprehensible.A few months from now, the number of masculists and MGTOWs in this company will probably double and double again, so that you femaliens, will be faced with hot masculist opposition from just about any man you come across.We masculists will make your lives miserable in this company if you don’t behave as civilized responsible adults. We will harangue you. We will insult you for your misandry. We will spit in your face and tell you that a lot of you are fat, sexually repulsive, land whales. You deserve to be ignored, made manless, sexless, loveless, babyless, and despised.”Management of these companies will become painfully aware that the feminist-masculist war, has the potential to kill the company. If there is no rise of masculist consciousness in companies, and the feminazis continue to rule the day, then companies risk going bankrupt as the most creative, most productive males get fed up and leave the company, as is starting to happen today with Google, which used to have the reputation of being a progressive, creative, company, but now is being pulled down by the level of its feminazism, e.g. its censorship of masculist MGTOW channels on YouTube that Google owns, and the firing of the male engineer I mentioned earlier, that was hugely publicized, especially after he made a T shirt with the word Goolag in the characteristically colored letters (red, blue, green, yellow) of the Google logo, implying that his treatment by Google is what one would expect in the Stalin era, when millions of political prisoners were sent to the gulags, i.e. slave labor camps for political prisoners, as still happens in today’s shithole China (which has over 1000 laogai (i.e. Chinese gulags), with 3-5 million Chinese political prisoners).The image of this former Google engineer in his Goolag T shirt may do more damage to Google’s reputation than even their hated censorship of YouTube channels. It is devastatingly effective and funny.Personally I hope that Google dies. It deserves to, and it is likely that this will happen, because the Jewish CEO of YouTube is censoring the MGTOW and masculist channels, and others, so that these groups are migrating to other platforms. This will result in Google getting a reputation of being rather dull, because the bleeding edge thinkers will have nothing to do with YouTube. In time, viewership of YouTube will decrease, advertising revenues will then decrease, and in time YouTube will die.Google is rapidly acquiring the reputation of being a censoring dictatorial company, which fires masculists, so talented creative young men will refuse to work there and chose other, more open minded companies. Google will then be doomed to a top heavy female based, mediocrity, and will then lose out in the competition with more male based creative companies, where the feminazi based misandrist suffocation does not exist.So, if you work, as a male, in a company where the feminazi atmosphere is dominant, then take back your male pride and attain peace of mind, by masculisting your company. Learn masculist ideas and masculist facts, especially those that can be used to demote feminazi status, i.e. showing the genetically based inferiority of women. Smash their feminazi egos with scientifically based facts on female inferiorities, so that these feminazi bitches cannot refute them. Hit them hard with your masculist male venom, and make them shut up.Tell management that if these feminazi bitch tactics don’t cease, they there will be a mass rebellion by the men, and that might cause the company to fail. Make management very conscious that this is not some storm in a tea cup. It is a storm that could sink the company ship in high feminazi seas, and needs to be taken very seriously.Men are the most productive and most creative workers of a company. No company can afford to alienate its males and see them quit the company, to find less feminazi dominated companies elsewhere.The feminazi takeover of companies, especially in countries like the US and Sweden, is an alarming phenomenon, that has to be stopped, or the companies themselves will be destroying themselves.Once a company gets the reputation of being female top heavy, then that is the kiss of death for that company, because it will not be able to attract men who are intolerant of feminazi bullshit. Such companies will then lose out in the competition in the marketplace, because they are too female top heavy, less creative, and less productive. ?They will not survive.So to you in management, help your male employees to stamp out feminazi bitchery in your company if you want to survive. The feminazis have the potential to destroy your company. Be warned.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/250 Masculisting the Men (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer lists what the masculists need to do to educate men into the traps of the traditional manslave role, plus related tasks.MASCULISTING THE MEN?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one deals with men, all men. The masculists and MGTOWs have lessons that need to be learned by all men, because not knowing these lessons can badly impact one’s life as a male, falling into traps that an enlightened man can avoid.This flyer deals with a list of the core ideas of the MGTOWs and the masculists that all men need to learn. I will list them first in bulleted form and elaborate later.1 Don’t marry, don’t have kids.2 The red pill, i.e. women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.3 Women are hypergamous.4 The male frontal lobe switch-off.5 Hate the feminazi genociders.6 Punish fluffies by totally ignoring them.7 Educate other men into MGTOW/masculist ideas.8 Twaytwef only FIP women.9 Approach the broadcast media to teach it masculist ideas.10 Set up masculist groups in high school and colleges.11 Push universities to create Men‘s Studies courses.12 Give big masculist talks on campus.13 Educate women to become female masculists.14 Force the gender politicians to vote for menfairing the gender laws.15 Educate your daughters to FIP up.16 Educate the teachers to socialize young women to be FIPs.17 Harangue the feminazi bitches, to shut them up.—1 Don’t marry, don’t have kids.Probably the very first idea that men, all men, need to know about in western countries, is not to marry and not to have kids, until the gender laws are men faired. The hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males, that any man who marries now is considered a fool by his peers who know about MGTOW/masculist ideas.Any man stupid enough to marry and have kids will then subject himself to a risk of about one chance in four of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, where the divorce laws have been made so menunfair that men are rebelling in their millions.A divorcing man will lose his kids with 90% probability. He will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, and half his possessions. He will pay child support to his kids he will hardly see, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony for life, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up by getting a job.This is such a rotten deal for men that two thirds of young men under 35 in many western countries, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. They have gone MGTOW, i.e. men going their own way. They have done a cost benefit analysis, and come to the obvious conclusion that marriage and paternity are hazardous, so they refuse this traditional manslave to a fluffie role.When masculists give talks on masculism to university students, this is one of the first things they say, due to its critical importance.2 The red pill, i.e. women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.Pretty much the core idea of the MGTOWs, from a psychological point of view, is that women do not love men. Women evolved to use men to extract resources from them, particularly scarce male hunted meat, bribing men with access to their vaginas, in exchange for meat, thus increasing the odds that they and their babies would survive.It was not in a woman’s self-interest to remain loyal to a man who lost his exploitability. That would be life threatening to her. She could not hunt, because she was tied down with useless infants so her very survival depended on getting access to a man’s hunted meat. So women evolved the capacity to coldly disloyally dump a man who lost his exploitability.This is the way women are, the way they evolved, so men need to be conscious that women do not love men the way men love women, i.e. with a much higher degree of loyalty and consistency. Women’s top priority is to their own survival and to that of their babies. If one man doesn’t deliver the meat, then she will coldly drop him quickly and find another man who will, by offering him her cunt.Men need to know this about women, i.e. that women are essentially exploitative prostitutes. They evolved that way. Men need to learn that they are deluded if they think that women feel about men the way men feel about women. It’s just not true, and can be a very bitter pill to swallow, i.e. difficult to accept emotionally, that women will never love you as a man, only for your exploitability.A woman will judge you using exploitative criteria, “How many resources can I extract from this man? If none, then this man is useless (to me), therefore I will not give him my cunt.”Accepting this idea creates real anger in men, called by the MGTOWs the “red pill rage”, which is a phase that MGTOWs have to go through, as they come to terms with the reality of female evolved psychology. All men need to know about this.3 Women are hypergamous.Female hypergamy is an extension of women’s red pill psychology. Not only will a woman coldly, disloyally, dump a man who loses his exploitability, from her point of view, she goes a step further, always being on the lookout for a MORE exploitable male, who might be able to provide her and her babies with MORE resources. If a realistic opportunity arises, she will coldly, disloyally, dump her current meat provider male in favor of a “better” one, i.e. a male who will give her more.In modern terms, that would be a man who is richer, more handsome, more powerful, etc. Women evolved to be hypergamous, i.e. desiring to monkey branch, holding on to one branch while seeking another to get a good grip on, before letting go of the current branch. Women do this with men. They evolved this way. It is in their nature. They can’t help it.4 The male frontal lobe switch-off.Nature has conspired against men, to make it easier for women to sexploit them. When a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for long term planning and critical thinking.You have probably heard the expression, “If the sex is good, a man can tolerate almost anything in a woman.” This is a result of the frontal lobe switch-off, making it much easier for a woman to manipulate her man into providing more resources for her and her babies. Those men who had their frontal lobes switched off were better meat providers and so their kids were more likely to survive.Men need to know about this very important physiological phenomenon, so that they do not make important relationship decisions in the presence of a woman they regularly penis, because if they do, their decisions will be of much lower quality and objectivity.5 Hate the feminazi genociders.The essential difference between the MGTOWs and the masculists, is that the former are more psychologists, and the masculists are more the politicians. The above points in this list were more of the psychological type, whereas those that follow are more political in nature, i.e. more along the lines of what the masculists want.The two men’s lib movements, MGTOW and masculism, share a lot in common, but there are differences. The MGTOW are usually politically passive, a point of sharp confrontation between these two men’s lib movements.As a case in point, the masculists explicitly hate the feminazis, calling them fluffie feminist hypocrites, due to their hypocrisy of wanting to have their cake and eating it too, i.e. wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, particularly regarding the moral obligation to share equally with me, the burden of earning the living, so that women bother to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can become FIPs as adults.The fluffie feminists are feminists when it comes to their rights, as voted in by the gender politicians, but are fluffies in the divorce courts, expecting to be able to continue parasiting off men’s money after a divorce, the way she was parasiting off him before the divorce.The hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists makes masculists despise them, hate them, for their massive crimes, as committed in the divorce courts, by the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.The first category of female to be rejected by men are the hated fluffie feminist/feminazi bitches. Men won’t go near them. Such women are doomed to rot on the shelf, removing their feminazi bitch genes from the gene pool, so that such women die out. These feminazi bitches have become genociders because they are the root cause why men have gone MGTOW in such large numbers, rejecting paternity, and hence in time wiping out whole populations. As genociders, these feminazis have to be stopped. They have to be hated or they will wipe out humanity, the worst of crimes.6 Punish fluffies by totally ignoring them.The masculists have several main enemies. The most important of these are the fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by not bothering to become FIPs) and the fluffie feminist hypocrites.The masculist strategy against fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, is to refuse to have anything to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them. Such women are severely punished by masculists and MGTOWs. They will be manless, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, poor, and increasingly spat at by a culture that is ever more informed and sympathetic to masculist and MGTOW ideas.Another main enemy of the masculists are the gender politicians, who made the divorce laws in the first place, causing tens of millions of US men to be financially massacred and having their lives destroyed in the divorce courts.Masculists actively hate, arguing that what they are hating deserves to be hated, because these crimes committed against men are truly hatable.7 Twaytwef only FIP women.Masculists have a policy of only having relationships with FIP women. MGTOW ideas are a component of masculism, so masculists will have nothing to do with fluffies. They will however twaytwef with a FIP woman. Twaytweffing (= 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) where the man and the woman are both FIPs with their own apartment each.When the relationship goes sour, as most do, then the man just walks away to his own apartment, cost free to him, no divorce, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no alimony because the woman is a FIP, etc.The added plus of Twaytweffing is that it forces the woman to remain nice to the man. If she starts nagging, withholding sex, trying to mold him, etc., he can so easily walk away, at no cost to him, and she knows this, so that she is motivated to always be nice to him or he walks.Masculists and MGTOWs will not marry nor have kids, but they want regular sex from a woman, so twaytweffing is designed to give that to a man. Fluffies are punished by not getting a man at all. Masculists will not go near them, punishing them for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin to men, to be wiped out by being totally ignored.8 Educate other men into MGTOW/masculist ideas.Masculists, being political animals, are very conscious of the need for education of males, so spend a lot of their time educating other males into masculist/MGTOW ideas, so that other men do not fall into the traditional traps of marriage and paternity, and hence become subject to the one chance in four risk of being financially massacred and having their lives ruined in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court.Masculists have many ways to educate men, e.g. approaching the broadcast media, setting up masculist groups at high schools and colleges, pushing universities to set up Men’s Studies courses, giving big masculist talks on campus, etc9 Approach the broadcast media to teach it masculist ideas.Masculists are very aware that to teach the masses, i.e. the millions, the billions, about masculist ideas, then the mass media people need to get involved. So masculists particularly, rather than the apolitical, passive, MGTOWs, approach the media to educate them to teach masculist/MGTOW ideas to the masses. Education is a top priority to the politically minded masculists.10 Set up masculist groups in high school and colleges.From the masculists perspective, most of the fluffie damage is done in the high schools, because three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to study what the masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. career incompetent majors that will not allow a woman to become a FIP as an adult.She chooses to study the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy options that are memory based, such as English literature, history, languages, etc, instead of the analytically based majors like math and the sciences. Having not studied the analytic majors, she will then be excluded from studying them at college, because she does not have the prerequisites for STEM fields (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions, so will be forced to study more fluffie crap majors at college and end up with a fluffie crap diploma, that the economy does not value, so that she ends up a fluffie parasite as an adult, expecting to be able to parasite off a manslave in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking.She will realize she cannot afford with her fluffie crap diploma to buy her own middle class house to raise her kids in. She will expect some manslave to do that for her, but the supply of manslavable men is drying up due to the spread of MGTOW/masculist ideas, motiving men to see such fluffie crappers as parasitic vermin, to be wiped out.11 Push universities to create Men‘s Studies courses.Women have Women’s Studies, or Gender Studies (as though there is only one gender!) on many campuses across the western world. They teach women about feminist ideas, so that women are now getting a biased picture of the relationship between the sexes, due to the biased nature of feminism, not taking into account the idea that women can oppress men too, e.g. in the parasitic nature of women’s traditional role of being parasites off men’s money.Men’s Studies professors need to write text books on men’s lib issues, so that men on campus can take these courses as minors in their studies, not as majors, since there is no career competence taught in such knowledge, unlike many women who major in women’s studies, then wonder why no male employer wants to hire them.12 Give big masculist talks on campus.Masculists know that universities are hot beds of ideas for fresh young minds, who absorb ideas that they take with them often for life, so getting a prominent masculist to give a big talk on campus, will influence 1000s of young minds, both male and female. Organizing such big talks is an important part of the general education process as pushed by the masculists.13 Educate women to become female masculists.Masculists are very conscious that it is not enough to educate men. Women also need to be educated about masculist/MGTOW ideas so that women can become allies with the masculists in becoming sympathetic female masculists, using two different approaches, i.e. the carrot and the stick.Some women, simply by listening and absorbing masculist/MGTOW ideas, will be sympathetic to them and become female masculists. Other women can be given the stick, using MGTOW tactics, i.e. be scared into becoming female masculists or be threatened with babylessness, as millions of men go MGTOW, refusing to give women their sperm, so that women go babyless.14 Force the gender politicians to vote for menfairing the gender laws.Masculists, being political animals, are aware that women are 51% of the voters and vote more than men, so that the gender politicians are not going to menfair the gender laws, e.g. by menfairing the divorce laws, if the female bloc vote will vote them out of power, if they bring in menfaired gender laws.So the masculists know they have to convert women into female masculists so that the combined vote of the men plus the female masculists is about 60%, then the gender politicians will be forced to menfair the gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts (i.e. no alimony, automatic joint custody of the kids, the original owner of the house keeps it, etc) bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right, so that a man has the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy that women have, but men don’t), and by menfairing the gender laws across the board.15 Educate your daughters to FIP up.Masculists want masculist ideas to be so prevalent in our society, that parents are very conscious that they need to socialize their daughters to be FIPs, otherwise they will pay a heavy price as adults, by being rejected by men, not having one, and hence living a miserable lonely life, spat at and being rejected by men and society, for not being a responsible adult minded FIP.Parents will not wish this upon their daughters, so they will push their daughters to choose career competent majors at high school, so that their daughters can be FIPs as adults, and not be rejected by men.16 Educate the teachers to socialize young women to be FIPs.Masculists also want teachers in primary and secondary schools to teach young women to be FIPs, pushing them to make the effort to study career competent majors, so that they can be FIPs as adults. Today’s education at primary and secondary levels is heavily biased by feminists, so boys are feeling alienated by not being understood or being catered to.Bringing masculist/MGTOW ideas into the schools will remove this bias and give boys their own perspective and goals.17 Harangue the feminazi bitches, to shut them up.Once boys and young men have a good dose of masculist/MGTOWs ideas under their belt, they will be in a position to harangue back at the feminazi bitches, telling them about women’s genetically based inferiority and parasitism that men despise.A woman who publicly expresses feminazi ideas to a mixed audience, can be expected to be harangued back by highly intelligent, articulate, masculists, who can smash her feminazi isscienate garbage. This counter force will cause feminazis to shut up through fear of being confronted by angry masculists, who being male, will be brighter on average, and a lot more verbally aggressive, due to men having larger doses of testosterone flowing through their veins.—The above are the main ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs that men need to be taught. Once nearly every man knows these things, as part of his general knowledge, society will be very different. It will no longer be the gynocracy that our current culture has largely become. Masculist/MGTOW ideas will restore the gender balance, so that men have a voice, that is listened to by society, and is reflected in the gender laws, so that men are treated fairly, are given menfaired gender laws, which is something that is far from being the case today.Masculists have a lot of work to do to menfair our current culture, so guys, roll up your sleeves and get to work!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/251 Masculisting the Police (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer argues that the police need to be persuaded by the masculists that it is OK to bitch slap women, particularly feminazi bitches at masculist meetings, that the feminazi bitches are trying to close down, as feminazis become ever more conscious how great an existential threat masculism is, to their feminazi gynocentric agenda, as masculism persuades women to become female masculists to overcome the MGTOW threat of babylessness unless the gender laws are forced to be made menfair by a combined masculist and female masculist combined bloc vote.MASCULISTING THE POLICEThis flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one is about ideas on how masculists can influence the police. You may be wondering, “Why the police?” I was led to thinking about the influence of masculism on the police, through the following chain of reasoning.The hated feminazis have indirectly become genociders. They are indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that young men are refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves.It is this paternity strike of the MGTOWs that is crashing the birth rate, and in time, the size of the population. Thus the feminazis are the root cause for the annihilation of whole populations. In Japan, the population is already starting to fall as a result of the herbivore men, who have been refusing to be fathers for a decade or so longer than the MGTOW in western countries.Thus the feminazis have to be stopped, that is obvious. My impression is that most MGTOWs, being young men in their 20s and 30s, haven’t a clue about the enormous historical and political significance of what they are doing. They have the potential to WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULTIONS!It’s only a question of time before the politicians get in on the act of trying to persuade men to be fathers again. This is already happening in Japan, which has a full minister of population, whose job it is to persuade young men to be fathers again. He has not been very successful because he does not understand masculist ideas. He is operating with traditional gender norms, which are now the problem, not the solution.For the gender politicians to persuade young men to be fathers again, they will have to remove the feminazi control of the divorce courts and make them menfair for men, as well as bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right), and menfair the gender laws across the board, i.e. a long list of legal and social discriminations against men.How can the gender politicians menfair the divorce courts? They will need to be taught masculist ideas, so that they are given the intellectual tools to be able to remove feminazi judges and lawyers from the courts. They won’t be able to do this if the only gender discourse they know of is feminist. They will need to have that one sided view balanced by the other side, i.e. the male side, i.e. masculism.Once the gender politicians have started menfairing the divorce courts and started working on menfairing the gender laws across the board, it will be necessary to menfair the police as well, which is what this flyer is about.The ultimate enforcement of the law is the threat of violence by the police, i.e. physical force by males. If all males started seeing the feminazis as the enemy, as genociders, then these feminazis wouldn’t stand a chance. If the police turn against them, then the feminazis are powerless. They are females after all, and rely on the male police to physically enforce their feminazi laws.The problem with the police is that most of them are not very bright. Most of them are peakers, i.e. people of average IQs, lying in the peak of the IQ Bell curve, i.e. average Joes, not dumb, not bright, so definitely not sages, not thinkers.Most cops do boring admin type work, direct traffic, etc. This is not intellectual work, so how to persuade the cops to adopt masculist ideas? Trying to persuade them with intellectual arguments will not work, because cops are not intellectuals.How did the feminists get the cops over the past few decades, to enforce their feminazi ideas? By building up a feminist zeitgeist in the general public and the media, so that the police were influenced by it, because it was “in the air.” The masculists will have to do the same, and it will take time and effort.To illustrate the problem that masculists have with the police in today’s world, imagine a husband gets really pissed off with his hysterical wife, who is destroying some valuable object of his, in one of their many arguments, e.g. his computer. In the past, he would have had no qualms about bitch slapping her to bring her to her senses. Bitch slapping has been the norm for thousands of years.Women are hysterical, which is one of their many negative traits that men despise (along with nagging, being illogical, being emotional, etc). Half a century ago, when a wife “lost it,” she was usually bitch slapped by her husband to snap her out of it, to bring her back to controlling herself and, stop destroying valuable property.But in today’s world, the police have been so brainwashed by the feminazis, that they will now imprison a man who bitch slaps his hysterical wife. Things have become so unbalanced in favor or women, that the above situation is common place in western countries. This has to stop, because bitch slapping is seen by the masculists as an essential political tool to stop the feminazis in their tracks.I need to explain. From the above “feminazis as genociders” arguments, it is clear the feminazis have to be stopped. Things cannot continue as they are, because if they do, then it is only a question of time before whole populations get wiped out.How to stop the feminazis? With bullets? i.e. killing millions of them? That seems to me to be unnecessary, as too drastic. There is another way, and that is to discredit them with masculist ideas, backed up by bitch slapping.Thus there is a lot of work to be done by the masculists, to get society, including women, to become familiar with masculist ideas that the feminazis have to be stopped.Society needs to be persuaded that feminazis are vermin, wiping out whole populations, causing young women to be babyless, due to the paternity boycott of the MGTOWs, who in turn are reacting against the toxicity of the divorce courts, and hence marriage, caused by the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts in the 70s.The masculists need to teach society that “Feminazis are cancer! Feminazis are toxic!” The police need to hear this too, so that they are made conscious that the feminazis have gone too far. The feminazis now have too much power, which they are abusing, for example, about half of rapes are actually false accusations by hysterical, child minded women, modern research is showing.Thus as masculist influence rises and rises, the feminazis will become conscious that the masculists are out to discredit them, out to destroy them, so the feminazis will turn their attention to the strongest threat against them, i.e. the masculists. They will organize to destroy the meetings and the big talks with invited speakers of the masculists, by turning up in large numbers and then heckling the speaker so that he cannot speak.One way to combat this is to have a male only audience, but then the masculists need to educate women too into masculist ideas, because the masculist strategists, the masculist theorists, see that millions of women need to be converted into female masculists so that they will vote together with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so the masculists will want women to attend their talks.But how can the talk organizers distinguish a potential female masculist from a diehard feminazi? They can’t, so there will need to be another way to stop the feminazi hecklers, and that is bitch slapping. When the talk starts, the audience can be warned “This talk will not be interrupted by feminazis. If any of you women try to disrupt this talk, you will be forcefully removed from the room, and bitch slapped as well, to teach you to never do the same again.We have permission from the local police to do this, so be warned. As masculists, we see you feminazis as genociders. We have a hatred of you for what you have done to men, tens of millions of men, in the divorce courts, financially massacring them and ruining their lives, so if it does come to bitch slapping, there are lot of very angry, bitter men at this talk, who would love to bitch slap feminazi bitches. They would just love to, so be warned. Keep quiet, and you might actually learn something. You might learn that women can oppress men too. Gender oppression is not a one way street.”This kind of thing will be happening thousands of times across the US, in every campus, even every high school. The feminazis will become increasingly conscious what a profound threat to their existence, masculism is, because they can see that? the masculists are aiming to persuade men to be fatherless and teaching women that the root cause of women’s babylessness is the feminazi takeover of the divorce courts.These feminazis will become painfully aware that the masculists, plus the female masculists, when combined, will be a powerful force, with enough power to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, i.e. to turn back the privileges women have in the divorce courts, forcing women to FIP up or not get a man.So, it is only a question of time, before there will be a real ideological war between the feminazis and the masculists over whether feminism dies out or not. The masculists have very strong arguments in favor of wiping out the feminazis.Feminazis have become genociders, so cannot continue to exist. They must be stopped. The masculists can tell young women, “If you young women don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, particularly the divorce laws, and the Parer, then young men will continue to boycott marriage and fatherhood, so you will remain babyless. If you don’t want that, then you must vote with men to menfair the gender laws.”The masculists have a very persuasive knife at the throat of women. Men have the power to force women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) or be manless, with men refusing to have anything to do with fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man). Nearly all men are FIPs. We are socialized that way and evolved to be FIPs.We men therefore do not need to parasite off a woman to become financially secure, whereas a women who does not bother to become a FIP, by getting a career competent education at high school and university, will feel the need to parasite off the money of a man. She will become a hated fluffie that the masculists treat as the enemy, to be wiped out, not killed, just ignored to death.As the above masculist ideas sink into the minds of the general culture, the feminazis will absorb them too and understand their force, and hence their threat to their feminazi agenda of creating a gynocentric culture, where women’s values rule.These feminazis will see the masculists as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT and will be all out to fight them. If the feminazis don’t fight the masculists, then the feminazis will be drowned by the masculist message, coming not only from men, but from female masculists as well, and that double barreled threat will really scare the feminazis.So, how to get permission to bitch slap feminazis at masculist meetings? The masculists need to change the bylaws on domestic violence. The masculists need to teach their societies, their countries, that women start the physical violence in the home, (punching, slapping etc) more than men. Women use knives and guns at the same rate as men, research shows.Police need to be taught such things, so that they are not brainwashed by the feminazis to believe that only men are the brutes in the home.The police need to be taught by the masculists that there are times when a woman becomes hysterical and needs to be bitch slapped to snap her out of it. I’m not advocating here that a man, who is usually three times stronger across the chest than the average woman, really punches his wife or girlfriend, doing real damage to her, but a well delivered bitch slap, to slap her out of it, is needed.Masculists need to do the same kind of job on the police that the feminazis did over the past few decades, when they persuaded the police that arresting men for domestic violence was a good thing.The masculists need to educate the police that there are always two sides to a domestic dispute, that the woman involved can often be a real bitch, who provokes the man with her own violence, both physical and verbal.The masculists can push the slogan onto the media “Bitch slapping is OK and needed!” Bitch slapping will be a very effective political tool against the feminazis when the gender war heats up, after the feminazis become conscious just how much of a threat masculism is to their very existence.The masculists need weapons to combat this feminazi onslaught when it comes. Since men are stronger than women, bitch slapping ought to be enough to keep feminazis from destroying masculist meetings, of which there need to be thousands to educate students, the public, the media etc.We masculists have a lot of work to do, i.e. political work, educational work, legal work, police work. We need to educate the police to allow bitch slapping at masculist meetings, and to explain to them why. For thousands of years, husbands bitch slapped their hysterical wives when their woman stepped over the line of the rational, and needed to be stopped, to be brought back to the real world, with a short hard slap that jolted her senses.In the case of a collective bitch slapping of dozens of angry feminazi bitches at a masculist meeting, the strength of the bitch slapping will need to be strong enough that these feminazi bitches will never attempt to close down a masculist meeting again, through fear of being bitch slapped a second time in their lives.Masculists will need to educate all men about masculist ideas, so that the boyfriends of the feminazis understand the need for the bitch slapping. By educating the boyfriends of feminazis, these males will become sympathetic to masculist ideas, and hence probably be less inclined to remain the boyfriends of the feminazis and dump them.This in turn will only make the feminazis hate the masculists all the more, because they will be losing their boyfriends and their manslaves to masculism as well. These feminazis will feel they are being shot at from all sides, as well they are.The police are a problem now for the masculists. They have been so brainwashed by the feminazis that they see men as the only problem. The police need to be taught the other side of the domestic violence story, and allow bitch slapping at masculist meetings, when the feminazis try to close them down.There is a lot at stake here. It is clear the feminazis have to be stopped. They are wiping out whole populations, so the only question is, how to stop them. Bullets are too drastic. Bitch slapping is much milder and quite effective, so the police need to condone it, and not respond to demands from the feminazis to arrest the bitch slappers at masculist meetings.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)2.14/252 Masculisting the MGTOWs (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Desr : This flyer imagines a dialog between the author, and a well-informed MGTOW YouTube content provider, trying to convert him away from passive apolitical MGTOWism to angry politically active, and effective, masculism. The exchange is rather blunt, pulling no punches.MASCULISTING the MGTOWs?This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one imagines a dialog between myself, representing masculism, and a MGTOW content provider, that tries to highlight the differences and the weaknesses of MGTOW from a masculist point of view. It is proselytizing, trying to get MGTOWs to see the masculist light, and convert themselves into becoming politically active and hugely more effective masculists, rather than passive, apolitical, MGTOWs, sitting on their arse, farting in the wind.Masculist : Hi, I’m Hugo, I’m the masculist round here. I hear that you make a lot of MGTOW videos, so you must be a smart, thoughtful person, so I’m puzzled why you are not a masculist. Why do you choose to be MGTOW that from the point of view of a masculist, is so ineffective in getting society made menfair, getting the gender laws made men fair, creating a society that is fit for men to live in.All you MGTOWs do is analyze to death the current gender status quo, complaining ad infinitum how today’s gynocentric society is so detrimental to men, instead of being a masculist and organizing things so that our society gets so socially engineered that women respect men and treat men well, so that the divorce courts do not financially massacre men and ruin their lives, so that the Parer can be brought in, so that a long list of legal and social discriminations against men are menfaired.All you MGTOWs do, is complain, complain, complain, but you don’t get off your apolitical arses and actively change society by doing what is needed to menfair our culture. You gripe about the gender status quo, but do little to change it.To paraphrase Marx, “You MGTOW philosophers have only interpreted our gynocentric world, in various ways, the point however is to change it.”As a masculist, I’m rather contemptuous of MGTOWs for their lack of solidarity with the gender plight of other men, who simply care only about themselves, and don’t bother with, or care about, the bigger picture, i.e. the gynocentric culture we live in and what needs to be done to remove it, so that men can live in a gender fair society.What do you have to say to this rather harsh masculist critique?MGTOWist : I think you’re being na?ve, living a pipe dream, wishing for something that is highly unrealistic, impractical and a waste of time.Masculist : I don’t think what I’m doing as a masculist is a waste of time at all. I think it is necessary to create a menfair society. The fact that you MGTOWs don’t pursue these political goals at all, only reflects on your insipidity, your ineffectuality.You’re obviously a smart guy, who can understand my viewpoint, so what on earth is stopping you from taking political action? Why are you a passive, apolitical MGTOW, rather than a committed, politically active, angry masculist, lashing out at the evils of our gynocentric culture? What keeps you being such an apolitical wimpy MGTOW?MGTOWist : I think what you fail to realize is that even if there were a lot of politically active angry masculists like you, you would get nowhere. All your time and effort would be wasted. The MGTOWs can see that, so they don’t bother even starting going down that wrong path that will only lead to a dead end.Since you are being so frank, I’ll be the same. MGTOWs tend to look down on MRMs, and I see you masculists as just another name for MRMs. MRMs have been around for decades, and what have they accomplished? Nothing! They even had to rely on women to give them any decent publicity. I’m talking about the recent movie “The Red Pill” made by a feminist, i.e. a woman, not a man!In all the years that the MRM has been around, they have not had a single law changed, not one! How pathetic is that! They have no teeth. They are ineffectual. They are paper tigers.The MGTOWs on the other hand feel they have a far more effective strategy to move men’s lives, and that is not to play the traditional manslave game at all, by going MGTOW. I won’t go into details, because I’ve seen a lot of your videos, so I know you know the main ideas of the MGTOWs.Given that the MRM has been so spectacularly ineffective, and that the MGTOW tactic has to succeed, as millions of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, so that women will be forced to rely on themselves, not on some manslave fool.We MGTOWs don’t take the MRM types seriously. Clearly the MRMers have failed. They have had their chance, and have achieved NOTHING. The MGTOWs are the next phase in the liberation of men, a new movement, and we are already scaring women, by absenting ourselves in our millions from marriage and paternity.We MGTOWs look down on MRMers, seeing them as blind, ineffectual, misguided, wrongheaded, and just plain dumb.Masculist : Don’t mistake me for an MRMer. Masculism and MRM are two different movements. Of course there is some overlap in ideologies, between the two, just as there is between masculism and MGTOW.I see three main men’s lib movements. The MRM, the MGTOWs and the masculists. The masculists employ tactics from both the MGTOWs and the MRM. Speaking as a masculist theorist, I see MGTOW as a subset of masculism, MRM too. I see masculism as a superset that includes MGTOW and MRM as subsets, as components. Let me explain.One of the reasons why the MRM was so ineffectual, is that they did not appreciate the size of the female bloc vote. 51% of the voters are women, and women vote more than men, so that if the gender politicians were to try to legislate a menfairing of the divorce courts, for example, they would be voted out of office by an angry female bloc vote, since women benefit so strongly from the current divorce laws.Women get child custody with 90% probability, they get his house, half his stuff, child support, and often alimony for life, if the ex-wife is a real fluffie. Women don’t want to give up these major advantages, these gynocentric privileges. They are too substantial. The gender politicians are no fools. They know which side of their bread is buttered on, so they don’t change the gender laws.They don’t dare bring in the Parer (paternity rejection right) because that would force women to FIP up, become responsible adults, taking charge of their own lives, which would scare the shit out of the fluffies (i.e. traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man), who would react strongly against the gender politicians and vote them out.MGTOWist : Exactly! So why on earth are you a masculist? If you see so clearly that the MRM is totally wasting their time, why do you support what MRM stands for?Masculist : Because I’m not an MRMer. I’m a masculist. I believe that using masculist tactics will be successful, where the MRM tactics failed. I’m rather critical of the MRM for not having thought of the ideas that dominate masculist thinking when it comes to strategy that masculists can use to menfair our society.For example – how to overcome the 51% female voter argument highlighted before? Obviously by getting more women to vote together with men to menfair the gender laws. If the combined vote of men plus that of female masculists, were to get to 60% of the population, then the gender politicians would be forced to react, and bring in the menfaired gender laws that the masculists are pushing so hard for.So how to get women to become sympathetic to masculist ideas, so that they feel strongly enough to vote WITH men, and against their own interests regarding their privileges in the divorce courts?The masculists have two ways to do this, i.e. to persuade women to become female masculists and to vote with men. They take the forms of the carrot and the stick.The carrot is to simply present masculist/MRM/MGTOW ideas to women in large numbers by bringing these ideas to the mass media, so that millions of women are exposed to them, so that some of them are influenced by them and become sympathetic to men’s gender plight. They become female masculists.The stick, is far more effective, and that is that the masculists use MGTOW tactics (and here is an example of MGTOW being a useful tool for the masculists, a component of masculism, a subset of masculism) to scare women into becoming female masculists, through fear of babylessness as created by the MGTOW rejection of paternity.The masculists are saying to women, “You women must vote with men, to have the gender laws menfaired, especially against your privileges in the divorce courts OR you will suffer something that is far worse, for you, as women, and that is you will be forced by men to be babyless. We men are deserting fatherhood in our millions, soon in our hundreds of millions, so you women will be forced by the masculists and MGTOWs to FIP up, become adult, take charge of your own lives and stop parasiting off men.MGTOWist : But that’s such a tiny minority opinion, it will have zero impact!Masculist : All ideas have to start in one mind, and they then spread and spread, if they are any good. Look at the Arab’s Mohammad, and the religion he invented. He started with his wife, his close family, and then branched out to today’s billion Muslims.Feminism has had a huge impact on women. Hundreds of millions of women have been influenced by what the feminists have achieved over the decades, e.g. the vote, careers for women, professions for women, etc. Women see themselves differently now, compared to their great grandmothers.Masculism need to do the same. Men need to be taught that men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up (i.e. become FIPs, financially independent persons) not parasiting off the money of a man. We men have the power to force women to grow up, and become responsible, career competent adults, and not expect to parasite off a man’s money, as too many fluffie women do today.Look at the ? of young women at age 16 in high schools who choose to study fluffie crap majors (e.g. languages, history, English literature etc.) that will cause them to be rejected for entry into STEM fields, or the professions at university, because they did not study the analytical subjects like math and the sciences at high school.These fluffie crappers at high school will become fluffie crappers at university, and end up with a fluffie crap diploma that the economy does not value. What employer would want to employ a woman with a bachelor degree in women’s studies, or psychology, or sociology, etc.?Three quarters of young women in today’s world still expect to be fluffies, because they choose to be fluffie crappers, and expect in their 30s, when their biological clocks are ticking, that there will be some manslave around, who is gullible enough, and stupid enough to agree to being manslaved, i.e. sexploited by her to work for her, to pay for her, to sit on her fat parasitic arse in a middle class house that HE pays for.A decade later after she has had her kids, she will get bored with him (her 41st penis, after having had some 40 different penises in her in her 20s,statistics show) and will take him to the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, and financially massacre him, ruining his life, the poor dumb fuck.So, we masculists have the power to force women to FIP up. Nearly all men are FIPs. We are socialized that way. We evolved to be FIPs. Women evolved to be baby factories and child minders, and to parasite off men by sexploiting them.But, thanks to MGTOW, the masculists now have the political tool to FORCE women to FIP up. The masculists are very conscious that turning women into FIPs will solve most of men’s gender issues. With nearly all women FIPs, the divorce laws can be made menfair. The Parer can be brought in. A woman who continues on with a pregnancy that the father rejects legally, can afford to pay for the kid, because she’s a FIP.So the masculists place great emphasis on the FIPping of women, and use MGTOW tactics to achieve it, i.e. by threatening women with babylessness. The women have to vote with the men for the menfairing of the gender laws, or they will never have a baby, at least not with quality men.But, this masculist tactic will not work, unless masculism’s ideas are widely known, so it’s vital that every high school and college have its own men’s lib group, so that the group’s members can put moral pressure on the women to FIP up, especially in the high schools, where most of the fluffie crapper damage is done.To get masculist ideas out into the general public will require that masculists approach the media people and persuade them of the importance of masculist ideas.Again, MGTOW tactics can be used as political tools by the masculists to persuade the journalists to take masculist ideas very seriously. If society does not menfair the gender laws, and make men’s live better, then the masculists and MGTOWs will simply continue to boycott marriage and paternity, wiping out whole populations.The masculists can spell out very dramatically to the media people, “If the gender laws are not menfaired, then the MGTOWs and masculists will continue to boycott paternity, and hence WIPE OUT WHOLE POPULATIONS!”This makes the gender politicians and the feminazis, genociders, since it is they who are the root cause for men boycotting paternity. The gender politicians and fluffie feminist hypocrites (who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, in not bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, ending up with, in most cases, a worthless fluffie crap diploma, that the economy does not value) are hence genociders, who have to be stopped.Stopped how!? By doing to society as masculists, what the feminists did. The feminists worked hard to achieve what they have done. I’m 70, so I saw with my own eyes the effort that women put into building the feminist movement in the 60s, 70s, and 80s etc.The masculists need to do the same, given that there is so much to do, and there is so much at stake, i.e. the very survival of humanity. If the gender laws are not made menfair, then the MGTOWs and masculists will continue to boycott paternity, given that they utterly reject marriage and being dragged through the hated feminazi controlled divorce courts.The first major task of the masculists is to convert the MGTOWs into masculists, so that the MGTOWs become convinced that not much is going to change with our gynocentric society, unless feminism itself is countered with an equally powerful set of ideas, i.e. masculism.Women need to be taught that their feminist arrogance is a delusion. Women need to be taught by masculists that women are genetically inferior to men. Men have a higher average IQ than women by 4 IQ points. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men have higher testosterone levels, so are more aggressive, more ambitious, more single minded, more dogged and persistent so achieve far more than women.Women need to lose their feminist arrogance and learn to respect male superiority. Men outperform women at the top end of the scale on just about anything measurable.Women need to be taught that the worst thing they can do to get a man is to be a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi, bitch. Such women are the first category of female to be rejected by men. Men avoid such women like the plague.Masculists have a lot of work to do. They need to help set up masculist groups in the high schools, the colleges, set up Men’s Studies courses at the universities, approach the media, teaching the masses about masculist ideas, writing books on masculist and MGTOW ideas, so that they can become well known by everyone, which is far from being the case today.This lack of knowledge of men’s lib ideas is partly MGTOW’s fault, because MGTOWs, almost by definition, are politically passive. They don’t approach the broadcast media etc. They merely passively, quietly go their own way, and not interact with the millions, i.e. they are NOT political.The masculists need to create a national organization for men’s lib, e.g. a NOM (National Organization for Men) equivalent to women’s NOW that was set up very early on by second wave feminists. NOM should aim for the menfairing of the gender laws, menfairing the divorce laws, bringing in the Parer, and menfairing dozens of examples of social and legal discriminations against men.There is a ton to do, so MGTOWs and men in general need to be masculisted, to be made conscious that in today’s gynocentric world men are suffering, especially in the divorce courts. Men are still manslaves to fluffie parasitic women, who are not forced by masculist men to get off their parasitic arses and to FIP up.That’s my masculist rant. I hope you find it convincing. I have mixed feelings about the MGTOWs. On the positive side, I as a masculist, can use MGTOW tactics to further the masculist cause. I can use MGTOW tactics to scare women with the threat of babylessness and manlessness, and can scare the gender politicians with the threat of wiping out whole populations, also with babylessness.But on the other hand, I’m contemptuous that so little progress is being made on the political front, masculist style, because MGTOWs are such apolitical wimps, not having enough political vision to see that men DO have the means to menfair the gender laws, as I showed above.So, what do you as a MGTOW make of all that?!MGTOWist : Hmm, interesting. You said a lot of things that are new to me. Let me think about it.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1 Masculism and the Future3.1/15 Gender Roles 2050 (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer takes a futuristic look at how gender roles, feminism, masculism, MGTOW, etc will play out over the next few decadesGENDER ROLES 2050GENDER ROLES 2050How will feminism, masculism, MGTOW etc. all play out in the longer term, say by 2050, 35 years from now, a full generation into the future?I will make a few assumptions, and try to deduce the consequences, to predict what our future world will be like in gender role terms. I will speak as though I’m looking back from the year 2050.The assumptions I make are the following. By 2050, we will have had the sexbots for decades, and more recently the artwomb (artificial womb). Decades ago, the broadcast media (before it died out) got heavily into the issue of the “man strike” i.e. men going MGTOW, refusing to marry, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, crashing the birth rate and wiping out the population. This media attention allowed the masculists to put enormous moral pressure on fluffies to get off their parasitic arses and become FIPs. Schools and universities pressured young women to study FIP majors (i.e. not “fluffie crap” majors).In the 2010s and 2020s, the birth rate kept plunging, so it became the hottest issue on the planet. The media got very interested, so the immediate cause of the problem, i.e. the MGTOWs and masculists, were asked frequently why they refused the traditional role of the male, i.e. to “man up”. The MGTOWs and masculists told the media in very clear terms that the fluffie feminists and gender politicians had made traditional marriage TOXIC for men, so they avoided it. For men to be willing to have kids again and to help pay for them, there would have to be a slew of gender law reforms, e.g. the financial massacring of divorcing fathers in the divorce courts would have to stop. Custody of children in a divorce was then given by default to both divorcing parents. Alimony as a concept was thrown out, because by then, the notion that all women should be FIPs had become the strong social norm.The masculists had been very successful in persuading society, that fluffies were immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out by men refusing to have relationships with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf to extinction. High schools pushed young women to study calculus and the sciences so they could study FIP majors at university, and become real FIPs as adults. Universities put pressure on women to study FIP majors as well, and many universities closed down their “fluffie crap” departments. Many universities just went bankrupt once online education become really popular and virtually free, once the paper textbook publishers all went bankrupt, and the contents of their copyrighted (“imprisoned knowledge”) paper text books became freely available electronically and downloadable online.The invention of the sexbots and the artwombs played a huge role in the revolution of the gender roles. Women lost their monopoly on reproduction, so men went through as large a cathartic change as they did in prehistoric (pre writing) times when they finally discovered paternity, and in a paroxysm of male pride, gendered their languages (i.e. gave sexes to nouns, e.g. in French, le livre (the (male) book), la table (the (female) table), even though these objects have nothing to do with sex; in German, der Himmel (the (male) sky), die Tinte (the (female) ink), das Auto (the (neuter) car), as well as masculizing their gods. Previously the gods were female, because only women it was believed in prehistoric times, before agriculture, before cities, before writing and culture,? had the magic power to create life. This made men feel utterly impotent and inferior. Once men realized that they too could create life, by watching the animals they husbanded, the idea of paternity exploded in their heads.Men no longer needed women for sex or to have babies. Men could sex their robots and grow their own kids, so choosing to do this with women,? became a CHOICE for men. This is turn put tremendous competitive pressure on women to be VERY NICE to men, otherwise men would ignore them TOTALLY, so women learned in a hurry, to be nice to men, flatter them, entice them to take an interest in women. Many women chose to grow their own kids in an artwomb,? to save the bother of carrying around a brick in their stomach for months, but more women chose to grow babies the traditional way, because they felt a much closer attachment to the child after they had felt it grow inside them.Feminism, public bitching by women against men, died out almost overnight, once the sexbots came in. There was a brief and furious kafuffle by the fluffie feminists to try to ban sexbots, but the demand from men was insatiable, and those few countries who tried it were overwhelmed by male resistance in the courts and public opinion in the media.When the artwombs came a decade or so later after the sexbots, society felt the shift in reproductive power and women lost their reproductive arrogance. They knew they would have to compete with machines to grow babies, and would have to persuade men to live with them if a male and female couple were to raise children together.Women and men both, then put enormous moral and political pressure on the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men could be persuaded to live with women and have children in the non-machine way, AND feel safe, that men would not be financially massacred as was the case in the era of gynocentric fluffie feminism.As a result of masculist political pressure, assisted by the female masculists who wanted men to take an interest in women, the Parer was passed (Parer = paternity rejection right, i.e. the right for a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman continues the pregnancy that she wants, then she has full financial responsibility for the child.) As a FIP woman, she has no financial problem doing this, unlike fluffies who were financially incompetent, and TERRIFIED of having to be financially independent.Society became a “FIP Society” i.e. all adults were powerfully expected to be FIPs, to be responsible adults, pulling their own weight financially, not parasiting on the other sex, bothering to get a good career competent education, so that they could earn decent money as an adult, especially in the service sector, as the machines became ever smarter and took over nearly all the manufacturing jobs.Once men felt safe, once the gynocentric fluffie feminist generated misandrist laws had been scrapped, men began to start living with women again, raising kids together in the traditional way. Divorce was no longer toxic for men, because such toxicity had been removed by the gender politicians to help drive up the birth rate before the population died out. When these couple relationships failed, both sexes were treated equally, and typically, the separating couple bought a small nearby apartment near the house, and alternated with the kids in the house. One week, the father would live in the house, the next week, the mother, while the other ex-spouse lived in the nearby apartment.With women under tremendous competitive pressure to be nice to men, relationships between the sexes improved a lot. Feminist contempt against men pretty well died out, as women learned that such women repelled men, so such women simply died out on the shelf, unchosen by men, unloved, unsexed, unbabied, and poor. Society learned to shun them, for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, a common phrase in those times.Once men started getting a fair deal, many chose to have kids again, either on their own, and hiring nannies, or with women, using a machine or not.Looking back from 2050, most thinking people saw the gynocentric era of the early 21st century as a historical glitch, an “in between” phase when women were learning to assert themselves politically, so pushed for favorable decisions for women in the divorce courts, at the expense of men, and absolutely forbad the creation of a Parer; yet at the same time were very traditional in their expectations of men, i.e. they expected men to remain man-slaves, i.e. robot males?to women. Even feminists of that epoch were still mostly fluffies towards men. They had not imbibed fully the expectation by society, by their parents, their schools, their universities, their companies, to be FIPs, to be adults, to take responsibility for their own lives, and not blame men for everything, which was a hangover from the childlike behavior of fluffies. Only children blame anyone but themselves for their own self-generated problems.After a few years of this, the word, or the concept, of?“fluffie” died out. It just disappeared from people’s daily vocabulary, like the word “crank” that people used to start their cars with in the 1920s. There just weren’t any fluffies any more. All women had become FIPs and woe betide any woman who hadn’t. They were shunned, so a lot of them went underground and died quietly alone, neglected, ignored, pariahed.But, as one major problem was solved (i.e. the male rebellion problem against a gynocentric fluffie feminism, and its consequences on the divorce courts, and the birth rate, and the crashing population) a new problem has risen to take its place, which is far more sinister, namely the rise of the massively intelligent machine, the “artilect” (artificial intellect) which once it is hugely more intelligent than human beings, may decide for whatever reason, that humans are a pest, and get rid of us, something that would be easy for them, since they are becoming so much smarter than we are. Will there be a war over this issue, an “Artilect War” that with 21st century weapons over the issue of “species dominance” could kill billions of people, “gigadeath” ?Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/40 After the Gender Dust Settles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer paints a picture of society after the MGTOWs/masculists feel that they have gotten what they wanted from society, where women accept that men outperform women, that the genii are males, and women? accept that men should have equal rights with women.AFTER THE GENDER DUST SETTLESI’ve been giving more thought lately to what society will be like after the sex war is over, and the MGTOWs/masculists feel that they have gotten what they wanted, i.e. after the gender dust has settled.I wonder what women will be like in such a world? What will their status be? How will they react with men? This comment attempts to answer these questions.I see the following scenario. MGTOW/masculist ideas grow and grow. They become part of collective social consciousness and everyone has heard of them and has some idea of what they are. Women have learned that they have to be FIPs (financially independent persons). They know that if they aren’t, then they will be shunned by society, and of course by men. In the post gender war era, society will be totally anti fluffie slavery. Today’s manslaving fluffie will be totally ostracized, even by other women.The birth rate crash will have stopped, because the gender politicians, after a string of assassinations, have made the gender laws menfair. The divorce courts have been made reasonable places for men. Alimony has been thrown out. All women are FIPs, and high school girls take calculus and the sciences to a far higher degree than in earlier decades, knowing that if they don’t they will be labeled “future fluffies.” Custody of the kids is joint by default. Only in exceptional cases is custody of the kids given to only one of the parents. Divorcing parents are expected to live near each other, share a modest apartment, and alternate in the same house, one living in the apartment while the other lives in the house with the kids, and the following week they swap places.So divorce is reasonable for both sexes. A similar story holds for the legal right to reject parenthood. Women have had a legal right to reject maternity (the Marer = maternity rejection right) since the 70s, usually called the abortion right. Once the sex war was won, men got their precious Parer (paternity rejection right) so that their lives would not be ruined by an unwanted (often “accidentally” engineered by the woman) pregnancy.The criminal justice courts created strict guidelines to punish men and women equally for identical crimes. Women were not let off the hook, and were expected to take responsibility for their own lives.It was probably that (i.e. women being seen as responsible adults, taking responsibility for their own lives) that was the biggest victory for men in the sex war. Society really turned against fluffies, treating them like irresponsible children and scorning?them, pushing them to grow up and behave as adults. Those women who didn’t were shunned by both sexes.So men got their equal rights, and their equal obligations, but what was the residue? What was left over re the status of women? I think that they lost their fairy story belief in the superiority of women from the feminazi period. The MGTOWs/masculists did far too good a job of persuading society that men outperform women on virtually all counts. Nearly everyone now knows that the genii are males, that the most achieving sex is male, that most of the doers and pioneers are male. Men have always had greater prestige in society, in all cultures. All cultures value boy babies more than girl babies because they know from long experience that a boy baby is more likely to grow up to be a highly valuable member of the culture than a girl baby. All cultures know that, and the post gender war culture is no exception to that eon long reality.After the gender dust settles, women have lost their arrogance. They know that they cannot compete with men at the top end of the scale, in just about any field. Their status lowered when the sex bots and artificial wombs were invented. Women lost their vagina and womb monopolies after that, and had to compete with men sexing their toys and growing their own kids. They were forced to develop their personalities and their minds, and they did that, but still, they could not compete with men at the top end of the scale.In time, women gradually, reluctantly admitted that men were the superior sex, that the genii were male. They didn’t have much choice since the media was full of male superiority science, showing all the facts such as greater male variance (GMV), and higher testosterone levels in men that give men much greater aggressive and persistence levels, leading to greater achievement levels.For most people, male or female, ability levels overlap for the most part, so the GMV phenomenon doesn’t matter much. With girls socialized by their parents to be FIPs, women’s self images became more self confident, as they felt they had more control of their lives and felt less need to find some manslave to parasite upon. They stopped hearing from their mothers, that they had to get a man to pay the bills.But at the top end of the performance scale, over the whole population, over the millions and millions of people, everyone admitted the top scorers, the most influential and valuable members of society are male. Its still a man’s world, a patriarchy in the genetic sense. Men are biologically, genetically destined to be the dominant sex in performance terms, and society, particularly women, admit this in the post gender war era, and just live with it. They don’t have much choice. Any female who challenges the new status quo, is drowned with scientific studies showing her she is wrong. Such women tend to be isscienates anyway, so its probably more by social pressure from other females that she soon learns to shut up, and gets on with her life, probably alone if she has fluffie inclinations, given that men so despise such females.Each year as the Nobel prize and Abel prize (math) winners are announced if there happens to be the rare woman among them, them people take notice, due to its rarity. Society recognizes that the genii are male, that the high fliers are male, that the most prestigious members of the culture are male. It’s just a fact of life.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/65 Female Absorption of MGTOW Masculist Ideas (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer anticipates how women will behave, a few decades from now, towards a male population which?has had its MGTOW masculist consciousness raised, i.e. made aware of female hypergamous, genetically programmed, nature.FEMALE ABSORPTION OF MGTOW MASCULIST IDEASJump ahead a few decades from now. Imagine that nearly all men have absorbed MGTOW/masculist ideas, that these ideas are?just part of the culture, part of general knowledge. Imagine also, that WOMEN have also absorbed these ideas and know that men have absorbed them, and that women have been forced to adapt to men who have absorbed these ideas. The interesting question then arises from our current standpoint (i.e. in which only a minority of men have absorbed these ideas, that almost NO WOMEN have absorbed these ideas, given that the MGTOW/masculists movements are only now just getting off the ground) how will women behave towards men a few decades from now?A man who has had his MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised (aka red pill man) will be far more cynical of women than a more na?ve man (aka blue pill man) who thinks that women actually LOVE MEN (rather than loving only men’s exploitability by women.) MGTOW/masculists expect women to be hypergamous, i.e. these men expect women to see men merely as exploitable check books, and hence will have a lower regard for women. Men don’t like being seen as “success objects” by women, and want to be respected for their abilities, their personalities, and not merely as providers of resources (money) to females.Assume also?(jumping ahead in time) that women know that most men share this lower regard of women due to their hypergamy, how will women react? Women will be forced to suppress their instinctive impulse to judge men merely by men’s exploitability. Women will have learned that if they do express their true genetically programmed female nature of vaginally wetting at the prospect of catching a resource rich male, then they risk losing that guy, because he will be well aware of female hypergamous nature, and be contemptuous of it.I’m living through this kind of experience myself, and dialog with my current wife (my 4th.) about it. She is not a stupid woman, being a professor. (I am too, so when I met her, I used to call her my “sexy scholar”). But I live in China. I tried to persuade my then university president to make the city I live in, the “Artificial Brain Center” of China and told him that westerners would not come to it until China democratized. A few months later I was fired and black listed from working at any other Chinese government run university.So suddenly I was rather poor. Worse, was that my previous Chinese wife, who was much more of a fluffie, I then discovered had stolen half my savings. I naively gave her admin control of my savings of 4 years at the peak of my earning capacity as a full professor. I discovered after we separated (due to my growing awareness that she was just a lazy middlebrow who lied to me that she was going to get a PhD. I suspect the whole relationship from the start was just a ruse of hers to extract big money from a western professor, so that she could travel internationally, etc.)I tried to get my money back via the courts, but Chinese law, to the extent that it is independent of CCP control (which is little) has a policy of preferring Chinese citizens in such disputes, plus the fact that she was the daughter of a general who was on the Long March with Mao, enabled her to use hefty “guanxi” (string pulling, cronyism, corruption) to ensure she kept the money she stole from me. (You can see why I have such a hatred of fluffie parasites (and the CCP)!)But I still had my American pension fund nest egg, which would go 6 times further in China than the US due to the lower Chinese cost of living, so I decided to retire in my early 60s rather than the usual age for professors in the US,?in their 70s.Being retired, allowed me to start what I call ARCing (after retirement careering). I decided to become a globacator (global educator). I had read that the average published research paper was read by only ONE OTHER PERSON. This shocked me. So I wanted to do something as an ARCer that would be far more significant, so I began to make YouTube lecture videos?in PhD level pure math, and math physics, plus build electronic libraries of books on these topics for the world to educate itself for free at PhD level.After a year or two, my FIP sexy wife began to show her true hypergamous colors. All she saw was that I was now rather poor, and that she had more money than I did. She was definitely a FIP. After the previous parasitic wife, I made very sure to avoid fluffie Chinese women. But even a FIP wife is still female, and will have a hypergamous, unconscious, genetically programmed attitude that men are only sexually desirable if they are exploitable by women. As one feminazi bitch put it on a T-shirt “No Rolex, no sex” meaning that if the guy is not rich, then she wont want to fuck him.I tried to tell my 4th wife, that she should have a lot more respect for me and treat me better than she does. I told her that I was a superior person to her in many respects, e.g. she doesn’t have a PhD, I do. She has published 30 papers, I have 150. I’ve written 7 books, and get on the media and movies regularly. She is a lecturing associate professor. I was a full research professor, etc.This intellectual, and performance superiority I have over her did not matter to her. She is a female, and females want resources from men, to find them sexy. I have to live with this for a while until I get my green card. After that I will make a choice. Does the companionship I get from her outweigh the condescending attitude she has towards me regarding my lower financial situation?Things are complicated a bit by the fact that she is still ending her menopause, so her mood swings are not over. When she is PMS (premenstrual syndrome) moody, she becomes a divorceable arsehole for a few days each month.So this woman, may very well lose me in the next year or so. She may pay a very heavy price for her hypergamy. 40% of women over 40 in the US live alone. A lot of them have been forced into that position, by men who have left them. My 4th wife is a bit fat, and mid 50s so according to my Chinese lawyer, “60 year old Chinese women who?are single have almost zero chance of finding another husband.” He told me that such Chinese women are invisible to Chinese men. I tell my wife this, and it shuts her up for a few weeks until the next mood swing.So, I use my own situation to generalize what may happen when large numbers of men become conscious of women’s hypergamy and simply reject it. Men in their 40s and above, are much less “cunt driven” than younger men, and will increasingly decide to earn less (thus becoming less attractive to women as a result) and thus have more free time to do what they love. So these men will be trading “pussy for self fulfilment.”When women are faced with millions of men who look down on female hypergamy, and choose to earn less, who choose to be less of a man slave to women, and do their own thing, then women will have to adapt to this. Men will accuse women “Hypergamous parasite! Go? rot on the shelf!” Women will have to learn to keep such deep seated attitudes to themselves, because if they express them, then they know that men will react very negatively towards them, because men in the future will be very well informed about female hypergamous nature.Men will put enormous pressure of women to be FIPs and will in a sense be “hyperandrous” towards women. If a woman is not a FIP, then a man who has had his MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised will not go near her. He will say “I’m not going to be manslaved by a bloody fluffie! Fuck ’em, or rather, someone else can fuck ’em, or better still, no one will fuck ’em! If a woman does not FIPup then I will be as hyperandrous to her as she is hypergamous to me.”Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/78 Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer wonders what will happen to the twaytweffing lifestyle after the gender laws have been made menfair. Will it die out? I doubt it, so the population will continue to fall, forcing the gender politicians to adopt other measures to increase the birth rate.TWAYTWEFFING AFTER GENDER LAW FAIRINGI’m a sage (an intellectual). I love playing with ideas, my main passion in life. I was sitting in? my camp chair in the local park as usual (studying relativity) with the sun starting to set, and?thought “What will I write my flyer about today?” When that happens, I clear my mind, and see what bubbles up from my unconscious. I then started thinking about twaytweffing and wondered what would happen to this life style AFTER the gender laws have been made fair to men by the gender politicians, i.e. the divorce laws are made menfair, the Parer has been brought in, legal discriminations against men (a long list of them) have been legislated away, etc.My immediate question was “Would twaytweffing die out once the gender laws are menfaired, as they have to be if whole populations are not to be wiped out?” I then started having doubts about twaytweffing disappearing. I think up to now, I had seen this lifestyle as a temporary measure during the decade or more that will come before the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, but I’m beginning to think that that almost unconscious assumption is probably too conservative, too unrealistic.For those new to the twaytweffing idea, it is a life style for men, that gives them the regular sex that they need, but is cost free in terms of the risk of a financially massacring divorce with a fluffie in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court. Twaytwef is 2A2F, i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs in which a FIP (financially independent person) male and a FIP female have a relationship, each with their own apartment. When the relationship fails, as most do, they both return to their own apartment, cost free to the man. No divorce, because no marriage, no child payments because no kids, no alimony because the ex-girlfriend is a FIP. Twaytweffing keeps women being nice to men, because if a twaytweffing woman starts nagging him, withholding sex, trying to mold him the way she wants, he can so easily just walk away, and she knows this, so she must ALWAYS be nice to him, if she wants to keep him (and vice versa.) A twaytweffing man who dumps a woman, can go to the internet and find another woman to penis and for a bit of companionship, within a week.This twaytweffing has such major advantages for men, living in an era in which the fluffie feminists still dominate the divorce courts, that one wonders what will happen when the gender laws are made menfair. Will twaytweffing die out after that? I doubt it. Research shows that the happiest couples are childless and the unhappiest have teenage kids, so why have kids at all, if they are only going to lower your general happiness?! Why indeed, so more and more people are choosing not to have kids, i.e. both males and females.It is part of women’s nature to nag men, to use sex as a bargaining tool with men, because women evolved that way – “female sex for male protein”. So even when the gender laws are made men fair, women’s genetically determined nature will not change. They will still? be the same after the menfaired gender laws as they are now, so many of the advantages of twaytweffing will remain valid for men.What impact will that have on the population size when millions of men continue to twaytwef? Trying to answer this question is what this flyer is mostly about.A lot of men of course will want to have kids, and with the massive injustices against men of today’s divorce court removed, they will pair off with FIP women (not fluffies) to have kids, still with a fifty-fifty risk that the partnership will end, but at least they will not lose their kids, as custody of kids will be made JOINT by default. They won’t be paying child support to a fluffie ex-wife, because they will be separating from a FIP woman, and there will be no alimony, because his ex-partner is a FIP.BUT, a sizable proportion of men will continue their twaytweffing, choosing not to have kids at all, and easily dumping a woman who starts even the slightest bit of nagging that twaytweffing males DO?NOT TOLERATE in a woman. If she starts nagging, withholds sex etc, she is OUT THE DOOR, or rather he is, back to his own apartment.So the birthrate will continue to be well below replacement rate (of 2.1 children per female adult) so the population will continue to fall, but at a slower rate, so the US population (for example) will take MORE than a century to be wiped out.So the gender politicians will be forced to take measures to encourage women to have more kids. Sperm donors will be given new laws that protect them against paternity suits from fluffie donee mothers. This will allow women to have kids, as they are genetically programmed to do. Gender politicians, and society in general, will PUT ENORMOUS MORAL PRESSURE on all women to be FIPs, so that they can afford to raise a kid or two ON THEIR OWN (although they may be twaytweffing with a man, but if she starts badgering him to extract money from him for her kids, she gets dumped by him, and she knows this, so she doesn’t dare nag him. Probably for this reason, most twaytweffing men will avoid single mothers. They do not want to face the risk that single mothers will almost inevitably manifest their genetically ?programmed attitude that men exist to pay for women to have kids.)The gender politicians will have to beef up child day care centers and perhaps subsidize the salaries of nannies, so that FIP mothers have an easier time of juggling career, i.e. being FIP females,?with motherhood, in terms of time and energy.SO, in brief, I see twaytweffing continuing even after the gender laws are menfaired, because this lifestyle has so many advantages for men. If the gender politicians increase taxes, especially on single men, then these single men can easily uproot themselves and move to another country with a lower standard of living where costs are less, so that the nest eggs of these MGTOWs go further, due to the cheaper cost of living. But with more FIP women, they will be able to pay more taxes, so FIP women will be paying more for FIP mothers, a kind of poetic justice.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/84 What Will Governments Do to MGTOWs Masculists? (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo) [for reasons I don’t understand, this video is far and away my most viewed]Descr : This flyer reflects on what governments will do to the MGTOW/Masculist movements when push really comes to shove concerning the crash in the population caused by the MGTOW/masculist utter refusal to be manslaves to fluffie parasites.WHAT WILL GOVERNMENTS DO TO THE MGTOWS MASCULISTS?It is only a question of time (not if) before governments are forced to come to terms with the MGTOW/masculist movements, because these men’s lib movements are wiping out whole populations, due to them refusing to marry and more importantly, refusing to have kids, which will have a catastrophic effect on the birth rate and in time will crash the population. In both the US and Japan now, a whopping 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry and have kids.This process has gone further and has been going on longer in Japan than in western countries, so western MGTOWs/masculists can learn a lot from what the Jap MGTOWs are doing or rather not doing. Recently I came across an American MGTOW (Shi nu ASAMI) YouTube him!) who has been burned by two Jap fluffie ex wives, who has a PhD and can give western MGTOWs/masculists a good, on the spot,?picture of where Japanese MGTOW is today. I suggest western MGTOWs watch his YouTube videos to see where western MGTOWs/masculists will be in about 5-10 years, because the Japanese MGTOWs are that far ahead of the west in MGTOW terms.The proportion of young men in the US and in Japan who are MGTOWs/masculists is about the same, i.e. 2/3, but Japan has been MGTOW for much longer, so there has been more time for the political and economic consequences of the rise of Japanese MGTOW (locally known as “herbivore (grass eaters) (as distinct from carnivore) men”) to play themselves out. In Japan, there is now even a “minister of population,” whose job it is to try to persuade young Japanese men to reproduce, otherwise the Japanese population will be wiped out. So western MGTOWs/masculists can listen to Asami and learn what the Jap MGTOWs are doing and thinking, and maybe learn something from them.So, jump ahead some years in the western future, when the MGTOW/masculist ideas have gone mainstream, and everyone is aware that if the gender politicians, and governments don’t DO SOMETHING, whole populations will be wiped out by young men refusing to reproduce, so this flyer asks the critical question, “What will governments do with the MGTOWs/masculists?”The Japs are not a creative people. Psychologists can measure creativity now (defined to be “openness to experience” – see the research papers of the late Prof. Lynn (of “world IQ map” fame), YouTube him). Lynn measures the average creativity score of Japs to be a standard deviation and a half lower than comparably industrialized cultures. So it was to be expected that the initial attempts of the Jap minister of population to persuade Japanese MGTOWs to reproduce were dull, lame, and counterproductive. This minister tried shaming techniques, “Young Japanese men should not be lazy, they should be men, take their responsibility to shoulder the adult burdens of earning the living for the family” and other such low creativity twaddle, utterly missing the point.It is possible, that western “ministers of population” will make the same mistakes, which is where we MGTOW/masculist theorists come in. We can teach these gender politicians what THE REAL PROBLEMS ARE so that if they want to persuade men to reproduce again, then these gender politicians will HAVE TO MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS and make society respect men again, otherwise, young men will continue to give the finger to traditional gender roles and avoid fluffie parasites like the plague.As push really comes to shove, the gender politicians may resort to more forceful methods, such as putting heavy taxes on nonfathers. If they do that too much, the western MGTOWs will really give them the finger by voting with their feet, and simply migrating to countries where the cost of living is lower, where their nest egg savings will have higher purchasing power, so they will have higher living standards. Being MGTOWs, they can uproot themselves easily and migrate in large numbers.If we, the MGTOW/masculists theorists do a good job, we will be able to educate the gender politicians, that to solve the crashing population problem, some fundamental changes will need to be made to our culture, namely the creation of?a “FIP Culture” i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs, and young people are socialized into that role. Women will need to be persuaded that if they are not FIPs they will be severely punished by not getting a man and not having babies. Daughters need to be taught by parents that they must be FIPs or be shunned by society. Teachers at high schools and colleges need to push both sexes to study FIP (STEM) majors, and not be “fluffie crappers” (studying fluffie crap majors)?so that they can be career competent citizens, who do not parasite on another person or the government.The gender politicians will need to comprehensively review all the gender laws and make them menfair. The deeply misandrist divorce laws will need to be reformed. The Parer (paternity rejection right) will need to be brought in. TV ads will have to stop denigrating men. Schools will need to have an equal number of male and female teachers to serve as role models to very young minds, etc. etc. etc.The leaders of the MGTOWs/masculists need to really start preaching to society as a whole that we are currently living in the greatest crisis that humanity has ever faced, i.e. the risk of its total wipeout in population terms. IF THE GENDER POLITICIANS DONT TAKE MEN’S ISSUES SERIOUSLY, THEN WE MGTOWS/MASCULISTS WILL CONTINUE TO WIPE OUT THE POPULATION, so we have the power, the trump card to force governments to do what men want. We want to be respected, we refuse to be manslaves to parasitic females, so we want society to wipe out fluffies, forcing all adults to be economically responsible, pulling their own financial weight, and not expecting, fluffie style, to parasite off the money of some dumb ignorant brainwashed manslave robot male.MGTOW/masculist education of society and the gender politicians in governments is critically important. The survival of our population is at stake, so THINGS MUST CHANGE.How long before the shit hits the fan in western countries? My guess is only a few years from now. Google Trends, shows that the keyword “MGTOW” is getting an EXPONENTIAL RISE in the number of hits. One commentator I read said that he had calculated that by 2018, MGTOW ideas would be mainstream, i.e. the broadcast media would have latched on to the importance of the population crash caused by men refusing to be manslaves to parasitic fluffie women. Once the MGTOW/masculist ideas have gone main stream, the gender politicians will be forced to act, otherwise, they will be voted out of power by a bloc voting male electorate. Verbally violent debates on television between very angry masculists and fluffie feminists, will teach the public clearly, that men are VERY ANGRY AT BEING MANSLAVES, and will not tolerate it any more.Fluffies will really start to panic as they learn that their traditional, genetically evolved strategies of being prostitutes – male protein (money) in exchange for female sex, doesn’t work anymore. Fluffies will BE FORCED TO BECOME FIPS or they don’t eat. Fluffies will be shunned, spat at, cold shouldered, to extinction, the primary political goal of the masculists.So governments will be forced to give men what men want, or we all die out. MGTOWs/masculists have the ultimate power. Sooner or later, we will get what we want. Governments have no other choice. Yeeeeeeh.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/98 Restructuring Universities with MGTOW Principles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer wonders how society would be affected if millions of MGTOW/masculist professors could work part time, spending their free time doing what they love. Society would become hugely more creative, benefitting everyone.RESTRUCTURING UNIVERSITIES WITH MGTOW PRINCIPLESWith millions of MGTOWs/masculists refusing to be manslaves to fluffie parasites, refusing to have kids, and spending their money on themselves, they can afford to work little, live frugally, and spend?most of their time doing what they love.In earlier flyers I have spoken about new lifestyles for MGTOWs/masculists, such as twaytweffing, ARCing, SeRCing, etc. In this flyer I will talk about how universities can be restructured given that there are millions of men living new lifestyles, that universities can take advantage of and vice versa.I’ve been retired for 5 years. I notice, that now I’m free to do what I like, my creativity and productivity have soared. I now do what I love doing, so I’m so much more motivated to do what I’m choosing to do.?Lately I’ve been?taking a pile of books to my neighborhood park, with my camp chair and spend the afternoons reading and studying PhD level pure math and math physics, in preparation for making YouTube lecture videos at PhD level for students around the world to teach themselves these subjects at that level, and for free.I wondered recently, “If there were millions of men like me, who spend their time doing what they really love doing, rather than doing what they have to do to earn a wage, paid by some employer who dictates to the employee what the employer wants him to do, then what would society be like? I think it would be far more creative. Ideas would be generated far more quickly, as millions of men have time and motivation to think, and dream up new ideas and procedures.”My thoughts drifted to the question, how might universities take advantage of these MGTOW creative men. I began to dream up the following suggestion.MGTOWs tend to live rather frugally. They usually trade off income for free time, so if they had a university job, that job could be half time, or even less. For the rest of their time, they would not be paid, but would be free to think about whatever they found interesting. They would be thinking about things that their university has no control over. When such a MGTOW is working at his university, he is being paid to think about ideas that concern his specialty. He is a specialist.But what about ideas he dreams up that come to him that are outside his specialty? If they are good ideas, he should try to publish them. Such “outside specialty” ideas benefit society, so universities should reward their employees for having them, so the idea occurred to me that universities should reward employees financially for having good “outside” ideas, as judged by being published in good journals, or for writing books that are well peer reviewed.Should universities be “open” to “outside specialty” people off the street? I don’t think so. The reality is that most people are stupid and ignorant compared to university research professors, so universities would not want having their time wasted by stupid ignorant people trying to push their low intelligence, low knowledge ideas onto them.There’s a funny YouTube video which claims half jokingly (i.e. half serious) that the purpose of the public education system, is to select university professors. Maybe a quarter of bachelor students are selected to be masters students. Perhaps a tenth of those go on to get a PhD. Maybe a quarter of those become university research professors. So by listening to “outside specialty” ideas coming from people who have already been highly selected by?becoming university researcher professors, universities are much less likely to have their time wasted. The odds are much higher that the quality of the “outside specialty” ideas coming from quality people will be good.Now, imagine universities staffed by full timers, and part timers, where many of the part timers are MGTOWs, who live frugally, and spend a sizable percentage of their time, without pay, doing what they love doing. If their new loves in time turn them into real specialists, so that they have a “jobby” i.e. their job is their passionate hobby and vice versa, then they can look for a full time job in their new field, if they choose to.I suspect with lots of part time MGTOWs/masculists having free thoughts, then society will benefit greatly. Conversely, forcing people to specialize in one thing for decades of their lives often leads to stultification. In my own case, I was evolving neural nets using genetic algorithms, to build artificial brains for two decades. I got really bored doing the same think year after year, but I had to, because that was what I was being paid to do. My interests shifted away from computer science towards pure math and math physics, so now that I’m retired, I do the latter. I’ve already dreamt up ways to compute at the femtometer scale, and how to build structures (femto-engineering) at the same scale.Multiply my case by millions over the earth, and it should be clear that world creativity will skyrocket, and men will be a lot happier. It is intoxicating to do what you love doing. I love knowledge. I love learning difficult, powerful ideas (as in pure math, and how the world works) and regularly get an intellectual high as some new vista of knowledge opens up before my eyes, forcing a “Wow!” from my lips. It happens to me regularly, and I’m nearly 70. Imagine millions of men being like that, which is what MGTOW/masculism allows.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/118 Women's Future Massive Inferiority Complex (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts that as society becomes MGTOW/masculist dominated, fluffies die out, FIP women can’t compete with FIP men, and the sexbots and artificial wombs are invented, then women will fall into a deep collective inferiority complex that they are genetically incapable of getting out of.WOMEN’S FUTURE MASSIVE INFERIORITY COMPLEXI like thinking about the future. I’m known for my prediction that humanity is headed for a massive “Artilect War” killing billions of people over the issue of whether humanity should build artilects (godlike massively intelligent machines).In the park, I was thinking about the longer term effect of MGTOW/masculism on women. I came to the conclusion that as MGTOW/masculism rises and rises, as fluffie women are ignored to death in the coming decades, and only FIP women get any measure of respect, then how will women rank compared to men in a MGTOW/masculist dominated world?The conclusion I came to is that women will suffer a massive inferiority complex, because they will not be able to perform at male levels and since they soon will have no other domains that are specifically female, their inferiority by male criteria?will make them feel highly inadequate.This might seem a bit exaggerated, so let me elaborate. The gender laws will not be made menfair next week. They will remain in force for some years, until the MGTOWs/masculists force the gender politicians to menfair them, by continuing to crash the population. MGTOWs/masculists are prepared to do this to get menfaired justice for men..So MGTOWs/masculists will continue to avoid fluffies like the plague, and only twaytwef with FIP women, so that fluffie women will feel enormous moral and social pressure on them to FIP up, or continue to be shunned and shamed by society. The rise and rise of MGTOW/masculism will ensure that fluffies are shamed out of existence. The fluffies will suffer an enormous inferiority complex. “Nobody loves me! No man wants me! No man will even sex me! Society treats me like shit! Society thinks I’m worthless! I think I’m worthless!”The FIP women, being women, will not be able to compete with men at running society. To see this, consider the following interesting and illuminating (at least I thought so, the first time I came across it) though experiment. Imagine suddenly all the females die. Men could go on running society quite well for about a century, until the last man died. Now consider the opposite, i.e. suddenly all the males died. The female population would crash back to the stone age within six months, and most of them would die, because they are incapable of running a modern economy, with all its machines. The female population would crash to about a?subsistence economy, living in caves.So, in a culture of FIPs, with FIP women trying to do the same kind of jobs as FIP men, FIP women will not do as well, so will be looked down on by men. As MGTOW/masculism continues to rise it will become common knowledge that men are on average smarter than women (by about 3 to 4 IQ points, according to Prof. Rushton) and men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women (as shown by the scores of the 100,000s of school kids who have their IQs measured every year) so that the morons and the genii are males, so it is to be expected that men win 99% of the Nobel prizes in science. The genii are males.Women have much lower testosterone levels than men, so are less aggressive, less ambitious, less curious, less driven, less dogged, and give up more easily, so the general performance level of men is a lot higher than that of women. This too will cause women to be seen as the inferior sex in the future.The really big developments in the near future that will deeply impact women’s sense of worth, will be the development by male genii of the artificial womb, and the sex robots.Japanese scientists have already grown a GOAT in an artificial womb, so humans can’t be far off. Robotics and AI keep developing in leaps and bounds, so soon (a decade or two) there will be a huge sexbot industry, where sexbots do a far better job at sexing men than women can do. For a start these sexbots will be built to look extremely fuckable, with delicious curves, ample breasts, creamy, grippy vaginas, and be designed to be as sexy as their genius male architects can make them in terms of the sexbots’ level of AI.Try to imagine a world with sexbots and artwombs! Where will women belong in such a world, a world that will be with us for sure within most readers lifetimes. Men will prefer to fuck their sexbots, who do a better job at it, and to have a kid without having to pay for a fluffie parasitic female to build a baby for him. He can hire a nanny to look after the baby when it is very young.With women being utterly despised as fluffies, and not being able to compete at male levels as FIPs, plus being denied their traditional monopoly of growing the kids and vaginering men’s penises, then women a few decades from now will not have much of a leg to stand on. Their collective self-esteem will take a nose dive, and women will drop into a deep gender wide inferiority complex. They will be treated again, the way most cultures have always treated women, as second class citizens. When Papuan men banished women from their “long houses” or when Victorian gentlemen excluded women from their London clubs, they wanted to be in a women-free environment, so they could relax and be free from female nagging, and bother.I don’t see women coming out of this collective inferiority complex, because it is largely genetically based. The performance scores at tasks that men have traditionally done show clearly that women score worse. Fluffies will die out, so all adults will be FIPs, and FIP women can’t compete with FIP men (at the top levels that determine the relative status levels of the two sexes.)Women will be forced to abandon their traditional self-image of being vaginers for men, and of being baby machines, because male genius will have stripped them of those monopolies. It will not be particularly encouraging for women a few decades from now. Women will just have to accept their inferior social status, the way they have done for millions of years. The current feminist arrogance on the part of young women, is merely a historical glitch, an anomaly based on a delusion, that women can do anything that men can do. No they can’t, at least not at male levels.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/143 Living in the MGTOW Masculist Generated Population Crash (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer portrays what life might be like during the MGTOW/masculist generated population crash. It presents various attitudes from different groups as the population tumbles.LIVING IN THE MGTOW MASCULIST GENERATED POPULATION CRASHWhat will life be like a decade or two from now when everyone is conscious that the population is crashing due to the paternity strike of the MGTOWs/masculists? That is what this flyer attempts to portray.With two thirds of young men under 35 in the US and Japan refusing to marry and have kids, it is only a question of time before the whole of society wakes up to the fact that men have gone on a paternity strike. How will society react? The longer the strike continues, the more alarmed society will become, because it obviously means that if it continues long enough, whole populations get wiped out, in fact in less than a century, if you do the math (i.e. with the young generation reproducing only a third of its number, over a century, i.e. 4 generations, i.e. a third of a third of a third of a third is about 1%, i.e. the population is decimated!)What attitudes will society take as the paternity strike continues? There will probably be a slew of different attitudes towards the problem that I label and list here, and then comment on them later.The Japanese “man up!” attitude, the feminist “blame men” attitude, the MGTOW/masculist “menfair society!” attitude, the government “tax the bachelors” attitude, the gender politicians “restructure society” attitude.The Japanese “Man up!” Attitude.The herbivore men in Japan have been on strike against the traditional salaryman role for about a decade longer than the US MGTOW movement has existed, so the Japanese politicians have had longer to think about the effects. In Japan today, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, living modestly, not spending much, and often having nothing to do with women. The Japanese parliament is so alarmed about the issue, that it has even appointed a “Minister of Population” to try to persuade young Japanese men to be fathers. Unfortunately, since the Japanese are not known for their creativity (scoring a standard deviation and a half below comparably developed cultures on creativity tests) this minister only made things worse, by haranguing these young men to “man up!” i.e. “Accept your male role of being the breadwinner of the family, so that women can have babies, so that Japan will not die out.” This was the last thing the Japanese herbivore men wanted to hear from their Minister of Population. These young men look at the traditional salaryman role of their fathers and are horrified. Their fathers work a typical 11 hour day, 3 hour commute time, hand over their salary to their fluffie wives, who gives him a modest allowance, and then spends it on the house, the kids, and herself. In Japan, the husbands overwork, and the wives play tennis. The herbivore men are saying “Fuck that” to the traditional salaryman role, and are rebelling against it. They want women to pull their weight financially, and not parasite on men. They reject the manslavery of the Japanese salaryman role and want nothing to do with it. I think the Japanese politicians need to be taught MGTOW/masculist principles from western literature to get ideas on how to solve their problem. See below for details, in the section on the gender politicians “restructure society!” attitude. “More of the same” is obviously not the solution. The politicians need to really listen to what young Japanese men are saying and restructure their society, but that has not happened yet. The Feminist “Blame men!” Attitude.The feminists, being female, with their childlike, irresponsible minds, will blame men for everything, rather than take some of the blame for the MGTOW/masculist paternity strike. They will say to the public “It is men who are causing the population to crash, because they refuse to grow up and take responsibility for being fathers, and pay for the creation of the next generation!” The MGTOWs/masculists will of course dismiss this typical feminist reaction, and claim that it is the feminists who have made the divorce courts toxic in the first place, so that millions of men avoid marriage (and hence divorce) and paternity like the plague. The MGTOWs/masculists will accuse the feminazis of being hypocrites in wanting equal rights for women, but not equal obligations, i.e. women should all become FIPs (financially independent persons) so that they do not financially massacre their ex-husbands/fathers in the divorce courts, taking the father’s kids, his house, forcing him to make child payments, and pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife. The MGTOWs/masculists will hit back hard against the fluffie feminists, accusing them of hypocrisy.The MGTOW/Masculist “Menfair society!” Attitude.The MGTOWs/masculists will be frequently on the broadcast media when the population crashes, explaining to the culture why men have gone on strike against marriage and paternity. They will tell society that we now live in a gynocracy, where men are treated as second class citizens, and are routinely financially massacred in the divorce courts. (Roughly one married man in four gets financially massacred in a divorce court in the US, a massive injustice against men.) The masculists will tell the journalists, that men want a Parer (paternity rejection right) so that man can reject an unwanted pregnancy, so that if the woman goes ahead with it, she has full legal financial responsibility for the kid. MGTOWs/masculists will push the gender politicians to search, across the board, for examples of gender injustice towards men, and then to menfair the gender laws, so that men are more prepared to be fathers again. The MGTOWs/masculists will make it very clear to the gender politicians, that if the latter don’t menfair the gender laws, then the MGTOWs/masculists are prepared to wipe out whole populations, thus forcing the gender politicians to give men what men need, i.e. gender justice, that they today do not have.The Government “Tax the bachelors!” Attitude.The government will become alarmed at the population crash, and will initiate many studies on the issue. Think tanks will recommend political measures to push men to have more kids. One of the most obvious of such measures will be the bachelor tax. If too many men refuse to marry, then bachelors will need to be taxed more heavily, to make up for the lack of tax revenue compared to the past. But if the bachelor tax becomes too heavy, large number of bachelors, will simply uproot themselves and move to another country, where the cost of living is much less, and where no bachelor tax exists. There is a limit to what governments can do to push men to be fathers. Trying to reinforce conventional gender role attitudes will not work, because it is these attitudes that the MGTOWs/masculists are rebelling against in the first place. Governments will have to look at the problem with a fresh set of eyes, which they will have to get from the MGTOWs/masculists themselves.The Gender Politicians “Restructure society!” Attitude.According to Jim Willie (my favorite YouTube commentator on the dollar crash, America’s loss of the world’s reserve currency, China’s takeover of the US, etc) 2016 is proving to be the year when the world finally says a big no to the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Once that happens, the standard of living in the US will fall to third world levels, because the US has sent its manufacturing mainly to China, so has little capacity of its own. The dollar will become an ordinary domestic currency like any other nation’s, so the US will only be able to import what it can afford from its exports, which won’t be much.This crash in living standards will cause a rebellion against the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, who caused the problem, who will be sent to The Hague or simply pogromed. A civil war may result. The hated Jewish banksters have been preparing for this war, and so the casualty figure will probably be in the millions, but since Americans have more guns than people, the people will win. The hated Jewish banksters will flee, or be butchered in an American pogrom. After that, the politicians will be thrown out since they have been bribed by these Jewish banksters for a century, including the gender politicians, as part of the Jewish bankster policy of “divide and conquer” by supporting the feminist movement, to create conflict between the sexes to deflect attention away from the hated Jewish bankster dictatorship of the US, and robbing Americans’ taxes via the FED and the IRS (which were both set up by the hated Jewish banksters in the same year.)Once the US has been made Jewish bankster free, and the FED, IRS, ADL etc have been dismantled, then a new batch of politicians, will be elected. The gender politicians amongst them will be very conscious of the MGTOW/masculist arguments, and will do their best to menfair the gender laws, otherwise they know that there will be no America, because there will be no more Americans.They will make new divorce laws that will be fair to both sexes. When the fluffie feminists, in all their hypocrisy, fight against such menfairing, the masculists will drown them with venomous claims of hypocrisy, and will continue their marriage/paternity strike, until men get gender justice. The gender politicians will throw out alimony. They will make custody of children joint by default. Divorcing couples will be encouraged to buy a cheap apartment near their house, that the two parents alternate in, one week the father is with the kids in the house, while the mother is in the apartment, and the following week, they swap places. The Parer will be brought in. This will force all women to be FIPs. Gender politicians will reform society, so that it becomes a FIP Society, where all women are socialized and educated to be FIPs. Parents and schools will push young women to be FIPs and to get a FIP major education (i.e. math and the sciences) so that they can be FIPs as adults, and not look around for some manslave in their 30s when they want to raise kids in a middle class house. Primary school and high school teachers will be half and half male and female, so that boys are not alienated by a large majority of female teachers as is the case today. The media will be pushed to treat men fairly, removing its feminist, gynocentric bias. Women will be taught that men are the superior sex at the top end of the scale, because that is the simple reality, as shown by science.Once all these menfairing reforms have been brought in, men will start to be more willing to be fathers again. Nearly all women will be FIPs and will be socialized and taught to be responsible adults and not parasite and dump on males as feminists do today, in their childlike fashion. Enormous social and moral pressure will be applied by the MGTOWs/masculists on women to “FIP up!” or rot on the shelf.The MGTOWs/masculists will play a historic role in the creation of a new society, one that is much more menfair than today’s gender unjust society, regarding men. Things have to change, or MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out whole populations. Things have to change!Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/151 The Sexbot, Artwomb World (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer speculates on what the world will be like after men invent the sexbot and the artwomb (artificial?womb). Women will go into deep depression as they lose their monopoly over sex control and having babies. Women will be forced to be FIPs. Men will be freed from the traditional price of being a manslave to a bloody fluffie to get sex and kids.THE SEXBOT, ARTWOMB WORLDI’ve stated in several earlier flyers of mine, that I think it is likely that women will go into deep depression once men invent their sexbots and artwombs (artificial wombs) in the next decade or two, but I did not say much about how society will look and change in such a world. What will such a world be like? How will it differ from our world today? I try to address this question in this flyer. It will be fairly speculative, because I will be brainstorming to a large extent. I have not seen much of anything on this topic by other MGTOWs/masculists, so the ideas in this flyer will be mostly original.So, imagine that in a decade or so, men (of course men) invent sexbots and artwombs (which is what I think they will be called in common slang). How will these two revolutions change the world? What is likely to happen?As the sexbots get better, with more humanlike AI (artificial intelligence), they will become more competitive than women at being able to sex men and give them strong orgasms. These sexbots will be given 10 out of 10 beauty point faces, and made with curvy, luscious bodies, with creamy, grippy vaginas, etc, so that men will find them irresistible, and there will be a huge market, so even if the fluffie feminists try to have them banned, there is no way they will succeed, because the demand from men will be overpowering.When it comes to sex, men are strongly motivated, so once they get a taste of what it’s like to have sex with a really attractive and effective sexbot, they will be hooked, and will want one themselves. Sexbots may become the driving force for the creation of near human level AI. There will be a huge number of researchers put on the problem of making sexbots more physically and psychologically seductive and sexier for men. The market will be huge, so sexbot companies will be able to afford to have many researchers who improve the quality of the sexbot companies’ service. Women then will not be able to compete, so what will women do and what will men do? The fluffie feminists will lobby the gender politicians and try to have them banned, but I doubt they will succeed, because we are talking about sex, the strongest drive of males, so if the gender politicians do ban them, the backlash from men will be crushing. Not all countries will ban them, and those that don’t will have a huge market, making trillions of dollars, so that for purely economic reasons alone, commercial pressures within the banning countries will push the gender politicians hard to drop the ban.Imagine now, there are millions of men in each country who buy sexbots and use them as their main source for sexual pleasure. Obviously, they will be a lot less motivated to go seek female company to possibly get some sex from them. It will be a lot cheaper for men to have a sexbot than to go on regular dates that will cost them at least half, and often, amongst more conservative men, the full cost of the dates.Women will go into a panic. The fluffies will not be able to use sex to trap men into being manslaves for them, to pay for them to raise their kids in a middle class house. Men will soon wake up that they don’t have to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a fluffie to get regular sex. He can get his own sex and far better sex from his own sexbot, who is a lot prettier, sexier, who is nurturative, and always nice and will sex him as often as he wants.So women will lose one of the two monopolies over men that they have always had, i.e. control of the sex. With sexbots, men will be able to control the amount and quality of the sex they want, when they want, how they want, and at a hugely lower price than being a manslave to some bloody fluffie parasite.Before I launch into my ideas on how I think the structure of society will change as a result, I’ll first talk about the coming artwombs and then discuss the changes that will probably result from both these revolutions.Japanese researchers have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so growing a human baby can’t be far off, maybe even within a decade. Once the process is shown to be safe and reliable, then men will start growing their own babies, and women too, but for different reasons.Women will probably use artwomb companies to save themselves the bother of having to carry around a “brick in their stomachs” for many months. They will be able to give more energy to their careers as a result, although probably the level of bonding with the baby will decrease when it is born, because she has not had it as part of her being for the previous 9 months.Men will use artwomb companies to grow their own kid, and not have to pair off with a female to grow one. This will be hugely cheaper for men, than paying for a fluffie, so will be very popular for those men who want to be fathers. As a result, the MGTOW/masculist movements will probably dwindle away to nothing, as there will be no marriage. If men just want to live with a women, why marry. If they want a kid, they don’t have to marry, or even sex a woman, they can grow their own.But babies need to be fed, nurtured, and raised, so it is an easy prediction that there will be a huge demand and hence market for wet nurses and nannies. Single fathers who use an artwomb will be able to afford a wet-nurse and then a nanny for a few years. The wet-nurse would be hired for a year, and then a nanny for a few years, until the kid goes to school. Then the father and kid could live fairly cheaply in a small apartment for two people (maybe three with 2 kids) because the father need not pay for a McMansion that today’s fluffie women want from a manslave.Wet nurses and nannies need not be very bright, so there will be many women who can do it, so the supply will be large, and hence there will be no shortage of them, hence the prices they can command in a supply and demand regime will be fairly low. Wet nurses and nannies will be considered unskilled labor, since women are built/evolved for this task. Any woman can do it.With both sexbots and artwombs, the status of women will plunge. Women will have lost their two main monopolies over men, i.e. controlling sex, and having babies. Women will go through a deep inferiority complex, as they see that men no longer need them, preferring to sex their sexbots who do a far better job at it than women, and prefer to grow their own babies, rather than be a manslave to a fluffie parasite for decades.The fluffies will be devastated. They will lose their traditional meal ticket, i.e. manslavable men. The supply of such men will disappear very quickly, as men tell each other that it’s hugely cheaper to have your own kid than latch onto some fluffie bitch to have one for you. Many of these fluffies will stay fluffies, because they are too lazy or too dumb to be effective FIP women, so will remain poor, and in many cases will join the wet-nurse/nanny market to service single fathers who have grown their own kid(s). FIP single mothers may also use the wet-nurse/nanny market to lighten their load, so that they don’t have to be a mother and FIP careerist at the same time, which is very tiring, as so many single mother careerists of today can tell you. Feminists call such women “supermoms.”These two revolutions will push many women into becoming FIPs, especially young women, who will see all around them that fluffie women never get a man, and usually end up in the unskilled wet-nurse/nanny market with very low wages, and hence will be poor all their lives. Since about a third of women are quite stupid (as seen by looking at the IQ Bell curve) there will be enough women to supply the market.Women will probably then diverge in status. There will be the FIP women, who earn good wages, and the fluffie women, who are fluffies more for reasons of low IQ than anything else. They will lack the brains to be well off FIPs, and they won’t be able to catch a man, since men will have deserted fluffies long ago, so they will remain fluffies, i.e. a low IQ underclass.FIP women, on the other hand, and by definition, will be able to do the same thing as men, i.e. grow their own baby either in their own bodies, or in a machine, and raise the kid with the help of nannies who will probably be a lot cheaper in the near future, due to fluffies not being able to parasite on a manslave anymore. So FIP single mothers may have a more relaxing time of it, compared to being a supermom.Since women lack genius, having a 10% lower IQ variance compared with men, women will have lower general status in society than is the case today, since motherhood will be less valued than it is today. Anyone can have a kid, after the artwomb revolution, so women will not be able to use their former monopoly over that ability as a form of self-prestige. Anyone can grow a kid, big deal! Since female performance levels are inferior to males, women will be less valued and women will feel it. They will become quieter and more resigned to their realities. This will make life better for men, who for the past half century have had to put up with too many misandrist feminazi bitches.What about the total population size? The gender politicians will be forced to menfair the gender laws, as the population keeps crashing, but with these two revolutions, doing so may seem like bolting the barn door after the horses have already escaped. Men won’t marry at all, and will not need a Parer (paternity rejection right) because they won’t need a woman to have a kid. If a man suspects that some woman he is sexing really wants a kid with him, and he doesn’t, then he can always buy a sexbot and get his sex that way.Many men may really enjoy being fathers and decide to have two or more kids. It would still be a lot cheaper for him than paying for a fluffie parasite to live in a McMansion, so the total population may stop crashing catastrophically, and begin to climb back up. Governments could give tax breaks to men or women who have kid(s), to encourage the population from falling too much.These are just some ideas off the top of my head. I hope to see MGTOW/masculist sages (intellectuals) give more time and effort to reflecting on the consequences to society of the rise of sexbots and artwombs, which I think, anyone reading this would agree, will be profound, shaking up society to its roots.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/169 MGTOW Masculism : A Decade On (link) (YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines where the MGTOW/masculist movements will be a decade from now. It anticipates the broadcast media breakthrough, the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school and college, the moral pressuring of young women to be FIPs, and the forcing of the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity and hence annihilate the population.MGTOW-MASCULISM : A DECADE ONWhat will the MGTOW/masculist movements be like a decade from now, say in 2025? This flyer attempts to answer that question. No one can predict the future accurately, so this prediction will be a mixture of what I consider is probable, and what I hope will have happened by then.There are a lot of futurists who make the very good comment, that the most reliable way to predict the future is to invent it, i.e. if you want some future event to take place, then make it take place by doing whatever is necessary to make it happen. I will try to do some of that in the future, but I’m only one person, so there’s a limit to the impact a single person can have on 7 billion people.One of the things I plan to do, probably starting in 2017, once I clear away a few things that I have on my plate at the moment, that are slurping up tons of my mental energy and time (e.g. finishing annotating my paper library and finishing up putting links to my e-library) I plan to make YouTube lecture videos on masculism. Once these two tasks are done, I will feel I have the mental energy to make a whole video course on “Masculism : A Men’s Studies Course on Men’s Liberation” I have written over 120 of these flyers, so I have plenty of ideas and topics I can put into this course, so it won’t be short. It will be a full course, suitable for study by serious students who want to be given a men’s studies curriculum.I’m hoping that this course will get things moving, because I’m cynical of what the current MGTOWs are doing, or rather not doing. MGTOWs are making YouTube videos, which is a good thing, but are not going anywhere near far enough in my view, because essentially they are analyzing the current plight of men in our current gynocentric society, where men are treated by society, by women, by the gender politicians as cash machines to pay for women to have babies, but are NOT pushing politically, to CHANGE the gender status quo.In my video course on masculism, I will make a strong case and lay out a political plan on what needs to be done to liberate men from the traditional manslave role. I can push very hard the “nuclear weapon” of the MGTOWs, i.e. their strongest argument, if only they had the vision to see it for what it is. This argument is “If society and the gender politicians do NOT menfair society and the gender laws, then the MGTOWs and masculists will annihilate the population by continuing their paternity strike!”This argument is extremely powerful. What is more important to humanity than the survival of humanity? If society and the gender politicians don’t change their attitudes towards men, then the MGTOWs/masculists WILL FORCE them to, by crashing the population size.This process is already a decade ahead of the western countries in Japan, where thanks to the “herbivore” men, two thirds of young Japanese men under 35, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They have rejected their father’s traditional salaryman manslave role of working 11 hour days, commuting 3 hours, handing over their paychecks to their fluffie house wives so that the wives can play tennis while the husbands overwork. The young male generation in Japan is fed up with the salaryman role and are on strike.The Japanese population is already falling as a result. It has fallen by a million is just a few years. In two decades, after the baby boomers have died off, the Japanese population will have fallen to about two thirds of its current figure, i.e. to about 80 million. Japanese gender politicians are already pulling their hair out, wondering how to persuade young herbivore men to have babies and pay for them. These Japanese gender politicians will need to study closely the masculist course videos I will make in 2017.What is now happening in Japan will happen in western countries too. Japan is not the only advanced nation with a birth rate of only 1.4 children per woman. Spain, Italy, and Germany also have birthrates of 1.4? They too will wipe themselves out unless some radical changes are made in society, to stop the “population annihilation” caused by men rejecting paternity.So, where do I see MGTOW/masculism in a decade? I expect that the broadcast media barrier will have been breached by the MGTOWs/masculists. I’m hoping the very politicized, very angry masculist video course I will make will inspire similar videos to be made by other people, so that a real momentum is built up, so that media people latch on to it, and realize that the “nuclear weapon” argument of the MGTOWs/masculists is valid, and should be reported on and spread to the masses. At the moment, the MGTOW/masculist movement is too small for most broadcast journalists to take it seriously. But it only takes a handful of such journalists to pick up on its importance, and report on it, to get the ball rolling.Once the masses start hearing about the ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists, then I expect the next development will be the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school and college, aiming at raising the consciousness of young men at high schools and colleges that it is not in their self-interest to marry, to have kids, because if they do marry and have kids, in today’s gynocentric society, with the fluffie feminists having taken over the divorce courts, such married fathers will have roughly a one in four chance of being financially massacred and having their lives ruined, by losing custody of their kids with a 90% probability, losing their house to the fluffie ex-wife, so that she can raise HER kids in it, forced to pay child support, and alimony to the fluffie ex-wife so that she can continue to be a fluffie, parasiting off him after the divorce, the way she did before.This massive abuse of men, so angers men that they are going on strike in massive numbers. In the US, according to a recent US census, 70% of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, just as do the herbivore men in Japan. The two cases are almost identical. In fact this is a worldwide movement that has enormous potential to be one of the greatest social phenomena of our historical era, because it has the potential to wipe out humanity, if things don’t change.Once the men’s lib groups are established in the high schools and colleges, and the broadcast media are spreading MGTOW/masculist ideas to the masses, the men’s lib groups can move into high gear by putting enormous moral pressure on their female classmates, telling them, haranguing them, browbeating them, to be FIPs, and get a FIP major education, that will enable them to become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults, earning good salaries, so that a woman can afford to buy her own apartment to raise kids in, so that she does not HAVE to parasite off the money of some manslave.Masculists are very conscious of the critical importance of women becoming FIPs. The FIPification of women will go a long way to solving most of men’s gender problems. For example, one of the major legal reforms the masculists are pushing for is the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) whose non existence, given that the Marer (aka abortion right) does exist, makes it one of the most blatant sexual discriminations against men that exists. With virtually all women as FIPs it will be much easier to bring in the Parer, so that men can refuse an undesired pregnancy, so that if the mother goes ahead with the pregnancy, then she has full financial responsibility for the kid. He simply fills in a governmental paternity rejection form, and walks away from having his life ruined by a kid he does not want.Having all women as FIPs will cause women to be less parasitic on men. Getting a FIP major education (e.g. in a STEM field) will enable women to earn good money, giving them the confidence that they are indeed FIPs and don’t need to have fluffie attitudes towards men. Such women are much more likely to behave as adults, and not as irresponsible children, the way fluffies do.Once the men’s lib groups are set up, all students at high school and college will become familiar with MGTOW/masculist ideas, and that will change society. Social pressure will build up on women to change, to be FIP, to grow up, to pull their weight, to take responsibility for their own lives, and not expect men to do that for them.The next step I see happening, will be to work on the gender politicians. The MGTOW/masculists leaders, can present in a very forceful manner, the MGTOW/masculist nuclear weapon argument, i.e. the “population annihilation” argument and use it with great effectiveness due to its enormous power. The gender politicians, and society in general will be forced to sit up and listen, especially as the population statistics keep coming out each year, lower, lower, lower.The MGTOWs/masculists I see will be pushing hard morally, putting enormous moral pressure on women to become FIPs and not parasite on a man. The masculists will tell women that if they are not FIPs, they will be punished, by rotting on the shelf to extinction. They will not get a man. They will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and shunned by a masculist conscious society. In the 50s there was no 2nd wave feminism. By the 80s that had changed. In the 00s there was no MGTOW, but a decade from now, that will have changed too. Everyone will know about MGTOW/masculist ideas a decade from now, so that moral pressure can be mounted on the gender politicians to change the gender laws. The two biggest reforms that the gender politicians need to make concern divorce and bringing in the Parer. There are many other legal discriminations against men, that need to be systematically addressed. There will be such anger from men and in such massive numbers, that if the gender politicians don’t give men what men want, then they will be voted out of office. Women will have become FIPs to a greater extent than is the case today, so there will be a lot of understanding of women of the manslave traditional role of men to pay for fluffies. Such women will be sympathetic to masculism and describe themselves as female masculists.MGTOWs/masculists can keep reminding society, and the gender politicians that things are not going to change, i.e. the population will keep falling, unless society and the gender laws are made menfair. This argument will be pushed hard every year by the MGTOWs/masculists, forcing society to listen. In time, everyone will be familiar with it and most will agree with it, so that the social moral pressure on the gender politicians to make the necessary menfairing reforms will force them to do what is necessary.That is my vision on where MGTOW/masculism will be a decade from now. I may be off by some years, but I think the big picture will prove to be fairly accurate. It may be interesting to look back on this flyer in 2025, if I’m still alive (shudder!) to see how perspicacious I was in 2016.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/170 The Coming Civil (Sex) War (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr :? This flyer predicts that if the massive gender injustices against men continue, there will be warfare as militant “John Brown” like MGTOWs masculists and their disciples take the law into their own hands, since the current law does not look out for them.THE COMING CIVIL (SEX) WARI’m becoming increasingly aware that a real war between the sexes is coming as I reflect on the massive injustices that are committed routinely and unconsciously against men, who are half the population.I’m predicting a war is coming, and by a war, I mean deaths, terrorists, assassinations, arsons, killings, murders, etc., i.e. a war involving millions of people.Why do I say this? Because I see close analogies between the causes of the US civil war in the 1860s and the current situation with men. The fundamental cause of the US civil war was over the issue of negro slavery. There was such moral indignation coming from the northern states, that the southern slave states, who depended on slavery for their economic survival, felt deeply existentially threatened. Eventually, over a century, the moral pressure from the northern abolitionists mounted to such a point, that the south felt their only option was to secede from the union, which is what they did. Lincoln, then invaded the south, in a dictatorial manner, forcing the south to stay in the union, rather like the way Russia invaded Chechnya to keep it in the Soviet Union. The southerners rightfully were outraged that their states had been invaded by the north, to force southerners to do what northerners wanted. They saw Lincoln as a dictator, which of course he was. So the southerners felt both threatened by economic catastrophe if their slaves were freed and outraged by the northern dictatorship.Today, we have a similar situation, where men are growing increasingly conscious that they are manslaves to women and are becoming increasingly angry. More and more men are being financially massacred in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and having their lives ruined. Roughly one married man in four in the US is going through this hell, and are becoming increasingly hateful and vengeful as a result. A war against the current gender norms is brewing. The status quo cannot continue.Now that women have the contraceptive pill, the greatest social revolution in (pre)history, women can control effectively the number of kids they want, which is now 0, 1, 2, which means they have a career window of some 40+ years. The masculists say “Now that women can work, they must work, anything else is exploitation of the labor of men.” Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) who bother to get a FIP major education (e.g. in a STEM field) so that they can be FIPs as adults, and not look around for some manslave to parasite upon to pay for her to live in a middle class house in which to raise HER children.The problem now is that men are being truly screwed by the takeover by the fluffie feminists of the divorce courts, so that a massive gender injustice is being committed daily in them, where divorcing fathers typically lose their kids, their house, pay child support and alimony to their fluffie ex-wives. This callous abuse of men, who make up half the population, cannot continue. If it does, there will be warfare.What form will this warfare take? Again, I use a historical analogy with the US civil war. Some of you may have heard of “John Brown” of the song “John Brown’s body lies a moldering in the grave, and his soul goes marching on.” John Brown was a northern, militant, abolitionist, who tried to capture a northern armory and distribute guns to the blacks in the south to cause an insurrection against negro slavery. He was intercepted by northern soldiers and hanged. At his hanging he made the following famous speech. “Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children and with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit; so let it be done!”A mere two years later, the US was caught up in a bloody civil war that ended up killing half a million soldiers.Today’s men see themselves increasingly as manslaves to women, and are increasingly rebelling against the traditional manslave role of working for women. You can look at MGTOW and masculism as a “rebellion by men against working for women.” MGTOWs (men going their own way) refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.Most women know nothing about MGTOW/masculism, so by default have traditional fluffie (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a manslave) attitudes towards men, expecting them to pay for women to have babies in houses that men pay for. This attitude is deeply ingrained in women, probably in their DNA, since men have always provided resources to women, so that women could raise the next generation.But, we now live in the era of the pill, so traditional, evolved gender norms are no longer applicable. Men have the possibility of not working as manslaves for women, and millions of young men in the US and Japan are now choosing that lifestyle. In the US and Japan, 70% of young men under 35, refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are on strike, and despise the parasitic attitudes of women. Many such men (MGTOWs/masculists) have such a low opinion of women, whom they see as exploiters, who judge men only by their exploitability by women, that these men choose to have nothing to do with them, not even sexing them, in many cases.The problem is with the divorce courts, which is the front line in the war between the sexes. The MGTOW/masculist movements are now growing exponentially. In a few years, MGTOW/masculist ideas will be known by everyone, and these ideas will influence the thinking and actions of divorcing men, who will use MGTOW/masculist ideas to hit back at society for financially massacring them, and ruining their lives. They will react with murderous hatred, as soldiers for men’s lib. In effect, they will be MGTOW/masculist “John Browns.”As the population continues to crash due to the paternity strike of the MGTOWs/masculists, the temperature in the debate on men’s lib and society’s abuse of men, will rise and rise. Recently divorced men who have had their kids ripped from them, their house stolen by the state and given to the fluffie ex-wife, made poor paying their fluffie ex-wife child support and alimony, they will latch onto the ideas of the MGTOWs/masculists and take their revenge. They will assassinate divorce court judges, they will murder the divorce court lawyers who took the side of the ex-wife, they will arson the divorce courts, they will paint slogans on the outer walls of these divorce courts “Crime Scene against Men.” The more farsighted ones will travel to Washington DC and assassinate gender politicians who created the massively unjust gender laws against men that have ruined the lives of literally millions of men.These militant MGTOW/masculist terrorists, warriors, soldiers, will believe that what they are doing is for men, for men’s lib. They will believe that a war is necessary, because the current gender roles are indirectly wiping out whole populations, because the fluffie feminists don’t care about men. The fluffie feminists exploit the gender politicians’ short term thinking to extract resources from their ex-husbands and treat them as cash machines.MGTOWs masculists have such a hatred of this fluffie feminist attitude, that increasingly, more MGTOWs masculists feel that a civil war, a civil sex war is brewing, so that if the gender laws are not made menfair soon, thousands of John Brown masculists MGTOWs will come out of the woodwork, and the assassinations and murders will begin and not stop, so that it becomes clear that a civil sex war has started.The gender politicians and society in general need to be made aware that you cannot abuse men in the way society, the media, the divorce courts, etc., are currently doing and not expect a massive backlash from men. Young men particularly are reacting strongly, choosing to go their own way, rebelling against being manslaves to fluffie parasites. As the population crashes and the temperature in the men’s lib debate rises and rises, measures taken by MGTOWs/masculists will become more extreme. They will argue that extreme circumstances (i.e. the population getting wiped out) calls for extreme measures, i.e. a war, a civil sex war, to force the menfairing of society, the menfairing of the gender laws, the reform of the divorce courts, the bringing in of the Parer (paternity rejection right), the systematic removal of legal discrimination against men across the board, etc.If this does not happen, men in their thousands, then millions, will start taking up arms and taking the law into their own hands, because they are not getting gender justice from the current law, which so massively discriminates against men, treating men as things, as cash machines, without feelings and without need for respect. The longer society, and particularly the fluffie feminists and the gender politicians, continue to do this, the more they will be targeted for assassination and murder, thus generating a killing war, a civil sex war.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/225 Post Gender Lib Male/Female Lifestyles (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer depicts a future a few decades away in which nearly all women are FIPs, the gender laws have been menfaired, the Parer (paternity rejection right) has been brought in, the fluffie feminist hypocrites and fluffies in general have been wiped out and men have been freed from manslavery.POST GENDER LIB MALE/FEMALE LIFESTYLESThis flyer imagines male and female life styles in a post gender liberation world, i.e. in which feminism and masculism are no longer needed, because both movements have more or less achieved what they set out to achieve.Women have already achieved what they set out to do in the second wave of feminism, i.e. obtain equal rights for women, equal access to the professions etc. The feminists wanted the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, which they obtained. Unfortunately for men, women went overboard and turned their women’s lib movement into a gynocratic (rule by women) movement achieving female privileges at the expense of men, resulting in a massive backlash and punishment of women by men, who still held the financial power and were able to force women to FIP up (i.e. become financially independent persons) by threatening women with manlessness, and hence babylessness if women did not.At the time of writing (2017) this male backlash is only just getting off the ground, as the broadcast media is really only this year, starting to pay attention to men’s issues. It will take a few more years for nearly all men and women to become familiar with masculist and MGTOW (men going their own way) arguments, so that they can think about them.But once men have restored the over swing of the feminazi pendulum, what will male and female lifestyles be like? Answering that question is what this flyer is about.But before attempting answers to this question, we need to get to that situation, so what needs to be done first to get there, especially from men’s point of view?The main objective of the men’s lib movement is the menfairing of the gender laws, and the teaching of women that women do not have a monopoly on gender discourse. There is also men’s lib, i.e. the MGTOW movement, and the masculist movement. Men too have their gender issues.One of the basic realities in the gender lib debate is that men have the financial power to force women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs, otherwise women will not get a man. Persuading men to ignore fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man) is one of the primary goals of the masculists. Men need to be made very conscious that they have the power to wipe out fluffies by ignoring them to death.A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, who is prepared to be parasited upon by a fluffie, the enemy of the masculists, the type of woman that the masculists aim to wipe out, not by killing them, but by simply ignoring them to death, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing such women to rot on the shelf to extinction, having their fluffie parasite genes removed from the gene pool.Men are capable of doing this due to the fact that nearly all men are FIPs, because boys are socialized by parents and educated by teachers to be FIPs. As nearly all men in the next few years wake up to the fact that men have the power to wipe out fluffie parasitism, then fluffies will be wiped out.The masculists are now working on women to become female masculists as a strategy to get more women to take the side of men, i.e. removing the excesses of the feminazis who want female power at the expense of men, particularly in the divorce courts, where such massive gender injustices are committed daily, financially crucifying one married father in four in the western countries, with him losing his kids with a 90% probability, losing his house to his fluffie ex-wife, half his possessions, paying child support for kids he will barely see, and often alimony so that his hated fluffie parasitic ex-wife can remain a parasite off his money after the divorce the way she did before the divorce.Another glaring injustice against men is the lack of a legislated Parer (paternity rejection right) whereby a man would be given the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy by simply filling in a paternity rejection form, so that if the woman goes ahead with the pregnancy, then the full costs of the upkeep of the child fall legally on her shoulders.What so angers the masculists is the social attitude that treats women as fluffies, i.e. parasites on men, child-minded women who are seen to be children, and not responsible adults, capable of fending for themselves financially.Masculism forces women to grow up, to be responsible adults, who take care of themselves financially, and not expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man. Those women who are not FIPs i.e. fluffies, are severely punished by masculists by not getting a man, forcing fluffies to rot on the shelf, and spat at for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.So many feminists are still fluffie hypocrites, wanting to have their cake and eat it too, i.e. wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, i.e. rejecting the idea that women have a powerful moral obligation to get off their fluffie parasitic arses and pull their financial weight, by bothering to get a career competent education so that they can be FIPs as adults, not parasiting off the income of a man.Most feminists are fluffie hypocrites, supporting the financial massacring that occurs daily in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts. Masculists are out to stop this abomination, by applying enormous moral pressure on fluffies and smashing the hypocrisy of the hated fluffie feminists.The hatred coming from the male victims in the divorce courts is reaching murderous levels. As masculist ideas spread throughout the male population, instead of men suiciding at about 10 times their normal rate, just after a divorce, they will express their shock and outrage in masculist ways and simply murder their fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers. It is to be expected over the coming few years that 1000s of these hated fluffie feminist divorce court judges and lawyers will be murdered, in the sex war.In the next few years, the media will latch on to the masculist case, and give the masculists and MGTOWs huge publicity, because the MGTOW paternity rejection is the biggest story of the century, because there is nothing more important to humanity than the survival of humanity, and it is precisely that, that is being threatened by the MGTOW and masculist rejection of paternity.The hated feminazi bitches have made divorce so toxic for males, that they have made marriage toxic for males, so much so that in a string of major western countries now, two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves.Young women are really starting to panic now as they wake up the idea that they are NOT GOING TO HAVE BABIES. This reality is forcing women to become female masculists, so that they can join forces with the MGTOWs and masculists to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, in order to counter the gynocracy of the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites who see men as the enemy, as subhuman cash machines, to be abused in the divorce courts for the benefit of their fluffie ex-wives by being financially crucified, thus causing men to have a burning hatred for these fluffie feminazi hypocrites.Masculists are now aiming as much at women as men, in getting their masculist message out to the general public. It is in the self-interest of the masculists to do this. Women are 51% of the voters, and a higher proportion of women vote than men, so when push really comes to shove, i.e. when there is a divorce, women want to keep their privileges as obtained by the fluffie feminists in the 70s, i.e. to be able to rob a man of his resources and give them to his fluffie ex-wife. Women want this privilege and not be forced to become adult and FIP up. Women want the best of both worlds, i.e. have equal rights, AND be able to continue to parasite off the labor and money of a man. They want to keep this gynocratic lifestyle.But, the masculists will not tolerate this hated hypocrisy on the part of the fluffies. Men have the financial power to force fluffies to FIP up or they rot on the shelf. Masculists push men to become conscious of this power that men have over women, and to use it to wipe out the fluffies. The threat of babylessness caused by men who rebel against being manslaves to fluffie women, is forcing women to become female masculists, agreeing with the idea that men deserve to be treated with respect just as much as women.These young women are scared that they will not have babies, as more men go MGTOW and masculist. Already two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. In a decade, that percentage will probably be over 90%, so by then women will be truly panicking.The result of this panic, will be that there will be a clamor in the broadcast media for the menfairing of the gender laws, and the bringing in of the Parer. Schools and parents will be pressured to FIP up their daughters, scaring them that if they don’t get a career competent education that will make them FIPs as adults, then they will be doomed to manlessness, spat at by men for being hated fluffie parasites.Soon, the sexbots and artwombs (artificial wombs) will be with us. Life-size lifelike sex dolls are already coming onto the market. AI is getting better at generating near human level conversations, so the sex bots and AI will combine so that men can have more agreeable relationships with sexbots than women. These sexbots have luscious curvy bodies, film star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off. Once women lose their two traditional monopolies of womb and vagina, feminism will disappear overnight, as women claw at each other for men’s dwindling attention. When men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots than women, then many men will simply cross women off as ignorable, due to women’s very negative qualities, such as nagging, being irrational, emotional, hysterical. Men despise these qualities in women.So, the gender lib pendulum is swinging back to restore a balance between men’s and women’s needs.Let us imagine a decade or so into the future so that there has been enough time for the above social dynamics to have played themselves out, so that the gender dust has settled. What will men’s and women’s post gender lib life styles be like?Here is my answer to the above critical question. Nearly all women will be FIPs by then, with a strong social and moral expectation on them to be FIPs, even if it runs against the evolved grain of women, who tend to judge men by men’s level of sexploitability by women. Women will be forced to suppress this tendency to want to parasite off men. If they don’t, they will pay a heavy price. They just won’t get a man, and they will be spat on by society.So women pour into STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions. Fluffies have pretty well died out due to the enormous moral pressure against them. Men won’t tolerate them and hurl moral abuse at them for being fluffie parasites, expecting to sit on their fat parasitic arses and live off the labor and money of a man. Such women by then will be treated as vermin.Men have been given menfaired gender laws. There is no more alimony in the divorce courts. Custody of children is given jointly by default. When the gender politicians started changing the divorce laws, a lot of fluffie feminist hypocrites protested in the streets only to be shocked by even angrier masculists who bitch slapped them to oblivion so that such protests by feminazis quickly died out.No woman wants to be bitch slapped a second time by a man. When a man uses the full force of his chest muscles to slap a woman, she is hurled across the room, an extremely painful experience. Bitch slapping became a symbolic act of the masculists, when expressing their hatred for the hypocritical injustice of the feminazi bitches.The Parer was brought in. Women were expected to be FIPs, so that if a woman continued a pregnancy that her boyfriend rejected (usually resulting in the breakup of the relationship) then she was capable of paying for the kid herself, because she was a FIP.The statistics on the proportion of young men and women studying math and the sciences at high school rose steadily and equally across both sexes. A similar story occurred at colleges and universities as well. The masculists on the broadcast media put enormous pressure on women to FIP up or not get a man, using such slogans as “FIP up or be manless!” “No calculus, no baby!” “Fluffies rot on the shelf!” etc.After some years, a fairly standard pattern emerged for the new conventional life styles of men and women. It took the following form. Both sexes became FIPs. Women all became conscious that men would not tolerate being manslaves to hated fluffie parasites, so the fluffies disappeared or went underground and hid their faces remaining manless and poor.The gender laws were menfaired systematically across the board. Parliamentary committees were set up to do this in most countries. Sexual discrimination on the statute books disappeared. So men felt much safer about having kids, so the birth rate started climbing again.To get the birth rate back to replacement rate, governments set up “baby farms” where women were given hefty subsidies to have children. Smarter women were given higher subsidies so that higher IQ, higher class women would be encouraged to grow smart babies and in large numbers.Young men invested more in being fathers, spending more time and energy with their kids. Young men felt much safer because the feminazi horror of the divorce courts of their father’s generation had disappeared. Divorce was no longer toxic for men the way the hated feminazi hypocrites had made it a generation previously.Young women tended to get well qualified and work a few years to get a taste of being in a career, then stopped work temporarily for a few years to have their two kids, and receive government “young mother” subsidies for loss of income. They usually had kids at about age 30, and were back at work by 35, with a nanny, and two FIP incomes, so they could afford it. AI and robotics had removed a lot of the low IQ jobs, so many low IQ women were happy to be nannies to two FIP couples.With two FIP incomes in the family, young men relaxed a bit, and became less career driven, knowing that their life partner was also a FIP, an equal, a responsible adult, who faced up to her adult responsibilities, so the level of respect by men for women grew. Men saw women much less as child-minded dependents, as financial burdens.From 35 to 75, these women then worked in their careers. Once their children were off their hands at age 50, many of them with their male partners, decided to earn less and semi retire, trading income for more free time. Men were thus freed up from manslavery to a large extent, because their female partner was a FIP who did not expect to manslave him, to be a parasite off him.When relationships failed, and there were kids, the two former partners usually stayed living in the same city, so that they could be active parents to the kids. Typically, with both partners FIPs, they could afford to buy a small apartment near the family house, so that each former partner could spend a week with the kids in the house while the other ex-partner stayed in the apartment, and a week later they would swap places, with the kids staying in the house for stability.Feminism died out. Its excesses, particularly its hypocritical gynocratic aspects were despised. Most women became EMO FIPs (equal moral obligation) FIPs, i.e. these women had the moral expectation that they should share the burden of earning the living and not expect to parasite off a man. Even most women learned to spit at fluffies, so that fluffie feminists were doubly spat at, i.e. by both sexes, and for being both immoral and hypocritical. The hypocrisy of fluffie feminists was truly hated.The quality of relationships between the sexes improved a lot. Men respected women more, despite the genetic superiority of men at the top end of the performance scales. But that concerned only a small minority of the highest fliers. For most people, the overlap of the performance Bell curves for the two sexes was nearly complete.Sure, women are dumber than men by about 4 IQ points on average, but that did not stop women from being FIPs. Women pulled their weight, and so men were freed from manslavery by women. Fluffie manslavers were wiped out by the masculists. They become museum pieces. Old people would reminisce “You remember when women were fluffie parasites?”Women became more realistic, more humble. The scientific evidence showed clearly that the genii were males. Men continued to win all the science Nobel prizes and the math prizes. Women continued to not be genii. Such realities were generally accepted, because it was what science showed, so women were forced to accept it, the way blacks were forced to accept that they were the dumbest people in the world. Realities were realities, and it was pointless to fight against them, because to do so was to invite being accused of living in an isscienate fairyland, and not be taken seriously.The gender dust settled, and people just got on with their lives. The old gender craziness, the hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists in the divorce courts, the masculist murders of the hated gender politicians and fluffie feminist hypocrite divorce court judges and lawyers, now seemed distant memories of a bygone, more primitive age. People were more civilized now, they had moved on, to a higher form of moral existence. Women had become FIPs and men were freed from manslavery. Things were better all round.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/255 Macro-Social Red Pilling (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts how society will react when most men are red pilled, i.e. they learn that women don’t love them, that they love men’s (s)exploitability. It predicts there will be three phases of reaction, 1) the “Media Catch On” phase, 2) the Politicization of the MGTOWs phase, 3) the Menfairing phase.MACRO-SOCIAL RED PILLING?This flyer tries to imagine how our society will change when most men have taken the red pill, i.e. they have become conscious of the core idea of the MGTOWs, that “Women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.”This core idea of the MGTOWs is so devastating, when one first comes across it, that I call it the “poison pill” because it poisons one’s attitude towards women permanently, forever changing one’s view of women, from one of objects of adoration, to objects of suspicion, thinking that women are only interested in men for what they can extract from men in terms of resources, so that women can have more resources for themselves and their babies.The MGTOW notion of the red pill, is taken as an analogy from the movie “The Matrix” which in the movie means that if you choose the red pill, you are choosing to know the very negative reality that the machines have taken over humans and use them as batteries.The blue pill choice in the movie means that you remain in the matrix, i.e. signals sent directly into the brains of the humans by machine controlled computers, making humans think they are living in the 20th century, i.e. living a deluded fantasy.MGTOWs routinely refer to traditional males as “blue pillers” i.e. men who have not yet woken up to the very negative reality that women don’t love men, but love only men’s (s)exploitability. When a man loses his exploitability, his woman will coldly, disloyally, dump him in search of a more exploitable male.Even a FIP (i.e. a financially independent person) woman who does not need to parasite off the money of a man, will coldly drop her man if the man becomes financially dependent on her, because she evolved to be like that.The red pill idea, makes good Darwinian sense. It sounds so plausible, because in the distant past, a woman who had kids, could not hunt. Her babies were born prematurely so that the baby’s head could fit through the birth canal, and then doubled its size after the birth.But the prematurely born babies were useless, demanding intensive, full time, care from the mother, who therefore could not roam far from the home, so she became dependent on her man to provide male hunted meat.If her man proved unable to provide the meat, thus threatening her life and that of her babies, then she would quickly drop him in favor of a better meat providing man. She evolved to be able to do this, by being able to bribe a man with access to her vagina, which was about the only thing men valued in women.So, once intelligent men, who know about Darwinian evolutionary theory, hear of the red pill idea, they can see that it makes sense. It sounds so plausible.I only have to look at my own case to see the red pill idea in action with my 4th wife. My 3rd (Chinese) wife stole half my savings, making me rather poor. My fourth (Chinese) wife started seeing me as rather poor and her female red pill instinct kicked in. The sex dried up, the nagging started, her disdain made itself felt ever more strongly, to the point that I will leave her in about a year, once my paper library has been converted to electronic form.Once my 4th wife saw me as a poor resource provider, despite my high status as a PhDed full research professor, her hypergamous instinct kicked in, and she wanted to be rid of me. She will get her wish, because I, as a male, do not want to live with such a woman, but as the MGTOWs say, “All women are like that – i.e. AWALTs.” It is this growing awareness by men of women’s negative natures that makes red pilled men so contemptuous and suspicious of women. Red pill knowledge is truly poisonous for relations between the sexes.Thanks to the internet, men are now able to compare war stories about their interactions with women, and a collective knowledge about female nature is growing. Two main ideas have come out of this knowledge, that more and more men are absorbing, a knowledge that poisons their relations with women.These two main ideas are the red pill, and women’s hypergamous nature. The two ideas are closely related. Not only will a woman coldly dump her man if he loses his exploitability by her, she will also coldly dump him if a more (s)exploitable male turns up, and if she has a realistic possibility of monkey branching to him and abandoning her former man provider.Both of these strategies make good Darwinian sense. When life was so precarious in the distant past, such monkey branching could have meant the difference between starving to death and surviving.The MGTOWs are growing in numbers exponentially every year. One only has to look on Google Trends to see that. This flyer thinks about how society will change as the large majority of men become red pilled, i.e. learn about women’s true negative nature, thus souring men’s attitudes towards women, and making men a lot less likely to be willing to be a traditional manslave to a woman, as in earlier generations.Thus this flyer is somewhat futuristic, as it attempts to predict how society will react as men go red pill in large numbers, i.e. we see a macro-social red pilling of men.I think it is fairly safe to say, that the first major change to occur, will be with the broadcast media, when so many men go MGTOW and masculist, that sooner or later, the media people will inevitably pick up on this major social trend.This trend is not fringy. The number of MGTOWs in terms of their philosophy, is still small, only in the few millions worldwide, but in practice, which is what matters, two thirds of young men in several major countries, e.g. the US, Japan, Germany, etc. refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, either having only live-out relationships with women, or avoiding them totally.As I write this in November 2017, the broadcast media is only recently starting to nibble at the topic, but in time, the idea that the MGTOW caused rejection of paternity, has the capacity to wipe out whole populations, must inevitably grab the attention of the broadcast media, as the truth dawns on them that the MGTOW rejection of paternity is in fact the biggest story of the century, because there is nothing more important to humanity than its own survival, which is what the MGTOW paternity boycott is threatening.Thus there is an inevitability about the media getting into the act, explaining to the masses what the MGTOW and masculist ideas are, educating the millions, the billions, into why the birth rate is so low, and that if nothing is done about it, we will wipe ourselves out.Call the above “Media Catch On” Phase 1. What will phase 2 be? I call it the “Politicization of MGTOW” i.e. a conversion of millions of MGTOWs to politically motivated masculism. Why do I say this? Because once the general public has been educated about the horrors of the divorce courts for men, of the red pill, of masculist anger at fluffies, at fluffie feminist hypocrites, of the masculist pressure for women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then many MGTOWs will see there is a real opportunity to change society for the better, so that it menfairs social attitudes and the gender laws.Once the masculists have the ear of the journalists, and can get the masculist message out, and MGTOWs see that the masculists are getting real traction with the journalists and the media, then the MGTOWs will agree in large numbers with the masculists, that it is not enough to simply quietly walk away from the traditional manslave role, of working for a woman.Many MGTOWs will agree with the masculists that MGTOWs, like the masculists, have a moral obligation to help change our culture, so that it liberates men on the legal and social front as well, particularly in menfairing the gender laws, in menfairing the divorce laws, that are so catastrophic for men in today’s world, and bringing in in the Parer (paternity rejection right) plus removing many other discriminations against men.I’m predicting there will be a mass conversion of MGTOWs to masculism, once these MGTOWs see with their own eyes, that the masculists are having a real impact on society, on the media, with the characteristic masculist angry approach, lashing out against its enemies, the fluffies, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, the gender politicians, etc.MGTOWs will become as educated by the masculists appearing in the media, as the general public, and will be able to see what impact the masculist ideas and attitudes are having on women, i.e. putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up (become FIPs by bothering to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they end up FIPs as adults, and not be motivated to parasite off the money of a man in their 30s when their biological clocks are ticking hard.The masculists will be organizing the setup of men’s lib groups in every high school, every college, to put moral pressure on young women to become FIPs AND to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, because if women don’t do this, then women will be punished by men by being forced by men to be manless and especially to be babyless.Masculists have the intellectual tools to force women to change the way masculists want, namely, we men have the knowledge that nearly all men are FIPs. We men are socialized and evolved to be FIPs, so as men, we do not need to parasite off the money of a woman in order to survive financially.A fluffie however (a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man) can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the supply of such manslavable men is drying up, due to the influence of MGTOW and masculist ideas on the male population.Today, 2/3 of young men under 35 refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, thus forcing women to be FIPs or they will be severely punished. Fluffie women will be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned by a society that is becoming ever more conscious that men need to be liberated from manslavery, and that a fluffie is an immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, the primary political goal of the masculists.Masculists will also be pushing women hard to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, otherwise the gender status quo will not change, and things will continue to deteriorate. The population will keep falling, as men continue to reject paternity, due to the awful toxicity of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.The alarm level will rise and rise. Women will be screaming that there aren’t enough men to go around, that so many men reject women, and treat women very badly, due to women’s true negative nature, that nearly everyone will be aware of, thanks to the education of the red pill coming from the media.The third phase I call simply the “Menfairing Phase” i.e. the alarm bells will be ringing so loudly, concerning the fall of the population, that calls for action will be commonplace. Politicians, journalists, academics, authors, etc. will be clamoring for action, for something to be done to solve the problem.It is here that masculist theorists will be able to play a decisive role. This phase three is still in the future of western countries, but has already occurred to some extent in Japan, whose herbivore men (Japan’s equivalent of the west’s MGTOWs) have been around for a decade or more longer than has MGTOW in the west.Japan’s population is already falling. In 20 years, after the baby boomers have died, Japan’s population will have fallen from 120+ million to about 80 million. Japan’s birth rate is 1.4 children per woman. Similar figures exist in several European countries, e.g. Germany, Italy, Spain, etc.Japan even has a cabinet minister (a high ranking politician) on this issue. However the Japs aren’t known for their creativity and intellectually pioneering spirit, so it is not surprising that this minister was counterproductive in his moralistic push of the young male generation in Japan to “Man up!” which was the opposite of what these herbivore men wanted to hear.These young men’s fathers, the “salary men” work 11 hour days, have 3 hour commute times, and hand over their salaries to their parasitic fluffie housewives, who play tennis while he overworks. The herbivore men say “Fuck that” to the manslave role of their fathers, and want no part of it, so go MGTOW in practice in large numbers, thus slashing the birth rate.It is only a question of time before western politics has its own “ministers of population” who will be wondering how to solve the population crash problem. It is here that the masculist theorists can really save the day. They will be able to explain to the gender politicians, that the main reason why the MGTOWs and the masculists reject marriage and paternity, is because men live in a gynocentric society, where the gender laws are so biased in favor of women that young men refuse to marry and have kids.Traditional marriage and being a father is such a rotten deal for men, given the takeover of the divorce courts by the fluffie feminist hypocrites, who want equal rights for women, but reject equal obligations for women, i.e. in sharing the burden of earning the living, by bothering to get a career competent education in high school and university.The masculist theorists will be able to explain to the gender politicians, and to society in general that to encourage men to be fathers again, the gender laws need to be menfaired, and women need to FIP up, and stop being fluffie parasites, or they will continue to be punished. The divorce courts will need to be menfaired, e.g. custody of kids will need to be made joint by default. Alimony will need to be thrown out. The owner of the house gets to keep it, etc.Parents and teachers need to be educated so that they in turn educate their daughters and young women to be FIPs, or they will be punished by men by not getting one.The masculists have an enormous educational task ahead of them, to educate the culture about masculist and MGTOW ideas. The masculists will use MGTOW ideas as a political tool to threaten women to FIP up and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws or women will be punished, MGTOW style, by not getting a man.Until the gender laws are menfaired, the best that a woman can hope to get from a man will be to twaytwef with him, i.e. a life style where a man and a woman are both FIPs, and both have their own apartment (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs). The advantage of twaytweffing for a man, is that he gets the regular sex he needs from a woman without paying the awful price of traditional marriage in which he has a one in four chance of being financially massacred and having his life ruined by a vindictive fluffie ex-wife, who will take advantage of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts.By twaytweffing, a man ensures that the woman remains permanently nice to him. Because if not, if she withholds sex, starts nagging him, tries molding him, then he can so easily just walk away back to his own apartment, cost free to him, no divorce costs, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no alimony, because his ex-woman is a FIP, etc.Women need to be taught that men have the power to force women to FIP up and to vote with men to have the gender laws menfaired, because if women don’t do these things, then their punishment will be severe. They will not get a man. They will be left rotting on the shelf, to extinction. Their fluffie genes will be removed from the gene pool. Men have the power to do this.The masculist theorists will be pushing the media hard, setting up men’s lib groups in the high schools, and colleges, writing books on masculism, setting up Men’s Studies courses at the universities, talking on the media, particularly on broadcast TV, reaching the millions, persuading their cultures that unless men get what they want in terms of menfairing the gender laws, the bringing in of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc., then men will continue to boycott paternity and wipe out whole populations. We mean have that power.In time, the gender politicians and the culture at large will come to realize that men do indeed have the power to force women to FIP up and to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because if these things don’t happen, the MGTOWs will continue their quiet rejection of marriage and paternity, and humanity gets wiped out. Hence time is on the side of the men.It is likely that young women will turn viciously against feminism, seeing it as the root cause for young women’s problems i.e. largely their babylessness, as caused directly by the MGTOW rejection of paternity, and refusal to give women their sperm, and indirectly caused by the fluffie feminists who took over the divorce courts in the 70s and made them toxic for men.The masculists and MGTOWs have the power to force women to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, even though it will mean that women will have to give up their privileges in the divorce courts. They will be forced to abandon getting custody of the kids with a 90% probability, getting alimony, getting child payments, getting half of her ex-husband’s stuff, and his house.All those divorce goodies that fluffie woman so strongly want will not be attractive enough to be able to overpower their desire to have kids. Women’s whole DNA is oriented towards being baby factories and raising the next generation. It is what the human female is FOR.So, with these three major phases – 1) Media Catch On, 2) Politicization of the MGTOWs, 3) Menfairing, it is likely that within a few decades, men will be living in a quite different world. Feminism will have been killed by both men and women, especially by young women who are desperate to have babies again, but can’t because quality men refuse to give them their sperm.The politicians will be desperate to stop the population decline, so will give men what they want, i.e. what the masculists are teaching the gender politicians to legislate towards, i.e. menfairing the divorce laws, bringing in the Parer, pushing women to FIP up, and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, the pushing of parents and teachers to scare young women to FIP up or rot on the shelf, being rejected by men for being hated fluffie parasites.Further down the road, red pilled men, even though living in a menfaired culture, will still see women with suspicion, because women’s hypergamous sexploitative nature will not go away. It might be suppressed by women’s ability to adapt to men’s moral pressure, but female evolved instinct will not disappear, so men will keep women at arm’s distance, not trusting them, using them really only for sex and not adoring them as in the past.When the sex bots and artwombs come, women will be even more neglected by men. Men will prefer to grow their own kids and sex their bots rather than fat ugly women. Women will not only have to confront masculist moral pressure to FIP up, and vote with men to menfair the gender laws, but will also have to learn to cope with fierce competition from the sexbots and artwombs. Women will be forced to learn to be VERY NICE to men, or be ignored by men.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)3.1/279 Masculist Riots (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer predicts that the first MGTOW/Masculist riot will occur before the end of 2020 as dozens of very angry, frustrated, bitter, young men on campus lash out violently against the feminazis, expressing their hatred and intolerance of the increasingly gynocratic society we live in.MASCULIST RIOTS?This flyer states that it is probably only a question of time, probably only a few years, before the first masculist/MGTOW riot occurs, probably on a university campus, as men collectively express their strong frustration and anger at a suffocating gynocentric society, and put their male foot down.Men are getting more collectively angry by the month, as more MGTOW content providers are uploading their videos to the world, teaching men, particularly young men, not to marry, not to have kids, to spend their money on themselves, to avoid fluffie parasites and especially fluffie feminist hypocrites like the plague.Men are waking up to the fact that the hated feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have taken over the divorce courts and have made them so toxic for males, that two thirds of young men under 35 refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, thus directly wiping out whole populations, but since these young men are merely reacting against the toxicity of the divorce courts, as controlled by the fluffie feminists, the root cause of the population crash are the fluffie feminists. It is they who are the true genociders.As fluffie feminists genociders, they have to be stopped. More far sighted men have become alarmed, and are pointing the finger at these feminazis and accusing them of being genociders, who have to be stopped. But how?As populations seriously start falling, more desperate measures will have to be taken to stop this happening, otherwise we wipe ourselves out. Do we use bullets, i.e. shoot feminists in the street on the spot, the moment they claim they are feminists, or do we use the male bitch slapping hand? One way or the other, these feminazis have to be stopped. We have no choice in this. The alternative, is that whole populations get wiped out.Young men at college are FED UP with being treated as second class citizens, when in reality, they are learning from the MGTOW/masculist movements, that men are the superior sex, outperforming women at the top end of the performance scale in almost everything.These men are learning from masculist videos, that men are smarter than women on average, by about 4 IQ points, that men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women (i.e. that men’s IQ scores are more spread out over a whole population, millions of people) so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes, so that women have won a pathetic 1%.Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are a lot more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent, so are much better at finishing difficult tasks than women, who are more wishy washy and give up more easily. So men vastly outperform women in just about everything. Men utterly dominate the entries in the Who’s Who books that provide the biographies of famous men. The term “great man” is well known, but the term “great woman” is almost an oxymoron (i.e. two words that are mutually contradictory, e.g. skinny obesity.)Yet, the feminazis on campus are preaching to the female freshers that women are the superior sex. The intellectual dishonesty of these feminazis really grates with young men, who are FED UP with this PC, isscienate fairy, bullshit, and are really losing patience with it, getting close to the point of exploding in rage, and rioting.So, just how is it likely that this first masculist riot will brew and boil over?I think it is most likely to occur on a campus, because it is on campus, where the highest concentration of young men occurs who are FED UP with feminazi bullshit and putdowns of men. These young men are FED UP with feminazi bitches putting the blame for women’s condition entirely on men, and not shouldering some of the burden, the responsibility, on themselves.This existential cowardice on the part of these feminazi bitches, smacks of childishness. Children will blame anyone but themselves for their problems. That is the nature of children. Feminazis behave the same way, and young adult males are FED UP with it, and are now a hair’s breadth away from losing patience and exploding in rage against it.Another reason why I think the first masculist/MGTOW riot will occur on a campus, is because the problems facing men are strongest on campus. Campuses in many western countries have been taken over by women, in several senses. Firstly, purely in sheer numbers, women now outnumber men almost two to one on many campuses. Campuses have become so toxic and so unattractive to young men that many have chosen not to go to college, and to pick up their qualifications online, or in a trade school.Student debt is not worth it, millions of young men feel. What is the point of getting years into debt for a useless piece of diploma paper that the economy does not value?!On many campuses now, the feminazis have made it compulsory for men to attend feminazi courses, e.g. rape sensitivity, so that men learn how it feels to be a woman fearing being raped on campus. These feminazis claim that one woman in five will be raped on campus, completely overlooking the fact, that the actual rape rate in the population is about 2 rapes per 1000 adult women per year. (See footnote.)Thus these women studies professors are not only dictating their feminazi agenda onto young men, but far worse, they are lying to them. It is this kind of isscienate (i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically) fairydom (living in a fairyland, believing things without evidence, just like religionists) that makes young masculist MGTOWs’ blood boil. These young men are FED UP with this kind of feminazi bullshit and are VERY ANGRY about it.These young MGTOW/masculists are very angry at the hypocrisy of the feminazis, e.g. there is no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right) yet there is a Marer (Maternity rejection right) so that women have the legal right to reject an unwanted pregnancy, but men don’t, so millions of women trick their boyfriends into having to pay for women who wanted to get pregnant, and have a man pay for the kid, that he did not want. This kind of criminal injustice, and amoral misandry, makes MGTOWs/masculists extremely angry, which will just add to the force of the explosion of men, when it comes.So, jump just a few years into the future, so that the number of men on campus who are MGTOW/masculist is large enough for them to have formed quite a substantial men’s lib group on campus, i.e. enough for them to take action. What might they do?They can boycott the compulsory feminazi classes, complaining to the president of their university, that their women’s studies professors are liars and misandrists. The young MGTOW/masculists can also complain to the president that there are no equivalent compulsory courses for young women, e.g. anti-fluffie courses, which would teach women to be FIPs or be punished by MGTOW/masculist men, who will refuse to have anything to do with them, if they don’t FIP up, i.e. become FIPs, (financially independent persons) and not expect to parasite off the money of a man.These young MGTOWs/masculists can also complain to the president that he does not have Men’s Studies courses on his campus, and that that is sexist against men.A more explosive rebellion by the men’s group will probably occur by inviting a prominent masculist to come speak at the university and to give it big publicity, so that probably the feminazi group will organize something to try to counter it, probably by heckling it during the talk.The Men’s lib group can then warn the feminazi hecklers that if they don’t stop heckling they will be collectively bitch slapped, very painfully, and thrown out of the room. Such an event would satisfy anyone’s definition of a riot, because all hell would break out.Feminazis would be reeling in pain, being bitch slapped to the floor. Dozens of women would be literally manhandled out of the room, and probably punched in the face by very angry men who have firsthand experience of what fluffie feminist feminazi hypocrites do to divorcing fathers, taken from their own lives with their own divorced fathers, with such young men just itching to literally hit back at the hated feminazi bitches, to put them in their place, i.e. the inferior sex, because that is the objective, scientifically verified reality.The feminazi denial of this reality, merely makes scientifically minded masculists/MGTOWs all the angrier, all the more hateful against the isscienate lies of the feminazi hypocrites.If this bitch slapping fest occurs, it will inevitably be recorded on dozens of cell phones and uploaded to the video hosters e.g. YouTube, etc. They will go viral, and some history will have been made. Future social historians will claim that this event was for men, what the Stonewall Riots were for the gays, i.e. when homosexuals went berserk and smashed up police cars, etc in the year 1969 in Manhattan, New York, after a police raid.These gays were FED UP by being put down by a homophobic police force. Men are now FED UP by being put down by a misandrist gynocracy.I suspect this first pro male riot will occur before the end of 2020. All that needs for it to occur, is that there are enough young men on the campus concerned, to form a substantial men’s lib group and that as a group, to rebel, to reject compulsory feminazi brainwashing and feminazi PC indoctrination.This group can then organize men’s lib, campus wide, activities that the feminazis will be (hypocritically) opposed to (i.e. its ok for feminazis to complain against men, but not ok for masculists/MGTOWs to complain against women).These feminazis will very probably organize to destroy the campus wide activity of the masculists. The masculists will then hit back, literally, using the bitch slap as their symbol, creating huge publicity and setting a precedent for the rest of the world, where similar events will then pop up like mushrooms all over the planet, as men take heart and put their foot down against feminazi tyranny.If the university authorities then try to take disciplinary action against the organizers of the men’s lib group, then its leaders can use the “the feminazis are now genociders and have to be stopped” argument. They can appeal to the reason of the male administrators, as well as going to the media with the bitch slap? videos and get huge publicity.The slogan, “The feminazis have to be stopped!” can become a rallying cry for the masculists across the planet.Given the rate of growth of MGTOW and the growing level of awareness of masculist ideas, I’m betting with myself, that the odds are more than 50-50 that this first masculist riot will occur somewhere in the world, before the end of 2020. I stick my neck out on this.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) (Patreon) profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris(Footnote) According to a March 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 1995 to 2010, the estimated annual rate of female rape or sexual assault declined 58%, from 5.0 victimizations per 1,000 females age 12 or older to 2.1 per 1,000. The Red Pill is Truly Poisonous (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer imagines how relations between the sexes will deteriorate as nearly all men take the red pill, i.e. they learn that women don’t love men, but rather love men’s (s)exploitability. Men will sour at being sexploited and abused by women who evolved to sexploitatively abuse men to extract from them male resources for women’s gain, and their babies. Women will be pushed aside and once again be treated as second class, as has been the norm for thousands of generations.THE RED PILL IS TRULY POISONOUS?This flyer imagines how the two sexes will relate once nearly all men have “swallowed the red pill” as the MGTOWs say, i.e. when nearly all men have learned the true nature of women, i.e. that women do not love men, but love men’s (s)exploitability.A woman’s “love” for a man is conditional, i.e. she will quickly, coldly and disloyally, fall out of love with him if he loses his exploitability by her. Women evolved to be like this, and it makes good Darwinian sense that they did. A woman who remained loyal to her male sexual partner who lost his ability to give scarce male hunted meat to his female sexual partner and her babies, risked her very life when conditions were so precarious, that starvation was only a missed meal away.Women’s core criterion for judging a man is his ability to provide resources to her. Women are intrinsically parasitic. Women evolved to be parasites off men. In fact, woman evolved to be prostitutes for men, in order to be better able to be more effective parasites off men.The human female is the sexiest of mammals, not having days of sexual heat the way dogs and monkeys do, because the human female is always in heat, every day of the month, so as to be more able to bribe a man to give her male hunted meat, that she could not hunt herself, because she was tied down with useless, helpless infants, which had to be born prematurely, while their heads were still small enough to pass through the birth canal, and continue to grow after the birth.The red pill, for MGTOWs (men going their own way) i.e. men who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves, is the knowledge that women don’t love men, but rather they love men’s exploitability, their parasitability, their potential to provide a woman with resources, to make her life easier to raise children that she desperately wants, here raison d’etre as a female.The red pill is an analogy taken from the movie “The Matrix.” In the movie, if you take the red pill, you choose to know the bitter truth that intelligent machines have taken over human beings and keep them in capsules to extract energy from them, using human bodies as batteries.Taking the blue pill, means staying in the matrix, the title of the film, which is a computer program that sends signals directly into the brains of the humans to make them feel they are living in the 20th century.To MGTOWs, the red pill, by analogy, is the knowledge of the very negative reality that women don’t love men, but merely use them, parasite off them to make life easier for them to raise kids. If a man loses his ability to provide her with resources, i.e. in the modern age, money, then she will monkey branch to another man who will provide her with money, and she will bribe the new man with her vagina, that is receptive every day of the month. She evolved to be like that.In fact, for men, the situation with women, is even worse than the above, because women are hypergamous, i.e. they are constantly on the lookout for a more sexploitable male. In the distant past, if a woman could dump her current resource providing man, for a man who was a much better hunter or had more power and hence more resources, and the opportunity to do that was realistic, then she would have no qualms about dumping her current man, and monkey branch to her new man, giving him her vagina in exchange for his greater resources.MGTOWs and masculists know these very negative truths about women that women evolved to be like this, but knowing that this is the true nature of women, doesn’t make it any easier for men to feel exploited by women, to feel abused by women, who see men as cash machines.Men deeply resent being treated by women as cash machines. Swallowing the red pill, i.e. becoming conscious of women’s true exploitative nature, women’s true sexploitative nature, women’s hypergamy, women’s conditional love for men, makes men cynical of women, suspicious of women, distrustful of women. The red pill knowledge makes men see women as sexploiters, as abusers of men, and men hate being abused.MGTOWs and masculists also know that nature has also conspired against men in the form of the neurophysiological phenomenon of “the male frontal lobe switch-off” i.e. when a man sees his regular female sexual partner, his frontal lobes switch off, i.e. the frontal portions of his brain, that are responsible for long term planning and critical thinking.That is, all a woman has to do to control a man, and get him to mindlessly do what she wants, i.e. to give her and her babies resources, then she only has to sex him regularly and long enough, for his frontal lobes to witch off in her presence.MGTOWs and masculists know about women’s sexploitative nature, women’s hypergamy, and the frontal lobe switch-off, so are wary of women, distrustful of women.In most cultures, in the past, women were always treated as second class citizens, because they contributed so little to the tribe, except for the obvious monopoly they had in giving men sex and growing the next generation, but women were useless for the things the tribe considered really important, i.e. survival, warfare, heavy labor in the fields, etc.It is only recently, this past few decades that women have attained any real power, and even then because male feminists gave that power to women.Personally, I consider this rise to power of women to be only a historical glitch, because men, once they are armed with the knowledge of the red pill, hypergamy, and the frontal lobe switch-off, will again see women as amoral sexploiters, as abusers of men, and will look down on women, as men have done to women for thousands of generations.Women will not be able to fully suppress their true sexploitative natures in their interactions with men, so when their true nature does surface, despite their pretense of being nice to men because of men’s other qualities, i.e. not those that women really want, i.e. his money, his resources, then men will become really cynical, bitter, and reject these women as abusers of men, to be kept at an emotional distance, because they will see women for what they truly are, i.e. sexploiters of men, abusers of men, manipulators of men, instead of fending for themselves, that is now possible in the modern age.Women evolved to be fluffies, in modern masculist parlance. A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. It is in women’s DNA to have such fluffie attitudes. Women cannot help it. Of course in the modern era, with the contraceptive pill, household gadgets, higher education etc., women can be FIPs (financially independent persons) and many women are, because they have a career window of some 40 years, even if they have 2 kids, so do not want to rot in the home for all those decades, so they develop their career skills and become FIPs.But even FIP women are still women, with female natures, with female DNA, programmed to vaginally wet at the sight of a rich powerful man, and to remain vaginally dry at the sight of an ugly poor man. Women evolved to be hypergamous, so women will have great difficulty adapting to masculist demands that women FIP up, i.e. become FIPs, or be punished by men, by being forced to rot on the shelf, by being manless, wiping out her fluffie genes from the gene pool.Men will be red pilled across the board. Women will know that men know about women’s true nature, and will be forced to try to hide it, if they are to have any chance of having a relationship with a man. But the moment her true nature surfaces, when she lets her guard slip, and her true sexploitative nature surfaces and the man she is with sees this, then he will know what she is doing and will express his contempt for her and for her sex.As millions of men do this, women’s status will go down, and women will not be taken seriously by men, which has always been the case until only this past century. Women have always really only been tolerated by men because women were necessary for the survival of the tribe, due to women’s two monopolies of providing sex to men, and growing the next generation.But male genius, will overcome these two female monopolies in probably a decade or less. The sexbots are coming out now, life-size, life-like, with luscious curves, movie star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, which men prefer to sex than women, so women’s value in men’s eyes will plummet.Men will soon be able to grow their own kids. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artificial womb (artwomb) so growing a human baby can’t be far off. Once these two technologies are with us, women’s status will nose dive. Men will not be forced to tolerate women, because they were necessary. Now women will not be necessary, so women’s very negative nature, their nagging, their irrationality, their moodiness, bad temper, emotionality, and hysterics will not be tolerated by men, so that women will be largely pushed aside by men and relegated to their own quarters, their female spheres of life, separated from men, except at night, for those men who prefer the company of a real woman, rather than an artificial intelligence based sex bot.Many men however, will prefer to sex their bots and grow their own kids, and not have to put up with the many negative traits of females, and hence will look down on woman as the inferior sex, as an alien inferior species, to be kept at a distance, and not to be taken seriously.Thus from women’s point of view, the red pill is truly poisonous, because it sours relations between the sexes, making men much more cynical of women, and less prone to be abused and sexploited by women. Women will come to truly hate MGTOW and masculism, because these two ideologies will have made their status a lot lower than what women enjoy today.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) +(Patreon)?? profhugodegaris(Minds) profhugodegaris3.1/310? The de Garis Gynandric Brain Scale? (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer introduces the de Garis gynandric brain scale, a measure of the maleness or femaleness of a human brain, using quantifiable measures taken from near future progress in mapping out the complete connectomes of the human brain, i.e. a list of all interneural connections. This gynandric brain scale may correlate with performance levels, and hence provide ideological ammunition to the masculists to hurl at the feminazis who pretend that women are men's equals or superiors.The de Garis Gynandric Brain ScaleI’ve been giving a bit more thought lately to the problem I’m having finding a suitable twaytwef (2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs) girlfriend in a monoconscious feminazi dominated culture, as well as to the brute fact that women are fuckwits at math and physics, which are my two main intellectual passions. There are a few women who are good at, and are truly interested in math and physics, so that I might be able to share my intellectual passions with them, and I could target my search at the universities, and probably come up with a few potential candidates, but there’s a problem that I’m becoming increasingly conscious of, that prompted me to coin the term that features in the title, that I need to explain. The problem is that when I go to math or math physics seminars, there are a few women there, not many, since these two fields are the toughest on campus, so that the profs in these fields are the smartest males on campus. For example, in the US, the average IQ of a theoretical physics professor is a whopping 170, with the pure math profs even a bit higher. It is not for nothing, that theoretical physicists have a reputation of being arrogant, and that so many of the professors of other fields have a “physics envy” i.e. they would love to have a theoretical physics professor’s IQ, that would make their life so much easier. They would be able to breeze through what is for them, intellectually difficult material, but they are stuck with the IQ genes they got from their parents, and just have to live with them. So, given women’s 4 IQ point lower average IQ compared to men, women’s 10% lower IQ variance compared to men, their 10% smaller brains, and lower ability to abstract than men, it is not surprising that the two fields of pure math and math physics are utterly male dominated. When I attend, i.e. sit in, on pure math seminars given by professors and post docs, the percentage of women in the audience is typically less than 10%, which is also true for the percentage of women on the faculty of these subjects. In short, women are just too dumb to be good at such fields, so that creates a problem for heterosexual men who have an intellectual passion for these topics, who would love to be able to share their intellectual passions with their girlfriends, but for each such woman, there are probably ten men, so most of them will have to resign themselves to never finding a strongly compatible woman who loves math and physics as much as these men do. For such men, there is not only the sheer shortage of women at those intellectual levels, but there is another problem that has no name, so I felt the need to coin one, which is found in the title. This other problem, that I’m strongly suspicious of, is that those few women who do have a very strong love of pure math and math physics tend to have what might be called “male minds” i.e. I’m suspicious, that when these women were growing in the wombs of their mothers, they got a heavier dose than usual of testosterone, which caused their brains to wire up more into the male pattern than the usual female pattern. There are some women who are well known in the media, who are rather extreme examples of this phenomenon. To illustrate the point, I will give two concrete examples, so that readers will know what I’m talking about. They are Harvard University’s theoretical physicist, Lisa Randall, who pioneered the concept of large extra dimensions in particle physics and general relativity, and the SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) advocate Jill Tarter, who was portrayed by Judie Foster in the movie “Contact.” When I listen to these two women, I have the feeling (and I admit I might be wrong) that they are male brains in female bodies. Not only do they give me the impression that they think along male lines, but they feel along male lines as well, to such a point, that for me, having a relationship with such a woman, would be almost like having a relationship with a man, i.e. it would be close to a homosexual relationship, which leaves me cold. I’m one of the 99% of males who are heterosexual, so it looks like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, i.e. I may have to compromise between accepting a woman who loves math and physics to some degree, but whose brain is NOT so wired up, that she is effectively a male brain in a female body. But how to gauge such women? How to measure the degree of compromise? This got me thinking about what I have called my “gynandric brain scale” i.e. a neuroscience based scale on which peoples’ brains can be measured in terms of the level of their maleness or femaleness. I’m not enough of a neuroscientist to be able to formulate in detail such a measure, such a scale, but I can give some clues. This scale could be set up in such a way, that those people who lie in the middle of the scale would have “hermaphrodite brains.” Those lying near the extreme end of the male side, would be very “man’s man” type men, with high testosterone levels, with very strong male behaviors and interests. Perhaps I might have a high male score on this scale, since my intellectual interests make me see nearly all women as femaliens, whose ability to reason and abstract, are so weak that I can’t take nearly all women seriously. At the extreme female end would be someone like Marilyn Munroe, who oozed femininity. It’s quite possible that neuroscience is not yet sufficiently advanced to be able to create such a gynandric (i.e. female-male) brain scale of the kind I’m talking about, but since it is probably only a decade or so away, before neuroscience has the full connectome (i.e. knowledge of all the synaptic connections in the human brain (synapse = a connection between two brain cells (neurons)), I consider it likely that differences between the connectomes of females and males will become strikingly clear, and not just with qualitative differences but with quantitative differences as well, so that a gynandric brain scale becomes possible. If some neuro anatomist or neuro physiologist is reading this and is inspired by the concept of a gynandric brain index, then I hope you will provide the detailed definition, i.e. create a quantitative definition of the scale, specifying what it is exactly, that is being measured. Call this measured quantity X. The probability distribution of its values for the two sexes, would probably look like that of a two humped camel, i.e. few people would be hermaphrodites, with more or less equally male as female brains. As one moves out along the male side of the scale, more men would have average male levels of X. As one moves further out, one sees fewer men with very high values of X. Moving along the female side of the scale, more women would have average female levels of X. As one moves further out, one sees fewer women with very low values of X. One could plot the X score probability distribution function (analogous to the bell, gaussian, normal, distribution curve in statistics) for males and for females (although this might raise some philosophical hackles, regarding what is male and female?!) and assign a “Z score” i.e. the number of standard deviations from the male mean score or from the female mean score, i.e. a Z(male) and a Z(female). I don’t know if the male and the female X score probability distributions would look like two bell curves that overlap to a small extent, but not totally, or maybe some other two humped camel shape. I leave the details to future neuroscience, but the point is that this gynandric brain index could be used to measure the level of maleness of a female brain and vice versa. For example, say a man had a male gynandric Z score of -3.0, i.e. he was three standard deviations below the average male X mean score, which could be equal, say to a female gynandric Z score of +1.0 Knowing the form of the two X distribution curves for men and women (assuming they are gaussian), one could say that the man scores lower than about 98% of men, and higher than about 84% of women. If I’m right about Randall and Tarter, then their X scores would be well into the peak (the hump) of the male distribution, i.e. they would have very high positive gynandric Z scores for females. Now, let’s assume this gynandric brain scale exists - what impact might it have on gender politics? I think there would probably be strong correlations between high performance women and their gynandric scores. The higher a woman’s gynandric index (GI), the higher her average performance score would be. There is plenty of scope for psychometric research here. Psychometricians could take this gynandric brain scale and use it to predict how well individuals scoring high on it would perform, especially if research showed that there was a strong correlation between performance and a high gynandric index (GI). Masculists could then use it to ram home the point to the feminazis, that men outperform women on just about anything, not only because men have higher average IQs than women (by 4 IQ points), a 10% higher IQ variance than women, 10% larger brains than women, but perhaps also higher GIs than women, adding more muscle to the masculist argument that women are the inferior sex, so that the feminazis stop coming out with their isscienate fairy, PC, misandrist garbage that women are superior to men in general, which is a sick joke to masculist scientists. But for the masculists, there is also a down side to the above discussion on the possible existence of a gynandric index (GI), and that is that a woman who scores highly on the gynandric scale may be more interesting intellectually for a sage man, but she is also more man like in her brain, so that having a relationship with her would be like having a relationship with a homosexual, which would be a turnoff for most men, given that 99% of men are hetero. As more experience with the gynandric scale is acquired, it may become standard knowledge, that there is a “sweet spot” for a woman, in terms of the level of attractiveness of her quasi-male brain to male sages, i.e. she is sufficiently male in her brain architecture to be able to think more or less like a man, but not so much so that she is effectively a male brain inside a female body, so that men are put off by her maleness. These sweet spot women would then be targeted by sage males looking for an intellectually optimum relationship with them. I admit all the above is still very speculative, and half baked, but interesting, I find. I will have to give it more thought, but the above at least launches the idea, and I love ideas.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)4.1 Glossary of Masculist MGTOW Terms4.1/195 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 1) (A-M) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is Part 1 of a 2 part Glossary of MASCULIST MGTOW terms. Anyone who wishes to have a quick overview of the ideas of the Masculists and the MGTOWs can study the definitions of the terms in this 2 Part Glossary. Part 1 consists of terms starting with letter A to M.MASCULIST-MGTOW GLOSSARY? (Part 1 of 2, A to M)Masculism is an “ism” i.e. an ideology, with lots of new ideas that need new labels. As the number of ideas increases, and hence new labels, the need grows for the creation of a masculist glossary, which is what this flyer is. It consists of a list of masculist (and MGTOW) labels, and their succinct definitions.The best ideologists, e.g. Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, etc. knew the power of labels, of concept names that force people to say “What’s that?” when they hear a new term for the first time. Labels have great influence and can be used as intellectual tools to motivate people to change their behaviors and attitudes. Men can use these masculist terms to hit back at fluffie feminists and give them a taste of their own medicine, and can be used as intellectual tools to menfair society.Here is the list, in alphabetic order. Terms used in a definition that have their own definition in this glossary are in CAPITALS.Note : There are a few (more recently coined) masculist terms in this glossary, that are not in the videos.……ANGER BIASED : A feminist who is MONOCONSCIOUS, who knows nothing of masculism, who is unaware of how women oppress men, who thinks that GENDER OPPRESSION is a one way street, hence is angry at men for men’s gender oppression of women, which is not canceled by an awareness of and an anger against how women gender oppress men.ARCer : ARCer is an acronym for “After Retirement Careerer” i.e. someone who has retired, who then takes up a new career for the remaining decades of his life doing what he loves, rather then what he is paid to do as a WAGE SLAVE.ARTWOMB : Is an abbreviation for “artificial womb” which will allow men to grow their own kids. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb. Once men have ARTWOMBs and SEXBOTs, women will lose their traditional two monopolies of womb and vagina, and will go into deep existential crisis. Feminism will disappear overnight, and women will be forced to be very nice to men, otherwise they will not be able to compete with men’s sexbots and artwombs.AWALTs : An acronym for “All Women Are Like That” i.e. the MGTOW view that all women are by nature, immoral, parasitic, manslaving,?vermin, to be avoided. The opposite of an AWALT is a NAWALT.BABY FARMS : A government institution in which women are given tax paid subsidies to have kids.BICONSCIOUS : Having had one’s FEMINIST CONSCIOUSNESS raised and one’s MASCULIST CONSCIOUSNESS raised. Biconscious feminists tend to lose their ANGER BIAS and GENDER BIAS, because they see that GENDER OPPRESSION is a two way street. The two angers cancel each other.CAREER COMPETENT : Having had an education that? allows people to have a career which pays well, because they have acquired a real skill that the economic market place values.CASH MACHINES : FLUFFIES look upon men as cash machines, i.e. they see men’s role on this earth, to pay for women to have babies. FLUFFIES see men as exploitable CASH MACHINES and have no loyalty to them if men lose their FINANCIAL EXPLOITABILITY.CHILD MIND : Women have 10 billion fewer neurons in their brain, so have greater difficulty seeing the big picture, and behaving as responsible adults, as seen by males. Many MGTOWs see women as grown up children who should not be taken seriously, who should be treated as children and not be given male adult rights.EMOs : These are women who accept the idea of “equal moral obligations” with men, i.e. that women have a moral duty to become FIPs and share the burden of earning the living by acquiring a CAREER COMPETENT education. MASCULISTS demand that women become EMO FIPs or are punished by men ignoring them to death.EMO FIPS : An EMO FIP is a FIP woman who is also an EMO, i.e. she believes that she has a moral duty to be a FIP and should not parasite off the money of a man. An EMO FIP despises FLUFFIES as much as MASCULISTS, seeing FLUFFIES as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, the way MASCULISTS do.FEMALE MASCULISTs : These are women who agree with the views of MASCULISTS, usually because they want to have babies and need a man to help pay for them to have a kid. Being a FIP single mother is tough, requiring a lot of energy and generating stress. FEMALIEN : A MASCULIST term expressing contempt for women’s alien nature, i.e. very different from a man’s, namely parasitic, not taking responsibility for her own life, achieving little, etc, etc.FEMINAZI BITCH : A MASCULIST abusive term expressing utter hatred for FEMINAZIs for having taken over the divorce courts and financially massacring one in four married fathers, ruining their lives, a million US men per year. FEMINIST CONSCIOUSNESS : An awareness of how men GENDER OPPRESS women, as distinct from MASCULIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is an awareness of how women gender oppress men.FINANCIAL EXPLOITABILITY : FLUFFIES see men as financially exploitable objects, whose purpose is to pay for women to stay at home and have babies. FLUFFIES judge men by their level of FINANCIAL EXPLOITABILITY. If a man loses his exploitability, a FLUFFIE will coldly drop him and go looking for a more exploitable male.FIP : An acronym for “Financially Independent Person”. The MASCULISTS talk about the creation of a FIP SOCIETY in which both sexes are socialized and educated to be FIPS, so that one sex does not parasite off the money of the other sex. The FIPping of society, would solve most of the GENDER ISSUES of the MASCULISTS.FIP EDUCATION : An education starting at 16 in high schools and continuing on at university that allows a student to learn a skill that is valued by the economy, so that that person can become a real FIP as an adult.FIPping : Forcing a woman to become a FIP by ignoring her totally if she is a FLUFFIE. MASCULISTS and MGTOWs will only connect or TWAYTWEF with women who are FIPs.FIP SOCIETY : A society in which both sexes, especially women, are socialized by parents and educated by teachers and professors to be FIPs. Creating a FIP SOCIETY is one of the major goals of the MASCULISTS who see its creation as solving most of men’s GENDER ISSUES, e.g. wiping out MANSLAVERY, bringing in the PARER, removing MISANDRIST GENDER LAWS etc. FIPup : To FIPup is the equivalent of MANup i.e. to make the effort to become a FIP, as demanded for women by MASCULISTS. A woman who does not FIPup and remains a FLUFFIE, will not get a MASCULIST nor a MGTOW to have anything to do with her.FIRSTHALVER : Is a young man, under 40, who is living the first half of his life. Most MGTOWs are first halvers, and hence are ignorant of the experience of life of SECOND HALVER men, a common complaint of the SECOND HALVER MGTOWs and MASCULISTS.FLUFFIE : A FLUFFIE is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man. FLUFFIES are the enemy of the MASCULISTS, who aim to wipe them out by refusing to have anything to do with them, forcing them to FIPup and become FIPs, otherwise they rot on the shelf to extinction, being ignored to death, so that their FLUFFIE genes are wiped from the gene pool.FLUFFIE CRAP : FLUFFIE CRAP are the SOFT OPTION majors that require only memorizing and little analytical thought, e.g. in high school, English literature, history, languages, and not math nor the sciences. At university, English literature, languages, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, women’s studies, history, etc and not STEM fields (science, tech, engineering and math) nor the professions (medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, etc). FLUFFIE CRAPPERS : FLUFFIE CRAPPERS are women who expect to become FLUFFIES as adults and expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by studying FLUFFIE CRAP at high school and university, thus ending up with a FLUFFIE CRAP diploma that the economy does not value, so the FLUFFIE CRAPPER is usually poor, who then looks around for some MANSLAVE to parasite upon to have him pay for her to live in a middle class house to raise HER kids in.FLUFFIE FEMINIST : A feminist who is also a FLUFFIE, i.e. most feminists. A FLUFFIE FEMINIST is a label with strong hypocritical connotations, i.e. a feminist who wants equal rights for women, but rejects equal obligations for women, i.e. sharing the burden of earning the living by bothering to get a FIP EDUCATION so that she is a FIP as an adult and does not parasite off the money of a man.FLUFFIE FEMINIST HYPOCRITES : MASCULISTS see FLUFFIE FEMINISTS as hypocrites, because on the one hand they want equal rights for women, but reject equal obligations for women, i.e. accepting the burden of sharing equally the burden of earning the living and bothering to get a CAREER COMPETENT education. This hypocrisy makes FLUFFIE FEMINISTS hated by MASCULISTS and MGTOWs, which is why they are labeled FEMINAZI BITCHES.FLUFFIE FIP : A FLUFFIE FIP is a woman who is a FIP in terms of her career, but still has traditional attitudes regarding men, seeing them as CASH MACHINES. MASCULISTS demand that women become EMO FIPs, i.e. who expect on moral grounds to be FIPsFLUFFIE PARASITE : A FLUFFIE is by definition a parasite. The word parasite is added for emphasis.FLUFFIE REPELLENT : As more men become MGTOWs and MASCULISTS, women are becoming ever more desperate to attract the attention of men, so that women can have babies, by being given the sperm of high quality men. Those high quality MGTOWs who wish women to stay away from them, often choose to look poor, thus repelling women’s HYPERGAMY instinct. A woman who sees a poor man will not moisten her vagina, so she will avoid the poor looking male. MGTOWs use this trick as a form of “FLUFFIE REPELLENT” equivalent to a mosquito repellent.FOURTH QUARTER MALE : A man in the fourth quarter of his life, i.e. over 65.GENDER BIASED : A Feminist who is MONOSCONSIOUS, having had only her feminist consciousness raised, and not her masculist consciousness raised, suffering from the illusion, that GENDER OPPRESSION is a one way street, so she is angry at men but does not see the anger of masculists at women, for women’s GENDER OPPRESSION of men, hence her gender bias, her anger bias.GENDER ISSUES : Problems specific to a particular gender, e.g. for men, the massive injustice committed against them in the divorce courts, where one married father in four is financially massacred and has his life ruined, or the lack of the PARER, which is one of the most blatant forms of sexual discrimination against men that exists.GENDER LAWS : Laws specific to one sex (gender) or the other, e.g. women have an abortion right, men don’t, the divorce laws, equal pay for equal work, equal access to the professions for equal qualifications, etc.GENDER OPPRESSION : Oppressive laws or attitudes expressed by one gender against the other gender.GENDER POLITICIANS : GENDER POLITICIANS are politicians who create the laws that govern behavior regarding the genders (sexes), e.g. regarding divorce, abortion right, equal pay for equal work, etc.GENOCIDERS : The MASCULISTS accuse the FEMINAZI BITCHES of now being GENOCIDERS, wiping out whole populations, because they have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that 2/3 of young men in western countries? now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves, i.e. they are MGTOWs. This paternity rejection is wiping out whole populations, which is something that the hated FEMINAZI BITCHES have caused, making them GENOCIDERS who have to be stopped.GYNOCENTRIC : The adjective of a society whose laws are oriented in favor of women, centered around women, at the expense of men, e.g. in the divorce courts, lack of the PARER etc.HYPERGAMY : HYPERGAMY is the desire and instinct of women to mate with a man who has higher socio-economic status than she has, in order to have a baby with genes superior to hers. HYPERGAMY makes good Darwinian evolutionary sense for women. JEWISH BANKSTERS : The hated Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters who are indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people last century, who played a major role in the engineering of the two world wars, who created the great depression, engineered the Russian (i.e. Jewish Communist) Revolution that holocausted 66 million white Christian Russians, made debt slaves of us all with their paper fiat currency debt note Ponzi schemes, inflated the currency destroying people’s savings, took control of the central banks and printed money out of thin air to bribe the politicians and destroy democracies, assassinated 6 US presidents (4 successfully, 2 almost), made it illegal in two dozen western countries to criticize them, etc. Masculists are deeply suspicious that the GENDER POLITICIANS were bribed by the JEWISH BANKSTERS to pass MISANDRIST divorce laws that would cause men to hate and avoid women, thus wiping out the Goy population, to help fulfil the Talmudic prophecy of having the Jews rule the world from Jerusalem, and later wiping out the Goy.MANSLAVE : A man who works for a woman, for a FLUFFIE PARASITE, so that she can raise HER kids in a house paid for by him. Later, a quarter of such wives will take his house for herself, via a divorce, using the FLUFFIE FEMINIST dominated divorce courts.MANSLAVERY : Enslaving a man by turning him into a MANSLAVE, socializing boys to be MANSLAVES to FLUFFIE PARASITES.MARER : An acronym for “Maternity Rejection Right” aka abortion right, the right of a woman to reject an unwanted pregnancy.MASCULISM : Masculism is men’s liberation, i.e. an ideology to free men from the oppression of the traditional MANSLAVE role of the man, i.e. working for a woman, and from GENDER LAWS that are discriminatory against men. Masculism pushes the FIPping of women so that men are freed up to devote more of their time and energy to doing what they love rather than being manslaves to FLUFFIE PARASITES.MASCULIST : A MASCULIST (usually male) is an advocate of MASCULISM.MASCULIST CONSCIOUSNESS : An awareness of how women GENDER OPPRESS men, as distinct from FEMINIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is an awareness of how men gender oppress women. Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”)4.1/196 Masculist MGTOW Glossary (Part 2) (M-Z) (link)?(YouTubevideo)?(Mindsvideo)? (BitChutevideo)Descr : This flyer is Part 2 of a 2 part Glossary of MASCULIST-MGTOW terms. Anyone who wishes to have a quick overview of the ideas of the Masculists and the MGTOWs can study the definitions of the terms in this 2 Part Glossary. Part 2 consists of terms starting with letter M to Z.MASCULIST-MGTOW GLOSSARY? (Part 2 of 2, M to Z)?Masculism is an “ism” i.e. an ideology, with lots of new ideas that need new labels. As the number of ideas increases, and hence new labels, the need grows for the creation of a masculist glossary, which is what this flyer is. It consists of a list of masculist (and MGTOW) labels, and their succinct definitions.The best ideologists, e.g. Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, etc. knew the power of labels, of concept names that force people to say “What’s that?” when they hear a new term for the first time. Labels have great influence and can be used as intellectual tools to motivate people to change their behaviors and attitudes. Men can use these masculist terms to hit back at fluffie feminists and give them a taste of their own medicine, and can be used as intellectual tools to menfair society.Here is the list, in alphabetic order. Terms used in a definition that have their own definition in this glossary are in CAPITALS.Note : There are a few (more recently coined) masculist terms in this glossary, that are not in the videos.……MASCULIST GROUPS : Politically minded MASCULISTS aim to have a MASCULIST GROUP in every high school, every college, every university, to push women to FIPup or rot on the shelf, being ignored by men for continuing to be FLUFFIE PARASITES.MENFAIR : Fair to men, both as an adjective and a verb. To MENFAIR the GENDER LAWS is to make them fair to men, e.g. menfairing the divorce laws, bringing in the PARER, etc.MEN’S LIB(ERATION) : MASCULISM is MEN’S LIB, freeing men from being MANSLAVES to women, creating laws that are beneficial to men, e.g. the PARER, and many other laws that would improve men’s rights and quality of life.MGTOW : An acronym for “Men Going Their Own Way” i.e. a branch of the MEN’S LIB movement, who refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, spend their money on themselves, and devote their lives to pursuing their own dreams and loves. The rise of the MGTOW movement is due largely as a reaction to the TOXICITY OF THE DIVORCE COURTS. MGTOWS are mainly FIRST HALVER MEN who have rebelled against the traditional MANSLAVE role of the man, preferring to do what they want to do with their lives and not work for a woman so she can have kids in a house that he pays for.MGTOW APOLITICALITY : Most MGTOWs are politically passive. They quietly walk away from marriage, and paternity, arguing that the gender politicians are so corrupted by the FEMINAZIS, that fighting them is a waste of effort, so aim to destroy the current GYNOCENTRIC system by withdrawing support for it.MISANDRIST : A MISANDRIST is a man hater. FEMINAZI BITCHES are MISANDRISTS. The divorce courts are MISANDRIST. The female dominated media and primary schools are MISANDRIST, constantly dumping on men, something that the MASCULISTS and MGTOWs are utterly sick of, and are lashing back at.MISANDRY : Man hating. Dumping on men.MONOCONSCIOUS : Having had only one’s FEMINIST CONSCIOUSNESS raised. Monoconscious feminists see GENDER OPPRESSION as a one way street and are angry at men for men’s gender oppression of women, but know nothing of MASCULIST CONSCIOUSNESS, so are not BICONSCIOUS, so are GENDER BIASED and ANGER BIASED against men. BICONSCIOUS feminists lose their anger against men, because they see that women gender oppress men too.MRM : MRM is an acronym for “Men’s Rights Movement” similar to what the MASCULISTS want but the MASCULISTS are a lot more political and aggressive, forcing women to FIPup or be punished by not having a man take any interest in her.NAWALT : An acronym for “Not all Women Are Like That” i.e. not all women are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, i.e. some women are by nature, EMO FIPs. MGTOWs think that all women are AWALTs.NUCLEAR WEAPON : This is the MASCULISTS’ strongest argument, i.e. “Until society and the GENDER POLITICIANS MENFAIR the GENDER LAWS, the MASCULISTS and MGTOWs will continue to wipe out whole populations by continuing to reject paternity.” This argument will force the GENDER POLITICIANS to MENFAIR the GENDER LAWS or we all go extinct.PARER : An acronym for “Paternity Rejection Right” i.e. the right of a man to reject an unwanted pregnancy. Women have a MARER, but men don’t have a PARER. Millions of men have their lives ruined by criminal sexual partner women who lie to their man about taking the pill, become pregnant, and then slam a paternity suit on him to force him to pay for a pregnancy that he doesn’t want. The lack of a PARER is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination against men that exists. It screams out for reform. A PARER would allow a man to fill in a government form, rejecting unwanted paternity, so that if the woman proceeds with the pregnancy, then she alone will have full financial responsibility of the child. The FLUFFIE FEMINIST HYPOCRITES will fight the legislation of the PARER with everything they have, because its passage would force women to FIPup, a terrifying prospect for FLUFFIES and FLUFFIE FEMINISTS.PATERNITY STRIKE : MGTOWs and MASCULISTS are so disgusted by the? MISANDRY of the divorce courts that they have undertaken a policy of PATERNITY STRIKE, refusing to be fathers, not giving women their sperm.POLITICAL ACTIVISM : Being politically active. The MASCULISTS are much more politically active than the more a-political MGTOWs who tend to just quietly walk away from marriage and paternity. MASCULISTS fight the FLUFFIES, forcing them to FIPup or rot on the shelf. MASCULISTS accuse FLUFFIE FEMINISTS of being hypocrites, and approach the media to spread MASCULIST and MGTOW ideas. MASCULISTS threaten the GENDER POLITICIANS with their NUCLEAR WEAPON, threatening to wipe out whole populations unless the GENDER POLITICIANS MENFAIR the GENDER LAWS, etc. PRINCESSES : PRINCESSES are young FEMINAZI BITCHES, usually in their 20s, at the peak of their sexual attractiveness, who are showered with attention from sexually hungry young men. They have imbibed feminist rhetoric, believe they can do anything they want, and behave like princesses, i.e. like female chauvinist, spoiled brats.RED PILL : The RED PILL is one of the core ideas of the MGTOWs, based on an analogy from the movie “The Matrix.” Taking the red pill in the movie meant accepting the bitter reality that the intelligent machines had taken over humanity, using human bodies as batteries and feeding their brains with signals from the matrix computers that made humans think that they were living in the 20th century. The red pill in the MGTOW world is the idea that “Women don’t love men. Women love men’s exploitability.” When a man loses his exploitability, a woman will coldly, disloyally, drop him in favor of a more exploitable male. Women evolved to be like this. It makes good Darwinian evolutionary sense.?RED PILL RAGE : The RED PILL RAGE is the anger men feel when they become convinced of the very negative truth of the idea of the RED PILL. It permanently sours the way they see women, and puts up a real barrier against women. One of the most popular sayings of the MGTOWs is “You can love women or you can understand them!” (with the understanding that the OR, is an exclusive OR).SECOND HALVER : A man in the second half of his life, i.e. older than 40. Most MGTOWs are FIRST HALVERS so do not have sufficient life experience to be able to empathize with the GENDER ISSUES of SECOND HALVER men.SEXBOT : A sex robot, programmed to be very attractive to men, with luscious curvy bodies, film star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, that women will not be able to compete with. Once the SEXBOTS and ARTWOMBS come, probably in less than a decade, FEMINISM will disappear overnight, as women go into deep existential crisis as men neglect them. Women will be forced to be especially nice to men, in order to be competitive with the SEXBOTS and the ARTWOMBS.SEX WAR : Once women become very familiar with the ideas of the MASCULISTS and the MGTOWs, a fierce debate will rage between the sexes, expressing on the one hand, the bitterness that women will feel at having to raise children on their own, as a result of MGTOW and MASCULIST policies, and on the other hand, the hatred of MASCULISTS and MGTOWs against the FEMINAZI BITCHES for having made the divorce courts so toxic, for opposing the legislation of the PARER, etc.STEM : An acronym for “Science, Tech, Engineering and Math”? These subject areas, along with the professions (medicine, dentistry, architecture, law etc) are considered as CAREER COMPETENT by MASCULISTS, and are the type of subjects that MASCULISTS insist that women study if they want to even TWAYTWEF with a man.TOXICITY OF THE DIVORCE COURTS : The FLUFFIE FEMINIST HYPOCRITES have taken over the divorce courts and made them toxic for men. One married father in four will be financially massacred in these courts, i.e. about a million American men a year. They will lose their kids with 90% probability, They will lose their house to their FLUFFIE ex-wife so she can raise HER kids in it. He will be forced to pay child payments to kids he will barely see, and often will pay alimony to his fluffie ex-wife so that she remains a parasite off him after the divorce the way she was before the divorce. Divorce, and hence marriage, has become such a rotten deal for men, that 2/3 of young men in the major countries now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. Young men are rebelling against the traditional MANSLAVE role of the man, choosing a MGTOW lifestyle instead.TOXICITY OF MARRIAGE : The TOXICITY OF MARRIAGE is the TOXICITY OF THE DIVORCE COURTS,? which have been taken over by the FLUFFIE FEMINIST HYPOCRITES .TWAYTWEFFING : Short for 2A2F-ing, i.e. 2 apartments, 2 FIPs, where both the man and the woman in a relationship are FIPs and both have their own apartment. When the relationship fails, the two of them just walk back to their own apartments, cost free for the man. The advantage of twaytweffing for a man is that he gets the regular sex he needs from a woman without paying the traditional price of being a MANSLAVE to a FLUFFIE PARASITE. Twaytweffing forces the woman to be permanently nice to the man, otherwise he can walk away so easily, so she can’t nag him, withhold sex, or try to mold him the way she wants. If she does, he walks away.WAGE SLAVE : A person who does what he is told to do by his employer. He is not free to do what he wants, or what he loves, if he were an ARCer.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ (contains links to 350+ YouTube masculist essays/videos and to the freely downloadable book “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 350+ Masculist Fliers for Men’s Studies Courses”) ................

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